.@JebBush was terrible on Face The Nation today. Being at 2% and falling seems to have totally affected his confidence. A basket case! We need a #POTUS with great strength & stamina. Hillary does not have that. #Trump2016 https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10156436262810725 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWsuCOCW4AE5N-l.jpg RT @Deadline: Donald Trump & Barbara Walters Ratings Thump Barack Obama On ‘Bear Grylls’ http://deadline.com/2015/12/donald-trump-ratings-barack-obama-barbara-walter-fascinating-people-2015-running-wild-with-bear-grylls-rams-buccaneers-1201669298/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter Will be on MediaBuzz on @FoxNews at 11:00 A.M. Will be on @meetthepress this morning. Check times. @chucktodd @NBCNews Will be interviewed by @GStephanopoulos on @ABC This Week at 10:00 A.M. Eastern. A beauty! "@blueeyd2020: @JebBush reminds me now of @BobbyJindal but no one cares Jeb! You lost your chance. #Trump2016 @realDonaldTrump" Hillary Clinton lied when she said that "ISIS is using video of Donald Trump as a recruiting tool." This was fact checked by @FoxNews: FALSE "@AniesiODaniels: #DemDebate Q: Who are you voting for in 2016. A: #Trump! Donald Trump! Donald Trump!. #Trump2016 https://twitter.com/CNNPolitics/status/678440943721259008" "@constant4change: Trump tops Dem candidates on Google before Dem debate http://fb.me/4xlSyk4KR" "@autumnandews08: @realDonaldTrump @jonkarl Hillary is so worried because she knows you will take her out! #TrumpRocksAmerica" "@DomineekSmith: @realDonaldTrump is the best Republican presidential candidate of all time." Thank you. "@Sharp_Trident: @TheRealRyder Trump is looking like the next POTUS, especially after watching the #DemDebate that had no substance." "@TheRealRyder: You are a blessing to America, Mr. Trump. Thank you for all you are doing! #VoteTrump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" .@jonkarl was totally misled, and he fell for it, that Hillary wants to run against me. She knows that I am her worst nightmare-Jon doesn't! "@bflannery83: LMAO @realDonaldTrump won the #DemDebate https://twitter.com/foramerica/status/678422798025564160" "@twister2445: @realDonaldTrump all I heard from the debate is a pathway to citizenship for all and taking our guns away. #tryme!!" "@TomSkeet: @realDonaldTrump @GStephanopoulos haha she's not ready for the Donald" "@ofccadjust: @kellyz713 @tedb75 @TeresaC85469500 @MichaelCohen212 Right, same old political bullshit year after year, #WhyISupportTrump" "@GStephanopoulos: As @realDonaldTrump dominates the latest polls, I’ll talk to the GOP frontrunner, Sunday on @ThisWeekABC." .@GStephanopoulos stupidly believes that Hillary wants to run against me because she said so. She says that so people believe it - opposite! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWoFjAWXIAAzGfM.jpg Thank you America! @FoxNews post-debate poll with +/- from previous poll. #VoteTrump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWoASF5W4AAN4yW.jpg Thank you Cedar Rapids, Iowa! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10156431875045725:0 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWnzmplXAAYNLP-.jpg President Obama spends so much time speaking of the so-called Carbon footprint, and yet he flies all the way to Hawaii on a massive old 747. See, Sanders backed Hillary on E-mails at the debate, hurting himself, and then she threw him under the bus (but failed). Disloyal person! "@WilliamESammon1: #HillaryForPrison2016 https://twitter.com/MichaelCohen212/status/677999426519085056" "@nepafortrump: We now LIVE in a #CrippledAmerica but @realDonaldTrump WILL make the USA STRONGER than EVER b4 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWjAGxVWsAIqwWz.jpg" "@thehill: NEW POLL: Trump's massive lead grows in post-debate poll http://hill.cm/C2bdlXQ http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWiLGXWVEAAXdaQ.jpg" Another new post-debate poll. THANK YOU! #VoteTrump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWjCjcuUAAAKD5F.jpg Thank you for all of your support! Most importantly - we need to get everyone out to VOTE! #VoteTrump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWi0i1uWcAEXxhg.jpg RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Thank you @jimmykimmel for the great book. Grandpa @realdonaldtrump is making good use of it!!! #WinnersArentLosers htt… The last thing our country needs is another BUSH! Dumb as a rock! .@JebBush has embarrassed himself & his family with his incompetent campaign for President. He should remain true to himself. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10156427445680725 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWiNvKTWcAYlys7.jpg Weak & ineffective @JebBush is doing ads where he shows his statement in the debate but not my response. False advertising! I have an idea for @JebBush whose campaign is a disaster. Try using your last name & don’t be ashamed of it! .@MelindaDC Don’t misrepresent in order to make a point. I was always tough on ISIS--as you’ll find out after I get elected. .@CharlesHurt Thanks for defending me so brilliantly against @MelindaDC -- Always tough when they falsify. As I have been saying. Only the beginning: "ISIS Suspects Arrested in Turkey, 150 European Passports Seized." https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10156426825280725 New Reuters poll - thank you! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWe8PHBWcAAgfjP.jpg #ISIS is making $400M/year on oil. I have been saying it for years. We need to bomb the oil! https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10156425109365725 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWeujtVWwAE-pa4.jpg You do not want to miss @BarbaraJWalters 10 Most Fascinating People of 2015 @ABC • 9:30pmE. https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10156424629375725:0 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWeH6BBWEAAagR5.jpg There is no question who will handle the threat of terrorism best as #POTUS. #Trump2016 https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10156424114190725:0 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWeHRy2XAAIMPmN.jpg #MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will be in Cedar Rapids,IA this Saturday. Get your tickets-http://bit.ly/1NrEAEc #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/677415696662327296/pu/img/_5T2g6F6Xcr6E7DH.jpg Thank you! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWaiPMxUsAAXKSJ.jpg Will be on @jimmykimmel in 20 minutes on @ABC. #Kimmel #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain .@GlennBeck got fired like a dog by #Fox. The Blaze is failing and he wanted to have me on his show. I said no - because he is irrelevant. I will be doing @oreillyfactor tonight at 8:00pmE from Mesa, Arizona - will be talking about the #GOPDebate & more. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWY4-8IU8AA0csr.jpg Will be on @jimmykimmel tonight at 11:35pmE on @ABC. #Kimmel #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Clear winner of the #GOPDebate. Thank you for your support! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWXr9GVVAAAJITZ.jpg Hillary Clinton is weak and ineffective - no strength, no stamina. "@EndlessMike03: @realDonaldTrump @oreillyfactor OMG awesome! What time zone!?" "@chained111: @realDonaldTrump @oreillyfactor yes sir" "@SteelerDan619: @realDonaldTrump @oreillyfactor Your the man!!" "@2timeslucky: @realDonaldTrump @oreillyfactor You were amazing !" "@BornToBeGOP: @realDonaldTrump @oreillyfactor The only person in politics who shouldn’t have term limits is President Trump!" Cute! Jeb Bush had a tough night at the debate. Now he'll probably take some of his special interest money, he is their puppet, and buy ad's. Thank you for the nice words @ktmcfarland. The debate was interesting, and fun. Keep up the great work! Will be interviewed on the @oreillyfactor tonight at 8:00 P.M. Will be talking about the debate, and more! Bill O'Reilly calls Trump and campaign brilliant. In first place by 27 points. .@MarkHalperin works so hard but just doesn't have a natural instinct for politics. Others do, and those are the people you want to follow! Thank you @davidaxelrod for your nice words this morning on @CNN. It was a good night! Thank you, so many people have given me credit for winning the debate last night. All polls agree. It was fun and interesting! "@insuradude: The fix is in Donald did his best performance and @MarkHalperin @Morning_Joe has Jeb scoring higher? Jeb looked in pain" Joke Thank you, @FrankLuntz - for saying I was a winner tonight. It is my great honor. #Trump2016 We're not talking about religion; we're talking about security. #GOPDebate https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10156417390615725 #GOPDebate #Trump2016 https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10156417369520725 Departing for #GOPDebate. Let's #MakeAmericaGreatAgain! https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10156417157260725:0 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWT02fyWIAESjn2.jpg "@ConradMBlack: Many thanks Donald, and all good wishes in helping to clean up the American government. Honored to be your friend. C." "@TINAHILLSTROM1: @GovernorPataki @GovernorPataki just called @realDonaldTrump THE PRESIDENT!" "@DonaldTrumpFink: .@GovMikeHuckabee: If Donald becomes president, he will do a whole lot more to protect us than Hillary will." #GOPDebate "@SPerkins50: @CNN @LindseyGrahamSC @realDonaldTrump Donald represents real Americans." Thank you! "@golddstr1: @DiamondandSilk @realDonaldTrump They noticed alright,Graham and Patiki are just mad because they dont have a chance." "@JaniBetancoirt: @CNN @LindseyGrahamSC @realDonaldTrump Pataki needs a brain surgeon!" "@RobertH25937464: @CNN @LindseyGrahamSC @realDonaldTrump Lindsey still doesn't hear Americans! Still at Zero! It's like Monty Python. "@twlhb: @realDonaldTrump @GovernorPataki just called you "this PRESIDENT" !!! http://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/676913779305807872/pu/img/PUTh9wZQSEhdaLoT.jpg" But I don't want his endorsement! "@MrDeuce25: @CNN @LindseyGrahamSC DonaldTrump Good were glad he doesn't represent what you stand for Lindsey. You are weak and have no clue "@BillDaley1: @CNN @LindseyGrahamSC @realDonaldTrump Sour grapes graham. Dont blame Trump because you cant interest voters." "@SurfPHX: Geez Mr. Trump, they are coming for you even before the REAL debate. @wolfblitzer asks all negative Trump questions! #Trump" Highly respected PUBLIC POLICY POLLING (PPP) just announced that I am number one in IOWA. Thank you! New PPP poll just released in Iowa- up 6 points from last poll. Leading w/ 28%! Don't worry - media won't report it! http://www.publicpolicypolling.com/main/2015/12/trump-edges-cruz-in-iowa-his-supporters-think-japanese-internment-was-good-clinton-still-well-ahead-.html .@ConradMBlack, what an honor to read your piece. As one of the truly great intellects & my friend, I won't forget! http://www.nationalreview.com/article/428506/donald-trump-good-guy #TheRemembranceProject https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10156416035955725:0 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWSXqwTUwAAQhR-.jpg . #JoeTheismann was great as a political analyst on @FoxNews. He knows far more than football. Thanks for the nice words Joe! I won every debate so far according to all debate polls including @DRUDGE_REPORT, @TIME @Slate and more. Too bad dopey @megynkelly lies! Between Iraq war monger @krauthammer, dummy @KarlRove, deadpan @GeorgezWill, highly overrated @megynkelly, among others, @FoxNews not fair! I am in Trump International Hotel, Las Vegas, getting ready and waiting for the debate tonight. Look forward - hope I get treated fairly! I wonder if @megynkelly and her flunkies have written their scripts yet about my debate performance tonight. No matter how well I do - bad! .@megynkelly is very bad at math. She was totally unable to figure out the difference between me and Cruz in the new Monmouth Poll 41to14. .@megynkelly, the most overrated anchor at @FoxNews, worked hard to explain away the new Monmouth poll 41 to 14 or 27 pt lead. She said 15! Why isn't anyone using the @CNN Iowa Poll with me having a big lead. They only want to use the one negative poll (2nd place).Dishonest press Isn't it amazing that @CNN paid a fortune for an Iowa Poll, which shows me in first place over Cruz by 13%, 33% to 20% - then doesn't use it Wow, I just had two very good Iowa polls and a phenomenal just out National Poll from @ABC @washingtonpost - 38%. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Thank you for your support! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10156414635755725:0 "@piersmorgan: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton would be the greatest presidential battle in history." "@LadyKellLiberty: @AnnCoulter I'm in PA near PBurgh. Dad will register to vote first time for Trump. Mom is changing from D to R!" "@Carolin42539648: @realDonaldTrump oh my word what a crowd.. just breathtaking. #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #DonaldTrumpForPresident "@dckolarik: @KatrinaPierson @EricTrump We here in Vegas Love & Need Trump to LEAD the USA!!!! He's America's only hope! #TRUMP2016" What an evening in Las Vegas, Nevada! THANK YOU for your continued support. #Trump2016 https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10156414357265725:0 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWPe5tkUsAAEMJA.jpg @oreillyfactor, horrible defense of me against highly overrated @krauthammer. I will bring more people into the party & easily beat Hillary! Why doesn't @CNN use the #CNN Iowa poll? @andersoncooper @andydean2014 Thank you @CarlHigbie. Great work on @CNN. #Trump2016 Thank you @hardball_chris for your nice words. They are very much appreciated. I fully understand that you really get it. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20151213/REAL_ESTATE/151219936 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWOTGzQWUAAvU4V.jpg Can't believe Major League Baseball just rejected @PeteRose_14 for the Hall of Fame. He's paid the price. So ridiculous - let him in! .@scottienhughes - you were fantastic on CNN. Thank you for the nice words. See you at the #GOPDebate. .@PatrickBuchanan was great on @TeamCavuto @FoxNews. Thank you Pat! #Tump2016 Thank you @WayneAllynRoot. Very nice! #Trump2016 http://rootforamerica.com/paris-terror-attack-proves-trump-was-right/ Another great accolade for @TrumpGolf. Highly respected Golf Odyssey- awarded @TrumpDoral Blue Monster with best redesign. Thank you! Record of Health: https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10156412899695725:0 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 RT @piersmorgan: Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton would be the greatest presidential battle in history. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10156412511925725:0 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWNLvJrWoAAzRiE.jpg RT @JoeNBC: One more thing. The national press has been wrong about Trump for 6 months now. Arrogant and out of touch. https://t.co/l7axqb… RT @piersmorgan: Love him or hate him, @realDonaldTrump is looking virtually unstoppable for Republican nomination. More people attack him… RT @ABCPolitics: JUST IN: Donald Trump hits 41% in new Monmouth national poll, his highest national support of the election cycle yet. RT @BretBaier: New national poll from Monmouth -huuge @realDonaldTrump lead: Trump leads the pack at 41%. Ted Cruz-14%, Marco Rubio-10%, & … RT @piersmorgan: BREAKING NEWS: @realDonaldTrump surging ahead in GOP race - 41% in new #Monmouth national poll, 27% ahead of nearest riva… EXCLUSIVE: Newt Gingrich: ‘The Country Is in Rebellion,’ Trump Can ‘Kick Down the Doors’ https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10156412088210725 Why doesn't @FoxNews quote the new Iowa @CNN Poll where I have a 33% to 20% lead over Ted Cruz and all others. Think about it! "@suzost: UFC President Dana White Endorses Donald Trump [VIDEO] http://dailycaller.com/2015/12/11/ufc-president-dana-white-endorses-donald-trump-video/ via @dailycaller" Love this from a real winner! "@Barbara_NC: Trump did not need 2acquire wealth & power, owes nothing to anyone. Candidates owe their backers http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWJokdBUAAAE5R3.jpg" People have got to stop working to be so politically correct and focus all of their energy on finding solutions to very complex problems! "@ajodom60: @FoxNews and as far as that low-info voter base goes, I have an IQ of 132. So much for that theory. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@LesgartCPA: @jaketapper @realDonaldTrump Problem is I never watched you until Trump started giving you interviews and ratings on CNN." "@trumpisawinner: .You're the real deal. For my money, tedcruz just doesn't cut the mustard. Go Trump! #DonaldTrump #THEDonald" "@JPMORGAN2016: TRUMP NEEDS HIS OWN POLL A REAL POLL, IN EVERY STATE. THESE POLLS ARE SO RIDICULOUS.THE MEDIA WILL ONLY GET WORSE FROM HERE" "@1rdgreenberg: @FoxNews That's why, after your interview, I couldn't watch the panel discussion, which is usually my favorite segment." "@energy43: @schnoepoe @FoxNews Not so much fairness as it is about ratings . Megan Kellys hate nightly of Trump is turn-off for FOX" I was disappointed that Ted Cruz would speak behind my back, get caught, and then deny it. Well, welcome to the wonderful world of politics! I did interview with Chris Wallace of @FoxNews in order to be fair. He then puts on Rove, Lane and Will, three Trump bashers, to discuss. "@TheProdigy3D: Everyone vote for @realDonaldTrump and no he did not pay me for this endorsement." "@schnoepoe: @foxnews I find myself more and more drawn to CNN for fairness regarding @realDonaldTrump" The Fox News Sunday pundits a joke! "@VYlvisaker: @AnnCoulter TRUMP HAS STAMINA, HE IS WORKING HARDER THAN ANY OTHER CANDIDATE. He REALLY loves AMERICA . He deserves to win." Many think that the Championship Course at Turnberry, home of The Duel In The Sun, will be the worlds best after the renovation. A very good NBC/Wall Street Journal Poll was just released wherein I went up from last month and am in the lead. Nice! "@BernieSanders: ABC News spent 81 minutes on Donald Trump and only 20 seconds on our campaign. That's because @ABC is smart! .@danawhite Great job last night - very exciting! You have come a long way from those difficult early days, I am proud of you. People that have read it tell me that @KarlRove book is terrible (and boring). Save your money! @FoxNews should can him, no credibility! "@dragonian3333: @DanScavino @seanhannity CRUZ doesn't do anything about ILLEGALS and "REFUGEES" invading Texas. https://twitter.com/javahed/status/675440098423386113" "@Yoel_NY: @realDonaldTrump @Peggynoonannyc As a democrat I have to say, since Hillary is the front-runner, I will choose Trump." "@JPMORGAN2016: @realDonaldTrump @Peggynoonannyc TRUMP IS WINNING BY SO MUCH MORE, IT'S NEAR 60% NATIONALLY. THEY ARE ALL BIASED POLLS!!!!" "@rosemarylowe105: @ShahKourosh @SpacemanChris @realDonaldTrump That is why we don't need a politician to be the next president." "@StraightHand: @realDonaldTrump I'd pay to watch that - The Donald vs Hillary" Get ready! "@khoges34: #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 @realDonaldTrump" "@mikepetrella17: @Peggynoonannyc I agree with Trump. Record turnouts . There's a lot of potential voters that Trump is tapping into. Chris Wallace @fox at 10:00 A.M. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10156407894785725 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWG476ZUEAAOmKm.jpg .@CNN @jaketapper at 9:00 A.M. .@Peggynoonannyc An election between Hillary and myself will be the biggest voter turnout in U.S. history. Just like the debates 24 M vs 2M. .@Peggynoonannyc Interesting article, but I will beat Hillary easily. People that have given up on the system will come out to vote for me! "@Michael2014abc: @Alwaleed_Talal @realDonaldTrump Has your country, Saudi Arabia, taken ANY of the Syrian refugees? If not, why not?" Something must be done with dopey @KarlRove - he is pushing Republicans down the same old path of defeat. Don't fall for it, Karl is a loser "@LoriPatriot: http://youtu.be/86zeY8VIatA Son Don Jr. on Fox says Sr. more concerned about the 'safety of Americans' than 'offending people'" "@EveWicked: @realDonaldTrump @jaketapper @CNN love you Trump! Please #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@Latinos4Trump16: @realDonaldTrump @jaketapper @CNN I'll be watching 👀" "@ofccadjust: @realDonaldTrump @jaketapper @CNN DVR SET!" I will be interviewed on @jaketapper @CNN at 9:00 A.M. and Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace at 10:O0 A.M. CNN Iowa Poll -13 point lead! I will be on CNN's - State of the Union tomorrow morning at 9amE. https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10156406326945725:0 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWEFfeMWoAE2yex.jpg New CNN Iowa poll --- Trump 33, Cruz 20. Everyone else way down! Don't trust Des Moines Register poll- biased towards Trump! Thank you General. #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/675794919605301248/pu/img/gQErpmqx3jN0_FYz.jpg A great afternoon. Thank you South Carolina! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10156405353795725:0 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWDFpkBWcAAyABV.jpg Reports say #ISIS now has a passport machine to have its believers infiltrate our country. I told you so. http://www.cnn.com/2015/12/11/politics/isis-passports/ John Podesta says nominee will be Cruz b/c last person Hillary wants to face is Trump! Use your head folks! 46-41! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWDD5fRUsAA3iXH.jpg Getting the support of @DanaWhite of UFC means a lot. A total winner, who has done an amazing job. Just ordered his fight to watch tonight! .@Franklin_Graham, so many people have tweeted about your amazing words to me, thank you! Heading to big crowd in South Carolina! Thank you! #Trump2016 https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10156403687515725:0 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWCIg9TUwAAYyLA.jpg I will be interviewed on @foxandfriends at 8:00 A.M. So much to talk about! .@loudobbsnews did a fantastic interview with syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin. Congrats to both! "@JenniferJJacobs: Trump: "Protect the 2nd amendment...And by the way we’re going to be saying Merry Christmas again." Iowa crowd LOVES it." "@JenniferJJacobs: Iowa's RNC committeewoman Tamara Scott praises Trump and asks why the RNC would not be thrilled with his candidacy. "@JenniferJJacobs: Trump says he was establishment. "I backed McCain he lost. I backed Romney he lost. This time I'm doing it myself. "@Keeblerqueen: @realDonaldTrump Good Lord ... Donald.. Your following went up so much lately ... Crazy love for you and what you stand for! "@theblaze: Donald Trump unleashes verbal assault on "nice guy" Ted Cruz: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2015/12/12/donald-trump-unleashes-verbal-assault-on-nice-guy-ted-cruz/ http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWAWdGtWoAAV-GI.jpg" "@ComatoseJeb: I will follow @realDonaldTrump all the way to #victory #MakeAmericaGreatAgain https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/674317248803307520" Just got back from Iowa, great people! I had a great time in Des Moines, Iowa tonight! Thank you for all of the support. #Trump2016 https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10156403206355725:0 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CV_36CeWsAEDt8g.jpg .@MonicaCrowley you were great with @SeanHannity on @FoxNews tonight. Thank you for your kind words. We will keep Americans safe. Dopey Prince @Alwaleed_Talal wants to control our U.S. politicians with daddy’s money. Can’t do it when I get elected. #Trump2016 Thank you @SeanHannity & @BoDiet! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain RT @seanhannity: .@BoDietl: “We should put a pause until we know who the hell is coming into this country. This is getting real scary.” #Ha… Thank you! We are at 35% in new Reuters poll with #2 coming in at 12%. Time to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!#Trump2016 http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN0TU2ME20151211?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&utm_source=twitter I will not let you down! #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10156402109300725 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CV-lzdnXIAAnDOx.jpg Tom Ridge is a failed 'Bushy' & PA Governor. Him & his friend @KarlRove shouldn't be allowed to do their bias commentary- nobody listens! Tom Ridge should be focused on trying to bring the party together rather than ripping it apart w/ your faulty thought process. I will win! RT @tedcruz: The Establishment's only hope: Trump & me in a cage match. Sorry to disappoint -- @realDonaldTrump is terrific. #DealWithIt Never get good #'s from failing Des Moines Register/Bloomberg. I think something's going on w/them. Up 13 in IA according to respected CNN. Great news in Georgia! The just out Landmark poll shows me in first with 43%! Wow. https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10156401840540725:0 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CV-QSkyWoAEX9JZ.jpg Our spectacular ballroom under construction at the great Turnberry resort in Scotland. https://www.instagram.com/p/_Kfs_RmhcC/ .@chucktodd is a nice guy , but just hopeless. He knows so little about politics and, in particular, winning! I fixed his rating problem. .@Morning_Joe just went off the rails. I will beat Hillary easily - she does not want to run against me. I am tuning them out, waste of time .@tedcruz should not make statements behind closed doors to his bosses, he should bring them out into the open - more fun that way! Looks like @tedcruz is getting ready to attack. I am leading by so much he must. I hope so, he will fall like all others. Will be easy! .@Morning_Joe is so off on Iowa, which I am leading big in new @CNN poll. I will win Iowa. Also, I beat Hillary easily! Great evening last night in New Hampshire. Got the endorsement from the New England Police Union - big territory, great people! Thank you. .@BernardGoldberg was not good tonight on @oreillyfactor. He just doesn't know about winning! But he is a nice guy. "@FoxNewsInsider: .@FrankLuntz Explains Why @realDonaldTrump Has Plenty of Staying Power @seanhannity #Hannity "@FoxNews: @FrankLuntz: Time for the Republican establishment to accept the fact that Trump is not only a viable candidate, but lead is real "@edwards_cristy: @realDonaldTrump I hope that you will be the next POTUS." Respected Morning Consult poll just out. I lead all Republicans and beat Hillary head to head by a wide margin- 45 to 40! In Britain, more Muslims join ISIS than join the British army. http://www.nationalreview.com/article/428146/more-than-few-islamic-extremists?utm_campaign=trueAnthem%3A+Trending+Content&utm_content=5667aeff04d3016bf289ee1e&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=twitter Thank you to @Franklin_Graham. I have always appreciated your courage, but now more so than ever! An honor to be endorsed by the New England Police Benevolent Association. Thank you! https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10156398335585725:0 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CV6Cel_WoAAZytN.jpg "Why Franklin Graham says Donald Trump is right about stopping Muslim immigration" https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/acts-of-faith/wp/2015/12/10/why-franklin-graham-says-donald-trump-is-right-about-stopping-muslim-immigration/ Establishment flunky @KarlRove is going crazy with the just released CBS poll that has me way ahead. New Fox poll has me beating Hillary. Dummy @KarlRove continues to make and write false statements. He still thinks Romney won--he should get a life! Thank you for your support! Being #PoliticallyCorrect will NOT #MakeAmericaGreatAgain! https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10156396313845725:0 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CV4bK3qUkAA9jaw.jpg I am signing copies of my book CRIPPLED AMERICA. Order yours now--makes a great holiday gift! http://premierecollectibles.com/crippled-america/ … … The politicians of the U.K. should watch Katie Hopkins of Daily http://Mail.com on @FoxNews. Many people in the U.K. agree with me! Thank you to respected columnist Katie Hopkins of Daily http://Mail.com for her powerful writing on the U.K.'s Muslim problems. The United Kingdom is trying hard to disguise their massive Muslim problem. Everybody is wise to what is happening, very sad! Be honest. I have decided to postpone my trip to Israel and to schedule my meeting with @Netanyahu at a later date after I become President of the U.S. Our VISA system is broken, like so much else in our country. We better get it fixed really fast. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! I will be interviewed on @foxandfriends this morning at 7:30. So much to talk about! Wow, my poll numbers have just been announced and have gone through the roof! .@Megynkelly spent a big part of her show talking about other shows spending so much time on me. Really weird, she's being driven crazy! "@jimparkey: @realDonaldTrump @donlemon @CNN great interview! Speaking calmly but carrying a heavy stick!" Thank you! Weak and totally conflicted people like @TheRickWilson shouldn't be allowed on television unless given an I.Q. test. Dumb as a rock! @CNN "@QuinnLisaq: @CNN @donlemon . The people do not care what politician said about Trump . We still support him all the way" Great interview tonight @donlemon - very professionally done. @CNN "@TheCarCzarsPage: @TeaPartyCat You're a funny guy! Vote: @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CV1hnKeU4AAF5ed.jpg" "@MisterGoldiloxx: @michaelUrso2 @FoxNews Megyn clearly was out to make a bigger name for herself and struck first blow. #ItIsntAboutHer" "@Ajdx4Sdesq: @CNN @donlemon @realDonaldTrump this is the best interview so far. Honest, well reasoned and without all the name calling. "@michaelUrso2: Mr Trump did you deny Megyn Kelly. What is her issue! I used to like her. Can't stand her now. Very little talent! @FoxNews Thank you @oreillyfactor for your wonderful editorial as to why I should have been @TIME Magazine's Person of the Year. You should run Time! Great leaders listen to and support law enforcement officials. Police discuss no-go areas: https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10156395027595725 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CV1T3bnUkAAqs45.jpg Why does @CNN bore their audience with people like @secupp, a totally biased loser who doesn't have a clue. I hear she will soon be gone! .@secupp, who can't believe that her candidate has bombed so badly, is one of the dumber pundits on T.V. Hard to watch, zero talent! @CNN .@donlemon on @CNN at 10:00 P.M. Thank you for all of your support, South Carolina! #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CV0mKJcWoAEpqmL.jpg I am interviewed on the @oreillyfactor tonight at 8:00. Then at 10:00, I am interviewed by @donlemon on @CNN. Enjoy! "Carter Banned Iranians From Coming To U.S. During Hostage Crisis" http://www.frontpagemag.com/point/261062/carter-banned-iranians-coming-us-during-hostage-daniel-greenfield#.VmhR32WQSsc.facebook " Haim Saban: Hillary Clinton’s Top Hollywood Donor Demands Racial Profiling of Muslims" http://www.breitbart.com/big-hollywood/2015/11/19/haim-saban-hillary-clintons-top-hollywood-donor-demands-racial-profiling-of-muslims/ The police in London say I’m right. Major article in Daily Mail. “We can’t wear uniform in our own cars.” http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3352406/Scotland-Yard-mocks-Trump-s-claims-London-police-terrified-Muslim-areas-officers-claim-tycoon-RIGHT.html Thank you @JebBush- you finally get it! https://www.instagram.com/p/_FN2L3GhZi/ Thank you, Piers, they don't know what they're getting into. https://twitter.com/piersmorgan/status/674621112131723264 .@Mayor_Nutter of Philadelphia, who is doing a terrible job, should be ashamed for using such a disgusting word in referring to me.Low life! I am signing copies of my book CRIPPLED AMERICA. Makes a great holiday gift. Order yours now! http://premierecollectibles.com/crippled-america/ … … "Rupert Murdoch Defends Trump: 'Complete Refugee Pause' Makes Sense' " http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/12/08/rupert-murdoch-defends-trump-complete-refugee-pause-makes-sense/ I told you @TIME Magazine would never pick me as person of the year despite being the big favorite They picked person who is ruining Germany "@mysteriousLoser: @realDonaldTrump did you hear the mayor nutter of philadelphias comments towards you? Ignorance" Yes, he is a crude dope! "@ssheaver: @realDonaldTrump @nytimes @CNN http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVyVmGZUkAAnziS.jpg" Wow! "@ray_aub: @nytimes @CNN People forget the policies of leaders like @JebBush allowed 9/11 killers to immigrate, drive, & pilot planes" Hillary Clinton does not have the STRENGTH or STAMINA to be President. We need strong and super smart for our next leader - or trouble! The last person corrupt Hillary Clinton wants to run against is Donald J. Trump. I'll end up beating her in every state. New Fox Poll-Trump! The failing @nytimes does not mention the new @CNN Poll that has me leading Iowa by a massive 13 points - I am at 33%. Maggie Haberman, sad! "@USAforDJTRUMP: @realDonaldTrump @CNN Mr. Trump, you need to get some rest. We need you to stay healthy so that you can be our President!" "@YitzySchwartz: @CNN anyone who hates on Trump hates on America. We are a proud nation lacking a leader. Choose Trump to bring us" Great poll numbers just coming out of New Hampshire. BIG lead for "Trump" according to @CNN! Wow, what a day. So many foolish people that refuse to acknowledge the tremendous danger and uncertainty of certain people coming into U.S. Our country is facing a major threat from radical Islamic terrorism. We better get very smart, and very tough, FAST, before it is too late! Despite my great respect for King Abdullah II, I will not be visiting Jordan at this time. This is in response to the false @AP report. Prior to the end of the year, I will be traveling to Israel. I am very much looking forward to it. Great new poll from NH. Thank you! We need to keep this country safe! #Trump2016 https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10156390698410725:0 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVvYVeNUwAQQcUX.jpg Will be on @ABC News tonight at 6:30. Interviewed by the legendary @BarbaraJWalters! Enjoy RT @rupertmurdoch: Has Trump gone too far? Regardless, public is obsessed on radical Muslim dangers, Complete refugee pause to fix vett… The legendary @BarbaraJWalters will be asking me questions about the Presidential campaign on @WNTonight at 6:30 PM. A very big poll is coming out at 6 PM in New Hampshire. Will be very interested in the results. A new poll indicates that 68% of my supporters would vote for me if I departed the GOP & ran as an independent. https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10156389951165725:0 I am signing copies of my book CRIPPLED AMERICA. Order yours now--makes a great holiday gift! http://premierecollectibles.com/crippled-america/ … I wish the @WSJ Wall Street Journal had reported the just out @CNN Iowa Poll correctly. I lead by a wide margin,13 points, going up big! Just won IOWA @CNN Poll BIG: Trump 33% Cruz 20% Rubio 11%, but @WSJ reported "Cruz momentum" but nothing about the fact that I easily won! Thank you for the support, South Carolina! #USSYorktown #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVrVUmxWoAQko-n.jpg "@XGNRaging: @realDonaldTrump I hope you become president! "@CRinQC: RT @thehill: New Iowa poll finds .@realDonaldTrump in the lead by double digits. http://hill.cm/6zRpe0Y http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVq0eq_WIAAH8Zp.jpg "@GeneMcGee6: @realDonaldTrump @seanhannity is so great towards you. Just doesn't like people on his show to bad mouth you. He is great ." "@CharlesMarino8: @3DOT DonaldTrump preach it brother! First election I've been excited about in many many years. Since Reagan to be exact" "@ShellyPayne4328: @WayneRoot @realDonaldTrump Amen! Looking forward to a happy new year. It's been too long! #voteTrump2016" "@LexingtonBobby: @CLewandowski_ Today, "New Iowa poll finds Trump in the lead by double digits" http://hill.cm/6zRpe0Y #Trump16" "@Truth_or_Rumor: @realArthurSpina @realDonaldTrump Hey Hillary, America will feel much safer once you've failed to get into office." "@back2reason: @realDonaldTrump Can't wait for President Trump to put things in order in US. We desperately need patriot with,finally,brains Great video of tonights crowd reacting to my latest proposal in SC. #Trump2016 https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10156387656245725 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVrEBjmWcAAaTu2.jpg Just released @CNN Poll gives me a big 13 point lead in Iowa. Change your false story failing @nytimes. Thank you Iowa! The main stream media wants to surrender constitutional rights -- I believe #ISIS needs to surrender! RT @TheBrodyFile: Here is the truth whether you like it or not:@realDonaldTrump is only candidate to have the bravery to put out that state… RT @TheBrodyFile: Expect the @realDonaldTrump statement on USA Muslim ban to give him a boost with evangelicals. On my way to Charleston/Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. Big crowd. Look forward to it! #USSYorktown http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVqElUfWsAAq_kM.jpg Statement on Preventing Muslim Immigration: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/press-releases/donald-j.-trump-statement-on-preventing-muslim-immigration http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVqBcEMWwAEmH6e.jpg Just put out a very important policy statement on the extraordinary influx of hatred & danger coming into our country. We must be vigilant! Thank you Iowa! #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #FITN http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVp2VAQWoAIL0mW.jpg I am especially grateful for the tremendous support I have received from the Evangelicals in the just out Iowa CNN poll. Thank you! I am greatly honored by the results of the CNN poll in Iowa. In the end, I believe the final results will be even better than that! .@washingtonpost is going out of its way to tell failing candidates how to beat Donald Trump.The Post doesn’t get that I’m good at winning! "@BornToBeGOP @DanScavino Trump will only increase his lead after the terror attacks. America believes Trump will get rid of ISIS!" Today we honor the fallen at #PearlHarbor, 74 years ago today. If you see a vet today, thank them! #RememberOurVets http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVo8OApWsAAv9Jo.jpg Poor @JohnKasich doesn't have what it takes- https://www.instagram.com/p/-_7ZJLGhdT/ "Credible Source on 9-11 Muslim Celebrations: FBI" http://wkrg.com/2015/11/25/credible-source-on-9-11-muslim-celebrations-fbi/ I am signing copies of my book CRIPPLED AMERICA. Order yours now--makes a great holiday gift! http://premierecollectibles.com/crippled-america/ If @amazon ever had to pay fair taxes, its stock would crash and it would crumble like a paper bag. The @washingtonpost scam is saving it! The @washingtonpost loses money (a deduction) and gives owner @JeffBezos power to screw public on low taxation of @Amazon! Big tax shelter The @washingtonpost, which loses a fortune, is owned by @JeffBezos for purposes of keeping taxes down at his no profit company, @amazon. N.Y.C. has the worst Mayor in the United States. I hate watching what is happening with the dirty streets, the homeless and crime! Disgrace I spoke with other candidates to a Jewish group, many friends, in D.C. I said "I'm a negotiator like you" Got standing O-rated best of day! Obama said in his speech that Muslims are our sports heroes. What sport is he talking about, and who? Is Obama profiling? Thank you Graham Ledger of the Daily Ledger @OANN for your really fair coverage and your great interview with Peter Roff of U.S. NEWS & W.R. "@nepafortrump: ONLY @realDonaldTrump WILL Conquer ISIS & WILL #MakeAmericaGreatAgain! = #PotusYoureFired!! VOTE #Trump2016" "@WiggintonRandy: @realDonaldTrump He will never say it, therefore he will never have a solution!" Well, Obama refused to say (he just can't say it), that we are at WAR with RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS. Should have gone after the oil years ago (like I have been saying). Wish Obama would say ISIS, like almost everyone else, rather than ISIL. Is that all there is? We need a new President - FAST! "@homefreeee: @realDonaldTrump He needs to stop all Visas not look at them!" "@JFK4701: @realDonaldTrump he is reading off the TelePrompTer." But that is O.K. in this case. "@LivNow: THIS IS WHO WE R ☆REGISTER AS REP ONLINE 2VOTE TRUMP IN PRIMARY : https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote #MAKEAMERICAGREATAGAIN @Carolde" "@10inchpolitics: @realDonaldTrump air strikes? Who's air strikes??" "@dboiarsky: @realDonaldTrump MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, DT! 👍" Hope he won't spend too much time ripping apart the 2nd. Amendment! The podium in the Oval Office looks odd! Not good, but the words will be the key. Hillary won't call out radical Islam! She will be soundly defeated. I will be re-tweeting some of your better, most imaginative and hopefully insightful tweets. Make them good (great)! Important stuff. BIG NIGHT ON TWITTER TONIGHT. I WILL BE LIVE TWEETING PRESIDENT OBAMA'S SPEECH AT 7:50 P.M. ( EASTERN). MUST TALK RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM! Gee, @meetthepress with @chucktodd was getting terrible ratings then, with me, he set records - I saved his job, but Chuck still not nice! May the Festival of Lights bring our Jewish friends from around the world, health & happiness! Happy Hanukkah! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVlA9pcWcAIxN9O.jpg I have been saying it for sometime now! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/673631838376583168/pu/img/GfZzu-WKDj-jZeGW.jpg Order my book CRIPPLED AMERICA for your holiday gifts. I will be signing books for the next two weeks! http://premierecollectibles.com/crippled-america/ "@FieldRoamer: America’s most reliable bellwether county has fallen for @realDonaldTrump http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/12/2016-indiana-county-predicts-every-election-trump-fever-213411" Great story, thanks! Thank you America! Together, we will all #MakeAmericaGreatAgain! #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVkhEGdUEAA9jUg.jpg Wow, @GeorgeWill said some very nice things about me today on @FoxNewsSunday with Chris Wallace. I am making progress, thanks George! I will be live-tweeting President Obama's prime-time speech tonight starting at 7:50 P.M. (Eastern).Will he finally state the real problems? "@Trumpismyhero: @realDonaldTrump only President Donald J Trump can #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@mollymaguires61: @politichick_ @nytpolitics @FoxNews @rupertmurdoch @GOP in bed together & hate Trump. Win it for the USA & the 21st Cent "@revdojoe: We will elect @realDonaldTrump for President! We must!😊 https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/673515469245165569" "@ShellyLeigh123: Awesome interview. You are always honest with the American people Thank you Mr. Trump!! https://twitter.com/CALA_1111/status/673549162282135553" .@BrookslawBrooks Thank you so much for your nice words. I will make you look very smart! "@BrianBl43802294 @JohnKasich Trump is not controlled by donors,special interests,Lobbyists like U.Ur a total puppet.Trump is working 4 U.S. So, how did I do on Face The Nation? Watch Face The Nation - will be on now! Hillary just said that she will not use the term "radical Islamic" - but was incapable of saying why. She is afraid of Obama & the e-mails! "@CindyBlackwel12: @dr_tweedy @CNN @JohnKasich AMERICA WANTS #TRUMP http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVjSFATWoAAuohO.jpg" @jaketapper Politicians are so dishonest! "@JSears68: Poll numbers will go up even more for @realDonaldTrump after Obama's 'address' "@dr_tweedy: @CNN @JohnKasich Kasick message is as muddled and stagnant as his political career. Lied about Trump crowd." Media-he LIED! I will be interviewed on Face The Nation @CBSNews at 10:30 A.M. Should be interesting - ENJOY! Was going to do a phoner this morning with @jaketapper on @CNN but they could not get their phone equipment to hook in. Will do next week. Wonder if Obama will ever say RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORIST? .@KatyTurNBC & @DebSopan should be fired for dishonest reporting. Thank you @GatewayPundit for reporting the truth. #Trump2016 "@Pimpburgh2015: @KatyTurNBC @realDonaldTrump just tweeted that you are a third rate reporter." That's only because I'm being nice! @Maddow, you copied incompetent @KatyTurNBC incorrect story. I'm sure you would like to apologize to me on show. Thank you for the courtesy. .@KatyTurNBC, 3rd rate reporter & @SopanDeb @ CBS lied. Finished in normal manner&signed autos for 20min. Dishonest! http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2015/12/nbc-and-cbs-falsely-claim-trump-forced-from-stage-by-black-lives-matter-protesters-at-nc-rally/ A great day in both Spencer & Davenport, Iowa! THANK YOU for the support! #Trump2016 #FITN #IAPolitics http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVf3yTmWEAA0dSJ.jpg Re CRIPPLED AMERICA -- I am signing books for the next two weeks. Order yours for holiday gifts! http://premierecollectibles.com/crippled-america/ Done by a real fan! #TRUMP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGbI-14neOs Raleigh, North Carolina, was fantastic last night. Such incredible spirit. We all want to, and will, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! "@AmericanAsPie: @DiamondandSilk you were awesome at the @realDonaldTrump rally. It was exciting to see you." Two truly fantastic women! "@AmericanAsPie: @DiamondandSilk you were awesome at the @realDonaldTrump rally. It was exciting to see you." "@jasthompcountry: @realDonaldTrump @DanScavino Thanks for coming to Raleigh Mr. Trump. I enjoyed every minute of your epic speech!" Thanks "@PattyDs50: @CwiseCwise1 @iliveamongyou @pennybishop16 @GOP Yes! We love you Donald!! We are behind you all the way to Whitehouse!!" "@ben_techpro: Donald Trump opens up 'massive' lead in national poll http://ln.is/com/ape7C #makeamericagreatagain #wakeupamerica @GOP" "@nepafortrump: @CwiseCwise1 @iliveamongyou @pennybishop16 @GOP #TeamTrumpPA WILL TURN PA from Clinton Blue to TRUMP RED! Team WONT STOP "@curtiscraven76: @CNN @realDonaldTrump keep up your good work Mr trump cause u have my vote" "@CwiseCwise1: @iliveamongyou @pennybishop16 @realDonaldTrump @GOP we are with you Mr Trump. We back you 100 percent." "@DanScavino: .@realDonaldTrump #Raleigh, #NorthCarolina! #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVbmWaXXIAAOyXm.jpg" "@bjmgraphics: @MarkHalperin Trump understands freedom needs defending with full heart and diligence. He will fight for America! A great night in Raleigh, North Carolina! THANK YOU! #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVbUG4wWsAAs8m0.jpg Great Live Signing last nite! Over 25k views. I am signing books for next two weeks. Order yours for holiday gifts. http://premierecollectibles.com/crippled-america/ Good news, disloyal @Macys stock is in a total free fall. Don't shop there for Christmas! https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10156377233170725:0 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVa3FpNWcAABNie.jpg Congratulations, Chuck. Must be wonderful to have Donald Trump as your guest --- #BeCool! #Trump2016 http://www.nbcumv.com/news/%E2%80%9Cmeet-press-chuck-todd%E2%80%9D-1-sunday-show-across-board?network=33130&show=151257 A total refutation of the disgraceful David Brooks column in the failing @NYTimes by the @WashingtonPost: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/12/04/the-problem-with-the-donald-trump-pink-rug-theory/ https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10156376798595725:0 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVaZglcXAAAMxA5.jpg .@JRubinBlogger one of the dumber bloggers @washingtonpost only writes purposely inaccurate pieces on me. She is in love with Marco Rubio? The horrible shooting that took place in San Bernardino was an absolute act of terror that many people knew about. Why didn’t they report? .@marthamaccallum Martha, great interview with my son @EricTrump -- smart, tough & professional. Thank you! @FoxNews Great Live Signing last nite! Over 25k views. I am signing books for next two weeks. Order yours for holiday gifts: http://premierecollectibles.com/crippled-america/ The virtually incompetent Republican Strategist who has had a failed career, Cheri Jacobus, is incoherent with anger that her puppets died! .@CNN & @CNNPolitics Please thank Alisyn Camerota, David Chalian and John King for the very professional reporting of the new CNN Poll. .@CNN Poll just came out, amazing numbers for those who want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! TRUMP 36%, a 20 point lead over 2nd place. Thanks. "@RussOnPolitics: The GOP establishment: Republican voters think Donald Trump would be most electable nominee. http://ow.ly/VsHoJ" "@aews: Another clip that seems to vindicate The Donald... http://fb.me/3tejxFow5" .@MarkHalperin I totaly won the RJC meeting yesterday. Know many members who said "not even close." Only FULL standing O. But don't want $'s "@Hot_Steam_: As a professional handicapper @realDonaldTrump is a 3/5 favorite for presidency. #hotsteam #unload" "@TomNocera: @realDonaldTrump Your hand must be tired from all the Crippled America books you autographed tonight-one is mine." Great! "@Jessi_Libertad: Show 'em how it's done in Raleigh tomorrow, President Trump! @realDonaldTrump" I will! "@MarkStahlbaum: Great job on O'Reilly @realDonaldTrump Stay who you are, it's refreshing. #StayStrong" "@Kacee50: @realDonaldTrump We can't take 8 years of Hilary or 8 years of establishment GOP!!! We need Trump!!" "@GaryT212: @realDonaldTrump America needs a real leader, America needs Donald Trump for President!" Watch my live book signing now! http://bit.ly/1PBJlPn I invite you to join my campaign to Make America Great Again! Sign up to Volunteer! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/volunteer Purchase your copy of CRIPPLED AMERICA now & be on potential call list for my live streaming signing event tonite. http://livesigning.com/trump/welcome Thank you!! #Trump2016 http://www.theamericanmirror.com/video-black-pastors-endorse-trump-at-virginia-rally/ Thank you, New Hampshire! Great people -- see you next week! http://www.publicpolicypolling.com/pdf/2015/PPP_Release_NH_120315.pdf Via @DrudgeReport: http://polling.reuters.com/#poll/TR130/filters/PARTY_ID_:2/dates/20151126-20151201/type/day Great to see the construction of the Old Post Office on Penn Ave. Going fast - under budget, ahead of schedule! It was recently reported that 3rd rate $ losing @Politico is a foil for the Clintons. Questions given to Clinton in advance. No credibility. Thank you so much for the wonderful article, Robert Davi. http://www.breitbart.com/big-hollywood/2015/11/30/robert-davi-donald-trump-is-the-john-wayne-of-politics/ Thank you! Vote in 2016! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVUsGc0UsAEiw0-.jpg Thank you! #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVUps0EWwAATxcs.jpg CRIPPLED AMERICA is the perfect gift for friends & family. Order signed copy & join me at 7:30pm, live streaming! http://livesigning.com/trump/welcome Why can't @Politico get better reporters than Ben Schreckenger? Guy is a major lightweight with no credibility. So dishonest! Loved being in Manassas, VA last night. Such incredible spirit! Now in DC for a speech, will then visit Old Post Office under construction. CRIPPLED AMERICA is perfect gift for friends & family. Order signed copy & join me tonite live streaming 7:30 http://livesigning.com/trump/welcome "@robstanley79: @realDonaldTrump Your the man Don. You make me smile every day. Look forward to your inauguration." Nice! "@2timeslucky: @DLake66675 @ChateauEmissary @trumpettes16 The more frightening the world is , the more safe we feel with President Trump" "@derektheeight: Will be interesting to see how many times Jersey rooftop will be brought up now that video has miraculously been found..." "@PatrickAnna: @realDonaldTrump You can definitely thank God for you health, stamina, strength, and all the good things in your life!" True! As a presidential candidate, I have instructed my long-time doctor to issue, within two weeks, a full medical report-it will show perfection "@politico: Trump: Mideast peace 'something I'd really like to do' http://politi.co/1Nr6MUS | AP Photo http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVTO_n6UYAENqyM.jpg" "@politico: The retired neurosurgeon plummets 7 points from last month, while Trump solidifies his dominating lead http://politi.co/1QfA4ed" I consider my health, stamina and strength one of my greatest assets.The world has watched me for many years and can so testify-great genes! "@Kev2nz: @realDonaldTrump President Donald J. Trump sounds real nice. Looks and sounds and is a great leader ! Go #TeamTrump." Thanks! "@TruthisAll1: @realDonaldTrump @DLake66675 @ChateauEmissary @trumpettes16 "He keeps rising and shining...Trump 2016!" Thank you! "@Co: CBS reports "swarms" of celebrators were on roofs in Jersey on 9/11/2001‼️‼️ VIDEO: http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2015/12/02/trump-100-vindicated-cbs-reports-swarms-on-roofs-celebrating-911/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVO58rWUAAAHd84.jpg" "@iliveamongyou: @chucktodd APOLOGIZE HYPOCRITE Jersey City 9/11 Celebration Report #MakeAmericaGreatAgain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3auKMHkZJnQ …" Congratulations on the GREAT job done by POLICE and law enforcement on the California shootings. Give credit where credit is due. "@DLake66675: @ChateauEmissary @trumpettes16 @realDonaldTrump his poll numbers jump every time instances like this occur. "@Mike05999224: @FoxNews @HowardKurtz @MediaBuzzFNC start backing @realDonaldTrump real change is coming !" "@theratzpack: @PattonDivision if only we had a leader like this. We will soon. DonaldTrump will look out for the interests of Americans. Heading to Manassas, Virginia, for a rally. Will have a moment of silence for the victims of the California shootings. So sad! #TeamTrump. Police and law enforcement seem to have killed one of the California shooters and are in a shootout with the others. Go police "@SaraGreenwell: @realDonaldTrump #VoteTrump2016 Chris Christie needs to #apologize 2 along with everyone else who doubted u. #TeamTrump" "@Blacks4Trump16: Legal & illegal immigration drive down American wages. Only DonaldTrump can fix this. @AnnCoulter #Trump2016 #TeamTrump" "@BOSSYtxmar55: #Trump WILL WIN! He's counting on ALL supporters TO VOTE Then "WE" CELEBRATE WITH TAILGATE STYLE PARTIES! #TeamTrump "@TRUMPHIANT2016: This country is being frayed by the inept politicians in DC. We need to vote smarter and be more informed. #TeamTrump" "@DanScavino: Bruce LeVell, former GOP Chairman of Gwinnett County (GA) endorsed @realDonaldTrump today. #TeamTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVGoNgdWEAEZpU0.jpg "@DrRPSmall: Amen, Mr. Trump! The liberal media morons do indeed owe you an apology! Bravo,sir! Your friend and supporter #DocinMich. "@iceblink62: @realDonaldTrump Mr. Trump, the Establishment both sides are out to stop your presidency, and the American people!" True! "@thumpmomma: I likewise saw militant Muslims burning our flag and burning George Bush photos and figures, right after 9/11! Not#here!" "@MichaelCohen212: @BreitbartNews @NewDay @CNN @ABC @NBCNews yet, ChrisChristie claims absolutely did not happen in #NewJersey. #wrong!" A signed copy of CRIPPLED AMERICA is the ultimate gift. Order now & join my live streaming book signing on 12/3 http://livesigning.com/trump/welcome California shooting looks very bad. Good luck to law enforcement and God bless. This is when our police are so appreciated! Thank you CBS & Breitbart-total vindication! Will the mainstream media apologize? Many, many witnesses. #Trump2016 http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2015/12/02/trump-100-vindicated-cbs-reports-swarms-on-roofs-celebrating-911/ I beat Hillary in the new @FoxNews Poll head to head. SHE HAS NO STRENGTH OR STAMINA, both of which are needed to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! LIVE on #Periscope: Live with the Donald https://www.periscope.tv/w/aS86xzEyMzE3NDF8MURYeHlrTmp6V1ZHTeFDJmjIY3QWlzKB6iEsQxiDA_OxGGREZqTYO4AfIfR0 Join me at 2:00pmEST today - live from Trump Tower - via Facebook & Periscope! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVPbKHdWEAAkxlH.jpg Illegal immigrant children, non-Mexicans surge across border at record rate http://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/nov/22/illegal-immigrant-children-non-mexicans-surge-acro/?page=all Order signed copy of CRIPPLED AMERICA & submit a question for my live streaming book signing on 12/3 at 7:30 pm. http://livesigning.com/trump/welcome I WILL BE ON @foxandfriends AT 7:30 -NOW! The truth continues to come out after 14 years. A truth that many in the media did not want to tell. #Trump2016 http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2015/12/01/7-pieces-of-documentation-that-vindicate-trumps-claim-of-911-muslim-celebrations/ "@ReversingASD: @CNN @CNNOpinion @realDonaldTrump Stupid "opinion"! #Trump is Winning! why will he leave? dummy! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVL6uWgUwAAaJUt.jpg" "@fooschamp95: @business @nytimes Any GOP candidate will lose except for @realDonaldTrump" I agree! "@Christo20722105: @TrussElise Conservatives, Dems, independents alike all want trump. There is no one else. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@TrussElise: #Trump I will NOT vote for Cruz or #GOP. My vote is pledged to @realDonaldTrump &my grandchildren. Pray for the USA. "@Dollfinish: @AgsEliza @Citizens4Trump @realDonaldTrump ***Howard Stern Caller day after 9/11 https://www.youtube.com/attribution_link?a=f1yVJj7Igbk&u=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dw8KdmyCh7z8%26feature%3Dplayer_embedded … …" "@iluvbks1: @realDonaldTrump I live in NJ & you've got that right! NJ wants ChrisChristie OUT of NJ! #tellingitlikeitis" "@HyperbolicX: @realDonaldTrump I just signed up in support of your campaign on your website http://DonaldTrump.com." "@joyciej2: @realDonaldTrump Have a great rally !!!#Trump2016" "@KathyPica1: @DanScavino @CarmineZozzora @realDonaldTrump YES HE IS & SHOULD APOLOGIZE All people trying 2 take Trump down, not a chance" Just arrived in New Hampshire. Another packed venue! Will be fun. You would think a paper like the Washington Post would be fair and objective. For the record, almost all polls showed I won all debates. Highly untalented Wash Post blogger, Jennifer Rubin, a real dummy, never writes fairly about me. Why does Wash Post have low IQ people? Order a signed copy of CRIPPLED AMERICA & submit a question for my live streaming book signing on 12/3 at 7:30 pm http://livesigning.com/trump/welcome What is Obama thinking? https://www.instagram.com/p/-wWVZemhfC/ Curtis Sliwa - doing tv commentary on 9/13/2001. Good job Curtis. Please send your apologies to @realDonaldTrump. http://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/671716726501982208/pu/img/lFKTGz4wFB1kMZVA.jpg Look at the editorial I was just sent from the NY Post on 9/14/01 - 3 days after collapse of WTC. Any apologies? http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVJlJPJUkAIprQv.jpg Jamiel Shaw was incredible on @foxandfriends this morning. His son, who was viciously killed by an illegal immigrant, is so proud of pop! I want to thank all my friends in Macon for the special evening and great reception. What a crowd of incredible people! A signed copy of CRIPPLED AMERICA makes a great gift. Order & join my live streaming book signing event on 12/3 http://livesigning.com/trump/welcome A great night in Macon, Georgia! Thank you for all of the support. Together, we will #MakeAmericaGreatAgain! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVHIPA2XIAUKbxc.jpg Order signed copy of CRIPPLED AMERICA & have opportunity to submit question for my live streaming book signing 12/3 http://livesigning.com/trump/welcome Meeting with African American Pastors at Trump Tower was amazing. Wonderful news conference followed. Now off to Georgia for big speech! We need a great leader- now! https://www.instagram.com/p/-uAgXOGhV1/ We better be vigilant, careful, and strong. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W5BtQgTGOI4 RT @MikeandDawnNY: @chrissyteigen Wow! Trashy gutter mouth woman. You can't hold a candle2 @MELANIATRUMP when it comes2 beauty and eloquenc… The Republican establishment, out of self preservation, is concerned w/ my high poll #'s. More concerned are Dems—I beat Hillary heads up! How is Chris Christie running the state of NJ, which is deeply troubled, when he is spending all of his time in NH? New Jerseyans not happy! Wow, the MSM is really going after me. 12,000 in Sarasota, a love fest, hardly a mention. Only one negativity - they only want negatives! "@charlottepturn: @Morning_Joe THERE WERE NO VIDEO CELL PHONES!IS AreUall looking4bonus?Near StJoes Hosp Paterson NJ Arab area outside celeb "@wzpd8z: Mr. Trump, Chuck Todd is a moron, all kinds of youtube videos showing muslims celebrating 911. I would show it on your ads." "@wompol: @realDonaldTrump @CNN we also saw numerous (since scrubbed) videos of celebrations on 9/11" When will @CNN get some real political talent rather than political commentators like Errol Louis, who doesn't have a clue! Others bad also. "@BeckyOmz: @JuvenIle @thehill We could use a new era of greatness! America needs to return to its place in the world--leading!" "@Barber2012Jeff: @realDonaldTrump John Kasich-it didn't work I'm still voting for #Trump" John has done so poorly in the debates he's done! "@ThisWeekABC: Maria, why do you work with such dummies as Cokie Roberts, @BillKristol, @mattbai? You can do much better! @MariaTCardona. "@lee_richter: TRUMP will make America SAFE again...He will make America LEGAL again...He will make America GREAT again! #Trump2016 USA" "@Dmsrcmc12Bob: @realDonaldTrump They should all get on the Trump train!" So true! "@Born2RunJosh: @realDonaldTrump @Antonio92692 @CNNPolitics Trump for president! #TRUMP2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@Rketeltas: Every time Trump is gracious enough to do a MSM interview he gets ambushed with nonsensical questions, why is that." "@Antonio92692: @CNNPolitics @realDonaldTrump TRUMP IS THE SMARTEST AND BEST MAN TO SAVE AMERICA. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVArmJLXIAAGLYk.jpg" Thank you! "@johnwilson12511: @realDonaldTrump is Up! Up! Up! No other candidate is even close!! #Trump2016 #POTUS https://twitter.com/shennafoxmusic/status/670399027503095808" Great job @MariaTCardona on @ThisWeekABC. You made kooky Cokie Roberts and @BillKristol look even dumber than they are. You will be right! "@boogiefinger: @realDonaldTrump @meetthepress @chucktodd Chuck doesn't know that 100,000 x 2 = 200,000 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVApLJAUYAAhMXG.jpg" After my meeting with the pastors, it's off to Georgia for a big rally - many thousands of great people will be there, a beautiful movement! Will be meeting on Monday at Trump Tower with a large group of African American Pastors. Many I know-wonderful people! Not a press event. Just watched Cookie Roberts on @ABC. Her predictions have been so wrong for so long that she has lost all credibility. Just another sad case "@thatx209xguy: @realDonaldTrump @DailyCaller Trump is our last hope to make America great again. #Trump2016" So true! "@Asmurfinmypants: I can't wait to vote for @realDonaldTrump #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@DailyCaller: How High Corporate Taxes Lost America The World’s Next Biggest Drug Company http://trib.al/46P0VsP http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CU-BuXuUAAA_dI8.jpg "@Allibiis: @realDonaldTrump @ArtPar17 @CNN story is bogus. Donald Trump has the most diverse group of voters/supporters in the GOP field." .@CNN has to do better reporting if it wants to keep up with the crowd.So totally one-sided and biased against me that it is becoming boring "@Pablo44x: @CNN @realDonaldTrump Another hit piece by CNN. "What? We're not biased!"" I will be on @meetthepress in an interview with @chucktodd on Sunday morning. So much to talk about! "@ArtPar17: @CNN Your story is a total fraud" I agree! "@JacoH: @CNN @realDonaldTrump I can't believe how low CNN can go. Obviously a bunch of Killary fans." @CNN only says negative-bad reporters The Sarasota, Florida, rally today was amazing. 12,000 people chanting their love for our country. It's going to happen, this is a MOVEMENT! .@CNN Kayleigh McEnany was great on you network today. You should have her on more often! Thank you Kayleigh for your nice words. "@buckleybro40: @RichLowry @maggieNYT @TheFix @pbump @realDonaldTrump so great in Sarasota, FL! #TurntTrump We're following T all the way!" "@nobaddog: @RepBJNikkel @CindyBlackwel12 JohnKasich All you career Politicians are shaking in your shoes for fear Trump gets elected" "@Jameslauer6: @David360NC @azblonde2015 NOW'S THE TIME 4 CHRISTIANS TO GET OUT THE VOTE BIG TIME TO SAVE CHRISTIANITY ONCE & 4 ALL. TRUMP" Sarasota was an unbelievable success. We expected 5,000, a record, but 12,000 showed up! Great love in the air! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CU7FIjbUAAIaYGV.jpg We boarded the helicopter for Sarasota earlier & will be landing soon! See you there. #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CU6cF7aUEAAWH6d.jpg "@munciewolves: @realDonaldTrump America backs you. Your our next President!!!!" Thank you! Virtually no-one has spent more money in helping the American people with disabilities than me. Will discuss today at my speech in Sarasota The reporter who pulled-back from his 14 year old never retracted story is having fun. I don't know what he looks like and don't know him! I will be going to Sarasota, Florida, today for a big rally with amazing people! I have one goal on mind: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! "@Trump2016online: Live Stream: Donald Trump Rally in Sarasota, FL Nov 28 - 12:00 PM (EST) https://youtu.be/DRtxazdbk_Q #Trump2016 #RobartsArena "@tweetybird2009: @GulfWarVet123 That's why @realDonaldTrump's THE MAN. CANNOT BE BOUGHT BY #Establishment #Media #PUNDITS. #TheyRMad Pollster Trend National GOP Average 223 national polls & 33 pollsters. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CU2sumjUYAAARCj.jpg "@MargaretCrowth1: @realDonaldTrump Incompetence now the norm. NYTimes is an example. Need competent leader as role model. Trump2016" "@reallyo1: @realDonaldTrump @MarkSimoneNY Don't let the jackals in the media trip u up. Their getting desperate" "@MargaretCrowth1: @realDonaldTrump So like the media to make something out of nothing. Don't let them sidetrack from the message." "@DeusVultGeorgia: @MingBlueTeaCup @RickCanton @_Holly_Renee @realDonaldTrump should the reporter's dishonesty be shielded from ridicule?" "@VaughnVhalen: Donald Trump Rises to 38% Nationally; Ted Cruz Edges into 2nd at 12% "@MarkSimoneNY: Great twitter quote about Donald Trump: "Never apologize for fake controversies whipped up by the perpetually offended media "@Rketeltas: @realDonaldTrump If you combine the business models for both Macy's & the NY Times, both are on a rapid decline, such a pity." "@pthebnyc: @realDonaldTrump @Sari_Swensen @nytimes no need to explain, Sir. We've got your back." Thanks! "@BeezakaMrB: @realDonaldTrump Shopping @Macys is NO LONGER a family CHRISTMAS TIME tradition in my house." Great, a very disloyal chain! The failing @nytimes should focus on fair and balanced reporting rather than constant hit jobs on me. Yesterday 3 boring articles, today2! I do not know the reporter for the @nytimes, or what he looks like. I was showing a person groveling to take back a statement made long ago! Great new poll numbers! Thank you for your support! #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUxKtpzWoAAuf-8.jpg "@PrisonPlanet: .@realDonaldTrump gets it. Never apologize for fake controversies whipped up by the perpetually offended media." http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUw-3zTWIAAH3WT.jpg Happy Thanksgiving to all. Have a great day and look forward to the future. We will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! The numbers at the @nytimes are so dismal, especially advertising revenue, that big help will be needed fast. A once great institution-SAD! So, since the people at the @nytimes have made all bad decisions over the last decade, why do people care what they write. Incompetent! The dopes at the @nytimes bought the Boston Globe for $1.3 billion and sold it for $1.00. Their great old headquarters-gave it away! So dumb The @nytimes is so poorly run and managed that other family members are looking to take over control. With unfunded liabilities-big trouble! "@RioSunny3: @realDonaldTrump @WKRG I lived in New Jersey at that time and witnessed all that as well. The failing @nytimes should be focused on good reporting and the papers financial survival and not with constant hits on Donald Trump! "@Keeping__Real: So good to see the @realDonaldTrump family out with him on the campaign trail! It really shows the family man that he is!" Credible Source on 9-11 Muslim Celebrations: FBI http://wkrg.com/2015/11/25/credible-source-on-9-11-muslim-celebrations-fbi/ via @WKRG #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUsvPc5UcAAWYGi.jpg I LIVE IN NEW JERSEY & @realDonaldTrump IS RIGHT: MUSLIMS DID CELEBRATE ON 9/11 HERE! WE SAW IT! http://www.infowars.com/i-live-in-jersey-and-trump-is-right-muslims-did-celebrate-on-911-in-nj-we-saw-it/ "@realdctaylor: The Establishment is afraid of @realDonaldTrump. Once we try a business man we may never want a politician again! #TeamTrump Thank you for your continued support! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUrmEI3XAAA9SyD.jpg @KarlRove just totally bombed on @Morning_Joe. @FoxNews has him on even though he has lost all credibility - a loser! Fox should dump Rove. "@FranMFarber: @Morning_Joe @FoxNews @morningmika did not say very nice things about you this morning on her show. Typical liberal!" True! "@jbclemson: @realDonaldTrump @karl @Morning_Joe @FoxNews Bombed is an understatement. Pathetic attempt by #GOP. Rove embarrassed himself" "@raider8381: @Morning_Joe @FoxNews America wants DONALD TRUMP! "TV Heads" still refuse to embrace that reality! Media are LIARS." "@patty_laughlin: DonaldTrump @karl @Morning_Joe @FoxNews Never thought much of Carl.. Make America Great Again Trump for President 2016" "@DonnySmith557: @karl @Morning_Joe @FoxNews Karl is a total joke!!!! If he didn't have the Bush family and Fox he wouldn't have anything! ! South Carolina was so great last night. Will be back soon! Why would @greta use @KarlRove as an election analyst when he has made so many mistakes. He still thinks Romney won. An establishment dope! "@idawhannadoyou: @realDonaldTrump @OANN Love it. Wish I could get @OANN I hear good things about them such as objective unbiased reporting. "@GlendaAhrens: @realDonaldTrump @OANN Fantastic winning all the way to WH #Trump2016" "@MichaelCohen212: .@realDonaldTrump @OANN no one is even close to #Trump" Myrtle Beach, South Carolina #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/669377435134263296/pu/img/gP-Hmfrms2AIi5zB.jpg A wonderful evening in South Carolina - big crowd, amazing energy! "@PatSheldon10913: @realDonaldTrump had a great time in Myrtle Beach tonight." New @OANN national poll released. Thank you America! #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUnKTA_WwAAi8FA.jpg Thank you for your nice words @MikeNeedham @Heritage for the nice words on @FoxNewsSunday with Chris Wallace. #FNS #Trump2016 What is Frank VanderSloot getting for agreeing to back Marco Rubio? Last victim was Mitt Romney - see how that turned out. .@BradPaisley came up to see me. A really nice and talented guy. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUm8cvgWUAA4AHn.jpg "@cecki: Leave our candidate @realDonaldTrump alone! Do not embarrass yourselves further. "@Maryland4T: @SmallBiz4Trump Keep up the good work! Americans of ALL kinds are rallying behind jlDonaldTrump to help #MakeAmericaGreatAgain "@Nick95B: @realDonaldTrump I'll only vote for TRUMP! If eGOP screw things up I won't vote for ANY republicans; ANY http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUmyzYBW4AEMAaB.jpg "@AnnCoulter: If you run anyone but Trump, Hillary wins. So Rubio, Christie, Jeb! & Kasich must hate the country. https://twitter.com/youthpastorbry/status/669201076021805056" Will be doing @seanhannity at 10 PM on @FoxNews. As always with Sean, will be interesting! Heading to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Really big crowd—so much to talk about! Republicans must stop relying on losers like @KarlRove if they want to start winning presidential elections. Be tough and get smart! "@Good2bqueen67: .@realDonaldTrump @Sandikay60 I enjoyed the speech so much tonight, you were on point 👆 Sir!" Thanks. "@Sandikay60: @realDonaldTrump it was awesome! #Trumponly. Great crowd! Wonderful" "@Port3Star: @JDiamond1 @CNNPolitics You know he has great vision. The very best. Many people have told him so. Thousands of people!" "@JeffPage5: @realDonaldTrump @WSJ @GOP they're finally gettin the message, we're fed up & we're not going establishment. "@David360NC: We have a voice with DonaldTrump, Let’s do our part & VOTE IN THE R PRIMARY 4 #Trump2016 #TeamTrump https://twitter.com/DiamondandSilk/status/668984828319125505" "@beingmesuzieeJ: @realDonaldTrump... You ROCKED IT AGAIN IN OHIO!!!! Come to Nebraska.. Please!! Trump 2016!!" Thanks and I will! Just left Columbus rally of 14,000 people --- a far bigger crowd than even I expected! Unbelievable evening, incredible spirit in the arena! "@iliveamongyou: @BostonGlobe: Ben Carson advisers say he struggles with foreign policy http://bos.gl/NiZuGu8 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUh5iwMVEAAf9RK.jpg" "@DonnySmith557: @realDonaldTrump Everything Mr. Trump touches turns to gold, what a great negotiator! !!!!!" Thanks. Heading for Ohio - really big crowd of amazing people! Much to talk about! Going to Ohio, home of one of the worst presidential candidates in history--Kasich. Can't debate, loves #ObamaCare--dummy! .@WSJ reports that @GOP getting ready to treat me unfairly—big spending planned against me. That wasn’t the deal! Via @washingtonpost 9/18/01. I want an apology! Many people have tweeted that I am right! http://wapo.st/1R1siFz http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUhLOyPXAAAVZV9.png When you do your Christmas shopping remember how disloyal @Macys was to the subject of illegal immigration. #BoycottMacys #DumpMacys Hillary, there is nothing to laugh about- https://instagram.com/p/-bz5HWGhXZ/ Going to Columbus, Ohio today for a tremendous rally of thousands. The silent majority is no longer silent! .@AP has one of the worst reporters in the business -- @JeffHorwitz wouldn’t know the truth if it hit him in the face. .@AP continues to do extremely dishonest reporting. Always looking for a hit to bring them back into relevancy—ain’t working! .@MatthewJDowd thank you for the nice comments recently, especially on @BarbaraJWalters. My family & I greatly appreciate your kind words. Hillary Clinton is weak on illegal immigration, among many other things. She is strong on corruption - corruption is what she's best at! "@ny_conservative: @BarbMuenchen #CrippledAmerica is an excellent resource for the 2016 race #TeamTrump #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@ktd101551: @CNNPolitics Trump gave a great speech in Ala. What's more important a protester? I wouldn't give these folks 1 sec of attn" "@jrpantiques: @realDonaldTrump @TheFix @pbump THE SCRIPT FOR A GREAT WORLD CHANGING LEADER TO ARISE HAS BEEN WRITTEN & IT WAS FOR MR. TRUMP "@bloggerjulie: @FoxNews The reporter is the one who mentioned the national database FIRST and not DonaldTrump. Y not report HONEST NEWS?" "@MJP1370: @realDonaldTrump @TheFix @pbump We need Trump now! Obama isn't protecting Americans !!" "@TheFix: The Paris attacks have only made Donald Trump stronger http://wpo.st/yC6r0 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUcL3lgWcAI75ph.png" Very interesting! "@drewtheg: Trump is the epitome of integrity, good spirit, forthright honesty... you pull no punches and call a spade a spade. diggin it!" "@jakub_lisa: @HillaryClinton A Clinton Cannot be trusted!How many x's do we allow them to disgrace this country? #NoClintonInWHEverAgain" "@SeanSean252: @WayneDupreeShow @Rockprincess818 @CheriJacobus http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUcMHOIVEAA6Wm1.jpg" "@heiressarts: @realDonaldTrump By going after you, Jindal also lost the LA governor race! Politicians Beware. Great poll numbers! Thank you! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUb5TaMWIAAzQLB.jpg We better get tough with RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS, and get tough now, or the life and safety of our wonderful country will be in jeopardy! 13 Syrian refugees were caught trying to get into the U.S. through the Southern Border. How many made it? WE NEED THE WALL! Great poll numbers all over and beating Hillary Clinton one on one. Thank you! Big new @ABC Poll to be announced at 9:00 A.M. on This Week with @GStephanopoulos. I will be interviewed on show! .@GStephanopoulos just announced that I am leading BIG in the new @ABC Poll which will be shown on This Week at 9:00 A.M. I will be on show Will be interviewed on @foxandfriends at 8:00 A.M. I find that @Reuters is a far more professional operation than @AP. .ccolvinj @AP is one of the truly bad reporters---working for an organization that has totally lost its way. Stories are fictional garbage. "@iliveamongyou: URGENT “@GOP…in an effort to destroy their own front runner.” #MakeAmericaGreatAgain http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/11/20/keystone-cops-gop-consultant-class-heroes-publicly-panhandling-desperate-bid-derail-donald-trump/" I HIT BACK! "@2timeslucky: @steph93065 @FoxNews Kimberly G. hosted Greta last nights& told the TRUTH about Trump! http://insider.foxnews.com/2015/11/20/donald-trump-clarifies-he-wants-database-syrian-refugees-not-all-us-muslims" "@TomLydon: What Financial Pros Can Learn from Donald Trump's Communication Style http://ow.ly/UV2L4 @DanSondhelm" Very nice, thanks! "@boreed615: Donald Trump retakes lead in GOP race; Ted Cruz makes gains: poll: http://aol.it/1QVK4Kd # via AOL" "@Ma1973sk: Great family. Great interview @realDonaldTrump ! http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trump-family-talk-barbara-walters-presidential-run/story?id=35335150&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter" "@marklevinshow: Well said http://fb.me/2xATSKzXo" "@WayneDupreeShow: "It’s clear that Donald Trump was NOT even talking about a Muslim Database!" http://newsninja2012.com/snow-job-media-creates-trump-conspiracy-about-muslim-database/" "@FortuneMagazine: Do successful CEOs sleep less than everyone else? http://for.tn/1kLZZ1y http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUWsrEqVAAElK1I.jpg" "@foxnation: Report: #DonaldTrump Heckler Convicted Of Attempting To Blow Up Marine Recruitment Center http://nation.foxnews.com/2015/11/21/report-trump-heckler-convicted-attempting-blow-marine-recruitment-center" "@politico: Palin on 2016: "I think it would come down to Cruz and Trump! http://politi.co/1HeOudg | Getty http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUXJ29BWwAAkyWX.jpg" "@GStephanopoulos: I’ll talk to Donald Trump about his comments on Syrian refugees, and much more, Sunday on @ThisWeekABC." "@THR: Trump's Wife, Children Open Up About GOP Candidate: "There’s No One Else Like Him" http://thr.cm/P38I3g http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUXpxtuWoAQBZwN.png" .@heytana, great job - we are all proud of you! Thank you to all law enforcement agencies for a fabulous job! #LEO #LESM #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUXOpCWUwAAKyI0.jpg Thank you for a great afternoon Birmingham, Alabama! #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain http://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/668167024019832833/pu/img/DeHzms3pAL0Fd07T.jpg It's too bad so few people showed up to @bobvanderplaats Family Leader dinner. Next year I'll try & be there- and they'll have a huge crowd! Thank you John Nolte for wonderful analysis & reporting. RT @JTSantucci: Missed Barbara Walters #abc2020 exclusive Meet the Trumps? @realDonaldTrump catch it here - http://abc.go.com/shows/2020/listing/2015-11/20-2020-112015-meet-the-trumps https:/… Rumor has it - Pataki, Kasich, & Senator Lindsey Graham are dropping out of the race very soon. Hope it's not true, they're so easy to beat! RT @CLewandowski_: .@realDonaldTrump extends lead in 11/20/2015 Reuters #GOP poll. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUSx7ATWsAQV0VL.jpg So nice when media properly polices media. Thank you @BreitbartNews. http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2015/11/21/muslim-registry-rope-me-hillary-haberman-lies-about-trump-on-nyt-front-page/ A woman who got fired after two days of working with Scott Walker - a wacko - now trying to raise funds to fight me. Heading to Birmingham, Alabama, and a massive crowd of incredible people! 12 noon - will be wild. To show you how politicians act, Bobby Jindal spent $1,000 to register in New Hampshire & dropped out the next day. Such a waste! We're stuck with the worst mayor in the United States. Too bad, but New York City will survive! People are really liking my new book, "Crippled America." Check it out! "@tas0727: @realDonaldTrump Make America Great again vote Donald Trump" "@jaazee1: @CNN anchor's shocked that DonaldTrump's comments resonate with GOP base will go apoplectic that he does with democrats too. "@STATinc2015: @BarbaraJWalters @ABC @MELANIATRUMP @IvankaTrump saw the interview tonight. Thought it was great. Can't wait till November." "@thetylerjames9: @realDonaldTrump cannot be bought! Therefore he cannot be silenced!" "@RustyBlissUSA: @realDonaldTrump we're ready to thwart the establishment attempts in the Buckeye State. #Trump2016 #TeamTrump" "@TLCastle: @realDonaldTrump Do you plan on making any campaign stops in West Virginia?" YES, soon. "@RenaSummersLtd: Watched @ABCNetwork special tonight! You have such amazing children. Lots to be proud of! Love your wife! Class Act!" "@michaelglassner: A GREAT DAY in South Carolina for DonaldTrump & #TeamTrump! #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CURl0o4UAAEIjf_.jpg" "@realkingrobbo: @hotroddergirl You're the hero America needs! #Trump2016" Thank you, I only want to make America great again! "@BornToBeGOP: @realDonaldTrump Your family is a better watch than the Kardashians by a mile!" Cute! "@hiddenspeed42: @AY4WEB No pay or compensation to make our beautiful country again!! That's his promise to us!! We love u trump" "@TCash78: @realDonaldTrump @VincentKunicki @kimguilfoyle @FoxNews he will make America great again "@realkingrobbo: @realDonaldTrump @Greg39529063 @ABC2020 @ABC @BarbaraJWalters the best man for the job!" Thanks! "@ClassySnobbb: @realDonaldTrump AMAZING interview. You and your family will be great role models for America!!! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@Greg39529063: @ABC2020 @ABC @BarbaraJWalters Watching now! Great! Always true to his word and the USA! A real leader! So nice to hear!!!" "@hotroddergirl: @realDonaldTrump trump 20/20 shows just what hard work and good family can do. Blue collar with you." "@VincentKunicki: @realDonaldTrump @kimguilfoyle @FoxNews Long live Donald Trump our next Ronald Reagan!!! God bless you we need you" Nice! Join us at 10pmE on @ABC2020 @ABC with @BarbaraJWalters! #MeetTheTrumps #ABC2020 http://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/667898205653360640/pu/img/MNVeXY5xaChYtCZU.jpg #ICYMI: I joined #OnTheRecord with @kimguilfoyle on @FoxNews this evening. #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain https://www.youtube.com/embed/IPfbXmrwz7g "@2timeslucky: No one can take @realDonaldTrump down because it is the WILL of the people for him to win! "@JamesPWilson1: @realDonaldTrump When you become president, we will avenge all of the innocents who isis killed" "@mia_liner: @GSRPygmies @realDonaldTrump Trump supporters are a very loyal breed! We see the truth, only Trump can fix this mess we are in Looking forward to watching the legendary @BarbaraJWalters interview my family (and me) tonight on @ABC at 10:00. Many things to talk about! "@smith_jere: @realDonaldTrump You are amazing Mr. Trump! Thank you!!!" So nice. Tune into the legendary @BarbaraJWalters at 10pmE on @ABC2020 tonight. #MeetTheTrumps for a full hour @ABC #ABC2020! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUS0TzdXIAA9POI.jpg .@washingtonpost @BretBaier Please thank Charles Lane for his new found confidence. He has made a very good bet! "@The2ndguardsUS: @realDonaldTrump ROLL TIDE" "@samsellars: @realDonaldTrump North Carolina. Come on down." Will be there very soon! "@meganweaver321: @realDonaldTrump Alabama loves you" Great! "@Unicurls: @realDonaldTrump I'll be in attendance. #YUGE #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #bamaforTrump" Nice! "@GeraldSoelz: Awesome news. Keep your focus on the issues. You just might get more blue collar Democrats to vote for you than Reagan." .@Gracematters Thank you, a very wise bet! Best wishes. Just got back from South Carolina. Going to Alabama tomorrow! .@HillaryClinton is weak on illegal immigration & totally incompetent as a manager and leader - no strength or stamina to be #POTUS! The legendary @BarbaraJWalters interviews my family and me tonight at 10:00 on @ABC2020 . Don't miss it! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUSNVqdWUAAJfvK.jpg .@BilldeBlasio should focus on running #NYC & all of the problems that he has caused with his ineptitude, & not be so focused on me! Can you believe the worst Mayor in the U.S., & probably the worst Mayor in the history of #NYC, @BilldeBlasio, just called me a blow hard! Thank you for a great afternoon, South Carolina! See you next Tuesday! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUR2amyWEAAwA_P.jpg I didn't suggest a database-a reporter did. We must defeat Islamic terrorism & have surveillance, including a watch list, to protect America Under our President, ISIS is gaining great strength- https://instagram.com/p/-UAerUmhXV/ My family has the honor of being interviewed for a full hour by the legendary @BarbaraJWalters tonight @ABC - 10pmE. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUQ8bsAWcAAJ8EL.jpg .@mkhammer, a Fox contributor, isn't smart enough to know what is going on at the border. @TheJuanWilliams made the point far better! Going to South Carolina now, great place, SRO crowd. Iowa was amazing yesterday! The media must denigrate ISIS at all levels or youth will continue to be drawn to it. These are low level degenerates, NOT masterminds! The media must immediately stop calling ISIS leaders "MASTERMINDS." Call them instead thugs and losers. Young people must not go into ISIS! A wonderful afternoon in Iowa! Great people! Heading now to Florida - tomorrow, South Carolina! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 A great evening in Iowa! Thank you Des Moines Area Community College for a great forum! #Trump2016 #IAForums http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUOKw44WUAAiCqL.jpg John Kasich was managing director of Lehman Brothers when it crashed, bringing down the world and ruining people's lives. A total failure! Once John Kasich announced he was running for president, and opened his mouth, people realized he was a complete & total dud! John Kasich fell right into President Obama’s trap on ObamaCare, and the people of Ohio are suffering for it. Shame! Doesn’t help Kasich to do negative ads on me because he still has to go through everyone else - he’s almost last. John Kasich ad guy wanted to work for me, but his proposal was a rip off – I said NO! Now ripping Kasich. I loved beating John Kasich in the debates, but it was easy—he came in dead last! Kasich has already spent $6 million on ads in New Hampshire and his numbers have gone down. People from NH are smart! Watch Kasich squirm --- if he is not truthful in his negative ads I will sue him just for fun! I want to do negative ads on John Kasich, but he is so irrelevant to the race that I don’t want to waste my money. John Kasich, despite being Governor of Ohio, is losing to me in the Ohio polls. Pathetic! John Kasich should focus his special interest money on building up his failed image, not negative ads on me. Governor Kasich, whose failed campaign & debating skills have brought him way down in the polls, is going to spend $2.5 million against me. The legendary Barbara Walters interviews Melania Trump and me on a special this Friday night at 10:00 on ABC. Don't miss it! Thank you Worcester, Massachusetts!#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10156328032540725 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUNGT7NUAAAOn_L.jpg Just the beginning & it is going to get worse. Rates & deductibles are so high nobody is going to be able to use it. http://www.forbes.com/sites/scottgottlieb/2015/11/19/uniteds-warning-shows-how-medicaid-is-taking-over-obamacare/ Has anybody read this story about Marco Rubio - devastating! http://nyti.ms/1Jys7M0 I told you! Premiums are soaring! #RepealObamacare #Trump2016 http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/260758-unitedhealthcare-may-exit-obamacare-exchanges Thank you (Chris) @TheFix. I have great respect for professionals that are willing to report so honestly & fairly. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/11/19/yes-donald-trump-could-absolutely-be-the-republican-nominee-in-2016/ #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 https://twitter.com/thehill/status/667374053167136768 Thank you for your support! Together we can #MakeAmericaGreatAgain! #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUMeASZWEAADw_B.jpg The POLICE in Paris did a fantastic job. Very brave - not easy! A great review of my Aberdeen course by prestigious @GolfMonthly. Some say greatest ever built. @TrumpScotland http://www.golf-monthly.co.uk/?s=Trump+scotland Everyone is now saying how right I was with illegal immigration & the wall. After Paris, they’re all on the bandwagon. We need new leadership- fast! https://instagram.com/p/-RcAtnGhQY/ I skipped a speech given years ago at Mar-a-Lago by dopey @GeorgeWill because he’s BORING—he never forgot! Dopey @GeorgeWill, a big proponent of the Iraq War and other catastrophes, doesn’t like me very much. That means I win! Broken down political pundit @GeorgeWill, who is wrong almost all of the time, should be thrown off @FoxNews. Boring and totally biased! Eight Syrians were just caught on the southern border trying to get into the U.S. ISIS maybe? I told you so. WE NEED A BIG & BEAUTIFUL WALL! Ben Carson is being severely criticized for being incapable of understanding foreign policy be one of his top consultants. Not good! "@FoxNews New Hampshire Poll: @realDonaldTrump 'Rules GOP Race in New Hampshire.' Trump 27, Rubio 13, Cruz 11, Bush 9, Carson 9, & Kasich 7" Via Politico: "Trump Extends Lead in New Hampshire Poll" http://www.politico.com/story/2015/11/donald-trump-new-hampshire-215986 Very nice article from Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3323848/Ben-Donald-Trump-running-circles-Carson-New-Hampshire-Marco-Rubio-tied-SECOND.html Great New Poll http://www.tampabay.com/blogs/the-buzz-florida-politics/fla-poll-trump-36-rubio-18-carson-15-cruz-10-bush-9/2254421 How does Ben Carson survive this problem – really big. Similar story on front page of New York Times. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/advisers-claim-carson-struggles-foreign-policy-report-article-1.2438726 "@KatrinaPierson: #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUEoLI7UYAAzdet.jpg" Katrina, great job on @FoxNews last night! Thank you for all of your support! Let's #MakeAmericaGreatAgain! #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUEA6HyUYAAh6RM.jpg The great Barbara Walters interviews Melania Trump and me on a Special Friday night at 10:00 on ABC.… https://instagram.com/p/-NCErPmhei/ "@Ashevillelaura: @realDonaldTrump @seanhannity @FoxNews Obama has no credibility on terrorist threats & ISIS. Trump best to protect us" I will be interviewed by @seanhannity tonight at 10:00 on @FoxNews . Much, much, much to talk about! Melania and I just had interview with the legendary @BarbaraJWalters. Watch #abc2020 this Friday. Tonight we talk ISIS @WNTonight RT @BarbaraJWalters: Just sat down w/ @realdonaldtrump & Melania. Intv w/ his family #abc2020 Friday. Tonight we talk ISIS @WNTonight https… .@AP is doing very badly. I can say from experience their reporting is terrible & highly inaccurate. Sadly, they are now irrelevant! One of the saddest things in journalism is what happened to the formerly great @AP. They have lost their way and are no longer credible. What is our President doing? https://instagram.com/p/-MO-OYmhZh/ "GOP Voters Trust Donald Trump to Keep Our Country Safe" http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2015/11/16/trump_and_carson_won_t_be_hurt_by_paris_attacks.html Refugees from Syria are now pouring into our great country. Who knows who they are - some could be ISIS. Is our president insane? I, along with almost everyone else, have so little confidence in President Obama. He has a horrible attitude-a man who is resigned to defeat So many great polls like Reuters - big leads everywhere. New Hampshire really special! We will win big and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Thank you Tennessee! #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/666458824820318208/pu/img/RfqxvEM-GyLwn80d.jpg Just received a copy of @SarahPalinUSA new book -- a great read! Sarah is a terrific person. Great poll numbers out of @UMassAmherst. Thank you! #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain http://www.umass.edu/newsoffice/article/new-umass-poll-finds-donald-trump-and-ben Just leaving Knoxville, TN --- what a crowd, what amazing people! #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CT-kFiwXIAQJGMd.jpg Just landing in Knoxville, Tennessee! Massive crowd expected! Will all have a great time, despite serious subject matter. I agree! The headline says it all. #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2015/11/16/trump_and_carson_won_t_be_hurt_by_paris_attacks.html Discussing #SyrianRefugees with @EricBolling on @FoxNews back on 10/3/2015. #ISIS http://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/666386095358144512/pu/img/V3-bXYBimi3KtCL9.jpg Will be landing in Knoxville, Tennessee shortly - tremendous crowd expected. It's all very simple, we want to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain! Republicans must stop listening to dopes like @KarlRove who still insists Mitt Romney won the last election. Think big & think strong! Wow, @Macys shares are down more than 40% this year. I never knew my ties & shirts not being sold there would have such a big impact! Interesting article from highly respected Wayne Allyn Root http://www.theblaze.com/contributions/islamic-state-terrorist-attack-proves-donald-trump-was-right-about-border-and-immigration/ Remember, I was the one who said attack the oil (ISIS source of wealth) a long time ago. Everyone scoffed, now they're attacking the oil. "@SarahPalinUSA: From St. Patrick's Cathedral, NYC: blessings, prayers and heartfelt concern for those in Paris. "@StreetR77: @JohnLegere @TMobile didn't know he was CEO of tmobile, I have T-Mobile, it's pathetic, dropped calls, no service." Tom Brady just did it again. He is not only a great guy, he is, without question, the BEST quarterback! President Obama just told President Putin how important the Russian air strikes against ISIS have been. I TOLD YOU SO! .@JohnLegere @TMobile John, focus on running your company, I think the service is terrible! Try hiring some good managers. "@peg4cats: @TerryLambert201 @realDonaldTrump you are so right. I only trust Trump to be tough on immigration" "@760_831: @DanSaltsman @realDonaldTrump @MichaelCohen212 @IvankaTrump I have faith he will win and save America" "@760_831: @DanSaltsman @realDonaldTrump @MichaelCohen212 @IvankaTrump i have faith he will win and save America" "@Parker_Votes: We finally have a voice with Let’s do our part & VOTE IN THE R PRIMARY, 4 #Trump2016 #TrumpArmy http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CT5HiWLWEAA4szv.jpg" "@syoka68: Reading the comments of the leftists on here makes me nauseated. We SO NEED YOU, MR. TRUMP! Make America Great Again" "@davenorthYV: Does anybody ever realize that HillaryClinton doesn't make eye contact with anyone, even the camera. That's a sign of lying" "@RealReagan0503: If you missed it, here is the most popular link among people I follow http://ln.is/www.breitbart.com/bi/W0Qvs by @realDonaldTrump" "@Hturne: @VanityFair You're spot on! He tries 2b an intellectual elitist.The truth: he has a low IQ, no imagination, no creativity" Glad to see that @RondaRousey lost her championship fight last night. Was soundly beaten - not a nice person! I have watched sloppy Graydon Carter fail and close Spy Magazine and now am watching him fail at @VanityFair Magazine. He is a total loser! .@VanityFair Magazine is doing really poorly. It has gotten worse and worse over the years, and has lost almost all of it's former allure! "@USATrumpDiva: Donald Trump surges in poll among likely Republican voters http://dailym.ai/1SOD157" "@mholsbunes: Donald Trump says tough gun control laws in Paris contributed to tragedy: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2015/11/14/donald-trump-says-tough-gun-control-laws-in-paris-contributed-to-tragedy/ Presidential candidate??" "@thewatcher23579: One of Paris terrorist came as Syrian refugee. Donald Trump is right again. BOMB THEIR OIL - TAKE AWAY THEIR FUNDING" We need strong, tough and brilliant leadership now more than ever! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! I had a great time in Texas yesterday. A tremendous crowd of wonderful and enthusiastic people. Will be back soon! .@realDonaldTrump on ISIS&OIL FIELDS! Saying it for years! @AndersonCooper, you should acknowledge this! #Trump2016 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RtsJ-5_Xz-Q&autoplay=1 When will President Obama issue the words RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM? He can't say it, and unless he will, the problem will not be solved! "@mnrosrnr: @realDonaldTrump the best book I've read in years, Trump is right on every issue and has the best ideas, a true economic genius" "@TejadaDennes: @realDonaldTrump Crippled America is an incredible book! People need to read truth. #HispanicsForTrump #DemocratsForTrump" "@tasteofaz: Poll: Trump Surges to 42% Nationally; ‘Bad News for Marco Rubio’ http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/11/14/poll-trump-surges-to-42-nationally-bad-news-for-marco-rubio/ @realdonaldtrump" Great news! I think everyone will like my new and very successful book, Crippled America. Go get it and let me know what you think! Wow, Bernie Sanders just admitted that the real unemployment rate is 10% (it is actually over 20%) and for African American youth - 51%. Hillary and Sanders are not doing well, but what is the failed former Mayor of Baltimore doing on that stage? O'Malley is a clown. Why won't President Obama use the term Islamic Terrorism? Isn't it now, after all of this time and so much death, about time! "@Oliviaand24: @realDonaldTrump TrumpOn America needs you in office Now! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016" "@redletter99: @realDonaldTrump I absolutely love this, can't wait till u debate Clinton" "@TomRichey: Enough of these party debates. What I wanna see is a @SenSanders vs @realDonaldTrump one on one debate!" That would be easy! "@jaslohr_: @realDonaldTrump are you watching this circus?!? #DemDebate what a joke! #Trump2016" "@jcooper75: #DemDebate this debate stinks. CBS News, major fail. @realDonaldTrump" Great news out of New Hampshire! DonaldTrump is pulling away from the pack w/ 2nd is 17% behind him! #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CT0SfmHWUAAIZtg.jpg" RT @kimaster88: @realDonaldTrump @DanScavino Trump's ability to identify issues before it actually happens is uncanny- iraq-border issues-s… "@MikeOG_: @realDonaldTrump was right! close the borders! #Trump2016" "@Gman0623: @realDonaldTrump @HaloOneForTrump @FoxNews @CNN @GOP I love you Trump! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!" "@shawnlivinlife: I still haven't heard the WH say the words islamic terrorist. Call it what it is. #Trump2016 can't happen fast enough. "@HaloOneForTrump: @realDonaldTrump has what MONEY CAN'T BUY: VISION & LOYAL & MOTIVATED SUPPORT! #veterans #military @foxnews @cnn @GOP" "@jrpantiques: @realDonaldTrump @ABCinSC @KatrinaPierson THE WORLD IS PLAYING EVERYTHING RIGHT FOR TRUMP! EVERY DAY HIS POINTS ARE PROVEN" "@dlt912: @realDonaldTrump you definitely have my vote!👍🏻" "@ABCinSC: @realDonaldTrump - a tough man for a tough job in tough times. Gloves off, game on! https://twitter.com/KatrinaPierson/status/665582866525503490" "@Mario_Posillico: @realDonaldTrump you need to win for not just America, but for humanity." We need much tougher, much smarter leadership - and we need it NOW! President Obama said "ISIL continues to shrink" in an interview just hours before the horrible attack in Paris. He is just so bad! CHANGE. My prayers are with the victims and hostages in the horrible Paris attacks. May God be with you all. Boy is this guy @ShepNewsTeam tough on me. So totally biased. As a reporter, he should be ashamed of himself! #Trump2016 They laughed at me when I said to bomb the ISIS controlled oil fields. Now they are not laughing and doing what I said. #Trump2016 Thank you @JakeTapper for giving me credit for my vision on bombing the oil fields. Should have been done long ago. #Trump2016 Great honor to be inducted into the NJ Boxing Hall of Fame last night. Thank you! Timing could not have been better! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTuIus8WIAAe6pQ.jpg .@seanhannity Carly, whose campaign is dead, is making false statements about me in order to salvage hope! Sad. .@CarlyFiorina had to inject herself into my factual statements concerning Ben Carson in order to breathe life into her failing campaign! .@CarlyFiorina I only said I was on @60Minutes four weeks ago with Putin—never said I was in Green Room. Separate pieces—great ratings! .@CarlyFiorina Ben Carson said in his own book that he has a pathological temper & pathological disease. I didn’t say it, he did. Apology? .@CarlyFiorina Carly—I did graduate from Wharton and did very well. Who is your fact checker? Will you apologize? .@CarlyFiorina Carly, not just you, I also told Gov. Kasich to “let Jeb talk, give him a chance” because Kasich was constantly cutting in. "@DRUDGE_REPORT: REUTERS 5-DAY ROLLING POLL: TRUMP 34%, CARSON 19.6%, RUBIO 9.7%, CRUZ 7.7%..." Thank you - a great honor! Happy Friday the 13th https://instagram.com/p/-B_ci4mhdA/ Thank you Iowa! I appreciate all of your support @IowaCentral & @ethanolbyPOET this evening! #Trump2016 #IACaucus http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTqQeZuWEAENxoP.jpg First candidate in Virginia with over 16,000 validated signatures for the ballot. An honor - thank you! #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will be on @OutFrontCNN with @ErinBurnett at 7PM. Tune in! #Trump2016 I will be on with @BretBaier tonight at 6PM. #Trump2016 Macy’s was very disloyal to me bc of my strong stance on illegal immigration. Their stock has crashed! #BoycottMacys http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTo91tMW4AA2gRb.jpg Thank you @Forbes for showing the @WSJ was wrong. So dishonest! http://www.forbes.com/sites/johnbrinkley/2015/11/12/donald-trump-stalking-the-wild-tpp/ From 2% to 27% in Texas - quite a jump into first place! Wow, pres. candidate Ben Carson, who is very weak on illegal Immigration, just said he likes amnesty and a pathway to citizenship. Total fool @KarlRove is part of the Republican Establishment problem. An all talk, no action dummy! http://www.businessinsider.com/karl-roves-historically-colossal-waste-of-money-2012-11 .@WSJ and dopey Karl Rove made a mistake and purposely mischaracterized my statement on the terrible TPP deal. https://theintercept.com/2015/11/11/trump-was-right-about-tpp-benefitting-china/ Why does the failing @WSJ write a false editorial about me and let dummy @KarlRove make the same mistake in the same edition of the paper? .@KarlRove is a biased dope who wrote falsely about me re China and TPP. This moron wasted $430 million on political campaigns and lost 100% We, as a country, either have borders or we don't. IF WE DON'T HAVE BORDERS, WE DON'T HAVE A COUNTRY! Why wouldn't the @WSJ call for comment or clarification before writing an editorial which is so totally wrong. No wonder it is doing poorly! When and how are the dummies at the @WSJ going to apologize to me for their totally incorrect Editorial on me. I want "smart" trade deals. The @WSJ Editorial Board is so wrong, so often. They got info from an incorrect story in another pub. Why not watch and listen to debate. .@WSJ Editorial Board should review my debate statement re China and T.P.P. and apologize. China not part but will get their way in later. Today's @WSJ Editorial is WRONG again. I know that China is not in the new T.P.P. trade deal but would come in latter through a back door. I will be interviewed on @MariaBartiromo @FoxBusiness at 7:30 All seven on-line polls, including Drudge and Time, with thousands of respondents, said I won the debate. @krauthammer said I was "so, so." "@ellenEspence: I'm not convinced that any candidate other than @realDonaldTrump is committed to securing our borders. #VoteTrump2016" "@BornToBeGOP: @realDonaldTrump You will bring out more voters to vote for you than we've seen in any election!" Great. "@frankieguy85: This 92-Year-Old Woman Registered to Vote Just to Cast a Ballot for Trump http://fb.me/6X8qGjkO5" "@Christianlord12: RUBIO sat back during debate on Immigration hoping no 1 would ask him about Gang of 8. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/11/11/bartiromo-rubio-should-have-been-asked-about-gang-of-eight-foreigners-are-taking-jobs-americans-need/" Will be interviewed by @oreillyfactor tonight at 8 PM. I will be on @marklevinshow at 8PM tonight. Tune in! .@gerardtbaker Gerard—wonderful job last night as moderator of the debate. I told many, “really smart and elegant.” I never said that China was in the bad TPP trade deal but that China would come in the back door at a later date. @CNN @FoxBusiness Just returned home from the great state of New Hampshire. Have made so many friends there--special place! Happy Veterans Day. To those who have served, thank you for your special work. Thank you @Morning_Joe & @morningmika -- a great show! #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTirtcyWoAA1uEN.jpg Loved doing the debate...won Drudge and all on-line polls! Amazing evening, moderators did an outstanding job. Will be on @Morning_Joe live from New Hampshire - 7:00 A.M. Talking about the debate and more! "@Rmac747: Keep up the good work, Donald! Hello from Vancouver where the new & amazing Trump Tower and Hotel almost complete! RT @TheBrodyFile: A big thanks to @MELANIATRUMP and @realDonaldTrump for stopping and talking with @TheBrodyFile at #GOPDebate. Watch http… I will be on @Morning_Joe live from New Hampshire tomorrow at 7am. #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain People Magazine: "Donald Trump Was Right: He Gave SNL Its Best Ratings in Nearly 4 Years--Plus, What You Didn't See" http://www.people.com/article/donald-trump-snl-ratings-best-4-years?xid=rss-topheadlines&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+people%2Fheadlines+%28PEOPLE.com%3A+Top+Headlines%29 Thank you South Carolina! #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTeAjT-WwAAKPWL.jpg Thank you New Jersey! #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTd8NNzUsAAL7Q1.jpg Go out and buy CRIPPLED AMERICA: How to Make America Great Again. Doing really well. Great Thanksgiving or Christmas present! "@ray_aub: Funny all the real polls have @realDonaldTrump way ahead. "@jspence80: @jspence80: Like him or hate him @realDonaldTrump runs a brilliant campaign for #POTUS2016 !" Thank you! "@curtismuddog: @limbaugh @seanhannity @realDonaldTrump is Hillary's worst nightmare! Just take a look at Illinois rally last night." "@JezzaK: If the Trump Hotel Honolulu is any reflection how you would be as President then I think the U.S will be in good hands" Thank you! I will be interviewed by @GStephanopoulos on @GMA at 7:00 A.M. There is much to talk about! "@foxnation: #DonaldTrump Gives SNL Its Biggest Ratings In Years http://nation.foxnews.com/2015/11/08/trump-gives-snl-its-biggest-ratings-years" "@piersmorgan: Why @realdonaldtrump nailed SNL. My new column. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3309229/PIERS-MORGAN-Donald-Trump-laugh-Saturday-Night-Live-laugh-winning-GOP-nomination.html?ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490" "@USATODAY: Donald Trump lifted #SNL to its best ratings since 2012. http://usat.ly/1MRcAwT (Photo: NBC) http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTWGcdvW4AAR1EE.jpg" "@foxandfriends: Trump helps ‘SNL’ blow roof off the ratings, most viewers since 2012 http://on.fb.me/1lffGhM http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTXhBqwU8AAO2Vq.jpg" "@Fox411: DonaldTrump 'Saturday Night Live' episode garners highest viewership since 2012 http://fxn.ws/20GBCmc http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTX8I-vWEAIUeeN.jpg" "@TODAYshow: Trump's #SNL show delivered the biggest overnight ratings since early 2012: http://on.today.com/1NXWqic http://pbs.twimg.com/tweet_video_thumb/CTYDBkQUYAAHo8-.png" "@BreitbartNews: Ratings were HUGE for @realDonaldTrump's appearance on Saturday Night Live -> http://trib.al/SfXU5kv" "@JimmyGould07: Only one man has the appeal, nerve, commitment, ideas, & motivation. He's the icon, business tycoon, and lovable DonaldTrump "@burgettn: @AB1132 @realDonaldTrump it's the only way we can make America great again." "@kniala: @realDonaldTrump Exactly. Marco has no accomplishments." "@RM1792: @realDonaldTrump Man, I love the where you spoke the truth about Hillary. We have waited so long for someone to do this." "@freedoms411: @wakeuppeopleSOS @mitchellvii @CNN @ABC @CBS It shouldn't be ignored, and I doubt it will be, Carson will drop in polls." "@teed_chris: @Loyal2Trump2016 @TrumpAlabama @FoxNews Look when you try to kill Your mom,that's it for me ,no walking on water" "@KazmierskiR: @realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr OuTsTaNdInG!!! Is obvious that Jr. has much of his father's 'charisma' and intelligence!" #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/663939421247561728/pu/img/0iTZb0n1Y9tRaus1.jpg Thank you to @NYPost's Robert Rorke for the really nice review of #SNL. So many enjoyed it - very gratifying! http://nypost.com/2015/11/08/trump-proves-he-can-take-a-joke-as-snl-host/ Marco Rubio is totally weak on illegal immigration & in favor of easy amnesty. A lightweight choker - bad for #USA! Marco Rubio couldn't even respond properly to President Obama's State of the Union Speech without pouring sweat & chugging water. He choked! Marco Rubio is a total lightweight who I wouldn’t hire to run one of my smaller companies - a highly overrated politician! A great evening in Springfield, Illinois. Thank you for all of the support! #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTa3BxhUcAA4Fvc.jpg Great job on @Greta @DonaldJTrumpJr. Nobody could have done it better! Thanks Piers. Greatly appreciated. @piersmorgan http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3309229/PIERS-MORGAN-Donald-Trump-laugh-Saturday-Night-Live-laugh-winning-GOP-nomination.html?ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490 .@CNN should listen. Ana Navarro has no talent, no TV persona, and works for Bush—a total conflict of interest. https://www.change.org/p/cnn-time-warner-cable-jeff-zucker-time-warner-cnn-must-fire-republican-strategist-ana-navarro?recruiter=422424274&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=share_twitter_responsive .@Betsy_McCaughey Thanks so much. Really appreciate your comments. I will help the veterans like no one else. http://nypost.com/2015/11/03/trump-shows-real-policy-chops-with-great-fix-for-ailing-va/ "@dlustv: Trump SNL Episode Generates Highest Ratings Since 2012: At the very least, Donald Trump is making Sat... http://bit.ly/1NDnKnI" Thank you to all of those who gave me such wonderful reviews for my performance on @nbcsnl Saturday Night Live. Best ratings in 4 years! "@TradingStreetCo:Donald Trump Is Ratings ‘Gold’ For SNL: Donald Trump Is Ratings ‘Gold’ For SNL... http://bit.ly/1WKnbsy @FoxNews @CNN "@Variety: Ratings: DonaldTrump lifted #SNL to a near four-year high. http://bit.ly/1NjaakX http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTUlQbzWcAAa1sf.jpg" TRUMP RATINGS GOLD! "@Watchman4the1: Chuck Schumer: Sen Marco Rubio Is “Totally Committed To Obama’s Immigration Agenda” http://theconservativetreehouse.com/2015/11/08/chuck-schumer-senator-marco-rubio-is-totally-committed-to-obamas-immigration-agenda/ DonaldTrump "@salyboy3: @realDonaldTrump great job on SNL mr trump, funny funny." Thanks. "@WineChics: Trump Winery: http://wp.me/p31RaR-V via @WineChics Always an amazing experience at Trump Winery​ Beautiful fall foliage "@mcjeff42: @realDonaldTrump you made SNL great again" @nbcsnl "@SpecialKMB1969: @nbcsnl @realDonaldTrump was hilarious ty we so enjoyed it! #TrumpTrainSNL #TrumpOnSNL #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@MyPresidentme: @EricShawnonFox That's because people are interested in you, & you've got a great sense of humor, unlike Hillary #Trump2016 "@tegodreaux: @realDonaldTrump @EricShawnonFox HUUUUUGE" "@EmitteLucemTuam: @realDonaldTrump @EricShawnonFox Great job Donald! Good luck from Canada!" "@coltsfan322: @realDonaldTrump @EricShawnonFox http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTUoTHfW4AUMFr4.jpg" .@EricShawnonFox Highest rated Saturday Night Live in four years. 47% higher than their opening night with Hillary & Miley Cyrus. Nice words Television ratings for @nbcsnl Saturday Night Live just came out and they were great - the best since 2011. Very few protesters! "@CleopattraUSA: @realDonaldTrump @nbcsnl You've got it going on!!! Nothing is boring or low energy about you. #EverybodyRockW/TrumpNow #SNL At 10:30 I will be interviewed on both @meetthepress by @chucktodd and @CBSNews Face The Nation by John Dickerson. This after long evening! I will be interviewed by @GStephanopoulos on @ABC at 10:00 A.M. .@CNN Will be interviewed by Jake Tapper at 9:00 A.M. Enjoy. "@HillsGypsydad05: @foxandfriends Awesome time on Saturday Night Live Mr. Trump! Thanks for being YOU! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" Thank you! "@justintupper: @realDonaldTrump You are a machine. Success leaves clues. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" .@nbcsnl - So much fun last night! "@nbcsnl: What a show. Thanks for watching, everyone! #SNL https://amp.twimg.com/v/3910492e-cb1c-4909-a4e8-85bd090fbdd1" "@mcjeff42: @realDonaldTrump you made SNL great again" "@EEGRC98: @realDonaldTrump I am Hispanic - I am with you" "@syoka68: @realDonaldTrump Trump rocked SNL!" "@ccakul: @realDonaldTrump it was a great show!" "@PizzaPartyBen: @realDonaldTrump we need you elected tomorrow!" "@jackmarchione: @realDonaldTrump Loved the show!" "@wakeupfla: Please stand up for American Hispanic families and fight illegal immigration it is destroying USA! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTSeZ0aVEAAM20l.jpg" "@ChristineMMoran: @realDonaldTrump great show !!! http://pbs.twimg.com/tweet_video_thumb/CTSeZqrUsAEeJdu.png" "@redletter99: @realDonaldTrump thanks donald great show,when r u coming back to massachusetts?" Very soon! "@David360NC: We finally have a voice with Let’s do our part & VOTE IN THE R PRIMARY 4 #Trump2016 #TrumpArmy https://twitter.com/MWrexLibs16/status/662360053421203456" "@martydrinksbeer: @realDonaldTrump It was FANTASTIC!!" "@b_ranzetta: The books great @realDonaldTrump #CrippledAmerica http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTSeeg2U8AAdpit.jpg" "@PearlsPolkaDots: @realDonaldTrump Loved the show! Best #SNL in years! #TrumpTrainSNL" Will be on @foxandfriends at 8:00 A.M. Amazing evening at Saturday Night Live! I am at the Saturday Night Live Studio - electricity all over the place. We will be doing a "tweeting" skit, so stay tuned! "@sherrysue66: I am working a #12HR #AMERICAN SHIFT BUT WILL STAY UP 2 WATCH! I COULD USE A SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE LAUGH! #WE♡U. Nice. "@jak00seven: If you like how @HillaryClinton handled #Benghazi, then you'll just ♥ her as Commander-in-Chief #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@Waxking911: @CBSNews @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTO3Y82WoAEg8Z0.jpg" "@BornToBeGOP: @realDonaldTrump You want them here legally and they want to be here legally!" "@AmesMoreno: @DesignerDeb3 @garyinlv01 @sueinwny @megynkelly @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTO3c2eUsAE_5Pd.jpg" Wow Marco, is this true? "@BMW_e38forever: @realDonaldTrump so let it be written, so lets get him elected in a landslide victory in 2016! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTO3dxUUsAAyU2Z.jpg" "@RealCinders2: @realDonaldTrump use SNL to tell Hispanics you are for them , you want them to have jobs and be here legally" Great idea! "@Albusinvogue: @Sia is performing, DonaldTrump is hosting. Tonight's #saturdaynightlive is going to be legendary. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTO20LDWsAAZFuY.jpg" "@nbcsnl: From the last time Donald Trump hosted #SNL — The Boardroom Band. http://bit.ly/1iHV3J7 https://vine.co/v/eLIWXEjrFHX" "@nbcsnl: Backstage with Trump. #SNL http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTJ9WwWVAAE4AUq.png" "@nbcsnl: Everyone loves @Sia’s new look. #SNL https://amp.twimg.com/v/cf652a34-0207-49e3-8c6e-c6c4cd7910d4" "@nbcsnl: Cecily also has a Trump impression. https://youtu.be/ehIiDTDzENY #SNL https://amp.twimg.com/v/6118ce6e-6ed3-4d9b-aa1a-7d1a868688cb" "@nbcsnl: See you at Rockefeller Center. #SNL http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTLqcm4UkAAxhRm.jpg" "@nbcsnl: We're live from Studio 8H tonight. #SNL http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTL2_ZGVAAQmEif.png" "@tazz53098: @realDonaldTrump can't wait to watch. #trump for president #saturday night live" "@keksec_org: @realDonaldTrump I haven't seen anyone carry themselves so Presidential since Reagan. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" Great! They are saying that tickets to tonight's Saturday Night Live are the hardest to get in the history of this great show! Off to a good start! "@HouseCracka: Donald Trump is going to win the Presidency. Get on board the #TrumpTrain its going to be #YUGE" Thanks. "@Live5News: Live from New York, Donald Trump will soon be hosting 'SNL': http://shout.lt/bhzC9" Frazier, enjoy the show and best wishes! "@SocialInNewYork: We unearthed Donald Trump's Vine account from 2013 and it's incredible http://dld.bz/dZCfw" Thank you. Saturday Night Live has some incredible things in store tonight. The great thing about playing myself is that it will be authentic! Enjoy .@RobertGBeckel Please thank your brother for his nice words on television. Seems like a great guy and character! @CNN "@essygalloway: @realDonaldTrump @nbcsnl @Sia I can't wait to watch snl tomorrow." A really big show! One of the dumbest political pundits on television is Chris Stirewalt of @FoxNews. Wrong facts - check Fox debate rankings, Trump #1. Dope! "@Bubbachitchat1: THIS IS WHY THE POLLS ARE WRONG! @Hanan_Khan2: I am a lifelong democrat. And I will be voting trump! #democratsfortrump"" "@nbcsnl: One more day! Donald Trump hosts #SNL with @Sia tomorrow. https://youtu.be/CndSYBUPuuY http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTI5xFtUkAACoZQ.png" Will be a wild night! Would be nice if @jmartNYT learned how to read the polls before writing his next story. Probably done on purpose, but not good reporting! @BillKristol has become a sad case. His magazine is failing badly, probably doesn't have long to go, and his predictions are always wrong! "@FBeadon: @realDonaldTrump don't let the Keystone Pipeline die. The US needs to be good neighbors with Canada, and energy independent." "@PhinsDiehard: @CNN Only Donald Trump can #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" Thank you! Will be on @oreillyfactor tonight. Signing a copy of Crippled America for Bill! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTJ1Yz0UAAAk8wq.jpg So sad that Obama rejected Keystone Pipeline. Thousands of jobs, good for the environment, no downside! Happy Birthday to the great @BillyGraham. He's done so many wonderful things, not the least of which is his fantastic family. I love Billy! "@swargcoming: @AnnCoulter @rushlimbaugh @greta @OANN @FoxNews IS CARSON HALLUCINATING? NOW LIES ABOUT WESTPOINT? http://www.politico.com/story/2015/11/ben-carson-west-point-215598" "@bob_forbes2: DonaldTrump has built a lifetime reputation of doing what he says he will do. He keeps his promises. https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrump016/status/662690234459557888 "@pjs307: @WalshFreedom Will be highest rated show ever, @realDonaldTrump is a marketing genius #SNL" Hope it does well! "@DefendingtheUSA: GREAT Video. Which of these 4 Polls is Suspect? Kudos to @OANN https://youtu.be/2wqVDG-yIHQ #Trump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTAKUIwUYAInlTP.png" "@eric_wagaman94: Super excited to watch @realDonaldTrump tomorrow night on @nbcsnl #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@bigsampolkcoga: @GovChristie @MikeHuckabeeGOP @FoxBusiness and they kept Rand Paul on the main stage. Let's get Huck and Christie back." "@TrumpsMyHomeboy: @realDonaldTrump @Robostop10 @politico The #MSM straw man candidate is falling apart!👊🏽" "@BornToBeGOP: @realDonaldTrump @Robostop10 @politico How anyone could see him as president baffles me. Lies and insane theories. "@CaptainMark_: @Robostop10 KEEP IT COMMING TRUMP!!!! People need to be warned about that Carson figure who is not who they think!" Getting ready for @nbcsnl commercial. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTJRz9jU8AAXjoD.jpg RT @nbcsnl: One more day! Donald Trump hosts #SNL with @Sia tomorrow. https://youtu.be/CndSYBUPuuY http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTI5xFtUkAACoZQ.png "@Robostop10: @realDonaldTrump This is not good. http://www.politico.com/story/2015/11/ben-carson-west-point-215598" WOW, one of many lies by Ben Carson! Big story. "@JimmyForTrump: @insighter007 @OAmericanGirl All Rep should stand with #Trump2016 Forget Bush, Rubio and knife attackers! #Trump2016" .@AJDelgado13 Thank you so much for the nice words and support--really enjoy listening to your ideas and thoughts. I think it would be a good idea—and fair—to include @GovChristie & @MikeHuckabeeGOP in the debate. Both solid & good guys. @FoxBusiness Carson now admits his friend named "Bob," who he tried to stab (Bob was saved by his belt buckle!), no longer exists as Bob. Wrong name! With Ben Carson wanting to hit his mother on head with a hammer, stab a friend and Pyramids built for grain storage - don't people get it? Such bad reporting: A puff piece on Ben Carson in the @nytimes states that Carson "is trying to solidify his lead." But I am #1, easily! Sad Florida Ethics Commission Advocate comes down hard on Rubio. So do two people who worked with him. Said he used the wrong credit card! Sure. "@rhinostate: .@realDonaldTrump @GrundleMan27 Rubio is a Manchurian Candidate. People will own him if he ever became president." "@AliceEngle3: @realDonaldTrump-huge lead in Reuters National poll http://polling.reuters.com/#!poll/TR130/type/smallest/filters/PARTY_ID_:2/dates/20150808-20151103/collapsed/false/spotlight/1" "@GrundleMan27: Marco Rubio can't even handle his own credit card how is he going to be able to handle the U.S. finances #trump" "@reganharycki: @realDonaldTrump it's about time we find a republican that can take on the democrats! http://twitter.com/reganharycki/status/662566005240152064/photo/1" "@Rick_Sa: @greta Interesting presidential race; Carson tries to beat his mom with a hammer, and @realDonaldTrump beats Carson in the polls! "@DeeMcNa: @FoxNews Silent majority did not try to kill their mothers, like Ben Carson, but wants America rebuilt by only one capable:TRUMP" A great honor to easily finish FIRST in the @FoxNews poll tabulation even though some of my best polls were not used in determining winner! "@SoCal4Trump: Wow @megynkelly. You openly LIE about who's ahead in the GOP race. Trump is LEADING in 99% of polls. Shameful... #StopTheLies "@keksec_org: @realDonaldTrump Ivanka said it and you said it too, you'll be great for women. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@chriskyleband: TRUMP Supporters aren't Angry We're Smart ! We're Men / Women / Millennials / Politically Saavy http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTGOIIuUsAAQsUL.jpg" "@SandraJenners: I love to see the respect you have shown to your parents, siblings and children. Proven Respect and Class needed in USA!" The Carson story is either a total fabrication or, if true, even worse-trying to hit mother over the head with a hammer or stabbing friend! "@Reagan_Girl: MSM are LYING to you about Hispanics hating Trump. Here's the real deal! #HispanicsForTrump http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/nov/3/donald-trump-could-win-over-hispanics-who-fear-job/#.VjwF2s4Du74.twitter" Rubio lied about my meeting w/ Hispanic activists. I didn’t change my opinion but treated them w/ respect. Shame! http://www.rubioamnestyplan.com "@marklindsay78: @Hanan_Khan2 @realDonaldTrump poll numbers are higher then most think, no one is asking Democrats if they are voting Trump" "@TeamSpringsteen: @realDonaldTrump I just finished reading Crippled America. It's a detailed blueprint to get America back on track." "@NottaLiberal: @realDonaldTrump @destiny @seanhannity No need, Everyone knows Jeb is full of blank. "@curtismuddog: @destiny @seanhannity JEB'S! Whole campaign is fueled by lies. Just like his brother lied about Iraq. BUSH DYNASTY=LIES" .@seanhannity should have corrected Jeb Bush when he said that I "ran for president twice." Never ran, merely considered running! "@Hanan_Khan2: @realDonaldTrump I am a lifelong democrat. And I will be voting trump!!!! #democratsfortrump" Great! "@lizzym420: @amrightnow @realDonaldTrump What other candidate begins to rival Trump in his knowledge, breadth of issues, stamina?" Thanks! "@Destiny: Why didn't @seanhannity correct Jeb when he said @realDonaldTrump has run 4 president 2X B4~Jeb needs 2B corrected b/c he lied." "@spiritofshiloh: Carson has the WORST health plan EVER re: Soc Sec and Medicare. @realDonaldTrump He wants to abolish Medicare - no way! Jeb Bush just said about Marco Rubio, "he's my friend!" Pure political speak. Why can't he be truthful and say "disloyal guy, no friend!" "@Morning_Joe: .@realDonaldTrump joins us TOMORROW to talk about his first campaign ads. #morningjoe http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTAKoZFWoAAUYGU.jpg" 6:30 A.M. Also, tune in to the @TodayShow at 7:00am. I will be on to discuss the campaign, my new ads and #CrippledAmerica. I will unveil my first campaign ads on @Morning_Joe at 6:30am tomorrow. Enjoy! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Wow! @FoxNews poll just came out. #1 with 26%! Almost as importantly, I am the strongest on economic issues by far! #Trump2016 Just landed in New Hampshire - a very exciting morning planned! Isn't it terrible that @megynkelly used a poll not used before (I.B.D.) when I was down, but refuses to use it now when I am up? #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CS8n_NuUkAAsbLL.jpg "@JoshuaEnglishh: @realDonaldTrump every single real American needs to read #CrippledAmerica ! Beyond awesome I couldn't be more thrilled" "@peter_smells: @realDonaldTrump Just read #CrippledAmerica! Great book! I haven't felt this enthusiastic about #America since #Reagan" "@LeStudio1: DONALD TRUMP-CRIPPLED AMERICA The new book by @realDonaldTrump is best seller in the making." "@svn2hd: @realDonaldTrump Crippled AMERICA is a must read. So right. Great job on another best seller." "@JudgeMoroz: Republicans in Congress can learn a lot from @realDonaldTrump on dealing with Obama! They should read #CrippledAmerica!" "@SJavner: Reading Crippled America ....feeling love for our country first, in it's pages. That's why I stand with TRUMP" "@seanhannity: @realDonaldTrump on sending 50 Special Ops Forces troops to Syria: This country needs to be less predictable.” "@DougDWiley: @realDonaldTrump I can't wait to read your new book! We are supporting you here in Boise Idaho!" "@nbcsnl: Shooting promos for #TrumpOnSNL with Cecily and @realDonaldTrump. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CS7PFYYWsAQcDNn.jpg" "@Mr_Holtzworth: @realDonaldTrump Sarah Palin Defends Donald Trump's Immigration Plan On Fox News https://youtu.be/AfNPo87ql1g via @YouTube" "@JulesSiscoe: The Complete @realDonaldTrump Interview: Getting Things Done http://bloom.bg/1Q6WiPP via @bpolitics" "@David360NC: @adenunzio We finally have a voice with @realDonaldTrump , Let’s do our part & VOTE IN THE PRIMARY 4 #Trump2016 #TrumpArmy" "@misstozak: @realDonaldTrump @seanhannity @OANN This says it ALL. TRUMP 2016. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4osI1p8-kG8" "@TwallMa: @realDonaldTrump. He is a common sense powerhouse that gets things done! Excellent book! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CS8KJHJU8AAYBSk.jpg" "@norge1956: @realDonaldTrump http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/11/03/marco-rubios-wall-street-sponsor-paul-singer-dumped-hundreds-of-thousands-into-common-core/" Rubio wants Common Core for education. "@DJTrump2016: DONALD TRUMP FULL INTERVIEW: Fox and Friends (11-03-15) http://video.foxnews.com/v/4593816192001/donald-trump-sounds-off-about-republican-debate-reforms/Donald #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016" "@ethansimmons111: @DanScavino @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSLJbT4VAAAUiH-.jpg" I will be on @SeanHannity tonight at 10pmE talking about my new book #CrippledAmerica and much more! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 Marco Rubio would keep Barack Obama’s executive order on amnesty intact. See article. Cannot be President. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/11/02/marco-rubio-jorge-ramos-will-keep-obamas-first-executive-amnesty-place-legislative-amnesty-enacted/ "@LookerCherry: @realDonaldTrump The polls are for the news cycle. Trump is miles ahead and leaving all others in the dust, "don't doubt me" "@realOllieTaylor: @realDonaldTrump @Freedomr@OANN Trump is the only one who can make America great again. Carson's sleepy, Jeb low energy." "@keksec_org: @realDonaldTrump Your performances in every state have been amazing! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain .@CharlesGKoch is looking for a new puppet after Governor Walker and Jeb Bush cratered. He now likes Rubio--next fail. "@Freedomrings22: @realDonaldTrump I Trust @OANN 's polls They are actually really Fair and really balanced on all their news" Iowa lead! "@JayJohnsonLikes: @realDonaldTrump been here in line for two hours already. reading book while waiting. I'll see you at noon!" "@TIMENOUT: @realDonaldTrump Book in hand waiting for The Next President http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CS5NgEqWcAAgdu9.jpg" "@freebird_Pepper: @realDonaldTrump is the only candidate speaking on the horrible treatment our vets are getting and he has solutions! "@DianeHauschildt: @FoxNews @freelancer1787 @realDonaldTrump @RealBenCarson http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CS5NlXhWoAEOV0S.jpg" Join me today, Nov 3rd, in #TrumpTowerNYC at noon. I'll be signing copies of my new book CRIPPLED AMERICA. Don't miss it! "@NickEgoroff: BREAKING: Latest poll of Florida voters shows enormous lead for Trump! He'd beat Hillary! http://j.mp/1LNY1q9 #tcot" I will be interviewed on @GMA at 7:00 A.M. and @foxandfriends at 7:50. Talking about my new book, out today, Crippled America. "@HarpAmyStabler: @FS1 @realDonaldTrump @ColinCowherd this interview is great." "@kingster73: @realDonaldTrump Rubio is irresponsible on finances and doesn't show up for work! Who would hire him? Not the American People! "@TdavisTonya: @brucedhendrix @Poetry4Bitcoin Nope. Trump isn't taking 2 weeks off to promote his book. Trump is donating all to charity" "@kemper34: @TheHerd @ColinCowherd @realDonaldTrump @FS1 Great interview. Ranks just above the @JimHarbaugh49 interview." "@theBrandonMcKee: Read all about the Wollman deal and many other successful deals in "The Art of the Deal" by @realDonaldTrump" "@shelbycockaxe: @realDonaldTrump Trump is our last chance to turn this country around #Trump2016" "@johndorlando1: @ArizonaLuke @realDonaldTrump @JoeTrippi @FoxNews his crowds are huge...hard to think he is going to lose." "@TrumpFix: @meganena13 @robertew2945 agreed Luisa. @realDonaldTrump WILL WIN! This is what he does!" "@DDietlin3: @ColinCowherd fantastic job with your interview with @realDonaldTrump today!" Join me tomorrow, Nov. 3rd, at 12pm in #TrumpTowerNY. I’ll be signing copies of my new book CRIPPLED AMERICA. Don’t miss it! My interview with @jheil & @MarkHalperin at @WollmanRink airing at 5PM on @bpolitics. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CS1mVDaWwAAEFGC.jpg .@megynkelly used this poll (nobody else did) when I was down—wonder if she’ll use it now that I’m up? http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials-polls/103015-778378-donald-trump-leads-ben-carson-second-in-ibd-tipp-poll.htm?ref=HPLNews .@CharlesMBlow Why don’t you use new polls instead of the single ancient national poll that was a tiny bit negative. Dishonest reporting! Meet me at @TrumpTowerNY and get your copy of my new book CRIPPLED AMERICA signed on 11/3 at 12pm! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CS0Zp8dUkAAKu0J.jpg Thank you Carl Higbie (former Navy Seal) for you support of my plan to straighten out the Veterans Administration-a mess!Great job @kilmeade "@trump_world: "The MAN with a PLAN! Go Trump! We got your back! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSGaiLSXAAAqnQ-.jpg" DonaldTrump #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016" "@Morning_Joe: Online poll: @realDonaldTrump 'best to handle economy' by far http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSzkkMkWIAAmt59.jpg" Very true, thanks! "@taurus82409: @Morning_Joe DONALD TRUMP is the absolute WINNER!! You "heads" try to talk around him, WHY, WHY??? Go TRUMP!" .@Morning_Joe: Marco only won the debate in the minds of desperate people. I won every on-line poll, even crazy @CNBC. Marco good looking? Sirius National News at 7:30 A.M. Steve Bannon. @BreitbartNews "@LandmanMarius: @realDonaldTrump @robmont777 @StrengthenTheUS @GOP WE ACCEPT THE BEST. We want Trump!" "@DAMRON88: @realDonaldTrump @BornToBeGOP I sure in the hell hope so. Trump please make this country great again." "@Truth_or_Rumor: @realDonaldTrump It's not so much that Iran made a good deal, it's that Kerry and Obama gave away the store." O.K.! "@Tar_Heel_73: @realDonaldTrump We shouldn't be surprised.No leadership in the White House.Glad @realDonaldTrump will #MakeAmericaGreatAgain "@HenryTheZebra: @realDonaldTrump America needs you to start your 8-year shift a bit early to start fixing this disaster." "@TheNewsClub_US: RT "@robmo: @StrengthenTheUS @GOP @realDonaldTrump. We The People want Mr Trump… #RT #CNN #HBO http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSxca9QUYAA7ZQr.jpg" "@robmont777: @StrengthenTheUS @GOP @realDonaldTrump. We The People want Mr Trump to be our President!!! http://twitter.com/robmont777/status/661004236256219136/photo/1" Great pic Now that Iran ripped us off by making one of the best deals of any kind in history, they have just moved to block any imports from the U.S. "@BornToBeGOP: @realDonaldTrump 9 years from now we will thank President Trump for making us great again!" Thank you! I will be on Sirius XM RADIO, National News Show, at 7:30 A.M. (Monday) hosted by the great Steve Bannon. @BreitbartNews Thank you @JoeTrippi for the nice, and true, words on #Media Buzz with terrific Howie Kurtz. Leading New Hampshire 30 to 12. @FoxNews While in politics it is often smart to send out false messages, one thing is clear: That Hillary does not want to run against TRUMP. Join me Tuesday Nov. 3rd at 12 PM in #TrumpTower in NYC. I'll be signing copies of my book CRIPPLED AMERICA. Don't miss it! If Jeb Bush were more competent he could not have lost the skirmish with Marco in the debate. BAD facts for Marco if properly delivered! Marco Rubio will not win. Weak on illegal immigration, strong on amnesty and has the appearance to killers of the world as a "lightweight". I told you in speeches months ago that Jeb and Marco do not like each other. Marco is too ambitious and very disloyal to Jeb as his mentor! Jeb's new slogan - "Jeb can fix it". I never thought of Jeb as a crook! Stupid message, the word "fix" is not a good one to use in politics! Anybody that believes in strong borders and stopping illegal immigration cannot vote for Marco Rubio READ THIS: http://www.breitbart.com/immigration/2015/10/31/marco-rubios-new-billionaire-backer-top-funder-open-borders/" Further proof that Gang of Eight member Marco Rubio is weak on illegal immigration is Paul Singer's, Mr. Amnesty, endorsement.Rubs can't win "@BellicWolf: @and_is_w Anyway, for me the most original costume was Donald Trump like President!!!!" "@Michael_0000: [First Vote News Video | Mike Tyson Endorses Donald Trump for President] - http://gla.news/2015/10/first-vote-news-video-mike-tyson-endorses-donald-trump-for-president/" Thanks Mike! "@N_R_Mandela: @realDonaldTrump And you're still a negative loser and Trump is still a positive winner. I'm Black and proudly voting TRUMP!" "@PaulaPedene: Trump Leads GOP, Carson Stays Strong, Rubio 3rd: Poll http://buff.ly/20jp5Fi" "@PamelaJaneVP: Watch "FULL Speech: Donald Trump MASSIVE Rally in Norfolk, VA (10-31-15)" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/2MooA3gfH9w" Gov. John Kasich has really failed on the campaign trail. I thought he would have been far more talented. He is just wasting time & money! "@SueSabo: MEDIA WANTS A PUPPET.WE WANT DONALD TRUMP TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, LAST CHANCE TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT https://twitter.com/aduanebrown/status/658015621515362304 "@TheMsDlr: Donald Trump Releases Plan to Reform Veterans Affairs - ABC News - http://abcn.ws/1Q1VefW via @ABC" "@CBSNews: WATCH: Donald Trump holds rally at USS Wisconsin in Virginia http://cbsn.ws/1jZxFsd http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSqJNAsWIAA9EEm.png" A great day. "@WayneDupreeShow: Trump:Our educational sys is ranked #28 in the world-Get rid of #CommonCore Watch LIVE and CHAT: http://newsninja2012.com/live-donald-trump-from-u-s-s-wisconsin-in-norfolk-va-oct-31-2015-12pm-et/ "@thehill: WATCH LIVE: Trump talks about treatment of veterans in Norfolk, Va. http://hill.cm/tIZ8oJH http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSqXpgOWcAAwvVJ.png" "@costareports: The Post's latest on Trump: http://wpo.st/Vi9k0 From Trump's rally today in Virginia: https://twitter.com/KatyTurNBC/status/660510607649742848" "@KatyTurNBC: This is the most focused Trump stump I've heard - really drilling down on vets issues here in Virginia." .@thehill John Oliver had his people call to ask me to be on his very boring and low rated show. I said "NO THANKS" Waste of time & energy! Few people know that @FortuneMagazine is still in business. Tell your writer Alisa Soloman that I left The Apprentice to run for president "@DanielGenseric: Another STRONG pro-American position with Dept of Veterans Affairs reform policy. #Trump2016 https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions/veterans-administration-reforms" "@BorderWall: Floridian here I quit watching debates years ago & most TV except GATOR football until you decided to run for President" "@sean_in_NH: @realDonaldTrump @realOllieTaylor so true. In all previous debates, no one watched and they were cancelled" "@twillnurse: @realDonaldTrump saw this and had to share! He wants to be you! Love it!!!! U r his HERO! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSriISzWcAEUTwK.jpg" So cute! "@SallyAvicii2014: @realOllieTaylor Agree This is The Only Time #Americans have been More involved in President Elections since Kennedy!!!" "@JodiL792: @realDonaldTrump I wouldn't be watching at all!!! Honestly!" "@antSTACKSgrieco: @realDonaldTrump you were great in it!!" Thanks! "@realOllieTaylor: @realDonaldTrump no one would have watched the debates if Trump had not been in them" "@Rketeltas: @realDonaldTrump has won all three debates and all that matters is that Trump supporters know that & will vote Trump!" THANKS! "@shawnslawns4u: @terrykimk93 @WSJ this coming election is THE MOST IMPORTANT PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION in my lifetime VOTE FOR TRUMP" "@danlifting: @realDonaldTrump I wouldn't watch it at all if Mr. trump was not on it. See u on your book signing on 11/3. Trump all the way. "@hillx123: @realDonaldTrump #MakeAmericaGreatAgain https://twitter.com/DanScavino/status/660566273521270784" Leading big Nationwide in Reuters poll - great! No complaints but how many people would be watching these really dumb but record setting debates if I wasn't in them? Interesting question! "@terrykimk93: @realDonaldTrump @WSJ Go Trump GO Vote Trump!" Thank you James Freeman of the @WSJ for the very nice words. All polls said I won the debate except NBC (3rd). Explain to Daniel Henninger! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSqzlwaWwAAwZ80.jpg Support Coach Kennedy and his right, together with his young players, to pray on the football field. Liberty Institute just suspended him! Just left Virginia where I unveiled my healthcare and other plans for our great Veterans! They will be very happy! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions/veterans-administration-reforms .@ColinCowherd said such nice things about me during the debate that I thought I'd do his show, @TheHerd, on Monday (2:30pm EST). "@michael_favreau: @WSJ Evangelicals don't like lairs. This Carson Mannatech video and story show be shown in Iowa http://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/national-review-ben-carson-mannatech" "@Maxinerunner: @realDonaldTrump surges in Post-debate Poll! Trump puts US 1st and foremost @BraveLad @TIMENOUT https://twitter.com/joenbc/status/660448072594554880" "@MarshallFSmith: @LexingtonBobby @realDonaldTrump And its a Glorious Fall Day in Norfolk!! Knock'em dead Donald!" Thanks! "@WavRidr101: @realDonaldTrump DO A FLYOVER @NauticusNorfolk USS WISCONSIN!" Cool idea, we will try! The @WSJ Wall Street Journal loves to write badly about me. They better be careful or I will unleash big time on them. Look forward to it! Lifting off right now for U.S.S. Wisconsin in Norfolk. See ya' I told you so-@politico just lost it's top person. Poor results and no money to pay him. If they were legit, they would be doing far better! I am leaving for Norfolk, Virginia - the great battleship U.S.S. Wisconsin - for a big rally and really big crowd. See you soon! I see Marco Rubio just landed another billionaire to give big money to his Superpac, which are total scams. Marco must address him as "SIR"! The new NBC POLL has me in first place but said I was third in the debate - I demand a recount (just kidding!). EVERY other poll had me #1. Black Lives Matter protesters totally disrupt Hillary Clinton event. She looked lost. This is not what we need with ISIS, CHINA, RUSSIA etc. "@dalva1616: So true! Vote @realDonaldTrump and have America greatness back to where it belongs : The United States of America. "@Hopeisalive66: We need a REAL change. @realDonaldTrump you are the only1who can stand up& #MakeAmericaGreatAgain. I am going to save Medicare and Medicaid, Carson wants to abolish, and failing candidate Gov. John Kasich doesn't have a clue - weak! When candidate John Kasich, on the @oreillyfactor, talked about dismantling Medicare and Medicaid, he was referring to Ben Carson. "@AnonymouSyndica: Donald Trump: I Think Obama ‘Hates Israel’ http://fb.me/7t6NrtcE1" "@Biracial_Chick: Trump Rights Ship on Immigration: Demands Disney Rehire Workers Replaced by Cheap Foreign Labor. http://bit.ly/1LHOhxD" "@JackDix03868724: Arizona polls for Democrats only say they would prefer Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton 60%" "@SandraOpines: @realDonaldTrump I LOVE watching Donald Trump in action. Free education. Just watch and learn. LOVE IT. #TrumpTrain" Nice. "@billboard: .@RodStewart on his (naked) "young and carefree" days and pal Donald Trump http://blbrd.cm/ednraL" Rod, album is great! "@eonline: Who had the best Donald Trump Halloween costume--Kelly Ripa, Lara Spencer or Mario Batali? http://eonli.ne/1HhpHj7" "@BornToBeGOP: @realDonaldTrump you are always many steps ahead of the game!" Thank you. "@jimmcvey1: @eddiern @DeusVultUSMC @deadeyemadoc @smithsj1 Trump is the closest thing to Gen.Patton that we will ever see again." Cool! "@dblack15nc: @realDonaldTrump http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials-polls/103015-778378-donald-trump-leads-ben-carson-second-in-ibd-tipp-poll.htm Republican is 28%; support for Carson is 23%." Poll used by @megynkelly last month "@Roadstarr1: @realDonaldTrump @GovMikeHuckabee @FoxNews Mike Huckabee is a very nice gentleman and yes Donald you raised wonderful children "@smithsj1: @realDonaldTrump Mr. Trump do you swear to provide for, protect and care for our soldiers, including Vets?" YES, YES, YES! .@GovMikeHuckabee Great job on @FoxNews tonight. Thanks for your nice words about my children. Class! "@UnitedCitizen01: @DanScavino @realDonaldTrump Would be AWESOME moderators for next debate #RushLimbaugh #SeanHannity #MarkLevin" "@Parker_Votes: Everyone under 10% in polls should DROP OUT and support TRUMP @realDonaldTrump https://twitter.com/Ktopsway5/status/660262774447185920" Great idea! "@teed_chris: DonaldTrump,NAME ONE CANDIDATE WHO CAN MAKE DEALS WITH CHINA ! IF WE DONT BRING JOBS BACK! WERE DEAD http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSm1scPUEAEod4Z.jpg" Happy Birthday to my friend @garyplayer...https://instagram.com/p/9eeOpcGhe2/ Via The Political Insider: “Donald Trump Just Received The Best News Possible!” http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/donald-trump-just-received-the-best-news-possible/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter Donald Trump Leads Polls in Florida http://www.sunshinestatenews.com/story/donald-trump-leads-marco-rubio-hillary-clinton-blowing-out-democrats-new-florida-poll Super PACs should be disavowed by anyone running for President. They are a total scam on our system and country! I am self-funding. Thank you @rushlimbaugh for your wonderful words. We will #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Happy Birthday to my wonderful daughter, @IvankaTrump. Thank you @Morning_Joe for explaining to @CNN and @andersoncooper and so many others that I am leading in almost all national & state polls. "@giatny: Rubio an orator/liar like Obama but totally unqualified. Rubio visa bill did NOT protect American workers. See Disney." "@FreeStateYank: "The only way anybody's gonna beat Trump is being better than he is."~@rushlimbaugh on @realDonaldTrump." Thank you @CharlesHurt for the nice words on @seanhannity. I will win and Make America Great Again! Loved doing the debate last night on @CNBC. Check out all of the polls! Everyone agrees that Harwood bombed! Wow, just heard really bad stuff about the failing @politico. How much longer will they be around? Some very untalented reporters. My interview on @ThisWeekABC with @GStephanopoulos had a 40%+ ratings increase over same Sunday last year. 20% over last week. Post-Debate via @OANN. Thank you! #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain http://www.oann.com/post-debate-poll-shows-trump-rubio-and-cruz-are-the-top-three-debate-winners/ I was #1 on Twitter -- and so positive. Thank you! http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0SN28I20151029 Join me Tuesday, Nov. 3rd at 12pm in Trump Tower NYC. I’ll be signing copies of my new book CRIPPLED AMERICA. Don’t miss it! "@ZankMatt: Another WIN! @realDonaldTrump https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/659753771791024128" "@victoryorbust: The One, The Only, Donald Trump, will and can Make America Great Again ! @Reince @blewthebigone https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/659572294696603650" "@Kotcha301: @realDonaldTrump I sleep better at night knowing u will soon be POTUS! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSfh8RLWsAEbfN6.jpg" Thank you. "@neraex: I'm not even american and I want to see @realDonaldTrump win! A person like him is going to set a new standard for world leaders!" "@xXFlameriumXx: @MikeandDawnNY Good job Mr. Trump. The way you respond shows that you truly are ready to be the next US president! #Trump" "@skillethead58: @realDonaldTrump hell of a job" "@derekcarlson: People need to wake up Mr. Trump. You are the most qualified person to ever run for President Of The United States. #Truth" "@BentleyforTrump: @realDonaldTrump @DRUDGE_REPORT We need a wall not a Rubio" "@ApolloBohono69: @realDonaldTrump This country needs an unscripted hero like The Donald... #MakeAmericaGreatAgain 💚" Thank you. .@SpeakerRyan Congratulations and good luck - you will do a GREAT job for our wonderful U.S.A.! "@robertaritzen: @realDonaldTrump We Support You! And Believe that your America's Hope" Thanks. Failing host @glennbeck, a mental basketcase, loves SUPERPACS - in other words, he wants your politicians totally controlled by lobbyists! "@T_Johnson_TJ: @realDonaldTrump you have my vote in my first election great debate last night keep up the good work! #Trump2016" Thanks. Via @Slate: Who won the #GOPDebate? http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSfqjXBU8AA0mbs.jpg CNBC poll: Trump won #GOPDebate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 http://hill.cm/RppgZW2 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSfnZ5aUwAAOiVw.jpg Thank you! http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/10/29/donald-trump-rules-twitter-during-gop-debate-rand-paul-barely-registers/ "@MikeandDawnNY: @seanmdav Dipshit @JohnJHarwood lied debate always being set for 2 hours If not 4 @realDonaldTrump calling @cnbc out. "@Dad_Trump: @realDonaldTrump @DRUDGE_REPORT YES!" "@d_seaman: @realDonaldTrump @DRUDGE_REPORT DOMINATING. TRUMP!!!! "@DRUDGE_REPORT: TRUMP WINS CNBC INSTANT POLL; RUBIO SECOND... DEVELOPING... http://cnb.cx/1NCfX7R" "@agentvf: @realDonaldTrump Stay strong and get ready for next debate. Great job last night." "@lvphillies08: Once again haters gonna hate...hands down #winner will always be @realDonaldTrump #Trump #Trump2016 "@SteveBashino: Trump good for legal immigration, economy, defense, taxes, Social Security, Medicare, 2nd Amendment, and ALL Americans." "@derekcarlson: DonaldTrump turned a $1 Million loan into $10 Billion. That's like you turning a $1,000 loan into $10 Million. CouldYouDoIt? "@misterdish69: @cathyspartanj @realDonaldTrump @AshleyEdam @GravisMarketing @OANN http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSfUbXeXIAUkuwW.jpg" Great, thank you! Thank you to everybody for your wonderful comments on my debate performance - it was a lot of fun! Today I will be speaking in Reno, Nevada. "@8723g: One thing I learned from @realDonaldTrump : "Sometimes the best deals are the deals you never make" We will have strong deal makers "@AtheistWWonka: @realDonaldTrump @jakistheman by the time you're done everyone will be wearing a Trump tie" "@eVDefuse: @realDonaldTrump they should just let you be president already, you're already leading in the polls." "@jakistheman: @realDonaldTrump keep you're momentum until you win over the White House" "@BornToBeGOP: @realDonaldTrump you have inspired us to #MakeAmerciaGreatAgain" "@truthinvest: @ChrisChristie @HillaryClinton good job for Christie last night.Maybe he will face her 8 yrs from now after @realDonaldTrump" "@HorseShort: @jstaggs362 @sburton305 @Vermont5girl @realDonaldTrump #TRUMP IS TRUTH! We want #Trump! 🚂🇺🇸🎈" Thank you @morningmika and @JoeNBC for all of your nice words and comments on the debate! "@iStandWithUSA: 62% said that @realDonaldTrump won #GOP Debate Vote your stand: http://www.istandwith.com/USAelection/did-you-like-the-gop-debate/1325 #USA #Election2016 "@GravisMarketing: @OANN Gravis Marketing Poll @realDonaldTrump leading. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSVtvyfXIAAoYAR.jpg" Great! The money losing @politico is considered by many in the world of politics to be the dumbest and most slanted of the political sites. Losers! "@TaylorWrightAU: #Trump came out as a clear winner in the polls yet again! Next #GOPDebate we need max 5 candidates, too many on the stage! "@4mostcoach: 100% @realDonaldTrump SUPPORTERS ARE TRUE BLUE and we are MOTIVATED! https://twitter.com/nepafortrump/status/659613420845719552" "@Sisters4everT: Good Night all supporters. Great night Mr @realDonaldTrump, You ROCKED the Rocky Mountains & the Nation tonight!!!" "@currentlyFeed: The #CNBCGOPDebate poll closed with #Trump2016 declared the official winner. "@ngb6060: @realDonaldTrump showing why he should be our next President. Tremendous Debate. Winning all the post Debate polls. "@coolgirl6978: You were very poised and professional at the debate. You looked Presidential tonight. Hit a homerun #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" Drudge Poll on who won the 3rd #GOPDebate. Thank you! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSdn3mQWUAAyuw5.jpg Thank you Colorado! An honor to win @NBC @9News #GOPDebate Poll. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSdmoDdXIAAtfR2.jpg Thank you, Jonathan. Greatly appreciated! http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/we-have-our-final-six_1055055.html "@rfscottga: @realDonaldTrump Congrats Mr. Trump. You did great tonight. You made us ALL proud :) YES! SAYING IT AGAIN....Trump #1" "@BarbaraDeStasio: @realDonaldTrump GREAT debate, way to go!!" "@hyatt1942: @realDonaldTrump @piersmorgan WE ALL VOTED FOR YOU TONIGHT AS WINNER OF THE DEBATE.. Thanks, @PiersMorgan. You're great! The #CNBCGOPDebate poll closed with #Trump2016 declared the official winner. Thank you! http://www.cnbc.com/voting/ http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSdFgPKVEAEEJRB.jpg Thank you! #GOPDebate MakeAmericaGreatAgain http://drudgereport.com/now1.htm http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSdE5kkVAAAsOIF.jpg Thanks everyone, they all said I won the debate. Even won the @CNBC Poll! Via @MailOnline "Trump still in the lead by a whopping 14 points after fluke survey had put Carson on top"- http://dailym.ai/1ReZmI6 "@jaxsiete: @realDonaldTrump Love your sense of humor...LOL Your rallies are amazing. We're standing behind you 1000%:)" @FoxNews @CNBC POLL TOTAL: TRUMP 25.22 CARSON 19.78 RUBIO 9.67.... .@TheEconomist Poll, one of the most highly respected, was just released. Wow, wait until the media digests these numbers - won't be happy! I'm sure the media will not report the highly respected new national poll that just came out via The Economist. 32%! https://today.yougov.com/news/2015/10/28/trump-leads-nationally-ahead-gop-third-debate/ "@buckleybro40: @realDonaldTrump @CNBC why only Donald Trump can beat Hillary. http://www.theblaze.com/contributions/nice-guys-finish-last-and-thats-why-only-donald-trump-can-beat-hillary-clinton/ #YUGE #Trump2016 #TeamTrump #" "@Vaporcon2015: @realDonaldTrump The Liberals are terrified that you'll be the one to go against Hillary. "@cmrose111: @realDonaldTrump @CNBC get your polls straight. Trump is going to win. He is the only one tough enough to run this country." "@mozarttaig1: @CNBC is trying to drive down poll numbers to install Carson - who the Establishment GOP will promptly roll. Win Don Win!" Does anybody think that @CNBC will get their fictitious polling numbers corrected sometime prior to the start of the debate. Sad! "@1Barbara1: @realDonaldTrump @Morning_Joe @politico I watched the entire rally and Trump was very well received the place was packed." .@Morning_Joe can you believe Kasie Hunt's poor and purposely inaccurate reporting on my great night and crowd in Iowa. @politico is a scam! .@CNBC continues to report fictious poll numbers. Number one, based on every statistic, is Trump (by a wide margin). They just can't say it! After a great evening and packed auditorium in Iowa, I am now in Colorado looking forward to what I am sure will be a very unfair debate! "@MarieLeff: Debate night! #TeamTrump16 is behind you 5000% National Lead TRUMP 35.6% CARSON 21.7% http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/258214-poll-trump-leads-carson-14-points-nationwide" "@JayknightJay: @RealBenCarson good morning. Easy on each other & finish off the establishment guys. They hope you 2 will fight it out."True "@HMaewest: Via the Washington Post: Inside the World of Donald Trump's Super Fans: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/inside-the-world-of-donald-trumps-super-fans/2015/10/26/d376f1c6-7753-11e5-b9c1-f03c48c96ac2_story.html https://www.facebook.com/groups/1708436849390993/permalink/1726826807551997/" "@Polling: DonaldTrump's and BenCarson's support up since Sept as they head into tomorrow's @CNBC #RepublicanDebate http://twitter.com/PollingHub/status/659229328983502848/photo/1 "@BarbaraJensen1: @realDonaldTrump @OANN @GravisMarketing http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSYNopDVAAAQXxA.jpg" "@2bigj: @realDonaldTrump A lot of people I know are voting Trump in NC none have been polled your lead is bigger than anyone can imagine." "@laura_damron: @FoxNews @realDonaldTrump This Hispanic woman believes Trump has the brains & energy to "Make America Great Again"." "@RickSt. How many MSM outlets will carry a clip of @realDonaldTrump leaving the podium to enter a crowd & listen to the concerns of a VET? "@rorochub2: @DanScavino @realDonaldTrump was watching on our computer. He was awesome. Great job. #Trump2016 #TrumpTrain" Thank you Iowa! Great night---see you soon! #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSX2YKZUcAAIWgb.jpg "@fairy_tabibi: Loved seeing @realDonaldTrump speak to the wounded warrior & his family.He has a caring heart and will take care of our vets Via the Washington Post: Inside the World of Donald Trump's Super Fans: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/inside-the-world-of-donald-trumps-super-fans/2015/10/26/d376f1c6-7753-11e5-b9c1-f03c48c96ac2_story.html Just out, wonderful poll in North Carolina. #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain http://www.publicpolicypolling.com/main/north-carolina/ "@Rketeltas: @realDonaldTrump At least the real frontrunner is actually campaigning in Iowa and not on book tours. TRUMP 2016!" "@Indies4Trump: @HuffPostPol composite national poll #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 #TrumpTrain... http://fb.me/5glu8cwAz" "@faagifts: @OANN WTG, GREAT JOB. U R THE BEST PICK OUT OF ALL OF THE CANDIDATES & OHIO KNOWS THIS 2.THAT IS WHY U R LEADING THERE TOO" I am leaving for Sioux City, Iowa - great event (rally). National GOP Presidential Poll via @OANN @realDonaldTrump 35.6% #Trump2016 https://twitter.com/GravisMarketing/status/659053593975246853 "Trump's National Lead Increases to 35.6% Going into the Third GOP Debate it's Trump, Carson and Rubio" http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/trumps-national-lead-increases-to-356-300166946.html … Thank you @SahilKapur for the wonderful story. http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2015-10-27/why-donald-trump-could-win-the-republican-nomination New Gravis national poll just out --- 36%! Very nice! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain "@RhatPatriot: @FoxBusiness @realDonaldTrump Why not post the other polls where Trump has 40 percent and Carson is in the teens? Strange?" "@bawl: I agree @BillKristol hasn't be right about anything in a very long time. Shocking that @Morning_Joe gives him a platform." "@JordanDworaczyk: @DrHawk12 @elvisknievil I'm voting for @realDonaldTrump too." Thanks. "@julian771177: Mike Tyson endorses @realDonaldTrump http://www.breitbart.com/big-hollywood/2015/10/26/mike-tyson-endorses-donald-trump-president/ #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" Thanks Iron Mike, greatly appreciated! "@AlbertoMarsano: @realDonaldTrump Looking forward to seeing you in Reno Nevada this Thursday! Nevada stands with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Nice. "@TheJusticeEngle: @realDonaldTrump I'm 18 years old from Florida, and just registered to vote. You got my vote in the primaries!" THANKS. "@TheWhiteHatter: Thanks to @TODAYshow for giving great attention to the Town of Atkinson at #TrumpTODAY w/ http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSSi9kgWoAALxtS.jpg" "@BobD746847: There shouldn't be a problem with this election. "WE THE PEOPLE" finally have someone that speaks on OUR behalf. TRUMP-2016" "@coloradojoe2001: How is any one taking Carson seriously when he "suspends" his presidential campaign for a book signing tour?" Dopey @BillKristol, who has lost all credibility with so many dumb statements and picks, said last week on @Morning_Joe that Biden was in. RT @FoxBusiness: New poll shows @realDonaldTrump and @RealBenCarson are tied atop the #GOP field in Iowa. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSPu1eTUcAA_WB1.jpg #TrumpTODAY Watch my appearance on the @TODAYshow from this morning http://on.today.com/1S61lPJ All Presidential candidates should immediately disavow their Super PAC’s. They're not only breaking the spirit of the law but the law itself Re Super PAC scam: What the other candidates are doing is a disgrace. This whole Super PAC scam is very unfair to a person like me who has disavowed all PAC's & is self-funding. "@CindyBl: I voted 4 Reagan to make America Great. I will vote 4 @realDonaldTrump to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #TRUMP https://twitter.com/StrengthenTheUS/status/657562952308887552" "@hoosierclinger: Good job @realDonaldTrump for badgering Ford. Why didnt POTUS or Hillary care about those UAW jobs in Ohio?" "@maria_heck: @RobertsLiardon @realDonaldTrump. The more I hear Trump the more I like him!" "@DanSaltsman: @realDonaldTrump @Ford @crainsdetroit @detnews @CNBC http://bit.ly/1LQ6nv4 Do you think Hillary, Ben or Jeb could do this? Ben Carson wants to abolish Medicare - I want to save it and Social Security. "@radioworldsv:Tomorrow on TODAY @MLauer moderates @realDonaldTrump town hall, live from New Hampshire. #TrumpTODAY http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSM3vTLUEAA4c_0.jpg Leaving for New Hampshire now. Will be doing the @TODAYshow there, live at 7:00 A.M. New @CBSNews Poll of New Hampshire: Trump 38 Carson 12! An aerial shot of Jacksonville crowd yesterday! I may as well show you because the media won't. #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSMysz0UkAAI50a.jpg Remember that Carson, Bush and Rubio are VERY weak on illegal immigration. They will do NOTHING to stop it. Our country will be overrun! "@Rketeltas: @realDonaldTrump Bush appears to be low on cash may need to do drop out or perhaps get a loan from Hillary. "@jpm05880: @Carolde @JebBush @realDonaldTrump @NancyRomano17 #JEBbush CAPTIVATES CROWDS WITH STIRRING SPEECH https://vine.co/v/eT1p012hxOh" Wow "@mmolina44: @realDonaldTrump @ByronYork @CBSNews @CNN Donald Trump will be our next President of the United States." "@Desheay: TO ALL MY CALIFORNIA TRUMP SUPPORTERS! Lets join up and work together on Twitter! Lets do this!!! @realDonaldTrump #Trump2016 !" "@jfgrcar: @realDonaldTrump Gentle Ben is no match for Putin or if the truth be told even for Hilary. USA needs a winner." Do you think I will get credit for keeping Ford in U.S. Who cares, my supporters know the truth. Think what can be done as president! Word is that Ford Motor, because of my constant badgering at packed events, is going to cancel their deal to go to Mexico and stay in U.S. "@ObfuscateClear: Wow, imagine what he'll do as President. Thanks @realDonaldTrump https://twitter.com/BlissTabitha/status/658378957071319040" FORD LISTENED TO ME, GREAT! "@curtismuddog: @ByronYork Latest Poll shows Donald Trump winning 70% of Electoral Vote Against Hillary Clinton! http://powderedwigsociety.com/trump-kills-hitlery-in-head-to-head-matchup/#" "@Thuglife602: @realDonaldTrump Bad position for Jeb, if his Mommy, Daddy and brother get involved the skeletons come back out of the closet "@cospy8: @realDonaldTrump @ByronYork @CBSNews @CNN WAY ahead in all the polls that matter. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT" "@kathystone1221: @ByronYork @CBSNews @CNN OMG! Carson is more LOW KEY than Jeb!! Tried to watch him, but fell asleep! #NOISYMAJORITY!" "@nepafortrump: @ByronYork @CBSNews @CNN We R here FIGHTING for you DJT! You are the only person who can #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #TeamTrump" "@TheCRwire: Mitt Romney finally takes the credit he deserves… for #Obamacare https://www.conservativereview.com/commentary/2015/10/did-mitt-romney-just-admit-to-paving-the-way-for-obamacare?utm_source=Social&utm_medium=Twitter&utm_campaign=Wire%3A%20Romneycare . http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSFofjqUwAIBXAW.jpg" "@josemen31: @realDonaldTrump this Mexican here loves you man!! Keep doing your thing #mexicolovestrump" Great! "@Tirolian2: @realDonaldTrump @ByronYork @CBSNews @CNN # TRUMP is Unstoppable 🚀 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸" Thank you. "@concerningtimes: @JebBush needs to drop out your, hurting the republican cause . @realDonaldTrump is our choice" "@thatgirlflorida: @realDonaldTrump @ByronYork @CBSNews @CNN Florida Loves Trump !!! We had a ball in Jacksonville Saturday! 🚂☁🇺🇸🇺🇸" .@ByronYork Great numbers from @CBSNews Poll. Also from ABC-Washington Post Poll. Thank you! @CNN Do you believe that @FoxNews is still playing up the old Iowa poll numbers and no mention of the ABCWashington Post or just out CBS results? .@CBSNews Poll - WOW! New Hampshire TRUMP 38% CARSON 12% BUSH 8% South Carolina TRUMP 40% CARSON 23% CRUZ 8% Iowa TRUMP 27% CARSON 27% Watch my interview on @CBSNews Face The Nation now and, also, the new CBS POLLS which, if good for me, the media won't report! "@MachadoKirk: @StrengthenTheUS @realDonaldTrump Carson is not a nice guy. He knows his SuperPAC throws Mud on Trump 24/7 #ActingMeek" "@ron_fournier: .@realDonaldTrump rightly denounces Super PAC-driven campaign $ system. Another example of how DC deserves this guy" Great! "@russia890: @CNNPolitics @realDonaldTrump Trump is the smartest of all. My comment is non partisan. I heard everybody n im on Trump side." "@msbul: Your a gentlemen Ben but not our next President, @realDonaldTrump https://twitter.com/GregJeffery888/status/658274218539360256" Big poll comes out today on Face The Nation at 10:30 on @CBSNews. Watch @CNN at 9:00 A.M. @jaketapper. Then interviewed on @ABC @GStephanopoulos at 10:00 A.M. and then, at 10:30 A.M., watch Face The Nation. Ben Carson has never created a job in his life (well, maybe a nurse). I have created tens of thousands of jobs, it's what I do. I spell out some of the differences between Ben Carson and myself at 9:00 A.M. on @CNN @jaketapper. Ben is very weak on illegal immigration. A big POLL will be announced this morning on @CBSNews Face The Nation. I wonder if I do well if the press will report the results? Doubt it "@LandmanMarius: @realDonaldTrump AUSTRALIA SUPPORTS DONALD TRUMP. Please immigrate to Australia and make Aussie great as well." Cute! "@katiesinex: 20 Reasons Why It Should Be Donald Trump in 2016 http://bit.ly/1kxeaHy" Wow, so nice! This is just not the right time for Jeb Bush. His campaign is in total disarray, too much staff being paid way too much money = U.S. GOVT. "@EasyEarl: Doug Ross @ Journal: AWESOME: Donald Trump Blessed by Black, White Pastors and Rabbis http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2015/10/awesome-donald-trump-blessed-by-black.html via @directorblue I will be doing a major sit down interview on State of the Union With Jake Tapper at 9:00 A.M. on @CNN. Enjoy! "@agreatimage: @realDonaldTrump Can ANY Democrat or Republican fix this country except Trump? NOT A CHANCE!! #Trump2016 #ElectTrump" "@voxdotcom: Trump has figured out Jeb Bush's greatest weakness as a candidate, and it's not his energy level http://bit.ly/1XfIMLI" "@aviv1818: Trumpachusetts: Donald Trump Tops Poll of Bay State Voters: http://www.bostonmagazine.com/news/blog/2015/10/22/donald-trumps-lead-is-yuuuuuge/#.VixO0JZ3gf9.twitter@CNN @foxnewspolitics AC360" Thanks, great news "@JaredChristophr: Donald Trump is the only person that can make this country great again @realDonaldTrump" I fully agree! "@Bane1349: They ALL Want Jobs and a Bright Future. They KNOW Donald Trump is the one and only choice to make that A REALITY! "@christotepis: Donald Trump Leads in Expectations, Shows Strength on Attributes (POLL) - ABC News - http://abcn.ws/1GSAnUU via @ABC" "@politicalwire:“Bush has no money, he’s meeting today with mommy and daddy, and they’re working on his campaign." http://politicalwire.com/2015/10/24/trump-quote-of-the-day-72/" While Jeb Bush is cutting staff and salaries, after having paid ridiculous amounts of money, why did he pay so much in the first place? "@bravehart60: 20 Reasons Why It Should Be Donald Trump in 2016 http://bit.ly/1kxeaHy via @BreitbartNewsl" A.J., thank you, soooo nice! "@HankCampbell: Democrats seem to be more interested in Donald Trump than Hillary Clinton. "@BeverlySimcic: TRUMP: JEB BUSH HAS NO MONEY, HE'S MEETING WITH MOMMY AND DADDY- CAN'T RUN HIS OWN CAMPAIGN http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2015/10/24/donald-trump-mocks-jeb-bush-for-meeting-with-mommy-and-daddy-to-boost-campaign/" .@JebBush is slashing campaign salaries, people making millions. If he can't manage his campaign, how can he manage our countries finances? .@JebBush had a tiny 300 person crowd at Senator Tim Scott's forum. I had thousands, and they had real passion! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSHCmbdUYAAKp0-.jpg .@JebBush is totally lost -- he spends too much time managing the bloated staff of his campaign & not enough talking about America's future. Expecting a great crowd of amazing people. Questions will be live! #TrumpToday I will be doing the @TodayShow live from New Hampshire at 7am on Monday morning. #TrumpToday Will be doing a sit down interview with @JakeTapper @CNN on Sunday morning at 9:00. Tough questions and hopefully very good answers! Just finished speaking in Jacksonville, Florida. Incredible crowd, fantastic people. Thank you! Saying goodbye to some of my great workers at @TrumpDoral in Miami. https://instagram.com/p/9OhpvJmhfB/ Leaving for Jacksonville now. See you there! Miami was great. Massive crowds already forming in Jacksonville - will be and incredible day - 12 noon! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! "@HuffPostEnt: Donald Trump to host "Saturday Night Live" http://huff.to/1L9ZmY2 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CRTpZRcVEAA91Qs.jpg" "@santiagos58: YouGov National Poll Donald Trump Continues To Dominate Field With All Demographics. The Last Refuge http://theconservativetreehouse.com/2015/10/14/yougov-national-poll-donald-trump-continues-to-dominate-field-with-all-demographics/ "@oshack: A surprising number of Republicans think Donald Trump is their best hope in 2016 http://wpo.st/9pwg0" "@Tony_Leers: Hillary Clinton is a deceitful career politician, Donald Trump is a no-nonsense billionaire businesses man...pick one.." "@cher: Never thought I’d Say…Donald Trump is a Giant Among Gop front runners‼️ cruz=devil rubio=RAGE AGAINST WOMEN carson=JUST TELL ME WHY "@revernisfeed191: Donald Trump Hands ‘Fox News Sunday’ Its Biggest #Crowd In 6 Years http://toptidings.net/donald-trump-hands-fox-news-sunday-its-biggest-crowd-in-6-years/?utm_source=3396 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CSDXF3hUcAAru1V.jpg" Crowd was amazing tonight at Trump National Doral in Miami. Love and excitement in the ballroom. Tomorrow at noon in Jacksonville! So nice of @Cher--- greatly appreciated! http://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/257914-cher-trump-a-giant-among-2016-gop I will be speaking tonight (6:30 P.M.) at Trump National Doral in Miami. A big crowd expected - amazing people! Remember, official campaign merchandise (hats, apparel etc.) can only be bought at http://www.donaldjtrump.com. Be careful, don't get ripped-off "@Ir0nSpirit: Can't wait for you to take the White House. Our country will once again be strong! 👍 Sorry JebBush, but you got no chance!" "@autumnandews08: @KatrinaPierson @AnnCoulter @MichaelCohen212 Trump blows them all away! He's our next president! #Trump2016" "@ThomaOlivia: Donald Trump Hands ‘Fox News Sunday’ Its Biggest #Crowd In 6 Years http://toptid.us/c3tg7 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CR9Mt_sUEAA4j-T.jpg" Great! "@MiamiHerald: For Donald Trump, South Florida makes it rain — dollars, that is http://hrld.us/1kxkHlt http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CR9MZa6UsAEVe9F.jpg" Very nice "@dpdax @realDonaldTrump Thanks for standing for Vets Take care of those that give so much" The young intern who accidentally did a Retweet apologizes. Joe, thanks for not running! https://instagram.com/p/9JbU4NGhYH/ "@toddinwichita @realDonaldTrump Hillary is doing a HORRIBLE job at #BenghaziHearings reading from the script. #pathetic . She is no leader" #ChrisWallace, who interviewed me on Sunday, had his highest ratings since Feb of '09. Congratulations! http://deadline.com/2015/10/donald-trump-chris-wallace-fox-news-sundays-record-ratings-1201590807/ "Trump Nears 100 days on Top" via The Hill http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/257697-trump-nears-100-days-on-top "@mygreenhippo #BenCarson is now leading in the #polls in #Iowa. Too much #Monsanto in the #corn creates issues in the brain? #Trump #GOP" "@carrillo_pete: @realDonaldTrump people are for you #Trump2016 keep up the good work and we will win this and #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@USATrustTrump: WOW! The More Opponents Push The Higher The #Trump2016 Reach! Keep Pushing DEMS And Jealous GOPs! https://twitter.com/SoCal4Trump/status/657030330256240640" Can u believe that Jeb Bush’s campaign manager is in Berlin, Germany looking for money? What’s he giving to Germany? http://t.usnews.com/Zee006 "@i_am__tyler @MichaelCohen212 I can promise you the only reason I watched the democrat's debate is because of @realDonaldTrump" RT @LoganAmes22: @realDonaldTrump is hosting Saturday Night Live on November 7th! That's the best news I've heard all day the dude is a fre… RT @StrengthenTheUS: We don't want your damn puppets @GOP! Our new leader is @realDonaldTrump! #TrumpTsunami #Trump2016 #Trump #GOP #RNC h… RT @eddiern: Veterans should always come before Illegals. Always. @realDonaldTrump #MakeAmericaGreatAgain http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CR2kxRuWsAEUwNJ.jpg I think Joe Biden made correct decision for him & his family. Personally, I would rather run against Hillary because her record is so bad. The great workers who just completed the skylight at Trump International Hotel, D.C. (Old Post Office) https://instagram.com/p/9Gy1J7mhWD/ RT @DiamondandSilk: A New Poll shows .@realDonaldTrump will most likely win the GOP Nomination. @DiamondandSilk #stump4trumpbaby! https://… .@TrumpToronto was just voted the #1 hotel in Canada in Conde Nast Traveler’s prestigious Reader’s Choice Awards http://www.cntraveler.com/readers-choice-awards/2015/canada/top-hotels-in-canada-not-including-vancouver-readers-choice-awards-2015 RT @johnrobertsFox: New @WashPostDC poll shows @realDonaldTrump with a commanding lead - 10 points above his closest competition @RealBenCa… RT @johnrobertsFox: New @washingtonpost poll finds "lean Republicans" think @realDonaldTrump most likely to be GOP nominee and has best cha… New poll by ABC News/Washington Post TRUMP 32 CARSON 22 RUBIO 10 BUSH 7 Wow, how will the media put a negative spin on this one? "@dcexaminer: Rasmussen: @realDonaldTrump now beats @HillaryClinton 38%-36% nationally http://washex.am/1GRVdDU http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CR1jD3RWEAAlLgm.jpg" I will be interviewed on @GMA Good Morning America at 7:00 A.M. @ABC will be announcing new poll numbers. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Just out: Boston Herald/Franklin Pierce Poll N.H. TRUMP 28 (up 10) CARSON 16 BUSH 9 RUBIO 6 CRUZ 5 Press will say they are surging! .@GMA at 7:00 A.M. "@printingsharon: @realDonaldTrump Never been so excited about voting for a candidate since I voted for Reagan" "@piersmorgan: Donald Trump still dominating all polls, debate, cable news, gossip...everything. The GOP nomination is his, he rarely loses! "@AliceCarozza: @realDonaldTrump You were so much better than Jeb on Hannity. So Great and presidential. I'm happy this was discussed." "@Chocolate3Way: I have never loved a candidate as much as I love @realDonaldTrump, I can't wait for him to make America great again!" Nice! "@ccorreia401: @realDonaldTrump @blewthebigone well said. We the people want the truth. We the people want to make America great again." "@EricSjursen: @FoxNews @SheriffClarke @MonicaCrowley There you go! Everyone loves Donald Trump bcuz he's the real thing, not a politician" "@aaron_athman: @realDonaldTrump first time I can ever vote and you've got mine! I want to make America great again!!!" FANTASTIC! "@OUSoonerManiac: We are looking forward to meeting you at your rally in Burlington, Iowa tomorrow! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" See you there! "@blewthebigone: The establishment can try all they want to keep @realDonaldTrump from winning. They are not stronger than we the people!!" "@saadvisory: @realDonaldTrump Donald keep fighting - you are the only hope for America! "@ansun_sayavong: Your opponents have no idea what they're dealing with. Sun Tzu would be very proud. You are a tactical genius. #artofwar" .@MonicaCrowley you were GREAT on @seanhannity tonight. Thank you for the nice words! I will be interviewed on @GMA Good Morning America tomorrow at 7:00 A.M. Big new ABC poll coming out - I hope I do well! "@AshlieJuliard: @KarlRove @realDonaldTrump Trump is the only candidate that I've ever been excited about #SomethingSpecialIsHappening" "@btodd539: @seanhannity Now they are All saying Donald really Could Be President! I Knew This from Start! We ALL must work together!" .@seanhannity at 10:00. "@GirlDayTrader: Our new President will provide something we've never had before. #TRUTH even if it hurts. #Trump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CRzOZiMU8AEsznE.jpg" "@Portosj81J: @realDonaldTrump #Trump2016 #Trump hits his highest poll number yet; #Carson, #Rubio make small gains http://dailym.ai/1GfaG6p "@PatriotByGod: @GSamUSA1 @Carolde @realDonaldTrump Trumps new VA plan will solidify Vets. Support of Trump" I love the VETS. .@KarlRove Had my best day ever in the polls, one had me at 41% - Morning Consult. Boston Globe, Monmouth, NBC and CNN all great. More! I will be interviewed on @seanhannity tonight at 10:00. You will find it very interesting (I hope). Enjoy! "@Trekwolf164: @wbtonyturner @RadioFreeTom @realDonaldTrump no magic just cut off USA aid money to Mex until cost is recovered.Simple really Both Aberdeen and Turnberry in Scotland, and the soon to open Doonbeg in Ireland, blow Bandon Dunes away. Bandon is a toy by comparison! "Donald Trump tops Franklin-Pierce/Herald poll at 28 percent in N.H." http://www.bostonherald.com/news_opinion/local_coverage/herald_bulldog/2015/10/donald_trump_tops_franklin_pierceherald_poll_at Lots of great new polls--big leads! http://www.politico.com/story/2015/10/poll-gop-2016-carly-fiorina-support-low-donald-trump-leads-214946 http://www.cnn.com/2015/10/20/politics/poll-donald-trump-ben-carson-gop/index.html http://onpolitics.usatoday.com/2015/10/20/republican-power-rankings-trump/ I will be on @seanhannity tonight at 10 PM @FoxNews. #Hannity Bill Clinton wants to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain https://instagram.com/p/9Ef2iOmhax/ "@Mike350Zdriver: Many Hispanics agree with @realDonaldTrump on enforcing the border Trump for President http://www.donaldjtrump.com/news/many-hispanics-agree-with-donald-trump-on-enforcing-the-border" "@nickmichaels12: Since late July 2015, DJT consistently been the front-runner in public opinion polls for the Republican Party nomination. "@Trump4potusplz: Had to join Twitter for the first time just to support Donald @realDonaldTrump . TRUMP 2016" Great! "@marcoinjersey: I think America had enough of the faking and is ready for someone REAL just look at @realdonaldtrump. "@cb_beach_bum: Great job @seanhannity you slayed Mr. Sanchez with the #truth thx 4 defending @realDonaldTrump https://twitter.com/seanhannity/status/656297811869233152" Tonight's official count--7,943. An all time record for the Anderson Civic Center in SC! Thanks! #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CRt_wnuWUAEhrRb.jpg See, the attack very possibly could have been stopped. We need real leadership and vision. http://www.buzzfeed.com/andrewkaczynski/over-a-year-before-911-trump-wrote-of-terror-threat-with-rem#.jqGL4JMjk Via @IBTimes: "Under Fire From Donald Trump, Jeb Bush Focuses On 9/11 Even Though Hijackers Got Florida Licenses" http://www.ibtimes.com/under-fire-donald-trump-jeb-bush-focuses-911-even-though-hijackers-got-florida-2146486 Interesting reading re September 11th http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/11/opinion/the-bush-white-house-was-deaf-to-9-11-warnings.html?_r=0 NEW POLL: Trump Blue Collar Support highest since FDR in 1930s--WOW! http://prntly.com/blog/2015/10/17/shock-poll-trump-blue-collar-support-highest-since-fdr-in-1930s/ Bruce Willis wearing my hat on @FallonTonight last Friday- http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CRsX1qCUYAAYmbY.jpg Jeb is fighting to defend a catastrophic event. I am fighting to make sure it doesn't happen again.Jeb is too soft-we need tougher & sharper It's really cold outside, they are calling it a major freeze, weeks ahead of normal. Man, we could use a big fat dose of global warming! "@joshdill64: Our passion for @realDonaldTrump is amazing! https://twitter.com/Italians4Trump/status/655907686970732544" "@aldeguer_elsa: @American1st @ofccadjust @AnnCoulter @JebBush HISPANICS UNITED TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN #Trump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CRpBMCQUkAA_sHf.jpg" "@TMoody: @realDonaldTrump @megynkelly why would I watch ANYONE who trusted THIS GUY with nuclear codes? @JebBush http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CRo8Q_IUkAAY75s.jpg" "@SweetFreedom29: Hey @realDonaldTrump --> FLASHBACK: Jeb Bush Admitted ‘Leaky’ Immigration Led to 9/11 http://bit.ly/1Rj39Uf #tcot" WOW! "@JulesSiscoe: We finally have a voice with @realDonaldTrump! #VoteTrump #CoalitionForTrump #CitizensForTrump" "@theratzpack: @Svingali @FoxNews @megynkelly i don't care if she jumps on the train .be gr8 if she were just FAIR and BALANCED" "@lwentzel1: Link of the day! Most popular link among people I follow is http://ln.is/www.youtube.com/i6AxK by @realDonaldTrump" "@Weaverinc31: The problem is @MittRomney was a weak establishment candidate who couldn't even turn out the base. Weak at best!" "@vbonina: @ConserveCast @GeorgeWill why does Fox even talk to Will? He is clueless and doesn't represent what our party is about." "@Crowebar_67: @megynkelly Been boycotting her since 1st debate Mr. Trump and so have plenty of other decent people. Ratings R going down😃 "@rikemohome: @GeorgeWill @FoxNewsSunday George is full of Crap SC Element TV's Are CHINESE MADE. http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2014/11/12/3591517/element-electronics-walmart-made-in-america/ WHAT A LIAR!!" "@ChefMama32: @realDonaldTrump Good interview with Chris! Chris even gave you a thumbs up for POTUS" "@ConserveCast: The Definition of a Pretentious Establishment Henchman is @GeorgeWill . He is such a sourpuss, HATES @realDonaldTrump Best thing my supporters can do if you don't like the way @megynkelly and her puppets unfairly treat "us" is don't watch her show! "@Karen05866992: @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews So far this is one of the BEST interviews with Trump.!!" "@Justice41ca: @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews I'm watching it again right now in California" "@Svingali: @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews Can't wait for @megynkelly to jump on the TRUMP Train as Chris Wallace just did!" Won't happen! "@PattyDs50: @FoxNews We want Donald !! Yah next president! #TrumpTrain #TrumpForPresident" We will all MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! "@PattiPav1: @realDonaldTrump Great interview!" Thanks "@kathystone1221: @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews A must see. Trump is brilliant. as usual !!!! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #TeamTrump #Trumptrain" "@traceclmbs82: @FoxNews Pampered @GeorgeWill who never had a real job has no problem w/USA losin jobs 2 foreign countries @FoxNewsSunday" "@rfscottga: @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews It was Excellent interview sir. May watch it again. Trump 2016" "@BentleyforTrump: @FoxNewsDear Sir. Chris Wallace believes that you can be elected president.Great Great news for America! #Trump2016" "@RebelCapsGal: @realDonaldTrump THANK YOU for speaking out against Common Core and how horrible it is for kids!" "@SongBird1154: Again SNL (10/17) exposes CarlyFiorina as failed CEO, an unwanted Senatorial candidate, & GOD forbid next Prez #NTXForum" "@Karen05866992: @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews So far this is one of the BEST interviews with Trump.!!" Thank you. "@rdpaga: @JebBush we were attacked on ur brothers watch. That's not safe. I have respect 4 GW but truth is no WMD in Iraq & 911 "@clar: @GeorgeWill @brithume The TV's made in SC are Element Electronics Come on guys. @realDonaldTrump is right @BretBaier #WakeUpAmerica" "@howddyd: @FoxNewsSunday @realDonaldTrump is correct u can't allow 1 woman 2 fain luv of house 2 get more $$$ holding up huge #'s of jobs." "@paulferguson17: @FoxNewsSunday @realDonaldTrump @JebBush @FoxNews. Chris this is awesome what an interview. Go donald" Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace will be re-broadcast on @FoxNews at 6:00 P.M. "@tweet4upatriots: I believe @realDonaldTrump can make AMERICA GREAT again #C2GTHR http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CRoQo_0UAAAv0ag.jpg" Thank you! "@Kellmat2: @realDonaldTrump @RD_2008 @JebBush Jeb is no conservative in my book. Common core is a disaster." "@RD_2008: @JebBush Quit Jeb Quit. Your poll is even lower than your apprentice Rubio. @realDonaldTrump" "@MarcosTheJackal: @realDonaldTrump @d_seaman jebbush marcorubio: How could those two think they can compete with you. You are a legend. "@Tuvarkz: @realDonaldTrump Can't Stump the Trump" "@muhfuck: @BernieSanders Donald Trump is the only candidate for middle class America @realDonaldTrump #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@American1st: @ofccadjust @AnnCoulter GW Bush was open borders like @JebBush. TERRORISTS CAN COME ACROSS MEXICAN BORDER AT WILL!" "@Pappenjazz: An Incredibly Strong Interview Of @realDonaldTrump @FoxNewsSunday, Good Response IC Those @FoxNews NaySayers dissapating!" "@UndEngel: @realDonaldTrump @AnnCoulter Couldn't have said it, better... Nothing "fake" about you, sir." "@HardcoreRepub: @kencampbell66 Dude, @realDonaldTrump 's tactics are just on a level we've never seen before. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CRn7Jh1UsAAhhiC.jpg" "@AnnCoulter: Read this DJT full-p ad from 1989 and tell me DonaldTrump is a Johnny-Come-Lately "fake" conservative: http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CO43aMZWIAAy36O.jpg "@AnnCoulter:He's right. Trump on 9/11 happening on Bush's watch: With my immigration policy, I doubt those ppl wld have been in the country Just reported by CNN that "the Trump halo effect" caused a record-shattering Democratic Debate rating of 15.3 million viewers. So true! It's amazing that some of the dumbest people on television work for the Wall Street Journal, in particular a real dope named Charles Lane! "@DefendingtheUSA: @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews LOVED the brutal zinger against the Wall Street Journal!!!" "@DefendingtheUSA: @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews LOVED the brutal zinger against the Wall Street journal!!!" I will be interviewed by Chris Wallace at 2:00 P.M. on @FoxNews - Turn off the football for 15 minutes, Make America Great Again! Replay of Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace at 2:00 P.M. on @FoxNews. Big statement made by Chris! "@mesiaindo: @chazermann26 I don't think @NBC will cave. They've seen ratings soar with @realDonaldTrump and Money matters!" "@d_seaman: @realDonaldTrump Trump wins, hands down: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3QpVZdm1JE Jeb is weak, Rubio is broke." "@danlifting: @realDonaldTrump Get a life George Will. USA doesn't make anything anymore. TRUMP will bring manufacturing Back to USA!" I should release the sad and totally apologetic letter that Penn @pennjillette hand delivered to me. Minds would be changed very fast! "@AdamBlickstein:I never thought I'd say this but @realDonaldTrump sparking a critical conversation on reality that Bush didn't keep US safe "@smr111382: @realDonaldTrump One of the best interviews I have seen!" @FoxNews "@BBCARKING: @JoeTrippi @realDonaldTrump @scottienhughes Joe have U resigned to the inevitable? Take UR seat on the http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CRmpqyPUEAErJEG.jpg "@WalterEKurtzJr: @realDonaldTrump Chris Wallace: "After my interview and listening to his answers, I think Donald Trump could be President "@97Musick: @FoxNewsSunday @skyjones55 @realDonaldTrump Of course they're going up! Trump is going to WIN this!! #Trump2016" Thanks. "@Glitter_alex: @realDonaldTrump is what we need to fix this mess! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Im only 11 but my parents are voting for Trump!" "@girl_iowagirl20: #STOPTHEPRESSES @britthume just admitted DonaldTrump will probably be the Republican nominee! #HellJustFrozeOver @FoxNews Does everyone remember @MittRomney and his famous remarks about "self-deportation" and "47%". He was done. I don't need his angry advice! .@MittRomney and his campaign manager should not be critical of candidates after they blew an election that should never have been lost! .@MittRomney can only speak negatively about my presidential chances because I have been openly hard on his terrible "choke" loss to Obama! "@blondesforjesus: @FoxNewsSunday Loving @realDonaldTrump interview. #TrumpSwagger #ChrisWallace" Thank you. .@FoxNewsSunday Jeb, why did your brother attack and destabalize the Middle East by attacking Iraq when there were no weapons of mass destruction? Bad info? This morning Chris Wallace has the best political show on television - but that's only because I'm on it (kidding)! Have fun. Jeb Bush should stop trying to defend his brother and focus on his own shortcomings and how to fix them. Also, Rubio is hitting him hard! On at 9:00A.M. or 10:00 A.M. (depending on your location) on Fox is a tough but really good interview with Chris Wallace. Enjoy! "@ClaytonMorris: Donald Trump is so far ahead in two key state polls. http://read.bi/1XcC2hE http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CRlhfHLW0AAa5ch.jpg" Thanks Clayton Amazing! Thank you! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 http://prntly.com/blog/2015/10/17/shock-poll-trump-blue-collar-support-highest-since-fdr-in-1930s/ "@mklloydva: Some of you already know. I have made the Jump to Trump. Donald Trump is the man that will win the GOP.http://fb.me/PsB9hl7n" "@bk2seattle: @realDonaldTrump I was with you in Tyngsboro, Ma. last night! You WILL be our next President!!!" What a fantastic evening! "@HL3tweets: Jeb and Marco OWE IT to their contributors to admit they have NO CHANCE of winning, and figure out how to PAY BACK everyone" "@vlynpowell: @realDonaldTrump At happy hour tonight in Charleston, SC, everyone at the bar said they were supporting Donald Trump. Thanks! Good news for those that want to Make America Great Again - I am winning every poll in every STATE and NATIONAL - and by big numbers! Thanks "@mimi_saulino: @mariclaire81 @realDonaldTrump Jeb supports open borders-common core- Visa H-IB Visa's for illegals. Super PAC Saudis. I will be interviewed on Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace at 9:00 A.M. or 10:00 A.M. (depending on location). Will be tough but good! "@aspiesmom: NYPost "gets it", you talk like a New Yorker. My Dad is a Democrat Long-Islander, he "gets it" too, and you've got his vote" A great story in the New York Post ---really well written! http://nypost.com/2015/10/17/the-plot-against-donald-trump/ Russia and the world has already started to respect us again! http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/russias-putin-loves-donald-trump/article/2574339 Via Business Insider: Donald Trump's Poll Dominance in 2 Key States is Mind-Blowing- http://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-poll-nevada-south-carolina-2015-10 Via CNET: Donald Trump Bests Jeb Bush in Website Performance, Experts Say- http://www.cnet.com/news/donald-trump-has-best-performing-web-site-jeb-bush-has-the-worst-experts-say/ .@HillaryClinton is on the front page of the @nytimes waving to 200 people in New Hampshire. My crowd next door was 5,000 people – no pic! Thank you @thefix for your very honest commentary. One thing, we do have great teams in IA, NH, SC and beyond. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/10/16/why-donald-trump-is-the-big-fundraising-winner-in-1-chart/ .@KatrinaPierson, you did a fantastic job tonight on @FoxNews. Thank you for your very tough and very smart representation! "@myhealthcoach1: @NoahGrayCNN Thank You Police Force for your efforts of Protecting Donald Trump We Love You For This, God Bless You!!!" .@JebBush, like it or not, our country needs more energy and spirit than you can provide! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain No @JebBush, you’re pathetic for saying nothing happened during your brother’s term when the World Trade Center was attacked and came down. "@TRUMPHIANT2016: I've never seen a candidate as dominant in early states as @realDonaldTrump http://therightscoop.com/morning-joe-ive-never-seen-a-candidate-as-dominant-in-early-states-at-donald-trump/ #TrumpTrain #VOTETRUMP .@JebBush, At the debate you said your brother kept us safe- I wanted to be nice & did not mention the WTC came down during his watch, 9/11. In Massachusetts --- the place is packed! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Heading to Boston to see another huge crowd! My friend Tom Brady is a great competitor and golf partner. https://vimeo.com/user12308995/review/142646274/427574092f Rumor has it that the grubby head of failing @VanityFair Magazine, "Sloppy" Graydon Carter, is going to be fired or replaced very soon? A great new poll-33%! http://polling.reuters.com/#!response/TR130/type/smallest/filters/PARTY_ID_:2/dates/20150808-20151016/collapsed/false Nice story from @businessinsider http://read.bi/1VVL5WU .@scottienhughes Keep up the great work Scottie. Polls are best ever! "@samijs1: Hahahahahahaha...love it! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2015 #TrumpTrain Choo choo...all aboard! :) http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CRcJn0lWIAAl-pJ.jpg" "@jamesdschulzejr: @FoxNews http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2015/10/15/electability-trump-beats-hillary-in-pa-bush-kasich-lose/ You GOPe supporters wrong again on Trump, give it up. Get on the Trump train. GREAT NEWS "@jimmy_jkmorgan: @JoeyL3rd @foxandfriends @EricTrump Totally agree! Great Father with a great family - winning combination at life."Thanks "@JohnNew2015: @lance_combrink Well, @KarlRove is an establishment hack big government RINO whose only hope is @JebBush - That's sad, eh!?" "@Pjdahling: @mitchellvii the truth prevails when it is so obvious. @realDonaldTrump is a force that is unstoppable" "@SHLOMO_ABADDON: @TODAYshow @MLauer @realDonaldTrump Matt will vote for Trump i just know he will !" "@JoeyL3rd: @foxandfriends @EricTrump Grt interview, I'm telling ya, @realDonaldTrump children r going 2 b a HUGE asset 2 him & his campaign .@EricTrump was FANTASTIC on @foxandfriends this morning. He may be my son but he is a special guy! .@CNBC has just agreed that the debate will be TWO HOURS. Fantastic news for all, especially the millions of people who will be watching! "@lance_combrink: @realDonaldTrump Karl Rove still thinks Romney won. Why is he still on TV?" I am interviewed tomorrow morning by @SRuhle on @bloombergtv - 7:00 A.M. Will be very interesting! "@Hohummm: Did you also hear Megyn say "Carson is the front-runner ...according so some polls ..tied in other polls" OUTRIGHT LIE!" Hatred! "@RickStans1: Donald, Megyn Kelly seeks ratings, not truth Not much of a journalist. Stay focused & make your own narrative. It's working" Every poll, Time, Drudge, Slate and others, said I won both debates - but heard Megyn Kelly had her two puppets say bad stuff. I don't watch .@marcthiessen is a failed Bush speechwriter whose work was so bad that he has never been able to make a comeback. A third rate talent! "@ofccadjust: Such a played out segment as well, can't stand to watch her anymore. The bobbing head drives me nuts... #boycottKellyFile" Megyn Kelly has two really dumb puppets, Chris Stirewalt & Marc Threaten (a Bushy) who do exactly what she says. All polls say I won debates "@RedScareBot: @brandongordy1: @realDonaldTrump is what we millennials need. I used to support that socialist from VT, what a mistake." "@bigmikeobrien: @EricTrump @skyjones55 @greta @FoxNews @oreillyfactor @CarlRove is in the tank for Bush we are tired of the establishment" "@IsupportTrump16: @realDonaldTrump Has lived the American dream and has inspired MILLIONS! He will #MakeAmericaGreatAgain for ALL of us. "@davidaxelrod: .Met @IvankaTrump a few years back. DonaldTrump is wise to enlist his daughter's help. She's a throughly impressive person." Will be on @bloombergtv tomorrow with @sruhle. Enjoy! Why is the @GOP being asked to do a debate that is so much longer than the just-aired and very boring #DemDebate? .@CNBC is pushing the @GOP around by asking for extra time (and no criteria) in order to sell more commercials. The @GOP should not agree to the ridiculous debate terms that @CNBC is asking unless there is a major benefit to the party. .@KevinHart4real joined @woodmank104 @katek104 @K1047 & was asked about his thoughts on @realDonaldTrump #Trump2016 Thanks Kevin--so nice! A great day in New Jersey for Trump! http://on.wsj.com/1OFz0zu & http://on.app.com/1GIGTh0 Signing my tax return.... http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CRX8NzAVEAQwU8G.jpg I'm very proud of my daughter Ivanka. Great interview. http://money.cnn.com/video/news/2015/10/14/ivanka-trump-one-on-one.cnnmoney/index.html Incredible crowd in Richmond, Virginia tonight! So much spirit and energy! #makeamericagreatagain https://instagram.com/p/81p8g7mhWu/ "@FoxGotTrumped: @realDonaldTrump with another great speech today with another huge crowd!!!!! We love you Trump!!!! #Trump2016 Just did @OReillyFactor. Will be back on at 11pm on @FoxNews. "@CHM1321: @realDonaldTrump is "in it to win it"." "@TrumpFix: I swear, Donald is getting better, bolder, brasher, and more kick ass with every event/intvw he does! HE WILL WIN! "@JeremyHL: RT @FoxNews: .@realDonaldTrump: I have thousands of Hispanics working for me & they like me very much. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CRUUhvsWIAAPEL5.jpg" RT @oreillyfactor: Tonight on The Factor: Trump weighs in on last night's Democratic debate -- http://bor.com/n/lxutpa Video preview: https… CNN Poll just out on South Carolina – great #’s http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/sc/south_carolina_republican_presidential_primary-4151.html .@andersoncooper did an excellent job of hosting the #DemDebate last night. Tough, firm, but fair. CNN/ORC Poll results just out for Nevada—WOW! Trump 38, Carson 22, Fiorina 8, Bush 6, Cruz 4 http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/nv/nevada_republican_presidential_caucus-5336.html Steven Tyler got more publicity on his song request than he’s gotten in ten years. Good for him! Even though I have the legal right to use Steven Tyler’s song, he asked me not to. Have better one to take its place! Will be going to Richmond, Virginia today. Big crowd! See you there. The debate last night proved that Hillary is running against the “B” team. She won’t be so lucky when it comes to me! We need a strong leader- and fast! https://instagram.com/p/80rWSdGhT0/ #DemDebate was really boring but had a lot of fun live tweeting and picked up by far the most followers. Like her or not, Hillary did what she had to do in the debate last night—get through it. Her opponents were very gentle and soft! The latest book on Hillary—Wow, a really tough one! http://www.amazon.com/dp/151070678X @RogerJStoneJr "@releafpen: Dem debate message summary = More free handouts. They will be voting in droves. We need to get out and vote Trump BIG TIME!" "@PauperInAPinch: @realDonaldTrump Thank goodness #DemDebate is over. Not impressed... TRUMP2016!!! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@Angie58493041: @sadmexi @realDonaldTrump sucess of Mr Trump is another success of america 2015" "@debateless: @realDonaldTrump I cannot wait to see you debate these clowns #CNNDebate #CNN #Debate #DNC" "@magnifier661: @realDonaldTrump they make Jeb Bush look like the energizer bunny #DemDebate #USADJT2016" Check out OAN and compare to what you are watching now! "@suzyserb: @realDonaldTrump 100,000 people watching tonight for real change. THAT WOULD BE TRUMP 2016. Checking out the clown competition "@FrankGuaragna: @realDonaldTrump OMalley destroyed Maryland.. True, he was a disaster. "@Cola0531: @realDonaldTrump watching OAN great speech calling out super pacs and media in Norcross, GA" Wow, I am giving a speech on OAN. Much more exciting than debate! "@mcowgerFL: @realDonaldTrump Thank you for ALWAYS REMEMBERING America's veterans!" "@CricketDrews: @realDonaldTrump exactly! #DemDebate is a joke. Trump2016!" "@Jamesppierce: These 5 make @realDonaldTrump look like Winston Churchill #DemDebate" Cute! "@Jtrink97: @Hell0ThereLydia @realDonaldTrump his commentary is making an otherwise shitty night outstanding" Thanks. "@ObamaTax: After @hillaryclinton poor performance, waffling in debates, @Teamsters14 should support @realDonaldTrump" Notice that illegal immigrants will be given ObamaCare and free college tuition but nothing has been mentioned about our VETERANS #DemDebate Sanders said only black lives matter - wow! Hillary did not answer question! "@i_am__tyler: I can't wait for @realDonaldTrump to debate one of these clowns! All are so weak! "@keksec_org: The only winner of the #DemDebate is @realDonaldTrump." This is not a great debate - a little sad! "@TS01171980: @FoxNews @realDonaldTrump isn't on the stage, turning this garbage off "@TimCooperTweets: How amazing is it that the #1 trending topic is @realDonaldTrump talking about the #DemDebate-more than the debate itself "@RealNinjetta: @realDonaldTrump @IngrahamAngle Why did Hillary get to skate past the "Do Black Lives Matter" Anderson let her off hook! "@julieruot: I want a president who believes all lives matter and that is why we need @realDonaldTrump." Sorry, there is no STAR on the stage tonight! Good move by Bernie S. The hardest thing Clinton has to do is defend her bad decision making including Iraq vote, e-mails etc. All are very scripted and rehearsed, two (at least) should not be on the stage. "@Achilarre: I couldn't even imagine the bloodbath that would ensue if the @realDonaldTrump debated any one of these five jabronis" "@XGDesignsNYC: Yada yada...It's a bore fest... Best part of this is Trumps tweets! @realDonaldTrump #DemDebate" Thanks. "@mikerichterp: @realDonaldTrump I joined Twitter tonight just to hear Mr.Trump tweet about this silly debate. "@Iamnewhere: Webb is trying to be @realDonaldTrump and its not working." He is not doing well! "@DNorrell: This is one of the most dysfunctional debates I've seen in my lifetime. @realDonaldTrump" "@NexiaVauxhall: @realDonaldTrump I love that NO group can buy @realDonaldTrump" Who is winning the debate so far (just last name)? #DemDebate "@Pandorasandy1: @realDonaldTrump we need Donald Trump to make America great again !!!" Thanks! "@prissyalways: @realDonaldTrump I cannot stop yawning...Twitter is more interesting. #DemDebate" "@FEDEnergy: @NRA @nranews Support the NRA more then ever, @nationalrifle needs to back @realDonaldTrump who wants to protect 2nd amendment! "@theericker: @realDonaldTrump not watching debate....just your tweets" Nice! "@jennasnowy69: @realDonaldTrump why is Webb there??" "@Roolaloo: Joined twitter tonight JUST to follow along with @realDonaldTrump and #DemDebate. Lets make America great again! #trump2016" "@JuliaTock: @realDonaldTrump Sure you are laughing listening to these 5 try and explain how business and the economy works. Scary! "@LaurenDa123: @realDonaldTrump I think @JebBush and @marcorubio are supposed to be on this stage" "@KOsbornSullivan: On our 25th anniversary my husband and I are happily staying in to watch #DemDebate and read @realDonaldTrump comments. "@rjdicksii: @realDonaldTrump. These cats are like bad used car salesmen." "@princeolivier13: Why do we have to be tortured by watching these clowns! Have the election tomorrow! #trump2016 #DemDebate" "@maxxgadog: @LindaSuhler @realDonaldTrump if you got rid of commercials you would have nothing worth watching" "@Jeff_Gabe: I miss @realDonaldTrump #CNNDebate" O'Malley, as former Mayor of Baltimore, has very little chance. Can anyone imagine Chafee as president? No way. "@tr3s3can: @realDonaldTrump @realDonaldTrump Make America Great Again!! Would not even watch Dem debate except Donald is tweeting about it! "@amd9890: .@realDonaldTrump was right...#DemDebate is boring 😴💤 these ppl are so scripted" So far! The trade deal is a disaster, she was always for it! #DemDebate "@MichaelTribunel: @realDonaldTrump imagine Chafey standing up to Putin" "@wayway71: @realDonaldTrump Webb is OUT!!" Bad opening! #DemDebate "@0Nonsense: @realDonaldTrump Good luck commenting on this snooze fest, I'm out." "@adamscottnow: @realDonaldTrump,If I have the #DemDebate on CNN, but pay attention more to my phone, does it still count as me watching it? Get rid of all of these commercials. #DemDebate Putin is not feeling too nervous or scared. #DemDebate "@HL3tweets: @TDsVoice @CNN @CNNPolitics I'm watching now and will watch the entire debate while reading Trump's Tweets. Grab the popcorn" "@valmouw: @realDonaldTrump where are you? I'm already getting bored and it hasn't even started #DemDebate" "@sassylassee: My tv is off, twitter is up, waiting for the real show, starring @realDonaldTrump #CNNSocialistDebate" #DemDebate "@JoethomasSmith: #DemDebate The @IvankaTrump interview tomorrow on @CNN will have better ratings than the #democraticdebate #Trump2016 We will all have fun and hopefully learn something tonight. I will shoot straight and call it as I see it, both the good and the bad. Enjoy! "@MintzShire: @realDonaldTrump @007lLisav @CNN @CNNPolitics We need Trump Now!!!" Make America Great Again! "@moshe_mkmdca: @realDonaldTrump @007lLisav @CNN @CNNPolitics following Donald is beautiful. If it's not beautiful it's not Donald" So nice! "@hapearce1: @realDonaldTrump they need to take the debate slow, a lot of low energy on the stage tonight." I hope not! "@StreckerJosh: The Hillary love fest on CNN is ridiculous. I feel bad for the other candidates...especially the non-criminal ones." "@xai7126: @greta I'd rather see @realDonaldTrump be the debate moderator!" Should be interesting but too bad the three guys at《1% will be taking up so much time - but who knows, maybe a star will be born (unlikely) "@ElviNichols: Will @CNN be tough as they were with @realDonaldTrump ? No way, they will want to be soooo nice! "@CNN: .@realDonaldTrump will be live-tweeting the #DemDebate http://cnn.it/1Gb5uQy via @CNNPolitics http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CRMXtWcWsAA_9XX.jpg" "@007lLisav: @CNN @realDonaldTrump @CNNPolitics can't wait for his insightful & intelligent tweets." You sound like a very smart person! "@seancduarte @TeamCavuto #Yourworld If @realDonaldTrump wins Barry Diller will move out of country. Sounds like a win, win." RT @greta: CNN should invite @realDonaldTrump to debate-if they can invite a Socialist / Sanders to Dem debate, why not a Rep? http://t.co/… Live from New York- November 7th! @nbcsnl http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CROFkusWwAA2HJM.jpg It was just announced that I will be hosting Saturday Night Live on Nov. 7th -- look forward to it! http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/donald-trump-host-snl-november-7-n443726 "Exclusive--Davi: Trump, The Lion We Need" http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/10/11/exclusive-davi-trump-lion-need/ How can Jeb Bush expect to deal with China, Russia + Iran if he gets caught doing a “plant” during my speech yesterday in NH? So nice, thank you very much. https://twitter.com/JosephMonaco/status/653735644351590401 RT @JessicaHayesTV: This oughta be good! @realDonaldTrump to live-tweet CNN's Democratic Debate tonight: http://go.fox59.com/1WZcDI2 @fox59 Everybody's talking about my doing twitter during the likely very boring debate tonight. @realDonaldTrump #DemDebate RT @greta: . @realDonaldTrump is going to give CNN debate reporting some competition? http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CRNEYauWoAABtLf.png Very honored: "Trump Is Tops As Clinton Drops In Connecticut Primaries, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds" http://www.quinnipiac.edu/news-and-events/quinnipiac-university-poll/connecticut/release-detail?ReleaseID=2289 "@Ma1973sk I can't wait for @realDonaldTrump live tweets during Dem debate tonight. Won't watch debate but will watch Trump's Twitter" "@007lLisav: @CNN @realDonaldTrump @CNNPolitics can't wait for his insightful & intelligent tweets." Will be so much better than CNN! "@ElviNichols: Will @CNN be tough as they were with @realDonaldTrump ? Not sure..https://twitter.com/foxandfriends/status/653895874997809152" No way, they will be very gentle! The arrogant young woman who questioned me in such a nasty fashion at No Labels yesterday was a Jeb staffer! HOW CAN HE BEAT RUSSIA & CHINA? Sheldon Adelson is looking to give big dollars to Rubio because he feels he can mold him into his perfect little puppet. I agree! "@jonygitar: #morningjoe @morningmika @Morning_Joe @JoeNBC Surely you read reports that woman at no labels event was a pol. operative?" "@Politics_Reddit: That feminist who called out Trump last night? She's a Jeb intern. http://www.theconservativetreehouse.com/2015/10/13/busted-cnn-uses-jeb-bush-staffer-planted-in-audience-to-frame-donald-trump-narrativehit" Jeb always gets caught, sad! "@ryan_padraic: Get the popcorn, Donald Trump plans to live-tweet the #CNNDebate. #DemDebate https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/653868764094722048" "@farrightgregy: Dan Rather: Donald Trump Could Be Our Next President http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/dan-rather-donald-trump-next-president/2015/10/12/id/695795/?ns_mail_uid=4202934" I agree - thanks Dan! Someone should inform @CNN that, despite spending millions of $'s on graphics, it is not the Democratic Debate, rather the Democrat (s) D! At the request of many, and even though I expect it to be a very boring two hours, I will be covering the Democrat Debate live on twitter! "@deqwik2: @SaraMurray @realDonaldTrump Sorry link above not working. Here's good link http://theconservativetreehouse.com/2015/10/13/busted-cnn-uses-jeb-bush-staffer-planted-in-audience-to-frame-donald" @CNN and Jeb - apologize! "@Parker_Votes: California Gov. Jerry Brown signs bill allowing illegals right to VOTE using drivers lic.ID. @realDonaldTrump "@TopherCarlton: .@JebBush Sickening attempt. I hope .@realDonaldTrump jumps another 10 points. #WakeUpAmerica https://twitter.com/thelastrefuge2/status/653823184785969152" "@codyave: @drudgereport @BreitbartNews @Writeintrump "You Can't Stump the Trump" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKH6PAoUuD0 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CRLvYeaUYAEtT9T.png" "@BackOnTrackUSA: @seanhannity You are looking & sounding more Presidential everyday. The country is ready for you to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain "@mimi_saulino: @seanhannity @FoxNews Syrian Muslims escorted into U.S. through Mexico. Now arriving to Oklahoma and Kansas! Congress?" "@kyredblood: @realDonaldTrump Great Fox interview" @seanhannity "@heavenlyitalian: @seanhannity @FoxNews time we had a businessman in the WH,who can bring back jobs to America and restore the middle class "@GregWescott: @realDonaldTrump @seanhannity @FoxNews Another great interview. You were point on .... As good as it gets!" Thanks! "@VickyBrush: That young girl asking if she'll have control over her own body looked like she was planted there! @HorseShort "@connie_lee1: @realDonaldTrump @seanhannity @FoxNews Looking forward to a great interview with a great interviewee and a great interviewer! Will be interviewed by @SeanHannity on @foxnews at 10PM tonight. Enjoy! Thank you. https://twitter.com/JosephMonaco/status/653672269781331969 Via RealClear Politics http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/va/virginia_republican_presidential_primary-3921.html "@CFT1 @realDonaldTrump doing a great job in New Hampshire today ! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" Leaving soon after a great time in New Hampshire, a truly special place! Great, everyone is saying I did much better on @60Minutes last week than President Obama did tonight. I agree! President Obama was terrible on @60Minutes tonight. He said CLIMATE CHANGE is the most important thing, not all of the current disasters! "@CNNPolitics: .@clayaiken praises "good guy" Trump and his "upstanding" and "grounded" kids http://cnn.it/1FV0lwq http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CRA8M4SWgAQIiM-.jpg "@kausmickey: .@realDonaldTrump was calling out Paul Ryan for his entitlement plans back in 2011 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/01/donald-trump-paul-ryan-budget_n_869646.html" So true! "@TheFix: Tuesday's Democratic debate is missing just one thing: Donald Trump." True, can you think of anyone who wants to watch? I will be on Face The Nation (CBS) today at 10:30 A.M. and Media Buzz (Fox News) at 11:00 A.M. Enjoy! "@Clint_Goodrich: They used to call Barry Diller the father of "e-commerce"-what a joke that was - and that he is. 100%clueless on Internet" Just got back from Georgia. The crowds and love for U.S. was so amazing! We all had a great day together - will be back soon! Little Barry Diller, who lost a fortune on Newsweek and Daily Beast, only writes badly about me. He is a sad and pathetic figure. Lives lie! Via Breitbart - "Riding High in Polls Donald Trump Storms the American South to Overflow Crowds in Georgia" http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/10/10/riding-high-polls-30-percent-donald-trump-storms-american-south-overflow-crowds-georgia/ With the fantastic ratings last weekend, @meetthepress & @ThisWeekABC, I think it’s only fair that I go on @FoxNewsSunday w/ Chris Wallace. Will be interviewed on @FaceTheNation with @JDickerson tomorrow at 10:30am EST. Enjoy! My interview with @HowardKurtz on #MediaBuzz will air tomorrow on @Fox at 11am and 5pm. Great job Howie, very insightful. .@ThisWeekABC with @GStephanopoulos had fantastic numbers last Sunday --- Trump interview. Nice! Thank you Georgia! I had a great afternoon with all of you! I will be back soon. #MakeAmerciaGreatAgain http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CQ-i0QTWIAAF-Dw.jpg .@ChuckTodd just informed us that my interview last week on @MeetthePress was their highest rated show in 4 years. Congrats! I'm leading big in every poll and we are going to WIN! Remember, Trump NEVER gives up! Paul Ryan is far from my first choice, but a very nice guy. The Republicans should go for tough and (very) smart this time - no games! "@nypost: People are writing tribute songs for Donald Trump http://nyp.st/1ZlpVRn" Thanks to all of these great songwriters. Get rich! "@MyPresidentme: @realDonaldTrump @thehill She represents how thousands of us feel. You have the BEST supporters BAR NONE! #Trump2016 "@thehill: .@realDonaldTrump’s biggest Hispanic fan: "He’s my perfect man" http://hill.cm/dr3njHn http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CQ7TfsbUEAArH8V.jpg" A great woman! "@w_gorham: @realDonaldTrump Go President Trump! Many Canadians up here are behind you... totally! https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/652668174522023936" "@AliceEngle3: @trumpiowa @TRUMPVICTORY16 @realDonaldTrump The next generation will be better off because Trump was in the Oval Office!" "@TheWTFTahoe: Please don't ever give up. This country is in such a mess and needs a non-politician to fix it. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@Jamgrigs: @realDonaldTrump Trump keep fighting the fight for America, we got your back. The future is looking bright. THE TRUMP REVOLUTION "@bdean1468: @realDonaldTrump ATL LOVES TRUMP!!!" Thanks! Heading for Atlanta tomorrow morning for noon speech at North Atlanta Trade Center. Big crowds, great people! Will be interviewed on "Media Buzz" with Howie Kurtz on Fox, Sunday at 11:00 A.M. Great Gravis Poll on the great state of NH. Also, watch @FaceTheNation on CBS & @HowardKurtz #mediabuzz -- both on Sunday. Mark--They could use you. https://twitter.com/mcuban/status/652332721327489024 Good luck to the US Men’s National Team in tomorrow’s CONCACAF Cup vs. Mexico! It should be a great game! https://twitter.com/Mediaite/status/652526497920495616 New Gravis Poll in NH just out: Trump 32%, Carson 13% http://gravismarketing.com/polling-and-market-research/current-new-hampshire-polling/ Crowd gathers to hear Trump speech in Las Vegas http://lasvegassun.com/news/2015/oct/08/crowd-gathers-to-hear-trump-speech-in-las-vegas/ "@paulfincher2 Keep the faith. Elect @realDonaldTrump and there will be no more sanctuary cities. and very few illegals." "@michaeljohns With this month's 224-page @simonschuster book Crippled America, Trump has most specific policy agenda of any candidate.." Thank you. https://twitter.com/VWAudiPorsche/status/652467501486501888 "@Women4Trump MSM cut off intro of Trump in LV where we were told he just gave $20 million to St. Jude's Charity http://www.c-span.org/video/?328645-1/donald-trump-campaign-rally-las-vegas … "@ept_rudyru @AnnCoulter I'm Hispanic & @realDonaldTrump has my vote! And a lot of other Hispanics here in the Borderland! " "@JBOD2001 @realDonaldTrump yeah, you're really wearing out your welcome. Who's dominating the polls? YOU!!! Go Trump!" True. Thanks. https://twitter.com/TerryLambert201/status/652467759025139712 Thanks. https://twitter.com/prscountryheart/status/652502836463337472 "@JayMichaelsProd Trump won the crowd yesterday curious to see how many are changing their registrations from Democrat to Republican??" I will be going to Atlanta, Georgia tomorrow—here’s the info: http://trumpgeorgia.eventbrite.com. Hope to see you there! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain! I will be interviewed on @FacetheNation Sunday 10AM on CBS. @johndickerson is a true pro! "@BarbMuenchen @grindingdude the book to read is Time to get Tough making America great again." Thanks. Thanks Larry. Best wishes. https://twitter.com/larry_kudlow/status/648570414118105089 Good luck! Enjoy. https://twitter.com/ajgoldberg/status/649607682220027904 "@LauraRosenCohen @MarkSteynOnline on @realDonaldTrump "There is nothing Trump does that doesn't work for him." "@DavidFoody @realDonaldTrump Thank you for taking on the Establishment.They don't know what to do, do they?" "@AlisaApps @realDonaldTrump you were fantastic yesterday in Las Vegas - a great event. Passionate people. Keep it up! #AlisaReal" Thx Will be interviewed on @Morning_Joe at 7:20. Great crowd in Las Vegas yesterday! I was so happy when I heard that @Politico, one of the most dishonest political outlets, is losing a fortune. Pure scum! .@EWErickson ran @RedState into the ground. A change was necessary. Congratulations to @RedState and good luck in the future! .@EWErickson is a total low life--- read his past tweets. A dummy with no “it” factor. Will fade fast. A great event in Las Vegas, Nevada! http://bit.ly/1LpfKRu Just leaving Las Vegas. Unbelievable crowd! Many Hispanics who love me and I love them! https://instagram.com/p/8l05H-mhTf/ Thank you! https://twitter.com/PoliceFirstNow/status/652221982566539264 "@Momfullofhope @BorderWall @realDonaldTrump rocks it everywhere he goes" Thanks. Thanks. https://twitter.com/garthkirkwood/status/652217149700837376 Website Exposing Marco ‘Amnesty’ Rubio Goes Live: A ‘Donor Class Puppet’? - Breitbart http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/10/08/website-exposing-marco-amnesty-rubio-goes-live-a-donor-class-puppet/ 'The goal is to be the winner': Donald Trump's campaign is for real. Via The Guardian http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/oct/08/donald-trump-campaign-coalition "This Man Is the Most Dangerous Political Operative in America" via Bloomberg Politics http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/graphics/2015-steve-bannon/ "@DesignerDeb3 Wow 5000+ in Line in Las Vegas For our Next President of these United States Mr @realDonaldTrump !" "@PennySingletary: @realDonaldTrump we know this and that's why you will be our next President" Thank you. "@SKennedy1979: No one else brings the passion, conviction, experience that you have. Your message is resonating w America! I'm excited." "@GaryGaryt52: @DanScavino @JudiLoera @realDonaldTrump WHEN IS TRUMP COMING TO FLORIDA? CAN'T WAIT.GO TRUMP! . FL FOR TRUMP "@MidOhioMilitia: I haven't missed a speech or interview. Love hearing you speak for ME! #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #IBelieve" Washington (D.C.) is such a mess - nothing works! I will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! It's not going to happen with anyone else. "@Moonwkr: @realDonaldTrump I would like to nominate @IvankaTrump for Speaker of the House" What a great idea, she is a total winner! (Nice) Great, Kevin McCarthy drops out of SPEAKER race. We need a really smart and really tough person to take over this very important job! I'm at Trump Int'l Hotel in Las Vegas, tallest/most beautiful building in town. Speaking to another great crowd at Treasure Island (12 noon) What a time we all had in Iowa yesterday, massive overflow crowd. Love them! Wow, great news! I hear @EWErickson of Red State was fired like a dog. If you read his tweets, you'll understand why. Just doesn't have IT! I hear @glennbeck is in big trouble. Unlike me, his viewers & ratings are way down & he has become irrelevant—glad I didn’t do his show. Wacky @glennbeck who always seems to be crying (worse than Boehner) speaks badly of me only because I refuse to do his show--a real nut job! "@PjwJ316: @realDonaldTrump YES!!!!!!!!!! AMERICA NEEDS @realDonaldTrump FOR PRESIDENT!!! CAN'T WAIT FOR AMERICA TO BE GREAT AGAIN!!!!" "@GraggQuinton: This is the size crowd you get when people care what you say -Trump in Oklahoma . Got even bigger http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CQwblBIUAAAifd1.jpg" "@keksec_org: @realDonaldTrump I truly believe you are the best #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" Thank you so much! "@Sandikay60: @realDonaldTrump @DarrenJJordan @stuartpstevens Donald Trump, our next president of the United States! #trump2016" Thank you. "@metskins10: @realDonaldTrump @DarrenJJordan @stuartpstevens Pay him, just do the opposite and you will win in a landslide." Just arrived in Las Vegas for a packed house speech tomorrow. Big poll results today, Leading big everywhere. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! "@DarrenJJordan: @realDonaldTrump @stuartpstevens And he's still a consultant? For what?" Only a fool would pay Stuart for his advice. "@3462727: @BretBaier @Norsu2 @realDonaldTrump tired of FOX bashing Trump & pushing GOP establish / Christie/Rubio/Bush" "@sugarofsaturn: @realDonaldTrump @stuartpstevens On the bright side Romney's loss gave us Donald Trump!" So true! Iowa was amazing today. Great crowd, great people. Thanks, will be back soon! .@stuartpstevens made some of the dumbest political decisions of all time in helping Romney to get destroyed by Obama. Should have won! Just found out I won the Rockingham County Republican Booth Straw Poll at the Deerfield Fair in New Hampshire this past weekend. 39% ---Wow! RT @TeamCavuto: .@realDonaldTrump is leading @RealBenCarson in new Quinnipiac poll @FoxBusiness http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CQuhVOTWgAAoy3-.png .@politico has no power, but so dishonest! I wonder why somebody doesn't do something about the clowns @politico and their totally dishonest reporting. Heading to a packed house in Waterloo, Iowa! Will celebrate today's great poll numbers together. See you soon! If Stuart Stevens' book is as bad as his horrible political advice to Mitt Romney, don't waste your money. Arrogant guy but a zero! Ben Carson was speaking in general terms as to what he would do if confronted with a gunman, and was not criticizing the victims. Not fair! "@darcy027027: @realclearspam @ElliekeMary @AnnCoulter @GardiBates @ananavarro @CNN Don't worry. Trump will put it back when he is Pres !" "@trumpgasm: NEW- 10/6/15 REUTERS IPSOS POLL DONALD TRUMP CONTINUES TO DOMINATE! OVER 37%!! http://polling.reuters.com/#!response/TR130/type/smallest/filters/PARTY_ID_:2/dates/20150808-20151006/collapsed/false http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CQrBxiKUwAAYWqq.png" "@sharonDay5: The ONLY hope for America to break from the single Party Establishment is to Vote for @realDonaldTrump #Trump2016" "@Foosball38: @realDonaldTrump we need a Real LEADER to LEAD. Let's make America great again! VOTE TRUMP 2016" "@sempek1: @BretBaier @realDonaldTrump Trump is talking about highways, huge building projects - not as Steve Hayes said - small fry." "@ManahawkinMikey: @realDonaldTrump @GardiBates @ananavarro @CNN At least @megynkelly came to her senses #asksean http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CQrDEO0VEAAxCgh.jpg" "@darcy027027: @GardiBates @ananavarro @CNN Just In! 10/6/15 Morning Poll Trump +18% Trump 31 Carson 13 Rubio 10 Bush 7 Fiorina 6" "@nedbello: @realDonaldTrump Your Doing GREAT!" Thanks. "@GardiBates: @ananavarro @cnn @realDonaldTrump Why are you even on tv? U sound like nails on a chalkboard. Biased against Trump. So true! "@For2016: pundits love to take a snippet, out of context, from something DonaldTrump says, and then weave a blanket of bullshit around it "@ajbruno14: @MaraLiasson What media fails to mention, @realDonaldTrump offers solutions, even without details....separates him from others! "@bluegirlvi: @BretBaier @FoxNews DonaldTrump GOD voters are NOT getting tired of Trump! He's winning over others too #MakeAmericaGreatAgain "@pnicastro1: @WayneNewtonMrLV He did give tremendous praise for you this morning on @foxandfriends. Keep it up!Make America Great Again!" "@lewgeraldine: @FoxNews @realDonaldTrump TRUMP FOR "PRESIDENT" YOU HAVE MY VOTE." GREAT. "@ChadR73: Guess Barry Diller is afraid @realDonaldTrump is about to upset the crony applecart. #Trump2016 @Carl_C_Icahn" An angry fool! "@TheConnieMoore: @realDonaldTrump see u Sat in GA !!" Great! "@rogerhartford8: @realDonaldTrump hope you win it all . Time for a change !!" "@TN_RiverFolk: My 2016 Vote will B based on #MakeAmericaGreatAgain NOT Eminent Domain●Americans need 2Prioritize http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CQq3-P6UsAAPDnx.jpg" "@Jrdavisii: @realDonaldTrump was great! @stephenfhayes is jealous that Trump didn't mention him. It's because SH is so wrong! "@4mostcoach: I enjoy every @realDonaldTrump speech IN ITS ENTIRETY NOBODY's going 2 tell me what our NEXT PRESIDENT says but HIM. True! https://twitter.com/ray_aub/status/651487010847391745 I will be on @SpecialReport with @BretBaier tonight at 6PM. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CQqIE3aWIAErOgM.jpg "Labor Unions Giving Serious Thought to Endorsing Trump" via Washington Examiner http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/unions-thinking-about-endorsing-trump/article/2573359 Crooked @club4growth has given up advertising in Iowa on me—remember they wanted my million dollars—I said no—total frauds! RT @kwrcrow: @WayneNewtonMrLV say's on @foxandfriends that @realDonaldTrump is impeccably honest, "tells it like it is" and would be a grea… .@WayneNewtonMrLV Wayne, such a pleasant surprise--so nice. Thank you very much. "@kitkat123frank: @realDonaldTrump @CNN @SpecialKMB1969. You have my vote" "@SteveBrainard1: @realDonaldTrump @CNN great interview Trump!" "@CPO_Mark_2010: @realDonaldTrump is fired up on @cnn!!! So are your supporters!! #Trump2016" "@WMikeWood: @cnn Trump Shuts down Cuomo. "I am not getting out." I am going to win. Cuomo tries sleazy tricks . Epic Fail. Unprofessional." "@jpm05880: @realDonaldTrump @CNN TRUMP EVEN SHARPER THAN LAST WEEK!!YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL..." "@AJ_Nix: @realDonaldTrump @CNN Great job Mr Trump,,,Kept em on topic,, Got your message though." "@Nay_2xTimes: Great interview on #NewDay @realDonaldTrump #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@Tea4Freedom: @realDonaldTrump @CNN That was awesome, boss! #trump2016" "@Lisa_Steen: seriously Cuomo hates DonaldTrump he was a pathetic interviewer AS USUAL! Please don't go anywhere Mr Trump AMERICA NEEDS YOU" "@realbigstriper: @ChrisCuomo Pew poll: @realDonaldTrump holds commanding lead @CNNPolitics http://www.cnn.com/2015/10/02/politics/pew-poll-donald-trump-leads/" "@AngelaDale143: @realDonaldTrump @CNN wow, did Trump kick ass with Cuomo! You are the man, Mr. Trump; certainly not the lamb chop, Rubio." "@LindaRicker6: My choice @realDonaldTrump just finished a great interview on CNN. Pathetic questions from Cuomo but Trump cleared the air." "@Karentalk: @CNNPolitics @realDonaldTrump Stop interrupting Trump..Please..He is CORRECT ON EVERYTHING.." "@LarrySchweikart: @peddoc63 @RickCanton @realDonaldTrump @marcorubio Funny. The Donald living rent-free in lil Marco's head" I will be interviewed on @CNN New Day at 7:03 A.M. Enjoy! "@CASuperrunner: @cu_mr2ducks @FoxNews @foxnewspolitics Trump talked about this weeks ago as a possibility .... this is not Rubio's idea" Don't ever forget, we will, together, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! "@jaxx613: @realDonaldTrump @Renhowe @donlemon @CNN . Mark Levin interview was great" "@Q1776: Love fest for DonaldTrump on @marklevinshow just now. Top 5 talk radio audience in country. Great being on the show with Mark! "@Knight276: @Writeonright @Real_Carl_Icahn @DanScavino @realDonaldTrump media is confused they bash trump he rises in polls!" "@4udirtyrat: @realDonaldTrump 9 million MORE out of work because of this BAD DEAL.Will have over 100 MILLION out of work. Nice going Obama" "@Raddmom: @realDonaldTrump - don't let the media & the @GOP elites push you out- Americans are with you!" Thanks, I won't! "@TheWTFTahoe: @realDonaldTrump will #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@KingVantes: @AnnCoulter @RedState TRUTH .Just like Perry, Walker, Bush .. all y'all who go after @realDonaldTrump WILL FAIL 💯 #Trump2016" "@OperaPilot: @realDonaldTrump: You have the ability to lift the spirits of this country to be GREAT AGAIN!" Thanks, I will do it! So, so, so important - MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! "@Forbes: “If Donald Trump puts his name on X, it will sell for 3.7 times more than it would otherwise.” Nice! "@TODAYshow: "We're pleased to announce that Donald Trump has just accepted our invitation for a town hall." -@SavannahGuthrie" So true! "@WayneDupreeShow: HEADLINES: Donald Trump maintains huge lead on opponents as polls go #KeepingItReal http://newsninja2012.com/businessman-donald-trump-remains-on-top-of-national-poll-despite-media-efforts-to-silence-it/" "@marklevinshow: Donald Trump will be on my show tonight at 8:30 PM eastern time." Will be my great honor, so much to talk about! Political strategist Stuart Stevens,who led Romney down the tubes in what should have been an easy victory,has terrible political instincts! Thoughts and prayers for those in the floods affecting the great people of South Carolina. The incompetence of our current administration is beyond comprehension. TPP is a terrible deal. For all of my fantastic supporters, and for the U.S.A., we are going to win and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, maybe greater than ever before! "@PaulRSidneyUK: I cannot believe the increase in illegals here in San Antonio Texas. We are the minority constantly discriminated against I'm leading by big margins in every poll but the press keeps asking, would you ever get out? They are just troublemakers, I'm going to win! "@MichellePippin: @realDonaldTrump When are you coming to #virginiabeach?" Very soon! "@AndreaTantaros: DonaldTrump is right. And sadly Christians were treated better under Hussein & Gaddafi than ISIS. https://twitter.com/businessinsider/status/650705294532706304 "@DGrant39107133: @nathanpaul1975 Clinton may go to jail but is still running for president? 99% of people would be in jail for what she did "@keksec_org: @realDonaldTrump You said it best! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@Margee11: WATCH @realDonaldTrump Fires Up the Crowd in Franklin, Tennessee http://trumpstump2016.com/2015/10/watch-donald-trump-fire-up-the-crowd-in-franklin-tennessee/ via @trumpstump2016" "@nathanpaul1975: @realDonaldTrump Hollywood doesn't get to pick our presidents we the people do!! GO TRUMP!👍👍" Will be interviewed by @chucktodd on @meetthepress at 10:30 A.M. Will be interviewed by @GStephanopoulos on @ABC at 10:00 A.M. "@TrumpNewMedia: @carrillo_pete ILLEGAL ALIENS FOUND GUILTY OF MURDERING BORDER PATROL AGENT http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/10/01/two-illegal-aliens-found-guilty-murdering-border-patrol-agent-brian-terry/ http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CQeJ7lmUwAA_kQf.jpg The people of Tennessee yesterday were amazing. Thank you! "@TheNewsClub_US: RT @realDonaldTrump "@laurencristmann: @topcota1SG @PhxKen i can't wait to cast my vote for Donald J TRUMP… #RT #CNN #HBO" "@TheNewsClub_US: RT @realDonaldTrump Will be interviewed on @foxandfriends at 8:30. #RT #CNN #HBO" "@DeborahCroce5: @realDonaldTrump ends speech in Franklin, Tennessee w/ Thank You I Love You All!! We love you 2 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain "@laurencristmann: @realDonaldTrump @topcota1SG @PhxKen i can't wait to cast my vote for Donald J TRUMP in MAY and NOVEMBER" Thanks. "@joetoohey: This morning on @meetthepress - @chucktodd’s sit down with @realDonaldTrump in his NYC Campaign HQ #MTP http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CQeDuodUkAACYbR.jpg "@polemicism: Okay okay @realDonaldTrump was right: LaGuardia Airport is a total dump. Like really, really bad." "@lindaleereyes: @realDonaldTrump Great Job Donald!!! Can't waite for you to be President and neither can America!!" "@misterdish69: @IAmFreedomMan @seanhannity @rushlimbaugh @realDonaldTrump @CNN http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CQeBilGVEAE6Vlh.jpg" Will be interviewed on @foxandfriends at 8:30. "@BillPwr1: @collegestump @CNN @FoxNews @DRUDGE_REPORT @blackrepublican FYI @batchelorshow @larry_kudlow #Trump2016 appeal grows!" "@NeilForell: Watched the roast of @realDonaldTrump You took those jokes like a champ, what a good sport! Im voting for you now" Great. "@topcota1SG: @PhxKen I am Hispanic and will vote for @realDonaldTrump" "@sfurnbac: Thank you @realDonaldTrump for the great #SNL this week!!!" "@piercingshawn: @realDonaldTrump Please don't roll over . You are this country's last hope and our kids need you. Don't lose this deal !" "@SolFusionGreg: @Mediaite The more the Progressives & RINO's poke at the DonaldTrump the stronger he gets and more REAL PEOPLE like him!" "@scottferson: .@TaranKillam plays a way better fake @realDonaldTrump than a real @HillaryClinton plays herself @nbcsnl" "@leftfootjustice: If @realDonaldTrump becomes @POTUS we will finally have a @WWE Hall of Famer as President." "@RealReagan0503: It's funny how they say @realDonaldTrump doesn't give specifics but he's the only one who put out more than 2 policies. "@JWbananastand: @nbcsnl I think I just heard @realDonaldTrump's ratings go up another 5% #Trump #SNL" Tune in to see me on @ThisWeekABC with @GStephanopoulos at 10am ET. Enjoy! I will be on @MeetThePress with @ChuckTodd tomorrow morning at 10:30am ET on @NBC. Enjoy! Just leaving Nashville, Tennessee. Had a great time with a fabulous crowd of people! Love Nashville -- back soon! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CQbND0JWsAAbWGs.jpg Rubio was very disloyal to Bush, his mentor, when he decided to run against him. Both said they "love" each other.They don't - word is hate! Bush and Rubio are finally attacking each other, as I knew they would, in order to be the last "establishment" man standing against me.Great "@elkay14: @jordanfax I like gutsy brave guys like #Trump #Reagan , I hate all those bloody hypocrites @realDonaldTrump" Thank you. "@collegestump: Can't wait for @realDonaldTrump to be the next pres. @CNN @FoxNews @DRUDGE_REPORT @blackrepublican http://twitter.com/collegestump/status/650142348748431360/photo/1" Thank you @megynkelly for the nice things you said about Melania. You will like her, great heart and smart - always wanting to help people! "@gse_says: Overwhelming wins by @realDonaldTrump in primaries will prove what will happen (landslide) in the general election. "@mormontim: Going to see @realDonaldTrump tomorrow in franklin TN #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@tvegan: DonaldTrump your kicking everyone's ASS! always believed in this Country ! your going to make America Great Again ! Mr President! "@carrillo_pete: @realDonaldTrump great numbers #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" Thanks. "@misskellyaudrey: @FoxNews @HowardKurtz @MELANIATRUMP Melania is a beautiful woman who conducts her self with Class and Dignity #Trump2016" "@HowardKurtz: @JoeNBC It'd be humorous to cull tweets from "experts" over past few mos who have predicted Trump's immediate collapse" "@HowardKurtz: Trump's big lead in a new poll and whether Jeb's "stuff happens" was taken out of context with @megynkelly tonight" Thanks H! "@valerieannt: @DRUDGE_REPORT @JebBush Jeb you are falling in polls because conservatives feel that you cannot #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@apolloNC1: @realDonaldTrump @MNManstein2 You will be the next president of the USA!! Thank you Mr Trump. Sincerely the middle class!!" "@KelliHeathman1: Megan Kelly admitted Trump was leading by a lot!! That talk with Ailes must have worked... Time to get tough. TRUMP 2016" "@TheNewsClub_US: RT "@MNMans: Polling Convergence - OAN/GRAVIS and Reuters… http://tnc.news/CL1kyZ #RT #CNN #HBO http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CQW2ZovVEAElAN2.jpg" "@KenPettigrew: Don't slow down the Trump storm... American needs leadership not a Paper President like Obama. Don't leave us with Jeb!" "@MNManstein2: Polling Convergence - OAN/GRAVIS and Reuters Show Donald Trump Surging With 34 - 35% Support... http://wp.me/p1kzlW-rMn via "@thehill: P. Diddy is a fan of Donald Trump: http://hill.cm/uPlQYof http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CQWnKdzWoAAMWHp.jpg" "@swterry91: Donald Trump Leads by 9 Points in Pew Poll – Jeb Bush in Free Fall #tcot http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2015/10/donald-trump-leads-by-9-points-in-pew-poll-jeb-bush-in-free-fall/" Pictures of my beautiful mother, amazing father, and family hanging @MontesKitchen in upstate, New York. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CQWIifkW8AErfHv.jpg Congratulations to my brother Robert & Ann Marie on the success of @MontesKitchen in Dutchess County, New York (Amenia.) Great food! "@Tea4Freedom: Pastor Robert Jeffres accurately gushes about Donald Trump http://www.mofopolitics.com/2015/10/02/pastor-robert-jeffres-accurately-gushes-about-donald-trump/" Pastor Jeffres is a great guy! "@billsupdates: Why Buffalo Bills could be responsible for Donald Trump becoming president http://ow.ly/SUyWL" Team has a great owner! "@DoDFiredawg78: @realDonaldTrump Virginians stand with you sir! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 #TrumpForPresident" Will be in Nashville, Tennessee, tomorrow (Saturday) at 2:30 P.M. So much to talk about - see you there! I was so looking forward to being in Virginia Beach, Virginia, today. The demand for tickets was amazing. Good luck with storm, back soon! "@VoteDonaIdTrump: @realDonaldTrump @Renhowe @donlemon @CNN we love trump" "@Renhowe: I enjoyed @donlemon‘s interview with @realDonaldTrump on @CNN Need more interviews like that." Thanks. "@RLHoldenSr: @realDonaldTrump Mr Trump we are praying that you win the 2016 election! Obama is destroying the US!" "@TheBrodyFile: The HUGE @TheBrodyFile DonaldTrump faith-based story runs tomorrow (Friday) on @700club. @ABCFamily channel at 10am ET." "@WETHEPEOPLE65: @realDonaldTrump @BigStick2013 @TIMENOUT @CNN @donlemon GO TRUMP, OUR GUY" My warmest condolences to the families of the horrible Roseburg, Oregon, shootings. "@JYakburger: @EthaBrooke IF @MittRomney ran more like @realDonaldTrump and less like McCain, he would've won. Failed campaign tactics. I will be interviewed on @seanhannity tonight at 10:00. Many things, mostly bad, to talk about! "@gedion_t: @realDonaldTrump @EthaBrooke @MittRomney No body knows foreign policy any better than Trump. Vote "T" "@Def: CNBC's John Harwood Today "We don't have Superman presidents" "No" DonaldTrump replied .."But we WILL if you have Trump!" #Trump2016 "@EthaBrooke: @cs1racefan @realDonaldTrump @MittRomney The truth about Romney...he didn't want the presidency bad enough!" He choked! "@EthaBrooke: @MittRomney Like always you are telling the truth.I liked Romney and voted for him but he didn't fight hard enough." True! "@msann43: How can Illinois keep @realDonaldTrump off the ballot? Illinois citizens should protest. Just another phony Politico story. Easy! "@barreto_eugenio: @MittRomney it's sad, but GOP does not want you as their candidate. But we the people do. Latinos for Trump." .@MittRomney is trying to hit back at me because I'm saying that he let the Repub Party down w/ his loss to Obama. Should've won—he choked! Thanks. https://twitter.com/Galvinized_Mike/status/649648949796716545 "@JayRHaw: @realDonaldTrump was right. @RandPaul wont last. Even Paul knew it. Thats why he's still running for his Senate seat #Trump2016" "@JoyCardinShow: Latest @MULawPoll finds @ScottWalker at 37 percent approval, @realDonaldTrump leading GOP in #Wisconsin. "@Margaretweber48: @realDonaldTrump Rand Paul put the nail in his coffin when he bashed Ted Cruz. Bye, bye Rand!" "@WMikeW: It's hard to get through corrupt media filter but Trump is doing it. Check out 9/30/15 @donlemon int'view https://twitter.com/Ma1973sk/status/649536664256270336" Just got back from New Hampshire. Great crowd, great people! Will be back soon! "@sternbutgreg: @realDonaldTrump is pulling away from the pack. I live in Iowa. It's real." Thank you! "@TIMENOUT: @CNN @donlemon congratulations Don that was a great interview @realDonaldTrump" "@CFT1: .@realDonaldTrump Great interview on @CNN @donlemon @CNNTonight #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 #TRUMP" "@angeloftruth11: @realDonaldTrump great interview with @donlemon. Thank you. "@AnnieClarkCole: How can anyone vote for Hillary when she careless with emails that jeopardize our security. She is not to be trusted." "@jaycatalyst1: @realDonaldTrump Univision execs are hypocrites.They dish out the most discrimination. You should highlight that point." "@Hashtag1USA: I just watched D Trumps interview on @CNN i get more impressed everytime i hear him speak! @realDonaldTrump #Trump2016-Thanks "Trump’s Tax Plan: A Proposal Reagan Would Approve?" by Jeff Bell http://thepulse2016.com/jeff-bell/2015/09/29/trumps-tax-plan-a-proposal-reagan-would-approve/ I will be interviewed by @donlemon tonight on @CNN at 10PM. Interesting, polls on who won the GOP debate. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CQLV4XiU8AAJrYK.jpg With @williebosshog, a great guy, at our 20,000 people event in Oklahoma last week. https://instagram.com/p/8QzMm7mhaA/ RT @RogerJStoneJr: .@realDonaldTrump's tax plan will be #YUGE for women. Get on the #TrumpTrain @mitchsunderland! https://broadly.vice.com/en_us/article/shockingly-donald-trumps-tax-plan-could-be-good-for-women Wow, so nice! Thank you Wayne Allyn Root. http://www.theblaze.com/contributions/with-tax-plan-donald-is-the-new-ronald/ Great news! Just out--the highly respected USA Today/Suffolk University Poll. Enjoy! https://twitter.com/greta/status/649259009384521732 Anyone reading this profile of Marco Rubio would never vote for him. Never made ten cents & is totally controlled! http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/10/us/billionaire-lifts-marco-rubio-politically-and-personally.html?_r=0 Highly respected economist @Larry_Kudlow is a big fan of my tax plan—thank you Larry. http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/larry-kudlow-like-donald-trump-tax/2015/09/29/id/693948/ Rubio is totally owned by the lobbyists and special interests. A lightweight senator with the worst voting record in Senate. Lazy! "@kissmeandrocco: @realDonaldTrump who ever thinks Donald trump is a bad person u just don't want a good country" Thank you. Just read that "Trump" has the largest (and I add most enthusiastic) crowds. Tonight I will be in New Hampshire - the place will be packed! I watched lightweight Senator Marco Rubio, who is all talk and no action, defend his WEAK position on illegal immigration. Pathetic! Great! https://twitter.com/sullyisback/status/648916143416168448 RT @TeamCavuto: .@Carl_C_Icahn to @TeamCavuto : @realDonaldTrump is the best candidate by far @FoxBusiness http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CQFVqcFWgAAosM5.png Carl Icahn said this about me: "I think at this moment in time, he’s the only candidate that speaks out about the country’s problems." Definitely watch @Carl_C_Icahn ‘s ‘Danger Ahead’. Very insightful, particularly on how corp inversions hurt America: http://www.CarlIcahn.com I hope when Rand Paul gets out of the race—he is at 1%--his supporters come over to me. I will do a much better job for them. Prediction: Rand Paul has been driven out of the race by my statements about him-- he will announce soon. 1%! "@polina6: @realDonaldTrump MAN WITH A PLAN-THE BEST TAX PLAN! GO TRUMP 2016!" Do you believe this - Iran wants to trade our 3 prisoners (not 4) for 19 prisoners held by the U.S. Should have been let go with last deal! Wow, the ratings for @60Minutes last night were their biggest in a year--- very nice! "The GOP Debate Scorecard: Donald Trump and Energy" by Wayne Allyn Root. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/09/15/donald-trump-its-all-about-the-energy-stupid/ Zogby Poll: Trump Widens Lead After GOP Debate http://www.forbes.com/sites/johnzogby/2015/09/20/zogby-poll-trump-widens-lead-after-gop-debate/ Conservative? Jeb Bush doubled Florida State debt!http://www.usgovernmentspending.com/spending_chart_1999_2007FLb_16s2li111mcn_H0s Will be doing @OutFrontCNN with @ErinBurnett tonight at 7 pm re: tax reductions and various other topics. Thanks. http://www.donaldjtrump.com https://twitter.com/1joemo1215/status/641977269540528128 "@SpurrellJulie First time in my life I wish I was an American citizen so I could vote for @realDonaldTrump !!" I know you will enjoy reading my tax plan- http://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions/tax-reform #MakeAmericaGreatAgain LIVE on #Periscope: Tax Plan Press Conference #Trump2016 https://www.periscope.tv/w/aNlObzEyMzE3NDF8MWxEeExaWWxZWVpHbR7q5BuZ95KeLTvqfi15FVprtStBUHcd2enVlHaAgfs0 Looking forward to press conference on taxes at 11AM at @TrumpTowerNY. "@ReversingASD: @60Minutes notice how your twits about @realDonaldTrump are the most RT! We the American ppl love and want #Trump2016 !" "@fanodale: @60Minutes @realDonaldTrump watched 60 mins first time ever. Love Trump hate Scotty" "@JodiL792: @DefendingtheUSA @america_trump @60Minutes Thats exactly what I thought. We haven't had great leader since Reagan&now Trump" "@yang_karl: All Scott Pelley did by being disrespectful was make it easier to make up my mind who to vote for and that will be Trump." "@AdiosLiberty: @60Minutes @realDonaldTrump @ScottPelley Haven't seen that much hatred in an interviewer since the 1st debate. #trump2016" "@JennaLeeUSA: When asked why he has his own magazine covers on his walls - @realDonaldTrump replies: "It's cheaper than wall paper..." Ha! "@SkyeShepard: Trump went way up in my 'poll' when he said he'd take money from what US is giving 2 other countries 2 save social security" "@Apipwhisperer: @MarkPavelich @gentlemanirish @60Minutes EXCELLENT WATCHING PUTIN'S BRILLIANCE AND TRUMP'S. @CBS I LOVED THE INTERVIEWS." "@greta: . @realDonaldTrump announces his tax plan tomorrow morning http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CP85GNvXAAAvv5v.png" "@Rketeltas: @realDonaldTrump While the former KGB Putin gets softballs, Trump gets the Matt Harvey fastball and hits it out of the park." "@123Jayne: @60Minutes Trump did a great job on 60 Minutes! He will be a strong leader for our country!Looking forward to voting Trump" "@midwestcaucus: @60Minutes Great interview,Trump ruled. Great response 2 Trade War claim. All anyone has 2 do is look at foreign tariffs "@MeOnAJourney @realDonaldTrump Imagine that, an American president standing up for the American people! Go Trump Go! #Trump2016" "@truthshallbe: @60Minutes @realDonaldTrump Been watching!!! Brilliant Mr. Trump, he is so Awesome!! And real." Hope we all enjoy @60Minutes tomorrow night. I do believe they will treat me fairly! "@Incazzato2015: @realDonaldTrump Time for real change, TRUMP 16" "@JokerzWild_: @realDonaldTrump @TheIntellect111 Trump will win, I know it." "@itsblakec: @realDonaldTrump we are tired of lies. Trump 2016" "@FreeStateYank: Ex-wife Ivana Trump says @realDonaldTrump can win, likely WILL win, and will be a great President. http://thehill.com/video/in-the-news/254534-trump-has-big-chance-to-win-says-ex-wife-ivana" "@TheIntellect111: @realDonaldTrump Mr Trump Please Do not give in.You are Changing History. We Need you as our Next Leader, Its Your Time" Marco Rubio is a member of the Gang Of Eight or, very weak on stopping illegal immigration. Only changed when poll numbers crashed. "@Karentalk: @RogerJStoneJr @megynkelly Fiorina is not surging..she is begging for money..and she owns this. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CP1MFpBW8AA3lX2.png" "@taurus82409: @CBS @60Minutes Look forward to it, Donald. You are doing Great! Please keep up the fight, many of us are behind you 100%!! Lightweight Senator Marco Rubio is VERY weak on immigration, knows nothing about finance and would be incapable of making great trade deals! "@realDonaldTrump: I will be on @cbs @60minutes this Sunday. A great honor-- hope you enjoy it." "@Vote_Trump: Think about it. When's the last time a Prez actually did what he said? TRUMP does what he says. Will Be Greatest Prez Ever" An updated POLL tracker (with all polls thru the weekend) reveals I maintained a double digit lead at… https://instagram.com/p/8E5dKNGhYs/ RT @TheBrodyFile: Video Exclusive: @realDonaldTrump To @TheBrodyFile : "I Am A Praying Guy" http://blogs.cbn.com/thebrodyfile/archive/2015/09/25/donald-trump-to-the-brody-file-i-am-a-praying.aspx #VVS15 #2016election Just left Oklahoma--- the most amazing crowd and people! What a night! Thank you @FrankLuntz https://twitter.com/frankluntz/status/647531210315436032 I will be on @cbs @60minutes this Sunday. A great honor-- hope you enjoy it. .@THR "The Donald Trump Ratings Bump: Who's Benefiting Most?" http://bit.ly/1jbrSze RT @sethweathers: New Poll: @realDonaldTrump maintains huge lead (31%) in Georgia! #Trump2016 https://twitter.com/lorigearywsb/status/647439441011851264 .@TheHill- Trump on Boehner resignation: 'It's a good thing' http://bit.ly/1FyKcvW .....Has worst attendance record in Senate- rarely there to vote on a bill! @marcorubio .@MarcoRubio is weak on illegal immigration and will allow anyone into the country..... Dishonest @politico just called to say that none of the polls including Fox, NBC, CNN, Zogby, & Morning Consult matter. Serious haters. At the Old Post Office- http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CPxPYqqWsAA1bpj.jpg I am now inspecting the Old Post Office on Pennsylvania Avenue - will be a great hotel. Soon off to the Oklahoma State Fair! .....Ahead of schedule and under budget! Will be in Oklahoma tonight! Great reception in D.C. At the Values Voter Summit. Now checking on my job at the Old Post Office... RT @daveweigel: Packed #VVS15 ballroom for @realDonaldTrump. Biggest, classiest crowd so far http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CPwqiCKWEAAysZT.jpg "@Rketeltas: @JoeMarzocco Waiting for the biased media to write about the 30,000 Carly fired as a failed CEO. America is for Trump!" .@megynkelly, the @FoxNews poll said very plainly I came in second in the debate. All others, Time, Drudge, Slate etc. said I came in 1st. "@JoeMarzocco: @realDonaldTrump They attack Trump for not giving policy http://detail.Here is the most important detail, he WINS." "@yayala19: @marcorubio WHAT THE LOBBYISTS, THE MEDIA AND CAREER POLITICIANS WILL DO NEXT TO TRY TO STOP TRUMP? SILENT MAJORITY IS BACK" Just watched @marcorubio on television. Just another all talk, no action, politician. Truly doesn't have a clue! Worst voting record in Sen. "@yayala19: @politico WHEN THE OTHER CANDIDATES ARE TALKING POLITICS TRUMP IS TALKING SOLUTIONS. HE IS THE MOST TALENTED CANDIDATE." Wow, a really nice lead in New Hampshire--- an increase since my last poll! http://bit.ly/1iOSSEQ The failing @politico news outlet, which I hear is losing lots of money, is really dishonest! .@politico, which is not read or respected by many, may be the most dishonest of the media outlets--- and that is saying something. Dishonest @nytimes reporter Jonathan Martin refused to acknowledge massive crowd surge forward… https://instagram.com/p/8BVHhTmhbv/ Bloomberg: Trump leads GOP field https://twitter.com/bpolitics/status/646976362394308608 Despite the establishment and the media’s best efforts, the people are speaking loudly and clearly. Thank you to my amazing supporters! New Bloomberg Poll: Trump Leads Big http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/bloomberg-trump-leads-america/2015/09/24/id/693026/ So happy about my daughter @IvankaTrump’s announcement that she will be having a baby this spring. Congratulations! RT @IvankaTrump: I'm beyond excited to announce that Baby No. 3 will be arriving this Spring! http://buff.ly/1JrvHoL Will be on @Morning_Joe at 6:30 A.M. Will be on @CNN at 7:00 A.M. .@FoxNews owes me an apology for allowing clueless pundit @RichLowry to use such foul language on TV. Unheard of! Incompetent @RichLowry lost it tonight on @FoxNews. He should not be allowed on TV and the FCC should fine him! Wow! What a great night. Thank you to all of the viewers and congratulations to @StephenAtHome http://bit.ly/1Mq0ozx @colbertlateshow .@FoxNews has been treating me very unfairly & I have therefore decided that I won't be doing any more Fox shows for the foreseeable future. Yogi Berra was not only a great baseball player, he was a great guy. Yogi will be missed. https://instagram.com/p/7-lGT3Ghbw/ Headline reads" Rubio passes Bush in Florida poll" -- Unfair, because Trump destroys them both! Trump 31.5%, Rubio 19.2%, Bush 11.3% .@JuliInkster Congratulations on your great win--what a captain, what a champion! "@Mark60644: @megynkelly still cannot figure out this massive base of support for Trump is because he is anti- politician. #Trump2016" I will be doing @colbertlateshow at 11:30 on CBS. Enjoy! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CPjfpnrUEAAlGzE.jpg I will be the featured guest on the season opener of @60Minutes this Sunday. There certainly is plenty to talk about! Just remember, the birther movement was started by Hillary Clinton in 2008. She was all in! I think @megynkelly should take another eleven day "unscheduled" vacation. Do you ever notice that lightweight @megynkelly constantly goes after me but when I hit back it is totally sexist. She is highly overrated! Senator Marco "amnesty" Rubio, who has worst voting record in Senate, just hit me on national security-but I said don't go into Iraq. VISION I will be on the @colbertlateshow tonight at 11:30 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CPiojJ1XAAAmS45.jpg Yom Kippur blessings to all of my friends in Israel and around the world. #YomKippur Morning Consult poll: "Trump Leads" http://morningconsult.com/2015/09/poll-trump-leads-clinton-under-50/ 2016 Republican Primary Morning Consult Poll was just released. TRUMP 32, CARSON 12, BUSH 11, FIORINA 6, RUBIO 5, CRUZ 5. Taken after debate "@JimShellenback: @realDonaldTrump @EdwardChelednik @FoxNews I steer away from Fox now. Never thought that would happen." "@HuskerPower811: @celestefick @realDonaldTrump Have you listened to his plans for Vets when he takes office? They're Incredible!!" "@BradANGSA: Trump is the only candidate telling the truth... the GOP is planning to stab Trump in the back... https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/646295374496448512" "@IgnatiusGReilly: @charlescwcooke @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews will you cry when Marco Amnesty loses nomination?" "@MiriamRoseMc: #TRUMp2016 would be the best for the country, jobs, trade and taxes - all others are status quo #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@JimClarkFarrier: @Rockprincess818 @LeahR77 @realDonaldTrump is the only one who can get us out of this mess!" True! "@glendabelle_11: @FoxNews Fox has become a supporter of Liberals!They are Not supporting the GOP candidates-especially Trump! Quit watching "@EdwardChelednik: @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews Hey Donald your not alone. I can't watch it at all. Used to be all i watched. "@bobby990r_1: @MediaBiasAlert @megynkelly @realDonaldTrump is fighting for middle class and veterans! Discussing trade deals." "@VickyBrush: Do what most of us are doing! Turn off @FoxNews! There is a major boycott going on with them, anyway. Problem solved! "@wallen_jeanine: @realDonaldTrump I can only watch Hannity. I think he is the only one in your corner" "@AngelaTribble: @realDonaldTrump WE LOVE YOU DONALD TRUMP BECAUSE WE KNOW YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE TO #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" Thanks. "@JodiL792: @FoxNews I have been since you started running & I noticed Meghan Kelly's attacks. Stopped watching. Only Hannity 4 sure." Yes! "@ethansimmons111: @AllRepublicans @Ecsullie @RagingCynicism @FoxNews @oreillyfactor @KarlRove Karl Rove is a JOKE OWNED BY the BUSH family" "@madscape: @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews and millions will agree with you! Most of us on twitter now view OAN network" "@seleti00: @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews They attack you more then CNN or MSNBC combined. Just a bunch of old Bush appointee Rhinos." "@TheMindWave: @FoxNews Im not sure why u r giving them this much importance, they had wanted to take u down in debate and they failed!!" "@joeoh89: @seanhannity @realDonaldTrump What happened to The Pledge? Walker quits and slams Trump. Losers proving Pledge was sham." "@PhyllisA: @Hopeisalive66 @jdanielmoore @theblaze @megynkelly @realDonaldTrump that's ok! The more they talk the better POTUS Trump looks!" "@waynearmstron10: @realDonaldTrump you must be relentless and maintain energy, and respond as you have been. It's a marathon." True. "@ellenEspence: @marklevinshow Thank you for maintaining your integrity during this disgusting lynching of @realDonaldTrump" Thanks Mark! .@RichLowry is truly one of the dumbest of the talking heads - he doesn't have a clue! I am having a really hard time watching @FoxNews. "@john_dipaolo: @realDonaldTrump will get out disaffected Repub base voters as well as Democrats looking for a real choice on immigration. "@diannrr: @megynkelly Do you dream about @realDonaldTrump? He's in your head. Let it go." She is the worst - all anti-Trump! Terrible show. "@Rbbrkhd: @realDonaldTrump @oreillyfactor @FoxNews The way you have treated @realDonaldTrump is totally unacceptable...CNN has been fair" "@blewthebigone: @realDonaldTrump Can't even think what the race would be without you in it." "@tammyhorne19: @realDonaldTrump @oreillyfactor love you trump" "@coolgirl6978: @oreillyfactor @FoxNews this is bull fox. O'Reilly, I expect better from you. What is going on? Fair and balanced my ass" "@bewhatjesuswas: @oreillyfactor @FoxNews You dominate not because of them-but despite them;They need you more than you need them" "@Patrick92299179: @realDonaldTrump @oreillyfactor Couldn't agree more!" "@RagingCynicism: @realDonaldTrump @oreillyfactor they're not Trump haters. They're spoon fed morons." .@oreillyfactor, why don't you have some knowledgeable talking heads on your show for a change instead of the same old Trump haters. Boring! .@oreillyfactor was very negative to me in refusing to to post the great polls that came out today including NBC. @FoxNews not good for me! "@alivelutheran: @TODAYshow touts CNN polls instead of their own!! Of course, the NBC one shows him much higher. Trump corrects them! Via HuffPost Pollster #1 http://elections.huffingtonpost.com/pollster/2016-national-gop-primary I will be interviewed tonight at 7pm ET by @greta #OnTheRecord I got to know @ScottWalker well—he’s a very nice person and has a great future. Thank you Dan--I agree! Best wishes. https://twitter.com/danpfeiffer/status/646013180540379136 "@JudgeMoroz Zogby is respected in the business of polling ~ the media is attempting to silence the message @realDonaldTrump" #AskTrump @TwitterNYC http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CPccIKqVAAAl4mE.jpg I had a great time at @TwitterNYC #AskTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CPcb4rYUcAEmkMQ.jpg I just wrapped up a Q&A @TwitterNYC. Thanks for all your questions! #AskTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CPcbVaIWUAAh6ny.jpg .@_Just_Mads_ #asktrump http://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/646013273507102720/pu/img/x768JazFjVV068ga.jpg .@MarieLeff #asktrump http://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/646012992564301824/pu/img/89ha9mpP9aKSpuu6.jpg .@joycefinance #asktrump http://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/646012611251728384/pu/img/YTQ8zVpXHFDW_tPH.jpg .@Modern_Do_Good #asktrump http://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/646012366417584128/pu/img/RNHBpiwsEXvuN9pV.jpg .@ARealSuperMan #asktrump http://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/646011874966835201/pu/img/FQu8PabhG3VhiQ8Y.jpg .@HighSock_Sunday #asktrump http://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/646011646083661824/pu/img/efSEgPnXyB2iAKYq.jpg .@KyleStephens30 #asktrump http://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/646011307326476288/pu/img/oZXtYi4bmAK13KBX.jpg .@EliseChristine #asktrump http://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/646010898100817921/pu/img/ERDJGEu76d2q8MHX.jpg .@Iammzsmit #asktrump http://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/646010426686181376/pu/img/X4sp9gEyik-jcdWr.jpg .@mdmrestoration #asktrump http://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/646009716548628480/pu/img/k1j_-kcafFAJuqMC.jpg .@MarketMavensInc #asktrump http://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/646008931953709056/pu/img/EJvtc4uZfqMCy59j.jpg .@dixierhilton #asktrump http://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/646008485260324865/pu/img/XDxTIb2BPgmXu-up.jpg #AskTrump Getting ready to answer your questions. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CPcUqekWgAIOgji.jpg Has the media picked up the new Zogby poll that was just put out? I doubt it! http://www.forbes.com/sites/johnzogby/2015/09/20/zogby-poll-trump-widens-lead-after-gop-debate/ Jeb has been confused for forty years- https://instagram.com/p/75cfHhGhUv/ Carly Fiorina is terrible at business--the last thing our country needs! http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/09/carly-fiorina-ceo-jeffrey-sonnenfeld-2016-213163 #AskTrump Send me your questions to answer live from @TwitterNYC later this afternoon. New Zogby poll— highly respected— but the media won’t report it because it gives me an even bigger lead! http://www.forbes.com/sites/johnzogby/2015/09/20/zogby-poll-trump-widens-lead-after-gop-debate/ "@alivelutheran: @TODAYshow touts CNN polls instead of their own!! Of course, the NBC one shows him much higher. Trump corrects them! "@linley4067_jane: @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends Fox is using you for ratings. They want u out of the race. Refuse." "@mickelsenkyle: @TODAYshow could you make your interview with @realDonaldTrump any more biased or... #TrumpForPresident" "@talsept58: @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends You are great!!" "@Dis_labeledVet: @realDonaldTrump here is a Clinton insider who admitted Hillary started the whole Obama's a Muslim https://twitter.com/themrc/status/645935180469944321 "@luvinlife1967: @foxnewspolitics @realDonaldTrump @HowardKurtz I dvr every Fox evening show EXCEPT Megyn's. She is a mean & bitter woman." "@JohnSte38475254: @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews ...Why is Fox being so hard on u? I don't get it...are they idiots?" "@nunyabus1: @realdonaldtrump @foxandfriends you go trumpy, don't back down" I won't. "@TheBrodyFile: On the Muslim issue: It might help @BarackObama if he actually supported Christians religious liberty rights. "@TheBrodyFile: On the Muslim issue: It might help @BarackObama if he didn't take five years to visit Israel" "@TheBrodyFile: On the Muslim issue: It might help @BarackObama if he actually didn't come across as hostile to evangelicals in this country "@PaulkDebra: @TODAYshow @realDonaldTrump I totally support you! You have this Ga. Girl's vote!!!" "@MNTwisterChaser: Thanks @SavannahGuthrie and @NBCNews for showing us how lopsided you are! Use your own poll! #trainwreck #Trump2016 The @TODAYshow refused to use their just in poll numbers where I have a massive lead but instead used @CNN numbers where my lead is smaller. Will be on @foxandfriends now. Enjoy! "@SaijoSaijo75: @realDonaldTrump thank you for your personal and financial sacrifices to make america great again!" Carly Fiorina did such a horrible job at Lucent and HP, virtually destroying both companies, that she never got another CEO job offer! Pres. We are going to WIN and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, maybe better than ever before! I am attracting the biggest crowds, by far, and the best poll numbers, also by far. Much of the media is totally dishonest. So sad! I have been leading big in all polls, with two more today, @nbc and @CNN. The NBC poll is more than double next, at 29%. Fiorina has 11%. There is no way that Carly Fiorina can become the Republican Nominee or win against the Dems. Boxer killed her for Senate in California! I will be on @meetthepress at 10:30. @nbc will be releasing their new poll numbers. Based on the debate results, I should do well-who knows? "@LeghanLiptak712: CNN tried to destroy Donald Trump with vaccine autism question, but he gave this AMAZING response http://cue.li/a8c0r" "@MoeHoward86: THE best interview thus far...keep it up Trump! Donald Trump: "Enough With the Nice!" https://youtu.be/NwIL6imI6EU via @YouTube" Thank you Faith and Freedom Forum & @UrbandaleSchool. I had a great time in Iowa today! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CPT5rRiVAAAg6t0.jpg A great night in Iowa! https://instagram.com/p/71TerbGhZn/ RT @DanScavino: Check out the latest Morning Consult poll, released 9/17/2015. @realDonaldTrump remains #1 at 36%. #Trump2016 http://t.co/r… #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CPSieYbUYAArU3H.jpg On my way to Iowa. Will be landing in Des Moines in two hours. See ya! Christians need support in our country (and around the world), their religious liberty is at stake! Obama has been horrible, I will be great If I would have challenged the man, the media would have accused me of interfering with that man's right of free speech. A no win situation! If someone made a nasty or controversial statement about me to the president, do you really think he would come to my rescue? No chance! This is the first time in my life that I have caused controversy by NOT saying something. Am I morally obligated to defend the president every time somebody says something bad or controversial about him? I don't think so! Looking forward to meeting the students of Urbandale High School tomorrow- http://bit.ly/1QMFHiE I’ve just released my position papers on The Second Amendment. https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions/second-amendment-rights RT @TexasConservati: @realDonaldTrump We'll support a successful businessman, even with an incredible ego, over a corrupt liar any day. . h… Thank you. https://twitter.com/MrsShively01/status/644952386847551488 GIVE AMERICA BACK ITS DREAM! -- Donald J. Trump Wow, great post-debate poll: "Trump Increases Lead" via Breitbart http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/09/18/post-debate-poll-trump-increases-lead-fiorina-leaps-carson-drops/ RT @TheBrodyFile: .@realDonaldTrump talks about his tweeting skills with @TheBrodyFile . Watch the golf cart video exclusive https://t.co/T… RT @kingsthings: Just got back from Italy and let me tell you, they are just as fascinated by @realDonaldTrump as everyone else is. Would be really bad if columnist Mike Lupica left the @NYDailyNews. A wonderful and talented guy! Will be interviewed tonight by @seanhannity on @FoxNews at 10 PM. Enjoy! Going to New Hampshire in a little while. Big crowds! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain! Every poll done on debate last night, from Drudge to Newsmax to Time Magazine, had me winning in a landslide. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain! Just announced that in the history of @CNN, last night’s debate was its highest rated ever. Will they send me flowers & a thank you note? RT @DanScavino: #GOP front-runner, @realDonaldTrump wins #CNNDebate at Reagan Library. #GOPDebate #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain http://… RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Let's get this going. They're out #CNNDebate with @realDonaldTrump @IvankaTrump @erictrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CPEGFo1UAAAWfkX.jpg RT @EricTrump: Very proud of my father @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CPEs_yIVEAAV3r1.jpg #CNNDebate http://time.com/4037510/poll-second-republican-presidential-debate/?xid=homepage #CNNDebate http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CPE7HtRU8AA8hdT.jpg The #CNNDebate was amazing --- so much fun! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CPE4zD4WEAAvmce.jpg #CNNDebate Winning the @drudge_report poll- http://www.drudgereport.com/now.htm Thank you to Tom Brady, Coach Ditka, Coach Bobby Knight and all of the many champions that have been so supportive! A great honor from somebody that knows how to win! https://twitter.com/CNN/status/644236314389286912 Will be heading over to the debate soon. Can you believe @CNN is "milking" it for almost 3 hours? Too long, too many people on stage! RT @TheBrodyFile: Here is the @TheBrodyFile story with @realDonaldTrump that aired on @700club this morning http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/politics/2015/September/Donald-Trump-to-CBN-I-Always-Expect-to-Win/ #CNNDeba… "@onesoldiersmom: @seanhannity @MarkSteynOnline No one can imitate Trump. He's one of a kind. I love him more each day. #Trump2016" Thanks "@skulls2001: We are a Cuban family from Miami Florida and would love very much to work on your political campaing here in Miami." Great. "@PMgeezer: Only 15 percent of @GOP voters said they would not back @realDonaldTrump as the party’s standard-bearer. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/09/16/us/politics/gop-support-for-donald-trump-rising-as-ben-carson-gains-poll-finds.html?_r=1&referrer=" "@chriscoxb2b: @realDonaldTrump - Donald...keep pushing...the nation needs a real leader." "@almy23841665: @DlSCORD @realDonaldTrump More Veterans will vote for Trump than you can believe! I can't imagine they wouldn't! "@97Musick: @AC360 @CNN The "sold to lobbyists" candidates are wasting their money. ON the BORDER and IMMIGRATION, Trump WILL win." I hope Arnold S. does well with the Apprentice because he is a nice guy and also, because I get a big percentage of the profits! Just finished the wonderful event on the U.S.S. Iowa. VETERANS FOR A STRONG AMERICA endorsed me. Such a great honor, thank you! .@rushlimbaugh Rush, I am in LA inspecting property (big job creator) & listening to you. You are truly fantastic--thanks! The polls are really looking good—#1 everywhere despite all lobbyist & special interest $ being spent against me. I’m turning down millions. Everyone is talking about the incredible event we had in Dallas last night. Spectacular crowd & arena! Thank you @mcuban. .@club4growth asked me for $1 million. I said no. Now falsely advertising that I will raise taxes. I’ll lower big league for middle class. My plan will lower taxes for our country, not raise them. Phony @club4growth says I will raise taxes—just another lie. Little respected Club For Growth asked me for $1,000,000 - I said "NO". Now they are spending lobbyist and special interest money on ads! Am now in L.A. Will be going to the U.S.S. IOWA at 5:30 P.M. to speak to our great VETERANS and other friends! Our vets are treated like 3rd class citizens. Enough! Join me & @V4SA on @USSIOWA at LA Waterfront to hear my plan for vets & the military! Loved Dallas and the tremendous crowd last night. Will be back! I will rebuild the military, take care of vets and make the world respect the US again! Join me today. Info: http://www.vetstickets.com If you’re a veteran in Los Angeles, I want you to join me and @V4SA today 9/15 on @USSIowa Sign up here! http://www.vetstickets.com "@SandraAtwood10: @risetoflyy @realDonaldTrump FABULOUS DONALD. SO PROUD OF U! KEEP UP GD WORK! @foxnews @cnn @rushlimbaugh" Speech in Dallas went really well. Big and wonderful crowd. Just arrived in L.A. Big day tomorrow! Unbelievable crowd in Dallas! https://instagram.com/p/7okAHYGhSr/ Vets mistreated, NO border security? I’m with @V4SA this Tuesday 9/15 to #MakeAmericasMilitaryGreatAgain! Join us! http://www.vetstickets.com The event with me and @V4SA in L.A on 9/15 is turning out to be huge. Get your tickets before they're gone http://www.vetstickets.com Looking forward to joining @V4SA Tuesday 9/15 in L.A. aboard the @USSIowa - The Battleship of Presidents! Join us! http://www.vetstickets.com My opponents big bosses--lobbyists and donors--are trying to do damage. They will fail! Money down the drain! RT @Schwarzenegger: Wow. I'm blown away and honored by all your tweets. I can't wait to bring my experience to the board room & raise milli… Thanks Mark, will be fun. https://twitter.com/mcuban/status/643410532792467456 To all my fans, sorry I couldn’t do The Apprentice any longer—but equal time (presidential run) prohibits me from doing so. Love! Congrats to my friend @Schwarzenegger who is doing next season’s Celebrity Apprentice. He'll be great & will raise lots of $ for charity. My honor, thank you. https://twitter.com/Momfullofhope/status/641623583761022976 RT @ladybella1111: @realDonaldTrump@CNN Thank you Mr Trump for drawing attention to our finest and best veterans! They need help now! https… "@Doctr__Wang @CNN Nice! I love how Trump has a way of putting people on the spot. I wonder what CNN will do. The Veterans appreciate it!" Why is someone like George Pataki, who did a terrible job as Governor of N.Y. and registers ZERO in the polls, allowed on the debate stage? "@Hashtag1USA: @realDonaldTrump Trump rocked Iowa today heard his message was positive and built much enthusiasm among the voters #Trump2016 "@Mey: I don't know how any American can watch this video and not want to vote for @realDonaldTrump #TeamTrump 🇺🇸 https://twitter.com/bigbrothernono/status/642771823684227072" "@whyWinblo: @realDonaldTrump please make this country great again & help secure our borders Mr. Trump, you're our last hope. #Trump2016" "@jeffraykovich: @realDonaldTrump Are you going to come to Wisconsin in the near future?#Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" Yes. "@DaveInKeno: Mr. Trump, Sir, this country is, and has been, on a path of self destruction and needs you to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!" "@joeearle: @Pistol044 There's only one I'll never support: @realDonaldTrump "@Edward1:Trump Knows how to get things done. He has guts to say what needs to be said. He'll deal with Putin more effectively than anyone." "@BigBrotherKat: I hated to love it, but @realDonaldTrump was hilarious on @jimmyfallon last night! @nbc #thedonald" Had a record crowd in Boone, Iowa. A fantastic day--- we will #MakeAmericaGreatAgain https://instagram.com/p/7i28VNmhQB/ I am having a great time in Iowa at Jack Trice Stadium! Unbelievable people. Too many people on stage for debate. @RandPaul at 11th, with 2% in @RealClearNews, shouldn't be allowed to participate. I truly understood the appeal of Ron Paul, but his son, @RandPaul, didn't get the right gene. Lightweight Senator @RandPaul should focus on trying to get elected in Kentucky--- a great state which is embarrassed by him. RT @FallonTonight: Before his interview, @RealDonaldTrump interviews his reflection in the mirror... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2DgwPG7mAA&index=6&list=UU8-Th83bH_thdKZDJCrn88g http://t.co/iT… Donald Trump Sends @FallonTonight to Highest Friday Rating in 18 Months. @JimmyFallon, that is #HUGE! http://variety.com/2015/tv/news/donald-trump-jimmy-fallon-tonight-show-stephen-colbert-1201591884/ Trump’s Campaign Hat Becomes an Ironic Summer Accessory - The New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/13/fashion/trumps-campaign-hat-becomes-an-ironic-summer-accessory.html?ref=fashion&_r=0 .@mercedesschlapp thank you so much for your kind words on television -- fantastic job and greatly appreciated! Will be on @foxandfriends at 8:00. Enjoy! "@BrandyDianeK2: @realDonaldTrump @davist19 That's awesome when younger people can see we need Trump!" "@ArthurOHara: #Trump International Hotel & Golf Links. Luxury resort in #Doonbeg on Ireland's @wildatlanticway https://twitter.com/Trump_Ireland" "@MlSSTHOT: @realDonaldTrump: Ignore the losers and the haters, you are going to make this country great again" "@joehos18: Trump 96% success rate in business, only 4 out of 100+ companies went south. Better than any other candidate. Better than all" "@ColinCavall: You were a great sport on the show and I have total confidence in you rebuilding this country and making America great again. "@Trump_in_2016: @realDonaldTrump does best imitation of himself - we got ourselves a winner ready to hang on for the long haul. "@DanielleBoussel: "I fully believe in apologies but you have to be wrong"-@realDonaldTrump" "@MlSSTHOT: @realDonaldTrump I want our president to be smart AND witty like you Mr Trump" Thanks. "@LukeDillon6: If @realDonaldTrump doesn't become the next president, then that just shows how dumb America really is. #trump" Nice, thanks! "@ravila30:Loved you on Jimmy lastnight & how you showed you like to have fun/are able to laugh at yourself! Do you ever sleep tho? Not much "@HamishP95: @realDonaldTrump My Dad is thinking of voting for the first time ever for you. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/COsqtsNWcAADnIJ.jpg" Great. "@TrumpDemocrats: Carson on @CNN now. He is worse than Jeb; like ambien for insomnia. We need energy in the White House. We need DonaldTrump "@JohnnnnyT: @realDonaldTrump blew it away on @FallonTonight. The ratings will be HUUUGE." "@pennybishop16: @realDonaldTrump @GinHay @jimmyfallon Great show! Trump you are Awesomeness! God Bless! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain "@iamapatsfan: What are your thoughts on your good friend Tom Brady's performance yesterday? He was fantastic, a total winner! "@5SOS_jrt1d: Mr. Trump, you weren't just HUGE on @FallonTonight - you were AWESOME. WISDOM and HUMOR ARE A POWERFUL COMBINATION!!!" "@KittenHoliday: At the neighborhood bar talking about @realDonaldTrump we need him" We will make America great again! "@lizaperri: @realDonaldTrump @GinHay @jimmyfallon You even made the show great again." "@unknown_resist: @realDonaldTrump @GinHay @jimmyfallon Trump will be our leader and we will be thankful!" "@davist19: If I was 18 I'd vote for @realDonaldTrump" Thank you! "@debra0155: @realDonaldTrump @GinHay @jimmyfallon absolutely, he's just simply the best #realdonaldtrump" "@Chrisofficer23: @realDonaldTrump @jenilynn1001 @FallonTonight loved the show....trump2016" "@DesignerDeb3: @realDonaldTrump is the only candidate against illegals. We will have America back - & jobs" "@jenilynn1001: @FallonTonight @realDonaldTrump #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@GinHay: Trump's polls are going to skyrocket after appearance on @jimmyfallon tonight. The young people are going to love him!" Backstage with @jimmyfallon before opening skit- great fun! @fallontonight https://instagram.com/p/7hCk-5GhXh/ The Tonight Show @nbc will be amazing - 11:30 P.M. ENJOY! Amazing crowd outside @FallonTonight. Tune in tonight at 11:30. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/COp-aoTWsAA_rVW.jpg .@GovernorPerry is a terrific guy and I wish him well- I know he will have a great future! On @FallonTonight with @jimmyfallon at 11:30 PM. Enjoy! Via The Hill "No Tickets Left for Trump's Dallas Rally" http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/gop-primaries/253389-no-tickets-left-for-trumps-dallas-rally#.VfMd0icYe_Z.twitter .@robertjeffress I greatly appreciate your kind words last night on @FoxNews. Have great love for the evangelicals -- great respect for you. Just purchased NBC’s half of The Miss Universe Organization and settled all lawsuits against them. Now own 100% -- stay tuned! Let’s all take a moment to remember all of the heroes from a very tragic day that we cannot let happen again! Oh wow, lightweight Governor @BobbyJindal, who is registered at less than 1 percent in the polls, just mocked my hair. So original! Also, tomorrow night I will be going to Boone and Ames. Really look forward to seeing all of my friends in Iowa. Very good news—the new Quinnipiac poll just came out—I am #1 in Iowa. I will be on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon tonight at 11:30. Should be fun! @jimmyfallon .... I only respond to people that register more than 1% in the polls. I never thought he had a chance and I’ve been proven right. Bobby Jindal did not make the debate stage and therefore I have never met him…. "@Plruble58 @realDonaldTrump The numbers are amazing! #GoGoGo🏻" I'll be on @greta ON THE RECORD tonight at 7 PM Wow, I am ahead of the field with Evangelicals (am so proud of this) and virtually every other group, and Ben Carson just took a swipe at me I had a great day in D.C. even though the subject was an unpleasant one, the horrible Iran Nuke deal. Amazing crowd and enthusiasm! Man did JEB throw his brother under the bus last night on @colbertlateshow . Probably true, but not nice! I will be speaking at the #StopIranDeal rally shortly- watch live here- http://nbcnews.to/1JTZ58A A letter to @CNN President Jeff Zucker- http://pbs.twimg.com/media/COd-G1PXAAApB-W.jpg See you in D.C. tomorrow at 1:00 P.M. at the Capitol to protest the horribly negotiated deal with Iran. Really sad! "@americanhowl: While @realDonaldTrump rallies #NoIranDeal tomorrow, @JebBush will call China to ask for donations http://fortune.com/2015/09/08/bush-asia-fundraising/" "@christa_dorsett: @realDonaldTrump we want Trump! America needs him desperately! "@Chris0u24: @realDonaldTrump I've just lost hope Mr Trump. Hope you put America back the way it was" Via @USATODAY- "Amateur hour with the Iran nuclear deal" http://usat.ly/1ObuzMR Will be on Bill O'Reilly @oreillyfactor tonight at 8 PM. Enjoy! A great honor to receive polling numbers like these. Record setting African American (25%) & Hispanic numbers (31%). http://www.theamericanmirror.com/shock-poll-trump-receives-25-of-black-vote-in-general-election-matchup/ I'm on Bill @oreillyfactor tonight at 8 PM. It will be another lively interview about how to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain! Jeb’s policies in Florida helped lead to its almost total collapse. Right after he left he went to work for Lehman Brothers—wow! The lobbyists & special interests have just put out an ad for Jeb which hits me "just a little" but is very false! I’m self funding my campaign but lobbyists & special interests for Jeb & others are starting to do big ads—desperate! Don’t believe them. Wake up Jeb supporters! https://instagram.com/p/7YV_u_mhWB/ Thank you @IngrahamAngle for your strength & wonderful words last night on @FoxNews, but @KarlRove is easy to beat! Wow! Such nice words from Robert Redford on my running for President. Thank you, Robert. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/COZGH5BXAAEFX1x.jpg Tomorrow in DC: 1 PM West Front Lawn of the Capitol. Not even believable that we would do this deal with Iran. Look forward to being in DC tomorrow—big crowd expected for our protest against the truly stupid nuclear deal we are making with Iran. Looking forward to being with @SenTedCruz at our big rally in D.C. on Wednesday (1:00 P.M. at the Capitol) to protest insane Iran nuke deal! Both Washington D.C. and DALLAS are turning out to be really big events. D.C. is protest of incompetent Iran deal and Dallas is big speech! Remember, I'll see you in D.C. at the Capitol Building on Wednesday at 1:00 o'clock. Then Dallas on Sept.14 at 6:00 P.M. American Air Center "@Douglasmaher: @realDonaldTrump @TIMENOUT @surveyusa Looking forward to seeing you in Dallas and voting for you." Great! "@georgeokc: @realDonaldTrump @libertyladyusa For my mind, do whatever you think is right, you have nothing to prove, just save our nation." "@maddog71075: @realDonaldTrump America needs you as the President to bring America back to letting Christians believe! So true! "@saneplanet: @toddwmoore01 @realDonaldTrump I know. Gives in secret without even a writeoff. @greta spilled beans about 25k" Thank you! "@MJosephSheppard: No other GOP candidate has potential to win Ohio & Pennsylvania-thus the presidency, except "jobs" pres @realDonaldTrump! Thank you @scottienhughes for your powerful words on @FoxNews. I am with the Evangelicals and Tea Party big time. We will all WIN together! "@sunnykcollins: Jeb Bush, Family Ties and a Museum That Never Materialized http://a.msn.com/01/en-us/AAe0V51?ocid=st" Not good! "@MJosephSheppard: No other GOP candidate has potential to win Ohio & Pennsylvania-thus the presidency except "jobs" @realDonaldTrump. "@kylesteckel: @club4growth @realDonaldTrump The letter is out, liars." "@afievoli: @realDonaldTrump We need a strong leader to fix the mess our country in! Go Mr.Trump!!" "@rnull65: I am 72 year old female. You give me hope 1st time in years America can come back..stay the course we need you in 2016!" "@jimlibertarian: @SlwStdySque Donald has already done many great things,he has woke America up and people are screaming Donald everywhere" "@soz58: @realDonaldTrump @BOB_EWASHINGTON @club4growth it's good to show the public such things,a lot of nerve to ask for a million dollars "@TheUSDesigns: @seanhannity WOW! Here is letter that mafia organization of extortion, Club for Growth, sent http://pbs.twimg.com/media/COQtuklUwAAd6F0.jpg" "@SeanBolza: Sure hope you will do great things. You are giving us something to look forward to, and make America great again. Go Trump" "@jackson3pack: @realDonaldTrump @BOB_EWASHINGTON @club4growth Wow. So disengenuos in asking for a million dollars! Like its no big deal." "@boobdex: @realDonaldTrump @BOB_EWASHINGTON @club4growth wow I didn't know it was that unprofessional." "@Lo7us_: vote for Trump #Trump2016 @realDonaldTrump" "@broewads: @realDonaldTrump @club4growth They are all just phony cronies. Keep up the Real Deal Mr. TRUMP YOU ARE THE MAN." "@1ns1de_J9b: @realDonaldTrump @club4growth Borderline extortion scam. They would have used your $1M to extract "donations" from others" "@DeanAllen12: @club4growth Club4Growth will do anything for a handout just like every other POLITICIAN running... Pay to Say organization" "@BOB_EWASHINGTON: @realDonaldTrump @club4growth #Trump2016 COVERS PULLED http://pbs.twimg.com/media/COQrV_nU8AAitvd.jpg" Here is the ridiculous letter! "@SlwStdySqueeze: @realDonaldTrump is gonna do some great things! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016" "@cadigirl13: @realdonaldtrump You are our only hope ! Keep strong Mr.Trump" Thank you. .@club4growth should release the letter they sent me asking for $1,000,000. When I said no, they came out against me. A scam operation? "@jasonusmc2017: @blayne_troy @realDonaldTrump: He was right when he called Obama the 5 for 1 president. 5 terrorist for one no good traitor "@Michelleri: Trump Leads as Bush Crashes http://bit.ly/1i6tcmK No #GOP establishment and/or pro-amnesty candidates #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@SamSteel10: @shook_stephanie @slone as long as we can stay strong and give @realDonaldTrump our support. He's the leader." I will be in Washington D.C. on Wednesday,1 P.M.,in front of the Capitol, to protest the horrible and incompetent deal being made with Iran. The Dallas event on September 14 at 6:00 P.M. at the American Airlines Center looks like it will be a giant success. Tickets are going FAST! Our country needs a president with great leadership skills and vision, not someone like Hillary or Barack, neither of which has a clue! The phony Club For Growth, which asked me in writing for $1,000,000 (I said no), is now wanting to do negative ads on me. Total hypocrites! "@tropic20: @realDonaldTrump do you see what's in Tom Brady's Locker? http://twitter.com/tropic20/status/640491350987833344/photo/1" "@ryanamberwhite: Check it out, @realDonaldTrump, all the way from Wyoming! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain http://pbs.twimg.com/media/COMludjUYAAhK1M.jpg" Thank you. "@HardcoreRepub: @realDonaldTrump AMERICA will be working again. BUSINESSMAN > POLITICIAN. Private sector growth above all. #Trump2016" "@PressTV: Poll: Trump beats Clinton head-to-head matchup http://ptv.io/1wqA http://pbs.twimg.com/media/COMghQHUAAAxyZz.jpg" Thank you! If the presidential election were held today, according to this @surveyusa poll, Donald Trump would defeat any Dem: http://www.surveyusa.com/client/PollReport.aspx?g=d950cadf-05ce-4148-a125-35c0cdab26c6" The hedge fund guys (gals) have to pay higher taxes ASAP. They are paying practically nothing. We must reduce taxes for the middle class! By self-funding my campaign, I am not controlled by my donors, special interests or lobbyists. I am only working for the people of the U.S.! Remember that I am self-funding my campaign. Hillary, Jeb and the rest are spending special interest and lobbyist money.100% CONTROLLED Hillary said such nasty things about me, read directly off her teleprompter...but there was no emotion, no truth. Just can't read speeches! Hillary Clinton made a speech today using the biggest teleprompter I have ever seen. In fact, it wasn't even see through glass, it was black Saudi Arabia was "vehemently" against the Iran nuclear deal. Then today they embraced it. What happened? What did we give them to endorse? Wow, the Dallas event in two weeks looks like a big winner! Get your tickets (American Airlines Center) FAST! Just announced that because of "Trump", advertising rates for debate on @CNN are going from $5000 to $200,000, a 4000% increase.PAY CHARITY? Why would a very low ratings radio talk show host like Hugh Hewitt be doing the next debate on @CNN. He is just a 3rd rate "gotcha" guy! Very low ratings radio host Hugh Hewitt asked me about Suleiman, Abu Bake al-Baghdad, Hassan Nasrallah and more - typical "gotcha" questions The Dallas event in two weeks, at the American Airlines Center, is filling up fast. Get your tickets fast, before it is too late! .@MeghanMcCain was terrible on @TheFive yesterday. Angry and obnoxious, she will never make it on T.V. @FoxNews can do so much better! Terrific response to my previous tweet: "I’ll be in Dallas at the American Airlines Center on Sept 14th at 6 PM." http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/0C004F23943C33B9 … So nice, thank you Laura. https://twitter.com/IngrahamAngle/status/639797662427017216 Daily Caller: Trump Surpasses Field, Flirts With 40 Percent in Alabama Poll http://dailycaller.com/2015/09/03/exclusive-trump-surpasses-field-flirts-with-40-percent-in-alabama-poll/ I’ll be in Dallas at the American Airlines Center on Sept 14th at 6 PM. Will be great to be back in Texas. http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/0C004F23943C33B9 Will be on @Morning_Joe in 5 minutes - at 7:00. Enjoy! "@bentomchik: @chucktodd: is there something to learn from @realDonaldTrump success? #Election2016" "@LettyNTX: Obama left our American hostages in Iran. #Trump2016 @realDonaldTrump" "@linnie13: @greta @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews I love Donald Trump. For ONCE I feel like someone out there running actually cares about us." RT @EricTrump: Behind the scenes picture of my father signing the “pledge” --- I am very proud of him! @RealDonaldTrump http://t.co/VD6McLe… The Pledge #MakeAmericaGreatAgain http://pbs.twimg.com/media/COAFgi5VEAAd-z-.jpg LIVE on #Periscope: Watch major press conference live from @TrumpTowerNY now! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain https://www.periscope.tv/w/aLiDwjEyMzE3NDF8MWxQSnFyb1JaUGV4YvTDyhu_D_t2nnlOmHj4wyKMQmeA1cW2aHUlpTv_oPos Congratulations to Tom Brady on yet another great victory- Tom is my friend and a total winner! The deal with Iran will go down as one of the most incompetent ever made. The U.S. lost on virtually every point. We just don't win anymore! "@LettyNTX: Obama left our American hostages in Iran. #Trump2016 @realDonaldTrump" Sadly, so true! .@brithume, I am in first place by a lot in all polls, tied for first place with Ben Carson in one Iowa poll. I thought you knew this-thanks Tracking 149 polls from 29 pollsters nationwide/HuffPost Pollster #GOP http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CN7SwXwWoAAj6fy.jpg 2016 GOP Nomination Polls have me as #1 as seen on @SpecialReport with @BretBaier. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CN7Sb59WgAEOME7.jpg .@kevinolearytv Great job on @foxandfriends this morning. You tell it like it is! Also, thx for the nice mention. Your book sounds great! A terrible deal with Iran! https://instagram.com/p/7I0gD0GhX2/ "@DRUDGE_REPORT: MEGYN KELLY TOP OF CABLE NEWS... http://drudge.tw/1EwJK0Q" Megyn, say "thank you Donald!" @FoxNews also should say "thanks!" Will be interviewed on @GMA this morning at 7:00. Thanks for the GREAT poll results! "@ywu510: #TrumpOnCNN revealed character and spirit. Even as @donlemon changed subjects abruptly, @realDonaldTrump spoke from heart. "@sparkey03: @realDonaldTrump Go #Trump2016" "@LBabcock2: @oreillyfactor @FoxNews I have always wondered why Fox kept Rove on after his disastrous election predictions." He is a joke! "@gulfportedd: @realDonaldTrump Jeb bush couldn't shine MR trumps shoes...give me a break. Bushes are so over..." "@Patrick0215: @Thatsalrighty @oreillyfactor @FoxNews @KarlRove Rove is suffering from @JebBush defeatism. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" When I intelligently turned down The Club For Growth crazy request for $1,000,000, they got nasty.What a waste of money that would have been The president of the pathetic Club For Growth came to my office in N.Y.C. and asked for a ridiculous $1,000,000 contribution. I said no way! "@TheKrankyGirl: @realDonaldTrump Keep the momentum going! #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@RoniSeale: BIG LEADS FOR THE PEOPLE'S POTUS #2016GOPNOMINATION #TRUMP2016 #MAKEAMERICAGREATAGAI http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CN3JLmcWUAEBMMi.jpg" Great! Every Poll has me winning BIG.If you listen to dopey Karl Rove, a Trump hater, on @oreillyfactor, you would think I'm doing poorly. @FoxNews Why does @oreillyfactor and @FoxNews always have Karl Rove on. He spent $430 million and lost ALL races. A dope who said Romney won election I’m turning down millions of dollars of campaign contributions—feel totally stupid doing so, but hope it is appreciated by the voters. Many Super Pacs, funded by groups that want total control over their candidate, are being formed to “attack” Trump. Remember when u see them No more Clintons or Bushes! https://instagram.com/p/7GXcgxGhbG/ Congrats everyone--we topped 4 million today on Twitter--and heading up fast! While millions are being spent against me in attack ads, they are paid for by the “bosses” and “owners” of candidates. I am self funding. Jeb is spending millions of dollars on “hit” ads funded by lobbyists & special interests. Bad system. Yet another weak hit by a candidate with a failing campaign. Will Jeb sink as low in the polls as the others who have gone after me? "@BelAirCA: Only Trump is capable of cleaning up the mess America is in, that's why he has my vote! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump So true! The just released Public Policy Polling (PPP - national result) is the best yet. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! "@highwayhopper66: @ConnieMackIV @00patriot My wife and I are both voting for trump in florida over our previous governor PERIOD!" Thank you "@socalmike_SD: #Trump2016 @realdonaldtrump unofficial fight song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoZQfoXhbc0&sns=tw via @youtube" Such hard work and imagination-thanks Just out - new PPP NATIONAL POLL has me in first place by a wide margin at 29%. I wonder why only @FoxNews has not reported this? Too bad! 150 Clinton E-mails still contain classified information. More sensitive when she was Sec.of State. This is a very big deal. President Obama wants to change the name of Mt. McKinley to Denali after more than 100 years. Great insult to Ohio. I will change back! Very proud of Trump Int'l Golf Links in Aberdeen, Scotland. Just got the five star award from @VisitScotNews https://twitter.com/VisitScotNews/status/636834419270139904 See, I told you so http://commonsensewonder.blogspot.com/2015/08/its-no-camelot-caroline-kennedys.html This is no "act of love" as Jeb Bush said… https://instagram.com/p/7DdvbEmhWG/ For those that don’t think a wall (fence) works, why don’t they suggest taking down the fence around the White House? Foolish people! Huma Abedin, the top aide to Hillary Clinton and the wife of perv sleazebag Anthony Wiener, was a major security risk as a collector of info "@nodramahea: @realDonaldTrump Gaining more supporters every day. People want change. Trump2016" Leading in the Bloomberg Iowa poll. Also, my favorability numbers went up at a record, almost unheard of, clip. Thank you Iowa! Loved being with my many friends in Tennessee. The crowd and enthusiasm was fantastic. I won the straw poll big! "@Ricky_Vaughn99: Herschel Walker: Donald Trump is 'my frontrunner' for president http://usat.ly/1F6BkYY via @USATODAY" "@thehill: Donald Trump stays on top in Iowa, Ben Carson takes a leap forward: http://hill.cm/m0PyPCf http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CNoBKFBWIAACLab.png" "@teapartynews: Trump Wins Tea Party Group's 'Nashville Straw Poll' - Newsmax http://dlvr.it/C0nt7Y" GREAT, THANK YOU! Via @BreitbartNews "TRUMP WINS NASHVILLE GRASSROOTS STRAW POLL WITH 52 PERCENT"- http://bit.ly/1fO3C3G Wow, Jeb Bush just lost three of his top fundraisers - they quit! Leaving now for Tennessee. Big crowd! Great rally last night in Massachusetts. 2000 people at a house - must be a record! Unbelievable spirit to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. "@joehos18: BOOM - Univision Reluctantly Reports Donald Trump Leading With Latino Republicans.... http://wp.me/p1kzlW-rc0 via @thelastrefuge2 Will be interviewed by @SarahPalinUSA tonight at 10:00 on OAN Network. Enjoy! "@TDarbyMitchell: I love you Donald Trump! I've never liked politics before u came on the scene but I finally feel like there's hope for USA "@NancyLLeonard: Love 'em or hate 'em @realDonaldTrump is changing the playing field, finally. Our country needed this wake-up call. Thank you @AmSpec http://spectator.org/articles/63449/friends-trump RT @_HankRearden: Trump breaks 40% in OAN / Gravis Marketing scientific poll. Leads closest competitor by 27%. @DanScavino #Trump2016 http:… A phony story that I am trying to buy a soccer team in Argentina is untrue. Never even heard of the team—no interest! http://bit.ly/1LGOPq6 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain From my speech in South Carolina yesterday- http://facebook.com/video.php?v=10156034501145725 Via CNN: Trump now leads in odds to win GOP nomination http://www.cnn.com/2015/08/27/politics/donald-trump-joe-biden-pivit/index.html?sr=twnewday0828trumpnomination "@TheLongShotzz: @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews @tperkins Trump wins" "@jp_sitles: @realDonaldTrump HillaryClinton: she compared republicans to terrorist but will not call terrorists , terrorists. #OhMe" "@kathystone1221: @realDonaldTrump @therealbigdt @FoxNews @krauthammer #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #TeamTrump#usa....Trump 2016 !!!" Great job tonight on @FoxNews Tony. I am with you all the way! Make America Great Again @tperkins "@therealbigdt: @FoxNews @krauthammer @realDonaldTrump #Trump is the Real Deal, Baby." Thank you. "@PeteNice1976: @realDonaldTrump @irisodle #ToughTimes NEED A #ToughPRESIDENT #SilentMajority is back & #Trump will handle #IranDeal & #ISIS "@LandmanMarius: @realDonaldTrump Trump for President of the USA" "@RealEstateMOKS: @realDonaldTrump Build the wall! Everywhere I go, immigrants have our jobs! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #voteDonaldTrump" "@irisodle: Love you man! I'm one of the silent majority that's so excited to finally have us a spokesman! Behind you all the way!" "@FoxNews: .@Rub: @jorgeramosnews should've disclosed his daughter works for HillaryClinton & Univision is being sued by @realDonaldTrump." Will be interviewed on @Morning_Joe at 7:00 A.M. So much to talk about! The crowd in South Carolina was amazing. We set records and had a great time. Will be back soon. Who wants the endorsement of a guy (@EricCantor) who lost in perhaps the greatest upset in the history of Congress? RT @DanScavino: #GOP #1 candidate @realDonaldTrump in Greenville, South Carolina. #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CNb94OTWUAAsm6b.jpg RT @DanScavino: GOP front-runner, @realDonaldTrump @ TD Convention Center in South Carolina. Record crowd & #1 w/ 30%! #Trump2016 http://t.… .@BenFergusonShow just watched you on @CNN. Thank you for your nice comments. The press has very inaccurately covered this event - see for yourself! https://youtu.be/Q4UQtZLZfzw Great job on @CNN tonight @heytana. We are all proud of you! Also, congrats on a great son - he is going places. .@KatrinaCampins You were absolutely great on @CNN! Thank you. .@DennisDMZ Thanks for the nice words. You are fantastic! RT @gqforbes: TRUMP POSITION—US VETS pls rt— http://garyforbes.wix.com/blog @realDonaldTrump @MichaelCohen212 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CNWLEBHWoAE_fl7.png Thank you Christian Broadcasting Network @TheBrodyFile @CBNNews http://blogs.cbn.com/thebrodyfile/archive/2015/08/26/the-magic-of-donald-trump-on-display-in-iowa.aspx Will be interviewed on the @TODAYshow this morning at 7:00. Talking about politics, polls and whatever. Enjoy! Just got back from Iowa. Fantastic evening with truly fabulous people. Will be back again soon. Thanks! Heading to Iowa to a packed house. Just released polls, all first place, are amazing. Thank you! Thank you @BillKristol. I am going to Make America Great Again! Great American heroes who averted an attack in France. THANK YOU! Spencer Stone, Anthony Sadler, & Alex Skarlatos. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CNRr1nsUAAAm7Dt.jpg RT @DanScavino: Heading out to Dubuque, Iowa in a few hours. Rally with #GOP's #1 candidate, @realDonaldTrump. #IAPolitics #IACaucus http:/… True, thanks. https://twitter.com/chrgdup1973/status/628674716945879040 "@ladycatherinecd @realDonaldTrump he has more smarts than any one of the politicians - he TRUMPED again ! #Trump #tcot #Election2016" RT @DanScavino: Breaking #News! Public Policy Polling, New Hampshire! @realDonaldTrump skyrockets🚀to 35%! #Trump2016 #SilentMajority http:/… "@CodyShirk @genemarks @Entrepreneur @realDonaldTrump Because he speaks & acts like a real person; not like a slimy, calculated politician." "@beck_coulter @realDonaldTrump Trump is the ONLY person capable of fixing this corrupt, bankrupt, divided country! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" Thanks. https://twitter.com/_KristinaluvsU/status/635813386383704064 RT @DanScavino: Breaking #News Monmouth University SC Poll released this morning with @realDonaldTrump leading by DOUBLE. #Trump2016 http:/… RT @DanScavino: ONLY ONE candidate comes to mind when thinking of who can repair the terrible infrastructure in #America! #Trump2016 http:/… Another good poll result in the great state of SC. Trump at 30%. Carson at 15% and Bush at 9%. http://politicalwire.com/2015/08/25/trump-holds-big-lead-in-south-carolina/ Congrats @LindseyGrahamSC. You just got 4 points in your home state of SC—far better than zero nationally. You’re only 26 pts behind me. "@linda_lcarson: @realDonaldTrump Rubio and Bush cant say Wall. I guess it is not pc. Just like obama cant say islamic terrorists !! "@ASA_Patriot: @realDonaldTrump @PatrickStinard @megynkelly I could not agree more ! I now flip to other channels at 9:00pm" "@RageFelix: @GovernorPataki ... I LIVED IN NY WHEN "TACKY PATAKI" WAS GOV... HE WAS A TOTAL DISASTER FOR THE PEOPLE OF NEW YORK "@Dlund22226523: Gov. Scott Walker has ran Wisconsin's economy into the ground. How dare he criticize you. You would fire him in a second." "@ibemoshing: No hope for Jeb Bush anymore, @realDonaldTrump has been on fire! Really hope he can get the win and fix this country! .@GovernorPataki did a terrible job as Governor of New York. If he ran again, he would have lost in a landslide. He and Graham ZERO in polls Jeb Bush just talked about my border proposal to build a "fence." It's not a fence, Jeb, it's a WALL, and there's a BIG difference! Asians are very offended that JEB said that anchor babies applies to them as a way to be more politically correct to hispanics. A mess! In a clumsy move to get out of his "anchor babies" dilemma, where he signed that he would not use the term and now uses it, he blamed ASIANS Jeb Bush never uses his last name on advertising, signage, materials etc. Is he ashamed of the name BUSH? A pretty sad situation. Go Jeb! "@PatrickStinard: @megynkelly Kelly File was much better without Megyn Kelly. Her replacement while she was out on vacation was much better! "@YoungYoung54: @JeriHyatt @megynkelly @JebBush So true. Jeb Bush is crazy, who cares that he speaks Mexican, this is America, English !!" "@Barbavh: @realDonaldTrump @megynkelly Ordered my Trump banner today. Can't wait!" "@TheBrianMo: The Lesson Evangelicals Can Learn From @RealDonaldTrump http://blogs.cbn.com/thebrodyfile/archive/2015/08/22/the-lesson-evangelicals-can-learn-from-donald-trump.aspx#.VdvNg5pL-HY.twitter #DonaldTrumpForPresident" "@AdriannaMarie: @realDonaldTrump People always take cheap shots at you,they can't handle the truth.You tell it like it is.They're cowards. "@jdwarren12: @realDonaldTrump Mr Trump I appreciate you and your honesty sir" Thank you. "@toneantone96: @realDonaldTrump No man or women on this Planet can give us back America with the exception of @realDonaldTrump Leadership! "@YankeesJC1: DonaldTrump Thanks for the picture! You were Awesome in Alabama! "Roll Trump Roll #TrumpInAL #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CNN_09XWsAAdp7Q.jpg "@mstanish53: @realDonaldTrump @megynkelly The bimbo back in town . I hope not for long ." "@MikeRaj7: @megynkelly Show has become a opinion show. Leading questions, Stirrwalt and Thiessen, used, Fair and balanced, NOT" "@swamp_bug: @seanhannity Cruz is my second/third choice. Carson is also a good man. I look at it as war, so my choice is TRUMP." "@bigpaulfla: @realDonaldTrump She has come back looking like Nancy Grace" "@ColeHudson68: @megynkelly @FoxNews @theBlaze @greta @OreillyFactor Megyn needs to go back on vacation. What a waste of an hour on Fox." I liked The Kelly File much better without @megynkelly. Perhaps she could take another eleven day unscheduled vacation! .@megynkelly must have had a terrible vacation, she is really off her game. Was afraid to confront Dr. Cornel West. No clue on immigration! "@JeriHyatt: @megynkelly @JebBush @realDonaldTrump Pffffffttttt we need to do something about illegals who get more than our vets!!!!!" RT @DanScavino: Who would you rather have negotiating for you? TRUMP or JEB? @realDonaldTrump will #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 http:… Via The Brody File: "The Lesson Evangelicals Can Learn From Donald Trump" Thank you David & CBN News--so nice. http://blogs.cbn.com/thebrodyfile/archive/2015/08/22/the-lesson-evangelicals-can-learn-from-donald-trump.aspx Via Int'l Business Times: Jeb Bush Got $1.3M Job at Lehman After Florida Shifted Pension Cash To Bank. http://www.ibtimes.com/election-2016-jeb-bush-got-13m-job-lehman-after-florida-shifted-pension-cash-bank-2059224 RT @DanScavino: Hillary Clinton & Jeb Bush do not like @realDonaldTrump's "TONE!" It is time for some changes America! #Trump2016 http://t.… Thank you Greta. https://twitter.com/greta/status/634725988425986049 Even Barbara Bush agrees with me- https://instagram.com/p/6xi2dEGhfn/ Depression- be careful of China! https://instagram.com/p/6xT08ZGhQc/ "@sweetspottrader: only @realDonaldTrump can save us form this turmoil #Trump2016" Perhaps so! "@glendabelle_11 @FoxNewsInsider @foxandfriends @realDonaldTrump Trump supporters- volunteer ,contribute, assist campaign etc .We need Trump "@ZephyrusMatrix: Will you finally get respect for predicting U.S. concerns even weeks before disaster strikes.The country needs a visionary Markets are crashing - all caused by poor planning and allowing China and Asia to dictate the agenda. This could get very messy! Vote Trump. "@john_franco: When people start losing their savings & home value, they will be begging Trump to fix the economy #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" As I have long stated, we are so tied in with China and Asia that their markets are now taking the U.S. market down. Get smart U.S.A. New Reuters Poll just came out and has me at 32%, highest number yet.The silent majority is back and we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! The last thing we need is another Bush in the White House. Would be the same old thing (remember "read my lips, no more taxes"). GREATNESS! Jeb Bush has a photoshopped photo for an ad which gives him a black left hand and much different looking body. Jeb just can't get it right! Jeb Bush is weak on illegal immigration, in favor of common core, bad on women's health issues and thinks the Iraq war was a good thing. Now that I started my war on illegal immigration and securing the border, most other candidates are finally speaking up. Just politicians! It has just been confirmed by the City of Mobile, Alabama, that there were 30,000 people at last nights event, making it #1for pol season. How is Bernie Sanders going to defend our country if he can't even defend his own microphone? Very sad! Thank you to the @washingtonpost for the accurate and very discriptive story on my speech in Alabama last night. It was a great evening! I had 15,000 people in Phoenix but @politico said "the rooms capacity is just over 2000." But said Bernie Sanders had 11,000 in same room. .@politico covers me more inaccurately than any other media source, and that is saying something. They go out of their way to distort truth! "@dojiedojie: @realDonaldTrump Keep talking Donald....The people want to hear it loud and clear!!!!!" "@crstin0516: @DanScavino @keraladubai @realDonaldTrump That chant gave me sweet, sweet chills!! #USA 🇺🇸 #America" Alabama was great last night, amazing people. 30,000 folks was largest crowd of political season. Nice! .@jessebwatters, You did a great job hosting @oreillyfactor. Everybody loved it! Thank you for the nice words. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #TrumpRallyAL http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CM-eG3DWgAATey8.jpg Dow dives more than 500 points - down 9% from high. Be careful! Leaving for Mobile, Alabama, right now - can't be late! Boston incident is terrible. We need energy and passion, but we must treat each other with respect. I would never condone violence. "@AmyMek Every Time I see @realDonaldTrump address a crowd I want to start chanting USA, USA, USA! #AmericanPride is Back #Trump2016" Great! https://twitter.com/cmodelbehavior/status/634395194184593408 We are going to have a wild time in Alabama tonight! Finally, the silent majority is back! http://TrumpAlabama.Eventbrite.com How crazy - 7.5% of all births in U.S. are to illegal immigrants, over 300,000 babies per year. This must stop. Unaffordable and not right! Jeb Bush signed memo saying not to use the term "anchor babies," offensive. Now he wants to use it because I use it. Stay true to yourself! Alabama will shine tomorrow. It will be a big and glorious day! We are going to make our country so strong again, so great again. No more ripping off the United States. We will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! "@2ndVoter: @SteveHuang68 agree. One of the things that is good abt @realDonaldTrump is he's forcing others out of status quo politicking." "@MattyJack33: @TomLlamasABC So refreshing to have someone call out these left wingers posing as journalists. Keep it up Trump!" .@WNTonight please correct your story tonight. The public is fed-up with bad reporting for the sake of sensationalizing something! .@TomLlamasABC cannot report the news truthfully. Why not apologize for your fraudulent story on World News Tonight.Gang members & criminals @ABCPolitics must apologize. My statement "we're going to get them out so fast, so quick" applied to hard core criminals & gang members. LIE Behind the scenes video with “Uncle Sam” (eagle’s name) and me. https://amp.twimg.com/v/cea8ab2e-620f-44fb-b86f-894d0a3136fe Had a special visitor in my office yesterday for @TIME photo shoot. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CM3GHyDUEAAbgWI.jpg On the cover of @TIME Magazine—a great honor! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CM3EM2IUYAAVdaT.jpg Thank you New Hampshire! Together we will Make America Great Again! http://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/634191554098298880/pu/img/DaSFzZ0v-T_zYfd3.jpg Another great poll result! Thank you! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CM0Xg5LWEAAswzh.jpg "@LKDUSA: @LKDUSA Now you need not wonder why we are attracted to a strong leader like @realDonaldTrump. The rest don't cut it. ALL WIMPS!!" "@WendyJFluga28: DonaldTrump is an emblem of HOPE that the best is yet to come for America! The good Trump name will be proudly displayed Just got back from New Hampshire. Amazing people, we all had a great time together! Will be in New Hampshire and then on @CNN Special at 9 PM tonight. My official #MakeAmericaGreatAgain hat is now available online. To shop please visit http://www.DonaldJTrump.com/shop -- it is selling fast! .@MarkSteynOnline - Thank you and great job on @seanhannity tonight! "@Maxinerunner: @MarkSteynOnline loved you on #Hannity speaking truth @realDonaldTrump has awakened Patriots all over this Great Country. I am looking forward to being in New Hampshire tomorrow. The silent majority is taking our country back. We will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! My H-1B reform plan will transform program so it delivers for country, not lobbyists, & will have bipartisan support: http://bit.ly/1gRSmEg "@aduanebrown New CNN/ORC poll: @realdonaldtrump #1 w/ 24% -- favorability rating on the rise while Jeb's declines. 60% among women!!" "@JoeWeissnmb @realDonaldTrump @MichaelCohen212 Walker & Bush want to be like Trump. My Mom88 "They sound like boys compared to Trump." "@ktumulty Polls indicate that a Trump presidency is now inevitable. #August" If I am elected President I will immediately approve the Keystone XL pipeline. No impact on environment & lots of jobs for U.S. "@JohnBerman Two explanations on @realDonaldTrump that seem no longer sufficient: 1) It's early. 2) It is all a media creation." RT @GeraldoRivera: @realDonaldTrump now youre talking boss-Immigrant vigor energizing vibrant America which'll dominate shrinking Russia wh… .@jasondhorowitz I am very proud of my sister, your story was terrific. Thank you so much. Our online campaign store is open! Visit http://www.DonaldJTrump.com/shop for #MakeAmericaGreatAgain merchandise including my signature hat! When foreigners attend our great colleges & want to stay in the U.S., they should not be thrown out of our country. I want talented people to come into this country—to work hard and to become citizens. Silicon Valley needs engineers, etc. RT @foxandfriends: .@realDonaldTrump takes aim at Hillary Clinton in new video just released on Instagram https://amp.twimg.com/v/a5f3681c-a569-4c3c-9806-7713ed4ecc9c It does matter! https://instagram.com/p/6h34CXGhcK/ RT @Morning_Joe: Poll: @realDonaldTrump, @JebBush @RealBenCarson at the top http://on.msnbc.com/1hldUKj http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CMsQnGmVEAAhQN4.jpg RT @DanScavino: 2016 GOP Primary HP tracking 139 polls | 28 pollsters. #1 Trump 24.1% #2 Bush 10.7% #3 Carson 8.6% #4 Rubio 6.8% http://t… My official #MakeAmericaGreatAgain hat is now available online. To shop please visit http://www.DonaldJTrump.com --- it is selling fast! RT @DanScavino: CNN Poll • Most Likely to Change Washington, DC. @realDonaldTrump 44%, Ben Carson 9%, Ted Cruz 8%, Carly Fiorina 7%. http:/… Listening to @rushlimbaugh on way back to Jury Duty. Fantastic show, terrific guy! Why does @FoxNews keep George Will as a talking head? Wrong on so many subjects! "@RuizSeferino: @paulfincher2 Please have mercy on all Veterans. All we wished to do is serve a county who serves us not. Trump for Pres!" "@NobamaDotCom: An FYI to all the DonaldTrump haters: We've won. Most admit TRUMP CAN WIN. And @GeorgeWill & @krauthammer - watch and learn "@BannermanJack: Rush is on fire today!He really does have his finger on the pulse. The @realDonaldTrump shamers can't win against El Rushbo "@paulfincher2: I truly believe @realDonaldTrump is America's best choice to get our economy back on course & create needed jobs. "@PrimMrs: @Rockprincess818 The best Immigration Policy yet! Time for @realDonaldTrump to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@laura_winkker: @realDonaldTrump And its funny how Fox News doesn't really get it! love you Mr. Trump!" "@1776Pirate: @LindseyGrahamSC @WashTimes @madisongesiotto agreed. We need @realDonaldTrump as president ASAP." "@Techn9cian1923: @ChrisCuomo It felt Like a moment of silence when U said @realDonaldTrump DOESN'T PLAY! Powerful Interview👍👍 #Trump2016" "@KNDetweiler: @hrkbenowen @thetimes @realDonaldTrump just released immigration plan is superior to everyone else's. Including Cruz. The polls have been really amazing--we are all tired of incompetent politicians and bad deals! http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/fox-poll-trump-leads/2015/08/16/id/670352/ I really enjoyed being at the Iowa State Fair. The crowds, love and enthusiasm is something I will never forget. .@NicolleDWallace Your father is a brilliant man with wonderful sense -- therefore, you must be good! RT @foxandfriends: Rich Lowry: Trump's non-traditional approach is terrific http://bit.ly/1IUeMi3 RT @HEIDISEVERYDAY: @MichaelCohen212 @realDonaldTrump Americans MUST support Trump if they want America to prosper & change the course RT @scpolitico: @MichaelCohen212 very impressed with Mr. Trump's Iowa visit. He will make a great President! RT @DanScavino: 2016 GOP Nominee National Polls via Fox News released today. @realDonaldTrump #1 at 25% with #2 at 12% & #3 at 10%. http://… RT @MichaelCohen212: #fox national poll...@realDonaldTrump #Trump2016 leads by double digits. Let's bring #inspiration back to #MakeAmerica… RT @aduanebrown: Mr. Trump has done something truly amazing, he's gotten people to realize America can be great Again! Let's be #1 again! @… RT @DanScavino: So many happy kids in Iowa, who will remember this day for the rest of their lives - thanks to @realDonaldTrump. http://t.c… "@WriteReadRock: @thehill DonaldTrump is EVERYWHERE! At this moment he is the most famous person on Earth. And for a GOOD reason! #TRUMP2016 "@javonniandjeno: @realDonaldTrump @AP @nbc Donald Trump is Clint Eastwood, the perfect hero not scared of American terrorists. Vote Trump!" Just got back from the Iowa State Fair. Record crowds, phenomenal people. Thank you IOWA, I will never let you down! RT @DanScavino: .@realDonaldTrump walks thru the Iowa State Fair. People said they have never seen anything like it (crowds & media). http:… RT @DanScavino: .@Forbes @SteveForbesCEO @FoxNews discussing #GOP front-runner, @realDonaldTrump. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 http://… RT @TheBrodyFile: @realDonaldTrump attracts evangelicals because he's honest with them. They can work with that rather than being used as G… LIVE on #Periscope: Good morning Iowa! Let's #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 https://www.periscope.tv/w/aJ9UgzEyMzE3NDF8NjE4Njg0MDITpd_jjEmUgZ9VOm4mPEzATc1FeIqUk6QQdjtt_3Wz6w== In the plane heading to Iowa State Fair. Will be great fun. Hopefully giving helicopter rides to some of the kids. RT @DanScavino: .@realDonaldTrump on his way to #TrumpRallyNH #nhpolitics @cspan at 7:10 PM/ET! http://www.c-span.org/video/?327605-1/donald-trump-campaign-rally-hampton-new-hampshire http://t.co/xaeu8Ckg… Making speech tonight in New Hampshire - leaving now. Fantastic people, fantastic crowd! RT @HAMnEGG_WILLIE: @Hstockpicks @MichaelCohen212 @RWSurferGirl @DanScavino @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CMXt5lFW8AAUaf8.jpg RT @DanScavino: Great poll #news from #Alabama!! @realDonaldTrump #1 • with a lead 2x's higher than #2 Jeb Bush. #Trump2016🇺🇸 http://t.co/e… .@AP and @HuffingtonPost should change their fraudulent story to say THAT I DROPPED @NBC & The Apprentice to run for President! People don’t understand that I left The Apprentice to run for Pres—the Apprentice DID NOT leave me. Bob Greenblatt & folks @NBC were GREAT! Our campaign store is officially open! Visit http://www.DonaldJTrump.com/shop to shop the latest #MakeAmericaGreatAgain merchandise. Not under my watch- https://instagram.com/p/6U95vmmhcR/ RT @MichaelCohen212: Always great being interviewed by @andersoncooper on #AC360 and talking @realDonaldTrump and #Trump2016. http://t.co/… RT @CNNPolitics: CNN/ORC Poll: @realDonaldTrump tops in Iowa http://cnn.it/1ILpkOf http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CMSJwnQXAAA1qeG.png RT @_Mastersof: @DanScavino @realDonaldTrump @TPM Echelon poll says Trump has 3x the support of rivals. Trump: 29% Carson: 10% Fiorina/Rub… RT @RichardWeaving: Donald J. Trump Wins On All Issues https://twitter.com/DanScavino/status/631592921272320000 RT @DanScavino: #IOWA CNN/ORC Poll @realDonaldTrump Overall #1 @22% Economy #1 @ 37% Immigration #1 @ 35% Terrorism #1 @ 21% & more! http:… RT @AC360: #DonaldTrump is a phenomenon… I expect my grandchildren in a poli-sci class will read about this - @MichaelCohen212 http://t.co/… RT @DanScavino: #IOWA CNN/ORC POLL @realDonaldTrump 22% Carson 14% Walker 9% Cruz 8% #Trump2016 tells @JakeTapper he is VERY HONORED! http:… RT @jeffzeleny: Our new @CNN Iowa poll shows @realDonaldTrump at 22%, followed by Carson 14%, Walker 9% and Bush is at 5%. #iacaucus "@DavidHerjavec @realDonaldTrump completely right on China...just watch the news #GoTrump" Our online campaign store is officially open! Visit http://www.DonaldJTrump.com/shop to shop the latest #MakeAmericaGreatAgain merchandise. RT @foxandfriends: "You are going to be so proud to be a citizen of the United States" ...@realDonaldTrump on if he becomes President https… RT @DanScavino: THANK YOU FOR SERVICE!! Thank you for your support of @realDonaldTrump #Trump2016! Love hat! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain https:… My official #MakeAmericaGreatAgain hat is now available online. To shop please visit http://www.DonaldJTrump.com/shop --- it is selling fast! RT @FoxNews: TUNE IN for @seanhannity's one-on-one with @realDonaldTrump tonight at 10p ET on Fox News Channel. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CMJrnqnUAAAdmDy.jpg RT @Carl_C_Icahn: 1/3 After last night’s debate I decided to accept @realDonaldTrump offer for Secretary of Treasury. The #IranDeal is a catastrophe that must be stopped. Will lead to at least partial world destruction & make Iran a force like never before. "@mikerotondo86 Only Trump can bring us back from 20 Trillion in debt... He's the only one with the experience and skill set to do so." Will be interviewed by @seanhannity tonight for the full hour. Hope you enjoy it and, more importantly, hope you agree! RT @DanScavino: #IPSOS Poll Conducted for #Reuters. #GOP Debate & 2016 Ballots 08/10/2015. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 http://t.co/u… Our online store is officially open! Visit http://www.DonaldJTrump.com/shop to shop the latest #MakeAmericaGreatAgain merchandise. RT @greta: @realDonaldTrump on @seanhannity tonight at 10pm - don't miss it! RT @DanScavino: "Do not underestimate the power of @realDonaldTrump • he will sweep down & get that GOP nomination!" @OMAROSA on @CNN w/ @D… RT @DanScavino: "This country owes $19 TRILLION dollars & they need someone like me to straighten it out!" @realDonaldTrump http://t.co/LbK… "@pokeyisme1971: @realDonaldTrump @ericbolling @oreillyfactor why are people scared of someone who wants to fix a broken system trump 2016" "@johncook4189: @realDonaldTrump @ericbolling @oreillyfactor http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CMGCS6jUEAA7luP.jpg" .@SenTedCruz had a very good debate, far better than Rand Paul. .@ericbolling you can do much better than you did tonight on @oreillyfactor. Better luck tomorrow! Why is @RandPaul allowed to take advantage of the people of Kentucky by running for Senator and Pres. Why should Kentucky be back up plan? We must stop the crime and killing machine that is illegal immigration. Rampant problems will only get worse. Take back our country! "@officialjtw: @realDonaldTrump You're iconic! You are going down in the history books! #trump2016" So nice, thank you. "@Roy_Propsner: @realDonaldTrump ...Don't give up, don't surrender your 3rd party OPTION" Truly weird Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky reminds me of a spoiled brat without a properly functioning brain. He was terrible at DEBATE! Again, illegal immigrant is charged with the fatal bludgeoning of a wonderful and loved 64 year old woman. Get them out and build a WALL! .@KatrinaCampins Thank you so much for the wonderful statements you made about me on TV. Also, keep up the great work! .@BrandenRoderick I was pleased to see the wonderful statements you made about me to the media.I'm not surprised, you're a special person RT @CNBCnow: Donald Trump maintains support of 24% of Republican voters in new online Reuters/IPSOS poll with 6.7% margin of error; Bush tr… .@OMAROSA You were fantastic on television this weekend. Thank you so much – you are a loyal friend! Frank was a great guy married to an absolutely wonderful woman @KathieLGifford. What a couple! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CMEJOAWUsAEtBcc.jpg Enough is Enough- no more Bushes! https://instagram.com/p/6NbVyEmhdB/ Roger Ailes just called. He is a great guy & assures me that “Trump” will be treated fairly on @FoxNews. His word is always good! Oh really, check out innocent @megynkelly discussion on @HowardStern show 5 years ago--I am the innocent (pure) one!http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/megyn-kelly-howard-stern-sex-talk-donald-trump/2015/08/09/id/669255/ .@KathieLGifford, Melania and I send our deepest condolences. Frank was a special and amazing person. He will be missed by all! I will be interviewed on @TODAY Show at 7:00 A.M. and on Morning Joe at 7:20. "@Libsaredemfools: @realDonaldTrump: No one knows more about business and the economy than you. You are what's right for America!" Wonderful Frank Gifford has just passed away at age 84. He was my friend and a truly great guy! Warmest condolences to family. It amazes me that other networks seem to treat me so much better than @FoxNews. I brought them the biggest ratings in history, & I get zip! I just realized that if you listen to Carly Fiorina for more than ten minutes straight, you develop a massive headache. She has zero chance! "@strayamaaaate: DonaldTrump shaking things up in US elections. Jeb Bush is really weak. Carly Fiorina shud go back to HP "@jonnati77: @EWErickson : TWITTER...has allowed the silent majority to have a voice and we want TRUMP 2016!!! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@WWDBLane: @realDonaldTrump Nice try Jeb, my wife agrees with Trump over Megyn. "@OUTOF_3_9_0: •• You got the the largest rating in HISTORY .. That should say all needed about you to @FoxNews! https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/630116339852673024" "@CommissarOfGG: You are being attacked from all sides, yet you have the people's hearts. Just be calm and trust yourself. We love you." "@granitttg: @realDonaldTrump it'll be my first year voting and guess who got my vote #DonaldTrump" "@nonstop85716: @thetrumpmafia @realDonaldTrump I agree. I registered to vote because of Mr Trump.I will vote for him." "@george_frye: @realDonaldTrump Finally a candidate that speaks on behalf of the people and not on behalf of the government. Go Donald!" "@liexafterxlie: @realDonaldTrump @RedState Yep. I was there and people were leaving left and right. @EWErickson blew it BIG TIME "@sacquisto23: .@realDonaldTrump you are the best candidate this great country has seen in decades. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" Will be doing Meet the Press, This Week and Face the Nation Sunday morning. Enjoy! Small crowds at @RedState today in Atlanta. People were very angry at EWErickson, a major sleaze and buffoon who has saved me time and money Almost universal support that "Trump won the debate." Only @FoxNews is consistantly fighting the Trump win, and I got them the ratings! Wow, CNN just said that Donald Trump won the DEBATE, connected best with audience. Also, Time, Drudge, Newsmax, N.Y.Times and more! .@redstate I miss you all, and thanks for all of your support. Political correctness is killing our country. "weakness." Re Megyn Kelly quote: "you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever" (NOSE). Just got on w/thought So many "politically correct" fools in our country. We have to all get back to work and stop wasting time and energy on nonsense! "@DRUDGE_REPORT: ROBINSON: Establishment didn't get Trump fall they want.... http://drudge.tw/1K8Jfqa" Thank you! "@katygolf: @Maxinerunner: Newsmax poll http://www.newsmax.com/Surveys/Results/id/270/ @realDonaldTrump: 65% @marklevinshow @RWSurferGirl" @krauthammer APOLOGIZE! "@katygolf: @Maxinerunner: Newsmax poll http://www.newsmax.com/Surveys/Results/id/270/ @realDonaldTrump: 65% @marklevinshow @RWSurferGirl" Another debate win! "@John832TheTruth: @FrankLuntz your focus groups are rigged and your company ran out of $ in 2011. KEEP SPEAKING THE TRUTH! TRUMP 2016!♡" The hatred that clown @krauthammer has for me is unbelievable – causes him to lie when many others say Trump easily won debate. ....Dopey @krauthammer should be fired. @FoxNews .@FoxNews you should be ashamed of yourself. I got you the highest debate ratings in your history & you say nothing but bad... via Bloomberg: Fox News Couldn't Kill Trump's Momentum, Made Him Stronger @FoxNews @business http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/Fox-made-trump-stronger/2015/08/07/id/667786/ RT @Reince: Simply incredible. http://gop.cm/6015B1so3 Last night's #GOPDebate doubled the previous record for most-watched primary debate i… RT @piersmorgan: 24 million watched the 1st GOP debate on @FoxNews. Main reason? This guy: @realDonaldTrump. He’s shaken politics up big ti… RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: Trump emerges stronger than before? http://drudge.tw/1DvCcLH RT @DanScavino: #GOPDebate w/ @realDonaldTrump delivered the highest ratings in the history of presidential debates. #Trump2016 http://t.co… RT @DanScavino: .@AUG_Chronicle releases South Carolina Republican Poll. #1 @realDonaldTrump 31% Bush 14% • Carson 10% #Trump2016 🇺🇸 http:… RT @phillipthow: @WeSupportTrump @realDonaldTrump @EricTrump @IvankaTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @DanScavino @MichaelCohen212 Trump Was targeted.… RT @DanScavino: .@RickSantorum said he would vote @realDonaldTrump over @HillaryClinton this AM. #TeamTrump #Trump2016 #GOPDebate http://t.… RT @DesignerDeb3: @realDonaldTrump BREAKS RECORDS in poll history--LARGEST share of support Quinnipiac recorded in 2 years http://t.co/Rk1W… RT @WeSupportTrump: #GOPDebate Winner Almost 500,000 votes at of 9:52am & @realDonaldTrump has received 46.5% of the votes. #Trump4Prez ht… "@TomNocera: @DanScavino @realDonaldTrump "TRUMP DOMINANT" screams headline in today's Tampa Bay Times. #Trump2016" http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CLz3TTCXAAArm_u.jpg RT @foxandfriends: .@RealDonaldTrump inspired 92-yr-old Beada Corum to register to vote. Today, she praised his debate performance http://t… RT @jerome_corsi: TRUMP WINS GOP Debate - "DOMINATES" "No Apologies" http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2015-08-07/trump-doubles-down-in-combative-first-republican-debate @realDonaldTrump @MichaelCohen212 RT @foxandfriends: .@realDonaldTrump: That [pledge] question was aimed at me, which I didn't think it was appropriate https://t.co/GWLg8BRc… RT @DanScavino: #GOPDebate Winner! Drudge 50% (187K) @realDonaldTrump TIME 46% (25K) @realDonaldTrump FOXSD 49% @realDonaldTrump http://t… "@ElvisFever: @megynkelly @FoxNews Out to get you with baited questions. She was angry at you. Very hostile and unprofessional" "@GotMade: @realDonaldTrump Great Job!!! Winning the debate last night will take over half the field out, @FoxNews was not fair to Trump" @TIME poll: @realDonaldTrump winner of last night's debate by wide margin.. 45% v.12% @RealBenCarson, 10% @JohnKasich http://ti.me/1IRqVp2 "@CaptTimScrim: Dear @megynkelly , your attempted hatchet job on @realDonaldTrump was unbecoming & a total failure. @FoxNews "@StefanVersac: @megynkelly @ChrisStirewalt @ChrisChristie @realDonaldTrump Rosie O'Donnell was the best answer of that whole debate" "@Southern_Anon63: I am a stone cold down to the bone democrat. But I will be voting @realDonaldTrump on Election Day." "@joshuapantoja: @megynkelly @FrankLuntz @realDonaldTrump you tried to attack Trump, he took it and smiled. Trump will be the next president "@Domenclature: TIME POLL: @RealDonaldTrump wins the first #Republicanpresidentialdebate by Wild Margin http://ti.me/1IRqVp2 #Politics "@Sulli1963: @AnnCoulter final four-Trump, Cruz, Walker, Carson wild card Fiorina" "@italy2320: @Reid2962 @FoxNews @megynkelly Tell me what I can do to help you. She really has made me want to never watch fox again" "@678b4612a62641f: @realDonaldTrump @Reid2962 @FoxNews @megynkelly my vote remains for trump!" "@Mannamalistic: I'm s lifelong liberal and have come to fucking love @realDonaldTrump. He speaks the truth!" "@Diplomt: @realDonaldTrump is in a greater position w/ 52% to 12% @Drudge_Report even after @MegynKelly & @BretBaier tried to take him out. "@stinger_inc: @realDonaldTrump @megynkelly's behaviour at the #GOPDebate was astonishingly biased." "@BrianCraigShow: @realDonaldTrump your rocked & won BIG TIME!!!! Make America Great Again Mr. Trump" "@agcaddauan: @realDonaldTrump @DRUDGE_REPORT Megyn could have done a far better job*" "@Diplomtc_Immnty: @realDonaldTrump They tried to take you out & your poll numbers skyrocketed. Voters matter, not @FOXNews moderators. "@Reid2962: @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews I expected better from @megynkelly, wondering what is her hidden agenda. "@Resi_Diederich: @PlatinumRosie @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews @megynkelly is that all you've got??? Haha." "@JetRanger69: @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews @megynkelly @BretBaier WAS A DISASTER ALSO." "@Lking2fly: I gotta have @realDonaldTrump in the White House that'd be such a game changer" "@11phenomenon: Despite the hype, @realDonaldTrump wins the debate by a wide margin. http://time.com/3988073/republican-debate-fox-first-gop/" I really enjoyed the debate tonight even though the @FoxNews trio, especially @megynkelly, was not very good or professional! .@FrankLuntz, your so-called "focus groups" are a total joke. Don't come to my office looking for business again. You are a clown! Wow, @megynkelly really bombed tonight. People are going wild on twitter! Funny to watch. .@FrankLuntz I won every poll of the debate tonight by massive margins @DRUDGE_REPORT & @TIME so where did you find that dumb panel. "@FrankLuntz: I'm getting a lot of @MegynKelly hatemail tonight. 😆 #GOPDebate" She is totally overrated and angry. She really bombed tonite .@FrankLuntz is a low class slob who came to my office looking for consulting work and I had zero interest. Now he picks anti-Trump panels! "@timjcam: @megynkelly @FrankLuntz @realDonaldTrump Fox viewers give low marks to bimbo @MegynKelly will consider other programs!" "@RubenMMoreno: @realDonaldTrump The biggest loser in the debate was @megynkelly. You can't out trump Donald Trump. You will lose! "@ept_rudyru: @DRUDGE_REPORT Excellent job! @realDonaldTrump You are real & everyone saw that 2nite! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #SilentMajority Wow! What a great honor from @DRUDGE_REPORT http://www.drudgereport.com/now.htm RT @IvankaTrump: .@realDonaldTrump won tonight's #GOBDebate by a landslide! I couldn't be more proud of him! Not easy!! http://t.co/OSLPZ48… RT @EricTrump: Thank you so much Chris! Very nice of you!! https://twitter.com/chrisshurley/status/629490423598182401 RT @SCTeamTrump: What a good lookin' First Family! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/629512519174918145 RT @IvankaTrump: 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 #makeamericagreatagain https://instagram.com/p/6EVN0WCkBw/ RT @DaveDautel: @realDonaldTrump you did a great job tonight! RT @LinFlies: @realDonaldTrump beautiful family! Best man for #POTUS ! 👍🏼🇺🇸 RT @eddyPham: @realDonaldTrump Great job! "@FoxNews: @realDonaldTrump: “When you have $18-$19 trillion in debt, they need someone like me to straighten it out" http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CLyBTEJW8AAbSgu.jpg RT @FoxNews: .@realDonaldTrump: @HillaryClinton's worst nightmare is me. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CLx3IkxWgAAZEXH.jpg RT @ESunnyloft: @realDonaldTrump I enjoyed your performance tonight. @realDonaldTrump You were great. People never like truth. You told i… RT @taylorhayden7: @realDonaldTrump You won it boss! RT @DanScavino: .@realDonaldTrump wins 1st #GOPDebate! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 #TeamTrump #TrumpForPresident 🇺🇸 http://t.co/2P8dW… Thank you @TIME readers- a great honor! http://time.com/3988073/republican-debate-fox-first-gop/ #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #GOPdebate http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CLx5isWVAAECtOA.jpg Wow! What a great honor from @DRUDGE_REPORT http://www.drudgereport.com/now.htm Just arrived for the #GOPdebate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain http://facebook.com/video.php?v=10155935177795725 I look forward to tonight's "debate" -- but look far more forward to making America great again. It can happen! .@realbobmassi, who does a show called "Bob Massi Is The Property Man" on @FoxNews, really knows his stuff--a total pro! "@lesleyclark "Anyone would be lying if they said they weren’t tuning in to watch @realDonaldTrump,” http://hrld.us/1IPFw4f #FoxDebate" "@jessicarnewman: The only reason most viewers will be watching the #RepublicanDebate tonight... @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CLuuT7kUAAAyut8.jpg" "@RKMCPHERSON2014: Tonights, The GOP aka @realDonaldTrump show. Projected to be the most watched GOP debate in history. Will u b watching?? "@Shelia1965A: God Bless You Donald Trump. I am so glad you decided to run. The Democrats have run this Country into the ground." "@HowardJax50: @FrankLuntz NBC says Trump leads with HS grads or less...doesn't bother saying Trump leads with college grads, too" "@suandres2013: My dad is a Korean and Vietnam vet. 51 years total with Govt. He's 81 and sharp as a tack. You got his vote. Go Donald" "@Women4Trump: @mauigirl56 @realDonaldTrump We shall see. All I know is The Donald is the only one who can #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!!!!!" "@ChadSchiebler: I can't remember a candidate that I've been this excited about @realDonaldTrump don't let us down! We believe! #landslide" "@WillDangelo: Sunset reflects on @realDonaldTrump tower in Las Vegas. What a view! http://twitter.com/WillDangelo/status/629090762064441344/photo/1" "@hbtc23: @realDonaldTrump backs down from nobody!! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 @steveaustinBSR @WWE 🇺🇸 🙌🏻 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CLr6sNlUEAAVSt_.jpg" "@anotherTRUMPvot: The way DonaldTrump handled the release of his phone number compared to @LindseyGrahamSC tell you all you need to know. "@Women4Trump: @realDonaldTrump @SemiNoland Yup. And Clinton's leaked meeting with The Donald because they are skeered of all his support." "@FrankLuntz: Trump is leading with almost every major group of Republican primary voters. http://nbcnews.to/1MOpFot" "@real_one23: Sure they want Mr. Trump @realDonaldTrump out. He can't be bought. #notapuppet https://twitter.com/Watchman4the1/status/629077912554094592" "@SemiNoland: @realDonaldTrump Hilary is trying to make Jeb the republican candidate b/c she is afraid of The Donald." True! "AmyMek Amen! @realDonaldTrump has drawn more attention to Veterans issues in 1 week than these politicians have in decades!" Wow! Such a wonderful article from fantastic people--my great honor! https://gma.yahoo.com/leader-york-veterans-group-defends-donald-trump-200026075.html Poll: Trump Leads GOP Field Among Hispanics, Records 34% Favorability http://www.mrctv.org/blog/poll-trump-leads-gop-field-among-hispanics-records-34-favorability#.fbrgsu:J8p6 "@JoeDurak If Jeb is the nominee Hillary is our next president." "@tweet2u2 #Trump only attacks those that attack him first. He's not going to be abused by a #politician @marthamaccallum #tcot" "@iuhoops2015 @realDonaldTrump it should be an honor and a privilege to be in this country. Not a right. Make America great again! " "@ToTheTanr @realDonaldTrump You are the closest thing to Teddy Roosevelt. Tough as hell, and speaks his damn mind. And NEVER BS's" Thank you. https://twitter.com/KarenPosey7/status/628939158388625409 "@breadman28 @realDonaldTrump make America great again. We're running out of time!" Thanks. https://twitter.com/UNDhockeygirl72/status/628939411435040768 "@InsureRetire @realDonaldTrump @Gawker best response ever! Give Trump lemons and he will sell them back to you for a steep profit." RT @foxandfriends: "I want to be right down the middle. I want to talk about policy." @realDonaldTrump on tomorrow's #GOPdebate https://t.c… Do you notice that Hillary spews out Jeb's name as often as possible in order to give him status? She knows Trump is her worst nightmare. Many of Hillary’s donors are the same donors as Jeb Bush’s—all rich, will have total control—know them well. RT @foxandfriends: ICYMI: Here is the candidate line-up for the #GOPDebate tomorrow night at 9pm/et! @foxnewspolitics @foxnews https://t.co… "@cookingdoll: @realDonaldTrump Yet another illegal arrested for bludgeoning a woman. Stop the invasion. "@Keeganbcall: @realDonaldTrump I support you because I know you are person who gets things done right. This nation needs someone like that. "@LaneLynmil: @realDonaldTrump I have been hoping for a bigger than life candidate and I believe I finally have one. Go Donald." Thanks. "@SeaBeeVietN: Go Donald...Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that our President must be a lawyer/politician. Our founders weren't." "@DBottenhagen: @realDonaldTrump the United states needs Donald Trump, go Don" "@Mike_Beacham: Trump Leads, Jeb Slips, Rubio Crashes In WSJ/NBC News Poll http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/08/03/trump-leads-jeb-slips-rubio-crashes-in-wsjnbc-news-poll/ #StraightTalk @SenTedCruz #ccot #tcot #2A" "@BADfundraisers: @realDonaldTrump All Donald Trump knows how to do is win! Go Trump 2016!" I do love winning! "@Kathlee08380944: @WSJ @hookjan Trump is the only cand talking about building a wall on the border That's getting great attention Go Trump "@TSettles14: I'd be proud to say the first President I voted for was @realDonaldTrump #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@TrumpsGucciGirl: @realDonaldTrump: oh yeah @megynkelly you don't want it to be all about Trump- he's # 1 not #17 "@ctmommy: @megynkelly #KellyFile #WTF? You do realize @realDonaldTrump isn’t the #GOP enemy - @HillaryClinton is." "@RoniSeale: @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends #GoTrump #GOP #VoteTrump #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016" "@jimlibertarian: @Dan__Crocker @foxandfriends Donald Trump is full of honesty and sincerity😇on the other hand Hillary is a total liar👿" "@sr_stocks: @WSJ @realDonaldTrump winner Trump. get use to it.Trump2016" I will be on @oreillyfactor tonight on @FoxNews at 8 PM and 11 PM. RT @DanScavino: New Hampshire poll shows 43% say they feel @realDonaldTrump can BEST handle the #economy. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain🇺🇸 http://t… RT @michaeljohns: Fueled by national rage at #DC and his proven ability to get things done, #Trump political ascent continues: https://t.co… "92-year-old registers to vote for first time, says will vote for Trump" http://www.local8now.com/home/headlines/92-year-old-registers-to-vote-for-first-time-says-will-vote-for-Trump-313102521.html RT @theblaze: Gawker published @realDonaldTrump's number to annoy him – the next day, the candidate made sure their plan backfired: http://… RT @JoeNBC: Today we spoke with Donald Trump about his rising leads in the polls and his strategy for Thursday's debate. VIDEO: http://t.co… RT @DanScavino: .@WMUR9 @UofNH Poll Released with @realDonaldTrump at #1 w/ a double digit lead! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #nhpolitics http://… Thank you @gawker! Call me on my cellphone 917.756.8000 and listen to my campaign message. Diligence is the mother of good luck. -- Benjamin Franklin "@Daaahawks @jimlibertarian @jerome_corsi @MichaelCohen212 That is why I like Mr. Trump he speaks the truth and stands by it." "@jimlibertarian @jerome_corsi @MichaelCohen212 we the people are making it quite clear Donald is the People's choice, we want truthfulness" RT @BrianCraigShow: #DonaldTrump takes massive lead in WSJ #NBC #poll twice the support of #JebBush http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/08/03/trump-leads-jeb-slips-rubio-crashes-in-wsjnbc-news-poll/ @realDonaldTrump… RT @jerome_corsi: TRUMP SURGES - takes double digit lead in GOP presidential race @MichaelCohen212 @realDonaldTrump Jerome Corsi RT @DanScavino: Good Morning! Real Clear Politics Polling Data Average w/ addition of Bloomberg Poll. @realDonaldTrump #1. #Trump2016 http:… Will be interviewed on @Morning_Joe at 7:3O. Enjoy! "@bedard_nancy: @realDonaldTrump TRUMP STANDS FOR TRUTH" "@_trump4potus: Trump continues to rise in the polls! The American People are speaking and speaking loudly. #2016election #Trump2016" "@RoniSeale: @foxandfriends Trump is surging, leading,& breaking EVERY poll because #TrumpIsRight #GoTrump #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 "@Dan__Crocker: @foxandfriends Trump opens his mouth, his numbers go up. When Hillary does it, hers go down. Must be something to it." RT @foxandfriends: FOX NEWS POLL: New high for Donald Trump, new low for Hillary Clinton http://fxn.ws/1hgoIZT RT @WSJ: New WSJ/NBC poll finds almost every GOP candidate losing ground except for Donald Trump. http://on.wsj.com/1Hn6R8t Thank you @krauthammer for your nice comments on @oreillyfactor. A lot of progress is being made! RT @DanScavino: FOX NEWS POLL RELEASED #1. @realDonaldTrump • 26% #2. Jeb Bush • 15% #3. Scott Walker • 9% #MakeAmericaGreatAgain🇺🇸 http://… RT @ThePatriot143: POLL: TRUMP CRUSHES BUSH AND WALKER COMBINED, FAVORABILITY ROCKETS TO 52% http://goo.gl/hKNKm8 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CLgtpdHVEAAj084.jpg My #GOPDebate @facebook question for the other candidates- http://on.fb.me/1JInXUu "@ValetaSue57 @greta @FoxNews Like Trump more & more everyday, he is saying what we all need to hear & understand, He loves USA" We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. -- Albert Einstein RT @Morning_Joe: .@realDonaldTrump. Tomorrow on #morningjoe http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CLgT8viVEAAHIHv.jpg New Poll Shows Donald Trump Blowing Everyone Else Out of the Water. http://www.businessinsider.com/poll-donald-trump-leads-jeb-bush-walker-monmouth-2015-8 RT @JonScottFNC: .@realDonaldTrump Surges in NBC News/WSJ Poll;GOP hopefuls to take center stage this week-Who makes top 10?@KarlRove http:… It came out that Huma Abedin knows all about Hillary’s private illegal emails. Huma’s PR husband, Anthony Weiner, will tell the world. .@Jrprotalker Thanks Judy for the wonderful statements on @TrumpTurnberry. Great seeing you there & you did a fabulous job on commentary. .@DottieandBogey Thanks for nice comments over weekend re Turnberry. You and your husband have fantastic taste! Also, great commentary. Despite the false @nytimes story about Jeb Bush being happy with the Trump surge, he fell more than anybody & is miserable. Wow, did the @nytimes fall into the Bush trap where his people convinced them how happy he was that I was hurting other candidates & not him RT @foxandfriends: Days before the first Republican Presidential debate, @realDonaldTrump surges to the lead among other GOP contenders htt… "@AndrewMillerKC We have to vote for @realDonaldTrump ! Our nation can't afford another #Bush! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@raleynicole143: I can't wait to be able to tell my kids I voted for @realDonaldTrump 🇺🇸 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@lynn_weiser: @realDonaldTrump @DanScavino @EricTrump @ericbolling It's a trailblazing campaign A campaign that connects to people!" "@jordanallen21: @realDonaldTrump you'll be the first person I ever vote for. #Trump2016" Bush is pretending that the "Trump surge" is great for him and the @nytimesworld is reporting Bush "delight" - con job, a Bush nightmare! "@PizzaPartyBen: @realDonaldTrump huge supporter out here in Alaska! Let's make this country great again!" "@MalachiNo: How will anybody beat Isis besides Trump. They have never made a deal with another country, Trump beats everyone all the time." "@bdean1468: @realDonaldTrump @BDubLasVegas @foxandfriends WE LOVE U TRUMP" "@MalachiNorris: @realDonaldTrump will win every state in 2016. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CLeE_jlUAAAGURQ.jpg" "@jesuspacheco58: @realDonaldTrump I've been supporting you since I was 12 can I get a fav or something #Trump2016" "@tudybone4: @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends got up extra early to watch Mr. Trump's interview #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" Great. "@BDubLasVegas: @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends Thats early here in Vegas, but I set my DVR!!! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@AAA_Squibby: @EricTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @IvankaTrump and their siblings must be proud of their father. #GoodLuck Mr @realDonaldTrump" "@FoxNews: .@ericbolling: "Polls show [@realDonaldTrump would] be the GOP nominee if the vote was held today." http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CLVVvOSUwAArdf-.jpg" "@BigBrett45: @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends TRUMP 2016!! PERIOD....." "@VickyBrush: @MANX38 @JEDTHEFISH7 Only those who aren't brain-dead. Time to take back our country & Mr. Trump is the ONLY man who can." "@bdean1468: @realDonaldTrump @CoachZachCooper AMERICA WANTS TRUMP" "@TeamFallowwBack: @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends - #Trump2016 💯💯💯💯" "@adair_ariel: @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends looking forward to it!" "@WreckThisPro: @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends I'll be watching it. Can't wait until you become our president Trump." "@AliasHere: RT @realDonaldTrump: I will be interviewed on @foxandfriends tomorrow morning at 7:00. Enjoy!" "@squirtlong: @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends Trumps the Man of 2016!" "@RaxsonDFS: There is no way President Trump loses this election. He will win by historical landslide. Will be greatest #POTUS ever!" Thanks "@brady2edelman: @realDonaldTrump Mr. Trump you are the next President of the United States. And the next President Reagan.God Bless America "@TPFA_KathyA_1: We'll be watching. @realDonaldTrump 2016! Will #MakeAmericaGreatAgain @foxandfriends : http://www.benghazi-truth.blogspot.com/2015/08/why-donald-trump-is-new-ronald-reagan.html" "@IvoryRymes: @realDonaldTrump Donald Trump summed up in one word.....TRAILBLAZER !!!" Thanks. "@CoachZachCooper: Congratulations on leading the polls currently and for acquiring the Center Stage Position In The Upcoming Debates!" I will be interviewed on @foxandfriends tomorrow morning at 7:00. Enjoy! "@DavidBougs: @scorpio5053 @nowandthan @RealMarkCole Amen! GOP elite called Reagan a cowboy, B- movie actor, dangerous,unelectable.Trump! "@gqforbes: DOMINATING SOCIAL MEDIA! @realDonaldTrump's twitter edge @DanScavino @FoxNews @EricTrump @ericbolling" http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CLcsjRcWgAAv_R_.jpg "@scorpio5053: @nowandthan @RealMarkCole @realDonaldTrump The GOP TREETED Reagan the same way. Until he beat em then turned into ass kissers "@winkiechance: @VickyBrush @RWSurferGirl @realDonaldTrump He has MY vote too! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@RoniSeale: @DanScavino @FoxNews @EricTrump @ericbolling #GoTrump #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #gop #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CLcipztWIAA8tTH.jpg" "@Dark_Red_Hair2: .@realDonaldTRUMP will get things done for America https://twitter.com/a9860e6ffcdd4fa/status/627838818809421824" I wish good luck to all of the Republican candidates that traveled to California to beg for money etc. from the Koch Brothers. Puppets? RT @EricTrump: Just another day at the "office". Very proud of my father, @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CLZh6Q1W8AA2SDU.jpg RT @foxnation: #DonaldTrump On Why He Scares The GOP Establishment http://nation.foxnews.com/2015/08/01/donald-trump-why-he-scares-gop-establishment RT @ericbolling: ICYMI from the big interview ahead of the big debate: http://www.mediaite.com/tv/trump-and-foxs-bolling-roleplay-what-he-would-ask-each-gop-opponent-at-debate/ RT @ericbolling: Thanks for outstanding soc media engagement today. GOP 2016 Debate just 5 days. I think we got a glimpse into front runner… RT @ericbolling: @realDonaldTrump on Healthcare.. "repeal and replace Obamacare".. Cashinin now @FoxNews RT @ericbolling: @realDonaldTrump "We have to #WakeUpAmerica and build up our military" Cashinin @FoxNews RT @FoxNews: .@ericbolling: "Polls show [@realDonaldTrump would] be the GOP nominee if the vote was held today." http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CLVVvOSUwAArdf-.jpg Watch my interview with @ericbolling on @FoxNews today at 11:30AM ET RT @DanScavino: #Iowa #IA #OAN Poll Released #1 @realDonaldTrump 30.9% #2 @ScottWalker 15.4% #3 @JebBush 10.0% #4 @BobbyJindal 7.2% http:/… "@ColinSWood @realDonaldTrump is worth more than ALL of the other Presidential candidates combined and plenty more." RT @ericbolling: …..And much more… “Cashiinin Special 1130aET Saturday, Fox News. #WakeUpAmerica http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CLQ4w6UW8AAhRux.jpg RT @DanScavino: Real Clear Politics • Polling Data Average #1 @realDonaldTrump #2 Scott Walker #3 Jeb Bush #4 Marco Rubio #Trump2016 http:… "@blindtothetruth Trump is polling well because he speaks his mind. Not like some of the career politicians he's running against. Cowards." RT @2beautiful1: “@PJStrikeForce: #FlashbackFriday @RealDonaldTrump #RonaldReagan http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CLQr9oDUcAAljEQ.jpg” great pic & great men "@sjh2222 Difference Between Politicians and @realDonaldTrump = Pols Are Bought & Paid For. Trump Can't be Bought, Bullied or Bribed!" If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right. -- Henry Ford Wow, some new and even greater polls--thank you! Will be leaving Trump Turnberry tomorrow--place & Women's British Open are great. Will be back hitting hard tomorrow. @Turnberrybuzz Should not raise taxes in Wisconsin, but massive budget deficit. Education, roads, etc suffering. @DanHenninger lies. @WSJ RT @Newsweek: The last time Trump got this much attention, it was 1987 and he was on the cover of Newsweek http://bit.ly/1h7GUF1 http://t.… RT @ericbolling: Exclusive & extensive. Answers to a long list of questions for the GOP front runner @realDonaldTrump 1130aE Sat Fox http:… RT @foxandfriends: "I'm number one in the polls." @realDonaldTrump says his campaign is going 'amazing.' https://amp.twimg.com/v/3422689b-009b-49b9-b736-90d2ee1db1f8 Thank you for your service! https://twitter.com/eddiern/status/626904589070155776 Thank you. https://twitter.com/teresac85469500/status/626904451383754752 RT @DanScavino: .@QuinnipiacPoll ➡️ @realDonaldTrump #1. #SilentMajorityIsBack 🇺🇸 cc:@LindseyGrahamSC @GovernorPerry @GovChristie http://… RT @CharlesHurt: Trump to offer children rides in his chopper at Iowa State Fair! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3180443/Kissing-babies-old-fashioned-Donald-Trump-says-ll-bring-7-million-helicopter-campaign-trip-Iowa-State-Fair-free-rides-children.html The polls have been consistently great. The silent majority is speaking. Politicians are failing. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain! RT @foxandfriends: "I'm not a debater. I get things done." -@realDonaldTrump https://amp.twimg.com/v/f5df0c3b-acb0-4bed-b327-61232831ab39 I look forward to the debate on Thursday night & it is certainly my intention to be very nice & highly respectful of the other candidates. Just at a news conference from Trump Turnberry in Scotland. Everybody was there & will be all over television tonite. Back on trail Saturday Carl Cameron @FoxNews is the only reporter I know who consistently fumbles & misrepresents poll results. He has been so wrong & he hates it! "@bdean1468 The alpha male in the 2016 race: @realDonaldTrump He has real success stories, tons of money, confident, & he's his own backer" "@lasannewton @realDonaldTrump The only candidate who will not owe favors to campaign contributors" "@Jennifer75AR @AmyMek He's not for sale like the politicians are! That's why he gives us truth! Trump for Prez! #Trump2016" RT @AmyMek: Fact👉@realDonaldTrump has made more $ than all of the other candidates combined. Trump knows how 2 make it. The others know how… RT @DanScavino: Former #NYC #Mayor Rudy Giuliani on @realDonaldTrump & his run for #POTUS. Let's #MakeAmericaGreatAgain w #Trump2016! http:… RT @TomNocera: The Reagan Trump images are inspiring. The #silentmajority sense something better for America is coming in #Trump2016 http:/… RT @4StrongerAmer: .@realDonaldTrump BREAKS RECORDS in poll history--LARGEST share of support Quinnipiac recorded in 2 years. http://t.co/W… RT @WashTimes: Trump tops another presidential poll - http://goo.gl/1reOZM @realDonaldTrump #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CLKwo0GUEAAPxRA.jpg "@LinFlies @califortrump @realDonaldTrump we love #TrumpForPresident & thankful" RT @DanScavino: We read it all #USA! Thank you!! Let's #MakeAmericaGreatAgain with @realDonaldTrump as our 45th #POTUS! #Trump2016🇺🇸 http:/… RT @Morning_Joe: 2016 Florida Poll: @realDonaldTrump beats @JebBush and @marcorubio http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CLJ3sgAWcAAhQD6.jpg RT @Morning_Joe: New @QuinnipiacPoll: @realDonaldTrump tops GOP pack http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CLKFuUKWgAA2CCn.jpg RT @DanScavino: 119 National Republican Primary Polls tracked by Huffington Post have their favorite candidate @realDonaldTrump #1🇺🇸 http:/… "@linablue: @realDonaldTrump I love the fact you can't be "bought"..." "@me_lisa_m: @DanScavino @realDonaldTrump Just updated voter registration in FL #VoteTrump" "@BillLester651: @DanScavino @realDonaldTrump Latinos for Trump believes in Trump" RT @DanScavino: 1of the most successful businessman EVER is willing 2give up what he worked his entire life4 2 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain http:… Getting ready to leave for my GREAT resort, Turnberry, in Scotland. Hosting The Women's British Open (biggest tournament). Will be back Sat. I really like the Koch Brothers (members of my P.B. Club), but I don't want their money or anything else from them. Cannot influence Trump! Thank you. https://twitter.com/TomNocera/status/626293868233928705 People like lawyer Elizabeth Beck and failed writer Harry Hurt & others talk about me but know nothing about me—crazy! How can a dummy dope like Harry Hurt, who wrote a failed book about me but doesn’t know me or anything about me, be on TV discussing Trump? Trump Will Make America GREAT!!!! #ChangeTheWorldIn5Words ... while Tom Brady is guilty because he REPLACED his LEGAL cellphone? Per @rushlimbaugh: Why does Hillary Clinton get the benefit of the doubt (after she DESTROYS her illegal email server) ... RT @ASwoyer: Shock Poll: @RealDonaldTrump Leads Jeb Bush in #Florida - #GOP @BreitbartNews http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/07/29/shock-poll-donald-trump-leads-jeb-bush-in-florida/ RT @DanScavino: #Florida released their statewide Republican Primary Election Survey. @realDonaldTrump is #1🇺🇸 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain http:… RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: 'I have always loved Florida'... http://drudge.tw/1U7m1YL Via @SaintPetersblog by @MitchEPerry: “Shock poll: Donald Trump leads Jeb Bush 26-20% … in Florida” http://www.saintpetersblog.com/archives/236488 "@JereeGeeStavich @realDonaldTrump You are blowing everyone else away. Not just ahead, but doubling. Wow." This is an outrage! Bias-Free Language Guide claims the word 'American' is 'problematic' -- WHAT?! http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=6697 RT @DanScavino: While @realDonaldTrump is not #POTUS just yet, note we do receive your emails of ALL issues along border, like below. http:… RT @BradRichdale: While establishment #Republicans spend a fortune on TV TRUMP HAS SPENT ZERO and is CRUSHING THEM #MakeAmericaGreatAgain @… "@TomNocera @DanScavino @dallasmavs @mcuban Trump's work ethic gives me hope - he's a tireless and smart worker: a winner not a whiner." RT @TomNocera: It's a great day in the #Trump2016 camp as great American leaders step forward in support of @realDonaldTrump Me,too! http:/… I truly LOVE all of the millions of people who are sticking with me despite so many media lies. There is a great SILENT MAJORITY looming! Thank you @Morning_Joe for throwing the pathetic reporter from the failing and money losing Daily Beast off the air. Really cool! RT @thehill: Mark Cuban praises @realDonaldTrump: 'The best thing to happen to politics in a long time' http://hill.cm/wDwvkvn http://t.co/… RT @thehill: The Trump effect: As @realDonaldTrump rises, almost all other GOP candidates fall http://hill.cm/wFTTDOn http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CLFUMLnWIAAGn0n.jpg So many people who know nothing about me are commenting all over T.V. and the media as though they have great D.J.T. insight. Know NOTHING! .@CNN Why is somebody (Beck) I beat so soundly all of a sudden an expert on Donald Trump (all over television). She knows nothing about me. .CNN & @CNNPolitics Lawyer Elizabeth Beck did a terrible job against me, she lost (I even got legal fees). I loved beating her,she was easy Lawyer Elizabeth Beck was easy for me to beat. Ask her clients if they are happy with her results against me. Got total win and legal fees. .@CNN & @CNNPolitics did not say that lawyer Beck lost the case and I got legal fees. Also, she wanted to breast pump in front of me at dep. "@jan102345678: @realDonaldTrump Mr.Trump,I am thrilled you are running for President of USA.You are the only man for the job!!! Public Policy Polling (PPP) has just come out with a major poll putting me #1 with Hispanics - leading all Republican candidates.Told you so "@AnnCoulter: .DonaldTrump leads w/ Hispanics. Christie, who supported in-state tuition 4 illegals -scrape bottom. http://bit.ly/1HZwHU0" Via @BreitbartNews by @mboyle1: "TRUMP: OBAMA SHOULDN’T ATTACK AMERICANS OVERSEAS, HILLARY’S EMAIL WAS ‘CRIMINAL" http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/07/28/exclusive-trump-obama-shouldnt-attack-americans-overseas-hillarys-email-was-criminal-smears-against-me-vicious-but-ineffective/ A nation WITHOUT BORDERS is not a nation at all. We must have a wall. The rule of law matters. Jeb just doesn’t get it. RT @AnnCoulter: .@realDonaldTrump leads w/ Hispanics. Huckabee & Christie - who supported in-state tuition 4 illegals -scrape bottom. http:… RT @greta: make sure you tune in to ON THE RECORD at 7pm - @realDonaldTrump is my guest http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CLB4wgFWIAAiJCJ.jpg While I’m beating my opponents in the polls, I’m also beating lobbyists, special interests & donors that are supporting them with billions. “Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives.” – Ronald Reagan We can make Washington work for us. It’s time for real leadership. Let’s #MakeAmericaGreatAgain! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ Obama’s nuclear deal with the Iranians will lead to a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. It has to be stopped. Via @limbaugh: “Trump Doubled Down -- and It Worked” http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2015/07/27/trump_doubled_down_and_it_worked “@marklevinshow: ‘PLUNDER AND DECEIT’” http://spectator.org/articles/63594/mark-levin-%E2%80%98plunder-and-deceit%E2%80%99 via @AmSpec by @JeffJlpa1 Via cnsnews by @SJonesCNS: “Trump Explains His Appeal: 'People Are Tired...Of These Incompetent Politicians'” http://cnsnews.com/news/article/susan-jones/trump-explains-his-appeal-people-are-tiredof-these-incompetent-politicians RT @vplus: Trump holds sizable lead in New Hampshire, new poll finds http://cnn.it/1VL2RK3 .#IranDeal will go down as one of the dumbest & most dangerous misjudgments ever entered into in history of our country—incompetent leader! Via @politico by “Poll: Trump has twice the support of Bush in New Hampshire” http://www.politico.com/story/2015/07/donald-trump-2016-new-hampshire-poll-jeb-bush-120708.html My @FoxNews int. with @seanhannity on Obama being all talk & no action & making America Great Again! http://insider.foxnews.com/2015/07/27/donald-trump-slams-president-obama-incompetent-politicians-hannity We must protect our veterans. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain https://instagram.com/p/5r7bI3Ghdh/ Thank you @mcuban for your nice words. I am rapidly becoming a @dallasmavs fan! https://twitter.com/foxandfriends/status/626007496293904384 After all is said and done, more is said than done. -- Aesop RT @DanScavino: 118 National Republican Primary Polls tracked by @HuffingtonPost have their favorite candidate, @realDonaldTrump #1🇺🇸 http:… RT @DanScavino: .@realDonaldTrump is #1 in #NewHampshire with 24%! @JebBush coming in #2 at 1/2 of that with 12%. #NHPolitics #GOP http://t… "@thehill @realDonaldTrump The people of NH know what the American people know: Trump is the only one with any CLUE about how to fix things" RT @newszbreaking: RT CNNPolitics: Poll: realDonaldTrump holds sizable lead in New Hampshire (via tomlobianco) … http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CLAUfwdWIAAt9sz.png RT @thehill: Poll: Trump leads GOP field by double-digits in New Hampshire http://hill.cm/C69BQft http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CLAZeIGWsAAkJ7-.jpg RT @seanhannity: “I’m not controlled by special interests and lobbyists and donors. I don’t need any money, I’m using my own money.” - @rea… RT @DanScavino: .@realDonaldTrump: "People are sick and tired of incompetent politicians running our country!" #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trum… RT @Morning_Joe: New poll: @realDonaldTrump doubles @JebBush in New Hampshire http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CK_j73XUsAI8K1S.jpg "@dc1a7ce3d7f7402: @michaeljohns @realDonaldTrump veterans for Trump 2016" "@Whitejl0111: @FoxNews @realDonaldTrump McCain hasn't done anything for the Vets; fact! He only talks about himself! 😣" "@USARestoring: @HillaryClinton's toast. Dems had better get the"B Team" off the bench. @TGowdySC for Attorney General under President Trump .@TheBrodyFile was fantastic tonight on @CNN. Thank you, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Thank you @scottienhughes for the great job you did on @CNN. Great energy and smarts! I will not let you down. RT @DanScavino: You do not want 2miss @realDonaldTrump tonight @SeanHannity • 10pm on @FoxNews! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 🇺🇸 http:/… "@robertaritzen: @AnnCoulter @seanhannity We love him! I love his truth telling. That he's so real and calls it how he sees it. #Trump2016" "@LifeZette:Jeb & Hillary could stand to learn a thing or two from @realDonaldTrump about making America great again http://bit.ly/1DJ1O1X Will be interviewed tonight on @seanhannity at 10:00. There is so much to talk about! Boston's Mayor Walsh wasted a lot of time and money on going for the Olympics, and then he gave up. I don't want him negotiating for me! "@moses11211: Donald Trump leads in new #GOP polls.. @foxandfriends @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CK6pCgqXAAALZRi.jpg" I’ll be on @seanhannity tonight at 10 PM and look forward to it. Lots to discuss! Enjoy. Be in Turnberry on Thurs AM for start of Women's British Open, one of world's great golf tournaments. Back soon to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain! I own Turnberry, in Scotland, one of great resorts in world. Women’s British Open there this week. I’ll go for two days & back on trail. "@AmyMek The Media hates Trump b/c he's a Proud American Entrepreneur who loves his country, wants others 2 succeed & calls out their lies" .@GovernorSununu who couldn't get elected dog catcher in NH forgot to mention my phenomenal biz success rate: 99.2% https://twitter.com/RonaldGorr1/status/625660440664616960 "@ScoodieGolden Twitter loves Trump. 1000's of retweets for Mr. Trump while @ScottWalker gets 5 to 10 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!" Thanks Lou. https://twitter.com/loudobbsnews/status/625757637167034368 RT @jimlibertarian: @DanScavino @realDonaldTrump @HuffingtonPost @Poynter Donald has never been about entertainment,Donald is about results… Veterans, please call 855- VETS- 352 or email address veterans@donaldtrump.com to share your stories about the need to reform the VA. RT @DanScavino: The @HuffingtonPost says @realDonaldTrump is "entertainment." They love #TRUMP2016! @Poynter➡️ http://tinyurl.com/pno46uh http:… We must build a wall to secure our border. It will save lives and help Make America Great Again! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ RT @DanScavino: GREAT meetings in Washington DC! Stopped by the White House & left a message from #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain! http:/… “Iowans Drawn to Donald Trump Praise His Antiestablishment Bent” http://www.wsj.com/articles/iowans-drawn-to-donald-trump-praise-his-antiestablishment-bent-1437945968 via @WSJ by @heatherhaddon & @reidepstein Via @nytpolitics by @AshleyRParker: “Strong Showings for Donald Trump in Iowa and New Hampshire Polls” http://www.nytimes.com/politics/first-draft/2015/07/26/strong-showings-for-donald-trump-in-iowa-and-new-hampshire-polls/ "@TomMcPeek More people r gravitating to @realDonaldTrump because they're tired of all the usual BS" Thanks. https://twitter.com/JONTHORNBURG/status/625668615950340097 "@Read_my_note No wonder why @realDonaldTrump is ahead in the presidential polls.. People are tired of the same old crap from Washington!" .@SteveRattner While I think you should have gone to prison for what you did, I guess Obama saved you. But watch – I will win! "@MDTaylorJr Everyone else have fun being politically correct. Meanwhile, @realDonaldTrump is speaking the truth. #Trump2016" "@scorpio5053 @realDonaldTrump is the real deal. Hes not running for his health. Believes in the Red White & Blue.@UnitedCitizen01" "@Old_Skool_Photo @realDonaldTrump We're with you, Mr. Trump.... The country needs your straight forward, no BS style!" "@Cj112Connie I don't get the media??Trump is ahead in every poll, but won't give him credit, they say he won't make it?? 60% of us say yes" "@yankee31210 If career politicians would think past their own egos, they'd know why @realDonaldTrump is resonating w/ppl." "@jimlibertarian @grantrobertb @MichaelCohen212 you're damn right we want the truth,we've been lied to 4 years and we've had it.#Trump2016" When people find out how bad a job Scott Walker has done in WI, they won’t be voting for him. Massive deficit, bad jobs forecast, a mess. Great news, I’m now leading in most polls w/ new CNN poll also having me #1. NBC, I am #1 in NH by a lot, #2 in Iowa, close & gaining. "@AlexPagliano Caught @realDonaldTrump's speech from Iowa. Why is the media portraying him so poorly? Guy has passion, great ideas." Thank you, Greta. https://twitter.com/greta/status/625651335241842692 Thank you, Wayne Root -- we will #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!http://www.theblaze.com/contributions/donald-trumps-mouth-is-a-nuclear-weapon/ RT @David360NC: @NewDay @MichaelCohen212 @WhiteHouse @AlisynCamerota Donald Trump gives us Hope. We support Trump in NC. RT @grantrobertb: @MichaelCohen212 @ChrisCuomo @NewDay @ColinOregon/ ppl want straight truth,not lies & inaction. @realDonaldTrump in on th… RT @NewDay: #Trump EVP @MichaelCohen212 to @PattiSolisDoyle: Be careful what you wish for -- @HillaryClinton is beatable. http://t.co/ODiIT… "@rp53pierce: @realDonaldTrump Mr Trump you're a breath of fresh air all these career politicians are not doing the business for the people" "@MitchPrefach: DonaldTrump Iowa speech excellent. Particularly the end about Israel and Iran. More foreign policy please. You have my vote. "@BfgBobgrant: @realDonaldTrump @Operator1975 Agreed! We need you!" "@BfgBobgrant: @realDonaldTrump @hammetjohn I've been awake, but now see a chance of real hope with Trump." "@bollweevil51: @realDonaldTrump Great speech in Iowa....Obama/Kerry throw Israel under the bus." "@SilverSharen: Obama is in Africa pledging 1billion dollars to help them. How about that money to help America. Trump for POTUS." "@PaulaDuvall2: Before Mr. Trump's Presidential bid, I was leaning toward Walker! Glad I was saved from stepping in something TERRIBLE." "@Arful1dodger: @realDonaldTrump I know seniors that are in 70s and go to shooting ranges weekly to protect their family and self !" "@PaulaDuvall2: Washington politicians are either dishonest or incompetent. Must be, since 7 yrs of LAWLESSNESS in WH are ignored." "@bluestarwindow: @bdean1468 @realDonaldTrump @twendencyUSA We SHALL make America great again." "@eddiebrognano: ScottWalker THANK YOU FOR SAYING WHAT THE MEDIA HASNT SAID ABOUT WALKER. Wisconsin is a hot mess and it's his fault." "@sorensen_ao: @HuffPostUKPol @realDonaldTrump #DonaldTrump will shake up politics like no other ever could or will. #InterestingTimesAhead" "@luismp77: @realDonaldTrump Team Trump all the way!" RT @DanScavino: As @realDonaldTrump touched down #Laredo #Texas 2discuss borders • @infowars captured drugs being smuggled in2 #USA! http:… RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: TRUMP LOVES... DRUDGE http://drudge.tw/1JHhDZ3 RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: NBCNEWS POLL: HE'S NOT SLOWING DOWN... http://drudge.tw/1Ixy7Zh "@Man_In_The_Hole: "Our leaders are dummies. They don't know what's going on. It's true, they're incompetent. #Trump #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@DDiTarant: America needs @realDonaldTrump ! #Trump2016 #BuildTheFence #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@PaulaDuvall2: Outsider Donald Trump assesses & addresses major American problems. What has Congress been doing for the past 7 years?" "@billyjowiggins: @realDonaldTrump The lion does not concern himself with the opinion of sheep" "@about_life: Politician Have Been Running(Ruining) America For Years; Lets Change That Now -Trump 2016 - iluvamerica4trump2016@gmail.com" "@fubaglady: .@npomalley @YossiGestetner You understand McCain is a RINO Senator who voters can't stand & who's over stayed his welcome?" "@Agent_54 @theblaze @pretrim10 MSM can't push DonaldTrump around. http://agent54nsa.blogspot.com/2014/01/game-show.html No More PC Political Hacks! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CK1jAJKUYAAARvz.jpg "@about_life: @realDonaldTrump Silent Warriors 4 Trump 2016 - Vets! Let’s Take America Back! - silentwarriors4trump2016@gmail.com" "@about_life: @realDonaldTrump I Luv America 4 Trump 2016 - Let’s Make America Great Again! - iluvamerica4trump2016@gmail.com" "@DavidKyleOnline: @realDonaldTrump attack Walker on Common Core. State grassroots not happy with him on CC inaction." "@EOetzel: @peddoc63 @realDonaldTrump JebBush I think we the people would prefer many other choices over jeb...." "@bluestarwindow: @realDonaldTrump @bdean1468 Putin knows that Obama is a danger to the world. Putin will respect President Trump" True! "@Brammz3: In full support of @realDonaldTrump for #POTUS! No reason he shouldn't win the @GOP nomination. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 "@_John_Handel: @realDonaldTrump @ScottWalker and Walker is destroying once great Wisconsin universities. "@WalterWhfla: @realDonaldTrump unless u got cheese for brains you are not voting for walker ! NEXT" "@ModerateMic: .DonaldTrump: Ask @ScottWalker why he left 1,000+ WI jobs on the table due to a political deal with the @paysbig Potawatomi "@Faithful_USA: I'm a 10th generation American of Spanish descent I support DonaldTrump Hispanic DOESN'T mean ILLEGAL #MakeAmericaGreatAgain .@ScottWalker is a nice guy, but not presidential material. Wisconsin is in turmoil, borrowing to the hilt, and doing poorly in jobs etc. "@Hturne: @realDonaldTrump vets tired of McCain using them as talking points and photo ops, AND NOTHING BEING DONE." "@guthrie_kelley: @realDonaldTrump AMEN. Thank you Trump" "@KingSchnabel: @realDonaldTrump College students love trump. Never change." Great. "@RICHMCLOUGHLIN: @realDonaldTrump @YossiGestetner GIVE THEM HELL." "@ZacharySmitty: @realDonaldTrump I just listened to this speech and loved it!" "@HL3tweets: @CoachAbda Trump is the only candidate who doesn't test his statements before focus groups to be sure no one is offended. True "@otto2468: @realDonaldTrump He built up his company to be prosperous and successful. Why can't he do the same with America? #Trump2016" "@Foshay504: @greta DonaldTrump-Love him! It's time to run America like a business. We've given all our wealth to China n Mexico!! No more! "@g_pluth: @RedNationRising Hats off to @realDonaldTrump for sticking it to liberal msm. @DMRegister" A horrible newspaper, failing badly. "@TriciaNC1: @Centaur6D If I were Walker, I'd be afraid of Trump outing his 14 yr support of amnesty, benefits, pathway for illegals" "@dc1a7ce3d7f7402: @realDonaldTrump veterans for Trump 2016" "@YossiGestetner: Whoa! @realDonaldTrump shoots up to 28% in YouGov from 15% two wks ago; outperforms McCain in favorables among Vets. Great "@CoachAbda: Please don't change a thing. Your attitude is exactly what this country needs.No tip-toeing, this man tells it how it is!" "@twendencyUSA: #Twendency Tweet of the Hour in USA politics #9pm by @realDonaldTrump https://www.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/625116052440137728 http://usa.twendency.com/" "@RustyOsborne15: @realDonaldTrump you got my vote" Thanks. "@gqforbes: TRUMP ON JOBS. pls rt http://garyforbes.wix.com/blog @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CKziGVmUcAAICwB.png" Always great to speak with Veterans - our nation's heroes. We will Make America Great Again! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CKzbugcUEAAXVLC.jpg Great success in Iowa today. Fantastic sold out crowd. Will be back soon! RT @DanScavino: #ICYMI ~ DOUBLE DIGIT #GOP LEADER @realDonaldTrump's • SPEECH TODAY IN #IOWA ➡️ http://bit.ly/1SHKcdC #1 TRUMP @ 28% #2 @S… RT @daveweigel: Trumpian populism: "I read where Jeb Bush raised over $100 million. If you think those people aren’t expecting a lot, you’r… Packed venue of people who want to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain https://instagram.com/p/5kU8aOmhf-/ Supporters waiting to hear me speak in Oskaloosa, Iowa. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain https://instagram.com/p/5kTRcxmhcR/ .@ScottWalker despite your coming to my office to give me an award, your very dumb fundraiser hit me very hard--- not smart! .@ShawnJohnson Congratulations on your engagement --- he is a lucky guy. You are a true winner and will be an amazing couple. .@Macy’s is a big contributor to @PPFA . Anybody against Planned Parenthood should boycott racial profiling Macy’s. Isn't it funny that I am now #1 in the money losing @HuffingtonPost (poll), and by a big margin. Dummy @ariannahuff must be thrilled! The ultra liberal and seriously failing Des Moines Register is BEGGING my team for press credentials to my event in Iowa today-but they lie! "@energypryde: @realDonaldTrump @TheEconomist Trump in office restores US swagger." "@StoneZipper: @stephenfhayes Donald Trump if he stops running for president he's not what we the people think he is." Will never happen! "@kerrygold1914: @realDonaldTrump @TheEconomist the Donald is crushing it" Big poll just out by @TheEconomist has me in 1st. place by a lot. A great honor but we have a long way to go to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Getting ready to go to Iowa today. Big crowd - will be a great day! "@sandrapatriot: @stephenfhayes WHAT U REALLY SHOULD B ANGRY ABT IS THE INVASION OF MILLIONS OF ILLEGALS TKING OVER AMERICA! NOT DonaldTrump "@GarethBale22: @realDonaldTrump you're going to turn America around Donald I can feel it" "@Operator1975: @realDonaldTrump Please Mr. Trump keep the pressure on and bring change to this country!!!!!" "@Shella_Bella: @ConnieHegel MY GOD! WHY can't the GOP see that Trump is doing this solely 4 R country! He HAD a VERY comfortable life!" "@hammetjohn: In my Lifetime I've Never Seen Americans Energized, Excited about Voting. @realDonaldTrump Woke up about 300 Million people "@ConnieHegel: @realDonaldTrump if trump is not on that stage no one will watch" So true! "@lucascoon1: @realDonaldTrump Reaganomics created 16 million new jobs and Trumpenomics will create 16 million more" "@AndreaWeslien: #DEBATE @seanhannity @realDonaldTrump If not for Donald, who'd watch GOP upcoming debate? SOUR GRAPES "@MYKALFURY: @seanhannity @realDonaldTrump I hear same doubters as I heard when Reagan ran against Carter. Press said he'd lose. Reagan WON. "@OfficialTentBoy: Even young conservatives support @realDonaldTrump because he is the right choice for this country and my generation" RT @marklevinshow: Thanks to Donald Trump for his kind tweet re my book, Plunder & Deceit http://fb.me/465Zx4i9G Via @BreitbartNews by @NolteNC: "DONALD TRUMP SURGES TO COMMANDING LEAD IN POST-MCCAIN BACKLASH POLL" http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/07/24/donald-trump-surges-in-post-mccain-backlash-poll/ Isn’t it amazing that @Macys paid a massive fine for profiling African Americans--& then criticized me for discussing illegal immigration! Thank you @DennisRodman. It's time to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain! I hope you are doing well! https://twitter.com/dennisrodman/status/624651124545581056 .@marklevinshow has written a great book, Plunder and Deceit. He powerfully analyzes issues that are crucial to us today. Read it! "@KimBredesen @realDonaldTrump I appreciate that you don't apologize when someone is "offended" by what you say. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" True! https://twitter.com/maeflowerzzz/status/623587041385803776 RT @SouthernJetNC: @loudobbsnews @realDonaldTrump @JedediahBila If memory serves me right, Ronald Reagan followed a very similar path/resul… True, thanks. https://twitter.com/roxyloveslucy/status/623588057418215426 "@DanScavino: Via Economist/YouGov 7•24•2015 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016" http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CKs0f48WoAEGxLz.jpg "@nozzero @realDonaldTrump Finally someone who is not sugar coating the mess in this country!!!" "@paulkellysr Mr Trump thanks for saying what millions are thinking. We need to turn America around if we want to save her." "@gpavlik7 1/2 of new California driver’s licenses go to undocumented immigrants. Read the Sac' Bee, July 17th. Go get'em, Trump!" It is time to send someone from the outside to fix DC from the inside. Let’s Make America Great Again! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ Be sure to get a copy of @williebosshog's new book, American Hunter. From an amazing day on the border in Laredo. https://instagram.com/p/5hx45xmhUz/ Arriving to check out the border. https://instagram.com/p/5hxy7QmhUp/ RT @DanScavino: .@realDonaldTrump ordered flags 2be lowered @ all of his USA properties the other day, in honor of the 5 servicemen🇺🇸 http:… I love Bluffton, SC, what a great place -- what great people. DC has shrunk our military and exploded our country with debt. We can’t send another politician to the White House https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ RT @mboyle1: Exclusive — .@RealDonaldTrump: Iran Deal An ‘Outrage,’ GOP Congress That’s ‘Weak’ As Much To Blame As Obama http://t.co/QA9uWx… When will anyone be held accountable for the VA scandal? The politicians are experts in never facing any consequence. .@williebosshog watched you on @foxandfriends. You were great and I appreciate the nice statements. I’m sending out for your new book now! Great read: “How New York's Veterans Day Parade Became 'America's Parade'” http://www.businessinsider.com/history-of-nyc-veterans-day-parade-2013-11#ixzz3gRZM8wQn "@mitchellvii @thehill @slone Here's a crazy thought. Maybe Trump is gaining traction because HE'S RIGHT?" "@TitanicQueen @LadySandersfarm What frightens them abt Trump is his totally NON POLITICAL CORRECT nature~Donald is shaking up the house!" RT @TheBrodyFile: Why does @realDonaldTrump resonate with many evangelicals? The answer from @TheBrodyFile here. Read. http://t.co/Ti9mIRSn… RT @MichaelCohen212: Full clip of last night's appearance on #Hannity http://video.foxnews.com/v/4371806963001#sp=show-clips&v=4371806963001 True. https://twitter.com/DHT1977/status/624555974788030464 RT @DanScavino: #GOP front-runner @realDonaldTrump launches2 a double digit lead in National Primary Polls. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain http://t… RT @LifeNewsToo: Donald Trump: Planned Parenthood Should “Absolutely be De-Funded” http://buff.ly/1LGqj6m #PPSellsBabyParts http://t.co/Rr… "@flanny1971: @realDonaldTrump clearly puts this country first! Security, vets, economy and won't bow down to other world leaders! "@facingeast52: @realDonaldTrump Please be careful there, the boarder is a dangerous place according to those who live near there." Thoughts & prayers with everyone in Lafayette, Louisiana this evening. You’re just not getting there @DanaPerino. Sometimes things just don’t work out, but don’t worry--- no problem! "@Woodsy_gal: Been a long time since I've cared abt politics since the GOP been a disaster. That's changed bc of YOU. Love U! #Trump2016" RT @DanScavino: #GOP front-runner, @realDonaldTrump press conference at the border. #Laredo #Texas #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 http:/… RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: 'I think I'll get the nomination'... http://drudge.tw/1gQX1Xw .@bobbyjindal watched you on @TeamCavuto. Made some excellent points. Best Wishes. "@RTylerR4 Don't let the press put words in your mouth! @realDonaldTrump Awesome job at the border! You're doing great!" "@tmautner1211 If all the Hispanics hate the @realDonaldTrump, why was he surrounded by so many Hispanics at the border?" "@grant_hose I like @realDonaldTrump . He isn't fake. He tells you the truth not "what you wanna hear". RT @KPRCmboyle: Final stop now for @realDonaldTrump in #Laredo @KPRC2 He is thanking Border Patrol right now. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CKn82CkVAAE4Cw3.jpg RT @greta: turn on Fox News - @realDonaldTrump is live from the border Great! https://twitter.com/phillygodfather/status/624266475566694400 RT @jlangdale: Another rather pathetic smattering of @realDonaldTrump protesters. https://twitter.com/JDiamond1/status/624255092527636480 RT @FoxBusiness: A union of border patrol agents says they will not accompany @realDonaldTrump on his trip. http://fxn.ws/1MmYroy http://t… "@TheJordanHafizi @realDonaldTrump is the only candidate that isn't politically correct and that speaks the truth on what's on his mind!" "@themakaylamarie @realDonaldTrump is exactly what we need. He says what the others are too afraid to say! I'm for him 110%." Thanks. Thanks. https://twitter.com/Kemper_Paige/status/624226804337741824 "@Jaybaby63 Mr. Trump thank you! For having a clue and not being afraid of what others think or say about you. I want my country back!" True! https://twitter.com/Kathlee08380944/status/624221524703064064 "@MichaelCohen212 Michael Cohen on Wolf Blitzer #CNN @wolfblitzer http://www.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/tv/2015/07/21/trump-takes-shots-at-rival-candidates.cnn.html … "@LAgirlrebelyell:Safe travels DonaldTrump Can't wait to hear the report later today! TY for all you are doing to take this Country back "@Kathe56Kat: @realDonaldTrump please be careful" Thank you! "@SanchezBrutus: Plz stay safe dear Sir, the World needs you.Your competition is no more presidential than an alley cat is a mountain lion." "@rox473: @realDonaldTrump Keep telling it like it is. Refreshing no political BS" Getting ready to lift off for Laredo. Will land at 1:OO P.M. Should be exciting and informative! .@BillKristol Bill, your small and slightly failing magazine will be a giant success when you finally back Trump. Country will soar! What a waste of time being interviewed by @andersoncooper when he puts on really stupid talking heads likeTim O'Brien-dumb guy with no clue! "@3rdedit: Media attacking you early this morning. A GOOD SIGN!America is proud of you for ignoring the MEDIA & telling it like it is!" "@fedupwithgovern: Congress Can't Find Money for Veterans *Houses, Feeds, Educates, Provide Drs for illegals *Gives Iran over $200 Billion" "@akawhit1: @Maxinerunner @RonNussbeck @realDonaldTrump MCCAIN WHO? #Vets Give Donald Trump Standing Ovation http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/07/21/mccain-who-vets-slobber-over-trump.html?via=twitter_page …" "@moekamerow: @AC360 Anderson Cooper only wants to hear his answers. Mr. Trump tells the truth and can't be bought Democrat for Trump" "@GGGGGGG700: @realDonaldTrump @AC360 You just keep doing what you are doing Don. You have reignited my hope. Thank You, sir." Great. Boycott @Macys, no guts, no glory. Besides, there are far better stores! "@woodardralph31: @gene70 @Macys We the people are so tired of all the guys talking the same old same Donald will back up his words!!!!" .@AC360 Has the absolutely worst anti-Trump talking heads on his show. Dopey writer O'brian knows nothing about me or my wealth. A waste! "@RonNussbeck: @Maxinerunner I am a veteran from Arizona John McCain voted to give illegal Aliens benefits & take them from disabled Vets" "@PATRIOT4657: @megynkelly The other candidates are scared. Trump tells it like it is. Maybe rich, but talks like he is an everyday Joe" "@gene70: @realDonaldTrump @macys America Hears You Donald!!! And The People You Are Running Against Will Hear All Of Us Soon! Donald Donald "@tarabernie: Hey @realDonaldTrump check out Access Hollywood: http://ahwd.tv/EVI2nY" Thank you Dan Rather, we have just begun! .@tedcruz you were terrific on @seanhannity tonight. I am going to the border tomorrow. "@bitchpuuuhlease: @realDonaldTrump @FrankLuntz mr trump, thank you for getting the American people excited about politics again!!!" "@bhill3333: We don't know Trump positions & he's dominating polls. @GOP should learn we don't want soft PC Focus Group driven speeches #GOP "@BB1959_: @FrankLuntz I am not impressed with Luntz. Never have been. What makes him an expert - he has a good racket going." .@FrankLuntz knows nothing about me or my religion. Came to my office looking for work. I had NO interest. I will save the vets! "@CherokeeShaman2: Donald Trump was Right ! McCain amongst other RNC's voted to cut US Military Veterans Pensions. http://twitter.com/CherokeeShaman2/status/624035085587648512/photo/1" "@jimlibertarian: @realDonaldTrump is leaving Rick Perry in the dust,and everyone else for that matter, Donald will be our next POTUS Via @CBNNews by @TheBrodyFile: "Brody File Exclusive: Donald Trump Comes Out In Support Of 20 Week Abortion Ban" http://blogs.cbn.com/thebrodyfile/archive/2015/07/22/just-in-brody-file-exclusive-donald-trump-comes-out-in.aspx RT @CNNPolitics: .@realdonaldtrump: "The politicians are going to destroy this country" (via @AC360) http://cnn.it/1Dvturb http://t.co/46O… RT @foxandfriends: .@realDonaldTrump is heading to US-Mexico border & will meet with members of Border Control http://fxn.ws/1CVvy0x https… It's going to take an outsider to clean up after Clinton, Bush and Obama. Let's Make America Great Again! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ Let’s Trump the Establishment! We are no longer silent. We will Make America Great Again! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ Shouldn’t George Will have to give a disclaimer every time he is on Fox that his wife works for Scott Walker? Will be interviewed by @andersoncooper on @CNN tonight. Let’s see if he treats me fairly—enjoy! Obama still will keep all military recruitment centers & bases Gun Free Zones! It has to stop. MILITARY LIVES MATTER! “Donald Trump on VA woes: ‘I’d fire everybody’; ‘you fix it by getting Trump elected’” http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jul/22/donald-trump-va-id-fire-everybody-you-fix-it-getti/ via @washtimes by @dsherfinski Via @ BreitbartNews by @BobPriceBBTX: “DONALD TRUMP HEADING TO TEXAS BORDER” http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/07/21/exclusive-details-donald-trump-heading-to-texas-border/ RT @AmyMek: Amen! @realDonaldTrump has drawn more attention to Veterans issues in 1 week than these politicians have in decades! http://t.c… Thank you @chucktodd for your commentary last night on @NBCNightlyNews. Very fair -- we are making progress together! I'm going to the BORDER tomorrow. Will be seeing some really brave people. Look forward to a big day! .@GovernorPerry in my office last cycle playing nice and begging for my support and money. Hypocrite! https://instagram.com/p/5cPvgnmhdo/?taken-by=realdonaldtrump True, thanks. https://twitter.com/bobhutt/status/623586978945204224 "@BAM4AU @CNN @realDonaldTrump @LindseyGrahamSC keep punching, Donald! Trump it!! Trump is telling the truth!" RT @DanScavino: Presidential Candidate, @realDonaldTrump continues 2surge. #GOP National Polls. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 http://t.… "@HalangManok: Will be the the Leader that everyone wants! Cant be sold and speaks the truth! Everyone run! https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/623677915415343104" "@PJAliveguy: No matter what @realDonaldTrump says the media and the republican establishment will attack it. Time for something that works! "@Chr:DonaldTrump reminds me of Reagan his first time.Everyone was like "is he for real" Yup! Libs hate him and make fun of him. IM ON BOARD "@drewcarter49: @realDonaldTrump @PrestonsDayOff @Montel_Williams @oreillyfactor Donald Trump is the new Ronald Reagan!" Thank you. "@Forrestben94: I don't care what people say, I love @realDonaldTrump confidence" "@waite_lane:If you don't want Trump as president, then you don't want what your great grandfather fought so hard for #MakeAmericaGreatAgain "@PrestonsDayOff: @Montel_Williams @oreillyfactor Mr. Trump has the stones to tell the truth about this country! no more career politicians "@jimlibertarian: @NBCNewYork In God we trust and in Donald we trust, Donald will make America second to none in every aspect known to man! RT @RedState: Donald Trump vs. Lindsey Graham match ends in a KO: http://zpr.io/sXuD RT @DLoesch: INTERVIEW: @realDonaldTrump calls for #PlannedParenthood defunding, says “fire everyone at VA,” denies 3rd party run http://t.… RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: HURT: Teflon Don... http://drudge.tw/1COHUrI RT @nytpolitics: Donald Trump is thanked by a woman whose son was killed by an illegal immigrant http://nyti.ms/1IjbjMG http://t.co/v4PO7DG… RT @greta: What do you think about this that Donald Trump did? http://gretawire.foxnewsinsider.com/poll/what-do-you-think-about-this-that-donald-trump-did/ RT @NBCNewYork: A selection of Donald Trump one-liners from South Carolina campaign stop: http://4.nbcny.com/s6TT071 "@PValk16: Many are missing the point, the US needs @realDonaldTrump to get things done. Instead they focus on sensation and media. "@MeOnAJourney: @realDonaldTrump @Billd111 @seanhannity Trump is the Alpha of the #GOP candidates, the rest are betas! #Trump2016" I hear a failing New York newspaper is going to publish one of my old cell phone numbers. So original - just one of many! "@insuradude: @foxandfriends @foxnation tell your owner Murdoch we are turning Fox off if he keeps belittling @realDonaldTrump. No Fox! Great day today in South Carolina. Fantastic capacity crowd, amazing people! RT @MorningConsult: Poll: voters favor Trump over all other Republican candidates http://bit.ly/1Jvwh5N http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CKeh8ZOUMAAxlrv.png Via @gatewaypundit: “Mother of Murdered Teen Thanks Donald Trump During Senate Hearing” http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2015/07/mother-of-murdered-teen-thanks-donald-trump-during-senate-hearing-whether-you-love-him-or-you-dont-i-felt-heard/ My response to the failing Des Moines Register, the ultra liberal paper that has no power in Iowa https://m.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/posts/10155867474345725 "@iAmerican All Talk No Walk. Old Politics. Let's Go @realDonaldTrump #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #GetItDone" "@jinx510 @realDonaldTrump don't get discouraged, keep telling the truth. Your detractors can't handle the truth." RT @SCTeamTrump: This is what a crowd of over 2,000 South Carolinians who want to Make America Great Again looks like! #SCTeamTrump http://… "@woofeous @realDonaldTrump GOP establishment forgets that Donald does not speak nor act like a 'retail politician'." I'm glad President Obama followed my lead and lowered the flags half-staff. It's about time! "@Billd111 @seanhannity Any candidate that says Trump or anyone else should step down for speaking his mind should himself step down." Flags to be flown at Half-Staff at all Trump Properties in Honor of the Five Fallen Soldiers-http://on.fb.me/1LAvOU5 RT @ASwoyer: .@RealDonaldTrump campaign launches #Veteran hotline for #Military members via Breitbart Breitbart News http://fb.me/1TykxkB6A Response to the Des Moines Register- http://on.fb.me/1VpGh9w Via @AP by @kronayne & @colvinj: "Disavowed by GOP leaders, Trump has supporters cheering" http://news.yahoo.com/disavowed-gop-leaders-trump-supporters-cheer-louder-071017924--election.html .@ZachJohnsonPGA You're one of the truly great competitiors. I’ve said it for years. Great going winning @OpenChampionship - Not surprised! .@BreitbartNews is much smarter than sleepy eyes @chucktodd @nbc http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/07/20/no-comment-nbc-covers-up-evidence-of-immigration-crime-wave/ Thanks to Steve Bannon & real reporters. RT @BreitbartNews: Poll: #donaldtrump @realDonaldTrump surges to big lead in #GOP #2016 primary - http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/07/20/poll-trump-surges-to-big-lead-in-gop-presidential-race/ Rick Perry did an absolutely horrible job of securing the border. He should be ashamed of himself. Gov. Abbott has since been terrific. Good luck to my new friends on your testimony in DC. You are amazing people doing something so important--- stopping illegal immigration! "@DillyDoesIt Trump has no problem telling it how it is, isn't that what everyone has been wanting from a President? #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: LIMBAUGH: American people haven't seen something like this in long time... http://drudge.tw/1IgfQ2s RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: Supporters cheering... http://drudge.tw/1RMlkqc Just got great national poll numbers - double digit lead! Thank you, we will all MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! "@michaeljohns: #Trump support surges even higher after #McCain statement. Why? Trump is a fighter. #GOP https://twitter.com/politico/status/623281305736871936" "@dancriscuolo: If Donald Trump isn't my president by 2017 I'm gettin' the h**k outta here! @realDonaldTrump #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@ileadliberty: I truly love this Land of the Free and I know that DonaldTrump will cut through the confusion and Make America Great Again!" "@1Barbara1: @realDonaldTrump @SteveMarz1 @Felix_Clay @kpdelbridge @seanhannity Vietnam Veterans Against McCain-https://youtu.be/vFM1xqqTX_g" "@bigg_ritch: The reason Trump is the man... He wants Americans to work not illegal aliens. they live better than we do illegally. "@ConnorBaldwin21: @realDonaldTrump has the balls to say what needs to be said and I love it" "@WesleyRuedy: Donald Trump is the man. And people don't appreciate his honesty. @realDonaldTrump" Thank you. "@THENORAWILLIAMS: I'm #africanamerican & I KNOW without a doubt that DonaldTrump is THE ONLY ANSWER to get the #USA out of this mess! "@Knight276: @realDonaldTrump @kpdelbridge @seanhannity I'm a veteran. I'm not offended by Trump" "@AhmedBawazir: I'm very sure that @realDonaldTrump does things excellently http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CKakU8OVAAAofjB.jpg" "@EdwardFrancisII: "Can't Be Bought" @realDonaldTrump - #2016election http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CKakVe3XAAAASFh.jpg" "@SteveMarz1: @Felix_Clay @kpdelbridge @seanhannity but McCain is not a hero. McCain abandoned POW http://mobile.wnd.com/2015/07/mccain-and-the-pow-cover-up/ McCain lies." "@ultradave1951: @realDonaldTrump check out mccains record on blocking legislation - blocking Mia/pow records" "@Tea_Party_Chris: @RepDavid @RepMattSalmon @RepTrentFranks @RealJamesWoods #Trump2016 #Trump #TrumpForPresident https://twitter.com/PoliticalShort/status/623325926013599744" "@MrdannyArthur: @Paul_Beiss @Lg4Lg @seanhannity @SenJohnMcCain Phoenix VA, led the league in scandals! McCain knew! Did nothing!" "@AlleyKat2: @realDonaldTrump doesn't need the influence peddlers money so he can be his own man" So true. "@AlbertoZambrano: @HeinzFGuderian Well get your facts straight. McCain was so bad he gave us Obama. He gave arms to Islamic terrorists" "@azuriterealtor: @realDonaldTrump @erintighe_ Keep going on, you can win!" Wow, new @ABCnews/@WashingtonPost @GOP preference poll has DonaldTrump 11 points up! Thank you. "@kpdelbridge: FOX NEWS-Get your facts straight! Trump did not put down Vets-he put down a clown named McCain! @seanhannity "@erintighe_: @realDonaldTrump your the only person who really wants to save America" "@bxldgxng: @realDonaldTrump i've never felt more strongly about anything in my life, you are the only person who can truly fix America" "@JWCarrr: @AnnCoulter @SenTenCes Ben Carson has not criticized Trump! And there's no need to mention Dr. Carson's education!" "@schwartzb: @realDonaldTrump we need your help Donald! Make us great again!" "@lizaperri: @realDonaldTrump The more the media attacks you, the more I know you are the right person for the job." "@BJSeastoneAMP: Proud of you @realDonaldTrump keep cutting through the #politicalcrap and tell it like it is" "@greengolf56: @realDonaldTrump Keep going Mr trump America needs you" "@MrsJRobbins: America needs @realDonaldTrump !!! #Trump2016" "@tonyparker1981: @Nate_Cohn @chrislhayes Not a huge surprise all day T.V. is all about @realDonaldTrump and nothing about BernieSanders "@TCastilonia: @realDonaldTrump @oreillyfactor Your the opening story on every political show,radio or tv. "@2009softail: You nailed it on @oreillyfactor tonite. You say what most middle class folks YELL at their TV every night - you speak 4 us" "@BrianCstandsup: @realDonaldTrump I'm convinced. Let's go Trump. #Trump2016" "@Drake4444444: @realDonaldTrump You're killing Jeb in the polls! Keep it up!" "@djf123: @realDonaldTrump @PJTV #DonaldWillBeTheGOPNominee! "@Dark_Red_Hair: .@realDonaldTRUMP - u hit a home run on THE FACTOR" "@PJTV: ON TOP The GOP, Democrats and media have all hit @realDonaldTrump Here’s the result: http://bit.ly/1OiKIha http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CKZe70pWsAAZxe5.jpg" "@ShepherdGarrett: It doesn't matter what the media thinks--It matters what the American people think Keep It Up! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@kpmck63: I'm going to listen to @realDonaldTrump LONG before I listen to georgelopez #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@alyssathgreat: “SenJohnMcCain is always talking, talking but nothing gets done. These #veterans are living in hell.” #OReillyFactor"" "@Malibu101834: @realDonaldTrump @oreillyfactor I'll watch anything that gives you a chance to share your views. Go donald." "@mikeezepek: @DLoesch Great interview! Give Trump a hot mic and watch out! It is the rawness, the non-PC guy. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" I will be interviewed on @oreillyfactor tonight at 8:00. Will be talking about the poor treatment of our veterans, illegal immigration, etc. RT @DanScavino: #Breaking #ABC #NEWS • #Washington, releases poll @ 5pET with @realDonaldTrump at 24% & 2nd place coming in at 13%... http:… RT @SCTeamTrump: We're on snapchat! Add us for behind the scenes photos & videos on the campaign trail in SC! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain http:/… Look how small the pages have become @WSJ. Looks like a tabloid—saving money I assume! This story is no longer about John McCain, it’s about our horribly treated vets. Illegals are treated better than our wonderful veterans. It was only after I informed NBC that I wouldn't do the Apprentice that they became upset w/ me. They couldn’t care less about “inclusion" "@amit_ @realdonaldtrump I agree 100%. McCain is fighting for illegal immigrant but never did anything for our Vets." RT @MichaelCohen212: Full clip from this mornings segment on #CNN New Day with @ChrisCuomo talking @realDonaldTrump and #Trump2016 http://… "@LinFlies @GhostDancer_2 @contrarian11 @MichaelCohen212 @ChrisCuomo @DeptVetAffairs ...rest of GOP only cries but Trump gets stuff DONE" "@Valenti317 @realDonaldTrump the left is petrified of you! Why else would they be attacking you so vigorously?" "@MJJustus1 @AndrewStilesUSA @realDonaldTrump Trump already hosts vets at his resorts. What does Hillary do?" "@RTMatador Trump says things that no one else would even consider saying, I agree with him on the immigration situation, i love honesty" "@_EOD I believe we have passed that point. There are Homeless Veterans in USA & yet Illegal Aliens get Government Housing" "@DanScavino @realDonaldTrump hosts events around the #USA 4our #Veterans. Long before a presidential run. He loves our military." "@VetApologist This is big criticism of the Republican field. Speak truth and stop being so PC. This is why @realDonaldTrump resonates!" " @johnjcarp61 At least we're talking about the #VA! We weren't a month ago! @realDonaldTrump @JohnMcCain" We will soon be at a point with our incompetent politicians where we will be treating illegal immigrants better than our veterans. The ever dwindling @WSJ which is worth about 1/10 of what it was purchased for, is always hitting me politically. Who cares! "@RW84JR: @realDonaldTrump Glad U R Man Enough 2 Speak the Truth in this Pathetic Politically Correct World! "@Jenism101: @realDonaldTrump @97Musick Trump is the only person we believe will actually set things right." "@vettesetter: RT @realDonaldTrump: My @USATOpinion piece: "Trump: I don't need to be lectured" http://flip.it/vfSkQ" "@KathleenLove10: @realDonaldTrump @MaxChupailo @kuuleme69 @cspan The truth hurts sometimes, who cares...keep telling it like it is!!" "@andres_3v: @realDonaldTrump you have the guts and backbone this country politics has needed for years. #Trump2016 #TrumpForAmerica" "@janetaylorann: @realDonaldTrump Will make the best President ever" "@frydguy: Keep it up Donald..@realDonaldTrump America needs a Winner not a Whiner..." "@bdean1468: @realDonaldTrump @MaxChupailo @kuuleme69 @cspan WE LOVE YOU TRUMP!!! TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@restore_US_now: @JohnnyG__62 @realDonaldTrump @GinaandersonRN ...what do you say now??? http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CKUqI1XWUAQCZun.jpg" "@97Musick: @realDonaldTrump Voters LIKE "tough and smart"... that's why we are voting TRUMP 2016!!" "@MaxChupailo: @kuuleme69 @cspan @realDonaldTrump Gotta love the honesty" "@kda20151223: @realDonaldTrump trump for president http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CKRV0bYUYAAgsVD.jpg" "@ebalky: @realDonaldTrump that's all the career politicians do is talk" "@GinaandersonRN: @realDonaldTrump ...RN for 27 yrs. Veterans have less benefits than medicaid recipients. Thnx for speaking#TRUTH" "@sjbatis: @realDonaldTrump Bravo for saying whats on most of Americans mind. Lets make America great, again!" "@2014_vince: The left wing politically correct cannot handle big don giving the truth....reality....keep saying it like it is !!!!" "@pg_rant: They can't handle you Donald so want you out the race, well good luck,because we know you won't walk away! Give it to them" "@HL3tweets: McCain epitomizes the career politicians who have gotten us into our $19 TRILLION train-wreck, including the VA debacle." My @USATOpinion piece: "Trump: I don't need to be lectured" http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2015/07/19/donald-trump-republican-party-presidential-candidate-editorials-debates/30389993/ I will be making some very big campaign stops next week - big crowds and tremendous energy! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN The Republican Party must get tougher and smarter, and fast, or it will go down to a very big defeat - just like the last two times! A true piece about the standing ovations I got yesterday http://thegazette.com/subject/news/government/politics/cruz-jindal-trump-score-big-at-family-leader-gop-presidential-candidate-event-20150719 The Veterans Administration is in shambles and our veterans are suffering greatly. John McCain has done nothing to help them but talk. John McCain called thousands of people "crazies" when they came to seek help on illegal immigration last week in Phoenix. He owes apology! RT @SharylAttkisson: Fact Check: The Washington Post on Donald Trump & John McCain https://sharylattkisson.com/fact-check-the-washington-post-on-donald-trump-and-john-mccain/ via @SharylAttkisson "@mwood_79: @SharylAttkisson Why do they attack Mr Trump? Because he has something they dont. The ability of truth! Trump is here!" "@dunn_cheri: @SharylAttkisson Mr Trump the only one telling the truth. Liberals can't stand the fact that your are leading in the poll" "@amsardina: @realDonaldTrump @SharylAttkisson kick there ass Trump" "@sloopjohnb15: @realDonaldTrump @SharylAttkisson I'm on the #TrumpTrain2016" "@deannecox777: @SharylAttkisson Because she shoots straight like you do, Mr Trump. No bullsh!t. Just TRUTH! #FactCheck #QuitHatin'" Wow, @SharylAttkisson just wrote the definitive piece on what I said about John McCain https://sharylattkisson.com/fact-check-the-washington-post-on-donald-trump-and-john-mccain/ One of the reasons I am no fan of John McCain is that our Vets are being treated so badly by him and the politicians. I will fix VA quickly. Via @fitsnews: “Donald Trump: John McCain Is ‘A Loser’” http://www.fitsnews.com/2015/07/18/donald-trump-john-mccain-is-a-loser/#5ojKUvsh6iPD4VpU.99 Why would anybody listen to @MittRomney? He lost an election that should have easily been won against Obama. By the way,so did John McCain! Congrats to the new Gov. of Texas, @GregAbbott_TX, for taking a tough & bold stance at the border. Should have been done long ago by Perry. I have a proven track record supporting our Veterans. Veterans deserve universal access to care. VA scandal proves politicians are inept. ....that has served our country is put on a waiting list and gets no care. It's a national embarrassment that an illegal immigrant can walk across the border and receive free health care and one of our Veterans..... I will make this right for our great Vets! All he does is go on television is talk, talk, talk, but incapable of doing anything. ....John McCain has failed miserably to fix the situation and to make it possible for Veterans to successfully manage their lives. The Veterans of our country have been treated like third class citizens for many years... Captured or not, all our soldiers are heroes! In addition to doing a lousy job in taking care of our Vets, John McCain let us down by losing to Barack Obama in his run for President! Just left Family Leadership Summit in Iowa, got a standing ovation from many wonderful people. I will be back soon. Statement on John McCain- http://on.fb.me/1COy9cF I am now in Iowa getting ready to speak. People are always amazed to find out that I am Protestant (Presbyterian). GREAT. The $10 billion (net worth) is AFTER all debt and liabilities. So simple to understand but @CNN & @CNNPolitics is just plain dumb! Ratings starved @CNN and @CNNPolitics does not cover me accurately. Why can't they get it right - it's really not that hard! Made a speech in Arkansas last night before a record GOP crowd. Great spirit and amazing people. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! It's driving @ariannahuff & the money losing @HuffingtonPost post crazy that I am #1 in their poll and they only write bad stories about me! The liberal clown @ariannahuff told her minions at the money losing @HuffingtonPost to cover me as enterainment. I am #1 in Huff Post Poll. "@koltonbittner: .@realDonaldTrump makes me proud to be an American" So nice, thank you! "@rua1ri: @realDonaldTrump your what America needs Donald!" Thank you. "@jimlibertarian: @realDonaldTrump @nonstop85716 it doesn't matter how you vote for Donald, just remember to vote Donald Trump for POTUS "@SteveMullaney1: @realDonaldTrump has all of my support!!" "@BillyParker03: @realDonaldTrump The @BillAndMoShow has your back! TRUMP FOR PREZ!" "@JoeyCarna: @realDonaldTrump if you don't win I'm moving to Europe." We will all win together! "@amandajoan40: This is the first time in my adult life that I have been excited about an election #Trump2016 #TrumpForPresident" "@JCippy: @realDonaldTrump for our next President !!" "@nonstop85716: @realDonaldTrump.I am always on the road. I am gonna do the absentee ballot thing in the primary's and Mr Trump has my vote" .@genesimmons, Amazing! Thank you. http://conservativetribune.com/cnn-baits-gene-simmons/ .@genesimmons really great job handling the wise guys --- so easy for you--- such talent! I won’t forget. Response to Huffington Post- http://on.fb.me/1OkZm82 RT @Krause_Don: @realDonaldTrump You have been a breath of fresh air. I'm 69 years old and am basically tired or fed up with the day in day… RT @rvedrenne: @Macys I've been a customer for over 30 years, your move to distance from @realDonaldTrump is repugnant. I'll no longer patr… RT @mwood_79: @realDonaldTrump you've already made sacrifices to lead our country! Thank you for not backing down! We are strong, not weak!… RT @DanScavino: Presidential Candidate @realDonaldTrump continues to surge in national polls. #1 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 http://t… Via @TPInsidr http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/franklin-graham-makes-a-huge-announcement-about-donald-trump/#ixzz3gA4VP4cz Via @WashTimes by @dsherfinski http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jul/16/trump-most-in-demand-human-being-planet-adviser/ Via @BreitbartNews- http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/07/15/the-10-most-important-reasons-trump-would-make-a-great-president/ RT @Drudge_Report_: #TRUMP: End #gunfree zones on #military bases... @realDonaldTrump http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/trump-would-end-gun-free-zones-on-military-bases/article/2567907 RT @FoxNews: .@realDonaldTrump: "You have the term 'Islamic terrorism,' which the president refuses to use." #OReillyFactor http://t.co/kaW… “God's word is the same, yesterday and today and a million years from now.” - @Franklin_Graham “Donald Trump was proven right on another one of his top issues Thursday: 'gun free zones' at military bases.” http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/trump-would-end-gun-free-zones-on-military-bases/article/2567907 Via @AP March,2013: Jeb said “he was open to…pathway for citizenship for illegal immigrants” http://www.cbsnews.com/news/jeb-bush-clarifies-immigration-remarks/ Lying on campaign trail! We will no longer be silent. We can take our country back! Let’s Make America Great Again! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ MILITARY LIVES MATTER! END GUN FREE ZONES! OUR SOLDIERS MUST BE ABLE TO PROTECT THEMSELVES! THIS HAS TO STOP! Looking forward to speaking at the @ARGOP Reagan-Rockefeller Dinner tonight! Record crowd. We are no longer silent! #MAKEAMERICAGREATAGAIN! I had thousands join me in New Hampshire last night! @HillaryClinton had 68. The #SilentMajority is fed up with what is going on in America! "@Tamaralynn212: @RWSurferGirl @realDonaldTrump The whole Gov. needs to be remodeled, he's the man for the job. I'd love to see him Prez." "@TheRealCamSand: It would be to cool if @realDonaldTrump was the president." Thanks! "@GotMade: @realDonaldTrump @JohnMcCain Trump speaks the truth about foolish leaders negotiating and you hate the truth McCain" Get rid of gun free zones. The four great marines who were just shot never had a chance. They were highly trained but helpless without guns. RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: FOXNEWS: TRUMP EXPANDS LEAD IN POLL... http://drudge.tw/1I7fdrX Thoughts and prayers to the families of the four great Marines killed today. .@GovernorPerry failed on the border. He should be forced to take an IQ test before being allowed to enter the GOP debate. .@GovernorPerry just gave a pollster quote on me. He doesn't understand what the word demagoguery means. .@SenJohnMcCain should be defeated in the primaries. Graduated last in his class at Annapolis--dummy! The thousands of people that showed up for me in Phoenix were amazing Americans. @SenJohnMcCain called them "crazies"--must apologize! CNN: "New GOP polls show Trump's favorability is up" http://www.cnn.com/videos/tv/2015/07/16/exp-michael-cohen-trump-11a.cnn @MichaelCohen212 “No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. So governments' programs, once launched, never disappear.” – Ronald Reagan More Bush cronyism – “Jeb Bush and the Common Core Money Trail” http://www.freedomworks.org/content/jeb-bush-and-common-core-money-trail It’s the Bush way! We need leaders who can negotiate great deals for Americans. It is common sense. Let’s Make America Great Again! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ Leaving for New Hampshire now. Making a speech—packed house. Love it! The Iran deal poses a direct national security threat. It must be stopped in Congress. Stand up Republicans! The worst show in Las Vegas, in my opinion, is @pennjillette. Hokey garbage. New York show even worse! Dopey @Lawrence O’Donnell, whose unwatchable show is dying in the ratings, said that my Apprentice $ numbers were wrong. He is a fool! No deal is better than a bad deal. America out negotiated again. #Iran FLASHBACK – “Donald Trump Blasts Obama for Failing to Secure Christian Pastor’s Freedom in Iran" http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/12/11/donald-trump-blasts-obama-for-failing-to-secure-christian-pastors-freedom-in-iran-we-are-a-laughingstock-throughout-the-world/ via @theblaze’ Via @TIME by @ZekeJMiller: “Trump Talks Politics at His Virginia Winery” http://time.com/3957783/donald-trump-real-estate-campaign/ Via @FSMtweet: “Trump is Right: Illegal Alien Crime is Staggering in Scope and Savagery” http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/trump-is-right-illegal-alien-crime-is-staggering-in-scope-and-savagery?f=must_reads#ixzz3fmiT7qi2 “30,000 MACY’S CUSTOMERS RETALIATE IN SUPPORT OF DONALD TRUMP” http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/07/14/30000-macys-customers-retaliate-in-support-of-donald-trump/ via @BreitbartNews by @ASwoyer Is this true about Univision and Fusion? Wow!?! http://tktk.gawker.com/fusion-is-losing-a-shit-ton-of-money-1715383733 Via @BreitbartNews by Steve Bannon: “‘TIME TO GET TOUGH’: TRUMP’S BLOCKBUSTER POLICY MANIFESTO” http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/07/12/time-to-get-tough-trumps-blockbuster-policy-manifesto/ "@danforc as a legal immigrant I'm so glad someone standing up for us, the millions who do things by the book to earn our place here" Thx "@ChristianInst @MorenoDadKC @BarbaraGarro The Democratic party has never given latinos anything! Just manipulate them through Univision." They are great people! https://twitter.com/drewmann76/status/621720118498869248 Thank you. https://twitter.com/marc_sarza/status/621719820535492608 "@ChanRogers I literally give a fist pump when I see @realDonaldTrump tell things the way they are & calling out those with no credibility" "@pbstwo @RasmussenNews @realDonaldTrump @weeklystandard. And the Donald owes NOTHING to lobbyists." "@RasmussenNews @weeklystandard Yea, but you know the only problem I see? The Donald is the ONLY one willing to tell it like it is!!" "@MichaelPlu @realDonaldTrump @Macys we never shopped at Macy's anyway & will now encourage three daughters not to as well" .@KarlRove wasted $400 million + and didn’t win one race—a total loser. @FoxNews .@FoxNews You shouldn’t have @KarlRove on the air—he’s a clown with zero credibility—a Bushy! .@BradSteinle Great talking to you and your parents—fantastic people. Keep your sister’s very important memory alive—big impact! .@andydean2014 Thank you, you were great. You can defend me anytime. Amazing job. "@joshdronzek @realDonaldTrump @Macys GO TRUMP" I hope the boycott of @Macys continues forever. So many people are cutting up their cards. Macy's stores suck and they are bad for U.S.A. I loved firing goofball atheist Penn @pennjillette on The Apprentice. He never had a chance. Wrote letter to me begging for forgiveness. I hear @pennjillette show on Broadway is terrible. Not surprised, boring guy (Penn). Without The Apprentice, show would have died long ago. Irrelevant clown @KarlRove sweats and shakes nervously on @FoxNews as he talks "bull" about me. Has zero cred. Made fool of himself in '12. "@HoustonWelder: Donald Trump is one of the sexiest men on this planet. Every woman dreams of a good man who tells it like it is." So true! RT @marklevinshow: Trump: Rove is a clown and a loser http://fb.me/3SE5UnBjO "@UncleLouie Clearly Trump gets social media. His tweets are everywhere & no sugar coating, he keeps it real. Wish all candidates did that" "@ReevesMH it's been a long time since I've been excited about a candidate. How refreshing to have a bold voice. Go Trump!" Thank you Piers. https://twitter.com/piersmorgan/status/621411306621534209 .@StephenBaldwin7 You were fabulous on CNN last night--I greatly appreciate your support. Best wishes. ".@PolitiTrends @realdonaldtrump is dominating the discussion on Twitter with 79352 mentions today (via http://PolitiTrends.com )" .@FoxNews should not put @KarlRove on—he has no credibility, a bush plant who called all races wrong. Why do people listen to clown @KarlRove on @FoxNews? Spent $430M & lost all races—a Bushy! .@BradSteinle Thank you for yr wonderful tweet of July 4. I wanted a little time to go by before calling. Your sister & family are amazing. RT @DanScavino: #FACT 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 @realDonaldTrump cannot be bought for any price. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 http:/… "@AnnCoulter: AMAZING press conference by @realDonaldTrump w/ parents of kids killed by illegals. "@ben_techpro: It's way worse than we know.Just read @AnnCoulter #AdiosAmerica-be educated!! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain https://twitter.com/joelpollak/status/620779246558932992" "@AnnCoulter: I think DonaldTrump has struck a cord! 30,000 MACY’S CUSTOMERS RETALIATE IN SUPPORT OF DONALD TRUMP http://bit.ly/1dZbxKJ" "@AProudRebel: @realDonaldTrump HIGH NUMBERS SHOW DONALD TRUMP IS BEATING HIS RIVALS IN THE POLLS, GO TRUMP, TRUMP NATION." Via The Hill: Trump Tops National Poll for Second Straight Week http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/247875-trump-tops-national-poll-for-second-straight-week RT @CNNPR: .@MichaelCohen212 talks #Trump2016 campaign + recent controversial comments w/ @smerconish Video: http://wp.me/p1faJE-9JP RT @brianstelter: "He creates ratings. That's what Donald Trump does" --Trump special counsel @MichaelCohen212 on @CNNReliable-- video http… RT @NewDay: "I think @realDonaldTrump is the voice of the silent majority," Trump adviser @MichaelCohen212 tells @ChrisCuomo. http://t.co/d… "@Britinnv @realDonaldTrump Would the people of US prefer a liar @HillaryClinton or a man that speaks the truth and facts!! No Brainer hey!" RT @FoxBusiness: .@realDonaldTrump: America's real unemployment rate is 19% to 21%. It's a shame. We have to bring jobs back. #Trump https:… We are no longer silent. We are energized & ready to take our country back. Let’s Make America Great Again! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ "@kavemanrj @realDonaldTrump Amazing work trump! I believe you will do the same for our country." Getting ready to land in Charlottesville, Virginia, at Trump Vineyards, another job producing development that I bought and made AMAZING! Who do you want negotiating for us? https://instagram.com/p/4PRAtVmhVq/ Response to Hillary Clinton- http://on.fb.me/1M8fyLG I can't believe that President Obama isn't able or willing to make just one phone call to the family of Kate Steinle.Come on Pres-MAKE CALL! A nation without borders is no nation at all. We must build a wall. Let’s Make America Great Again! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ RT @DanScavino: Huffington Post tracks 108 National Republican Primary polls. @realDonaldTrump #1 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 http:/… Matt Harvey @Mets -- Don't let the @NYDailyNews get you down---nobody reads it. Play well. Ford is MOVING jobs from Michigan to Mexico AGAIN! http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2015/07/09/ford-focus-cmax-mexico/29921307/ As President, this will stop on Day One! Jobs will stay here. "@Zimbo251: @realDonaldTrump @greta Go Donald! Show them what a real man is!" "@NorthStarMF: @realDonaldTrump love you, please fix america!" "@LeeEllmauerJr: LEGAL Latino Immigrants talk to me in factories & warehouses. Want to know why OBAMA to give AMNESTY? They did it RIGHT!" "@Marta_AQT4U: Obama - just retire I'm ready for a real Leader !! #Trump2016 @realDonaldTrump Please Hurry up and Get to The WHITE House ! Let Pete Rose into the Baseball Hall of Fame. It's time, he has paid a big and very long price! RT @marklevinshow: Top pro-gun rights advocates http://fb.me/2ebFn8dXG "@greta: Huffington Post has @realDonaldTrump in first place in the polls http://gretawire.foxnewsinsider.com/2015/07/13/huffington-post-has-donald-trump-in-first-place-in-the-polls/" RT @greta: Huffington Post has @realDonaldTrump in first place in the polls http://gretawire.foxnewsinsider.com/2015/07/13/huffington-post-has-donald-trump-in-first-place-in-the-polls/ I am so happy that people are boycotting Macy's http://bit.ly/1DcPZRA Very nice - @HuffingtonPost @pollsterpolls has me in first place at 18% and Bush second at 14% http://elections.huffingtonpost.com/pollster/2016-national-gop-primary I absolutely support Kate’s Law—in honor of the beautiful Kate Steinle who was gunned down in SF by an illegal immigrant. "@SaintPetersblog Part of me really, really likes @realDonaldTrump. The man is breathtakingly honest. Have to give him credit." Rush Limbaugh: "Trump Has Changed the Entire Debate on Immigration" http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/rush-Limbaugh-Donald-Trump-changed-debate/2015/07/08/id/654107/ Have some fun with this- https://instagram.com/p/5FYL1dmhY9/ El Chapo comes to the U.S. often thru our border—it's been revealed he has CA drivers license. http://www.latintimes.com/el-chapo-guzman-has-california-drivers-license-how-did-he-obtain-it-132540 Mexico’s totally corrupt gov’t looks horrible with El Chapo’s escape—totally corrupt. U.S. paid them $3 billion. The joke around town is that I freed El Chapo from the Mexican prison because the timing was so good w/ my statements on border security. .@McLaughlinGroup Greatly appreciate yr wonderful comments this weekend. People of “great accomplishment” should easily quality for prez. Isn’t it interesting that now that I’m #1 in the polls, the networks show polls that are a month old! "@bdean1468 @jlangdale @realDonaldTrump @HillaryClinton @CNN SAY IT LOUD & SAY IT PROUD - - WE WANT TRUMP!!!!!!" When will people, and the media, start to apologize to me for my statement, "Mexico is sending....", which turned out to be true? El Chapo ....likewise, billions of dollars gets brought into Mexico through the border. We get the killers, drugs & crime, they get the money! El Chapo and the Mexican drug cartels use the border unimpeded like it was a vacuum cleaner, sucking drugs and death right into the U.S. The U.S. will invite El Chapo, the Mexican drug lord who just escaped prison, to become a U.S. citizen because our "leaders" can't say no! "@Patriotress: @NRO why people support @realDonaldTrump http://www.thepcgraveyard.com/2015/07/12/wonder-why-so-many-people-support-donald-trump-heres-why/" Thank you! .....but that's what I've been saying. Very unfair treatment by the media! Now that the Mexican drug lord escaped from prison, everyone is saying that most of the cocaine etc. coming into the U.S. comes over border! I hear that sleepy eyes @chucktodd will be fired like a dog from ratings starved Meet The Press? I can't imagine what is taking so long! ...Trump, however, would kick his ass! Can you envision Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton negotiating with 'El Chapo', the Mexican drug lord who escaped from prison? .... Sleep eyes @ChuckTodd is killing Meet The Press. Isn't he pathetic? Love watching him fail! Mexico's biggest drug lord escapes from jail. Unbelievable corruption and USA is paying the price. I told you so! Phoenix Convention Center officials did not want to have thousands of people standing outside in the heat, so they let them in. A GREAT day! Convention Center officials in Phoenix don't want to admit that they broke the fire code by allowing 12-15,000 people in 4,000 code room. Via @BreitbartNews by @AWRHawkins: "TRUMP PREACHES PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH IN PHOENIX" http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/07/11/trump-preaches-peace-through-strength-in-phoenix/ I will not be able to attend the Miss USA pageant tomorrow night because I am campaigning in Phoenix. Wishing all well! RT @PhilipRucker: Crowd filling in at PHX convention center for Trump. Line wraps around several downtown blocks outside. http://t.co/RtfNw… RT @businessinsider: Donald Trump just gave an amazingly surreal speech in Las Vegas: http://read.bi/1JbbZhv http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CJqIIbfWcAE2VYf.png RT @gatewaypundit: PACKED HOUSE to see @realDonaldTrump in #Vegas http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CJp9JOgWUAAstjN.jpg Legal immigrants want border security. It is common sense. We must build a wall! Let's Make America Great Again! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CJp9kTJWcAATmTG.jpg Great @ANHQDC segment with @CharlesHurt: "Breaking Down the Trump Factor" http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/americas-news-hq/index.html#/v/4349785064001 Let's Make America Great Again! Today I am standing with patriots in Arizona for border security! Build a wall! Let's Make America Great Again! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/join-donald-j-trump-stand-up-to-illegal-immigration-new-location-tickets-17680921111 Today I will be rallying with with 15,000 patriots in Arizona for border security! Let's Make America Great Again! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ Via @CNNPolitics by @mj_lee: "Father of murder victim to introduce Trump in Phoenix" http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/11/politics/donald-trump-phoenix-rally/index.html "@Eugene_Scott: "I want people to come into the country. Let it be legal," @RealDonaldTrump http://cnn.it/1RpnoEo via @CNNPolitics" Getting ready to go to Las Vegas (Freedom Fest) - great crowd. Then on to amazing Phoenix - that will be a total happening! Love America. "@gump6363: I always said I will not vote until I truly believe in a good leader, you sir will get my vote! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@PHATWHODAT: @realDonaldTrump Trump 2016 yard signs. Where can we get them?" Everywhere! "@frank_lemoine: @realDonaldTrump The competition tries to fake it till they make it. Trump the REAL deal!" "@DannyBo4455: @mcgranejt @krauthammer @ChuckLane1 The establishment Republicans and the Democrats are absolutely 100% terrified of you !!" "@Pg1493: @realDonaldTrump I love what you want to do with this country!!" "@WayneDupreeShow: Aren't U angry how the media has turned DonaldTrump SLAM against "illegal immigration" into him hating "all immigrants "@DannyBo4455: @hamishjoy Mr Trump I have never been so excited to vote for somebody in my life .I'm literally hanging on your every word" "@TheVotingVenue: @realDonaldTrump when Fox News tries to push Jeb on their viewers, remind them of this article: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/11/07/pollsters-miss-predictions-in-key-races/" Boycott @Macys and @Univision. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Has anyone seen the financials of @Univision. They are doing really badly. Too much debt and not enough viewers. Need money fast. Funny! "@mcgranejt: @realDonaldTrump @krauthammer @ChuckLane1 both fools & out of touch with reality! We need Trump. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@hamishjoy: There's no republican field at all. When the @realDonaldTrump is in play, the others all kinda fade away. Trump2016 The Republicans who want to cut SS & Medicaid are wrong. A robust economy will Make America Great Again! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ Via @CBNNews by @TheBrodyFile: “Donald Trump To Brody File in 2011: People Send Me Bibles” http://blogs.cbn.com/thebrodyfile/archive/2015/07/09/donald-trump-to-brody-file-in-2011-people-send-me.aspx A strong military will stop wars. Peace through Strength! Let’s Make America Great Again! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ “Tone it down? No way! Donald Trump needs to crank up the volume” http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2015/07/09/donald-trump-was-taken-to-gop-woodshed-wednesday.html via @FoxNews by @toddstarnes I love that thousands of people are boycotting @Macys and cutting up credit cards. No guts no glory. This really backfired - love it! Look forward to being in Phoenix tomorrow at 2:00 P.M. Hottest ticket in entire country. Was supposed to be 500 people, now many thousands! Standing with Jamiel Shaw, Sabine Durdin, Don Rosenberg, Lupe Moreno, Brenda Sparks, Robin Hvidston & their spouses. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CJmPkdWUwAESjNz.jpg RT @KTLA: Jamiel Shaw's dad stands behind Donald Trump at news conference on immigration http://ktlane.ws/1Hr1rKe http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CJmArBwUYAAsk7c.jpg Our biggest problems are solved by growth. We need a President who is a job creator. Let’s Make America Great Again! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: Thousands Expected at AZ Immigration Speech... http://drudge.tw/1CvGFNz RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: TRUMP PHOENIX STORM http://drudge.tw/1CvGr91 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CJltk37WIAQjA6k.jpg "@Mitestarossa Please follow @realDonaldTrump ...We already know what all the other politicians will do. #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" RT @jlangdale: .@realDonaldTrump gets more social media mentions than @HillaryClinton. @CNN still focused primarily on Trump. http://t.co/I… Laura--Massive crowd, had to move to Phoenix Convention Center. https://twitter.com/IngrahamAngle/status/619498707986313216 RT @jacksback2009: Trump funding his own campaign. very impressive .@realDonaldTrump you have my vote#MakeAmericaGreatAgain http://t.co/xcq… RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: Moves immigration rally to larger venue after 'overwhelming response'... http://drudge.tw/1JZk6Rk Via @nypost by @GeoffEarle: “Polls show ‘President Trump’ may not be so far-fetched” http://nypost.com/2015/07/10/polls-show-president-trump-may-not-be-so-far-fetched/ I want to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain https://instagram.com/p/49iZfJmhak/ Jeb Bush just announced he raised over $100M. Everyone of those people who contributed are getting something to the detriment of America! "@alarae37 @realDonaldTrump keep speaking truth!! There are many of us who want America great again! Thank you!" "@kpmck63 Stay the course Mr. Trump! It's easier for others to attack you because you are saying the things that they won't. #Truth" Iran continues to delay the nuclear deal while doing many bad things behind our backs. Time to WALK and double the sanctions. Stop payments! Via @trscoop: "WHOA: Trump changing venues for Saturday rally in Arizona due to OVERWHELMING RESPONSE" http://therightscoop.com/whoa-trump-changing-venues-for-saturday-rally-in-arizona-due-to-overwhelming-response/ RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: TRUMP JUMPS TO FIRST PLACE... http://drudge.tw/1HmSilT BREAKING - Border security rally in Phoenix, AZ at 2PM MST has been moved to @PhoenixConvCtr! Build a wall! Let's Make America Great Again! RT @costareports: "...to accommodate the thousands of people expected to attend and the event will now take place at the Phoenix Convention… RT @costareports: Just in from Trump's office: "Due to the overwhelming response for Saturday's rally in Phoenix, Arizona the venue has bee… RT @costareports: They thought he wouldn't run. He did. They thought he wouldn't file w/ FEC. He says he will. They thought he'd tone it do… RT @thehill: Ex-Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer: Trump "telling it like it really, truly is" http://hill.cm/SboaC1f http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CJgTNNYWwAAw5Cg.png RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: 'Politicians are never going to make our country great'... http://drudge.tw/1HQDFxt I'm on @CNN's @AC360 tonight @8pm & @FoxNews' @seanhannity @ 10PM discussing immigration and lots of other things.#LetsMakeAmericaGreatAgain Via @CNNPolitics by @JDiamond1: “Trump: RNC call was 'congratulatory'” http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/08/politics/donald-trump-reince-priebus-immigrants-rnc/index.html "EXCLUSIVE — DONALD TRUMP ON THE GOP PRIMARY: ‘IF I WIN, I WILL BEAT HILLARY’" http://www.breitbart.com/immigration/2015/07/09/exclusive-donald-trump-on-the-gop-primary-if-i-win-i-will-beat-hillary/ via @BreitbartNews by Katie McHugh Via @BreitbartNews by Katie McHugh:"POLL: DONALD TRUMP LEADS THE PACK AS GOP FRONTRUNNER" http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/07/09/-donald-trump-leads-the-pack-as-gop-frontrunner/ Obama and Republicans are hollowing out our military. Now want to cut troop levels. Lowest level in over 20 years. The elites want Common Core so they can take education out of parental control. NO! Let's Make America Great Again! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ True, thanks. https://twitter.com/andimac58/status/619203948944207875 "@tommyz63 @Reince let Trump speak. He is only saying what the rest of us, including you, already know #Illegals are a huge problem!" Thanks. https://twitter.com/clark_monroe/status/619204166649540608 “TRUMP BATTLES THE NEW TOTALITARIANS: GOP elites join with leftists at Media Matters in targeting threat to both” http://spectator.org/articles/63395/trump-battles-new-totalitarians "@ErinEdwards001 @realDonaldTrump thank you for telling it how it is, no one else will address these issues. You have my vote." Via “TRUMP: HILLARY PRESIDENCY WILL CAUSE ‘CRIME WAVE LIKE YOU’VE NEVER SEEN’” http://www.breitbart.com/video/2015/07/08/trump-hillary-presidency-will-cause-crime-wave-like-youve-never-seen/ via @BreitbartNews “@limbaugh: 'Trump Has Changed the Entire Debate on Immigration'” http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/rush-Limbaugh-Donald-Trump-changed-debate/2015/07/08/id/654107/ via @Newsmax_Media by Jason Devaney "@rdbrewer4 Trump: Keep throwing those giant hand grenades into the amnesty debate. You're pissing off all the right people in the GOP." Why does a failed magazine like @Forbes constantly seek out trivial nonsense? Their circulation way down. @Clare_OC Dummy @Clare_OC @Forbes: Tiny fragrance deal with Parlux means nothing. Still sold at Trump Tower... Dummy @Clare_OC from failing @Forbes magazine: NASCAR deal was 1 nite ballroom, ESPN was small golf outing... Dummy writer @Clare_OC from failing @Forbes magazine works so hard to make such trivial license deals look important… "@gomrunner @realDonaldTrump keep up the tempo and don't listen to the RNC! You are correctly presenting what people want." "@customwww @Clare_OC @Forbes Again ..not news.. news is.. he leads NC & will have NH on next true poll.. stop attacking the truth." Via @EWErickson: “Stop Complaining About Donald Trump” http://www.erickontheradio.com/2015/07/stop-complaining-about-donald-trump/ Watched chief negotiator for Iran on @charlierose last night. He is far smarter than our reps—increase sanctions and walk! "@rbern11162 @SharNeal Donald Trump , keep it up you only get flack when you are close to the target, I support you completely" "@SharNeal @ericbolling @TheFive a lot of us support Trump because of his support to stop illegals from killing anyone else" "@_JoshBishop @ppppolls gop or dem, you have to love Trumps blunt honesty. So many things wrong most won't point out. Borders big problem" Totally false reporting on my call with @Reince Priebus. He called me, ten minutes, said I hit a “nerve", doing well, end! "@RossMahan1952: @realDonaldTrump @krauthammer Like Harry Truman, you tell them the truth and they think it's hell. Give em hell Donald" "@bdevil89: @krauthammer & rest of pundits r scared of truth teller like @realDonaldTrump - #immigration affects everything in society. "@KBrocking: @realDonaldTrump @krauthammer The Donald is the only good Republican candidate, in my opinion. Rubio, Perry, etc??? Um, no." "@DavidBougs: @krauthammer Krauthammer sold some books, now "His Pomposity" thinks he knows US Pres politics....just another DC insider!" "@mcgranejt: @realDonaldTrump @krauthammer @ChuckLane1 both fools & out of touch with reality! We need Trump # 45 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@williamonlyrent: @realDonaldTrump @krauthammer Only good candidate in this GOP field is you sir! Go Trump. #Trump2016" Thank you. "@tranerofmonstrs: @krauthammer He is an openly declared traitor to this nation as are the execs of @Univision and @Macys #LETSDOTHISAMERICA You mean George Bush sends our soldiers into combat, they are severely wounded, and then he wants $120,000 to make a boring speech to them? Jeb's brother George insisted on a $100,000 fee and $20,000 for a private jet to speak at a charity for severely wounded vets. Not nice! Do you believe that highly overrated political pundit @krauthammer said this is the best Republican field in 35 years. What a dope! RT @DLoesch: AUDIO: #DLRS Exclusive: @realDonaldTrump Talks Illegal Aliens, 2016 http://danaloeschradio.com/dlrs-exclusive-donald-trump-talks-illegal-aliens-2016 RT @WayneDupreeShow: @realDonaldTrump tonight via @WayneDupreeShow 9pm ET on #WAARadio Listen Here ➡ http://bit.ly/1J2bDvB #tcot #tiot ht… RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: POLL: Trump takes lead in NC... http://drudge.tw/1HgwMlT Via @DailyCaller by @samsondunn: “Pastor To Hispanic Congregation Speaks Out On Trump Immigrant Crime Statement” http://dailycaller.com/2015/07/07/pastor-to-hispanic-congregation-speaks-out-on-trump-immigrant-crime-statement/#ixzz3fKvUgJDb RT @ppppolls: GOP field in NC is Trump 16, Bush/Walker 12, Huckabee 11, Carson/Rubio 9, Paul 7, Cruz 6, Christie 5, Fiorina 4: http://t.co/… RT @ppppolls: The leader on our new North Carolina Republican poll is...Donald Trump...Trumpmentum hits its 3rd week: http://www.publicpolicypolling.com/main/2015/07/trump-leads-gop-field-in-north-carolina.html Via @mrctv by Ben Graham: "Border Reports Back Up Trump's 'Rapists' Claim" http://www.mrctv.org/blog/trump-under-fire-mexican-rapists-comments-he-isnt-wrong#.sl0rro:4Z1T Thank you @BrentBozell --- As you know I have been saying this for a long time http://www.mrctv.org/blog/trump-under-fire-mexican-rapists-comments-he-isnt-wrong#.sl0rro:4Z1T "@greta just read @realDonaldTrump going to Phoenix to give speech on illegal immigration on Saturday" That is correct. I look forward to it Via @businessinsider by @hunterw: “TRUMP UNLOADS: Hillary Clinton was 'the worst' and is 'extremely bad'” http://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-fires-back-at-hillary-clinton-2015-7#ixzz3fK2EBQOt "@CaseyBierer America needs to hear the truth. Keep it up, Mr. Trump. You can help us make America great again. Never give up." "@CrystalPrebola @realDonaldTrump @MARCMODE @CNNPolitics @mj_lee @Macys Me too. No more shopping at Macy's." RT @Britinnv: @realDonaldTrump Would the people of the US prefer a liar @HillaryClinton or a man that speaks the truth and facts!! No Brai… "@jimlibertarian @ronsirak @GolfChannel Donald our forefathers would be proud of you, you are displaying A love of country like Reagan did" Via @Ammoland by Fredy Riehl: “Donald Trump Talks: Gun Control, Assault Weapons, Gun Free Zones & Self Defense” http://www.ammoland.com/2015/07/donald-trump-talks-gun-control-assault-weapons-gun-free-zones/#ixzz3fJJOYdPa "@MARCMODE @CNNPolitics @realDonaldTrump @mj_lee now I know where not to watch or shop @Macys account closed" Dear @MaraLiasson, I greatly appreciate your fairness. My history shows I never disappoint. Looking forward to meeting you soon. "@MilitaryRosary @Scully64 @KarlRove @GOP most people like Trump because he speaks honestly and hopefully and we know he cannot be bought." "@KelliKM @realDonaldTrump stay strong D. The last thing America needs is the same old politician." .@natalie_gulbis Thank you for your support this morning on @GolfChannel. Even more importantly, play well this week! Say hi to all. .@ronsirak Thank you for being so fair this morning on @GolfChannel—greatly appreciated. Via @Newsmax_Media by @ChrisRuddyNMX: "Donald Trump and the End of Free Speech" http://www.newsmax.com/Ruddy/chris-ruddy-trump-free/2015/07/08/id/653948/#ixzz3fJ3px6Eq I will be in California this weekend making a speech for Clint Eastwood. Then to Arizona and Vegas. Big crowds. Discussing illegals & more! We must restore the entrepreneurial spirit of our country. A small business boom. Let’s Make America Great Again! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ Via @limbaugh: “See, Trump Told You So” http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2015/07/06/see_trump_told_you_so “RUBIO’S GANG OF 8 BILL WOULD HAVE REWARDED SANCTUARY CITIES HARBORING ILLEGALS” http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/07/07/rubios-gang-of-eight-bill-would-have-rewarded-sanctuary-cities-harboring-illegals/ Marco is a politician-he flip flops! MUST READ-"It's time people listened to Trump,' says mother of gunned-down teenage football star" http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3152794/My-son-murdered-Mexican-illegal-immigrant-just-like-Kathryn-Steinle-s-time-people-listened-Donald-Trump-says-mother-gunned-teenage-football-star.html#ixzz3fFTjX3Z0 SECURE THE BORDER! Wow! I hear that thousands of people are cutting up their @Macys credit card. That's great. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain! "@DanScavino Illegal Immigrant Deported 6 Times Charged in Felony Hit & Run of Family. @realDonaldTrump is not wrong. #Trump2016" RT @instapundit: You know, I believe @realDonaldTrump has started a "national conversation" about illegal immigration and crime. https://t.… "@lolabigirl I'm not sure why people are mad @realDonaldTrump he really speaks the truth. Sir, I support you for #President." RT @AppSame: Bill @oreillyfactor You have it right @realDonaldTrump was dead on So why are the So called Republicans running for Pres duck… RT @matthewsloop: Dear @espn, due to your inaccurate statements about what the @realDonaldTrump said, i will no longer get my sporting news… .@AnnCoulter U were great last nite @ericbolling on FOX. Our country has become a dumping ground for the world--I'll get it to stop & fast! People rarely say that many conservatives didn’t vote for Mitt Romney. If I can get them to vote for me, we win in a landslide. "@hallmarkm1 @realDonaldTrump is the only Presidential candidate that TRULY is fighting to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@bdean1: If I had a dollar for every time a politician lied, i'd be as rich as @realDonaldTrump I'm happy as hell he's running! #Trump2016" "@Brainbow_Bite: @realDonaldTrump I AGREE WITH PAT BUCHANAN THAT YOU SIR ARE A MAN OF ACTION!" Thank you! We have got to take our country back. It's time! "@thegre8_1: @SenTedCruz In addition to the criminals among the illegal aliens what about all the infectious diseases they brought to US" "@CoachJMan: If the majority will bind together and support Trump we will reverse the downward spiral the US is on. http://www.theblaze.com/contributions/why-the-democrats-will-do-and-say-anything-to-stop-donald-trump/" "@ericbolling: The "Establishment" GOP out in force tonight trying to discredit @realDonaldTrump Congrats Donald you've got them nervous. "@Retrogirl01: @AP Mr. Trump is right! BUILD THE WALL! @realDonaldTrump" "@DavesBigWife:@Macys I have a Macy's store I used to love to shop at until they turned on Americans @realDonaldTrump #MakeAmericaGreatAgain RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: TRUMP: 'Both Sides Need to Grow Up and Put America's Interests First'... http://drudge.tw/1H6AviD "@fernandocarnal @realDonaldTrump @Macys not shopping there again!" "@absabella Mr.Trump speaks the TRUTH And Will NOT Back Down!! That's why he will be our next President!! #MAKEAMERICAGREATAGAIN" Thx to all the people who called to say they are cutting their @Macys credit card as a protest against illegal immigrants pouring into US "@tiffyluck: @realDonaldTrump God bless America and DonaldTrump. You have all of my support and that of all those who are fed up with DC." "@Virginia4USA: @ArtistdeeDd @HowardKurtz As do I, Diana.Saw Mr. Trump in Manchester & crowd was energized & hungering 4 real leadership. "@2big2bereal: @realDonaldTrump donald I don't have to tell you , your doing something right" "@LendonDonna: @realDonaldTrump BC our government are spineless. We need someone who will stand their ground. You have my support" "@bdean1468: @realDonaldTrump DONALD! DONALD! DONALD!!! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 #trumpforpresident" "@shoegoddesss: @realDonaldTrump Will definitely vote for you. Breath of fresh air. America needs you!" "@BabyPhatRox: @realdonaldtrump The huff post pollster has @realdonald trump in first place ahead of jeb bush" I said simply that the Mexican leaders and negotiators are smarter than ours and that the Mexican gov't is pushing their hard core to U.S. Thank you @loudobbsnews, I will be trying very hard to prove you right - great show! It is time to create jobs for Americans, not D.C. We need a bold new direction. Let’s Make America Great Again! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ Flashback – Jeb Bush says illegal immigrants breaking our laws is an “act of love” http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2014/04/06/jeb-bush-immigration-is-not-a-felony-but-an-act-of-love/ He will never secure the border. Jeb Bush will never secure our border or negotiate great trade deals for American workers. Jeb doesn't see & can't solve the problems. I appreciate the GOP candidates who remain strong on border security. They know I am right. A nation without borders cannot survive. Rick Perry failed at the border. Now he is critical of me. He needs a new pair of glasses to see the crimes committed by illegal immigrants. "@futureicon:DonaldTrump continues to move up in the presidential polls as his message begin to resonate with the 'fed-up' American people." "@MichaellW56: @tedcruz Saw where you supported @realDonaldTrump on @meetthepress to be aired tomorrow AM. Thank you." "@pdxnancy: Donald Trump and 2015 / 2016 Considerations... http://wp.me/p1kzlW-qRK via @thelastrefuge2~ I just signed up to support Mr. Trump "@thedemonking18: Late night confessions: I think Donald Trump would be a good president" Miss Universe, Paulina Vega, criticized me for telling the truth about illegal immigration, but then said she would keep the crown-Hypocrite "@GarettWadekempe: Donald Trump for President! He has my vote come elections!" "@eva_rider: Ted Cruz Backs Trump about securing the borders. Nothing has been done for decades. http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/ted-cruz-donald-trump-nbc-illegal/2015/07/03/id/653423/ via @Newsmax_Media" "@MichaellW56: @tedcruz Saw where you supported @realDonaldTrump on @meetthepress to be aired tomorrow AM. Thank you." Thanks Ted! "@spankemewanke18: #MakeAmericaGreatAgain @realDonaldTrump #2016" "@jackie4545890: @realDonaldTrump good for you Mr. Trump for speaking up for America you're the only one that's real" "@NeBonnie: @markg0077 @helendhughes @realDonaldTrump @MittRomney I agree! Romney needed #Trump's cajones - all I'm saying!" "@futureicon: @GOP Trump is correct Hear about a young woman who was shot to death in San Francisco by a Mexican who'd been deported 5 times "@PeritusTraining: @realDonaldTrump Don't worry Democrats, Donald will make America great again for you too http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CJG680DVAAA8B-E.png" "@wizHether: DonaldTrump Keep it up! They're attacking you because they're afraid. You're winning! We who love our country have your back!" "@eastonelliott22:@_Tsac_ More than half of America agrees with Trump- everyone I talk to loves Trump&respects blunt truths- God Bless Trump RT @Newsmax_Media: Trump Hits Back at Rivals on Immigration: 'No One Else Knows Where to Begin' http://ift.tt/1M2dS32 "@mdavis22569: : @realDonaldTrump How is it possible @Macys is having a 4th of July sale, when it's against Freedom of Speech? "@ReillyCarole: @realDonaldTrump .We all need to get out and vote for Donald . We need a change and he is the man to bring it ." Thank you! "@marita1j: Praying @realDonaldTrump continues 2 keep the Repubs honest! It w/b so great 2 hv another Reagan 2 rebuild respect 4 USA!" "@realmarkjackson:Trump has them on the run and they are scared as hell that finally the pyramid scheme is about to be exposed. #truthhurts" "@Karentalk: @realDonaldTrump @BreitbartNews America will be restored under Mr. Trump.. https://www.facebook.com/StoryofThisAndersonLife/videos/805252479592244/ God Bless America." "@catisbetter666: @realDonaldTrump I'm voting trump bc we need a real man to lead the country not that socialist Obama" "@nolehace: @DCnumerology @VeneziaMatthew #Trump #thedonald 3M followers, ck the other candidates-do the math. #trump echoes Americans" "@BooBooBear4U2: #Trump keeps comin back like Bruce Willis in RED! Trump is hard hitting PATRIOT! TRUTH TRUMPS ALL! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDdDK3vw2Mg" "@bdean1468: @JebBush & @marcorubio couldn't carry @realDonaldTrump 's gym bags. #Trump2016" "@judiejudyjudy: @Macys I will never shop in your store 4 the rest of my life because of how quickly U turned on DonaldTrump.U have no spine Via @BreitbartNews: "GAME ON: TRUMP RESPONDS TO JEB" http://www.breitbart.com/immigration/2015/07/04/game-on-trump-responds-to-jeb/ "@Darci51: @realDonaldTrump the blue! I don't care WHAT @nbc says or @Macys Screw them! I'm voting 4 you, Mr. Trump! #trumpforpresident" "@KMoriconi: @realDonaldTrump Waiting for the day we can call you Mr. President!" "@DCnumerology: @realDonaldTrump @VeneziaMatthew TRUMP IS THE MAN" "@TJeeyy: #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 #TrumpNation #TrumpForPresident @realDonaldTrump 🇺🇸" "@_Tsac_: I'm probably going to vote for @realDonaldTrump simply because he has the balls to speak his mind. And half of America agrees." "@StephPrichard1: You never give up🇺🇸 Hope you win. @realDonaldTrump you're my #1 choice #Trump2016 #ProudAmerican" "@markg0077: @NeBonnie @realDonaldTrump But still, we put our trust in @MittRomney and he FAILED us." "@FrankieEMT_B: @realDonaldTrump You have my vote already! We don't need another Obama, it's time for someone who knows how to lead!" "@Nick_Da_Slick: #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain @realDonaldTrump" "@mckee16365: @realDonaldTrump I registered to vote yesterday when renewing my driver license. #Trump2016" "@Lauren_Nann: @realDonaldTrump @BradSaidWhat STAND WITH TRUMP 2016" "@VeneziaMatthew: Trump is the only real candidate. He is only saying what we all know. Much crime comes from illegal immigrants. Fact!" "@BradSaidWhat: @realDonaldTrump NEVER GIVE UP. You're our last hope!" "@nanaelaine7: I can't wait for your inauguration!! The beginning of the end to these criminal immigrants. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" Thanks. "@zengadfly: .@VRWCTexan @JebBush @marcorubio @realDonaldTrump @gatewaypundit More than a few voters may #PlayTheTrumpCard! #backlash" Why would Republican candidates want the support of Mitt Romney. He lost an election against Obama that should NEVER have been lost! "@MikeG_Beats: @realDonaldTrump #Trump2016" "@SharNeal: ANY conservative candidate who disses DonaldTrump's stand on illegals will not get my vote-he stands for US first over Illegals. "@airforce2100: @Macys This 4th of July lets also remember the thousands of American citizens killed by illegals. http://www.ojjpac.org/memorial.asp" What about the undocumented immigrant with a record who killed the beautiful young women (in front of her father) in San Fran. Get smart! "@mariclaire81: @justdoit377 @realDonaldTrump @marcorubio I do not yet who I will vote for but can assure you it will not be Rubio" "@rodsandguitars: @danaperino just lied about DonaldTrump - Dana, Trump Did NOT say "ALL are criminals & rapists" .. #ProudAmerican#NoLying" "@usclarry: Mr @realDonaldTrump is the only candidate that hits my three main topics, Border Security, Economy and National Defense." HAPPY 4TH OF JULY TO EVERYONE! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! "@roparsons: @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends It is so refreshing to see a candidate with a backbone. Mr. Trump you have my vote!" I will be on @foxandfriends this morning at 8:30. Enjoy! "@KingAmory: Cta driver just tweaked I'm voting for @realDonaldTrump" "@mikescintoshow: This is why we need @realDonaldTrump He tells it like it is! https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/617175697388388352" "@mikescintoshow: @realDonaldTrump He says what others are too afraid to say; the truth!" "@Reveretoo: @realDonaldTrump @CNNPolitics @teddyschleifer Absolutely. All the American people need is a leader to rise up #DonaldTrump" "@omgnastygirl: @realDonaldTrump Make our country great again.. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT !" "@RoniSeale: The American people deserve a wall to protect our jobs, economy and our safety. I am the only candidate who would build it." "@KsRedbirds13: @realDonaldTrump for president. No better candidate than Mr Trump. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CJCmx7bWsAAh7DD.jpg" Thank you. "@myGianLuca: @CNNPolitics @teddyschleifer Say it LOUD & PROUD @realDonaldTrump! *** ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION *** Is an Attack on Our Country!" "@funtravel777: @RoniSeale @usplaymoney @marcorubio Donald Trump can't be bought, bullied, or intimidated. He is a strong leader." "@CNNPolitics: Trump: San Francisco killing shows perils of illegal immigration http://cnn.it/1H5hY9o (via @TeddySchleifer)" Via @CNNPolitics by @teddyschleifer: "Trump: San Francisco killing shows perils of illegal immigration" http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/03/politics/trump-san-francisco-killing/index.html .@TheJuanWilliams you never speak well of me & yet when I saw you at Fox you ran over like a child and wanted a picture. Please share pic! .@marcorubio what do you say to the family of Kathryn Steinle in CA who was viciously killed b/c we can't secure our border? Stand up for US "@bzocash: @realDonaldTrump that speech was inspiring Trump I'm with you" "@BonnieKit: Thank you America Ferrara for supporting lawless criminals from Mexico. One more needless death. 2 innocent lives taken" "@_fly_on_wall_: sucks when @realDonaldTrump says what most of us think and gets punished for it. scares us" Where are the other candidates now that this tragic murder has taken place b/c of our unsafe border http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jul/3/kathryn-steinles-suspected-killer-was-deported-fiv/ We need a wall! My heartfelt condolences to the family of Kathryn Steinle. Very, very sad! Our Southern border is unsecure. I am the only one that can fix it, nobody else has the guts to even talk about it. http://www.breitbart.com/california/2015/07/03/suspect-in-shocking-s-f-murder-deported-to-mexico-several-times/ Our Southern border is totally out of control. This is an absolutely disgraceful. situation.http://www.breitbart.com/california/2015/07/03/suspect-in-shocking-s-f-murder-deported-to-mexico-several-times/ We need border security! Via @NRO by @JOELMENTUM: “Matchless Name Recognition and Deep Pockets Make Trump a Threat in Iowa” http://www.nationalreview.com/article/420658/donald-trump-taken-seriously-in-iowa-republican-caucuses We need jobs & we need them fast. I am a job creator. None of the pols can or will. Let's Make America Great Again! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ Via @DailyCaller by @rpollockDC: “NYC Mayor Action Against Donald Trump Is ‘Not the American Way’” http://dailycaller.com/2015/07/03/nyc-mayor-action-against-donald-trump-is-not-the-american-way/#ixzz3eqKHXxVT "A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation." - President Ronald Reagan Wow, Huffington Post just stated that I am number 1 in the polls of Republican candidates. Thank you, but the work has just begun! Mexican leaders and negotiators are much tougher and smarter than those of the U.S. Mexico is killing us on jobs and trade. WAKE UP! "@BigGstory: @realDonaldTrump is not a politician, he's the leader that America needs" "@davidrwoods: @realDonaldTrump is 100% correct! You have so far made the most sacrifice! Thankfully." "@jazztheelf: @realDonaldTrump you're the only reason I'm registering to vote & first president I'm donating to!! 🇺🇸" Thanks. "@PizzaPartyBen: @realDonaldTrump thank you for standing up for America let's make this country great again!" "@seanbarakett: @realDonaldTrump id rather have a businessman in the White House than a politician. You’ve got my vote" "@james_artherton: @realDonaldTrump full respect from a British guy. I wish I could vote for you! Trump for president!" "@kobuck12: @realDonaldTrump Donald Trump runs to help America become great again. You know he's not doing it to enrich himself like Clinton "@Iceman0921: I support @realDonaldTrump and I as well will no longer give my business to @Macys . #Trump2016" Great! "@JUSTTHETRUTHTV: @WFinchner @realDonaldTrump @Macys So? How does that change that very bad people are coming over the boarder?" "@frankdimauro: @realDonaldTrump Keep speaking the truth. The media elites cannot stop you from telling it as it is. #Trump2016" "@bperez733: @realDonaldTrump @Numerologynow Yes In Deed!! #TrumpforTriumph" "@KingRollinZonez: @realDonaldTrump never voted but your getting my vote" "@babyylissa: Obama calls immigrants gang bangers&criminals but Trump gets attacked for calling SOME illegals from SOME countries bad people "@Numerologynow: In my 37 years of Life U are the 1st person I have Ever Supported Running 4 the White house U WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN "@Spen_A_John: @realDonaldTrump @TheguhMantap hey you're the man Trump. Fight the fight" "@TheguhMantap: @realDonaldTrump you are next President USA" Make America Great Again! "@Non_PC_Guy: @HoustonGunn @Macys In Chicago we're still mourning loss of once great Marshall Fields, to mediocre Macys. Screw Macys!" "@2014_vince: @realDonaldTrump only our Donald will save Christianity..Christ bless our land" "@jharwood14: If Reagan, a Hollywood actor, was president, then your chances are strong. It sure would be nice to have an "honest" POTUS." As Governor of Texas, Rick Perry could have done far more to secure the border - but that's O.K., I like him anyway! @GovernorPerry "@yeswecandeport: @realDonaldTrump @Macys I am sure rocketing up to polls at the cost of losing a place to sell his ties is killing him." "@HoustonGunn: My Grandma from #Seattle and Mom in #Nashville just said they won't shop at @Macys again. @realDonaldTrump "@TheUSALifeStyle: @AnnCoulter TO #MakeAmericaGreatAgain VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP. #Trump2016 #Eleccion2015 #USA #GOP http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CI7xD-dVAAAow0l.jpg" "@DHarley187: @vdare @claramarks @AnnCoulter @realDonaldTrump you tell em trump! Trump speaks the truth" "@PatrickJLavin: @realDonaldTrump @GroverWindham @Highlander6700 @Macys Donald Trump for President 2016! America, let your voices be heard." "@MellysModern: So ready for @realDonaldTrump to do this! Keep it up, you've got 'em scared!" "@jeanne_mazzotta: @Macys @realDonaldTrump shame on you Macy's. Whatever happened to freedom of speech #cancelingmycard" "@SaveAmerica15: @MrBiggles12345 @tonyarolandtr @Youxia88 @tedcruz @Macys Trump just might be the savior of America! Better than Reagan!" "@michell33841372: Donald keep speaking the truth! The media has printed your words out of context. You will make America great again!" "@GroverWindham: @realDonaldTrump @Highlander6700 @Macys #obama called them gangbanger & criminals" "@PerryJames778: @Highlander6700 @Macys The media Loves to twist words, and so do the politicians. @realDonaldTrump will set it straight!" "@clew136:DonaldTrump your charisma, confidence, leadership, and record of incredible success is exactly what this country needs #Trump2016" "@tonyarolandtr: @Youxia88 @tedcruz @realDonaldTrump @Macys The American ppl are taking a stand! We are fighting back!!!" "@MARGIE352: @Highlander6700 @Macys They were taken out of context. Trying to make him look bad to the American Hispanic community." "@Highlander6700: @realDonaldTrump @Macys: Seems 1 or 2 lines of Mr. Trump's comments about immigrants are continuously taken out of context RT @DavidAFrench: De Blasio Takes Aim at Donald Trump, Hits the Constitution http://natl.re/rsPkww via @NRO "@chipman88 @realDonaldTrump @DavidDCarpenter @lafrana @Macys I didn't know Macy's was still in business. Oh well, still not going there." It is time to bring competence to Washington. It is time get results. Let’s Make America Great Again! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ Obama once again just missed a self-imposed deadline with Iran. Our leadership is weak & ineffective. Double the sanctions! "@LepleyAmanda @realDonaldTrump @DagnyRed @Karentalk @ForAmerica amen honey honest is honest dont back down support the truth!" "@BackOnTrackUSA @JulUSN @Macys Donald, I love your ties. Just set up a website online & millions of us will continue to buy your products." "@rebamoreland you must be doing something right, cause the left has circled the war wagons. Stay strong in your convictions, WE LOVE IT!!" "@KosloffM I really admire your straight talk and not bowing down to the drive by media and special interest groups say what you mean" Thx A country must enforce its borders. Respect for the rule of law is at our country’s core. We must build a wall! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ New orders for manufacturing down 9/10 months http://hotair.com/archives/2015/07/02/june-jobs-report-223k-added-but-432k-left-workforce-april-may-revised-down-60k/ Time for fair trade. Stop TPP! Via @RedState by @EWErickson: “Always Play On Offense” http://www.redstate.com/2015/07/02/always-play-on-offense/ New jobs report: 432,000 left workforce, manufacturing & durable goods go - http://hotair.com/archives/2015/07/02/june-jobs-report-223k-added-but-432k-left-workforce-april-may-revised-down-60k/ We need leaders who understand business. “TRUMP DECLARES VICTORY ON IMMIGRATION AS OBAMA ADMITS SOME ILLEGALS ARE ‘GANG BANGERS’” http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/07/01/trump-declares-victory-on-immigration-as-obama-admits-some-illegals-are-gang-bangers/ via @BreitbartNews @ASwoyer "@NeilECollins @Macys only interested in sales and could care less about America. Veterans and Military will be with Trump." "@RunPureMichigan Macy's stock drops after coming out in support of #illegals dust up with @realDonaldTrump and public #BoycottMacys" Great article by @RichLowry on @POLITICOMag : “Sorry, Donald Trump Has A Point” http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/07/sorry-donald-trump-has-a-point-119662.html#.VZVeEvlViko "@Neilleon_ @realDonaldTrump sir! Thanking you for speaking your mind and or having your very own opinion on certain issues." "@mstrbass2000 @DashMan18 @AppSame taking a stand against stupid companies over reacting to free speech, nothing trump said wasn't true" "@onesoldiersmom @ArtNGonzalez @earredondo If you would listen to his words, you will hear that he was slamming our gutless politicians." Via Huffington Post "Congrats, America! Donald Trump Is Now A 2016 Presidential Front-runner" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/07/01/donald-trump-polls_n_7706964.html by Igor Bobic Via World Tribune "The elites' problem with Donald Trump: He's not for sale" by Jeffrey T. Kuhner http://www.worldtribune.com/2015/07/01/the-elites-problem-with-trump-hes-not-for-sale/ Via @trscoop: “Mark Levin DEFENDS Trump: Hillary Clinton is a CROOK and a FRAUD and she’s not treated this way!” http://therightscoop.com/mark-levin-defends-trump-hillary-clinton-is-a-crook-and-a-fraud-and-shes-not-treated-this-way/ "@RealNinjetta @ErinSiegal @AppSame @Univision http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/1543070 My many MEXICAN friends fly to visit Mexico because UNSAFE border" “NBC FIRES TRUMP, KEEPS SHARPTON: The bigots of the NBC executive suite look the other way” http://spectator.org/articles/63338/nbc-fires-trump-keeps-sharpton via @AmSpec by @JeffJlpa1 “Trump Gives 'Em Hell” http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2015/07/01/trump_gives_em_hell via @limbaugh "@racheljoycowley I'm done with Macy's. Apparently, they follow the trend of trying to force legislation on every American freedom. Done!" "@lafrana @realDonaldTrump @Macys I will not shop at Macy's. I am with you Mr Trump!" Why doesn’t somebody study the horrible charges brought against @Macys for racial profiling? Terrible hypocrites! .@Macys stock just dropped. Interesting. So many people calling to say they are cutting up their @Macys credit card. Thank you! "@AnnCoulter: Yes, strange that Trump is surging in the polls for saying what other GOPS too stupid to say. https://twitter.com/RyJamesG/status/616476328280387584" "@BettyeBear: @realDonaldTrump Every working class (every color) knows Trump & wants to be rich like him - faces light up😎😍 @macys" "@JimStaricha: @eastevens54 @cvpayne @tonykatz @realDonaldTrump Watch what he said, yes maybe a bit kinder, but a fact is a fact." "@DagnyRed: @Karentalk @ForAmerica @realDonaldTrump ⬅️ I'm Latina/ Legal & fully support you speaking the TRUTH! Don't back down!" "@TickerCandy: @realDonaldTrump @Macys Ah yes, so many people I know are cancelling their Macy credit cards. #YouJustGotTrumped" Great. "@muireb_tpnd: @realDonaldTrump You have Lib media scrambling..I just freak'n love that! Thank you for your leadership and patriotism!" "@Sheriapple: @realDonaldTrump Thought ur interview w @donlemon was inspiring. U speak the truth. "@TeresaWageman: @realDonaldTrump @Macys Stick to your guns Mr. Trump. You are telling the truth that too many are afraid to." "@soupman227: @Karentalk @ForAmerica @realDonaldTrump #WakeUpAmerica the media has shown its true colors. "@JulUSN: @realDonaldTrump They look bad. @Macys screwed up BigTime!They are so hypocritical,YOUR Right & they know it!" "@ibleedcoffee: Just deleted the @Macys app off my phone. It's a shame, We used to spend thousands there a year. No more. #BoycottMacys" "@JimStaricha: Mr. Trump, I truly hope you are elected. I strongly believe you have more than the skills required. We need a professional." "@JewNamedLew: @realDonaldTrump @Macys to pay $650,000 settlement over racial profiling... http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CI6ATOKXAAEpMB6.jpg" Boycott Macy's. "@ftimewifenmomma: I am really liking @realDonaldTrump. We NEED someone who will tell the TRUTH. 👍" "@David_A_Hurd: @realDonaldTrump Fight the good fight Mr. PRESIDENT TRUMP! You are the only one fighting for America! #Trump2016" "@ehShaun: @realDonaldTrump knows what he's talking about. Please don't give us another Bush as president." "@JohnRiversToo: @instapundit Macy's sales are declining, their stock is downgraded - maybe not the best time to spit on half of America." Make our borders strong and stop illegal immigration. Even President Obama agrees- https://instagram.com/p/4nDtoLGhQZ/ Look what the President of NBC sent me recently about his stay in my Las Vegas hotel. Very loyal guy. https://instagram.com/p/4nAMoWmhZ3/ Who is @Macys to pretend innocence when they “racial profile” all over the place? Paid big fine! Interesting that @Macys criticized me but just paid $650,000 in fines for racial profiling. Are they racists? .@GovernorPataki couldn’t be elected dog catcher if he ran again—so he didn’t! .@GovernorPataki was a terrible governor of NY, one of the worst -- would’ve been swamped if he ran again! "@phxladydi @realDonaldTrump I truly believe you can bring America back to great. You don't cower to the media, lobbyists or anyone else." "@tixxannatrix @Lrihendry: Now this is the @RealDonaldTrump we have come to know At least Trump speaks his mind. Doesn't cower to PC." .@andersoncooper Anderson—Thank you for being so fair with your reporting & story last night. Greatly appreciated! For all of those who want to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain, boycott @Macys. They are weak on border security & stopping illegal immigration. Those who believe in tight border security, stopping illegal immigration & SMART trade deals w/other countries should boycott @Macys. RT @piersmorgan: The more people attack @realDonaldTrump, the more his poll numbers soar. He thrives on being attacked. http://t.co/irdz5jJ… My recent statement re: @macys -- We must have strong borders & stop illegal immigration now!… https://instagram.com/p/4mS9POGhVe/ Get ready for @Oreillyfactor tonight at 8- always interesting! Via @THESHARKTANK1: "Donald Trump's Controversial Mexican Comments Are Accurate" http://hispolitica.com/2015/06/30/donald-trumps-controversial-mexican-comments-are-accurate/ My just filed lawsuit against Univision. Always fight back when right. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain https://instagram.com/p/4kZ-DTmhYp/ "@webster07 @realDonaldTrump wish there were more people in the public eye with this attitude. It's only way 2 defeat political correctness" Watch me on the @oreillyfactor tonight at 8PM. @tedcruz, now I know you're smart! See you soon. http://www.nytimes.com/politics/first-draft/2015/06/30/ted-cruz-comes-to-the-defense-of-donald-trump/?_r=0 #TCOT #MAKEAMERICAGREATAGAIN! "@woofeous @realDonaldTrump Everyone loves Donald because he'll tell it like it is without any political "sugar-coating" & double-speak." "@yankeeworshiper thank you to Donald Trump for standing up for what you believe in.leave the B.S.and lies for Hillary and Barack." "@melsthemom @realDonaldTrump NBC=censorship. I'm done with them" "@Figlo7 @realDonaldTrump Apologize to the press for not being a politician - because you haven't learned to LIE yet. Go Donald!" RT @greta: The lastest in the @realDonaldTrump controversy — now a call for a boycott? see this press release http://gretawire.foxnewsinsider.com/2015/06/30/the-lastest-in-the-donald-trump-controversy-now-a-call-for-a-boycott-see-this-press-release/ Thank you Ted. https://twitter.com/foxandfriends/status/615852224820842497 RT @KDubbsies: Whether you agree with him or not, what @nbc is doing to @realDonaldTrump is censorship. First Amendment covers everyone, ag… "@WILDMANBS It says a lot about @NBC when they fire @realDonaldTrump but keep Brian Williams and @TheRevAl on the payroll. #tcot" "@kingjersey1 @realDonaldTrump #MakeAmericaGreatAgain they can't stand that you are speaking for the American people" RT @WayneDupreeShow: Media is angry @realDonaldTrump doesn't have to bow to them/showing them up Every #commonsense American knew he meant… I love the Mexican people, but Mexico is not our friend. They're killing us at the border and they're killing us on jobs and trade. FIGHT! We MUST have strong borders and stop illegal immigration. Without that we do not have a country. Also, Mexico is killing U.S. on trade. WIN! "@Einsteinrevisit: @megynkelly @GeraldoRivera @realDonaldTrump LOVE the TRUMP!" "@KristenCWard: Great statement and it's finally nice to have someone who stands by what they say! #GotMyVote https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/615575119046512640" "@ChipB: Like him or not @realDonaldTrump says EXACTLY what he thinks and doesn't beat around the bush. And that's admirable. #Election2016" "@echump: @megynkelly @realDonaldTrump if what everyone says is true Trump will score huge if this is for publicity. i'd trust Trump" "@C_Archaeology: @realDonaldTrump is our only hope @littlebytesnews #tcot" "@MARGIE352: Listen to what he says. You will know in your heart it is the truth. We are in a bad way. he is the only one who gets it." "@RickysPlace1: @realDonaldTrump @slucch24 @AnnCoulter It is so blatantly obvious! Why do people refuse to see it?" "@Knight276: @realDonaldTrump @amstaffbru I have confidence trump can turn a negative into a positive. Trump can make America great again! "@KristyWillams79: @realDonaldTrump I've waited years for you to run for president! You are going to fix America! We Need a businessman. "@TheHolyBreadcat: @realDonaldTrump Vote for Trump, he's making America to where we won't worry about illegal immigrant problems." "@susanadana432: lDonaldTrump @amstaffbru Keep telling it lIke it is. You have the recipe for making the USA great again. You have my vote "@jacobmathews: @realDonaldTrump @jamalwms45 @HowardKurtz @johnnydollar01 @megynkelly I like Donald for his no fear tell the truth attitude. "@slucch24: @AnnCoulter don't worry... we clearly don't have an illegal alien criminal problem. #AdiosAmerica http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CItMqwvUkAAi9Sc.jpg" "@jamalwms45: @HowardKurtz @johnnydollar01 @megynkelly For the remark Trump made on dumping NBC, I'll vote for @realDonaldTrump" "@amstaffbru: Pull out the heavy artillery, buy every liberal network and flush them in the toilet. You,Mt.T, have my Vote hands down" "@MARGIE352: @realDonaldTrump I believe Donald Trump is the only one that can do this. He has no skin in the game. Just his Country. "@ghostofnicky: @OutFrontCNN @CNN @realDonaldTrump Donald is the only candidate that speaks the truth!!!!" "@imprimis310: @NBC is the bigot. @realDonaldTrump and @SenTedCruz only speaking the truth about ILLEGAL immigrants" Statement on Relationship with NBC- https://instagram.com/p/4hq3f4mhXk/ Speaking at the City Club of Chicago. Sold out in minutes with thousands on the wait list!… https://instagram.com/p/4hZBNGmhR1/ Via @JNSworldnews by @JacobKamarasJNS: "Donald Trump says he is no apprentice when it comes to Israel" http://www.jns.org/latest-articles/2015/6/28/when-it-comes-to-israel-donald-trump-says-he-is-no-apprentice#.VZFvcy4pD2w= "@JoylynBest: @Maryannzfoster @Morning_Joe 🌍 Don't care about #GOP or Trump but he's the best #GOP running and should win the Primary🌍" Remember, Univision apologized! "@BrittainShannon: @realDonaldTrump @AlWaleedbinT Or at least give it back in oil" "@MalachiNorris: Just over a year before everyone hears DonaldTrump say "I Donald Trump do solemnly swear that I will protect America"" Saudi Arabia should be paying the United States many billions of dollars for our defense of them. Without us, gone! @AlWaleedbinT "@hollyammon: @realDonaldTrump @MalachiNorris Mr. Trump is the ONLY one who tells the truth, no matter how politically unpopular it may be. "@MollyCBS2: @realDonaldTrump will speak @ #Chicago city club today; Reports claim 2,000 people are on the WAITING LIST to get in!" "@jjhrkel: @realDonaldTrump don't ever back down from these clowns! fight the good fight!!" I promise! "@MalachiNorris: I know @realDonaldTrump will be the best President that ever has or ever will walk into the Oval Office. #Trump2016 "@agirland3boys: @icenycbx @realDonaldTrump @POTUS disagree a leader takes a stand. Putin would be scared of him. Peace through strength" "@MalachiNorris: I sure don't trust any other politicians running to be President except @realDonaldTrump #MakeAmericaGreatAgainThroughTrump "@KevinGalyon: @realDonaldTrump i support donald trump for president. He is a great leader" Thank you. "@KEEMSTARx: Wait Mhndz, you have 5 mins to prove to me that @realDonaldTrump " doesn't support the latinos " if u do i'll paypal u $1k." "@KEEMSTARx: Mexican criminals coming into USA? YES Did Trump say we need to stop them? YES Did he say Mexicans are good? YES Racism? NO" "@Jaguar11d: @realDonaldTrump Have a great time in Chicago today. You are the best person for the job" "@DynamyteBeats: @realDonaldTrump is the only choice for 2016. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" Thank you. I will be speaking at the City Club of Chicago luncheon today where they turned away thousands of people (Sun Times). Get a larger room! .@jorgeramosnews Please send me your new number, your old one’s not working. Sincerely, Donald J. Trump Univision apologized to me but I will not accept their apology. I will be suing them for a lot of money. Miss U.S.A. contestants are hurt! .@NYDailyNews, the dying tabloid owned by dopey clown Mort Zuckerman, puts me on the cover daily because I sell. My honor, but it is dead! "@RSan: Donald Trump's Polling Looks too Good to Be True. See story in Fusion and Huff. Post about rape at the border. Beyond terrible! Isn't Fusion owned by Univision? Via @thehill by @martinmatishak: “Trump: ‘We look like we’re beggars’ in Iran nuclear talks” http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/246380-trump-we-look-like-were-beggars-in-iran-nuclear-talks Will be in Chicago tomorrow for a record setting (by far) luncheon. "@TadBoikins: @dabeard @realDonaldTrump He's firing up the GOP base. #crushingit" "@Knight276: @realDonaldTrump @HCannonball not being a career politician is an asset. I'm on board trump can make America great again. "@itsEmilyshine: @realDonaldTrump would be the best president 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 #DonaldTrumpforPresident" "@incorrectpoliti: Oh My are they starting to WAKE UP. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! We must save America ELECT @realDonaldTrump "@tonyschiano: Unlike #Obama....he can think outside the box! #Trump2016 ~ @usplaymoney @realDonaldTrump @beny_benson" "@HCannonball: Everybody get on the Trump Train!! It's a First Class One-Way ticket to the White House with @realDonaldTrump #Trump2016" "@usplaymoney: DonaldTrump @beny_benson He would be a leader because he is used to being the boss. Wont be bought like politicians either" "@Samstwitch: Bill O'Reilly's interview with Trump:Q&A over what Trump would do as President!Definitely has my vote! https://youtu.be/vJkaLFGFSgE "@DattiJulia: @realDonaldTrump I did not like you before but watching your interview on CNN, you are the man." "@trapman2000: RT @Deaf_Dwayne: @realDonaldTrump Thanks for not being politically correct! America needs the truth. "@WGinetta: @CNNSotu THE @realDonaldTrump & @BernieSanders ARE DOING WELL CUZ THE PPL R DISGUSTED WITH #CORRUPT POLITICIANS "@FreedomHaawk: @realDonaldTrump Don't let them try to school you, or try to rearrange you, you have a mind of your own.STAY SHARP." I will! "@JasonKoster17: In @realDonaldTrump we trust.. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@mjh811: @realDonaldTrump @oates_tom You are the only one with guts. We need that!! Have my vote!" Great. "@NYCStadsliv: @realDonaldTrump @StephPrichard1 You have my vote Mr. Trump, give 'em hell. I will. "@jamesgo31991021: @realDonaldTrump @johnmarzan @RubenNavarrette Donald trump is the man" Thanks. "@oates_tom: @realDonaldTrump congrats on running! You tell it like it is.....which is rare." "@davidco71875026: @realDonaldTrump @GovtsTheProblem You say what the working people are thinking. Proud to support you. Don't back down !" "@StephPrichard1: @RealDonaldTrump GOP: Trump's Fearless War with Univision Only Increases His Appeal - Breitbart http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/06/27/dear-gop-trumps-fearless-war-with-univision-only-increases-his-appeal/" "@bucwaas: @realDonaldTrump please get elected! Be the next Reagan! You can do it!" Thanks! "@GZervs: @realDonaldTrump is Americas only chance. He will #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@johnmarzan: @RubenNavarrette Trump is right. Giving illegals the right to vote will destroy the GOP and turn dems into dominant party" "@DeanDesign101: Why not @realDonaldTrump? He knows how to create wealth, jobs and is not a wimp. #DonaldTrump #foxandfriends" "@joseangelSP500: @realDonaldTrump Trump for President! TRUMP2016!" "@GovtsTheProblem: The appeal of Donald Trump to people is that he's a fighter, not a Republican surrender monkey." "@rtoneff25: @realDonaldTrump just kicked ass on Fox News. Guy is a winner" Thank you! "@incorrectpoliti: Establishment Government, Media, and Hollywood are killing America. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN ! @realDonaldTrump Addressing record crowd @ Madison County Iowa GOP Dinner. We can bring common sense to DC & Make America Great Again! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CIjGDoMUcAAD-AG.jpg RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: FIGHT BACK: Trump kicks UNIVISION staff off his Miami golf course... http://drudge.tw/1KhNN0W Must read article via @fitsnews: "DONALD TRUMP VERSUS MEXICO" http://www.fitsnews.com/2015/06/26/donald-trump-versus-mexico/ An interesting and very sad article on rape at the border. Thank you @HuffingtonPost. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/09/12/central-america-migrants-rape_n_5806972.html A great article by @NolteNC spelling out the truth on Mexico, trade, the border & illegals. Thank you @BreitbartNews http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/06/27/dear-gop-trumps-fearless-war-with-univision-only-increases-his-appeal/ "@TheReaLJuiCe88: I'm working real hard Mr Trump getting you votes in Boston/Rhode island area! #IBelieve #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016" "@Chris_D2: @realDonaldTrump go get em!! How does it feel to be the "next" POTUS? #Trump2016" Thanks for the spirit! "@tonyewen: @ReaganWorld @realDonaldTrump is the real deal! When was the last time we had someone with true conviction for US? I'll be in Iowa tonight making a speech to a record setting crowd. The word is getting out, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! The leader and negotiators representing Mexico are far smarter and more cunning than the leader and negotiators representing the U.S.! Only very stupid people think that the United States is making good trade deals with Mexico.Mexico is killing us at the border and at trade! .@billmaher: Bill, you are really beginning to understand what is going on with "Trump" - actually, you always knew! When you are in a war, or even a battle, losing is not an option! When somebody challenges you unfairly, fight back - be brutal, be tough - don't take it. It is always important to WIN! "@RobRucker: "The greatest social program is a job" -Donald Trump" "@Bass705: @realDonaldTrump Thank you Mr.Trump for standing up for America" My great honor! Letter to @Univision - Re: @TrumpDoral https://instagram.com/p/4Z8AaCGhUL/ If I win the presidency, my judicial appointments will do the right thing unlike Bush's appointee John Roberts on ObamaCare. .@Univision cares far more about Mexico than it does about the U.S. Are they controlled by the Mexican government? Anyone who wants strong borders and good trade deals for the US should boycott @Univision. Once again the Bush appointed Supreme Court Justice John Roberts has let us down. Jeb pushed him hard! Remember! I love Mexico but not the unfair trade deals that the US so stupidly makes with them. Really bad for US jobs, only good for Mexico. Univision wants to back out of signed @MissUniverse contract because I exposed the terrible trade deals that the U.S. makes with Mexico. Mexican gov doesn't want me talking about terrible border situation & horrible trade deals. Forcing Univision to get me to stop- no way! "@JWCesare I appreciate @realDonaldTrump and his straight talk. Our country needs this." "@nanaelaine7 @realDonaldTrump only YOU can make it GREAT again. Your plan is the only one inside reality. MAKE AMERICA GREAT with TRUMP" Governor Rick Scott of Florida did really poorly on television this morning. I hope he is O.K. "@gneumann_wkow: New national 2016 GOP poll from @FoxNews - @JebBush leads field, @realDonaldTrump second. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/interactive/2015/06/24/0624152016iranweb/" I hear that dopey political pundit, Lawrence O'Donnell, one of the dumber people on television, is about to lose his show-no ratings?Too bad "@Mitestarossa: Jeb Bush should support Donald Trump for President" I agree! "@_GOLD4MONEY: @ThePatriot143 @realDonaldTrump Trump is as Honest as they come. He wants a border and doesn't hide it. #Trumpforpresident" We have to bring back and cherish the middle class - once the backbone and true strength of the U.S.A. It can happen! "@nickcokley: @realDonaldTrump my first vote ever will be for one of the most historic businessmen in history. "@TaraHollyFigure: @realDonaldTrump we are counting on you, Mr. Trump. I believe you are the answer to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@DanielaMarino: @FoxNews enough with #Bush #Clinton and the same faces every damn year. We need fresh new ppl that r not greedy. U r d one" "@MunichEleven: Baseball, Hotdogs, Apple Pie and a vote for @realDonaldTrump in 502 days! On 11/08/2016 we make our country great again!" My message, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, is beginning to take hold. Bring back our jobs, strengthen our military and borders, help our VETS! My daughter Ivanka did great tonight in New Hampshire. The sold out crowd loved her, and she loved them. Thanks Ivanka! .@WhoopiGoldberg had better surround herself with better hosts than Nicole Wallace, who doesn't have a clue. The show is close to death! The ratings for The View are really low. Nicole Wallace and Molly Sims are a disaster. Get new cast or just put it to sleep. Dead T.V. I am really beginning to respect Mark Halperin and John Heilemann as political reporters - they truly get why "Trump" poll numbers are high. Just out, the new nationwide @FoxNews poll has me alone in 2nd place, closely behind Jeb Bush-but Bush will NEVER Make America Great Again! Uncomfortable looking NBC reporter Willie Geist calls me to ask for favors and then mockingly smiles when he is told of my high poll numbers "@_laurenharding: @realDonaldTrump not to mention that there's a whole lot of people who never got asked (me included)!!! #Trump2016" Cute. "@adeeasthope: @realDonaldTrump I'm voting for #trump for CEO of these United States, time to haul ass #Trump2016" Great. "@LionsTrinityCap: @realDonaldTrump UNMATCHED PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN...Trump RESTORES America's credit rating to AAA in 3-4 yrs. "@MarkAGiarrusso: @realDonaldTrump Go get 'em Donald." "@barbgee68: @realDonaldTrump Excellent! I still can't believe voters have Jeb in front of you. Haven't Americans learned anything?" NO! .@Neilyoung’s song, “Rockin’ In The Free World” was just one of 10 songs used as background music. Didn’t love it anyway. For the nonbeliever, here is a photo of @Neilyoung in my office and his $$ request—total hypocrite. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CIS0zSRXAAAZCHX.png .@Neilyoung A few months ago Neil Young came to my office looking for $$ on an audio deal & called me last week to go to his concert. Wow! My daughter, Ivanka, will be representing me today at the opening of our campaign office in Manchester, NH #MakeAmericaGreatAgain! Thank you. https://twitter.com/RDuplerUSA/status/613716886459564032 "@tryeye @realDonaldTrump Very strong start, Mr. President!" Thanks. Politician @SenatorCardin didn't like that I said Baltimore needs jobs & spirit. It's politicians like Cardin that have destroyed Baltimore. The highly respected Suffolk University poll just announced that I am alone in 2nd place in New Hampshire, with Jeb Bust (Bush) in first. Speaking at the Red, White and Blue Dinner in Maryland- https://instagram.com/p/4S7UTqmhUi/ Via @fitsnews:“Donald Trump Surges In New Hampshire Poll: MOGUL, REALITY STAR EMERGES AS GRANITE STATE’S ‘ANTI-BUSH’ http://www.fitsnews.com/2015/06/23/donald-trump-surges-in-new-hampshire-poll/ "@kolbytraveller #Trump is more than just talk. I hope he wins the election and gets something done for once in this country. #Trump2016" My @gretawire interview on @FoxNewsInsider “Trump: 'Last Person I'd Want Negotiating for Me Is Obama'” http://insider.foxnews.com/2015/06/22/donald-trump-greta-van-susteren-last-person-id-want-negotiating-me-obama "@Stevenfclifford @realDonaldTrump thank you for running. You have my vote and I'm spreading the word. We need you there to fix this mess." RT @NH_PoliticalRpt: TRUMP AT #2 IN N.H. IN CROWDED SUFFOLK POLL @realDonaldTrump @steinhauserNH1 #FITN http://zocle.us/Co4t http://t.co/… RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: POLL: TRUMP SURGES IN NH... http://drudge.tw/1RtpcHc Via @WSJPolitics by @reidepstein: “Trump Surges in Popularity in N.H.” http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2015/06/23/trump-surges-in-popularity-in-n-h-taking-second-place-in-suffolk-poll/ "@CWilliams_Rltr @realDonaldTrump. I am so happy you are running for President. You have my vote." "@WordgirlSmith @realDonaldTrump Please keep telling all of America that jobs, jobs, jobs are important to us because YOU ARE RIGHT!!!" RT @foxandfriends: .@JohnRich on @RealDonaldTrump: I like it when I hear somebody that will tell me exactly what they're feeling. https://… "@williamonlyrent So sick of politicians sugar coating problems and issues. It will be so great to have #Trump2016 say it like it is!" "@_bri: This is the first election I'll be able to vote, and my vote goes to Trump because I want to live in a great country! #Trump2016" "@WGinetta: WE ARE GONNA NEED @realDonaldTrump IN 2016 TO UN-NEGOTIATE EVERYTHING OBAMA SAID HE NEGOTIATED #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" True. "@MeaganShamy: .@ScottFordTVGuy @BrandenHarvey I was at @TrumpLasVegas when @realDonaldTrump announced president bid. He's got my vote. “Donald trump files statement of candidacy” http://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-files-statement-of-candidacy/ via @CBSNews Via @bpolitics by @emtitus: ”Defying Doubters, Donald Trump Makes Presidential Bid Official” http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2015-06-22/defying-doubters-donald-trump-makes-presidential-bid-official Today I filed my Statement of Candidacy with the FEC. Let's #MakeAmericaGreatAgain https://instagram.com/p/4Py81HmhWm/ "@troubic I'm definitely voting for @realDonaldTrump I would love to see what a real businessman can do for our economy!" "@luckydoginwesty: @realDonaldTrump @FL_GIRL979 I'll be voting for Mr. Trump" "@MalachiNorris: Donald J. Trump is the very definition of the American success story. Through Trump we can bring back the American dream." True. https://twitter.com/FL_GIRL979/status/613062369145659392 "@nojoed: @realDonaldTrump @KarlRove Karl, why don't you sit this election cycle out, we had enough losers to last us a life time." True. .@DanaPerino Have you released a copy of the beautiful thank you card you sent me? Would you like to see it? @ericbolling @kimguilfoyle Entrepreneurs: Brainpower is the ultimate leverage. Don't underestimate yourself or your possibilities. Entrepreneurs: Be tough, be smart, be personable, but don't take things personally. That's good business. Entrepreneurs: Negotiation is an art. Treat it like one. The Senate must NOT pass TPA! Any Senator who votes for it is disqualified for being POTUS. Protect the American worker and manufacturer! Flashback – Jeb Bush received a $4M tax payer bailout in 1990 http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D0CE0D81E3BF937A25753C1A966958260 Guess who was POTUS then? Who do you want negotiating for us? #MakeAmericaGreatAgain https://instagram.com/p/4PRAtVmhVq/ It's time for government to stop picking winners & losers. Let’s make sure everyone can achieve the American dream! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ "@AbishurPrakash My latest piece on @realDonaldTrump winning the foreign policy race. #Trump2016 https://medium.com/next-geopolitics/trump-for-president-bf45861e167b …" .@JordanSpieth Great job--you are a true champion! See you soon. "Hillary Clinton Dominates the Pack in Fake Twitter Followers" http://www.vocativ.com/usa/us-politics/hillary-clinton-has-more-fake-twitter-followers-than-other-candidates/ "@carsonbonner @realDonaldTrump A businessman that understands the world's business/politics. #Trump2016" "@SovAdjEast The USA is like Wollman Rink or Ferrypoint before DJT. You came you saw and built a masterpiece. Now it's the USA' s turn." Thank you. https://twitter.com/lesliecrobinson/status/612981886277713920 .@deneenborelli Thank you for your nice words--greatly appreciated. "@captraykelly @realDonaldTrump The GOP needs to get UNITED and support Donald Trump. Trump is a GREAT Leader and gets things done." "@williamonlyrent @realDonaldTrump Only a fool will underestimate #Trump2016. Trump will surprise everybody and America needs him." I want to thank Elizabeth, Steve, Brian and all of the great folks of @foxandfriends for the long and successful run we had together. NICE! Sadly, I will no longer be doing @foxandfriends at 7:00 A.M. on Mondays. This is because I am running for president and law prohibits. LOVE! "@cota2012: @realDonaldTrump @hyannis1952 @FoxNews it's amazing how people fear a change for the better" "@Jessyandcandy: Trump, you got my vote. With your proven resume os success. People would be nuts not to vote for you. Trump2016" "@JakeAwK: Donald Trump is the ONLY candidate that is incorruptible and he will get rid off all of the incompetence ruining our country. "@sallyvp: @realDonaldTrump Mr. Trump tell America they are fired! Bring some respect and balls back to the USA." "@IsaacNewYorker: I said when Trump ran for president i was gonna be the happiest man on earth,when he wins,all Americans will be #Trump16" "@lauralynn1955: @realDonaldTrump - @oreillyfactor loves you. It was obvious to me when you were on the day you announced." Bill O is great. "@kirkcameronfan: @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews Because they're AFRAID of you! #Trump2016 #American" "@Alaskan_Gypsy: @FoxNews @seanhannity indicated he would support you if you ran. Let's see if he puts his money where his mouth is! "@pbstwo: @realDonaldTrump @hyannis1952 @FoxNews The Donald owes NOTHING to lobbyists. He could restore our Republic." True. "@IsaacNewYorker: Finally somebody with real intelligence & leadership is runnig for president Mr @realDonaldTrump. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@joncford: @realDonaldTrump @TeamBobbyEwing @FoxNews @KarlRove I'm just about done with Fox news!" "@bdckool: I do believe that Trump has the intestinal fortitude to set right all the wrongs of the current administration. #Trump2016" "@JPJAC: @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews Why is it that FOX loved you until you declared as a candidate???" Good question! "@hyannis1952: @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews Believe they are worried you may win! "@shawncrazyshawn: I have Loved you since Wrestlemania when I was kid. I grew up & see what you're all about. I am behind you ALL the way!" .@KarlRove still thinks Romney won! He doesn't have a clue! @FoxNews "@TeamBobbyEwing: @foxnews @karlrove I am stunned that Rove would suggest repealing the #2A! That will not solve the problem, IMO!" "@MrBrentAllen: @realDonaldTrump @KarlRove @FoxNews I watched the @KarlRove interview. He sounds like an unpatriotic dolt. Trump 2016!" .@KarlRove stated clearly that he wants to repeal the 2nd Amendment. I thought @FoxNews was going to fire that jerk after his Romney fiasco? "@Auburnfan2155: @realDonaldTrump @KarlRove Karl Rove destroyed the Republican Party. Time to rebuild it." True! "@fackinpeter: @realDonaldTrump @KarlRove theyre all jealous of your success #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" Thanks. "@JakeKonczyk: @realDonaldTrump @KarlRove The best candidate! #GotMyVote #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" The great Mike Wallace covered me in a much more professional manner than his son, Chris Wallace of @FoxNews. Mike was a total pro! .@MarthaRaddatz was so unprofessional and biased when discussing me on This Week. @GStephanopoulos should not allow this conduct! "@utwey: @realDonaldTrump @KarlRove can't wait for debates! DT will crush them" Could happen! "@CandyThomas3583: @realDonaldTrump I tend to vote for democratic candidates, but I feel excited about you in the presidential race. 😊" "@BK00023: Donald Trump's resume backs his run for president http://nyp.st/1Grb7Uj @realDonaldTrump #greta @ThisWeekABC" Thank you, so true .@KarlRove, who spent $430 million in the last cycle and didn't win one race, said I'm not a candidate until I file papers. Next week Karl! Via @BreitbartNews by @ASwoyer: "Exclusive: Trump Slams Obamatrade, Stands Up For American Jobs" http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/06/19/exclusive-trump-slams-obamatrade-stands-up-for-american-jobs/ Happy Father's Day to all! I had a wonderful and loving father. https://instagram.com/p/4Mv4XqGhdI/ Via @nypost by @JonathonTrugman: "Donald Trump’s resume backs his run for president" http://nypost.com/2015/06/20/donald-trumps-resume-backs-his-run-for-president/ "@nytimes: If you’re a betting man, it’s time to start believing Donald Trump http://nyti.ms/1ev7fvJ" "@I_Dont_Know_Her: @realDonaldTrump you are the best candidate for president in a long time. Hope you win" Thanks. "@NishantAgg23: Donald Trump is the only hope for a crumbling American economy. Hope my American friends choose Trump" "@sugarhoney157: @realDonaldTrump He really is a great business man and gets the job done right." So true! "@Riggs101: Carl Icahn: Donald Trump Is Completely Correct That "We Are In A Bubble Like You've Never Seen Before" Who would you rather have negotiating for the U.S. against Putin, Iran, China, etc., Donald Trump or Hillary? Is there even a little doubt? "@SenzuLean: America should be so lucky to have @realDonaldTrump even consider leading our nation" Thank you. "@BreitbartVideo: .@AnnCoulter: Trump Has Best Shot in General Election http://bit.ly/1IVOzzi via @IanHanchett http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CH-DxioWsAANsHv.jpg" Thank you @AnnCoulter for your nice words. The U.S. is becoming a dumping ground for the world. Pols don't get it. Make America Great Again! My speech is right now on C-SPAN 1 "@njoh1234: @realDonaldTrump Trump speech is on C-span right now...f.y.i." "@Tea_Alliance: @realDonaldTrump @bobbybnews The establishment fears Trump!" They are afraid to make America great again. "@andrewwagner29: Its pretty clear that @realDonaldTrump would absolutely destroy HillaryClinton in a debate & i really wanna see it happen. "@bobbybnews: The only person running for President that will not betray America for money is Donald Trump. Fox is cutting him down=Reagan! Druggies, drug dealers, rapists and killers are coming across the southern border. When will the U.S. get smart and stop this travesty? Mexico is killing the United States economically because their leaders and negotiators are FAR smarter than ours. But nobody beats Trump! I like Mexico and love the spirit of Mexican people, but we must protect our borders from people, from all over, pouring into the U.S. Why did @DanaPerino beg me for a tweet (endorsement) when her book was launched? "@stevenkirk @realDonaldTrump @PatrickBuchanan great article .. At least #thedonald is finally saying what us average working people know!" Our country is in a major crisis of incompetent leadership. We cannot continue to go on with these politicians who do nothing but talk. .@patrickbuchanan thx 4 your great article. Our country is in big trouble w/the dopey politicians that are running it http://buchanan.org/blog/the-anti-politician-16164 Via @WashTimes by @CharlesHurt: "Donald Trump declares war on lying, street-hustlers of Congress” http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jun/16/charles-hurt-donald-trump-declares-war-on-lying-st/print/ Out of hundreds of deals & transactions, I have used the bankruptcy laws a few times to make deals better. Nothing personal, just business. Almost every major dealmaker has used the bankruptcy laws as a business tool. Icahn, Black, Zell—but nobody says they went bankrupt! People buy deals & immediately put them into bankruptcy in order to make better deals. It’s a very effective & commonly used business tool. Stop saying I went bankrupt. I never went bankrupt but like many great business people have used the laws to corporate advantage—smart! Hillary Clinton reaches new low. #TrumpVlog https://instagram.com/p/4HU8FcGhS1/ Has Charles @krauthammer ever apologized for being so totally wrong on Iraq? I called it right in every way—Make America Great Again! George Will was a big Iraq fool. $2 trillion, thousands of lives lost -- & we got nothing! Dummy. Goofy political pundit George Will spoke at Mar-a-Lago years ago. I didn’t attend because he’s boring & often wrong—a total dope! "@llambert0207 I've always said the Country needs to be run like a Major Corporation it takes a Brilliant Businessman #power #donaldtrump" "@theHickMan33 Let's get the Trump trending #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #TheDonIsComing #TrumpCard #Vets4Trump" "@williamonlyrent Why is government run by politicians? It's a huge business and needs a businessman to run it successfully! #Trump2016" Just watched Brian Williams on @TODAYshow - very sad! Brian should get on with a new life and not start all over at @msnbc. Stop apologizing RT @GolfMatchApp: #TrumpFerryPoint is on point. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGMF0mpUUAAtjuc.jpg "@hansomedan: @realDonaldTrump don't stop now! We're behind you!! #2016" Don't worry, I never stop. "@SMW5683: @realDonaldTrump Donald trump will do this country good! He is a businessman & will know how to grow our economy" "@alacyyy: @realDonaldTrump it's about time we made America great again!! #Trump2016" "@ChaddRyann: Keep doing what you're doing! You're attracting attention and people are talking more then they were before! #Trump2016" "@dcfoodsafety: Mr. Trump you're the candidate that we have been waiting for you tell it real and you will get it done you have my vote!" "@hollyammon: @AndyBran @JoeNBC DONALD TRUMP has been telling anyone who would listen about the Chinese currency manipulation." So true. "@HolySelena: @realDonaldTrump You are such a bright man. You have my vote!!" "@elizwatkins: @realDonaldTrump So how many more days until you are in office? #PresidentTrump #Letstalkbusiness" "@hufseyg: I've waited to vote for @realDonaldTrump since I was little. I can't wait for 2016" "@CliffShep: @realDonaldTrump You've got my vote!!" "@MrInsaf: @realDonaldTrump @AndyBran @JoeNBC @keichri I believe Donald Trump will always make the best deal for his people" "@AndyBran: @JoeNBC Mr. Trump nailed it! Wow: After Doubts, Economists Find China Kills U.S. Factory Jobs - http://conservativeread.com/wow-after-doubts-economists-find-china-kills-u-s-factory-jobs/”" "@megliq: Ive been saying "Donald trump for preZ" since 2nd grade.I AM YOUR BIGGEST FAN LOOK I MET U @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CH0x6j3WIAAyiip.jpg "@JustinBorges1 Trump 4 president...has a nice ring to it. About time someone who isn't afraid to say/do what's necessary took the reigns" RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Happy to see @trumptowerpde is underway & ahead of schedule! Can’t wait for it to be finished! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CHzmdehWgAAIAka.jpg Trump Nat'l Golf Club Philadelphia, 360 beautiful acres as designed by Tom Fazio with views of the Philly skyline. http://www.trump.com/Golf_Clubs/Philadelphia/Philadelphia.asp RT @JoeNBC: Donald Trump talks about one of his greatest achievements: his children. VIDEO: http://buff.ly/1K0P10t RT @TrumpDoral: We hope you enjoy your stay! RT @ASerrate: First day and I'm spending my morning with this view... @TrumpDoral http://t.co/… Watch my appearance on @Morning_Joe - great interview! http://on.msnbc.com/1GSpKor RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Crowds coming back from the @NHLBlackhawks celebration as seen from Restaurant 16 Deck of… https://instagram.com/p/4FA4MarH4i/ The tragedy in South Carolina is incomprehensible. My deepest condolences to all. Trump Int'l Hotel & Tower, Chicago, has received accolades for design, service & our signature restaurant, "Sixteen" http://www.trump.com/Hotel_Collection/Trump_Chicago/Trump_Chicago.asp RT @cvillandry: @realDonaldTrump 2016 ! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CHyxo-hUkAEmn1q.jpg Thank you. https://twitter.com/MrHaydenWatts/status/611558985397850112 RT @EricTrump: Thank you, Christian. https://twitter.com/basilicaceo/status/611341078730526720 RT @JRichAccel: @TrumpFerryPoint is a special place! Good work @realDonaldTrump @MattGinellaGC #whyilovethisgame http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CHweA9xWIAAjq1l.jpg RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: LIMBAUGH: Trump's message will resonate... http://drudge.tw/1QDOOG8 Speaking to great patriots @MCC_CT. My first visit to Granite State since declaring my candidacy! #FITN https://instagram.com/p/4DD5_umhVL/ Heading to New Hampshire. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain https://instagram.com/p/4CgC8IGhdf/ RT @TrumpCollection: Most hotels give you a room, @TrumpSoho& @TrumpNewYork give you the entire city: http://trumpcollection.co/wuy2KG We need someone with experience to rebuild America. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain https://instagram.com/p/4CU30rmhXI/ Only a fool would buy the @NYDailyNews. Loses fortune & has zero gravitas. Let it die! Thank you Sarah--Let's have pizza in New York soon with you & your great family https://twitter.com/SarahPalinUSA/status/611183734285578240 RT @IvankaTrump: Thanks @CrainsChicago for naming @TrumpChicago one of the best private dining rooms in #Chicago! http://buff.ly/1ekKvOZ @T… RT @RusolYasin: There'd be zero question if America knew the amazing impact @realDonaldTrump has had on communities like Doral, FL http://t… "@Gabigayle @FoxNews @realDonaldTrump He doesnt need anyone's money and can speak the truth because of it! Go Donald!" RT @TrumpNH: See @realDonaldTrump at Manchester Community College on June 17th! RSVP: https://trumpnh.eventbrite.com #nhpolitics #FitN http://t.… Enjoyed watching @MonicaCrowley's analysis of my @BillOreilly interview. Great points! Thank you, Monica. @ericbolling, in addition,no doubt you would have been amazing on @ApprenticeNBC! Keep up the great work. Thanks @greggutfeld. Really nice! I’m glad I did your show. @GregGutfeldShow @ericbolling, watched you on my flight to Iowa. Will not be forgotten. Dear @kimguilfoyle, Thank you so much for your nice words today on @TheFive. Will not be forgotten! In Iowa now. Packed house! Today I officially declared my candidacy for President of the United States. Watch the video of my full speech- https://youtu.be/q_q61B-DyPk RT @EricTrump: Incredibly proud of my father, @realDonaldTrump, for his decision to run for President. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain http://t.co/Q… Thanks Eric. https://twitter.com/ericbolling/status/610838292033089536 RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Fam pics from today. @coltables's photo http://i.instagram.com/p/3_1utqhKUk/ RT @roedigerj: Trump for a stronger America! @TrumpNationalCN @TrumpPhillyNews @TrumpFerryPoint @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CHoZcgNWcAAVhxN.jpg RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Thank you that is a great compliment! https://twitter.com/GRRRR8est/status/610859635130662912 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain https://instagram.com/p/3_5AVjmhfw/ RT @greta: Right now, expect @realDonaldTrump to be in the 2016 debates - he is polling in the top 10, so he is in them http://t.co/BVdFBWX… RT @piersmorgan: I hope @realDonaldTrump runs for President. He'd be a fantastic candidate. RT @piersmorgan: America's news media claim they don't Donald Trump seriously - but they're all at his press conference... RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Well boys and girls it's a whole new ballgame now! Congratulations to @realDonaldTrump on his… https://instagram.com/p/3_1gVhLHxt/ I am officially running for President of the United States. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain https://instagram.com/p/3_vGGrmhdq/ LIVE on #Periscope: Major announcement! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain https://www.periscope.tv/w/aFAxBjEyMzE3NDF8MjQwMjEyOTG6fyCXc-niXai05ACcMjrX4SriCMcctNlFGCdftJnTiw== Thanks Geraldo, you're a champion. https://twitter.com/GeraldoRivera/status/610788231525892096 11AM #MakeAmericaGreatAgain https://instagram.com/p/3_nNJ2GhQW/ Make sure to follow me on @periscopeco. I will be streaming my announcement at 11AM. In one hour I will be making a major announcement from Trump Tower. Watch it live on Periscope! https://instagram.com/p/3_hzNIGhW2/ Make sure to follow me on @periscopeco #MakeAmericaGreatAgain It is almost time. I will be making a major announcement from @TrumpTowerNY at 11AM. Follow on social media! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain "@AppSame We are going to listen @realDonaldTrump If you are really running & if you keep to your word You really have a great chance to win Thanks. https://twitter.com/munciewolves/status/610782805564350464 Big time in U.S. today - MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Politicians are all talk and no action - they can never bring us back. "@jaketapper: DonaldTrump in Iowa says "I have a Gucci store that's worth more money than Romney" Fact check: true http://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/politics/reality-check/2015/06/03/donald-trump-mitt-romney-gucci-claim-true/28443013/" "@DavidSBaldwin: @realDonaldTrump today's the day #Trump2016! Good luck!" "@Desheay: @realDonaldTrump Your twitter banner is awesome. Cant wait for tomorrow.....TRUMP 2016.." "@premuse: @realDonaldTrump Let's take this country back. #TrumpLeeds2016" "@Jarod_Pitmon10: I am a full supporter of #Trump2016 @realDonaldTrump is a guy that will help this country" "@NickyFlash2: #Trump4President #Trump2016 @realDonaldTrump" "@Rhumeey: I really would want to see what America would look like...with @realDonaldTrump at the helm of affairs. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/610704372415229952" "@rg_radical99: Counting down the hours to @realDonaldTrump announcement! Ready for America to become great again. Supporting you Mr. Trump. "@HoppMar @brentcfritz We all know u're e best.. IF you'll sacrifice part of your LIFE, even for only 4 years, we will TURN AROUND!" "@_Snurk: @realDonaldTrump Love it! Always respect FIGHTERS over overrated loser POLITITIANS!! Inspire GREATNESS! #TRUMP #2016" "@Knight276: @realDonaldTrump @realJoeMurray America can be great again with trump at the helm. Confidence counts." "@isabelsimon80: @realDonaldTrump @brentcfritz Donald has as good of a chance as anyone else.. 👍People like him...NO MORE POLITICIAN'S..." "@PianoBecca: @realDonaldTrump No Amercian, really, can impact such staggering influence. Stay True! Great and savvy bizman! America: GREAT! "@DONJUBBER: @realDonaldTrump Shock the world!#Trump4President" "@insuraider: @realDonaldTrump is going to make Hillary's head spin tomorrow morning. Presidential Debate? Yes, please. #Trump2016" "@brentcfritz: Today is the day America becomes great again. @realDonaldTrump has some huge news that will shock the world #Trump4President" "@realJoeMurray: Hopefully tomorrow is the day we start to make America great again! Looking forward to it, @realDonaldTrump. #Trump2016 RT @IvankaTrump: The Trump men share their #fathersday memories, and the gifts they hope to get this year: http://buff.ly/1IY2bNb #fathersd… RT @EricTrump: Amazing challenge to raise money for The @EricTrumpFdn. Thank you @RoyalTroonPro @prestwickgcpro & @DundonaldLinks. https:/… Do we really need another Bush in the White House--- we have had enough of them. https://instagram.com/p/39grhiGhfG/ Great! https://twitter.com/dozziland/status/610467708405035008 Thanks. https://twitter.com/SavannahRae5SOS/status/610404190909808640 "@DurandSentinus @JebBush may get headlines today, but @realDonaldTrump will dominate news for week regardless of his announcement tomorrow" Will do, thanks. https://twitter.com/HarrisCGardner/status/610413037552553984 Great! https://twitter.com/GHurst27/status/610426658911309825 Thanks. https://twitter.com/Salak_6/status/610435657006194688 RT @TrumpDoral: .@hotelchatter discovered that Trump Doral isn't just for golfers. See why: http://ow.ly/OkEv9 LIVE on #Periscope https://www.periscope.tv/w/aE7e1DEyMzE3NDF8MjM1NjM0NTIj_tDk88Q3SXJVqqYWnjN4DfJSRjP0QsAK-jfv34dMhw== Tomorrow at 11AM #MakeAmericaGreatAgain https://instagram.com/p/39AJxnGhRD/ RT @TrumpDoral: Pop Quiz: What year did Doral first open its golf courses? Learn about the incredible history at Trump Doral here: http://t… "@Subdoc101:Trump said on @foxandfriends today PPL are asking why would anyone give up his lifestyle to be #POTUS. The answer is #TRUMPCARES "@LooneyTunes002: Politicians are not going to get us out of this mess. They are all talk. #SimpleTruth #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@ZStr8Up: After the liberal 60's and 70's how did we end up with Reagan? Hollywood. The Donald may have a serious chance. @realDonaldTrump" "@fyrftr211: @realDonaldTrump #Trump2016. Time for a true leader to lead our great country!" "@MediciMario: @realDonaldTrump Pls run u would be great!" "@FuturisticHub: @realDonaldTrump I'd vote twice for you if I could. Actually I can! On your SECOND Term as President! Go get em' Mr. Trump! Tomorrow will be a really big day for America. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Tuesday will be a big day for our country to do a complete turnaround. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! "@justrelaxfornow: As a nation yearns for justice and equality, that nation hopes Donald Trump will run for President. June 16, 2015." "@MikeLongoNYC: @realDonaldTrump Happy Birthday! Can't wait for the announcement on Tuesday, I'll be there!" "@Knight276: Being a great president requires great negotiating skills. Trump, a master negotiator, can make America great again." True! "@angiecallahan4: @realDonaldTrump We need to PRAY to God for this to happen. God please make America great again. Amen!" MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! "@_Snurk: @realDonaldTrump YOU ARE THE MAN! You are the ONLY one of Substance! U r REAL DEAL never Bull or Hot air #MakeAmerciaGreatAgain!" "@VeryOddDog: @realDonaldTrump TRUMP TRUMP - YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE AMERICA NEEDS RIGHT NOW THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN SAVE AMERCIA GOD BLESS U SIR" "@mirrorgrrl: Truly Great men come along only once a genration. DonaldTrump Is That Man. Has it all- gentle wisdom,fierce biz savvy,IQ. Wow! "@NPHBalanced: @realDonaldTrump has DEPTH, stammina, Man of the World, briliant negotiater, & NOT BEING POLITITIAN he has POWER. "@TimWByrd: DonaldTrump i have so much faith in you that if you ran for president I know your the only one who could get America out of debt "@nikkio: Most valuable asset an American owns is "their vote"-Tues ur voice will be heard across our nation & beyond-Open their eyes" "@purpleheartwife: @realDonaldTrump you have some military caregivers in FL ready to back you! @sherrimarie73" Thanks, call Corey. "@DoomsdayFAN: Please run! I'm with you till the end! Everyone who wants to #MakeAmericanGreatAgain is! Vote for Trump/2016! God bless." "@DareMagic: Lets make this country great again and bring back the entrepreneur spirit! The only person to do that is DonaldTrump #Trump2016 Remember, politicians are all talk and no action - they will never be able to MAKE OUR COUNTRY GREAT AGAIN! Controlled by lobbyists & donors I am really happy that Hillary made her speech right under Trump World Tower! "@hogan211: @realDonaldTrump I have had it with career politicians.. You will have my vote Mr. Trump!!! Nobody owns you!" "@JRMcClaren: @ToryIreland @realDonaldTrump is GOP’s best chance to win in Nov. 2016. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@JRMcClaren: @purpleheartwife Had it with politicians. They never solve problems, just do the bidding of donors/lobbyist. #Trump2016" "@purpleheartwife: @realDonaldTrump I'll volunteer to help your campaign in FL." Thanks. "@ToryIreland: @realDonaldTrump ONLY #TRUMP2016 has what it takes to STOP Hillary Rodham Clinton! StopHillary #NoBama http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CHVim9UWgAAtfIN.jpg "@woodrowwinters @realDonaldTrump pumped for Tuesday. The road to getting American back starts next week." Thanks. Thank you. https://twitter.com/amandalemay97/status/609386640793014273 "@JRooneyIII @realDonaldTrump The Country needs you now more than ever. You will be the one to bring the respect back. #Trump2016" Thx. Thank you. https://twitter.com/CathyFuregno/status/609390713218957312 Should not pass--bad deal! https://twitter.com/EmailMagician/status/609390242693578752 Thanks. https://twitter.com/jlaird053/status/609391426636525568 Thank you. https://twitter.com/Bernardv777/status/609393484458532864 True! https://twitter.com/alyssathgreat/status/609392318471237632 RT @TrumpSoHo: A beautiful painting of the summer sky. Thank you for sharing, @luisfern5. It's our #GuestPhotoOfTheWeek http://t.co/9cVwNa0… Entrepreneurs: Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson Entrepreneurs: Focus on your goals, not on fixed patterns. Do what's necessary and what's unnecessary will be made clear. Entrepreneurs: Don’t sell yourself short. Don’t ever think you’ve done it all already or that you’ve done your best. Entrepreneurs: Keep your eyes on your ideals as well as reality. Accentuate the positive without being blind to the negative. RT @TrumpWaikiki: It’s Aloha Friday at @TrumpWaikiki! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CHUjPjhUEAEsZl3.jpg "@phate71 @realDonaldTrump It’s time to make America great again. Let’s do this! #TRUMP2016" RT @TrumpVancouver: #TrumpVancouver will be a spectacular addition to a very beautiful city - #vancouver." - @realDonaldTrump http://t.co/O… RT @peytoncabot: A little rain didn't stop us from going out to trump tower in Chicago today! @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CHUOlhpWEAATgCf.jpg Looking for Father's Day gift? @Miamimagazine named the spa @TrumpDoral one of the best places for men to relax http://ow.ly/NMXtk "@EKSpindler @realDonaldTrump @bellaxbionda go get em Donald! Enough with the PC crap. Tell it like it is and actually fix problems." Thank you. https://twitter.com/mmoers204/status/609388520625475584 Thanks. https://twitter.com/FriendlyPuh/status/609393540238458880 RT @azerny: @realDonaldTrump Check the View at Trump National in LA! No wonder they are hosting the PGA Grand Slam! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CHUCfK-VAAAsVV0.jpg Thank you. https://twitter.com/johnnypie77/status/609264141128200193 Thank you. https://twitter.com/disobeydawkins/status/609187013460365313 There is. https://twitter.com/lizzglusko/status/609188893586362368 "@Scott__Marx Can't wait to hear @realDonaldTrump run for president and fix our country! #TRUMP2016" Thanks & I won't let you down. https://twitter.com/bellaxbionda/status/609227502041612289 Thanks. https://twitter.com/johnfletcher97/status/609342441611743232 Great, thanks. https://twitter.com/isaacbeisbol507/status/609345354564272128 Thank you. https://twitter.com/ThereseNelsontw/status/609367514842173445 RT @ChrisBetts26: Can't wait to play @TrumpGolfLA tomorrow @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CHTyqRZUMAAe0mZ.jpg RT @MikeTGA: Great shoot this week with @MichaelBreed #golf Beautiful location @realDonaldTrump #TrumpFerryPoint http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CHTHiP7UsAAoind.jpg Video: Trump Golf Links at Ferry Point @TrumpFerryPoint https://twitter.com/TrumpFerryPoint/status/609369110754033664 RT @MaritzTravel: Great thoughts from @realDonaldTrump on in-person #meetings: http://hubs.ly/y0TVSx0 #MMBusiness Congratulations to @TrumpPanama for winning the 2015 Traveler's Choice Award from @TripAdvisor http://www.trump.com/Hotel_Collection/Trump_Panama/Trump_Panama.asp Thank you @CrainsChicago for featuring @TrumpChicago in your list of "Best Private Dining Rooms in Chicago." http://bit.ly/1G9EQFN RT @GolfingLinksOrg: Greatest Golf Course in the World ? Bold Statement ! WE AGREE @TrumpScotland @realDonaldTrump #bucketlist #golf htt… RT @luxuryscotland: Today we are at Trump International Club House. It's delightful. @TrumpScotland @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CHTBZyMWIAAe2m9.jpg RT @luxuryscotland: Trump International Golf Links​ Aberdeen today @TrumpScotland @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CHTC4pRWoAADzAl.jpg RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Another shot of our B&B in Aberdeen Scotland trumpscotland #golf https://instagram.com/p/3zpqGMrHxr/ RT @TrumpDoral: Who is ready to play a round of golf this weekend? http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CHP8icUUMAEdCSu.jpg "@RealTerryPatton: @realDonaldTrump @JenCromartie Do it Mr. Trump, we are screwed if you don't." I agree! "@DillonConrad0: If @realDonaldTrump ran for president in 2016, I'd be one happy camper" "@bella270012: @realDonaldTrump @JenCromartie Waiting on that 6/16 announcement. Please don't disappoint me..... ☺" Stay tuned. "@Ipatriotmedia: Texans do not support RINOs We damn sure don't support #JebBush2016 Texans want leadership We want @realDonaldTrump. "@MarcoPoloMacon: @realDonaldTrump what are you waiting for? We are waiting for you to make America great again. Please run!" June 16th. "@JenCromartie: @realDonaldTrump needs to run for president #Election2016 #DonaldTrump" "@Chris_R_2014: @realDonaldTrump @TheUSALifeStyle @GOP Trump all the way!" "@TheUSALifeStyle: @GOP #DonaldTrump #Election2016 (it will happen) GOP MUST SUPPORT Donald Trump #GOP #Politics http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CHQnprbUkAAcJ5F.jpg" "@erikwill: @realDonaldTrump @CrainsChicago @TrumpChicago I appreciate the consistent focus on quality across Trump brands." "@DonaldJTrumpJr: A pic with @realdonaldtrump from a long time ago #throwbackthursday https://instagram.com/p/3zl84XrH7b/" A wonderful son! Entrepreneurs: Review your work habits regularly and make sure they are taking you in the right direction. Keep your focus intact. Entrepreneurs: Take responsibility for yourself. It’s a very empowering attitude. Entrepreneurs: Follow your own path—it will bring you to the places you were meant to be. Our @TrumpNewYork is really starting the summer on the right foot with their #wellness program as seen in @TandCmag: http://bit.ly/1L01yA0 "@MatthewLadzik "The golden rule of negotiating: He who has the gold makes the rules" @realDonaldTrump great read #MidasTouch #ThankYou" Thank you @CrainsChicago for featuring @TrumpChicago in your list of "Best Private Dining Rooms in Chicago." http://bit.ly/1G9EQFN RT @nycgo: And while we're on the subject of golf, here's what you need to know about @realDonaldTrump's new course. http://ow.ly/ObMQf RT @JoyceB11601: @realDonaldTrump Transformation of The Old Post Office into Trump International Hotel in DC is coming along nicely http://… RT @TrumpLasVegas: Vegas is calling, come experience the lap of Trump luxury in the heart of the iconic Las Vegas Strip. Click here! http:/… RT @TrumpWaikiki: Today Hawaii celebrates Kamehameha Day! Enjoy the view from @TrumpWaikiki in Oahu! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CHPX7w7VAAAQp9f.jpg RT @TrumpDoral: RT @IvankaTrump: BLT Prime at @trumpdoral was rated the hottest new steakhouse on @zagat! Congrats! http://buff.ly/1FJ6Ufx Thank you. https://twitter.com/vibhanshusharma/status/609013359023788032 "@GaryWhalenTV A pleasure to film at the beautiful @TrumpScotland links course & club house. Thanks to @realDonaldTrump & @DonaldJTrumpJr.." Via Hardball with Chris Matthews http://www.msnbc.com/hardball/watch/what-if-donald-trump-really-runs--460881987814 RT @tcolmn1: Donald Trump for president? Ivanka Trump weighs in http://cnb.cx/1FSXWeB -Make America proud -run @realDonaldTrump ! RT @TrumpScotland: A great pleasure to have @realDonaldTrump open our new Clubhouse - see you again soon! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CHN2mOmUIAEoPUC.jpg "@hugshenderson @GolfMonthly @realDonaldTrump he's a legend. Does so much good for Scottish golf" Thanks. RT @BreakwaterCHI: Phase-1 of Chicago River Walk is now open! Great to see new & exciting features highlighting the city's waterfronts. htt… RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Sunset over the 18th @trump_ireland @trumpgolf with @realdonaldtrump #Doonbeg #Ireland #Golf https://instagram.com/p/3yassErH-l/ RT @IvankaTrump: BLT Prime at @trumpdoral was rated the hottest new steakhouse on @zagat! Congrats! http://buff.ly/1FJ6Ufx RT @pressjournal: ABERDEENSHIRE: @realDonaldTrump hints Scottish Open will be permanent fixture at Menie estate http://bit.ly/1HqPWXQ http… RT @jpadraigb: It's a beautiful day in Chicago and the #TrumpTower sure looks great, @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CHJ-wjEUYAAmSkn.jpg RT @TrumpGolfDC: Couldn't be a more perfect day for Wednesday Golf @trumpntldc ! Gorgeous view of #1 on our Championship Course.... http://… RT @TrumpCollection: Our #NYC, #Chicago, #LasVegas, #Toronto and #Waikiki properties are all Fido friendly: http://trumpcollection.co/trumppets #TrumpPe… RT @JustGolfIE: Trump International Golf Links To Host Scottish Open @realDonaldTrump http://news.justgolf.ie/2015/06/10/trump-international-golf-links-to-host-scottish-open/ RT @ollymennie: @realDonaldTrump Probably the best tee shot in the world #Trump #Aberdeen #14th http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CHJppnyW8AANUpT.jpg RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Not a bad little bed and breakfast. When you are in Scotland come stay with us. trumpscotland… https://instagram.com/p/3wSaYprH0M/ Via @TheTodaysGolfer “@TrumpScotland gets new clubhouse” http://www.todaysgolfer.co.uk/news-and-events/course-news/2015/june/trump-international-golf-links-gets-new-clubhouse/ RT @BBCDouglasF: The @realDonaldTrump at his Aberdeenshire golf course, pushes to secure Scottish Open, despite those wind turbines: http:/… RT @sgbrandonn: Karina facetiming me to show me the trump tower has been the highlight of my day #NEWYORK 😍 @realDonaldTrump http://t.co/fl… RT @TheCock_Bull: @realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr Congratulations, your vision has been vindicated & great news for the area! https://t.co… RT @TrumpPhillyGM: We are forever grateful to you @realDonaldTrump & @EricTrump! https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/606529554233085952 RT @BLVD_DAWG: "L" @choosechicago @cta @trumpchicago #mychicagopix #chicagoepic http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CHFyq14W0AAgNCd.jpg RT @000HermanSJr000: @realDonaldTrump @TrumpCollection @TrumpChicago, thank you for this now moreso #magnificent view.Your works are #Arts … RT @EricTrump: Just another Monday! @realDonaldTrump @TurnberryBuzz http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CHIK1AZWkAEPYVz.jpg "Dee Dee Sorvino @deedeegop I am betting on Trump" RT @TrumpWaikiki: As the sun sets in Waikiki, sparkling lights illuminate the city. Happy #TravelTuesday from @TrumpWaikiki! http://t.co/41… "@Liberty4UanMe @LadyPatriot777 @rushlimbaugh got to do something though! Too many times they lied to us. For some reason, I trust Trump" Via the New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/10/upshot/if-youre-a-betting-man-its-time-to-start-believing-donald-trump.html?_r=1&abt=0002&abg=0 "@LadyPatriot777 @realDonaldTrump I think he's worth a VERY serious look. He speaks BOLDLY, like Reagan, and is/was a big fan of Reagan!" RT @NH_PoliticalRpt: Trump to hold post-announcement rally in Manchester @realDonaldTrump #fitn http://zocle.us/Co4t http://t.co/X2p3u54C… RT @paulseverngolf: Stunning view from the lighthouse @TurnberryBuzz @realDonaldTrump @EricTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CHE2vubXEAAf6VL.jpg Via @Newsmax_Media by “Poll: Trump Surges Among GOP Hopefuls in NH” http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/donald-trump-new-hampshire-gop-2016/2015/06/09/id/649557/ Trump Int'l Hotel & Tower New York, includes Central Park views & our signature restaurant, Jean Georges. Perfection! http://www.trump.com/Hotel_Collection/Trump_New_york/Trump_New_York.asp RT @TrumpDoral: Father's Day will be here before you know it. Make your plans to spend it with us: http://ow.ly/O4zUC Trump Turnberry is a spectacular place--and home to four of the greatest Open Championships of all time. http://www.trump.com/Golf_Clubs/scotland/Turnberry.asp Via @GravisMarketing: “New Hampshire Poll: Trump into top-tier status” http://gravismarketing.com/blogs/current-new-hampshire-republican-polling/ RT @TrumpSoHo: We would like to thank @thedailymeal for featuring Bar d'Eau on their list of America’s 10 Best Rooftop Bars!Details: http:/… Amazing NH poll released! We are getting ready to Make America Great Again! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CHBLmfLUAAAH6w6.jpg RT @BryantCope: Trump tower looks beautiful in Chicago today! @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CHAEaGrVAAAyTDM.jpg RT @TrumpDoral: I added a video to a @YouTube playlist http://youtu.be/B79LVNAJIOM?a The Ultimate Golf Instruction Facility - Jim McLean Golf Scho… Trump National Golf Club Los Angeles offers 18 holes fronting the Pacific Ocean on the Palos Verdes Peninsula. http://www.trump.com/Golf_Clubs/Los_Angeles/Los_Angeles.asp RT @PA: .@realDonaldTrump reopens the Trump Turnberry clubhouse at his Ayrshire golf course. Picture: Andrew Milligan/PA Wire http://t.co/k… RT @kirstenspeirs: Great shot taken by @EricTrump of our fab press pack here @TurnberryBuzz in new clubhouse with @realDonaldTrump http://t… RT @TrumpCollection: Good morning, #NYC! @TrumpSoHo http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CG_JDNoXAAAEnBB.jpg RT @BBCNorthEast: BBC News - VIDEO - @realDonaldTrump on wind farm legal bid: 'Everybody wants us to appeal' http://bbc.in/1FLlphK RT @BBCDouglasF: "On track to becoming the world’s most impressive 19th hole": @realDonaldTrump at Turnberry clubhouse opening today: http:… RT @TurnberryBuzz: Beautiful day for the ribbon cutting ceremony for our new clubhouse hosted by @realDonaldTrump @EricTrump http://t.co/Os… RT @Golf_2_Win: BunkeredOnline : RT TurnberryBuzz: The ribbon is cut! realDonaldTrump & EricTrump official… http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CG-Yq1cWQAAEErj.jpg http://t… "@SEETEK_AU: Watch, listen, and learn. You can’t know it all yourself. Anyone who thinks they do is destined for mediocrity.― Donald Trump "@cevazzulia: You have to think anyway, so why not think big? Donald Trump." So true! Loved doing #NCGOPConvention keynote speech last night! Unbelievable reception. Had the biggest crowds by far of any of the GOP candidates. Will be doing @foxandfriends live tomorrow at 7AM ET from Europe. Going to Scotland, Ireland & other places in Europe to close up deals. Getting ready for the June 16th announcement @TrumpTowerNY! "@realtysteve: Mr. Trump, I have been connected with you by one step through 3 different people in my life, and you would be a great prez!" "@JeffJeffsc777: Mr Trump can speak, the difference, he's actually speaking of real accomplishments of risk he's had to finance on his own!" "@Abraham: My only regret is that there isn't 3 DonaldTrump's so my daughters could marry the smartest, most handsome man in the world! Cute "@AbrahamL1nx: ISIS would already be on ice if @realDonaldTrump was the president. We need you, sir. #MyManTrump2016" "@NEO_SALAMANDER: @realDonaldTrump You're the type of guy we need in the White House You want to see the USA at the top" "@JeffJeffsc777: Timing is relevant. This is your time. The other candidates don't have an answer, if they did they'd use it, Trump Time!" "@JeffJeffsc777:The Presidential candidates are about to be Trumped This will be a landslide the Country is ready for a leader with results" "@c_shepler: @realDonaldTrump @newsobserver @RaleighReporter Great news!" "@JeffJeffsc777:I believe the Country is going to think when voting for our next President It's about results that's why Trump runs he wins" Via @newsobserver by @RaleighReporter: "In Raleigh, Donald Trump all but announces presidential bid" http://www.newsobserver.com/news/politics-government/article23312226.html RT @NCGOP: Thank you to @realDonaldTrump for capping off Saturday at @NCGOP Convention! What a great way to end the day! #ncpol http://t.co… Just received a standing ovation at #NCGOPCon when I said, "We need to bring the American Dream back better and stronger than ever before!" Just said at #NCGOPCon that "I'm not beholden to lobbyists and donors! No special interest would control me if I were in office." Just made the point at #NCGOPcon that "we have to protect our border & I think everyone here knows, nobody can build a wall like Trump!" Just received applause at #NCGOPcon when I said "People ask me why I may run for President-- I might so we can Make America Great Again! Just said at #NCGOPcon that "politicians are all talk and no action and we are all tired of it! We need action and results to move forward!" Received a standing applause at #NCGOPcon when I said "to have free trade be fair for the US we need really intelligent negotiators." Just Introduced at #NCGOPcon as the country's highest paid speaker. Told the record crowd of 650 I am to be speaking here for free! Going to North Carolina to make keynote speech - sold out crowd! "@BlueWaterDays: A visionary who loves America > @realDonaldTrump" Thanks. "@MarioFMartinezz: I can't wait for @realDonaldTrump announcement on June 16." Great. "@viksquad: @realDonaldTrump you are the man for the job" "@jeffrey_gorski: @realDonaldTrump the time is now, please get out in front of the herd and announce, give us some hope" "@MJVictory: @STL_Blonde DT is a better choice than ANY candidate on either side based on his vision of prosperity & national security." "@seankesser: @realDonaldTrump @Knight276 @cdgrafics @greta It's about time we had a president who doesn't need to care about his money" "@Knight276: @realDonaldTrump @cdgrafics @greta exactly he knows how to win important" "@STL_Blonde: The thing that's so wonderful about @realDonaldTrump ... most people would act just like him if they were billionaires." True. "@cdgrafics: @greta @realDonaldTrump I'd vote for him and his morals are a lot healthier the Bill Clintons. He knows Business and con men." "@STL_Blonde: One of my favorite all-time @FoxNews moments: When @realDonaldTrump let @megynkelly touch his hair." "@TheBingle: @greta @realDonaldTrump Will be refreshing to have views from someone else who's not a politician or community organizer IMO." "@STL_Blonde: I believe ... no I KNOW that @realDonaldTrump would be a better president than HillaryClinton." RT @TrumpWaikiki: Wishing you a Happy Aloha Friday from @TrumpWaikiki! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGw57kkUAAAzpwS.jpg “Our runaway judiciary is badly in need of restraint by Congress.” - Phyllis Schlafly Our nation has a duty to care for our vets & their families. It's time to do it! Let’s Make America Great Again! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ We must stop Common Core from controlling state & local curriculums. It is a federal grab of education. Keep education local! China just hacked our federal government & stole gov. workers’ information. Why do our leaders let China get away with this?! No respect. "@ebhockeyfan @GretchenCarlson One thing I truly admire about Trump.He is very loyal & supportive of his friends. He also says it like is." "@2014_vince @realDonaldTrump @NCGOP donald for president..a true patriot" RT @faithcjohnson: Only 1 presidential candidate has his name on the Hollywood Walk of Fame! @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGwmbzGUgAA3tKo.jpg "@siddiquehash @realDonaldTrump @krauthammer I Agree Donald!" Via @globegazette by @GGMaryP: “Trump: We'll bring American dream back” http://globegazette.com/news/local/trump-we-ll-bring-american-dream-back/article_6d4efdf2-d30f-58ae-a7c4-14c98410ddb1.html “Donald Trump: I’ve made up my mind on 2016” http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/donald-trump-ive-made-my-mind-2016 via @msnbc by @janestreet .@GretchenCarlson's memoir is a powerful example of perseverance & hope. “Getting Real” is as real as it gets. Get it & enjoy! #GettingReal Looking forward to keynoting the @NCGOP #NCGOPcon dinner tomorrow night! @NCGOP is a top state party! Via @DMRegister by @BylineAndyDavis: “Donald Trump speaks to veterans, residents in Coralville” http://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/local/2015/06/04/donald-trump-luncheon-coralville-veterans-memorial/28504623/?hootPostID=17d08991133e394a4891 RT @afowler2k: Full Moon rising behind Trump last night. #Chicago #fullmoon #skyline @ChooseChicago http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGkraXUUcAA9iFy.jpg Trump International Golf Club Turnberry, Scotland -- home to four of the greatest Open Championships of all time.. http://www.trump.com/Golf_Clubs/scotland/Turnberry.asp RT @luxuryscotland: Donald Trump’s new clubhouse in Scotland: 1st Images released @realDonaldTrump @TrumpScotland http://ow.ly/NUCAV ht… "@thermoclinee Hey @realDonaldTrump - had a spectacular round @TrumpFerryPoint - drove the green on #7. Awesome track! Great views!" Thanks RT @TrumpPanama: With views like this, you'll never want to leave. Photo: http://ow.ly/NcypI http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGsCqJXXEAAlifE.jpg RT @SPDoubleYou: Drinks on the @TrumpChicago Terrace. Beautiful. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGsb_guUQAAgY0S.jpg "@Wallys1700: @realDonaldTrump our country seriously needs you now please run for pres #Trump2016" Was in Iowa yesterday-great people. Record crowds at both speeches. Something big is happening. Pols are all talk. Make America great again! "@WebDanny: @yankzpat Donald forget the pic's, please, just RUN FOR PRESIDENT HEY ? PLEASE ? Ur country, in fact the world, needs U NOW" "@WebDanny: @realDonaldTrump @yankzpat If you don't run, then GOP has NOTHING, hence Hilary is a 'shoe in'" I agree! "@krauthammer: On sale today. Things That Matter in paperback. With a new section on the Obama years. Book sucks! Dummy political pundit @krauthammer constantly pressed the crazy war in Iraq. Many lives and trillions of dollars wasted. U.S. got NOTHING! "@yankzpat: HEY! I got my photos autographed and shook @realDonaldTrump 's hand in Mason City. #June16th http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGtqBE3UAAAKfPS.jpg" "@justariot66: @realDonaldTrump no bs Donald if you run I'm in PA you will get my vote for sure." "@Delna_42: DonaldTrump You're going to be the greatest President this country has ever seen. I hope you win. #Trump2016 #CommanderInChief" .@krauthammer pretends to be a smart guy, but if you look at his record, he isn't. A dummy who is on too many Fox shows. An overrated clown! "@Bobzilla305: @realDonaldTrump @krauthammer is a progressive making money off of the Conservative viewership" A total loser! "@foxandfriends: Donald Trump: I Would Be the Jobs President http://fxn.ws/1SXc6p7" One of the worst and most boring political pundits on television is @krauthammer. A totally overrated clown who speaks without knowing facts "@EatSleepDan: I want to see @realDonaldTrump run for president." "@CloseTheDealTV: Go to work, be smart, think positively and WIN! @realDonaldTrump #quote" "@NEYAM760: Trump 4 president! @realDonaldTrump" "@BlueyesBeauty: @realDonaldTrump #trump2016 epic things will be done! He will make the changes that we need!" With great patriots in Mason City who also want to bring the American Dream back! We can Make America Great Again! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGsNQnKUIAA-S31.jpg Standing ovation after promising to bring the American Dream back, and better than ever before! https://instagram.com/p/3hkHyrmhdd/ Standing room only in Mason City, Iowa! Thanks to the record crowd of over 400 supporters! https://instagram.com/p/3hiBmkmhZ-/ RT @NJPGA: Thank you to our host @realDonaldTrump & our partner #ClubCar for a great day thus far #njpgaproam http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGrvALDU8AAxpRM.jpg RT @SDanikKIMT: I sit down with @realDonaldTrump to talk abt a possible run for President...more at 5 on @KIMTNews3 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGrscjtVAAEEXi1.jpg RT @TrumpCollection: The perfect summer day? Lounging by the pool at Trump Las Vegas: http://trumpcollection.co/pooldeck Via @KCRG by @markwcarlson: “Donald Trump stops in Coralville” http://www.kcrg.com/subject/news/donald-trump-stops-in-coralville-20150604 "@RaeRae_luv I'm on the fence but if @realDonaldTrump runs then I'm all good" Trump Nat'l Golf Club, Philadelphia, is a 360 acre beauty and an award winning Tom Fazio designed course--fantastic! http://www.trump.com/Golf_Clubs/Philadelphia/Philadelphia.asp RT @TrumpPanama: Browse our Pinterest boards to see the luxury and beauty that awaits you in Panama: http://ow.ly/NJ6Rf Entrepreneurs: Vision remains vision until you focus, do the work, and bring it down to earth where it will do some good. Re Negotiation: Think about what the other side wants. Know where they're coming from. View any conflict as an opportunity. Be flexible. Entrepreneurs: Negotiation is an art. Treat it like one. RT @DMRegister: #DMRRealityCheck: @realDonaldTrump is right! Gucci store worth more than @MittRomney http://dmreg.co/1Jt4upQ "@123Jayne: @realDonaldTrump I have just one question please...will you be running for President 2016? We really need you!" "@Alex_WJ_Milne: @realDonaldTrump looking forward to seeing you there in the Tar Heel State! #Trump2016" “Fortunately for a quarterback, you can play for a long time because you don't get hit very often.” – Tom Brady @SuperBowl @Patriots Just as I predicted, while Obama lifted sanctions 18 months ago, Iran cheated & increased its nuclear fuel by 20%. We must DOUBLE sanctions! Excited to be returning to the @NCGOP State Convention as the Keynote of Saturday’s dinner! @NCGOP is a strong Conservative state party! Bureaucratic red tape and overregulation are discouraging the American dream. It’s time for a bold new direction! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ Via @CarrGaz: “Trump to jet in to unveil Trump @TurnberryBuzz clubhouse” http://www.carricktoday.co.uk/news/local-headlines/trump-to-jet-in-to-unveil-turnberry-clubhouse-1-3791632 Looking forward to visiting Mason City, Iowa, tomorrow. Will be my 8th day in the Hawkeye State this year! http://kchanews.com/2015/05/29/donald-trump-to-be-in-mason-city-june-4th/ RT @TrumpDoral: Welcome! RT @BurkeInc: Excited for Day 1 of #TCXL15 at the beautiful @TrumpDoral #CX #MRX http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGk_EvIXIAA28jn.jpg “I love it when people doubt me. It makes me work harder to prove them wrong.” – Derek Jeter The Trans-Pacific Partnership will increase our trade deficits & send even more jobs overseas. This is a bad deal. Time for smart trade! RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: This morning hole #5 at @Trump_Ireland http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGlVqM9XEAACfxF.jpg "@vilmawolfe03 @realDonaldTrump @davevin73 #you get my #VOTE for President of the Unites States of America! 🏻" RT @TrumpCollection: Take a look inside the new suites at @TrumpToronto: http://ow.ly/NJMgM #Toronto "@MJosephSheppard: "Sound The Trumpets For A "Trump 2016" Presidential Run" Hear what he has to say @realDonaldTrump http://recovering-liberal.blogspot.co.nz/2015/06/sound-trumpets-for-trump-2016.html" "@SebuFrick: After watching 2h Trump interviews, I came to the conclusion that he might have a shot at the presidency in 2016 #Trump2016 #?" RT @IvankaTrump: @RobbReport says @TrumpToronto's new Trump Sky & Wellness Suite may the best in the city, and we can't argue: http://t.co/… "@mikegallagher24: @collinsworthsnf Interview @realDonaldTrump during Jim Kelly Shootout.. https://vimeo.com/129507868" "@Tradingforex24: Sometimes your best investments are the ones you do not make. Donald Trump 03.06 07:45" RT @TrumpDoral: See why @LifestyleMagFL named #TrumpDoral one of the best spots for a staycation: http://ow.ly/NMQEH Too bad I don't get this for political speeches- they cost me a fortune! https://instagram.com/p/3cNnzNGhb3/ RT @TrumpWaikiki: The shimmering waters of Waikiki beach beckon visitors from around the globe. Love this view from @TrumpWaikiki! http://t… The Spa @TrumpWaikiki offers unique treatments that use traditional Hawaiian botanicals & healing techniques http://www.trumphotelcollection.com/waikiki/waikiki-hawaii-spa.php RT @TrumpSoHo: We'd like to extend our warmest welcome to the new Trump Tower Baku #TravelTuesday ttp://tinyurl.com/p2qxlvl http://t.co/MxG… RT @meganKmarrs: This view never gets old. @realDonaldTrump @TrumpChicago @IvankaTrump #chicago #chicagoriver http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGgEGg1WcAIpdU8.jpg "@patzann66 @realDonaldTrump Time for USA to get back on track "Trump for President" RT @annnotari13: @realDonaldTrump @davidkaifaith especially if it looks this beautiful! Trump PV!⛳️ http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGdBo3JUQAEyupi.jpg "@RayYedman: Rephrase & quote Al Davis. #justrunbaby #Trump2016 Don't disappoint. There isn't another way 2 make America great again" "@kenziestruder: @realDonaldTrump for pres 2016 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌" "@RickysPlace1: @realDonaldTrump @dxkelley @BOBonTCN Definitely a great president!!" "@dxkelley: @BOBonTCN does Mister Runyan think that Donald Trump would make a good president, or a great president?" Great. "@MasterBaxter8: @realDonaldTrump awaiting your response on June 16. You would be the best ever." "@mikegallagher24: @realDonaldTrump Check out what a great quarterback you once were. With Jim Kelly many years ago. https://vimeo.com/129507868 "@amy_pardue: @realDonaldTrump @puppyslug please sir run we need AMERICA BACK YOU CAN DO THIS A TRUE BELIEVER" "@thatxystkid: I honestly believe that @realDonaldTrump would make a great president" Thank you. "@jm9145: @realDonaldTrump Trump for President!" "@JollyGoodman181: Vote Trump for President 2016 Americans last hope Donald Trump... Let's take OUR country back. Vote for the "Don" 2016" "@jm9145: @realDonaldTrump Please run!!! USA needs a leader!" "@davidkaifaith: golf at donald trump's place is always a good idea http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGc9V8iVIAEsFlH.jpg" "@annnotari13: @realDonaldTrump Just Do it!✔️" "@Louie_Avella: #Trump2016 lets go @realDonaldTrump" "@puppyslug: I care about are country & that is why ill vote for @realDonaldTrump if he runs he BETTER run coz Amercia needs saving & FAST" "@_Snurk: @realDonaldTrump set's the HIGHEST BAR OF ALL he is great & will #MakeAmericaGrateAgain! He has SMARTS, SAVVY, KNOWHOW! #Tump2016" "@pepsidaisy: DonaldTrump Wish I could be there! Can't wait for 06/16/15 @ 11am! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGcv3-hWsAAI04T.jpg Entrepreneurs: Set the bar high and resolve to be bigger than your problems. Who's the boss? Entrepreneurs: There's nothing wrong with bringing your talents to the surface. Having an ego and acknowledging it is a healthy choice. Entrepreneurs: Achievers move forward at all times. Achievement is not a plateau, it's a beginning. Get out there & go for it! “The Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon” - George Washington .@TrumpGolfLA is proud to be hosting @PGAGrandSlam where all 4 Major Champions will square off. October 2015. http://www.pga.com/grandslam Via @G_Liberty_Voice by Melody Dareing: “Donald Trump Wants to Build a Wall Between U.S. And Mexico” http://guardianlv.com/2015/05/donald-trump-wants-to-build-a-wall-between-u-s-and-mexico/#01tj2erBe7jXdt91.99 Via @ChristianToday: “Donald Trump vows to be the 'greatest representative of Christians' if he wins White House” http://www.christiantoday.com/article/donald.trump.vows.to.be.the.greatest.representative.of.christians.if.he.wins.white.house/55023.htm All the haters & losers must admit that, unlike others, I never attacked dopey Jon Stewart for his phony last name. Would never do that! While Jon Stewart is a joke, not very bright and totally overrated, some losers and haters will miss him & his dumb clown humor. Too bad! "@Zac_dunnn2 My summer would be made if Donald Trump decides to submit a bid for a presidential campaign. We need Trump! June 16th!!" June 16th- https://instagram.com/p/3ZHo1umhSb/ RT @StayFiveStar: Congratulations .@TrumpChicago .@SixteenChicago The cream always rises to the top as we say here in Ireland https://t.co… Awarded 5 Stars by @ForbesInspector, @TrumpChicago’s @SixteenChicago offers Executive Chef @cheflents’s new menu http://www.sixteenchicago.com For those of you that have conveniently forgotten, dummy Jon Stewart is a bad filmmaker. His last effort was a real bomb (in all ways)! Jon Stewart is the most overrated joke on television. A wiseguy with no talent. Not smart, but convinces dopes he is! Fading out fast. RT @TrumpCollection: .@SixteenChicago has been nominated for Best Fine Dining - Chicago! Vote here: http://ow.ly/NCJCQ http://t.co/reL7… "@The_Truth_Sir: @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends A great way to start out the Monday. Thanks!" "@aalucero: @pacsgirl36 I luv Donald Trump, in his sleep he is leaps & bounds over what we have now - I have no doubt he luvs America!" RT @TrumpDoral: #WeekendView: Memories are made at Trump Doral. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGQ6aq5UkAAtgMs.jpg "@jkellywwip: @realDonaldTrump killed it on @foxandfriends" "@pacsgirl36: @realDonaldTrump run !!! We need a real winner in the white house not another all talk no action politician! !!" I will be on @foxandfriends at 7:00 A.M. ENJOY! "@yankzpat: HEY! I hope to meet @realDonaldTrump on Thursday in Mason City, IA and get an autograph and a picture! Can't wait!! #Trump2016" "@VanityFair: Donald Trump has constructed a wonder of a golf course in the Bronx http://vnty.fr/1d09khK http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGC3S_PWIAEgnZ_.jpg" Thank you. "@entreprenershp: As long as you’re going to be thinking anyway, think big. – Donald Trump" "@Great: "Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game." - Donald Trump" "@WSJPolitics: Donald Trump's poll numbers would qualify him for a GOP debate, but Carly Fiorina and Lindsey Graham would be out. "@PlaisanceAnn: @realDonaldTrump Trump for President!!!" "@SeppBlatterP: I love my time at @TrumpCollection! The staff handle my valuables with utmost care, I always come away greatly satisfied! "@JollyGoodman181: @realDonaldTrump Trump for President" "@c_shepler: @realDonaldTrump This trooper needs you to run http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGW5ZZZUcAA0B8L.jpg" "@jsilva74366572: @nicksibrodi vote for Trump unless u want to keep getting fucked by isis, china, lobbyists and everyone else" "@amazechristianl: @realDonaldTrump Are you happy with current polls? Congrats on the success so far." "@_MeganEve: #Trump2016 #TrumpForPresident #MakeSureYouVote @realDonaldTrump" "@nicksibrodi: @realDonaldTrump Can't America wake up and realize we need a true patriot like yourself to lead this country. #trumpforprez" "@stefan_beezy: @realDonaldTrump Trump for president, greatness" "@KGLeipsic: counting down the days to June 16. Why? @realDonaldTrump knows why." "@realBrockDriver: Would give anything for @realDonaldTrump to run for President!! If there's anyone who can fix our country, it's him!!" "@JRMcClaren: @realDonaldTrump Stewart is not worth the attention you are giving him." Probably true, but it's fun to expose the overrated! "@YankeeRunnerLV: Bought 2 bottles of #Empire Cologne/Deodorant so that I can smell like a winner&a PRESIDENT! #Trump2016 #PleaseRun #Thanks "@JoffCallaghan: Not sure why I didn't follow @realDonaldTrump before now. Seems like something I should have done ages ago..." "@kissangel864: @realDonaldTrump @jsilva74366572 then trump need to put his hat in the ring so we can vote for him" "@dmhar: @dariusrucker what about playing at @realDonaldTrump's in Florida. His golf course is amazing !" "@jsilva74366572: @realDonaldTrump vote for trump or we will end up having to learn mandarin. People please wake up. "@JollyGoodman181: @realDonaldTrump Trump for President!!!" "@Kyle_MBrock: I firmly believe that if @realDonaldTrump ran for office he would change the way we spend our money, not how we tax our money "@JollyGoodman181: @realDonaldTrump The "Don" is our guy... the man who will set things straight. Donald Trump for President." For those of you that have conveniently fotgotten, dummy Jon Stewart is a bad filmmaker. His last effort was a real bomb (in all ways)! I would like to offer Vice President Biden my warmest condolences on the loss of his wonderful son, Beau. Met him once, great guy! "@Auburnfan2155: @realDonaldTrump Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz" All the haters and losers must admit that, unlike others, I never attacked dopey Jon Stewart for his phony last name. Would never do that! While Jon Stewart is a joke, not very bright and totally overrated, some losers and haters will miss him and his dumb clown humor. Too bad! "@carrillo_pete: @realDonaldTrump @GeoScarborough @HuffPostMedia I know he can and will" "@celtoid2: @realDonaldTrump @GeoScarborough @HuffPostMedia Your country needs you. Run. "@GeoScarborough: Joe Scarborough Thinks Donald Trump Can 'Shake Things Up' In 2016 Election http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/05/29/joe-scarborough-donald-trump-2016-presidential-election_n_7468172.html via @HuffPostMedia Jon Stewart is the most overrated joke on television. A wiseguy with no talent. Not smart, but convinces dopes he is! Fading out fast. "@Jess_Blanch94: @realDonaldTrump Time for you to announce and run for president Mr. Trump! #YouHaveMyVote" Wow, the economy is really bad! GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT down 0.7% in 1st. quarter - and getting worse. I TOLD YOU SO! Only I can fix. “Confidence is contagious. So is lack of confidence.” - Vince Lombardi ICYMI, Via @nypost by Post Editorial Board: “@TrumpFerryPoint: New Gem in the Bronx” http://nypost.com/2015/05/26/new-gem-in-the-bronx-nycs-14th-public-gold-course/ RT @TrumpCollection: “To us, luxury is about attention to detail” @IvankaTrump talks #TheCollection at Arabian Hotel Investment Conference … Via @paramuspost: “@TrumpSoHo New York Debuts Sizzling Summer Offerings” http://www.paramuspost.com/article.php/20150527205318896 “Donald Trump To Be In Mason City June 4th” http://kchanews.com/2015/05/29/donald-trump-to-be-in-mason-city-june-4th/ via @KCHA “@TrumpFerryPoint was something we’ve been working on for years and Donald Trump got it to the finish line.” - @rubendiazjr Trump Int'l Golf Links & Hotel, Ireland, is on 400 beautiful acres & fronts the Atlantic Ocean for 2.5 miles. Spectac!http://www.trump.com/Hotel_Collection/Trump_Ireland/Trump_Ireland.asp RT @therightnewz: Photo: @realDonaldTrump sitting next to Muhammad Ali at the Tyson/Holmes fight in the late 80s http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGIsnF1XEAATZ-v.png Entrepreneurs: Ask yourself: What can I provide that does not yet exist? Be open to new ideas. Be innovative! Entrepreneurs: Set the example. You can motivate others as well as yourself by remembering that you are setting the example. Entrepreneurs: Get--and keep--your momentum going. Without momentum, a lot of great ideas go nowhere. Required reading 4 success in politics & life read @kimguilfoyle's book #MakingTheCase. Brilliant Advice ! http://www.amazon.com/Making-Case-Your-Best-Advocate/dp/0062343971 "@ElvisDuranShow Thanks for calling in @realDonaldTrump. Always a pleasure to chat with you! #ElvisOnTopoftheWorld" And my pleasure, thanks. RT @mhelzer: Another gorgeous day in the city. This is definitely one building that doesn't blend in w/the rest! @realDonaldTrump http://t.… RT @csrollyson: Stupendous magic night in #Chitown (@ The Terrace at Trump Tower - @trumpchicago) http://4sq.com/1eBqvr2 http://t.co/5vLeNJ… "@alphainparis: @seanhannity DonaldTrump is the 21st century Ronald Reagan. Intelligent. Bold. Surrounded by good people. Gets the job done. "@macresslertech: RT ObamaCare premiums could jump as high as 51% http://shrd.by/bF47BC Terrible for economy. Repeal & Replace. I had a fantastic time with @jacknicklaus at the grand opening of the great @TrumpFerryPoint. Watch the video- https://youtu.be/gua0pVYIuCU “Face reality as it is, not as it was or as you wish it to be.” - @jack_welch It’s time for politicians to be reminded they work for us! We can get it done. Let’s Make America Great Again! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ ObamaCare premiums could jump as high as 51% http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/05/25/obamacare-insurance-premiums-to-jump-up-to-51/ Terrible for economy. Repeal & Replace with free market solution! Common Core is a federal takeover of school curriculum. Department of Education should be disbanded not expanded. Focus on local education. Via @AmericanThinker by Malcolm Unwell: “Taking Trump Seriously” http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2015/05/taking_trump_seriously.html “Get some face time in The Spa at @TrumpLasVegas” http://blog.vegas.com/more-las-vegas-news/get-some-face-time-in-the-spa-at-trump-international-hotel-las-vegas-57855/ via @Vegascom by Renée Libutti My @greta int. on @FoxNews on how to defeat ISIS, Obama losing ground to ISIS, & Making America Great Again! http://gretawire.foxnewsinsider.com/video/video-trump-pres-obama-has-no-clue-what-hes-doing/ Via @CBNNews by @TheBrodyFile: “Donald Trump: 'We Must Make America Great Again'” http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/politics/2015/May/Donald-Trump-We-Must-Make-America-Great-Again/ RT @IvankaTrump: .@TrumpScotland became #Aberdeenshire's first five-star hotel! Congrats! http://buff.ly/1GH0KAz @trumpgolf #trumpgolf @ev… RT @dryan5962: @realDonaldTrump so just passed the old post office in Washington D.C. On my junior trip & I had a flashback to this! http:/… RT @_thebeatonpath: View of Turnberry looks unbelievable from your golf resort @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGGTXqVW8AEz8bX.jpg RT @dunlop_daniel: Enjoying an afternoon tea at Turnberry Hotel. Fantastic! @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGGaagCWYAE_vR3.jpg RT @TrumpDoral: We are thrilled to be hosting @theIRForg for their Incentive Invitational! Photo: Juan Silva Photography http://t.co/UTqAIg… RT @DCoolDog: @realDonaldTrump Nice looking building you have here in the heart of Chicago! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGGQ37sWIAALdwB.jpg In the end, you're measured not by how much you undertake, but by what you finally accomplish! "Watch, listen, and learn. You can't know it all yourself. Anyone who thinks they do is destined for mediocrity." Donald Trump" "@luxury: What’s it like to play Donald Trump’s Ferry Point golf course in the Bronx? http://bloom.bg/1J5JyoM http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGFN9BhW0AAAq8f.jpg" "@business: What it’s like to play @realDonaldTrump’s New York City golf course http://bloom.bg/1LIsaFN http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGB4974UEAAqk8A.jpg" "@duncanebradbury: @realDonaldTrump @pmadden86 Cool photo but I want to see Trump glistening from inside the White House!" "@pcm426: @realDonaldTrump @FoxNewsInsider @greta everything obama touches goes to hell" "@ElizaWindso: @MELANIATRUMP @TrumpFerryPoint @realDonaldTrump @jacknicklaus She'll never go out of style ..." True! "@1MuskyHunter: @realDonaldTrump @suzannesaxx love this guy - no fake account, spread the word #trumpforprez" "@GinaJarGirl: @realDonaldTrump @raven_claw2 Please Please run! This country is going down the drain, and it can't continue." "@FoxNewsInsider: U.S. Is a 'Laughingstock,' Obama 'Has No Clue What He's Doing' http://insider.foxnews.com/2015/05/27/donald-trump-us-laughingstock-obama-has-no-clue-what-hes-doing @greta http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGDgyYdUEAAbZdk.jpg" "@meltsch: @FoxNewsInsider @realDonaldTrump @greta I agree with this man in every way , too bad more americans don't wake up ." "@VanityFair: Donald Trump has constructed a wonder of a golf course in the Bronx http://vnty.fr/1d09khK http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGC3S_PWIAEgnZ_.jpg" "@MMValetServicez: "I wasn't satisfied just to earn a good living. I was looking to make a statement.” – Donald Trump "@RichJohnson1973: @realDonaldTrump for president" Politicians are all talk and no action. Bush and Rubio couldn't answer simple question on Iraq. They will NEVER make America great again! "@1MuskyHunter: @suzannesaxx we need your leadership now in this country - enter the prez race please; time for real change #trumpforprez" "@pmadden86: @realDonaldTrump Trump hotel Vegas glistening in sunshine http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGDrNiXVEAAu_Ek.jpg" "@oefoif0506: @realDonaldTrump @puppyslug RunTrump, kick their A** and get it on the right track" "@CryptOhio: @realDonaldTrump @MELANIATRUMP Melania would be the best looking First Lady we've had in a looong time. "@BMckenna38: @realDonaldTrump potentially the most beautiful first lady of all time!!!" True. "@RobinFoxNews: @DanaPerino @megynkelly @realDonaldTrump. The only REAL CAPITALIST you can honestly vote for. "@bella270012: @realDonaldTrump @MELANIATRUMP @TrumpFerryPoint @jacknicklaus Beautiful Lady!" "@NecieWelch: @realDonaldTrump a part of becoming a great leader is to claim it! Do it. #Trump2016" "@SandraBoag: @realDonaldTrump Hopefully our future First Lady!!!" She would be amazing! "@bobby990r_1: @realDonaldTrump would lead polls the second he announces candidacy! America is waiting for him to LEAD us out of this mess! "@dakotanina: .@realDonaldTrump: "We have a president who has no clue what he's doing." #Greta http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGDKJXVUIAA2SKE.jpg" "@hokie6: @FoxNews @realDonaldTrump the art of the deal in action. There's a pinch of Reagan in there." Thank you. "@MELANIATRUMP: Yesterday @TrumpFerryPoint opening day @realDonaldTrump @jacknicklaus #golf http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGDYihGWoAAPe53.jpg" A great lady! "@puppyslug: @realDonaldTrump Fed UP with stupid polititians! Donald Trump is SMART! He can make things GO! Please #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!!" "@HowardJax50: Bush and Obama surrounded themselves with inept yes men. Trump will take advice from the finest nonpartisans in America!" "@GinaJarGirl: @realDonaldTrump @raven_claw2 Please Please run! This country is going down the drain, and it can't continue." "@suzannesaxx: @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGDfFh7WgAAr4RD.jpg" "@DanteDMoney: @FoxNews YES "Donald" right again...but they had Give'm Hell Harry for Pres...Not Pres Tweedledum & the nanny congress!" "@meltsch: @FoxNewsInsider @realDonaldTrump @greta I agree with this man in every way , too bad more americans don't wake up ." "@raven_claw2: @realDonaldTrump You're right Mr. Trump I am fed up with politicians! We need You to Lead America and make our nation Great." "@wendyb5372: @greta @realDonaldTrump I love Mr. Trump's honesty. We need an honest and passionate leader and FIRE THE REST!" "@fxlozano: @FoxNews @realDonaldTrump he is transforming America" "@BinkyBoo415: @realDonaldTrump must run & must win! #2016" RT @TrumpGolf: .@ladyandprince teaches us how to master a hole-in-one at @TrumpDoral... family style #trumpgolf #familyvacation http://t.co… Good advice from my mother: "Trust in God and be true to yourself." -- Mary Trump Good advice from my father: "Know everything you can about what you're doing." -- Fred C. Trump “@jacknicklaus elated at official grand opening of @TrumpFerryPoint” http://nypost.com/2015/05/26/jack-nicklaus-elated-at-official-grand-opening-of-ferry-point/ via @nypost by @NYPost_Willis In business, you make decisions that are in your best interests. Time for the US gov't to do the same. Let’s Make America Great Again! "@danscire @realDonaldTrump Hi Mr. Trump I was at the new Ferry Point Golf Club today and it is Beautiful!" Thanks. Enjoy! RT @FoxBusiness: .@ivankatrump hopes new Trump Links will host "many exciting tournaments to come." http://bit.ly/1LFE6bQ https://t.co/ZxW… Resolve never to quit, never to give up, no matter what the situation. -- Jack Nicklaus On 800 pristine Miami acres, @TrumpDoral boasts luxurious accommodations, world-class dining & championship golf http://www.trumphotelcollection.com/miami/doral-miami-resorts.php RT @roedigerj: New gem in the Bronx: NYC's 14th public golf course http://nyp.st/1IZfyfI via @nypost @trumpferrypoint @realdonaldtrump RT @TrumpDoral: Is this where you plan to spend your summer? http://ow.ly/Nuy4o http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGBAiuuUUAA_3MZ.jpg RT @IvankaTrump: My father took me by surprise yesterday morning when he asked me to follow the great Jack Nicklaus in… https://t.co/VWAiH5… A quote from the late, great golfer, Sam Snead: "Practice puts brains in your muscles!" THIS IS TRUE ALSO IN LIFE. "@ashbakali: "Sheer persistence is the difference between success and failure." Donald Trump" "@BlueWaterDays: Would rather have a dynamic, experienced businessman than a corrupt professional politician in the oval office DonaldTrump" "@GameANew: @realDonaldTrump #Trump2016 #ARealLeader #USA And God Bless our Troops! #Navy #Army #Marines #CoastGuard" Thanks. "@2014_vince: @njm4250 That means he can get the better of china..china control bush.obama.....Trump uses,controls china.never loses" "@Mitnasty33: @realDonaldTrump "Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason." - Mark Twain" So true. "@2014_vince: @realDonaldTrump all planet earth wants the deal king trump to clean up the bush..obama mess" Wow, it can be done! "@VMilaccio: Jack Nicklaus elated at official grand opening of Ferry Point via @NYPost Congrats @realDonaldTrump http://nyp.st/1Hv63PF" "@BabyFuzz1969: I want to see YOU represent, we, the people who want our country back. You will be the shining star at August 4th debate!" "@nitya_lal: @realDonaldTrump You should be president! I believe in you #Trump2016" Thanks. "@alexx4111: @realDonaldTrump I don't even live in the States, but I would still vote for you. Trump4President" "@VinceFox73: DonaldTrump @DNorrell @Judgenap @freedomlives999 Which is why he should run and show these clowns how things should be done." "@JeniferStevens: @TrumpFerryPoint No one builds a golf course better than you. Played Trump Ireland and Scotland as well as US" Thanks Jen! Will be doing @greta interview tomorrow. So much to talk about! "@IvankaTrump: Ivanka talks @trumpferrypoint with @foxbusiness! Watch the video: http://buff.ly/1HuXYuu DonaldTrump @TrumpGolf #trumpgolf "@bfree3423: @TrumpFerryPoint honored to be at the Grand Opening Ceremony of Trump National Ferry Point today http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CF9zT5LUoAA6HYx.jpg" "@DNorrell: @Judgenap @freedomlives999 DonaldTrump trump is the only non politician who will actually do what he says. All the rest all talk "@davevin73: @realDonaldTrump You should be president, I signed up for Twitter just to tell you this. A lot of Americans feel the same way" "@2014_vince: I am praying sir u wil b president in 2016..end the scam of foreign aid..make other countries PAY for help..you INSPIRE..." "@papaouch: @TomEvans1972 @realDonaldTrump Iraqis will never learn to fight if we continue to bail them out..." "@saves_umoney: @IvankaTrump @SandraSmithFox @TrumpFerryPoint @FoxBusiness Great interview Sandra. Ivanka kicks butt and takes names" "@2014_vince: @realDonaldTrump bring jobs back from asia and mexico..vote trump for wage justice" "@pepsidaisy: @realDonaldTrump It's almost June & time for the big announcement!! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 #TrumpForPresident" "@caholcom53: @realDonaldTrump @AnnCoulter #trump2016 #MakingAmericaGreatAgain" "@TrumpFerryPoint: Two great families come together to create a masterpiece. #GrandOpening DonaldTrump @jacknicklaus http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CF-CLSSXIAETvEs.jpg" "@therealtommydel:1 & only POTUS candidate 2 support Tom Brady deserves the White House. Clear judgment & common sense for USA ! #FreeBrady" .@AnnCoulter's new book-- "Adios, America! The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole"-- is a great read. Good job! RT @NYPD45Pct: Beautiful day for the Official Grand Opening @TrumpFerryPoint @realDonaldTrump @rubendiazjr @IvankaTrump #DiamondJim http://… RT @TrumpFerryPoint: Spectacular Grand Opening Event at #TrumpFerryPoint with @realDonaldTrump and @jacknicklaus! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CF9Jm4MVAAAtr-0.jpg “Everyone's dream can come true if you just stick to it and work hard.” - @serenawilliams Entrepreneurs: Realize that persistence can go a long way. Being stubborn is often an attribute. Entrepreneurs: Problems are a mind exercise. Enjoy the challenge. Entrepreneurs: See yourself as victorious--look at the solution, not the problem. RT @RepEliotEngel: .@rubendiazjr a welcome addition to the Bronx! https://twitter.com/rubendiazjr/status/603235063778541569 If any candidate believes that with what we know today we still should have invaded Iraq then they are unqualified to be Commander-in-Chief. Whether you think you can or think you can't---you are right. -- Henry Ford RT @rubendiazjr: .@realDonaldTrump speaks at the opening of Trump Links at Ferry Point #bronx http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CF8gRjpWAAA0V-7.jpg My honor. https://twitter.com/bonjourtoby/status/603226768409956352 RT @EricTrump: Grand opening of @TrumpFerryPoint links-style @jacknicklaus signature design course w/@IvankaTrump & @DonaldJTrumpJr http://… RT @EricTrump: Beautiful day for the official grand opening of @TrumpFerryPoint w/@realDonaldTrump, @jacknicklaus & @mitchell_silver http:/… RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Opening @TrumpFerryPoint! An amazing course http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CF8EbBqVAAA9GvM.jpg RT @markpizzaart: Even at this angle, The Trump Chicago looks amazing! @realDonaldTrump @IvankaTrump @TrumpChicago #architecture http://t.c… "@_Aleshaxo: @realDonaldTrump Now that just put a smile on my face! 😊 Keeping the faith that you will run. #Trump2016" "@wendy1134: @realDonaldTrump @NiccoBigalli Things would be so much better! #Trumpforpresident" True. "@kenbu1: @realDonaldTrump Waiting to hear you will run for President in 2016." Watch. "@_Aleshaxo: Good morning @realDonaldTrump I'm still hoping to hear #Trump2016 🙏 You've my vote." Stay tuned! "@NiccoBigalli: @realDonaldTrump #Trumpforpresident" MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! "@robertpatrickmc: @GovernorPataki didnt shine as governor in NYS why would he become president of the united states @realDonaldTrump" True! "@rosannascotto: Coming up @realDonaldTrump on #GDNY talking about his new golf course in the Bronx! What else is on your mind?" I will be going to Trump Links at Ferry Point for the official opening of this long delayed (but future NYC treasure) course. Great job "D" "@MELANIATRUMP: 🇺🇸 @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CF0RF8_WYAAHm8x.jpg" "@sheveeta: Can't think of a better candidate. -Donald Trump" "@jkapper15: @realDonaldTrump please deeply consider running for office. Cannot think of a better candidate #Trump2016" Thanks. "@SunshineKhali: @realDonaldTrump @rtesta O personally I think you would be a great president for our country #Leadership" "@GirlCant_helpit: DonaldTrump Everyone wants you to run. Why don't you? You would be perfect. President Donald Trump has a good ring to it "@HMunjal: David @Letterman's Top 10: The @Forbes List Members Who've Appeared The Most http://onforb.es/1HtifmC - @realDonaldTrump: 21 times! "@rtesta: Like I said before we need to run the country more like a business. Who better than @realDonaldTrump to turn us around. #Trump2016 "@jmac188: @realDonaldTrump i so believe in you!!" Thank you. "@RobertoAG415: Economically,DonaldTrump is what America needs.I dont know if he's running or not, but I'm voting Donald Trump for President "@cclkm: @realDonaldTrump I beg you to run" Stay tuned! "@KathyPenree: First time at Doral since the renovations, wow! Fantastic job @realDonaldTrump @IvankaTrump" Thanks. "@Vinnie_109: @WalkerLaflin @katie_0303 we need @realDonaldTrump to run and we would be good" "@JohnFromCranber: Donald Trump: "Never a Greater Enemy to Israel Than Obama" http://www.wnd.com/2014/11/trump-never-a-greater-enemy-to-israel-than-obama/ Iran/Nukes "@persdevquotes: « I try to learn from the past, but I plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the present - Donald Trump "@thehill: Donald Trump on Mexico: "I would build a wall like nobody can build a wall" http://hill.cm/wMH25Np http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFdoZl6UkAAqbCU.jpg" True. The middle-class has become the new poor in this country and our incompetent politicians are unable to do anything about it.They don't care! "@_Snurk: @realDonaldTrump TRUMP: Hero. Energetic,savvy AMERICAN!! Need America strong. SAVIOR! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Tump2016" "@tdg_tom: @realDonaldTrump we can't get you in the WH fast enough. The drip/drip of horrendous policies is now a flood." Watch. "@tdg_tom: @realDonaldTrump we can't get you in the WH fast enough. The drip/drip of horrendous policies is now a flood." Go get 'em! "@belllabooo13: @foxandfriends Loved all you had to say today!! So true all of it! That's what we need to hear Truth!! You give me HOPE!!" "@AplemonLemon: @realDonaldTrump I enjoyed hearing you again this Memorial Day ! I am partial to you - trustworthy American" "@belllabooo13: @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends keep telling it like it truly is! God Bless You And Yours!!" "@BLG216: @realDonaldTrump We're all very proud of you, Donald ." "@05FXDLI: @realDonaldTrump As usual, great pinpointed analysis of the world situation. I enjoy your frankness and honesty." Thanks. I will be interviewed on @foxandfriends at 7:00 A.M. "@geoff_deweaver: Who`s the (social media) King of New York? - http://go.shr.lc/1mh8z22 via @PeerIndex #congrats @realDonaldTrump @jimmyfallon I would like to wish everyone, including all haters and losers (of which, sadly, there are many) a truly happy and enjoyable Memorial Day! Nobody understands politicians like I do - all talk and no action. They will never get our country where it needs to be, truly great again! "@sintianiej: Yes, this is our next president - Donald Trump. In 2016 election America vote DJT http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFvI2CeUMAAlhJ-.jpg" Think BIG! You are going to be thinking anyway, so you might as well think BIG! "@republicbuzz: Is the White House Big Enough for Donald Trump? | RealClearPolitics http://dlvr.it/9xZXFl http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFu_iG8UMAA78sy.jpg" "@Trading: Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game - Donald Trump "@JDCorbinPM: VIDEO: Donald Trump Issues Epic Promise to #Christians if Elected President http://conservativetribune.com/trump-issues-epic-promise/" "@thehill: Donald Trump: "I have created tens of thousands of jobs" http://hill.cm/1XwJEwb http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFLFpZ4WgAArHhg.jpg" "@ABCPolitics: Donald Trump speaks on 2016ers, says Jeb Bush "stumbling.” http://abcn.ws/1JApHhZ http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFeAUeuWIAEnaq5.png" "@theblaze: Donald Trump says he’d be the “greatest representative of the Christians" if elected president http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2015/05/20/donald-trump-has-a-major-pledge-for-christians-across-the-globe-if-he-becomes-president/" "@FoxNewsInsider: .@realDonaldTrump: 'I Want to Make the Country Great Again' http://insider.foxnews.com/2015/05/20/donald-trump-i-want-make-country-great-again @megynkelly http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFfzuViUMAA9jtv.jpg" "@DRUDGE_REPORT: Opens private 757 jet to reporters... http://drudge.tw/1IU2aYD" "@RealClearNews: After years of fanfare, will #DonaldTrump run? @RebeccaGBerg reports: http://bit.ly/1K5lvFd http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFikpd3WoAAu4NR.png" "@AB_CutRock: AIR FORCE TRUMP: The zillionaire pol dishes about Rand, Mitt and Jeb http://dailym.ai/1IQ6BW0 via @MailOnline" "@bamayorgo1: @realDonaldTrump would be better then Jeb Bush" By a whole lot! "@brianjames75: @GOP, don't choke again! Choose America's boldest leader to date. @realDonaldTrump #GoBigUSA http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFt7RxdWMAAgIFX.jpg" "@mjnstn: Very entertaining interview with @realDonaldTrump. Last quote in article is hilarious .. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3093304/On-757-Donald-Trump-dishes-Rand-Paul-Mitt-Romney-100-million-wont-help-Jeb-Bush.html" Thank you. "@kcef35: Best looking building in Chicago @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFuLhgqWYAA5_fH.jpg" "@CahlRStorrie: For my birthday today I'd like to see @realDonaldTrump make it official that he's running for president! #DT2016 #Trump2016" "@2014_vince: @realDonaldTrump strong clear decisive leader needed..vote trump" Thank you! "@SeanlaiC: RT @JeanRalphiooo I would endorse @realDonaldTrump in a presidential run!" "@thedanid: I see you, boss @realDonaldTrump 🙌🏼 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFuZJWjUUAA6Atc.jpg" "@kamwaters: @realDonaldTrump Can't wait for your exciting June announcement! Keep posting videos, they're always informative. #Trump2016" "@CarterDeKeyser: People get so mad when I tell them the only person I would even consider voting for in 2016 is @realDonaldTrump if he runs "@HoboWill: @realDonaldTrump you are convincing me more and more.." That's good news! "@goldregime: I'm sold on @realDonaldTrump, #TRUMP for president!" "@ryanbushby: @realDonaldTrump Announce you're running already! We need you! #Trump2016" I agree, our country is dying! "@TpGraf82: I'm surprised @fox didn't quote all of @realDonaldTrump Hopefully in June they will be quoting you right! #Trump2016" "@DirtyHouseGuy: Why won't you run for #POTUS and just shut all these idiots up once and for all?? Show them how is should be done!!" "@dfberger23: Wait @realDonaldTrump is really running for President? Just saw his campaign site! "@VerumEstLiberta: @megynkelly @oreillyfactor Donald it's all lip flappin till you get serious...Are you in or just playing us?" JUNE!!!! "@DannyLofaro: @realDonaldTrump @megynkelly @oreillyfactor all I have to say is- TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT!" "@turkeyofmurica: @realDonaldTrump @megynkelly @oreillyfactor Competing show!" "@James00549702: @megynkelly @oreillyfactor Sometimes Megyn thinks she has an agenda. It pays to be "humble" & just report the news!!" "@aa_trevino: @megynkelly @oreillyfactor Donald, it's more important for @oreillyfactor to have your views than viceversa, don't sweat it" "@DannyLofaro: @realDonaldTrump @megynkelly @oreillyfactor all I have to say is- TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT!" Stay tuned! "@AlexPascal123: @realDonaldTrump @megynkelly @oreillyfactor Students at New York Institute of Technology are rooting for you Mr. Trump!" I told @megynkelly that @oreillyfactor and I had identical views on a certain issue and she cut it out of the taped interview. Why? Too bad! A strong America creates opportunity and growth. We just need to change Washington. Let’s Make America Great Again! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ On this Memorial Day holiday, we honor our fallen soldiers who have made the greatest sacrifice for freedom. They are our country’s finest. “Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.” – Mark Twain RT @mrv911: @realDonaldTrump From my room - Chicago!!! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFnwA5RVEAAr-Cj.jpg "@BHLiberty @realDonaldTrump I will look forward to your debate performance! I believe this country could use a leader like you! Good luck!" RT @CentralParkNYC: Explore Hallett Nature Sanctuary--normally closed to public--on rare guided tour tmw! http://bit.ly/1HsnAgI http://t.c… Trump Golf Links at Ferry Point: Grand Opening next Tuesday May 26th at 11 AM. Jack Nicklaus will be joining me. http://www.trump.com/Golf_Clubs/Bronx/bronx.asp RT @TrumpDoral: This summer there is no better place to spend a day than at the Royal Palm Pool. http://ow.ly/Nak6n "If I run, and if I win, our country will be great again." - last line of my @SRQRepublicans speech "Our country is not going to have a comeback with any politician." - my @SRQRepublicans speech Audience chanting "RUN TRUMP RUN!" during my my @SRQRepublicans speech! They are going to be very happy... "I said don't invade Iraq from the very beginning." - my @SRQRepublicans speech "I am going to save Social Security without any cuts. I know where to get the money from. Nobody else does." - my @SRQRepublicans speech Via @ABCPolitics by @ajdukakis & @rickklein: "Mr. Trump Goes to Washington And Talks 2016" http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/mr-trump-washington-donald-2016/story?id=31202403 "Many Republicans support TPP. They are stupid. We have stupid Republicans too. We need to keep jobs here!" - my @SRQRepublicans speech "Negotiation is a true talent. It is an art. And our politicians are killing our country b/c they don't have it." - @SRQRepublicans speech "I would triple the sanctions on Iran if the American pastor is not released." - my @SRQRepublicans speech "I make good deals. That's what I do. I would make great deals for our country." - my @SRQRepublicans speech Just received huge applause when I said Berghdal should be sent back to Afghanistan! @SRQRepublicans speech is sold out with record crowd. "Wouldn't it be nice if our government could build a wall on the border under budget and ahead of schedule?!" - my @SRQRepublicans speech. Looking forward to receiving 2015 Statesman of the Year award tonight by @SRQRepublicans. A record 2,000+ sell out http://sarasotagop.com/ Entrepreneurs: In the best negotiations, everyone wins. This is a possibility and it's the ideal situation to strive for. Entrepreneurs: Believe in yourself. If you don't, no one else will either. Entrepreneurs: Be totally focused. Being successful requires nothing less than 100% of your concentrated effort. Just 30 minutes from Manhattan, @TrumpNationalNY is Westchester’s most elite club offering a 7,291 yard course http://www.trumpnationalwestchester.com/ "@JPWV64 @FoxNewsInsider @megynkelly I am with you Mr Trump! I want to make America great again. It can be! Our spirit is not broken" "@mbabramson @realDonaldTrump @FoxNewsInsider @megynkelly Is always nice to listen to you because you answer, and not dodge, the questions!" RT @JeremySWallace: The @realDonaldTrump can expect a soldout crowd in #Sarasota tonight when he gets the "Statesman of the Year Award" htt… Via @RealClearNews by @rebeccagberg: “Is the White House Big Enough for Donald Trump?” http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2015/05/21/the_donalds_presidential_ambitions_126673.html Flashback: “NYers were grateful when Donald Trump finished ahead of schedule and under budget the Wollman Rink” http://www.nytimes.com/1987/04/01/nyregion/trump-reports-large-profit-from-wollman-rink.html "Always be prepared to start.” - @JoeMontana Via @TWtravelnews by Robert Silk: “Renovations make Trump's Doral a showcase once again” http://www.travelweekly.com/North-America-Travel/Renovations-make-Trumps-Doral-a-showcase-once-again RT @TrumpCollection: Who wouldn't love this view of the #BlueMonster while dining at @BLTPrimeMiami? http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFfTwIFWgAE2MOT.jpg "@millersandra88: @realDonaldTrump @MansfieldRA @FoxNews He is the only one who could save us!!" "@RealSQUEZZ: I LOVE @REALDONALDTRUMP BECAUSE HE''S BRAVE, FEARLESS AND HE 'S GOT WILL-POWER TO MOVE AMERICA FORWARD!!! #VoteTrump2016" "@VeryOddDog: @realDonaldTrump VOTE TRUMP VOTE TRUMP VOTE TRUMP HE IS THE BEST VOTE TRUMP SHOW YOU'RE INTELIGENCE VOTE TRUMP TO SAVE AMERCIA "@MansfieldRA: The Q Is Will The @realDonaldTrump Run For President? We Shall Wait And See. @FoxNews" Just watch! "@IPSInvestments @realDonaldTrump The world would be a better place if businessmen like Donald Trump had more say in the day to day business "@FoxNewsInsider: .@realDonaldTrump: 'I Want to Make the Country Great Again' http://insider.foxnews.com/2015/05/20/donald-trump-i-want-make-country-great-again @megynkelly http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFfzuViUMAA9jtv.jpg" "@RBransonNews: Is America ready for Donald Trump as president? http://zipzp.eu/?u=9vc2yy" Why Donald Trump Won’t Touch Your Entitlements: DES MOINES, Iowa—Donald Trump says if he runs for p... http://dailysign.al/1SgtUep" "@MarcoRubioTNews: Is America ready for Donald Trump as president? http://zipzp.eu/?u=9vcnQB" Wayne Allen Root-wow, great words and delivery! "@carrillo_pete: #make America great again. We need a outsider to bring class and discernment back to our nation. We need #DonaldTrump2016" "@RoadrunnerKD: Mr. Trump you are the most qualified candidate. This nation needs your leadership, experience and wisdom. #Trump2016" "@_Snurk: We need @realDonaldTrump to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! ONLY PATRIOTS ALLOWED!! VOTE VOTE VOTE TRUMP" "@631acf83e56d41c: We need change, your the MAN!! You got my vote!! I'll campaign for u in AZ!! Let's do it Trump!! #Trump4Prez #uwillwin" "@obadafidii: Trump: 'I Want to Make the Country Great Again' http://smar.ws/N9SFu #SmartNews" "@CharlesLiva: Thanks @realDonaldTrump , this country needs a real leader, and you are the man! #TRUMPMYPRESIDENT #DT2016 #DonaldTrump2016" "@GappistanRadio: All it will take for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing. @realDonaldTrump you have to run! #Trump2016" "@kissangel864: @realDonaldTrump @kneehighspy trump you know how to get this country moving on the right track. Go ahead and run for pres" "@CharlesLiva: Wishing this moment to come, thanks @realDonaldTrump , I'll vote you #DT2016 #TRUMPMYPRESIDENT" "@Pri. Had a dream that @realDonaldTrump was POTUS and @WarrenBuffett was VP. Our country was finally debt free. Too bad it was only a dream "@kneehighspy: Mr. Trump keep us informed of your presidential bid, we really need some help out here for the common folk! #Trump2016" "@SmokyJacques: @realDonaldTrump waiting on Trump to Pump the economy!" "@YankeeRunnerLV:Whether you run or not(Praying U Do) your getting my vote.I am writing you in if you don't run.Your our best hope #Trump16" "@GoHardYoung: The only way I'm voting for president is if @realDonaldTrump runs" Cute! "@kissangel864: @realDonaldTrump @GameANew put your hat in the ring - I'll vote for you. Get busy trump" "@carrillo_pete: @realDonaldTrump -Trump the players in this presidential race..... #trump2016" "@lunar_kismet15: @champforr @megynkelly he also knows what is like to start from humble beginnings and make it to Wharton business school" "@lunar_kismet15: @realDonaldTrump @champforrest @megynkelly i cant wait to see you on Gregs new show! You get my vote. .@KirstenPowers New book is excellent and so true! Congrats! "@pdk73: @realDonaldTrump I have said for a long time we need a businessman in the White House" "@thomas_tullos10: @realDonaldTrump said he would build a wall on the southern border... Got my vote!!" "@GameANew: @realDonaldTrump Count me in! Anything I can do to help.. #Trump2016" "@HarmonBrew: @FoxNews @megynkelly DonaldTrump #KellyFile Trump is so right about Geller. Megyn, stop advocating for her; its a loser." "@DonnySavaged: I really wish @realDonaldTrump would run for president." "@champforrest: @megynkelly Bringing jobs back from China & Asia is a winning issue. He'll capture the Reagan Democrats. Hope he runs." "@Chris_R_2014: @megynkelly @realDonaldTrump - He would fix this complete mess. America needs Trump. We don't need Obama." "@FCBauman: @megynkelly @realDonaldTrump not if..., now..." "@_marryyy: @realDonaldTrump was right. Correct infrastructure wouldn't even let trains go that fast to then blame it on excessive speed" "@LadyofFe: @realDonaldTrump @megynkelly just watched, love your positive can do attitude." "@luvda24man: @megynkelly @realDonaldTrump plz plz run our country has gone to hell..we need a smart business icon no more political liars!" "@AndyBran: @realDonaldTrump @megynkelly great job Mr. Trump! I will be 100% in your corner if you choose to make America great again!" "@heidimac60: @realDonaldTrump Great job on #KellyFile now I'm BUSTING to know if ur running! ! 👍👍👊👊😰" "@CornWhisky: @megynkelly @realDonaldTrump Pretty much says it like it is." "@DNorrell: @megynkelly shame on Megyn.Trump has more exp than all the candidates combined.Hes the only 1 2 turn this thing around." True! Signing The Facebook Wall- https://instagram.com/p/27R4wrGheI/ I had a great time today visiting Facebook NY. https://instagram.com/p/27RuVkGhd5/ .@megynkelly Will be on Fox now. Watch and enjoy! I will be interviewed on @megynkelly's The Kelly File tonight. Be sure to watch on @FoxNews! Our country has tremendous potential. Together, we can fix Washington. Let’s Make America Great Again! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ Yesterday the White House claimed its ISIS strategy is a 'success.' Tell that to the Christians being beheaded. We need to hit ISIS hard! My @TheBrodyFile int. discussing the persecution of Christians in the Middle East & Religious Liberty & Freedom http://www.cbn.com/tv/4246747370001 My @TheBrodyFile int. from Iowa on how I would build a wall to secure our Southern Border & deduct costs from Mexico http://www.cbn.com/tv/4246585086001 Looking forward to being awarded the ‘2015 Statesman of the Year’ by @SRQRepublicans this Thursday. A record 2,000+ attendees-Can't wait! Via @zpolitics: “Donald Trump Sends Message to @GaRepublicans” http://zpolitics.com/donald-trump-sends-a-message-to-georgia-gop/ Trump Golf Links at Ferry Point is a Jack Nicklaus Signature Design 18 hole course, just minutes from Manhattan http://www.trump.com/Golf_Clubs/Bronx/bronx.asp RT @IvankaTrump: The amazing @serenawilliams helped celebrate the new @TrumpGolfDC tennis center! Read all about it: http://buff.ly/1FvQ3A1… I had a great time answering as many questions as possible in sixty seconds at @facebook NY today- http://on.fb.me/1LlXgmY "@DoomsdayFAN @realDonaldTrump Will make America as successful as his empire! WE NEED TRUMP!" "@iamgavinjame To make America great again we must #THINKBIG & understand that it's #TimeToGetTough on China! @realDonaldTrump will do that! RT @garyplayer: Congrats on being named @EuropeanTour Golfer of the Year and Players' Player of the Year @McIlroyRory. Most deserved http:/… RT @TrumpCollection: An inside look at the construction of the future Trump International Hotel #WashingtonDC, shared by @IvankaTrump http:… What people don’t know about Kasich- he was a managing partner of the horrendous Lehman Brothers when it totally destroyed the economy! I now see John Kasich from Ohio- who is desperate to run- is using my line “Make America Great Again”. Typical pol- no imagination! There is no way my friend Bob Kraft agreed not to appeal the NFL decision without making a deal to at least get something. We love Tom Brady "@GirlCant_helpit: @realDonaldTrump run for President. You'd have my vote https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/600972130470203392" "@Mrs_Batie: @VeryOddDog totally agree that this country is in ruins and needs to be restored back to the way our forefathers intended" "@DoomsdayFAN: @realDonaldTrump President Trump ... has a nice ring to it. Trump2016" Thank you. "@AerielleS: @realDonaldTrump is the key to success." Thanks. "@movieloverjohn: @realDonaldTrump its time 2 run 4 president & #trumpthecompetition" "@TexasArmyMom18: Ready for your interview on #KellyFile @megynkelly enjoyed and watched every interview of yours for #2016presidential" "@sanksharma: @realDonaldTrump is always kicking ass. #theapprentice #trump2016 #TrumpForPresident #NeverGiveUp. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/600928842069467137" WOW, SO NICE AND SO TRUE. THANK YOU! "@not_that_actor: @realDonaldTrump #TRUMP2016 TIME TO RETHINK THE CHOICES http://f-o-l.blogspot.com/2013/11/can-he-make-america-great-again.html" "@RealSQUEZZ: VOTE @Realdonaldtrump FOR POTUS SO HE CAN STOP ALL THESE FAKE-ASS POLITICIANS! A MUST WATCH - TRULY BEAUTIFUL! "@PrivateCaddie: Amazing Turnberry Ailsa course changes from @realDonaldTrump #Golf https://youtu.be/rPRQjC5pY2g" "@marinacitynews: Trump announces soft opening of riverfront event spaces @buildordie_com - http://www.marinacityonline.com/news/trump0520.htm http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFb0-yZUgAE8DiK.jpg" "@greenhousegrown: @realDonaldTrump @DRODELL76 Your my only hope, if you bow out then I am not voting for anyone else!!!" Keep the faith! "@traapgawddd: @realDonaldTrump kick Obamas ass and run for president already." "@DRODELL76: Have never voted in a presidential election but when i do @realDonaldTrump will get my vote! #trump4president" "@Tendraftsdeep: @realDonaldTrump get it on and get this nation back. Kick ass" "@bijobijo: @realDonaldTrump run for president, clear cut, stop the nonsense of current fools." "@BowersAllyson: @realDonaldTrump @DoleFoundation #HiddenHeroes #alleras http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFahJSpUMAEVXSq.jpg" Great champions! "@TBI_ArmyWife: Thank you for a wonderful gathering and for supporting the #HiddenHeroes. Proud to be a Texas Fellow @DoleFoundation" "@jsilva74366572: @realDonaldTrump cant wait til your anouncment . You have my vote . Lets make america great again" "@IslesFan83: @realDonaldTrump I hope you run. America needs it badly." "@TimJonesCFA: 2 minutes 20 in, politicians need lobbyist money.I don't, I have lots of money https://youtu.be/DgfwW7IjjBg @realDonaldTrump 4prez "@Crackmacs: @Brangwyn @inducedcoma I'm still expecting @realDonaldTrump to swoop in and save the day" Stay tuned. "@brianjames75: My prediction: @realDonaldTrump will declare his candidacy near Memorial Day or July 4th. #Symbolism #Patriotic #GoBig" With Sen. Elizabeth Dole & @DoleFoundation Caregiver Fellows. Tremendous people caring for our military & veterans! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFZpcIvUgAA6wWl.jpg Incredible progress at @trumptowerpde – Punta del Este, Uruguay -- the views are going to be fantastic! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFZcdi5UUAA69Yf.jpg “Actions are the seed of fate deeds grow into destiny.” – Harry S. Truman Entrepreneurs: Remember the golden rule of negotiating -- he who has the gold makes the rules. Entrepreneurs: Work on what you will be proud to be associated with. Make your work count. Entrepreneurs: Be tough, be smart, be personable -- but don't take things personally. That's good business. TPP does not stop Japan’s currency manipulation & China has a backdoor to join. It must be stopped. We need to protect the American worker! RT @TrumpDoral: Summer calls for a delicious lunch by the pool. Indulge at the Palm Grill. http://ow.ly/N8zHT Our debt finances China’s military. It's time to get tough – we hold all the cards. Let’s Make America Great Again! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ RT @IvankaTrump: The Terrace at @TrumpChicago is officially open for Summer! http://buff.ly/1A2J1T2 Via @HuffPostPol by @_under_current: “Donald Trump Will End Outsourcing If President” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/lauren-windsor/donald-trump-will-end-outsourcing-if-president_b_7307426.html FLASHBACK via @Reuters from 2004: “Donald Trump Would 'Fire' Bush Over Iraq Invasion” It's called great vision. http://www.rense.com/general54/bushs.htm RT @TrumpDoral: MT @cash8689 Beautiful view of #bluemonster @TrumpDoral location of our #FUNdRange #swing4scholarships #bbcfoundation http:… RT @JenniferJJacobs: “One hundred percent,” Donald Trump tells @DMRegister. “If I run, I’ll absolutely be participating.” http://t.co/NJO36… “Trump: I created tens of thousands of jobs” http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/gop-primaries/242314-trump-i-created-tens-of-thousands-of-jobs via @thehill by @SmiloTweets Remember when Jeb gave Hillary a medal on the 1 year anniversary of Benghazi?! http://dailysignal.com/2015/02/19/conservative-group-brands-jeb-bush-unelectable-giving-medal-hillary-clinton/ Guess he would have invaded Libya too! Host of the @PGATOUR & @CadillacChamp, @TrumpDoral is home to 4 unique courses including the famous Blue Monster http://www.trumphotelcollection.com/miami/miami-golf-resorts.php Congrats to @greggutfeld on his new @FoxNews show! Greg makes great TV and is a terrific guy. RT @TrumpCollection: See why @aboutdotcom included @TrumpChicago on their list of 12 #Chicago Hotel Rooms with the best views: http://t.co/… "@Richard__Lewis: @realDonaldTrump Mr Trump you could become the best POTUS of all time. Your business scorecard speaks for itself." Thanks. "@Bobo_Shields: @realDonaldTrump is living proof that with hard work and dedication, you can accomplish your biggest dreams." "@FlyOSUBuckeye1: "@realDonaldTrump: "@pepsidaisy: @realDonaldTrump #trump2016 #trumpforpresident http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFU66zMUgAE7Zgs.jpg""" "@_chanelelle_: Donald Trump is my inspiration in life @realDonaldTrump love u Donald u the real mvp!!" "@LoriPatriot:Thank you DonaldTrump for speaking the truth & saying what many of us have been. https://youtu.be/t2G6qVhfBOE @seanhannity @FoxNews "@lancebagley1: Great Article, DonaldTrump ISIS in competition w/ Trump #MakeAmericaGreatAgain & Kill Islambies!!! http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/Donald-Trump-Marco-Rubio-Iraq-ISIS/2015/05/18/id/645261/" "@MarkMizzouSteel: I see you @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFU6sMHUsAAo7RD.jpg" "@pepsidaisy: @realDonaldTrump #trump2016 #trumpforpresident http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFU66zMUgAE7Zgs.jpg" "@littlevd23: @oreillyfactor DonaldTrump If Mr Trump runs and becomes the next President you can rest assure he would address them swiftly!" "@shea_leduc: @realDonaldTrump for president and Tom Brady for his VP" Cute! "@pdigiore1: @realDonaldTrump my husband and myself are praying you run for president." Thank you! "@IslesRBYanksFan: "Politicians are all talk and no action". "Lets make America great again". Mr. Trump, for the sake of America, please run "@G87Mac: @realDonaldTrump Pinnacle of Chicago skyline #TRUMP http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFT0hJEUEAAp-dS.jpg" RT @Harut_Arthur: @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFUK4TEWYAAJxFv.jpg .@TrumpNationalNY- a great place! https://instagram.com/p/21ftvDmhRU/?taken-by=realdonaldtrump @TrumpGolf RT @G87Mac: @realDonaldTrump Pinnacle of Chicago skyline #TRUMP http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFT0hJEUEAAp-dS.jpg RT @IvankaTrump: #TrumpHudsonValley is "concrete proof that @realdonaldTrump doesn't stop until it's perfect.” http://buff.ly/1KNHmko @west… Via David Ebner re Stanley Cup & Trump poster: “If you’re going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big” http://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/hockey/canucks-meltdown-signals-long-road-ahead-as-pacific-divisions-power-shifts/article24131421/ Gallup finds Des Moines, Iowa, has the highest community pride (76.5) of any large city. Congrats and I agree--I love the place! @DesMoines "@fackinpeter @realDonaldTrump im ready for u to make america great again" "@somegirl71 @realDonaldTrump Look forward to hearing you every Monday on @foxandfriends. You are exactly what this country needs!!!" "@KhathuEnos ignoring haters and losers is the best medicine of success, build a wall from whatever they throw towards you Sir." "@iamgavinjames politicians have very little real knowledge, & instead are pumped full of political rhetoric by staff. It's #TimeToGetTough" RT @Trump_Ireland: Check out the new addition to our 1st tee! Now we really feel like part of the @TrumpGolf family! @realDonaldTrump http:… RT @TrumpDoral: Great photo! RT @Phorts: Rocking the #BlueMonster @trumpdoral Miami. #goodlivin http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFPRVHIUIAERMDC.jpg Marco Rubio had no idea what he was doing on Chris Wallace show. Said Iraq "was not a mistake." He looked clueless! "@utkarsh_chheda: @realDonaldTrump @Elgianne damn.. a lot of haters follow u...." Haters and losers! "@Rsherfy: @realDonaldTrump @macresslertech @taylorj0103 Mr. Trump I would vote for you, we need to make America great again...." "@Elgianne: @realDonaldTrump Looking forward to your announcement! ❤️🇺🇸❤️" "@macresslertech: RT Via @DMRegister by @brianneDMR:“Trump: Bring back jobs from overseas” http://shrd.by/29zopT Let's Make America Great "@macresslertech: RT @realDonaldTrump: "@taylorj0103: I hope and pray- @realDonaldTrump. http://shrd.by/9TnoKc"" "@AmieeSurratt: Love it! I hope you do run: we need a change sir @realDonaldTrump" "@tokindaddy: @foxandfriends @realDonaldTrump Brian don't try take Trump on with your "wit". He got you beat, hands down!" Brian is terrific "@belllabooo13: @foxandfriends Mr Trump glad to hear you say We are going to make this Country Great Again! Your honest you tell it like it" "@monty3251: @realDonaldTrump ..can't wait til June Mr. President, millions are waiting for you to make this country Great again..." "@belllabooo13: @foxandfriends Donald, like it is! You continue to give us hope! This country needs you! Looking forward to June God Bless! "@anurag7287: @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends you are the best" Thanks. "@Kurt_Sengul: @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends Just run for President Donny, you'd win for sure. 🇺🇸🇺🇸" I will be on @foxandfriends at 7:00 A.M. So much to talk about but not much good news for the U.S.A. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! "@derbitteractor: @realDonaldTrump sen. hillary clinton voted for the war" Wow, ISIS has just taken the City of Ramadi in Iraq. So many of our great soldiers died in originally going after it. Such a waste. "@littlevd2 km @FoxNews Really not surprising....Mr. Trump please end the speculation and make the announcement that your going to go 4 it" "@BombasticSigma: Can you just announce already that you're running for president so I can campaign for you. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain "@dcfoodsafety: Mr Trump - when are you announcing your candidacy so you can clean house on the current candidates? #Trump2016" Stay tuned "@elifourv: @realDonaldTrump You're really the best, Trump!" "@enoeht85: @realDonaldTrump run #tramp run!!!!" "@AwaisM: @realDonaldTrump please run" "@ardow: @realDonaldTrump Jebs got no IQ ... same as his brother." I laugh when I see Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush pretending to "love" each other, with each talking of their great friendship. Typical phony pols Marco Rubio was a complete disaster today in an interview with Chris Wallace @FoxNews concerning our invading Iraq.He was as clueless as Jeb Jeb Bush gave five different answers in four days on whether or not we should have invaded Iraq.He is so confused.Not presidential material! Via @DMRegister by @brianneDMR:“Trump: Bring back jobs from overseas” http://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/elections/presidential/caucus/2015/05/16/trump-bring-back-jobs-overseas/27468129/ Let's Make America Great Again! "@taylorj0103: I hope and pray- @realDonaldTrump. http://www.ktiv.com/story/29083275/2015/05/16/donald-trump-talks-politics-with-siouxlanders" "@cspanPolitics: .@realDonaldTrump remarks at @IowaGOP #LincolnDinner on @cspan http://www.c-span.org/video/?c4537944 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFNXQlqW8AElwu0.jpg" "@1italianheart: We need a real American to run our country and that real man is @realDonaldTrump. Get this country back on track. RT @SCJBretH: While @JebBush is speaking to 100n over in Dubuque town hall, here in Sioux City DTrump talking to 200. @SCJ #iacaucus "@loveb4youdie: Waiting for @realDonaldTrump to announce for president, tired of all these posers" Stay tuned. "@SHAWSHANK5: @realDonaldTrump @AJ_13_Hulton Why not run for president? You are the best for America and the world "@Lunadeapril: @realDonaldTrump @Jnakes77 hehe I totally agree! Donald makes me mad sometimes but I low key adore him!" Noce. "@mec755: @realDonaldTrump @LauraAbokhair Donald Trump could turn this thing around .... WATCH. "@ann_txpurple: @AJ_13_Hulton Go Donald 😄. Saying go for it💥. I think you would make a great President but miss you on Apprentice" "@carrillo_pete: @realDonaldTrump @TheBrodyFile -I'm all aboard the Trump Train. I know it won't derail. 👍" "@thekerikgroup: Here are 14 reasons why @realDonaldTrump is running and doing well: http://www.newsmax.com/TheWire/donald-trump-running-president-reasons/2015/05/15/id/644888/ @NewsmaxTV @Newsmax_Media" "@BSticklen: @realDonaldTrump at your place in Chicago, Love it! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFKEEkaUUAAcS-y.jpg" "@AJ_13_Hulton: Best book I've ever read @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFKEc_QUMAA0h73.jpg" "@Jnakes77: @realDonaldTrump We love u too Mr. Trump even though u make us mad sometimes." Cute! "@MikeRicks: Joining Reagan as POTUS with a star on the walk of fame @realDonaldTrump? #gotmyvote http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFJ21sYUEAA5-jv.jpg" Great. "@TheBrodyFile: Always great to visit with @TheBrodyFile one-on-one with "The Donald" in Des Moines this afternoon http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFJ9x7KUUAEF5j0.jpg" "@LauraAbokhair: @realDonaldTrump You could change this country around!" True and thanks! Today is armed forces day. Thank you to our military service members! I love you all! RT @TheBrodyFile: @TheBrodyFile driving across Iowa right now on way to interview @realDonaldTrump Get ready America. He's for real. http:/… Received a standing ovation in packed house @MorningsideEdu after Sam Clovis intro! Let's Make America Great Again! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFIww3ZWIAA7cQS.jpg "@4kmiddlebrook: DonaldTrump has been Building / Stimulating Cities around the Globe his whole life #WorldChampion #RebuildAmerica" Thanks "@frankgaffney: Tomorrow @realDonaldTrump will be speaking at IA Natl Security Action Summit 1:30pm. Join us.#tcot http://buff.ly/1A7WXLp" I am in Iowa today, great STATE, fantastic PEOPLE! Many speeches, big crowds - all sold out! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Excited to be speaking at @frankgaffney’s @securefreedom Iowa National Security Action Summit tomorrow at 1:30PM! http://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/2015/05/08/the-iowa-national-security-action-summit/?utm_content=buffer7ea37&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer Via @Newsmax_Media: "14 Reasons Donald Trump Is Really Running — and Doing Well" http://www.newsmax.com/TheWire/donald-trump-running-president-reasons/2015/05/15/id/644888/ Looking forward to being interviewed by Sam Clovis tomorrow at @MorningsideEdu in Sioux City at 10AM CT! Let’s Make America Great Again! RT @eScarry: Donald Trump plans on being admitted to GOP debates: "I get ratings" http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/trump-plans-to-be-admitted-in-gop-2016-debates-i-get-ratings/article/2564457 Via @fitsnews by @TaylahhKane: "Donald Trump’s Refreshing Lack Of A Filter" http://www.fitsnews.com/2015/05/15/taylor-donald-trumps-refreshing-lack-of-a-filter/#7uP5dAxcmxozAwL4.99 Via @UnionLeader by @tuohy: “Trump inches closer to a decision” http://www.unionleader.com/article/20150514/NEWS0605/150519454 Excited to keynote of the sold-out Pottawattamie County Republican Party Lincoln/Reagan Dinner tonight! http://www.pottcogop.com/ Leaving now! .@BillRancic Bill, fantastic job this morning on @foxandfriends - you are a total winner and I am proud of you as first Apprentice CHAMP! I cannot believe how bad Jeb Bush looks with his insane answer on Iraq, and then his numerous corrections which made him look even worse. "@SkeeterSpinello:Trump might be the the smartest business man alive.But it's your honesty in your opinions that separate you from the field "@davesportsgod: @realDonaldTrump I hope you decide to really run for President this time. Are you going to make a decision soon?" Very soon "@jsilva74366572: @DurandSentinus - US infrastructure is seriously deficient - anTrump is the only one talking about it !! Lets go Trump !!" "@davesportsgod: @AngieBatlle @realDonaldTrump @HillaryClinton After McCain and Romney, someone with an actual backbone would be refreshing. "@terrisanislo: @ColorMeRed @realDonaldTrump Hey, the man knows how to run a business!" "@jsilva74366572: @GappistanRadio - all these pols are such ass kissing fakes - trump is theonly one speaking truthTrump for pres !!! 2016" "@JDrago28: It was such an honor to meet @realDonaldTrump today in New Hampshire! What a great man! #NH #business http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFAfUy9WIAA0zXQ.jpg" "@dan_numba: @realDonaldTrump @TrumpLasVegas you are the best mr trump" Via @bostonherald by @ ChrisCassidy_BH: "Donald Trump says Jeb Bush is wrong about Iraq" https://www.bostonherald.com/news_opinion/local_coverage/herald_bulldog/2015/05/trump_says_jeb_bush_doesnt_want_to_run Trump Int'l Hotel & Golf Links Ireland (formerly The Lodge at Doonbeg) is a 5 star resort fronting the Atlantic Ocean http://www.trump.com/Hotel_Collection/Trump_Ireland/Trump_Ireland.asp RT @LuxTravelExpert: Top 10 best luxury hotels in #Canada: read http://wp.me/p4d1XU-8Ac @realDonaldTrump @TrumpToronto #luxurytravel http://… RT @rickywill44: #trumpturnberry #golfasitshouldbe http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CDcssgPXIAAwOvk.jpg "@DurandSentinus: Japan has faster trains & better safety. What is wrong with us?? AMTRAK! @realDonaldTrump could easily fix! "@GappistanRadio: Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz are not the answers. America needs Trump to send Hillary packing and make USA great again! “Failure isn’t fatal, but failure to change might be” – John Wooden "@STR8HUSTLING: @realDonaldTrump Donald you would have fired Jeb Bush a long time ago on the apprentice" True! "@OgreUasshole: @realDonaldTrump I can't wait to see you destroy Hillary in a debate!" We must win and make America great again! "@Joe_Hurwitz: @realDonaldTrump WOW YOU ARE GREAT AND YOUR HAIR IS AWESOME" Wow, I love the second part! "@williamgardanis: @realDonaldTrump IF anyone in the GOP field was SINCERE they would ENDORSE DONALD J TRUMP to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" Going to New Hampshire, all sold out crowds. People want real change - POLS WILL NEVER MAKE OUR COUNTRY GREAT AGAIN! I call Jeb Bush the reluctant warrior --- he just doesn't want to be doing this, he is not having fun! Who ever heard of a legal conviction statement “more probable than not” against Tom Brady? Sue them, Tom, and make lots of $. @nfl I hope Tom Brady sues the hell out of the @nfl for incompetence & defamation. They will drop the case against him--and he will win. RT @Spinthemap: @TWrtobin By far @TrumpToronto was stupendous! The service, the smiles, spacious suites, classy ambiance, free magazine dow… You can be an @nfl player with murder charges and not be suspended. Yet with NO EVIDENCE, @nfl targeted Tom Brady. B.S.! Needed: Leaders who negotiate smart trade deals.Only one knows The Art of The Deal. Let’s Make America Great Again! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ Huge Townhall tomorrow at 5PM in the NH Barrington Middle School! Thanks to @straffordnhgop​ for hosting! Let’s Make America Great Again! Looking forward to touring the @sigsauerinc world headquarters tomorrow! One of the top gun manufacturers in the US! #GunRights #TCOT Thanks @renee2i for hosting me tomorrow at the Two International Group! Looking forward to making new friends & discussing #FITN topics. "Donald Trump trademarked Reagan slogan & would like to stop other Republicans from using it" http://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-trademarked-make-america-great-again-2015-5#ixzz3a1ZODT74 via @businessinsider Via @swan_investor by @Forbes: “The Trump Card: Make America Great Again” http://www.forbes.com/sites/bradthomas/2015/05/11/the-trump-card-make-america-great-again/ RT @IvankaTrump: Read all about the new @TrumpGolfDC tennis center! http://buff.ly/1E5qsZb #tennis #SerenaWilliams @serenawilliams http://t… RT @EricTrump: We just completed the 14th hole at @Trump_Ireland - beyond incredible. @TrumpGolf #TrumpDoonbeg. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CE5QsIzWgAAcCxq.jpg "@ajbruno14 Thanks, Old Post Office is hidden treasure, worth the time to visit!" It will be fantastic! My major hotel conversion of The Old Post Office on Pennsylvania Avenue in D.C. is under budget and ahead of schedule. Should be U.S.A. We are rebuilding other countries while our own country is going to HELL. Time to rebuild the U.S.A.! Tell our stupid politicians, ENOUGH RT @TrumpCollection: Sit back, relax and enjoy amazing sunset views from your private lanai at @TrumpWaikiki: http://trumpcollection.co/waikikidining http:/… I am the BEST builder, just look at what I've built. Hillary can't build. Republican candidates can't build. They don't have a clue! TRAIN WRECK just the beginning. Our roads, airports, tunnels, bridges, electric grid - all falling apart.I can fix for 20% of pols, & better Remember, politicians are all talk and NO action. Our country is a laughing stock that is going to hell. The lobbyists & donors control all! The only one to fix the infrastructure of our country is me - roads, airports, bridges. I know how to build, pols only know how to talk! "@mark_esque: @bobby2700 @realDonaldTrump Good point. We just really need your help Donald!" "@BiffDiddle: .@realDonaldTrump This is why we need a real leader in the White House. #Trump2016" "@JoeTorre: #HappyBirthdayYogiBerra! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CEztpmzWgAAlpCn.jpg" Amtrak crash near Philadelphia, train derails -many hurt, some badly. Our country has horrible infrastructure problems. Pols can't solve! Jeb Bush really blew his interview with @megynkelly - should cost him big time. Said he would do the disastrous Iraq war all over again "@James_Taylor78: @realDonaldTrump You'd have my vote!" Great. "@Jaybags9: Enjoying day 1 of my stay in @realDonaldTrump 's hotel @TrumpDoral #ImprovedSinceLastYear #Lovely" "@Stann1s: @realDonaldTrump Wish you were president of the United States would be the greatest time to be living brother. My @bostonherald interview on Tom Brady, Hillary Clinton, the Granite State & Making America Great Again! https://soundcloud.com/bostonherald/donald-trump-joins-morning-meeting-talks-deflate-gate-hillary-clinton-and-more “Polling strong, Donald Trump starting to get serious” http://www.bostonherald.com/news_opinion/columnists/jaclyn_cashman/2015/05/cashman_polling_strong_trump_starting_to_get_serious via @bostonherald by @JaclynCashman Glad the Trans-Pacific Partnership failed in the Senate. Bad deal for American worker & economy! We need SMART TRADE! http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/may/12/democrats-filibuster-obamas-trade-bill/ Via @PRNewswire “Streetsense Brings "The National," a Geoffrey Zakarian Restaurant, to DC's New Trump Intl Hotel” http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/streetsense-brings-the-national-a-geoffrey-zakarian-restaurant-to-dcs-new-trump-international-hotel-300080538.html Via @BreitbartNews: “DONALD TRUMP: ‘RICH PEOPLE DON’T LIKE ME’–POOR, MIDDLE-INCOME PEOPLE ‘LIKE ME BEST’” http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/05/12/donald-trump-rich-people-dont-like-me-poor-middle-income-people-like-me-best/ RT @SportsCenter: Real estate mogul @realDonaldTrump was on SC discussing Patriots' punishment and thinks Tom Brady should sue the NFL. htt… "Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits." -- Thomas Edison Entrepreneurs: Look at the solution, not the problem. Learn to focus on what will give results. Entrepreneurs: Keep the big picture in mind. There are always opportunites and possibilities & thinking too small can negate a lot of them. Entrepreneurs: Be passionate. You have to love what you're doing to be successful at it. "@WilyKayote @LenToddWOR I hope the Don throws his hat in the ring for POTUS. He can't be bought! He said this country is going to Hell" "@enzotorin @realDonaldTrump Trump is the man #Trump2016" "@therealtommydel Trump for President! Tom Brady as running mate?" "@donhewitt3 @RonFromLasVegas People are very naive if they think only the Patriots do this. Had no effect on the game. Go to court" I was proud to be one of Ronald Reagan's earliest supporters. Like Reagan, it's time to Make America Great Again! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3077773/Trump-trademarked-slogan-Make-America-Great-just-DAYS-2012-election-says-Ted-Cruz-agreed-not-use-Scott-Walker-booms-TWICE-speech.html Sue them Tom! #TrumpVlog https://instagram.com/p/2lg3KYGhdj/ RT @TrumpPanama: See how relaxing your trip to #TrumpPanama will be when you visit our Instagram page: http://instagram.com/trumppanama http://t.co/N… What a STUPID deal for Verizon to buy AOL for $4.4 billion. AOL has been bad luck for everyone who touched it. Worth less than $1 billion! RT @ElsForAutism: @AdamsGolf making a difference with #autism support for Ernie Els #GameON Autism Golf Clinic @TrumpDoral today! http://t.… RT @TrumpToronto: We are proud to be nominated again in the 2015 Condé Nast Traveler Readers' Choice Awards: http://cntraveler.com/vote http://… "@strombolijeff: @realDonaldTrump u are the people's hero. TRUMP 2016 you've got my vote!" Thanks. "@ByronYork: Donald Trump is rising in NH, IA. What's going on? http://ow.ly/MOnam" "@ByronYork: In new Bloomberg poll, Donald Trump ahead of Christie Cruz Carson Huckabee Fiorina Graham Jindal Kasich Perry Santorum." One of the dumber and least respected of the political pundits is Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post @TheFix. Moron hates my poll numbers "@delonte3ast: Tom Brady is about to win the next 5 Super Bowls and visit @realdonaldtrump in the White House." Very cool! "@ryan_smith10: @realDonaldTrump for President! 🇺🇸🇺🇸" "@cerrabella: @realDonaldTrump China to build military base in Africa next to critical choke oil transport- zerohedge http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-05-10/china-open-military-base-horn-africa-next-critical-oil-transit-choke-point Why do we always try to destroy our true champions and winners in this country, while at the same time leaving the losers alone? STUPID! People are so jealous of Tom Brady and the Patriots. No court could convict based on the evidence.They can't beat him on the field, so this! Can you imagine, we spend billions of dollars protecting Saudi Arabia and now the King refuses to even meet with Obama. Great leadership! They had no definitive proof against Tom Brady or #patriots. If Hillary doesn't have to produce Emails, why should Tom? Very unfair! "Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives.” – President Ronald Reagan RT @chiksdigscars: Life lessons from @realDonaldTrump Great meeting you sir and thank you for your time & what you do for veterans. http://… Great shot by @KingJames yesterday. Lebron is a tough competitor who delivers under pressure. RT @TrumpGolfLA: Golf Digest Magazine @golfdigest Photo by @golfwat...Instagram photo | Websta http://fb.me/1P6BtcCAB RT @TrumpNH: Come see @realDonaldTrump at the Barrington Middle School on Thursday the 14th! #nhpolitics #FitN http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CEvT2rHUkAEFAI3.png RT @TrumpCollection: Starting the week off with a little travel inspiration. Hello, @Trump_Ireland! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CEvDQtPWIAIlcO4.jpg “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” - Theodore Roosevelt "@KyndalBass Thank you Jill, Marlon, & all @TrumpChicago for the amazing & personal service. #Chicago'sBestHotel #Trump2016" Thanks. RT @Max_Fehrs: Awesome round Ferry Point yesterday. Great work @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CEuUjxWWMAA-qV6.jpg RT @TrumpPanama: #LivetheLife at Trump Panama! See more on our Instagram: http://instagram.com/trumppanama/ http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CEq3moGWMAAX7Yh.jpg RT @JimmyHanlin: How's this view??? Wow. @TrumpGolfLA @SportsTimeOhio @18HolesJHanlin @everyoneintheworld should see this!! http://t.… "@MrTonyRoberts1: greatest country on earth, The United States of America need a strong leader just like you! You are the best" "@justnise: @realDonaldTrump My man has never voted in an election said he would vote for Trump for President." "@belllabooo13: @realDonaldTrump One of the Best speeches I have ever heard and it was clearly heartfelt!!" Thank you. .@foxandfriends in 5 minutes. Denzel Washington gave a wonderful commencement speech over the weekend. From the heart! A great job by @RickieFowlerPGA in winning The Players yesterday. Finally, your jealous critics can go to hell! Good luck at The U.S. Open. I will be interviewed on @foxandfriends at 7:00 this morning. Plenty to talk about! How come there are no protests in favor of the two young police officers gunned down in Mississippi by two deranged animals. DEATH PENALTY! "@GuyScott33: @realDonaldTrump EXCELLENT SPEECH AT SC FREEDOM SUMMIT! YOU NEED TO RUN! http://www.c-span.org/video/?c4537122/donald-trump-south-carolina-freedom-summit" "@xfile1986: @AdamSmith_USA run @realDonaldTrump run!!! 🙏🏻" "@Ashtonmartintmt: I stayed up to 4 am last night reading a @realDonaldTrump book !!" Great! "@Staton_Flurry: Looking forward to hearing @realDonaldTrump speak Saturday night in Iowa." See you there - record breaking crowd! "@jwpicciotto: @MarkHalperin @RealDonaldTrump pretty shotty math A- + C- = A- Very dishonest reporting by Halperin. He knows - total scam! Happy #MothersDay to all the great mothers out there! https://instagram.com/p/2gdxCoGhYT/ "@WKDojo: @realDonaldTrump just run Damnit......roll Trump roll....kickass" "@Presidency2016: Dr Ben Carson @RealBenCarson will just need to sweat it out until Donald Trump leaves the White House on 20 January 2025." Big crowds, standing ovations in South Carolina - MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! "@williamgardanis: @realDonaldTrump SC Freedom Summit FULL Speech DJT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHnZhEM9-kg" "@MikeSington: Crowd goes wild for Trump at SC Summit! @SteveKingIA:"Trump's in; I know he's in." His Scooby-Doo van: http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CEpI0GdUIAEm8de.jpg "@GOPJim_Davis: @realDonaldTrump Thoroughly enjoyed your speech in SC." Thanks Jim. "@4kmiddlebrook: @realDonaldTrump has been stimulating Cities all over the World Plowing through political BS his whole life. #Trump2016" "@DRUDGE_REPORT: Trump To Blast Trade Pact In Radio Ads... http://drudge.tw/1byn6Y1" "@foxandfriends: .@kilmeade takes a stroll with @realDonaldTrump http://bit.ly/1zFa06A" "@hdfxdx01: @realDonaldTrump Are you announcing your run for president? You are Americas last hope!" Stay tuned! "@therealTMac11: @NRA Non-hunters don't get it. The Hunting community raises over $2billion dollars annually for conservation. #googleit" "@StephanieKrista: @realDonaldTrump THANK-YOU!!! I hope you are running for POTUS! Got my vote!" "@therealTMac11: @florianooke @Toxmaster @NRA The Elephants in Zimbabwe are so abundant that they are devastating the National Forest." "@therealTMac11: @florianooke @Toxmaster @NRA Bc the Elephants are so many, The Safari Club pays for water wells to keep them alive." "@LynneLeach: @realDonaldTrump you can make U.S. great by running for POTUS! You have my vote a million times over ☑️" "@laurenthomasx3: Excited to hear GOP candidates at the Freedom Summit today in Greenville, SC! See you soon @realDonaldTrump" My two sons, Eric & Don, have long been expert hunters & marksmen @NRA. They go on safaris & give animals to the poor & starving villagers! .@tuckercarlson is doing a really good job on Fox, especially when talking politics. He has come a long way fast! Leaving for the GREAT STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA now to make a speech about how to MAKE OUR COUNTRY GREAT AGAIN! "@JackPaalay: @realDonaldTrump The King of Turnberry! Fabulous!" What an amazing place! "@johnny4a: Envision It: DonaldTrump is Prez, @ElonMusk sends ppl 2 Mars by @SpaceX and ppl drive his @TeslaMotors electric cars #Trump2016" .@nyrangers did a great job of winning tonight - played like champions! "@4kmiddlebrook: @realDonaldTrump #Bigger #Better #Stronger #Faster #Smarter #Richer #WINNER #Trump2016 @FoxNews @oreillyfactor @TheFive" "@kittreantanner:More interviews, Mr Trump. The more you talk @ what you would do if president, the more people want to hear MORE from you." "@vctr67: @realDonaldTrump Mr. Trump. Please run and save this country from going to hell. You got my vote." Thanks. Thank you @ASavageNation and keep up the great work! Great job tonight @ericbolling #TrumpAdvice https://instagram.com/p/2b-WfDmhZg/ “Keep a good attitude and do the right thing even when it's hard. When you do that you are passing the test.” - @JoelOsteen I've dealt w/politicians throughout the world. My deals are multi-faceted transactions which involve many issues. I know the process & win! Tom Brady would have won if he was throwing a soccer ball. He is my friend and a total winner! @Patriots A strong military makes us respected by our allies & feared by our enemies. Let’s Make America Great Again! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ RT @CherryWine_: @realDonaldTrump Trump Chicago taken from Wabash and Wacker by a young Real Estate Professional #LookingGreat http://t.co/… Via @fitsnews by Will Folks: “’THE DONALD’ REBUKES OBAMATRADE” http://www.fitsnews.com/2015/05/07/the-donald-rebukes-obamatrade/ RT @TrumpWaikiki: Splendid sunset view from @TrumpWaikiki. Wish you were here! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CEgX0zZUgAAODHS.jpg “Iowa hirings suggest Donald Trump serious about 2016 White House bid” http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/may/6/donald-trump-serious-about-2016-white-house-campai/ via @WashTimes by @SethMcLaughlin1 Via @Newsmax_Media by “Donald Trump: Don't Give Obama Fast-Track Trade Authority” http://www.newsmax.com/Politics/Donald-Trump-Trans-Pacific-Partnership-fast-track-Obama/2015/05/06/id/643018/ Via @ArabianBusiness: “@IvankaTrump eyes new projects in Abu Dhabi” for Trump Organization http://www.arabianbusiness.com/ivanka-trump-eyes-new-projects-in-abu-dhabi-591826.html RT @NickSalman_RAK: @realDonaldTrump stunning morning at MacLeod House! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CEeAlyrXIAAfPO0.jpg RT @Heloglider: @realDonaldTrump Trump Chicago taken from S-76 cockpit. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CEe7b0vWoAER2re.jpg "@Karentalk: @foxandfriends @kilmeade WE KNOW YOU ARE A PATRIOT..WE ARE GRATEFUL FOR YOU..YOU LOVE AMERICA..AMERICA LOVES YOU." "@OliverBooks: Best thing about this fight is randomn celeb sightings so far Tom Brady, Donald Trump, Justin Bieber" Big letdown fight! "@DRUDGE_REPORT: Trump To Blast Trade Pact In Radio Ads... http://drudge.tw/1byn6Y1" "@Newsmax_Media: Donald Trump: Don't Give Obama Fast-Track Trade Authority http://ift.tt/1EhKJva" "@foxandfriends: .@kilmeade takes a stroll with @realDonaldTrump http://bit.ly/1zFa06A" .@kilmeade It was great being with you on @foxandfriends this morning. So many people saw and loved the piece. Great work! RT @LuxTravelExpert: Top 10 best luxury hotels in #NewYork: read http://wp.me/p4d1XU-1ex @realDonaldTrump @TrumpNewYork #luxurytravel http:/… #TBT With my friend @muhammadali https://instagram.com/p/2ZG2p0GhUQ/ RT @ericgaydos: You built a pretty awesome building/mirror in #Chicago, @realDonaldTrump & @BillRancic! http://pbs.twimg.com/ext_tw_video_thumb/596375316182003713/pu/img/gShAhe0ydZh0A-cc.jpg Huckabee is a nice guy but will never be able to bring in the funds so as not to cut Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid. I will. I was the first & only potential GOP candidate to state there will be no cuts to Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid. Huckabee copied me. If I run, I will be in all the primary debates and you will see why I am the only one who can Make America Great Again! "@klo211 @foxandfriends @kilmeade @realDonaldTrump Donald you keep saying you could fix this country! That would be great. Then run!!!" "@jrondatampier: If Obama isnt able to solve Baltimore´s issue, no chance to solve China´s & OPEC´s abuses. The World asks for leadership! "@FiveStarMagazin: Trump Collection is planning hotels in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Doha and KSA #AHIC2015 @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CEZzy1fVAAESGP9.jpg" "@bjamin021: @foxandfriends @kilmeade 2016 @realDonaldTrump for President - YES!!!" "@jillian2u2: @foxandfriends @kilmeade I'd vote Trump,he's strong. He said," First I'd build a Wall at border" Fire Weaklings in DC too !" "@joannepascal: @foxandfriends @kilmeade @realDonaldTrump #TheDonald HAS MY VOTE......PLEASE RUN FOR PRESIDENT" The United States needs great deals - and fast. We have to make our country rich again in order to MAKE OUR COUNTRY GREAT AGAIN! "@Moseph81: “@CeIebHomes: Donald Trump's beach mansion is the biggest thing I've ever seen 😳 http://twitter.com/CeIebHomes/status/595795199168815105/photo/1”" Another great deal! "@TOLEDOSNOW: You should run for president Mr. Trump! You're a great man and I would love to see what you could do for the United States!" .@Franklin_Graham: Great job on @foxandfriends this morning. You beautifully stated what most people are thinking! Say hi to all. #TrumpAdvice https://instagram.com/p/2WwjwvGhYh/?taken-by=realdonaldtrump RT @LinksofIreland: Add @Trump_Ireland to your trip & see why @realDonaldTrump bought this spectacular property. http://www.linksofireland.com/classic-south-west/4584082068 htt… RT @IvankaTrump: A golf course ten minutes from Manhattan with a view of the skyline? Sign us up. http://buff.ly/1KLRpan http://t.co/zvDbaN… Via @DailyCaller by @AlexPappas: “Donald Trump To Blast Obama Trade Pact In Radio Ads: ‘A Bad, Bad Deal’” http://dailycaller.com/2015/05/06/donald-trump-to-blast-obama-trade-pact-in-radio-ads-a-bad-bad-deal/. RT @dothedaniel: @vincentko @TrumpToronto @America_Toronto Vincent, the food and atmosphere are amazing. One of my favourite places in Toro… Via HT Politics http://politics.heraldtribune.com/2015/05/05/trump-to-get-local-gops-statesman-award-again/ RT @GregsBMC: Trump Chicago on a sunny, spring day @realDonaldTrump #Trump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CEVuQiOUEAA9MJC.jpg RT @LimitGovt: Join Donald Trump and tell Congress to stop Obama's bad trade deal! http://action.getliberty.org/17204/tell-congress-no-fast-track-obama/ http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CEVejfVWEAE8iCr.png RT @HIPHOTELIER: Looking forward to #CheckingIn to our #suite at @TripAdvisor's #1 #Hotel in #Canada #tonight | @TrumpToronto @TrumpCollect… RT @IvankaTrump: The Trump family and @serenawilliams joined forces to open the new @TrumpGolfDC tennis center. Read all about it: http://t… "@AyrshireChamber: We got a look round the work being done at @TurnberryBuzz Looking great! #Ayrshire #Wellconnected http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CETykUbWYAAZK7H.jpg" "@ShalontaBowman: Without a doubt, donaldtrump is the most logical choice for President. You'd be the only competent candidate. We need you! "@PaleoBuilder: After I complete reading @Schwarzenegger autobiography I will read your book; Trump Never Give Up. You're an inspiration !" "@atmaxh: Please run @realDonaldTrump! With your toughness and business experience you can put this country back on track!" Very true. "@NotNotTildaSwin: @realDonaldTrump Sir. With all dew respect, you OWE it to the American ppl to do ultimate SACRIFICE be the Man & RUN." "@michaelhenry123: .@KatiePavlich is trying hard but apparently DonaldTrump is not looking to engage." No idea who she is, sounds dumb! "@NickDallman: @realDonaldTrump You're the most logical person I follow on Twitter!" "@kristofer_clark: @realDonaldTrump Get into office and tell CONgress "You're fired!" #trump2016 #timeforPROgress" "@theJoannaRyan: @realDonaldTrump a man's children speak much of him. U have raised them well & will represent us well. U will win." Thanks. "@zrill: @realDonaldTrump just confirm your intention and lets put the matter to rest, will you run? #Trump2016" Watch. "@DeanPreston76: Time for you to tell @BarackObama 'You're fired!'. #TrumpForPresident2016 We need someone who loves America in office!" "@MasterBaxter8: I want to see a man that's not a career politician in office. America FORGOT what a great leader can do! #fixtheUSA" "@cjwthefishermen: @realDonaldTrump "I will."" "@DavidNYCT: @realDonaldTrump We will!" "@tegodreaux: You didnt build an empire on Hope you built it on Hard work and dedication. Balancing budgets and making profits. RUN SIR !" "@rae_ring: @realDonaldTrump I'm With Trump All The Way!!!" "@baberuth99: We've got your back Mr. Trump! we're not politicians (all talk and no action). just let us know what you need us to do." "@johnborntoride: @realDonaldTrump got my vote! Need a real leader n a business man! No more corrupt politicians" "@VandaMan86: You have conquered so much in business. Your children will carry on your legacy. Now make America great again!!!#trump2016" .@PamelaGeller is a total whack job who doesn't have a clue. Don't provoke the enemy, go get them and make them pay. No signals, just do it! "@ShalontaBowman: @realdonaldtrump You are my hero! I know you would be the greatest president to have ever set foot in office! Thank you. "@FlyOSUBuckeye1:Really hoping you announce a 2016 run soon! @Ford building more factories in Mexico! #EatingOurLunch http://www.autoblog.com/2015/04/20/ford-plants-mexico-official/ "@velvet2708: @realDonaldTrump @kristinkgl @megynkelly I'll vote for trump in a heart beat. Not a politician but a very smart man" True. I hope all of the many thousands of people who are asking me to give up so much and RUN FOR PRESIDENT will fight hard for victory if I do! "@RKornackiPSU: @realDonaldTrump See you Saturday in Greenville, SC to hear more!" Great. "@Draper33Paul: @realDonaldTrump I agree" "@WWlood13: @realDonaldTrump for president!! Run and you got my vote." "@ValetaSue57: @realDonaldTrump DT please get in the race for President" "@kristinkgl: @megynkelly At this point I'm voting for Trump! @realDonaldTrump" Very smart! Our country must get very strong and very tough - and fast, before it is too late. We have zero leadership and never WIN! We want victory. "@blissgal: @realDonaldTrump @BrielleZolciak Trump for President !!!!" "@AaCeallaigh: Please run Mr Trump. @realDonaldTrump @AAcrowellt" "@AAcrowellt: @realDonaldTrump he is the best person for the job" "@RUSHLvR1: RT "@AAcrowellt: @realDonaldTrump if you run for president im voting for you" Great. I am dying for Donald to run and win#" "@HaleighBrick: @realDonaldTrump See you on the 16th! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CERur9ZW8AEywMw.jpg" I look forward to seeing you! "@AAcrowellt: @realDonaldTrump if you run for president im voting for you" Great. "@tiaffo: @realDonaldTrump @TrumpWaikiki Yes... ALL the WIN!...." RT @TrumpWaikiki: Happy #CincoDeMayo from @TrumpWaikiki, where gourmet nachos are served with an ocean view! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CERPmAHXIAAtnQI.jpg Trump International Golf Club Turnberry, Scotland has been home to four of the greatest Open Championships in history http://www.trump.com/Golf_Clubs/scotland/Turnberry.asp “There can be no liberty unless there is economic liberty.” – The Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher Follow @TrumpNH for all the updates on my New Hampshire political activities. Looking forward to returning to the Granite State on May 14! RT @MeganAlexander1: A great chat with @realDonaldTrump about politics, #PamelaGeller and possible #WhiteHouse run? @InsideEdition http://t… At the foot of Whitestone Bridge in the Bronx @TrumpFerryPoint offers fantastic views of the Manhattan skyline http://www.trumpferrypoint.com/ I am thrilled to share that the Trump Home furniture collection by @doryainteriors, just opened a new… https://instagram.com/p/2T74TcmhRX/ RT @PureBeautyTO: Show her you care this #MothersDayWeekend #mothersdaygiftidea #MothersDay @PureBeautyTO @TrumpToronto 💕 http://t.co/FHNEK… Great story on @TrumpToronto in @globeandmail about our new Sky and Wellness Suites: http://bit.ly/1EJhVAg RT @TrumpDoral: We have the recipe for the perfect Cinco De Mayo: http://ow.ly/MxeUi http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CEP_U6tUsAAMgvU.png RT @TrumpPanama: Enjoy a behind the scenes look at #TrumpPanama on our Instagram: https://instagram.com/trumppanama/ http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CEPxm6qWoAASU_L.jpg There is incredible progress on the site of Trump Tower Punta del Este, Uruguay, situated on the sands of Playa Brava http://www.trump.com/Real_Estate_Portfolio/Punta_Del_Este/Trump_Tower_Punta_Del_Este.asp Our spa @TrumpSoHo gets a nice write-up in @DETAILS: #gotmilk RT @TrumpWaikiki: Six stories high, @TrumpWaikiki's Upper Lobby overlooks the lush greenery of Fort DeRussy Park. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CEMTYwTUIAA7X0W.jpg RT @landbhotels: It's official: @TrumpToronto's truffles are to die for. And so is the rest of this posh luxury hotel http://dld.bz/dzjfH "@puppyslug: @realDonaldTrump You will Save this country. No one can beat the stupdity bettor then you. YOU ARE THE MAN! #2016" "@mindfreakeuropa: @realDonaldTrump @steveman905 I concur! Donald please run, the country needs you!" "@mortimerzilch: @realDonaldTrump @steveman905 we don't know if Hil will get the Dem nomination. But Donald gives me hope. "@steveman905: @realDonaldTrump You really need to commit to a presidential run. You can beat Clinton!" The only one that can! What would you do if a large group of Muslims had a very public meeting drawing horrible and mocking cartoons of Jesus? Oh really, be cool! "@HGswiney: Time for @realDonaldTrump to make his big announcement about how he's going to put this country back on track!! #Trump2016 🇺🇸" "@JoshGundle: @realDonaldTrump Time we had a real president who gets things done. Cheers to the JFK of the 21st century! #Trump2016" CUTE! "@tlfordxx: @AnnInquirer @realDonaldTrump ~~~Amen Ann..." "@meltsch: @realDonaldTrump @peenerad What a sad lineup the republicans have, most we never heard of . They have nothing to inspire us." "@Antonio_Annesi: @realDonaldTrump You have done an incredible job of building an empire in the country! #Trump2016" Thanks. "@xoleahjackson: @realDonaldTrump SO true! Much love Donald❤️!" "@dcfoodsafety: Mr.Trump, I tell people I am voting for you. When are you gonna make the announcement so people will start believing?" WATCH The U.S. has enough problems without publicity seekers going out and openly mocking religion in order to provoke attacks and death. BE SMART "@TheButteryOne: @realDonaldTrump Oh god. I agree with you." "@colemandonna61: @realDonaldTrump SO TRUE DONALD !!!" "@peenerad: @realDonaldTrump It needs to be done, Donald, these Republican GOP Candidates, just do not pass mustard. #Trump2016!!!!" True! Nobody would fight harder for free speech than me but why taunt, over and over again, in order to provoke possible death to audience. DUMB! "@_jacobsanders_: @realDonaldTrump cruising through downtown Chicago. Beautiful building! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CENGpKBUIAAHDbS.jpg" "@Stephanielk1: @realDonaldTrump please save our country!" "@patmc454: DonaldTrump Quit lolly gagging! Announce you're running already! We need someone with a brain to be the leader of the free world "@vargo0515: I believe its going to take that kind of tenacity, & business sense get, AMERICA back up, and politicians have done nothing! #MayThe4thBeWithYou--- here is when Darth Vader and I did some firing- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deIC2w3KHnk With 46-stories and 391 beautiful rooms, @TrumpSoHo offers a wide array of AAA Five Diamond luxury options http://www.trumphotelcollection.com/soho/ Thrilled to hear that @RakutenTravelJP has awarded @TrumpWaikiki the 'Rakuten Diamond Award' for the 4th consecutive year! Congrats! Deportations are “plummeting” http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/apr/23/illegal-immigrant-deportations-plummet-as-obama-am/ while Obama continues to grant amnesty. If elected, I will undo all of Obama’s executive orders. I will deliver. Let’s Make America Great Again! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ Looking forward to @David_Bossie & @RepJeffDuncan’s @Citizens_United Freed Summit in Greenville, SC this Saturday! RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Geoffrey Zakarian to open the National at the Old Post Office Pavilion http://wpo.st/LFfF0 Congress was elected last November to reign Obama in, not to give him ‘fast track’ authority for bad trade deals for the American worker! Via @washingtonpost’s @goingoutguide by @timcarman: “ @gzchef open the National at the Old Post Office Pavilion” http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/going-out-guide/wp/2015/05/01/geoffrey-zakarian-to-open-the-national-at-the-old-post-office-pavilion/ RT @IvankaTrump: Congrats @TrumpWaikiki for winning @AmericanExpress Fine Hotels & Resorts 'Hotel Partner of The Year for 2014' award! Congratulations to @TrumpNewYork and @TrumpToronto for the @WSJ coverage on perks in luxury hotels: http://on.wsj.com/1HUhP9P Our amazing golf course @TrumpScotland https://instagram.com/p/2RGJGTmhdp/?taken-by=realdonaldtrump RT @TrumpDoral: Join us tomorrow for an incredible Cinco De Mayo celebration! http://ow.ly/MtQzr RT @TrumpFerryPoint: Check out this clip & tip with @DukeCastiglione & @MichaelBreed at #TrumpFerryPoint! http://bit.ly/1bW9mGX Cc: @rea… RT @CadillacChamp: When you're good you are good. @McIlroyRory beats 3 players in just one day. Congrats on winning the @WGC_MatchPlay! htt… "@AliWilbur: @realdonaldtrump @robinrn Mr.Trump you can beat all candidates im sure of it. You must run" @foxandfriends "@SFC17972: Hearing you is a great way to start the week! Country needs true leadership.Hope to see your name on the ballot!!"@foxandfriends "@foxandfriends: Coming up at 7:35am/et, @realDonaldTrump joins us live!" "@DavidSBaldwin: @realDonaldTrump will you still be on this hour @foxandfriends? Have been watching but nothing yet..." Yes, 7:30. "@DdEeSsM: This planet would be a more prosperous and safe place if we had the awesome @realDonaldTrump in charge! #donaldforpresident" I will be interviewed at 7:00 A.M. on @foxandfriends - Enjoy. "@fackinpeter: Can't wait to hear what u say on fox and friends tomorrow. hope u talk about how lame #MayweatherPacquiao was #Trump2016" "@gatorfan122752: @realDonaldTrump please run for president. We need you" Stay tuned. "@JLaudner: Republicans are working so my generation can achieve their American Dream: http://bit.ly/1OwbWp1 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain "@RobinRN: @realDonaldTrump What this country needs is unification & direction, & you're the one who can make it happen! Run, Mr. Trump, run "@tide_mann: @realDonaldTrump @TrumpLasVegas 100% agreed!!" I am the only one that knows how to build cities - pols are all talk and no action. Our cities need help, and fast. They are crumbling! "@DillonJQuinn: @realDonaldTrump HOW DO I SIGN UP TO BE A CAMPAIGN VOLUNTEER?!" You will be called! "@MarySmi59722224: @realDonaldTrump please run in 2016!!!" "@hillarysusans: @tedageejr People don't like it when @realDonaldTrump is right." For whatever reason. "@sparklebutt1947: @realDonaldTrump @Packerlegends yes and he WILL bring companies back to the US" True. Just got back from Las Vegas. @TrumpLasVegas Hotel was fantastic in every way, but the fight was a total waste of time. The aggressor lost? "@kerri59: @realDonaldTrump @ZGreekDWstyle please. For real this time. We need you." Do not worry. "@NatashaOwnfan: @RockinJoe1 For me, you are the only one that can do the job right, move the country forward & bring about goodness" True "@BungWilliam: @realDonaldTrump if you dont run for president, i wouldnt vote! #Trumptforpresident" Nice. "@NatashaOwnfan: @realDonaldTrump @RockinJoe1 Just let me know when we can start calling you President Trump, OK I can't wait. Watch. "@ZGreekDWstyle: @realDonaldTrump Please run for president and save us from the fools. Stay tuned! "@RULivingLife: I Agree.!! @realDonaldTrump Anyone who thinks my story is anywhere near over is sadly mistaken- Donald Trump #quote "@ScottFConroy: Kentucky Derby? More like Kentucky Losers! DonaldTrump is only horse in race that matters for America! Strong, fierce, noble "@kyleraccio: @realDonaldTrump @rjispy Yes- Trump wouldn't owe anyone anything. Important!" So true! "@lancebagley1: Be Bold....,And Powerful Forces will come to your aid. But you know this, Trump We're waiting. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@rjispy: @GOP @TeaPartyExpress @FoxNews @TeaPartyOrg -Other candidates need to kowtow to their billionaires, Trump does not have to." "@NatashaOwnfan: @RockinJoe1 I can't wait to find out yes or no, Mr. Trump is so brilliant, great at business, he can run the country"Thanks "@RockinJoe1: @realDonaldTrump your candidacy would hit the GOP like a wrecking ball! Total game changer" Stay tuned! "@TpGraf82: @realDonaldTrump has never rushed into anything! We will wait on you! #Trump2016" "@puppyslug: DonaldTrump: Mayweather is gonna win just like YOU gonna win Presdidency 2016 you R both WINNERS who deliver KNOCKOUTS!" "@PianoBecca: @realDonaldTrump knows what it takes to WIN, just like Floyd Mayweather. He is STRONGER & will overcome the WEAK!! #Tump2016" "@RockinJoe1: @realDonaldTrump Look Mr.Trump, you could have a lot of support but people don't really believe you will run. Just watch! "@AndMySpace: IM NOT SURE IF HES RUNNING BUT I LOVE THE WAY HE CAN TALK&RUN A WELL OILED BUSINESS‼️🇺🇸HE CAN SPEAK SO ALL KNOW WHATS WHAT!" "@lancebagley1: @realDonaldTrump @RockinJoe1 @upsetNavyVet It's not conceited, it's convinced. #Trump2016" "@charleswhite816: @realDonaldTrump @chuckiscool trump is best thing to happen in golf since graphite. Everything 1st class. Thanks! "@chuckiscool: I work for Bridgestone golf and was at 3 of ur NJ courses for demo days this week and wanted to say the courses were great!" "@RockinJoe1: @upsetNavyVet @realDonaldTrump well at least the Donald's arrogance is warranted" So true, thanks! .@FloydMayweather Good luck tonight Floyd. The racial divide in our country is almost at an all-time high - and getting worse every time you turn on the television. "@rjispy: @Sweettea2u Great! All @gop @TeaPartyExpress @TPPatriots @TeaPartyOrg should take the pledge not to vote unless Trump runs" Baltimore had a really tough night - only great leadership can solve the many inner-city problems facing our country. Jobs, jobs, jobs! "@Sweettea2u: @realDonaldTrump If you do not run for president, I am not voting. People need to stop playing games and get real." "@calisunandsurf: @realDonaldTrump @Packerlegends Donald Trump would be an AWESOME president!" .@SheriffClarke Great insight in dealing with the media today. You are a wonderful representative of calm and reason, a real pro! "@CaseHoag: Just spotted Trump Tower in #Chicago. What a presence the building gives to the city! Props to @realDonaldTrump" Thank you. "@Packerlegends: @realDonaldTrump Trump would make a good president because he knows how to make money, not waste it." True. "@pkellyshock: @realDonaldTrump if you don't run I won't vote" "@TonyInOkla2015: @realDonaldTrump @gen_yvette @markus_42 No more RINOs and fence sitters. We want Donald Trump for president !!!!!!" "@BrendelFred: @realDonaldTrump @pam_rugan coolest building in Chicago. Didn't think that was possible. Trump run for Prez, plz" @realDonaldTrump I'm an activist, so I'm used 2 that & I always applaud interest,but the people I know admire Trump" Thank you, nice. "@ColetonEmr: Really enjoyed hearing you speak yesterday. Thanks for coming to the Woodlands! :) 🇺🇸 @realDonaldTrump" Thanks. Plans to build wind farm near Trump Turnberry in Scotland have been dropped. GREAT! @GolfDigest @GolfweekMag @GolfChannel @ESPNGolf .@canoetravel Also, the very obsolete, ugly and expensive wind turbines will never be build in Aberdeen. No longer works. @GolfChannel "@canoetravel: Plans for wind farm dropped at @realDonaldTrump's #Scotland golf resort: http://bit.ly/1DHQ91R #travel #golf" Great news! "@LydiaNeu: @realDonaldTrump enjoying lunch at Trump Tower Grill. Your building is fantastic." "@pam_rugani: My hubby just spent a couple days here for a conference. He said it was incredible! Here's his pic! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CD8htkWVEAEn7tR.jpg" "@Robby_Moreira: @realDonaldTrump If you became President we would immigrate to the United States of America. For sure!" Nice. "@laurenthomasx3: @realDonaldTrump I can't wait for your visit to Greenville, SC May 9th!! Should be a fantastic event." Great. "@gen_yvette: @markus_42 I'd vote for him if he were our candidate. I'd go door-to-do for him, too. I'd feel safe with him as President." "@albo9: @gen_yvette Run Run what are you waiting for? Lots of support out here in york, pa. Willing to set up shop here for you.." Beautiful, thank you. https://twitter.com/MichaelLMoffatt/status/594207453190885376 RT @TrumpSoHo: Thank you for sharing your #bathwithaview, @paulinegk7. It's our #GuestPhotoOfTheWeek #downtown #nyc #hotels http://t.co/l3N… "@SlimShiny82: Never been more excited for a potential candidate as I am with DonaldTrump He is the only person who can beat HillaryClinton" "@StadiumJourney: Take a look at our review of Trump National Doral Miami, home of the @CadillacChamp http://ow.ly/MolEE @TrumpDoral "@jorgey1_1985: @realDonaldTrump if you don't run then HilaryClinton Will WIN and become president, no good candidates on republicans side" "@gen_yvette: @realDonaldTrump Run, Mr. Trump, run!" "@sandersandrew: @realDonaldTrump Donald, you have to do it. It's the only way to save this once great nation." “Trump: ‘Very much inclined’ to enter GOP White House race” http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2015/04/28/264725/trump-very-much-inclined-to-enter.html via @McClatchyDC by @LightmanDavid Thanks! https://twitter.com/JimmyHanlin/status/594206663873171456 Thank you. https://twitter.com/ClassicHarbor/status/594166710447505410 RT @STOashley: Well Mr. @realDonaldTrump you sure know how to pick a spot for a golf course! #gorgeous #TrumpNationalLA http://t.co/b1q4kDm… RT @StadiumJourney: Take a look at our review of Trump National Doral Miami, home of the @CadillacChamp http://ow.ly/MolEE @TrumpDoral … Via @DMRegister by @AP: “Donald Trump talks economy with Republicans in Davenport” http://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/2015/04/30/donald-trump-republicans-davenport-iowa/26650003/ Via @ConroeCourier by @StephenGreen91:“Trump talks 2016 run, jobs at @TXPatriotsPAC” http://www.yourhoustonnews.com/courier/news/donald-trump-talks-jobs-at-texas-patriots-pac-event/article_a5224b16-7244-5fd1-8231-e0f823222d16.html My @KWWL int. from @WartburgCollege discussing how politicians have failed us & Making America Great Again! http://www.kwwl.com/category/130142/video-landing-page?&clipId=11442513&autostart=true Via @qctimes by @EdTibbetts: “Trump: U.S. getting beat up” http://qctimes.com/news/local/government-and-politics/elections/trump-u-s-getting-beat-up/article_a16ca201-dbba-5b79-9447-4be2d7484e10.html Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right. -- Henry Ford Entrepreneurs: Don't tread water. Get out there and go for it. Entrepreneurs: Achievers move forward at all times. Achievement is not a plateau, it's a beginning. If the working, proud and productive people of our country don't start exerting their authority and views, the U.S. as we know it is doomed! Why is no-one talking about the horrible murder of Ana Charle by ex-con thug West Spruill. Gunned down on street, naked. Why no riots here? Billions of dollars spent on Baltimore and it's still a total mess. Leadership is needed, not dollars. Our whole country is going to hell! "@AmadorServer: DonaldTrump, get in the race and shut down the opposition. I'm ready for America to be great AGAIN. #makeamericagreatagain "@robertpatrick @FoxBusiness saying the day Trump declares Mike Wallace will "take him seriously. You mean Chris, Mike was his great father. .@CGasparino Good seeing you. Keep up the great work, never stop! "@fabeshai: @CBSNews DonaldTrump the field looks very beatable for Hillary, Donald should get in the race. He is a true Reagan republican." "@yanicsimard: @realDonaldTrump & @TrumpToronto for the retweet, love your properties and looking forward to your Washington DC new hotel" RT @thatPRgrl: @TrumpToronto "There's always room at the top for the person who’s willing to think bigger" - @realDonaldTrump http://t.co/5… RT @yanicsimard: @TrumpToronto 1st lux hotel in TO w/ underwater music. Followers look for the #TrumpTorontoFlashFriday special rates http:… RT @TrumpDoral: Your weekend plans just got a whole lot more relaxing: http://ow.ly/MiEKT http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CD67FMqUgAA1sLt.jpg RT @TrumpPanama: De esta forma Viva La Vida en @trumppanama see how you will #livethelife #photooftheday #vivalavida http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CD2CcAOWMAALJwe.jpg RT @TrumpCollection: Who's looking forward to @TrumpSoHo's Bar D'Eau opening for the season? http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CD2uX5vWIAAteNo.jpg RT @MattGinellaGC: One of my favorites is about to get better. Looking forward to seeing changes @realDonaldTrump makes to Turnberry. http:… .@ThrillistChi named @SixteenChicago @TrumpChicago one of the “best value Michelin-starred restaurants in Chicago” http://goo.gl/Ia3e4A Congrats @TrumpWaikiki for winning @AmericanExpress Fine Hotels & Resorts 'Hotel Partner of The Year for 2014' award! RT @kwqcnews: RT @KWQCDanielle @realdonaldtrump: "We have to get our country back on track. And no politician is going to do that" http://t… "@BJKizer74: You should run as an independent and kick Hiliary's ass & the wussy Democratic Republicans too! Just say no to RINO's!" "@KeepCalmBC: @TheView is a pitiful shell of its former self! ALL NEW hosts are needed! Just cancel it & put it & us out of our misery!" "@KillingTime2015: @realDonaldTrump @NicolleDWallace @TheView clean house" Not W.G. "@j_middleton7: @realDonaldTrump please get in the drivers seat of this country!" "@WeWantMitt2016: Like a kid waiting for Christmas morning,we're awaiting your announcement in June or July. #Trump https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/593753125300871168" "@Gmandunkley: @realDonaldTrump Hi Donald, spare a thought for little old guy here. I love your hair and wish I had the same." GREAT! .@NicolleDWallace is really hurting @TheView. She is boring, predictable and has zero television "it" - show no longer has ratings, dying! "@615realjg: Donald Trump Is The Only Man That Understands Life Right Now" Thank you. "@markpryceagee: I believe Donald Trump would be the best candidate to run for president under the Republican Party. #Trump16" I do also! "@ghostlyprep: @realDonaldTrump is amazing 👌🏻 you can tell me he's not when you're as successful as him" "@circuspony2: @realDonaldTrump Did you see all the whites that were robbed & assaulted during the riots, Mr President? #Trump2016" I have been a guest on The View many times when it was successful show. Now the show is dying for lack of ratings. Too bad! They now say using the word "thug" is, like so many other words, not politically correct (even though Obama uses it). It is racist. BULL! "@SAlmashaifari: Donald Trump All American Billionaire FULL https://youtu.be/0RHkZ5Ct-9s via @YouTube" Wow, so nice - thank you! "@1MuskyHunter: @realDonaldTrump we need your leadership in this country now, please enter the prez ring. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CD0FAeyWIAA2HRo.jpg" "@StaceyLambright: I had the pleasure of meeting @realDonaldTrump and hearing him speak a few times. We need to see him on the 2016 ballot!" "@Djscotter: @IowaGOPer @realDonaldTrump Thank YOU Donald J. Trump for your thoughtfulness. "@DrJackFriedman: I'm so glad you are in it to win it. America needs to turn a profit. Enough with clueless, corrupt, bonehead politicians. "@KAWSTEEL: @TrumpDoral @realDonaldTrump @BrendaRigney just home from awesome buddies trip to #trumpdoral! Great job" Thanks! Incredible handheld video of the Las Vegas Strip in 1969. The skyline looks better with @TrumpLasVegas! http://goo.gl/lmLAQH Thank you @TrumpSoHo @TrumpNewYork for helping me celebrate #agreatcause @MarineCorpsLEF while accepting the Commandant’s Leadership award! RT @TrumpWaikiki: Custom Trump Kids activity books & whales welcome @TrumpWaikiki's littlest guests upon arrival http://bit.ly/1ixXz3H htt… RT @globegazette: The @realDonaldTrump gives business lessons @WartburgCollege in Waverly, Iowa, http://bit.ly/1Eq480c #politics http://t.… Met a big fan today! https://youtu.be/EDiFdIPHAE0 "@JackMcKJr @realDonaldTrump exactly why good mentors are so important, thanks for doing your part!" "@RutNastiti: Meet your #1 fan from Waverly, IA: Shay Doyle.He looks up to you & hopes to be the next Trump https://youtu.be/rVg1xfPLzd8" RT @IvankaTrump: Golfers of NYC, get excited. @TrumpFerryPoint is now open: http://buff.ly/1PXRryB @TrumpGolf http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CDyAKltWYAA1sfF.jpg RT @roedigerj: Great meeting @DukeCastiglione touring and filming @TrumpFerryPoint today. Thanks for stopping in. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CDuaWBzW8AAp9VP.jpg RT @IvankaTrump: The amazing @serenawilliams helped celebrate the new @TrumpGolfDC #tennis center! Read all about it: http://t.co/vKsEBnsQI… "@RichardIrace @TrumpDoral @realDonaldTrump Great property! We had an amazing conference here last week!" Thanks. RT @TrumpDoral: Lovely! Enjoy your stay. RT @BrendaRigney: Beautiful vista spot @TrumpDoral in #Miami http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CDt8pLyUUAEzpyK.jpg I am going to Iowa today - sold out crowds. People don't want our country ripped-off anymore. Must stop now! "@MLawts12: If @realDonaldTrump doesn't run in 2016 the country is screwed" I agree! "@LynusCantwell: The world is laughing. Obama is a joke. No Hillary the sequel. Run Donald please. We need no nonsense leadership." "@jtruelove713: If @realDonaldTrump runs for President I will VOTE for the First time ever. Until then..........." I wonder what the rest of the world is thinking about the United States as they watch the disgusting and out of control Baltimore riots? Hopefully there won't be any problems in Baltimore tonight. Be calm, be cool-do not let anybody get hurt.There is just too much to live for! RT @TrumpToronto: Get comfortable with top-of-the-line signature programs offered by @TrumpCollection: http://www.trumphotelcollection.com/toronto/luxury-hotel-programs.php RT @TrumpCollection: .@TrumpDoral's brand new event spaces are ready to host your wedding: http://trumpcollection.co/doralweddings http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CDsrBU2WMAADbcC.png RT @TrumpDoral: There has never been a better time to visit, and The Ultimate Doral Experience Package gives you the best for less! http://… RT @TrumpCollection: Take a virtual tour through The Spa at @TrumpChicago to see the luxury that awaits: http://trumpcollection.co/spatourchi RT @TrumpDoral: Enjoy your stay! MT @sallyannscooke: Beautiful morning in Miami. Stunning property @realDonaldTrump @IvankaTrump http://t.c… The best social program, by far, is a JOB! Our jobs are being taken away from us by China and many other countries - incompetent leader. President Obama, you have a big job to do. Go to Baltimore and bring both sides together. With proper leadership, it can be done! Do it. Our country has to come together. We have to start working with, and really liking, each other. The whole world is watching Baltimore. "@Vanderpunked: Can we drop @realDonaldTrump off in the middle of #Baltimore so he can show Obama how it's done?" I would fix it fast! The Mayor of Baltimore said she wanted to give the rioters "space to destroy" - another real genius! Now that the ineffective Baltimore Police have allowed the city to be destroyed, are the U.S. taxpayers expected to rebuild it (again)? Our great African American President hasn't exactly had a positive impact on the thugs who are so happily and openly destroying Baltimore! Blatant and rampant property destruction in Baltimore as the police stand by and watch. Should be a lesson on how NOT to handle riots. SAD! Wow, 15 policemen hurt in Baltimore, some badly! Where is the National Guard. Police must get tough, and fast! Thugs must be stopped. #TrumpAdvice https://instagram.com/p/1_lMyZmhUq/ RT @NH_PoliticalRpt: @steinhauserNH1 The @realDonaldTrump says “I’ve made up my mind." #nhpolitics #BREAKING http://zocle.us/Co4t http://… "@Eileenkelly14 @WMUR9 @NewEngCollege For those saying it's not crowded, you didn't see the people on the balcony and crowded outside." Via @bostonherald by @ChrisCassidy_BH: “Trump: `The last thing we need is another Bush'” http://www.bostonherald.com/news_opinion/local_coverage/herald_bulldog/2015/04/trump_the_last_thing_we_need_is_another_bush RT @seajay2uk: View from 12th Medal Tee at Trump Turnberry Golf Course @realDonaldTrump @VisitAyrshire @AilsaCraigrock http://t.co/UAcCJufr… "@woofeous @WMUR9 @NewEngCollege Business leaders such as Donald could easily teach students more in one-hour than in any semester." RT @WMUR9: Half hour later @newengcollege students still interested in what @realdonaldtrump has to say #fitn #nhpolitics http://t.co/ay9N… RT @NHPSC: Overpacked room for @realDonaldTrump at the @NewEngCollege Town Hall #fitn #nhpolitics #NHPSC RT @necprof: @realDonaldTrump takes the podium in a packed room @NewEngCollege #fitn #nhpolitics http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CDnz-T2WgAAAhUC.jpg My @msnbc int w/ @krystalball at #WHCD on my 2016 timetable, saving Social Security & Making America Great Again! http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/watch/trump-shares-presidential-plans-434457155598 "@BackOnTrackUSA @realDonaldTrump @PageSix @Mohris Semper Fi Donald !!!!" ICYMI, via @PageSix by @Mohris: “Donald Trump honored at Marine Corps charity gala” http://pagesix.com/2015/04/24/donald-trump-honored-at-marine-corps-charity-gala/ RT @IvankaTrump: One of the most magical places in the world -- @TrumpScotland! http://buff.ly/1KnF6Rg #TrumpGolf @TrumpGolf http://t.co/bp… RT @SpectacularScot: @Culzeancastle and Ailsa Craig on the Firth of Clyde, South Ayrshire near @realDonaldTrump Turnberry golf resort. http… Nobody but Donald Trump will save Israel. You are wasting your time with these politicians and political clowns. Best! #SheldonAdelson "@haroldrschmidt: @realDonaldTrump @AndyBran @foxandfriends yep when guns are outlawed only outlaws have guns" "@ceovince: There's only one person that can make this country what it once was... and that person is @realDonaldTrump #TRUMP #Champion "@spirtualhappy: First thing I see when I log unto twitter is @realDonaldTrump #goodmorning trumpy" Great. "@mrsabh: @realDonaldTrump well...you would have the hottest First Lady ever. #Godspeed sir." "@dusty_radio: @realDonaldTrump U wouldn't leave Americans alone the way O has. I anxiously await your decision!" "@belllabooo13: @realDonaldTrump Thank you! Such a small thing but you make my Day! God Bless you Mr Trump!" @foxandfriends "@williamgardanis: @realDonaldTrump The one who will put American first and not cave in to lobbyists or wimp out to politically correctness" "@jelliottkelley: @realDonaldTrump coming to the SC Freedom Summit!! This event keeps getting better @RepJeffDuncan" "@NH1News: .@realDonaldTrump is coming to NH1 News HQ! Have questions? Reply, let us know, 5pm on @WBINTV #nhpolitics #FITN" RT @sallyannscooke: Enjoying a beautiful morning in Miami. Stunning property @realDonaldTrump @IvankaTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CDmWVbeW8AIgdbZ.jpg "@belllabooo13: @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends Bless you Sir safe trip!!!" Thanks. "@njoh1234: @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends listening...good interview! "@chingaling3: @realDonaldTrump Praying for you, the Mexico situation and your decision to run for President May God guide you" "@belllabooo13: @foxandfriends @realDonaldTrump You always make Monday's better!! Keep telling the Truth and giving us Hope!!" Thanks. "@blayne_troy: @foxandfriends Mr. Trump calls it like it is. HRC should be investigated, prosecuted and put in federal prison." "@AndyBran: @foxandfriends all of the Clinton graft is uncovered by a writer? No agency tracks this type of theft?Out of control" "@TalismanJohnnyA: @realDonaldTrump great segment again today D...great way to start the Monday!" @foxandfriends "@jodi_mae: @realDonaldTrump If you run for president, You would receive my vote!" Will be interviewed on @foxandfriends at 7:00 - 5 minutes. Then I head to New Hampshire, great people! "@artfIopz: Top 10 Celebrities Taking DC By Storm This Weekend:What do Donald Trump, model Chrissy Tiegen and Bradley Cooper have in common? I will be interviewed by @JudgeJeanine tonight on @FoxNews - Enjoy! "@_Sierra03_: Really hope @realDonaldTrump decides to run for president. Would love for my first time voting for president to be for him. "@petemsgt1787: @realDonaldTrump I get why you don't like Goldberg...self-righteous word smithy" True, but with zero talent. @NRO I don't know if Hillary will be able to run, she is a walking time bomb! .@PennyPritzker Really important to cover currency manipulation in trade agreements - that's where China and others are beating us. Best! "@williamgardanis: @realDonaldTrump To fix America requires SUPERMAN but there is ONE BETTER - DJT" We must MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! .@NRO Really important to save National Review from going out of business. We need a true conservative voice! "@Jackson_Tweets: @realDonaldTrump you will cream Hillary Clinton in a debate!" I create jobs and build, but should be able to do just fine! "@ravgames: .@realDonaldTrump Serious question, Mr. Trump: Why don't you like @JonahNRO?" Because he is not good at what he does-@NRO dying "@gmbaku: @realDonaldTrump @littlevd23 @TSRowan Plus fabulous, fantastic, great and tenacious." Love those words. "@DoreenHunns: @realDonaldTrump We need you in the White House. Straighten out all the mess. Set them straight." Watch. "@injebbin: Driving thru major world cities & seeing ur name as a brand on spectacular buildings! Trump won in life. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CDccjg-WAAAHlaz.jpg" "@littlevd23: @realDonaldTrump @TSRowan The word spectacular, magnificent and amazing describe anything Mr.Trump puts his name on!" .@NRO Not much is as "dead" or irrelevant as National Review thanks to guidance of Goldberg, a total loser! Get some real talent or fold! "@bean1227: @realDonaldTrump When are you announcing run #PresidentTrump !?" Stay tuned! "@JGibson271985: @realDonaldTrump @TSRowan I will give you that. Brilliant buildings in the Trump empire." Thank you! "@FuturisticUFO: Are you like another Ross Perot? @RealDonaldTrump @CNN" Bigger, better, stronger and richer! "@Patriotress: @realDonaldTrump @316Place @PGA_com #Trump2016" "@PCS1776: @realDonaldTrump <---- The thinking man's Chris Christie. Tells it truly. Run. Win." "@WeWantMitt2016: The last person a foreign leader would want to sit across the negotiating table from. Good for us. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" .@WayneDupreeShow A fantastic guy! "@316Place: @realDonaldTrump @PGA_com changes at Turnberry makes me want to learn golf. Beautiful!" Thank you, it will be even more amazing! "@JamesDriscolli: Awesome entrepreneurial advice from @realDonaldTrump #TrumpAdvice. That's how "Greats" are made. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CDcTFxbW0AAp-4w.jpg" Congratulations to @DanaPerino on your book going to number one on Amazon. Great book - Great job! How do you take care of our people if you don't make anything? We don't make anything. We are rapidly losing our manufacturing to China etc. "@Hurry2live: #37years @realDonaldTrump finished building of 68-story skyscraper, Trump Tower, in New York. More facts in @Hurry2Live app" "@PGA_com: Check out this amazing video of DonaldTrump's proposed changes to Turnberry: http://go.pga.com/1bmG7Nn http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CDaks0_XIAA-Jvu.jpg" "@AndrePretorius: @realDonaldTrump I am #SouthAfrican and I can say, you are 100% correct. Lately we are starting to live in fear. #notgood" #TrumpAdvice https://instagram.com/p/1374qSGhe8/ RT @mldsphotography: All the roads goes to TRUMP!! @ChooseChicago @ChooseChicagoMx @chitecture #Chicago #MyChicagoPix #chitecture #trump ht… RT @edevon13: @realDonaldTrump @IvankaTrump Great article. Beautiful photos - hitting the links now to perfect my swing - I'll be there! RT @AyrshireGolfSCO: @realDonaldTrump Trump Turnberry Reborn, simply wow! RT @marknessmith: @realDonaldTrump's Trump National-Los Angeles (@TrumpGolfLA): Parallel holes, stunning views http://www.golfcalifornia.com/departments/coursereviews/trump-national-golf-club-los-angeles-rancho-palos-verdes-ca-15191.htm http:… RT @TrumpWaikiki: Amazing sunset views + a table for two on a private lanai @TrumpWaikiki http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CDYQAbiUEAAGg3o.jpg "@ccarlen @realDonaldTrump get that Exploratory Committee to get some bumper stickers out to me!" So nice, thank you. Looking forward to giving keynote speech tonight @ChesterfieldGOP Lincoln-Reagan dinner in Virginia. Congrats to great golfer @Frostpga on his big win last week. Always been best putter. "Frost Wins for Trump" A beautiful article by @IvankaTrump on my newly opened golf course in NYC, Trump Links Ferry Point http://www.ivankatrump.com/trump-ferry-point/?cm_mmc=Twitter_Post-_-040715_trumpferrypoint-_-&utm_content=bufferc3a24&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer RT @KCarrera_: @realDonaldTrump standing tall in the Windy City! #chicago #digital #marketing http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CDVIwauUsAAkOH4.jpg RT @PGA_com: Check out this amazing video of @RealDonaldTrump's proposed changes to Turnberry: http://go.pga.com/1bmG7Nn http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CDVQW4dUgAAe9c5.jpg "@britanniagolf Love the proposed changes for Trump Turnberry's Ailsa Course @realDonaldTrump" Thanks. It will be fantastic! "@FuturisticHub: @realDonaldTrump DONALD TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! MAKE IT HAPPEN!" "@thembazoko1: @realDonaldTrump: get Commandant's Leadership Award from the U.S.Marines yesterday at The Waldorf Astoria - a great honor! "@ChadWeiske: @realDonaldTrump #4prez" "@daveyhubb: @realDonaldTrump @la_loquita rescue our country…" "@dcfoodsafety: @realDonaldTrump Your new DC hotel sign should say future hotel of our next president! #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CDU2rmsW0AAj-f_.jpg" "@rmutt_17: @realDonaldTrump @la_loquita All we need is TRUMP to fix the cuntry!! #trumpisawesome #trumpcard #capitalism" "@TheAlexanderW_:I think your sign would look just as good on the White House as it does on Trump Chicago. #Trump2016 http://twitter.com/TheAlexanderW_/status/591435142477979648/photo/1 "@la_loquita: @realDonaldTrump working hard daily, and waiting for when you announce that you're going to make a run to rescue our country!! .@johnhawkinsrwn Great speaking to you today, we will speak again soon. "@MaxMacGruder: The man who would've kept us right years ago, the man who will put us right in the future. The ONLY real choice. #Trump2016" "@HargraveGlobal: The world needs a leader like @realDonaldTrump !" Thanks. "@JeremyManning36: @realDonaldTrump when do I get my #TrumpForPresident #Trump2016 #presskit #yardsigns" Cute, stay tuned. "@hansel_amarilla: “As long as you’re going to be thinking anyway, think big.” –Donald Trump, The Trump Organization President" "@BillyMoeder: @realDonaldTrump is the only man who can get the job done in the Oval Office #Trump2016" I agree, thanks. "@Barbie_Brooks: “an entrepreneur’s ability to find strength when others want to run, hide, quit...” @realDonaldTrump" "@JarrettMKorn: All faith in the world that @realDonaldTrump is the answer for America, come 2016 is a new beginning! #donaldtrump2016" "@AP_Politics: Campaigning in New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton says the US economy has 'stalled out.' http://apne.ws/1Qb8gXU" @apageor2 Very good, must be tough! "@sragens: @realDonaldTrump on my 2nd trip to Chicago, love your sign on Trump towers!!" #TBT With Steven Spielberg in the old days- a great guy! http://bit.ly/1yUn5ZE RT @HawksBaseball7: Will miss the Trump Doral! You must visit. Great property and amazing service. Be back soon! @realDonaldTrump http://t.… “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.” – Michael Jordan @Jumpman23 It is time for DC to protect the American worker, not grant amnesty to illegals. Let’s Make America Great Again! https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ RT @crowe_brian: Looking up at @realDonaldTrump's beautiful Trump Tower #Chicago #home http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CDS8QTYWIAAbmXZ.jpg RT @JudgeJeanine: Preparing to interview @realDonaldTrump - hear what he has to say Saturday night on #JusticeOnFox! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CDSbIvVUMAE0WV3.jpg "@twincity1982 @realDonaldTrump Please run for President, sir- America needs your leadership !!" Why are the Republicans giving Obama fast track authority for TPP and the Iran agreement?! Obama gets more from the GOP than his own party. Fact – while Jeb was governor & Rubio was House Majority Leader, Florida’s debt more than doubled. Conservatives? RT @coalitionChi: Great view from @TrumpChicago today for the @TheCulturalMile meeting! #Chicago @ChooseChicago #sun #spring http://t.co/Dq… Via @baltimoresun by @ErinatTheSun: “Maryland GOP book Trump for major fundraiser” http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/politics/blog/bal-md-gop-book-trump-for-major-fundraiser-20150421-story.html RT @TrumpToronto: It's not luxury until you experience @Trumptoronto's service. Book your stay at http://www.trumphotelcollection.com/toronto/toronto-canada-hotel-rooms.php and experience #lu… Via @thehill by @HenschOnTheHill: “Trump says US roads are 'falling apart'” http://thehill.com/policy/transportation/239730-trump-says-us-roads-are-falling-apart Excited to be travelling to New Hampshire on Monday. The Granite State is a model for the country. Live Free or Die! “Trump signs lease for a NH office, returns Monday” http://www.unionleader.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20150422/NEWS0605/150429687 via @UnionLeader by @tuohy .@GeraldoRivera Thanks, my champion Geraldo--and very true. RT @GeraldoRivera: Recruit @realDonaldTrump to finish that horrid eyesore Meadowlands Xanadu & cleanup NYs equally horrid Gowanus Canal. Tr… .@ForbesInspector 5 Star & @TripAdvisor #1 Luxury Hotel @TrumpToronto offers style, luxury & impeccable service http://www.trumphotelcollection.com/toronto/toronto-ontario-hotels.php "@AMOakabr: DonaldTrump this country needs you to run... need to teach people what the American Dream is again! Ronald Reagan reincarnated!" "@necprof: @NewEngCollege is excited to host DonaldTrump for a town hall meeting on Monday at 3 pm. http://www.nec.edu/donald-trump-to-speak-at-new-england-college/ #fitn #nhpolitics "@Antonio_Annesi: @realDonaldTrump No doubt you would fix our country if you ran for president..do us all a favor please! #Trump2016" "@rightjj: @realDonaldTrump: I've to say that you're making sense in a lot of things especially on China! Nobody else dares to raise it!" "@rightjj;: Should definitely include you in the polls! Why exclude someone with real life experiences in running things successfully?" "@beauty_dhope: @realDonaldTrump you would be phenomenal in office,I am truly a big fan of what you stand for." Thank you. "@UsuallyBogey: Without @realDonaldTrump we will be stuck with Hilary Clinton. #Trump2016" I agree. "@BigBrett45: @realDonaldTrump Mr. Trump your the Man!! Please run we need you!!" Watch. RT @EricTrump: Michael thank you for the great article - we appreciate your nice words! When complete Turnberry will be incredible! https:/… Do you notice that the polling establishment doesn't put me in polls, but put in folks who hardly register. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! "@SoarMich: @realDonaldTrump @Ex369PPD people can say what they want about Donald, but he is trustworthy #truth" Thank you. "@lorry_bennetti: @realDonaldTrump China has been laughing at the W🌏RLD for a long time & will continue to do so!" @Ex369PPD Thank you! RT @TrumpToronto: Thank you @TripAdvisor for awarding us the #1 Luxury Hotel in Canada. We are grateful for it: http://bit.ly/1qbLVev http… "@hep102309: We need a real man in Washington, with real policies and a firm grip on foreign issues. Please restore America#Trump2016" "@IanArnold: So @realDonaldTrump has an amazing hotel here in Vegas. Blessed to stay here. "@BestPhotosEver: You need to run for Pres. You would restore greatness to America, and have the ability to make a difference. #Trump2016" "@Politicalhit: @realDonaldTrump can't wait for your official announcement that you are running #POTUS2016 Go Trump Go" “What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight - it's the size of the fight in the dog.” - Dwight D. Eisenhower China has a backdoor into the Trans-Pacific Partnership. This deal does not address currency manipulation. China is laughing at us. The Trans-Pacific Partnership will lead to even greater unemployment. Do not pass it. Republicans should not be giving Obama fast track authority on trade. The Trans-Pacific Partnership will squeeze our manufacturing sector The Trans-Pacific Partnership is an attack on America's business. It does not stop Japan's currency manipulation. This is a bad deal. No amnesty. Protect the rule of law! Let’s Make America Great Again https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ I want to negotiate my own, and much better, trade deals for our country. MUST INCLUDE CURRENCY MANIPULATION (and more). DO NOT LET PASS! "@ChrisCJackson: @realDonaldTrump YOUR book OPENED my eyes. I Stand wIth Sr. Trump! AmerIca Needs You to run!" "@RDVarley: @realDonaldTrump @BretBaier congratulations. You area true patriot!" "@ellemae63: @realDonaldTrump no surprise! You are the man!" Thank you! "@Bane1349: @realDonaldTrump Can't wait til you enter the race Mr. Trump. Wait till the Fall after the others have beaten themselves up." "@warrencasselljr: Just saw Trump's new video. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain @realDonaldTrump 2016 will be interesting." WATCH ALL! @BretBaier Congratulations to the Republicans in Congress. You are the only people Obama can out negotiate. #TimeToGetTough I'm getting The Commandant's Leadership Award from the U.S.Marines tonight at The Waldorf Astoria - a great honor! @BretBaier "@rwerhle: @JonahNRO @realDonaldTrump @NRO He's a brilliant businessman - VERY TRUE! Via @KingwoodNews by @JayRJordan:: “@TXPatriotsPAC gives public a chance to hear Trump speak” http://www.yourhoustonnews.com/kingwood/news/patriots-pac-gives-public-a-chance-to-hear-trump-speak/article_9b8311b2-eb66-5b86-8b9a-84cd0b2c6e09.html Via @GolfMonthly by @jake0reilly: “Trump to build five new holes at @TurnberryBuzz” http://www.golf-monthly.co.uk/news/tour-news/trump-to-build-five-new-holes-at-turnberry-70001#JK507oKDvjW31S7m.99 Looking forward to keynoting @ChesterfieldGOP Lincoln-Reagan Gala this Friday at The Country Club at The Highlands. Sold out record crowd! RT @mldsphotography: Happy earth day! 🌎 @ChooseChicago @ChooseChicagoMx @chitecture #HappyEarthDay #Chicago #MyChicagoPix #chitecture http:… RT @TrumpCollection: The most picturesque setting for your wedding is at @Trump_Ireland: http://trumpcollection.co/irelandwedding #WeddingWednesday http://t.… RT @IvankaTrump: Golfers of NYC, get excited. @TrumpFerryPoint is now open: http://buff.ly/1K4TQEF @TrumpGolf http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CDNvF3mXIAI0-aw.jpg RT @LPGA: British stars out in force at launch of ’15 @RICOHWomensBrit @ Trump @TurnberryBuzz @EricTrump http://bit.ly/1De10Am http://t.co… #MakeAmericaGreatAgain http://on.fb.me/1zMGDu5 RT @BrandonMcEwan: @realDonaldTrump ferry point from the Whitestone Bridge- can't wait to get my tee time http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CDM8nA0WEAAxMll.jpg RT @IvankaTrump: Congratulations to @TrumpWaikiki on being selected "Best of +VIP Access 2014" by @Expedia! RT @TrumpPanama: Will you lounge in a pool chair or a cabana? http://ow.ly/LLzWH http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CDM4dElUgAEvKjM.jpg Ailsa Course changes: #TrumpTurnberry What a beautiful place! http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=trump+turnberry+ailsa+course+video&FORM=VIRE11#view=detail&mid=B444E155711257C63C7EB444E155711257C63C7E RT @TishMurray: So nice had to post twice @TrumpChicago #beautifulbuildings #Trumpchicago #prettycity http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CDMumN9XIAAfOLI.jpg .@JonahNRO You should be totally focused on trying to save the badly failing National Review instead of focusing on me. Work hard! @NRO "@hillarysusans: Getting ready for next week with @realDonaldTrump on Monday. @NHGOP @FoxNews" "@thehill: Trump: “If I decide to run and win, I will make this country great again" http://hill.cm/NcQQDO3 #FITN http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CC5Q-feW4AET-l2.jpg" "@rickyricardo722: @realDonaldTrump I'd work like a dog to help Trump get elected, no politician can fix the mess in Washington. #Trump2016" .@NRO @JonahNRO Wow, just looked at the stats for National Review. Dying fast, doing very little business. Save this conservative voice! "@AndrewWilkie85: @realDonaldTrump @smxtty_ I think that you would be as good as Reagan. Please run!!!" "@y2ej72: @realDonaldTrump #VOTEFORTRUMP" "@WSGbeme: @realDonaldTrump I'm with these great people Mr Trump. Please run for President. We need a completely new direction. #Trump2016" "@SteveSGoddard: @smxtty_ It would be very frightening to have president who has actually accomplished something during their life," "@Mr_president706: @realDonaldTrump please run for president, and show these so called Republicans how to get the job done." "@sam_tucker17: You would be the best president. You're political critiques are always on the money. You are way better than Hillary!" "@Olivianuzzi: @realDonaldTrump you are amazing" "@JohnMarkowitz: @realDonaldTrump you are damn good" "@faktmeister: U r 1000% correct, Politicians can't fix problems Politicians made. The Executive Branch needs a real Chief Executive. Run!" "@themightylayman: Dear @realDonaldTrump: You are the most admired man in the world and everybody hopes you run for President. "@scapesrus: @realDonaldTrump @smxtty_ U would make a damn good one" "@smxtty_: Donald trump would be the greatest president" Thank you. The reason Ed Schultz said nice things about me is that I’m the only Repub who won't cut Social Security, etc. I’ll make America rich again! I’m a conservative, but the weakness of conservatives is that they destroy each other, whereas liberals unite to win. With a stupid guy like Jonah Goldberg who uses “tweeting like a 14 year old girl” to hit me, no wonder the NRO is doing so poorly. @JonahNRO People have been forced to resign positions for far less than @JonahNRO’s “tweeting like a 14 year old girl” .@JonahNRO You stated that I started “relentlessly tweeting like a 14-year-old girl...” Horrible insult to women. Resign now or later! RT @TrumpWaikiki: Escape to @TrumpWaikiki, where sunset views are picture perfect. #TravelTuesday http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CDI1pvQWEAIm3YQ.jpg RT @TrumpDoral: Mother's Day is just around the corner. Treat her to a beautiful day on the links. http://ow.ly/LRRxQ “When you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat.” – Ronald Reagan RT @WMUR9: On entitlement reform @realDonaldTrump "I won't cut from SS and Medicare like everyone else" #nhpolitics #fitn via @JoshMcElveen RT @wkxlnh: . @realdonaldtrump joined @wkxlnhchris on NH Now. A must listen!! #fitn #nhpolitics http://fb.me/3FgzzP86q #TrumpVlog Trouble in paradise for Clintons- https://instagram.com/p/1vtrpomhc0/ Republicans have once again capitulated to Obama. This time on the Iran nuclear treaty. When will it end? Government can be efficient with the right leadership. Let’s Make America Great Again https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ "@RonnieWNichol Just viewed the video of the changes to @TurnberryBuzz. An already stunning course will now be even more spectacular" Via @ConcordNHPatch by @politizine: “Trump: 'We'll Make America Great Again'” http://patch.com/new-hampshire/concord-nh/trump-well-make-america-great-again RT @TrumpDoral: #TransformationTuesday Enjoy an exclusive look at the Arnold Palmer Villa Grand Opening. http://ow.ly/LRA0c ICYMI, my speech from this past Saturday at the @NHGOP @FITNsummit via @cspan http://www.c-span.org/video/?325374-10/donald-trump-new-hampshire-republican-leadership-summit Wow, Hillary and Bill are in deep trouble, but don’t worry, my fellow Republicans will let them off the hook. All talk, no action. Via http://Examiner.com Interview with Donald Trump about Presidential Aspirations: It's all a deal" http://www.examiner.com/article/interview-with-donald-trump-about-presidential-aspirations-it-s-all-a-deal I guess @edshow is a lot smarter than dopes like @JonahNRO & @stephenfhayes. Oh well, both mags are dying anyway. http://www.mediaite.com/tv/hell-mustve-frozen-over-because-ed-schultz-is-defending-donald-trump/ Wow, really nice, and unexpected, from Ed Schultz. Thank you, Ed! @edshow http://www.mediaite.com/tv/hell-mustve-frozen-over-because-ed-schultz-is-defending-donald-trump/ .@DanaPerino wrote a wonderful book, “And the Good News is.." Dana has a fabulous perspective on life & politics—go get it! Glad to see that @PeteRose_14 has been hired by @FOXSports as an analyst. Pete should be around baseball and in the Hall of Fame! Via @thehill by @HenschOnTheHill: “Trump: 'I'm disappointed' in many Republicans” http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/239319-trump-im-disappointed-in-many-republicans "@MSJACKIEWOW: @realDonaldTrump NOBODY TRUMPS TRUMP WHEN IT COMES TO TWEETS...HOLY SH@T UR THE TWEET MASTER...GREAT JOB. "@dalasner: @realDonaldTrump I am honored, if you are in I am leaving being a furniture magnate and all in, campaigning for the BEST" "@IToldYouMonsoon: @realDonaldTrump @JonahNRO @NRO @BretBaier why does @greta put you on hers? Because I get great ratings-and other reasons "@dalasner: Ed Schultz just extolled your business savvy, maybe there is hope for MSNBC! Be careful if Sharpton endorses you, Boss!" .@stephenfhayes: I heard you were a joke on the media panel this weekend in New Hampshire. You just don't have what it takes! @JoeNBC "@1smltwngrl: @realDonaldTrump Make some heads roll. Run for president dammit! "@Slider6294:@NRO @JonahNRO To be fair, impossible to fill those shoes. But consistent conservative principles would be a start!" I agree! "@ronbrown1970: @realDonaldTrump @EastonWestwood @JonahNRO @stephenfhayes I model my management by Mr Trump. Consistent is everything" "@fackinpeter: @realDonaldTrump i spoke to my cousins in NH they said their whole town is talking about your great speech #Trump2016" Thanks "@rennie022164: @EastonWestwood @JonahNRO @stephenfhayes I'm thinking a businessman like Trump is the only one who can fix this mess!" True! "@Brooke_Burton_: @realDonaldTrump Why don't you just run for President?! You would have my vote!!" "@Slider6294: @realDonaldTrump @NRO @JonahNRO It has cratered since WFB passed away." So true, WFB is spinning in his grave! Jonah killed it "@EastonWestwood: It's PATHETIC for @JonahNRO & @stephenfhayes to bash @realDonaldTrump as non-serious! Talkers bashing a successful doer!" National Review @NRO may be going out of business because of the really pathetic job being done by @JonahNRO. No talent means death - sad! .@megynkelly Sorry, there was only one "breakout star" this weekend in New Hampshire. Just check out the local New Hampshire media! Jonah Goldberg @JonahNRO of the once great @NRO #National Review is truly dumb as a rock. Why does @BretBaier put this dummy on his show? As I have long been saying, South Africa is a total - and very dangerous - mess. Just watch the evening news (when not talking weather). "@suttera2: @realDonaldTrump They'll repay us by giving us higher gas prices!" True! "@jwt19723: @realDonaldTrump You need to Run For President." "@woody021072: @realDonaldTrump Nothing, as they always do" "@scapesrus: @realDonaldTrump Tell um to get out the check book Donald" Believe me, I would! "@scapesrus: @realDonaldTrump Tell um to get out the check book Donald" "@ali_khalil7: @realDonaldTrump We need you as president Mr.Trump, A leader that knows what to do!" Agree. We are stupidly paying Iran billions of dollars that we should not be paying. Why isn't this part of the nuclear negotiations? Really dumb! We are getting ready to protect Saudi Arabia against Iran & others-sending ships. How much are they going to pay us toward this protection. "@alexseeley73 @TrumpSoHo just leaving after 4 days and I must say it was amazing. Thank u for your attention to details." Great, thank you. Trump National Golf Club Los Angeles will be the host in October for the @PGAGrandSlam. http://www.trump.com/Golf_Clubs/Los_Angeles/Los_Angeles.asp RT @AndreReCalegari: @realDonaldTrump beautiful day #newyork #5thavenue http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CDDV6CZWgAEPknc.jpg RT @s_salmons: Beautiful view in Chicago Saturday @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CDDmx8tUkAAZM5T.jpg "@SkyGlideUSA One of the most elegant and amazing hotels in Vegas. #thetrump hotel. Our company loved it there.@realDonaldTrump" Thank you. "@ScottUdine @realDonaldTrump @TrumpSoHo Terrific hotel and amazing staff!!! The best, by far in NYC...." Thanks. Congratulations to @TrumpSoHo for once again receiving the AAA Five Diamond Award for another year! Congratulations to @TrumpWaikiki for being selected as "Best of +VIP Access 2014" by @Expedia! .@weeklystandard I know your business is failing but you should try to get writers far better than @stephenfhayes. RT @IvankaTrump: Congrats to @JordanSpeith on your win at @TheMasters. See you @TrumpGolfLA in October for the @PGAGrandSlam! RT @trishuhl: BEAUTIFUL day on #Chicago River facing @TrumpChicago @chiarchitecture boat tour with @AlwynKlein http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CC9rpkzUMAEh_47.jpg Thank you @JeffJlpa1 and @AmSpec for the wonderful and very true article, “Total Desperation on Iran” http://spectator.org/articles/62423/exclusive-trump-says-obama-shows-%E2%80%98total-desperation%E2%80%99-iran How does failed writer and pundit like @stephenfhayes, with no success and little talent, get away with criticizing candidates. So much dishonest reporting (or non-reporting) in political media—an amazing experience for me. @BretBaier "@BenjaminHowling: Donald, our prince! (Daniel 12:1) Don would rather someone else stand up for our people, but they will not, so he will." "@sven945: .@realDonaldTrump Forget running for president, why don't you run to be an MP here in Scotland!" "@dryan5962: When we need hope @realDonaldTrump is just the person there to give it...#Trump2016 @foxandfriends" True! "@ddobbs5253: @realDonaldTrump our country needs you to run for President and save our country. Make Us Great Again!!!!" "@moose_taz: @foxandfriends thinking @realDonaldTrump might be what this country needs a change from career politicians" "@belllabooo13: @foxandfriends As always Great Job Mr Trump!! Truth we all need to hear it! You gave us Hope!! We need it now!!" "@robertpatrickmc: You should declare you candidacy on #gdny with @rosannascotto and @gregkellyfox5 and just go all out campaigning. "@Doctor_Platek: Come June/July, @realDonaldTrump will take the first step in the process of making America great again! #Trump2016" "@hitwit_subroto: @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends And I will be watching with great interest. "@kenbu1: @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends Please run for President @realDonaldTrump" "@000HermanSJr000: You always do a #fantastic job @realDonaldTrump. You are indeed a #businessman & #magnate to #emulate. "@belllabooo13: @foxandfriends Always watch Mr Trump Keep speaking the truth! Let's Get Our America Back! You Will Do It! God Bless!!" I will be interviewed on @foxandfriends at 7:00 - 30 minutes. Some very interesting topics. "@JetRanger69: @TrumpChicago @realDonaldTrump #MASTERPIECE #CHICAGO http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CC_zZi4WEAA0vdI.jpg" "@amir_ibrahim26: @realDonaldTrump I think u should run for president all small business here in Memphis the closing down because of tax" "@lizboyle98: I think @realDonaldTrump would be a perfect president of our country if he just made sure to pay attention to the middle class "@AndrewVaccari: @realDonaldTrump You are an inspiration! Best wishes from across the pond!" Thanks. "@hillarysusans: @daveyh @realDonaldTrump Way more substance than you know. Best negotiator in the world. Iran wouldn't get nukes for sure" "@kgregoryy: @realDonaldTrump are you ever going to announce your bid or is this a 2012 replay? Big fan, but tired of waiting." Stay tuned! "@ToddRiddolls: @realDonaldTrump I believe if you run , you would win hands down! .... But, The expectations of you would be enormous. "@RedzuanRasul: @realDonaldTrump, inspired others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you always are the leader." Nice. "@agpt73: @realDonaldTrump His books have helped me become who i am today." Great. "@TFalomir: MR @realDonaldTrump You are an example of how to do what he wants." Thank you. "@hmackie11: @realDonaldTrump Melania as First Lady.. She'll go down in history as the most gorgeous First Lady EVER" TRUE! "@WeWantMitt2016: W/finance &#negotiation skills like no one else,Trump would restore credibility to the presidency https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/589705949788688384" "@gochico: @realDonaldTrump @hillarysusans @GOP I don't think they are discounting Trump. He hasn't said if he is running yet." "@hillarysusans: @daveyhubb DonaldTrump @GOP He's very easy to relate to in person. If he takes the grass roots route, he has a great chance "@discjocke52: If the 2016 #GOP presidential field is so deep, why is DonaldTrump beating so many of their 'stars'? http://ukraineenglishnewsforum.createaforum.com/politics/if-the-2016-gop-presidential-field-is-so-deep-why-is-donald-trump-beating-so/new/#new" "@hillarysusans: We have a great field of diverse candidates for @GOP. Media needs to stop discounting @realDonaldTrump He rocked #FITN "@JWysocki91: @realDonaldTrump I just finished TIME TO GET TOUGH. Great read! #Trump2016" Thank you. "@charlesfowler: @realDonaldTrump brings great debate and ideas to the #GOP campaign, RUN DONALD RUN!!!" "@CityBlindsMIB: @realDonaldTrump With Mr Trump as top man in the World, Everyone would shake hands and listen to the man!! true leadership" "@BenjaminSakhai: @realDonaldTrump Big changes in 2016? You better be running for presidency! #Trump2016 #trumpforpresident" "@JSongseeker: @realDonaldTrump Please run Mr Trump. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/589700523911213056" "@drvanderbloomen: @realDonaldTrump --You may be our last hope......................." "@PopularPosters: @realDonaldTrump you are the only man running for president that knows how to handle the job. "@MJVictory: Hi DT! I heard you on Imus & you spoke w/clarity & purpose. You're right, it's not a game, it's dire straits. PLEASE RUN!" "@charlesfowler: We need a broader field and candidates who are not professional politicians, you would be a breath of fresh air #GOP" "@PopularPosters: Our country needs a president that knows how to protect our constitution and a president that leads speaks the truth" "@HarvardLaw99: @realDonaldTrump @CaudillAsh Announce you're running when you're comfortable with the timing." Great. "@CaudillAsh: @realDonaldTrump hurry up and announce that you're running already! 🙌🇺🇸✔️ #2016" "@Alex_Boxwell: Just announce already @realDonaldTrump" Stay tuned. "@littlevd23: @realDonaldTrump Like the Nike Ad says Mr.Trump JUST DO IT! Run for President and give America what it needs..A true leader! "@Michael_Haz: Watched replay of D.T. speaking in Nashua today. He was dead on the mark in terms of creating jobs, managing foreign policy." "@AlfredoeOrtega: Outstanding speech at the Republican Leadership Summit, Mr. @realDonaldTrump" Thank you. "@hillarysusans: @realDonaldTrump You rocked both events. The @washingtonpost knows it too!! Thank you for a great brunch and a great talk!! "@jaazee1: @RealDonaldTrump My family was so damn excited when you seemed serious about the Presidency. in past… http://twishort.com/o0dic" "@Bigbillyp1970: YES-YES-YES @realDonaldTrump *2016-2016-2016*" "@HarperArchitect: @realDonaldTrump good talk watched on c-span, intelligence. Thanks. "@bluebirdiefly3: @realDonaldTrump I'd vote for you. I always felt you should run. "@S_C_mclane: @realDonaldTrump I would vote an infinite number of times for my man Trump! #Trump2016" "@darbywelch: @realDonaldTrump #donaldtrump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CC69QQtUIAAiSmg.jpg" "@kingkript: @realDonaldTrump @stephenfhayes trump for president" "@bella270012:DonaldTrump The next man in Office is going to have one heck of a mess to clean up..I think you're the only one who can do it. "@TheBillyRobbins: @realDonaldTrump Run Donald Run....Donald Trump 2016" "@tavbta: Thank you!! @realDonaldTrump really amazing" "@stephenfhayes: Trump: "I have made a fortune against China.I know all of the killers on Wall Street." Trump v China? "China has no chance! "@stephenfhayes: Trump, on others who have spoken to #FITN in New Hampshire: "With all the people you're listening to, you can forget it."" "@SeddhmB: @realDonaldTrump i believe you have been called to take us to another level of prosperity and bring the American Dream back!" "@BoyerNick15: @realDonaldTrump 2016 will hopefully be the year of the Donald!" Thanks. "@fackinpeter: @realDonaldTrump they loved you there #NHforTrump #Trump2016" Thanks! "@landotalley50: @realDonaldTrump Answer the call,,just do it,,America needs you,,RUN!!!!" Stay tuned! "@meltsch: @realDonaldTrump Good make a decision, are you running or not , we want you , but only you know if you want us ." Watch. "@DNorrell: @stephenfhayes reform DC? haha joke. Only one close 2 being able to do that is Trump. @realDonaldTrump" "@susanhoffman24: @realDonaldTrump obviously!! #weneedyou #Trump2016" "@RM_MMBtuGirl: @realDonaldTrump isn't it refreshing?! There's hope. Keep up the good work." "@MagicMan121: @realDonaldTrump Mr.Trump are u going to run for 2016 presidency?. I hope so..!" "@ltodd14: @realDonaldTrump When are you announcing?" Just returned from New Hampshire where the crowd was great-and got a beautiful standing ovation! Wonderful people who truly love the U.S.A. "@FreedomsPatriot: @P4tR10tBoo @souperfan2012 @souperfan2013 @wolfman708 @dryheat115 Mr. @realDonaldTrump made 👍&👊 impression." For all of the haters and losers out there sorry, I never went Bankrupt -- but I did build a world class company and employ many people! "@jjblasvegas: @realDonaldTrump one word to describe @JordanSpieth Donald?" Quality! "@RealJesus33: Hey @espn, call @realDonaldTrump to handle your @BrittMcHenry situation. #firebrittmchenry http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CC1pAGtWIAAsfRC.jpg" To harsh. "@Sebastian_Rey10: “@CNBC: Ford is planning a $2,500,000,000 investment @realDonaldTrump in MEXICO!!!!" The U.S. is getting killed! "@DrHardick: .@realDonaldTrump @MLeitzmann @TrumpTowerNY love love love that wall. Memories forever! #architecture #nyc" "@dmanhomee: I support DonaldTrump 100% for 2016! He is the only candidate that will return this country to the great country it once was!" "@so_jason19: @realDonaldTrump @georgewillf Trump for president.George Will doesn't know business or what this young generation cares about" "@BizMotivationTV: Go to work, be smart, think positively and WIN! @realDonaldTrump #quote" .@georgewillf is perhaps the most boring political pundit on television. Got thrown off ABC like a dog. At Mar-a-Lago he was a total bust! "@BretBaier: Tonight on the #SpecialReport panel we have @georgewillf, @ron_fournier and @JonahNRO. What a group of losers on your panel! "@Antonio_Annesi: @realDonaldTrump Run for president please! #Trump2016" "@lmp999: @realDonaldTrump George " Will you retire " Please" "@MLeitzmann: One of the 1st (& best) sites when 1st coming to the US @TrumpTowerNY Inspiration @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CC1Pp5AUMAAy3nz.jpg" "@ccrealty2: Friendship can be really tested only in bad times ~ Donald Trump #quotes #realestate #homes #blog #buyingtips" I do what I do out of pure enjoyment. Hopefully, nobody does it better. Theres a beauty to making a great deal. It's my canvas. "@CNBC: 5 family values Donald Trump used to build his empire » http://cnb.cx/1H7sEoA http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCr553HWYAEB_SC.jpg" "@BretBaier: Don't miss the 2nd half of my interview with @realDonaldTrump over on the blog: http://fxn.ws/1ImzUfa #FNPolitics" .@BretBaier Why do you have George Will on your show - he's exhausted, boring and not even a little relevant! Waste of good air-time! Looking forward to speaking at 1:30PM tomorrow in Nashua at @NHGOP @FITNsummit!. Let's Make America Great Again! #FITN For America to be strong again, the ways of politicians must be put in the past. Let’s Make America Great Again! http://www.donaldjtrump.com/ RT @Newsmax_Media: Donald Trump: GOP Folds to Democrats on Every Major Issue http://ift.tt/1zmeJVA RT @TrumpWaikiki: Happy Aloha Friday! Luxuriate in a sunset view from @TrumpWaikiki. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CC0NKCmVEAAo7r4.jpg Via @AmSpec by @JeffJlpa1: "Exclusive: Trump Says Obama Shows ‘Total Desperation’ on Iran" http://spectator.org/articles/62423/exclusive-trump-says-obama-shows-%E2%80%98total-desperation%E2%80%99-iran My @FoxBusiness int. w/Don Imus on not drinking alcohol, politicians being all talk and no action & the border http://video.foxbusiness.com/v/4176730053001/donald-trump-talks-possibility-of-making-a-run-for-president/?#sp=show-clips RT @TrumpDoral: You Can't Beat @realDonaldTrump At Golf, But You Can Learn From Him via @golf_com http://ow.ly/LyCrk RT @TrumpCollection: Lunch on #Nougatine's Terrace sounds pretty lovely right now, doesn't it? #TrumpNewYork http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCzoW77W4AAWlWw.jpg ISIS is operating a training camp 8 miles outside our Southern border http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/apr/14/islamic-state-operating-in-mexico-just-8-miles-fro/ We need a wall. Deduct costs from Mexico! The Republicans are funding ObamaCare and Amnesty. Obama beats them. http://www.donaldjtrump.com/ RT @scottmaxfight: @TrumpCollection Answer: @TrumpLasVegas Sunshine off the gold tower, perfection! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCo3XDHVIAAFJpX.jpg RT @TrumpDoral: We hope your weekend plans include lounging by the Royal Palm Pool. http://ow.ly/Lypke http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCyz6rEWEAA-mR5.jpg "@dennismurino: @realDonaldTrump every Americans dream #trump2016" "@bridgetmarie89: Out of ALL the politicians in Washington, not ONE can #savesaeed imprisoned and tortured in #Iran for being a Christian "@PALoeza: @realDonaldTrump America needs YOU. #trumpforpresident" "@bryt1330: I get into so many arguments over #Trump2016 @realDonaldTrump but I think he could ACTUALLY change this county for the better "@grizzlybear9062: DonaldTrump @L3nny85 Please run Mr.Trump the U.S . been going downhill since 9/11 we can be great again please be 100% in "@Kakatshozi: Ivanka Trump would be the cutest first daughter in US history if DonaldTrump became president! Elegant,classy and adorable." "@Lexie_Chadss: @realDonaldTrump #Trump2016" "@M_Foresta: @realDonaldTrump I'd think you make a great President but I would really miss #TheApprentice. Been a fan since the beginning." "@younggbon: I would easily vote for @realDonaldTrump if he ran for president." "@idiotninja24: @TrumpVancouver @realDonaldTrump I see you.... Looking good! #Vancouver http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCvovh-UsAAAeAR.jpg" "@BackOnTrackUSA: The best thing about you becoming President would be getting to see you tell all of Obama's lackeys " You're fired!" "@SamRator: I must b out of touch- @tedcruz @realDonaldTrump & @ScottWalker r my top picks for @gop presidential pick! #TeaParty" Great seeing @MarianoRivera w/@realDonaldTrump at @TrumpTowerNY for @EricTrumpFdn! http://www.marianoriverafoundation.org. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCv_MRnUkAAEJuK.jpg" "@JetRanger69: http://www.donaldjtrump.com/ #DONALDJTRUMP @realDonaldTrump #MAKEAMERICAGREATAGAIN" "@JoeQuinn6: @realDonaldTrump America needs your leadership. Please run for President http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCwBL0OUsAA0rWB.jpg" "@L3nny85: Perhaps it's time we bring back the #American #Empire , Mista Trump @realDonaldTrump #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@john_siracusa: Great hearing you @realDonaldTrump speak with #DonImus on @TheImusShow this AM. You enhance the dialogue on all programs "@4kmiddlebrook: @realDonaldTrump #WakeUpAmerica Donald's Policies are the Real Game Plan to #Win, He's also the only 1 to beat #Hillary" "@kenuckio: @realDonaldTrump And we will call it Trump Wall" Fine with me! .kimguilfoyle - great job tonight! Jeb Bush - “I am a conservative” = Barack Obama -“If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your plan.” America will never be destroyed from the outside.If we falter and lose our freedoms,it will be because we destroyed ourselves. A. Lincoln Others claim they can make America great again but only one knows The Art of The Deal. It’s time for an outsider http://www.donaldjtrump.com/ Via @WalidShoebat: “Watch Donald Trump: He Is Patriotic And He Can Fix America” http://shoebat.com/2015/04/14/watch-donald-trump-he-is-patriotic-and-he-can-fix-america/ With our brand new Tennis Performance Center, @TrumpGolfDC offers countless activities along with top courses http://www.trumpnationaldc.com/ Mexico’s court system is a dishonest joke. I am owed a lot of money & nothing happens. Rodolfo Rosas Moya and his pals in Mexico owe me a lot of money. Disgusting & slow Mexico court system. Mexico is not a U.S. friend. Via @businessinsider by @hunterw: “TRUMP: 'I'm going to surprise a lot of people' in 2016” http://www.businessinsider.com/trump-im-going-to-surprise-a-lot-of-people-in-2016-2015-4#ixzz3XUPNxCIg “UPDATE: Trump plans public event at @WartburgCollege” http://wcfcourier.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/update-trump-plans-public-event-at-wartburg/article_09cb7701-f4e7-5742-b8f5-e205e29ebf51.html via @wcfcourier: My @TeamCavuto int. on simplifying the tax code, our incompetent leaders, Iran and making America great again http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/your-world-cavuto/index.html#/v/4175597261001 #TBT Trump and Gekko- http://bit.ly/1PT60o6 RT @TrumpDoral: Iconic Trump National Doral hosts new era of hospitality http://ow.ly/LHF5v via @communitypapers "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." – John Quincy Adams Via @Reuters: "Donald Trump takes steps toward 2016 presidential run" http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/03/18/usa-election-trump-idUSL2N0WK0U220150318 Our border is being breached daily by criminals. We must build a wall & deduct costs from Mexican foreign aid! http://www.donaldjtrump.com/ RT @CNBC: 5 family values Donald Trump used to build his empire » http://cnb.cx/1H7sEoA http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCr553HWYAEB_SC.jpg We have a sacred duty to care for our vets and their families. Our Vets are owed full access to healthcare anytime & anywhere! The top course on the west coast @TrumpGolfLA overlooks Pacific Ocean & offers a luxurious public golf experience http://www.trumpnationallosangeles.com/ RT @pamperedchicago: "The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world" #goldenhour @TrumpChicago @ChooseChicago http://t.co… Looking forward to speaking at the @NHGOP #FITN Republican Leadership Summit on Saturday at 12PM! Let’s Make America Great Again! "@michaeljacks_ag: Friendly Friday: Michael Jackson with Donald Trump. #michael http://dragplus.com/post/id/29935583" "@CNBC: 5 family values Donald Trump used to build his empire (op-ed) » http://cnb.cx/1H7sEoA http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCpAgUlWgAEbMsQ.jpg" "@Newsmax_Media: Donald Trump: I Would Simplify Tax Code as President http://ift.tt/1NLXpFp" "@ThislsAmazing: Donald Trump and Mike Tyson http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCriFEjVEAEY72t.jpg" "@The_Jeffryes: If @realDonaldTrump runs for president, my pride as an American will never be stronger. #TrumpForPresident #Trump2016" "@shelbytaylor3: We need someone who would actually know how to run this country #Trump2016 @realDonaldTrump" "@calicombo: @realDonaldTrump @ALEKSMM ford is building a factory in Mexico." Should be in U.S. "@RickyRicardo223: @realDonaldTrump would pick the strongest cabinet in history if he was president." TRUE! "@younggbon: I would easily vote for @realDonaldTrump if he ran for president." "@M_Foresta: @realDonaldTrump I'd think you make a great President but I would really miss #TheApprentice. Been a fan since the beginning." "@Helpfulcook: @realDonaldTrump let's get #Trump2016 trending like crazy!!!" "@BestPhotosEver: I hope you'll announce you're running for President soon. America needs a smart leader w/ true love for country like you" "@Dinamico_7: 😒😒😒 Part 1 of my @SpecialReport int. with @BretBaier discussing why I am strongly considering running for President.." "@lkoja: @realDonaldTrump is a true leader we need for this country ... #Trump2016" "@CaitlynHarman: Melania would make a fantastic First Lady, she has the charm that reminds me of classy Jackie O #Trump2016 @MELANIATRUMP" "@ALEKSMM: I have a lawsuit in Mexico’s corrupt court system that I won but so far can’t collect. Don’t do business with Mexico!"" "@MirandaMattos1: @realDonaldTrump @MarianoRivera @EricTrump" "@Bourbon_brain: @realDonaldTrump has accomplished more in his career than any other candidate has promised in theirs. #nhpolitics" "@CharlieG_DC: RT @realDonaldTrump: Success requires 100% effort and 100% focus. Nothing less." "@BethAndersonEsq: I watched your interview on Neil Cavuto today. Your fiscal policy as President would be better than anyone's! Go Mr.Trump "@SaraLevenson: If you're interested in 'balancing' work and pleasure, stop! Instead make your work more pleasurable - @realDonaldTrump" "@therightnewz: "I'm Looking At It Extremely Seriously": Donald Trump Talks About a 2016 Presidential Run (VIDEO) http://www.hapblog.com/2015/04/im-looking-at-it-extremely-seriously.html" "@garretdl: Please run for Pres Mr @realDonaldTrump" "@theqtan: @realDonaldTrump please run for President! The country needs you! #Trump2016" "@nicolas_toscano: Booked a corner suite at @TrumpLasVegas with @MikeTokes for Memorial Day weekend Sure knows how to make a nice hotel!" "@NyamdavaaJ: You better run in 2016 for President and fix these problems,you can do this Donald!!! #2016 #President right @IvankaTrump😎?" "@chip0tle_: @Stoic123 @realDonaldTrump @m__a__w politicians know how to become president. Businessmen know how to BE president." "@JakeTiger25: @daveajstearns @djred678 forget both of them. Let's hear it for ma man @realDonaldTrump" "@erotao: @realDonaldTrump Time for an Entrepreneur President, not one of these insipid morons that have never made a payroll....." "@QueenBarbie69: @realDonaldTrump. I believe in you. Go for it." "@JosephSchleider: @realDonaldTrump good interview on Fox News Radio. You are my preferred candidate for the USA presidency @AlanColmes "@isellbesthomes: @realDonaldTrump we need you to run for President, and fix these problems, you can do this!!" "@NeilECollins: @realDonaldTrump If you run in 2016 how can we be of help." Had a great time in Myrtle Beach and Charleston this past Saturday and Monday. Looking forward to going back soon. Via @postandcourier by @skropf47: “Donald Trump: Don’t politicize Walter Scott shooting” http://www.postandcourier.com/article/20150413/PC1603/150419738/1031/donald-trump-don-x2019-t-politicize-walter-scott-shooting Part 1 of my @SpecialReport int. with @BretBaier discussing why I am strongly considering running for President http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/special-report-bret-baier/blog/2015/04/14/part-1-bret-sits-down-businessman-donald-trump Via @kcautv: “Donald Trump Coming to Sioux City in May” http://www.siouxlandmatters.com/story/d/story/donald-trump-coming-to-sioux-city-in-may/41097/9ZkBZPTSIEuxyEL85qJz7A Today is April 15th, Obama’s favorite day of the year. T-E-A. TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY! "@ericschiffer A talented family led by the best. http://cnb.cx/1GKnZKE @DonaldJTrumpJr @EricTrump @IvankaTrump" Thanks Eric, so nice. "@Thutchy5 @realDonaldTrump Politicians talk the talk, but this man walks the walk. #Trump2016" RT @ScotlandGolf1: Great trip to Turnberry this week. The weather was stunning & the service was as impeccable as ever @realDonaldTrump htt… RT @ScotlandGolf1: The view over the Ailsa Course this morning. Stunning course and stunning weather!! @realDonaldTrump http://t.co/ZzO8IqT… RT @keriandjen: Had the best time this weekend at @TrumpChicago what an amazing hotel - can't wait to go back! #TrumpChicago #HotelSpa #Gir… "@topsurveys @realDonaldTrump @MarianoRivera @EricTrump such a class act..I adore that man and all he stands for...a classy trio" The great @MarianoRivera in my office with my son @EricTrump- http://bit.ly/1EGdyWR RT @TrumpPanama: La mejor sala para su evento en @trumppanama best meeting room for your meeting! #photooftheday #livethelife http://t.co/0… RT @Trump_Charlotte: The Young and The Restless: The Top 20 Philanthropists Under 40 http://fb.me/3eovx6B2n RT @xarmanno: @realDonaldTrump Good morning from #Chicago! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCoekieVAAApYVq.jpg RT @dmcfco: @realDonaldTrump Thanks for a wonderful stay at Trump Tower. New York isn't New York unless you stay at a Trump Hotel http://t.… "@daytonkreb @realDonaldTrump Come on Donald, #America needs you #CaptainAmerica #Trump2016" "@m__a__w @realDonaldTrump From my #european point of view,#USA needs a president like you to get a lot of things right. #Trump2016" "@WingsUnchained: @RealDonaldTrump is not a professional liar like politicians. I was watching Cruz, but Donald also has my attention now." "@MichaelEntrekin: @realDonaldTrump @MELANIATRUMP best day ever? I'd say yes. #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCnJhQ2VIAAZdWG.jpg" "@LikeWhoa134: I just hope @realDonaldTrump is our next president" Make America great again! "@MrMet41: @bonn66 @realDonaldTrump @rosannascotto #MrTrump isn't my guy, he is America's guy ! #Trump2016" So nice, thanks! "@BWANAWOMAN: @kwrcrow @realDonaldTrump IKR. He b slumming it big time! White House will need lots of upgrades. Just like our country. "@AnjiRabadi: @TrumpChicago I'll be staying here next weekend! Can't wait! @realDonaldTrump @deejaynik @sophiegonerogue #trumplife #cantwait "@pare900: @HAJMAJA @realDonaldTrump Trump wants low taxes, strong defense and jobs . Trump is good at creating jobs. "@ElizaWindso: @BretBaier @realDonaldTrump His biggest asset is that he isn't a professional liar like the rest of them." "@jeffreykid44: @realDonaldTrump @TrumpGolfLA u rock Don" "@dashing1995: You've said Mexico is not a friend. I agree. USA faces Mexico tomorrow in soccer. @ussoccer could use a shout out from you." "@hdrenovate: @realDonaldTrump D.T. for president! !!" "@ElizaWindso: @BretBaier DonaldTrump Only one who ever took on the MacDaddy. Looks like only one to fight Hillary. Even in her own party RT @TrumpWaikiki: Swim above the tree tops in @TrumpWaikiki's Infinity Pool. #TravelTuesday http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCk6piGWgAEUcbr.png RT @BretBaier: Where does businessman @realDonaldTrump stand on the issues? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEuk81-BcuE Part 1 of the full Trump interview--you… See the amazing views from @TrumpGolfLA located directly on the Pacific Ocean- https://youtu.be/fsGdK7Z7CpM "@mikey_likes_lt @SovAdjEast @realDonaldTrump @TrumpFerryPoint @UAGolf I can't wait to play this course with my Dad" Great--enjoy! RT @SovAdjEast: @TrumpFerryPoint @realDonaldTrump You came you, saw, you built a masterpiece. You get the job done #NuffSaid @UAGolf http:… RT @RealPro4Real: My preferred place in Chicago is @TrumpChicago :-) @bradhedlund - @realDonaldTrump @IvankaTrump @DrLisaCoaching http://t.… "@WildcatThad @TrumpDoral @realDonaldTrump I disagree only because Trump in Vegas was amazing!" @TrumpLasVegas RT @TrumpDoral: There is no better place to celebrate a holiday than at #TrumpDoral. See our amazing celebrations: http://ow.ly/LxYMy "@morangary61: @realDonaldTrump we need one smart PRESIDENT.. Trump#" "@Chris_R_2014: @WendyPeters America desperately needs leadership & values. Obama is a disgrace. We need a winner, and that is Trump." "@scook5656: @realDonaldTrump we need Trump for President!" I agree! "@CalebRapoport: @realDonaldTrump in 2016! this country can't wait any longer." Marco Rubio should pick a location that has working air conditioning next time - especially when in Miami - proper plan. Sweating profusely! "@lhcam: This country desperately needs accountability. @realDonaldTrump in #2016. "@CathyFuregno: Mr. Trump it is time to be serious and run for president. Bring America back to its greatness with dignity I feel you have." "@Villesportslaw: @TMobile - Been all over KY today. Never more than 1 mile from major interstates. 13 dropped calls. DonaldTrump was right. RT @TrumpCollection: An update on Trump International Hotel Washington D.C., from @IvankaTrump. Check back for updates on the progress: htt… Entrepreneurs: Don't be confined by expectations. There are no exact rules for negotiation--try to remain flexible and open to new ideas. Entrepreneurs: In the best negotiations, everyone wins. This is a possibility, and it's the ideal situation to strive for. Entrepreneurs: Resolve to be bigger than your problems. Who's the boss? Don't negate your own power. RT @TrumpGolfLA: Congratulations to @jordanspieth on your win at @themasters! Next stop, @trumpnationalgolfla for the... http://t.co/1d3y4e… "@BobbyLCarrier North Charleston, SC We are glad to have Donald Trump onsite at Leeds Park. #realdonaldtrump #chs @BobCaldwellCHS" RT @TrumpCollection: Starting the week off with a little travel inspiration. Hello, #Waikiki! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCefn6MUMAA9Hun.jpg RT @TrumpPanama: Great photo! RT @nenunenu: View at sunset from the 31st floor @TrumpPanama http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCY8KoDUgAARPBy.jpg "@J_Feeds03: Even if @realDonaldTrump doesn't run for the GOP, I'm writing him in on my ballet. #Trump2016" "@fackinpeter: @realDonaldTrump cant believe ted cruz stole your campaign slogan. Only you can really "make america great again" #Trump2016" "@Doctor_Platek: @realDonaldTrump you said it best: "Let's make America great again" #Trump2016" "@MrMet41: @rosannascotto @HillaryClinton @realDonaldTrump The Donald gets things done #Trump2016" "@foxandfriends: .@realDonaldTrump on President Obama's statements in Panama: "Our country is going to Hell...under his leadership."" "@belllabooo13: @realDonaldTrump @tshakro Yes Yes Yes I'm so sick of lying politicians" "@mrsschiff2010: @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends another great Monday with you on! #makeamericagreatwithTrump" "@AplemonLemon: @foxandfriends @realDonaldTrump that's why we need you Mr. Trump! You're on the polls so it's time you get moving! "@ShavaJu: @sternshow Please do another @realDonaldTrump interview. Come on now it's been long since you had him on your show. Can't wait" "@MasterBaxter8: How can I help with your campaign. Whatever puts you in office is what needs to be done. Road to the WH ends with Trump!" "@McInnis11: @realDonaldTrump saying he'd use his own money to run for president is reason enough to vote for him" "@MasterBaxter8: We are all hungry for a Trump candidacy. Hillary announcement was expected. Let's show her the competition! #Trump2016" "@tshakro: @realDonaldTrump should run for president! I rather have a smart businessman that gets shit done then reelecting a politician." Will be on @foxandfriends at 7:00 this morning - enjoy! "@10Thurst: @realDonaldTrump we need you as OUR president" "@pare900: @realDonaldTrump Hillary must not win.. These other Republican candidates are nothing. You are the real deal How do third rate talents with no smarts like @ron_fournier get so much time on television news. Boring guy - really bad for ratings! "@PzFeed: The glitziest jet in the sky. Donald spent $100 million on his Boeing 757. VIDEO: http://tinyurl.com/lhkcett http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCaHfR9WAAApzts.jpg" "@gkohlschmidt: @slumpcityusa Run Donald Run!!! We are sick of stupid politicians who don't know how to run anything except a campaign!" "@TheBingle:Only reason DonaldTrump would run for president is his love for country.He has everything already & doesn't need aggravation "@Josh_leonard99: If America was as successful and planned like @realDonaldTrump we would be in good shape. "@slumpcityusa: I bet my mother @realDonaldTrump would be running for president this year... Let's see!!! #Trump2016" Watch. "@DaveCC1109: @realDonaldTrump Mitt Romney didn't even know HE was running for POTUS." So true! "@ScillieriJr: @alexskoog @realDonaldTrump if he can run america like he runs a business, he'd be a good president" You mean great. Wow, Mitt Romney didn't know that Rand Paul was in the race for president. Very strange! @FoxNews "@Doug3P0: look, DON'T be a fool. VOTE for the right guy. vote FOR @realDonaldTrump" "@jamison1013gma1: @realDonaldTrump @burger__meister I pray that the good lord will give you the strength to run MR. TRUMP" Thank you. "@Piratelover22: @realDonaldTrump Not to mention your wife will show this planet what a First lady IS! #CLASS #STYLE" So true! "@ClintonIYH: If the Republicans are serious about stopping Hillary... They really need to nominate @realDonaldTrump" I agree! "@CalebRapoport: @realDonaldTrump for president 2061!" "@burger__meister: #WhyImNotVotingForHillary because I'll be voting for @realDonaldTrump" "@extra_deep: Hope @realDonaldTrump runs for president and fixes the mess Obama made" "@carolled2001: @realDonaldTrump im so ready to have Mr @realDonaldTrump for President PLEASE" "@MrMet41: @realDonaldTrump The Donald #Trumps all ! #Trump2016" "@IzzyIrelandXXX: We need @realDonaldTrump as President. A great business man will get this country out of debt and back on it's feet "@BlessIsrael1948: @realDonaldTrump @mallhayden11 My Trump is a patriot." "@mallhayden11: @realDonaldTrump #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCbXYkpUwAALF5g.jpg" "@SamCadora: Take some of that passion and energy and run for president already.sweet Jesus just run for President Make America great again "@nilsson_markus: @realDonaldTrump for president , everybody knows it's the best thing for the country #gotrump@PICA_59" "@iamgerg: @realDonaldTrump best looking building in Chicago…" "@zdavis14: @realDonaldTrump For pres #2016" "@JandNsmaman: @realDonaldTrump you should really run mr trump. Republicans will need a strong candidate to beat Hillary.#Trump2016 "@PICA_59: #Trump2016 @realDonaldTrump" "@mayrazayago: This is our favorite tower in Chicago! We love it! We sit in front of it just to contemplate it! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCW-kI8UAAAkM5V.jpg" "@gracemtroupe: @realDonaldTrump so can u run! Please be our president" "@pete_is_king: @PICA_59 @realDonaldTrump is he running? If he is @HillaryClinton might as well not even run." "@MKBeattie: @realDonaldTrump vs @HillaryClinton for the White House would make for awesome debates!" I agree! A great @The Masters. The course looks so beautiful. Fantastic for golf and television ratings! "@MKBeattie: @realDonaldTrump vs @HillaryClinton for the White House would make for awesome debates!" "@dcfoodsafety: I will not vote for a person that thinks that she does not have 2 follow same laws that I do. I know my vote #Trump2016" "@Purplite: Will it be @HilaryClinton against @realDonaldTrump ? Come on Donald, everyone's waiting." "@tam69sc: @realDonaldTrump waiting for you to tell us you are running for president so I can vote for you and rally others to do the same" "@RichardAllen__: It Will be my first time voting and it would be an honor to vote for @realDonaldTrump America needs your leadership!" "@MrMet41: @realDonaldTrump #Trump2016 He gets things done !" So true! "@Retume: I would vote @realDonaldTrump over @HillaryClinton. "@garycassard: "@washpostjobs: hundreds of #jobs Trump is bringing to DC by restoring the Post Office. Rain or Shine Trump Delivers!" "@KnucklDraginSam: @realDonaldTrump @Chris_Owens1213 @HillaryClinton Yeah, first question, list your major accomplishments. #Trump4Prez" "@MrGamecock1: @sjketchen @realDonaldTrump @JohnLegere Well I would not take offense but find out what needs to be improved." EVERYTHING! "@sarzitron: The best part about @realDonaldTrump running for president will be @HillaryClinton losing. I hate her so much." "@ShaneJoseph: Can @realDonaldTrump please run for president just so I can watch him and @HilaryClinton debate. #goodTV" "@washpostjobs: Who's excited for the hundreds of #jobs Trump is bringing to DC by restoring the Post Office into his newest hotel? We are!" "@shannlyman: @realDonaldTrump the trump courses in Scotland are the best in the world! Fantastic few days playing them!" Thank you! "@Chris_Owens1213: I would love to see how upset @HillaryClinton would get if she were in a debate against @realDonaldTrump. .@T-Mobile has so many service complaints - a total joke! "@TracyHolland1: When will you be declaring your candidacy for the 2016 race? Can't wait to put your campaign yard sign in my lawn. "@SoyerJanis: @realDonaldTrump @boris3324 Don't be so insecure because you KNOW @HillaryClinton will lose against Trump "@Trainor_Chris: @realDonaldTrump behind you Mr Trump. She's a Nightmare" "@_SethMade: Folks not aware that @realDonaldTrump could sneak up & be President in 2016." Watch! "@208Rocky: @realDonaldTrump announce your presidency. Make America great again." Stay tuned! "@KENofdfl: @RealPro4Real @politico @GOP @SpeakerBoehner she's a dishonest and deceitful person. Trump, blows her outta the water! "@destiny_113: @JohnLegere if @realDonaldTrump says your service is terrible, it probably is. His hotels are the best, impeccable service." "@RealPro4Real: Vote for @realDonaldTrump & Stop Hillary! She is running for Bill's 3rd Term! @politico @GOP @SpeakerBoehner" "@Osorocks: After sitting in awful traffic,no parking (lots full) we gave up on car show today! Trump called it #javitzsucks #carshow "@Rosesroi: @FoxNews. Trump for President PLEASE! Your Interview on Fox gave hope again for this country. Will work on your campaign." "@TalkerNewYorker: I say Flag Day perfect for an announcement of the presidential variety @realDonaldTrump" My birthday, interesting. "@DOWNFALLOFUSA: @realDonaldTrump When r people going 2 wake up & c that Obama favors everyone but Americans. Obama is our worst enemy." "@BestBergerEver: @realDonaldTrump Hope you'll tell America you're running 4 Prez soon! We need you in charge. #Trump4Prez "@wainainanjenga: @realDonaldTrump @Jackshallis the best president for America ever." "@TerriLeeD: "@daviddepuma: @realDonaldTrump TRUMP for PREZ! You have my vote, Mr Trump!! 🇺🇸 When is the announcement??? Let's go! 👍" "@BlackandBlondeM: @realDonaldTrump for President 2016 & @SenTedCruz for VP! NO more career politicians. @impetrio1 & @BlackAndRight" "@williamgardanis: Working class democrats ,Independents ,Americans that never voted before to decide this election LANDSLIDE MANDATE 4 DJT" "@BestBergerEver: Mr. @realDonaldTrump, I agree: T-Mobile stinks. Just buy the company & turn it into Trump-Mobile! #Trump4Prez "@daviddepuma: @realDonaldTrump TRUMP for PREZ! You have my vote, Mr Trump!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸 #TeamAmerica" "@LouistheXVI99: @realDonaldTrump can't wait to see you on Cbs Sunday morning! #comeflywithme #Trump2016" "@KraftyWurker: Some think Democrats think Rand Paul is a threat, wait until @RealDonaldTrump gets cranked up. #Trumpmeister" "@KraftyWurker: Some Democrats think Rand Paul is a threat, wait until @RealDonaldTrump gets cranked up. #Trumpmeister" "@DanRebellato: . @TMobile I bet they try to ignore the many mocking remarks they receive and wrongly think it makes them look dignified." "@BackOnTrackUSA:Obama gave honor & praise to the deserter Bergdahl but refuses the murdered Foot Hood victims military benefits : shameful" "@Gingerxoxoxoxo: "@realDonaldTrump: .@TMobile gives terrible service and has many complaints, just check."@VerizonWireless is the best" "@MyIntersperse: Everyone including @JohnLegere knows @TMobile sucks.. @realDonaldTrump - Why don't you buy @TMobile & call it TrumpMobile?" "@Jackshallis: @realDonaldTrump Donald Trump for president!" "@philly_phily: @realDonaldTrump @TMobile at&t is the best" "@PrincessDaytura: @TMobile Thank you for having the courage to speak out against corporate coruption, much respect Mr Trump. #Trump4Prez" "@saints_74: @realDonaldTrump @TMobile i agree it is the ONLY phone company that doesn't give u service in central louisiana." "@tornadopain: @TMobileHelp Just find @JohnLegere's hissy fit with @realDonaldTrump ironic, since yall have room to catch up" .@TMobile gives terrible service and has many complaints, just check. "@bkrafttt: My only goal in life is to be a successful man, much like @realDonaldTrump" "@JacobsenSusan: @realDonaldTrump LOVE Trump Tower in Chicago!! Beautiful building!!" "@mjpomor: @realDonaldTrump @mayrazayago This building is awesome. Kind of neat if Donald becomes either the POTUS or the VPOTUS. Mk" "@Jcpcond: @realDonaldTrump @TMobile @JohnLegere T-Mobile sucks!" "@mayrazayago: This is our favorite tower in Chicago! We love it! We sit in front of it just to contemplate it! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCW-kI8UAAAkM5V.jpg" "@ElvinBerndt: @realDonaldTrump @JohnLegere Guess @rootmetrics @JDPower Had it right. @VerizonWireless has the best wireless network." "@Chris_R_2014: @WendyPeters What I admire is that Donald Trump loves this country. He will put country over self and make America great." "@tica1975: @realDonaldTrump @TMobile TMobile sucks can't believe someone like you would promote such a shitty company. Compassionless Co. "@Chris_R_2014: Donald Trump is the man to make this country great. Obama/administration is an embarasssmnet and a complete joke!" "@rozanakabashi: @realDonaldTrump @JohnLegere even though a costumer for so long, their costumer service needs to be better. "@JamersonHayes: Just keep doing what you're doing; a lot of Americans believe in you, you set the standard for what America was built upon. "@dcfoodsafety: @realDonaldTrump @JamersonHayes Agreed! Haters! just because they won't ever have the half the intelligence of Mr. Trump!" "@CougarTrace: @realDonaldTrump @JohnLegere @naughtoriousBIG Mr. Trump don't worry yourself with a 3rd rate wireless company" "@Lex_Shep: @realDonaldTrump @TMobile @JohnLegere. Why are you even using T mobile? I don't use T-Mobile, bad service! Thanks @JamersonHayes, they are all total losers with nothing going for them! RT @JamersonHayes: Youre all peasants and trump owns u @CoreyRittmaster @WarmNewt @MartianDTrump @ThugEFresh @OnwatinWhaler @ForQ2 @TeaTra… "@MikeandDawnNY: @JohnLegere I'm a TMobile customer 4 10yrs & DT is right. Also he's Presidential unlike Joker in WH now & Hillary the Liar" "@JohnLegere: .@naughtoriousBIG @realDonaldTrump u am sure Dinald is proud to have your support" Are you drunk John? Also, T-Mobile sucks! "@LadyZales: You're the only one for the job! You never take any crap from anyone and that's the kind of president I want! #Trump2016" "@JamersonHayes: My man @realDonaldTrump is what a president should be" "@toypilaVzla: RT "@MrNicolasBell: @realDonaldTrump @TMobile @JohnLegere @Verizon is the best service provider http://opensignal.com/coverage-maps/US/ "@cstace1: @realDonaldTrump has already won the election #Trump2016" "@saugat_p: @realDonaldTrump speaks the truth. Refreshing honesty. No politics BS." "@housecalls1228: @realDonaldTrump Sure wish you'd get off the pot and start pissing off this Fed Gov by running for Pres.You've got my vote "@moeaa12: @JohnLegere @TMobile then i hope your customer service ppl learn how to treat their customer and follow up with them to fix" "@thegurleygirl: Your interview on Fox News was great!We need you & the country knows you're the person who can save our country!#Trump2016" "@WeLoveTheDonald: DonaldTrump You sure do look like a natural behind that podium! I can't wait to put my Trump 2016 sign in my front yard!" "@naughtoriousBIG: T Mobile service sucks and it took a Trump to call him out! @realDonaldTrump for President! https://twitter.com/johnlegere/status/587045137324314624" "@MrNicolasBell: @realDonaldTrump @TMobile @JohnLegere @Verizon is the best service provider http://opensignal.com/coverage-maps/US/" "@realliamager: LRT: never thought I would agree with @realDonaldTrump on anything. @EE @TMobile @TMobileUK" @JohnLegere .@TMobile You service is absolutely terrible - get on the ball! @JohnLegere .@JohnLegere T-Mobile service is terrible! Why can't you do something to improve it for your customers. I don't want it in my buildings. "@glfceo: The best #custserv in hospitality is at @realDonaldTrump 's @TrumpChicago hotel! Just super!" Without passion, you don't have energy; without energy, you have nothing. Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion! South Carolina and the audience were GREAT - THANKS! Thank you very much for the nice story, I greatly appreciate it- http://dmreg.co/1IDa9KR Spoke to a capacity crowd at Horry County Republican event earlier today. https://instagram.com/p/1WA36fmhRA/ Heading to South Carolina now - meeting with fantastic people! "@pctech181: For American prosperity, now and for our children's children, there is only one choice. Donald Trump for President 2016-24." "@SheriffClarke: With Donald Trump today after my NRA-ILA speech in Nashville TN! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCQZ990VEAAV-1T.jpg" David, keep up the great work! "@NickBeII: Donald Trump has my vote. Signed and sealed." Thanks! "@michaeljackson: #FriendlyFriday Michael Jackson with Donald Trump. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCPmYTDUwAAVnGp.png" Michael was very misunderstood - a great talent "@wiccanfoxglove: @realDonaldTrump will you run? Can you get us out of the hole we are in? I want this nation to be strong & proud! "@tuckahoetommy: If @realDonaldTrump truly believes he could fix America and loves our Country shouldn't he feel obligated to run?" Yes! "@WarrenMarcussen: @realDonaldTrump @KBrocking I love your show though Donny, I'm a fuckung huge fan" But our country is dieing! "@AutumnJuliaa: My goal in life is to master the idea of a balance sheet as flawlessly as @realDonaldTrump did at my age." @markraymond Thanks Mark, they will! "@anthonycl: .@realDonaldTrump Donald Trump for president! He's the only one who can run a successful business!" "@KBrocking: @realDonaldTrump You gotta run. I think you have what it takes to stop Hillary!!!" "@JordanPolitics: Could it be @HillaryClinton v @realDonaldTrump for POTUS? #Hillary2016 #Trump2016" "@GMCallahanJr: Next great building in DC that should have the Trump name in it! @realDonaldTrump #RunDonaldRun http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCSBS9TUsAAQmgk.jpg" Cute "@markraymond: @realDonaldTrump You're the only person who could lead America and move our country forward!" "@gabriellebragg4: How do I find out where @realDonaldTrump is giving speeches at? Because I really want to go to one." "@KeatsBen: @realDonaldTrump President Trump just sounds right!" Thanks! "@dtbeasley: @nashvillebiz @NSHBIZSichko @realDonaldTrump he also bought the beach property adjacent to Mar-A-Lago from Jack Massey." True! "@MulletGang2020: Ok @realDonaldTrump i saw the interview on #FoxNews I hope you run!" "@6aa9ce3efe0c468: @realDonaldTrump @BackOnTrackUSA you should run Mr.Trump get this country back on track." "@JacksonHoleSue: The interview was compelling! I am convinced you are the right person for the job! I am behind you all the way!" "@DebraAnnGW: @BretBaier @realDonaldTrump I think he would make a great president but not really sure he'll run." Thank you and watch! .@BretBaier Thank you for the very fair and highly professional segment on me tonight. Many people watched and commented. "@dawn_dunne: @realDonaldTrump @BretBaier watched, got me pumped" "@jeffbenton1079: @realDonaldTrump back in Myrtle Beach tomorrow. Might see me at the airport. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCRjmEsVEAAufVB.jpg" "@MamaGlove: Please tell Cruz & Rubio we are trying to return to the Constitution.No more usurpers #RunTrumpRun #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" "@gamecockandrew: @realDonaldTrump thanks for coming to South Carolina tomarrow" My great honor! "@snugglebun31: @realDonaldTrump PLEASE SAVE OUR COUNTRY RUN FOR PRESIDENT!" Watch and thank you. "@LaurenHayes021: If @realDonaldTrump runs for president it would be the best thing that had happened to this country in a long time! "@ITTRP: @TaraHill5 Obama's average employment % is worse than his last 5 predecessors, including Carter! https://twitter.com/ITTRP/status/573848446479777792" "@kyleraccio: @realDonaldTrump Trump will be great on protecting 2A rights!" "@jjnebraski: @realDonaldTrump as a 100% disabled I beg u Mr.Trump run for President & make U.S. Great again, we need a honest man like you! "@dalley5: I got the tingle up my leg when you spoke! The common sense was to die for...we need somebody that will really fix this!" "@HoustonGunn: A Warm Welcome to #Nashville @realDonaldTrump today. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and opinions with Middle #Tennessee" "@GameWeiver: @realDonaldTrump @ericbolling Donald Trump doesn't compliment many people. True! "@kyleraccio: @realDonaldTrump Trump excites conservatives AND appeals to independents. The best candidate. RUN DONALD RUN!" Thanks Kyle. The NRA in Nashville today was amazing. Packed house and standing ovation for Trump. THANKS! .@ericbolling did a fantastic job on O'Reilly tonight. Way to go Eric! "@enole28: @seanhannity When will you have on @realDonaldTrump? Sean is a great guy who truly loves our country. RT @michaeljackson: #FriendlyFriday Michael Jackson with Donald Trump. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCPmYTDUwAAVnGp.png Off to Nashville and the NRA. .@BretBaier I will be interviewed by Bret (on Fox) tonight at 6:00. Watch, it will be good! "@BackOnTrackUSA: Again, Obama has made us a laughing stock with his Iran " negotiations ". Obama is a disgrace & an embarassment" "@5reedz: @realDonaldTrump Welcome to the Best City in the USA....... Nashville Tn. I love Nashville! I will be speaking at the NRA event today in Nashville. Many friends will be there. "@kissangel864: @realDonaldTrump @TrumpGolfDC thats great and all but are you running for pres" Watch! "@Blitz2Fr: I won't rest until I have respectfully shaken the hand of DonaldTrump himself.🔅 #inspiration #RoleModel http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCNhjWRUAAE-vcV.jpg" Exclusive–Donald Trump: Obama 'Totally Out-Negotiated' by Iran, Taliban, 'Virtually Every Country in the World' - http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2015/04/09/exclusive-donald-trump-obama-totally-out-negotiated-by-iran-taliban-virtually-every-country-in-the-world/" "@iamapatsfan: I would rather Donald Trump be the president than Jeb Bush." Would do a much better job! Will be doing a big interview tonight with Bret Baier at 6:00 P.M. on Fox. Don't miss it! "@stevewest222: @greta @RepDeSantis DonaldTrump Kerry is such a great negotiator he doesn't even know when he has a deal! Better call Trump Record crowd and standing ovation at Simpson College in Iowa- lots of fun, wonderful audience! On my way to @TrumpSoHo to receive the AAA Five Diamond Award. I had a great time in Iowa yesterday- record crowds, fantastic people! "@slips60: @realDonaldTrump Looking in from across the pond, America needs you asap" "@kissangel864: @realDonaldTrump @justariot66 we need some one like you. Are you putting your hat in the ring, i sure hope so" "@Chm14Mc: @realDonaldTrump Trump Turnberry looks incredible in the sunshine. #lookinggreat #trumpturnberry" "@coffee6666: @realDonaldTrump @RealSQUEZZ I heard nbc pays don 3 million week for his show n president makes 8,000 week. Just watch! "@BradHeat: @realDonaldTrump is the entrepreneur that all entrepreneurs look up to. Keep the inspiration up." Thank you. "@teslu888: @realDonaldTrump We will vote 4 you. "@RealSQUEZZ: @Realdonaldtrump HAS WHAT IT TAKES TO MOVE AMERICA FORWARD. #VoteTrumpForPresident" "@justariot66: Rand, Cruz, Rubio next week. A hat trick of "never gonna win" Donald if you ever were for real this is the time." "@kwrcrow: @CommunityJC I agree America is disheartened. I truly believe #Trump can turn this country around. He is the only 1 who can" "@TtsincWard: @realDonaldTrump Go Mr. Trump we're pulling for you.." "@travis_temple: Make America Great Again! @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCHoknaWMAIDhGt.jpg" "@Forbes: Quote of the Day: "Sometimes your best investments are the ones you don’t make." - Donald Trump http://onforb.es/1FvNjkG" "@Jpicc1: @realDonaldTrump Please DO run!! We need a strong leader who will end the embarrassment our current President has caused us!!" "@EHarper69: @realDonaldTrump If you run you will win.. I've never been wrong. Just be presidential, not a salesman! Meeting with Iowa State Senate Leaders https://instagram.com/p/1Ogx8PGhQN/ MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Leaving now - I'm spending the entire day in Iowa - great people, great state! "@ColemanG81: I can't wait for DonaldTrump to become president and finally put the US back on top as the worlds greatest country! #Trump2016 "@MyView001: @realDonaldTrump U sure could do a lot for the country!" "@mccoykellen: I would 100% recommend everyone watch all of @realDonaldTrump vines." "@Finenco: Rand Paul #speech is a repeat of every other #politician. Heard it before @TexasGOP @nytimes We need flat tax #Vote 4 DonaldTrump "@sxeymoney: @realDonaldTrump for president." "@Brain__Quotes: Sometimes your best investments are the ones you don't make. -Donald Trump @realDonaldTrump" "@Brain__Quotes: When somebody challenges you, fight back. Be brutal. Be tough. @realDonaldTrump" "@gegco: @seanhannity Great interview with @RandPaul It will b interesting 2 c if @realDonaldTrump runs.If so I hope u get 2 interview him." "@ckottlarock: @realDonaldTrump #trump4prez" "@Amit_D_R: @realDonaldTrump @4kmiddlebrook I'm sure the American voters will say, "Mr Trump you are hired!"" "@Luismamh11: DonaldTrump “Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game. "@JanineGreenberg: Meeting Trump @realDonaldTrump #TrumpTennis #woohoo http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCBlFGnWAAEHuhG.jpg" "@SportsTalkCSN: TONIGHT at 10 on CSN:@CHICKatCSN + @BmitchliveCSN talk with T to discuss his new project in Virginia http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCBoB2xW0AECEiK.jpg "@xwellLudwig: .@realDonaldTrump We need someone who can whip those goons on capital hill back into shape! #Trump2016 #Teens4Trump" "@4kmiddlebrook: @realDonaldTrump is ahead of Most Republican candidates and he hasn't even warmed up yet. America Needs #Trump2016 !"Thanks "@kyleRok: Amazing! Trump tennis facility in Loudoun County is gorgeous!! Anything this man does, he does it right. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CCBvH6dWgAEw-vZ.jpg" Wow, the respected Monmouth University poll has me ahead of most Republican candidates nationwide, and most people don't think I'm running! Many journalists are honest and great - but some are knowingly dishonest and basic scum. They should.be weeded out! "@laurasgoldman: .@realDonaldTrump why is it necessary to comment on .@ariannahuff looks? Because she is a dog who wrongfully comments on me "@tarashuman: DonaldTrump Thank you so much for your amazing HOPE message!!! I'm so grateful. #hopeisagoodbreakfast http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CB9Nb_sXIAEq7DA.jpg "@Reedgs119: @realdonaldtrump @cleopattrausa Donald you are the next Ronald Reagan. Make America great again." Thank you. "@kzieff: @realDonaldTrump just run!" "@Realistboutmine: F.Y.I Will make a excellent president He has what it takes to turn this county around he is Donald Trump for a reason." "@cleopattraUSA: Please makè it a 100% chance you'll run for President! 'I could make this country great again' http://cnb.cx/1zK3MvM@@" "@Whatyouknowjr: @realDonaldTrump @Realistboutmine All you need to do is announce and we're there!" "@Reedgs119: @realdonaldtrump agree 100%" "@Realistboutmine: @realDonaldTrump for President please everyone vote in 2016 if God willing please we need him to help our country" "@KeatsBen: @realDonaldTrump Donald please run for president! You need to show Obama how a real man does it!" "@cstace1: @realDonaldTrump is a president to get excited about!!! 2016!!!" "@ChipGates1: @realDonaldTrump @RollingStone @HuffingtonPost Yeah shut em down. Nothing but toilet paper" "@jasonCwaite: @realDonaldTrump The BEST tweet of 2015. Agree? #Trump" How much money is the extremely unattractive (both inside and out) Arianna Huffington paying her poor ex-hubby for the use of his name? As dishonest as @RollingStone is I say @HuffingtonPost is worse. Neither has much money - sue them and put them out of business! "@willgalloway_: @realDonaldTrump when will you announce your 2016 decision? Btw we all know you're running! #Trump2016" "@toypilaVzla: #trumpforpresident @realDonaldTrump is ☞ triumph. Next year sounded the trumpets! http://twitter.com/toypilaVzla/status/579827138729246721/photo/1" "@ShapiroJD: @realDonaldTrump You should be on #SharkTank as a guest star. #Trump2016 #kingofthedeal" Nice show! "@scapesrus: @realDonaldTrump @susanbbossie @serenawilliams Virginia rocks !!" "@StaceyHunter10: DonaldTrump great brunch yesterday at Mar a Lago thank you for stopping to take a pic with our kids http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CB8zMr5W4AAtH2x.jpg "@BROWNGNG: @realDonaldTrump @Andrew_purcell Every Monday morning I watch Fox & Friends just to hear you say "I'm running" Keep watching! "@susanbbossie: @realDonaldTrump Excited to see the new tennis facility tomorrow @ Trump National in VA @serenawilliams ❤️🎾❤️ Best in world .@serenawilliams we look forward to being with you, a truly great champion, tomorrow at Trump National D.C. for the Tennis Center dedication "@ISAACYASS: @realDonaldTrump I know you will do great things for the USA!" "@Andrew_purcell: @realDonaldTrump for President! 😃" "@MichelleMeyer10: .@PolitiBunny .@gerfingerpoken Could explain Art of The Deal to Obama/Kerry but its waste of valuable time. #NuclearIran" "@BachelorFortune: .@TrumpChicago over-delivers EVERY time I'm in town. Thx 4 the incredible stay @realDonaldTrump! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CB8dO-jW0AAcbzW.jpg" "@Buster842: @realDonaldTrump The thought of Obama makes me want to puke. He is a big disgrace to America and all it stands for." "@MarianoQCasilum: PLEASE make it known now that you are a serious CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT. WE, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE NEED YOU TO LIBERATE USA “Obama’s promises on the Iran deal are like him promising ‘if you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it’” - @marklevinshow Via @ProgressIndex: “Donald Trump to deliver keynote address at annual Chesterfield Republican Gala” http://bit.ly/1Il6bGG Via @LasVegasSun by Eugene Dunn: “2016 is the year of Donald Trump” http://bit.ly/1DFsFB6 Miami’s top destination, @TrumpDoral’s remodeled Royal Palm Pool offers 18 luxurious cabanas http://bit.ly/1HIIrZy Via @postandcourier by @warrenlancewise: “Donald Trump headed to Charleston” http://bit.ly/1y4P5JX Congratulations to @GatewayPundit on being named the #ROL15 @BreitbartNews award. Well-earned & well-deserved! Looking forward to visiting @SimpsonCollege on Wednesday to discuss education. Common Core is an attack on individual & local rights! #TrumpAdvice https://instagram.com/p/1I02Y9GhZn/ Congress must stop Obama’s reckless deal with Iran. The framework is a pathway for Iran to develop nukes. .@RollingStone admitted their scam. Phony @HuffingtonPost and others are no better-- total joke! "@majesticljp: @realDonaldTrump it's time for you to run for President of The United States, Mr Trump!!" "@Doctor_Platek: @realDonaldTrump I believe you are the person who can help this great nation become great again!" You are right! "@somecooldad: @MrMikeCalta @realDonaldTrump for president" "@belllabooo13: @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends I always Enjoy listening to you Mr Trump!! You give great advice! God Bless!!" "@maxine41823: @foxandfriends @realDonaldTrump always hear the truth from Donald gives honest opinion...always listen" "@KonnieMac: @realDonaldTrump run Donald run!!!" "@GameANew: @realDonaldTrump #Trump2016" "@MarcAardvark: For now @SenRandPaul is the GOP candidate I support for 2016. Once @realDonaldTrump jumps in, I may change my mind." "@RealMetman: @realDonaldTrump nice segment on @foxandfriends.. you have my vote" Will be doing @foxandfriends this morning at 7:00. ENJOY! "@tijfbutler: Greatest Easter greeting ever RT“@realDonaldTrump: I wish everyone, including the haters and losers, a very happy Easter!”" "@Bamadad1985: @realDonaldTrump I hope u run for president. U have my vote" .@ShawnJohnson have a great Easter, you are a real champion! I wish everyone, including the haters and losers, a very happy Easter! "@BabyFuzz1969: Declare Your Candidacy! Right time, Right age, Right mind w/common sense, Right Leadership #RightMan #RightNow #RightVote" "@golf_com: .@realDonaldTrump's NYC course just opened, and it is spectacular: http://bit.ly/1FqGWiA http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CBsF_2KUsAAp9eG.png" Thank you Joe! Have a fantastic, beautiful and happy Easter everyone and then, when Easter is over, have great wins and triumphs in life. Never give up! That Saturday Night Live is able to joke about the Germanwings air tragedy is disgusting. They should apologize to all of those suffering! "@greta: @realDonaldTrump @hillarysusans I can hardly wait to do the interview when the Old Post Office is finished in all her glamour" "@hillarysusans: @greta @realDonaldTrump That was such a great piece. Really enjoyed it!" "@greta: @hillarysusans @realDonaldTrump I had so much fun doing that interview - so different from the usual OTR" "@hillarysusans: It showed. He'll be up in NH for FITN. Can't wait to see him. Will tweet pictures to @FoxNews http://thegoodhillary.com" "@ohheyyhbayyy: One could only hope that @realDonaldTrump will run for president. Had enough of Obama's poor choices in office. The Iran nuclear deal is a terrible one for the United States and the world. It does nothing but make Iran rich and will lead to catastrophe RT @TrumpFerryPoint: Many thanks to everyone that came out to experience opening day! We appreciate all of your VERY positive feedback! htt… Via @CBSNewYork: “@TrumpFerryPoint Opens In The Bronx” http://cbsloc.al/1bUcYtt "@4kmiddlebrook: #Everyone @realDonaldTrump is the ONLY one who can beat Hillary Politicians are all talk and no action. Washington can only be fixed by an outsider. Let’s make America great again! http://www.donaldjtrump.com/ Oil is under $50/barrel. Now is the time to increase sanctions against Iran, not lift them. No deal is better than a bad deal. #ArtOfTheDeal Via @TheTodaysGolfer “Trump @TurnberryBuzz transformation on course” http://www.todaysgolfer.co.uk/news-and-events/course-news/2015/april/trump-turnberry-transformation-on-course/ Watch my @oreillyfactor appearance from this week discussing nuclear negotiations with Iran- http://bit.ly/1CVQr9I "@OliverOmrf Very excited to start reading #theartofthedeal after being so inspired by #howtogetrich @realDonaldTrump" Great. Good luck! RT @BCLesClefsdOr: "@TrumpToronto: Here's our photo showcasing our 2015 Five-Star plaque http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CBlzfygUgAAiavG.jpg" Congratulations from @BCLe… "@jleec Reading @realDonaldTrump Art of the Deal tonight for the 3rd time. Please run for president! #Trump2016" RT @gdent1: @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump played LA course yesterday. Absolutely beautiful course. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CBloN6UUoAASooF.jpg RT @TrumpFerryPoint: Golfing experience at this Trump track makes it worth the price http://nyp.st/1ISAMJ8 via @nypost @realDonaldTrump ht… "@MaryHodgins: For all the AMAZING people in the world with #Aspergers & #Autism. @richardbranson @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CBk3RZmWEAA0ZKw.jpg" "@MichelleM: Praying for only more success for DJT. An honorable man who knows The Art of The Deal & who would not make a bad deal w/ #Iran" "@Scotspolfed: Friendliness, professionalism & sheer dedication of staff @TurnberryBuzz should be pointed out to the boss @realDonaldTrump "@ArthurKade: Fun chatting w/ Derek Hough, Donald Trump, Zac Posen, Harvey Weinstein, Meredith Vieira and more http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CBGcJ6qVIAA4hy6.jpg" "@Newsmax_Media: Suffolk Univ. Poll: Trump Leads Cruz, Rubio in New Hampshire http://ift.tt/1IDE3fb" "@Tyrone_deverger: @realDonaldTrump I pray to God you run for 2016. You are the one man that can save the USA. "@kuhnl1: "@realDonaldTrump: Entrepreneurs: Learn to trust yourself. Being an entrepreneur is not a group effort."" Entrepreneurs: Practice positive thinking with a lot of reality checks. Know that goals come with obstacles. RT @roedigerj: @Jrich1830 8th generation willow ridge family speaking with @realDonaldTrump after his hole in 1. Congrats Josh! http://t.co… Entrepreneurs: Learn to trust yourself. Being an entrepreneur is not a group effort. Entrepreneurs: Realize that success requires 100% effort and 100% focus. Nothing less. Must read via @FoxNews by @JaySekulow: “Mr. President: Will you bring home American pastor imprisoned in Iran?” http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2015/03/30/mr-president-will-bring-home-american-pastor-imprisoned-in-iran/ Obama’s offer to Iran will not stop Iran’s breakout capability. It is a bad, desperate deal negotiated from weakness. Pass sanctions! Washington needs common sense conservative solutions. Let’s make America great again! http://www.donaldjtrump.com/ Via @UnionLeader by @tuohy: “Trump: You're Hired” http://www.unionleader.com/article/20150331/NEWS0605/150339860&source=RSS Via @Newsmax_Media by @OwenTew: “Donald Trump: Kerry Has to Walk If Iran Doesn't Make Deal” http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/Donald-Trump-Iran-nuclear-deal/2015/03/31/id/635663/#ixzz3W4Dw01b6 RT @ss_iwano: The Rainbow from Trump Tower Waikiki. Part 2 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CBfw86RUMAAnVmS.jpg Via @rcpvideo: “Donald Trump on Who He Likes For President: Donald Trump” http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2015/03/31/donald_trump_on_who_he_likes_for_president_donald_trump.html RT @deucecrew: NH employment rate up. Well, Donald Trump has hired 3 more staffers in Granite State. Think he's running for something? #nhp… RT @RealPro4Real: The PGA Grand Slam of Golf will be held at @TrumpGolfLA :-) http://go.pga.com/1bMF6P0 @Evan_Schiller @IvankaTrump http://t.… RT @TrumpFerryPoint: The #Bronx Borough President, @rubendiazjr gets ready to tee off at #TrumpFerryPoint http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CBg9UZCWwAAhDP2.jpg "@ronsonlocke @realDonaldTrump I passed your Aberdeen Golf Course, looks amazing!" Thanks! RT @kevinmurraygolf: another pic of the 13th @TrumpScotland #greatpar3 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CBg4x2tXEAADD-i.jpg The townhall question segment of my @WMUR9 Commitment 2016 Conversation @JoshMcElveen http://www.wmur.com/politics/conversation-with-the-candidate/conversation-with-the-candidate-donald-trump-part-2/31887214 Great questions/people #FITN "@DanMilosevich @EricTrump @TrumpFerryPoint Impressive - just as Trumps would be as first family. I hope your Dad runs 4 Prez, we need him" One of the greatest tributes to a father I have ever witnessed--given to the great @jacknicklaus by his wonderful son http://www.c-span.org/video/?c4532989 #TrumpVlog Be careful with Iran. https://instagram.com/p/07_AOAmhQE/ RT @TrumpCollection: It may be #AprilFoolsDay, but the beautiful views from @TrumpDoral are certainly no joke. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CBg9GLSUkAA4FHQ.jpg My friend @ChristianJosi is making a very special LP. Follow him. Conservative leader by day, likely 2015 GRAMMY winner by night. #LEGENDS RT @EricTrump: .@TrumpFerryPoint is officially open to the public! Congratulations to our great team! The property looks incredible! http:/… RT @FoxNewsInsider: .@realDonaldTrump: Obama Seems 'Desperate' for Iran Deal, 'Terrible Negotiator' http://bit.ly/1Ikwucp @oreillyfactor h… RT @ayrshirepost: This week we go behind the scenes @TurnberryBuzz as @realDonaldTrump begins his stunning revamp http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CBghYmpXIAArnEz.jpg RT @IngrahamAngle: Going to be a great show today! @realDonaldTrump and @CarlyFiorina will be joining us. Tune in! #ListentoLaura RT @sarahstonegolf: Happy opening day @TrumpFerryPoint what a place!! @roedigerj @realDonaldTrump @EricTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CBge_NaUYAENgeZ.jpg RT @TrumpFerryPoint: GOOD MORNING GOLFERS! #TrumpFerryPoint is officially open for business! @realDonaldTrump @roedigerj @EricTrump http:… "@19thWheel: @megynkelly @realDonaldTrump Thank you for having #Trump on!! Want to see him educate reps on #Economy !!" "@19thWheel: Heard your interview on SiriusXM Radio from FoxNews. I was thinking Scott Walker but now going Trump card all the way." "@CodiHart: @realDonaldTrump Saw you on @oreillyfactor tonight. Go Trump!" "@FlyOSUBuckeye1: RUN Mr Trump! Run! #oreillyfactor @realDonaldTrump I doubt Sec Kerry EVER read "Art Of The Deal"" "@Josh_Millard16: I'm loving everything DonaldTrump has been saying about the Iranian Nuclear deal, China, Mexico, and the border.Please run "@Will1957: MR. TRUMP. THIS NATION NEEDS YOU NOW MORE THAN EVER. I ENCOURAGE YOU TO RUN FOR POTUS. YOUR IMPACT IS A GAME CHANGER." "@Cigartainer: @realDonaldTrump best I've seen you / o'reilly. U bring a lot to the table & r a true citizen." "@_buckyou: @realDonaldTrump you got my vote...let's change this laughing stock of a country" "@devin199722: Just watched you on @oreillyfactor Want you to run for office in 2016 so you can be the first President I Vote for!!!" "@MichelleMeyer10: Donald, USA must NEVER allow Iran to make their chants "death to America" a reality "@LauraMontaguxox: @realDonaldTrump You would be a good president! Your a great businessman and care about our country!" Thanks. "@cinderelly78: @oreillyfactor @realDonaldTrump Get in there and straighten this country out! 🇺🇸" "@ChrisBiedermann: Building a massive wall on our southern border needs to happen now. Support Donald Trump. He can make this happen." "@tr123xyz: @realDonaldTrump Excellent appearance on O'Reilly Factor tonight. "The smart guy" is what this country needs." "@Teeroyd: Saw you on oreily and you hit it on the head, bring all manufacturing back stop outsourcing Im a gay republican, ANNOUNCE!" "@bridgetmarie89: "@foxesbA: @realDonaldTrump @oreillyfactor "The Smart Guy" I love that slogan!"" Trumps Smart Guy approach #inspired me" "@nikkio: Good interview on O'Reilly - Many people r unaware how foreigners play around w/ currency to win trade over USA companies." "@pinkdaisey22: @realDonaldTrump @oreillyfactor great job both of you! Donald you have my vote!" "@hitemhard_42: @realDonaldTrump is not a #politician. Perfect. Build back a great #America, Say what u mean & Get it done. #RealBusinessMan "@Party__2016: @realDonaldTrump MR TRUMP......HOPE WE CAN CALL YOU MR. PRESIDENT SOON!!!!!" Thanks. "@wnapier99: @realDonaldTrump Great interview on O'Reilly tonight!" "@sailor7: @rebeccagberg - I am ready to work for the GOP - I want to back @realDonaldTrump - he is a Patriot" "@user9888: Money was never a big motivation for me,except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game. @realDonaldTrump "@wingchungun: 👉Trump👈 would have Iran not only dismantling their Nuke program but would be paying the US to help! ... & in ONE day!!! "@msft9: @realDonaldTrump @RichRichie725 good job on O'Reilly tonight!" "@FakeSkiTeam: @realDonaldTrump That's why we need tough, smart leaders like you in the White House instead of this pushover Obama!" "@anniekineavy: @realDonaldTrump for president !! #thesmartguy" "@FakeSkiTeam: @realDonaldTrump This Obama guy has no backbone when it comes to foreign policy! Please run for President Donald!" "@marino_joanna: @realDonaldTrump @oreillyfactor my money is on you in making a deal with Iran." Each day that Iran delays the deal, if that is what you call it, we must add another sanction, and make them progressively tough. "@RichRichie725: @realDonaldTrump You can't make a BAD Deal GOOD" "@EdRoc72: @realDonaldTrump will bring #America back. Our #savvy #optimism and #pride needs a #STRONG #LEADER like Donald Trump. #Elect2016" "@katmur23: Run @realDonaldTrump Run! @oreillyfactor #oreillyfactor" "@doehillmeme: I'm with you, @realDonaldTrump!!" "@agoodeye: @oreillyfactor v @realDonaldTrump Bill you're out of your league. Don knows what he's saying" "@Chris_R_2014: @realDonaldTrump @oreillyfactor - We need Trump as President!" "@J_SAB_: @realDonaldTrump for president !" "@trhdesign55: Great interview @realDonaldTrump on @oreillyfactor !!! Throw your hat in the ring !!!" "@foxesbA: @realDonaldTrump @oreillyfactor "The Smart Guy" I love that slogan!" "@oledudstillgoin: @realDonaldTrump Trump 4 President 2016....count on my vote!" "@MichaelTMorgan1: @oreillyfactor Trump is RIGHT: we are dealing with zealots, animals and amateurs... WAKE UP. No deal, Walk and walk fast" "@StoneBreakerII: I would most definitely vote for Trump for president!! He would be a real leader unlike what we have now @oreillyfactor" "@STL_Blonde: I love you @realDonaldTrump, you're an American original. Don't ever change. #oreillyfactor" Thank you. "@christianlasval: "What's happening to us is not a question of tough,it's a question of smart." Hurry and run already, we need to get smart "@southsalem: I'd vote for @realDonaldTrump b4 christie jeb schumio @oreillyfactor" "@kicknback123: @realDonaldTrump is a master negotiator. Obama can't even operate a toaster. #oreillyfactor" "@jesseaazar: @realDonaldTrump @oreillyfactor Start To Save America, PRES. TRUMP!" "@MarianoQCasilum: @realDonaldTrump PLEASE RUN AND RUN. PLEASE HELP US LIBERATE AMERICA FROM oBAMA'S MALADIES!" "@JohnA553: @realDonaldTrump Don you have to run" "@GWONDER6: First election I can vote in... I want @realDonaldTrump to run for president." "@Beyon: @oreillyfactor You know... DonaldTrump is looking pretty damn good as a presidential candidate. Maybe he is our modern day Patton?" "@williamgardanis: @realDonaldTrump The BEST President in the history of the United States DONALD J TRUMP" Turn on @oreillyfactor now and enjoy true brilliance! "@MegaPandaduck: @realDonaldTrump @oreillyfactor We desperately need another great president. Come on Mr. Trump, America needs you!" "@Cherelynn: @realDonaldTrump @WeLoveTheDonald I would support you if you were going to get in the race" Thanks. "@KhadeejaNicolle: @realDonaldTrump Your exactly correct. Don't let me down by not running for President!" "@WeLoveTheDonald: You can count me in! Why do you think I'm @WeLoveTheDonald? Because I believe in you and trust your judgement!" "@donniewilmoth: @realDonaldTrump I hope this is your official announcement for your candidacy." "@GiamattiJenna: @realDonaldTrump @oreillyfactor it's going 2 b good" I will be on @oreillyfactor tonight at 8:00. Enjoy! RT @TrumpLasVegas: 7 years ago today, we opened our doors to welcome the very first guest. #HappyAnniversary #TrumpLife #LasVegas http://t.… I will be on Bill O'Reilly's show tonight at 8 PM--talking about Iran and politics. @oreillyfactor Entrepreneurs: Gain and use information to your advantage--see every day as an opportunity to learn. Entrepreneurs: See yourself as victorious. Look at the solution, not the problem. Be tough, be strong, be tenacious. Entrepreneurs: Ask yourself: What am I pretending not to see? There may be some great opportunities right around you. The right leadership can help economy while creating security around the world. Let’s make America great again! http://www.donaldjtrump.com/ “Simply take a big goal and mold yourself to become the person who can accomplish that goal.” – Think Big There is only one fix for ObamaCare - REPEAL & REPLACE with a free market oriented alternative! Via @FoxNewsInsider as seen on @foxandfriends: “Trump: Iran Nuke Talks Should Have Taken One Day” http://insider.foxnews.com/2015/03/30/donald-trump-iran-nuclear-talks-should-have-taken-one-day RT @IvankaTrump: A great article in this weekend's @nypost about the @TrumpFerryPoint: http://buff.ly/1ExPTZL @TrumpGolf Iran is desperate to develop nukes. Congress must increase sanctions against Iran. RT @trumpwinery: In the #vineyard we are seeing signs of spring! Last chance to make your guess for our annual Budbreak Contest here: https… RT @TrumpFerryPoint: A Great Article on #TrumpFerryPoint via @businessinsider http://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-is-opening-the-most-expensive-golf-course-ever-built-in-america-2015-3?utm_source=alerts Cc: @roedigerj @realDonaldTrump @EricT… "@Ajcarpenter0 Hoping to see @realDonaldTrump in office for the next 8 years #Trump2016" "@Tom38Ts I wanted Trump to be the President in 2012 the country needs Trump to be the next president in 2016" RT @GGoodtaste: .@TrumpChicago Had an outstanding bday visit - Thanks! 📷 RT @nbharuka http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CBZHO2vW8AAvt1l.jpg RT @TrumpNewYork: Thank you for sharing! RT @postcardsfromny: View from my room #trumpinternationalhotelanftowers http://twitter.com/postcardsfromny/status/582679848935690241/photo/1 RT @DSpraguePGA: .@TrumpGolfLA will be an exceptional host for the ‘15 PGA Grand Slam of Golf & PGA Junior League Golf Championship http://… "@marioraez1: Just came back from Chicago and ur building there is gorgeous! Best looking one in the city. Class and luxury all the way" "@thembazoko1: "@realDonaldTrump: We create success or failure on the course primarily by our thoughts. -- Gary Player"" "@DNRuffin: @realDonaldTrump We need a good intelligent leader like you. Don't let these lessers take your spot. Step up. "@FunkyFakir: @realDonaldTrump Donald Trump and Condoleezza Rice. What a ticket that would be! http://twitter.com/FunkyFakir/status/582700314538713088/photo/1" "@Mom2MNO: @WashTimes @billpostmus Please send DonaldTrump over to negotiate instead of these idiots. He obviously understands how it works. The border is wide open for cartels & terrorists. Secure our border now. Build a massive wall & deduct the costs from Mexican foreign aid! We have a sacred duty to care for our vets and their families. Veterans deserve universal access to care anywhere and anytime! My @WMUR9 Commitment 2016 Conversation with @JoshMcElveen discussing leadership, China, healthcare & veterans http://www.wmur.com/politics/conversation-with-the-candidate/commitment-2016-conversation-with-the-candidate-donald-trump/32051086?absolute=true&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=wmur9 Via @gazettedotcom by James Q. Lynch: “Trump to run typical caucus campaign, ‘but bigger’” http://thegazette.com/subject/news/trump-to-run-typical-caucus-campaign-but-bigger-20150327 “US tycoon Donald Trump in talks with Ryanair to bring more flights back to Prestwick Airport” http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/tycoon-donald-trump-talks-ryanair-5422340 via @Daily_Record Wow, what a nice honor! http://www.northjersey.com/sports/boxing/ward-trump-lead-14-to-n-j-boxing-hall-1.1297920 Via @CBNNews’ @TheBrodyFile: “Poll: Donald Trump in GOP Top Tier for President” http://blogs.cbn.com/thebrodyfile/archive/2015/03/26/poll-donald-trump-in-gop-top-tier-for-president.aspx “@TurnberryBuzz the jewel in Donald Trump golfing crown” http://www.scotsman.com/news/celebrity/turnberry-the-jewel-in-donald-trump-golfing-crown-1-3731317 via @TheScotsman by @DempsterMartin RT @IvankaTrump: Excellent article on @TrumpFerryPoint from @nypost this weekend: http://bit.ly/1NywqcM RT @TrumpDoral: Which is the first course you'll play this spring? http://ow.ly/KTaCt http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CBWHNCSUcAA_yJN.jpg "@mysticmimsy: @JavaMedic I tcompletely agree. Trump is the only man with enough gusto to force the wind of change. #TrumpForPresident." "@Politcswatch: @realDonaldTrump I would call what the Obama Administration has done these two terms a disaster. #foxandfriends" "@foxandfriends: .@realDonaldTrump calls out those negotiating with Iran on a new nuclear deal. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CBV12g4VIAAIeDl.jpg" "@JavaMedic: @realDonaldTrump You know we are desperate, so time to announce #TrumpForPresident. #foxandfriends" "@LooneyTunes002: I am tired of @realDonaldTrump thinking about it- just do it. The country is a mess. Politicians will only make it worse." "@Tom38Ts: @realDonaldTrump please run for president this country needs a real leader please" "@belllabooo13: @foxandfriends @realDonaldTrump Amen Mr Trump! You are so right!! They are clueless! God help us and God Bless you and yours "@fortworthhomes: “@foxandfriends:Trump calls out those negotiating with Iran on a new nuclear deal. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CBV12g4VIAAIeDl.jpg”I believe him." "@Caraskc: @foxandfriends @realDonaldTrump Good call out about Obama and Israel. Trump: always a friend to Israel." "@danowiggins: @realDonaldTrump I always enjoy your straight talk. I'm afraid America can't handle the truth." Perhaps so! "@THETAINTEDT: @foxandfriends @realDonaldTrump Trump 2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CBV4bVGUMAAmtcC.jpg" The girlfriend of Lubitz, the wacko co-pilot who took down the plane, knew he was insane and should have reported him. Put her through hell "@nathanmporter @TrumpToronto @realDonaldTrump Congrats!! That is an amazing accomplishment!! Well deserved... #Toronto" "@IndyBuffaloJim @TrumpToronto Doesn't suprise me one little bit, look who is running luxury Donald Trump that master of what people want :) "@CahlRStorrie Everytime @realDonaldTrump comes to Scotland, it's always sunny. It's not often for the sun to be out in Scotland" "@shepherd_connor Great to see the future president back in Scotland. He is going to make Turnberry a very special place once it's finished! RT @TrumpToronto: We are honoured to announce that we have been awarded as Toronto's Top Hotel of 2015 by Top Choice Awards. #Accolades htt… The road to success is always under construction. -- Arnold Palmer "@sammybo73392412 @AaronMcAllorum @realDonaldTrump I passed by yesterday while driving down the Whitestone bridge. What a beautiful sight" "@littlevd23 @AaronMcAllorum @NYC Like anything Mr. Trump puts his name on simply amazing!! The Bronx needed the Trump touch!" Thanks. "@CraigHume Off to @ayrracecourse tonight for the @AyrshireChamber dinner. Looking forward to seeing @realDonaldTrump & hearing his speech! "@EntourageUK @AyrshireChamber looking forward to your annual dinner dinner tonight and hearing from @realDonaldTrump #ACdinner15" RT @AaronMcAllorum: @realDonaldTrump has opened a new golf course in.. The Bronx http://sosh.com/bronx/trump-golf-links-at-ferry-point/donald-trumps-magnificent-new-golf-course/a/z5jz/?ref=activity_short_link&inv=Cnnva&latitude=&longitude=&nearme=false http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CBHI5KUWsAA1m-Z.jpg "@DOSMTurnberry Look forward to hosting clients & guests at the Ayrshire Chamber annual dinner tonight with guest speaker @realDonaldTrump" "@RoddyDunn @realDonaldTrump @AyrshireChamber big things expected from tonight's key note speech :)" RT @MMcEwanBunkered: The plans revealed by @realDonaldTrump for @TurnberryBuzz are just brilliant. A genius move to make the lighthouse a H… "@KellyMorrisLtd @AyrshireChamber Sad to be missing it. Huge buzz about the key note speaker this year!!! America's future president" Looking forward to tonight's Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner 2015 @AyrshireChamber RT @TrumpToronto: Did you know that by 2020, Toronto is projected to have the highest number of high-rise condominiums in the world! http:/… RT @TrumpToronto: Friday Exclusive | Take a look at @TrumpVancouver's amazing photos at @IvankaTrump site: http://www.ivankatrump.com/ivankas-office-trump-vancouver/ http://t.… "@NathanErbland I agree------> The 2nd Amendment is a right, not a privilege! @realDonaldTrump" "@henry4_graham @realDonaldTrump Fantastic advice as always." Thanks. ICYMI, via @DMRegister by @JenniferJJacobs: “Donald Trump to give Iowa speech on education” http://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/politics/2015/03/19/donald-trump-give-iowa-speech-education/25029673/ “Faster And Cheaper, Trump Finishes NYC Ice Rink @TrumpRink” http://articles.philly.com/1986-11-01/news/26094092_1_ice-rink-donald-trump-trump-time Gov. can be efficient w/leadership & business acumen. Message to Obama re: Iran: “The worst thing you can possibly do in a deal is seem desperate to make it.” – The Art of the Deal "@Jeff713Jeffrey @FoxNewsInsider I don't care what anyone says I'll take Trump anyday at least he tells the truth and tells it like it is!" Looking forward to speaking @nranews Convention in Nashville http://www.tennessean.com/story/insession/2015/03/16/donald-trump-added-to-nra-convention-lineup-in-nashville/24850877/ The 2nd Amendment is a right, not a privilege! Flashback @FoxNewsInsider July '14:“Trump: Bergdahl Swap Another Mistake By 'Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight'” http://insider.foxnews.com/2014/06/02/donald-trump-slams-obama-administration-bergdahl-swap-fox-and-friends RT @Theprepguy: I already miss the @TrumpToronto! If you haven't stayed there before, it will literally be the best stay of your life #TPGT… Entrepreneurs: Successful negotiation means knowing what the other side wants. You've got to know where they're coming from. Pay attention! Entrepreneurs: When negotiating, don't be an open book. Know that the only person on your side might be yourself. Entrepreneurs: Seek opportunity, and see opportunity as a perk. You never know what will evolve. Keep an open mind! Resolve never to quit, never to give up, no matter what the situation. -- @jacknicklaus RT @FTLifeArts: This weekend in @FTLifeArts - a preview of @realDonaldTrump's new golf course in the Bronx RT @TrumpToronto: We will have another #TrumpTorontoFlashFriday tomorrow at 4 PM and book your luxurious room at a special rate! http://t.c… RT @TrumpDoral: Enjoy a delicious lunch poolside at the Palm Grill. http://ow.ly/KBwBw "@bluesmanSINY @realDonaldTrump The Donald for President. Big YES! The Country Needs A Leader" "@paul1994loan You would be the most straightforward Prez weve ever had. I dont see you reading prepared speeches off a teleprompter" "@Wastehe @realDonaldTrump @ACCronin8 We need a Trump card in the white house. You can make this country back to the way it was!" RT @CelebIntelUSA: .@realDonaldTrump releases second men's fragrance - http://bit.ly/1ybMoAG http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CBBO_EIUwAE9E43.jpg "@ACCronin8 @realDonaldTrump Trump for president!!!" "@AmazinHOF The more I read about @realDonaldTrump the more I want him to be President. His directness & honesty just makes sense." Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl should face the death penalty for desertion - five brave soldiers died trying to bring him back. U.S. has to get tough! If Saudi Arabia, which has been making one billion dollars a day from oil, wants our help and protection, they must pay dearly! NO FREEBIES. Pres. Obama was touting Yemen as a great success story - it just fell. Obama doesn't know what he is doing. Saudi Arabia is in big trouble. "@aspieprobs: @realDonaldTrump #Trump2016 #trumpforprez you will get my vote. "@xxjennypennyxx: @realDonaldTrump Super excited to be spending Easter in Doonbeg🙏🙌 #Spa #irishgirl #Donaldtrump #lovetrump #Ireland "@walleyefever: @realDonaldTrump would the Bergdahl exchange have been included in The Art of the Deal??" RT @pgaofamerica: .@realDonaldTrump joining PGA CEO Pete Bevacqua & @bkatrek on @SiriusXMPGATOUR tonight. Show starts at 8:00 pm ET! http:/… Via @FoxNews: “Trump: Politicians are all talk no action; I'm the opposite” http://video.foxnews.com/v/4132397412001/trump-politicians-are-all-talk-no-action-im-the-opposite/?#sp=show-clips “Donald Trump launches new men's fragrance-- "Empire" -- @Macys "Because every man has his own empire to build'” http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/donald-trump-launches-new-mens-fragrance-empire-by-trump-because-every-man-has-his-own-empire-to-build-10129948.html "@BrendanMalakym @realDonaldTrump First time in the fabled #trumphotel Toronto - concierge was amazing, & experience is the right word" Thx Many people think that WM23 @WrestleMania “the battle of the billionaires” was the greatest of all time—set all records “Americans are hungry to feel once again a sense of mission and greatness.” – Pres. Ronald Reagan My @greta int. on @FoxNews with @MELANIATRUMP at OPO discussing my potential candidacy & making America great again http://video.foxnews.com/v/4132397412001/trump-politicians-are-all-talk-no-action-im-the-opposite/?#sp=show-clips Via @Newsmax_Media by @OwenTew: “Trump on 2016 Run: I Would Self-Fund, Appoint Wall Street Experts” http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/Donald-Trump-presidential-run-self-fund-appoint/2015/03/24/id/634315/#ixzz3VPH5oE2P RT @greta: .@realDonaldTrump: If I am President, I could make this country great again @FoxNews Via @bostonherald by Eugene R. Dunn: “Iran a clear danger” http://www.bostonherald.com/news_opinion/opinion/letters_to_the_editor/2015/03/letter_iran_a_clear_danger via http://newstimes.com: Only one man up for the job of president http://www.newstimes.com/news/article/Only-one-man-up-for-the-job-of-president-6156460.php .@IvankaTrump's Favorite Miami Hot Spots @TrumpGolf @TrumpDoral http://www.forbes.com/sites/maridelreyes/2015/03/25/ivanka-trump-miami-travel-guide/2/ Jack Nicklaus II gave the best tribute to a parent I have ever heard at yesterday’s Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony honoring @jacknicklaus RT @golf_com: Congrats Jack! The Golden Bear was awarded a Congressional Gold Medal yesterday: http://bit.ly/1HB8x3V http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CA8wvt8U0AEnCo6.jpg "@HaKolBzman you would make an awesome president. We need someone who actually understands business to turn this country around" Thanks. RT @TurnberryBuzz: Shining a light on Scotland's newest conference & function space! Coming soon - thanks to @realDonaldTrump http://t.co/u… RT @TrumpDoral: Looks amazing! RT @LoveyHowell: @TrumpDoral Enjoying poolside lunch. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CA9ERlsUMAAcCdg.jpg RT @IvankaTrump: Acquiring the #OldPostOffice in #DC is one of Ivanka's career highlights. She fills us in: @TrumpCollection http://t.co/3Z… RT @TrumpDoral: We are just as excited as you to see your wedding vision come to life. Allow us the opportunity to make it a reality: http:… RT @seajay2uk: Turnberry Lighthouse Love this place! @realDonaldTrump #Scotland http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CA8sIGmWEAER8ZC.jpg RT @domrob5244: Goodmorning everyone #Sunrise #PICTUREOFTHEDAY @TrumpChicago http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CA8pvlXUYAACFGL.jpg "@johnny4arizona: A Trump presidency would MAKE U.S GREAT AGAIN, MAKE MADE IN USA #1 , put more $$$ in pockets of EVERY AMERICAN #Trump2016" "@johnny4arizona: Dream Debate 4 #Election2016 Clinton vs Trump: Trump would be FIRED UP, and Hillary would be NOT HIRED !!! #Trump2016" "@cptnloco262: @realDonaldTrump Watching @greta right now...I'm game! Let's take it and win!" "@Gibbons2012Alex: @MELANIATRUMP @realDonaldTrump id vote for you.." "@brianstoya: @realDonaldTrump For POTUS #2016" "@DrueBuono: @realDonaldTrump Just saw you on Greta, hope your not just teasing us about running! Go for it" You'll see! "@GreatmakeupKate: @realDonaldTrump @Jdwillms1Jeff Donald Trump is the greatest hope for this country we have" "@tgainesgirl: @WeLoveTheDonald I totally agree I almost cried watching @greta interview with you. Do it just do it Run and save America" "@MikePhelps5: Watching Mighty Planes about @realDonaldTrump private B-757. Mr. Trump is THE MAN. He's as impressive as the jet." Thank you. "@15pinnacle: I have to give DonaldTrump credit ... he lets everyone #tourists into his beautiful #hotel #residence...and it's beautiful!!" "@conservmatt: @stevenlas @jimlockwoodshow @realDonaldTrump the Donald employs and feeds more people than all of us combined. He's America." "@WeLoveTheDonald: @realDonaldTrump What a BEAUTIFUL First Family you will be!" Go to @greta show - will be talking about OPO and plenty else - ENJOY! "@iBusinessLounge: @realDonaldTrump and Parlux Fragrances Partner To Launch Second Fragrance For Men. #iBusinessLounge #Business" "@Belle_2016: @greta I would vote for @realDonaldTrump for President with @marcorubio as vice president. That would work for people in Fla. "@Jdwillms1Jeff: @realDonaldTrump You are the best choice to turn around the country." I am on @greta now! "@josephangel247 @realDonaldTrump So true after reading the Art of the Deal #AMustReadBook #GoodAdvice" RT @greta: Both these men are likely running for Pres in 2016 and both will be guests tonight ON THE RECORD at 7p http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CA48LIDWcAAhwaE.png Entrepreneurs: Take responsibility for yourself. It's a very empowering attitude. Entrepreneurs: Trust your instincts, even after you've honed your skills. They're there for a reason. Entrepreneurs: Negotiation is an art. Treat it like one. With @greta in Washington, D.C. Old Post Office under construction. Tune in tonight at 7PM EST! https://instagram.com/p/0nv7T9mhRU/ "@JJ55334767 @realDonaldTrump Please save America! The country has over $18 trillion in debt! http://www.usdebtclock.org" RT @TrumpCollection: With stunning, new event venues, your wedding at @TrumpDoral will be nothing short of picture perfect: http://t.co/jTI… "@Stevieboy_63 @TalkerNewYorker @5gentexan Hi Katie, let's get Donald Trump in the WH. He's the man to get this country back in order!" "@TalkerNewYorker @IndyBuffaloJim @greta Mr. Trump IS "Mr. NYC" Let's make him "Mr. President" I am ready to work-it to get you in!" "@IndyBuffaloJim @greta I remember visiting that building a real jewel I am proud of Donald once again stepping up to make America Beautiful RT @greta: See clock on tower of old post office bldg @realDonaldTrump is restoring http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CA4PDCAWAAItcil.jpg RT @greta: Historic old post office bldg - now @realDonaldTrump is fixing it http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CA4N5dgWUAAaw6x.jpg Via @dcexaminer by @eScarry: “Donald Trump: @HuffingtonPost 'a very dishonest organization'” http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/donald-trump-huffington-post-a-very-dishonest-organization/article/2561926 My @FoxNews @megynkelly int. on why I am considering running for POTUS, negotiations & making America great again http://video.foxnews.com/v/4130449291001/donald-trump-i-want-to-see-this-country-be-great-again/?#sp=show-clips RT @PGATOUR: Follow @PGATOURNow for live updates throughout the day from the #NicklausGoldMedal ceremony: http://pgat.us/601024oO http://t.c… "@MauiJano You have my presidential vote! We need an assertive person like you to bring back respect and financial repair to America!" Thx RT @ScotGolfPodcast: @GCMorningDrive @TrumpScotland lots of exciting developments at @realDonaldTrump's resort in Aberdeen, Scotland. http:… "@Lisaowens1989 @realDonaldTrump please run for president and get our country running better!" "@poolsharkNC: @GolfDigest Great! @TrumpScotland @realDonaldTrump I can't get enough of that fantastic place. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CAbfPPFWcAAnhRF.jpg" Thanks "@Kev_360 @GolfDigest Agree. Especially when @realDonaldTrump @TrumpScotland have the best course and rates going. #bestofthebest" "@PAW1015: @realDonaldTrump Mr. Trump, please run. You'd take them all to the cleaners in the debates and get the 270" "@MariaFotedis: Please run @realDonaldTrump you will win. We need you" "@JNOBOA23: @realDonaldTrump this country needs a strong business mind to get it back on the right financial track and you have that mind!" "@DebrachoPaola: Donald Trump is the hope of America! @realDonaldTrump" "@SimsDaniel: #Trump2016 Please! @realDonaldTrump" "@SanStar_eMedia: Heard @realDonaldTrump might be running for #president. Think that would be pretty cool actually." "@_ayley: @realDonaldTrump you would be doing our country a favor by running for President. #Trump2016" "@vagpoop: @realDonaldTrump Heard you on 770 today. You should run. #FORREAL" "@JustSoldCom: @realDonaldTrump trump has a very good chance at 2016! We need you Mr Trump, The US needs you!!" "@johnhmaddox: Listening to DonaldTrump interview on @SavageNation. He's so far above the rest of the field as a practical, realistic leader "@MichaelEntrekin: At this point, every arrow points your way.. We need The Don!! #trumpforpresident We need you, sir! Run! #betteramerica" "@DoremusJ: @realDonaldTrump You're my dream candidate. I hope your exploratory committee agrees. If they don't you should fire them." Cute! "@Eerbnagrom: @megynkelly @realDonaldTrump my 2 favorites!" "@NJunger_19: Has all he could ever want. If he runs for Pres, then it it because he loves our country and wants to make it strong again." "@PG1701: “@BasilicaCEO: Annoyed Cruz running becos I don't like anyone cept @realDonaldTrump.” "@NJunger_19: @GingerPascoe @realDonaldTrump Exactly. Thats y i said ive never voted REP but i will if Donald runs. REP or not, he gets it." "@nick_bailey: Can't wait to see @realDonaldTrump's miraculous border fence when he's elected President in 2016!" "@DrewPalmquist: @realDonaldTrump for president 2016!!" "@anon_thom: You have my vote @realDonaldTrump" "@joelleangeli: @realDonaldTrump I'm patiently awaiting a big announcement... #Trump2016" "@DinoPetrongolo: @realDonaldTrump 2016" "@SCOTTMALOUFF: @realDonaldTrump you have to run!! Your next!!" "@CVergara32: @realDonaldTrump for president" "@Matt_The_Stud: @realDonaldTrump you have my vote if you commit. You know what you can do. Give your people what America needs. "@luisaorozcov: My dream! @realDonaldTrump is an example of life http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CA1d2w7UUAAAbSx.jpg" "@vidortwitt: @realDonaldTrump plz run for President and get this country back on track! Plzzzzz!" "@fackinpeter: @realDonaldTrump this country needs you!!" "@ColinSWood: 1) I will vote for you @realDonaldTrump" "@marko0524: @realDonaldTrump Run Donald Run" "@NJunger_19: @realDonaldTrump Ok Ted effing Cruz is running. Come on Donald. For the love of God run. NEVER voted REP, but I WILL if u run. "@JaayZen: @realDonaldTrump @chriswerner1988 Run Donald Run! @seanhannity" "@brianjohnson4: When you become President, who would be the secretary of the Treasury? No one can run a business better that you." "@BasilicaCEO: Annoyed that Ted Cruz announced he's running because I don't like anyone except @realDonaldTrump. "@alorcafesocial: @realDonaldTrump @BellaNYCMag love YA Donald!!" "@foxrocks2012: "@TrumpGolfLA"@Daniel_Logan "Amazing double rainbow above the course": "http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_3MEDTWIAAp1ZN.jpg" A Good Omen for DonaldTrump "@JeremyTheDrift: @realDonaldTrump please run , you are republicans only hope 🙏" "@raymeem: @megynkelly @realDonaldTrump I see Donald is the only guy who makes sense on economic reality.He sees naïveté of America vs China "@lancebagley1: @realDonaldTrump Lend Us your Steel. Run. Run. RUN. #Trump2016" "@am_burns13: Currently rooting for @realDonaldTrump to announce his 2016 campaign" "@chriswerner1988: @realDonaldTrump Make the announcement June 14th !" "@belllachay: @realDonaldTrump Please tell me you're going to run for the BIG one...PRESIDENT! USA needs you! #AllTheWay #VoteTrump" "@ULTIMATE_TREE: @realDonaldTrump Donald you inspired me in business to mop up my competition the same way you do." "@cclkm: @realDonaldTrump @megynkelly Run Donald Run!" "@Wastehe: @realDonaldTrump @FatRotty well @realDonaldTrump make an announcement. I love you and I want to see you do it!" "@FatRotty: I can't wait for @realDonaldTrump to beat Ted Cruz down in a debate. #Trump2016" "@megynkelly: #KellyFile behind-the-scenes: Here I am with @realDonaldTrump on set! He joins me at 9p ET – tune in. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CA0XoZ1VIAEuHMj.jpg" Will be on @megynkelly tonight at 9:00. WILL BE TALKING ABOUT EVERYTHING! RT @TrumpSoHo: Start taking advantages of being a Trump Card member. Enjoy privileges like upgrades, welcome amenities & more. http://t.co/… RT @TrumpCollection: RT @ThomasLKnightJr: Stunning night view from @TrumpNewYork this weekend! #TrumpNewYork http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CAzM-vfU0AAjNAw.jpg RT @WMUR9: Video: CloseUP: Donald Trump looking at 2016 run 'very strongly' http://on.wmur.com/1HjNn6C "@ArsenalHobbo Just finished watching celebrity apprentice @realDonaldTrump @IvankaTrump on the BBC great work guys for such a good cause" RT @dannogallagher7: Made side trip trip today to Mar-A-Lago mansion in Palm Beach owned by @realDonaldTrump since 1985. http://t.co/72FO9e… “In N.H., Trump says his business experience would play well in government” http://www.concordmonitor.com/news/politicalmonitor/16184925-95/in-nh-trump-says-his-business-experience-would-play-well-in-government via @ConMonitorNews by @AP ICYMI, “Raw video: Donald Trump speaks at Rep. Steve Stepanek's Amherst reception” http://www.wmur.com/politics/donald-trump-speaks-at-amherst-reception/31905912 via @wmur9 Via @UnionLeader by @tuohy: “Trump says he will decide on a presidential run by June” http://www.unionleader.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20150319/NEWS0605/150318876 "@JoanSlavin1 @greigaspinall @johnrich Simply BRILLIANT would never miss it Trump family a credit to society re charitable donations" RT @TrumpDoral: We think you should celebrate the new season with a trip to #TrumpDoral. http://ow.ly/KBr6N RT @TrumpNewYork: Thank you for sharing! RT @ThomasLKnightJr: Breathtaking view from @TrumpNewYork of snow-covered @CentralParkNYC! http:/… RT @TrumpPanama: Whoever said less is more has never stayed at #TrumpPanama. http://ow.ly/KBj9Z RT @TrumpToronto: Trump Hotel Washington progress report from @IvankaTrump: http://bit.ly/1Or0atq #luxury #fivestar "@greigaspinall @realDonaldTrump great show! Shame we are so behind in the UK. The 2011 season just finished! Well done @johnrich" Thanks. RT @TrumpDoral: Enjoy 120 beautiful acres when you play the #RedTiger. http://ow.ly/KBq4x "@kazmat67 @realDonaldTrump Awesome weekend at #Turnberry my new favourite place!" Great! "@CahlRStorrie I think @realDonaldTrump is the only reason I watch Fox and Friends. Honest man he is." @foxandfriends "@suddy25 just watched celebrity apprentice in England. Wonderful. How did you choose between them. Whole prog was great. Thank you." "@JohnFulthorpe: America needs @realDonaldTrump He is the only one who can save us from the Leftie, Liberal Fascists. #VoteTrump" "@NeilWipperman: @foxandfriends @realDonaldTrump @tedcruz Go Team Trump!" "@chingaling3: @realDonaldTrump Praying that you have a productive day. Give God thanks. He gave you the ability to succeed." Thank you. "@belllabooo13: @foxandfriends @realDonaldTrump great job Mr Trump lots of great ideas!! Looking forward to hearing more from you God Bless! "@StephenMangan: Enjoying @realDonaldTrump's thinking face http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CAxsRElWUAA6LlT.jpg" "@duranshingange1: @realDonaldTrump i work hard everyday to be like u one day in my life." Great, you will be very successful! Will be on @foxandfriends at 7:00 - 15 minutes! Enjoy. "@KirstyDace: A brilliant weekend at Turnberry. Polite, friendly staff, delicious food and beautiful setting. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CAuud6XWcAAzeXV.jpg" "@JudyBaldasaro: It was a pleasure to meet Donald with Rep @Al_Baldasaro & I at VIP Recept in Amherst, NH #nhpolitics http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CAxojq6VEAEelbi.jpg "@BellaNYCMag: “You have to think anyway, so why not think big?” @realdonaldtrump inside the pages of our #Spring… https://instagram.com/p/0kSfxioKdG/" "@TylerLeeSmit: I found a few of your buildings in Busan, South Korea. They're looking clean and beautiful. Keep expanding the empire!" "@JefferyAArnold: #TedCruz for president? Haha. Really @tedcruz? You should run as support for @realDonaldTrump, not as a candidate." "@TravelBabe78: @realDonaldTrump You will have my vote. #PresidentTrump" "@wizardofwords: @VictoriaJacobs @TrumpToronto Yes, I loved it! Close to #UnionStation for train travellers, which is what I was. #Toronto" "@JJJ2323: Treated myself to a few nights in Trump Tower in Chicago. All I can say is ..WOW. You know how to look after your guests" "@nicolesavilla: #trumpforpresident hell yes!!! I'd vote for @realDonaldTrump in a heartbeat!!!" .@MiamiHerald discusses our @TrumpCollection #TrumpPets program @TrumpDoral: http://hrld.us/1CDCf6g RT @TrumpDoral: MT @lmramlochan: Visited Trump last week in prep for our convention in Sept! Isn't it gorgeous?@TrumpDoral @wsiworld http:… "@dulcifybp @seajay2uk @realDonaldTrump @VisitAyrshire what a great credit to Donald Trump" Thanks. RT @Ben_Burke10: @realDonaldTrump, would you like to give me a tour of this beauty some time? http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CAj7aFiUcAASCEx.jpg "@SamDoyle12 @realDonaldTrump Thanks for the quotes today---a month away of starting my own business #helpful" Good luck. RT @USNewsTravel: The @TrumpWaikiki offers a winning combination of five-star service & superlative views: http://ow.ly/KxA8Z http://t.… Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. -- Winston Churchill "@RaffleWinner @realDonaldTrump I can't decide if you will be a great President or the GREATEST President! #Trump2016" RT @mikerobertson24: Just been to @realDonaldTrump course @TrumpScotland - only for a quick look round. Never seen a course look as fine. I… RT @MikeSington: For real this time! @realDonaldTrump hires #Trump2016 staffers. Don't underestimate him; he gets things done! http://t.co/… RT @Whiskeyloop: @realDonaldTrump Things are looking pretty nice for the Grand Slam #tough #beautiful http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CAjs5Z0UQAE8us2.jpg Entrepreneurs: Let your actions show that you're the best. See each day as an opportunity to show you can do business at the highest level. Entrepreneurs: Learn to be succinct. Can you tell someone your idea in three minutes or less? Be clear and concise. Entrepreneurs: Set the example, and you'll be a magnet for the right people. That's the best way to work with people you like. Trump National Golf Club Los Angeles fronts the Pacific Ocean and has an 18 hole Pete Dye course. Beautiful! http://www.trump.com/Golf_Clubs/Los_Angeles/Los_Angeles.asp "@moniquehorsey I really love and admire @realDonaldTrump's high level of work ethic & motivation. Very inspiring to entrepreneurs!" Thanks "@zaneypeterson @realDonaldTrump you have my vote!" RT @michaeljohns: I'm with @realDonaldTrump: Let's be the party of economic growth and job creation, not the party of austerity: http://t.c… "@john_siracusa @realDonaldTrump @Boarcane "President Donald Trump" would be an awesome presence in #America ; and we regain respect." .@TrumpSoHo New York has interiors by celebrated design house Fendi Casa and 360 degree views of the city skyline. http://www.trump.com/Hotel_Collection/Trump_SoHo/Trump_SoHo.asp RT @GetawaysGolf: Thanks again to @realDonaldTrump and team @TrumpGolfLA for perfect #golf yesterday, ending in killer #sunset. http://t.co… RT @hennikerbrewing: It was an honor to be one of the NH small businesses meeting with @realDonaldTrump today in Manchester! http://t.co/Qe… Trump Golf Links at Ferry Point, an 18 hole public golf course in the Bronx, New York, is opening soon! http://www.trump.com/Golf_Clubs/Bronx/bronx.asp RT @NHBusinessAtty: Fascinating opportunity to meet with @realDonaldTrump today and hear about his vision. #fitn #NHPolitics http://t.co/o… RT @TrumpGolfDC: Courtside view in our new state of the art Trump Tennis Center! #tennis #usta #indoortennis #dctennis... http://t.co/tqrdI… "@HORPTyler While I'll miss the Celebrity Apprentice Season 15, I think it's great that @realDonaldTrump will try for the White House." "@Smilin_Smuggler @realDonaldTrump You have my vote! #trumpforpresident #Trump2016" RT @TrumpSoHo: Great photo, thank you for sharing! RT@sopherliu: With this view, there are no getting-over-the-hump days. @TrumpSoHo http:/… Trump Int'l Hotel & Tower, New York has the perfect Manhattan location & @jeangeorges is the signature restaurant. http://www.trump.com/Hotel_Collection/Trump_New_york/Trump_New_York.asp "@yo_rocky Right now... I would vote for @realDonaldTrump for president." "@TalkerNewYorker I love the Trump Family. They have done so much just in #NYC, how lucky other parts get to benefit! #GoodFamily" RT @WMUR9_Politics: .@realDonaldTrump leaves @WMUR9 studios after interview with @JoshMcElveen #nhpolitics #fitn #wmur2016 http://t.co/e2… "@LittmannRaymond @realDonaldTrump He would be a GREAT PRESIDENT and we need him to represent and protect America's interests worldwide." RT @OhBootsy: It's looking good, @realDonaldTrump! Can't wait to have Trump DC open. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CAd4uw_U0AAqE05.jpg "@annmcg01 @rosannascotto Much as I will miss Celeb Apprentice, we need a real President! I'd vote for him! Love to see him on #GDNY" "@matt_med @realDonaldTrump Trump 2016! Has a nice ring to it! You have my vote! Please run!" RT @TrumpDoral: Beautiful photo! RT @JaredSKlein: Under the lights @TrumpDoral http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CAdlb0WUQAE3Quh.jpg "@littlevd23 @rosannascotto He is what this country needs! Mr.Trump would undoubtedly do all the right things to make the USA respectable" "@nicolesavilla: #trumpforpresident hell yes!!! I'd vote for @realDonaldTrump in a heartbeat!!!" "@Boarcane: DonaldTrump We need you to run and WIN! A true patriot with only the country's best interest at heart. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CAa-Na6WEAIsJoR.jpg "@aozsvath: @realDonaldTrump Please Run for the president, and make America great again. Americans worked too hard to lose their country!!!" "@rCoolJR: @realDonaldTrump #Trump2016!!! You got our votes!!! Make it happen!!" "@JLogossoComedy: I've never voted... If @realDonaldTrump runs for #President .... I'm voting for him" THE DONALD J. TRUMP PRESIDENTIAL EXPLORATORY COMMITTEE-http://on.fb.me/1x1AI8j Trump National Golf Club, Washington, D.C., is located on 600 acres and fronts the Potomac River. Spectacular!http://www.trump.com/Golf_Clubs/Washington_DC/Washington_DC.asp RT @danfeehan1: @realDonaldTrump First step in getting America back on top, Now let's support him! #electDonaldTrump for president RT @Way_CoolJr: @realDonaldTrump PLEASE explore and then RUN!!! RT @greta: . @realDonaldTrump has formed exploratory com for Pres and is our guest ON THE RECORD at 7p tonight /Fox @FoxNews http://t.co/Vx… Corey Lewandowski, Senior Political Adviser: "Mr.Trump has the vision and leadership skills to bring our country back to greatness." April is Autism Awareness Month, join me in raising awareness - get your “Light It Up Blue” sign here! #LIUB http://bit.ly/LIUBselfie "@WillAA99: @realDonaldTrump For The Love of The United States of America don't let another Bush or Clinton in Office! Run Donald Trump Run! RT @insightz: @RealPro4Real @realDonaldTrump @WSJ @IvankaTrump @jimcramer Finally smone who's not a career politician but does smthing usef… "@MyTime28: @FoxBusiness @realDonaldTrump I rather see him as President than any Republican out there, at least he will think $$$$ and sense "@MidvilleB: @realDonaldTrump Please run & save this country" "@vinceconley: @realDonaldTrump woohoo! The United States of America President Trump! I like the sound of that! #Trump2016" "@ezika101: @realDonaldTrump #Trump2016 #jobsmatter" "@TheRealHabanero: The thought of you becoming president of the United States is the only thing that gives me hope for this country's future "@thatjguy92: Mark it down @realDonaldTrump has my vote" Great! "@TMAC7771: @realDonaldTrump run 4 president we need your business mind to make America great again" "@JoshCalebKing: @BestBergerEver @realDonaldTrump Trumpy really loves the Irish!" "@d_mc_cullough: @paddyb_ireland @realDonaldTrump Do ya not know this wee man is one of the best in the world." "@playazball: @JoshCalebKing @BestBergerEver @realDonaldTrump and the Irish love Trump! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CAVjyAyUcAAoE_7.jpg" RT @TrumpWaikiki: Happy St. Patrick's Day from @TrumpWaikiki's Infinity Pool, where we'll be taking in views of the green palm trees! http:… RT @MarcNECN: JUST IN: @realDonaldTrump to address media at 5 p.m. Thurs. when he attends reception at Amherst home of NH State Rep. Steve … Entrepreneurs: See yourself as an organization. Pay attention to every facet of your life. What's strong? What's weak? What's missing? Entrepreneurs: We win in our daily lives by being careful with every day, every moment. Entrepreneurs: Success is good. Success with significance is even better. Make your work count. "@SamDoyle12 when discouragement comes in the business, what would be your suggestion?" You have to expect problems. Keep moving forward. RT @TrumpDoral: Spring is just days away. Book your tee times now and enjoy the new season: http://ow.ly/KpkO9 RT @America_Toronto: Thanks @torontolife for featuring us as one of the Best New Restaurants in 2015: http://bit.ly/1GMRDeN http://t.co/rL… RT @photomateme: Preparing my trip to Scotland, dreamingly looking at @realDonaldTrump MacLeod House & LinksGolf course: magnificient http:… RT @TrumpDoral: #TransformationTuesday: Get an inside look at the brand new Arnold Palmer Villa http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CATs5E3WYAA1gvz.jpg "@Jack_P_Ivory I'm a #trump fan even though I live outside the U.S. but I like what I read and see from him. He takes no BS!" True! RT @BobAlonso: @terrymullery @realDonaldTrump @TrumpChicago Trump Ocean Club International Hotel & Tower Panama http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CATWDfwUYAAuEVC.jpg RT @TrumpPanama: Pretend you're lounging by our infinity pool and not at the office with our Instagram: http://ow.ly/JA1mQ http://t.co/… RT @terrymullery: Awesome view of THE Tower @realDonaldTrump @TrumpChicago http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CAQ7J4CWwAAb0MV.jpg RT @Chicago_History: Happy #StPatricksDay from #ChicagoHistory ~ @realDonaldTrump @IvankaTrump @TrumpChicago @MELANIATRUMP @EricTrump http:… "@myhealthcoach1: Your C-PAC speech 2015 was presented so clear, straight forward it made it so easy to understand wt prob US has!" "@AnitaMarkdjones: @realDonaldTrump agree , he has my vote !!" "@Jack_P_Ivory: @realDonaldTrump is the only person alive who could clean up the mess Obama left us." True! "@craigmacwilson: @realDonaldTrump 'Run Donald, RUN!'" "@1a0e358348904f5: We need a president that can get America back on track and get things done! @realDonaldTrump for president!" "@grahamclark: Is it just me or does @realDonaldTrump seem nice?" "@jcosmofisher: If Donald Trump runs for president in 2016 he most certainly has my vote. We need to get this country turned around" "@Mayhemsolis @realDonaldTrump any tips on staying motivated?" Keep focused on your goals. Think about them daily-- & don't lose momentum. RT @Diky_mulyana: Nice (Y) "@JackHMoran: @realDonaldTrump Do you like this picture that I took of your building? http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CAOmKWRUgAATkxd.jpg" "@ortonsearch Accepted membership to Turnberry Golf Club today. Your plans sound amazing! Excited about the season ahead" Great--have fun! "@SamDoyle12 @realDonaldTrump when starting a business, what is the most important aspect?" Find work that you love--be passionate about it. RT @jdistaso: And BTW, @realDonaldTrump will speak on the morning of 4/17 at @FITNsummit #fitn #nhpolitics "@firemanshaun55 Absolutely love @TrumpToronto impeccable service, well deserved #1 ranking. Congrats! @TripAdvisor #Toronto" Thank you. Trump National Golf Club Bedminster, New Jersey, has courses designed by Tom Fazio & 16 acres of practice facilities. http://www.trump.com/Golf_Clubs/Bedminster/Bedminster.asp RT @TrumpToronto: Thank you @TripAdvisor. We are honoured to received this 2015 Travellers' Choice Award #1 Luxury Hotel in Canada: http://… RT @TrumpCollection: Enhance your travel experience. Become a TRUMP CARD member today: http://trumpcollection.co/trumpcard RT @barrybutler9: The Chicago River Goes Green @ChooseChicago @IrishCentral @IrishNewsChgo @chiarchitecture @TrumpChicago #Ireland http://t… RT @THEBillMcGee: @realDonaldTrump Beautiful architecture, but best appreciated when staying here. Impressive service. http://t.co/yBfLu11… RT @JackHMoran: @realDonaldTrump Do you like this picture that I took of your building? http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CAOmKWRUgAATkxd.jpg RT @TrumpDoral: Stunning! RT @MCGreenlaw: Day 2 at the @TrumpDoral @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/CABEhBWXIAIWJTv.jpg "@StuartY19 @realDonaldTrump Celebrity apprentice is great, got right into the series, big fan of it now!" Great! RT @JoeLouisErina: This is my social media bid for @realDonaldTrump to run for president. Let's face it, this world has no more time for po… "@fc61e7ca3dac404: @realDonaldTrump a great candidate for president! H:-)ope with my heart u run! Our country needs u" "@JenninBoca: I enjoy seeing @realDonaldTrump on @foxandfriends. "President Trump" has a lovely ring to it, I think. #TeamTrump @FoxNews" RT @TrumpPanama: Day or night, #TrumpPanama highlights the beauty of Panama. See it on our Instagram: http://ow.ly/JA1mQ http://t.co/ST… "@fackinpeter: @realDonaldTrump you sound really presidential on @foxandfriends 2016 cant come soon enough i know you will win" "@jakematt1999: @realDonaldTrump should do more on #FoxNews #EverydayIsBetterWithTrump" "@888maggie888: @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends Everyone wants to know what The Donald thinks. Thanks Fox for the interesting talk. "@fackinpeter: @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends i cant wait" "@foxesbA: @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends My favorite part of the week is listening to you on Monday mornings #morningsarebetterwithfriends .@foxandfriends at 7:00 A.M. "@EdgeCGroup: Back in #NYC for a HUGE week meeting our partners. Staying at the highly recommended @TrumpSoHo @realDonaldTrump" "@seajay2uk: @realDonaldTrump @TurnberryBuzz Beautiful sunset of lighthouse and Ailsa Craig. http://twitter.com/seajay2uk/status/577248277869015040/photo/1" "@Dhami98Devin: As a 16 year old young man, I am very impressed that I haven't been able to put down 'The Art Of The Deal' Great book!" "@BritLizHilton: #CelebrityApprentice @DonaldJTrumpJr don't follow me but he has children to be proud of. I really admire @realDonaldTrump" "@donnalee57: @realDonaldTrump yes sir, wish you were President with decision power to lead this Country back to greatness" "@approject: Via @Pulse2016: Taking @realDonaldTrump Seriously http://bit.ly/1EiSYKa #TCOT #CCOT" Very interesting, check it out! "@NagwareXBL: we need @realDonaldTrump for president" So true, thanks! Boy did Pharrell & Robin Thicke get screwed. The Marvin Gaye song sounds nothing like theirs. Get new lawyers fast! Entrepreneurs: There are no guarantees, but being ready sure beats being taken by surprise. Know everything you can about what you're doing. Entrepreneurs: What is the standard for which you want to be known? Identify that standard & then establish it. Simple, but not easy. Focus! Entrepreneurs: A winning attitude will put things in perspective. Keep negative thoughts & people where they belong--out of the big picture. RT @TrumpCollection: We're proud of the #TrumpCollection team members running the #UnitedNYCHalf to raise money for the @EricTrumpFdn: http… RT @BrandonBerens22: My hotel for the #B1GTourney in Chicago is right out side @realDonaldTrump Tower. One of the coolest buildings ever. h… RT @service_hell: @TrumpToronto @AlRoccaa @mdamelincourt @realDonaldTrump #service is all about people +they set the standard #London hotel… RT @MyGolfConcierge: When Donald J. Trump returned the 3 Iron to @RoryMcIlroy at the #CadillacChampionship. #TrumpDoral http://t.co/fPvl60r… RT @MCGreenlaw: Day one at the @TrumpDoral @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B__LGmnVAAASYyM.jpg RT @cole_rapp: One of the most impressive buildings in all of #NYC @realDonaldTrump @TrumpLasVegas http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B__Lr8fWYAATZ3G.jpg RT @garycassard: “@GradyPowell3: @realDonaldTrump First Saw Doral In1976,Just Went To WGC.Incredible.From Good To Great!” The Trump Fac… RT @michellerosexo: @realDonaldTrump a business man, with pride towards his country and a good head on his shoulders #hehasmyvote RT @AlRoccaa: @mdamelincourt @realDonaldTrump @TrumpToronto My sincere compliments to your Hotel & wonderful staff!! You do set the standar… RT @mtumulty2001: @realDonaldTrump need a REAL Leader of America. Please run RT @GradyPowell3: @realDonaldTrump First Saw Doral In1976,Just Went To WGC This Week.Incredible.Thanks So Much.From Good To Great! RT @MurielleCera: #CelebrityApprentice showing in OZ loving this show and wanting more @realDonaldTrump @IvankaTrump RT @SmartMeetings: @trumpchicago unveils new event spaces at its Five Diamond, Five Star property in #Chicago: http://hubs.ly/y0C3090 http:… "@SalamifiedRBX: Omg @realDonaldTrump for president please" Wow, little Mac Miller has almost 100 million views on his song, "Donald Trump." Keep pushing Mac and come up with another hit - just do it! "@team6Q: “Watch, listen, and #learn. You can’t know it all yourself. Anyone who thinks they do is destined for mediocrity.” - Donald Trump" RT @sharkjbaptiste: I learned this from @realDonaldTrump book #TrumpArtOfTheDeal Learn as much as you possibly can about your industry. … RT @1MuskyHunter: @realDonaldTrump in the city with broad shoulders, glad you are standing strong and bold; thank you for leading http://t.… Trump International Hotel, Washington D.C. will be one of the world's top luxury hotels http://www.trump.com/Hotel_Collection/Trump_Washington_DC/Trump_Washington_DC.asp RT @Trump_Charlotte: Excited to add another great golf course to our #TrumpGolf family.... http://fb.me/2lWiqoUQb RT @TrumpCollection: Beautiful views from a recent reception on @TrumpWaikiki's Ivanka Trump Terrace. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_59AhfUcAEYvBr.png RT @AyrshireChamber: Looking forward to hearing @realDonaldTrump speak at our sold out Annual Dinner later this month #Business RT @cjcochrane1: @realDonaldTrump @seajay2uk @TurnberryBuzz 9th fairway to 9th tee http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_5vTXKWAAAsoOt.jpg RT @MysteryDigger: @realDonaldTrump You've done a great job with Trump National Doral! I love it. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_5wZPBWoAAc80r.jpg RT @TrumpNewYork: RT @TrumpRink: The Trump Carousel is officially open for another season!!!! If are you ever in Central Park make… http://… RT @TrumpCollection: An incredible photo, shared by @IvankaTrump, of the future Trump International Hotel and Tower Vancouver. http://t.co/… RT @TrumpGolfLA: Amazing double rainbow above the course @TrumpGolfLA #pga #pgagrandslam #trump #trumpgolf. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_3MEDTWIAAp1ZN.jpg The problem with the U.S. is that our leadership has no knowledge or ability to negotiate or see into the future. Every nation beats us! Just as I have been saying for MANY years, and while they phony negotiate with the U.S. over nuclear, Iran is taking over Iraq. Really sad! "@dennis_goins: @realDonaldTrump What are you waiting for? Run! The country needs you! It's now or never! We need leadership!" "@newhopenchange: Reading The Art of the Deal for the 4th time over 18 years. Motivational and educational in different ways each time." "@HGswiney: @realDonaldTrump is more than an entrepreneur... He's an American icon-and will definitely get my vote in 2016" Thank you! "@monkiekaty: @realDonaldTrump @russiannavyblog @Joe3957 @jwil444 @DNorrell @greta @StateDept @FoxNews Yes! Yes! Yes! Trump for President👍 "@SecondToNONE8: The White House is waiting for you to move in, Mr. Trump. @realDonaldTrump" "@russiannavyblog: @Joe3957 @jwil444 @DNorrell @greta @StateDept @FoxNews If there is anything America desperately needs, it's a Trump run!" "@CharlesGerace: Can't wait to play @TrumpFerryPoint this April. Tee time already booked. Thanks @realDonaldTrump for another great course." "@W_O_R_L_D_USA: @realDonaldTrump would win any presidential debate. Trump for president!" "@Joe3957: @realDonaldTrump @jwil444 @DNorrell @greta @StateDept @FoxNews Do it." "@gsspike: @jwil444 @DNorrell @greta @StateDept @FoxNews He's the only one with guts enough to talk about the real issues that count." "@monkiekaty: @realDonaldTrump @AlorAcai If Mr. Trump runs for president, we will vote👍" "@jwil444: @realDonaldTrump @DNorrell @greta @StateDept @FoxNews Trump would shape the debate and dialogue in a way no one else could" "@AlorAcai: #GoodAdviceIn4Words Vote @realDonaldTrump For President." "@MeetinLongBeach: @TrumpGolfLA @RepostApp @PGAGrandSlam Looking forward to welcoming this event to the Greater #LongBeach area! #MeetinLB" "@momtoheather: @TrumpLasVegas @realDonaldTrump great Hotel!! Stayed there twice." "@DNorrell: @greta @StateDept @FoxNews Trump is only good canidate - non-politician non-insider - bring transpaency back. @realDonaldTrump" "@CalhounDeane: Say what you want about @realDonaldTrump The Apprentice is SUCH a career saver for so many people!!! #AbsoluteIcon" "@JorgeQB22: "@realDonaldTrump: Entrepreneurs: Being stubborn is a big part of being a winner. Never give up!"" RT @TrumpLasVegas: Trump brings luxury to the edge of entertainment, blending luxurious self indulgence and accessibility. #LasVegas http:/… Entrepreneurs: Being stubborn is a big part of being a winner. Never give up! Entrepreneurs: Problems are a mind exercise. Enjoy the challenge. Entrepreneurs: Having an ego and acknowledging it is a healthy choice. There's nothing wrong with bringing your talents to the surface. "@SLanister @realDonaldTrump @Sherry09 please hurry up & run, I'll vote for you!!!" "@pimpincrxboy @realDonaldTrump can't wait to play trump national and it was a real treat to see Donald Trump there today. #topnotch" Thanks RT @BeauStack: @realDonaldTrump @chiyankfred @TrumpDoral Been there. It is great. Accommodations and food are even better. "@chiyankfred @TrumpDoral Mr. Trump after watching this weekend my next father son golf outing will be at the Blue Monster! Looked great" RT @TrumpLasVegas: I've never been to Vegas... #5WordDealBreakers http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_1Gd9wVAAASwFx.jpg "@Sherry09 @realDonaldTrump Please announce that you're running for president soon. We all need some hope for the future!" RT @Alexcrter: Getting to see Trump Tower after reading #ArtOfTheDeal was an awesome experience. @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_1DPb3VEAIBJqk.jpg "@iamgerg: @realDonaldTrump There’s only one guy with the intellect, balls and know how to fix this country…Donald Trump 2016" "@Warrior_Dave: @photomateme @jacknicklaus I see it every day from the Whitestone - can't wait to play a round with my CGXs and Airmax's" "@kenzig: Time to throw your hat in the ring Mr. Trump. Currently we have a liar, a repeat, overzealous tea partier, some Govs...blah" RT @AshleyKMayo: And there you have it: @TrumpFerryPoint now accepts tee time reservations. Super easy process.💃 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_0rbrGUwAEt_pw.jpg RT @TrumpFerryPoint: GET READY!! The #TrumpFerryPoint tee sheet opens TODAY @ 10am EST on our website for April 1st-30th! @realDonaldTrump … RT @TrumpGolfDC: Loving our new Indoor Tennis Center View- 5 courts of Blue! #trumptennis #dctennis #indoortennis #tennisdream... http://t.… RT @photomateme: Stunning new golf course by @realDonaldTrump with @jacknicklaus design. In #NewYork city center!! http://www.trumpferrypoint.com/ RT @TandCmag: @erictrump cuts ribbon at LANDMARK St. Jude's Surgical and ICU Center: http://townand.co/6013FaJd @IvankaTrump @realDonaldTrump @… GET READY!! The #TrumpFerryPoint tee sheet opens TODAY @ 10am EST on our website for April 1st-30th! @TrumpFerryPoint "@justrelaxfornow: @realDonaldTrump @RealPro4Real @TrumpGolfLA Your son Eric is awesome." "@sandykjack: @realDonaldTrump -You are what America needs right now- We need a bad-ass President that we can trust and knows how to lead" "@justinraay: @realDonaldTrump @RealPro4Real @TrumpGolfLA. Awesome!" "@RealPro4Real: It's so gorgeous! You have amazing taste Donald! @TrumpGolfLA @FoxNews @foxandfriends @CNBC" "@RealPro4Real: The PGA Grand Slam of Golf will be held at @TrumpGolfLA :-) http://go.pga.com/1C24TwQ http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_xQ5ucUwAAaQtr.jpg" "@IPFinancing: @realDonaldTrump @daltonkats Trump Chicago is my favorite." "@TdavisTonya: Mr. Trump, our government is imploding. America needs your strong and honest leadership. Pls 'throw your hat in the ring'!" "@seangeezee: Announced today the 33rd #PGA Grand Slam of Golf to be held @TrumpNationalLA Oct2015 @NBCSportsRadio http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_xd5m0UYAAehqc.jpg" "@peterjbates: @realDonaldTrump and @peterjbates discussing the @TrumpCollection in New York http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_ySErfUcAEgbL0.jpg" The best hotels "@KRCompanion: If @realDonaldTrump gave a State of the Union address, I'd listen. #TheApprentice #Trump" The Blue Monster at Trump National Doral recieved rave reviews from both players and architectural critics following the Cadillac WGC.Thanks "@JustinKrizel: I can vote in next election. If he runs, I will absolutely vote for DonaldTrump - he's the best candidate out there." An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. -- Benjamin Franklin RT @roedigerj: @TrumpFerryPoint Tee times open tomorrow 10am. on our website! It's going to be great! @realDonaldTrump http://t.co/NZPHDn… RT @wearegolf: . @realDonaldTrump on #golf's charitable impact: “It's an industry that raises more money for charity than practically any o… RT @PGAGrandSlam: PGA CEO Pete Bevacqua, @realDonaldTrump, @DSpraguePGA & Rancho Palos Verdes Mayor Jim Knight w/ #PGAGrandSlam Trophy http… RT @ivalbuena: @realDonaldTrump en visita a Las Vegas pude conocer su hotel. Espectacular! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_wKY5-WEAAW_gt.jpg RT @TrumpGolfDC: Gorgeous views along the west coast where the PGA Grand Slam of Golf will be held! We will be watching:) http://t.co/wPPd… I am happy to announce that the @PGAGrandSlam will be held at @TrumpGolfLA this year! https://instagram.com/p/0DhGkdGhRN/?modal=true Follow @TrumpGolf for more! RT @IvankaTrump: Book your tickets to #LA! The 33rd PGA Grand Slam of Golf will be held at @TrumpGolfLA. @TrumpGolf #trumpgolf RT @pgaofamerica: .@TrumpGolfLA named host site for 2015 @PGAGrandSlam & @PGAJrLeagueGolf Championship: http://go.pga.com/1ERpQef http://t.co/… "@daltonkats Inside Trump Tower in NYC! What a beautiful building! @realDonaldTrump" Thanks! RT @ChevallierRC: @realDonaldTrump Such an honor to be at the fabulous Mar-a-Lago for the WXEL luncheon. #fashionforacause http://t.co/nGKT… RT @GoCoastToCoast: @realDonaldTrump Mr. Trump We had a great time at the #CadillacChamp , we are so honored to have worked on the beautifu… "@Budd0427 @realDonaldTrump Jean George's is always fantastic a real pleasure in a wonderful building" Thank you. RT @TrumpDoral: #TransformationTuesday Enjoy a sneak peek of the new Arnold Palmer Villa http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_vqLA1VAAAYB0O.jpg Trump International Hotel & Tower New York has received great acclaim, as has our signature restaurant, Jean Georges http://www.trump.com/Hotel_Collection/Trump_New_york/Trump_New_York.asp RT @wordofmouth_tv: 10th Tee at Trump National. Wow! @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_sXZ2ZUIAA0M2o.jpg "@ricd384: The United States of America needs a real man in the oval office. Mr. Donald Trump, America is ready for you. Lets do it'" "@wisdomsquote: “Sheer persistence is the difference between success and failure.” – Donald Trump" "@JxCookie96 @realDonaldTrump I really appreciate your tips. Just started a business, going for gold. Thank you." Great--good luck! RT @flashdad21: @realDonaldTrump I took this the other day at Sunrise. Your building is fantastic! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_vCysqWcAAXbH_.jpg RT @pamperedchicago: "Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness" @TrumpChicago @ChooseChicago http://t.c… Entrepreneurs: Remember the golden rule of negotiating -- he who has the gold makes the rules. Entrepreneurs: Cover your bases. Know everything you can about what you're doing. Entrepreneurs: Keep an open mind. Business is a creative endeavor. Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art. Making money is art & working is art & good business is the best art Andy Warhol RT @TrumpCollection: .@IvankaTrump had a great week at @TrumpDoral during the @CadillacChamp. See her fantastic recap video here: http://t.… RT @jhamtiger: Nice pic @realDonaldTrump and @DJohnsonPGA http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_royQLWYAARnJa.jpg RT @service_hell: @TrumpSoHo I was there just for a drink but your staff are a real credit @realDonaldTrump the American attitude to #servi… Great job being done by Trump and @DamacOfficial. http://www.arabianbusiness.com/damac-launches-luxury-1-76m-trump-branded-dubai-homes-584979.html "@scapesrus @realDonaldTrump @TrumpDoral The course looks magnificent !" Thank you. "@Tyler_BurkeCRE any advice you can give for a youngster looking to get into the real estate development sector?" Know your territory. RT @thatguy_hickey: @realDonaldTrump I took this yesterday from the river walk as I toured Chicago for the first time http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_qzN-bU0AIYqmG.jpg RT @TrumpDoral: .@Golfdigest explains how @DJohnsonPGA secured his win at the @CadillacChamp: http://ow.ly/K6mmP RT @Todd_E_Anderson: Hey @realDonaldTrump how's this shot for you in chciago http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_qZR2vWAAE5O1I.jpg RT @atillatherover: @realDonaldTrump @TrumpDoral Having played both old/new Blue Monsters the improvements you have made are fantastic.Ditt… RT @worldREDEYE: NOW UP @PaulinaVegaDiep @realDonaldTrump at @CadillacChamp #TrumpModelSearch at @TrumpDoral http://worldredeye.com/2015/03/cadillac-championship-trump-model-search-at-trump-national-doral/ http://… RT @TrumpTO: Rory's club retrieved at request of @realDonaldTrump and will be mounted at @TrumpDoral http://www.foxsports.com/golf/story/rory-mcilroy-donald-trump-club-scuba-diver-cadillac-championship-030815 #Miami #Trum… The Blue Monster @TrumpDoral was a sensation over the weekend. Really tough but players & critics alike loved it. .@Kstupples Thanks for the nice comments on Trump National Doral. I’ve long been your fan—now am an even bigger fan! @TrumpDoral "@SamDoyle12 thx for the RT--what is a good book I can read, that can help me in starting my business?" The Art of the Deal and Midas Touch RT @SamDoyle12: @realDonaldTrump love your perspective on business, politics--thanks for keeping it real. RT @scottsiebs: Good Monday morning from my room at the beautiful TRUMP OCEAN CLUB Panama. A great, great hotel!! @realDonaldTrump http://… "@scottsiebs: Good Monday morning from my room at the beautiful TRUMP OCEAN CLUB Panama. A great, great hotel!! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_p8-nvVEAA6uaG.jpg" "@JimmyHanlin: @realDonaldTrump your course stood tall last week. You should be proud. Not to many places can stand up to those big boys!" RT @ReedTighe: Really hope @realDonaldTrump runs in 2016! It's time for a real leader who knows how to get things done!! "@belllabooo13: @AplemonLemon @foxandfriends glad your having a great start to your week! Keep it going! Run for President! We need You!" "@velvet2708: @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends when Donald Trump speaks, you listen. Like you should for a real president. #TrumpForPresident "@AplemonLemon: @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends What a way to start my week! Love it!" "@RippethAmy: @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends that's what a president of United States should sound like. #TrumpForPresident" Will be on @foxandfriends at 7:00 - 5 minutes. RT @PGATOUR: Video: @RealDonaldTrump returns @McIlroyRory's 3-iron after it was retrieved from a pond. #QuickHits https://amp.twimg.com/v/e6e12d8c-f496-4c94-acb6-5af65da15a8d "@MansfieldRA: The Q Is @realDonaldTrump Going To Run For President. You Will Have My Vote. @realDonaldTrump" "@Luigiboria: Extraordinario Concierto en #Doral con @SantanaCarlos Great concert at @TrumpDoral #mayorluigiboria http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_jTrtnWYAAD1Bu.jpg" Today's final round of the WGC Cadillac Championship will be amazing. A lot of pressure on leader, who has played great. Big names hunting! "@toypilaVzla: Donald for President @realDonaldTrump. Trump is ☞ triumph ✌ #TrumpforPresident RT @cjcochrane1: @realDonaldTrump @TurnberryBuzz @TrumpGolf http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_cMWl3WAAAQd0Q.jpg RT @TrumpWaikiki: Happy Aloha Friday from @TrumpWaikiki's Sunset Penthouse Suite! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_cUOyeUYAIThsl.jpg Golf is a game of respect and sportsmanship; we have to respect its traditions and its rules. -- Jack Nicklaus RT @TrumpDoral: Great photo! RT @pgatour_brianw: Another beautiful day at @TrumpDoral ... http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_bhcP6UIAALk9F.jpg RT @SeadogNavyPier: Caught the sun shining on this brisk Friday! #TGIF cc @TrumpChicago http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_bxGSfUIAAnp4a.jpg I have a tip that can take 5 strokes off anyone's golf game. It's called an eraser. -- Arnold Palmer The harder you work, the luckier you get. -- Gary Player RT @IvankaTrump: Saw a great mention in @parentsmagazine about the #TrumpKids program: http://buff.ly/1Ma8wlk @TrumpCollection RT @PGATOUR: Looks like a pretty good day for some golf. Live coverage of @CadillacChamp starts now. http://pgat.us/6015FjNJ http://t.co/s0… RT @TrumpDoral: MT @Golfmagic: Photo of the Day: @PReedGolf plays to 18 on the Blue Monster in @CadillacChamp http://bit.ly/1Cp7rpG http:/… RT @TrumpDoral: RT @CadillacChamp: Great to have @MissUniverse join us for Cadillac Nights Fashion Experience, hosted by @IvankaTrump http:… RT @TrumpDoral: Legendary golfer Phil Mickelson joined the Trump family for the grand opening of his villa at #TrumpDoral http://t.co/GXWE1… "@la_loquita We are breaking into real estate investing and we love @realDonaldTrump because he knows his business!!" Great, good luck! RT @golf_com: Doral is great, but @realDonaldTrump's most scenic course is in Scotland: http://bit.ly/1CDkYKH http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_XT6o-W8AAiKwG.jpg RT @TrumpChicago: Great photo! “@flashdad21: Pink sunrise reflection. #MyChicagoPix @TrumpChicago http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_ahVxaUsAAmJpw.jpg” "@MasterBaxter8: Only someone like you "successful at so much" deserves a shot to be President! We don't need another mediocre politician." "@MrLWord: @realDonaldTrump Donald Trump for president" "@benpobjie: If @realDonaldTrump doesn't run for president in 2016 I will gut myself on live TV" "@AndrewJAlbert01: Also, I want to hit @realDonaldTrump's new course, Ferry Point, when it opens. Views can't be beat." "@MegaHeid: I think I speak for most right-minded folk when I say: I really hope @realDonaldTrump does run for president" "@evanbooth5: Save us @realDonaldTrump, you're our only hope! #Trump2016 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_ZpP7gUYAAZraR.jpg" "@nurse4bebes: @realDonaldTrump Donald!!!! Please run for President! Our country needs you!!!" "@spinenumber408: Quality fans, bro. “@Stevieboy_63: @realDonaldTrump Go Donald,your are the one to get this country back. DONALD TRUMP 2016 "@metanoik: Donald Trump's Ferry Point Golf Course Accepting Tee Times - http://Golf.com http://dlvr.it/8rrWRR #economy" "@dochubbard62: @realDonaldTrump 2016 - President of the United States of America. God bless and God speed, praying for you and the country. "@HarryPlush: US golf team needs to think outside the box and hire @realDonaldTrump as Captain! Best course owner ever" THANK YOU! "@EJ1469: @realDonaldTrump well half of Mexico will see the event because they are here in the USA" "@Cabraler: @realDonaldTrump Trump for President. You've had my vote a long time ago. #2016" Mexico's court system corrupt.I want nothing to do with Mexico other than to build an impenetrable WALL and stop them from ripping off U.S. "@DNorrell: @realDonaldTrump we need you in Washington. We've got dopes running the show on both sides of the isle. VERY TRUE! "@GreeneyesA78: @realDonaldTrump Don't ever change who you are!!😊" I promise! Ringling Brothers is phasing out their elephants. I,for one, will never go again. They probably used the animal rights stuff to reduce costs Every sport evolves. Every sport gets bigger and more athletic, and you have to keep up. -- Tiger Woods Because of Rodolfo Rosas Moya, who owes me lots of money, Mexico will never again host the Miss Universe Pageant. Despite Mexico's interest in again hosting the Miss Universe Pageant, it will be because of Rodolfo Rosas Moya that it will never happen. I hope the Mexican judge is more honest than the Mexican businessmen who used the court system to avoid paying me the money they owe me. RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: It ain't easy being @realDonaldTrump... Then again😈 @TrumpModels model search @TrumpDoral #CadillacChamp http://t.co/Z… RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: SOCOM Para-Comandos dropping in above the Color Guard at the @TrumpDoral to kick off @CadillacChamp #CadillacChamp http… The mark of a great player is in his ability to come back. The great champions have all come back from defeat. -- Sam Snead Placing the ball in the right position for the next shot is eighty percent of winning golf. -- Ben Hogan RT @LaureusSport: Did you know? Golf is the only sport played on the moon! In 1971, Alan Shepard hit a golf ball. #Sportsfacts RT @SportTechie: .@realDonaldTrump brings new life to world of golf: http://ow.ly/JY2S7 by @Steve_DiMeglio #sportsbiz RT @TrumpDoral: MT @IvankaTrump: See the chic women who've worked it on the course throughout history: http://buff.ly/1w78Rmw @TrumpGolf @P… RT @TrumpDoral: RT @CadillacChamp: Thank you to our military men and women! #CadillacChamp http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_WE4ZQWYAAZE6Q.jpg RT @skratch_tv: We're live from the @PGATOUR's @CadillacChamp! Tweet who you want to see using #SkratchCam! http://www.skratchtv.com/ http://t… RT @TrumpDoral: .@ESPN experts have made their picks on who will win the @CadillacChamp. Who do you think will take it all? http://t.co/bWh… RT @WestwoodLee: Military appreciation day at Doral. Start of the Cadillac championship. https://vine.co/v/O0ELwJFJqJJ RT @thenextlift: Amazing view from the @TrumpVancouver crane today #Vancouver http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B-8lSKeVAAAQDtg.jpg RT @TrumpGolf: #Repost @cadillacchamp with repostapp.⁰・・・⁰A very appreciative @realdonaldtrump with the military at… https://instagram.com/p/z2jr1wvZFt/ RT @garyplayer: All my best this week @realDonaldTrump during @CadillacChamp in Miami @TrumpDoral RT @APinv: Did you know the @APinv Presented by @MasterCard used to be the Florida Citrus Open? #APinv18 http://bit.ly/APinv18 http://t.co… RT @TrumpDoral: RT @IvankaTrump: Turn on @GolfChannel now to see my interview live from #TrumpDoral! @CadillacChamp @TrumpDoral RT @TrumpDoral: .@IvankaTrump Talks South Florida, Golf & #womenwhowork via @CBSmiami http://ow.ly/JXYWs #CadillacChamp RT @jrsteinbauer: Thank you @realDonaldTrump for recognizing the volunteers of the @CadillacChamp These folks work many hours. RT @Chefant22271: @realDonaldTrump Best tournament of the year, in my opinion. The course is outstanding. I've played there twice. Great jo… RT @prestonphillips: Very impressive that @PGATOUR @CadillacChamp are both on @realDonaldTrump courses this week. He's done a lot for the g… RT @JimmyWalkerPGA: Ready to get rolling at the @CadillacChamp Should be a great test!!! #fedexcup http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_TG5ZXU8AIfI_N.jpg RT @LakersCanes305: Ummmmmmmm @realDonaldTrump @TrumpDoral This place looks.......... LIKE A DREAM! Spectacular RT @TrumpDoral: Champagne and birdies expected at Trump National Doral via @MiamiHerald http://ow.ly/JVwNe @CadillacChamp RT @TrumpGolfLA: #Repost @volmeeezy6 with @repostapp.・・・Thank you for sharing this wonderful picture! #oceanviews #trump... http://t.co/aOw… RT @TrumpDoral: See the excitement as the @CadillacChamp kicks off this morning. First tee time is 11:15AM. "@jlawfriedman: @realDonaldTrump The property and course look spectacular! #trumpworthy" Thank you! "@bahia6085: @TrumpFerryPoint @realDonaldTrump WOW!" "@LakersCanes305: On my way to @TrumpDoral What better way to start my 10th wedding anniversary! @realDonaldTrump "@belllabooo13: @realDonaldTrump Congrats. Have a great time! God Bless ! How about a hole in one!!!!" "@anthonyjmyers: Looking at @realDonaldTrump compared to every other 2016 candidate give me hope. #Trump2016 WE CAN DO THIS 💪" Trump National Doral will have big crowds this weekend for the WGC. THE BLUE MONSTER IS READY FOR THE WORLD'S TOP FIFTY PLAYERS! "@LakersCanes305: @TrumpDoral @realDonaldTrump I'll b there in a couple hours! Can't wait to see what this place looks like! "@ElianaBenador: #CPAC th crystal ball to see th future: True Conservative candidates will be sorely missing. None of them measures toTrump "@tharris012: @realDonaldTrump for president" "@jamesmason1: “@realDonaldTrump: We create success or failure on the course primarily by our thoughts. -- Gary Player”" "@DanielPokorski: @realDonaldTrump Mr Trump You are the epitomy of class" Thanks. "@mbabramson: @realDonaldTrump Why are you the only candidate who discusses US trade imbalances with other countries? It's important! RT @PIERPAOLOMONNI: .@realDonaldTrump Fully agree with Mr P Mickelson! Always be and act like a gentleman in life! ...and win! RT @dryan5962: @realDonaldTrump @IvankaTrump I just love the architecture! The way the floors swivel up the building. It's amazing! http://… The object of golf is not just to win. It is to play like a gentleman, and win. -- Phil Mickelson Concentration is a fine antidote to anxiety. -- Jack Nicklaus The road to success is always under construction. -- Arnold Palmer We create success or failure on the course primarily by our thoughts. -- Gary Player RT @TrumpDoral: MT @pgatour_brianw: Golf’s alpha family and how @IvankaTrump, @EricTrump, Don and @realDonaldTrump make their mark: http://… RT @PGATOUR: The @CadillacChamp is the only event on TOUR where you'll see one of these off the ninth green. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_Rkc0vXEAEMN4z.jpg RT @TheHaig16: "We want it to be bold, but we want it to be fair." @realDonaldTrump prior to 2014 @CadillacChamp The Blue Course has met t… Just arrived at @trumpdoral for the @cadillacchamp starting tomorrow- https://instagram.com/p/z0LQ06GhUH/?modal=true RT @TrumpDoral: MT @Luigiboria: Legend Arnold Palmer Villa ribbon cutting ceremony @TrumpDoral @Cityofdoral @realDonaldTrump http://t.co/Y… RT @bradkosar: Thanks @realDonaldTrump for your honest and compelling words on leadership this morning at the #Samsung event http://t.co/lU… RT @ClayWPLG: @realDonaldTrump , Palmer and Ivanka Trump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_RLs2fVEAIcppv.jpg RT @IvankaTrump: The Jack Nicklaus Villa at @TrumpDoral was called a golfer's must-stay spot on @HotelChatter! (We agree!) RT @TrumpFerryPoint: The Long Awaited Arrival: #TrumpFerryPoint Ready for Play. Tee Times Available to Book on March 11th @ 10am for April … With my friends at the great @Adidas Boost event at the @cadillacchamp at @trumpdoral https://instagram.com/p/z0AZHcGhS8/?modal=true RT @APinv: Look who stopped by to pick up Arnie today... @realDonaldTrump. #APinv http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_RCszpWkAAlm7n.jpg RT @IvankaTrump: See Arnold Palmer's top ten tips on golf etiquette: http://buff.ly/1GhbCVZ @PGATour @TrumpGolf RT @JamesTheCrane: @realDonaldTrump IF you run, and win, we'll all thank you in 2020 for #Trumponomics and giving America back to the peopl… RT @JourdanLHowell: @realDonaldTrump Our flag waving proudly on the beautiful grounds of Mar-A-Lago! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_QyGbwWkAA772g.jpg RT @fromtheAVE: “@Theprepguy: Life goals.... live in @TrumpToronto! Has to be the most beautiful building that I have ever seen in my life”… RT @TrumpDoral: MT @MattGinellaGC Will be live on @GCMorningDrive (7-9amET) from putting green at @TrumpDoral, host of @CadillacChamp http:… RT @pgatour_brianw: Golf’s alpha family and how @IvankaTrump, @EricTrump, Don and @realDonaldTrump are making their mark: http://t.co/1AsE4… "@chubby6665: Legends on the wall in my bathroom at Trump Doral ..The refurb here is sensational, great venue! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_QHVGJXEAAeZ5c.jpg"Thanks All 50 of the WORLD'S TOP 50 PLAYERS will be at TRUMP NATIONAL DORAL on Thursday - Sunday for the Cadillac World Golf Championship. "@KittyCakes92: @seanhannity I think @realDonaldTrump should be running instead of Jeb. We need a REAL candidate, not a so-so leader." "@phatpuppyart: @seanhannity @realDonaldTrump have to say I would love Donald to run---he makes me feel some pride again. Glimpses of Reagan RT @TrumpWaikiki: Fireworks views from @TrumpWaikiki make for very special memories. #TravelTuesday P.C. @2pac_hologram http://t.co/BdcvRMr… RT @ptrombly: Shots from Chicago. @TrumpChicago #Canon @AP_Magazine #streetphotography #chicago #trumpchicago #skyline #cityscape http://t.… "@SamDoyle12 @realDonaldTrump great posts. As a budding entrepreneur, I appreciate the quotes" Great--work hard and good luck! Trump International Hotel & Tower, Vancouver, will be a fantastic addition to a spectacular city. http://www.trump.com/Hotel_Collection/Trump_Vancouver/Trump_Vancouver.asp RT @PGATOUR: Welcome to Trump National Doral and the WGC @CadillacChamp. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_MpvSmW8AEcZvj.jpg Entrepreneurs: Be tough, be smart, be personable, but don’t take things personally. That’s good business. RT @TrumpDoral: MT @GolfScoringGirl: It's almost TIME! @CadillacChamp @TrumpDoral @PGATOUR #wgc #golf #worldsbestgolfers #Miami http://t.co… Entrepreneurs: Don’t ever think you’ve done it all already or that you’ve done your best. You haven't-- so don't limit yourself! Entrepreneurs: Follow your instincts and keep your focus intact. You alone know where you really want to go. Entrepreneurs: Paying attention can be a cost effective way of protecting yourself. RT @TrumpCollection: Will you be joining us at @TrumpDoral for the #CadillacChampionship? #TravelTuesday RT @TrumpDoral: Thank you! MT @DSTGolf: @TrumpDoral @realDonaldTrump @JimMcLeanDoral Probably the best facilities in the world! http://t.co… RT @TrumpDoral: Join us for the @CadillacChamp First Tee Kids Clinic @Adidas BOOST on the #RedTiger from 10:30AM-1:00PM! RT @TPPatriots: .@realDonaldTrump slams #liberals in ‘dishonest press’: ‘I’m going to start naming names’ http://bit.ly/1EaKC8r #teaparty RT @StaceyLambright: There is NO ONE more qualified to give entrepreneurial advice than @realDonaldTrump ! He speaks, I listen AND take not… RT @ptrombly: Shots from Chicago @TrumpChicago @realDonaldTrump #canon @AP_Magazine #chicago #riverwalk #trump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_HiBLqW0AERwqY.jpg RT @Chicago_History: A picture is worth a million bucks, especially of @TrumpChicago , right @realDonaldTrump ? #Chicago http://t.co/Ndvz8r… Entrepreneurs: Look at the solution, not the problem. Learn to focus on what will give results. Entrepreneurs: Keep your momentum. Without momentum, a lot of great ideas go nowhere. Entrepreneurs: Keep the big picture in mind. There are always opportunities & possibilities, and thinking too small can negate a lot of them RT @ptrombly: Shots from Chicago. #streetphotography #canon @AP_Magazine #patrickdanieltrombly #Chicago #trump @TrumpChicago http://t.co/kW… RT @TrumpDoral: This Wednesday marks the opening round of the @CadillacChamp. Mark your calendar with all of the exciting events: http://t.… RT @TPPatriots: .@realDonaldTrump said Republicans in Congress should not cave to President Obama & fund his lawless exec #amnesty http://t… RT @TrumpDoral: MT @golftalkamerica: @IvankaTrump See you this week at @TrumpDoral for the @CadillacChamp Looking forward to showcasing on … RT @AndrewChrome: @realDonaldTrump @WashTimes @SethMcLaughlin1 Please run, America needs your leadership! RT @TrumpDoral: All eyes are on Doral as we prepare for the @CadillacChamp. Come be a part of the excitement: http://ow.ly/JJ9wT RT @BroAnneWoo: .@realDonaldTrump loved your speech at #CPAC2015! You said what you needed to say, and didn't care who it offended! Props! Via @WashTimes by @SethMcLaughlin1: “Donald Trump: I want to run for president ‘so badly’” http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/feb/27/donald-trump-i-want-run-president-so-badly/ RT @LynnGazaway: @realDonaldTrump Mr Trump you need to run for president that's for sure... Love it!! RT @ChristianJosi: Lots of Tea love today for @realDonaldTrump and @GovernorGilmore about their performances on our national webinar last n… Via @OceanDriveMag by @SuzMcGeeNYC: "Q&A: Ivanka Trump on the Business of Golf & the Championships" http://oceandrive.com/personalities/articles/ivanka-trump-on-the-business-of-golf#qSWVHe3fbfb1tO7l.99 RT @TrumpPanama: Sitting 70p stories above Panama Bay, #TrumpPanama is the crown jewel of the Punta Pacifica. http://ow.ly/JxvJP RT @TrumpDoral: MT @GolfScoringGirl: Spectacular at @TrumpDoral, @IvankaTrump hosting #executivewomansday @CadillacChamp @PGATOUR http://t.… RT @natalieee_fox: I LOVE @realDonaldTrump Celeb apprentice usa is my new hobby #ukcatchup RT @TrumpDoral: Just 2 more days until the #BlueMonster hosts the world's best at the @CadillacChamp. Will you be there? http://t.co/RvvDus… Via @BreitbartNews by @mboyle1:"Donald Trump Slams Liberals In ‘Dishonest Press’: ‘I’m Going To Start Naming Names’" http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/03/01/donald-trump-slams-liberals-in-dishonest-press-im-going-to-start-naming-names/ RT @TPPatriots: .@realDonaldTrump: In the DHS funding deal, Obama looks bad. He doesn't know how to make a deal. Yet the GOP keeps folding!… RT @TPPatriots: .@realDonaldTrump: I would use the money we send to Mexico to build a wall instead. It is time to take border security seri… Via @dcexaminer by @rebeccagberg: “Trump: 'I'm the only one who can beat' Hillary” http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/trump-im-the-only-one-who-can-beat-hillary/article/2560830 RT @TPPatriots: .@realDonaldTrump: Since it started, I have always been proud to stand with the Tea Party! #CPAC2015 RT @TPPatriots: .@realDonaldTrump: I'm happy with how I did in the straw poll. We didn't bus in supporters and people were receptive to my … RT @TPPatriots: .@realDonaldTrump: I'm disappointed at Republicans for caving on the defunding Obama's amnesty executive order. #CPAC2015 RT @TPPatriots: .@realDonaldTrump: Jeb Bush is weak on common core and other issues, which is why he received mild applause. #CPAC2015 RT @WMUR9: Video: CloseUP: Exclusive interview with Donald Trump http://on.wmur.com/1G6Hfld RT @mattklewis: Am told that @tppatriots selected @realdonaldtrump' to give CPAC wrap up on super-secret Sunday night national leadership c… Via @bpolitics by @BetBrod “Trump sets an aggressive tone as he insisted he's serious about running for POTUS." http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2015-02-27/donald-trump-says-jeb-bush-can-t-win-repeats-birther-skepticism “@WestJournalism Exclusive – We Asked Donald Trump What Jobs He Would Offer ISIS” http://www.westernjournalism.com/we-asked-donald-trump-what-jobs-he-would-offer-isis/#EUiH3wXUhwmrqSJp.99 Be sure to watch my #CPAC2015 speech with intro by @DLoesch and a Q&A with @seanhannity http://www.c-span.org/video/?324558-11/donald-trump-remarks-cpac RT @Heritage: What @realDonaldTrump really thinks about running for President in 2016 ----> http://dailysign.al/1aw1DiE #CPAC2015 Via @washingtonpost by @jdelreal: "About that Donald Trump speech at CPAC …" http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-politics/wp/2015/02/27/about-that-donald-trump-speech-at-cpac/ Via @CBSNews by @ReenaJF: "Donald Trump scolds Republicans: 'Toughen up'" http://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-scolds-republicans-toughen-up/ RT @zero_nzyme: @marklevinshow slaying it at #CPAC2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tz0L5sclftU Via @PPDNews: "Donald Trump: ‘I Am Not Doing This For Fun,’ We Can’t Fix U.S. ‘Unless We Put Right Person’ In WH" http://www.peoplespunditdaily.com/news/politics/2015/02/28/donald-trump-i-am-not-doing-this-for-fun-we-cant-fix-u-s-unless-we-put-right-person-in-wh/ Via @BreitbartNews: "DONALD TRUMP: EXEC AMNESTY WILL MAKE ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION ‘WORSE THAN IT’S EVER BEEN" http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/02/27/donald-trump-exec-amnesty-will-make-illegal-immigration-worse-than-its-ever-been/ RT @RedAlert: Donald Trump: ‘I’m not a politician, thank goodness’ http://redalert.io/1ExBPOc via @mchalfant16 Via @NRO by @LovelaceRyanD: "Trump Slams Bush: ‘I Don’t See Him Winning; I Don’t See There’s Any Way’" http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/414563/trump-slams-bush-i-dont-see-him-winning-i-dont-see-theres-any-way-ryan-lovelace "Donald Trump ready to end @ApprenticeNBC for White House run" http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/donald-trump-ready-to-end-apprentice-for-white-house-run/article/2560839 via via @dcexaminer by @eScarry Via @TIME by @lullintheaction: "#REALTIME: Donald Trump Weighs a 2016 Run At #CPAC2015" http://time.com/3726571/cpac-donald-trump/ RT @Mike_Canan: Herman was encouraged in golf by @realDonaldTrump http://www.wcpo.com/sports/college-sports/university-of-cincinnati-sports/pga-national-cincinnati-native-jim-herman-takes-1st-round-lead-in-the-honda-classic RT @ddietz0907: @pinksugar61 @realDonaldTrump I saw that today,the Don was awesome! I truly believe him and you're right, he has the balls… RT @Amy_Mart2: @Paula_White @realDonaldTrump Says Hi! It was nice talking to him. 🇺🇸 #CPAC2015🇺🇸 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B-4TSOjVEAAYFif.jpg RT @bpolitics: There was so much fun happening on our CPAC set that @realDonaldTrump and @JoeNBC dropped by http://bloom.bg/1awdZqV Interview w/Melanie Batley via Newsmax http://www.newsmax.com/MelanieBatley/trump-2016-president-isis/2015/02/24/id/626586/ RT @1290wjno: Today on @SeanHannity DAY 2 LIVE from #CPAC2015 special guests @realdonaldtrump, @RickSantorum, and @marcorubio. http://t.co/… RT @FairTaxBill: @realDonaldTrump's #CPAC2015 speech - short quick points that remain memorable. Made a great case as to why he'd be an exc… RT @TrumpDoral: We are just days away from the @CadillacChamp. Now is the time to book this special package: http://ow.ly/JpkbT RT @cspan: ICYMI - VIDEO: @realDonaldTrump complete remarks at #CPAC2015 http://cs.pn/1ARV42d http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B-3zX7rUYAAVuDC.jpg RT @AndyWHumphreys: @Sarah_Santorum @realDonaldTrump Trump & his family are very generous & support many charities. Excellent golf courses!… RT @TrumpDoral: .@IvankaTrump is ready for the @CadillacChamp to take over #TrumpDoral! See what @OceanDriveMag asks her about golf. http:/… RT @GrandmaNYCA: @LessGovMoreFun @realDonaldTrump I remember, 1986 Donald Trump, 28 yrs old offered to complete the Wollman Rink when NYC c… RT @DLoesch: Guests on today’s #DLRS include @ScottWalker , @dbongino , @realDonaldTrump , @JamesOKeefeIII , @ksorbs , more. RT @kasie: Good luck getting in the packed meet&greet room at CPAC to see @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B-3RUyoW4AA3HHk.jpg RT @CPACnews: "We must protect Israel." -@realDonaldTrump RT @irritatedwoman: Say what you will about @RealDonaldTrump but the man dishes up healthy doses of reality this nation needs to know and u… RT @slaudner: Great job @realDonaldTrump at CPAC. Real experience is what America needs. #trump2016 RT @TrumpDoral: Looking for a romantic dinner? @Zagat named @BLTPrimeMiami one of the Best Outdoor Dining spots in Miami: http://t.co/HujMW… RT @TrumpNewYork: What a great photo, thank you for sharing! RT @PierreHennequin: Sunrise at Central Park http://instagram.com/p/zhii2jBgqR/ RT @TrumpNationalNY: How Donald Trump's support jump-started PGAer on fringe http://nyp.st/1BjOjbf via @nypost RT @TrumpDoral: #TBT to last year's @CadillacChamp. The action tees off in just 7 days: http://ow.ly/IDQOh http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B-zdmJFWsAA4Zid.jpg #TBT With the cast of GoodFellas https://instagram.com/p/zlFvPFGhUC/?modal=true RT @bfox9806: @realDonaldTrump while watching the #hondaclassic I Can't wait to play @TrumpFerryPoint You've done so much for our great cit… RT @MelvilleVogel: “@golf_com: We can't wait to play @realDonaldTrump's Ferry Point in NYC: http://bit.ly/1BBzSfG http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B-nuSksVIAI6XU9.jpg” RT @DrMarkStano: @realDonaldTrump a beautiful snowy day in Chicago. A beautiful building Donald! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B-y9c1ZUYAACMjS.jpg RT @TrumpDoral: Prepare for the @CadillacChamp and get your official merchandise! Shop online or in store at our Golf Shop: http://t.co/yqQ… RT @JoshMcElveen: On @WMUR9 @realDonaldTrump says he's being pushed by many "who believe I'm the only one who can beat @HillaryClinton #nhp… RT @TrumpDoral: MT @CadillacChamp: First stops are BLT Prime and Champions Grill! Both with a clubhouse pass! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B-yVHJdUAAIqlrm.jpg RT @TrumpScotland: A beautiful shot of the 14th captured by one of our multi-talented green keepers. We open on Sunday! http://t.co/2IY3ZiZ… RT @TrumpPhillyGM: Awesome visit to @TrumpFerryPoint yesterday! Going to be an amazing property! Cannot wait for it to open this year! http… Via @UnionLeader by @tuohy: "Trump hires Lewandowski as presidential run eyed" http://www.unionleader.com/article/20150226/NEWS0602/150229439#sthash.ePYoTkTW.dpuf #FITN #MakeAmericaGreatAgain RT @WMUR9: Video: Donald Trump takes steps toward possible 2016 run http://on.wmur.com/1amJFPn Via @DailyCaller by @alweaver22:“Trump: Obama One Of ‘The Worst Things That’s Ever Happened To Israel’” http://dailycaller.com/2015/02/25/trump-obama-one-of-the-worst-things-thats-ever-happened-to-israel-audio/ RT @TrumpSoHo: We're offering very icy views of the Hudson River from our guest rooms. Stay warm out there #NYC. https://instagram.com/p/zijZEDSTO3/ Via @washingtonpost by @costareports: “Trump says he is serious about 2016 bid, is hiring staff and delaying TV gig” http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-says-he-is-serious-about-2016-bid-is-hiring-staff-and-delaying-tv-gig/2015/02/25/4e9d3804-bd07-11e4-8668-4e7ba8439ca6_story.html RT @costareports: Trump met with Preibus on Monday in NYC, told GOP chair he's moving twd 2016 run, to not be surprised by hires http://t.c… RT @TrumpCollection: RT @Trump_Ireland: Delighted to say that today marks the 1 year anniversary of us joining @TrumpCollection @realDonald… RT @am970TheAnswer: If you missed @JrzyJoePiscopo's interview w/ @realDonaldTrump this AM, you can listen here http://chirb.it/b4dqF1 RT @melaniebatley: Here's what Donald Trump told me in the interview for my radio show, The Podium. Tune in Mondays at 9pm! http://t.co/FZk… RT @TrumpGolfDC: We see lots of blue plexicushion indoor tennis courts available for play in our new state of the art Tennis... http://t.c… RT @JenniferJJacobs: Will Chuck Laudner move up from Chuck Truck to a Chuck Chopper? http://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/elections/presidential/caucus/2015/02/25/trump-hires-iowan-chuck-laudner/23988429/ #iacaucus Trump Int'l Hotel, Washington D.C.: The iconic Old Post Office Building will be one of the world's great hotels. http://www.trump.com/Hotel_Collection/Trump_Washington_DC/Trump_Washington_DC.asp Via @DMRegister by @JenniferJJacobs: “Trump hires Iowan with knack for shoestring campaigns” http://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/elections/presidential/caucus/2015/02/25/trump-hires-iowan-chuck-laudner/23988429/ RT @TrumpDoral: The biggest stars in golf, entertainment and fashion are headed to #TrumpDoral! Join us for the @CadillacChamp: http://t.co… So many people are angry at my comments on Mexico—but face it—Mexico is totally ripping off the US. Our politicians are dummies! "@PeritusTraining: @realDonaldTrump Donald can't be president because the left doesn't want to see America great again." Very interesting! "@Trump4Pressie: Hi @realDonaldTrump save God's nation and run for president in 2016 #Trump2016 #NoObama" "@pcufinn: @realDonaldTrump Why don't you put a TRUMP fence up and do us all a favor." Great idea. "@adamodell: @realDonaldTrump just wanted to say I am loving the US celebrity apprentice on bbc1 in the UK , great show and celebrities! "'Good Chance' Trump Will Run for President" http://www.newsmax.com/melaniebatley/trump-2016-president-isis/2015/02/24/id/626586/ via @Newsmax_Media by @melaniebatley Via @BreitbartNews: "‘MAJOR COUP’: DONALD TRUMP PICKS UP TOP IOWA GRASSROOTS OPERATIVE FOR POTENTIAL 2016 CAMPAIGN" http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/02/24/exclusive-major-coup-donald-trump-picks-up-major-iowa-grassroots-operative-for-potential-2016-campaign/ "@Sethanatorr:Trump should run for president. We need him. Obama has accomplished nothing. We all know Mr. Trump knows how to get stuff done "@BasilicaCEO: Thank you, @realDonaldTrump, for your @ApprenticeNBC tribute to @Joan_Rivers. Love you both. Miss her very much." "@ShotGunFloyd: @realDonaldTrump classic!" "@johnyc46: You must sacrifice 4 years and get this country headed back on track. Really think you're the answer as many agree." The Mexican legal system is corrupt, as is much of Mexico. Pay me the money that is owed me now - and stop sending criminals over our border RT @IvankaTrump: Golf legend Jack Nicklaus reminisced about his amazing career at the opening of his namesake villa at @TrumpDoral: http://… RT @TrumpWaikiki: Captivating views are all around you at @TrumpWaikiki. Thank you to guest @malaanbee for sharing this incredible pic! htt… RT @golf_com: We can't wait to play @realDonaldTrump's Ferry Point in NYC: http://bit.ly/1BBzSfG http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B-nuSksVIAI6XU9.jpg Trump International Golf Links and Hotel, Ireland, is located on the Atlantic Ocean in County Clare. Spectacular! http://www.trump.com/Hotel_Collection/Trump_Ireland/Trump_Ireland.asp Trump National Golf Club Los Angeles is situated on the Palos Verdes Peninsula overlooking the Pacific Ocean... http://www.trump.com/Golf_Clubs/Los_Angeles/Los_Angeles.asp RT @TrumpDoral: See the pros take on the #BlueMonster, then play it for yourself. Book your tee time now: http://ow.ly/JpP9r RT @FairwaysFundays: This is the magnificent @Trump_Ireland. A must play during a visit to West coast of Ireland http://www.fairwaysandfundays.com/courses/trump-international-golf-links/ htt… The evening news broadcasts must stop talking about weather—boring and too many other topics. I could fix tv talk shows that are doing poorly—there is tremendous talent out there waiting to be tapped—and nobody sees it! Put the glamour, beauty & mystery back in the Oscars and the ratings will zoom. Also, & most importantly, the Oscars need credibility. I told everybody the Oscars were no good—Nielsen ratings confirmed, one of the lowest ratings in history. The @HuffingtonPost is a total joke & laughing stock of journalism, as is gross Arianna Huffington. They don’t report the facts! I have a lawsuit in Mexico’s corrupt court system that I won but so far can’t collect. Don’t do business with Mexico! The Oscars were a great night for Mexico & why not—they are ripping off the US more than almost any other nation. RT @TrumpDoral: MT @IvankaTrump: Ivanka chatted with @GolfChannel about @TrumpDoral and hosting the upcoming @PGATOUR. Watch here: http://t… RT @citadelgop: @realDonaldTrump shared some very kind words this morning on Fox. It was an honor to host him and @SenatorTimScott http://t… The talks between the U.S. and Iran are going on forever, WORLD'S LONGEST NEGOTIATION. Obama has no idea what he is doing - incompetent! RT @WWE__History: Picture Of The Day! Battle Of The Billionaires, WrestleMania 23. @VinceMcMahon @realDonaldTrump #WWENetwork #RAW #WWE htt… RT @BarNone1890: The magnificent Trump Tower in #Chicago built by the @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B-j23t6IcAASzbc.jpg I told you the Oscars were terrible—bad look, bad talent—and among the lowest ratings in show’s history. http://nydailynews.com/entertainment/movies/oscar-ratings-big-plunge-2014-article-1.2126226 … "@JPNwrites The Oscars can learn a lot from the Miss Universe pageant. @realDonaldTrump" True! "@JCL30 @realDonaldTrump had a run round @TurnberryBuzz Ails this morning. Going to be great when all the changes are finished." Thanks. Entrepreneurs: Keep your focus and keep your momentum. Believe in yourself--if you don't, no one else will either. Entrepreneurs: Identify your goals -- and see each day as an opportunity to show what you can do at the highest level. Entrepreneurs: Review your work habits and make sure they are taking you in the right direction. Don't become complacent! RT @America_Toronto: Thanks to @artinfodotcom for this great piece on Wellness in the City at Canada’s Top Hotel, @TrumpToronto: http://t.c… RT @TrumpDoral: The best players in the world will take on the #BlueMonster at this year's @CadillacChamp. Be there and see it all: http://… “‘THE DONALD’ GOT A MUSKET” http://www.fitsnews.com/2015/02/23/donald-got-musket/ via @fitsnews RT @rodgilbert7: Fun at Trump Rink In Central Park. Hockey weekend in NYC. #HWNY http://pbs.twimg.com/media/B-YsTnVIQAAN8ma.jpg Trump to host #Oscars? http://instagram.com/p/zcyxvhmhac/ My @Live5News int. with @WilliamLive5 in South Carolina with @citadelgop cadets on my 757 discussing 2016 http://www.live5news.com/story/28172625/presidential-hopefuls-speak-at-the-citadel RT @BellaNYCMag: #Preorder our March/April Influencer issue now: http://bit.ly/1AmYKZx @realDonaldTrump @mariashriver http://t.co/hnuUzzCk… RT @citadelgop: The cadets of The Citadel Republican Society want to thank everyone who joined us in honoring Donald J. Trump and... http:/… "@DarkPig2: @Anggitalestari1 @realDonaldTrump America and the world needs a smart strong,patriotic leader,Mr Trump is that man." I agree! "@DustinDeMoss: @realDonaldTrump I disagree with you on A LOT of things but you're spot on on the 5." Well finally! "@moflatley: Were likely paid w/ public funds for original services, now likely to get nearly half of settlement….#doubledipping" "@CoreyKotowski: @realDonaldTrump they are laughing on their way to the bank." "@jmagiera: @realDonaldTrump right on, donald! your tweets on the Cent. Park 5 are the truth!" "@RiskyLiberal: @realDonaldTrump Donald, you are the smartest man ever, and the most visionary!" Thanks! I'd bet the lawyers for the Central Park 5 are laughing at the stupidity of N.Y.C. when there was such a strong case against their "clients" How much money are the lawyers for the Central Park Five getting out of the 40 million dollars, or are they paid by the City (or both)? N.Y. City is paying FORTY MILLION DOLLARS to five men that many think are guilty as hell. So many facts - should have been trial. Politics! "@BROONEYBROONEY: @realDonaldTrump love your thoughts and opinions on the Central Park 5! "@abdulmalikm103: @realDonaldTrump @WhiteShaunwhite Donald Trump will serve a Positive Government if Elected president." "@nyrr: #Queens10k #funfact: Former Queens residents include @realDonaldTrump Martin Scorsese @JuddApatow and Nancy Reagan!" Great place! "@Rhumeey: @realDonaldTrump. Bluntness is thy name oh Donald Trump!.....you call it as it is, regardless whose ox is gored." "@tx_shaun @realDonaldTrump I think Rahm Emanuel really likes the sign, he just complains because your not a bleeding heart liberal like him "@judibluiz99: @realDonaldTrump I Love the new letters! Very classy! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BqtrDo3CIAAZ3qO.jpg" "@WhiteShaunwhite I salute Your courage and work Sir! You possess All the Entrepreneurial and Leadership Qualities. Y not Run for President "@jperk1: @realDonaldTrump Goldberger was a loser" True, really bad taste - but he's gone now! I loved the day Paul Goldberger got fired (or left) as N.Y.Times architecture critic and has since faded into irrelevance. Kamin next! "@GlennHowerton: http://m.motherjones.com/politics/2014/04/donald-sterling-donald-trump-quiz RT .@MissCassie1230: @realDonaldTrump for President! Smarter than any man in the USA!" True! "@Natasha_tut13: @realDonaldTrump I like to read your tweets and I am delighted with you, intelligent, decent, strong man!" Thanks. "@JasonSiskCRE: @realDonaldTrump Very impressed with Trump Tower Vancouver. Nicely done, sir. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BqsazZrCEAAnpUO.jpg" Great building-thanks "@replicatemedia: Mr Trump, You were Excellent on Howard Stern! It is time that America is Rebuilt on a Renewed Foundation of Capitalism!" "@Lady_Laurettina: @realDonaldTrump I admire you so much! :)" Thanks. "@oddi_donovan_99: You're a big thinker, and one of a kind... go for President of USA @realDonaldTrump . "@HouseMusicTV: You were amazing on @HowardStern last week, WELL DONE, you have our vote, for what ever ! @realDonaldTrump" "@_MHall: Flew through LGA on Friday and got a good look at your amazing plane. To bad LGA is such a dump. Not a great welcome to NYC" "@ashk @realDonaldTrump I'm in NYC for the first time.. Probably gonna visit Trump Tower. Will you be in town? I need to meet my roll model" "@Munkykracker: “@realDonaldTrump: "@footballguru99: @realDonaldTrump Love the sign!!! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BqrgvEiCIAAckuw.jpg"”> LoL" "@cliffwf: @realDonaldTrump love the sign in Chicago. Its got class." "@footballguru99: @realDonaldTrump Love the sign!!! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BqrgvEiCIAAckuw.jpg" "@chiefsnation25: @realDonaldTrump I love u your the man!!!! Great interview on @sternshow "@MissSariBrooke @realDonaldTrump I'm going to Chicago next week and I'm def going to get a pic with the new TRUMP sign! #chicago #trumpsign "@BrianGirardot: @realDonaldTrump @jijassim Greatest sign in all of Illinois!!!" "@chriswerner1988: @realDonaldTrump It even lights up?? That's so HOT #Bestchicagosign" "@sdnc13: @realDonaldTrump when you do the things you've done you can put your name on it!!!" Thanks. "@konk65: @realDonaldTrump great visit on Howard Stern this week. I can't wait for your next visit! @sternshow "@TFleming11: @realDonaldTrump @jijassim Lived in Chicago all my life. Sign looks great!" Thanks. "@katiemacla: @realDonaldTrump @jijassim One of the best hotel stays I've ever had in the world. Superb, all around! #bravo #chicagosbest" "@ipod_jay: @realDonaldTrump @carlideibel7 You'll make a great president" Thanks. "@DavidKobzeff1: @realDonaldTrump can you please be Obamas replacement" Interesting way of putting it! "@hockey_brenna13: Listening to @realDonaldTrump on the Howard Stern Show....what a guy!" @sternshow "@jazminvgarcia: I am seriously afraid for our country. People don't realize the U.S is headed for economic destruction. @realDonaldTrump" "@zglittergirl: @lisa6654 @shellipep @realDonaldTrump ppl tweeted him & begged him not to cast her. I wont watch this season." Yes you will! "@scott23youmans: If you run, I will vote for you. If you don't, shame on you. Be cool! "@splashmediabstn: @realDonaldTrump I love the sign! "@jimrcottage: @realDonaldTrump @sternshow Mr. Trump you were witty, respectful, entertaining and as Howard said just a down to earth guy!" "@wisegirlsrule: @realDonaldTrump @TrumpChicago I find it humorous that your sign shall stand alone as a result of the new regulation!!!" "@carlideibel7: @realDonaldTrump Run for president" Thanks Carli. "@jijassim: Love the sign #chicagoproud @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BqnsY5TCEAE9PQw.jpg" Thanks. "@Helpful_Karen:T R U M P in lights ! Never turn the light out ! .trumphotelcollection.com/Chicago/ @IvankaTrump @realDonaldTrump Great job! "@Domeski1981: @GraemeReid1984 @TrumpGolfLinks @realDonaldTrump what a place mate. Loved it." "@StefJean: Celebrating!! So gorgeous and excited to be here for the weekend! @realDonaldTrump @TrumpChicago http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BqmxlnJCEAIL4as.jpg" Great. "@jdmcc: I feel weird ab it but @realDonaldTrump was on @HowardStern this morn & I surprisingly liked him a lot. Dudes got his shiz together Why isn't Mexico releasing our Marine. U.S. should come down really hard on them. They have ZERO respect for our so-called "leader" Listen – my Citizens United Political Victory Fund robo-call for @leezeldin http://bit.ly/1qmoFvf #zeldinforcongress The @AmSpec interview by Jeffrey Lord: "A TRUMP CARD - The Donald talks politics and parenting." http://bit.ly/1qmiQOp MUST READ! My @chicagotribune editorial: "I love Chicago ... and my sign!" http://trib.in/1qmiwPz RT @TrumpCollection: Lovely RT @SuzanneDelawar: @TrumpCollection you should see this #wedding photo we shot at the @TrumpDoral Miami! http:… From the Wall Street Journal: "Google Steps Into Autism Research" re @autismspeaks http://on.wsj.com/1lF3zZl “When you’re at a meeting, monitor your behavior and work at being an observer – of yourself and of others.” – Think Like a Billionaire “Competitive golf is played mainly on a five-and-a-half-inch course... the space between your ears.” - Bobby Jones RT @TrumpPanama: Treat yourself to a day by the pool at Trump Panama. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BqhuAF2CcAAdhNE.jpg "@tomhovland1: @realDonaldTrump @Poppawub No one else can beat Hillary except you D. Trump !" I agree! "@TrumpChicago: Great to hear! “@GolfTravelerBOS: @realDonaldTrump My wife is at @TrumpChicago right now and loving her room. Top notch”" "@krdevine: @realDonaldTrump very excited to see what the future holds for the new Trump Turnberry. Any clues?" It will be GREAT! "@Poppawub: People please! Although I would support Trump, he will never run for President (fact), why would he ever be so stupid!"Just wait "@Gunny44: @realDonaldTrump @CarrollGroupCHI @TrumpChicago classic lettering gives it a good classy feel" Thanks. "@Gil_Delgado: @realDonaldTrump - We just spent 3 nights & golfed at your Aberdeen Scotland resort and loved everything! Great! "@TrumpDoral: Wishing Trump National Doral Member Lucy Li the best of luck at the Women's U.S. Open. Go Lucy! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BqV0-STIgAApf9X.jpg" "@Mike_Sherwood03: I love the new sign in Chicago! It makes my drive down Lakeshore Drive that much better! Keep up the good work!" Thanks. #TBT Saturday Night Live http://instagram.com/p/pcQyh-mhTQ/ RT @KathiuskaFonsec: @realDonaldTrump @PrimeMinisterSX 100% agree, Why don´t you put some of your "magic touch" there? St. Maarten used to… "@Jasonebean The Trump name on a building brings class and creates a landmark for a city. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bqa_BGjCEAIyMXW.jpg" Thank you. "@RonKarkoviceFF Trump Tower in Chicago is a masterpiece that completes a gorgeous skyline!" Thanks! "@CarrollGroupCHI @TrumpChicago Sign is looking Great!! Pic attached http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BqbVNOACUAAuUQ1.jpg" Thank you. I actually enjoyed the piece re sign @TheDailyShow. Could it be that I’m starting to like Jon Stewart? "@cycick Donald Trump is the King of quotes you really should listen to him!" Thanks. "@uconncrazy @realDonaldTrump Great to hear you on @sternshow. Your honesty is refreshing." Thank you. "@adamwebb_uk '@PrimeMinisterSX incompetence should not be rewarded.' You gotta love DT he does call a spade a spade #honesty" "@gootecks @PrimeMinisterSX agreed, St Maarten has so many issues and makes so many empty promises" She's incompetent. "@aj3fla @realDonaldTrump great job on @HowardStern this week. Always the best radio with the two of you." Thank you. .@PrimeMinisterSX has no clue what’s going on in St. Maarten. Mullet Bay is a third world slum. Resolve never to quit, never to give up, no matter what the situation. -- Jack Nicklaus “Hook your career to a big trend. There are huge opportunities for profits if you can create big solutions.” – Think Big .@TrumpNewYork is NYC's only @ForbesInspector 5 Star & @AAAnews 5 Diamond hotel w/a 5 Star & 5 Diamond restaurant http://bit.ly/17oyxh1 PM Sarah Westcot-Williams incompetence should not be rewarded. You should vote for anyone who runs against her—loser! @PrimeMinisterSX Mullet Bay Golf Course looks like a slum on the beautiful island of St. Maarten. @PrimeMinisterSX should be ashamed for allowing this. Every day St. Maarten loses vital tourism dollars due to the incompetence of PM Sarah Westcot-Williams. @PrimeMinisterSX "@jlk5253 @realDonaldTrump @TrumpChicago I love the sign. It is tasteful and classy, just like everything you do." Thank you. RT @Zoann1: @realDonaldTrump Mr Trump could you help get the marine out of Mexico? Obama is more interested in releasing terrorist. Mexico doesn’t respect our border hourly http://fxn.ws/SWefWO Release USMC Tahmooressi NOW! Time for a boycott? #SaveOurMarine Manufacturing is now less than 9% of US GDP. The Rust Belt, heart of our country’s factory sector, has been destroyed by our leaders. What took so long to catch only 1 of the Benghazi terrorists? Especially after the killer has been taunting the US in the press f/2 yrs. US Army Reserve @leezeldin will bring Conservative solutions to DC. Next Tuesday, vote for Lee in the NY-1 primary. #zeldinforcongress From Fox and Friends interview: Trump: "We should not go back" to Iraq http://nws.mx/TaETvB Will the Benghazi terrorist use the videotape as a defense? If so, will Obama apologize to him? A country that cannot protect its borders is a country destined to fail. Another broken promise by our leaders in Washington. The exclusive home of @PGATOUR's @CadillacChamp, @TrumpDoral sits on 800 beautiful acres in the center of Miami http://bit.ly/17Nr1Yd Every poll shows high approval of the new sign on @TrumpChicago. I am honored by the great support. RT @TrumpToronto: Unique among the world’s finest luxury hotels, we deliver a superior level of modern convenience in downtown #Toronto htt… "@JoRoseM: Ryan tries to portray himself as a young Donald Trump. No one can be Trump. Sorry bud. @realDonaldTrump #MDLNY" "May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't" --General George S. Patton "@Tbaldwin510Todd: @realDonaldTrump @bfc0312 I would love the ass whopping you would give to Hillary!" "@JamieeMingg: @realDonaldTrump I cannot wait for the new season of @ApprenticeNBC U R MY FAV TV STAR" Thank you. "@wRiTeItNoW_: Do you want to be INSPIRED? Watch @Joan_Rivers on the Apprentice Season Eight!!!! AMAZING woman! Thanks for choosing her!" "@bfc0312: @realDonaldTrump please stay active on Twitter when you are President!" Really cute! "@BackOnTrackUSA:Not only is America not leading in the world anymore, under Obama America is destabilizing the world & making it dangerous. "@attaanago: Watching back to back episodes of The Apprentice @realDonaldTrump ....best show ever!!!" Thank you. "@JohnnyObots: @realDonaldTrump Will you PLEASE run for President. We need a "REAL LEADER"" Thanks. "@iamkeysersoze: I think the sign matches the personality of the structure. Bold, but classy. What’s wrong with #knuckleheadsinthemedia" "@muzic Mr. Trump. I am a huge fan. I have all of your books and think you are a true genius. When will you run for president sir? Watch! "@EmilyJeffrie @realDonaldTrump @TrumpChicago you know the meaning of class, luxury, and the pursuit of the American dream! #winner! Thanks "@myjr54: @realDonaldTrump run for president. I wanna deal maker in office." "@james_dodenc: @realDonaldTrump Mr Trump I hope you will be running for president in 2016. Obama's Incompetence Crippled America......." "@Pearls_n_Bows: "@realDonaldTrump: Be tough, be smart, be personable, but don't take things personally. That's good business."" "@keyboardbrian: @realDonaldTrump Being the Donald fan for many years, yes, the sign looks fantastic!" AMERICA USED TO BE THE LEADER OF THE WORLD. THANKS TO OBAMA AMERICA ISN'T EVEN LEADING FROM BEHIND. .@TrumpChicago’s Spa has an array of 5 star services,12 treatment rooms & 53 spa guestrooms w/great views http://bit.ly/1h4AEao The exclusive home of @PGATOUR's @CadillacChamp, @TrumpDoral sits on 800 beautiful acres in the center of Miami http://bit.ly/17Nr1Yd Just met with the incoming Speaker of the Florida House, @SteveCrisafulli – a fantastic guy! He will be a truly great leader. Breaking ground shortly, Trump Int’l Washington DC will bring the DC Post Office far beyond its original grandeur http://bit.ly/ZbZmQq "@nikkio Just saw photos of sign at night - looks really nice. Chronic complainers moan about everything --ignore them." Thanks! "@clarkr3000 Love the Sign in Chicago! You built it and have every right to stamp your trademark on it. Kudos!" Thank you. "@KPPhotography38 @TheDailyShow I'm on a flight heading to Chicago and I'm excited to catch a glimpse of that sign." Great, thanks! RT @TrumpCollection: Looking for the best views of the Manhattan skyline? Look no further: http://trumpcollection.co/nycparksuite "@Kennokevin: @realDonaldTrump After the pics i've seen, the sign makes the tower look great. Hands down best looking tower in Chicago." "@aj_baldwin: @HowardStern Today's show was fantastic! @realDonaldTrump was awesome and the real doll w/ Eric was priceless." "@JamesPDonahue1: @HowardStern @Tedd474 @realDonaldTrump another amazing and solid #SiriusXM appearance from #DonaldTrump" "@InfamusG12: @realDonaldTrump Love the new sign! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BqX1IhBCIAADS5I.jpg" "@CatheMazanowicz: We know you will respect the property...and bring new life to it. Putting Turnberry on my bucket list...." Great! "@StephenGrubba: @realDonaldTrump You were great today on @HowardStern. Hope you buy the @buffalobills. "@TheKeshKid: @realDonaldTrump for president? Genius! He will definitely know how to put the American economy in shape! #TrumpForPresident" "@PIERPAOLOMONNI @realDonaldTrump It is perfect! Congratulations on this fantastic job! @TrumpToronto @TrumpChicago" Thank you. I was right—TV ratings for US Open are way down from last year. People don’t want to look at a burned out, ugly course! "@BC4040 @TrumpChicago Looks Great! @ night, I saw it Saturday during the day and it also looks great in the daylight too!" Great, thanks! "@newhopenchange @realDonaldTrump @TrumpToronto @TrumpChicago - nicely done, it's a magnificent sign." Thank you! The Trump Organization Finalizes Purchase of Legendary Turnberry Resort in Scotland. It's absolutely… http://instagram.com/p/pW_9bumhcU/ “No one remembers who came in second.” – Walter Hagen With our border not being secure, Obama is giving a pathway to terrorists to enter our country. An attack is on him. RT @IvankaTrump: Coming soon...Trump International Hotel, DC #DC http://instagram.com/p/pW9fAFikG8/ "@TrumpToronto Congratulations to @TrumpChicago for a successful installation of Trump sign. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BqW9BU5CQAABcKy.jpg" Really looks great! .@BreitbartNews:"DONALD TRUMP: CANTOR'S DEFEAT SHOWS 'EVERYBODY' IN CONGRESS VULNERABLE IF THEY SUPPORT AMNESTY" http://bit.ly/1iuqWPk RT @TrumpCollection: The newly opened BLT Prime at @TrumpDoral is the perfect place to enjoy a delicious meal after a day on the course: ht… "@ALennemann650 @realDonaldTrump Great Interview on @sternshow #Trump" Thank you. RT @IvankaTrump: D.C from the Old Post Office. #TrumpDC http://instagram.com/p/pWszVfCkH-/ "@DavidGinsburg Once again, @realDonaldTrump kills on the @SternShow. Trump/@rqui ticket in 2016! :)" Thanks! "@BobLafleur1 @realDonaldTrump good job on @HowardStern you really are an inspiration you need your own radio show!" Thank you. "@git921 @realDonaldTrump Loved you on @howardstern. Need to hear your brackets on a daily basis" @sternshow Great, thank you. The perfect Hawaiian getaway, @TrumpWaikiki’s 462 luxury guest rooms and suites each have spectacular views http://bit.ly/17tNNn5 "@kaylorcc @realDonaldTrump loved you on Stern this morning. You always have a lot of interesting things to say." Thank you. @sternshow "@BKearnss Haha gotta love listening to @realDonaldTrump on @sternshow .. says exactly what he's thinking lol" True, thanks. "@dalstar009 @realDonaldTrump needs to call into the @sternshow more often!!!" Thanks. "@CarrGaz Trump completes his takeover of Turnberry and puts his own stamp on it. Full story in tomorrow's Carrick Gazette" Great. "@top40mogul There is never enough Trump on @sternshow! Why not have him on the phone at least once per month? @HowardStern" Thanks! RT @TrumpDoral: Wishing Trump National Doral Member Lucy Li the best of luck at the Women's U.S. Open. Go Lucy! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BqV0-STIgAApf9X.jpg "@paigekblake Of all the places I've stayed in Oahu, Trump International is the best! #greatservice #besthotel #awesomestaff #luxury" Thx! RT @410DJTJ: @realDonaldTrump Heard you on @HowardStern this morning... You are the MAN! #Trump4Prez RT @kevinZhumphries: @realDonaldTrump great stuff on @sternshow this morning. Love it RT @MFBrooklyn: @realDonaldTrump I love u with @HowardStern ! "@DavidGordonJr: Tower in Chicago is beautiful, the "name" is the only sign of success they've had in years... jealousy for sure!" "@user33131: "@realDonaldTrump: "@1more77: @realDonaldTrump incredible interview on the @HowardStern show. Please please run for President!" "@4TheTruth2012: @realDonaldTrump @DamnitJustin Outstanding beautiful building for sure!" "@tojo413: Spent the night at the Trump Tower...awesome! Best lookin' building in Chi-Town. Powerful lookin' sign too @RahmEmanuel" "@stargazer3141: @realDonaldTrump please run for president! Our country needs you to fix this mess!" "@AveGratiaPlena: @realDonaldTrump I saw Trump Tower in Chicago on Fox...it looks beautiful! Congratulations! Love the TRUMP sign too." "@TheKeshKid: @realDonaldTrump for president? Genius! He will definitely know how to put the American economy in shape! #TrumpForPresident" "@thewoods575: I would rather read @realDonaldTrump tweets than hear Obama lie #tweetthetruth vs #lierlier" "@DamnitJustin: @realDonaldTrump just saw Trump Tower in Chicago. It looks great. "@AlexDub182821: @realDonaldTrump great stuff on Howard today! Now call up Jim Kelly and get that Buffalo Bills deal done!" "@natalieccook @realDonaldTrump the best thing to happen to ur country is 2 c Mr Trump as President. 1st thing to change...ur health system. "@MFBrooklyn: @realDonaldTrump everything u touch turns to gold I need to bump into u!" Work hard! "@HolzMDK: @realDonaldTrump @DannyBOiling trump for president" "@AlexDub182821: @realDonaldTrump Couldn't agree more about Seth Meyers" He wss not meant for television - very sad! "@Kelliejo2013: Your tweets are so entertaining!!! And Pinehurst DID look like cow shit! Dusty ass tumbleweeds blowing around. Geeeezzzz" "@JLW2380: @sternshow I love when @realDonaldTrump comes on. He is so refreshingly honest. #greatguest" "@DonnieHoward2: @realDonaldTrump I'm a Democrat and I'd vote for you in a second." Thanks. "@th4tk1dryan: @realDonaldTrump brought up a lot of good points on @sternshow this morning, I really hope he runs for president" "@KPPhotography38 @HowardStern when Donald runs for President he will have my vote! I'll even campaign for him #TrumpForPresident" Thanks "@johnstockwell: Another great appearance by @realDonaldTrump on @HowardStern! Hope to catch a replay on the drive home." "@JohnMarsicano: @realDonaldTrump on @sternshow was certainly an entertaining start to my morning." Good! "@_MelissaAmy: I don't know, @realDonaldTrump was making a lot of sense this AM @sternshow great interview @HowardStern" "@jrmarsy: @realDonaldTrump do u think the republicans will force the "lost emails" to be found?" No, it is not in them! "@Mumbles06: @realDonaldTrump Geat hearing you on Howard Stern, you should run for President." "@grapewhiskey: @sternshow Can't believe all the hate trump gets. Hearing him and @HowardStern go back&forth is good radio simple as that!" "@PurkisMark: @realDonaldTrump I heard your interview on @HowardStern I enjoyed every second of it. #RadioGold" Thanks. "@1more77: @realDonaldTrump incredible interview on the @HowardStern show. Please please run for President!" "@Mhennessh: @realDonaldTrump I live in Chicago and love the sign! I look at it everyday!!" Thanks. "@trcyhwlls: @realDonaldTrump I heard the show and am now a fan. You were so honest and real!" Thanks. I will be doing The Howard Stern Show at 7 a.m. (10 minutes). Always fun, and interesting, talking to Howard! "@LaytonJPalmer: @realDonaldTrump for president 2016 is the only way to go!" "@CROMO__: It would be amazing to see @realDonaldTrump run for president. I would vote for him with the quickness. #Trump2016" It's time to let Pete Rose, the all time hits leader, into the Baseball Hall of Fame. Enough already!!!!! "@alvisefranz: Italian people support @realDonaldTrump for 2016 president. "@paranormalfact: @stevenharlow85 Donald know's business. Screw politics we need someone who doesn't care about Politics for once.#Trump" "@AboutTheRock: We need @realDonaldTrump to run for President in 2016!" "@bloopcrew: #TrumpForPresident @realDonaldTrump we want TrumpCare and a president who has proof he is a real American" "@BLCKMSSH: @realDonaldTrump I'M VOTING FOR YOU IN 2016 💯" "@paranormalfact: @realDonaldTrump If you run #2016 I will hit my streets running for you.Obama Care doesn't Care.#TrumpForPresident" "@jwpros: If @realDonaldTrump can build such a successful business,imagine the endless possibilities he could achieve as president!" TRUE! "@DannyBOiling: @realDonaldTrump if you were president, how many jobs could you create in 4 years?" More than ever before! "@LisaNoelBryson: @realDonaldTrump We need you to run this country! 2016! The year of the Donald!" "@LifeVibeVision: @realDonaldTrump @paranormalfact How about you look inside - because truthfully, you're the solution. "@5dragons: @realDonaldTrump @stevenowell ( Pinehurst) Was a great looking dust bowl." "@aollom864: @realDonaldTrump Are gas prices going to skyrocket due to instability in Iraq?" No, due to a weak and incompetent U.S. Govt. "@mxk0dy: @realDonaldTrump for president! Please mr trump 🙏" "@jerr209: @realDonaldTrump you sir, you are my idol. Wish to one day be a master minded billionaire like you." Work hard. "@paranormalfact: @realDonaldTrump We need someone like you in Office who knows how to get this country out of debt #TrumpForPresident" Easy "@FlightAJ: Hey @realDonaldTrump what is your view on George Bush?" He got us into Iraq instead of making America great again. Not good! "@Mark_quoted: @realDonaldTrump reading Think Big and can't help but wonder why you ain't president yet?" Well, now is when we most need it "@hunterstiehler: @realDonaldTrump you have the type of business mind we need in office! #TrumpForPresident #Trump2016" "@stevenowell: @realDonaldTrump don't normally agree with you but it (Pinehurst) looked like an absolute dump." "@mindgone222: @realDonaldTrump @jry227 People just want to mess with you because you're you. It's your building. F them." "@Lady_Rin_Kelly: @realDonaldTrump, I love the sign! Please let's make a hashtag, that seems like it solves all world problems." "@adhowe5: I thought the Trump signage was very well done. Looks great! @realDonaldTrump" "@TheBrazilTrader: @realDonaldTrump I LOVE THE SIGN" "@Platinumevent: @realDonaldTrump the only problem with the #Trump sign in #Chicago are the people complaining about it!" "@tttmon: @realDonaldTrump You are amazing! I loved that you rewarded the bus driver who saved a suicidal girl." Thank you, my great honor! "@DonDraper_NY: .@Gotham @ConradHiltonNY @RachelMenkenNY @WaldorfNYC I read @realDonaldTrump, He's smartest man around, a @BonaFideMadMen✔" "@nicrob650: @realDonaldTrump playing in September the day after playing Trump Aberdeen! Can't wait... Bucket list courses!" Have fun. "@GTman1988: @realDonaldTrump please buy Pinehurst next!" And fix it - make it beautiful again! "@KarenHaywood3: @realDonaldTrump Beautiful!" "@jry227: I have lived in Chicago my whole life, love the sign. It brings class to the River. Don't know what the big deal is!" "@hufseyg: Got to see the new 'Trump' letters on @realDonaldTrump Chicago skyscraper. Looks amazing" "@bigD921: @realDonaldTrump @jrnicholas8 I hope we can survive the rest of this losers 8 year term" "@jrnicholas8: Love the "Trump" in Chicago. Those who don't like it are jealous! Capitalism is where it's at! We need more signs like it!" I bought the great Turnberry Resort today - considered by many to have the greatest golf course in the World. I will take good care of it! "@adamjannke: @realDonaldTrump went to Doonbeg last year, loved it!" "@joebud123: @realDonaldTrump Which one of your books should I read first?" The Art of the Deal "@DeeHogan21: @realDonaldTrump along with @DoonbegLodge ...heaven on earth" "@BackOnTrackUSA: Remember the terrorists that Obama has been arming in Syria against Assad. Well now they are marching on Bagdad." "@BackOnTrackUSA These are the same terrorists Obama has been arming in Syria & have attacked us on 911.Obama's foreign policy is a disaster "@Waldrop15w: @Kenny_Wallace @realDonaldTrump Iran controlling Iraq and all of its oil will be everyone's problem" Our leaders are stupid! I know about the “rustic” look on golf courses—but see photo of highly rated Trump National Philadelphia—a real gem. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BqR99p9IUAAMMKg.jpg Success comes with hard work, focus and luck. The luck comes to those who seek it out. If you are not in the game, you cannot get lucky. When ISIS caught the soldiers, do you think they read them their legal rights prior to executing them? "Choose your own path: It doesn't have to be the path less traveled...What matters is that it's the right one for you." - Vince Lombardi Iraq is no longer our problem. We never should have been there in the first place! Turnberry- one of the most beautiful places in the world.... soon to be Trump Turnberry, a Luxury… http://instagram.com/p/pUN19rmhb6/ The VA scandal will only get worse over the time. Our vets deserve the best care possible. We must be open to private solutions. Congratulations to @spurs on their @NBA championship. Well-deserved. If anybody else but Coore and Crenshaw designed Pinehurst they would be run out of town—(and the turtleback greens are totally unfair)! The only reason I am critical of the Pinehurst look is because I’m a lover of golf—and that look on TV hurts golf badly. Virginia's highest rated wine by @WineEnthusiast, @trumpwinery is inspired by the regions of Bordeaux & Champagne http://bit.ly/1kY0WAB The Trump Organization Finalizes Purchase of Legendary Turnberry Resort in Scotland. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BqQ7_kFCIAAgReo.png "@mjb7: @realDonaldTrump . Have a great Monday! Still hoping to hear these words soon.."I will be running for President". #TrumpForPresident "@Theramenes: Get @realDonaldTrump into WH He can lead and fix anything He is also strong and unafraid to do what is good for people." "@odonnelltw: @realDonaldTrump Pinehurst #2 is what happens when environmentalists take over the USGA!" Will be doing Fox & Friends at 7 - 2 minutes. "@NeecieMarie: @realDonaldTrump I concur~ Your children are indeed exemplary~ grace, & poise~ well done, & #HappyFathersDay Sir." Thanks. "@JoshBurrnett: If Hilary Clinton runs for office. @realDonaldTrump HAS TOO. Or I'm moving to canada" "@davidcanlas88: I wish you would advice the Kardashians and the Jenner sisters on child rearing. You did a good job upbringing your girl." "@thespinepillow: @realDonaldTrump please run for prez. Would b great to have a real man in the White House again." "@JeniferStevens: Awful look to it.....Not like Trump in Palm Beach and Briarcliff or Scotland that I've played. Your courses are the best" "@peterkleschen: @CharlieMaikis Pineworst #2 is a number two alright, a dump. Turn on the water! Since when R the Carolinas in drought?" "@magnumCJ: @realDonaldTrump told the truth all day about Pinehurst 2. It is just not a good looking US Open course." So true! "@DeannaSpillyard: Chicago should be so lucky to have the King of New York invest in their city! Love the sign!! It should be bigger JMO!" "@Drake4444444: @realDonaldTrump We need Trump 1) in the NFL, 2) in the Oval Office, and 3) on his own reality show." Cute! "@myFMCase DonaldTrump I snapped that when I was in #Toronto today Donald, your place is looking great! #TheTrumpWay http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BqOnQK5CIAA8owK.jpg" "@quotedojo: A little more moderation would be good. Of course, my life hasn't exactly been one of moderation. ~Donald Trump" "@gja360: @realDonaldTrump I read all of your books you truly are an inspiration!" Thanks. "@troytreanor: @shanebacon which got more viewers: final round of @usopengolf or @realDonaldTrump tweets about the course?" Trump! "@SurayaZayn: @realDonaldTrump i find yourself and your children exemplary and inspirational, Sir. Thank You. Big announcement tomorrow morning concerning the great Turnberry Resort in Scotland! Congratulations to Martin Kaymer for winning the 2014 #USOpen. #USGA" Great playing from beginning to end! "@benSEXT0N: @Cfeetsrevenge @LukeDonald @realDonaldTrump course didn't look good in HD just saying" No, it looked terrible, bad for golf! "@TedatACA: I concur with @realDonaldTrump on Pinehurst. IMO: Those blasts from sandy areas looked like IEDs exploding In Kandahar Province. "@ichicagoscott: @realDonaldTrump it was nice of you to give @MattGinellaGC 15 minutes of fame that he wouldn't have had." I agree! "@welsh @realDonaldTrump you have made some great courses, but dont think that gives you the right to comment on every golf course! I agree! @MattGinellaGC Matt, how many club championships have you won? I hear zero, or 18 fewer than me! Lets play for a lot? "@ic @MattGinellaGC stick to media like everyone else in it with worthless opinions. DonaldTrump is 10,000 times more successful than you." "@GolferMatt23: @realDonaldTrump Are the @MasterCard commercials filmed at Trump National LA?" Yes. "@matthewhkurth: @realDonaldTrump played Trump Bedminster once...will never forget it. "@ZackAlcorn: @mikehyland21 @realDonaldTrump @aec4444 big time. I love Trump Bedminster" "@g3stover: @MattGinellaGC is barking up the wrong tree getting in a twitter war with @realDonaldTrump" I can beat him in golf even easier! @MattGinellaGC Matt, you know nothing about quality golf or what it takes to make golf successful. You are all talk, no substance! "@rink914: @IanJamesPoulter Actually agree...it may have been great to play but it looked atrocious on TV..I love golf..couldn't watch" "@CharlieMaikis: @realDonaldTrump I completely agree with DT here. Pinehurst looks bad. I wouldn't pay $400 to play if it looked like that." "@GunnAndrew: @realDonaldTrump future British open? #TrumpScotland http://twitter.com/GunnAndrew/status/478322948298637313/photo/1" "@vmisciagna: @realDonaldTrump I've played the new Doral which is awesome-one day I hope to play another Trump course" "@jeffokrina: @CBSSports @EyeOnGolf @realDonaldTrump: I agree with the Donald. What a goat track! I'll take the beauty of Pebble any day!" "@ClarkSmidt: Sir Donald. Rather than promote golf courses, please use your influence to deliver messages that will help fix our Country." "@aec4444: @realDonaldTrump I've played Pinehurst and Trump Bedminster and Donald has 2 in Bedminister that are superior." Thank you & true @MattGinellaGCSadly Matt, you don't understand golf (even though you think you do).I have numerous couses that are far superior to Pinehurst @MattGinellaGC I have watched Open Championships at Turnberry, one of the great golf courses of the World. Pinehurst not in the same league @MattGinellaGC My position on Pinehurst is correct - bad for the game, a dried out cow pasture. You have no clue but keep trying! Johnny Miller correctly very critical of greens at Pinehurst. Said they should be "redone" "@Mikeyy84: @realDonaldTrump very subdue atmosphere. Not take it away from Kaymer but it's like watching paint dry #USOpen #anticlimax" "@jackhennessy12: @realDonaldTrump look better at lahinch or trump doonbeg?" True! "@aec4444: @realDonaldTrump please don't let the USGA ruin your course in 2017 like they did Pinehurst." I won't! "@Robert_W_GA: @realDonaldTrump they think the course should be "old school", you know, like "before lawn care technology" aka goats!" I'd bet the horrible look of Pinehurst translates into poor television ratings. This is not what golf is about! "@foossh:@GolfDigestMag @realDonaldTrump he has a point, fairways should be green. Scruff can be as bad as you want. Wouldn't pay top dollar "@MomMom: Just saw the video of the bus driver saving the woman from jumping off overpass. You gave him a reward....good job Donald!" Thanks "@epowell88: Worked @ restaurant for 33 yrs & got fired because they didn't think I could keep up. No severance! Would u do that?" NO WAY! "@MarkMoreland: It's worse for @PinehurstResort. I know I wouldn't pay $400 to play what looks like a neglected municipal course." "@timgerzabek: @realDonaldTrump @GolfDigestMag I thought this was the US Open not the wanna be British Open" "@jshamie: @GolfDigestMag couldn't agree more. The course is not punishing bad tee shots like a normal us open would. BORING FINISH!!!" @GolfDigestMag Big news from Scotland on Turnberry (which, by the way, blows Pinehurst away!) tomorrow morning. Stay tuned. @GolfDigestMag Never in the history of televised golf has a course looked so bad and unattractive. A dry, burnt out mess! Bad for golf. .@HollySandersGC. Remember, it was Martin K who sank the big ten footer to win the Ryder Cup. He can handle the pressure! I would like to wish all fathers, even the haters and losers, a very happy Fathers Day. "@zp_3: @realDonaldTrump Happy Birthday from your Trump Towers in West Palm. Keep up the good work!" A great place, thanks. "@edcloud9: No one man can turn this country around and get us back on track. But one @realDonaldTrump can! 2016! HappyBirthday! "@jsimonwc: @realDonaldTrump @MattGinellaGC who cares what it looks like! Pros aren't complaining." Yes they are, just ask Bubba (& viewers) "@rgb0y: @realDonaldTrump happy birthday sir! Nothing but respect for what you've accomplished." Thanks. "@Kirby_Weasley: @realDonaldTrump Happy Birthday to one of the most entertaining and smartest men alive." Thanks. "@SKMcCrty: Happy Birthday, Mr. @realDonaldTrump, you have been a great mentor in my life! #teamskm"Thanks Stephen "@noahhoch: Happy birthday to @realDonaldTrump the wisest man in the US. #2016" Thanks. "@CareyTim6: Happy birthday to @realDonaldTrump, the man we need to lead us in the future. #Trump2016" Thank you. "@AAndreakis: @realDonaldTrump Happy B-Day Mr. Trump, you are a great inspiration for many people around the world! May God Bless You Mr. T! "@seancourt: @realDonaldTrump we need a great leader like @realDonaldTrump to take this country where it belongs" "@dcolon2112: All hate'n T This was my tweet "Watching the #USOpen It's as if they're playing on a local community golf course Looks awful"" "@KenBlalock: I'm with @realDonaldTrump. #Pinehurst looks like Muni. & until we run out of H2O? Would pay $400 2 play that?" No. "@der_karsten: @realDonaldTrump Happy birthday to the best businessman in the world" Thank you. "@jwkeen: Happy Birthday to The Donald @realDonaldTrump. It will take men like him to make the USA great again. #2016." Thanks. "@jsimonwc: @MattGinellaGC @realDonaldTrump Built for golf. Not built for TV." That is true because it looks horrible on T.V. SAD! .@BlairKamin Blair, you may be the worst architectural critic in the business but thanks for your nice reviews about Trump Chicago & sign PR "@christinelu: Donald Trump gets over $1 million to speak. Tony Blair $600K. Rudy Giuliani $270K. A Greenspan $250K. http://www.onlineuniversities.com/blog/2010/04/10-highest-paid-public-speakers-in-the-world/" "@PGongola: @realDonaldTrump @MattGinellaGC I THINK PINEHURST IS UGLY." "@ChristianL2499: @realDonaldTrump You're the man Mr. Trump! #DonaldTrump2016" Thanks. .@MattGinellaGC Have you ever seen Trump National/Bedminster or Trump International Golf links in Scotland. Both far better than Pinehurst! "@dcolon2112: @RAW1183 It was my comment not @realdonaldtrump I've played on nicer par 3 courses than #USOpen" .@MattGinellaGC Matt, the statement about Pinehurst looking like a local community golf course,"awful", was not made by me but tweeted to me .@MattGinellaGC It's true Matt, the NEW "Blue Monster" is better than Pinehurst, so is Bedminster. Turnberry & Trump Aberdeen blow it away! "@tx_shaun: @realDonaldTrump happy birthday Donald! Thanks for never being afraid to tell it like it is" "@keegster51: HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my idol @realDonaldTrump! I hope one day to be as successful as you! #TRUMP2016" Work hard! "@felberjosh: Happy #Birthday to an awesome business icon! Read my first Trump book at 14 which jump started my business success. Thanks. "@phagan2: @realDonaldTrump your children are smart and capable. You must take the reins and get the USA back #1" It can be done. "@DougHutchins77: @realDonaldTrump The world just won't be safe until the name Trump is emblazoned on the White House." "@DbigRock34: @realDonaldTrump Like I said, Trump for President. USA needs a positive change." "@Scleroshima: @realDonaldTrump you called it about 4 years ago about "the spoils of war" its all coming true now." So true! "@commishjoe: Happy Birthday to successful businessman and true American success story. He certainly tells it like it is! Thank you. "@glock34girl: @realDonaldTrump please run and get America back on its feet." Stay tuned! "@dcolon2112: @realDonaldTrump Watching the #USOpen It's as if they're playing on a local community golf course! Looks awful!" I have been very consistent and always said that Iraq would fall as soon as the U.S. left. What a terrible waste of lives and money! Iran will convince our incompetent President that they are trying to help us with Iraq, take over the country & oil, and "O" will say thanks Turnberry in Scotland is a far superior golf course to Pinehurst - and it isn't even close! Likewise the Blue Monster at Doral. Iran is moving troops into Iraq under the guise that it is helping out. Actually, they will take over Iraq and all of their oil. Stupid U.S. "@MoshoodAluko: Happy birthday to an American icon and a real estate el-supremo... @realDonaldTrump" Thanks. "@homesbyjeff: “@realDonaldTrump: "@fahntastic24601: In Chicago and loving Trump tower. Those letters look great, @realDonaldTrump!"”" "@roebeauty: Calling the sign &“Trump" name tasteless is ridiculous! Its exactly the opposite. You always put beauty in your details. "@Minnesotavk81: @realDonaldTrump your sign on chicago tower looks awesome!" Thanks. "@ruvie18: Happy Birthday @realDonaldTrump,my best author, I never get tired of reading" think big" and the apprentice! "@ryanbushby: @realDonaldTrump Happy birthday to the best businessman in America!" Thank you. "@warrencasselljr: Happy Birthday to @realDonaldTrump. I wish you many more success! You are greatness!" Thanks. "@cjlrx: @realDonaldTrump Happy Birthday to an American icon!" Thank you. "@steele_sue: @realDonaldTrump I think your sign needs to stay, I think it looks great. Love it.." "@fahntastic24601: In Chicago and loving Trump tower. Those letters look great, @realDonaldTrump!" "@Demontre4: @realDonaldTrump just looked at the sign and it looks great" "@ColinSWood: @realDonaldTrump The TRUMP sign looks great! The haters are giving you good publicity though!" "@ThePrimeHost: @realDonaldTrump LOVE the new signage. Keep doing what you've always done and continue to inspire others." Thanks. "@ThePrimeHost: @realDonaldTrump LOVE the new signage. Keep doing what you've always done and continue to inspire others." "@ColinSWood: @realDonaldTrump The TRUMP sign looks great! The haters are giving you good publicity though!" "@MissPSpencer: @realDonaldTrump Love the Trump sign👍Amazing!!" "@TVmaryd: @realDonaldTrump I love the Trump sign on your Chicago building. It's beautiful and it's your branding of Trump. Keep fighting! "@FASHfrontrunner: @realDonaldTrump Love the signage on the Chicago building! I think you should request even bigger letters! "@stevewardrip: @realDonaldTrump @TrumpSign @cotyybaby Bravo! TRUMP Signage! Extremely exquisite!" "@tobylight11: Hi can u RT my daughter #JODIEDIXON she died 03/05/2014 age16 with cystic fibrosis thanx Jodie's dad http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BqC98aSCAAIGr_4.jpg" If you want to be successful in business, you must take risks. Make sure each risk is calculated and can have a positive fallback. W/ the ransom Obama paid for deserter Bergdhal, getting Mexico to release USMC Sgt Andrew Tahmooressi is much harder. #BringBackOurMarine Jailed USMC Sgt Andrew Tahmooressi should be released immediately. Since when does Mexico care about border security?#BringBackOurMarine RT @sunayciner: @realDonaldTrump one of the greatest buildings in Chicago and deserves the Trump sign. RT @TrumpCollection: Take in lovely Central Park views while savoring signature Jean Georges dishes at Nougatine: http://trumpcollection.co/nougatine Had a great time yesterday on @theviewtv with @WhoopiGoldberg, @JennyMcCarthy, @SherriEShepherd & guest host @MrJerryOC! 92 stories above North Michigan Avenue, @TrumpChicago’s 5-Star @Forbes rated rooms have the best views of Chicago http://bit.ly/1oXJCec Thank you @Todayshow for the wonderful and honest poll results on Chicago sign. People love it! http://on.today.com/1jozlUQ @TrumpChicago .@TrumpChicago is Chicago's sole destination showcasing a Five-Star @Forbes rating for both hotel & restaurant http://bit.ly/UNathh "@JeremyHL: #Chicago River North support for @realDonaldTrump Tower sign. http://www.marinacityonline.com/news/sign0612.htm" Thank you Jeremy, great writing!. "@amybdt: @realDonaldTrump So many other things to worry about in this world and a sign is one??? Give me a break! LOVE IT!!" "@CJohnson623: @realDonaldTrump I love the Trump building in Chicago" "@DavennT: If you have a problem with @realDonaldTrump putting "Trump" on his building, you need to reassess your life. Get. Over. It." "@Trutt78: @realDonaldTrump - you want to do something nice for Chicago and they shoot you down. Piss on Rahm. He is just an Obama lap dog." "@kvb423: @TODAYshow what a shame @RahmEmanuel is wasting money on @realDonaldTrump when we have CPS students in bldgs w/o AC" "@kverb12345: @realDonaldTrump sign is the right size given size of the building." "@Danoh1952: @TODAYshow @realDonaldTrump I like the Trump sign. "@Radosevich: Love the sign! #Chicago! Do not cross #THEDONALD @realDonaldTrump #TRUMP" "@PartTimer32: @realDonaldTrump love the new sign in Chicago....adds some real intelligence to the city #keepfighting#PresidentTrump. "@arbyoliver: @realdonaldtrump Great Chicago sign. Do not bend to pressure. Right on!" I won't, thanks. "@geauxholmes: @realDonaldTrump We would love a Trump building in #neworleans #CityBiz" Thanks "@The_RHLP: @realDonaldTrump pumped millions into our Chicago economy. My brother worked on that building for 3yrs. Rahm should thank him!" "@blazo7: Sign looks great! Mr. Emanuel needs to chill. Guess he's never been to ATL. All buildings there have names! #getalifeRahm" "@cotyybaby: Why the fuss? Trump has the most beautiful building in Chicago! That sign will be iconic #TRUMP #Elegance #TrumpChicago" "@fullybop: @realDonaldTrump TRUMP! Love the sign in Chi Town! #trump4president" Thank you. "@inthelooptv: @realDonaldTrump Your sign is absolutely stunning in Chicago! Now only if you could wear a suit & fight crime!" "@Matthew_Erdman: DonaldTrump You built a beautiful high-rise, you pay your taxes, you should be able to put up whatever signage you want." The Iraqi Army is useless. President Obama, stay the hell out of Iraq (we should never have been there in the first place). "@ThisIsJoshSmith: I'll say it -- you are likely the *only* Republican who could realistically beat Hillary in 2016. Please consider running "@austinwalsh: @realDonaldTrump new sign looks awesome!!! Congrats!" "@russell_triston: @realDonaldTrump Would make a great Commander in Chief. True intelligence. Common sense, economy knowledge, leadership." We should never have gone into Iraq but, once in, should have gotten out a lot faster. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! "@DON_Ekwegba: When Mr. Trump wants to get at something he goes all the way. He Walks-the-talk. There are only a few of them left! Thank you "@nikkio: I know I'm a day early for your weekend celebrations-Happy Birthday Donald! Looking forward to your surprises for 2014-2015 Thanks "@Noce82: @realDonaldTrump will you please run for PRESIDENT. I will #VoteDonaldTrump" "@tstreck: @realDonaldTrump great building. Name looks awesome on it." "@artv1028: @BlairKamin @chicagotribune you don't like it because Trump is a conservative. How many jobs has Trump created in Chicago" "@aureliusjb: @realDonaldTrump Mr. Trump, I love your sign, it really spiffs up that stodgy old town. Keep up the great style statements." "@Noce82: @realDonaldTrump is a real man of his word, he would help AMERICA. #TRUMP4PREZ" "@BooG690: @realDonaldTrump come home to NYC and put your name on all the buildings you want. #ChicagoSucksAnyway http://news.yahoo.com/chicago-mayor-billionaire-clash-over-trump-sign-215718650.html" "@laura711hender: @realDonaldTrump Live in the suburbs but saw the TRUMP sign on your beautiful building. Really classy! Love it!" "@bestgolfleague: I don't understand the all the fuss. The building is an exquisite edition to our skyline. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bp--NwcCAAAuVbR.jpg" "@Annmajkrzak: @AP @cbschicago I like the Trump Logo on the building! I feel this is a personal fight! & will this fight cost IL residents" "@Nickkleutsch: @realDonaldTrump @trumpchicago personally I think the letters should be higher up. Make sure everyone can see that name!" "@MajesticBrotha: @realDonaldTrump I'm a Liberal but I feel Mayor Emanual has bigger fish to fry in Chi-town than a Trump sign" "@LoveandFate: @realDonaldTrump Your name on your building in Chicago looks awesome! "@jamesbregenzer @TrumpChicago was completed during recession, when most other projects failed. Trump deserves Chicago's praise" @BlairKamin RT @jamesbregenzer: @TrumpChicago was completed during the recession, when most other projects failed. Trump deserves Chicago's praise for … RT @TrumpChicago: Thanks to our friends at @Jetsetterdotcom for listing our hotel as the best for "Business Meets Pleasure" --> http://t.co… Dopey @chicagotribune critic fails to mention the ugly Sun Times sign. Before I bought the site, the Sun Times had the biggest, ugliest sign Chicago has ever seen. Mine is magnificent and popular. "@lifesanthem @TrumpVancouver Good news. 1 of the most exciting people coming to 1 of the most exciting cities in the world!" A great place! "@dreamsoles1 @realDonaldTrump you sir are a true inspiration to me I thank you." Great, thanks. "@GOOD_ggg @TrumpGolf With GOOD service at his clubs imagine the service Mr Trump could give American people as Pres!" True! "@ep_capital @ReformedBroker @PhilipRucker @realDonaldTrump yo that sign gonna be more famous than HOLLYWOOD!" I agree! RT @GOOD_ggg: @realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @TrumpGolf @TrumpScotland @Trump_Ireland Trump venues are outstanding but welcome & service … In answer to your questions about my favorite impersonator, the answer is Darrell Hammond. People are LOVING the Trump sign on the Chicago building. Big league tweets, letters and calls… A third rate architecture critic--who I thought got fired—for the failing @chicagotribune likes the building but doesn’t like the Trump sign "@AWoodyLou: @realDonaldTrump you are an inspiration to us all. If only you would run for President and sort all this shit out." "@stac: Following @realDonaldTrump was one of the best decisions I've made on twitter. Love the way he speaks his mind and no sugar coating" I told all of the haters and losers long ago that Iraq would fall, take the OIL or get out fast! Massive waste of lives and trillions of $'s Iraq told us to get out, Iraq is now falling, and Iraq now wants us to come back! Don't do it unless we get the OIL, and I mean ALL OF IT! "@chaz_323: @realDonaldTrump let me make this simple. Run. For. President . #forgodssake" "@EfprestoPreston: @realDonaldTrump Run, Donald, run!" "@DbigRock34: @realDonaldTrump run for president, you got my vote" Iraq is falling apart fast - two trillion dollars and so many deaths - Bush got us in and Obama took far too long to get us out! "@Mmmkamilla: I have never voted before, but if Mr.Trump ran for President, I would love nothing more than for my first vote to go to him." Someone just asked me, who is my favorite Donald Trump impersonator? http://instagram.com/p/pHlNvLmheX/ BTW The Miss USA pageant was the highest rated non-sports telecast on the Big 4 networks. Congrats to our newly crowned @Nia_Sanchez_! A former Miss New York is the designer behind the swimsuits featured in Sunday’s Miss USA pageant—beautiful! http://nydn.us/1lhVGHH RT @IvankaTrump: Very excited to welcome @KatrinaCampins to the @TrumpIntlRealty team! Remember her from Season 1 of #TheApprentice? http:/… RT @auramaria028: "@realDonaldTrump: I am in Toronto checking the great Trump International Hotel - highest rated hotel in Canada. It is a … We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit. -- Aristotle RT @TrumpCollection: With 462 richly appointed guest rooms, your next executive retreat is sure to be a hit at @TrumpWaikiki: http://t.co/P… Shameful. After trading 5 senior Taliban for a deserter, the White House is now attacking Bergdahl’s platoon http://bit.ly/1oIPo5d Must read @IBDinvestors editorial: “Child Alien Crisis Obama's Fault, But GOP Won't Pounce” http://bit.ly/1oIOpCa RT @RobbReport: Congrats to @realDonaldTrump & @TrumpCollection on @TrumpDoral's #BlueMonster winning #BESToftheBEST golf course >> http://… The @GOP primary voter spoke last night in VA-7 & @DaveBratVA7th won going away. Now the party MUST stand behind him! Unity Unity Unity! The 5-star @Trump_Ireland graces over 500 acres fronting 2.5 miles on the Atlantic Ocean in County Clare, Ireland http://bit.ly/1fRGPn7 Congratulations to @BretBaier on the immediate & tremendous success of his book ‘Special Heart.’ Already in its third printing! W/state of the art Clubhouse & our signature amenities, @Trump_Charlotte brings true luxury to The Tar Heel State http://bit.ly/WuYYtC "@DavidInspired:Trump wouldn't be afraid to tighten our foreign policy! People would once again respect the US if he was elected! #TRUMP2016 "@Koonskin: .@realDonaldTrump would make an amazing president. Best ever! Sadly, I don't think he has the guts to run. A shame." We'll see! "@BigPapaPruett: @realDonaldTrump The Smartest Businessman, and the best President we could ever elect into office thus far!!!!! #Trump4Prez "@SMarkelon: Get this liar out of the White House. @realDonaldTrump for president 2016! He has the drive and business leadership we need!" "@BravoFan2014: @realDonaldTrump @MissCassie1230 he has my vote we need an Patriot in the White House again." "@zahmad_a:It is the haste decision of withdrawing troops from Iraq w/o having a fully prepared Iraqi Army." Wrong, they could NEVER do it! "@MissCassie1230: @realDonaldTrump for President! Smarter than any man in the USA!" I agree, thanks! Iraq is far worse and of more danger to the U.S. now than it ever was under Saddam Hussein - and this after $2 trillion and so many lives! "@pamplinfilmco: @realDonaldTrump @Jenn641 Can't wait 2 see the White House makeover when Trump is president." Our country would thrive! "@Retrogirl01 He sure has my vote! It's time we get someone in there that has a brain! A business mind to clean this mess up! Thank you! Eric Cantor's concession speech was ridiculous - acted like nothing had just happened. WE NEED REAL LEADERS! "@Jenn641: I really think @realDonaldTrump should run for #President!!! Who's with me on that nomination?!" "@AlexDavisChevy: Next pres. election is the first ill be old enough to vote in. Would vote for you in a heartbeat! #TrumpEm #Trump4Prez" "@justalmir: @realDonaldTrump please run for election so my first ever vote could be for you!" Thanks! "@84Celtics: @realDonaldTrump No House Majority Leader Has Lost A Primary Since 1899." As I have said, the Tea Party is alive and well and fighting hard for the USA. BIG WIN TODAY! Tea Party takes down Eric Cantor - REALLY BIG WIN! "@AskMrWhitey: @realDonaldTrump You have the finances and the name. And we have the votes... Get on it. Lets make it happen." What I am saying is that we never should have been in Iraq in the first place. Bush was terrible, Obama is worse! Make America GREAT again. "@lovebautistafan: @realDonaldTrump @TrumpToronto @mdamelincourt By far the best hotel i've ever stayed at! Mr. D is tremendous." I told you so a long time ago: Iraq just lost second largest city as their soldiers drop their guns and run. Only the beginning! OIL. Be sure to watch @IvankaTrump’s @FoxBusiness @FBNATB interview from the @NYU #HospitalityConference http://bit.ly/SbzVOj "@FilmBatonRouge Loved having @realDonaldTrump in town over the weekend for #MissUSA A beautiful city filled with beautiful girls" Thanks Featuring five championship golf courses including the Blue Monster, @TrumpDoral is South Miami’s top destination http://bit.ly/19HcP4u RT @Espngreeny: Fabulous lunch with contest winners. Thanks all at @trumpdoral for hospitality. Restoration is sensational. http://t.co/ivp… RT @TrumpDoral: RT @mjtmueller: @TrumpDoral what a fantastic oasis!!! 5 golf courses surrounding a stunning Hotel http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bpt8Ig0IcAI-9IO.jpg RT @TrumpDoral: #TransformationTuesday New to the Red Course, you'll now find this canal positioned to the left of Hole #8 http://t.co/pkyb… "@SchwabbieMan: @realDonaldTrump Amateurs... unfortunate but true." True, our leader is clueless! "@Smurrrph: One of my favorite buildings in Chicago #TrumpHotel #TrumpTower @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BpxP_4UIIAAFQlM.jpg" Thanks! "@_tregun: @realDonaldTrump Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan: O's foreign policy (or lack thereof) fails repeatedly." "@shousman86: @realDonaldTrump Mr. Trump please build our Military and take care of our Vets as Commander in Chief" This would happen! "@JOEBANNAS: @realDonaldTrump There are no friends over there , you can not trust anybody. They where probably set up . Get our boys out" "@PiersComments: The only strong leader that the Republicans have at the moment is Donald Trump." Five U.S. soldiers killed in Afghanistan by so-called friendly fire. What are we doing? "@david_j_roth: "I was never one who looked at success as bad. For me, success was always good. I loved it, and still do." Donald Trump "@AndyDostal: @realDonaldTrump Don the lettering looks sharp in Chicago! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BpvHzG9IgAAD8Rb.jpg" "@alexniekamp: @realDonaldTrump Loving the new TRUMP sign going up in Chicago!" Thank you! "@BizServicesInc: If Donald Trump runs in 2016, I will donate my time to campaign for him. Trump For President!!! We need great leadership!" "@alyssa_kordish: #donaldtrump for president! @realDonaldTrump" Thanks! “The best luck of all is the luck you make for yourself.” – General Douglas MacArthur"" "@darryljordan: Run Donald Run! We need strong, decisive leader who'll make timely decisions, move policy forward & return US 2 prosperity." "@anjeleyz: This is my nephew Mr trump,he is having chemo again,can you look at this and send a message maybe" Tyler, get well soon - WIN! "@Steal70: @TrumpToronto @Reddit_Toronto @porterairlines Flights cancelled. One quick call to Trump Toronto & I was all looked after" .@mdamelincourt Thanks M, you are doing a great job at Trump Toronto! "@JTphi212: Just heard you on #FoxandFriends. We can count on you to tell it like it is. From a veteran, thank you for your honesty!!" "@pzharris: You have to love @realDonaldTrump Tells it like it is - no BS. Aren't you tired of all the BS?" Negotiation tip: Know exactly what you want and focus on that. Trust your instincts, even after you've honed your skills. Negotiation is an art. Treat it like one. Be open to change--it's another word for innovation. Negotiation tip: View any conflict as an opportunity -- this will expand your mind as well as your horizons. Persistence can go a long way. “The best luck of all is the luck you make for yourself.” – General Douglas MacArthur "@mmurph @realDonaldTrump trump for president. You are a very wise man that we need in office!" Thank you. "Career Advice from Donald Trump" http://bit.ly/1l0kcsb via @BNDarticles by @brittneyplz Watch the @nbc video where @realmissnvusa is crowned as the 63rd @MissUSA http://bit.ly/1l0mo2S The Crowning Moment! Via @AP by @splaisance: "@realmissnvusa NIA SANCHEZ CROWNED AS 63RD @MissUSA" http://bit.ly/1l0jNWI "@MarcoGio13 Been listening to @realDonaldTrump speak words of wisdom on YouTube every night. He really needs to be our next president" Thx "@mkathleenhunter Donald, that's a wonderful picture of you and your Dad. You can sense his love and pride in you!" Thank you. "@Yzaccount @realDonaldTrump Your Dad for sure has a son to be proud of....We all are:)" So nice, thanks! "@GamezFrank @realDonaldTrump when do you sleep?" Not much sleep for me! RT @RunningBearz: @realDonaldTrump @target2016 His whole tenure as President and his Cabinet choices, will go down in History as the "WORST… RT @TrumpDoral: We hope you had a lovely day at Trump Doral. RT @sofitocca: Trump Doral http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bpn7lGWIYAA4Cjs.jpg "@DixonAgnes: As a Scot, thank you for what u do for the beautiful country of Scotland. But US needs u in DC. #presidentdonaldtrump" Heading over to the Miss USA Pageant. The young women participating are amazing and accomplished. Competition is very tough. ENJOY THE SHOW! The man made "climate change" that our "great" president should be focused on is of the NUCLEAR variety brought upon us because of weakness! The Miss U.S.A. pageant will be amazing tonight. To be politically incorrect, the girls (women) are REALLY BEAUTIFUL. NBC at 8 PM. "@killen2015: If @realDonaldTrump ran for president in 2016,I'd totally vote for him.We need a business man to get the economy back on track "@kathy1453: @realDonaldTrump @DonaldTrump2016 Trump for President. You would make a difference. I think you're great." Thank you! "@DonaldTrump2016: @realDonaldTrump if you were in Washington this country would be in better shape" Wow, thank you for caring so much! "@tbrandy100:How about Bush? He lied about Iraq and WMD's. Cost us 4000 lives!!!" I agree, I think he was also a terrible President! "@icewine911: It should be you negotiating! You know how to read ppl before they say or do anything #Trump2016 for President!!" No president in history has lied to the American people more than President Obama - in fact, it is not even close! "@GeraldBJohnson: @realDonaldTrump I would vote for Trump! We need discipline, intelligence, and most of all strength!! He would bring all 3 REMEMBER, the terrible 5 for 1 trade whereby the Taliban got back leaders (killers) and we got back a NOTHING, WILL COME BACK TO HAUNT U.S.! The same "brilliant" negotiators that gave up five Taliban leaders for one traitor are now making trade deals with China & others.No chance "@Real_Tess_Bloom: In my first Presidential election that I can vote in I would vote for @realDonaldTrump #run2016" Great! "@AdverTina: @realDonaldTrump. Would you be aggressive as President?" Not aggressive, smart! "@ams_world: @realDonaldTrump Its embarrassing, yet no one seems to know how to turn our country around. A bunch of clueless leaders." True! "@FlightAJ: @realDonaldTrump Are you running for president?" Watch! "@BAMA_K1NG: @realDonaldTrump and for some reason our government seems okay with that. #pleaserun2016" "@ryanbushby: @realDonaldTrump You are the most gracious man in the business nowadays! #Trump2016" I have not heard that one but thanks! "@tegodreaux: @realDonaldTrump Not on your watch MR. President..." 100% true! We have to make the U.S.A. RICH again so that we can afford to pay Social Security, Medicare,and Medicaid and STRONG to keep our enemies out "@lpgranier: Thank you for coming to Louisiana & bringing $$$! First with your incredible speech at RLC & now Miss USA! You rock!" THANKS! By the end of this year China will be the number one economic power on earth and the U.S. will owe 20 trillion dollars, much of it to China! "@trieuhoang73: What a great golf course, excellent job @realDonaldTrump. My 1st Scottish golf experience was one to remember. Thanks! "@JasonBoyer_29: If Washington had @realDonaldTrump type of leaders, this country would be back on top" Thank you and true! Just toured Baton Rouge, Louisiana - GREAT PEOPLE, fantastic place, doing really well. Miss USA Pageant totally sold out.Tomorrow night, NBC I am in Baton Rouge where the Miss USA Pageant will be shown live on NBC on Sunday night for 3 hours starting at 8 P.M. INCREDIBLE SHOW! The owner of California Gold just made a jerk (fool) out of himself. Just smile and congrat the winner. His wife was visibly embarrassed! .@AndrewKreig Thank you Andrew - so correct! Will be in Louisiana for the Miss USA Pageant which will be on NBC on Sunday night. Watch Miss Pennsylvania,an interesting and amazing story Negotiation tip #1: The worst thing you can possibly do in a deal is seem desperate to make it. - @realDonaldTrump" "@SummersMarcus: @realDonaldTrump always my role model" Thank you. Thank you to the greatest heroes http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BpcjkxpCEAIcu4E.jpg #DDay70 #WWII Happy 30th Birthday #Ghostbusters! It was great to have @TrumpTowerNY be a part of the series. http://instagram.com/p/o6iPHFGheC/ RT @TrumpGolfDC: Finally, Washington’s Old Post Office Is Getting New Life http://fb.me/1uYc40BDD RT @TrumpDoral: Guests have been having a great time at the Cadillac Innovation Golf Clinic on the Blue Monster today. http://t.co/b25nIhau… Only you can #SavetheQueen during the LIVE telecast of #MissUSA on June 8 at 8/7c on NBC. Click for more info: http://bit.ly/TaVsaT RT @TrumpDoral: Al fresco dining has never looked better: http://ow.ly/xCYMb http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BpdQWNeIUAA04bc.jpg Obama is, without question, the WORST EVER president. I predict he will now do something really bad and totally stupid to show manhood! “Learn, know, and show. It’s a proven formula. Put it to use starting today.” – Think Like a Champion RT @TrumpDoral: Enjoy your day on the course! RT @TheGuyFalcone: TRUMP DORAL. BLUE MONSTER. HOLE 18. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BpYdrZ2IAAAlHvV.jpg BREAKING NEWS: Obama has just made a trade with Russia. They get Florida, California & our gold supply. We get borscht & a bottle of vodka. #TBT A picture of my fantastic father and myself. Best teacher in the world! A great Father’s Day… http://instagram.com/p/o3hn1Omhc5/ A great Father’s Day gift—a stay at my 5 star hotel @TrumpNewYork along with items from my signature collection http://bit.ly/1nlhz8V "@GleisisSantos Reading @realDonaldTrump 's Think Like a Champion . What a great and inspirational book." Thanks, good luck! "@Ry_Ceo: @realDonaldTrump i always tell people to vote for Donald Trump if he runs for president. He knows the real deal!" "@Eriksson: Call it any way you like, but Snowden is a traitor. When our country was great do you know what we did to traitors?” 😑😑😑" "@elChucacabra: @realDonaldTrump Obama can strike a deal with the Taliban, but can't make a deal with congress." "@Boycottmaypac: @realDonaldTrump He got the president to show his Birth Certificate! He has clout my friend! He can really stir things up!" I believe that in addition to the 5 terrorist leaders President Obama gave up for Bergdahl, a great deal of CASH was also given. So stupid! Amazing view of @TrumpGolfLA http://instagram.com/p/o1luETmhfH/ Trump Collection’s summer line, exclusively available @Macys, is the pinnacle of style & prestige. Dress your best! http://bit.ly/15AXyl0 .@bretbaier has a wonderful new book #specialheart and it’s proving to be a great success already. Bret is a winner! RT @DanScavino: My entry @GolfChannel 13th hole @ Trump National Golf Club in #Westchester w/ @realDonaldTrump @BillClinton & #Arnie http:/… Congratulations to @joniernst on her impressive @IowaGOP primary win last night. Now all should unite & defeat Bruce Braley this November "@fear_no_evil89 @realDonaldTrump is not afraid to tell the truth & stand up for what he thinks is right #GOP2016 #Trump2016" Thank you "@iCheko_LOM All Mr. @realDonaldTrump is trying to do is wake everyone up to the truth. Loving the tweets." Thank you. "@MikeyGojca @realDonaldtrump speaks the truth and is as successful as he is... must be doing something right." I guess so, thanks! "@_lizzly Nearly anything would be more effective than Obama. @realDonaldTrump is the ideal candidate for this country's restoration" Thx. Obama can release 5 senior Taliban for a deserter but can’t make Mexico release decorated Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi. Pathetic RT @MBell52: @realDonaldTrump speaks nothing but the truth!! #Preach #Trump2016 RT @MattWilliams_16: @realDonaldTrump Loving the tweets this morning Mr. Trump! RT @rtaffofficial: My guy @realDonaldTrump speaks nothing but the truth! #TheDon #WouldBeABetterPresidentThanObama RT @mendelsohn41: @realDonaldTrump. #ONLY THIS ADMINISTRATION WOULD BE STUPID ENOUGH TO SEND MONEY. Obama betrays Israel yet again, our strongest ally in the Middle East. He will recognize Hamas, breaking long standing US policy. US trade deficit hit $64B+ in April, 2 yr record high http://1.usa.gov/1iVjQDC We must do better. China is ripping us. Bring the jobs home! RT @BNDarticles: Hey @realDonaldTrump thanks for the great #career advice! http://oak.ctx.ly/r/15q6u .@TrumpLasVegas' 7th floor provides the most urbane feel in Las Vegas w/private air-conditioned cabanas & a massive 110 ft. heated pool. "@nklaeger We need a successful business person to upright the USA...no rookies. Trump is the man to do it!" Thanks, I agree! "@dbljjames @realDonaldTrump will you be in Baton Rouge for Miss USA" Yes! I hope we never find life on other planets because there's no doubt that the U.S. Government will start sending them money! "@paulscuz @realDonaldTrump I think he deals prisoners the same way he deals money. #Trump2016" True! "If you like to work hard, you will attract people with the same ethic." - Think Like a Billionaire Chris McDaniel looks like he will win in Mississippi - GREAT NEWS and big victory for Tea Party! Obama never consulted with Congress about a prisoner exchange. HE BROKE THE LAW AND SHOULD BE TRIED. OUR PRESIDENT IS A TOTAL DISASTER! Are you allowed to impeach a president for gross incompetence? Was Susan Rice told to lie about Bergdahl? Obama and his representatives lie about virtually everything, from ObamaCare to a deserter. .@newsbusters Thank you for a great and very accurate story - well done! "@tquoteseday: If you're interested in 'balancing' work and pleasure, stop! Instead make your work more pleasurable. - Donald Trump" Rapidly failing @VanityFair magazine hits me for my strong stance against Obama's "brilliant" 5 killers for 1 deserter trade. Amazing! "@Wolf_Hausmann: What separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of fate. --Donald Trump" The five Taliban leaders released for a deserter must really be laughing and having a good time right now. They are saying how dumb U.S. is! Our President is a great embarrassment to the U.S. How could anybody be so dumb or know so little as to make the very stupid 5 for 1 swap? “The entrepreneur’s ability to dream, to win, lose and win again and again is often called the entrepreneurial spirit.” – Midas Touch Remember our six brave heroes who died searching for Bergdahl after he deserted http://bit.ly/1kCGcsZ (h/t @Military_News) “The problem is that no government can create real jobs. Only entrepreneurs can do that.” – Midas Touch It would be nice if our commander-in-chief was as concerned for our Veterans health as he is for illegal immigrants becoming citizens. Moving forward f/tonight’s competitive primaries, it is crucial that the Tea Party & @GOP remain united towards November. Take the Senate! "@LisaV27 @realDonaldTrump I want you Mr. Trump as the president" Well, we'd better get someone fast--the U.S. is going down--fast. RT @powerhitter23: @realDonaldTrump the weakest/most incompetent leadership this country has ever had and we can thank political correctnes… RT @strangerinbree: @realDonaldTrump sad...everytime I think a dumber move couldn't be made, the government outdoes themselves. RT @Bakinator21: @realDonaldTrump what happened to "we don't negotiate with terrorists" RT @AAszkler: @realDonaldTrump They really need to read "the art of the deal" cause America got screwed in that negotiation RT @Taylor_McBath: @realDonaldTrump 6 Soldiers died searching for a deserter, who was then traded for 5 terrorists. Terrible trade made by … "@bcfccityisours @TrumpDoral @realDonaldTrump looks awesome mr t." Thank you. "@DebsSay @RepLeadConf Enjoyed seeing you at the RLC, Mr. Trump! Great speech! We need real leadership in America!" Thank you. RT @FrancoLofranco: @realDonaldTrump in Toronto this weekend. Great training and insights from the Donald! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BpJRpjcCQAAOd9N.jpg RT @BirdseyeKite: @realDonaldTrump @amitgupta9 hi Donald. That's a nice view of your golf course in Ireland http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BpJNpV2IAAAaMtr.jpg RT @lion000: @realDonaldTrump Maybe you should send the president a copy of "The Art of the Deal" because 5 high level terrorists for 1 sol… “It's a tough game, and you never want to take that aspect out of the game.” – @NYRangers Stanley Cup Champion Mark Messier Airing live from Baton Rouge at 8PM ET on @nbc, 2014 @MissUSA Competition will be a tremendous event http://www.nbc.com/miss-usa Obama’s war on coal is killing American jobs, making us more energy dependent on our enemies & creating a great business disadvantage. Be sure to buy this month’s @AmSpec magazine. Read “A Trump Card,” my interview with Jeffrey Lord. Because of our terrible leaders, it is now open season on every American throughout the world. Terrorists are thrilled. President said we would never leave a soldier behind. How about the 4 who died in Benghazi? Great deal, we swap 5 killer terrorists for a U.S. military deserter. That’s how the U.S. negotiates nowadays. RT @TrumpCollection: RT @Nougatine_NYC: The terrace is open today for lunch! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BpNo-aRIUAAXvVM.jpg RT @michaelmuraz: The Trump Tower and the #Chicago river during blue hour @TrumpChicago http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BpKgmx1CAAAADnK.jpg "@Taylor_McBath Obama is actively destroying the greatest country in the world. We are going to pay a horrible price for his recent actions" "@Ralphige: Who knew al Qaeda had such good negotiators. Impressive 5 for 1 against the mighty USA @realDonaldTrump" Bowe Bergdahl walked off the base after he was told not to. Solders died looking for him. U.S. should NEVER have made the deal! PUNISHMENT? Only a grossly incompetent government led by an equally incompetent president could have made the terrible trade for Bergdahl. #OrangeRoom That the Obama administration didn't know the facts about who Bergdahl was before making the stupid 5 killers for one trade is pathetic! "@MrCurvyWor @realDonaldTrump Enjoyed seeing you on @Letterman! You should run for President! You would get this great country going again!" "@alextbailey: @realDonaldTrump @Letterman If you run as Donald Trump and not a Democrat or Republican, the people will vote for you!" "@Greek1958: Looking forward seeing @realDonaldTrump on @Letterman tonight. Has my vote as the next #POTUS" Thanks. "@OhNoImFromOhio: I like @DaveLetterman_ but I just love @realDonaldTrump . Just 2 great men!!" Thanks! "@MVPSocialMedia: Great show/guest tonight! @Letterman @realDonaldTrump #legends" Thank you! "@iPlanned: "A good #plan violently executed now is better than a perfect #plan next week." - General George S. Patton "@deniseprobe: Your time on the David letterman show was so much more interesting than dr Phil on kimmel show. You look good. I'd vote 4 u" Entrepreneurs: Keep your momentum going! It's a big factor in sustaining your success. Keep moving forward! RT @TrumpSoHo: Tomorrow is the last day to vote for your favorite travel experiences in @CNTraveler's Readers' Choice survey. http://t.co/Q… Entrepreneurs: If you cannot handle the tough times, you will never be successful in business. Stay positive & stay strong! RT @TrumpNewYork: Hurry! Take the @CNTraveler Readers' Choice Survey by JUNE 3RD and you might win an extraordinary trip for two! http://t.… RT @TrumpDoral: Take a break from the mundane. Book your tee time today: http://ow.ly/xwob0 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BpIQMmEIcAAAOGr.png "@amitgupta9 @realDonaldTrump is the visionary with the midas touch. America, Good times are on their way..." Thanks. "@woodrowwinters nothing would make me prouder than to see Mr. Trump in the Oval office. Business would get done." Thanks and true. "@TalismanJohnnyA Been waiting 3 WEEKS for my fix...D is the man and just states things 'the way they are'. Love his segments." Great, thx. RT @warrencasselljr: If real estate was a genre of music, @realDonaldTrump would be a rock star! "@danmillman I give @realDonaldTrump a lot of shit, but Trump National in Bedminster is absolutely incredible." Thanks (sort of)! RT @TrumpDoral: The Royal Palm Pool's 125' water slide is perfect for both the young and young at heart. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BpI7c_gIcAAmmA8.jpg .@ArsenioHall just got “fired”—the people spoke, ratings were terrible. The Apprentice brought him back from the dead, but he blew it! Another Obama disaster- http://instagram.com/p/ovstuDmhbG/ "@Roney_Samuel: @realDonaldTrump was at a whole other level this Saturday. Thank you for coming down sir! #TorontoInternational" "@HeisenBarry: Cant wait to see you in the Oval Office! @realDonaldTrump" Make America great again! "@bojo123be: @realDonaldTrump all your towers are breathtaking.Proud of your charisma and versatility." Thanks. "@Negroamigo11: @realDonaldTrump is the right man for the job #Trump2016" "@2p2TrollCat: .@realDonaldTrump @petewaite976 @ApprenticeNBC That wouldn't be hard to do." True! "@bturner12387: @realDonaldTrump 2016 is your year! Nobody better prepared to fix our country than you, please run" "@_Brandoh: @realDonaldTrump Donald for President!" Thanks. "@petewaite976: I hope @realDonaldTrump runs for #President2016, ratings for debate nights would blow @ApprenticeNBC right out of the water! "@DEMEGL10: @realDonaldTrump if you run...it will be the first time I vote" "@themurphyz: The @realDonaldTrump tower is crazy. Absolutely in love. @TrumpToronto #service #amazing #Mrzbirthday" "@Awizzel10: #Trump2016 You are an inspiration to me and my friends, @realDonaldTrump. #2016 #prez" "@Awizzel10: @realDonaldTrump We need you. You are the answer to this nations problems. #trump2016" "@JoyceGoodman64: @realDonaldTrump running the US is much like running a business, who better at that than The Donald? #Trump2016" "@cmull43: I'm not sayingTrump should necessarily be a 2 term president. Give him 4 years and he can begin the restructuring of our economy" "@maathewdavis: @realDonaldTrump my econ teacher says ur the only one who can fix the economy. if you run my whole school will vote for you. "@diverojalv: @TaynishaGray Trump boldy calls out problems,then offers solutions & opinions that excite the electorate, just like Reagan!" "@1ChrisJoly: @realDonaldTrump Your ties are amazing." Thanks. "@Teabo: How many people would vote for DonaldTrump if he ran? I would... if you can make in New York, you can make it anywhere #NewYorkNY" "@davidc: I refuse to vote for anybody but Trump in the next presidential election. He is the only man that can lead this corrupted country" "@TaynishaGray: So yeah the first vote I will ever cast for president will be Donald Trump bc who can really argue with Donald Trump?" "@johnny4arizona:Trump Ur biid 4 Prez n 2016 would make U.S top economic superpower, encourage r allies, slow or stop r enemies. #Trump2016" "@johnny4arizona: President Trump would have America walking proudly, talking loudly, carrying big stick n foreign policy again. #Trump2016" "@johnny4arizona: @realDonaldTrump A successful #Trump2016 bid would restore American exceptionalism, entrepreneurship, and leadership." "@TyceDaggitt: @realDonaldTrump for PRESIDENT. Time for a CHANGE in the RIGHT direction." "@DavidHyre: @realDonaldTrump Donald please run" "@mizatch @realDonaldTrump watching what you said on Tuesday on @cspan You make sense. I hope to continue to learn from you. Thank you sir!" "@RColdwellBanker: @realDonaldTrump watching your c-span special from the other day, I can't get enough of it!!!!!!!" Thank you! The statement about leaving the base came directly from CBS Evening News. "@adamsteinbaugh: @realDonaldTrump you need to run for president like right now mister trump" "@happygirl71929: @realDonaldTrump If you don't run in 2016..... I'm moving to Canada..... Please help us Mr. Trump" Don't move so fast! At some point Sgt. Bergdahl will have to explain his capture. In 2009 he simply wandered off his base without a weapon. Many questions! "@maathewdavis: @realDonaldTrump please run for president to save America. my whole family is knows you’re the only man who can do it!" True "@joydacus84: @realDonaldTrump not long, Obama plays with our emotion's knowing we all love to see this soldier come home. Stupid man!" "@maathewdavis: @realDonaldTrump run in 2016 for the sake of future generations. Obama and his friends are tearing America apart." "@mappleby747: Trump 2016! We need someone who not only wants to Change this country but can change this country. @realDonaldTrump" Thanks. "@fergton: @realDonaldTrump when the released prisoners kill Americans what does Obama say to their parents?" "@kylegolfmtnbike: @realDonaldTrump wonder how long it takes the released terrorists to attack Americans?" "@rbrohammer: Just watched your speech at the National Press Club. Fantastic as usual. Please consider 2016. We need fantastic leadership" "@Awew: @realDonaldTrump Now the enemy knows that capturing soldiers is worth it b/c our idiot president will give them what they want." The U.S. cannot negotiate with terrorists. It is a sad and terrible situation for the family involved, but this can only lead to disaster. "@ChazKShand: @realDonaldTrump Run for president! We need a leader, not a politician!" So true! President Obama created a VERY BAD precedent by handing over five Taliban prisoners in exchange for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. Another U.S. loss! "@Versongoetrix: @realDonaldTrump If you run for president I will absolutely vote for you and so will my family/friends!~" Great! "@johnny4arizona: @realDonaldTrump That is for sure !! Congrats on your appearance at #RLC2014 in New Orleans TRUMP 2016" Thanks. "@druudruu: @realDonaldTrump worked there once. Stayed there too. It was a dream both times!" "@mosanimusa: @realDonaldTrump Great man doing great things" Thank you. "@87krusty87: @realDonaldTrump I saw the Toronto hotel last year - it is a beauty indeed! Great addition to the skyline!" "@annelol: @realDonaldTrump i hope my children are just like you" So nice, thanks. "@ukcarioca: @realDonaldTrump do you ever sleep? I see timelines from you at 3-5am?" Not much! I am in Toronto checking the great Trump International Hotel - highest rated hotel in Canada. It is a beauty! #TheArsenioHallShow Well, it had to happen. People that are disloyal, in the long run, never make it. Arsenio was just cancelled! RT @PartnerITCanada: The Terrace at Trump. The best view in Chicago! @realDonaldTrump @IvankaTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @EricTrump http://t.co/… RT @TrumpCollection: A Trump Makeover for Washington D.C.'s Old Post Office: http://ow.ly/xs8oW via @nytimes "@aliayacovlef @IvankaTrump @realDonaldTrump You are such a great team I work with my daughter and I can understand the dynamic." Thank you. “The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.” - @Oprah RT @ChooseChicago: On June 5 enjoy @TrumpChicago's Rebar cocktails + @Seasons52 hors d’oeuvres on @wendellaboats! http://ow.ly/wQ63L ht… Snowden is a traitor and a disgrace. Make no mistake, he is no hero. In fact he is a coward who should come back & face justice. MUST READ – via @IBDinvestors: “VA Scandal Grows As Bonuses Went To Worst Hospitals” http://bit.ly/1kKJDm2 .@TrumpChicago’s The Spa offers 5 star services w/ 12 treatment rooms & 53 spa guestrooms overlooking the skyline http://bit.ly/1h4AEao The American worker is being victimized by our trade policies. We need smart trade which can only be accomplished by smart dealmakers. Our country is on the precipice. Washington is broken. Where is the leadership? Our vets are the pride of our nation. The VA scandal is a disgrace.If you can get food stamps so fast, our vets should get immediate care The Dunes of @TrumpScotland are a world treasure threading thru @GolfWorld1’s Scotland top Par 72 7,400 yd course http://bit.ly/1hNoFzt My speech to @PressClubDC on Tuesday at the #NPCLunch on the topic of building a business brand via @cspan http://cs.pn/SLrrOU "@touchme721 @TrumpDoral @realDonaldTrump one beautiful course" Thank you. Via @PressClubDC by @snlyngaas: “Trump Says U.S. Brand Has Lost Its Luster” http://bit.ly/1k7Sazb Today at 1:30PM CT I will be addressing @RepLeadConf in New Orleans http://bit.ly/1k7TpP6 Will focus on how to fix our great country. "@MANNYSTEEZU: @realDonaldTrump should run for president." Thank you! #TBT Here I am with @gwenstefani and @donaldjtrumpjr http://instagram.com/p/omEzOOGhS4/ "@bsarikas A Trump Makeover for Washington’s Old Post Office http://nyti.ms/1nRmA8t Bringing a touch of class back to DC - well done!" Thx RT @MarshaBlackburn: .@BarackObama is incapable of firing anyone. @realDonaldTrump should show him how it's done! #Shinseki #Solyndra #IRS … RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Congrats to the entire @trumpdoral team! : BEST of the BEST 2014 | Golf Courses: The Blue Monster http://t.co/WjF7DsKR… RT @TrumpToronto: Experience the highest standard of service in the heart of Toronto Downtown core with #TrumpToronto http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bo0AFe8CcAE2Zke.jpg RT @TrumpDoral: Mornings at Trump Doral are always beautiful, but this stunning rainbow makes today a little more lovely than usual. http:/… Snowden is a liar.and a fraud! Have you ever seen our country look weaker or more pathetic: Snowden, ObamaCare, VA, Russia, jobs, decimated military, debt and so much more "@adeezy101 @realDonaldTrump even after making billions, what keeps you motivated?" If you have passion for your work, you will be motivated Entrepreneurs: Be prepared and be tough. Cover your bases! There are a lot of ups and downs, but you can ride them out if you're prepared. Focus on your goals, not your problems. And remember--problems are a mind exercise--so enjoy the challenge. My speech to @PressClubDC yesterday at the #NPCLunch on the topic of building a business brand via @cspan http://cs.pn/SLrrOU "Intrinsic means basic, inborn, elemental. If you have an intrinsic value, it cannot be taken away." - Think Like a Champion .@TrumpChicago’s The Spa offers 5 star services w/ 12 treatment rooms & 53 spa guestrooms overlooking the skyline http://bit.ly/1h4AEao Great @nytimes story about our conversion of the Old Post Office building in D.C. to luxury hotel- http://nyti.ms/1pxTITN RT @TrumpCollection: Congratulations to @TrumpDoral's #BlueMonster course on being named the Best of the Best Golf Course by @RobbReport: h… “You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” – Pres. Abraham Lincoln RT @TrumpLasVegas: The penthouse suites atop @TrumpLasVegas have the finest living rooms on The Strip for entertaining. #LiveTheLife http:/… "@immlawyercanada: @realDonaldTrump BRILLIANT!" Thank you! "@joerusso9: @realDonaldTrump should be the next president" Thanks. I am starting to think that TOP SECRET information should be done with pen to paper and locked in a safe. Too many can break into computers. Thank you for all of the really nice comments and reviews concerning my speech today at the National Press Club. It was my great honor! Like it or not, Edward Snowden is a SPY and should be tried as a SPY! He has stolen invaluable information and damaged us with other nations The Blue Monster is celebrated in June issue of Robb Report as the Best of the Best winner in Golf Course Category. http://bit.ly/1nwM8tf The Boston Bomber got immediate emergency surgery for a gunshot yet our vets die on waiting lines at the VA. We must do better! On Memorial Day, Khamenei called for ‘Death To America’ http://bit.ly/1jXtriu The Amateur. On his trip to Afghanistan, our commander-in-chief disclosed the CIA Chief’s name. Unsafe disaster! http://nws.mx/1mkFvYe Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. -- Thomas A. Edison Winners never quit and quitters never win. -- Vince Lombardi “Results are what matter...A series of efforts will add up to experience and achievement.” - Think Like a Champion Featuring private living spaces, oversized bathrooms & stunning views, @TrumpSoHo = downtown NYC’s premiere hotel http://bit.ly/1jVew8s RT @TrumpToronto: 7 days left for Condé Nast Reader's Choice Award! Help us by sharing your recent 5-star experience with us at http://t.co… Close to NYC, @TrumpNationalNY features one of @GolfDigestMag's top rated NY courses, a 7,291 yd. par 72 http://bit.ly/bhn5fU "@nawal: If someone knows they made a mistake and they apologize, forgive them and move on, but never trust them again. by @realDonaldTrump" "@MichaelShmikel: @realDonaldTrump if u don't run for prez I hope u r tapped for VP or Fed reserve chair or anything." Thanks. "@TalismanJohnnyA: @foxandfriends When is Mr. @realDonaldTrump due back? The last two weeks without him on Monday's has scarred me. MONDAY! "@GOPthinker: @realDonaldTrump We need you to run for president, big guy. The Dems & Reps are simply incapable of fixing the country." "@not_that_actor: @IGotAngelEyes @JoyceGoodman64 If Donald doesn't run, the US will never regain its #1 world super-power status" True! "@luuuucy15_: @realDonaldTrump run for pres 2016! it will be my first time getting to vote and i want to vote for you" Thank you, nice! I am speaking today at the National Press Club, totally sold out, and will then be inspecting The Old Post Office on Pennsylvania Avenue! "@RowdyRoadie11: @realDonaldTrump @JoyceGoodman64 I agree mr trump. I am a veteran and can't stand what is happening" "@IGotAngelEyes: @realDonaldTrump @JoyceGoodman64 Mr. Trump Is A Fine Man & So Intelligent & Dnt Bk Down. I Wid B The 1st N Line 2 Vote. "@JoyceGoodman64: @realDonaldTrump run Mr. Trump...please we need you!" "@pasVote RED in 2014 & 2016 & remove these inept clowns & party out for the next 8 years. Donald Trump run for Pres. Americans are fed up!" What does.Obama know about the VA or business - nothing, just look at the five billion dollar ObamaCare website. We need a real leader! "@MrBearHere: @realDonaldTrump just started my business and everyday I tell myself #belikeTrump" Very nice, thanks! "@laurenhuston: My Gram passed in Nov. I sorted through her books today & found all of yours. Gram knew how to pick them!" THANKS LAUREN! "@wisdomforwomen: “@realDonaldTrump: The Obama administration gives better medical care to Al Qaeda at Gitmo than to our vets.” True! "@house6000: That limo story with that lucky guy changing the tire was amazing, I wish I was as lucky as he was, have a great day!" THANKS! "@seankjensen: #whocaroniscalling… @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Boh3MhXCYAAjwUP.jpg" .@pgaofamerica A really great tournament, congrats to Monty, Pete B and Ted Bishop. FANTASTIC JOB! .@McIlroyRory - Way to go Rory, fantastic victory! RT @LuxetteHotels: No question - In Columbus Circle, @TrumpNewYork trumps! Rooms are more spacious and service is far better. - Mr. X Have a great and peaceful Memorial Day - but remember, there are people out there who don't want us to have peace. WE MUST BE STRONG!!!! "@JakeMHS: The guy next to me on the train apparently supports Donald Trump for president" And so do many others - our country is a mess! Rising 70 stories over Panama Bay, @TrumpPanama offers our elite amenities in Latin Americas tallest building http://bit.ly/15yd81s RT @denhg: @TrumpPanama hotel view #GoTrumpPanama #Panama #Trump #Trumppanama #travel #traveler #travelblog #hotel #travelling http://t.co/… The ObamaCare websites have cost over $5B & many still do not work http://bit.ly/ROygP1 One of the greatest fiascos in modern history! The Obama administration gives better medical care to Al Qaeda at Gitmo than to our vets. The VA scandal shows the fatal ineptitude of big central planning government. When will we learn? Terrible for the economy & middle class, gas has now been over $3/gallon for a record 1,245 days http://bit.ly/SpioTA FRACK NOW & FAST! Remember our brave men & women who have fallen protecting our country this Memorial Day! Very excited to be addressing the @RepLeadConf next Friday in New Orleans. There is much to discuss! RT @TrumpCollection: The best way to enjoy beautiful Waikiki views? From @TrumpWaikiki's beautiful Infiniti Pool deck. http://t.co/2Ydadipf… RT @TrumpDoral: Relax this #MemorialDay weekend in one of the Royal Palm Pool's luxurious cabanas: http://ow.ly/xbhcu http://t.co/ULR6Z… Obama's wind turbines kill “13-39 million birds and bats every year!” http://bit.ly/1jXRgk3 Save our bald eagles, symbol of our nation! Congrats to @Team_Mitch on winning a spirited primary. Great job, Mitch. Via @BreitbartNews by @TheTonyLee: "@Citizens_United sues @AGSchneiderman for violating 1st Amendment" http://bit.ly/1jXQseY "@joddo15 @realDonaldTrump take a shot at buying the @buffalobills and keeping them in WNY!" @nflcommish RT @scottallenlewis: @realDonaldTrump @calebsthomas Loved the Art of the Deal! Couldn't recommend it enough to you. http://scottallenlewis.com/learning-to-work-like-donald-trump-the-art-of-the-deal/ “Exclusive: Donald Trump wants to build a luxury hotel in Dubai” http://www.arabianbusiness.com/exclusive-donald-trump-wants-build-luxury-hotel-in-dubai-551302.html via @itp_ab by @ctrenwith Via @itp_ab by @ctrenwith: "'Trump effect' will see Dubai properties rise 50%” http://bit.ly/1tk6kjI "@ptarkkonen: "What separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of fate." -Donald Trump #leadership" Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war. Don't ever get down on yourself, just keep fighting - in the end, you WIN! Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. - Albert Einstein” "@JFarquharLaird: Great to see @realDonaldTrump getting the respect he deserves. A gentleman, a friend, a genius." Thank you! "@WusongTweet: @pand @realDonaldTrump Trump may be the best entrepreneur. Thinking Big and he is also creative, tenacious & loves his work." Mike Leach's lessons, his takeaways from Geronimo's life are fascinating & useful whether in boardroom or locker room http://amzn.to/RXRgum RT @IvankaTrump: According to #BusinessInsider, these are the 13 best restaurants in NYC... http://www.businessinsider.com/best-restaurants-in-nyc-2014-5 via @BI_TheLife RT @TrumpCollection: Indulge in the exclusivity only @TrumpChicago can offer with the Stay Like a Celebrity vacation package: http://t.co/s… RT @SeadogNavyPier: .@TrumpChicago looks even more impressive from #SeadogChicago! See for yourself: http://bit.ly/1sfZcUR. #Chicago http:… Thx, and from a better quotation source: "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." -- Wayne Gretzky "@calebsthomas @realDonaldTrump what books should I read for business? Particularly by you" Start with The Art of the Deal. "beepee2004 Thank you very much Donald. Here is another. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BoQteMGIYAALYEM.jpg" Thanks--both do justice to a fantastic place. "@beepee2004 Hi Donald, I thought you may like to see a photo of Turnberry Lighthouse I took last year http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BoQpk3GIMAAUIra.jpg" Beautiful! RT @LGlick1: Great trip to Dubai with @realDonaldTrump and @IvankaTrump to launch Trump Estates Dubai. Awesome event! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BoIiekjIYAAs79z.jpg RT @DanScavino: I took this pic of the 13th hole waterfall at Trump National Golf Club Westchester in 2007! #ThrowBackThursday #TBT⛳️ http:… RT @TrumpCollection: .@TrumpSoHo unveils eight penthouse suites, now featuring more two-bedroom suites than any other hotel in New York: ht… "@ShoretnTweet @realDonaldTrump did someone say #WineWednesday? Loved your winery in VA, brought a case back to Pottstown PA!" Great! "@EllaKAgency @realDonaldTrump saw the Facebook specs for the new trump tower in Dubai looking good!!" Thanks. "@imnotsochey Really hoping I magically run into @realDonaldTrump in New York City this weekend!! He's an inspiration!" Thank you. "@mikewarner1976 All I want for Christmas is for @realDonaldTrump to buy the @buffalobills" @nflcommish I have been watching and loving the United States for many years and have NEVER seen it look weaker or less effective! RT @TrumpCollection: Lovely view! RT @ThomasLKnightJr: Spectacular View of Columbus Circle from @TrumpNewYork #nyc #trump #columbuscircle h… "@realtmfleming Your seminars, books, shows all have impacted my life for better. The number 1 thing I learned from you: THINK BIG!" Great! "@Grizz524 @realDonaldTrump thanks for getting me through finals week Mr. Trump" Good luck! Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work. -- Stephen King "Some people dream of great accomplishments, while others stay awake and do them.” -- Anonymous RT @TrumpDoral: The Ivanka Trump Ballroom's elegant décor and tropical views make it a wonderful spot for your wedding reception: http://t.… Persistence is a key for success. Don’t give up. Continue to Think Big and you will be able to close deals. Just returned from Ireland, Scotland and Dubai. Amazing trip, great places--but always good to be back. RT @TrumpDoral: Congrats to Doral member & Jim McLean student Lucy Li on becoming the youngest qualifier for the U.S. Women's Open! http://… RT @TheBigJamesG: @realDonaldTrump Played Trump DC and Trump Palm Beach. Spectacular is an understatement. Wish you had a club where I live RT @TrumpPhillyGM: Worth the wait #trumpnationalphiladelphia. Thank you @realDonaldTrump @EricTrump! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BoKoCyQIIAAdUzW.jpg RT @TrumpToronto: Fantastic way to start this morning with Trump Toronto Trip Advisor Exceptional Service Award! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BoKhiqmIQAIZQLn.png RT @VolyoumTWEETS: Donald J. Trump hitting the first ball at the new Trump International Dubai Golf club. "Trump… http://instagram.com/p/oQNmAQrWwV/ RT @TrumpCollection: An Executive Park View Suite at @TrumpNewYork offers gorgeous views of Central Park: http://trumpcollection.co/parkview "@AntonVonClouse been self-employed since I was 18. You & The Art of the Deal were instrumental in that young motivation. Thank you." Great! Entrepreneurs: Do your best to your utmost ability every day. Make that your standard. "@Bigpeter184 Turnberry is a great golf centre. Great courses & hotel. Hope you can improve them Donald. It can be the best." Will be great RT @TrumpWaikiki: Here’s the view from one of our Trump Floor Suites. Wish you were here? Learn more: http://bit.ly/1ixWoRS http://t.co/b6… RT @TrumpCollection: Take a dip in @TrumpToronto's Infinity Salt Water Lap Pool to help de-stress after a long day. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BnyFqa9IEAA06rv.jpg "@ajd5439 Visited Trump International Scotland yesterday, amazing golf course. #hole18 #Scotland #Trumpgolf http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BoGUN8ZCAAAUX4K.jpg" Thanks. RT @DamacOfficial: @realDonaldTrump on #success: having a big ego is not a bad thing. It is a common attribute of successful people. #DAMAC… Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. - Albert Einstein RT @TrumpLasVegas: @TrumpLasVegas was recognized with a Certificate of Excellence for yet another year on TripAdvisor. Thanks to all for th… RT @TrumpGolfDC: Another gorgeous day for golf, 15th hole, championship course, future Senior #PGA Championship 2017 at... http://t.co/VtOZ… Going now to make a major speech before some of the world's biggest investors in Dubai! RT @DamacOfficial: Watch video highlights from the media launch of the Trump Estates at AKOYA by #DAMAC! http://youtu.be/MHWolO6jxo8 #DAMACTrump… Remember, China is not a friend of the United States! A classic - China just signs massive oil and gas deal with Russia giving Russia plenty of ammo to continue laughing in U.S. face. "@Drake4444444: @realDonaldTrump We have hope. We still have Mr. Trump!" Thank you! "@TTH7: Just talked to nice woman at jacknthebox- she's being cut to 30 hrs due to #Obamacare- been there 5 yrs-3 kids to feed" Very sad! "@ryantravers: @realDonaldTrump 10 years ago we had Steve Jobs, Johnny Cash and Bob Hope. Now we have no jobs, no cash and no hope! "@hshippey: Wow had a blast today!!! What a guy:)" Thanks for the great photos - look forward to seeing the magazine! "@JasonMattera: Poll: New Yorkers Prefer Donald Trump And Liam Neeson Over of Bill de Blasio http://po.st/QlOodC" RT @TrumpCollection: A private culinary experience awaits at @TrumpNewYork. Learn more about Jean Georges Culinary Masters Course: http://t… Entrepreneurs: See yourself as victorious--and the best way to be victorious is to be passionate. Find something you love doing! Entrepreneurs: Stay focused and be tenacious. Pay attention to people who know what they're talking about. Stay fixed on your goals! Entrepreneurs: Get a momentum going. Listen, apply, then move forward. Do not procrastinate. See opportunity as the perk that it is. RT @TrumpGolfDC: Perfect day for #StJude Open #TrumpNationalDC #EricTrump @ Trump National Golf Club Washington D.C. http://instagram.com/p/oL1m7bk-BJ/ With @ivankatrump and the Chairman of DAMAC in Dubai. http://instagram.com/p/oLvATumhXe/ Hitting the first ball at Trump International Dubai, 272 right down the middle. http://instagram.com/p/oLu5L3GhXO/ “You have to be positive every single day. Positive stamina is a necessary ingredient for success.” – Think Like a Champion The roads and sidewalks, airports and bridges, are perfect in Dubai. Everything looks clean & strong. In U.S., everything is falling apart! RT @TrumpDoral: Lovely! RT @GolfByGrayson: View from the roof of the clubhouse @TrumpDoral http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bn-DdlLIIAEgnmA.jpg We must stop releasing hard core criminals all over the United States. Our country must be strong again! Getting ready for the big news conference in Dubai. It should all be happening in the U.S., but it isn't - SAD! "@persdevquotes: « Without passion you dont have energy, without energy, you have nothing. » Donald Trump http://is.gd/0FBiS3" "@libProject: @realDonaldTrump You add fun and excitement to all your endeavours which is why they are so successful" Interesting! "@kimberlykc1st: @realDonaldTrump COME BACK N FIX THINGS IN USA PLEASE MR. TRUMP" "@lbcxyz: @realDonaldTrump Every city in the US would be like Dubai if you were president." "@TopSecret_PT: @realDonaldTrump - Ireland, Scotland, Dubai! Do you ever sleep?" Not much! "@Blvd @realDonaldTrump We won't unless you get elected. Seriously. No politician is capable of fixing this mess not even Cruz or Rand Paul. I cannot believe how well certain areas are doing relative to the U.S. There is no reason for this other than poor leadership.WE SHOULD BE 1 I am in Dubai with Damac. PLACE IS BOOMING - AMAZING! Major news conference in two hours. Announcing luxury villas and major golf course. I really like Jay Z but there is trouble in paradise. When his wife's sister starts whacking him, not good! No help from B leads to a mess. I will be heading to Dubai where I am doing a GREAT project with Damac - will be a massive success! 30,000 illegal immigrants with CRIMINAL RECORDS were released last year by our wonderful, though highly incompetent, government. So stupid! Amazing five days - developments in Aberdeen, Turnberry (Scotland) and Ireland are fantastic - the best anywhere in the WORLD. A lot of fun! "@InTheElections: @realDonaldTrump @CJM8112 Can't you just imagine how awesome the country would be if he was president?!" Thanks and true. "@NinjaRomantic: If it takes one more god damn tweet for you to run Donald, then sir l will gladly be that god damn tweet. #2016 #President" "@Adria: Love that @realDonaldTrump is moving into #vancouver, just checked out the presentation centre, super cool! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bn3MHJ3IcAA6fuV.jpg" "@louise_ramage: @realDonaldTrump Seriously please.run for President. We need someone who can get the job done with competence!" "@InTheElections: @realDonaldTrump @RonCanova @TrumpDoral Yep, the man we need running the country." Thanks! @ronanofficial Thanks Ronan, see you there! "@ronanofficial: Great to hear that T just purchased Doonbeg. Exactly what Golf in Ireland needs and a massive boost for our economy." "@CJM8112: Thanks for the golf course in The Bronx! What else do you have planned for us? Hispanics/Latinos love Trump!" AND I LOVE THEM! "@TrumpPhillyGM: One week from today, we open our amazing pool #trumpnationalphiladelphia! Thank you @EricTrump! GOOD LUCK ERIC Q! "@Sloclone: @realDonaldTrump Without a doubt but the public is too dumb" Actually, I don't think so. They know U.S. needs help & leadership "@SethBangert: @realDonaldTrump love how much you care about our economy and county. Nothing but respect for you Mr. Trump" Thanks "@NectarUSAFSM: @kyleraccio I want Donald Trump to be president. He knows business and people. He needs to be in the oval office, now." "@ZachDikowski: @realDonaldTrump run for president please!" Thanks. "@lisa_zeee: @realDonaldTrump <-- this guy needs to run for president! Knowledge is power. #2016" Thanks! "@WereAllLemmings: So many people post hateful messages to @realDonaldTrump yet they still follow him...secretly envious maybe? No, losers! NobamaCare won't work, never will work and can't work - it is a total waste of time and energy except that it is hurting people (& economy!) "@kyleraccio: @realDonaldTrump Trump presidency would right the ship. Please run, Donald." It can be done - thanks. "@Bethany_Desiree: LOL @realDonaldTrump is seriously the man. Run for president PLEASE" Our next President must be GREAT, that's me. Thanks Sorry, for all of the millions of people who long to hear my brilliant words of wisdom on Fox & Friends on Monday A.M., no go - in Dubai. "@RonCanova: @TrumpDoral Just flew your helicopter from National to Doral best run operation period. You are the man Mr Trump!" "@gfstew: Fantastic to meet @realDonaldTrump yesterday and be lucky enough to play his truly awesome course in Aberdeen. #itmustbenumberone" "@jason_donoghue Delighted you are investing in Ireland. Great for our golf courses and our economy. Welcome to the emerald isle." Thank you RT @Carney_go_time: 18th a Trump Charlotte #perfect @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bnx9jUwCMAAZ04u.jpg Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. -- Steve Jobs I am in Scotland checking on my developments in Aberdeen and Turnberry. Just left Ireland, property will be great. ALWAYS CHECKING! Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. -- Winston Churchill RT @TrumpCollection: Today @TrumpSoHo's Bar D'Eau opens for the season. Another delightful sign that summer is not far away: http://t.co/Pt… RT @TrumpDoral: Shouldn't all meals come with views as beautiful as this? http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BnxMZ4UIIAAR-Ng.jpg RT @si_golf: Our Michael Bamberger goes 1-on-1 with @realDonaldTrump about Turnberry, Tiger and why golf is thriving: http://bit.ly/RIk0ap "Winners, I am convinced, imagine their dreams first. They want it with all their heart and expect it to come true." - Joe Montana RT @LGlick1: Playing the 14th hole with @IvankaTrump in Scotland @TrumpGolfLinks. Beautiful hole! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BnwsMFyIEAAR16C.jpg RT @TrumpDoral: Dive in to a relaxing day spent at the Royal Palm Pool: http://ow.ly/wO1gV http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BnwenKiIgAAhgSl.jpg "@NSingh2024 @realDonaldTrump @Turnberry One of the best Business Firm & Family. What a combination. Amazing." Thank you. RT @DamacOfficial: Best Qs for @realDonaldTrump & @IvankaTrump will be picked today! Tweet your Qs using #DAMACTrump! #Dubai #DAMAC http://… RT @TrumpDoral: Vote for your favorite travel experiences for the chance to win an amazing trip from @CNTraveler: http://ow.ly/wO6q5 Advice from my father, Fred C. Trump: "Know everything you can about what you're doing." RT @ZGreekDWstyle: Love it, Mr. Trump ❤❤❤ RT @realDonaldTrump: Advice from my mother, Mary MacLeod Trump: "Trust in God and be true to your… "Donald Trump is confident that Ireland is ready for a big comeback" http://bit.ly/1hOe7Pc via @independent_ie by @AnitaActually "@BryanPax @realDonaldTrump One of my favorite places in the world. Great resort, great history, now a great owner. Congrats!" Thanks. "@marionx72 Hope you've enjoyed your time at Turnberry. The surrounding towns will benefit too ! High 5 for the investment" Thank you. Advice from my mother, Mary MacLeod Trump: "Trust in God and be true to yourself." Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected. -- Steve Jobs RT @BBCNorthEast: PICTURE: @realDonaldTrump says #Menie golf resort "will always be my baby" after landing in #Aberdeen today. http://t.co/… RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Got to go see the @CliffsofMoher1 just north of @Trump_Ireland an incredible site that all should go see in Ireland htt… RT @IvankaTrump: The facade of the stately Turnberry hotel is flawless. It is an absolutely beautiful building.… http://instagram.com/p/n_S6BcikEL/ Via @BBCNews: “Donald Trump visits his newly-purchased Turnberry golf resort” http://bbc.in/1jg1uC6 RT @TrumpCollection: Vote in @CNTraveler's annual survey for a chance at winning an amazing trip: http://ow.ly/wqx1c Be a cautious optimist. Call it positive thinking with a lot of reality checks. RT @TrumpSoHo: Our #pool is open! #Hotel guests can enjoy the pool, while Bar d'Eau is open to the public for dining & #cocktails. http://t… RT @TrumpGolfLA: This mornings fantastic view from our upstairs event room balcony! #trumpnationallosangeles #specialevents... http://t.co/… RT @TrumpDoral: Did you know? Our new Driving Range has nearly tripled in size. Test it out for yourself: http://ow.ly/wO1VK http://t.c… "@FrobBedrickson @realDonaldTrump "Art of The Deal" just arrived at my house. Cannot wait to start reading this book.." Thanks, enjoy. Don't wait for dire circumstances to test your quick-thinking ability. Be on alert at all times. “Be flexible enough to adjust to changing circumstances.” – Think Big RT @IvankaTrump: Just posted a photo @ Turnberry Lighthouse http://instagram.com/p/n-Sn7yikAa/ If you are steadfast in your efforts, critics will be harmless. Achievers move forward, and achievement is not a plateau, it's a beginning. RT @IvankaTrump: At Turnberry w/ realdonaldtrump & @erictrump. Simply spectacular! @ Turnberry Golf Club, Ailsa Course. http://t.co/i1v6plP… Can you conquer the Blue Monster? Book a tee time @TrumpDoral right here http://bit.ly/1gzNE7H The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary. -- Vince Lombardi Do your homework. Wasting other people’s time due to poor planning or thoughtlessness leaves a bad impression. – Think Like a Billionaire "@DeirdreCulligan I am delighted that you are getting to experience Doonbeg in glorious sunshine - enjoy your visit" It was fantastic, thx. "@darrenkellytv Trump has done it again - excellence, elegance, & excitement. Brilliant news for Ireland. County Clare is buzzing" Thanks! RT @EricTrump: Just landed at @Turnberry! @realDonaldTrump @IvankaTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bnh6LAWCAAAZsC9.jpg "DAMAC Properties @DamacOfficial @realDonaldTrump Looking forward to welcoming you to Dubai! Have a great trip!" Thank you! "@evyfitz beautiful hotel, great staff, wonderful location & County Clare is a hidden gem for unique tourist attractions" Fantastic place! "@TravelShamrock @realDonaldTrump Welcome to Ireland! Enjoy the fine weather on Ireland's golf courses" Thank you. Heading to Scotland to check out Turnberry & Trump Int'l Golf Links, Scotland. Then heading to Dubai @DamacOfficial, a great company. Just spent two days in Ireland at Trump International Golf Links & Hotel -- absolutely magnificent. http://bit.ly/1mV2lGe RT @DamacOfficial: Got a question for @realDonaldTrump or @IvankaTrump? Tweet them to us using #DAMACTrump & we'll pick top 5 to ask them i… Photo from @IvankaTrump of Trump International Golf Links & Hotel, Ireland http://instagram.com/p/n7TkVAikIM/ RT @TrumpCollection: See why @Trump_Ireland is one of the most romantic places to tie the knot on the Emerald Isle: http://ow.ly/wLyN1 … RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: The clubhouse @Trump_Ireland is a truly amazing place. Come join us this summer. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BndkPkzCAAE7urY.jpg RT @TrumpCollection: Once complete in 2016, a soaring nine-story atrium will function as Trump Washington D.C.'s gathering place: http://t.… If you can’t handle the hard times that come with business then you will never be able to celebrate the successes. Focus & Stay Positive. "@Marooose @Trump_Ireland welcome to Ireland!Very much looking forward to sampling #trumpluxury on my home soil! #Doonbeg" Thank you! It is wonderful to be in beautiful Doonbeg touring @Trump_Ireland. I'm truly honored by the wonderful welcome to my family & organization RT @IrishGolfDesk: @Walkabout66 @realDonaldTrump I hope it works out well for all concerned. He gets stuff done that’s for sure. We need th… RT @ronanofficial: Great to hear that @realDonaldTrump just purchased Doonbeg. Exactly what Golf in Ireland needs and a massive boost for o… RT @LinksofIreland: Fantastic to see @realDonaldTrump @EricTrump @IvankaTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr visiting Doonbeg to announce 45m spend on res… "@Texxas_Gal @irishabroad @realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @Trump_Ireland @ShannonAirport beautiful family!!! enjoy your trip" Thank you. "@ClareTourism Sending a warm welcome to the Trump family who landed in @ShannonAirport Enjoy your stay in Clare" Thank you. With a world-renowned open-air lobby w/ ocean views & top restaurants, @TrumpWaikiki is Honolulu’s premier hotel http://bit.ly/1fOXIuz RT @IvankaTrump: In Ireland today with realdonaldtrump, @donaldjtrumpjr & @erictrump touring our most recent… http://instagram.com/p/n5ti52CkAV/ RT @EricTrump: Walking the property at @Trump_Ireland with @IvankaTrump. Incredible course. @realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr http://t.co/… RT @Mattotomato: @realDonaldTrump Best book ever! "@WSOG2014 Hey, @realDonaldTrump Which gets better reviews the redesigned Blue Monster at @TrumpDoral or @BLTPrimeMiami?" Both=great reviews RT @TrumpDoral: Wishing you could enjoy this view of the Blue Monster today? http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BncCOKVIQAAozIR.jpg "@JMcElray @realDonaldTrump @TrumpWaikiki, BLT Steak excellent service, staff, chefs, manager, wonderful dining in Honolulu." Thanks RT @martinshil: I support @realDonaldTrump for the simple fact that he saw @ChinoMaidana winnimg rhe fight.he is a smart individual.salute RT @irishabroad: Hearty welcome to Ireland @realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @Trump_Ireland @ShannonAirport #fáilteroimh http://t.co/ak1Tm5M… @10AJMcCarron will do great in the NFL - all he does is win! Bengals made a very wise decision. "@warrencasse: A TRULY GREAT CHAMPION WILL SELDOM FAIL AND ALWAYS COME BACK. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF GREATNESS! - @realDonaldTrump" "@Lake: Watching HBO Tyson my suggestion to all wealthy sports entertainers offer @realDonaldTrump 10%of earnings to protect your interests" @IrishTimes Thanks to you and the wonderful Simon Carswell for the great story on Trump International Golf Links, Ireland. It will be great Time Warner cable out AGAIN in Manhattan - no television. They have a real problem! "@Call4 @realDonaldTrump is one of the most successful businessman in America. He's decisions are well thought out and he always has a plan" "@incfw: Negotiation tip #1: The worst thing you can possibly do in a deal is seem desperate to make it. - @realDonaldTrump" Rosie O'Donnell just said she felt "shame" at being fat-not politically correct! She killed Star Jones for weight loss surgery, just had it! Via @WSJ by @SenAlexander: "Wind-Power Tax Credits Need to be Blown Away" http://on.wsj.com/1mKBGMu @alexsalmond Obama told his donors this past week “public opinion” is on his side. Don't believe that one either. Another historic first under Obama, businesses are collapsing faster than they're being formed http://wapo.st/1iX2URV New leadership now! Must read f/@ weeklystandard by @JayCostTWS: “Obamacare Myth-Making - Five phony success stories.” http://www.weeklystandard.com/articles/obamacare-myth-making_791182.html RT @TrumpDoral: Thank you @miamicom for including @BLTPrimeMiami's #MothersDay brunch on your list of where to take your mom: http://t.co/s… RT @TrumpGolfDC: Perfect shot for our Stag Day Men's Golf Event #trumpnationaldc http://fb.me/6qk3BGWUv Home of the 2022 @PGAChampionship, Trump Nat’l Bedminster features 36 holes designed by famed architect Tom Fazio http://bit.ly/2p6eWr Dennis—Thank you for being honest. Somebody put words in your mouth & you wouldn’t take it. Great! @dennisrodman A rare case where the U.S. should help- http://instagram.com/p/nyEMGBmhem/ A message for Hollywood- http://instagram.com/p/nyD9s1GheO/ Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. -- Thomas A. Edison RT @TrumpCollection: Congratulations to @SixteenChicago's Thomas Lents and Dan Pilkey for making The Big Heat: Chicago's Food & Drink 50: h… "@yagerblasters: Please run for president.We need your help. Get in there and fire those Aholes.Your a legend business man and love America" "@christsonton: @realDonaldTrump now Cleveland and the country needs you to run for President!!!" Thanks. Cleveland just made a very wise decision - congrats! Teams are making a big mistake not taking Johnny Manziel - he is going to be really good (and exciting to watch). @dallascowboys Jerry, GREAT pick - you will have a really good season! Great pick by Buffalo - Sammy Watkins will be GREAT! I think somebody should pick Johnny Football - he will be a star. "@IGotAngelEyes: @realDonaldTrump @Savi_Swizzle Very Smart Man. I'd Vote 4 U MR. TRUMP. 👑🌹💋🇺🇸" Thanks "@caleb2207: @realDonaldTrump You were completely right as always!" Thanks. "@Ametrano3457: Just did my final presentation wearing @realDonaldTrump tie. Definitely increased my grade. #DressLikeABillionaire" "@pkitzke: @realDonaldTrump: Who goes first? Tell us......quick." .Clowney I am watching the NFL DRAFT, will be interesting! A lot of talent but only a few will become STARS. "@Savi_Swizzle: Vote @realDonaldTrump for president! 👌" Thanks. To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson "@GloriousTeepee @realDonaldTrump good on you for buying Turnberry...it needs an inject of capital to bring out its potential." Thanks. "@DanJParker Trump National Golf Course in Palos Verdes, California. Absolutely stunning @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BnI5HJhIUAEwtAw.jpg" Thanks. “No matter how good you get you can always get better and that's the exciting part.” - @TigerWoods Remember, if you do not promote yourself no one else will. When you have success, let people know about it. "Discover your true self and surround yourself with people who complement your gifts and modes of operation." - Midas Touch RT @CassellsM: He put his money where his mouth was @realDonaldTrump & invested in Ireland.Really worth following @Trump_Ireland exciting t… Also, the more desperate you are to close a deal the less likely it will happen. Stay calm and focused on your ultimate goals. Be smart! Young entrepreneurs – Remember that your first deals are the most important of your career. Win & gain confidence. "@joshuetree @realDonaldTrump @Trump_Ireland @CondeNast Most classy Resort in all of Europe." Thanks. "@BeauStack @Trump_Charlotte Why does this course not get more pub? I've played it. The whole place is world class!" Thank you. RT @seanmerc: @realDonaldTrump @TrumpWaikiki Best steak I ever ate: the perfect ribeye at BLT Steakhouse, Trump Waikiki! Thanks, Mr. Trump! Once completed in 2016, @TrumpVancouver will transform the city’s skyline with a 616 foot 63 story twisting tower http://bit.ly/1fRG4dP "@DeannaSpillyard The properties in Ireland, Scotland, Old Post Office & Mar-a-Lago are my favorites. Planning a trip to Doonbeg soon." Thx “If it’s worth doing, it’s worth fighting for. You’ll have lots of people & obstacles in your way. Fight to get beyond them.”–Midas Touch Be sure to visit the new webpage for @Trump_Ireland, the Five-star #1 Rated Resort in Europe by @CondeNast http://bit.ly/1fRGPn7 Corcoran vet hired as Trump International Realty president. We are pleased to welcome Bill Cunningham. http://trdny.com/1fRuZcJ via @trdny North Carolina’s premiere Country Club, @Trump_Charlotte offers golf, tennis, a fitness facility & aquatic center http://bit.ly/WuYYtC With four distinct dining options, @TrumpWaikiki has the best selection of restaurants in Hawaii http://bit.ly/1nlebuB “The object of golf is not just to win. It is to play like a gentleman, and win.” - Phil Mickelson @MickelsonHat Thought @FLGovScott was a better negotiator—the Seminole Indian gaming deal is a disaster for Florida. #sayfie Wow, looks like @FLGovScott wants to hand over the State of Florida to the Seminole Indians w/ the terrible gaming deal in talks! #sayfie The global warming we should be worried about is the global warming caused by NUCLEAR WEAPONS in the hands of crazy or incompetent leaders! "@Da_Brain8: @realDonaldTrump U Mr. Trump cold be the next Ronald Reagan, but u need to seriously announce your Candidacy! Will you?" WATCH! Dennis Rodman was either drunk or on drugs (delusional) when he said I wanted to go to North Korea with him. Glad I fired him on Apprentice! Crazy Dennis Rodman is saying I wanted to go to North Korea with him. Never discussed, no interest, last place on Earth I want to go to. “If you want to be the best, you’d better be the best – in all aspects of business.” - Think Like a Billionaire Russia is on the move in the Ukraine, Iran is nuking up & Libya is run by Al Qaeda, yet Obama is busy issuing ‘climate change” warnings. Great decision by @SpeakerBoehner in placing @TGowdySC as chairman of the Benghazi select committee. Gowdy is a seasoned prosecutor. Congratulations to @thomtillis on winning @NCGOP Senate primary. Time for the party to unite and defeat ObamaCare advocate Kay Hagan! RT @TrumpDoral: We have a cabana waiting for you at the Royal Palm Pool. http://ow.ly/wAvOL http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BnDIYeXIMAEWeMd.jpg RT @TrumpChicago: It's opening day at the Terrace at Trump! Let's celebrate this warm weather together - RT the news! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BnDKKQwCAAEuKdP.jpg Designed by @IvankaTrump, @TrumpDoral’s New Villa Deluxe Guestrooms include vintage artwork of golf legends http://bit.ly/1qecyDo "@DavidBarringer4 For the record, Trump ties are the best ties I have ever owned. High quality and very appealing" Thanks. Either Miss Pennsylvania will pay, her father will pay or her lawyers will pay. She hurt many people! Won $5,000,000 against Miss Pennsylvania, Sheena Monnin, for her terrible and untrue statements about Miss USA Pageant. Not a nice person! We will never have great national security in the age of computers - too many brilliant nerds can break codes (the old days were better). The road to success is always under construction. -- Arnold Palmer Do not look for approval except for the consciousness of doing your best. -- Andrew Carnegie RT @TrumpDoral: Vote for your favorite travel experiences in @CNTraveler's #ReadersChoiceAwards for the chance to win an amazing trip http:… Aside from having no ratings, sleazy Ed Schultz lied about what I said. Thank you Scott Whitlock @ScottJW http://bit.ly/1j6rpLj Just had a great legal victory in Ft. Lauderdale -- won trial -- now will receive tremendous $ in legal fees from losers. Love it! "@ThePodiumEffect: Without passion you don't have energy, without energy you have nothing. Donald Trump http://htl.li/weY4v" "@BaitedTrap: @realDonaldTrump @thechrismcqueen America needs to be put back in the hands of America. Reclaim this country of ours!" "@bguzqueda: @realDonaldTrump great #CincoDeMayo to one of the best americans! #LatinAmerica follows u always !" "@frogchip10: @realDonaldTrump should run for president! What a great vote to make!" Thank you. "@JamieeMingg: @realDonaldTrump #TrumpForPresident #trump2016" This guy @sethmeyers can’t do a simple interview—saw him the other night stumbling & mumbling while trying to interview a guest. “Do not underestimate yourself, and know you are able to handle what comes your way.” – Think Like a Champion "@Carbuccia You have a cool name for a President Donald J. TRUMP.. I'll pick you as a winner in any race! @DonaldJTrumpJr @IvankaTrump" Thx Over 90% of American workers could lose their healthcare by 2020 thanks to ObamaCare. Repeal before it is too late! Congrats to Barack Obama on April’s job report. Over 800,000 left the work force w/average hourly wages & weekly hours staying flat. Bad! "@rjbachor @HowardStern has said for years this country needs a businessman to run it like the biz it is. I think you'd be great" True & thx Celebrated for its room views by @LuxTravelExpert, @TrumpChicago soars a luxurious 92 stories over the Windy City http://bit.ly/UNathh With the world’s top amenities, @TrumpTO’s luxury residential condominiums provide the ultimate Toronto lifestyle http://bit.ly/1nehupW "@imFRANGtastic: @realDonaldTrump would take this country in the right direction. #USA #TrumpForPresident" "@61Webhead: @realDonaldTrump You could reverse the US economy and unemployment in less than 6 mo as Prez! #wewantTrump" "@BSS8888: @realDonaldTrump Simple as that #TrumpForPresident" "@BethAndersonEsq: You make this country great & inspire younger generations to become better. You are the American story." Thank you Beth "@musedSUCCESS: @realDonaldTrump We need a business oriented man in office! RUN! You've got my vote!" "@Leonard @realDonaldTrump Even the Irish are routing for you to become president. Also congrats on Doonbeg golf course. #TrumpForPresident" "@larkin_dotty: @realDonaldTrump I admire u so much. U would make a great prez...please run!" "@rockenmoma: @realDonaldTrump Bring the "honesty" to the White House. Even @IvankaTrump thinks you should! #2016" "@slbernard1: @realDonaldTrump @IamSloany Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz run for President,, that would so awesome...." "@iDSoutherl @realDonaldTrump Conservatives can't afford to be sidelined again, they need a viable candidate for the WH... Run Donald Run!!" "@thechrismcqueen: @realDonaldTrump Dear Sir. PLEASE run. America needs you" Thank you, or country can be great again! "@beltex63: @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends I think the twitterverse has confirmed they want a 2016 run that can make a REAL difference-True "@GlamorousTeam: @realDonaldTrump love u!!! Genius! Have a nice day!" Thanks. "@Old_VanessaG: @realDonaldTrump Trump for PRESIDENT!!" "@dineroworkceo: @realDonaldTrump your a great inspiration to a lot of people!! Including myself!" Thank you. "@IamSloany: @realDonaldTrump you are the president we need!!" Thanks "@IamSloany: @realDonaldTrump the only thing we need Is you too run!!" We can be great again. "@IamSloany: @realDonaldTrump you are my hero" So nice, thanks. "@BigThasYourBack: @realDonaldTrump spot on about the media! Honestly, just run 4 prez! Many will support u! More than u expect!" Thanks. "@CarsonMotz: @realDonaldTrump YOU ARE MY INSPIRATION." Thank you! "@KeithWhittingt1: @realDonaldTrump Mr. Trump, plaza take your daughters advice!" "@anastasiasoula7: @realDonaldTrump Listen to your daughter! Run for Prez!" "@mattseba: @realDonaldTrump wonderful ideals on @foxandfriends . We need a "phenomenal president" like you!" "@Grinderswitch: @realDonaldTrump @foxandfriends Donald run please you can fix this mess" "@ShawnQuinnsh1: @realDonaldTrump RUN, DONALD, RUN!!!!" I will be doing Fox & Friends in 10 minutes at 7.00. Many things to talk about! ENJOY "@MissUniverseHom: @MissUniverse @realDonaldTrump Gabriela Isler #Beautiful #TheBest http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bm1lQyPCMAEn2Hl.jpg" Gabriela is doing a great job! RT @TrumpChicago: Thank you! RT @GinoJRocco: Congrats @TrumpChicago : Top 10: hotel rooms with a view http://wp.me/p4d1XU-HY via @LuxTravel… @TrumpGolfDC Congrats to my GREAT members at Trump National DC on our club having been chosen to host the 2017 PGA Senior Championship! The ring announcers are working hard to justify the Mayweather victory. They should be ashamed of themselves! A TOTAL JOKE. No wonder boxing is close to dead! Crowd is booing the hell out of that phony decision - place is angry and going wild. Fight was not even close! DISGUSTING. The Mayweather decision is a disgrace! NO WAY, JUDGES SAY MAYWEATHER WON. INVESTIGATION SHOULD TAKE PLACE. FIX? Fight is over - Mayweather lost big - but lets see what judges say! Mayweather is getting absolutely killed! Floyd Mayweather is being beaten up badly through 10 rounds by Marcos Maidana, but announcers say it is even. TWO ROUNDS LEFT. The reporter that called Kevin Durant "Mr. Unreliable" should be fired or, at least, apologize. He is a truly great player and a winner! There must be a higher standard of accuracy in the media. Incredible that some so-called "journalists" can make up lies and get away with it "@Noe Donald Trump: "#RaffaeleSollecito was unfairly convicted. He didn’t kill anyone. The Italian government should be ashamed.” #innocent" "@Double_A2011: Yoo @Beyonce and Jayz On The RunTour tickets are way to high they think everywhere got Donald trump money 🙅🙅🙅🙅" Not good "@JayRit @realDonaldTrump Reading an all time favorite TRUMP The Art of The Deal! Must read for the go getter make it happen Entrepreneurs!" Have a great weekend everyone and for those of you that are young entrepreneurs, have fun but never stop thinking of the task ahead- victory "@DanScavino: .@RonWhittenGD ~ AWESOME to read!! I told you that - great piece in recognizing @realDonaldTrump's impact on #golf!👍👍‼️" "@DrewMadeOFF: RT @realDonaldTrump Does @VanityFair realize that the purpose of a magazine is to sell issues?" "@DrewMadeOFF: RT @realDonaldTrump Circulation @ record low. Spy Mag also failed under Graydon." @VanityFair Magazine "@horher: "@benedwards55 I believe the only way out of this soon to be economic disaster is to vote Trump as our next president"" "@nikkio: @GolfDigestMag Donald loves the game, is a perfectionist and master builder - every project is his personal masterpiece." "@Pawsar @realDonaldTrump Mr.Trump when are you going to run for president of the United States? We need someone with a backbone and brains" "@JayBThomas: @realDonaldTrump @WilliamCarneyII Meyers is hard to watch" @sethmeyers "@GolfDigestMag: Like it or not, the new Master of the Golf Universe is Donald Trump. http://golfdig.st/1n0sFlR" Wow, thank you Ron! "@natalie_gulbis: Donald Trump buys Turnberry http://m.espn.go.com/golf/story?storyId=10861328&i=TWT&w=1dz89 via @espngolf" Great job on Apprentice Natalie. "@JohnStoli: @realDonaldTrump nbc relies too much on an out of touch Lorne Michaels" "@bryanbruce: @realDonaldTrump remember how awkward Chevy Chase was on his short lived talk show?" But he was better than @sethmeyers. "@Andigriffin: @realDonaldTrump @sethmeyers Give him time! You grew into@ApprenticeNBC .. Gotta get into your groove #betterhappensoon" "@beltex63: @realDonaldTrump America needs Donald Trump, let's put our country back on top in 2016!!" "@buff1414: @realDonaldTrump @sethmeyers Enough Donnie. Stop busting the guys balls." Why, he's a total loser! "@MCat7189X: @realDonaldTrump @sethmeyers Seth should just play the 'best of' Fallon. His show is a cure for insomnia." So true! "@Kennokevin: @realDonaldTrump You should run for President in 2016 and have @Vincemcmahon as your running mate." Cute! "@_xx_Alesa: I know mine for 2016 and you've my vote @realDonaldTrump Please get our Country back where it belongs. Please!!!" Thanks. .@sethmeyers Seth can't help it - he is really trying hard but just doesn't have what it takes. Very awkward and insecure! "@WilliamCarneyII: @realDonaldTrump I couldn't agree with you more. Terrible decision by NBC." Seth just doesn't have it! Seth Myers is so unnatural and uncomfortable doing his show that you have to feel sorry for him. Bad interviewer, marbles in his mouth! "@matteastwood Say what you will about Trump, but he sure is amassing a hell of a collections of golf courses!" True, the best in the world "@mrsfrazieraz @realDonaldTrump on our way to Trump International Las Vegas! It's our favorite place to stay! #trumplasvegas" Thanks. RT @salpie: “@patricksb4: @realDonaldTrump @salpie part of the story glossed over by everyone is 800k people dropped out of workforce.” Tha… RT @darhowklo: @realDonaldTrump CNN definitely did lie on that one. The full quote shows no support of Sterling. Opposite actually. #FlashbackFriday At Military Academy- second from left. http://instagram.com/p/ngib5wmhaH/ "@slees1705 As a Turnberry member congrats on yr purchase.Will there still be a place & role for members in future?" Absolutely! See u there "@fink13 @golfvoyager @ShannonAirport Looking forward to hearing from Donald Trump at press conference in Shannon on Mon 12th May" Me too. Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character. -- Albert Einstein A feature on the progress of the course @ #Trump Int'l #Golf Club will feature on @CNNLivingGolf Thurs 8 May 2014 @ 0930 & 1630 GMT #DAMAC @CNNLivingGolf presenter @ShaneODonoghue @ #AKOYA by #DAMAC & the #Trump Int'l #Golf Club, #Dubai http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bmi4OmgCAAA8Vm6.jpg "@Aa94Javy Cant wait for 2016 So tired of this weak Adm policy at home n foreign even worse. America deserves better we can do better" True! "@DannyMartin2002 This is the greatest part of following Donald Trump. Negotiations 101! Loved the art of the deal." Thanks "@dotson_jordan love the confidence that @realDonaldTrump has. That's what makes a great leader" Thank you "@Dardonyc16 You bought Turnberry? You own 2 best courses/ resorts in Scotland/ World now! You're a legend! Get a Kilt now!" I'll have to! "@PIERPAOLOMONNI The waterfall in NYC Trump Tower is really amazing! Great colours, amazing, relaxing sound from the falling water!" Thanks! RT @golfvoyager: Trump lands a whopper in Scotland. @realDonaldTrump has purchased Turnberry Resort #majorchamp http://bit.ly/1m7VCZm http… "@darhowklo CNN said you supported Sterling but then when they showed the quote I thought "no he doesn't!'" CNN lied! RT @BBCScotlandNews: US property tycoon @realDonaldTrump buys the Turnberry golf resort for an undisclosed sum, BBC Scotland learns http://… "@SharkGregNorman Congrats on purchase of iconic Turnberry.Great course & a special place for me.@The_Open 1986" Thx Greg, our great winner! "@garyplayer Congratulations on your acquisition of Turnberry Resort. Spectacular place. Fond memories. My best. GP" Thanks Gary! “@PGAChampionship, @seniorpgachamp both headed to Trump courses” http://fxn.ws/1narQEE via @FoxNews "@ImAliveaRuis I plan on becoming just as successful and big as @realDonaldTrump in business." Great--work hard! "@benedwards55 I believe the only way out of this soon to be economic disaster is to vote Trump as our next president" Probably true! "@salpie @realDonaldTrump and how many of the jobs report uptick is due to Feds hiring #Obamacare exchange temps!" Good question. ? Via @BreitbartSports by @warnerthuston: “Donald Trump Buys Four-Time British @The_Open Golf Course” http://bit.ly/1naq5Y7 Does @VanityFair realize that the purpose of a magazine is to sell issues? Circulation at record low. Spy Mag also failed under Graydon. Never make a concession during negotiations that could lead to more demands. Be prudent. It's best to have your concessions predetermined Negotiations 101: The best deals you can make are the ones you walk away from...and then get them with better terms. "@FranMFarber: If anyone can turn around this country and create jobs it's @realDonaldTrump" It will not even be difficult. "@ChrisCJackson: @realDonaldTrump YOU ARE the only Answer! i wiSH I could make you THE prEz! Lol" Thank you! "@Thayne_Spinks: If I don't see @realDonaldTrump in office in the next decade, I am moving costal and never returning. We need a leader. @TweetingAutism Please support our #AutismMayDay campaign highlighting unmet medical needs of people with #autism http://treatingautism.co.uk/mayday/ RT" "@TheDalyPlanet: That @GolfChannel interview with @realDonaldTrump was pure gold. With @VanityFair circulation and advertising revenue doing so badly, rumor has it that dopey Graydon Carter is going to resign? He should. China will now pass our economy this year, way ahead of projections. Pres. Obama – China’s greatest asset! ObamaCare not only has brought higher premiums, decreased care & loss of jobs but now .1% Q1 growth. REPEAL BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE! RT @michaelwalkerjr: With two of golf's most original thinkers, @si_golf's Michael Bamberger and @realDonaldTrump. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BmfC8EmIIAAv09p.jpg Will be doing interview on @GolfChannel at 8.00 this morning. Will be talking about getting the great PGA Championship & Senior PGA etc. Wow, Vanity Fair was totally shut out at the National Magazine Awards - it got NOTHING. Graydon Carter is a loser with bad food restaurants! "@marco_reid: @realDonaldTrump @janecat60 @joeho @KathViner @AlexSalmond way to destroy a view..." "@PBenza: @realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @GolfDigestAU @newscomauHQ @dailytelegraph 🍻⛳️thanks Donald! Turnberry will be better than ever! "@drfigliano: @realDonaldTrump @GolfDigestMag someone more humble will not get the job done! This man is awesome!" Thanks "@janecat60: Offensive to @JoeHo & @realDonaldTrump ~ Windfarms ~ http://www.theguardian.com/environment/gallery/2014/may/02/the-beauty-of-windfarms-in-pictures?CMP=twt_gu Via @KathViner http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bmm2BwsCAAE0S7n.jpg" @AlexSalmond "@kerriCJ: "@GOPthinker: @realDonaldTrump I still believe you would have beaten Obama" LMAO" I do also! "@keegster51: @realDonaldTrump please run for president! We need a competent leader, so I can find a job after college! #Trump2016" "@spabusinessmag: .@realDonaldTrump to create US$200m hotel & spa in The Old Post Office, Washington DC http://lei.sr?a=C6z9B "@lovelyfighter8: Loved my engagement lunch at @TrumpGolfLA @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BmnlGUfIQAAeq3e.jpg" GREAT! "@GolfDigestAU: Turnberry. Thanks Donald Trump for giving us a reason to show it. @newscomauHQ @dailytelegraph http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BmnCss6CcAAj_5E.jpg" "@GolfDigestMag: "Forget Jack and Arnie, Tiger and Phil. The Master of the Golf Universe is now Donald Trump." http://golfdig.st/1n0sFlR" Wow! Via @BBCNews: “US property tycoon Donald Trump confirms Turnberry buy” http://bbc.in/1fy7chN RT @pgaofamerica: Nice shot of @PeterBevacqua @tedbishop38pga @realDonaldTrump after @seniorpgachamp & @PGAChampionship announcement. http:… RT @VinceMcMahon: Later that day I would lose my hair to @realDonaldTrump #TBT http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bmk8QidIUAAv5Hz.jpg RT @CadillacChamp: Happy first day of May! Here's a throw back of our 2013 Champion at the Tiger Woods Villa Opening @TrumpDoral #TBT http:… RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Donald Trump lands 2022 PGA Championship for Trump Bedminster http://www.golf.com/tour-and-news/donald-trump-lands-2022-pga-championship @si_golf RT @IvankaTrump: This is definitely the closest I'll ever come to winning a PGA of America trophy! Congratulations… http://instagram.com/p/ndaEZNCkD4/ Excited to host two great championships at two of our best properties, @seniorpgachamp at Trump DC & @pgachampionship at Trump Bedminster Announced w/ @pgaofamerica that we will bring @seniorpgachamp to @TrumpGolfDC & @pgachampionship to Trump Bedminster Getting ready for some big news with my friends at @pgaofamerica “Concentration comes out of a combination of confidence and hunger.” - Arnold Palmer RT @IvankaTrump: Nice pic Suzie + team! "@GMatTRUMPNY: Creative day 4 sales blitz #trumpweekLA @TrumpNewYork @TrumpCollection http://t.co/i… "@DebysinghCindy I have to express the great speech you gave us in March at the Trump Doral Golf Tournament. Momentum!" Thanks. RT @RicardoHernanG: @scottacquavella Trump re-launched Arsenio Hall (Black host) career. Wow, that's so racist, it's so obvious how he hate… "@MrBC_3 @GolfDigestMag - The Donald gets his men's major: 2022 PGA going to Trump Bedminster" Will be amazing! @PGAChampionship RT @TrumpCollection: What could be better than waking up to panoramic views of Central Park and the Manhattan skyline? http://t.co/Fmd7h6y2… It will now start to cool down concerning Sterling and the Clippers. This mess will start to fade, after litigation, into the murky past! "@Drake4444444: @realDonaldTrump I'm glad to see you come out strong against Sterling today. Typical Trump, a strong voice." "@JoeFraga: I saw your interview yesterday & agree 100%. Disgusted how reporters are misconstruing your words. Flat out lies by them." "@Scott__Marx: @realDonaldTrump Run for president and save this nation from corrupt politics! #TrumpforPresident" "@datriggakeithh: “@realDonaldTrump: "@datriggakeithh: Donald Trump has 90,595,800 views. damn can i have that one day?"” @MacMiller" "@cassiewellkid: i think Donald trump should run for president" Thank you, we sure do need someone - and fast! "@Media2Commerce: "As long as you're going to be thinking anyway, think big." Donald Trump" "@datriggakeithh: Donald Trump has 90,595,800 views. damn can i have that one day?" "@Meep_Swizzle: My 666th tweet goes out to @realDonaldTrump you are the man sir #keepenterprising" Great! Commissioner Adam Silver made a strong and very wise decision concerning Donald Sterling. "@ckiker22 @HowardStern looks like @realDonaldTrump needs to call in to the @sternshow" Two of Howard's all time top 5. The premier landmark in midtown NYC, Trump Tower features our signature amenities w/a magnificent waterfall http://TrumpTowerNY.com "@paul1994loan They should quote you word for word if they are going to use what you said Selective editing is very unfair" True. "@PGAofAmerica & @realDonaldTrump to Announce Major Golf News at news conference on Thursday, May 1 - 11 a.m. ET. at Trump Tower Stay tuned! .@jamieaydt Happy Birthday Jamie! "@michaelgferrara I don't agree with you most of the time - but people are absolutely twisting your comments to suit their agenda" Thx--true RT @jeff_smith7: @realDonaldTrump @ariannahuff is the Huffington post EVER accurate? NOPE! RT @RC_Bridgeworth: @realDonaldTrump Donald don't listen to them. That's what media is today. Everything is "gotcha" media. No real reporti… RT @PDugan9521: @realDonaldTrump @ariannahuff accuracy doesn't sell papers, scandal does, n she/they have no problem embellishing to help c… "@foxesbA I knew the mainstream media was going to selectively hear what you were saying as I listened to your interview." So did I! RT @Andrewtellsyou: @realDonaldTrump @sternshow @SternFanMutt why are the liberals saying Trump is defending the guy? He said the guy was d… Just to show you how dishonest certain reporters are, here is my @foxandfriends interview- http://video.foxnews.com/v/3515289397001 Dopey @ariannahuff should force her reporters to be accurate—if she has that power. It’s important to listen to what people say. “Horrible” and “disgusting” are the words I used in response to Sterling’s comments. It is also amazing how comments can be edited to provide statements that are used in a knowingly incorrect manner. "@SharonWilcox13 @realDonaldTrump @TrumpLasVegas are you running for President? You should." Thank you. "@balango212 Donald J. Trump, my biggest inspirational in life." Thank you. "@ReddickTr @realDonaldTrump @autismspeaks im a autism mom my son loves you bunches" Great--say hi to him! A TRULY GREAT CHAMPION WILL SELDOM FAIL AND ALWAYS COME BACK. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF GREATNESS! It is amazing that after lambasting Donald Sterling on @foxandfriends, some DISHONEST press only reported my GIRLFRIEND FROM HELL statement! RT @TrumpCollection: A great article on @EricTrump's Big Plans for the Trump Hotel Collection: http://ow.ly/wfWpT via @LodgingMagazine Young Entrepeneurs: Think Big, Stay Motivated & Always Remain Confident. The Sky is the Limit. Is everyone enjoying ObamaCare’s 21 new 2014 taxes? http://1.usa.gov/WliyvG It’s Obama’s special gift added on to your rising premium. Obama’s 2014 budget “eyes $1 trillion hike in tax revenue” http://usat.ly/1rrs2zb He loves taxes. T-E-A. Taxed Enough Already. Putin has shown the world what happens when America has weak leaders. Peace Through Strength! Watch this amazing ad from @autismspeaks and learn the signs…http://bit.ly/AutismSigns Featuring the luxurious 7th floor deck with its 110-foot heated pool, @TrumpLasVegas is NV's top destination spot http://bit.ly/17IE6sb .@TrumpDoral’s Red Course redesign is underway. Will be completed in September. Follow all the developments http://bit.ly/1m0t1Fc RT @Jean_GeorgesNYC: Congrats to @jeangeorges on @CIACulinary his#AugieAwards http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BmBsY9BIMAAqT1v.jpg RT @barrybutler9: Trump Tower keeps guard of the Chicago River as the Michigan Ave Bridge is raised. @TrumpChicago @GreatLakesBook http://t… "@JimMolton: @realDonaldTrump, Great job on Fox and Friends !" Thanks. "@djdavisg: The @realDonaldTrump is the only person I've heard explain perfectly the Donald Sterling issue. Bravo!" "@timessquarehero: @realDonaldTrump Great interview as usual Mr Trump. Thank you." I will be doing Fox & Friends at 7.00 - will be discussing the the Donald Sterling (Clippers) MESS! "@DScapusio: @realDonaldTrump You got a shout out on @CNN as being the voice of wisdom. Good for you. "@JonathanAFrye: Passion is the start; confidence, vision & focus are the steps, & resilience is the last mile to entrepreneurial success." "@DeannaSpillyard: @realDonaldTrump Obama makes George W. Bush look like the brightest crayon in the box." "@JacobNiermeyer: Donald Trump will forever be Mac Miller's best song." True - he will never have another one to compete! RT @TrumpSoHo: Reap the rewards of the Trump Card. Earn special perks like upgrades and early check-in at @TrumpCollection #hotels. http://… RT @TrumpSoHo: Our #rooftop #pool was named one of the 10 best in America by @thedailymeal. Who's coming for a swim this season? http://t.c… President Obama is losing on so many fronts, in fact all fronts, that I am concerned he will do something totally irrational. He can't lead! Isn't it ironic that China is going all in nuclear for energy while at the same time making wind turbines for others. @alexsalmond "@warrencasselljr: @realDonaldTrump is the world's greatest developer. He's the Rockefeller of this generation." Thank you! If you have passion, confidence, resilience, & vision, you could become an entrepreneur. Add focus to the list & you're off to a good start The only @Forbes Five-Star & @fivediamond hotel in NYC, @TrumpNewYork is the definition of luxury http://bit.ly/17oyxh1 The Best! "@61yellowjacket Love @TheApprentice inspirational, awesome businessman, teacher, & great role model for all generations" Thank you. RT @LuxTravelExpert: #DailyInspiration: room with city view at the luxurious #Trump #Chicago hotel @TrumpChicago http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BmEyRRPCcAAzXZq.jpg RT @TrumpDoral: Are you a fan of the #BlueMonster? See if you can name this tee! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BmEQxh-IEAAPvh1.jpg We allow Japan to sell us millions of cars with zero import tax and we can't make a trade deal with them - our country is in big trouble! "@obio @realDonaldTrump of course we have cards. Unfortunately we also have a community organizer, not a seasoned businessman as president!" "@RamKindaGuy: @realDonaldTrump speaks the truth #TrumpForPrez2016" "@BossBuza: @realDonaldTrump for president!" "@yune_dwi2: "Without passion, you don't have energy; without energy, you have nothing." - Donald Trump" SO TRUE! "@dallasnews: Ex-Cowboys RB Herschel Walker: Like Jerry Jones, Donald Trump would be a great NFL owner. @nflcommish "@blissfuldestiny: @realDonaldTrump is always right when it comes to political views!! Pro Trump👍 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BmC7nwuCMAEFc00.jpg" "@murciahole13: @realDonaldTrump sir, our country could be great once more with you as President. You're hired!" Thanks! N.Y.Times headline states Obama suffers setbacks in Japan trade deal. Can somebody please tell him that with all they sell us, WE HAVE CARDS "@RustyWallace: @GregWallace66 @Trump_Charlotte @NASCAR_FDN Thanks-I'm really looking forward to it. You have a beautiful course!" "@mc People need to start looking up to the real Role models Such as Donald Trump and Warren Buffett........@realDonaldTrump @WarrenBuffett" "@VinnyMalpica @realDonaldTrump please buy the Bills" @nflcommish #BillsMafia "@JoeSimpson_KBBN I'm a lifelong Bills fan. @realDonaldTrump Please save this franchise! We're ready to win!" @nflcommish #BillsMafia #TBT As a young man when I proposed the Convention Center in New York City. http://instagram.com/p/nL9j3XGhQj/ “Worry destroys focus.” – Think Big “Once you know you love your job, never stop and never give up.” – Think Like a Billionaire RT @DanScavino: A great pic of @realDonaldTrump & @MuhammadAli taken @CelebFightNight a couple of years ago! The "CHAMP" & "BOSS" ✌️ http:/… “Get to know yourself.You can’t improve upon something you don’t understand.The more you ask, the better you'll know.” Vince Lombardi As I predicted, Obama already caught lying on Ocare enrollment # by CBO who’s sticking w/ “6 million enrollments” http://tws.io/1l4JZDD Thank you @HauteLivingMag for naming @TrumpDoral the #1 golf course in Miami http://ow.ly/w7Mn8 W/a newly expanded 27 holes of golfing, Trump Intl.Palm Beach is ranked by Florida Golf Magazine as FL’s #1 course http://bit.ly/bY3xBD "@AntonVonClouse I still have articles from following some of your 80's moves & the Trump game... I was the original apprentice!" Great! "@mikhiett This is what you have done; its called perseverance. Now persevere to the White House! #trump2016" Nice! "@MissyCombs @realDonaldTrump Idiots! That's who negotiates. C'mon Trump..America needs you!" Thanks. RT @plscpapa: Spectacular @TrumpGolfLA Wow!! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bl7kovcCQAAUQ2e.jpg "@peterf101 I wish #DonaldTrump @realDonaldTrump would run for President, I think he would be a great one." Thank you. "@GregWallace66 Hey @Trump_Charlotte is hosting @RustyWallace Golf Classic on 5/19 benefiting @NASCAR_FDN." Rusty will have a great day! "@bahia6085 @ricktimlick The Art Of The Deal is a fairy tale come true. Dreams can come true." Nice! "@MrJamesDavidson @TrumpScotland not at all! the hassle you are getting/have had is truly disgraceful" Thanks, but it is working out great! RT @TrumpCollection: We're nominated as one of @FreqBizTraveler's Best Hotel Chain in America. Vote for us here: http://ow.ly/vp7b4 South Korea is absolutely killing us on trade deals. Their surplus vs U.S. is massive - and we pay for their protection. WHO NEGOTIATES? "@WheresJose: Had the pleasure to perform for Mr.Trump tonite & told him the world is a better place because of his contributions Great job! "@RyanPaolucci: @realDonaldTrump please buy the bills" nflcommish "@kimkardarshian3: @realDonaldTrump u afraid of getting #poor" Always have been! "@Tumi_Architect: Learning to listen to my gut was the best thing I've ever done for myself. Inspired by @realdonaldtrump #ThinkBig" Great. "@AllAmerVet: Mr. T, pls buy the #NYTimes and turn it around for the truth! These lib papers r cowards in challenging this admin." "@emilymistretta: i love when @realDonaldTrump tweets #🐘" "@Wayne1900: @realDonaldTrump Realist, don't always agree wth u. But you are one of the few people that say it like it is." @AndreaTantaros It was great to see you - say hi to all! “I'm not afraid of failing. I don't like to fail. I hate to fail. But I'm not afraid of it.” - @VinceMcMahon "Use adverse events and monumental challenges to make you stronger." - Think Big The ObamaCare enrollment numbers are a lie.They will be ‘readjusted’ by the White House at an opportune time, probably after ’14 election "@yosoyroberto @realDonaldTrump Congratulations for taking some time to answer tweets, awesome example of planning and scheduling!" Thanks. "@ChristineStergi what's wrong with everyone. Mr Trump will kick ass as president. Economy will flourish." Thanks and true! "@PeteGagliardo Seeing how excited Trump is about the bills is awesome. We deserve to have someone committed to keeping the bills in Buffalo "@ricktimlick in grade 7 while others wrote book reports on fairy tales mine was on "The Art of the Deal!" Always admired you." Thanks. "@sundayhorse @realDonaldTrump @TrumpGolfDC love a view without those damn Turbines. They make ppl sick." True. "@mondrian70 The Donald would be HUGE Boost for the #NFL. Such an icon! I know it would be a huge boost to the franchise & NFL." @nflcommish "@richrobins0n i love Trump because he actually says what’s on his mind, not what the people want to hear. that’s why he’s a leader" Thanks "@MrJamesDavidson @TrumpScotland Very proud to say I live a few miles from this and supported this project from day one." Thanks James! "@sjleith @realDonaldTrump @TrumpScotland A truly great course. Best I have played in Scotland." Thank you. No surprise Assad is not destroying his chemical weapons. He never intended to in the first place. New Yorkers will get a chance to see a film for free this summer from @attnyc and @tribecafilmfest. My choice? Citizen Kane #FilmForAll The city of Buffalo is struggling. Moving the @buffalobills would be catastrophic. The Bills belong in Buffalo! "To be a visionary you have to chase impossibilities. Few ever get rich easily." - Think Like a Billionaire On rugged Aberdeenshire coastline,@TrumpScotland’s Par 72 course is 7,400 picturesque yds. threaded through dunes http://bit.ly/1hNoFzt RT @TrumpCollection: Thank you @LuxuryDesignFR for naming The Terrace at @TrumpChicago one of the 15 most beautiful terraces in the world: … RT @TrumpCollection: Once complete in 2016, Trump Washington D.C.'s guest rooms will feature soaring windows highlighting the best of D.C. … "@KingMeeetch: @realDonaldTrump celebrity, business man, or politician? Who cares, you're damn good at all three" "@PolishPrince21: @realDonaldTrump I think you would be a great president but a better NFL owner...especially the buffalo bills! @nflcommish "@AAszkler: @realDonaldTrump @ChristineStergi President Trump, now that would make Putin wet himself!" "@surfacepro22: Yes Mr Trump,your the perfect person to get the property market and country booming. I would choose you. There is no other. "@Terrell87: Mr. Trump if you ran the country what's the #1 thing you'd put in place to improve matters in the United States?" JOBS! "@TalismanJohnnyA: @realDonaldTrump Would love to see you run, D. You may be our only hope to return this nation to its former glory. Agree! "@ChristineStergi: @realDonaldTrump I just want to thank u for pushing me in business. I have always admired you.Respect!" Great! "@TarHeelFullback: @realDonaldTrump you would make an amazing president!" Thanks. "@gabepaul58: @realDonaldTrump would be the next best in guy next to Ralph to own a franchise like the @buffalobills ❤️" @nflcommish "@rhino848484: @realDonaldTrump and a better TV show. @ApprenticeNBC #1 You make great TV Mr Trump" Thanks. "@mike_ginett: @realDonaldTrump #america needs a true businessman to run this nation. You." I agree, thanks! "@jorourke8: @realDonaldTrump your the greatest man on earth" So nice, thank you! "@financeturd: @realDonaldTrump you have many more followers on Twitter than Mark Cuban" I also have far greater wealth and athleticism! "@leetimlin0511: I just want @realDonaldTrump to buy my Bills! Perfect man for the perfect club" nflcommish "@youngsellz4: @realDonaldTrump you'd be a great president Mr.Trump" Thank you, the World would no longer look at us as fools! Interesting how President Obama is flying around in a Boeing 747 on so-called Earth Day! "@Robhammond11: @buffalobills anyone who houses the great Jim Kelly in a time of need can be trusted with this franchise" It was my honor! "@JeniferStevens: Someone needs to start ramping up the dialogue about all this.... I nominate you and would vote for you in a hearbeat" The way President Obama runs down the stairs of Air Force 1, hopping & bobbing all the way, is so inelegant and unpresidential. Do not fall! "@adeezy101: @realDonaldTrump are you just going to complain about it? Or are you going to make a difference in 2016?" Just watch! "@mikewarner1976: @realDonaldTrump @buffalobills Please make this happen !!!" @nflcommish "@danica2013: @realDonaldTrump needs to run for the 2016 presidential election. Intelligent & knows what he's doing. #GotMyVote #NewAmerica .@McIlroyRory Thanks for your nice note - they love you at Trump National Doral. You are looking good - will have a GREAT year! "@CraigPorritt: @realDonaldTrump Vote Donald for President 2016." Thanks. "@rawrlance: Word on the street is @BrandiGlanville and @KenyaMoore are both on #CelebrityApprentice @realDonaldTrump is that true? 😝" YES! Always remember, SOMETIMES YOUR BEST INVESTMENTS ARE THE ONES YOU DON'T MAKE! RT @TrumpWaikiki: Happy #EarthDay! With views like this from #TrumpWaikiki, we are always celebrating the beauty of… http://instagram.com/p/nGzWlmlKi7/ "@GolfCarAnnie: @BruceBeck4NY @MGA1897 Trump Bedminster is truly special. But then again all of Trump's courses are !" Thank you Ann Marie! "@BruceBeck4NY: All eyes on @realDonaldTrump @MGA1897 press conference for 99th Met Open at spectacular Trump Bedminster! See you there B! “You measure your people and you take action on those that don't measure up.” - @jack_welch China is closing a massive oil deal w/ Russia, taking advantage of the Ukraine conflict http://bit.ly/1hcdNwN Smart, unlike our leaders. The NYPD Surveillance Program kept NYC safe since 9/11. There will be tragic consequences for ending it. Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-Ma) said, "There's all of these taxes and fees that are the tough medicine..it's going to hit the fan" 're ObamaCare. Last Thursday Obama said "investing in infrastructure would improve our economy for the long term" The next day he again stopped Keystone Congratulations to @bostonpolice on yesterday’s successful and safe @bostonmarathon. The entire country is proud. RT @TrumpCollection: Thank you @ChicagoMag for naming @TrumpChicago's Terrace at Trump one of the Four Great Hotel Rooftop Bars in Chicago … Get the big picture--but be prepared for the picture to change. Where there's a will, there's a win. Think positively! Understand that difficulties, mistakes and setbacks are an inevitable part of business and life...But always look for the opportunities. "Think big, set your vision high, and go for it. You'll be shocked by what you can accomplish when you do. " - Midas Touch With two champion style courses @TrumpGolfDC graces 600 rolling acres along the peaceful and scenic Potomac River http://bit.ly/184gue7 Fifth Avenue’s most iconic building, @TrumpTowerNY features Trump Grill nestled in the corner of the Atrium http://bit.ly/1hc4JIg "@Chuck_Kelly1 I'm not even a #Bills fan and I know they belong here! Devout fans + Trump owned = #Buffalove4Life" @nflcommish "@Helmzyy @realDonaldTrump If you would buy the team that would be awesome! Just an extra win for my squad:)" @nflcommish "@nickvitello The @realDonaldTrump brand is based on success and being a winner. Just what the @buffalobills need!" @nflcommish "@Cturner77 @realDonaldTrump @JimKellyInc would make a winning team as owners of the Bills.Let's do this! Go Bills! #BillsMafia" @nflcommish "@Hitoden Sir, I've always respected you. I was born & raised in Buffalo & would love you as owner of the @buffalobills" @nflcommish "@ragtopgirl12 @realDonaldTrump my son would be ecstatic!! Bills fan from 5 years old!" @nflcommish "@tlwhitney1 @realDonaldTrump @nflcommish would give the city hope .. would give Bills fans hope for a promising team" "@Chuck_Kelly13 @frankpro @HarvickFan_4 He IS a damn good businessman and a wise investor. I'd say he'd run a great team." @nflcommish "@DenZen: @realDonaldTrump First rule of success; a great big ego! Still love you Mr Trump and CANNOT wait for Celebrity @ApprenticeNBC" "@ssalame11: @realDonaldTrump you are a God !!! Of real estate" A great compliment (and true) - thanks! Once the tragic mistake of going into Iraq was made, we should have at least taken the oil (or at least some of it). Now Iran & China get it After thousands lost and spending two trillion dollars, Iraq (I told you so) is imploding. Really dumb pols put us and kept us there-so sad! “There can be no liberty unless there is economic liberty.” - Margaret Thatcher RT @TrumpDoral: RT @TrumpCollection: The new clubhouse at @TrumpDoral is a beautiful sight to see. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Blw81VaIIAAP3WX.jpg If America unlocked its energy potential, we would once again be the most powerful country in the world. Washington is holding us back. Obama told Medvedev after the ’12 reelect, he would “have more flexibility.” It was music to Putin’s ears. The biggest winner of Obama’s ’08 win --- Vladimir Putin. Ultimately he could be tied with Iran after Tehran becomes a nuclear power. A storied franchise with a loyal fanbase, @buffalobills should remain in Buffalo. "We all know that chess is a game of strategy. So is business." - Think Like a Champion .@NJPGA Club of the Year, Trump Nat’l Bedminster is NJ's top family country club with two award winning courses http://bit.ly/1mpsOg0 Just finished another week of filming @ApprenticeNBC. This season, a record 14th, is shaping up to be the best yet. “@IvankaTrump: ‘Trump Estates Dubai unlike anything else in the region’” http://bit.ly/1mprGsK via @aawsat_eng by Musaid Al-Zayani RT @TrumpPanama: Enjoy a one-of-a-kind trip with our 100 Years Panama Canal Anniversary Package: http://ow.ly/vVC1R RT @TrumpCollection: See how easy family travel can be with the help of Trump Kids: http://trumpcollection.co/kids "@FrohawkMahDude I liked @realDonaldTrump, but the more u tweet, the more I love you man. #TrumpsBills #billsmafia" @nflcommish "@josegonzalez_69 @realDonaldTrump If you buy the team it would win the superbowl!" @nflcommish "@AndrewZufel @realDonaldTrump You would rejuvenate the entire city of Buffalo if you bought the Bills & kept them in WNY." @nflcommish "@yvonnecr @realDonaldTrump please lets have kim novak on celebrity apprentice she would be great" I agree! "@coachofspin My cousin working with J. Nicklaus to make Ferry Point one of the best golf courses! Will be great!" True! @jacknicklaus Obama through his cronies said the Keysyone pipeline was "not political" - how much can one man lie about even the most obvious things? "@2letters1number:I've been watching YouTube videos on @WarrenBuffett, @BillGates & @realDonaldTrump all day. Feeling really inspired."Great I will be doing Fox & Friends at 7 (15 minutes). Enjoy it and your day! "@LisaMills62: @realDonaldTrump You're so successful & admirable yet your greatest masterpiece remains your awesome children!" Thanks! "@Prayformetoo: @realDonaldTrump I detest @ariannahuff with a passion!" And for good reason, she is a complete phoney! "@MikeM @realDonaldTrump Who the heck is Arianna Huffington anyway? Shouldn't somebody check her green card (if that even matters anymore)?" Huffington Post is just upset that I said its purchase by AOL has been a disaster and that Arianna Huffington is ugly both inside and out! "@FenitaAyu1: I know a lot, but one thing I know is that I don't know everything. ~ Donald Trump" "@WasimPerviz: @realDonaldTrump When will we see you again in @WWE?" Soon! "@906reynolds: Donald Trump is a leader and savvy businessman, two qualities we lack and desperately need in DC." Thank you, HAPPY EASTER! "@mike_carrion99: Uwere right,the Chinese respect smart ppl like urself,but they and evry1 laughs @ Obama.Plz run in '16 you're STRONG" "@Salon:Krugman furious with MSNBC: "Why don't they just hire Donald Trump and be done with it? And their ratings would go way up, and fast! "@Joshua_Weaver_: The @nfl needs the @realDonaldTrump! Happy Easter!" @nflcommish Look, Snowden is bad, done tremendous damage to our country and standing - but we have far worse in our government (guess who?). "@HRGuySerchia: @TotalSportsNews @nfl @buffalobills @realDonaldTrump Go Donald! I am with you!" @nflcommish. Thanks. "@SRWMiChelleJ: @realDonaldTrump and I have the same birthday...always praying I can emulate his business saavy. #GeminisWeAre" "@YMatthews956: When are you going to give us the big news about your new real estate deal? Looking forward to hearing about it!" Soon! "@cedwardsmedia: @realDonaldTrump @CanizalVania nah, he’ll get old, but he’ll age like fine wine." Wow, nice! "@ARbruins: @penows @CanizalVania Obama is a horrible leader, can't get anyone to agree on anything. I believe trump is for real" Thank you. "@wadar1969: @realDonaldTrump Do u think our Government still has the gold they say they have in Colorado, Ft Knox etc. I doubt it, sadly! "@mikevargovich: You see what you’ve gone and done, @BonJovi? I’m rooting for @realDonaldTrump. #Bills #KeepThemInBuffalo" @nflcommish HAPPY EASTER - HAVE A GREAT DAY! "@irondan_93: No matter what the occasion, you always feel confident in a @realDonaldTrump button down #almostgraduating" Great, good luck. "@gileshenley: @lukemckinney I read your @realDonaldTrump article, and reread the old one. #brilliant as usual! So colorful!" Thank you! "@Colin: Mr. Trump, please buy our precious #BuffaloBills with Jim Kelly. You two know what the team means to #WNY. Love it!" @nflcommish "@MadG0d: Buffalo has one great Donald Trump - Doctor at Roswell Park Cancer Institute - We need another @realDonaldTrump !" @nflcommish "@CanizalVania: Donald Trump will never ever get old. Ever." Wow, what a nice thing to say! "@suew777 Words I never expected to say in this lifetime....I hope Mr.Trump buys the Bills. I think its the best for team&fans!" @nflcommish "@BillsMafia_G107 @suew777 I completely agree. I think @realDonaldTrump would be an excellent owner and wouldn't accept losing!" @nflcommish "@BillsMafia You would be an excellent owner and bring winning back to a great organization and the best fans out there! @nflcommish "@NCBillsFan The Bills need someone that will not take piss poor performance! Mr. Trump is the man! Great things will happen!" @nflcommish "@tomko13: If @realDonaldTrump buys the Bills they will win the Super Bowl within 5 years. #buytheEagles" @nflcommish "@AlexDub182821: Im pretty sure the new stadium project would get a kick in the ass if @realDonaldTrump was the new owner. True. @nflcommish "@CinderellaMan2: ! @realDonaldTrump explains #Obamacare perfectly. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BllSPTICEAAH13B.jpg" "@sirwilliam @realDonaldTrump @frankpro The Bills need someone not afraid to take chances. Mr.Trump, you have 100%of my support! @nflcommish "@_tamx0: Best customer service at the trump hotel @realDonaldTrump" @frankpro Frank, you are making a mistake. No one will do a better job than me and team would stay in Buffalo. "@CameronM_: I would vote @realDonaldTrump as president!" "@angelofleven: @realDonaldTrump where do you get your energy from? Unbelievable. Maybe sell the ingredients?" I wish I could! "@CCPLiberty: “@RickNichols3: @realDonaldTrump time to get businessmen in DC instead of politicians. Trump for Pres!”" Have to go now to sign a great and job producing deal! Good night. "@frankadgpr: @realDonaldTrump I recently heard you talked and acted like a Billionaire, before you became a Billioanire." Interesting. "@JohnTisdall: @realDonaldTrump You owe it to this country Go for it You can fix it" I definitely can! "@kennymacaskill1: @realDonaldTrump when are you starting the second golf course at trump international links #balmedie? No wind turbines. "@markmilliken21: @realDonaldTrump @GeneralTso316 I own a few DT ties from Macy's, best ties I ever purchased...good stuff!!" Thanks. "@wen @realDonaldTrump Why aren't you one of the sharks on #SharkTank? You would be awesome on there!!👍" But The Apprentice is much better! "@MrJPL: An Aussie @TrumpWaikiki, such an amazing place. Well done @realDonaldTrump @IvankaTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @EricTrump & happy Easter "@EAikenz: @realDonaldTrump @renovacion Putin May be smart but he doesn't have the Art of the Deal!" "@Welles19: @realDonaldTrump @renovacion Moscow's bully is no match for Brooklyn's finest. Trump by TKO, any day." "@GeneralTso316: @realDonaldTrump I have two of your ties and they are better quality than ties I own that cost $125." At Macy's, great. "@helfystyle: @realDonaldTrump you've got my vote for anything. I'm ready to go to work!" Thank you. "@renovacion: @realDonaldTrump I'd love to see you up against Putin. It'd be quite a match!" I would win! Snowden is a spy who has caused great damage to the U.S. A spy in the old days, when our country was respected and strong, would be executed "@WeaverFever12: Everyone I know in western New York wants @realDonaldTrump to be the Bills next owner." @nflcommish. "@RWill9584: @realDonaldTrump Buying the Bills would be the best thing for not only the team, but for the city of Buffalo! @nflcommish "@Humphreychabu: @realDonaldTrump thanx DJT, ua my inspiration! Happy holidays" I give Secretary of State John Kerry credit for working and trying hard, but he has zero negotiating ability! "@ribkamaria1: RT @Pursuitist: Stunning hotel! Trump International Hotel & Tower Chicago. @realDonaldTrump @TrumpChicago "@_tamx0: @realDonaldTrump in love with your hotel Toronto location" "@tiffanypearls: @realDonaldTrump I'll be up the street tonight at Emanu-El. Sending prayers up for your continued success. #trump2016" "@J1En @realDonaldTrump as my mentor and some1 I looked up to while in college in buffalo I think you should purchase the team. @nflcommish "@T_Fox8: @realDonaldTrump for president, the only quasi-politician who knows anything about how to run stuff." Remember, Russia still has Snowden. When are we going to bring that piece of human garbage back home to stand trial? He caused great damage! "@InTheElections: @realDonaldTrump A very happy, blessed Easter to you, Mr. Trump." Thank you, and you also! "@StephenCur: First night in @realDonaldTrump hotel in Doonbeg. Great location, accommodation and food. I think Donald is onto a winner." I will be working late into the evening closing a big real estate deal—soon to be announced. Happy Easter and/or Holiday to all. "@jywjr As much as Buffalo respected & loved Mr. Wilson it would bring excitement & prestige to have Mr. Trump own the Bills." @nflcommish "@luciab1 @realDonaldTrump congrats on having 4 of top 5 golf courses in south florida" Thank you. "@mjohnstonxoxo My favorite part of school is watching the first season of The Apprentice in Business Tech." Great! RT @TheBig_Easy: Guys I need your help. Retweet and tweet #RBCELS to help me raise money for @ElsForAutism. Help me make a difference. RT @RBC: It's Autism Awareness Day at the @RBC_Heritage. Tweet #RBCEls to support @TheBig_Easy & @ElsForAutism #RBCGolf4Kids http://t.co/bp… I was always a big fan of Kim Novak and still am—a wonderful actress. Nasty for the middle class, electricity prices surged to an all-time high this past March http://bit.ly/1qMx6jk FRACK NOW ObamaCare enrollment lie: Obama counts an enrollee as a web user putting a plan in “their online shopping carts” http://bit.ly/1iwNfH3 The West Coast's most luxurious public course @TrumpGolfLA features spectacular panoramic Pacific Ocean views http://bit.ly/hAJgi6 RT @Pursuitist: Stunning hotel! Trump International Hotel & Tower Chicago. @realDonaldTrump @TrumpChicago #chicago #luxury http://t.co/p5BR… Why did Pres Obama remove sanctions against Iran prior to negotiating rather than completing successful negotiation & then remove sanctions? "The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender." - @ProFootballHOF @buffalobills Head Coach Marv Levy Remember, if you don’t sell yourself, no one else will. Make sure the public, friends & the business community hears about your success. RT @TrumpSoHo: RT @fob2001: Our hotel view of the #freedomtower day & night. #nofilter #T210yrs @ Trump SoHo New York http://instagram.com/p/m64OePuK5z/ CBO now estimates that over 2.5M will lose jobs directly because of ObamaCare. REPEAL now before it is too late. "@brettjamess @realDonaldTrump you will be the savior of the city of buffalo. Please buy the bills" @nflcommish "@eric_alon you buying @buffalobills would be the biggest thing since they were in 4 straight super bowls. Great for them & @nfl"@nflcommish "@df387 @realDonaldTrump buy the @buffalobills we need proven success." @nflcommish "@bseybolt11 If @realDonaldTrump buys the @buffalobills and keeps them in Buffalo he'll become a legend." @nflcommish Oscar Pistorious is guilty as hell! "@LaydeePrivatier: @realDonaldTrump I enjoyed your speech at the Republican Convention in New Hampshire immensely!" Thank you! "@HereisDami: RT @realDonaldTrump: "The price of greatness is responsibility." -- Winston Churchill" #TBT WrestleMania 23 http://instagram.com/p/m5-s3XmhUj/ Always fun to read the @NewYorkObserver investigative piece re @AGSchneiderman, his mascara and more! http://bit.ly/1pqcEVR "@johnnydevine137 I'm all for Donald Trump owning the Bills. Give Trump a chance and watch the Donald, Trump the competition." @nflcommish "@OwenFetnon @realDonaldTrump you buying the bills would be a dream come true! Thank you so much." @nflcommish RT @ritafancher1: @realDonaldTrump @Cknikita @buffalobills @nflcommish I'm with u "@TpGraf82 @realDonaldTrump we know you would make a great president but talk about a beautiful first lady!" So true! @MELANIATRUMP "@Antonhomann I've really come to like @piersmorgan - probably @realDonaldTrump's best #CelebApprentice" He was smart and tough! "@mikeEread If @realDonaldTrump buys the #Bills, please don't take them out of Buffalo!" I won't. @nflcommish America is at a great disadvantage. Putin is ex-KGB, Obama is a community organizer. Unfair. My speech from last Saturday’s @Citizens_United @AFPhq #NHFreedomSummit http://cs.pn/RrzAYe via @cspan My @FoxNews interview w/@seanhannity http://bit.ly/RrxRlO Via @NJcomsomerset BY @wobriensomerset: "@TigerWoods brings charity golf playoffs toTrump Nat'l/Bedminster" http://bit.ly/RrwaVA RT @TrumpPanama: Browse our Pinterest boards to see the luxury and beauty that awaits you in Panama: http://ow.ly/vLGx0 Entrepreneurs: Ask yourself "is this a blip or is it a catastrophe?" and your equilibrium will be kept in check if/when hard times hit. "@David_Bossie Keep the Bills in Buffalo. @realDonaldTrump can save them. Would be a great NFL owner!" @nflcommish "The price of greatness is responsibility." -- Winston Churchill "@Cknikita I'd♡ Love ♡Donald Trump to buy the @buffalobills and Also run for Our President! #Super Deal #Double #Win Win!" Thx.@nflcommish "@NowThatOuimet if Trump is serious about buying the #Bills & keeping them in Buffalo, sign me up. He’s a game-changer." Thx @nflcommish "@Michael_Haz Donald, why don’t you go out to Nevada & cut a deal for #CliveBundy? No one is a better deal maker than you. Go do it!" True! RT @TheFriddle: @realDonaldTrump hit the nail on the head regarding the #BundyRanch situation. #Hannity RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: If you live in the D.C. area make sure to get your tickets to the @StJudeGolf Tournament hosted by the @EricTrumpFdn h… "@EllieReynolds4 Trump 2016!!! @realDonaldTrump Rocked it on @seanhannity #GOP #president2016" Thank you. "@sherrymcmurry @realDonaldTrump Great interview on #Hannity." Thank you. RT @TrumpSoHo: This is a great photo, @m_collective. We hope you enjoy the rest of your day. RT: http://instagram.com/p/m4zF5nPB68/ "@AndyLeeTweets: I'd rather @realDonaldTrump run for president than buy our football team." Interesting point! "@Alertora27 If @realDonaldTrump does buy the Buffalo Bills, they could become a winning team in the near future" Thanks. @nflcommish "@jimmy_arellano The best thing that could happen to New York sports is @realDonaldTrump buying the bills" Thanks. @nflcommish "@kerps80 @TrumpChicago @CNJohansens Absolutely love The Trump in Chicago! The view from the bar is incredible!!" Thank you. "@Going4theGreen @realDonaldTrump's Int'l course in Scotland. Ian Andrew proclaims the robe "the best I've ever worn. That's awesome." Thx Entrepreneurs: Have your own vision and stick with it. Don’t be afraid to be unique. Don’t tread water--get out there and go for it. Entrepreneurs: Identify your goals, know precisely what you want to achieve. Then study the best people in your field and learn from them. Entrepreneurs--Always remember that every day counts. Stay focused. Stay positive and develop momentum. I pick the best locations- @Trump_Charlotte has incredible views of beautiful Lake Norman. http://instagram.com/p/m287TFmhXQ/ "Success breeds success. The best way to impress people is through results." - Think Like a Billionaire “My office is at Yankee stadium. Yes, dreams do come true.” - @Yankees Captain Derek Jeter Obama has changed the Census so “it will be difficult to measure the effects” of O'Care http://nyti.ms/1eyPp9I REAL data hidden RT @TrumpSoHo: RT @mirzahatk: New York skyline from the top of the Trump SoHo hotel http://instagram.com/p/m1KIzMxyVO/ In Hudson Valley @TrumpNationalNY’s course has pristine fairways, tour caliber greens & 64 strategic sand bunkers http://bit.ly/1bPJRPP RT @TrumpChicago: Flipping through britishvogue and saw this ad for Conde Nast Johansens. Thank you @cnjohansens for… http://instagram.com/p/m03nJ7o1ia/ "@SI_PeterKing: Why do baseball players slide headfirst? Are they just, like, not smart?" Great point, and also, thank you Peter! RT @SI_PeterKing: Why do baseball players slide headfirst? Are they just, like, not smart? @PriscoCBS Thank you! "@neevee31: “@BillRancic:10 yrs ago I won the 1st season of the Apprentice..Thank you @realdonaldtrump 4 a life changing event" “Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” - @DalaiLama RT @DO814: @realDonaldTrump please run in 2016, it's time for some real change in a better direction for the USA!!! RT @JohnnyJet: @realDonaldTrump I love the @TrumpToronto, its GM (@mdamelincourt) and chocolates! #Toronto http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BlSVFUBCAAEH4JN.jpg “Don’t toss off your problems, and don’t dwell on them either. Deal with them!” – Think Like a Champion Get Snowden back from Russia—he has done tremendous damage to the US & should pay a very heavy price. On top of the disrespect shown by Russia, don’t forget they still have Snowden, who has given them (& everyone) massive US secrets. Remember, negotiations are fluid. Remain calm and don’t settle easily. If you have the goods, you will ultimately win. "@NickySummer @AlexSalmond Wind farms are an eyesore all over Scotland...ruining the most beautiful parts of our country. A disgrace!" True! NYC's sole hammam, The Spa at @TrumpSoHo offers classic treatments inspired by wellness rituals f/around the world http://bit.ly/1t56lc7 "I'm convinced that about half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance."--Steve Jobs "@sashamajerovsky: @realDonaldTrump @DLDizel @cspan @cspanPolitics just love hearing you speak because you speak the Truth!!" Thanks! "@KennedyGaels: Thanks for hosting our 5/21 President's Dinner @TrumpNationalNY honoring @IgnatiusPress Founder Fr. Joseph Fessio & @FrDunn" "@dynamicwil: @realDonaldTrump @Macys love your ties!!" Via @UnionLeader BY Bill Smith: “GOP rally in Manchester fires up party faithful” http://www.unionleader.com/article/20140412/NEWS0605/140419665 Summer's almost here, update your business wardrobe with Trump Signature Collection, exclusively available @Macys http://bit.ly/15AXyl0 "@VerizonLGg2: I cant save for my retirement anymore. I had to buy health insurance; that I can't use. Was given ONE choice. #NotAChoice! Oscar Pistorious, "the blade runner," is as guilty as O.J. I wonder if the result will be the same? @AlexSalmond-I have no doubt that you will come to your senses about the costly, bird killing and very ugly wind turbines dotting Scotland. .@AlexSalmond - Ireland just ended the bird killing wind farm near my great resort on the Atlantic Ocean. The reason, would hurt tourism! "@DLDizel: @cspan: RT @cspanPolitics: VIDEO: @realDonaldTrump at #NHFreedomSummit on @cspan http://www.c-span.org/video/?c4495435 http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BlCS9OMCAAEb6Ik.jpg" "@Houst_: This book im reading by @realDonaldTrump is truly inspiring." Thank you. "@CaledonianGolf: @Raven_kittycat @AlexSalmond Why??? Do you know how difficult storing/harnessing wind generated energy is?" Impossible. "@garc8509: @realDonaldTrump no don't buy the #BuffaloBills. Buy the #NewYorkMets #Mets we need a true owner that wants to win!! Please! "@JWysocki91: @realDonaldTrump I live in NH and will vote for you in 2016!!!" Thank you! "@chpnaput: Donald, you need to promote the GILC, it is a great event and shows off Doonbeg. Best resort I have ever stayed at!" Al Sharpton said they are "even making it more harder to register people to vote". Which is worse, his grammar or his thoughts? Obama lied when he said “you can keep your plan,” so why would anyone believe his bogus ObamaCare enrollment numbers?! Via @BreitbartNews by @rwildewrites: “TRUMP: ‘I WOULD BUILD A BORDER FENCE LIKE YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE’” http://bit.ly/1p3k5Et My interview with WMUR’s @JoshMcElveen at #NHFreedomSummit http://bit.ly/1p3jp2b Big thanks to @David_Bossie, @Citizens_United & @AFPhq for hosting me at #NHFreedomSummit. Will be back to the Granite State soon! On the shores of Lake Norman, @Trump_Charlotte presents the true luxury lifestyle and an elite golf course http://bit.ly/WuYYtC An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last. -- Winston Churchill "@MattySmales1 @realDonaldTrump we need one of your golf courses in Orlando they are world class I love the Doral we need one here" Thanks. "@awwyeah123 @STOCKToronto I had an incredible dining experience @ STOCK. Honestly unparalleled! The food, staff & service was beyond" Thx RT @Bane1349: @realDonaldTrump @AlexSalmond Wind "farms" a concept from deranged Libturd minds. Ugly. Dangerous. Slaughter Birds. Not Effic… RT @CaledonianGolf: @realDonaldTrump @alexsalmond Will there not be some compromise regarding the Trump development? RT @FollowIreland: @realDonaldTrump @alexsalmond Donald, you cannot imagine how sensitive this issue is in Ireland. #nopylons #localelectio… "@bahia6085 Thanks. I'm rewinding it now. Always makes my Monday to hear Trump on @foxandfriends" Thanks. "@TalismanJohnnyA @reallDonaldTrump Love watching ya man...wish you did more on Mondays than just 5 minutes or so though.." @foxandfriends However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results. -- Winston Churchill The people of Ireland are very smart—they just killed an ugly windfarm which would've hurt tourism @AlexSalmond http://bit.ly/1m3f8tk RT @JasonHirschhorn: While roaming around uptown and downtown in NYC yesterday, I realized every Trump building has awesome views. All of t… If the wind will not serve, take to the oars. -- Latin Proverb RT @TrumpDoral: Did you know the Great White is the only course of its kind in the Southeastern United States? Find out why here: http://t.… Will be doing Fox & Friends at 7 A.M. (1 hour). ENJOY! .@JordanSpieth Great playing at the Masters and don't get down Jordan, you will win many tournaments and many MAJORS! Keep working hard. "@TrumpGolfLA: ICYMI: Fantastic commercial @TrumpGolfLA feat. @JordanSpieth & #tombrady Thanks @UnderArmour & @espn http://youtu.be/43SqFBC7w2o" .@bubbawatson What a great player you have turned out to be but also, what a great guy! Congratulations on another fantastic Masters win. RT @Donnajcherold: @OFFICIAL_YL @TrumpToronto @realDonaldTrump I've stayed there many times! It's lovely, the staff are my fave part, spa a… RT @TrumpGolfLA: ICYMI: Fantastic commercial @TrumpGolfLA feat. @JordanSpieth & #tombrady Thanks @UnderArmour & @espn http://t.co/pjWfwqj6… "@sierkmmm: @realDonaldTrump @ben_techpro @ericbolling @JonathanHoenig @FoxNews I would vote for him" Watch Eric Bolling this morning on Fox "@jem72133: @WeeHen82 @realDonaldTrump I look up to him as he is my idol" Thank you! "@jennypowers37: @realDonaldTrump run Mr. Trump run!! Get this country back on track." "@jethrosteve: @realDonaldTrump @ryanbushby are you considering running Mr Trump?" YES! "@miorazhari: Show me someone without an ego, and I'll show you a loser. (Donald Trump)" "@ryanbushby: @realDonaldTrump for president! Only man who knows how it actually works in politics!" Thank you! "@ben_techpro: Can't wait to see @realDonaldTrump on #CashinIn tomorrow morning. @ericbolling @JonathanHoenig @FoxNews" "@RustyWynnewood: Great day at Trump National in Charlotte. You took a good club and made it great. Well done sir. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bk_AtfcIcAACdtI.jpg" Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning. -- Albert Einstein RT @TrumpWaikiki: RT @Jetsetterdotcom: Say aloha to Honolulu in style at @TrumpWaikiki http://bit.ly/1i6ag3h http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bk5GAC8CIAAW0WX.png #FlashbackFriday With Mickey Rooney, @Regis and @itstonybennett http://instagram.com/p/mqMWWamhRW/ It's not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what's required. -- Winston Churchill "@David_in_Dallas @TrumpChicago @realDonaldTrump Sir, your Chicago Hotel is beautiful!" Thanks! "@Birkin_girl @realDonaldTrump @pellscuse11 Not to mention Melanie would be a beautiful First Lady." I agree! "@mearnest33 Agree that you as Pres would be a great change but I don't think this country can be turned around in 8 years" It can be done! "@MarkSciubbaDoe @realDonaldTrump PLEASE SAVE THE BILLS FROM @BonJovi AND CANADA #BillsMafia" I will try! "@BrklynSportGeek Just heard you're bidding on @buffalobills. As a buffalo native thank you." My honor. "@matt_grazz @realDonaldTrump @TrumpPhillyGM playing there this weekend #trumpphilly" Great! RT @EricTrump: #NationalSiblingsDay @IvankaTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr. & I arriving at @TrumpToronto. #NSD @TiffanyATrump @BARRONTRUMP http://t.… RT @TrumpCollection: Enjoy panoramic views of the Blue Monster while dining on classic steakhouse fare at @TrumpDoral's new BLT Prime: http… RT @LinksofIreland: Discover Ireland's magical south west while staying at the stunning @Trump_Ireland resort @EricTrump @realDonaldTrump h… "@pellscuse11 @realDonaldTrump I'd love to see you as President. You can turn this country around!" Thanks. "@southpaw816 @realDonaldTrump @ApprenticeNBC I can't wait, have never missed a season." Great!! "@TrumpPhillyGM Beautiful sunset last night from the 18th at #trumpnationalphiladelphia. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bk3eZ4tCEAEGNwJ.jpg" Great course! RT @NPCHughes: The @realDonaldTrump and @IvankaTrump will be coming to @PressClubDC on May 27 http://bit.ly/PUNmBR RT @TrumpChicago: Thank you for sharing a great photo! @MiniGator352: Best view ever- THANK YOU! @TrumpChicago http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bk5OwpYCUAA4I05.jpg "@SportsMotto: Winners see problems as just another way to prove themselves. – Donald Trump" "@rexarrowfilms: wow. #donaldtrump just hit 90 million...great moment for #TBT : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74TFS8r_SMI" "@Ja: As I’ve said before, @realDonaldTrump has all of the qualifications necessary to be Real America’s choice for President of the USA!!!" "@GlobalFlare: Negotiation tip #1: The worst thing you can possibly do in a deal is seem desperate to make it. - @realDonaldTrump" "@Lfarotimi: @realDonaldTrump quote "you don't have to be ruthless, you have to be smart." .@KAThomas212 Congratulations on joining the finest and fastest growing group of very talented people in the City. You will be GREAT! Congratulations to @STEPHENATHOME - I will see you on the show! Entrepreneurs, keep this in mind: "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -- Albert Einstein Entrepreneurs, always remember that every business relationship can lead to greater deals in the future. Be sure to cultivate relationships Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson If traveling to the Windy City to celebrate 100th anniversary of Wrigley Field @TrumpChicago is Chicago’s #1 hotel http://bit.ly/UNathh RT @TrumpIntRealty: We are excited to announce the newest addition to our #TIRNYC team, @kathomas212! Welcome to the team!… http://t.co/Ar2… Looking forward to promoting a pro-growth & positive message at this Saturday’s @Citizens_United @AFPhq Freedom Summit in Manchester. Into our first week of filming @ApprenticeNBC, the Celebrities are already turning up the heat. Major fireworks! #TBT On the stage during the Emmys performing "Green Acres" with Megan Mullally http://youtu.be/AiZqFGLAeAc RT @TrumpCollection: Find out more about The Collection's newest property, Trump International Golf Links, Ireland: http://trumpcollection.co/ireland RT @JerryYanks: @realDonaldTrump @NewsRadio967 @Citizens_United @AFPhq Thanks for exposing Bush's stupidity. We need help DJ. Run baby run. "@JEngleLV: @realDonaldTrump had a great stay at #trumplasvegas" Thank you, people love it! "@JEngleLV: @realDonaldTrump the art of the deal changed my life and real estate career. Thank you." Great! "@RabbitR "Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game." - Donald Trump" "@AbbeyAshir: "@thequote: Without passion you don't have energy, without energy you have nothing. - Donald Trump"" "@scottienhughes: @realDonaldTrump It falls second to @ApprenticeNBC in my book & it's not near as competitive! So nice, thank you! "@ODedOnRealityTV I'm not a golf fan at all. I'd say @ApprenticeNBC is one of the greatest shows on Earth. #Apprentice #CelebrityApprentice" "@billywmerritt: @realDonaldTrump I am democrat and I would vote for you. #trump2016" Thank you! Really looking forward to watching The Masters this weekend - one of THE GREATEST SHOWS ON EARTH! "@Mason_Marcucci: You're definitely going to run just admit it. You would wipe the FLOOR with those clueless academics. #realworldsolutions" "@cbreeze65: @realDonaldTrump. The only OB-vious candidate for the right. The Don needs to run! It just makes sense." "@HappyGuy201: I honestly think @realDonaldTrump would fix the mess this country has become." I could and would' "@DurandSentinus @TeddiLocke I would vote for you because you believe in and love this country like Ronald Reagan & the Founding Fathers did "@MartinDaryn: @realDonaldTrump what I wouldn't give to see you as president. Let's save this sinking ship!" "@Tingmanusa: "@realDonaldTrump: "@EldyCorrea: @realDonaldTrump Yes, go ahead and run for President. We need you so badly!"" Yes we do! "@TeddiLocke: @realDonaldTrump Absolutely! Plz Run! Bring Respect back to the Presidency with integrity & good moral standing!!" "@EldyCorrea: @realDonaldTrump Yes, go ahead and run for President. We need you so badly!" "@KennicotAsks: @realDonaldTrump Of all the fellow celebrities you've met, which do you consider to be the most humble?" ME! "@keithrh: How long do you think the United States will take to recover from our current administration?" A long time, unless I become Pres. "@PhilRamlet: @TrumpDoral I was!!! Our caddy Mateo understands customer service... Please recognize him Mr Trump" Great job Mateo, thanks! "@PhilRamlet: @TrumpDoral @JJcompitGolf just played Blue Monster today. First group off at 8am. Great course!!! Phenomenal service!!!" "@__Mikey__D: @realDonaldTrump Run for President in 2016" "@jsalbertousa: I visited NYC last week and was impressed by all that real estate you have developed in the city. Greetings from Miami." RT @LoyolaLaw: What an amazing view of @TrumpChicago from the Water Tower Campus @LoyolaChicago! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BkztwXVCQAAH7-z.jpg "@kirkcameronfan @realDonaldTrump @Ddouble_J Mr Trump, what book should we read second?" Never Give Up -- examples of tenacity. "@AFCAllaeldein @realDonaldTrump just finished Think Like a Billionaire - again.. brilliant" Thanks. RT @TrumpCollection: #WeddingWednesday Have your ceremony in the most iconic location in New York - Central Park: http://trumpcollection.co/nywedding "@RedRoof65 I have spread out my son's shots over the past 5 years. He is fully vaccinated and ready for kindergarten in September." Great "@Abspara we've spread out our son's vaccines as well. He's all set and no ahem came because of it." Great. "@ScottVanstory Best President during your lifetime? @realDonaldTrump" Reagan. RT @CMSikorski: @realDonaldTrump Hard work is the greatest equalizer “Talent hits a target no one else can hit. Genius hits a target no one else can see.” – Arthur Schopenhauer "@EmilioMasella @realDonaldTrump the more I keep reading the more respect I gain for you" Thanks "@vanillasicks The Blue Monster is a hella kick ass golf course tho! @realDonaldTrump #mentor" Thanks. My @NewsRadio967 interview re Jeb Bush's absurd immigration comment & @Citizens_United @AFPhq Freedom Summit. http://bit.ly/1mXQ8nq Looking forward to speaking at Saturday's @Citizens_United @AFPhq Freedom Summit in Manchester. Second visit to New Hampshire this year. "@Steveleno80 The Art of the Deal was the 1st book I read of yours and it was n still is a great read. All of ur books r great reads" Thanks "@jnicoletti15 even my little one is loving our stay at Trump National Doral Miami. Fabulous Resort! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bkv0rmUCUAA4OF5.jpg" Thanks. So many people don’t understand I am a big proponent of vaccines for children—just not in one massive dose—spread them out over time. .@garyplayer you were great on @MikeAndMike this morning—& the Gary Player Villa at @TrumpDoral is a hot ticket. "@laurence_hasson Heading to Toronto for for a stay at the Trump. I expect it will blow my mind." Great--enjoy! @TrumpToronto "@Ddouble_J @realDonaldTrump Mr Trump what book of yours do you think I should read first?" My first book, The Art of the Deal. RT @ChooseChicago: @anandpatel76 Good morning! Great sunny pic. See @TrumpChicago peeking through. :) #ipw14 #mychicagopix RT @alphaMOMster: Thanks for be being brave enough to say the truth. Vaccines can and do lead to autism. MMR caused my sons "autism". @real… RT @TrumpDoral: Don't you wish you were here today? #BlueMonster http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BkxxjmsIEAA0vDj.jpg RT @TrumpDoral: Beautiful! RT @JJcompitGolf: 18 Blue Monster @TrumpDoral @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bkx-euSIEAAISXv.jpg "@DenizTweets @realDonaldTrump 16 and finished all your books. Awesome." Great--good luck! The Blue Monster at Trump National Doral in Miami is doing record business - everybody wants a piece of it. Great reviews. Thank you! "@lamodaya: In life you don´t get what you want, you get what you negotiate: Donald Trump" "@DanScavino: here it is with @realDonaldTrump @BillClinton #Arnie & myself - in the blue of course! @TrumpGolf NY! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BkvaOBGIIAA9LOH.jpg" .@bcuban How much money did your dopey brother pay you to say that - he's got no clubbed speed, but give him my warmest regards anyway! .@mcuban says he is a member of Dallas National but doesn’t play golf. Who is a member of a golf club that doesn’t play?? No talent! @TMZ Saw @mcuban try to hit a ball in Lake Tahoe while I played in tournament- he’s got no talent or strength!!!! @TMZ "@rtracingstables: Donald, you epitomize what America was and I hope will be again. Hard work and determination equals success." Thank you! "@rossdstarkey: Good luck to everyone playing the @SMOpen this week, watch out for @realDonaldTrump at Doonbeg http://letstalkgolf.co.uk/2014/02/14/what-can-doonbeg-golf-club-expect-with-trump-on-board/"THANKS @kimkotter Kim, keep up the great work - you are really doing well! It's 4.35 a.m. and I am working on a very exciting (and hopefully very good) deal - a major resort. THE HARDER I WORK, THE LUCKIER I GET! "@ikiibrahim: @realDonaldTrump - the Donald has done great all over!!!!!" Thank you! "@GolfSwingShirt Head Pro @ Trump LA, waiters,valet parkers,and complete staff and grounds crew all R class acts..better than Pebble BCH !" "@ikiibrahim: @realDonaldTrump - the Donald has done great all over!!!!!" Thanks. "@GolfSwingShirt @BilldaBeastII Team Golf Swing Shirt just played at Trump LA with Padraig Harrington -great conditions & a beautiful course "@BilldaBeastII: @realDonaldTrump you done good in L.A. They need to play a PGA tourney here... for real! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bkp8h5oCMAACMkT.jpg" Thanks! Launching the Trump Home by Dorya Furniture Collection today. It looks amazing! @HPMARKETNEWS @DoryaInteriors http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BkpMDaFCUAAUoZs.jpg "@tiffanypearls: @realDonaldTrump I want to work on The Donald's campaign. He is the only candidate worth the energy. #trump2016" "@brucetobin: @realDonaldTrump Hello Mr.Trump If you were to run for president to show these clowns how it's done you already have my vote" "@InTheElections: @realDonaldTrump @racrboi90 Problem is so many of our leaders aren't really leaders.Help us Mr. Trump before it's too late "@HighlifeLondon: @realdonaldtrump, our meembers have voted Trump International Golf Links as one of the best courses in the world! "@mike_carrion99: @realDonaldTrump Do the U.S. a favor and run for Pres.2016! We need a REAL leader who wont put up w/ shit." Nicely said! Will be on Fox & Friends at 7.00 this morning - ENJOY! "@MikeHemenway: Common sense, guts, smarts, proven leader! @realDonaldTrump what this country needs for president! Retweet if you agree "@oversplayer: @realDonaldTrump “Hollywood has unfortunately become a memory. It's nothing but a sign on the side of a hill.” Mickey Rooney "@jplw70: @realDonaldTrump @Lexi So happy for her too, she played super!" She is a great player and a great person! @XenaHer1 Thanks Xena! "@RyanJKren22: If you haven't read The Art of the Deal by @realDonaldTrump, you're REALLY missing out. #LikeABoss #BusinessAdvice" Great. "@chriswerner1988: @realDonaldTrump Excellent taste in Trump Wine. I love Trump red & white!" Thanks. .@Lexi Great job in winning your first of many "majors". We are proud of you at Trump International. Work hard - be an all time great! "@JoshHodgkinsonn: No WrestleMania will ever top 23. Donald Trump Vs. Vince McMahon." You are right, it has the all-time record! "@LUTHERVII: @realDonaldTrump do you think Bush Jr. was a good President?" No, not even close! "@Bigonbeets: @realDonaldTrump If you could do anything to change the world for the better, what would you do?" Fire Obama! "@racrboi90: @realDonaldTrump What influenced you to go into politics?" It will be the total incompetence of politicians and our "leaders"! "@mgmacdon: @realDonaldTrump if they had to say yes, who would your first pick to be on the celebrity apprentice?" The Pope! "@_blakecox: @realDonaldTrump mac miller pay you yet??" 90 million hits and no payment yet, but he's been dead since Donald T! "@DannyZuker: I may disagree with much of what @realDonaldTrump says, but that doesn't mean I think he's a terrible person. Somewhat nice! "@lagooner111 @TrumpWaikiki pure #luxury! #trump does it the best! 1st class service & I've only been here 30min. Staff is amazing!" Thanks. Haters and losers say I wear a wig (I don't), say I went bankrupt (I didn't), say I'm worth $3.9 billion (much more). They know the truth! "@LickNenahan: why isnt @realDonaldTrump our president. our countries financial stability would be so much more secure." Very true! "@Chris_Stocker: Love taking a drive up A1A and seeing that beautiful Red, White and Blue huge flag blowing in the yard of @realDonaldTrump" Major League Baseball was really smart when they wouldn't let Mark Cuban buy a team. Was it his financials or the fact that he's an asshole? For China, of all nations, to search the massive Indian Ocean and pick up the ping from the black box of flight 370 sounds a bit far fetched @katwatson59 Thanks Kat! "@dchamp5810: @realDonaldTrump @indigoblue65 You are the greatest and You can make this nation #1 in the world just as it once was...." "@lewisbetesh: @realDonaldTrump @CMHollon Mr. Trump, look into buying the mets from the wilpons. They are failing nyc" Very sad! "@CMHollon: @MCuban being rejected by #MLB (Bud Selig) is a good thing http://tmz.me/1q3pbvH" A good decision! "@RivalofElmBlock: @TMZ mark cuban is a nut. way less powerful than Donald Trump" I agree - also, in many ways, a total loser! "@DenZen: Successful people work their asses off to make it, only to be punished by heavy taxes which are then squandered recklessly." "@DenZen: @realDonaldTrump I love your passion & boundless energy. It's fantastic just how tireless u are in your quest for an ideal America "@ndumisozungu22: @realDonaldTrump The only human i would trust to be president" Thanks! "@not_that_actor: I've been cheering u on for many moons. But I'm afraid YOU don't have the passion to ACTUALLY run in '16" We'll see. "@dchamp5810: @realDonaldTrump @indigoblue65 you got my vote Mr. Trump...." Great! "@khaleejideal: @realDonaldTrump u r my role model since i was 18. Now im 22 and working on launching my own company bcz of ur inspiration. "@PbrunnerRr: @realDonaldTrump You should go to Wrestle Manina. Its Good for business. Us Fans want you as President" "@GodFocker: @realDonaldTrump please run for president, you're the best we've got and i will vote for you in 2016." "@Prayformetoo: @realDonaldTrump Donald you should be President, with Bill O'Reilly as Vice P. You would both fight for the abused kids. "@oldschoolRUSH:Mr T, U should replace Dave! You are Funny, Clever, Smart, Handsome,Charismatic, Insightful,Successful..Like He Has A Twin!" "@thequote: Without passion you don't have energy, without energy you have nothing. - Donald Trump" "@nikkio: 6 BILLION $'s goes missing from State dept -Where's the outrage? If u were Prez- they'd find it fast http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/Articles/2014/04/04/6-Billion-Goes-Missing-State-Department" "@TristacksEff: @realDonaldTrump would bring us back from this mess @BarackObama put us in. #RunForPresident #2016" True! "@indigoblue65: @realDonaldTrump Ummm...I like the sound of President Trump!?!?!" Thank you! "@FrankyGarbaggio: @realDonaldTrump you are the man plain and simple." Thank you, very nice. "@mnm769: @realDonaldTrump @JHKING17 why don't u do it Donald trump" Just watch! "@JHKING17: @realDonaldTrump please do our nation a favor and run for president!! #trump2016" Somebody good better do that, and fast! "@bluestar4fan: @realDonaldTrump @CNN Been a long time since CNN was great. Could learn lessons in greatness from you and FOX News." True! "@PatsSoxFan71: @realDonaldTrump @AndrewKirell if you hosted the late show you couldn't run for president. #trump2016" That is true! "@BeBeSXM: @realDonaldTrump I cross the whitestone bridge regularly...it went from a dump to a masterpeice...God Bless All You Do !" Thanks I hate what has happened to the once great @CNN. "@CakeItEasy: @realDonaldTrump can't wait for the golf course at ferry point in the Bronx to open! Excited" It will be great! "@AndrewKirell: Hey @realDonaldTrump do you think Les Moonves will give you the Late Show? I would get the best ratings of all! "@pnerrad: @realDonaldTrump they've spent the last three weeks updating us about not finding a plane, Donald" "@elkaneh: @realDonaldTrump @CNN @smerconish was just thinking that! What a boring show! Snooze fest!" I can't believe that @CNN would waste time and money with @smerconish - he has got nothing going. Jeff Zucker must be losing his touch! "@Hafizzuddin_MYU: Go for the next President of USA @realDonaldTrump ... Lets see the impact for the world ... Great man for great world! "@graciesavy: @HoustonGunn the next Donald Trump! Still marveling at your accomplishments, keep up the good work :)" Thank you. "@BradANGSA: @sonnset2 @ForQ2 @realDonaldTrump @GreaseWeezer Obama would not have won election if he told truth about Obama-Care.." "@Humbert_Tesla: In bed with Donald ;-) Great quality cc @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BkSfT5fIIAA2BjI.jpg" Thanks - from Sorta! RT @TrumpSoHo: Our #GuestPhotooftheWeek comes from @audreyfoto http://ow.ly/vrKtF, showcasing blue skies over Manhattan. "There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing."– Aristotle RT @TrumpGolfLA: Have you made plans for your Easter Sunday yet? Our Award-Winning Sunday Brunch is the best way to celebrate your... http:… "@moss92g Mr. Trump, your children convinced me you R a class act, standing with the folks in Albany was icing on the cake. Thank You!" Thx "@BigBro14 @realDonaldTrump Just booked my trip to Trump Intnl Golf Links in Aug So excited to play the Best" Have fun! "@Vesparum @realDonaldTrump another great evening at MacLeod House" Thank you. .@Neilyoung- one of my favorite musicians- in my office. http://instagram.com/p/mYIm5OGhfw/ RT @DanScavino: .@realDonaldTrump | @Letterman shot from a show I went 2a few years ago in New York! A Friday #TBT! #TGIF #Letterman http:/… "@__HotDawgs @realDonaldTrump hey can we get a shout out for a start up company in our Entrepreneurship class" Work hard and good luck! RT @HoustonGunn: @realDonaldTrump Be open to new ideas & being a student is great advice! Now take action with what you have learned & and … "@andzi11 @realDonaldTrump Watching the Celebrity Apprentice love it. Truly my favorite show #boladagur #gottaloveit" Thanks "@Cfwaye @realDonaldTrump you know what is great about you. You didn't just chase a dream, you envisioned one." Thank you. "@danieljshaw @realDonaldTrump @Letterman was always funny watching you two banter! That will be missed!" I agree! .@Andre_Reed83 Thanks for your nice words. You are a real champion. I’m pushing! "@renee41961 @realDonaldTrump I like the Donald becuz he is not afraid to speak the truth no matter what it is! #therealdeal" Thank you. "Never let the fear of striking out get in your way." -- Babe Ruth RT @autism_no_more: Not saying I'm ANTI VACCINE. They shouldn't be one size fits ALL.My son regressed after #MMR &his eyes changed @jrebell… RT @autism_no_more: @TaylorM8888 My son was FINE b4 his #MMR. There just needs to b change in the way they're given. #NotOneSizeFitsAll @re… I can't believe David Letterman has announced his retirement--he is a great guy! @Letterman RT @TrumpCollection: .@TrumpLasVegas encourages you to live life to the fullest with their Sun & Spa Special: http://trumpcollection.co/sunandspa Ask yourself: "What can I learn today that I didn't know before?" Always be a student, always be open to new ideas. RT @JenSwanCollins: @realDonaldTrump Prove your critics wrong. Vaccines do cause autism! Come be KeyNoteSpeaker @AutismOne. Reach 100,000 b… "@1tannedman @realDonaldTrump I have about 40 of ur ties wouldn't wear anything else" You have great taste, thanks. "@LilCheezWiz @realDonaldTrump Thank you for standing with us in Albany" My honor! "@ZacKing30 The Trumps are my favorite public figures. Hands down! @IvankaTrump @realDonaldTrump" Thank you! RT @autism_no_more: @realDonaldTrump Never thought I'd agree w/u but Ur right about vaccines.Should NOT b1size fits all.My son was FINE b4 … "@lisagoetz Whether it's the real him or not...The Donald is full of wise words!! #listenup #lovethatguy #businessmind" It is! "@MateoHielo please buy @buffalobills Upstate NY would love to have you be the owner of our Franchise #prayersforJK" Thank you. "If Trump became president he would do an amazing job; if Obama took over Celebrity Apprentice, he'd fail." What's your opinion? I agree! "Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance."-- Samuel Johnson I hear the very ungrateful @ArsenioHall has a show that is absolutely dying in the ratings. Really too bad! RT @gogobot: @TrumpChicago our users love you! Congrats on your Most Luxurious Hotels 2013 win! http://ow.ly/vkwqY "@evneleven: @realDonaldTrump for President! Your the only one who knows how to run this country #TrumpforPres #success #awesomeness" RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Rendering of our Trump Towers Pune project, soon to be the most prestigious & luxurious building in India http://t.co/h… RT @PatrickMcMullan: @realDonaldTrump & @IvankaTrump at @NewYorkObserver's New Look - congrats @IvankaTrump on @BornFreeAfrica :) http://t.… RT @MarkDoster: @IvankaTrump @realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @EricTrump - they are hard at work selling in #Dubai! Great place! http://t.c… Entrepreneurs: Watching you could be the motivation for your employees.Make it an example that will best serve the success of your business. Entrepreneurs: Pay attention to details. If you don’t know everything about what you’re doing, you'll be in for some big surprises. Entrepreneurs: Be cautiously optimistic. Call it positive thinking with a lot of reality checks. Visit the highly acclaimed Trump International Hotel & Tower Chicago and its exceptional 'Sixteen' restaurant http://bit.ly/1oqqQ32 "If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough." -- Mario Andretti RT @TrumpDoral: From its transformation to its spectacular return - our Blue Monster blog has it all: http://ow.ly/v7W2O "@LoganWeiler11: @realDonaldTrump I am wearing a trump tie today. It is, by far, my favorite tie." Great - at Macy's! "@DragonForce_One: @realDonaldTrump Chicago had the coldest four months since 1872 (Dec 1st to Mar 31st). Avg temp was 22F" RT @mvill17: i would vote for @realDonaldTrump for office in an absolute heartbeat. hes what this country needs. brains, bills, and balls. … "@A_Buon I remember many years ago I hated @realDonaldTrump because the media told me to. I now know he's a true American" Thanks. "@TpGraf82 @realDonaldTrump I'm training my employees today wearing a #trumpcollection #tie #shirt feeling good and powerful!" Great! RT @dozin11: @realDonaldTrump Was in Washington this past weekend and saw the building you are going to rehab into a hotel Great Spot!!!! RT @Duchess_Woody: @TrumpLasVegas loved my recent stay. Your staff are incredible!! Here's my #FaveTrumpPic http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BkGXKZmIcAALZO0.jpg Today in history WrestleMania 23: I shave @VinceMcMahon's hair--highest rated show in WWE history @WrestleFact http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BkKGAFdCUAAFX68.jpg RT @TrumpWaikiki: Diamond Head Penthouse Suite dining area at #TrumpWaikiki http://instagram.com/p/mQfrfplKtd/ "People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing."-- Andrew Carnegie "Discovery breeds discovery, as in success breeds success. Questions are thoughts with a quest." -- Think Like a Champion The signature restaurant of @TrumpNewYork, @jeangeorges is both a Forbes Five-Star & AAA Five-Diamond restaurant http://bit.ly/1jwjkiu Yesterday in front of Rockefeller Center http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BkJQbUoCMAEUbg8.png "@Tyler4rmwc You would make a great President. If anyone can get us out of debt, it's you sir. Everything you touch turns to gold." Thanks "@MartinJajou Thanks for being a great role model, it actually motivates me for greatness" Terrific! "@DonNadeau Thank you so much for supporting a larger Galaxy-like iPhone screen. Even with glasses, current one strains. #Apple" True. "@AJFrugoli Thank you for building a beautiful hotel in Vegas that I don't have to cover my children's eyes (or my eyes) when we enter" Thx "@tmoulton @realDonaldTrump Staying at your Vegas tower. Very nice!" Thank you. @TrumpLasVegas "@MonergyTheBook @TrumpPanama In spite of the hype it is a great hotel; I was there when it opened a few years ago." Thanks. "@peterienhio @realDonaldTrump nice clock outside the Aberdeenshire golf course! #verysmart" Thank you. "@tmoulton @realDonaldTrump Staying at your Vegas tower. Very nice!" Thanks. @TrumpLasVegas In New York, March was the coldest month in recorded history - we could use some GLOBAL WARMING! "@harvey_handy: @realDonaldTrump if POTUS what would you do with Russia right now?" All I can say is that they would respect the U.S. "@shaneandstamp: @realDonaldTrump your a respected businessman. Why do you deny peoples knowledge about climate change. You mean GLOBAL W "@GuyEndoreKaiser: @realDonaldTrump I've read Art of the Deal a dozen times! Only you can fix this country!" That is perhaps true! "@gretawire: A GIANT THANK YOU TO ALL THE ON THE RECORD VIEWERS at 7pm — you are THE REASON we remain #1 at 7pm! Great going Greta. "@TimNaples: @realDonaldTrump @AlexSalmond @AberdeenCC @AberdeenshireCC Wind energy is a destructive force for wildlife." True! "@sowinski_house: @realDonaldTrump Donald Trump for president!" A very wise choice, thanks! RT @Ohits_You: @realDonaldTrump Wind Mills kill birds, and the landscape looks like Hell,driving into Palm Springs..and no savings on elect… "@KanStalwart3 @AlexSalmond @AberdeenCC @Aberdeenshire Truth look to Southern California ugly white poles with bird killing fans" "@DrewHutch13 w/ you on those windmills my man!! Waste of $$$, time and other resources." @AlexSalmond @AberdeenCC Noisy windfarm driving community crazy! http://bit.ly/1mFSx66 @AlexSalmond @AberdeenCC @AberdeenshireCC Because of President Obama's failed leadership, we have put Vladimir Putin & Russia back on the world stage! --No reason for this. RT @TrumpCollection: Life is extra "suite" with views like these. http://trumpcollection.co/waikikisuites http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BkE6aujIcAEIlqc.jpg "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson "@xadusx @realDonaldTrump @SamJabbo or "Never give up" they're all my favorite though, read them all!" Thanks--good luck! RT @TrumpPanama: Choose luxury, style and elegance in Panama City - stay with us. http://ow.ly/v8UtO RT @Grammat301: @realDonaldTrump Read your piece on FB. Do you realize how much you're NEEDED in office?!!! Pleeeeeze run! "@dalasner @realDonaldTrump Love to see you one on one with Bill Maher without his morons in his audience." He would have no chance! "@DrewMadeOFF RT @realDonaldTrump RT @tx_shaun its #true, he didn't get his show until after he won the @ApprenticeNBC" True! "@DrewMadeOFF RT @realDonaldTrump RT @AlexArancio @ArsenioHall It's why he failed originally and will fail again" It's called disloyal! "@_MarcoGenovese @realDonaldTrump never give up! That's how you make it happen." True! RT @mdamelincourt: @TrumpToronto is the only hotel in #Canada rated 5 star by @ForbesInspector and #1 on @TripAdvisor #luxury Sorry, couldn't do @foxandfriends this morning--big meeting. Will double up next week at 7. "@TheTrueAnthony: Sunday nights this Spring just aren't the same without @ApprenticeNBC. How much longer? Shooting now, on in the FALL. .@MagicJohnson Good luck with the Dodgers this season, if they were like you they would never lose a game! .@genesimmons Keep up the great work and congrats - we are proud of you! "@tripletluv11: @realDonaldTrump @pwnza I think you would make a great kick butt President!!" "@betsyscribeindc: @realDonaldTrump Begging you to run for President. You must save this country. You're the one who can do it." TRUE! "@thisismendim: @realDonaldTrump i read your book 'Think Like a Champion'. I'm impressed.. It motivated me very much. Thank you. "@Kramersfarm: You are spot on with your opinion on vaccinations. Big pharma and big Ag control a lot of misinformation. Great job." "@OnlyAnnieHorton: @realDonaldTrump @larksnestartist @MagnaSearchGRP Please keep fighting. Three in one is a cheap but dangerous solution." "@larksnestartist @MagnaSearchGRP As a pediatrician I have fought multiple vaccine doses in children for years. Thank you for your efforts." @MagnaSearchGRP Your new TRUMP tower in Vancouver looks fantastic. I'm gonna pick up a unit. Just can't say no to 5-star living #motivation" "@ell7654321: @realDonaldTrump If u run for president u have my vote" Remember that! "@BlueyesBeauty: If @realDonaldTrump ran for president I would actually go vote for once! #weneedchange #trumpforpresident" Thanks. "@CarltonCountry: @johnrich Do u have any idea when the new season of #CelebrityApprentice will be on?" In the FALL - shooting now! "@kenzoeblair: If @realDonaldTrump retweeted me... I'd prob cry. Your tweets make my day." Don't cry! "@Pavlo_Rodriguez: @realDonaldTrump your books inspire me, thanks" Great. "@DanScavino: WHAT DONALD TRUMP DID TO BRING BACK ARSENIO HALL AFTER The @ApprenticeNBC on @NBC http://www.janetcharltonshollywood.com/what-donald-trump-did-for-arsenio-hall/ @ @ArsenioHall" TRUE "@oates_tom: @realDonaldTrump I think if you run you'll get a lot of people that wouldn't normally vote.....vote for you" Thank you. "@SamJabbo: @realDonaldTrump #Trump2016 or I'm moving out of the U.S" You sound very smart! "@diverojalv: @realDonaldTrump @chrispilz my only concern w/Trump running for prez is that he could only serve two terms!" Very cute! "@Winger23: Obamacare has ruined healthcare. Everyone I know is having a hard time paying their new plans. It costs too much!" "@chrispilz: @realDonaldTrump Would you consider running for pres in 2016?" That absolutely could happen. Our country needs help fast! "@pwnza: @realDonaldTrump why aren't you president yet?" A very good question! "@wmdavid66: @realDonaldTrump @ArsenioHall It is without a doubt true. Arsenio was a has been that people barely remembered. "@johnrich: One thing about @realDonaldTrump he never sugar coats anything...I'm SURE @Arseniohall is appreciative, as am I." Thanks John! "@DanScavino: .@realDonaldTrump ~ I WAS THERE when @ArsenioHall said that. More then once by the way. Just saying, it is #FACT #TRUE!" "@tx_shaun: @realDonaldTrump its true, he didn't get his show until after he won the apprentice" "@AlexArancio: @ArsenioHall doesn't mention Apprentice because his ego won't let him. It's why he failed originally and will fail again" "@TarrKoziara: @realDonaldTrump @ArsenioHall The Apprentice has started and revived a lot of people's careers." Very true! .@ArsenioHall - How quickly people forget, but not me! You told me that without The Apprentice you could never have gotten your show - Sad! .@ArsenioHall - The only thing you don't mention in the nice Esquire piece about you is The Apprentice, without which you would be nowhere! @PrincessDaytura @realDonaldTrump for president - it's reality, he is reality and he is the ONLY one capable of making the necessary changes To all haters and losers: I am NOT anti-vaccine, but I am against shooting massive doses into tiny children. Spread shots out over time. To all young (and old) entrepreneurs: Believe in yourself, talk yourself up! Energize yourself and you'll energize others. RT @Locasio72: @realDonaldTrump Thank you Sir for passing along this unpopular truth. I know it's true because it happened to my child. The… RT @PatrickD025: @realDonaldTrump MMR they shouldn't give those three together. RT @ReallyRAFord: @realDonaldTrump really good advise. I live by this philosophy as well "@HrvstFoundation @realDonaldTrump @SamJabbo The Art of the Deal gets my vote. It changed the way I do business." Great! "@realMikePalumbo Walked in Trump Tower for the first time this week.. Gorgeous (as all your work). Love the Trump experience" Thank you. Entrepreneurs: Believe in yourself. If you don’t, no one else will either. Realize that becoming an entrepreneur is not a group effort. Entrepreneurs: Another question to ask yourself—“What am I pretending not to see?” There may be great opportunities right around you. For Entrepreneurs: A good question to ask yourself –“What can I provide that does not yet exist?” "@SamJabbo @realDonaldTrump i haven't read any of your books yet, which one should i start with?" The Art of the Deal is a good start. "Inspiration exists, but it has to find us working." -- Pablo Picasso RT @TrumpCollection: While at @TrumpDoral, a visit to The Spa is a must. Browse their spa offerings here: http://trumpcollection.co/doralspamenu SSE slashes offshore wind investment—wants British government to pay for its losses on these monstrosities http://bit.ly/1myq7uE RT @digitalpadawan: @realDonaldTrump we don't lose anything. Drug companies lose $ because of increased manufacturing cost . All abou… RT @killacam_9: Lovin @realDonaldTrump tweets about autism keep them up RT @ebayluckyterror: @realDonaldTrump not sure if there's a link, but my autistic son was vaccinated and my other two (non autistic) were n… RT @Grammy8: @realDonaldTrump I agree. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.: Why take a chance? RT @RodriguezAJ100: @realDonaldTrump The pharmaceutical companies have Billions of $$$ to lose. That's about it. RT @TrumpCollection: With our Trump Wellness program, forgetting to pack your workout gear is never a problem: http://trumpcollection.co/well RT @TrumpCollection: Enjoy signature fine dining and Central Park views at @TrumpNewYork's Nougatine: http://trumpcollection.co/nougatine Join @autismspeaks, and light the world blue on 4/2. #LIUB will raise awareness for millions with autism! With autism being way up, what do we have to lose by having doctors give small dose vaccines vs. big pump doses into those tiny bodies? "@koos32 @realDonaldTrump Nice picture Donald. I can see where your great looks come from. Your parents did a great job!" Thanks. "@realjuliemallen indeed she was Mr.T she also looks like she was beautiful person as well Great moms matter they shape who weR" Thank you "@KarenHaywood3 @realDonaldTrump Both your parents were very nice looking. Great photo!" Thank you. "@Steal70 @realDonaldTrump enjoying the Toronto property for my first time. Great service from Shane and Ali." Thank you. @TrumpToronto "@HN_JAD @realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr your Trump Hotel in #Vegas is spectacular. Amazing strip views." Thank you. Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases! "@GOBNaseem: Do you think your book from 2004, "How to get rich" can still be a gateway to financial success in today's day of age?" YES! "@CherylMossTyler: @realDonaldTrump thank you for stand on child vaccinations. 35yr ago 1 child in 3 counties. Now 3 classes in some schools "@menabazz_: @realDonaldTrump You inspire me." Thanks "@saladgyrl: @RockChalkSpence Someone I know has a child who had a seizure within minutes of a shot in Dr's office, was autistic after." "@GiorgiMassimo:3 words to keep in mind every day for getting rich! You're the best business man, your tips are precious! Thanks in advance" Coach W to his basketball players - BE QUICK BUT DON'T HURRY! "@Bossman140: @realDonaldTrump the most brilliant observation you have ever made. Parents should take your advice" If I were President I would push for proper vaccinations but would not allow one time massive shots that a small child cannot take - AUTISM. "@ctsa: @realDonaldTrump when I was a kid, there were 8. Now they give upwards of 31-40. It's an assault on the immune system." Autism WAY UP - I believe in vaccinations but not massive, all at once, shots. Too much for small child to handle. Govt. should stop NOW! "@rtesta: Please run for President and announce it in NH! We need someone that can turn this country around from the ground up!" True! "@Shaughnessy89: @realDonaldTrump IS THE MAN!! Give us a shoutout for your friends in Ireland Donald! "@oben02: Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game. @realDonaldTrump "@william76960376: @realDonaldTrump you are truly the greatest person Alive!!!! #your #awesome" Wow, thanks! "@HorneUltimatum: @speednviolence @realDonaldTrump actually not a rich boy school, NYMA gives a lot of opportunity to inner city youth!" "@Zigmanfreud: Please thank @realDonaldTrump for his cool note to me supportive of the "fight for justice" for Joe Paterno. "@CindyCuller2 @realDonaldTrump Love this picture and she was a great beauty! Thanks for the "private" family picture." Thanks. "@Jamie_Lynch1 Playing @realDonaldTrump aberdeen course tommorow heard its amazing soon find out" Enjoy! "@Candynecklace2 wow wow wow!!!!! Your mother was a stunning drop dead gorgeous woman just like @MELANIATRUMP 😘" True! "@WinstonS6079W I'm sure they're very proud of you and what your family has been able to accomplish" They were great! "@eruditetina @realDonaldTrump Your parents must have been wonderful people. Thanks for sharing." They were--thanks. "@HorneUltimatum @realDonaldTrump: is this #nyma ?! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bjws7emCEAEpSyi.jpg" Yes. "@AlexandraCMauro @realDonaldTrump any books you suggest for young entrepreneurs?" Midas Touch is excellent & written for entrepreneurs. "@jamesholt52 @realDonaldTrump we need someone to lead the party strong person behind the man, that is your strength" Thank you. "@SamJabbo Trump you inspire me to be successful everyday." Great--good luck! #TBT For all who have been asking, my mother was a great beauty and a wonderful person. Here we are with my father- http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bjws7emCEAEpSyi.jpg "Edddie24 Mr. Trump is a real American patriot. You have my vote if you ever ran. 👍" Thank you. "seaopdet1 You've given me courage & inspired me to take risks and buy property. We now own 3 rentals & a nice home! Beyond dreams" Great! "@Jipwabba hey man, today is my birthday & I was wondering if I could get a happy birthday from you, I'm a big fan of your work" Happy bday! "@kdharris59 I want someone who is liked by half and considered a SOB by the other half - I bet Mr Trump fits that" Interesting. .@genesimmons is terrific--congratulations on Hall of Fame. "@Bigjohn6531 You were 100% on the mark Donald when you said we should have taken some Iraqi oil ..." True, now Iran has it. "@TheGolfAdvisor Ireland Golf Tourism will give @RealDonaldTrump a warm Irish welcome. the Lodge at Doonbeg: http://bit.ly/1fbmGCz" Thanks "@ArsenioHall Come on DT @realDonaldTrump ... fly in! You must visit stage 6! #arseniohallshow" It will happen--great going. RT @TrumpSoHo: Tickets to the 9/11 Museum are now on sale. The site opens to the public on May 21. Find out details on @CNTraveler http://t… Remember, oftentimes the best deal you make is the deal you don't make! "@KierenAsh @realDonaldTrump Run for Prez Donald!!! You'll be great!! What America needs!!! Save us from this Marxist!!!!" Thank you "@codymangano @realDonaldTrump #Trump2016 we need you" Thank you. "@JaredParker Please run for President, Mr. Trump! The Republican Party desperately needs someone of your qualifications." Listen to my interview with @KathieLGifford at @PodcastOne - http://bit.ly/1lmfMSv "@Gmo7 Finally they're filming the celebrity apprentice! Can't wait for the next season 😁 @realDonaldTrump" Soon! "@kerrkerr73 @realDonaldTrump then run for president! !! Sick of the crap going on in the white house." Thanks. "@meade1214 @realDonaldTrump trump for office!! He's a good man!" I am? "@RickClement It's tough work reading all those speeches from a teleprompter. Real leaders lead. Like you Donald!! Please run !!" Thank you "@Prayformetoo @realDonaldTrump @wesbart53 How long would Obummer last on "The Apprentice" Donald? #theapprentice" No comment. RT @TrishthedisH789: @realDonaldTrump He is inept and lives in an alternate reality. RT @Rinaldi20: @realDonaldTrump He's an absolute moron!! I have no idea how this man is our president. Americans should have no sense of s… "@snudge11 @ScotlandGolf1 I played it yesterday and I have to say it was the best golf course I've ever played." Thank you--so true! RT @jscottcharlton: @realDonaldTrump If Russia is just a "Regional" power then I think it is safe to say that Obama is just a Community Org… "@Theodopolis_ Just left The @realDonaldTrump Building in NYC. - beautiful building and very professional." Thank you. "@koos32 Donald. He was a great iconic leader- hoping you can be one for US in couple years too! #Trump2016" Thank you. "@ScutPls @realDonaldTrump tweets the best quotes. Perfect motivation for an aspiring entrepreneur." Thank you. I will be ON THE RECORD with Greta Van Susteren @gretawire tonight at 7 pm eastern/FOX News Channel "If you're going through hell, keep going." -- Winston Churchill "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." -- Winston Churchill "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." -- Winston Churchill Some great quotes from the legendary and courageous Winston Churchill: "Never, never, never give up." ... RT @alohadownunder: Check out @IntTravellerMag's review on the stunning @TrumpWaikiki. http://bit.ly/1nS9gor RT @TrumpCollection: Sign up to become a TRUMP CARD member to enjoy a unique travel experience, every time you stay with us: http://t.co/qv… If you’ve looked over the years,I’ve been right on virtually every issue from Iraq (not going in but if so taking the oil) to jobs to China By Obama mentioning Manhattan yesterday in his response, he has singlehandedly made it target #1. How totally stupid is this guy? "@wesbart53: Watched his speech yesterday...pathetic. Carter-esque, weak. His delivery is so cautious not to offend, absolutely zero" True! This is the time for the United States to be strengthening all important military components - not rolling over and dealing from weakness! Not good or smart for Obama to be calling Russia a "regional" power or to mention the concept of a nuclear weapon going off in NYC. President Obama looks absolutely exhausted in the Netherlands. He is not a natural leader, was never ment to lead - it is tough work for him "He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else." -- Benjamin Franklin RT @TrumpDoral: The most important figure in the world of golf right now? Read why @SInow says its @realDonaldTrump: http://ow.ly/uXxwz RT @sdillam: @realDonaldTrump: US world standing in worst shape ever http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/Donald-Trump-Obama-Putin-Russia/2014/03/24/id/561299 So what are you going to do about it, run for … Robert Slater, who just passed away, was a terrific writer who wrote a very fair book about me. He will be missed. http://bit.ly/1jDBTPO Getting to the point is appreciated by everyone. Here's some advice for public speaking: "Be sincere; be brief; be seated." F.D. Roosevelt RT @nickwoodhouse: Very impressive @IvankaTrump , everywhere in Dubai http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BjlCqI_CUAEbDW7.jpg RT @TrumpDoral: RT @TrumpCollection: Sunshine and al fresco dining await @TrumpDoral's newly opened Palm Grill. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bjhd_AtCcAAbmUP.jpg RT @TrumpCollection: .@skift ran a wonderful article highlighting the reinvention of the Trump hospitality brand. Read more here: http://t.… "@Marky4792: @realDonaldTrump will you please run for the president United States we really need a swift kick in the ass. "@ritholtz: My understanding is Tim Cook lies awake most nights worrying about what you think about their latest iPhone." True! "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." -- Wayne Gretzky RT @Legend_Hutch: @DonaldJTrumpJr amazing view at trump international today . http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bjg-g78IcAArYnj.jpg RT @TrumpCollection: An Inside Look at Five Hotel Expansions, including the Trump Collection: http://ow.ly/uUH5k via @ForbesInspector I had a great time answering your questions in the latest #AskTheDonald. Watch and see if your question made it in- https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10153956428635725 "@TpGraf82 @realDonaldTrump you tweet a lot of great and motivating things but I'm waiting for the tweet of all tweets "trump2016" Thank you "@jvickersdc Staying at Trump International Resort in Miami. Well done sir. Wish we could stay a couple more days! Great family vaca" Thx "@AngelProRoofing @TrumpDoral I've had the pleasure of staying here with my family talk about exclusive service best resort by far." Thanks. "@jeffraissle @realDonaldTrump When will #CelebrityApprentice be back? I miss TV's best reality show!" Very soon--shooting now! Thank you to @GaryVanSickle & Sports Illustrated @SInow for the really nice piece about me. March 17, 2014 issue http://bit.ly/1psmun7 Obama should stop running down the stairs when getting off Air Force One. Doesn’t look presidential and at some point he will take a fall. I wonder if Apple is upset with me for hounding them to produce a large screen iPhone. I hear they will be doing it soon—long overdue. RT @TrumpDoral: RT @MDS820: Great view of the @TrumpDoral flying into Miami. Nice work @realDonaldTrump! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bjcp4xuIcAA4OsL.jpg RT @TrumpCollection: Follow us on Instagram to enjoy beautiful views of Collection properties wherever you are: http://trumpcollection.co/instagram Obama must now FOCUS, get his mind off "March.Madness", and LEAD! Watch Russia closely, work hard on the economy and get rid of ObamaCare! The situation with Russia is much more dangerous than most people may think - and could lead to World War III. WE NEED GREAT LEADERSHIP FAST We should be building up our military and our missile defense systems to their highest levels ever. Must be very strong to prosper & survive I believe Putin will continue to re-build the Russian Empire. He has zero respect for Obama or the U.S.! Putin has become a big hero in Russia with an all time high popularity. Obama, on the other hand, has fallen to his lowest ever numbers. SAD Great advice from my mother: “Trust in God and be true to yourself.” – Mary MacLeod Trump Great advice from my father: "Know everything you can about what you're doing." -- Fred C. Trump RT @TrumpCollection: A look inside NYC's glam hotels, featuring @TrumpSoHo: http://ow.ly/uPJlb "Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential." -- Winston Churchill RT @TrumpDoral: Amazing photo of the progress of our new Clubhouse - from July 2013 to its completion this month. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BjQepRbCMAA_Pi_.jpg RT @TrumpCollection: Visiting Toronto? Hotel Chatter has 10 splendid reasons for choosing @TrumpToronto: http://trumpcollection.co/toronto10 President Obama, be cool, be smart, be sharp and FOCUS (no more March Madness), and you can beat Putin at his own game. IT CAN BE DONE! While Putin is scheming and beaming on how to take over the World, President Obama is watching March Madness (basketball)! I don't hate Obama at all, I just think he is an absolutely terrible president, maybe the worst in our history! We're spending a fortune looking for the lost plane with mostly Chinese passengers, and that's OK-but how much are Russia & China spending? President Obama was able to fool the Americans by getting elected, but not able to fool Vladimir Putin. Too bad for us! "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." -- Henry Ford RT @TrumpDoral: The @PGATOUR sat down with Rickie Fowler at the newly opened BLT Prime during the @CadillacChamp. Watch here: http://t.co/p… "Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out." -- John Wooden RT @trdny: Two of @realDonaldTrump's Trump Park Avenue apartments topped NYC's priciest rental deals this past year http://trdny.com/1cscX9X RT @TrumpCollection: The first day of #spring is always a pleasant reminder of the beautiful views we'll soon be able to enjoy. http://t.co… We are excited to announce Trump Estates at Akoya by DAMAC, luxury villas situated byTrump Int’l Golf Links Dubai http://bit.ly/1fDmbAj "@CheezitsCat: .@realDonaldTrump what is ur favorite plane?" Boeing 757 and Citation X. Looks like plane may have been found in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Australia. Lithium ion batteries should not be allowed to be used in aircraft. I won't fly on the Boeing 787 Dreamliner - it uses those batteries. Plane was carrying those terrible lithium ion batteries, which are highly combustible, as cargo. Fire could have started in cockpit. "@Chris_LaPenta: @realDonaldTrump That's why we need you in 2016." "@BrownsMakeMeUgh: It's very important that he fills out his March Madness bracket on SportsCenter while Putin takes over eastern Europe" "@NoMoMartychenko: I love @realDonaldTrump!" Great! "@emilyfashion16: @realDonaldTrump Then you should run for president! I know you could turn this country around." I definitely could (fast) "@B2Tac: @realDonaldTrump they also kill thousands of birds here in CA." @AlexSalmond "@johnyc46: @realDonaldTrump @AlexSalmond Windmills in western NY State are a complete eyesore. Beautiful views ruined by propellers." "@MaxKnoblauch: Im voting for @realDonaldTrump to b president of the WORLD n clean up this mess were in!!!" And we are truly in a mess! It's almost like the United States has no President - we are a rudderless ship heading for a major disaster. Good luck everyone! .@AlexSalmond, Wind turbines are ripping your country apart and killing tourism.Electric bills in Scotland are skyrocketing-stop the madness "@SecularBobby: @realDonaldTrump hey. You are so cool and I'm voting for you in 2016" Very nice! "@TheTomBurkeShow:@AlexSalmond This what we really want in Aberdeen? Wind turbines are destructive to tourism etc. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BjCFmXoCMAAWqrh.jpg Head on over to my Facebook page to have your questions answered in the next #AskTheDonald- http://on.fb.me/1ihQVeK @DanScavino @APinv @TrumpGolf @billclinton @APHospital Thanks Dan RT @DanScavino: @APinv here it is @realDonaldTrump's #Westchester @TrumpGolf @BillClinton & Mr. Palmer Par 3 ~ 13th hole! @APHospital http:… Re Negotiation: Know what you want & think about what the other side wants. Know where they’re coming from & do not underestimate them. The Donald J. Trump Signature Collection's new line is out @Macys --ties, shirts, accessories -- great & going fast! http://Macys.com Business is an art in itself & powerful negotiation skills are one of the techniques necessary to facilitate success.- Think Like a Champion RT @TrumpNewYork: Received our @AAA_Travel award: #FiveDiamond hotel & #FiveDiamond restaurant @Jean_GeorgesNYC in #NYC @GMatTRUMPNY http:/… "Entrepreneurs who develop their Midas Touch do not work for money. They work to create or acquire assets. Focus on assets." -- Midas Touch RT @TrumpDoral: Take an inside look at the new Gary Player Villa: http://ow.ly/uL0vd RT @TrumpCollection: Enjoy a completely customized stay based on your personal preferences as a TRUMP CARD member: http://trumpcollection.co/trumpcard "@TeaPartyThad @realDonaldTrump man DJ! You are such an inspiration brother. Thanks for being you!" Thank you. "@FrontRowBrian You also hosted the greatest MMA event of all time... #WRESTLEMANIA... TWICE!!! You are a great American sir." Thanks. "@kunle_jimber @realDonaldTrump I just got one of your "Ties" such a nice brand." Great! Thx " @MissyCombs38 Please stop renovating/creating golf courses. We need you to renovate the White House! #trumpforpresident" Cute! "@bllheaded Finally read The Art of the Deal. Outstanding book and applies to every facet of life #thinkbig" Thanks RT @TrumpDoral: Great before and after of our new lobby. Didn't it turn out spectacular? http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BjGWHJKCMAEcCbH.jpg "It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer." -- Albert Einstein "@keegster51: @realDonaldTrump you are a true role model of success. Thank you for being my inspiration #Trump2016" Thank you. "@alex_lestari: "The best investment I made, is the one I didn't make" (Donald Trump) #APC" Can be very true! RT @TrumpCollection: Extreme Wellness: Luxury Hotels Now Offering Health Perks: http://ow.ly/uIGA8 via @DETAILS #TrumpWellness RT @TrumpSoHo: Business can be fun for kids at our interactive YES event w/ @YoungBizUSA on Saturday. See details here & RSVP today. http:/… RT @TrumpDoral: What could be better than a day on one of Doral's championship courses? Book your tee time online today: http://t.co/mDQMOr… "@allanschwartz1 @realDonaldTrump AND YOU LOVE WHAT YOU DO.. RUN FOR PRESIDENT. YOU WILL LOVE IT" Interesting! "@ManhattanViking @realDonaldTrump I work in Manhattan. Mr. Trump was the first to turn this city around. I remember 42nd Street!" Thanks. "@70sBaseball A great sports fan & business man! DT & his son w/George & Billy during Spring Training http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BjBlbGUCIAARwlo.png" Good memories! Is this what we really want in Aberdeen? Wind turbines are destructive to tourism etc. @AlexSalmond @AberdeenCC http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BjCFmXoCMAAWqrh.jpg "Get to the essence immediately. Learn to economize. People appreciate brevity in today's world." -- Think Like a Champion RT @TrumpCollection: An intimate ceremony or grand soiree? Trump Hotels have the perfect venues for your day: http://trumpcollection.co/weddings "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." – Steve Jobs RT @TrumpDoral: #TransformationTuesday Wonderful before and after of The Royal Palm Pool: http://ow.ly/uHVnG http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BjBExnKCAAEwFTP.jpg President Obama could totally solve the problem with Putin by demanding that Russia sign on to ObamaCare, thereby destroying their economy! "@LanceJunkin: @realDonaldTrump Why is the US 37th in Healthcare on the global scale and what can we do to improve?" SMART LEADERSHIP! "@SDM_TTG: @realDonaldTrump for president 2016!!!! Economic genius is what we need !!!!!!" "@TroyMeaz: @realDonaldTrump You need to become president before world war 3 starts!" Do not kid yourself, World War III could happen. Wow, Putin is really taking advantage of President Obama. It is important that Obama responds with strength and determination-be smart-cool! "@Youngdf50: @PeaceIsWeakness you are the only candidate that would make me vote republican. Today's world needs a real leader." Thank you! "@WondHerful: @realDonaldTrump @IvankaTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr The only reality show worth my time is #CelebrityApprentice. Thanks Some people dream of great accomplishments while others stay awake and do them! "@PeaceIsWeakness: Trump 2016 is the only way to stop the decline of the West. Only one man in America could deal with Putin #Trump2016 "@Joey_Columbo: @realDonaldTrump please run for president. America needs you🙏🙏" "@rpoole1954: @realDonaldTrump Hopefully your breakfast is with your 2016 pres exploratory committee #2016 Hopeful" "@janieRNER: @realDonaldTrump only deal should be Presidential Deal....hurry. We need help fast! 5 year old Trey has terminal cancer. I'm helping him go to Disney, won't you? http://bit.ly/1jW8i5e There are many editorial writers that are good, some great, & some bad. But the least talented of all is frumpy Gail Collins of NYTimes. RT @TrumpGolfLA: Thank you Palos Verdes Peninsula Chamber of Commerce for honoring us at Salute to Business Awards here at... http://t.co/t… "@Pepper4366 Thought your show would never return. What is start date. #CelebrityApprentice" Start shooting next week! Join @autismspeaks and light the world blue on 4/2. #LIUB will raise awareness for millions with autism! “Some people dream of great accomplishments, while others stay awake and do them.” Anonymous RT @TrumpDoral: Great photo! RT @SO0ver: Enjoying sunny Miami at Trump National Doral! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bi8VbBzIgAAL4pS.jpg "The best vision is insight." -- Malcolm Forbes RT @TrumpDoral: Stay updated on all things Trump Doral with the help of our Blue Monster blog: http://ow.ly/uElly I won't be doing Fox & Friends tomorrow morning in that I have a big breakfast meeting on a deal. I will be back next week at 7. Thank you! "@garyplayer: What a fantastic test of championship golf. Congratulations to Team Trump on a superb result all round @TrumpDoral. Best" When nobody wanted the UFC, I opened the way by letting them fight at the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City. Dana White has done a great job! RT @EricTrump: Doral could not be busier. True testament to the quality of the remodel. 👍 "@TrumpDoral: Our new clubhouse is open! http://t… "@NateDolphinAL: @realDonaldTrump Dont think your more than donald trump...he is the best #betterthanyou" Thanks! "@TomNocera: Somebody said the first casualty of war is truth. Somebody tell Kerry to take DT with him to negotiate the Russian surrender." Frumpy and very dumb Gail Collins, an editorial writer at The New York Times, is so lucky to even have a job. Check her out - incompetent! RT @garyplayer: @realDonaldTrump What a fantastic test of championship golf. Congratulations to Team Trump on a superb result all round @Tr… .@garyplayer As a true champion you must have enjoyed how difficult but fair The Blue Monster played last weekend. Gary Player Villa loved! While I won't be running for Governor of New York State, a race I would have won, I have much bigger plans in mind- stay tuned, will happen! "@tx_shaun: @realDonaldTrump don't run for governor go for the White House!!! #TrumpIn2016" The top leadership of the New York State Republican Party is totally dysfunctional - they haven't won a major election in many years. I have clearly stated that if the New York State Republican Party is able to unify, I would run for Governor and win. They can't unify -SAD! "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." -- Aristotle "@IDollyLenz BEST on Mkt! We've rented these amazing homes forever! Sales too. 2 highest apt rentals '13" http://trdny.com/1cscX9X" Thx Dolly "One who fears failure limits his activities. Failure is only the opportunity to more intelligently begin again." -- Henry Ford RT @EricTrump: Had to retweet my sister's great #Instagram pic of us for #TBT "@IvankaTrump: Spring training. #tbt" @realDonaldTrump http:/… RT @TrumpDoral: Great article from @OceanDriveMag on Trump Doral's renovations: http://ow.ly/uyA6F RT @TrumpCollection: Congratulations to @JeanGeorges for being named one of @zagat's 10 Restaurant Power Groups: http://ow.ly/tZOaC RT @TrumpDoral: Spending a day at The Royal Palm Pool never gets old. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BisMo_2CIAA_tYE.jpg "@sdillam: @realDonaldTrump shuts down NBC’s @MLauer: ‘Putin has eaten Obama’s lunch’ http://www.bizpacreview.com/2014/03/14/donald-trump-shuts-down-nbcs-matt-lauer-putin-has-eaten-obamas-lunch-106236 He's a spineless coward. "@StandAtTheReady: Putin has eaten Obama's lunch, therefore our lunch, for a long period of time. - @realDonaldTrump VERY TRUE!!! #TeaParty" "@DrJoshMiddleton: @realDonaldTrump Mr Trump, please consider the presidency rather than NY Gov race. The country is a mess. @MauriceConcha Thanks! AMAZING how the press protected President Obama when he did the so-called comedy routine with Zach G. He looked like a fool - they said cute "@jacoprinsloo12: @realDonaldTrump you are my hero man, keep doing what you are doing." Thank you, I will. "@crpietschmann: @UncleLouie42 @realDonaldTrump also was it the lawyers that lost or the client they represented?" BOTH! "@DallinMiller: @realDonaldTrump is in my psychology book from the 90's and still looks the same. #NotHuman http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BioEZgdCMAAZ3Tp.jpg" Thanks. "@TimPDion: You may love @realDonaldTrump, you may hate him, but you have to appreciate how he handles an annoying sand gnat like Matt Lauer "@YoungKhalifa_2: “@realDonaldTrump: "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." -- Benjamin Franklin”" "@ASenaPhotograph: @realDonaldTrump you are just smarter and better prepared" So true! "@Joe_Sutt: @realDonaldTrump Wharton baby!" "@integgriti: @realDonaldTrump Mr.trump you said that you would run for president if nation got worse. It is real sad now..." I just beat a lawyer from Yale and a lawyer from Harvard, who teamed up against me, in a major case worth millions ($). They were so dumb! "@AlecBordelon: .@realDonaldTrump officially confirms on @TODAYshow this morning-- Miss USA pageant will be coming to Baton Rouge in June." "@ellentime1: @realDonaldTrump.... loved you on Today!! Your were great!!!" Thank you! Just did theToday Show to announce that Baton Rouge, Louisiana will host the Miss USA Pageant on Sunday, June 8th. @Miss USA. Trump Victorious in Fort Lauderdale Litigation http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BijzWPTCAAArrnO.png Congratulations to @TrumpIntRealty for the two top rentals in 2013! http://bit.ly/1kMZe5R #TIRNYC Wow, the two highest apartment rentals in all of 2013 were at Trump Park Avenue—each one = $100,000 per month http://bit.ly/1kMZe5R "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." -- Abraham Lincoln RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Stopped by @SquawkCNBC today to talk about the #Trump brand and our plans for expansion cc: @TrumpCollection http://t.c… "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." -- Benjamin Franklin I love taking lawsuits all the way when I’m right. @AGSchneiderman is finding that out the hard way! With the complete Ft. Lauderdale victory, I will now sue for millions of $’s in attorney fees for which plaintiffs are liable. JUST IN: A jury awarded a complete and total victory in buyer’s remorse lawsuit against me in Ft. Lauderdale. RT @IvankaTrump: There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing. –Aristotle RT @TrumpDoral: We'd like to thank the wonderful fans, volunteers and sponsors for an amazing 2014 WGC Cadillac Championship! http://t.co/D… RT @TrumpCollection: When in Vegas, floor-to-ceiling views of the #LasVegas strip are a must: http://trumpcollection.co/stripview "@NellyBelle25: @realDonaldTrump Mr. Trump, just returned from Chicago & staying at your hotel. Amazing experience. Your people are the BEST "@NickLangworthy: #BlueForBen @realDonaldTrump @ERIECOUNTYGOP http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BieqOGrIgAALdkf.jpg" BEN, GET WELL SOON - YOU HAVE MANY FRIENDS! "@HoustonGunn: So excited for tomorrow to head to #NewYork to tour #Trump Tower! I am so looking forward to meeting @realDonaldTrump "@carisa01huston: @realDonaldTrump You rock....ditch the haters, and keep speaking the truth. They just don't like what they hear!" "The secret of getting ahead is getting started." -- Mark Twain "@mattmiller728 @realDonaldTrump I love all of your books very helpful" Thanks, good luck! "You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else." -- Albert Einstein RT @TrumpCollection: Celebrate the 100 year anniversary of the Panama Canal with one luxurious vacation package from @TrumpPanama: http://t… "@MikeE116 If you run you got my vote. You know how to run business and grow it. That's what our country needs." Thanks. "Rosechem1 One of the reasons that I like you is because I feel that old American greatness in your mentality. It makes me feel hope!" Thx. "@moffiq Having role models like @realDonaldTrump and @richardbranson is the best thing in life! They set standards & we can follow" Thx. "@sendit40 tried yr mobile app to check out yr hotel rates in Doral. App works effortlessly, is easy to use to book rooms" Unlike ObamaCare "@patrickparuolo @TrumpWaikiki @realDonaldTrump going there for my honeymoon in October. Can't wait" Great! RT @TrumpDoral: A wonderful look back at all the action from the 2014 @CadillacChamp: http://ow.ly/urAOZ "@nick_torch Reasons why I love @realDonaldTrump he isn't afraid to speak his mind and call people out" True! "@JoeTorre Congratulations to Patrick Reed for his win yesterday @TrumpDoral! The new #BlueMonster lived up to its name" Thanks Joe. "@BarryBnice Good work on Trump Doral. That was a tough test for the best golfers in the world." Thank you. "@Chris_W_Lawson Visited your Trump Tower building while in NYC. Beautiful building!!" http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bic2v_BIMAEuWy9.jpg Thank you. RT @TrumpCollection: See why @TravlandLeisure named Oahu one of the World's Best Islands, and why they say you must stay at @TrumpWaikiki: … "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." -- Thomas A. Edison RT @TrumpDoral: The @HouseofHerrera fashion show, hosted by @IvankaTrump this past weekend, was a hit. Browse event photos here: http://t.c… "@Bnmaui: @realDonaldTrump You may be the only conservative who can win the 2016 Presidential election. Please consider." I will! "@rickdavenport8 @TrumpDoral LOOKING FORWARD TO TAKING ON THE MONSTER SOON!!! SO WHAT IS THE DONALDS BEST ON IT?? EXCITING LOOKING COURSE!!" "@JonTwolegit: @realDonaldTrump when does celebrity apprentice start- spring is in the air, so I know it must be soon" Shooting in 2 weeks. RT @TrumpCollection: Opening before the 2016 Olympics, see how Trump Rio de Janeiro will usher in a new level of luxury: http://t.co/3OglpA… Have passion, drive, and enthusiasm? You can check out the @TrumpCollection careers here: http://bit.ly/PkK5eZ The massive Blue Monster @TrumpDoral is getting rave reviews. I built it in one year—no easy feat! RT @worldREDEYE: PHOTOS UP - @CadillacChamp @HouseofHerrera Fashion Show at @TrumpDoral @realDonaldTrump @IvankaTrump @TravieMcCoy - http:/… RT @TrumpWaikiki: Give your mind a mini vacation and check out this stunning sunset captured from the #TrumpWaikiki… http://instagram.com/p/lXt9XBlKg5/ RT @TrumpDoral: Great article from the @WSJ about the redesigned Blue Monster: http://ow.ly/uqfyu I’ve been watching very little @CNBC lately—the good news is I’m switching over to @BloombergNews and @FoxNews. Other worthy people were taken off the @CNBC list as well. Stupid poll should be canceled—no credibility. The #CNBC 25 poll is a joke. I was in 9th place and taken off. (Politics?) No wonder @CNBC ratings are going down the tubes. RT @TrumpCollection: Whether you're traveling for business or pleasure, handcraft your stay as a TRUMP CARD member: http://trumpcollection.co/trumpcard RT @TrumpDoral: RT @mattginellagc: The morning after @CadillacChamp. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BiXTqNcIMAAZaX4.jpg Congratulations to Patrick Reed for winning at Trump National Doral. He told me The Blue Monster is "the best course I've ever played" Will be on Fox & Friends at 7 (10 minutes). ENJOY! RT @PGATOUR: Final-round coverage of the @CadillacChamp starts now on Golf Channel. Stream: http://pgat.us/6016gGKQ #PGATOUR RT @Cadillac: The trophy awaits the conqueror of the #BlueMonster @cadillacchamp. #golf #cadillacofshots http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BiTH4DCIcAAjnbi.jpg RT @TrumpDoral: Today is the final round of @CadillacChamp! Who do you want to win? #BlueMonster "@dollarmana: @realDonaldTrump. Not sure what was more impressive today....Tiger Woods making 8 birdies or your golf course." "@InsideSouthFL: @realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @IvankaTrump You guys are Amazing! The 2014 @CadillacChamp @TrumpDoral is #EPIC! RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: There's still time to join us on Sunday at @TrumpDoral for the @CadillacChamp. Buy your tickets here: http://t.co/4RSDA… RT @DanScavino: FYI ~ RT; “@PGATOUR: Switch over to NBC now for continuing coverage of the @CadillacChamp. Stream: http://pgat.us/6014g1nk #… RT @TrumpDoral: Miss. Universe enjoying the Florida weather at The Royal Palm Pool http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BiOaRe4IAAA2Aoq.jpg RT @PGATOUR: Tiger hits the back nine after a 33. Leaders about to tee off @CadillacChamp. Watch the first hole live http://pgat.us/6015g1gZ "@TheGrumpyHusky: The Blue Monster is definitely an amazing and beautiful course. It is more than just a "Masterpiece" - it is Immortal" "@jtthebossman: @realDonaldTrump Keep fighting the good fight. You speak the truth. Trump 2016!!!" Leaders at Trump National Doral are only one under par. The great Ben Hogan said, "I've never seen a great course that was easy!" The newly built Blue Monster at Trump National Doral is being considered a "masterpiece" by almost all who see it and play it - THANK YOU! "@stevegbowlin: @realDonaldTrump great speech yesterday. Trump/Cruz 16" Thank you! "@stephinkycheese: @gjonesiv @StuartAppleby Yep, what a rough day.. I bet @realDonaldTrump loves the leaderboard looking like a U.S. Open." "@_WatchMyProcess: http://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/mar/7/donald-trump-says-hes-a-tea-party-member/ this man @realDonaldTrump is a very wise man. Hate to say it but it’s true 👌" "@d_pardee: My take from #CPAC2014: @realDonaldTrump's speech was better than @RepPaulRyan's 🇺🇸" RT @TrumpDoral: RT @IvankaTrump: It is #FashionFriday @TrumpDoral @CadillacChamp - the @HouseofHerrera fashion show is tonight! "The road to success is always under construction." -- Arnold Palmer RT @TrumpPanama: A tropical oasis, our pool deck is the perfect place to spend a leisurely day: http://ow.ly/uhDV5 I’ll be at the Blue Monster at Trump National Doral all weekend watching the Cadillac World Championships. @TrumpDoral @CadillacChamp I am at @TrumpDoral watching the Cadillac World Championships. The Blue Monster is playing tough against the world’s greatest golfers. Congrats to @AlCardenasACU and @CPACnews. I really enjoyed being there—the response was so terrific! RT @GolfScoringGirl: Birdseye view of Trump National Doral from third floor patio...a vantage point like no other! @IvankaTrump # http://t… Proud to be honored at reception celebrating entrepreneurship with Citizens United at CPAC. http://bit.ly/1n2E316 RT @TrumpDoral: RT @GCMorningDrive: The 16th @TrumpDoral is a "drivable par 4." http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BiILtkXIEAAhIf2.jpg RT @kaiame: MT @nhowe amazing day @TrumpGolfLA thanks @realDonaldTrump ! #golf #LosAngeles http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BhxgvuFCYAA0cxS.jpg The sun never sets on the… @sashamajerovsky Thanks Sasha! "@sashamajerovsky: "@InTheElections: @realDonaldTrump Awesome speech! http://www.mediaite.com/tv/donald-trump-ditches-teleprompter-at-cpac-goes-off-on-obama-the-chinese-and-immigration/" He tells it like it is! Great speech!" Thanks! "@KraftyWurker: Heard the Trumpmeister stole the show yesterday at #cpac2014. @realDonaldTrump #cspanwj #cspan" True! "@InTheElections: @realDonaldTrump Awesome speech! You can watch it here: http://www.mediaite.com/tv/donald-trump-ditches-teleprompter-at-cpac-goes-off-on-obama-the-chinese-and-immigration/" Thank you! "@PuertoRicoOpen: “@EJmedshoppe: @PGATOUR @PuertoRicoOpen @realDonaldTrump course is beautiful. I played there in 2012.”" "@CullenThaDude: @realDonaldTrump for president #greatman" Thank you! The unbiased reporters and attendees said mine was the best and most well received speech at CPAC - THANK YOU! Actually I was very nice to Jimmy Carter during my standing room only (& standing ovation) speech for CPAC - stated better Pres. than Obama! Of course I don't think Jimmy Carter is dead-saw him today on T.V. Just being sarcastic, but never thought he was alive as President, stiff! Trump International Hotel & Tower Toronto continues to receive accolades. Great city, great hotel. http://bit.ly/1ingeOR #TrumpToronto RT @EricTrump: Incredible hole-by-hole description of the newly redesigned #BlueMonster by #GilHanse: http://ow.ly/udY2s @TrumpDoral @C… RT @natalie_gulbis: @realDonaldTrump @ANNIKA59 @TomWatsonPGA Member this photo from our Jersey challenge? #tbt http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BiECJ8mCcAAv51T.jpg RT @PGATOUR: Tiger Woods is teeing off now at the @CadillacChamp. Watch him in our LIVE@ coverage: http://pgat.us/60135hAN #PGATOUR "Is business success a natural talent? I think it's a combination of aptitude, work and luck." -- Think Like a Champion "Get to the essence immediately. Learn to economize. People appreciate brevity in today's world." -- Think Like a Champion "We create success or failure on the course primarily by our thoughts." -- Gary Player "The more predictable the business, the more valuable it is. Predictability also means consistency of brand experience." --Midas Touch RT @TrumpDoral: RT @GCMorningDrive: An aerial of @TrumpDoral's 8th, 9th &18th. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bh_2ziCIUAAQo-J.jpg RT @TrumpDoral: Everyone had a great time at the @CadillacChamp Opening Drive event last night. Browse photos here: http://ow.ly/uhNm7 … RT @LodgeatDoonbeg: Named the #1 Resort in Europe by Conde Nast Traveler, explore the luxury that awaits at Trump Ireland. #linksGolf http:… Elite Traveler & the 12 Best Hotel Room Views in the World http://bit.ly/1lFq2pr #TrumpChicago "You're never a loser until you quit trying." -- Mike Ditka Success breeds success. The best way to impress people is through results. -- Think Like a Billionaire. The opening of the @TigerWoods Villa at trumpdoral http://instagram.com/p/lLBjGiGhbB/ RT @IvankaTrump: With @tigerwoods at the dedication of his namesake villa at trumpdoral http://instagram.com/p/lK94FoikE2/ RT @TNVOLINFL: “@rmor90: .@realDonaldTrump, @IvankaTrump and @DonaldJTrumpJr arriving at the #CadillacChamp VIP opening party http://t.co/r… "@IbeJakeB Just read Midas Touch cover2cover. Tons of notes for @FlowWraps thank you & Robert too!" Thank you, good luck! RT @si_golf: He's back! Tiger to defend title and No. 1 ranking at Doral this week. http://bit.ly/1hMmJrP RT @EricTrump: There's still time to join us at @TrumpDoral for the @CadillacChamp. Incredible tournament. Buy your tickets here: http://t.… RT @TrumpDoral: Haven't experience the #BlueMonster yet? Familiarize yourself with the course with hole-by-hole descriptions: http://t.co/w… RT @TrumpCollection: Today is the 1st day of the @CadillacChamp, hosted by @TrumpDoral. Follow them on Twitter for an up-close look at the … "@mariela_mh: @IvankaTrump, @realDonaldTrump DAMAC releasing today - Trump Estate in #Dubai http://goo.gl/kYBImq.. Beauty and Style! @CharlieRymerGC Charlie, sounds good to me! @colleencpa Thanks Colleen! RT @TrumpCollection: Wonderful article from @irishexaminer about the new Trump International Golf Links, Ireland. Read the full story here … Live on the edge--no complacency is allowed--and keep an open mind. Business is a creative endeavor. If you're passionate about your work, you will never give up. Remember to keep going--if you stop, your momentum will stop. RT @PGATOUR: What will we see this week at redesigned Trump National Doral? Here's architect Gil Hanse to explain: http://pgat.us/601252v2 #… RT @McLeanGolf: Wed on our PGA tour radio show. Mr Donald Trump. Talks golf and the all new Trump National Doral. Sirius208 XM93 9-10 est @… RT @TrumpDoral: RT @CadillacChamp: Free Admission to military and their families! Details here: http://pgat.us/60105NWi http://t.co/yEDad7om… RT @TrumpDoral: RT @adidasGolf Welcome to Miami! The stage is set @TrumpDoral & players are getting ready to take on the #bluemonster http:… RT @CadillacChamp: Delighted to have @realDonaldTrump address #SMBs at the free March 5 @webdotcom #SmallBizSummit in Miami! Register: http… ".@KirschnerDavid @realDonaldTrump Congrats Mr. Trump on making @Forbes list of wealthiest in the world." Thanks! .@AustinKaiser52 The 2 people I am most excited to hear speak on Thrursday at @CPACnews is @GovChristie & @realDonaldTrump #DCBound" Thanks. RT @LinksofIreland: Trump International Golf Links,Ireland - play it this summer & see why @realDonaldTrump snapped up Doonbeg http://t.co/… RT @TrumpCollection: Named the #1 Resort in Europe by Conde Nast Traveler, explore the luxury that awaits at Trump Ireland: http://t.co/akn… Actually Putin doesn't want Alaska because the Environmental Protection Agency will make it impossible for him to drill for oil! What do you think Obama will do when Putin seizes Alaska? Baltimore just set a record for the coldest day in March in a long recorded history - 4 degrees. Other places likewise. Global warming con! .@Mitt Romney strongly stated, in one of the debates with Pres. OBAMA, that Russia is the big problem. Obama scoffed. Mitt was 100% correct! New York Magazine just named the most influential "tweeters" in N.Y. and one Donald Trump was #2 after ESPN. Actually, I'm easily #1! "@lilydashevsky: @realDonaldTrump I'm skipping Cap. Hill meetings to make it to your #CPAC2014 speech! Any hints on the topic??" "@brendakenesonwe: @realDonaldTrump @kostoff2 @TrumpDoral ; Based on the photos and articles I've read,"It's Beautiful"" Thank you! "@KEEMSTARx: If @realDonaldTrump was president, middle class would make more $. I honestly think he could keep Jobs in America! So true-easy "@JWIAdvisory: @TheEllenShow you did a great job at the Oscars, despite what @realDonaldTrump is saying!" Oscars sucked, Ellen off her game! "@kostoff2: @realDonaldTrump @TrumpDoral - Players have been raving about how nice the course is & how much they are looking fwd to it. RT @TrumpDoral: Looking forward to having all 50 of the world's top 50 golfers at Doral for the @CadillacChamp! RT @McLeanGolf: Tune to @wsvn tonight at 7:00 EST for my interview about the @TrumpDoral newly renovated Blue Monster. http://t.co/X0AENY43… RT @JasonDufner: Wow @realDonaldTrump your team has been busy at Trump International Doral. Looks fantastic, can't wait to tee it up next w… RT @TrumpDoral: RT @CadillacChamp: Tournament week is here and the Blue Monster is beginning to awake! #CadillacChamp http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BhzJFaVIUAAOxFx.jpg RT @IvankaTrump: Today is the last day to register to win a chance to be the next @TrumpModels! @CadillacChamp #FashionFriday http://t.co/H… .@JTimberlake It was great having you play The Blue Monster. Thanks for your nice statements-many agree that it is best they've seen! "@kostoff2: @realDonaldTrump @TrumpDoral - Players have been raving about how nice the course is & how much they are looking fwd to it. Very exciting week for @TrumpDoral. I will be in Miami opening what will soon be best resort in U.S. World Golf Championship this week! @TheEllenShow Ellen, you should get rid of Andy Lassner - the guy has absolutely no imagination or talent. Good try last night! I have always liked Ellen, done her show numerous times, but she was not good last night - fumbling and stumbling! Ellen was so awkward and insecure last night. The pizza skit was terrible. She should dump Andy Lassner, a guy with no absolutely no talent! "@abbysullz: @realDonaldTrump your tweets made my night" "@viclillo: @realDonaldTrump Donald Trump was the best part of the 2014#Oscars" "@scorpio_man1973: The best ending to the #Oscars would have been @realDonaldTrump saying "You're Fired"" "@Sir_R_L: Best moments at the Oscars ..Harrison Ford seeking pizza and @realDonaldTrump on Twitter" "@niicolette_xo: @realDonaldTrump tweets tonight are all that made the #Oscars entertaining 😂 #CantStopLaughing #Trump2016" "@Maurice_is_Cool: @realDonaldTrump missed his calling. He called it rite on tonite with #Oscars" "@Ask2Recv: And @realDonaldTrump was fun tonight too." "@pandoerra: @realDonaldTrump I think you could have directed a better oscars mr. Trump #oscars" MUCH BETTER! "@DianeLMarshall_: @realDonaldTrump When do you plan to announce your eventual run for the presidency?" We shall see! "@CATHCO9: @boboxm103nyc Goes to @realDonaldTrump Best tweets of the night." #Oscars "@dongfuture: @realDonaldTrump for president!! #Trump2016 #DonaldTrumpsAll" "@BC4040: @realDonaldTrump Thank God it's over!" "@JimmyLakey: I must live under a rock! I don't know 1/2 of the movies! But I know @realDonaldTrump has the best Oscar commentary! #LAKEY" "@juanmalird: @realDonaldTrump hi Donald genius" "@elkaneh: @realDonaldTrump thanks for a memorable oscars!" #Oscars No problem. "@dp1489: Ha I didnt have to watch the #2014Oscars thanks for keeping me updated @realDonaldTrump" "@lkoja: @realDonaldTrump true leader in business" "@SamJabbo: @realDonaldTrump #Oscars2014 was a joke!" "@reza_rezvani: @realDonaldTrump You need to run for President. This country needs you. #Trump2016" zip. I know! #Oscars What is he reading? #Oscars "@_Brandoh: @realDonaldTrump Only 1 solution for the Oscars, Trump as host" M.M. is a good choice - also, nice guy! #Oscars "@rickruff23: @realDonaldTrump So true. Ellen is a train wreck" "@williamn95: @realDonaldTrump is my favorite celebrity/business man, please run for president we need someone competent" So true! "@vlasaro: @realDonaldTrump You inspire me to keep going on every day" "@CashMoneyBonas: @realDonaldTrump I wish I was watching your presidency campaign instead of the oscars" "@JoshGliege: @realDonaldTrump is really not liking the Oscars. He tells it the way it is, which would be a nice in a president. #trump2016" Angelina and Sidney had a really strange vibe going! #Oscars "@BluEyedGenius: @realDonaldTrump Stopped watching and starting reading your tweets #muchbetter" "@nate_north43: @realDonaldTrump is the man" So true! Was President Obama in charge of this years Academy Awards - they remind me of the ObamaCare website! #Oscars. "@PattyWagSwag: @realDonaldTrump run for president please." "@benjamin_mayne: @realDonaldTrump You've won me over. Great job tonight." I'm not trying to win anyone over, it really sucks! #Oscars "@christuhglo: @realDonaldTrump I love how you handle the haters" You mean the haters and losers! This is Amateur Night - who the hell is in charge of this production? #Oscars "@jshah500: @realDonaldTrump You are the most negative person I've ever followed." Thank you! This cannot be the the Academy Awards #Oscars AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "@AMENREMINISCE: @realDonaldTrump hahahaha Mr. Trump you're epic see you in Toronto in May at the Canadian International :)" They should have allowed applause during the TRIBUTE to the departed - Really bad production. Bette Midler sucked! #Oscars Little Andy Lassner, who lives his life through Ellen and has nothing else going for himself, is having a really bad night! #Oscars "@BRAD_R0BINS0N: @realDonaldTrump is on point with his tweets about the #oscars tonight. Hilarious!" "@thrashingkitty: Hahaha @realDonaldTrump is killing it with the #oscars tweet." "@HaughNasty: @realDonaldTrump tweets are making this #Oscar so much better" "@johnnyhabit: @realDonaldTrump why the fuck do I even follow you? Because you're addicted to genius, asshole! Judy Garland was much better, to put it mildly! #Oscars "@wee_eats: best part of #theoscars so far is reading @realDonaldTrump's twitter account" I agree! I don't know how much longer I can take this bullshit - so terrible! #Oscars Ellen is sadly having a hard time with her lines. #Oscars "@di1952: @realDonaldTrump @consmover how did you shoot with senator Paul?" Even par 72 - ask Senator Paul Do you believe this singing? #Oscars Which is worse and which is more dishonest - the #Oscars or the Emmys? They must be kidding - can this be happening #Oscars Certain people are ruining their reputations tonight-really sad! #Oscars I should host the #Oscars just to shake things up - this is not good! Just terrible! #Oscars Is this boring or is it just me? #Oscars "@ericksonrt05: @realDonaldTrump but my new trump ties rock!!!" That's true! "@kaylaolsonxo: @realDonaldTrump tell it how it is, D. I like your style" I'm having a real hard time watching the Academy Awards (so far). The last song was terrible! Kim should sue her plastic surgeon! #Oscars "@jodyhagemann: @realDonaldTrump please help a NY 2 yr old boy beat cancer. http://www.loveforjake.com" "@BeaumontAnthony: If Donald Trump was President of the USA am sure negotiations on the crisis in Ukraine would be moving forward now" "@tx_shaun: @realDonaldTrump your tweets make my day your awesome" Thanks! "@RogerJStoneJr: @realDonaldTrump TRUMP-PAUL 2016 ?" I am at Trump National Doral in Miami as the best golfers in the World start arriving for the World Golf Championship (Cadillac). A big week Sissy Graydon Carter of failing Vanity Fair Magazine and owner of bad food restaurants has a problem-his V.F. Oscar party is no longer "hot" "@RajeevSamtani: Get in, get it done, get it done right & get out - Donald Trump" Actually, told to me by my father, Fred Trump. "@RexHuppke: I'm holding off on forming an opinion on the Ukraine situation until I hear what Donald Trump has to say about it." Very smart! "@TimmyVafides: Just received my order of @realDonaldTrump brand ties in the mail today. Sharpest looking ties on the market." Thanks! "@David_GriffinJr: @realDonaldTrump @SenRandPaul great pairing of a political powerhouse and a business genius!" Thanks, it was a lot of fun Will be playing golf today with Rand Paul at Trump International in Palm Beach. Will be both interesting and fun! "@BElizondo2: @realDonaldTrump if you ran for pres in 2016 you would have my vote no question!" Thanks. "@Ehab_Eassa: Most don't know the Chinese float the yuan at an arbitrary ratio to the US dollar.They will screw us as long as we allow!" "@KentStGolf: Thank you @realDonaldTrump Trump Charlotte is a beautiful place @KentStGolf #GoFlashes http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bhlmm96IgAEvCb4.jpg" "@bldrnr69: @realDonaldTrump thoughts on Ukraine? Plz run for President so we can have real leadership for US!" China has just intervened to lower the yuan- in other words, they will continue to screw the U.S.! By popular(extremely) demand, I will be live tweeting the #Oscars2014 on Sunday night. Tell all your friends I will not be pulling punches! .@MarkBurnettTV and his incredible wife @RealRomaDowney did a fabulous movie, @SonofGodMovie- see it! I'll be playing golf tomorrow in Palm Beach at the number one rated golf course in the State of Florida, Trump International Golf Club. The World is falling apart around us, but we don't have people who know how to play the game. The U.S. is in big trouble - no leadership! The U.S. has appealed ro Russia not to intervene in Ukraine - Russia tells U.S. they will not become involved, and then laughs loudly! Obama just stated "he didn't take school seriously, made bad choices and GOT HIGH" - then how the hell did he get into Columbia & Harvard? Congrats to R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr of @AmSpec for the fantastic piece on Benghazi. http://bit.ly/1dEx6d4 RT @TrumpDoral: The @CadillacChamp is bringing South Beach style to the Blue Monster: http://ow.ly/u4cyp. Will you be attending? RT @kaiame: MT @si_golf http://bit.ly/1iXIKnh http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BgNdfxaCcAA1a9f.jpg 1 of many stunning pix of Doonbeg now - becoming Trump Int'l Golf L… Lightweight @AGSchneiderman’s phony lawsuit against Trump U was decimated by the court—he’s a loser! Black politicians are in prison based on Shirley Huntley’s statements but not white @AGSchneiderman RACISM! http://bit.ly/ODsO0j I think the @NewYorkObserver was far too nice to sleazebag @AGSchneiderman. He’s got plenty more to worry about!. Congrats to R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr of @AmSpec for the fantastic piece on Benghazi. "@barrettag: Had a meeting with an ex Trump employee yesterday who went on for hrs about how good & nice you are to employees. So cool." "@iam_nixz: "You have to think anyway, so why not think big?" - @realDonaldTrump xXx" "@mwgfdn: Have u all seen the Trump episode of mighty planes? Its very cool how professional the captain/pilot is! The plane is 1of a kind!" "@IamTN_Cheru: RT @realDonaldTrump: Success tip: Achievers move forward at all times. Achievement is not a plateau, it's a beginning." Congrats to Charles @krauthammer for his statements on climate change, formerly known as global warming! .@AGSchneiderman has never once said that he didn’t ask for campaign contributions during the investigation. Disappointed the @NewYorkObserver article on @AGSchneiderman did not bring up his dealings w/ Shirley Huntley. http://bit.ly/ODsO0j "Experience is not what happens to you; it's what you do with what happens to you." -- Aldous Huxley RT @EricTrump: Honored to announce we just closed on the @LodgeatDoonbeg Ireland -- soon to become Trump International Golf Links Ireland @… Success tip: Keep the big picture in mind. There are always opportunities & possibilities, & thinking too small can negate a lot of them. Success tip: Don't tread water. Get out there and go for it. There's nothing wrong with bringing your talents to the surface. Success tip: Achievers move forward at all times. Achievement is not a plateau, it's a beginning. RT @TrumpDoral: Relive the Blue Monster's exciting transformation, browse before & after photos and more on our Blue Monster blog: http://t… "@HoldingUpThree @realDonaldTrump You're a true inspiration and leader. You would make an excellent POTUS!" Thanks. "@shawcrossblue @FinestGolfHoles @realDonaldTrump this looks epic! I need to play this course!!" It is great! Lightweight @AGSchneiderman is driving business out of NY so that he can get publicity for his failing political career. Wow, NY Observer story about @AGSchneiderman really exposes him as a sleazebag & crook. He’s bad for New York. http://bit.ly/1cMQveM "@AndyDubaingltd @realDonaldTrump Mr Trump,you were created for our generatıon" Wow! @theBrianGentry Great advice. My Dad (also a developer) always reminded me that "we're in the problem solving business." So true! RT @TrumpDoral: It looks like it's going to be another beautiful day on the Blue Monster! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BhaBNDZCEAEx096.jpg "@lookingforward8 @realDonaldTrump words of wisdom from the "pro" himself!!!! Inspiration!!!<3" Great! "@high_altitude1 Watching a program about @realDonaldTrump private 757 definitely the Ferrari of the sky......beautiful" Thank you. "@JeanRalphiooo I would endorse @realDonaldTrump in a presidential run & would guarantee he could create fast economic growth in a year."Thx "@11SummerB As a Dutchess County resident, that is the absolute truth! It's a course and facility to be proud of, Mr Trump!" Thank you. "@StevePike9 @realDonaldTrump @KieranLalor You've done the same thing at Doral Mr. Trump. Congrats" Thank you. "@metrolinkFAILS @KieranLalor Mr Trump it's called Envy. Easy as that." But so much $$ is raised for charity. "@Emily_Ellyn Love playing the Links in Scotland! GORGEOUS @FinestGolfHoles! @realDonaldTrump" Thank you. RT @AndyWHumphreys: Trump National Hudson Valley Great events by @EricTrumpFdn for @StJude @realDonaldTrump @RobAstorino @KieranLalor http… "@PeteDahlgren I find myself constantly thinking about MOMENTUM thks to you. Keep giving great advice, we are listening." O.K. RT @CarrGolfTravel: @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump @LodgeatDoonbeg - Congrats Team Trump, it's an amazing asset with great team. Welcome … "@rabidcop109 thanks Donald for the biz tips... Really have me feeling like I can go do this!! Great ideas" Terrific! "@davidvnyc Trump Tower is a gorgeous building inside and out and hell of a compliment to the NEW YORK skyline. #IloveNY" Thank you. "@Lakers305 @realDonaldTrump I'm hearing #TrumpNationalDoral course looks spectacular! Miami is waitin for you!" Just did final purchase on fabulous @LodgeatDoonbeg in Ireland. Will become Trump International Hotel & Golf Links, Ireland. Very exciting! To aspiring entrepreneurs: Be tenacious. Once you've decided on your goals, remain fixed on them. Set the bar high! To aspiring entrepreneurs: Be ready for problems. You'll have them every day. So remember to look at the solution--not the problem. To aspiring entrepreneurs: Trust your instincts. They are there for a reason. To aspiring entrepreneurs: Be focused! Know your goals. Put everything you've got into what you're doing--every single day. Models! Remember to register for the Trump Model Search. Check out the info here: http://bit.ly/1bpnrMa @CadillacChamp "@RayTirado @realDonaldTrump Looking forward to meeting you at #CPAC2014 … #askhardquestions" Great! Congrats @marklevinshow on fantastic article--when “B” writes so nicely about you, it really means something. http://bit.ly/1fmKnGV "@OrangeBlood16 #Syracuse is about to be a little more lively, @realDonaldTrump to visit for Republican fundraiser" Looking forward to it! "@sirtyro saw this today from a few hundred feet! Very impressive building! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BhQ_NF4CAAA0uIw.jpg" Thanks! With the World hating us and wanting to destroy the U.S., we have just cut the hell out of the military budget, making it smallest since '39 "@Gina660: @realDonaldTrump R the rumors true Mr. Trump? R U running 4 Pres. We need a smart person in the White House." "@RustyPool1: @realDonaldTrump You know, America, whether you like him or not, Trump was 100% correct on this one." Iraq buying $200,000,000 worth of weapons from Iran. Despite so many killed and trillions spent, Iraq dumps U.S. I TOLD YOU SO LONG AGO! "@TheSergioGarcia Played the new Trump Doral this morning! Should be great for next week!" Thx Sergio, u will do great next week, see u then Building a personal brand? Then focus on being great. Focus on being the best at what you do. Excellent article: http://yhoo.it/MVnIvf RT @TrumpDoral: Great shot! RT @Pete27293: A good set up in 18 @TrumpDoral http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BhM4W98IMAAY_-F.jpg RT @TrumpDoral: The @MiamiHerald ran a wonderful article highlighting what you can expect at the @CadillacChamp. Read more here: http://t.c… Entrepreneurs: Keep your momentum. See yourself as victorious and leading a winning team. Keep everyone moving forward. Entrepreneurs: Don't expect anyone to be on your side. Sometimes we're all in this alone. So believing in yourself is mandatory. Entrepreneurs: Everything starts with you. Leadership is not a group effort--if you're in charge, then be in charge. RT @TrumpDoral: 8 more days until the biggest names in golf play the Blue Monster. Will you be joining us for the @CadillacChamp? http://t.… We could make America great again by spreading ObamaCare throughout the World while at the same time dropping it from U.S.! Whether you like it or not, the Russians did a great job in hosting the Olympics! Remember when Obama went to Europe to get Olympics-fourth. "@darealfito: @realDonaldTrump not only would you be an amazing President, you would be the only one that can give America it's balls back!" Will be doing Fox & Friends at 7 A.M. - 20 minutes. ENJOY! Russia beat the United States in the Olympics-another Obama embarrassment! Isn't it time that we turn things around and start kicking ass? "@BarrusTJ: Is it just me or does the idea of a president who knows how to succeed and lead actually seem possible.#Trump2016" "@mvmoreno1961: “@pmdino007: @realDonaldTrump @stewart5337 You are an amazing inspiration. Ignore the haters. I do (as much as possible!). "@kathy1453: @realDonaldTrump @DannBushh I'm one of them. You'd be an excellent president." "@rgriesemer3: @realDonaldTrump @DannBushh you would make a much better option than either of our early 2016 candidates that's for sure." "@ChrisFoley_: Wearing my Trump shirt to school tomorrow @realDonaldTrump" GREAT! "@getownedbyjones: .@realDonaldTrump @DannBushh #America needs you Donald. If you don't run I'm afraid for the future generations." "@sobakawa89: @realDonaldTrump He'll never run, can you really imagine Trump putting all his wealth in a blind trust?" I' ve done worse! "@_xx_justme: “@realDonaldTrump: @realDonaldTrump I think you should run for president." So do many others - thanks!” You have my vote" "@kelsey_2155: @realDonaldTrump you're seriously the best i miss the celebrity apprentice so much." We shoot in 3 weeks - GREAT CAST! "@DannBushh: @realDonaldTrump I think you should run for president." So do many others - thanks! Do you think that very dumb reporter(blogger) McKay Coppins has apologized to his wife for his very inappropriate behavior while in Florida? "@Reagan_Nation: Michael Savage: Donald Trump Is The Only Republican That Can Beat Hillary http://conservativenews.me/?p=13481" Thank you Michael! .@danawhite - You have done an amazing job - I am proud to have been there at the very beginning! "@burkejack: Best Course in the World @realDonaldTrump #trumpinternational http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BhIee5hIYAAPeak.jpg" "@wwulffy: @AllenWest @SenTedCruz @realDonaldTrump proud to have you 3 on our side !" Thank you. .@AllenWest Great seeing you last night at record setting Mar-a-Lago Republican event. The crowd loved you! "@BARMES_andnoble: If donald trump runs for president I will be beyond happy...if he wins I will be beyond, beyond happy" So nice, thanks! "@leoncekakore: @realDonaldTrump what is the secret behind your success?" Good ideas and concepts but, beyond everything, I NEVER QUIT! "@ChroniclePM: @realDonaldTrump for president- and some ignorant fools don't understand I am campaigning for him_ dead heads-- @iStartTrend. "@cstevechristyjr: @realDonaldTrump the Country needs a business man in charge that is not afraid to call out China. DT for P!" True! "@tnaps85: If Donald Trump is our next president, America will be saved-ith and all will be well in the world. Amen and alleliua" True! "@browardpolitics: Conservative leader Al Cardenas describes @realDonaldTrump as a true patriot./AM" Great. "@ShapiroJD: @realDonaldTrump rebar at Trump International Chicago is awesome." "@jkmartin16: @realDonaldTrump for POTUS 2016/@MELANIATRUMP for FLOTUS!! 🇺🇸" I can tell you with certainty, she would be great! "Great minds have purposes; others have wishes." --Washington Irving RT @TrumpPanama: From the infinity pool, you can enjoy a gorgeous view of the bay: http://ow.ly/tKs9R RT @bigdoubie56: If @realDonaldTrump runs for President it'll be the only time I'll vote. #Trumpforpresident "Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance." -- Samuel Johnson RT @CadillacChamp: Check out this view from Escalade Lounge. This new venue features some of the best views of the Blue Monster! http://t.c… RT @liveinalux: Trump International Hotel – The Best Hotel in Toronto | Best luxury hotels and resorts http://liveinalux.com/best-luxury-hotels/trump-international-hotel-the-best-hotel-in-toronto @TrumpToronto… "@mfantauzzo1: please save this country Mr. Trump, going to take a business genius to clean up Obamas mistakes. You got my vote!" "@Rampage_31: @realDonaldTrump If you run sir you have my vote!!! #trumpforpresident" Thanks. "@ElnsKitty: @realDonaldTrump You're brilliant!" I know, but thanks anyway! "@KhadeejaNicolle: @realDonaldTrump if u run 4 #POTUS that's the only way I'll vote republican. Pls consider running. U'd be g8t!!!"n Thanks "@AlexEveslage: @realDonaldTrump should be president. He could get things DONE." That is so true! "@Pekastar: @realDonaldTrump #Trump2016 and that's all i'm going to say!" Thanks! "@MichaelKakos: @realDonaldTrump when and if you run, you will be my first president that I vote for in my life! #trump2016" "@BryantCope: this country needs someone like you that speaks their mind and is great with economics/finances. #TrumpForPOTUS" "@nsugra: @realDonaldTrump looking forward to going on a nature walk at the golf course in #palosverdes tomorrow with my daughters! Great! "@barrman: @realDonaldTrump if you run for president in 2016 you would have my vote !" "@lakehostetler: @realDonaldTrump Mr. Trump, in a nutshell, what is my best course of action to succeed?" Great ideas and hard work! "@ChrissstinaC: @realDonaldTrump Is apprentice coming back on the air? #donaldforpresident" YES, start shooting in two weeks - SEASON 14! "@TimothyRosinski: @realDonaldTrump If you run for POTUS. You will WIN! Just think about that." Thank you. "@MarioFMartinezz: @realDonaldTrump #Trump2016" "@Marshall_Cook: @realDonaldTrump how do you feel about Kevin O'Leary from shark tank? Reminds me of you." But I have much more money & hair "@DavidInspired: @realDonaldTrump please run for president. This country needs your wisdom." I agree, thanks! "@Stelmo757: @realDonaldTrump @KingRex9 @MichaelWacha come play Trump's course at The Point in Charlotte NC! You won't be disappointed!" "@WalshFreedom: @realDonaldTrump @KieranLalor or "buy my books, or chocolate, or water, or my clothing line." And make me money, dopey! "@megan_lumetta: I've been the first one to favorite three of Donald trumps tweets and I'm pretty proud. @realDonaldTrump" Great! "@KingRex9: “@MichaelWacha: Nicest course I've ever played today out at Trump International Golf Club. http://instagram.com/p/kqPVc-xJVR/” Thank you. "@KieranLalor: .@realDonaldTrump why didn't you just add "Be sure to tune in to NBC this Fall for the Apprentice"?" A very good point! .@MichaelRCaputo Thank you for all of your support, you have been amazing! "@michelleneuf: @realDonaldTrump We need you and Giuliani in Whitehouse. We need a crime fighter who knows crime!!! And your creativity." .@KieranLalor I created far more jobs and success in Dutchess than you--you should be "Fired." I took a failed club in Dutchess County & made it a great success plus many jobs. @KieranLalor should be thankful. "@AndyWHumphreys Trump National Hudson Valley is a gorgeous course. Amazing improvements.@RobAstorino @KieranLalor" Thx .@FLGovScott can create tens of thousands of jobs by approving casinos in Miami--it's time. @willweatherford RT @FinestGolfHoles: The 18th at Trump International Golf Links, Scotland http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bg8VWoZIYAATObz.jpg Individual commitment to a group effort is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work. -- Vince Lombardi RT @TrumpPanama: Browse our Pinterest boards to see the luxury and beauty that awaits you in Panama: http://ow.ly/tKrR7 "@woodrowwinters you have 3 very capable kids that can run the company for you This country needs you badly." Thx RT @EricTrump: Great article by @GolfweekMag about the newly redesigned #BlueMonster: http://ow.ly/toJ3d. Very proud of all the great w… RT @TrumpDoral: RT @CadillacChamp: Another beautiful day at @TrumpDoral. Here's an awesome view of the 18 Green. We're 13 days away! http:/… A poll of the Miami-Dade was conclusively in favor of gambling in Miami. @willweatherford @FLGovScott http://hrld.us/1oW4CDV RT @ChadRKane: Beautiful morning at @TrumpDoral. The Blue Monster is resting peacefully at the moment, awaiting the @CadillacChamp http://t… "@Cmac23Jenkins: I dont care how old it is, I will always get so pumped up when I listen to Donald Trump." Really nice (sort of?)! "@tspohn: I think it'd be cool if @realDonaldTrump ran in 2016. He'd get my vote" Great! "@alexrasey: I'd vote for @realDonaldTrump in a heartbeat 🇺🇸" Thanks. Governor Cuomo is right about one thing - Attorney General Eric Schneiderman does wear eyeliner! What the hell is up with him? RT @TrumpDoral: RT @CadillacChamp: Our grandstand seating is up on 8 Green! Stay tuned for more photos of the tournament build. http://t.co… "@M_Brannstrom @realDonaldTrump inspires me. Every day." Thank you. “@joerepublic1 @mckaycoppins how nice of this punk with a pen to call a truce after he tries to show u up w/his bs!" True, thx “@RealHollisHicks So fucking sick of the Middle East I agree with Trump if we're spending $ over there might as well take their oil" @ron_fournier Actually, I like you! Thank you to Jeffrey Lord @AmSpec for his incredible & insightful article this weekend on failing & irrelevant @BuzzFeed For the NY State Repubs to waste time, energy and money on a primary—then go against 3-1 Dems—is insane. Thank you to Matt Boyle @BreitbartNews for analytical & well written piece on sleazebag blogger @mckaycoppins & irrelevant @BuzzFeed NY State Republican Party must unify or November will be another disaster. Internal polling shows that I would swamp @RobAstorino in a NY Republican primary 77% to 23%. But won’t run if party is not unified. "@graeme123s I have that many Trump books at my desk he may as well be next to me telling me I have what it takes" Thanks "@DaveDautel Been following you since your book "Art of the Deal". Thank you for your words of wisdom & insights" Thx. .@willweatherford @FLGovScott Gaming in Miami will be incredible—best in world and create lots of jobs and revenue. .@FLGovScott Gaming states are laughing at stupidity of not approving gaming in FL—they’re afraid of Miami—can’t believe their luck! I read @willweatherford’s comments that “the lights are dimming on gambling in Florida”—nothing could be worse for the state. "@Ructions77 @realDonaldTrump Hey Donald will ur new Irish Golf Course be close to Shannon Airport ?" Yes. "@CelebBiach @realDonaldTrump @IrishCentral @LodgeatDoonbeg welcome to Clare!" Thank you! "@dmcpromotions a good buy, Doonbeg is spectacular, perched on the western coast overlooking the Atlantic, and not a wind farm in sight" Thx "@help4celiac @realDonaldTrump @aeronmalone Love Doonbeg Golf course, great news for the village!" Thanks. "@SovereignChadG When will the PGA tour be coming to Trump National?" March 5th. .@AlexSalmond sought my support after he released terrorist Al Megrahi, who blew up Pan Am #103, killing all aboard. I said “no way!” My friend @eminofficial was fantastic on the @TODAYshow this morning—a star! "@brasicingbras: @realDonaldTrump let the haters hate, Mr. Trump. Love my new Trump tie from @Macys #trump2016" Great! Isn't it crazy, I'm worth billions of dollars, employ thousands of people, and get libeled by moron bloggers who can't afford a suit! WILD. "@Nospin_43: @realDonaldTrump @tan123 climate change allows them to stay on the gravy train whatever happens." "@samraj25: @realDonaldTrump i just saw that many indians have mr.trump as their role model and all the libraries had trump books!!super" @AmSpec did a great job of destroying the little remaining credibility of @BuzzFeed and the very dumb Ben Smith. "@AmSpec: In aiming at #Trump, #BuzzFeed shot its own credibility. http://buff.ly/1bi8LOH @realDonaldTrump @marklevinshow" Thanks Jeffrey L "@IamEbbot: @realDonaldTrump Jesus would be so proud of you Donald..." "@amarudacosta: Sadly @realDonaldTrump was correct about South Africa - the level of violence is irrepressible" "@DonnieHawes: 14 more days till we at @TrumpDoral & @realDonaldTrump host the WGC. You don't want to miss it!" I wonder how much money dumb @BuzzFeed and even dumber Ben Smith loooose each year? They have zero credibility - totally irrelevant and sad! "@RColdwellBanker: I wear a suit everyday to be professional but I top it off with a #trumptie to say I'm on top of my game and successful." "@fastercarrrrrrr: @realDonaldTrump why are you not running for president in 2016" We'll see what happens! "@SpinningDisk: @realDonaldTrump Ignore them Mr. Trump. Don't waste your time. Sounds like a personal problem for them." LOSERS! Ben Smith (is that really his last name?) of @BuzzFeed is a total mess who probably got his minion Coppins to do what he didn't want to do? Amazing story in @BreitbartNews about the sleazebag blogger Coppins who fabricated nonsense about me for irrelevant @BuzzFeed. CONGRATS! "Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." -- Henry Ford RT @TrumpDoral: Thank you @AmericanSkyUK for including Trump Doral's championship courses on your list of Florida's Finest Fairways: http:/… Bloggers like McKay Coppins & @BuzzFeed are true garbage with no credibility. Record setting crowds & speech not reported. @PiersMorgan Thank you Jeffrey Lord for the great article discrediting third rate @BuzzFeed site & slimebag reporter McKay Coppins.@PiersMorgan @AmSpec A legitimate article about me...http://bit.ly/1cVVjuU "@Michael_KSC: @realDonaldTrump @thedropkicks Whether Global Warming or Climate change. The fact is We didn't cause it. We cannot change it. "@SharonSmurfit: “@realDonaldTrump: Great purchase in Ireland--- will be a top spot! http://bit.ly/1kyRcwI” Welcome!" Thank you Sharon! It's not climate change,it's global warming.Don't let the dollar sucking wiseguys change names midstream because the first name didn't work Do you think John Kerry is aware of the fact that they are building nuclear weapons in Iran and North Korea and Pakistan already has them!! Do you believe this one - Secretary of State John Kerry just stated that the most dangerous weapon of all today is climate change. Laughable "@tahanna: @realDonaldTrump hope one day we'll be honoring you on Presidents Day." So nice! Don't let the GLOBAL WARMING wiseguys get away with changing the name to CLIMATE CHANGE because the FACTS do not let GW tag to work anymore! Due to the holiday, I will NOT be doing Fox & Friends this morning. Next Monday at 7. "@kathyshirer: Your Country needs you~~Donald Trump~~ Your about the only one in The World; That can get us out of debt!" Thank you! "@rm61307: Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump @GovChristie If Mr.Trump will not run in '16, Christie is the answer. No B/S, no bowing! "@chrismashimbyi: The Art Of The Deal by @realDonaldTrump is one of the greatest books ever!" Thank you! @loveandgarbage Never said it, a total misquote. "@scotgov: Scotland could be on the verge of a new generation of hydro power http://youtu.be/roAy-Ihqth8" Now this would be GREAT! I never equated wind farms to the Pan Am Lockerbie disaster - only stated that @AlexSalmond should never have released the terrorist - BAD! "@bushpiggy: @realDonaldTrump jealous you got a magnificant course like Doonbeg on the most beautiful island in the world. FACT." "@HelsCahill: @realDonaldTrump Congrats on adding the beautiful West of Ireland to your golf club portfolio. You have lifted the country!" "@fitbafan: @neaver82 @realDonaldTrump the majority of people near the course fully support it. Problem is a vocal minority (Scotland). How come discredited reporter @mckaycoppins refused to write that the events in New Hampshire, Buffalo and N.Y. were all record breakers! @mckaycoppins is a failed and dishonest reporter who refuses to mention the sarcasm in my voice when referring to him or irrelevant buzzfeed "@minlarrycornel: @realDonaldTrump @TrumpDoral Spectacular! Please keep up the good work @minlarrycornel" Thank you. "@enviroclean519 @TrumpChicago my wife and I stayed there for our anniversary.Beautiful place,amazed that all the staff remembered our name" "@AdamEdinburg: @realDonaldTrump was watching home alone 2 with my son and you look the exact same! Can I get a RT??" @LodgeatDoonbeg One of the great places on the planet, and will only get better now that I own it and will be investing large sums in it! The brand new Blue Monster Golf Course at Trump National Doral is doing fantastic business. Also, the new driving range is open at night! "@YoungSinatra: Donald trump is still my favorite Mac Miller track" Mac has certainly done well with me! How many hits now on Twitter? "@MarkAdamsBball: "Without passion you don't have energy, without energy you have nothing."- Donald Trump #Passion" A dishonest slob of a reporter, who doesn't understand my sarcasm when talking about him or his wife, wrote a foolish & boring Trump "hit" "@DrewMadeOFF: RT @realDonaldTrump: "I never did a day's work in my #life. It was all #fun." -- Thomas A. Edison" "@FaizerMiami: @realDonaldTrump best advice from the best leader" Set the bar high--do the best you possibly can. Be focused, disciplined and alert every single day. "I never did a day's work in my life. It was all fun." -- Thomas A. Edison "@Diamondjn1 @realDonaldTrump Being from and living here (Staten Island) Thanks." Great! Vote by 3/31 for your travel favorites in @TravlandLeisure’s #TLWorldsBest Awards http://bit.ly/1aWa13b "@brianfinn96: @realDonaldTrump Will you be coming to Doonbeg ??" Yes, very soon. "@joandkev8: @realDonaldTrump what the date of celebrity apprentice I'm excited to see it" Start shooting in 3 weeks. "@WaApples: @realDonaldTrump Valentine's Day and wife's 40th @TrumpChicago this weekend!!" Great. "@kate_mattox: @realDonaldTrump Every club you own is spectacular - my friend got married @ Mar a Lago, spectacular!" Thank you. @TrumpDoral's #BlueMonster looks fantastic. Great time at the Grand Opening, now looking forward to the @CadillacChamp "@richtweett @realDonaldTrump Please do the same thing for the Whitestone Bridge! Thanks Donald Trump!" I will try! "@LongetTerer: Donald trump is paid 1.5 million per hr of every speaking engagement" @JUrciuoli19 Happy Birthday! "@reexaminelife Monday I lectured 2 college students that what makes u so successful is you ALWAYS exceed your customers expectations" Thx. "@therealTMac11 @TrumpSoHo My wife and I stayed there and not only is the hotel beautiful, but the service is outstanding." Thank you. "@MatthewJEllis2 @realDonaldTrump @AlexSalmond @AberdeenCC These Irish eyes are smiling!" Thank you. "@JakeJuliot @realDonaldTrump When will we know the cast for the next season of #celebrityapprentice?" Very soon. "@dasboot96 Scotland's loss for being short sighted. Wish you every success with the new club." Thank you. @AlexSalmond @AberdeenCC "@aeronmalone I got engaged in Doonbeg in 2012, looking forward to a return visit. Nicest hotel in Ireland by far!" Thanks. I hope that Derek Jeter has such a fantastic year with @Yankees that he changes his mind about retiring. Great guy! RT @DanScavino: Going2 @TrumpRink Sunday @realDonaldTrump the kids can't wait! Never been! Came across this when getting info! #Owner http:… "ianmccormack10 @realDonaldTrump great bit of business buying Doonbeg. Outstanding course & part of the country" Thx "@jshawknz @realDonaldTrump How many more months until the Celebrity Apprentice comes back on?" Very soon. "@tonystang @realDonaldTrump did a phenomenal job on the restoration of a legendary course Doral!" Thank you. "@MaryRosesGarden @realDonaldTrump congratulations! Think this spot is even prettier than Scotland!" Thanks! "@DatAdamGuy @realDonaldTrump @TrumpSoHo hotel looks great, can't wait to build something just as epic" Good luck! "@si_golf Gil Hanse's fix for delays in building the Rio Olympic course- Bring in the @realDonaldTrump! http://bit.ly/1kwj58I" Thank you. The Irish government is too smart to destroy their beautiful coastline w/ bird-killing, ugly wind turbines. @AlexSalmond @AberdeenCC My new club on the Atlantic Ocean in Ireland will soon be one of the best in the World - and no-one will be looking into ugly wind turbines! "@stewart5337: Hi, Don't know why it took me so long to follow you.Welcome to Ireland looking forward to visit your new Golf Club" "@RobertUndefined: @realDonaldTrump is the real deal, he is the man!" Thanks! "@lkoja: Excited for #CPAC @realDonaldTrump true inspiration to many Americans" Thank you. "@richardson1232: @realDonaldTrump is my role model. One of the best Americans out there." Thank you Mike. "@andrew_schinds: The fact that I get to hear @realDonaldTrump at #CPAC2014 is an honor." Thank you! "@luke_mcgrath: Can't wait to hear the man himself @realDonaldTrump at #CPAC" Great! "@SheridanBetts: Can't wait for #CPAC because of @realDonaldTrump." I look forward to it also. Do you believe the way Karzai talks down to the United States - zero respect! "@Augustleo14: @realDonaldTrump @T_Sharp4 I totally agree! The brain the Don has is so inspiring! I've loved him for years!" Thanks! "@PIERPAOLOMONNI: I definitely agree with @T_Sharp4! @realDonaldTrump really hope you will run for President!" Thank you! "@mbmirish: @realDonaldTrump congrats on your purchase in Ireland. How do I apply to work there?" Write to manager Joseph - good luck! "@T_Sharp4: Donald Trump would be the most ideal President" Thank you! "@MandreinaHP you're one of my idols, from age 15 I read your books, at 18 I started my company. Thanks" Great! @DanScavino Thanks Dan. RT @DanScavino: Here is an overdue #TBT @realDonaldTrump - at the 13th hole @ #Trump ~ #Westchester ~ winning the Club Championship🏆 http:… Give your goals substance -- make them count on as many levels as you can. Remember that passion can be the catalyst for great achievement. RT @TrumpCollection: Trump expands golf portfolio with the purchase of highly acclaimed @LodgeatDoonbeg: http://ow.ly/tAT1K via @Luxur… A big part of the country, even the southern states, is under massive attack from snow and freezing cold. Global warming anyone? Our clubhouse facility & suites in Ireland @LodgeatDoonbeg #TrumpIreland http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BgXuDsXIAAERpOe.jpg http://t.co/UJBjdbfkus RT @Westclarepage: @EricTrump talks to @clarechampion this morning in #Doonbeg http://www.clarechampion.ie/trumps-get-down-to-business-in-doonbeg/ Great making keynote speech at 2014 Lincoln Day Dinner, hosted by Dan Isaacs & NY Republican County Committee. Wonderful people! If Scotland doesn’t stop insane policy of obsolete, bird killing wind turbines, country will be destroyed. @AlexSalmond @AberdeenCC My sons, Don and Eric, are in Ireland looking at my new club. It will be phenomenal! @LodgeatDoonbeg RT @TrumpDoral: Thank you @LinksNation for the wonderful review of Trump Doral and the newly redesigned Blue Monster: http://ow.ly/tz5bU "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." -- Abraham Lincoln "If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves." -- Thomas A. Edison "Don't sell yourself short on something that is important. Today is just the beginning." -- Think Like a Champion If ObamaCare is such a wonderful law then why does Obama summarily change the law before an election? Make it special! No better place to celebrate St. Patrick's Day in the Windy City than @TrumpChicago http://bit.ly/1g7abuW "Trump lays out big plans for Doonbeg resort: Billionaire says investment shows Ireland’s economy recovering" http://bit.ly/1g78b5X My sons Don and Eric are right now at Doonbeg in Ireland. There will be nothing like it! The people of Ireland have been so great about my purchase of Doonbeg -- I'll be there soon. @LodgeatDoonbeg RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Donald Trump, Doonbeg Golf Club in Ireland: Donald Trump buys Irish golf course Doonbeg http://golfweek.com/news/2014/feb/11/donald-trump-buy-doonbeg-irish-golf-course-2014/ via @Gol… “Trump's Championship #BlueMonster Course Opens To Rave Reviews” http://bit.ly/1eFag8L via @sacbee_news Looking forward to addressing the record setting crowd tonight at the New York County Lincoln Day Dinner. Lots to talk about! Great purchase in Ireland--- will be a top spot! http://bit.ly/1kyRcwI “Remember to keep going: if you stop, your momentum will stop.” – Think Big W/ views of NYC's skyline, Trump Stamford is Connecticut’s most luxurious high rise, featuring Trump amenities http://bit.ly/17b1nPb "Destiny has a part to play in your life and in your business - so give it a chance to work." - Think Like a Champion RT @DamacOfficial: Designer Gil Hanse arrives in Dubai to check progress at @realDonaldTrump International Golf Club, Dubai http://t.co/ln5… Governor Cuomo only cut the Verrazano Bridge tolls because I made it a major point in speeches. I love the people of Staten Island! "@DinaAvon: @realDonaldTrump Whenever we see your plane I remind my son what hard work can accomplish. Thank you." That is great! "@poppjoe: @realDonaldTrump doral is looking amazing ...was there last weekend. When 100% complete?" Very soon, Blue Monster already open! "@nabalab: @realDonaldTrump with Wrestlemania coming up, any chance of renewing your "rivalry" with @VinceMcMahon? #YoureFired" Ask Vince! Anytime you see someone talking about celebrity weight loss on my "twitter" it is a total scam! "@ann_eads: @realDonaldTrump I agree with you about how people are mocking Russia and their efforts. Only going to hurt us in long run." "@mega1123: @realDonaldTrump Please Mr. Trump, put @derekhough on your show #CelebApprentice?" He would do great! "@GolfSwingShirt: @realDonaldTrump looking forward to playing Trump National LA on Tuesday with Padraig Harrington !" Say hi to PADRAIG! @dualheadedeagle True and thanks! @K_Swisher69 Thanks Kasey! Doing Fox & Friends at 7.00 A.M. ENJOY! I've been saying for three months that the bridge tolls to Staten Island are far too high and unfair-just got lowered, but not nearly enough @WesleyCooler3 But nobody asked-a great school! Via @GolfweekMag by @BKleinGolfweek: “Donald Trump reopens Doral's Blue Monster” http://bit.ly/1fKSHEs 46 stories above downtown New York, @TrumpSoHo features loft-inspired interiors designed by Fendi Casa http://bit.ly/dwQMT1 "Remember that things are cyclical, so be resilient, be patient, be creative, and remain positive." - Think Like a Champion RT @si_golf: Thanks to a Gil Hanse-led revamp, Donald Trump's Blue Monster at Doral is scarier than ever, writes @joepassov: http://t.co/kY… RT @GarcesGloria: With realdonaldtrump & @ivankatrump after his ceremonial tee-off at the new#BlueMonster pga #golf… http://instagram.com/p/kFH1lny07N/ RT @GeoffShac: Tour of @realDonaldTrump’s Doral Blue Monster finished, & even better than hoped. More elegant, strategic & grand http://t.c… RT @McLeanGolf: Grand Opening shotgun for the Blue Monster. Playing with @realDonaldTrump Gonzalo Castano and @JaimeDiaz24 http://t.co/HYL… RT @TrumpDoral: RT @CadillacChamp: Donald Trump introduces the brand new #BlueMonster at the opening ceremony! #CadillacChamp http://t.co/v… How does frumpy & little read @nytimes editorial writer Gail Collins keep her job? She is totally irrelevant! @nytimescollins RT @GCMorningDrive: 'The Donald' welcoming @GaryWilliamsGC & @CharlieRymerGC to the #BlueMonster Grand Opening at @TrumpDoral http://t.co/f… Never allow your attitude to be a liability. Be positive and strong. Set your mind on winning-- and keep it there. Negotiation: It is persuasion more than power. RT @CadillacChamp: Don't miss coverage of the #BlueMonster grand re-opening tomorrow @TrumpDoral on the @GCMorningDrive! #CadillacChamp #GC… RT @garyplayer: @TrumpDoral @realDonaldTrump Good luck today & all my best. Blue Monster really has turned out fantastically well. Congratu… "Just be tough, be strong, be willing to learn – and you will learn. Don’t be afraid of mistakes or setbacks." Think Like a Champion RT @TrumpDoral: .@realDonaldTrump has arrived at Trump Doral! We're one step closer to the #BlueMonster Grand Opening. http://t.co/dB5xdc9l… "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." -- Steve Jobs "An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." -- Benjamin Franklin The Blue Monster Golf Course officially opens tomorrow at Trump National Doral with a ribbon cutting ceremony. GREAT COURSE, GREAT REVIEWS! Wow, just in - ObamaCare projected to cause large scale drop in jobs - even Dems are shocked by 2.5 million number. DISASTER! When will our country stop wasting money on global warming and so many other truly "STUPID" things and begin to focus on lower taxes? Massive record setting snowstorm and freezing temperatures in U.S. Smart that GLOBAL WARMING hoaxsters changed name to CLIMATE CHANGE! $$$$ "Realize that an entrepreneur's most important gift to the world is jobs, security, and well-being for others." - Midas Touch Congress should be worried about American workers not people who came into our country by breaking our laws. CBO estimates over 2.3M jobs will be lost due to ObamaCare http://cnb.cx/MrErFZ Elections have consequences. Congrats to Pres.Obama and Dems. CBO has TRIPLED its estimate of working hours lost due to ObamaCare http://cnb.cx/MrErFZ Job Killer @WineEnthusiast’s highest rated wine in VA, @trumpwinery uses gentle techniques to produce quality wines http://bit.ly/mWxEft In 2016, the Old Post Office will be fully transformed into an iconic destination, Trump Int'l Washington DC http://bit.ly/MrCrNN "Experience, knowledge, and prescience are a formidable combination of powers. Do not underestimate them." - Think Like a Champion Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. --Thomas A. Edison RT @EricTrump: Sneak preview of the amazing #BlueMonster upgrades we've made at @TrumpDoral. Just 2 days until the grand re-opening! http:/… Wind energy is a complete economic disaster…. http://on.wsj.com/1nIaz6D @AlexSalmond @AberdeenCC @David_Cameron @Aberdeenshire @ScotParl Rio de Janeiro joins the @TrumpCollection in 2016. It’s going to be a spectacular hotel! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BflZ7plCEAA_UnA.jpg "Chance favors the prepared mind." -- Louis Pasteur The President of the U.S. is the leader of the Free World. He should dress like it at all times. Wear a suit and a tie for major interviews. RT @TrumpDoral: Want the latest in renovation news from Trump Doral? Head over to our Facebook page for the latest updates: http://t.co/PF8… The @PGATOUR comes to Miami on March 6th when the @CadillacChamp returns to @TrumpDoral http://bit.ly/1hIH8gH See you there! Watch commodity prices soar because of the freezing cold. Will be bad for the economy. We could use some global warming. Very happy to be Keynoting the NY County Republican Lincoln Day Dinner on February 12 http://bit.ly/1aWo2ox Another record crowd! The @Broncos had a truly bad day--my advice is to go home, forget about it, and come back tough next year. Via @MiamiHerald: “@IvankaTrump talks family and business” http://hrld.us/1aWnIWV "@Gfeorg: @realDonaldTrump President Obama should visit Macy's and buy some beautiful Trump silk ties." I can't get over, after all of the buildup, what a terrible game that was-the worst Super Bowl in history. The advertisers must be furious! RT @Newsmax_Media: Ruddy at Trump's Superbowl Party: Trump vows as NY Governor to cut taxes in half! #superbowl2014 @realdonaldtrump http:/… This may be the worst football game ever played by one team, Denver! Hard to watch. Enjoy the Super Bowl! "@TrumpCollection: A great time was had by all at @TrumpDoral's Gary Player Villa opening. "@LaurD123: Oh hey I saw bill o'reilly at a mets game once with Donald trump" @oreillyfactor will do great today with interview of O! "@bhughes657: I wonder if NBC will have #RachelMaddow interview Donald Trump before the Olympics?" Would get GREAT ratings! "@realKeithPatton: Congratulations @realDonaldTrump on your legal victory." Thanks! "@AladesuruA: i am now a big believer in @realDonaldTrump THINK BIG strategies...." RT @TrumpDoral: Great shot! RT @ROOK_E: The entrance to the pool #trumpdoral #beautiful #trump #renovation @ Trump National Doral http://t.… Go to the website for the Judge's full decision re Trump University: http://98percentapproval.com "@linclonone Congrats on your win. Never considered you would not win enjoy you every Monday on fox" Thank you COURT FINDS IN FAVOR OF TRUMP UNIVERSITY http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BfVfQ8VCQAA8z0n.jpg "The unforgivable crime is soft hitting. Do not hit at all if it can be avoided; but never hit softly." - Theodore Roosevelt "@KevinWeatherbee '--tremendous victory in Trump University case vs. lightweight @AGSchneiderman--just got the news!' Saw this coming" Thx "@GodFatha702 @AGSchneiderman Let's see if MSM reports it w/the same fervor they used when they reported the allegation." Thanks "@OBrienMurray Let's hope the press covers the loss for @AGSchneiderman as they did the false charges!" Thanks. To Jamie Dimon—I love kicking lightweight @AGSchneiderman’s ass. Stop settling and fight! Lightweight @AGSchneiderman just got his ass kicked by Trump! For information on Trump University victory, call Alan Garten, Esquire, at 212.836.3203 or Jeff Goldman, Esquire, at 212.867.4466. Wow--tremendous victory in the Trump University case against lightweight @AGSchneiderman--just got the news! "@bagomaan_87 Never learned so much from one book, you are a capital genius and people are just ignorant." Thx. "@jtatsuno @realDonaldTrump Mr. Trump, it's commendable that you have over 2.5 million Follows...." Thank you. " @WealthyJACK @realDonaldTrump True. I read it - great book, Mr. Trump." Thanks. Article from The Street--The Donald's Trump Card: Himself http://bit.ly/1dSMNMG "@mattj4226 My day was made when I read that you will be speaking at my first #CPAC!" I hope you like it! "@danrothweil Donald wins again with the best brain break tweet (Aristotle quote). Thanks and back to work." Thank you. "@IDollyLenz RIGHT ON! “Success breeds success. The best way to impress people is through results." Thanks Dolly! Looking forward to being hosted by @NickLangworthy’s Erie County Lincoln Leadership Reception tonight. Record crowd! Can't wait. Raffaele Sollecito was unfairly convicted. He didn’t kill anyone. The Italian government should be ashamed. @Raffasolaries Via @BreitbartNews by mboyle1: "EXCLUSIVE - DONALD TRUMP CONFIRMED TO SPEAK AT #CPAC2014" http://bit.ly/1gxunZK @ACUConservative @CPACnews "For what is the best choice, for each individual, is the highest it is possible for him to achieve." -- Aristotle .@IamStevenT stopped by my office to say hello- a great guy! http://bit.ly/1n1KP1Z “Design your business from the start so that it is leverageable, expandable, predictable, and financeable.” – Midas Touch "@robertfritz308 @realDonaldTrump can u please wish me a happy birthday! I'm a big fan! Thank you." Happy Birthday. “Success breeds success. The best way to impress people is through results.” – Think Like a Billionaire Are Republicans suicidal? Now they want to push amnesty through Congress. Allowing Democrats into the country. The NY SAFE Act is an unconstitutional attack on 2nd Amendment rights. Will also increase crime. Obama said in his SOTU that “global warming is a fact.” Sure, about as factual as “if you like your healthcare, you can keep it.” Excited to announce Trump Rio de Janeiro, our first South American @TrumpCollection hotel set to open in 2016 http://bit.ly/1dajJjE "@caleb2207: @realDonaldTrump is our future. Only he can turn our country around. #TRUMP2016" "@AceBuey: @realDonaldTrump sadly, HBO had no morals and gave that garbage another show @billmaher" BOYCOTT HBO! With one of the worst and most prolonged cold spells in history, with Atlanta, Texas and parts of Florida freezing- Global Warming anyone? "@Desheay: @realDonaldTrump DONALD TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT 2016. A New Era Of Prosperity FOR ALL......" True, and it would be easy! Remember when "comedian" Bill Maher openly praised the disgusting terrorists who destroyed the World Trade Center-then got canned by ABC? "@sherrymcmurry: @realDonaldTrump .....may be the only person on the planet that can beat Hillary." "@vicki_cedeno: @realDonaldTrump Donald Trump for President? That would be so awesome!" Nice! "@ou_sg: @realDonaldTrump, Please Mr.Trump America needs someone like you to help our country. Trump 2016 for President." Thank you! "@bahia6085: @realDonaldTrump Success rule-Surround yourself w/successful people. Do it with twitter. Follow Trump=Success." "@GropperBlotter:I've been listening to @Espngreeny & @espngolic for years.The @realDonaldTrump interview today is an all-timer, sensational "@bahia6085: @realDonaldTrump Timeless Classic." So nice! Failing comedian Bill Maher, who I got an accidental glimpse of the other night, is really a dumb guy, just look at his past! Press conference at the opening of the @GaryPlayer Villa at @TrumpDoral . http://instagram.com/p/jxRJdQGhTZ/ With @IvankaTrump and @EricTrump at the opening of the @GaryPlayer Villa at @TrumpDoral- http://instagram.com/p/jxPw_OmhRn/ “Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.” - Mark Twain Once ObamaCare is fully enacted in NY, conveniently after 2014, expect higher premiums, bigger deductibles, & worse care. Job killer! "If you can't say great things about yourself, who do you think will?" - Think Like a Champion Wow, honored to just pass 2.5M followers on @twitter. Thanks to all my followers. We are going to have a great year together. Just received a wonderful letter from a new father who bought his son his first book, The Art of the Deal. Great parent! “The cheapest natural gas in the world is in the United States.” - @boonepickens Always leave your ego at the door during negotiations. Remember, it’s only business and there will always be another day! Now the UN is attacking @Redskins franchise http://bit.ly/1hIMMPE With all the world's problems, is this really a top priority? Welcome to the new reality! Moody’s just downgraded the entire US health insurance industry because of ObamaCare. Via @BloombergLuxury by @NadjaBrandt: "Trump to Add Rio Hotel as Part of Expansion to 30 Sites" http://bloom.bg/1b0DFJa Thanks to everyone for your support on @CNBC’s “Top Leaders, Icons and Rebels” vvhttp://cnb.cx/1fi8fO5 Thanks for voting Trump! The @CadillacChamp returns to @TrumpDoral on March 6th http://bit.ly/1hIH8gH Watch top golfers of the world battle the Blue Monster! It was great being on @MikeAndMike in the Morning (ESPN)—two great guys, fantastic show! Mike & Mike in one minute! I will be on the Mike & Mike Show on radio and ESPN-at about 6 to 7 A.M. We will be talking Super Bowl and sports-no Obama Care! Give me clean, beautiful and healthy air - not the same old climate change (global warming) bullshit! I am tired of hearing this nonsense. The weather has been so cold for so long that the global warming HOAXSTERS were forced to change the name to climate change to keep $ flow! "@peyton2419: Can't wait until 2016 when DT is POTUS. So that I can stop listening to problems with our economy in the State of the Union." Snowing in Texas and Louisiana, record setting freezing temperatures throughout the country and beyond. Global warming is an expensive hoax! "Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art.Making money is art & working is art & good business is the best art." A. Warhol Creativity and control can go hand in hand. Brainpower is the ultimate leverage. "It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer." -- Albert Einstein How much is New York State spending on that obnoxious T.V. commercial that is being played endlessly for a tax incentive that doesn't work? Steve Jobs is spinning in his grave - Apple has lost both vision and momentum - must move fast to get magic back! "@HMunjal: @realDonaldTrump When will you come to my home-country India to see the progress of Trump Towers in Pune?" Very soon! "@LangWillar: @realDonaldTrump When? If it was before today, you're good. If you sold it today, not that good..." I sold it last week! I predicted Apple's stock fall based on their dumb refusal to give the option of a larger iPhone screen like Samsung. I sold my Apple stock Apple's iPhone sales fell way short-they must go to a larger screen, as alternative, fast (as I said long ago)! Samsung's size much better. RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: I was very excited to announce the new Trump Hotel Rio de Janeiro Brazil development today at the ALIS Conference in Lo… Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits. -- Thomas A. Edison For entrepreneurs, ignorance is not bliss. It's fatal. It's costly. And it's for losers. You either get organized, or get crushed. Passion gives great momentum and can be the catalyst for great achievement. Give your goals substance. Imbue them with a value that exceeds the monetary. Make them count on as many levels as you can. Afghanistan's so called leader, Karzai, is toying with the U.S. "@kwrcrow: @realDonaldTrump Tell it like it is Sir. Don't pull any punches. Keep up the good work." I will, thanks! Will be on Fox & Friends at 7.00 - Enjoy! "@betterhermann: @realDonaldTrump What's obvious to you seems to elude most people's vision." Do you really believe our once great country can continue to survive with incompetent leadership. The answer is no and we better move fast! Any and all weather events are used by the GLOBAL WARMING HOAXSTERS to justify higher taxes to save our planet! They don't believe it $$$$! "@dawson_Stock: Don't forget. "Global warming" can also mean earth is getting colder! That way they cover both sides of the fence!" NBC News just called it the great freeze - coldest weather in years. Is our country still spending money on the GLOBAL WARMING HOAX? "@nandigold13: @realDonaldTrump thanks for all the inspirational tweets ..I like to.learn from the best" Thank you! "@TONYWELCH007: @realDonaldTrump It all starts at@Trump Doral !! The best in all of the WORLD will face the test of The NewBlueMonster! Have the right mindset for the job. See your work as an art form--which means paying attention to every detail. When times are difficult, you must be even more focused. That’s when you will find profitable opportunities. via WSJ. Wake up @AlexSalmond before you destroy Scotland. @David_Cameron, @AberdeenCC, @pressjournal http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bexb6bNCQAA4oKI.png For all of those who have been asking, a big cast announcement coming soon for @ApprenticeNBC! 90 stories over midtown New York, Trump World Tower’s glass curtain wall is a true landmark http://bit.ly/1hSlHdN Great day yesterday at @TrumpDoral unveiling the new Gary Player Villa http://bit.ly/1hSjGy4 Gary is a champion and a great guy. Honored to be named as one of business’s “Top Leaders, Icons and Rebels” by @CNBC http://cnb.cx/1fi8fO5 Vote Trump! "You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else." Albert Einstein "You never know when the tide is going to turn in your favor. It's important to never give up on yourself." -- Think Like a Champion Great @UnionLeader piece by @jdistaso on my visit to @saintanselm for @NECouncil & @nhiop Politics & Eggs http://bit.ly/1eSY0Pv RT @TrumpDoral: RT @Recommendmag: The ribbon cutting ceremony honoring the new Gary Player Villa @TrumpDoral http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BeraZdaIAAAsJoT.jpg RT @TrumpDoral: RT @CadillacChamp: "I'm so proud to have my name on this villa" - Gary Player http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BerX2ngIEAEVTmQ.jpg RT @TrumpDoral: RT @CadillacChamp: We are very excited for the Gary Player Villa opening today @TrumpDoral! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BerHUT4CAAACbak.jpg RT @IvankaTrump: Congrats to @TrumpToronto–voted by @TripAdvisor as one of the #TopTen hotels in the world! Will be leaving Palm Beach for the 11 A.M. ceremony opening the magnificent GARY PLAYER VILLA at Trump Nationak Doral, Miami. GARY IS GREAT! Set high standards and meet them. The proof is in the doing: learn by doing and taking risks. "@ASenaPhotograph Today is my 61st birthday .The best gift I could receive is a retweet from you. Supporting you in 2016" Happy Birthday. Happy Anniversary to my wonderful wife @MELANIATRUMP -- a truly great decision by me! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BemA0YxIAAAj3dK.jpg RT @TrumpToronto: We are proud to announce that we are one of the first hotels in Toronto to receive five stars by @ForbesInspector! http:/… RT @TrumpDoral: Interested in Blue Monster course reviews and interviews about the renovation? Visit our Blue Monster blog: http://t.co/eck… Learning to expect problems saved me from a lot of wasted energy. Winners see problems as just another way to prove themselves. "@jjprl: Just left @TrumpDoral what an amazing spot. @realDonaldTrump and his team have done an incredible job. Go see for yourself #doral "@LA_Reid: "I like thinking big. If you’re going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big." -Donald Trump #BeEpic" RT @TrumpDoral: The @MiamiHerald sat down w/ @realDonaldTrump to discuss his passion for golf & @TrumpDoral's exciting transformation http:… “You're never a loser until you quit trying.” - Mike Ditka Hope & Change! China now controls a record number of our debt http://bloom.bg/1e6Kppd Excited for tomorrow’s Politics & Eggs @saintanselm co-hosted by @NECouncil & @nhiop. Live stream here http://www.anselm.edu/ People often ask me the secret to my success, and the answer is simple: passion, focus and hard work. Momentum keeps it all going. "Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right." Henry Ford WWII vs. Now! During the 3 1/2 years of World War II that started with the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1rvvuup "@brianerbland @realDonaldTrump is the best choice for NY, it's time for a real leader in NY again. #NYGOP" Thanks. "@michell33841372 People voting in NY w/ their feet, people leaving in record numbers. As gov Trump can fix this mess." True, thx Movie producer Harvey Weinstein, who lost his company to Colony Capital, is against guns but makes movies w/ major gun violence--really! "@ScotlandGolf1 Trump Int'l is one of the best golf courses I have ever played & that is saying something" True, thx http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BeNRsidCQAELFvD.jpg Fox & Friends at 7.00 "@GunBunInTheOven: .@realDonaldTrump YOURE A GOD DAMNED GENIUS TRUMP" I agree, thanks! "@bbeltku: Named my first born son after @realDonaldTrump Hope he lives up to the name!" He will be a total winner! "@jesale84: @realDonaldTrump if you were president Mr.Trump what would you do to change the direction this country is going in? Many things "@mckprk: @realDonaldTrump is my inspiration to be great" Work hard and smart! "@RealMaky: I really look up to @realDonaldTrump his work ethic is great! Continuing to work hard and to work smart 🙏" "@benlouix: @realDonaldTrump you are the most influential man in the world. And @RSherman_25 is a close second after tonight's game" "@ChadSheridan: I'm inspired by people all the time. People like my parents, grandparents, and yes, @realDonaldTrump the guy is smart. "@jeffredman5: @realDonaldTrump #Trump4Prez" Thank you! "@Badash78: @realDonaldTrump @ToddThomson12 @RSherman_25 Sherman has great respect for you Mr. Trump." "@sendrajeremy: Can only try to be as successful as the @realDonaldTrump #GetKatapulted" Work hard! "@ToddThomson12: Is there enough room for @RSherman_25 and @realDonaldTrump egos in NYC at the same time?" YES! "@JLsmoothh: @realDonaldTrump run for president please" "@ALLEN1328: @realDonaldTrump Next president of the U.S. "@hartataq81: @realDonaldTrump @arabinkid88 when you going to be our new POTUS" Only time will tell - thanks! "@istoddisgood: @realDonaldTrump Even in Australia you're an inspiration!" Thanks! "@jakematt1999: In all honesty if @realDonaldTrump would enter into politics I'd be his number 1 supporter, even though I'm in liberal #NC "@TONYWELCH007: @realDonaldTrump Trump National@Doral will be a very special PGA event 2014" "@MELANIATRUMP: 📷 #tbt #throwbackthursday http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BeHnEQ_IQAA-jHZ.jpg" "@diamondman23: @realDonaldTrump this guy has got good stuff, your the man Trump, 130am and I'm up reading your book, http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BePd9EFIQAAgDiF.jpg "@akers_joshua: @pearlingjosh Absolutely amazing. Still not sure about running for Pres. Mr. Trump?? lol The world loves you." Thanks! "@arabinkid88: @realDonaldTrump true inspiration to many people including myself #StriveForGreatness" "@rcarlc: @realDonaldTrump amen. You’re an American #Hero" Thank you so much! "@Bigkick85: @realDonaldTrump A true inspiration for the American Dream" Thank you! "@pearlingjosh: You are a big inspiration to me Mr.Trump. I'm 24,Ugandan.When I make it,I will call my first business In D.J.Trump we Trust" "@LacroixRoxane: @realDonaldTrump I believe you as all your Children are poised, respectful and genuine. Good job :)" Thanks Roxane! To be really successful it is always good to have A COOL HEAD, WARM HEART AND BEAUTIFUL COMMON TOUCH! Rising over Bay Street, @TrumpTO brings opulent luxury along with our famous world-class amenities to the Queen City http://bit.ly/19k8VNK Wow, just heard that that next Tuesday’s @saintanselm Politics & Eggs is the largest crowd ever. Looking forward to making new friends. @EdwardFCox and @RobAstorino, who I like, are intent on another New York State suicide mission. They've got to get their act together! To get momentum, you must first focus on a specific goal with passion and intensity. Trust your instincts. They are there for a reason. Without instincts, you'll have a hard time getting to--and staying at--the top. “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.” - Michael Jordan @NewYorkGOP leader Ed Cox’s record is abysmal--no victories. Hopefully he can turn things around. Senate concludes “Benghazi could have been prevented” http://tiny.cc/glhs9w @BreitbartNews continues to push the limits on political and investigative reporting! Andrew’s legacy lives on. Looking forward to being hosted by @saintanselm for Politics & Eggs next Tuesday. See you in Manchester! #NHPolitics Great article by @AmSpec's Jeffrey Lord: “The Reagan Revolution. And now… the @realDonaldTrump Revolution?” http://bit.ly/1dTHOf6 Lightweight @AGSchneiderman is fighting with @NYGovCuomo –Cuomo wins that one easily. Schneiderman is a total loser. Terrible story on front page of NYTimes about lightweight @AGSchneiderman http://nyti.ms/1cw0xwo Does Eric wear eyeliner? Hope you enjoy the story in the highly respected Real Estate Weekly http://bit.ly/1kEGjL1 To be a winner, think like a winner. Practice positive thinking--with reality checks. Department of Homeland Security has spent $3.5 billion dollars building their new headquarters and is years late and billions over budget! I hope we never find life on another planet because if we do there's no doubt that the United States will start sending them money! @tedbishop38pga Thanks Ted, see you at the show! I would like to thank a great writer and person, @JPappasPR., of REAL ESTATE WEEKLY, for the wonderful story on me. Very much appreciated! “Winning takes talent, to repeat takes character.” - John Wooden Where is the progress in the state of New York over the last three years? There is none--only backwards. The Senate should immediately vote on the Iranian sanctions bill. What is the delay? Iran is already breaking its agreement with Obama Gabriel Sherman’s book on Roger Ailes is filled with falsehoods and inaccuracies. Publisher should be ashamed (and sued). "@WLynton It's my 30th B Day today, and a reply from you would be the best gift ever?" Happy Birthday "@tonyge0101 @realDonaldTrump why don't you buy your own team? You'll be the best owner ever!" Thanks. "@akers_joshua I've read 3 books from @realDonaldTrump & the best advice is in all three. "Do something you're passionate about." Great. "@1JeffHensley I'm a Yankee fan & I agree whole heartedly. He aint worth it never was . TRUMP 2016!" Great, thx. "@OsamaBinBallinn: Out of all the "celebrities" @realDonaldTrump is the only one that speaks the truth. We need more leaders like him! A-Rod’s lawsuit trying to overturn a binding arbitration agreement is going nowhere. He should be banned from spring training. @NewYorkGOP The Ed Cox letter to Republicans, which is being so badly ridiculed by the press, should never have been written. WEAKNESS-SAD! "@SpenceGarcia805: @realDonaldTrump is the man!! Huge inspiration" Thanks! "@dustinjm19: @realDonaldTrump a retweet today = a new tie purchase from Macy's tomorrow. "@RDPomin: @realDonaldTrump Trump needs his own Late Night Show!" "@JerseyShoeLace: I have an internal debate on whether or not to unfollow @realDonaldTrump on a daily basis" You can't live without it! "@robmotmotcally: @realDonaldTrump good day mr trump any updates on ur golf course in Aberdeen ?? #scotland" Record business! "@MichaelSteele: Can't wait 4 TrumpDC RT @realDonaldTrump: "@ichicagoscott: Thanks Michael, it will be the best - keep up the great work! "@joannakirshner: Enjoying my stay at the beautiful @TrumpPanama. Thanks @realDonaldTrump for bringing Trump to Panama! I love that hotel! "@JacksBeach: @realDonaldTrump @jeffredman5 Trump's a strong leader. Letterman is a weak, passive, insecure person." Thanks, but he is good! "@MarkMizzouSteel: @realDonaldTrump @ichicagoscott @TrumpChicago Trust me, I have stayed there a few times for work and it is fantastic!" "@ichicagoscott: @realDonaldTrump how would you describe @TrumpChicago in one word?" Magnificent! "@johnnyb23390: @realDonaldTrump - the only confidentiality agreement he signed was for his real birth certificate. keep up the great work!" Watching Gates on @seanhannity - looks like he got hit by a truck! Why didn't Obama get him, and others,to sign a confidentiality agreement? "@jeffredman5: @realDonaldTrump watched your David Letterman interview, you seem like a cool guy" Thanks! "@SolomonDodson: @realDonaldTrump someone as smart as you should seriously run for president!!!" Thank you! "@mustbeAT_15: I'll be just like you one day @realDonaldTrump" You can do better than that! "@arqpallares: Finally,Punta del Este will have its own Trump Tower! Missed @IvankaTrump this year and hope to see you in the opening!" "@str8thinker: As president @realDonaldTrump would surround himself with Great People. .. no more mediocrity" TRUE! "@RyleyRLynn: @realDonaldTrump please run for president Mr. Trump! The country needs fixing and you're the best man for the job!" Thank you "@Michele_WV: @realDonaldTrump PLEASE RUN FOR PRESIDENT AND STRAIGHTEN THINGS OUT." There is plenty to straighten out! "@dintres: @realDonaldTrump we need a real businessman to run this country someone to make money we are not a charity nation! SO TRUE! "@PREACHPALERIDER: begged you 3 years ago to run for pres....2016 is America's last shot before descent into darkness...consider it now." "@haventravel: @realDonaldTrump you inspired me to be my own boss and start my own small business." "@caleb2207: @realDonaldTrump my family is going to Hawaii & I told them to go to @TrumpWaikiki I told them that yours' are the best!" "@TinaPiper: @realDonaldTrump so ready for another #celebrityapprentice I love love that show!" "@jennamstrachota: @realDonaldTrump Always inspiring me to be my personal best! I appreciate it." "@KcLivegreen: @realDonaldTrump Thanks for the positive words of wisdom!" @NewYorkGOP New York Republicans must change from a culture of losing to a culture of winning - and fast. This is your last decent shot! "@ApprenticeNBC: Sending warm wishes to our dear friend @hollyrpeete on her birthday today! Happy birthday, Holly! Think positively. Zap negativity immediately. Focus on the solution, not the problem. Be persistent and alert--every single day. Momentum! For great success, you need passion, but make sure it's well directed. Learn everything you can about what you're doing. Be an expert. #1 for success: Find out what you love to do. Trust yourself enough to find out what is best for you and what you're best at doing... Resilience is part of the survival of the fittest formula--make sure you remain adaptable. @cmo626 long time admirer. Want to buy one of your books for a friend. Any suggestions?" The Art of the Deal is a good start. "@CarolynGoltman It's my birthday and what a wonderful gift if I could get a retweet from such an inspirational man :-)" Happy Birthday "@BobSmit98038199: @realDonaldTrump where can I get these ties ?" @Macys and Trump Tower. "@TWERKMlLEY: @realDonaldTrump @robsine Did you know your picture is on here?! You were so cute omg! 💕 http://aff112.teensdigest.com/articles/396?page=9" "@robsine: Wearing my @realDonaldTrump tie today. Gonna be a great day. #confidence #wishihadfiveofthem" Great! "@ryanbushby: @realDonaldTrump only you know the truth Donald!!! Please run for president, only you can save the #USA" "@_cnolan: We need someone like or @realDonaldTrump himself for President in 2016!" Thank you! "@Dave_Brown_: If @realDonaldTrump runs for president he has my vote" Thanks! "@MichaelRCaputo: Catch @realDonaldTrump on Fred Dicker's @TALK1300 radio show Tuesday at 10AM re: the governor's race. LISTEN LIVE: "@pruett_jason: @realDonaldTrump Would be honored to get a follow from the greatest businessman ever!!! #followtheleader" Yankees should have dropped A-Rod long ago, not even bothered with arbitration. They would have saved a fortune! "@D_Cash_honey: @realDonaldTrump I get my inspiration for what I do everyday from you." So nice, thanks! Best speech in #GoldenGlobes history- http://instagram.com/p/jH6vPcGhXf/ RT @TrumpCollection: See how Washington D.C.'s Old Post Office will exceed expectations in when opened in 2016: http://trumpcollection.co/dc Focus on your goals, not on fixed patterns. Do what's necessary and what's unnecessary will be made clear. Understand that difficulties, mistakes & setbacks are an inevitable part of business and life. Don't allow them to knock you off your feet. Anticipate change and embrace it. Recognize new developments that you can capitalize on and use to open new doors. "@PIERPAOLOMONNI @realDonaldTrump @ArekRNBN Definitely a great book! Think like a Champion, to be a Champion!" Thanks. "@KarateMomCCM You are an inspiration and I admire your honesty, perseverance and business sense." Thank you. "@FlushingHearing @realDonaldTrump Looking forward to hearing you speak at the Starkey Expo on Thursday"10 AM/ Las Vegas/Great! RT @nyguitars: China surpasses US in trade for first time ever...Landmark 4 trillion Need to Buy American guys @realDonaldTrump #toldus RT @MichaelRCaputo: Standing room only GOP meeting with @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BdoW_j9CIAA0PCj.jpg "@ArekRNBN Just finished another great Trump book, one more to go @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bd34Z-oCMAAX_Dn.jpg" Great! "@ejfriday @realDonaldTrump Wow DonaldTrump for pres...America prepare for exceptional Greatness. Cheers" Thanks. "@betterhermann @caleb2207 @oreillyfactor I think a show on Fox w/Donald Trump would be something to look forward to." Agree "@jjprl @TrumpDoral what an amazing spot. Donald Trump & his team have done an incredible job. Go see for yourself" Thx @jglenstevens No, we need a great businessman. RT @whodatinsurance: @realDonaldTrump @brad4634 Had the best dinner at #sixteen in August---recommending to everyone! @realDonaldTrump http… @Helena_Torry I consider myself too perfect and have no faults. "@vijaychopra7 U are one of the most gifted personalities today. Keep rocking the world with ur ingenious thoughts" Thank you. "@CaliPaulMichael @realDonaldTrump do you love interacting with fans as much as we do with you??" Yes. "@nsatte: @realDonaldTrump I'm a big fan. We just got a Trump mattress and it's great, like I knew your brand would be." From Serta! Will be doing Fox & Friends in a few minutes - hope you enjoy! After watching all about the horror story that is A-Rod, I realized again that it is time to let Pete Rose into the Baseball Hall of Fame! "@YoSoyTuMarido_: Todos son culeros☺️ @realDonaldTrump FOR PRESIDENT!!!!! USA USA!" "@Sunflowers362: @realDonaldTrump I have been reviewing my options for this #Obamacare it has me with #sleepless #nights. I'm worried!" @rodstowell73 They are all afraid to use it because they know what will happen - thanks! "@CarmineValenti: @realDonaldTrump Please run for President,everyone will vote for you.Oh yeah and buy the Mets, They'll be 162-0 every year "@lexiflake: @realDonaldTrump your awesome! I love you so much xoxo #NextPresident" The Republican Party of New York has been conditioned to lose, and there is no excuse for this. Leadership must move fast and decisively! "@gjcream: @realDonaldTrump Thank you for being a strait shooter. You are an inspiration to all of us young business owners." Thank you! "@HeelsofsteelAH: @realDonaldTrump Please be our next president!!!!! We will all vote for you!!!!!!" "@RGhilinoCLU: I bought a couple beautiful @realDonaldTrump ties at @Macys today. Guaranteed to look sharp this week." I will be doing Fox & Friends tomorrow morning at 7.00. Will be discussing all sorts of current disasters! "@IvankaTrump: .@GolfDigestMag predicts that @realDonaldTrump is Golf's greatest builder today. #BlueMonster #Aberdeen #FerryPoint" Whether you like Obama or not, Bob Gates turned out to be one disloyal dude! Personally, I hate rats. "@elizabethtrivis: @realDonaldTrump @G0D_ you will get my vote" Thanks! "@G0D_: @RealShaneHiles @realDonaldTrump until @realDonaldTrump a proven job creator & inspiration for the common man" "@DarleneMichele: @realDonaldTrump @G0D_ u would definitely be our best looking president ever :)" Thank you, very nice! "@stephencranford: @realDonaldTrump that's awesome! #Trump4President #TRUMP2016" "@chrisexpress5: Only @realDonaldTrump could help this country out of the hole it's in. #Trump2016" "@Jenylyn23: @realDonaldTrump what would be your first action as President?" TO END OBAMACARE! "@G0D_: @realDonaldTrump WHEN WILL WE HAVE ANOTHER PRESIDENT LIKE REAGAN? #TRUMP2016" "@emanuelcenerini: @realDonaldTrump I think americans know that You would be a great President..no possibility for the others" Thanks! In politics, and sometimes in life, FRIENDS COME AND GO, BUT ENEMIES ACCUMULATE! Now that the ObamaCare website contractor has been terminated for obvious incompetence, is the person who hired them going to be fired? President Obama just fired the ObamaCare website builder. My question is, why were they hired in the first place? Sue them for damages! The brand new Blue Monster just opened at Trump National Doral - Miami. Also, great new driving range which is open 'till midnight. GO SEE! "@BillDMeyer1971: @gretawire @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews We need him as governor... this state is a mess....." Focus on your goals, not your problems. Problems are a mind exercise--learn to play beyond your comfort zone. Be tough, be smart, be personable, but don't take things personally. That's good business. RT @DanScavino: @realDonaldTrump - news all over is that the entire Republican Party is coming to Trump Tower today!? That's a statement!! "_xx_justme I still can't believe Donald Trump responded to my tweet. "Respect" #Trump2016 He would be the best Pres for this Country." Thx "@skyblue2050 @realDonaldTrump The Apprentice is a great show! never tired watching it!" Thank you. "@PRINCEOMEGA @ZagatChicago @realDonaldTrump @SixteenChicago BRAVO!!!" Thank you. @TrumpChicago "@CircleofDocs @realDonaldTrump @TrumpChicago we love the Trump Chicago. Great place to live and visit." Thank you. "@brad4634 A beautiful addition to my city's skyline and great dining!! Thanks for making Chicago more beautiful than ever!!" Thank you. "@elspryte @realDonaldTrump fantastic point of view, 95% of uk would agree with you there" @AlexSalmond "@tinaclean @realDonaldTrump when is your Vancouver BC hotel going to be finished?" 18 months. "@L100RAN Agree! The best thing @AlexSalmond can do is start telling the TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH!" "@Discoboy7 Salmond is on a one man crusade to destroya Brilliant Union & his u turn on your investment is a disgrace!" Thx "@KentTucker planning a golf trip to Scotland Aug 2015 - should we plan on playing Trump Int'l??" Yes, it is the best. It’s Thursday. How many people have lost their healthcare today? #TBT With Darrell Hammond when I hosted SNL. http://instagram.com/p/i9oaQ3GhQ0/ RT @ZagatChicago: .@SixteenChicago welcomes a winter menu that's an edible adventure through Chicago history. Plus, a new pastry chef: http… The Trump Organization continues to expand internationally at a record pace. Many new announcements to come soon. RT @IvankaTrump: Excited to see @TrumpDoral as one of @Forbes 15 most anticipated hotel openings in 2014! http://onforb.es/1fd17Xu One of the world's tallest buildings, @TrumpChicago is not only a 5 star hotel but has 5 star dining options http://bit.ly/UNathh Via @foxnewslatino: “Donald Trump Plans Huge Towers In Rio For Post-Olympic Building Boom” http://bit.ly/JJW16O RT @MissUSA2005: @realDonaldTrump Please support Monica Spear Scholarship Fund in honor of slain Miss Venezuela, funds 4 her daughter. http… Thanks everybody for the Happy Birthday greetings, but it’s actually the 10th birthday of The Apprentice. My birthday is June 14th.... “Offshore wind is a dead duck in Scotland and it’s time Alex Salmond manned up, stopped blaming Westminster (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1rvj3db The news about our beautiful Miss Venezuela, Monica Spear, is devastating to all who knew her. A spectacular woman, she will be missed. "@1HotNinja: @realDonaldTrump Please run for president, it would be my dream come true. No better person to run U.S.A." "@tylerthurston: Happy Birthday @realDonaldTrump, I always look forward to reading your advice.".Great! "@BattleFace2Face: @realDonaldTrump You got my vote donald your the only 1 that can save us from this economy #trump2016" "@PrezBridgette: @realDonaldTrump Thank You For Inspiring This World." No, thank you! "@lindsey_derek: Out of all the famous people on twitter, the only one I see tweet regular people is @realDonaldTrump! #Greatguy" "@Herr_Barclay: Got to love the Monday segments by @realDonaldTrump on Fox & Friends. Never miss it. It's not Monday but worth a mention! "@sloat24: @realDonaldTrump I can vote now and I expect to be voting for #Trump2016" Thank you! "@debragarrett: @realDonaldTrump happy Birthday to one of my most admired men!!! Like a fine wine Mr. Trump🍷 Have a great Birthday! THANKS! "@InTheElections: See, I told you God wanted you to be president, he's had me praying for you about it y many years." .Wow, so nice! "@maomaothecat: @realDonaldTrump can't sleep thinking about the new Celeb Apprentice!!!" "@iAndyOlson: “@realDonaldTrump: “@Raj_Tut: I’m 22 (I own) my company @TutandTut I started because of you… any advice?" Give me 10%(kidding) "@PatKetley: Birthdays are special and a retweet from @realDonaldTrump would make it even more special" Happy Birthday! "@PIETIEV: @realDonaldTrump happy new year, Mr. Trump. Who was your role model before you became successful?" My father, Fred Trump. "@rhino848484: @realDonaldTrump where would NBC be without the apprentice? You make the TV Network Mr. Trump" "@18_4_LIFE: @realDonaldTrump @caleb2207 You should get a job at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave!" "@Raj_Tut: I'm 22... my company @TutandTut owns $6 million worth of multi-family properties... I started because of you... any advice?"Great "@JasonGandy: @realDonaldTrump Donald why the hell don't you run for President. Business genius unlike @BarackObama. #2016" "@18_4_LIFE: Not only a GREAT show, but what's forgotten is the worthy causes/charities being supported! Great work being done." THANKS! "@benwiley3: @realDonaldTrump @Macys my Donald Trump tie is my prized possession in my closet!" Great! "@Willy_Kingston: This country's economy would be back on track if @realDonaldTrump became the next President." So true, thanks! "@caleb2207: You should get a show on FoxNews! With your brilliant & independent mind I think your show would surpass the @oreillyfactor" "@sundance0272: Congratulations Mr. Trump. We have enjoyed ever season and look forward to this next season. So entertaining! Thanks! "@Pertinax193: @EricTrump @realDonaldTrump Now let's get the course in my neighborhood at Kluge on track. My membership awaits." Thanks! "@jeffredman5: @realDonaldTrump celebrity apprentice is truly a great show. Great cast every season!" "@_xx_justme: @realDonaldTrump I'd give anything for you to be our President. You have my vote and all of my families and friends too!!"NICE "@GFCFrocks: @realDonaldTrump Love the Apprentice!!!" "@tormike: @realDonaldTrump best reality show on TV. Love the challenges" "@Katdhairstudio: @realDonaldTrump I can't wait for this year. I never miss Apprentice!" Show and cast will be amazing! "@Theshingleguy: my family and I stayed at @TrumpChicago last weekend. It was a blizzard outside but pure heaven inside!" GREAT! @Paula_White One of the all-time greats - a true spiritual leader and wonderful person. Keep up the good fight! We had a GREAT year @Macys with ties, shirts and suits, thanks! New selections just arrived - they are amazing! "@JUrciuoli19: @realDonaldTrump With this cast u will have the #1 show on TV! Fans are excited! Can you confirm? Justin,thanks-will be great "@NickThompsonPGA: Thank you @realDonaldTrump for letting me play at @trumpinternational.... The best golf course ever! WE ARE PROUD OF YOU! "@G0D_: @realDonaldTrump thats why YOU should be president" Thank you for the nice words! "@kevinrleyland: @realDonaldTrump Has it been more than you ever expected?" Far more and far better! Tomorrow is the 10 year anniversary of the Apprentice, one of the biggest hits in television history. How time flies! Why didn’t Gates resign if he was so unhappy about what he was being told by Obama? The fact is, Iraq etc. have always been disasters! While I am a critic of President Obama, I hate it when someone (Robert Gates) writes a self serving negative book about his boss. RT @EricTrump: Incredibly proud of the progress being made at @TrumpDoral. Check out the current construction on our new clubhouse: http://… Please, @21Club, go back to your original menu and preparation. Believe me, it was much better. Let me know when the change is made! Identify your goals. Know precisely what you want to achieve, study the best people in your field,and then plan the best route for success. Remember to think big by expanding your horizons at the same time you're expanding your net worth. Achievers move forward at all times. Don't tread water. Get out there and go for it. "Stay confident even when something bad happens. It is just a bump in the road. It will pass." - Think Big Congratulations to @BretBaier on his five year anniversary as the anchor @SpecialReport. Brett is great! Looking forward to hosting the @FloridaGOP “House Majority 2014 Golf Tournament” at Trump Int'l West Palm Beach on Jan. 27th. "@EpilepsyS Will you or @EricTrump try to be president of the united states? You could be a great president." Thanks. "@duffman263 Just realised @realDonaldTrump was in home alone 2! Looking dapper as always" Thank you. "@RandDHenninger great quote! I'm in the turf business. Nj and Phil. Your sups and courses are top notch!" Thank you. "@BobBursey: @realDonaldTrump if you run for president, you'll get my vote. Along with every one I know" Thanks, so nice! "@secaucus00: @realDonaldTrump respect your tweets I listen and share with my kids" Thanks Bob. We are experiencing the coldest weather in more than two decades-most people never remember anything like this. GLOBAL WARMING anyone? Have your own vision & stick with it. Don't be afraid to be unique.Every day is an opportunity to show what you can do at the highest level. Entrepreneurs: Set the example and you'll be a magnet for the right people. Great leaders determine the teams they assemble. Sec of State Kerry said we would not go back to Iraq. We shouldn’t, but he should not have said that. So stupid! Another one of my predictions just came true-- Iraq is a total disaster with government losing all control—so sad. Via @TIMEPolitics by @zekejmiller: “Trump To Visit New Hampshire” http://ti.me/19VHc7p Just hit a million on Facebook- http://instagram.com/p/i1SnY5mhe7/ "@Drake4444444 the only way to fix health care crisis is for you to run for Pres & bring common sense back to govt" Thx. "@jorgekb @TrumpDoral Blue Monster should be top 10 best courses this year!! Amazing course layout !! " Thank you. Most of the world's great riders are at Mar-a-Lago today for the Trump Invitational, one of the most important equestrian events of the year "@princebe: Antarctic ice shelf melt 'lowest EVER recorded, global warming is NOT eroding it' http://reg.cx/29dW via @theregister" “The future is always beginning now.” - Mark Strand, former Poet Laureate Record snowfall & freezing temps throughout the country. Where is Global Warming when you need it?! Welcome to the new ObamaCare reality – Doctor spent 2 hours on hold w/insurance company to get approval for surgery http://cbsloc.al/1e0tD9E @TrumpGolfLA is the top public course in the country with magnificent Pacific Ocean views http://bit.ly/hAJgi6 @fundanything has great campaigns. Support one today http://fundanything.com/en Via @BloombergNews by Peter Millard: "Trump Helps Rio Builders After Olympics: Corporate Brazil" http://bloom.bg/1e0peDF Try to develop a tempo when you're working--momentum is something you have to work at to maintain, & is an important element of success. A regular part of your day should be devoted to expanding your horizons. Learning is a new beginning. I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor. --Henry David Thoreau “Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” - Sun Tzu Snowden should come back to America and face justice. Instead, he is begging for clemency from Moscow. Treat him as a spy. It's Jan. 2. President Obama should end his vacation early & get back to Washington to straighten out the ObamaCare catastrophe--or end it. "Thinking big is the driving force that has forged all the great achievements in modern life." - Think Big Entrepreneurs are visionaries in some respects--they look beyond the present. Keep that in mind when looking for opportunities. The only Forbes 5 Star & 5 Diamond hotel with a 5 Star & 5 Diamond restaurant @TrumpNewYork offers elite luxury http://bit.ly/18ZJyrb "@HunterBalthazor: @realDonaldTrump if you ran for president you got my vote. Fix the country!" Thanks "@lutherice: @realDonaldTrump ties are amazing, very well made!" "@jeffredman5: @realDonaldTrump you are the MAN!!!" "@BlakeWebb6: Safe to say that @realDonaldTrump is the biggest stud on the planet #GOP #TrumpForPresident" "@ShadeTreeGambla: @realDonaldTrump irony is.... Imagine all the fossil fuels required to rescue that ship of idiots!" "@ma22dogs: @realDonaldTrump @TrumpLasVegas the rooms are like condos. Perfect for families. Very accommodating staff. Thanks! "@rayleebates: @realDonaldTrump Don for prez" Thank you. "@noahshappy: @realDonaldTrump very true comment Donald, I'm glad we have people like you in this day and age" "@MeleMallory: @realDonaldTrump You know it's actually called CLIMATE CHANGE, right? That's only because GLOBAL WARMING wasn't working! "@ScreenPlayWritr: @realDonaldTrump Is Al Gore on that ship?" This very expensive GLOBAL WARMING bullshit has got to stop. Our planet is freezing, record low temps,and our GW scientists are stuck in ice Today is the first day of the rest of your life - make the most of it! Have a happy, successful and healthy New Year! When it comes to money, finance and even life, PROTECT THE DOWNSIDE AND THE UPSIDE WILL TAKE CARE OF ITSELF! Make sure to have fun and celebrate NYE with friends and family. Happy New Year everyone! “Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one.” — @BradPaisley Bring in 2014 @TrumpSoHo's NYE soireé -- NYC's most exclusive New Year's Eve Party w/SoHi & @VeuveClicquot http://ow.ly/i/4abYB RT @TrumpCollection: We would like to thank the guests and friends of the Trump Hotel Collection for an exceptional 2013. RT @JimmyRobertsNBC: Wow. Played the "New Blue" today. Spectacular. 15 used to be short non-descript par 3. Not anymore #Doral http://t.c… Spend your last day of 2013 contemplating the moves you will make in 2014 to make it your best year ever! The con artists changed the name from GLOBAL WARMING to CLIMATE CHANGE when GLOBAL WARMING was no longer working and credibility was lost! What the hell is going on with GLOBAL WARMING. The planet is freezing, the ice is building and the G.W. scientists are stuck-a total con job Entrepreneurs – be tough, resolute & trustworthy. The most crucial time to build your reputation is when you start making deals. “No one remembers who came in second.” - Walter Hagen "@4clint what is key to attracting new customers.thanks" The gold standard, only the best for clients & customers. Every time “The more predictable the business, the more valuable it is. Predictability also means consistency of brand experience.” - Midas Touch Bring in the New Year with style in Las Vegas. @TrumpLasVegas is the place to be. "@SueGriffiths19 Been a bit quiet lately? Told my job is at risk NY - any tips to cheer me up?" Be positive, do your best! Congratulations to @woodyjohnson4 and @nyjets on yesterday's very exciting game. Cover your bases--know everything you can about what you're doing. Keep your focus by being well informed on a daily basis. Ask yourself, "Is this a blip or is it a catastrophe?" and your equilibrium will be kept in check if/when hard times hit. Be tough, be focused. There are a lot of ups and downs, but you can ride them out if you're prepared for them. "@alefx33: Nelson Mandela and @realDonaldTrump two world's leaders http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BawSSWcIUAAhbnR.jpg" Temperature at record lows in many parts of the country. 50 degrees below zero with wind chill in large area. Global warming folks iced in! In the upcoming New Year we will focus like never before - if we do that we will have complete and total VICTORY in all we do! We're coming up on the NEW YEAR-It is really important that, despite so many stupid decisions being made in Washington, we make it BEST EVER The global warming scientists don't want to be airlifted off the ship-they are having too much fun and that is too simple a solution-FAME! We should be focused on clean and beautiful air-not expensive and business closing GLOBAL WARMING-a total hoax! The rescue icebreaker, trying to free the ship of the GLOBAL WARMING scientists, has turned back-the ice is massive (a record). IRONIC! "@HumorInstitute: I could sleep tonight if you told me we will see @TheRealRoseanne on Celebrity Apprentice before I die."She would be great Will be working with contractors at Trump National Doral in Miami today. "@ProudlySA: Thank you for your response - we live in a beautiful country & invite you to visit - we will host you & show you the beauty" @ProudlySA As a major fan of Nelson Mandela and the people of South Africa, all of my statements are made with love. Protect his legacy now Via @shinysheet: "Mar-a-Lago to host top equestrian jumpers: Trump Invitational will benefit 90 area charities." http://bit.ly/Jx2otv "Be on time. Wasting other people's time due to poor planning and thoughtlessness will only leave a bad impression." - Think Like a Champion RT @TrumpDoral: Read course reviews, fun facts and more on our Blue Monster blog: http://ow.ly/s50Tv It is really too bad that the scientists studying GLOBAL WARMING in Antarctica got stuck on their icebreaker because of massive ice and cold #TBT With Barbara Walters on my helicopter going somewhere. http://instagram.com/p/iZbAXyGhSW/ Thank you to @AmSpec & Jeffrey Lord for the lovely article “Governor Trump? The conservative Nelson Rockefeller.” http://bit.ly/19O2h7s Celebrating New Year's Eve in the Windy City? Join @TrumpChicago for the chic & elegant Cirque Soiree Celebration http://bit.ly/K6s7to "Do your homework. Wasting other people's time due to poor planning will only leave a bad impression."- Think Like a Billionaire O.K., Christmas is over, now we can all go back to the wars of life. Focus, focus, focus-never accept defeat -push hard for total victory! I hope everybody is having a FANTASTIC Christmas! No matter how tough things may seem remember that you will ride it out & go on to victory! The new Pope is a humble man, very much like me, which probably explains why I like him so much! Merry Christmas, have an amazing day! "@Bayojay: “@realDonaldTrump: “After every setback, start thinking big as soon as possible.” - Think Big” True! "@Bayojay: “@realDonaldTrump: A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination. -- Nelson Mandela”" "@kpelkey7: @realDonaldTrump I'm not a friend nor an enemy, just an admirer! Merry Christmas to you!" You also, thanks! "@Bayojay: “@realDonaldTrump: "If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough." -- Mario Andretti"””" "@Bayojay: “@realDonaldTrump: "The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do." -- Steve Jobs”" Without passion you don't have energy, and without energy, you don't have anything! "@lotyworks: !!!“@realDonaldTrump: “Winners see problems as just another way to prove themselves.” – Think Like a Champion” So true! “Push yourself again and again. Don't give an inch until the final buzzer sounds.” - Larry Bird I could fix existing Tappan Zee Bridge for peanuts. Unfortunately, Gov Cuomo will end up spending more than $10B on this project. $25 tolls? I'd like to wish all of my friends--and even my many enemies--a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Entrepreneurs: Put everything you've got into what you're doing. Be totally focused--nothing should be haphazard. Entrepreneurs: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible. Entrepreneurs: Apply your skills and talent, but above all, be tenacious. See yourself as victorious--which means never giving up. "@sneal50 The best thing you "win" by winning USA /Universe is the opportunity to learn from @realDonaldTrump ..... " Thank you. "@Tudowz I look up to my man @realDonaldTrump for he has become one of the greatest Entrepreneurs in this times history." Thx "@sirtyro @realDonaldTrump How do you deal with anxiety?" I don't! I refuse to even think about it. Be positive. "@MrsDFRizzo7 good thing about Trump..NOT a snob. A straight-arrow w/street sense. Appeals to the masses..a leader all can appreciate" Thx. ALWAYS TRY TO LEARN FROM OTHER PEOPLES MISTAKES, NOT YOUR OWN - IT IS MUCH CHEAPER THAT WAY! SOMETIMES YOUR BEST INVESTMENTS ARE THE ONES YOU DON'T MAKE! Did you ever not do something that had you done it would have turned out to be a disaster. Never look back, just learn from your experience! Realize that being an entrepreneur is not a group effort. You're in charge--everything starts with you. Entrepreneurs: Be ready for problems--you'll have them every day. Keep open to new ideas--that's where innovation begins. @TSeay18 Find work that you love--you have to be passionate about it to succeed. Then focus and never give up! " @ZootmanTom @realDonaldTrump love your words of wisdom. Merry Christmas & happy new year" Thanks. "@BigBobLarsen I don't always agree with you but I must say you do know how to inspire..." Thank you. #3. Look at the solution, not the problem. Learn to focus on what will give results. #2. Keep your momentum. Without momentum, a lot of great ideas go nowhere. #1. Keep the big picture in mind. There are always opportunities and possibilities, and thinking too small can negate a lot of them. "@CitizenZeroLand: @realDonaldTrump Yo, bro, you rock! Fo real." Very cool, thanks! "@BaatorKosu: @realDonaldTrump awesome" Thsnks! "@kuhteesmiff: I love Donald Trump. #apprenticeaddict .... @realDonaldTrump ❤️" Thank you, so nice! "@Ludlow_Matthew: First time in @TrumpTowerNY and in NYC, and was one place I'm glad I didn't miss! Beautiful building and a must see place! Will be on Fox & Friends tomorrow morning at 7.00 - hope you enjoy! #HasJustineLandedYet- Justine, what the hell are you doing, are you crazy? Not nice or fair! I will support @AidForAfrica. Justine is FIRED! @HerschelWalker GREAT interview with Tim McCarver! Have a fantastic Christmas and New Year. The Herschel Walker interview on The Tim McCarver Show was fantastic-much can be learned from watching. Congrats to Herschel and Tim! With the very dangerous carjacking epidemic going on, especially in New York and New Jersey, you would be lucky to have a gun for protection I am going to Trump National Doral in Miami today to check out the brand new and just opened BLUE MONSTER and the spectacular driving range. "@BobOBomo: “@HistoryInPics: Donald Trump and Mike Tyson http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BcEWyi9IYAAdrxY.jpg”@realDonaldTrump" "@kelsey_2155: hey @realDonaldTrump you're my fav" Thanks. "@SavingNancy: .@realDonaldTrump we raised $60K+ in two months for Nancy and today she officially beat Leukemia ! WAY TO GO NANCY! "@OneAndOnlyRiz: @realDonaldTrump @AlexSalmond Way to go Alex for releasing terrorists. How do you sleep at night?" To the sound of death! "@manny_ottawa: @Alex_Norcia @realDonaldTrump seems like @AlexSalmond has a history of bad decision making. Maybe that's the point" TURBINES It was 25 years ago today that Pan Am flight 103 was downed by a terrorist killing 270 innocent people. @AlexSalmond released the terrorist! Remember, THE HARDER YOU WORK, THE LUCKIER YOU GET! "@Sir_JamesM: Mr @realDonaldTrump I admire your determination so much, my best wishes to you and your family." Thank you. "@MasonChampion: I think I'm about to purchase Art of the Deal by @realDonaldTrump." Great! "@cyberpunksamuri: the best Christmas present I could ever ask for is having @realDonaldTrump re-tweet me once" Merry Christmas! "@DonDonS1383: @realDonaldTrump Did you hear they caught those animals who killed that lawyer in the mall parking lot? That is great news! "@ImSoCelebrity: It just seems like a tweet from @realDonaldTrump will inspire the person to achieve great things. That's just my belief.WOW "@iSmoke_POTter: @realDonaldTrump is a genius when's it comes to business" Thank you! "@tschumann8: I hate everything that @realDonaldTrump says/does for the most part, but he's a Great businessman so I respect that." O.K.! "@Phyneguy2013: I have always been a strong follower of your teachings. I don't know why u have started being so negative." I haven't! "@theehayleymarie: Few things in life are as wonderful as my @realDonaldTrump mattress. It's like laying on a cloud. #heavenly" By Serta! "@cynstweet: @realDonaldTrump Wrapping the @realDonaldTrump collection shirts & ties I bought at #Macys. Gorgeous Christmas gifts!" Great! "@_Jcourtney95: Can't stop watching interviews and documentaries of @realDonaldTrump the man is a legend" Thank you, so nice! Fernando, thank you for the GREAT review of The Blue Monster in South Florida Golf-especially top 10 in the WORLD. I love @SOFLAGOLF! RT @TrumpDoral: .@SOFLAGOLF did a wonderful job highlighting the changes made to the Blue Monster. Read the terrific article here: http://t… I had a lot of fun answering your questions in the latest round of #AskTheDonald. See if your question made it- http://on.fb.me/JQfzH2 If you don't believe in yourself, no one else will. Personally, I think Douglas Durst's brother got screwed by Douglas--no wonder he's angry. .@AGSchneiderman Why is Douglas Durst allowed to use the Freedom Tower to get out of a lease with Conde Nast? .@Richard_Meier, a highly overrated architect, has had many problems with buildings he has designed. Secret Service members on break from Obama’s $4M vacation are more than welcomed to relax at Hawaii’s top hotel @TrumpWaikiki. Lightweight @AGSchneiderman is pushing for the Moreland Commission to be disbanded immediately--because he is being looked at! Guess what, folks--the ObamaCare website just went down again. What a disaster. If you can’t adapt to new situations then you will never be successful. Every change is a new opportunity to use your talent. “Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.” - Babe Ruth What's with this rap stuff with me and Ebenezer Scrooge? http://youtu.be/cP6VqB4klpQ It’s Friday. How many people have been forced off their plans and lost their doctors today because of ObamaCare? Trump National Hudson Valley's 7,693 yd, par 72 course features one of the country's great golf courses. http://bit.ly/1bPJRPP Packed with holiday celebrations, members & staff are enjoying the first Christmas season at @Trump_Charlotte http://bit.ly/WuYYtC Rated Toronto's #1 hotel, @TrumpTO has 261 guest rooms & suites furnished in elegant, cosmopolitan style. http://bit.ly/1bPJe8Y White House relaxes penalty for canceled health policies, a major blow to the sustainability (and concept) of ObamaCare! They are desperate If you fail once, twice, three times, it doesn't matter. Learn from your mistakes and push forward to VICTORY-the sweetest feeling there is! “Build up your weaknesses until they become your strong points.” - Knute Rockne ObamaCare Horror Story: “Navigators Tell Applicants To Lie Like Administration” http://bit.ly/1cBXmna @JamesOKeefeIII strikes again! Can’t fool Americans. 57% of uninsured hate ObamaCare http://cbsn.ws/1ce2d30 Reality is less will be insured b/c of this monstrosity. Young Entrepreneurs – the Holiday season is here but that is no excuse not to stay on top of your business prospects. Focus! A really nice article about the Blue Monster from “The Street.” http://bit.ly/1dpC120 Every day Pastor Saeed is imprisoned by Iran is an indictment on Obama’s ‘diplomacy.’ #SaveSaeed Pres. Obama is about to embark on a 17 day vacation in his ‘native’ Hawaii, putting Secret Service away from families on Christmas. Aloha! No cuts to welfare, no cuts to food stamps & NOT A SINGLE CUT TO OBAMACARE, yet the new budget cuts military benefits. Sad! #TBT Taking piano lessons from my friend Elton John. http://instagram.com/p/iHCZM9mhZL/ I am so honored by all the great NY State Repubs who came to my office, called & wrote for me to run for Governor. If I do, I will win. New York Republican leader @EdwardFCox is pushing my friend @RobAstorino into political suicide. Results won’t be pleasant! Enough about my ties etc. @Macys, but they are doing really big numbers - people love them (and @Macys loves Trump)! "@briansaheed: @realDonaldTrump Governor Cuomo won't get any real challenge unless it's Mr. Trump.." True! "@moonorion: You very honorably tried to help #freepastorsaeed when Obama abandoned another Christian. Stand up against #AETV w us now!" "@JUrciuoli19: @realDonaldTrump 2014 is a big year for Apprentice too! 10 years ago this January it started!" So true, amazing! "@STHRNWAYS: If more people thought like @realDonaldTrump the world would be a better place. #TrumpForPresident2016" Thanks! "@Lowery01: Hey @realDonaldTrump where can I buy your shirts and ties in the uk please? 😳" Go to Macy's online. "@Katdhairstudio: @realDonaldTrump @josh_hlbrk Trump is addicting" I'm sure you are also! "@Jack_Whiteman: @realDonaldTrump All I want for Christmas is more of your ties, great quality!" Thanks! "@TheChrisRooney: @realDonaldTrump my bro lives at your Charlotte property and said the club is fantastic!" Great, thanks! "@mhojnacki: @realDonaldTrump my wife of two years bought me a Trump tie for my birthday. Awesome pattern and color!" Thanks! "@josh_hlbrk: @realDonaldTrump If you keep tweeting Macy's advertisements, I will unfollow you." No you won't, you're stuck. I like Rob Astorino. He's a friend and really good guy. Sadly, he has ZERO chance of beating Cuomo and the 2 to 1 Dems for governor! "@mariadomenique9: @realDonaldTrump my brother wears your ties to work everyday. He loves them. He's also a huge fan of yours!" Say hello! "@paulmilton28:👍 Mr Trump. I bought one of your ties when I was in Manhattan. Who is carrying your line here in Toronto?" Macy's online. Go to Macy's today and buy Trump ties, shirts, suits and cufflinks as a Christmas or holiday present.Great style, great price! ONLY THE BEST The coolest story is that John Beale, the man who headed up CLIMATE CHANGE for the government, is a proven con man and total phoney.ARRESTED The more time you spend feeling sorry for yourself, the more time you waste after a setback. Move on and quickly embrace the next challenge! I just left the Trump Tower atrium--it is packed with great people. #1 tourist attraction in NYC-- Fun! #TrumpTower For all of those that think life is easy & don’t want to work, remember: HOPE IS THE POOR MAN’S BREAD. Alternatives are important but first Repubs must repeal ObamaCare. It's an unsustainable monstrosity that's destroying our healthcare. The Trump Signature Collection is the best menswear design for young entrepreneurs. Great style & design exclusively available @Macys. “If you want the best, you’d better be the best – in all aspects of business.” – Think Like a Billionaire “You can attack, defend, counterattack, sell or ignore. ”-Roger Ailes to Pres. Reagan during prep for 2nd Mondale debate/ '84 election I have never met a successful person that was a quitter. Successful people never, ever, give up! @regis Regis, you are the GREATEST! "@NinjaDomoEsq: @realDonaldTrump should have at least been nominated for an Oscar in Home Alone 2." I agree! "@surferev: @realDonaldTrump @TrumpGolfDC new course layout is unbelievable. 7800 yds long enough for the PGA or what??" Thank you! "@twinmama85: I love the faux confidence gives people on Twitter...your haters would never say these things to your face."Not haters,losers! FRACK NOW & FRACK FAST!!! American prosperity depends on it. Our economic renaissance is here. RT @RobbReport: .@IvankaTrump, it was an easy choice. @TrumpSoHo is indeed the most befitting space in which to house the ultimate #NYC res… Benghazi is now a full blown training center for jihadists http://bit.ly/1cwNJGp Congratulations to the Obama administration. @GolfweekMag's "Best @GolfweekPhotos of 2013": Donald Trump at @TrumpDoral http://bit.ly/18xlX0C ObamaCare Story of the Day: “Florida Cancer Patient Loses Insurance During Treatment B/C of ObamaCare” http://bit.ly/1cwMS8D 2013 is the worst year ever for Hollywood. Garbage released after garbage. What is going on in these studios?! “Big jobs usually go to the men who prove their ability to outgrow small ones.” - Theodore Roosevelt Via Miami Herald “Blue Monster comes back to life at Doral” http://hrld.us/1kSMzJG RT @IvankaTrump: .@RobbReport picks the Presidential Penthouse @TrumpSoHo as an Ultimate Holiday Gift! http://ow.ly/rwZlO #AskTheDonald- Head over to my @Facebook page to have me answer your questions in video- http://on.fb.me/IT9Kbf Unsustainable. With our $17T debt & $90T in unfunded liabilities, government “blatantly” wasted $30B this year http://bit.ly/1jeZKcH @TrumpScotland’s beautiful MacLeod House & Lodge offers luxurious accommodations & dining w/ sea views http://bit.ly/1fjYEqf When @crowleyCNN defended Obama on Benghazi in the presidential debate, she was defending a complete lie http://wapo.st/18Lzi0c Congrats to Pres.Obama on having 3 of @washingtonpost's “biggest Pinocchios of the year” http://wapo.st/18Lzi0c Great accomplishment! No better place to celebrate New Year’s Eve than @TrumpSoHo, the most elite hotel in downtown NYC http://bit.ly/19vBQn2 Prime Minister @David_Cameron is very foolish in giving @AlexSalmond so much money to build wind turbines which r destroying Scotland. Under President Obama, do you think America will become a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY? Who thinks that President Obama is totally incompetent? @ali_nugent Good luck on your real estate test - you will be the biggest star of all! Wow, a really great review of my golf club in Scotland, @TrumpScotland, in todaysgolferco.uk. Thank you! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BbozdE2CQAAJ_NO.jpg “Get to the essence immediately. Learn to economize. People appreciate brevity in today’s world.” – Think Like a Champion RT @IvankaTrump: Congrats @realDonaldTrump & Gil Hanse on the new & improved Blue Monster–your hard work & imagination paid off! http://t.c… Wow, just in-John Beale, the top person in government on climate change (EPA), is a total fraud, and just admitted it! What can they say now "@brentporter34: #firefightersfordonald You make what I do worth while. I'm holding faith you will run for any office. Thanks Brent! "@PatrickMendezNV: We had a great exchange on Twitter re: you being snubbed for @TIME person of the year,@realDonaldTrump. Time=no guts! "@BlakeGermony: @realDonaldTrump the only man that understands politics, #trump2016" "@illest_beats: @realDonaldTrump i think you would be our best president since Reagan" "@0xbloood: @ForQ2 @realDonaldTrump Hey I LOVE @realDonaldTrump He is a man that commands authority" Thank you! We should be focusing on beautiful, clean air & not on wasteful & very expensive GLOBAL WARMING bullshit! China & others are hurting our air They call it "climate change" now because the words "global warming" didn't work anymore. Same people fighting hard to keep it all going! 59% of the United States, by area, is now covered in snow-highest % in many years. The "global warming" name isn't working anymore-SORRY! Wow, it's snowing in Isreal and on the pyramids in Egypt. Are we still wasting billions on the global warming con? MAKE U.S. COMPETITIVE! President Obama and other world leaders don't know how close they were to being seriously injured (or worse) standing next to psycho in SA. "@JoshinAk: @BillyHallowell I just bought one of his shirts for my wife's Christmas party. Great quality. Got lots of compliments! Great! The United States is experiencing the coldest weather in decades with vast amounts of snow blanketing many states.Pendulum has swung to cool @Macys The Donald J. Trump signature line of shirts, ties, really beautiful suits and cufflinks is the best Christmas & holiday gift by far Have a GREAT weekend everybody - enjoy yourself but always keep your goals and aspirations in mind. Never lose sight of the victory ahead! @VanityFair I love to see garbage properly disposed of which is why I like watching the dismal circulation numbers of Vanity Fair-IT'S DEAD I really like Nelson Mandela but South Africa is a crime ridden mess that is just waiting to explode-not a good situation for the people! “Is business success a natural talent? I think it’s a combination of aptitude, work and luck.” – Think Like a Champion The evidence continues to mount against lightweight @AGSchneiderman. It is time for JCOPE and Moreland Commissions to act. @PolitiFact’s #LieOfTheYear is Obama’s if you like your health care plan, you can keep it. Wrong. It’s the lie of the decade. Via @gatewaypundit: “Please Pray for Me… I Am Losing My Insurance” http://bit.ly/1cACFeV Just one of the millions of cases like this... Now Sebelius is “'urging' insurers to cover people who haven't paid” http://bit.ly/19Hf3Rn Complete mess. Enrollment Numbers are a sham. The ill-conceived windfarm that @AlexSalmond is pushing for Aberdeen will lose $50 million a year. Only a fool would build it or want it! If Graydon Carter's very dumb bosses would fire him for his terrible circulation numbers at failing Vanity Fair-his bad food restaurants die Bird killing windfarm that I oppose in Aberdeen got delayed by at least two years.@AlexSalmond forced the failing developers to delay! The talk in Albany is that JCOPE & Moreland Commissions are taking my complaint against lightweight (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1rti1fn Sources inside @AGSchneiderman’s office are saying that they are very concerned with the allegations against their lightweight boss. My complaint against @AGSchneiderman is a “case study” for JCOPE & Moreland Commissions on everything that is wrong with NYS politics. Economics behind ugly, bird killing wind turbines do not work--will destroy Scotland's beautiful coastline. (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1rthjog Can you believe that the corrupt and pathetic South Africa police force has yet to arrest the sign language guy. Such danger-give 10 years! What a sad thing that the memory of Nelson Mandela will be stained by the phoney sign language moron who is in every picture at funeral! "@Markhousego Myself & @realDonaldTrump back in the summer.Great place & a great man. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BbMwYRBIAAEenCl.jpg" Thx Mark "@Lisa_Smith70 A real president wouldn't take a selfie during ANY memorial service. #NelsonMandelaMemorial" How amazing, the State Health Director who verified copies of Obama’s “birth certificate” died in plane crash today. All others lived I hope you all are looking at the Donald J. Trump Signature Collection of ties, shirts & cufflinks @Macys—great for Christmas & holidays. RT @DanScavino: @RealDonaldTrump @JoeTorre @BillClinton @MikeBloomberg @BillyCrystal #RudyG @TrumpNationalNY @JoeTorreCharity #TBT http://t… Exciting news—After massive construction, the Blue Monster at Trump National Doral is open for business today. http://bit.ly/1hPnTou A $1.5B website that can only handle 50K users at a time is sad but no surprise! Our prayers are with Rev. @BillyGraham for a speedy recovery. His faith continues to inspire us all. Via @PatheosFamily by @BristolsBlog: "Trump Weighs In on Saeed: Obama 'Didn’t Even Ask'" http://ow.ly/2C2PrF Thanks Bristol! Had dinner last night at Megu, 845 United Nations Plaza--fabulous food, beautiful restaurant. Via @ChristianPost "@NaghmehAbedini to Testify at New Congressional Hearing on Persecution of Pastor Saeed Abedini" http://bit.ly/Jfnnlz Via @theblaze by @BillyHallowell:“DONALD TRUMP BLASTS OBAMA FOR FAILING TO SECURE CHRISTIAN PASTOR’S FREEDOM IN IRAN” http://bit.ly/JflULV This is one of the COLDEST WINTERS ever, freezing all over the country for long periods of time! So much for GLOBAL WARMING. I will be on Piers Morgan Live tonight at 9 p.m. on CNN. Tune in! The atrium of @TrumpTowerNY dressed up for Christmas- http://on.fb.me/1bXe85a @BenCooner @RED931FM @SCOTTHALLNWO @Jassisidhu @b_coalition @WWE @0 Happy Birthday Sarina. Let Pete into the Hall of Fame- http://instagram.com/p/hycisOGhTF/ @PeteRose_14 RT @JimSlickatshort: @realDonaldTrump @PeteRose_14 He never bet against his own team! His record, the way he played it & his love for the g… "@marianne_hund thank you for helping free Saeed Abedini. I pray God blesses you and that a Christmas miracle is in the works!" Thx Why does Conde Nast allow dopey Graydon Carter to run bad food restaurants while running failing @VanityFair magazine? President Obama's approval rating, at 38%, is at an all-time low. Gee, I wonder why? "@LBabcock2: We've been covered through my husbands job for 40 years with excellent ins. Next year it all changes" @TrumpDoral The brand new Blue Monster at Trump National Doral has recieved GREAT reviews from the golf critics. Check it out-opens Dec. 14 @TrumpDoral The Blue Monster at Trump National Doral opens for play on Saturday morning after a massive rebuilding - brand new course! "@kasek_craig: Can someone please explain how my obamacare insurance is twice as expensive as my cancelled insurance.. can't afford this" "@BobSmit98038199: @realDonaldTrump @AGSchneiderman botox botox botox botox" It's amazing how badly the Knicks and Nets are playing. Everybody predicted they would be top teams with all of the money spent. Too bad! Via @ACLJ: "Pastor Saeed's Wife Expresses Gratitude to Donald Trump for Raising Her Husband's Plight" http://bit.ly/IOcyWk "@borland_jim After staying at the Trump International Hotel and Tower in NYC everything else seems subpar." Thank you. "@RonaldRosenthal @BillHemmer @realDonaldTrump @PeteRose_14 LET PETE Rose in!!! YES!!!! he deserves it" Re Kerry admitting to “working” for Pastor Abedini’s release--why has US already released Iranian spies & nuclear scientist? Dumb! .@JohnKerry claims he has "never stopped working” f/Pastor Abedini’s release through “back channels." Where are the results? "@YMatthews956 Have u ever considered meeting w/ Obama? He might be open to your wisdom & business savvy." I doubt it! "@DaveInChrist @realDonaldTrump @EncouragedEve @NaghmehAbedini This is great!! How awesome of Mr. Trump!" Thank you. "@brucesteve52 @realDonaldTrump @NaghmehAbedini Thank you for caring for this family and their need. God bless you!" Thank you. "@DavidSBaldwin @realDonaldTrump & #NelsonMandela. Both legends." Wow, what a compliment. "@kayvbb @realDonaldTrump @NaghmehAbedini Thank you for raising awareness on her plight!!" My honor. After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. -- Nelson Mandela A beautiful view from my office today- http://instagram.com/p/hwUnhSGhdy/ “Know from the inside out that you have the power to succeed and you will.” – Think Like a Champion .@MarkHalperin’s and John Heilemann’s book, Double Down, is an excellent read on the just passed election. Great book, congrats! @jheil Come on MLB, do the right thing! Let @PeteRose_14 into the Hall. No drugs—just hard work and talent! Great meeting with @NaghmehAbedini the wonderful wife of Christian Pastor Saeed, who is in Iranian prison. #savesaeed http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BbJKaDjCIAAbWIC.jpg How can NYS allow lightweight @AGSchneiderman to remain in office? What are JCOPE & Moreland Commissions waiting on? http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BbJHT-TCcAE-YEe.jpg Illegal use of official Attorney General stationary by lightweight @AGSchneiderman. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BbJHJMpCUAEzxjV.jpg Via @worldnetdaily by @MichaelCarl7: “Trump: Obama blew chance to free U.S. pastor” http://bit.ly/1gm09rB Iran must immediately allow Christian #PastorSaeed out of prison or we should put back sanctions (which should never have been lifted) Naghmeh Abedini, the lovely wife of the Christian Pastor Saeed being held in an Iranian jail, just left my office. #savesaeed State Senator Shirley Huntley "ratted" on black politicians & was believed--when she ratted on @AGSchneiderman, nobody listened. Racism! Major League Baseball: The best thing you can do is let @PeteRose_14---your all time hits leader---into the Hall of Fame. It's time! "@koos32 @realDonaldTrump Donald, you also belong in the same category as a great leader. The US needs you!" Thanks. "@warrencasselljr Watching The Apprentice UK. Not as good as @realDonaldTrump's Apprentice." True! "@adamricheal DonaldTrump for Pres 2016 America's economy needs his business Midas Touch & no nonsense approach" Thx. If Graydon Carter's very dumb bosses would fire him for his terrible circulation numbers at failing Vanity Fair-his bad food restaurants die The ill-conceived windfarm that @AlexSalmond is pushing for Aberdeen will lose $50 million a year. Only a fool would build it or want it! Bird killing windfarm that I oppose in Aberdeen just got delayed by at least two years.@AlexSalmond forced the failing developers to delay! "@DennyHuntington @foxandfriends I look forward to you on Mondays! Always insightful conversations" Thanks ICYMI via @AmSpec by Jeffrey Lord: “THE MALVERSATION OF @AGSchneiderman - Trump hits NY AG with ethics charge.”http://bit.ly/1ksG2Ft WH claims it lied about Pres. Obama living with his uncle b/c “wasn’t mentioned in his book.” I guess Bill Ayers never knew about it! Where’s the leadership? Obama only met with Sebelius ONCE since ObamaCare passed http://bit.ly/1ksHyaw His signature legislation... Graydon Carter, whose reign over failing @VanityFair has been a disaster, has acted in two movies--both bombed & got bad reviews. It’s time for @PeteRose_14 to enter @MLB’s @BaseballHall. All time hits leader has paid the price. Congrats to @JoeTorre, @TonyLaRussa & Bobby Cox on all being unanimously elected to @MLB’s @BaseballHall! Great leaders & managers. As always & due to popular demand,@TrumpRink will be open Christmas eve & day as well as New Year's eve & day http://bit.ly/SGvzKS "@wakafee1017 @realDonaldTrump Everyone should look at what he has done & take notes if you want to be successful." Thx “Courageous people do not fear forgiving, for the sake of peace.” – Nelson Mandela Via @bluegreentweet: "Scottish wind farm opposed by Donald Trump delayed"http://bit.ly/1ksDnvq "@discretepi4you @foxandfriends I look forward to your segment every week. Clear, concise and common sense!" Thanks. "@foolishvessel - was so awesome u hosted @NaghmehAbedini this week! Please give it ur utmost to #FreeSaeed!" I will! Just read @PiersMorgan’s book “Shooting Straight” and whether you love him or hate him (I’m in the first category), it is terrific. Just left Florida, amazing how well State is doing-- jobs way up, taxes down. Congrats to @FLGovScott Dopey Graydon Carter, who is presiding over dying @VanityFair magazine, is also presiding over dying Waverly Inn—worst food in city. I really enjoy doing @foxandfriends every Monday at 7 AM. @sdoocy, @ehasselbeck and @kilmeade are great people. The Unaffordable Care Act, sometimes referred to as ObamaCare, is not working. Millions of people are losing their plans and doctors-fraud! Obama said he never met his uncle, Oscar, who was arrested for whatever. Turns out he lived with his uncle in Boston. SO MANY LIES! "@CONKJR: did you tour @TrumpGolfLA. One of the best golf courses in the world with one of the best supers in Martin Howard" Thank you! @VanityFair Wow, I just looked at the circulation numbers - Vanity Fair Magazine won't be around much longer, it's really in bad shape! Just got back to New York from California. Will be on Fox & Friends tomorrow morning at 7.00. ObamaCare and other disasters to be discussed P.S. - There is also something really good to say about humility. Being confident and humble is a great combination, maybe the best of all! People are always asking me about the very special word, CONFIDENCE. The fact is there is (almost) nothing like it. Is derived from winning! Show me someone without an ego, and I'll show you a loser - having a healthy ego, or high opinion of yourself, is a real positive in life! @LoisPope1 Word is that the dinner tonight at Mar-a-Lago, hosted by the incomparable Lois Pope, was fabulous. Big money raised for charity "@HMunjal: You're one of the most educated, handsome and sophisticated men that I know of. Men should aspire to be like you." Thank you! In making big money, knowledge is far more important than any other ingredient, including money itself! My father Fred Trump left me a relatively small amount of money (compared to where I am today-over $10 billion) but vast amount of knowledge "@beandp749: « I like thinking big. If you’re going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big. »Donald Trump" "@SportsProverbs: Winners see problems as just another way to prove themselves. – Donald Trump" "@TimLeman: @realDonaldTrump What was one thing others underestimated about you?" That I never give up! "@_TrevorJames: I'd work for @realDonaldTrump for free" I love that! "@MissUniversNEWS: Miss Universe 2012 @oliviaculpo with the boss @realDonaldTrump during #MissUniverse2013 #ThrowBack http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BaAl5PoCcAECp63.jpg Don't underestimate yourself--or your possibilities. There are always opportunities. “After every setback, start thinking big as soon as possible.” - Think Big @trumthomp Thanks. My shirts, ties & cufflinks @Macys have never been better or more beautiful. Great holiday gifts, great price. “You can't put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get.” - @MichaelPhelps It's Friday. How much money has been wasted on defunct ObamaCare website today? The now $1.2B ObamaCare website is as bad as ever-- insurers not getting the proper data. http://huff.to/18IHzHV RT @joannakirshner: @realDonaldTrump Anything with your brand is a success. I've stayed at the beautiful Trump Hotel in Panama and it's fan… Looking forward to hosting @NaghmehAbedini next week @TrumpTowerNY. The White House has abandoned her husband, Christian Pastor Abedini. Iran has never had a better friend than Obama. Steps away from Waikiki's famous beaches, @TrumpWaikiki is Hawaii’s top destination w/our signature amenities http://bit.ly/17tNNn5 Trump Tower at Century City brings luxury to Makati, the financial & social capital of Philippines http://bit.ly/P97D1l .@BillBratton was a great choice for NYC Police Commissioner. He will make us proud, and safe! @KBetter52 Thank you. We should be focused on magnificently clean and healthy air and not distracted by the expensive hoax that is global warming! "@HHShkMohd: To all people in the UAE: your support and enthusiasm fuelled our victory at Dubai #Expo2020. Congratulations, a fantastic win! Great going to all of Dubai in winning what will be a fantastic #Expo2020 - we will all be there! "@bonz21 @realDonaldTrump because you tell it like it is and the liberal media can't stand it! Keep blasting away!"Thx @RobertW33157775 Thanks. Ice storm rolls from Texas to Tennessee - I'm in Los Angeles and it's freezing. Global warming is a total, and very expensive, hoax! "@happypaultk @realDonaldTrump look what heavy winds did to one of our Scottish wind turbines" http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BauHEW5IAAEv8CX.jpg It always seems impossible until it is done. --Nelson Mandela A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination. -- Nelson Mandela Nelson Mandela and myself had a wonderful relationship--he was a special man and will be missed. http://instagram.com/p/hjm8QMmhYF/ "You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else." -- Albert Einstein Leaving today for California to inspect my fantastic golf course & club on the Palos Verdes peninsula. Big success. http://bit.ly/1iDAXhW U.S. criticized for releasing Iranian nuclear scientist while striking no deal for Christian pastor http://bit.ly/1hzaWin Why is it that when Warren Buffett uses the bankruptcy laws to his benefit, nobody cares, but with me they go nuts! Off shore windfarms being abandoned in droves throughout world—too expensive to build & operate—don’t work. (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1rsucd5 .@VattenfallGroup wants out of their Aberdeen windfarm fiasco so badly but @AlexSalmond won’t let them—he’s (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1rsuccp .@VattenfallGroup couldn’t sell its money losing Aberdeen windfarm—so @AlexSalmond forced phony extension. @AberdeenCC @Aberdeenshire The problem w/ the concept of "global warming" is that the U.S. is spending a fortune on "fixing it" while China & others do nothing! Wow, record setting cold temperatures throughout large parts of the country. Must be global warming, I mean climate change! Our billion dollar website- http://instagram.com/p/hg7JwfmhQ7/ RT @MichaelCarl7: @realDonaldTrump Pastor Saeed threatened at knifepoint in Rajai Shahr prison. Physical condition worsens. A special message for Martin Bashir- http://instagram.com/p/hg5jtimhee/ Congrats to @msnbc for firing Martin Bashir—don’t feel badly, he didn’t get ratings anyway. @SarahPalinUSA Sleazebag @BashirLive has just been forced to resign from @msnbc. His pathetic apology wasn’t enough to save his job. @SarahPalinUSA "I never did give anybody hell. I just told the truth and they thought it was hell." --Harry S. Truman "To become a champion, fight one more round." -- James J. Corbett, long ago Heavyweight Champion "Those who lack courage will always find a philosophy to justify it." -- Albert Camus "@dsing33: @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump who will run the Trump empire when Trump Sr is president?" Denver, Minnesota and others are bracing for some of the coldest weather on record. What are the global warming geniuses saying about this? “The road to Easy Street goes through the sewer.” – John Madden RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: My family and I are proud to introduce the truly remarkable @TrumpVancouver http://bit.ly/17RB4wg There are no short cuts to any place worth going.-- Beverly Sills New reality. Yuan just passed the Euro as 2nd most traded finance currency http://bloom.bg/1eLOIp8 Our leaders better get smart fast. Wow, it’s now official. ObamaCare website has topped $1B http://tinyurl.com/nkfg87r Will soon be up to $1.5B @Candy_Uptigrove Thanks. @codyaa722 Yes, it will happen. @jeffreypham Great! @MichaelArrante Happy Birthday @TrumpSoHo’s four restaurants provide guests with a wide range of choices, each embodying excellence http://bit.ly/1eLMVR4 @TrumpChicago Grand Deluxe Suites = Chicago’s most spacious hotel rooms, each w/ 10 ft floor to ceiling windows http://bit.ly/1eLLQsh @PaulSRiddell Thank you. @wakimotho Thanks. @Brown97M Thank you. @StefThomason Great! @puddlejumper365 You have to have passion for your work. That's most important. Then keep your focus intact. Good luck. You can only smile when the losers of the world try so hard to put down successful people. Just remember, they all want to be YOU! With few exceptions, only really smart people are able to make a lot of money. Hard work is also important, but "brains" will supersede. "@lloyd156_: @realDonaldTrump doesnt give a fuck, he just tells it like it is lol LEGEND" A very honest person, thanks! I just filed a major ethics complaint against crooked New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman-he should resign from office! Too bad about New York Magazine, but there's a much bigger one out there, currently doing a story on me to get even, that I'll soon discuss! Remember I predicted that New York Magazine would fold and people scoffed? Just announced (N.Y.Post) it lost big $'s & is cutting way back! "@BowlingMatthew: Andrew Carnegie was the Donald Trump of early 1900's. He didn't take crap from anybody." A great compliment! "@JGlennard: @realDonaldTrump incredible level of customer service @TrumpPanama . Best guest experience ever #Levels" Thanks. "@dm3300: @realDonaldTrump @TEApublican Donald Trump for President!!" Interesting! @Laker_Steve Thanks Steve! "@Slucas8Lucas: I wish you would run for Pres.. We need someone with a big pair to help un-screw our countries future. Do it for children" “If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?” - John Wooden Here we go again via @timesunion.com http://bit.ly/1ittSAE ... another bad deal. @griffithspb Thanks. "@StephenWancha @realDonaldTrump @TrumpCollection great to see you building more in Canada!!!" Thanks. @clary77 Thank you. @KevRedford Have fun, enjoy NYC. “Build your reputation on intelligence, responsibility, and results. That’s building the right way.” – Think Like a Champion Congratulations to the White House. For every 1 ObamaCare enrollment there are 44 cancellation notices. Very unfair! RT @DanScavino: PLEASE RT @realDonaldTrump @MELANIATRUMP @IvankaTrump @EricTrump @jaredkushner @LaraLeaYunaska #TROOPTHANKS! http://t.co/rb… Dying @GQMagazine just named me to a list. Too bad GQ is no longer relevant—won’t be around long! RT @1NatalieNatalie: @realdonaldtrump You are truly the best! You have the greatest solutions! Thank you 4 all your time #pastorsaeed #save… Many great business campaigns at @fundanything http://bit.ly/1jciQgQ Great way to support small upstarts. Trump Int. Hotel & Tower Vancouver will transform the skyline w/ its 616 ft twisting & beautiful tower http://bit.ly/1jchuTf A fine man, Dr. Paul F. Crouch, has just passed away. All Christians are grateful for his wonderful life and work. @TBN @pinguspusher Thank you. "@FFXFamilyFun:My boy (6) is REALLY into @PassGoMonopoly and getting RE so I call him Trump Jr (nicely!). Hope you don't mind! ;)" My honor The least number of hurricanes in the U.S. in decades. So they change global warming (too cold) to climate change-now what will they call it "@AmyRusso108: Thank God there is still someone in America that won't roll over for Obama and his ridiculousness! Sue the pants off NY AG!" "@skew11: I hope and know @realDonaldTrump will win in court. Very bad what the AG did to him & Trump University!" That was a great football game. @10AJMcCarron AJ is a GREAT quarterback who is finally being recognized as such - a total winner. What a pass! Wow, the ObamaCare website, which President Obama said would be working TODAY, is a total mess with many functions not even thought about! "@pbaratelli: @realDonaldTrump also mention charity payment when PGA tour comes there for the event." True! "@SueJaneRoberts: @realDonaldTrump Any thing u work on is awesome" Thanks. "@AgnesphAgnes: @realDonaldTrump Mr.Trump has the Midas Touch!" Thank you, very nice! Just left $259 million rebuilding of Doral in Miami. Amazing - Trump National Doral will be a masterpiece (if I do say so myself)! "@jimmymcgreevy: @realDonaldTrump @Macys ties r awesome!" Thanks! "@paulmilton28: @realDonaldTrump @Macys love the Ties!! Great selection of colours." They are a big hit, thanks. "@RColdwellBanker: @realDonaldTrump @Macys great ties! Wear them help gives me the power to sell real estate out here in Scottsdale, AZ! "@scdtan: @realDonaldTrump @Macys Very classy stuff mr.trump great christmas gifts." True and thanks! "@Rodzillatron1: Definitely added to my collection. great product RT “@realDonaldTrump: I hope you buy my shirts and ties at @Macys” Great! I hope you buy my shirts and ties at @Macys "@fay @aberdeedshire How the Green movement kills: 31,000 excess winter deaths in Britain last year. Each turbine kills 6 pensioners." Today is the day that ObamaCare website was supposed to be up and working. WRONG-website is closed down, a total disaster! 90 million doomed "@Al_Co: @realDonaldTrump Wind Turbines are Ugly and a FRAUD. Remove them. UK is going down the gutter." @aberdeenshire @AlexSalmond "@noturbine: @realDonaldTrump Wind turbines kill up to 39 million birds a year, Industry hides evidence of kills http://www.cfact.org/2013/03/18/wind-turbines-kill-up-to-39-million-birds-a-year/" "@WalterHorsting: Arctic Ice Extent Highest In A Decade http://wp.me/pPrQ9-q4s via @wordpressdotcom" "@TundraSwans: Wind turbine projects are destroying rural Ont. Wind energy is a scam originally pushed by scamster Ken Lay of Enron Offshore Wind in Europe: Lessons for the U.S. http://huff.to/18GR47e via @HuffPostGreen The lesson should be that it's a lousy idea!!!" "@windwatchorg: No more wind turbines, county tells province:Wind farm developers should look elsewhere than Duffe... http://bit.ly/1ilEHVd "@faykellytuncay: LORDS OF WINDFARMS: How Britain’s richest landowners are making millions from turbines http://twitpic.com/diydh3 "@noturbine: Turbines will also kill more birds than developer will admit to & ruin lives of folks living close & not reduce CO2 "@NoWindAlabama: Beautiful! Let's keep it that way. #turbinefree RT @Bamagirl_4_ever: Sunset on Sand Mountain. @aberdeenshire @AlexSalmond "@SOS2day: Guilty plea in bird deaths at wind farms a first - New York News http://www.myfoxny.com/story/24050658/guilty-plea-in-bird-deaths-at-wind-farms-a-first#.UpmMWZcYHe9.twitter" @AlexSalmond @aberdeenshire "@noturbine:West Palm Beach, FL industrial wind farm scrapped Thousands of birds/bats saved from death @AlexSalmond @aberdeenshire First Minister Salmond should stop his fruitless drive for obsolete wind turbines in Scotland-he would become popular again! @alexsalmond "@dhowejr7: @realDonaldTrump @graeme123s jUST WANTED TO SAY THANKYOU. YOUR A GREAT MAN" Thank you! "@graeme123s: @realDonaldTrump you'll never know what impact your tweets have on followers lives" Thank you, so nice! Trump International in Dubai will be one of the great projects anywhere in the world. Congratulations to @damacofficial for their genius! Congratulations to Dubai on winning the rights to host Expo 2020! A great place winning a major global event.@damacofficial @dubaiexpo2020 My ties, shirts and cufflinks have never been more beautiful-THE BEST-available at Macy's! Work begins on the Old Post Office in Washington D.C. in 3 months. It will soon become one of the great hotels of the world. I am in Miami at Trump National Doral. Just gave out contract to build a new ballroom and luxury suites. Blue Monster complete-opens Dec 14. @RSPBScotland RSPB IS A TOTAL JOKE-They went for bird chopping wind turbines in @Aberdeenshire and fought me on bird friendly golf course! @RSPBScotland Florida Everglades project abandoned after it was determined that tens of thousands of birds would be killed by wind turbines! @RSPBScotland @alexsalmond, the same man that released Pan Am terrorist for humane reasons, will destroy Scotland with grotesque turbines! @RSPBScotland must fight to save the massive bird population which will be devastated by wind turbines in @Aberdeenshire. @alexsalmond "@ThirdForceNews: Should the golden eagle be Scotland's national bird? @RSPBScotland" Won't be any left alive-wind turbines killing them all "@RSPBScotland: Thanks to everyone supporting the petition to make the golden #eagle Scotland's national bird! Being KILLED by wind turbines HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE, ENJOY YOUR DAY! I truly believe that our country has the worst and dumbest negotiators of virtually any country in the world. Can you believe that "President" Karzai of Afghanistan is holding out for more, more, more and refuses to sign deal. Tell him to go to hell! Despite the fact that I have had great success with the words YOU'RE FIRED, I do not like firing people. But ZERO on ObamaCare mess-no way! Why doesn't President Obama simply apologize for telling a big fat lie, announce that ObamaCare was a mistake, and deal a really great plan! US froze $8B in Iranian assets during ’79 Hostage Crisis. Now Obama is giving it back to Iran while Christian Pastor is jailed. Don't do it! Happy Thanksgiving to all--even the haters and losers! Tell Iran to let our Christian Pastor go--and I mean right now. If they don't, there will be hell to pay. Make sure to enjoy your time with your family during the holiday. It is a special time. Love and appreciate your family. The $1B failed website is the tip of the iceberg on the ObamaCare. Over 90 million estimated will lose their plans next year. "Iranian officials say that the WH is misleading public about the details of an interim nuclear agreement" http://bit.ly/1idMZP0 War on the families. Price of electricity hit record high in October http://bit.ly/1bJKafE Terrible, especially during holiday season. Reigning @ApprenticeNBC Champion @TraceAdkins does great work with @wwpinc. Donate to an Injured Warrior today http://bit.ly/17Uy3OR Via @MoscowTimes: "Donald Trump in New @eminofficial Video" http://bit.ly/17UsIHr Emin & family are wonderful people. Come celebrate Thanksgiving in the Windy City at @TrumpChicago’s 5 Star, 5 Diamond "Sixteen" restaurant http://bit.ly/17UwQao @thesween_bean Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving. RT @TrumpDoral: Who's ready for the Blue Monster to open? http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BaGD1xPCMAAAo13.jpg “Learn, know, and show. It’s a proven formula. Put it to use starting today.” – Think Like a Champion @Nicole_Tri16 @TrumpTowerNY Thank you. RT @TXRoquette: @realDonaldTrump The weakening of America! We need you! #Trump2016 "@jeffbuehrle @realDonaldTrump @Macys Really like the ties. Have a handful and they are my favorite." Use them well! @PatrickJFSmith Thanks. @SeanKAnderson Great! Via @worldnetdaily: "JAILED U.S. PASTOR'S WIFE PRAISES TRUMP: 'I hope more people like him will speak out'" http://bit.ly/1b4xoHD @CDaeda @RSPBScotland @Natures_Voice No way, they are bird killing machines. RT @golfhunter: @realDonaldTrump Trump international deserves a British Open! Spectacular @FrankMDavisJR @TrumpTowerNY Thanks. @mckay317 @TrumpTowerNY I will check it out, thanks. Mr. President, tell Iran to immediately free the CHRISTIAN PASTOR, as a sign of good faith, & if they refuse break off talks--big sanctions President Obama said, over and over again, if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, PERIOD! This turned out to be a total lie-90 mill. Look at the solution, not the problem. Learn to focus on what will give results. Set the example. You can motivate others as well as yourself by remembering that you are setting the example. Look great for Thanksgiving. Trump Signature Collection, exclusively available @Macys, offers top men's styles http://bit.ly/15AXyl0 How does Obama rationalize giving Iran $8B in sanction relief when a Christian pastor is being tortured in an Iranian prison? Wind Power Company Fined $1 Million for Killing Birds. Golden eagles among victims...http://nyti.ms/1jwe8be @RSPBScotland @Natures_Voice We enjoy hosting tourists in @TrumpTowerNY. They come from all over the world to see the Atrium, a NYC landmark. http://bit.ly/1creyxp When do we sue the company-- for billions-- that robbed us in creating the hapless ObamaCare website? I can't believe no one has been fired over the ObamaCare website fiasco! In Vegas? Enjoy Thanksgiving in @TrumpLasVegas' DJT lounge where the @nfl games will be playing all day http://bit.ly/1jGjj8p Wind Power Company Fined $1 Million for Killing Birds. Golden eagles among victims...http://nyti.ms/1jwe8be @alexsalmond @Aberdeenshire Vision remains vision until you focus, do the work, and bring it down to earth where it will do some good. RT @JasonSouhrada: @realDonaldTrump America needs you! We know being president is a big job and there's a HUGE mess to clean up, but you s… I will be in Palm Beach, Jupiter, and Miami today checking on big construction projects. I love Florida and love on time and on budget const RT @EnmotionE: @realDonaldTrump you are the best tweeter of all time, churning out tweets of the finest quality found worldwide! Gotta lov… "@LeChrisPace Following @realDonaldTrump was probably my best decision #bear" Thanks. President Obama is finally getting hammered, even by his most loyal supporters and the press-I guess they can only take so much! New poll, WOW-53% say President Obama is not honest & trustworthy. What took them so long. Go back and look at his house purchase in Chicago Don't worry, THE UNITED STATES WILL BE GREAT AGAIN! Just got home, watching the news, and every story is bad about the U.S. Someday we will return to being great again, but we need leadership! “The worst thing you can possibly do in a deal is seem desperate to make it.” – The Art of The Deal. Why didn't Obama, as part of the negotiation, free the Christian Pastor Saeed Abedini? http://bit.ly/18jFbar Obama is going to take away over 90M Americans’ healthcare plans but he is letting Iran keep its nukes. Just think about that. Who would you rather have negotiating with Iran--President Obama or Toronto Mayor Ford? My money is on Ford. Realize that being an entrepreneur is not a group effort. You're in charge. Everything starts with you. Don't underestimate yourself or your possibilities--keep your focus intact, and focus on the positives. RT @DanScavino: @realDonaldTrump w/ friend & golf partner Tom Brady @TrumpNationalNY #SNF #Pats #NEvsDEN #TomBrady WHAT A COMEBACK! http:/… After settling for a ridicilous 13 billion dollars, J.P.Morgan's lawyer is critical of the amount of the fine-why did they settle then-DUMB! Best book ever on dealmaking (or so they say) - TRUMP: THE ART OF THE DEAL. Go get it, and others, Washington - you really can do better! I know it has been many years since our country made great deals, but isn't it about time we start, right now. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! The reason great dealmakers do not OPENLY celebrate a deal, especially one that is not complete, is that it shows weakness to the other side John Kerry is openly celebrating the tenuous nuclear deal with Iran. Great dealmakers do not celebrate deals,they just go on to the next one Tom Brady is a good friend of mine, a great player, a great guy and a total winner! Fantastic comeback win-this is what our country needs! Tom Brady has done a great job tonight-amazing New England comeback. Good game- not over yet! We had all the leverage in our nuclear negotiations with Iran and our leaders foolishly decided to let them out of the trap. WHY? How much longer are we expected to put up with the world's most incompetent leader - ObamaCare, Iran, Syria, bads deals. JUST NEVER ENDS I will be on Fox & Friends tomorrow morning at 7. Will be discussing basic stupidity and incompetence, of which our "leaders" have plenty! "@otcgiant: @realDonaldTrump with even a half decent running mate I don't see how you could lose against the Democrats ineptness. #Trumo2016 I do not understand how so many of my Jewish friends backed Obama in the last election. He is a TOTAL DISASTER FOR ISRAEL-AND ALWAYS WILL BE How far has the United States gone down when we are reduced to accept the imbecilic deal just agreed to with Iran. Read THE ART OF THE DEAL! What a rotten deal we made with Iran. We get nothing (except laughter at our stupidity). They get everything, including delay and big cash! They changed the name global warming to climate change because the concept of global warming just wasn't working! The people that gave you global warming are the same people that gave you ObamaCare! "@mikehaas33: @realDonaldTrump mar a lago a spectacular property. Here with Wells Fargo tonight and hoping you will come say hello" I did! Snow and ice, freezing weather, in Texas, Arizona and Oklahoma - what the hell is going on with GLOBAL WARMING? Get smart on knockout assaults and crime - we have to be slightly more vicious (and violent) than the assaulter-and crime would end FAST! The scum that gets high on badly hurting old ladies and others through knockout assaults wouldn't feel that way with a gun at their head! We are using the absolute wrong negotiating technique with respect to the Iran nuclear talks. Strengthen sanctions until GREAT deal is made! "@WhiteShaunwhite I dedicate my 750 tweet to most inspiring entrepreneurs of our time @realDonaldTrump, @BillGates" Thx. Young entrepreneurs – keep positive. Don’t let the ObamaCare disaster stop your endeavors. There are great opportunities out there. @Pattycake77777 Happy Birthday! It’s Friday. How many millions has the White House wasted on the ObamaCare website today? Republicans have the right approach to ObamaCare – let it fail. Free market solutions will be embraced by Americans in 2016. Such a nice article in the New York Times about a wonderful developer, Arthur Zeckendorf http://nyti.ms/I4WCyX Thomas Jefferson wrote the Senate filibuster rule. Harry Reid & Obama killed it yesterday. Rule was in effect for over 200 years. Since the Democrats decided to kill the filibuster, they now own it.Republicans should keep the new rule when they're in the majority. Hypocrite. Watch Senator Obama defend "democratic debate' of Senate filibuster rules in 2005 http://bit.ly/IkaCor If JP Morgan took their case through the courts for 15 years, nobody would be suing them—easy target. Lightweight shakedown artist AG Eric Schneiderman was exposed in today’s New York Post editorial http://bit.ly/18Vq9lD For all those sick degenerates contemplating a knockout attack, please remember the late, great Charles Bronson-no more crime! Weak newscasters are asking "is there a racial component to knockout attacks?" Of course there is and weakness will only make it worse! If you are lucky enough to catch a knockout assaulter before getting slugged, and you carry a gun, shoot the bastard (teach them a lesson)! Knockout assaults are the new rage by sick and depraved youth. We better start getting tough in this country-and they want to take our guns! Emails prove WH knew ObamaCare website wouldn't work in October -- why didn't they delay the launch? http://fxn.ws/1c3QOiC I answered my @Facebook fans questions via video- watch- http://on.fb.me/17NM03x 70 stores above Punta Pacifica's pristine peninsula, @TrumpPanama offers fine dining, five pools & luxury rooms http://bit.ly/jkC0ea Host of the 2017 U.S. Women's Open, Trump Bedminster has been rated one of America's best golf courses. We have wasted an enormous amount of blood and treasure in Afghanistan. Their government has zero appreciation. Let's get out! "Figure out what really moves you. You've got to have the 'FIRE' in order to have the Midas Touch." -- Midas Touch Florida Power & Light did a fantastic job of providing service & energy during the big storm in Palm Beach. @insideFPL Today will be a great day at work - have only one word in mind, VICTORY! @morningmika I'm watching Joe (who is 100% correct on Afghanistan) fondling the once great Time Magazine-so sad to see how skimpy it is! Do not allow our very stupid leaders to sign a deal that keeps us in Afghanistan through 2024-with all costs by U.S.A. MAKE AMERICA GREAT! "Results are what matter. The bottom line is clearly the bottom line." --Think Like a Champion "If you want to kill any idea in the world, get a committee working on it." -- Charles Kettering Congrats to Congress on their 112 'gold tier' healthcare plans http://nyti.ms/I5hB5p Why should they suffer like regular Americans? When Warren Buffett & others play w/ bankruptcy, nobody cares—when Trump plays the game, it becomes a big deal! http://bit.ly/17zR4s2 @SwanRose2013 I create jobs! @Facebook_Ben Thanks. @chadasletten Thanks. @nolanitenyc Sad! @DamonCanel @TrumpLasVegas Thank you. @libertybellskp So true! Offering true luxury, @Trump_Charlotte has spectacular restaurants, Olympic pools & six professional tennis courts http://www.trumpnationalcharlotte.com/ $1B down another $1B to go. ObamaCare website is 40% unfinished. This is beyond pathetic. Congratulations to @MikeTyson on the success of his new book "Undisputed Truth" & @HBO special--and thanks for the nice words, Mike. @WantonSoop True! @MeghanFaheyy Great! @matt_marcolini @MissUniverse @TrumpTowerNY Thank you. RT @TrumpDoral: The exciting transformation at Trump Doral continues! Follow the renovations here: http://ow.ly/qS285. Emin from Russia--a very talented guy. All proceeds go to help the Philippines. @eminofficial #missuniverse http://youtu.be/iuZUNjFsgS8 Afghanistan leaders want the U.S. to keep 20, 000 troops there for many more years, fully paid for by the U.S., but first they want apology. "If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough." -- Mario Andretti" Work is fun, deals are fun, life is fun - but love of a great family makes it all come together. Go out there and make your family proud. ALWAYS BORROW MONEY FROM A PESSIMIST BECAUSE HE WILL NEVER EXPECT IT TO BE PAID BACK! Trump Signature Collection offers style & sophistication. The perfect holiday gift. Exclusively @Macys http://bit.ly/15AXyl0 “Advertising is totally unnecessary. Unless you hope to make money.” - Jef I. Richards The next ObamaCare disaster will be doctors being dropped from plans. Broken promises. A broken billion dollar website. ObamaCare can’t be fixed. Repeal! "If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough." -- Mario Andretti Jamie Dimon just gave away $13B to government in settlement. Terrible move & bad precedent. Could have done much better by fighting. Priorities. While Obama wastes billions on a broken website, he is going to cut military pay http://on.wsj.com/17IHjIe No surprise. Guess who is talking to @MissUniverse at @TrumpTowerNY? Not terrible hair! http://instagram.com/p/g6A_UsGhQ9/ 64 stories of golden glass over the strip, @TrumpLasVegas’ elite hotel rooms feature floor-to-ceiling windows http://bit.ly/17IE6sb RT @IvankaTrump: I love this photo of my dad on Trump Tower in 1992. http://bit.ly/1fcNJSg One of @GolfWorldUS top private clubs, @TrumpNationalNY features a Jim Fazio designed 7,291 yd par 72 course http://bit.ly/bhn5fU @chucktodd @meetthepress @jack_welch Chuck--very fair, best wishes! Just as I said last October, census workers cooked the job numbers for Obama right before the election http://bit.ly/1b4B8Pe Last October on @meetthepress, @chucktodd attacked @jack_welch and I for saying Obama cooked the job number. Will he apologize? FLASHBACK - October 9, 2012: “Donald Trump: Jobs Numbers Are 'A Lot Of Monkey Business'” http://huff.to/Raon7J Proven right again! Congratulations to @MariaBartiromo on her big move to @FoxBusiness. She is a total winner! RT @TrumpDoral: RT @laurbodd: #BlueMonster can't wait for the beautiful course to reopen #1golfschool @TrumpDoral @McLeanGolf http://t.co/… I got George Zimmerman right- watch- http://instagram.com/p/g5oz_tGhRa/ RT @MichaelCohen212: When will Washington wise up and listen to @realDonaldTrump? Scrap the #Obamacare website and let #Google build one th… "@IanCKeffer: Rocking a @realDonaldTrump brand tie today for good measure. The picture does it no justice. Available @Macys LOOKS GREAT! Go to work today, be smart, think positively and WIN! I took some heat a long time ago when I said that George Zimmerman was a sicko and bad news. I know people and this guy is no good-trouble! RT @TrumpSoHo: RT @nikki_daniels18: Day or night nothing beats this #sohoview from the gorgeous @TrumpSoHo. #happyplace http://t.co/jYhtVH5… "The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do." -- Steve Jobs Our heartfelt prayers go out to our fellow Americans suffering from the storms & tornadoes. W/ signature Trump amenities, 5 star rooms & world-class restaurants, @TrumpWaikiki brings excellence to Hawaii http://bit.ly/1fOXIuz RT @TrumpDoral: The opening of the Blue Monster is getting closer! Follow our Blue Monster blog to stay updated: http://ow.ly/qSnrL. President Obama played golf yesterday??? The polls have shown that DEAD PEOPLE voted for President Obama overwhelmingly and without hesitation - he must be doing something right! "@FransiscoMlaza: @realDonaldTrump "Rich people are rich because they solve difficult problems" ~ Donald Trump" I will be going to Trump National Doral in Miami early today to check on the construction of the hotel and the new Blue Monster. AMAZING! How did the NCAA, which is weak and becoming irrelevant, extract such a big & reputation shattering settlement from Penn State. Others zero! Maybe some of the dead voters who helped get President Obama elected can be brought back to life after signing up for ObamaCare. The wimps that run Penn State should be forced to resign (and be sued) for the pathetic settlement they made and destruction of great legacy "@MArloAmoriello1: @realDonaldTrump Donald we can't allow this country to become soft like Obama, and penn state! Please run in 2016 #leader I wonder if the Rutgers coach who had the audacity to yell at the player is a proponent of global warming? Football coaches are no longer allowed to scream and yell at their players because it is discriminatory,racist and can be viewed as bullying I wonder what the late, great Vince Lombardi would say about the Rutgers football player who says he is being bullied because coach yelled? "@psu_rebot: RT @millman85: @realDonaldTrump you could put #PennState in this same category! #Settlers #SoftTarget @psu_rebot" TRUE-WEAK! "@ISaidKnow: AWESOME! RT Again, more dead people voted in the last election than enrolled in ObamaCare. Congratulations America!” Thanks! The real J.P.Morgan is spinning in his grave at the ridiculous settlements the bank is making to settle disputes. A settler is a soft target 13 BILLION, 4.5 BILLION-these are the stupid settlements that J.P.Morgan just made. Why don't they FIGHT? No wonder they keep getting sued. @not_that_actor Very good! "@swetasamota: “Be tough, be smart, be personable but don’t take things personally. That’s good business.” – Think Like a Champion" DJT @gary4205 Thanks Gary. @EveningExpress Thank you for your fair and balanced reporting. You provide a great and important service to the people of Scotland! @ReaIOsmelSousa Great job in helping our wonderful Miss Universe - there is nobody like you - CONGRATULATIONS! RT @TrumpCollection: Congrats to @TrumpSoHo for being named one of New York City's Top 5 Tech Hotels by @ForbesInspector. http://t.co/J9TZ5… “Winning is habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.” - Vince Lombardi Again, more dead people voted in the last election than enrolled in ObamaCare. Congratulations America! Rumor has it Apple is going to release iPhones with bigger screens. That's good news. “Be tough, be smart, be personable but don’t take things personally. That’s good business.” – Think Like a Champion “A true business only exists to solve a problem and to make life better.” – Midas Touch The only deal the Republicans should accept is a complete repeal of ObamaCare. You have them on the run - don't fold - go for it! Did President Obama have a rough day yesterday, or what? He has got to start telling the truth - NO MORE LIES OR DECEPTION! The cast has been largely selected for next year's Celebrity Apprentice. Wait 'till you hear the names-AMAZING! Season 14-many nights at #1 "@TruckerSamF: Already thinking about golf 2014...top of the list has to be revamped Doral, World Golf Championship March 3-9 Miami FL" "@Bill_Collector_: @realDonaldTrump we need you as the next president! Your a winner!!!" Thank you. "@iverson233: @realDonaldTrump can I run your hotels while you run the country ?" Sounds good to me! "@zizzy706: @realDonaldTrump let's get your oval ass in that Oval Office. #Trump2016" Thanks, I think! "@LydiaPearman: @realDonaldTrump @PatrickWeeks and let's be honest, you have some of the finest #RealEstate on the planet!" Very true! "@Gyuman82: @realDonaldTrump Plz run for President in 2016, America needs a strong leader!" We sure don't have leadership now! Thanks. @grouponegav Yes, online through Macy's. "@pididdie20: "In the end, you are measured not by how much you undertake but by what you finally accomplish" - Donald Trump" "@PatrickWeeks: “It’s #tangible, it’s #solid, it’s #beautiful. It’s #artistic, from my standpoint, and I just love #RealEstate.” ~ Donald "@Chaz_is_so_bomb: I hope @realDonaldTrump is our next president" Thanks. .@MissUniverse visited my office- tall and beautiful! http://instagram.com/p/gtipRYmhVk/ “He who defends everywhere, defends nowhere.” – Sun Tzu I'll be on @gretawire On the Record tonight to talk about the ObamaCare fiasco--7 pm on Fox News Obama friend got a no-bid $635M contract to build website http://bit.ly/18lXSU5 And now she will get more to fix it. More dead people voted in the last election than enrolled in ObamaCare. Congratulations America! @MikeDemkiw True! Breaking news--negotiations with Iranians broke down because Obama insisted that they use ObamaCare. "@dany8ro: Aha RT "@realDonaldTrump: You have good taste! "@JayRobby: I love Bill Gates and Warren Buffet and Donald Trump. I so love them." President Obama is the best thing that ever happened to Jimmy Carter! "@kbaileyjava2: @realDonaldTrump Celebrity Apprentice please! ASAP" "@AndrewSNicoll: @realDonaldTrump the same idiots who think he was born in the USA! Dopes!" "@OJOsborn: @realDonaldTrump I am one of them fools. The presidents heart in right place" WRONG, he knowingly lied - bad intentions! "@MakeupArtist121: 1984 cover of @realdonaldtrump #GQ #Magazine @ivankatrump ...One of my main idols I look up to!!… http://instagram.com/p/gsLhXJJ9ZV/" In a new poll a majority of people felt the president "knowingly lied" about health care pledge. Who are the fools who don't think he lied? "@countrygurl4747: @realDonaldTrump Please run in 2016!!! We need a smart man like you to turn this once great nation back!!" True! @BretBaier You are doing really great - keep it up (of which I have no doubt). ICYMI-- "@MELANIATRUMP Reading newspapers and see... #BillyGraham95 #happybirthday @BillyGraham http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BYjSurGIMAALzeM.jpg" RT @TrumpChicago: Thank you! @GallivantGuide: Congrats to #Sixteen at @TrumpChicago on their two Michelin stars. #travel #Chicago The same people that built the ObamaCare website used, as the face of the website, someone who is not a US citizen. Incompetent. Can you believe it—the model who mysteriously disappeared from the ObamaCare website is not a US citizen—she’s from Colombia. No matter how far down a path you go, if it's the wrong path, turn around and go back home - before it is too late. ObamaCare is on LIFE SUPPORT - it will soon be DEAD ON ARRIVAL - A bad concept that was imcompetently administered! President Obama is under pressure from Democrats to undo his lie on ObamaCare. His problem is that such a move would end ObamaCare. "@DCoolDog: After careful consideration, I'm going with my blue @realDonaldTrump #SignatureCollection tie for my big meeting today." Do well "@Shrubshrub: I've said it before. I'll say it again. The turn down service at the @TrumpToronto is the best in the world." Thank you! ObamaCare is one of the worst political disasters of all time - 4,992,343 AMERICANS LOSING COVERAGE, LESS THAN 50,OOO NEW SIGNUPS. Everyone should watch the documentary ‘Windfall’ on @netflix. See an upstate NY town ruined by environmentalists & windfarms. @JamesOKeefeIII’s @project_veritas has exposed the massive ObamaCare fraud perpetuated by Navigator Programs http://bit.ly/1fz5jgH @pennjillette & @AdamRifkin’s “Director’s Cut” has 4 days to go until it meets its @fundanything goal http://bit.ly/1fz3Gzy Via @MoscowTimes Donald Trump Planning Skyscraper in Moscow http://bit.ly/1fz1uYN @oliviaculpo @AgalarovAras @eminofficial @IamStevenT @crocuscityhall Crocus City Hall in Moscow is a fabulous place! Miss USA pageant had a 4 to 1 vote in favor, but it won't be in Miami Doral in 2014-- Mayor Boria voted against it. I want total support! @eminofficial Emin, your performance at Miss Universe was fantastic - you are a STAR! @Judithdbailey Thank you! "@Dexter_Cn: @realDonaldTrump President Trump sounds good to me" I'll tell you one thing, the country would be back on top again! Thanks. "@becca110611: @realDonaldTrump is literally the appitamy of amazing! Gotta love him❤️" Thank you Becca. "@JayRobby: I love Bill Gates and Warren Buffet and Donald Trump. I so love them." You have good taste! "@AarranMcPherson: @realDonaldTrump Good luck in your case against the wind turbines in Aberdeen Bay, most sensible Scots agree with you!" "@nicky0472: @realDonaldTrump The only ppl that still believe Obama did not lie r completely lost. So true! "@DaphneHaven: I'm so fascinated by the way @realDonaldTrump is. He motivates me to never give up & to keep pushing forward. 🌚" Great! "@soonrfan4life: @realDonaldTrump I'm a veteran and one of your biggest fans. Love what u do for our nation. #Trumpforpresident" Thanks. "@WorldReachTech: @greta Gotta respect Donald, Greta. If ever anyone nailed Obama for who and what he really is and has done it's Donald." @WCMartzOfficial Thank you. “True courage is being afraid, and going ahead and doing your job anyhow!” - General Norman Schwarzkopf @AgalarovAras I had a great weekend with you and your family. You have done a FANTASTIC job. TRUMP TOWER-MOSCOW is next. EMIN was WOW! .@IamStevenT gave one of the greatest endings to a show ever @MissUniverse. Standing ovation! Happy Veterans Day to ALL, in particular to the haters and losers who have no idea how lucky they are!!! WE WILL ONLY BE THE LAND OF THE FREE AS LONG AS WE ARE HOME OF THE BRAVE! Don't worry, when our country starts hurting bad enough from all of the mistakes that are being made, we will start doing the right things. "@_maleki_: @realDonaldTrump : Give the people what they want and announce your candidacy for president 2016." Thank you, very nice. While I was in Moscow I see that President Obsma apologized for his lie, I mean statement, on ObamaCare! How nice of him to be so forthright The Republicans must be patient and smart - ObamaCare could sweep them into office in far greater numbers than anyone ever thought possible! "@el_juino: @realDonaldTrump well i will predict that if u run for president you will win" "@joeyb134: I hope @realDonaldTrump will invite me to golf with him @TrumpDoral when it is all complete. It looks like an awesome place" If Justice Roberts had done the right thing and voted against ObamaCare, our country would be in a lot better shape right now! TOTAL TURMOIL Drew Brees is having a great game - a fantastic quarterback and really good guy! If we could force Russia, China and other competitors to use ObamaCare, we would be able to instantly destroy their great economic success! "@BrahSumatra: @realDonaldTrump Remember when you use to have real hair?" (Spelling) - I still do dummy, it is all mine! Remember that I predicted a long time ago that President Obama will attack Iran because of his inability to negotiate properly-not skilled! I will be on Fox & Friends tomorrow morning at 7.ºº I just got back from Russia-learned lots & lots. Moscow is a very interesting and amazing place! U.S. MUST BE VERY SMART AND VERY STRATEGIC. "@TresCurrie311: @realDonaldTrump trump national in Washington, D.C. looks great. Love what you've done with it" Thank you! "@gutterferret: @realDonaldTrump tell us in a Vine! Your voice carries so much more impact! #TrumpVine" O.K., on Monday! "@cooey2ruley: @realDonaldTrump since you are in Russia go kick Snowden in the ass." "@brose2288: @realDonaldTrump The women are unbelievable but getting to hang with Steven Tyler will be the highlight!" Steven sings tonight "@TimTMahar: @realDonaldTrump when you leave Russia, please bring back some leaders!" Interesting! I was just given a great tour of Moscow - fantastic, hard working people. CITY IS REALLY ENERGIZED! The World will be watching tonight! "@johfax: Visiting NYC today. Where can I buy your famous light pink tie? @realDonaldTrump" Macy's or Trump Tower. I'm in Moscow for Miss Universe tonight - picking a winner is very hard, they are all winners. Total sellout of arena. Big night in Russia! Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible. RT @TrumpDoral: A great view of the Blue Monster from the Crystal Ballroom (formerly Palms North). Who's ready to play it? http://t.co/cuT7… Being successful requires nothing less than 100% of your concentrated effort. Be totally focused. Success tip: Be ready for problems, and be patient--there are very few cases of instant gratification. The ObamaCare disaster will increase the amount of uninsured http://bit.ly/HIXn19 What is the point of this Trillion $ monstrosity? “Don’t toss off your problems, and don’t dwell on them either. Deal with them!” – Think Like a Champion “Read the Bible. Work hard and honestly. And don't complain.” – Rev. @BillyGraham Upstate New York needs jobs. Frack Now & Frack Fast! Pay off NY State debt. We still have not learned the full truth on Benghazi. Four Americans were killed. Congress must act! At least 3.5M fellow Americans are going to lose their healthcare plans because of ObamaCare. Defund then repeal! Congratulations to the $1B ObamaCare website on enrolling FOUR in Delaware. Cost to us - $4M http://bit.ly/1cWKdY5 Looking forward to attending the GREAT Rev. @BillyGraham’s birthday party tonight--there's nobody like him! Had dinner this week at @MEGUNYC (at Trump World Tower) opposite the United Nations—fantastic food! 212.964.7777 It’s that time of the year. @TrumpRink in Central Park is now open--best rink in the world. http://bit.ly/SGvzKS A landmark. My speech at @AmSpec Bartlet Gala Dinner where I received @boonepickens Entrepreneur Award http://bit.ly/HIV4Lj "THEBillMcGee @realDonaldTrump-after a year of wear your shirts still look great! Glad I made the purchase!" Thank you. I will be going to Asheville, North Carolina, tonight for the 95th birthday party of the GREAT Billy Graham - such a wonderful man! If Democrats do not start opposing ObamaCare, and fast, Republicans will have a massive victory in 2014 - far greater than any predictions! A level will be reached where ObamaCare will be so out of control, expensive and unwieldy that the biggest supporters will abandon ship. Prediction: The disaster known as ObamaCare will only get worse and Republicans will gain far greater power than they have had in years! Put Kathleen Sebelius out of her misery and lovingly say, YOU'RE FIRED! Let her go home to her family and rest. BRING IN TOP FLIGHT PEOPLE! She is so sad and pathetic that I almost feel sorry for Sec.Sebelius. She has done great harm to many people and must be fired. Incompetent! Just sit back and watch, ObamaCare is such a disaster it will fall like a house of broken cards. The website is the best part of this mess! When Obama tried to tweak his previous statement on ObamaCare he made it an even greater lie-even the Senate Democrats are angry with him! "@HitTheLights_14: @realDonaldTrump Can't wait for 2016!!!! America needs you!!!!#Trump2016" Thank you, what a mess our country is in. Brian @kilmeade wrote a wonderful book called "George Washington's Secret Six" that is truly worth reading. http://video.foxnews.com/v/2808497218001/ Use your intelligence and your education to execute what your imagination presents to you. This is one step to becoming an entrepreneur. Job tip: If you were the employer, what kind of person would you most desire as an employee? Be that person. Success tip: See yourself as victorious. This will focus you in the right direction. Apply your skills and talent--and be tenacious. With terrific Steve Wynn at dinner last night. http://instagram.com/p/gYZV68GhTM/ “If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there'd be a shortage of sand.” – Milton Friedman @Rizz_Lizz You're right--doesn't fit my image. @rrpsllc Thank you. @Andy241097 Thank you. @dnewman83 Thank you. "thilan_GolfSwag @realDonaldTrump Played Doral for the first time. absolutely great course! Fantastic job!" Thanks. @prdnjoy67 No, #Darnell does. “Recognize that the world needs more entrepreneurs. Everyone is counting on you.” – Midas Touch "@emilyluvsuxoxo: @realDonaldTrump is the best person in the entire world." Thank you Emily, so nice! "@thesween_bean: @realDonaldTrump Can't wait for 2016. #Trump2016" Our country needs help (leadership), and it needs it FAST! "@mzulianix3: @realDonaldTrump you are the coolest man I've ever met 👍" Thank you! "@JVince81: @bforrealstevens GovChristie @realDonaldTrump That tie is awesome. I need that tie. Where can I get it?" MACY'S Our NOBEL PRIZE FOR PEACE president said "I'm really good at killing people" according to just out book Double Down. Can Oslo retract prize? The truth is that we could have much better healthcare in our country at a much more affordable price - everyone in U.S. would benefit! Can you believe that the builder of the failed ObamaCare website was just given a new government contract - how stupid is that - CLUELESS!!! Not only does Obama spy on German leaders, he criticizes their trade surplus http://on.wsj.com/19z4VgE We should have a trade surplus! The @EricTrumpFdn event featured a performance by #CelebApprentice @JohnRich- a great event for a great cause! Watch- http://bit.ly/HuSDLQ Revisionist history. Now Obama claims he never told us that everyone could keep their healthcare plans. Crazy! Hitting at home. Democrat Sen. Joe Donnelly’s son had his healthcare plan dropped http://yhoo.it/19z3vmk Sen. @DavidVitter & @David_Bossie w/@seanhannity http://youtu.be/Hpi9k68-tU8 demand 'Congress Live By Your Laws' http://bit.ly/19z15UN @OfficialMelB & @ThomasARoberts are hosting Trump @MissUniverse 2013 Pageant http://bit.ly/19yZzly in Moscow. They will be terrific! #TrumpVine on ObamaCare website- https://vine.co/v/hj3Kgxn7AHP I hope everybody reads the @AmSpec article “Shakedown Schneiderman” – the AG of New York @AGSchneiderman http://bit.ly/16CLum5 The @AmSpec article, "Shakedown Schneiderman" about NY State lightweight @AGSchneiderman is amazing. http://bit.ly/16CLum5 I would gain a whole new respect for President Obama if he would say, "look, we made a big mistake, sorry!" No more lies or deception. "@evanmyers: I love how many negative tweets @realDonaldTrump gets. He must look at them, smile and go back to being a champion. Thank you! Lies and incompetence - the two words that are most closely associated with ObamaCare! "@Rizz_Lizz: @realDonaldTrump @andersengell Mr.President, DJT, could do this in his sleep! Light years ahead of opponents. "@BaitedTrap: @realDonaldTrump Donald Trump for President!!! America needs you!" "@MyStateTalk: @realDonaldTrump For President 2016 we need to end the madness we need a leader like you in office!!!" Thank you. "@PGHCEO: If @realDonaldTrump was pres. the US would probably be buying small countries and flipping them to other countries. Profit though. Wow, just watching the news.ObamaCare and the website are TOTALLY OUT OF CONTROL. Costs are through the roof. This could be ruinous to U.S.! "@andersengell: Love reading T's tweets concerning ObamaCare. People might find him controversial, but Mr. Trump sure knows his stuff! #pro" "@MsMEGZILLA: @realDonaldTrump - I wish you were President!" But only if you want our country to be great again! "@seancourt: I feel safer knowing men like @realDonaldTrump are around" Thank you. "@tglivak: @KingspeedSimms if you don't already follow @realDonaldTrump, you should. #youcanthankmelater" So true! @GOP House has the right bill: “If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it.” The Senate must take it up on a vote! The ObamaCare website will cost over $1.5B when all is said and done. Crazy! Hope & Change. Millions are losing their healthcare plans, & ObamaCare is taking cancer patients’ doctors away http://bit.ly/17C1HuC @zak_boxer Never give up! RT @TrumpDoral: Spectacular improvements have been made to the Blue Monster's Hole #8. Read more on the transformation here: http://t.co/Hs… Beauty arrives to Moscow’s Crocus City Hall this 11.9.! On @nbc, the world will watch @MissUniverse 2013 crowned http://bit.ly/R4zjI1 @MrD1202 Have passion for your work and keep focused. @JShue20 Great! Everyone is telling me that @EliotSpitzer is going to run against lightweight @AGSchneiderman--Spitzer would win! @sundayhorse Thanks. @BrightonPatriot @Mulder1981 @AlexSalmond True--he is killing Scotland! Will be on Fox & Friends in five minutes - enjoy and good morning! "@Luv2raise: @realDonaldTrump Please, please run for President in 2016. We need something to look forward to & someone to look up to!" "@GorgesSteven: @realDonaldTrump run for president please!" "@The_News_DIVA: @realDonaldTrump You get a fist bump from me for giving that bus driver $10K. Thank you." He deserves it, thanks. "@julibanko: Missing my days at #trumpwinery. @realDonaldTrump is my hero." Thank you. "@ellenmarie47: @realDonaldTrump @jannunz7 I agree. This country needs a business man's sense and Obama does not have it." SO TRUE! "@jannunz7: @realDonaldTrump Mr Trump... Please run in 2016 and try and Save our Beautiful... Precious County..!! God Bless. "@Deny62Wilson: @realDonaldTrump can't wait for the course to get completed best thing that ever happened to Aberdeenshire" TRUE. "@BobKurlander: @realDonaldTrump Awesome new clock at Trump Jupiter. Would look so good between range, putting green. Will happen. "@juanmatava: @realDonaldTrump gives me a lot of strength." "@earn_it_work: @realDonaldTrump @billmaher see trump? He takes his shots but has no balls. Don't listen and do us a favor and run for POTUS "@MONTECRISTO_Mag: The @TrumpVancouver presentation centre has opened. “This is going to be special,” said @realDonaldTrump. Millions losing healthcare plans despite President Obama's promise that this WOULD NOT HAPPEN! What about a massive protest march on D.C. Via @IBTimes: "Miss Universe 2013: Contestants Stun in Gorgeous Gowns at National Gift Auction Gala" http://bit.ly/1f8mVQm “Winners see problems as just another way to prove themselves.” – Think Like a Champion Located in Tribeca, each @TrumpSoHo hotel room features floor to window ceilings for a view of lower Manhattan http://bit.ly/ZzVZiZ “Do your duty and a little more and the future will take care of itself.” - Andrew Carnegie @wsaleen Thanks. @SonnyGirard True. The bus driver who saved the woman from jumping off the bridge was really cool, great guy. I'm going to send him $10, 000-he deserves it! "@MaryHukill: @realDonaldTrump The Donald J. Trump shirt from Macys looks GOOD!!! Sharp, good fabric, great color...it ROCKS!!! Classy look. “Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit.” – Conrad Hilton @CasaMadison Thanks. @duncanrj1969 Thanks. "@Debstermistress @realDonaldTrump when he says he doesn't know, he admits he is not leading. USA a rudderless ship." So we can spy on our ally’s leaders but can’t water board terrorists? It’s Thursday. @billmaher is still a very dumb guy--just look at his past. “If you like your healthcare plan you can keep it.” = “I was born in Hawaii.” Not only did the $1B ObamaCare website not work, it can’t even protect your personal information http://huff.to/1aWiDXV A disaster. "@Andigriffin @realDonaldTrump your Las Vegas Hotel is beautiful too!!" Thank you. Congratulations to Boston on the @RedSox World Series victory. Earned and deserved. Still looking to give away a RECORD $1M reward on @fundanything for a crowd funding campaign http://bit.ly/16Pw7Up .@TrumpPanama is Panama City’s premiere hotel. 70 stories over Punta Pacifica, excellence has arrived to So. America http://bit.ly/15yd81s Gary Sinise is doing tremendous work for veterans through his foundation—check it out @GarySiniseFound The ObamaCare website is unfixable & rumor has it that they will stop checks & balances—a free-for-all that will cost the country trillions “Learn, work, and think in equal proportions, and you’ll be going in the right direction.” – Think Like a Champion “The best entrepreneurs believe the true measure of success has to do with the number of jobs their business creates.” – Midas Touch Both of our New York hotels are on the Top Ten list of the most luxurious hotels in NYC...http://bit.ly/1f5OoCb Congrats to all! Isn't the WORLD tired of hearing President Obama say he knew nothing about anything-time to take responsibility for all of your mistakes! Looks like a very good World Series game! "@DannyZuker: .@realDonaldTrump I miss us. 😢" Danny, I miss you tooooo! "@mikebus7: @realDonaldTrump great fitting shirt and I got a couple compliments on it too! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BX3Ld2XIgAAefPM.jpg" Looks great. "@billmaher: With the cast from Friday's Real Time - and now I'm in Springfield, Mass for standup tonight-and Bill, you totally bombed-"BAD" How come Snowden and ObamaCare have access to all records and information but don't have even the smallest tidbits on President Obama? ObamaCare is a disaster and Snowden is a spy who should be executed-but if it and he could reveal Obama's records,I might become a major fan “You're never a loser until you quit trying.” - Mike Ditka China just called. They want to lend Obama another $1B for the ObamaCare web site. Via @WSJ: “The ObamaCare Awakening: Americans are losing their coverage by political design.” http://on.wsj.com/1aStySt If Obama was willing to lie about ObamaCare then what else has he lied to us about… Four brave Americans died in Benghazi. Administration is still covering up the truth. We deserve to know the full truth. Congrats to @rushlimbaugh on the release of his new book “Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims.” #1 on @amazon and @bnbooks. Must read! Via @WPOffshore: “Donald Trump's Blackdog victory” http://bit.ly/16lXaJG RT @EricTrump: Check out the @TrumpDoral Construction Blog to stay up to date on all of the incredible renovations taking place: http://t.c… It is now a FACT that President Obama lied in order to get ObamaCare passed-that is fraud and the legislation should be recinded-INTERESTING "@haay_ramiiie: @realDonaldTrump has the best twitter" A great victory in Scotland ... http://bit.ly/1chilxm http://bit.ly/HotanA I hear @billmaher really bombed in Springfield--people were leaving show way early--stupid guy! Won’t be a buyer’s market for long. If you can, purchase a home but remember, I told you this three years ago. Congrats @NBCInvestigates on revealing that Obama knew millions of Americans would lose their healthcare plans http://nbcnews.to/19OtFRr Fact – all the countries complaining about us spying on them spy on us. They just don't get caught--stupid! 1.5M have already lost their health care plans thanks to ObamaCare http://bit.ly/19OtVjn Defund now and Repeal later! .@AlexSalmond of Scotland may be the dumbest leader of the free world. I can’t imagine that anyone wants him in office. .@AlexSalmond –the man who let terrorist (Pan Am Flight 103) al-Megrahi go, lost another battle over ugly wind turbines in Blackdog. .@AlexSalmond suffered a huge defeat by the people of Blackdog. Communities all over Scotland are fighting this loser. When will @AlexSalmond realize that he's destroying Scotland--the most beautiful countryside in the world w/ his stupid wind turbines? Great victory for people of Blackdog, Scotland. They defeated substation, stopping inefficient & ugly wind turbines.@AlexSalmond On 1,300 acres in Charlottesville, @trumpwinery’s wine has been awarded the coveted Virginia Double Gold Medal http://bit.ly/mWxEft RT @IvankaTrump: So excited for Trump International Golf Club, Dubai – voted Best Golf Development in the Middle East! Congrats our team an… "@megrunder: .@realDonaldTrump Is there ANY subject you aren’t an expert on?" No, not many! Maybe if Obama knew too much about the spying it would be worse than knowing nothing - but either way it is just another disaster! I just don't know why some of these NFL teams with lousy quarterbacks don't give Tim Tebow a chance - what do they have to lose? There are so many blatant lies coming out of the ADMINISTRATION - healthcare, spying, NSA, IRS, brutally killed Americans -WILL IT EVER END? Does anybody really think that President Obama didn't know about our spying on the leaders of allies around the world - not possible! "@Abird95: I absolutely love @realDonaldTrump he is my favorite person ever and inspires me to do so much." Thanks R! "@Lorianne01: @realDonaldTrump can I pls get a retweet for my friend's son @LittleJoesHeart waiting for a new ❤ his dad made this. Hi Joe! Like your current health care plan? Too bad, you’re going to lose it under ObamaCare. Hope, Change & a 300% Increase in Your Premium. Iraq is being ravaged by Al Qaeda. Country in utter chaos & all oil is going to Iran & China http://on.wsj.com/HmCrMU Terrible mistake! Contractors can blame Obama admin all day for their $600M failure but both parties are at fault--pay taxpayers back. Sebelius didn't test $635M (probably $1B) ObamaCare website until “a couple of days leading up to the launch.” http://bit.ly/HmCTKV I don’t know why our allies are so surprised Obama is tapping their phones? Nothing changes! Via @inventorspot by Myra Per-Lee: “Got A Great Idea? Get Donald Trump To Fund It” http://bit.ly/1ajjqal Time for Sebelius to be fired. She has admitted that the Administration did not vet the ObamaCare website http://dallasne.ws/1aAZjmk Thanks to ObamaCare’s device tax, Boston Scientific plans to cut 1,500 jobs http://buswk.co/1aiYYma ObamaCare will kill ingenuity. The signature restaurant of @TrumpNewYork, @jeangeorges is both Forbes Five-Star & AAA Five-Diamond restaurant http://bit.ly/1aiV90r "@TrumpVancouver has makings of iconic landmark: Erickson-designed highrise ..." http://bit.ly/1ajiXFg via @VancouverSun Yesterday was Matt Drudge's birthday --Happy Birthday @DRUDGE--and great job! @johan_jwc Because he paid me far more than it was worth! @bradkovach Sadly true! "@jantwo62: @realDonaldTrump Love Trump ties! Very couture but affordable to dress your hubby. "@SirBlaineRichie: @BillGates, @WarrenBuffett and @realDonaldTrump are the most inspirational people i know of." "@Doug_E_Fresh2: @realDonaldTrump with you as POTUS we'd probably have a $600,000,000 surplus! #Trump2016" "@KathyRushford: @realDonaldTrump Do you beleive all that money was spent on a website ?" No, MUCH MORE! "@Semjazaraziel: @realDonaldTrump @TamiMiddleton We need Trump in 16 to fix this mess the community activist has created" Will be on Fox & Friends tomorrow morning at 7.00. Will be discussing the disgusting and wasteful $635 million website rollout and more! "@Mackiaveli13: @realDonaldTrump Us latinos will vote for you. All we want is to be part of the American Dream. Include us! Cool. "@tlbasnight: @realDonaldTrump you are that Leader. Think about it." Thanks. "@TamiMiddleton LOVE YOUR TOP 3 NEGOTIATING TIPS! 1. TRUST YOUR GUT. 2. PATIENCE IS A VIRTURE. 3. VIEW CONFLICT AS AN OPPORTUNITY! AWESOME!" "@fournier_ian: @realDonaldTrump Is it better to rent a house or buy a house these days? Much respect" Buy in great location, low interest. "@rcarlc: @realDonaldTrump I wanted to use my 5,000th tweet to let you know you are my hero. #trump2016" Thank you! "@Nodakgus: This country is in dire need of a LEADER who is not beholden to special interest groups or to anyone - you are that LEADER!" "@AdriannaMarie: I think you're an amazing person and a huge inspiration to me! Just ordered your books! Can't wait to read them!!" Thanks. "@vabeachrpm: @realDonaldTrump great gifts for my hard working husband! Love Macy's!" "@Chris_DiRe: @realDonaldTrump really enjoyed my stay at Trump SoHo this weekend - your staff there is super polite and hospitable" Great. "@AlexLevandoski: People who hate on you are really just jealous at their own lack of success. Thanks for the inspiration Mr. Trump!" Thanks "@tonescotland: @Rizz_Lizz @realDonaldTrump he has destroyed wilderness beaches in Aberdeen. Built world's greatest golf course-TOP DRAW! "@terreldactyl: @realDonaldTrump I hate you but I love your ties" That sounds like a fair trade! "@shibis: @SenTedCruz Don't you know once upon a time @realDonaldTrump was leading 2012 @GOP I would love to see you elected. God Pls" "@phickeyma: We need you for POTUS because there's a whole lot of people in Washington who need to hear the words YOU'RE FIRED!" The new line of Trump ties, shirts and cufflinks are out at Macy's and are really beautiful at a really reasonable.price. Go check them out! "@dutchfreightman: @realDonaldTrump dined at Macleod House today. Wonderful in every aspect. Thanks for creating this on our doorstep." Nice "@Rizz_Lizz: @realDonaldTrump I am clairvoyant. May I be the first to congratulate you on your win, Mr. President?" CUTE! "@Rizz_Lizz: The reason I think you will be POTUS is bcuz I have never seen anyone juggle so many things at once & be successful @ each." President Obama should bring Secretaty Sebelius into his office, look right into her beautiful blue eyes and say,with emotion, YOU'RE FIRED! @10AJMcCarron Great game against Tennessee by the most unappreciated (by the media) quarterback in college football - and no more tattoos! Good night everyone - sleep well and tomorrow have many victories! "@BigguhMikez: @realDonaldTrump is a Genius" Thank you. "@_stacys_mom_: I just love @realDonaldTrump." Thank you. "@JamesMock4: I see principled, disciplined, decisive, tough leadership. I see strength. I see #Trump16. Please Mr Trump. USA needs you" "@DianeLynn_: @realDonaldTrump We need you now more than ever! Hope to see you run in 2016!" "@willfitz94: @realDonaldTrump How do you have time to tweet everyone when your so busy?" When I like people, I find time! "@1bombasscat: VOTE @realDonaldTrump FOR PRESIDENT! 🇺🇸 #TRUMP16" "@KSV_3: #Trump2016 @realDonaldTrump" "@JoeDimyan: Watching the roast of @realDonaldTrump #Classic" "@KSV_3: I want @realDonaldTrump to tweet me so bad! Huge fan! #Trump2016" "@LoomisEvan: @realDonaldTrump we need a president who is successful and has a ton of common sense. Tht is u Mr. Trump!" "@Murppph: @realDonaldTrump says whatever he wants and doesn't care. I love it. He's a legend." "@_stacys_mom_: I just love @realDonaldTrump." Very nice. "@JamesMock4: I see principled, disciplined, decisive, tough leadership. I see strength. I see #Trump16. Please Mr Trump. USA needs you" I must say that some of these college football games are great tonight-very exciting-I wish I had more time to watch! "@joelbernstein: @realDonaldTrump @Tyler_TuscChevy Not only does America need an adult in DC we need DJT in 2016" Thank you. "@IamToneAntone: @realDonaldTrump 2016 is your year and I will do everything God gave me to show my Appreciation @IamToneAntone XOXO" "@dimas720: @realDonaldTrump Kick ass in 2016! I'm on board, Mr. Trump." "@Tyler_TuscChevy: @realDonaldTrump Trump 2016 #all for it" @ManagersDiary Thank you-always a good thought. "I try to learn from the past, but I plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the present. That's where the fun is." ~Donald Trump" "@Vallian_Ghali: If you're born poor, it's not your mistake. But If you die poor, it's really your mistake. - Donald Trump" "@AKudej25: @realDonaldTrump We wont see REAL change unless you become President! #PleaseRun #2016" True! Isn't it amazing that the U.S. and NSA can listen to the highly protected phone conversations of world leaders but can't get O's records! At this point the legacy of the Obama Administration will be, sadly, that of THE GANG THAT COULDN'T SHOOT STRAIGHT - what a pathetic mess! With the $635 million dollar website fiasco, getting caught tapping phones of WORLD LEADERS and so much more, U.S. is looking really stupid! Can you imagine the anger and disgust when the heads of other countries found out that their cell phones were being tapped by NSA.Obama mess "@jamiesawicz: @realDonaldTrump @GWRepublicans want to help campaign for Trump 2016!" Thank you. "@kylesmith300: @realDonaldTrump I agree about the wind turbines they are horrible" @pbrooks65. Great taste, enjoy! First Titantic sunk on its maiden voyage.Next the Hindenburg explodes on its first flight to America.Now we suffer the ObamaCare rollout! "@Godlike_Virus: @realDonaldTrump For 2016. Change that we REALLY can depend on." "@AustinWDE7: @realDonaldTrump needs to run so we can get out of this mess #trump2016" "@AKudej25: @realDonaldTrump We wont see REAL change unless you become President! #PleaseRun #2016" Thank you and true! "@nadeaua75: @realDonaldTrump has my vote! He MUST run for president if we want success!" Thank you. "@Kmatthews912: @realDonaldTrump the youth of America needs you Mr. Trump" They sure need someone, and fast! "@sundayhorse: @realDonaldTrump @thegurleygirl Sad Donald trump isn't president we would not be in this mess! So true. "@KaburuOle: “@realDonaldTrump: Good advice from my mother, Mary MacLeod Trump: “Trust in God and be true to yourself.””Awesome advice." "@Beliefheals: @realDonaldTrump @AmSpec You're more than the best Entrepreneur; great teacher & source of encouragement! Thanks. "@Beliefheals: @realDonaldTrump Seriously, you are the only American qualified to be Prez -all areas of competence!. Thank you. "@thegurleygirl: @realDonaldTrump Wish you could lead this country. We need you Mr. Trump." When a complex website is broken the best thing to do is blow it up and start all over again-then sue the culprits and use the proper team! The Audacity of Ineptitude – ObamaCare website will cost over $1B http://nws.mx/17MiB43 When will someone finally be held accountable? “You want to compete, and you want to compete at the highest level.” - @boonepickens Great meeting @GarySinise at @AmSpec dinner. Besides his great acting, Gary does tremendous work for vets through his foundation. .@BoonePickens Thank you for the T. Boone Pickens Entrepreneur Award—a great honor for me from a fantastic man. Jeffrey Lord @AmSpec—Thank you for the presentation—terrific job! Bob Tyrrell @AmSpec—Thank you--and also for the great work you do. Great evening with the @AmSpec & the T. Boone Pickens Entrepreneur Award. Amazing crowd—thank you! Good advice from my mother, Mary MacLeod Trump: “Trust in God and be true to yourself.” Good advice from my father, Fred C. Trump: "Know everything you can about what you're doing." You've got something unique to offer. Find out what it is. Ask yourself: What can I provide that does not yet exist? "Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway." - John Wayne "@kevinmacman55 @realDonaldTrump well deserved, you motivate me every day." Thanks. @OriginalArts1 @TrumpTowerNY Thanks. “Discovery breeds discovery, as in success breeds success. Questions are thoughts with a quest.” – Think Like a Champion "@ChrisStackStacy @realDonaldTrump @TrumpTowerNY it is absolutely a work of art #TRUMP" Thank you. "@MikeMuckleroy @realDonaldTrump @AmSpec That is a reward that is WELL DESERVED." Thanks. "@dynamicwil @realDonaldTrump @AmSpec You deserve it! your a true entrepreneur!" Thanks. It was just determined that the woman who passed out at Obama’s press conference had just seen what her new premiums would be! @RyDev22 Great! @strommer07 Yes and thanks. @DanAmira Apology accepted. If the Saudis are so concerned about Syria then they should go in themselves. Stop telling us to do their dirty work. I’ll soon be leaving for Washington where @AmSpec will give me the T. Boone Pickens Entrepreneur Award. Very exciting! Where’s the accountability for the $635M website fiasco in the Obama administration? Heads should roll and officials should be fired On Fifth Avenue, the iconic @TrumpTowerNY is one of NYC's most heavily visited tourist attractions http://bit.ly/1idIOgO Why doesn't President Obama call upon the NSA to fix the badly broken website-then they could spy on all of the many cheaters & arrest them! Honestly, whether you're for or against ObamaCare, the 635 million dollar website fiasco is bad for the U.S. It makes us look totally inept! "@DonJuanRiley1: Getting a picture of Donald Trump and putting it on a shirt tomorrow cause hes a true american hero :)" Wow, so nice! Breaking news - The Washington Redskins have just announced that they will be removing the name Washington from their name! If you want to succeed, keep your edge. Staying on top of all new developments in your sector = major advantage that pays dividends. The most luxurious hotel in downtown Manhattan, @TrumpSoHo is a top destination http://bit.ly/ZzVZiZ Have time to waste? Go to the ObamaCare website. “America is too great for small dreams.” — Pres. Ronald Reagan Looking forward to receiving the T. Boone Pickens Entrepreneur Award at tomorrow’s @AmSpec Robert L. Bartley Gala dinner. Via @AmSpec by Jeffrey Lord: “Donald Trump: America’s Entrepreneur” http://bit.ly/17ec0oz Wow--thank you to Jeffrey Lord & @AmSpec! @SGTeel Great, thanks! "@Sajiah: 1 of the first ties bought my sweetheart was Trump from Macy's on 34th w/cuff links. Thx 4 shootingstraight. Great! “Sure, the home-field is an advantage - but so is having a lot of talent.” - @DanMarino RT @IvankaTrump: Congrats to @TrumpWaikiki voted #1 by @CNTraveler readers as one of the top 5 hotels in Hawaii! Message to Edward Snowden, you’re banned from @MissUniverse. Unless you want me to take you back home to face justice! On November 9th @MissUniverse comes to Moscow! Hosted by the wonderful duo of @OfficialMelB & @ThomasARoberts in Crocus City Hall! Doing an interview with @SteveDeaceShow. Discussing the ObamaCare web disaster. Be sure to listen http://bit.ly/sKUGu4 Winner of the 5 Star Diamond Award, @TrumpGolfLA brings luxury & elite amenities to LA's top public golf course http://bit.ly/hAJgi6 Where’s the global warming? 2013 was one of the least extreme years in weather on record http://bit.ly/1c2xgzl Help fund @Dratzenberger’s new show ‘American Made’ on @fundanything http://bit.ly/1bPol09 John is on @teamcavuto today re project. Via @ArabianBusiness: “Trump eyes PGA tour for Dubai golf course” http://bit.ly/19SATAe @bgholms Thanks. @RajvirBoparai Thanks, good luck. @MacFaddenRyan @SongMemories Hi Ryan. .@VanityFair magazine is doing so poorly that they make even @NYMag look good. Graydon Carter should’ve been fired a long time ago. @willdavenport1 Great, thanks. “Sixteen” @TrumpChicago is winning accolades and is a destination point restaurant—don’t miss it! Trump Int’l Hotel & Tower Chicago is one of very few hotels in No. America w/ a 5 Star, 5 Diamond Hotel & a 5 Star, 5 Diamond Restaurant... @ukn96 They get fired. @Beliefheals Thank you, good luck. Doing Fox and Friends in two minutes! "@pjpaton: Wind farms have scarred the British landscape&turned the public against the renewable energy agenda! See, I was ahead of our time "@CharleyDummer: @realDonaldTrump the whole UK supports you in the #2016 elections we all love watching the apprentice USA here. "@Orangeone4: @Carrie_Wofford @realDonaldTrump Website designer HUGE Obama campaign donor. Can we say kickbacks?" "@JaimeSells: @realDonaldTrump 4 president has my vote! We need financial education in the USA. Go get em D!" Thanks Jaime! I would bet that we have many great American technology companies that would build and fix the pathetic ObamaCare website for ZERO dollars! "@JarrodRyanZA: @realDonaldTrump Are you actually going to go for #2016 elections? If so you have my support!" Thank you! Why doesn't President Obama just get the people from Google to fix the failed website. In fact, why didn't he use them in the first place! @Richardjnandlal Very nice, best wishes! @ArcturusRex4. Good question! "@JLPDOG: @realDonaldTrump We need your knowledge and sensibility to restore this country to it's former glory and respect." "@Ay_Zimmy: @realDonaldTrump, I'm already persuading my friends to vote for you in 2016, make it happen!" Thanks for the confidence! "@BicYea50: @realDonaldTrump @DanAmira @NYMag Whats the odds the 5 people who subscribe 2 that rag-- I mean mag, will ever see this tweet?" "@em3601: Hey @realDonaldTrump, please announce you are running in 2016. You are the only one who can revive our country." "@LILSKINNY11: @realDonaldTrump Hey D Trump, is time for me to buy a "Trump 2016" yet? Lead us back to the top!!" "@TheYardSaleKing: @realDonaldTrump I had the honor of going in to this awesome building today. Even the restrooms are first class! Thanks. "@Austin_Fall: In 2016, we will need a business mogul to bring America to its feet. I hope @realDonaldTrump feels a tug on his collar." "@Austin_Fall: Monetarily, in 2016, we will be in such terrible shape that having @realDonaldTrump as POTUS would be a great idea for U.S. "@stchristopher18: @realDonaldTrump @michaltellos @NYMag Bury them fake journalists" "@PherreroRaphael: @realDonaldTrump you ready for Miss Universe? Yes, November 9th in Moscow-will be great! "@StitchJonze: @realDonaldTrump today I had my wife cancel her subscription to @DanAmira @NYMag" Thank you-smart! "@adhietAK85: This is my favorite person, @realDonaldTrump.. Greatest bussinesman in the world !! I want to be like him" Thank you. "@michaltellos: @realDonaldTrump @NYMag Subscribing to that trash to begin with would be your first mistake." It is failing fast! "@STARFLIRE: @realDonaldTrump @NYMag I canceled mine" Smart move, thanks. @NYMag I hope everybody possible cancels their subscription to the failing, boring abd totally biased New York "Ragazine"-SAVE YOUR MONEY! THE ROLLOUT OF OBAMACARE IS A TOTAL DISASTER AND AN EMBARRASSMENT TO OUR COUNTRY. THE WORLD IS WATCHING AND LAUGHING.$635,000,000 WEBSITE! @NYMag In every interview New York Magazine has done for years they ask the same question - "What do you think of Donald Trump?" Beggars! @NYMag Can you imagine a top editor at New York Magazine calling for my death-if they were responsible, he would be fired! Totally biased. @NYMag Wow, numbers are really looking bad at New York Magazine. While very boring, it is also very biased. Too bad, was once great! "@Beliefheals: @realDonaldTrump Working on my "Midas Touch" plan re: the fund anything reward! You are my favorite entrepreneur! Thanks. "@milosuperpug: @realDonaldTrump @TormeyPaul @DanAmira @NYMag NO got so irrelevant. TIME OUT far better than ny magazine." "@TonyTurko: @realDonaldTrump NBC Report: White House Taking Obamacare Website Offline Again For “Repairs." "@TormeyPaul: @realDonaldTrump @DanAmira @NYMag does anyone actually still subscribe?" Not many! Just like its website, ObamaCare is a disaster.Maybe all those who are fighting it are wasting their time-it will fail on its own! Secy. Sebelius, who was responsible for the horrendous ObamaCare rollout, should resign or be fired.Refuses to go before Congress to explain "@michaelledeitri: And this is why r kids are bullies, horrible examples set by adults. No excuses @NYMag fire him @FoxNews @CBSNews" "@sjp111: @DanAmira @realDonaldTrump @MELANIATRUMP Dan Amira owes Mr Trump and his wife an apology!" He doesn't have the guts to apologize! "@BeatsByRay: @realDonaldTrump you're a legend." Thanks Ray, I know! "@dwsweb: @realDonaldTrump @DanAmira @NYMag people actually subscribe to NyMag?" Not many, failing and will soon be gone! "@youngsellz4: @realDonaldTrump is my role model!!" Thank you. "@nyccoins: @DanAmira @realDonaldTrump @NYMag Dan, you are a low life dumb ass! Stupid too, who made you an editor?" A dead magazine! "@TheMissis: @realDonaldTrump you're certainly giving @DanAmira and @NYMag publicity!! Even neg publicity is 'good' to some folk." It's not "@afrodeziak: @DanAmira @realDonaldTrump @NYMag Unlike the rest of you libs, Mr. Trump will be just fine. He doesn't have Obamacare!" "@anthonyjmyers: @realDonaldTrump America needs you now more than ever. 2016 cannot get here fast enough #Trump2016" Well, we sure need help "@phickeyma: When I come home from work my Twitter page is filled with Donald Trump tweets...Love reading them...So Bold & Truthful." "@timallensblues @afrodeziak @DanAmira @NYMag guys like that will watch everything burn down around them before they admit they were wrong." "@desolatefox: @DanAmira @realDonaldTrump @NYMag Sick and wrong. Apologize!" "@mackette52: Doesn't surprise me @DanAmira from @NYMag is a frequent guest on @msnbc both entities no ethics + no morals = no ratings. @ThomasARoberts Thomas, you will be a fantastic host of the Miss Universe Pageant live from Moscow on Nov 9. Great doing your show today! "@merssem: @realDonaldTrump @silvermarie2001 trump is one of smartest men around" I agree - thanks! "@orThatGuy: @realDonaldTrump @DanAmira I can't wait to never read another copy of @NYMag. I will enjoy watching it crash and burn though." "@afrodeziak: @DanAmira @realDonaldTrump @NYMag Mr. Amira, Are you man enough to apologize ??" He is not man enough! "@rockinthetote: @realDonaldTrump @DanAmira @NYMag what a horrible thing to say!" Not exactly an unbiased editor-very unprofessional & sad! "@afrodeziak: @DanAmira @realDonaldTrump @NYMag No place for that in a civil society. You should resign immediately." They should demand it "@Josethegr8t: @realDonaldTrump @val_wonders @DanAmira @NYMag if it does go up for sale ill buy them out." Don't do it-bad investment! "@CheifSoda: @realDonaldTrump should be the next president , the man knows how to make money and has reasonable solutions for every problem "@MatthewHawilo: @realDonaldTrump @DanAmira @MELANIATRUMP I will NEVER subscribe. Just for you & your beautiful family, Donald." It's boring "@cwide12: @realDonaldTrump @DanAmira @NYMag never had the stinking NYMag but if I did I would cancel for the Trump!" It's dead anyway! "@val_wonders: @realDonaldTrump @DanAmira @NYMag does anyone read @NYMag anymore. I'm sure it'll be sold for a dollar just like Newsweek." "@silvermarie2001: @realDonaldTrump whats wrong with canadians? Nothing except they are too smart for U.S. leaders to deal with! I hope everyone that read @DanAmira's reprehensible statement will cancel their subscription to @NYMag in protest. Let me know. "@lggarmon: I wish the @realDonaldTrump would be president, our country would be much better off than what it is. #WhatAmericaNeeds #Trump16 No wonder @NYMag is doing so poorly, with an idiot Sr. Editor like @DanAmira, it will only get worse! @DanAmira @NYMag A terrible statement like that shows how desperate you and your magazine are. You should be ashamed. Canadians kicked out the firm that the U.S. paid all that money to for the failed website. How stupid are our "leaders"? This is a scandal! Wow, China's growth accelerated 7.8% in third quarter. If the U.S. had half that number we would be the talk of the World - need leadership No surprise Saudis turned down spot on UN Security Council. They don’t want responsibility. Just have us do their heavy lifting. I love watching the dishonest writers @NYMag suffer the magazine’s failure. @NYMag’s sales are so dismal that w/ its record 2013 losses it is going bi-weekly http://bit.ly/1hXdKBJ Should end pain & just fold. Our country is being run by total amateurs. Let’s just call it “amateur hour.” Can you imagine a Canadian company developing our website? Terrible way to put Americans back to work. Honored to be attending Rev. @BillyGraham’s 95th birthday. His life & work has brought hope & faith to millions worldwide. This will be one of the biggest and most beautiful Miss Universe events ever. The 2013 MISS UNIVERSE® Pageant will take place in Russia for the very first time in the 62 year history of the contest. @nbrenewables @TrumpScotland Thank you. RT @tpoulos: @realDonaldTrump Could you Please Run for President & fix this Mess of a country ! @WayneEtnyre @TrumpLasVegas Thank you. @southpaw816 @WSJSports @MikeBloomberg @jacknicklaus So nice, thank you. @itscharlotteann Thanks! ObamaCare website fiasco was a SINGLE bid to a Canadian company - terrible! I build beautiful websites with very smart and imaginative people for almost NOTHING. OUR GOVERNMENT SPENT ALMOST $535, 000, 000 for NOTHING The contract to build the ObamaCare website was given to a CANADIAN company for $55, 744, 081. It then bloated to $292, 071,067 INCOMPETENCE "@dongibson12: @magicdel @LateShow Mr Trump. You have great kids.Let them handle UR business. Step forward and save what's left of the USA" "@AmeliaLanders_: @realDonaldTrump America needs to listen to what Trump is saying. #TrumpForChange" Thanks! "@Ryalsflair: @realDonaldTrump Our country needs a great business man like yourself to made us a force on a global scale again." So true! "@ChrissstinaC: @realDonaldTrump I've been watching The apprentice since I was 10 and thats really all I get excited for in the winter #love "@SocSteve: @realDonaldTrump was the man on Letterman!" "@magicdel: @realDonaldTrump @LateShow You're the only one." "@mitchgotinfo: @realDonaldTrump Don, the Country needs you, I served 4 years in our Armed forces, and I am asking you to lead our Nation," "@BiancaT37180567: @realDonaldTrump why be governor when you can be president?" "@mitchgotinfo: @realDonaldTrump Great men do great things, America needs you, America's allies need you, in truth the world needs you." Wow "@theholst: @realDonaldTrump I was against fame entering the white house until now. Please run for president, the US needs you. Thank you. "@pegcitytimo: best @realDonaldTrump interview yet @LateShow" Thanks! "@bwiss24: @realDonaldTrump is the post office building in DC the way the US is going to pay your salary when you become the President in 16 "@sportcork: @realDonaldTrump You were great on Letterman as usual." Thank you! "@MCdex207: See, @realDonaldTrump isn't as bad as people think. Great interview with @LateShow #goodguy" "@RocknrollRK: @realDonaldTrump Great appearance on Letterman. Such a great insight. Wish we had more great businessmen like you." "@russellwestofa: I'm a Democrat, have not been your biggest fan, but you made some very good points on the #Davidletterman show tonight." "@eyesinburgh: "You've really got the world by the ass, don't you?" says Letterman to @realDonaldTrump. Classic" "@krokid2012: @NickFaldo006 @realDonaldTrump No joke.....The Donald would be a great #rydercup captain." I agree. "@CrystalLee1971: then please fire the hell out of some of these pathetic leaches up there in DC! You do it better than anyone else!". By the way, New York State MUST LOWER TAXES (and fast) and must start going after all of the "energy" that lies just below our feet (now)! Thanks for all of the great support but I just don't see myself wanting to run for Governor of New York - I have something else in mind! I'm on the David Letterman @LateShow tonight--looking forward to it. 11:35 PM on CBS. Gain and use information to your advantage--see every day as an opportunity to learn. A winning attitude will put everything in perspective. Keep negative thoughts and people where they belong--out of the big picture. Apple must make the IPhone screen bigger. Losing major market share. Obama administration is killing American industrial renaissance by stopping drilling and fracking. Terrible for economy. Via @Golfmagic: "Golden Bear and American business tycoon finish their unlikely masterpiece" http://bit.ly/1734i0q Entrepreneurship is engine of American success. I bring it to crowdfunding w/ @fundanything's $1M RECORD reward http://prn.to/1732Pan .@BMP_Music_Event Read 'Midas Touch' -- great book for entrepreneurs. Good luck! @BMP_Music_Event Read 'Midas Touch' -- great book for entrepreneurs. Good luck! "@piersmorgan Thanks @realDonaldTrump for coming to my book party - wouldn't have been the same without you!" Piers--Congrats! "@_JohnHahn: @realDonaldTrump Ferry Point looks awesome! It should definitely get some major/championship events sometime soon" "@sandersandrew: @realDonaldTrump Donald you are a true American hero. I can't wait to celebrate Trump day in the future." Wow, nice. Remember, if you don't pat yourself on the back, nobody else will. Take credit for your successes and don't let others forget!!!!!! "@vraia: @realDonaldTrump Does a day go by when you don't pat yourself on the back? Not many! I'm glad that Mark Cuban won the ridiculous case with the S.E.C. It never should have been brought in the first place! What a great day it was yesterday showing the public Trump Links at Ferry Point. I took over a disaster and made it GREAT! Good job to all! @WSJSports @MikeBloomberg @jacknicklaus True and thanks. RT @WSJSports: In the Bronx, a golf course is born thanks to the partnership of @MikeBloomberg, @realDonaldTrump and @jacknicklaus http://t… @bahia6085 So nice, thank you. "@NicolasFJE @realDonaldTrump yesterday I went to your hotel @TrumpPanama it was spectacular!!!" Thank you. @DJCastiello Thanks. @GlobalGolfPost Thank you. RT @GlobalGolfPost: The @realDonaldTrump is turning an old New York City landfill into a 5-star public golf course. And it's magnificent! h… @missharleyd49 Thank you. .@TrumpLasVegas was just rated “Best Room Service” in LV by The Daily Meal. Congrats to my Las Vegas staff! http://goo.gl/FEvBNV Just left Trump Golf Links at Ferry Point. Ribbon cutting w/@MayorBloomberg & @jacknicklaus was spectacular. Lots of people & jobs! Trump Golf Links at Ferry Point will host many major championships over the years. Great thing for NYC—congratulations to all! RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: More pics from the Trump Ferry Point ribbon cutting. W/ @realDonaldTrump @MikeBloomberg and Jack Nicklaus http://t.co/j… RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: At the ribbon cutting for the Trump Golf Links at Ferry Point. It will be an amazing course. Love the view of NYC http:… RT @KyleMcCall4: .@DonaldJTrumpJr Blackdog gaining support against Vattenfall from Scotland Against Spin and nearly 90% of the town! http:/… "@StephanieWei: @realDonaldTrump my preview of the course and ribbon cutting in the @wsj today http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304330904579137772016610180" Great writing-thanks! "@Blueyez1214: @realDonaldTrump Please Dont ,,,as I do LOVE NY like you do,,your not a Governor,,,your a President" Cute! "@Ceastwood12: @realDonaldTrump now this should give Bethpage a run for the money in NY" Will blow Bethpage away! Trump Links will be a great championship golf course that will host many major tournaments and bring tremendous $'s & prestige to N.Y.C.! Will be cutting ribbon at 10 A.M. with Mayor Bloomberg and Jack Nicklaus for the opening of TRUMP LINKS at FERRY POINT. "@JUrciuoli19: @realDonaldTrump I miss Celeb Apprentice-Best show on T.V. Thank you, casting now for next season. "Welfare's purpose should be to eliminate, as far as possible, the need for its own existence." – Pres. Ronald Reagan Republicans seem intent on negotiating against themselves. Many senior Senators are doing Obama’s bidding. Can’t win this way. Al Qaeda terrorist Al Libi was immediately read his rights & is now being treated for ‘pre-existing’ medical (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1rprfpj @KarenAsh1560 @B_Cat41 Happy Birthday! “Experience, knowledge, & prescience are a formidable combination of powers. Do not underestimate any of them.” Think Like a Champion Thanks to all for the wonderful congratulation sent to me on the birth of Ivanka's little boy - so nice! My beautiful daughter Ivanka just had a healthy baby boy. Jared and Ivanka are very proud! @Roc_Cayard So nice, thank you. @BillNojay Thank you for your great confidence! OUR STATE, LIKE OUR COUNTRY, IS IN SERIOUS TROUBLE. Keep up the good fight. "GOPers eye Donald Trump for governor run" http://bit.ly/GZwDbd via @nypost by @fud31 @Prince_Keign Perhaps--no decision yet. @SunSentinel: New look for Blue Monster:@TrumpDoral's signature golf course is more challenging & fan friendlier http://bit.ly/GZxTeF @yankeefan3000 Thanks--@Macys.com RT @TrumpDoral: Visit our Blue Monster blog and see how our iconic #golf course is transforming: http://www.trumpdoralgolfblog.com @ComplexGenius Thanks. @IanCurbishley Thank you. @AlyssaMenasci My honor. @SkiingElvis It will be the country's finest resort! @905K9 Thanks. As an addition, Apple must go to a larger screen now--asap! They're losing their standing in the market! @AlyssaMenasci You have to have passion for your work. That's crucial. Then focus on it and don't give up. @905K9 Keep the big picture in mind. There are always opportunities and possibilities, and thinking too small can negate a lot of them. Ranked a top course @GolfMagazine & 6 Star Diamond Award, Trump Int’l Palm Beach has been expanded to 27 holes http://bit.ly/bY3xBD "@joedmti: @realDonaldTrump U crack me up. I love how a man of ur wealth, fame and stature doesn't mind mixing it up. Part of success! "@SunnyPahoujaDDS: @realDonaldTrump your @TrumpLasVegas is an amazing property thru n thru." Thank you-tallest & most beautiful in LasVegas @AnnetteNavaret Great. @christineinsatx Thank you Christine. "@vinnypac: @realDonaldTrump gr8 spot on@foxandfriends. Insightful, honest, Intelligent xommon sense. U woulf make a phenomenal gov of NY" "@01101O10: only an idiot loses money in real-estate @realdonaldtrump does that all the time." I've made over ten billion $'s, you idiot! "@jlow6603: Best part about Monday mornings is listening to @realDonaldTrump on Fox and Friends! You should run for POTUS!!" Thank you! "@michell33841372: @realDonaldTrump @PMPrindiville Donald Trump has done more for this country than Barrack has ever thought about." Thanks! "@Miranda__Phoebe: @realDonaldTrump graduated from @Wharton (the School of Champions)." Great school, true! @TiffanyATrump Happy birthday to my baby - and keep up the great work at school. We are all proud of you! "@PMPrindiville: @realDonaldTrump PLEAAAASE RUN for PRESIDENT!!! Help America Donald Trump, you're our only hope!" Thank you. @AdityaTaday Thank you! "@efarns: “@SeaFishWorks: @realDonaldTrump So true. Who signed off over 1/2 billion web site. Biggest failure in I T history” pretty amazing Somebody got rich building the ObamaCare website which doesn't even come close to working - where has the money gone? I know a great deal about websites etc. but I am unable to understand how our government spent $635 million on the ObamaCare site-& disaster @IvankaTrump @TrumpChicago Great news! @kfonkwa @PiersMorganLive Thank you. @wrhitchcock Thank you and true! "@LuLuBillie2010 @realDonaldTrump GOD bless you Mr. Trump!!" Thank you. @KeithR69 @Giants True! @CaroleCJF Thank you. @redneckcowboy_1 @piersmorgan Thanks. Many countries including allies already see China as world superpower http://bit.ly/16Vr2iU We have greatest military, yet no respect How do you spend over $635M on websites and they don't work? Congrats to Jim Lipton and Inside the Actors Studio for winning the Emmy Award for the 250th Episode. I was honored to appear in it. Weekly jobless claims soared to 21.5%, a 6 month high http://cnb.cx/16VpXaY ObamaCare, the greatest job killer in US history. @NeanderthalMan1 @BarackObama Quickly. @jacobmathews @PiersMorganLive Piers is a good man, even if we disagree with him. Personally, I think Douglas Durst’s brother got screwed by Douglas—no wonder he’s angry! Why is Douglas Durst allowed to use the World Trade Center to get out of a lease with Conde Nast? I wouldn’t use @Richard_Meier to design a doghouse, let alone a house or building! @Richard_Meier, a highly overrated architect, has had many problems with buildings he designed downtown--& others! Lightweight @AGSchneiderman is pushing for the Moreland Commission to be disbanded immediately—because he is being looked at! “Problems, setbacks, mistakes & losses are all part of life. We shouldn't be shocked if and when they happen.” – Think Like a Champion “If it’s worth doing, it’s worth fighting for. You’ll have lots of people and obstacles in your way. Work & fight to get beyond them." "@RBrownFSU: @realDonaldTrump I'm coming to NY from Florida tomorrow. I'm bringing the first Trump 2016 sign with me. #startthemovement" Wow "@kdawnpatterson: Praying that you will consider running for president. You understand business & know how to negotiate. #tump4prez" "@dadsnicklefritz: @realDonaldTrump @PapiGonzalez3 @realDonaldTrump your the man, so it is time for you to run, NOW!" Thanks. "@K3LCI: @realDonaldTrump I'd vote Trump for president ten times over. #trueleadership" Thank you. Jack Welch thinks Sam Palmisano, retired CEO of IBM, should be the next CEO of MICROSOFT. Interesting! "@PapiGonzalez3: Our country needs a smart, experienced, successful man. TRUMP 2016 @realDonaldTrump" "@DEMEGL10: @realDonaldTrump Everyone should start their twitter day with TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT....lets start the movement" Wow! "@MaridythN: @realDonaldTrump You need to run for President. Your "take-no-BS" attitude is what we need in this country!" "@Mary_Eg: @realDonaldTrump Sir, that was a great interview you had with Piers, keep up the good work sir" Thank you. "@wykkdlilchit: @realDonaldTrump @piersmorgan We need more than 10 min with Donald. Was inspired. Get gov't in assembly and make them watch. "@swooshl31: @realDonaldTrump TRUMP for president !!!!" Well, our Country would become very rich, very fast....and then, lot's of good! "@mat_sly: @realDonaldTrump Great job, What we need in the next election!!! #2016" "@BerniceTaylor10: @realDonaldTrump Really enjoyed your interview.Honest and stright forward, Love it!!" Thanks. @jmackd10 Thank you. @suereformer Tell John he is a total winner! @DigGower @piersmorgan @DailyMirror @guardian 4th now! David should have seen his interview with @realDonaldTrump truly amazing." "@ErikAunapuu: @realDonaldTrump I was in your hotel in Chicago today. One of the most amazing buildings I've ever seen!" Thank you. "@ErikAunapuu: @realDonaldTrump I was in your hotel in Chicago today. One of the most amazing buildings I've ever seen!" Thanks. "@nealobleser: @realDonaldTrump 4 president #2016" "@Roberts3269: @realDonaldTrump Blake Thomas Roberts, the Donald Trump of Houston. You're my motivation! #dedication #hardwork" Great! "@E_Chenault07: If @realDonaldTrump was just in charge of our countries economic decisions we would be back on track. "@kameronwhitley: @realDonaldTrump watching your CNN interview, we need someone like you to run for president!" Thank you. "@lauramatthews45: @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump @TrumpScotland Donald, I LOVE this place! "@HollyMo15146097: @realDonaldTrump Trump for PRESIDENT!!! THE U.S. ADORES TRUMP! "@abhishek_ktm: @realDonaldTrump You scored a 10 on @piersmorgan. Thanks for keeping it real!" @TrainSpartanFit Your family and dad are great-your mother must have been amazing! "@DavidRealtorCT: @realDonaldTrump Amazing Interview Mr.Trump,love the fact you didn't sugarcoat the facts. Thank you Sir." "@wykkdlilchit: @realDonaldTrump The truth that needed to be heard. Voice of common sense! YOU'RE HIRED!!" "@JimBou1234: @realDonaldTrump Great job on Piers Morgan!" Thank you. @piersmorgan I urge every politician in Washington to tune into CNN and listen to @realDonaldTrump 's advice on how to do a deal." @piersmorgan Watch CNN tonight as Piers and I discuss Obama, SHUTDOWN, leadership and many other topics of interest - 9 PM - 10 minutes! I will be on @piersmorganlive tonight at 9PM. http://instagram.com/p/fTTXpCGhT_/ I’ll be doing @piersmorgan show tonight on CNN at 9 PM. Will be very interesting. (I hope!) If you don’t treat yourself like royalty, no one else will. @TrumpWaikiki is Honolulu's most luxurious hotel http://bit.ly/17tNNn5 Obama has called @GOP terrorists during this showdown. It’s a shame he really doesn’t think it because then he would meet all @GOP demands. Obama is the most profligate deficit & debt spender in our nation’s history. Doubled debt (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1rpk61e "The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure." - Sen. Obama, 3/16/06 Obama’s job approval is at 37%, a record low. @GOP & @SpeakerBoehner have the leverage & momentum. Delay ObamaCare for all Americans! RT @piersmorgan: Washington DC Inc has proved clueless at doing deals. Tonight, I sit down with America's great deal-maker @realDonaldTrump… Obama can open the Mall for illegals to protest our country yet he continues to barricade WWII memorial. That’s an absolute disgrace. “Golf is deceptively simple and endlessly complicated. It satisfies the soul and frustrates the intellect. (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1rpk038 @AmberLay2013 Thank you. @Shadowbat Thank you. "@cory_wise @realDonaldTrump thank you for stepping up to help our fallen service heroes!" Thank you. @Armani_G_ @theRealKiyosaki Great! "@Lennydrew @realDonaldTrump I really appreciate your tweets with excerpts from your books. It starts the day off right!" Thx “My advice to you regarding momentum is definitive: Get yours going!” – Think Like a Champion "@ChrisAgada: @realDonaldTrump on @PiersMorganLive tomorrow?! I wouldn't miss that for the world!" TONIGHT. "@lil_borto: I said this last year, but Ill say it again.. @realDonaldTrump should be president. This man knows his shit!" RT @JayDAustin: Check out some stunning photography of @TrumpChicago! http://www.uniqhotels.com/trump-hotel-chicago @TrumpCollection Re Florida Power & Light—Most important is safety but they have to also cater to aesthetics & not ruin the beauty of Florida. I pay millions of $’s a year to Florida Power & Light & they can’t give us what we want. Maybe a major class action suit against them? “You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.” - Wayne Gretzky RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Great day @trumpscotland view from the south of the 4th & 5th holes. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BWJq_UrCEAA1hnG.jpg Entrepreneurs who develop their Midas Touch do not work for money. They work to create or acquire assets. Focus on assets. At 96 stories above Michigan Avenue, if you’re not staying at the 5 star @TrumpChicago then you’re in its shadow http://bit.ly/UNathh Via @trdmiami: “@TrumpDoral project will boast 800 hotel rooms” http://bit.ly/1a7Chje $250M renovation on 800 acres in sunny Miami. “Don’t emphasize the problem so much-emphasize the solution. It’s a mindset that works.” – Think Like a Champion If the U.S. Government doesn't give the money necessary for the burials of our military personnel, I will.The U.S. under Obama's leadership! It is outrageous and disgusting that families of U.S. MILITARY personnel killed in action will not be given money for burials. SAD! "@OHOUD555: "@realDonaldTrump: " Amazing day in Dubai! Launch of the #Trump Estates with @Damacakoya "@kristensharpe30: @realDonaldTrump @NhoieGee love Donald Trump and the support he gives to positive women today!!!!! :-)" "@motleyhoney: @realDonaldTrump I say go for it, solid business leadership for a change. Congrats on the new development in Vancouver"Thanks "@NhoieGee: @realDonaldTrump am i gonna see u in russia this november?? are u goin to attend the event?" Miss Universe on Nov 9th, yes! @GenallKasmikha I notice, thanks Genall! With President Obama it's all talk and no action. Our country is in desperate need of smart and decisive leadership before it is too late! "@JoseConesa01: @realDonaldTrump It is time for REAL change. Donal J. Trump 2016. Obama, "you're FIRED"" Thanks for the nice words! I'm just so tired of listening to the same old rhetoric and words, day after day, from our President. It's time to stop talking-WORK! Florida Power & Light has disgusting rotting utility poles outside Doral in Miami. They should put in new ones or will be sued. In my opinion, one of the worst utility companies in the country is Florida Power and Light. The White House has just admitted Al Qaeda was involved in Benghazi http://thebea.st/1bCZAbo What about the video tape? Did you ever think our country would become an economic basket case? So much for Hope & Change. The new reality, China and Japan are warning us not to default http://cnb.cx/1a7HffU Reckless government spending has made us weak. Had a great time on @gretawire’s inaugural 7PM show. Congrats to Greta on the new spot! .@GOP has leverage. Must stay united & on message. If you are steadfast in your efforts and self respect, critics will be harmless. Keep your focus! Expect the best from people. They will rise to the challenge and it's important to inspire confidence. @kimfeather177 Thanks. @Jon_dennis82 @Redskins True. @myangel82 @bobbymayojr Thanks. @jeffanie Thank you. President Obama wants to change the name of the "White House" because it is highly discriminating and not at all politically correct! President should not be telling the Washington Redskins to change their name-our country has far bigger problems! FOCUS on them,not nonsense "@AmandaTMiller: Amazing day in Dubai! Launch of the #Trump Estates and first day of Cityscape 2013 cc @IvankaTrump @realDonaldTrump "@Mimi_La_Reina: @fogslifting @realDonaldTrump @Redskins that will never fly! They'd have to do the same for the Chiefs, Braves, Indians ect My sense is that people are far angrier at the President than they are at Congress re the shutdown—an interesting turn! “Do not allow fear to settle into place in any part of your life. It is a defeating attitude & a negative emotion" Think Like a Champion With the debt limit approaching, @GOP has even more leverage. If they stay united and on message they can win. “We build too many walls and not enough bridges.” - Isaac Newton 83% of the government is still running during the shutdown while 41% of nondefense federal workers are furloughed. Room for cuts. Obama is tougher on WWII vets wanting to visit a DC memorial than Iran. He needs to show respect to our vets and not play games. Government is shut down yet Obama is now harassing the privately owned @Redskins to change its name.He needs to focus on his job! Standing strong for his people, @GovWalker is ignoring the Feds and keeping all Wisconsin parks open. Great! An iconic building and top tourist attraction, @TrumpTowerNY sets New York City’s luxury standard http://bit.ly/18JSKwk & great food! "@TheGINE3000: @realDonaldTrump We need someone with some business sense in the White House. This administration doesn't have a clue." "@bobbymayojr: @realDonaldTrump Thank You Mr. Trump for speaking up just now ! Please don't stop !" "@GeneMcVay: @realDonaldTrump The Donald says the Republicans absolutely can win if they will STAND FIRM. @SpeakerBoehner "@WRNSR: @realDonaldTrump Negotiations are non-existant, Obama needs to be sent a copy of "The Art of the Deal" (Maybe autographed)" "@jacadere: @foxandfriends @realDonaldTrump Mr.Trump is right again. The Republicans need to stick together and let the Dems be blamed. The Obama Administration has a very important duty to provide a budget - and then negotiate! OUR COUNTRY is a laughingstock! "@mfbirk: @GeneMcVay @realDonaldTrump @SpeakerBoehner Stand firm and America will support the GOP" "@bprunty67: @realDonaldTrump the only ruler that does not Negotiate is a DICTATOR!" @kdawnpatterson While I never ran, I thank you. Let's see what happens in the future! "@ryan_mcvicker: Went to @realDonaldTrump winery in Charlottesville VA yesterday for my birthday, it was awesome! One of the best!" Thanks! "@robertore62: RT @realDonaldTrump:"@RoySchuhmacher: @realDonaldTrump You are fantastic Trump. Run for president and save America! "@gbla: Time to clean up Washington... Vote @realDonaldTrump for President in 2016!" "@steveamani: @realDonaldTrump Please help save our country and run for President!! #USA" "@RoySchuhmacher: @realDonaldTrump You are fantastic Trump. Run for president and save America! #TRUMP2016" Thank you. “Compete with yourself to be the best you can be.” – Think Like a Champion “The minute that you’re not learning I believe you’re dead.” – Jack Nicholson “Trumps Are Giving @TrumpDoral A Makeover” http://cbsloc.al/176QwEd via @CBSMiami While the Pres. of Iran tweets sweet nothings to Obama he forbids the Iranians to use twitter. Very revealing. When will lightweight hack Attorney General be investigated for his repeated prosecutorial misconduct?http://on.wsj.com/1fOIEjT Must read editorial today about lightweight New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. Is he a crook? http://on.wsj.com/1fOIEjT Congrats to @nbc on the success of the new smash show @NBCBlacklist. Fantastic suspense. Great acting. Must see TV! Obama has unilaterally & unconstitutionally drawn 4 ObamaCare exemptions for his friends. All @GOP wants is (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1rpdqcr Total misnomer to call ObamaCare ‘The Affordable Care Act.’ Affordable for whom besides big businesses & Congress w/their exemptions? My @OraTV #Politicking interview w/@kingsthings on the govt. shutdown, ObamaCare, Putin, 2016 and @TrumpDoral http://on.ora.tv/176RzUt @JackMartin32 Thanks! @PIERPAOLOMONNI So true! Just read @marklevinshow’s bestseller book—really great! Congrats to people of Scotland on the Judge’s ruling concerning bird killing, land destroying, environmentally disastrous windmills. “Life is difficult no matter what, but hard work and perseverance make it a lot easier.” – Think Like a Billionaire “Going with your instincts requires tuning in to everything around your decision.” – Think Big "@HoneyBadger210: @realDonaldTrump Remember when Obama said Bush raising the debt ceiling was "unpatriotic?" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydZTHPkOnvE RT!!!" "@TonyCinMo: “@realDonaldTrump: Obama administration had 4 years to prepare for the ObamaCare rollout. And of course they failed miserably.” @TheMikeAwesome Thanks. Great ruling on wind farm in Scotland—very smart judge! Front page article. http://bit.ly/1aOGAlN “Most entrepreneurs do not realize that wealth does not come from work, but from the assets they build.” – Midas Touch “Great effort springs naturally from great attitude.” - Pat Riley Obama administration had 4 years to prepare for the ObamaCare rollout. And of course they failed miserably. @TheTinaBeast’s continued incompetence has led to more people losing their jobs http://bit.ly/1c9dDov She's a perpetual job loser. Obama and the Democrats have no respect for WWII vets trying to get into the memorial. Many Red-State Democrats sticking with Obama on deficit spending on the ObamaCare monstrosity will be defeated in 2014. Oil has been over $33/gallon for 34 months. A new record. And now with Obama’s war on coal, American families will be hit even harder. ‘Moderate’ Repubs plotting against @GOP strategy have short term memories. Tea Party gave them majority in House & primaries aren't fun. Angela Merkel is doing a fantastic job as the Chancellor of Germany. Youth unemployment is at a record low & she has a budget surplus. On the shores of the Lake Norman, @Trump_Charlotte features a world-class course designed by @SharkGregNorman http://bit.ly/WuYYtC My friend Larry King @kingsthings asked me to do an interview with him—he was always great to me—& I agreed. Watch tonight 9 PM on RTV. “Know from inside out that you have the power to succeed and you will. That’s taking control.” – Think Like a Champion The most elite private club in the world, Mar-a-Lago, is Palm Beach’s legendary landmark. http://bit.ly/T6hcna @Greek_Boy_21 Thanks, what a mess. @BillageT1 I agree. @TimWristen They must go to a larger screen. @seanparts Spring of '15. "@Carman_D @realDonaldTrump I hate that our country has come to this, our president has ruined our country." Not totally, yet! @McLeanGolf Tell your son congrats--great round on really tough course. "@hasantaleb: If @realDonaldTrump was The President all our problems would be fixed." We would be doing great! "@preferrex: @realDonaldTrump please please retweet for my wife whos a 2nd grade teacher battling stage4 cancer here in NJ. Get better fast "@Doug_E_Fresh2: Forget the country, @realDonaldTrump could run the world better than anyone anywhere." Thanks Doug! "@delveezus: .@realDonaldTrump is a genius when it comes to politics. You cant deny #TheDonald" Thank you. @andypoo19 Thank you. "@EricXMorrison: Honestly, @realDonaldTrump could run this country better than anyone in D.C." I agree!!!! "@WinPropP: @realDonaldTrump To save US and to show respect for veterans we need a real leader like you as President" Thank you! “Study: Insurance costs to soar under Obamacare” http://cbsn.ws/1btxKLa Men in NC get 305% hike. Women in NE suffer an average 237% hike. Stocks rose yesterday during the first day of government shutdown. Markets like being left alone for a day. A-Rod’s appeal will go nowhere. He will get a long suspension. Good for the @Yankees. And sends strong message to @MLB players. Young entrepreneurs across the US are trying to make deals & build businesses daily. Stay positive, think big & big things will happen Democrats refused to vote down their ObamaCare subsidy. While Americans will be hit w/ rising premiums, Washington won’t feel any pain The ObamaCare disaster is in full swing. Websites are down, people can’t sign up and elderly can’t understand the lingo. "When it comes to Iran's nuclear weapons program, here's my advice: Distrust, dismantle and verify." - @IsraeliPM @netanyahu @IsraeliPM @netanyahu’s UN address was a strong statement to the world that @Israel will not allow Iran to get nuclear weapons. Congrats @GretchenCarlson's new Fox show debuts w/ very strong ratings http://bit.ly/1bu9Ijg Guess who her first guest was? Donald Trump. Sorry banks, when we accused lightweight AG Eric Schneiderman of not going after banks, he started going after banks—but years too late! #3. Cover your bases. Know everything you can about what you're doing. #2. Be totally focused. Being successful requires nothing less than 100% of your concentrated effort. #1. Be passionate--you have to love what you're doing to be successful at it. New York State's lightweight A.G. is driving business & jobs out of N.Y. Look into his past-he shouldn't even be allowed to hold office! Wow, three top MICROSOFT investors want Bill Gates out as Chairman. Do not like job he is doing! Can you imagine, with all of the talk about ObamaCare, technical breakdowns made it a disastrous day. Our government is badly broken! “Face reality as it is, not as it was or as you wish it to be.” - @jack_welch “Your money should be at work at all times. Even in the worst economy, there is no excuse." - Think Like a Billionaire It is crucial for Republicans to remain united during this shutdown There have been 17 shutdowns since 1976, 14 under Reagan and Bush with Democrat Congresses who wanted more spending. Remember when Obama promised “you can keep your health care plan?” Not in these 10 states. http://bit.ly/19kaUkU Another lie. @TheeKentBailey Thanks. Nice guy @pennjillette needs your help to make his bad guy movie Directors Cut--> http://bit.ly/1bBv6Wr @fundanything It was an honor to be @GretchenCarlson's inaugural guest on her new show ‘The Real Story.’ Gretchen will be a big success! "@kennyj7d7 @realDonaldTrump Run for office, you are the only one that can fix this big mess." Perhaps true! "@jj10471 @realDonaldTrump if you were in office this would of never happen #trump2016" True! @jamesreid88 Thanks. Obama has not passed a single budget in 4 years. Democrats don’t even vote them in Congress. He has failed to lead! Obama & the Democrats want this shutdown. They think it helps their electoral prospects for 2014. Don’t believe! Rated Toronto’s #1 hotel, the 65-story 5 Star @TrumpTO is located in the heart of the city’s finest attractions http://bit.ly/19k8VNK RT @pamfieberUPmag: My review: Chicago's Trump International Hotel mm luxury! http://bit.ly/1fXTEcs via @upmagazine @TrumpCollection @choo… Must read editorial via @IBDeditorials: "ObamaCare's Bitter Irony: It May Increase Number Of Uninsured" http://bit.ly/19ke2NP Achievers move forward at all times. Achievement is not a plateau, it's a beginning. "@MyLifeIsLibby: @realDonaldTrump you seem like the only one who can fix this mess! Run for office!" The Republicans can absolutely win if they stick together-but they are NOT sticking together. Sen. McCain just said "we can't win".Very bad! "@bigjohnryan75: @realDonaldTrump we need @realDonaldTrump and Bill O'Reilly to be in charge to straighten this country out! @FoxNews" "@zachjohnson88: @realDonaldTrump please help get this country back from all these idiots and corrupt government #2016 Will be working on it Remember that in 2006 then Senator Obama voted NOT TO INCREASE THE DEBT CEILING. Now he acts in disbelief as others plan to do the same! “Integrity is the essence of everything successful.” – Richard Buckminster Fuller Since stop & frisk was struck down, gun shootings & victims have spiked-- while gun seizures have decreased. http://bit.ly/1fD45Ew @deedeegop @GretchenCarlson @FoxNews Dee Dee-- Great seeing you @FoxNews. You are really having a positive impact--don't ever stop. @kingsthings @TrumpNewYork Thanks Larry--and you, too, are truly one of a kind! @growingupbryce Happy Birthday! Trump Int'l Hotel & Tower Vancouver's original twisting design gives every unit a distinct view http://bit.ly/13Mj9JK A landmark! Business is an art in itself, and powerful negotiation skills are one of the techniques necessary to facilitate success. The commodity market is extremely fragile. Be wary of investing right now. The futures are way too dependent on the Fed. No one wants the government to shut down, but if ObamaCare is fully implemented then our country will eventually shutdown anyway! "@bahia6085: @realDonaldTrump If you have a problem-Think to yourself-What would Donald Trump do? The answer will come." Thanks. @BrennenChase Thanks! @mikemarchlik Thank you! "@jesssizzle28: @realDonaldTrump for president" Thank you! @DanyellaAngel Thank you Danyella-if you would like to work there call Jackie in my office (NY). @Eamyoncanoe Cute boy, nice. @karliejanowski Thanks Karlie! With proper thinking and leadership, we can have a much better plan than Obamacare - something that works for the people and costs much less Obamacare is far toooo expensive, far toooo complicated (thousands of pages) and, most importantly, doesn't work. WE CAN DO MUCH BETTER! "@MSFerr1: @realDonaldTrump if we could afford it, would you support it?" No, "@AENMAD: @realDonaldTrump will you be running for president or is it all talk?" Time will tell! "@flwgolfs: @realDonaldTrump : I have heard Obama say , We can afford Obama care, America is a rich nation, we can afford it." No, not close "@bahia6085: @realDonaldTrump Don't think I can watch news anymore. O is doing such a good job of turning US into joke, I can't look anymore "@davidd0069: @realDonaldTrump doesn't need money for a campaign! Everyone already knows and loves him! #trump2016" Very nice! "@rosschisholm10: @realDonaldTrump Dad got his first hole in 1 today on the 16th at Trump International Links. Can I get a rt for him please "@adammatruski: @realDonaldTrump stop investing in hotels and focus on our structure and your campaign for presidency" Good point! "@Brn2ShpFrcd2Wrk: I wonder if @realDonaldTrump knows that @MileyCyrus is following him on twitter! #trump #miley" That's great! "@joannalmoore372: @AceMan65 @realDonaldTrump @Macys its a great shirt and looks great! Trump shirts and ties are my andmy husbands favorite Our country and it's leadership has to be so careful and so smart - these are treacherous times, like no other. The world is a crazy place! "@maathewdavis: @realDonaldTrump if the people want to get our economy back on track, they’ll vote #TRUMP in 2016"Thank you. "@sellinghomes123: @realDonaldTrump best properties all over the world!" "@BordenRhodes: @realDonaldTrump can close the economic, racial and political divisions in America" That is true! Iran is toying with our president - buying time and laughing at the stupidity of our leadership. Syria, and now this! What's next? "@Follow_DTrick: @BanginBella i didnt vote for him but i cant wait till he's out of office...@realDonaldTrump for President! 2016" "@BordenRhodes: @realDonaldTrump I think you are the #MostPowerfulVoiceInMedia" Then how come our government makes so many mistakes? Re negotiation: Know exactly what you want and keep it to yourself. Think about what the other side wants and where they're coming from. “Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.” - Henry Ford Don’t believe the manipulated job numbers. Walmart has just cut orders with suppliers because of rising inventory. Spanish version of ObamaCare website delayed http://bit.ly/16EOTwo Hitting google translate apparently too complicated. #MakeDCListen On Monday, ObamaCare kicks in with all goodies of 300% increased premiums, higher taxes and part-time replacement employees. Our country needs leadership now. There is total dysfunction in Washington. Five Star @TrumpCondosLV are the most luxurious & elite residences in the Vegas market http://bit.ly/czu8kf “If you love it, own it” You have to believe in what you want. Keep your focus, keep your momentum--and remain patient and persistent. For all of those who have been asking about online sales, the Donald J. Trump Signature Collection ties & shirts are sold @Macys.com "@RonnieDunn1164: @realDonaldTrump you need to renovate 1600 Pennsylvania ave. ASAP!!!!" "@normancom1: @realDonaldTrump after following your career for over 20 yrs, I conclude you are the real thing.. run for public office,please "@the_Larkinater: @realDonaldTrump I play hockey at Lasker! Thanks for an amazing outside rink in the best city in the world!" @cripplecreek101 Thanks and true! "@Beliefheals: @realDonaldTrump Awesome Example! Thank you for being a great American!!!" Thanks. "@AnastasiaRubine: @realDonaldTrump ....I love people who can act to finish projects efficiently and fast. Good job!" Thank you. "@Bugsyfire: @realDonaldTrump You've saved a lot of buildings. developments and ventures.Please save the White House !!" Interesting! "@Arthur7Williams: @realDonaldTrump that's what I hope I can do for st. paul and chicago" Great Arthur, go get 'em! "@DashJohnston: @realDonaldTrump Feels like I have grown up with you. My dad is a huge fan and always talked about you. You are amazing! Wow I am so happy that I was able to do something really good for the Bronx - and lots of jobs! Yes, this is a large scale version of when I built and saved the ice skating rink in Central Park (which all should go to). Great course! @stretch33701 Good point, yes! "@FelixNunez249: @realDonaldTrump congrats! The Bronx will never be the same again, it will be better!!" So true! Thanks. Credit the Bloomberg administration for having the foresight and courage to get this decades old project finished - will be BIG for NY. To be called Trump Links at Ferry Point, course will be GREAT and, over the years, hold many tournaments and major championships-$'s to NYC. Once the Bloomberg administration selected Trump to take over the very expensive and years late project, I kicked "ass" and got it done fast The big golf course project on the water by the Whitestone Bridge in NYC that has been under construction for many years now complete-GREAT! “A very good way to pave your own way to success is simply to work hard and to be diligent” – Think Like a Champion "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction."- Ronald Reagan #MakeDCListen #DefundObamaCare 7 million Americans are going to lose their jobs due to ObamaCare. 46 million face 300% premium increases. DEFUND! #MakeDCListen Both Obama administration and House leadership staffs are exempt from ObamaCare. Why not the American people? #MakeDCListen Winner of the 5 Star Diamond Award, @TrumpGolfDC’s two courses grace over 600 acres on the Potomac River http://bit.ly/184gue7 ‘Uniforms 4 Everyone’ campaign @fundanything has a $3,000 goal to buy underprivileged kids school uniforms http://bit.ly/184fZRa Happy belated birthday wishes to @BarbaraJWalters. Barbara is terrific! Via @MarketWatch: “@TrumpSoHo New York Unveils $50 Million Presidential Penthouse” http://www.marketwatch.com/story/trump-soho-new-york-unveils-50-million-presidential-penthouse-2013-09-25 “Partner with people who share your values, attitude and drive.” – Midas Touch with @theRealKiyosaki “The world is changing very fast. Big will not beat small anymore. It will be the fast beating the slow.” - @rupertmurdoch "@MISSUNIVERSE43 @realDonaldTrump Great book. 'The Art of the Deal' " Thanks. @ColetonEmr Happy Birthday! “Build confidence starting with small successes that lead to greater and greater successes--there is nothing like winning." -Think Big In real estate, all locations can be enhanced through good marketing. Be smart! ObamaCare will increase individual market premiums by 99% for men and 62% for women http://onforb.es/1aoLzJK DEFUND!! #MakeDCListen The shale boom is saving our economy http://yhoo.it/1aoHBRk Good for jobs, national security & trade balance. Frack Now & Frack Fast! Via @FurnitureToday by Cindy W. Hodnett: “Dorya to introduce Trump Home high-end furniture” http://bit.ly/1aoEokT If ObamaCare is so amazing, then why is Obama delaying significant parts of the bill before the election? #MakeDCListen Obama wanted to meet with the Iranian president, yet the Iranians denied the request. So much for Hope & Change. Remember what I previously said--Obama will someday attack Iran in order to show how tough he is. Can you believe the head of Iran refused to meet with our great President?—Zero respect! If Justice Roberts had made the correct decision on ObamaCare, our country would not be in turmoil right now! "@Greek_Boy_21: @realDonaldTrump if we don't defund #Obamacare the USA will never have the freedom. we will be controlled by our Government "@Miranda_Diplo: @realDonaldTrump IS OUR NEXT PRESIDENT. ACCEPT IT." @NeNeLeakes NeNe asks me for advice and I am happy to oblige. Tonight at 9.00 on Bravo (and watch her ratings go through the roof!). "@SissyRichQueenb: Make sure y'all watch #IDreamofNene 2NITE @realDonaldTrump will be on there @NeNeLeakes @Bravotv 9pm" "@SissyRichQueenb: Can't wait to Watch #IDreamofNene tonight I no @realDonaldTrump will give @NeNeLeakes some good Advice @Bravotv" WATCH! “If winning isn't everything, why do they keep score?” - Vince Lombardi “Take the time to move yourself forward. In other words, think, work and be lucky.” – Think Like a Champion It’s a shame the ruling class of Republicans don’t attack Obama and the Democrats the way they hit Senators Cruz & Lee. Less than one week away from implementation, ObamaCare’s small business exchanges are not ready!http://wapo.st/1gWrc8t A disaster! Obama promised premiums would lower $2,500/yr for family of 4. In truth, healthcare will increase by $7,450 http://onforb.es/16lxsrr Obama told the UN that “the world is more stable than it was 5 years ago.” Is he delusional? Congrats to Team USA & Capt. @AllenWronowski for retaining the PGA Cup! Well done and well deserved! @fundanything's Veteran Military Dogs campaign seeks to rehabilitate veteran K9s and find them a home http://bit.ly/1gWoShN RT @IvankaTrump: Check out this great video of all the action from our design unveiling of Trump International Hotel Washington D.C. http:… .@NeneLeakes seeks my advice on prenups, tonight at 9 PM on Bravo @99or1youdecide Thank you. @MileyCyrus is on a very triky and slippery path right now.The right moves will lead to greatness, the wrong moves to oblivion! GUIDANCE. "@Aus10_Bailey: @realDonaldTrump has the best tweets for real." Thank you, a great way to communicate. I am a defender of @MileyCyrus, who I think is a good person (and not because she stays at my hotels), but last night's outfit must go! @Miranda_Diplo "I like Hilary Clinton. She is very admirable. But @realDonaldTrump is our nation's answer." Thanks. Huma should dump the sicko Weiner. He is a calamity that is bringing her down with him. Obama’s coal regulations will destroy the coal industry, put Americans out of work, raise electricity prices & lead to blackouts. The Democrats in Congress don’t want ObamaCare for themselves or big businesses. So why are they forcing it on the American people? Americans nationwide have their premiums double and work hours decreased. @GOP must do the right thing, stand strong & defund! “Here’s the truth, the gov't doesn’t shutdown” http://apne.ws/16lbI86 via @AP. All essential services continue. Don't believe lies. "@WarrenBuffett insists that without changes to Obamacare average citizens will suffer.” http://bit.ly/1f1ndsZ Mariano Rivera is greatest closer of all time. A leader in the club house & an exceptional man. One of the best @Yankees in history. RT @nikkio: @realDonaldTrump start every morning and end the day with Donald tweets...Gives me inspiration and reminds me to stay focused o… Penn Jillette shows his dark side in new crowdfunded film Director’s Cut http://bit.ly/1bBv6Wr @pennjillette @bradwyman Congratulations to @IvankaTrump on being named @FoxNewsSunday Power Player of the Week. Ivanka is doing a great job w/ DC Post Office. Via @successmagazine by @MikeSeemuth: “Trump Power” http://bit.ly/18fLG9e "@KingNSG: @realDonaldTrump we need a big change, I believe you have the best chance, and ability to do so." Thank you. "@piersmorgan: Smartest man in American television > Mark Burnett. #Voice #Bible #Survivor #Apprentice" The Emmys are sooooo boring! Terrible show. I'm going to watch football! I already know the winners. Good night. "@jzpi: AG Schneiderman doesn't prosecute a butcher doctor but he goes after @realDonaldTrump #totalhack" Thank you! "@30carguy: @realDonaldTrump could you do a better job??" YES! Is it the Neil Patrick Harris show or the Emmy Awards?How was he ever put in this position to start with? CRAZY! Referees are destroying the enjoyment of NFL games. Slowing down the fun. Big shots. Jets game is ridiculous! "@LebaneseKobe: @realDonaldTrump as a Muslim and as an American, i know for a fact that you Mr. Trump respect all people! "@dreamcharm: @realDonaldTrump eventhough don't agree with you slot, still think of you as rolemodel, thx, run for office" "@Agustin_Gil: @ApprenticeNBC @ @KimRichards11 #RHOBH and #CelebApprentice should be part of the Emmys nominations!" Pure politics! "@2LukeVBeck2: @realDonaldTrump "Americas Hope"" "@KrissyGasbarre: To @realDonaldTrump: the service, food and rooms at Trump Intl. are OUTSTANDING. I've finally found my Las Vegas hotel. "@mandem3: @realDonaldTrump you hate muslims." Wrong "@YadiraTriunfo: @realDonaldTrump is an inspiration to our management and staff always motivating us to do more for our members. THANKS! Big things going on today at Trump National-Westchester! "@2LukeVBeck2: @realDonaldTrump "Americas Hope"" Our country needs hope - it is in really bad shape! "@995mu: @DELAVEGAPROPHET @realDonaldTrump De La Vega wise words to Trump. Love the man. Want to see an icon outlast life itself. #blessings "@daveesnova: @realdonaldtrump The unparalleled genius" Thanks. @teamreiss8 Thanks. "@DELAVEGAPROPHET: @realDonaldTrump Always great working with you. You are a true modern master. Thank you. @MelissaIl Really good, thanks M. "@VinceMcMahon: @realDonaldTrump on #Raw equals ratings" TRUE! "@rsmundo: @realDonaldTrump @nymike7 @kaatje36 I like the Donald. An American hero." "@nymike7: @kaatje36 let me ask if you dislike @realDonaldTrump then why do you read his tweets?" Because they can't live without me-haters! @PatsIntensity Happy birthday! "@Eckbowman: @realDonaldTrump Donald the course you have given us in Scotland is world class! Thank you!" "@mgmacdon: @realDonaldTrump thinking of booking #trump Vegas for our anniversary. How are the rooms? Do they sell Trump water?" Great & yes "@KobayashiNick: @realDonaldTrump do you have to retweet the only people who actually give you a complement? Should I retweet haters-losers? @OriginalArts1 Thank you, it is great. You have real talent! "@Miranda__Diplo: @realDonaldTrump is much more than just a Republican. He is a brilliant entrepreneur and individual." Thank you. "@nickterry18: @realDonaldTrump is such an amazing person to be honest.. his book inspires me to work hard and be successful👍" Thanks. "@hitillidie: @realDonaldTrump no George Buch did that". George Bush gave us Obama! "@Aperanio827: @realDonaldTrump us taxpayers are tired of carrying the deadbeats" "@67Chester: @realDonaldTrump Care to say a few words to @IranGovt ?" Get rid of the NUKES, and fast! "@Brendaswigert: @realDonaldTrump I value your opinion. I value your wisdom from experience and education. You have so much to offer! Thanks Republicans must unite to defund Obamacare - it will drive our country into oblivion and, by the way, the healthcare is no good anyway! "@bahia6085: @realDonaldTrump @Klyushina_ENG Are you going to straighten out the Russia Syria problem? Hope so." Can be done! "@CherylPotgieter: @realDonaldTrump just watched your Roast here in SA and u were brilliant" Thank you! "@joshjame: Best Twitter follow I ever made: The Donald. Random 24/7 MT @realDonaldTrump: I believe that @MileyCyrus is a really good person An important part of my (or anybody's) success is the ability to judge people. I believe that @MileyCyrus is a really good person. "@SeanKAnderson: @realDonaldTrump my late-mother and I watch the Apprentice since S1. I was 10yo...the foundation for my love of business" "@LilliRome: Can @realdonaldtrump replace @mcuban on #sharktank?" Mark is doing just fine, but thanks! "@HoppMar: @realDonaldTrump And you also made a great call on BA, a few months ago, and you were SO RIGHT !" And made lots of money-thanks! "@Mullaney3000: @realDonaldTrump what a victory at the member guest today at trump national Bedminster. #braggingrights" I LOVE TO WIN! “Our Constitution was made only for a moral & religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”-- John Adams “One man with courage is a majority.” - Thomas Jefferson The Donald J. Trump Signature Collection, exclusively available @Macys, offers the finest style in menswear http://bit.ly/15AXyl0 Welcome to the new reality. 23,116,928 US households on food stamps http://bit.ly/1f4RSpo Obama's Hope & Change. Opening in 2016, Trump Tower Punta del Este will bring our signature luxury living to the sands of Playa Brava http://bit.ly/16dA0SY If you include people who have left the work force, unemployment rate is 15%. Labor participation rate is lowest in 70 yrs. @CorsoC311 @SamShahrooz Thanks Cathy. @LexiPerez96 Hi Lexxay. Americans by & large hate ObamaCare. They see Obama lied to get it passed. They see big business & gov’t got waivers. Defund! Congratulations to @SpeakerBoehner on standing strong and tying government shutdown to defunding ObamaCare. Via @CBS19: "Trump Winery President Nominated for Award by Wine Enthusiast Magazine" http://bit.ly/17JKjk2 Congrats @EricTrump! "@RealJohnAnthon: @realDonaldTrump Why do you hate Africa so much?" I don't-tremendous potential! "@andreamanco95: @realDonaldTrump. Mr Trump..i remember your match vs @VinceMcMahon..it was awesome...what a business man! Thank you! "@johnmorrow821: @realDonaldTrump You should have been president. The US would have a surplus of cash!" True! @magmom13 Yes, she is FANTASTIC! "@InNovember2012: @realDonaldTrump Why can't this president do ANYTHING right? He's such a disaster!" A fair question! "@IcemanIMMG: @realDonaldTrump is the best in business ., #NoDaysOff" Right up there! "@ovobeckford2: RT: @realDonaldTrump Hahahahahahaha. Smart guy. I think he did same to me. Trump is loved in Nigeria via the Apprentice." "@ClydeJayvy: @realdonaldtrump You'd be a great professor." My uncle was a professor at M.I.T. "@Klyushina_ENG: @realDonaldTrump when do you plan to come to Moscow? At the beginning of November? Looking forward for your coming" Nov. 9 "@Maxiculture: @realDonaldTrump Your thoughts are simple, straight, precise, timely and timeless." Thank you! "@FatherSiisi: @realDonaldTrump 's tweets about negotiations should be treated as trusted gem's cause he knows what he's talking about! "@Spencer67: @realDonaldTrump For once, I completely agree with you! Business wise, you're brilliant. I just don't support your politics! OK "@SeanKAnderson: @realDonaldTrump I have so much respect for you that I don't care that you blatantly criticize the President I support! Move slowly, carefully --- and then strike like the fastest animal on the planet! "@HoppMar: @realDonaldTrump I saw his brother in Kenya interviewed, HE may be wiser, actually." I'm so surprised his brother lives in Kenya President Obama must remember that the worst thing you can do in a deal is seem desperate to make it. Be cool, move slowly - and think! IRAN President Obama seems so fawning and desperate to make a deal with Iran that lots of bad results can occur. Be cool and be careful! "@acarra3 Is this your new building in yahoo weather app @realDonaldTrump http://twitter.com/acarra3/status/380777917610881024/photo/1 " Yes--thanks. .@MileyCyrus – don’t worry about Liam. You can do much better and you have plenty of time—remain strong! As a stockholder in Apple, they should get on with a larger screen iPhone as a supplement—immediately. My comments on a larger screen iPhone were in addition to existing unit, not a replacement. Screen should be 10% larger than Samsung. @geomac24 Amazing engineering accomplishment that does not make economic sense. "@anthonydefrenza: @realDonaldTrump Apple is hard of hearing." So true! "@SamShahrooz: @realDonaldTrump Why dont you run for President? I think you would win and be a great President! #Trumpforpresident" Thanks! Lightweight Schneiderman's suit was filed on a Saturday (unheard of) against a school with a 98% approval rating right after Obama meeting. Lightweight A.G. Eric Schneiderman meets with President Obama (who he told me "sucks" as a president), and quickly files a suit against me! @iPhoneTeam Better get a large screen iPhone, and fast, or risk losing even more business. Samsung cannot believe you have not acted! DUMB! "@KeilaniK1: @realDonaldTrump Apple meant for their phones to go to people who have super sight & abnormally tiny fingers for texting" I cannot believe that Apple didn't come out with a larger screen IPhone. Samsung is stealing their business. STEVE JOBS IS SPINNING IN GRAVE @Phil_Grech Your not free, you'll never be free. You'll be back (if you ever left) because you can't help yourself! @dalasner Yes. "@3Ddudra: @realDonaldTrump Do you know when the Trump Tower in Vancouver is suppossed to open?" 18 months. "@JeffPetak: @realDonaldTrump when is the Blue Monster going to be open for play?" November 15. @LeighAnnMac Send his info to my office. @10AJMcCarron Great game last week, your team really needed you! "@mark_yamin: @realDonaldTrump Right! And who files a lawsuit on a Saturday anyway? Good call D.T. He thought you would settle because of pr "@SwingTrader2012: @realDonaldTrump I think Trump Chicago is the single most beautiful building in the world." Thank you. "@margaritapotter: @realDonaldTrump you got it Donald, that resort will be the best!!!!" "@apb51283: America needs a strong leader with an innovative mind. @realDonaldTrump, you are that leader (and nobody else is even close). T "@tanyalynn11070: @realDonaldTrump please save our Country! I heard you speak at the Lincoln dinner in MI, your ideas are honest-brilliant! "@casey1137: @realDonaldTrump can you prove it?" YES! Lightweight A.G. Eric Schneiderman is perhaps the most incompetent and least respected A.G. in the U.S. He is a total joke! Why is lightweight A.G. Eric Schneiderman allowed to ask for campaign contributions from my people during settlement negotiations? Lightweight A.G. Eric Schneiderman sued school with a 98% approval rating while billions in corruption goes unpunished. A total crook? @seanhannity #Defund Obamacare! Just returned from Trump Doral in Miami. Massive construction job. When completed will be the best resort in U.S. Blue Monster is amazing! "Build your reputation on intelligence, responsibility, and results. That's building the right way." - Think Like a Champion “Becoming an entrepreneur is a personal-development program. If you grow personally, your business will grow.” – Midas Touch Everyone should calm down. @BenAffleck is going to do a great job as Batman. Video of my day at The Old Post Office- soon to be the most fabulous hotel! http://youtu.be/PqdfpV47Mu4 There are great campaigns on @fundanything http://bit.ly/ZQH08q Be sure to take a look and donate to one today. @akendall13 Too early! .@RNC leadership should not be afraid of a government shutdown. They should be afraid of not defunding ObamaCare. "@CaptainBlob: @realDonaldTrump I just bought a Trump mattress and it is presidential" Made by Serta, they are really great. "@RealBboy360: @realDonaldTrump Boeing is at a record high, thanks for saying to buy a while back" You are welcome. "@Dropz11: @realDonaldTrump @Chloe_Eliise Unfortunately, the good men like Trump only run for President once a century." Thank you. "@RandyMinshew: America needs a brilliant patriot like @realDonaldTrump to guide this country!" Thank you! @seanhannity Thanks Sean, keep up the good work! "@KaburuOle: @realDonaldTrump like Einstein was the greatest scientist, I submit, you are the greatest Entreprenuer of our time." Thank you. "@Chloe_Eliise: I really hope @realDonaldTrump runs for president in 2016" Thanks, so do many people, our country is going to hell! "The mind that opens to a new idea never comes back to its original size." -- Einstein “Keep focusing on doing what you love, even if times are tough.” – Think Big “Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.” - Dale Carnegie The Costa Concordia shipwreck is a MONUMENT TO STUPIDITY but the uprighting of the ship is a MONUMENT TO GENIUS! "@Hunterboss1996: @realDonaldTrump Trump really knows what he's talking about. Everyone is just too jealous to listen. Lol." Thank you! American Exceptionalism and the Navy Yard shooting do not go hand in hand. Foreign countries, in particular Russia, are mocking the U.S. The Navy Yard shooting is a horrible disaster. If we don't clean up OUR COUNTRY of the garbage soon, we are just going to do a death spiral! @ArsenioHall has great ratings-I told you so. He should pay me at least 25% of his earnings because he would be nowhere without Donald Trump "@JCOTheAmerican: @realDonaldTrump I'm a fresh in college and I dream of being half the entrepreneur you are Donald." You will do great. "@saredelman: @realDonaldTrump is the greatest. To everyone who hates on him, HE DOES NOT CARE WHAT YOU SAY. 😂😂😂" "@DHalley: @realDonaldTrump Sounds like a fantastic project. Keep us posted on the progress. Take care." Thank you. "@DeasWorld: @realDonaldTrump stunning! Wishing you a great success in Mumbai." Thank you. "@brownteeth: @realDonaldTrump since all of your predictions have been spot on!" True! I am proud to announce our newest project, Trump Tower Mumbai. Together with the Lodha Group, it will be incredible! http://bit.ly/181P7C0 Only 15 days until ObamaCare is implemented. Congress must waive the monstrosity for regular Americans. Why should they be punished? Michigan has made great progress under Snyder-Calley. @MIGOP is out early energizing the grassroots. Keep it up! #JoinMITeam Bashar Assad is stronger today than he was before Obama threatened military action. Obama really bungled this. I predict that President Obama will at some point attack Iran in order to save face! Great column by David Bossie at @BreitbartNews: “A Battle Won but the War Continues to Defund ObamaCare” http://bit.ly/1goEGtm Congrats to @BreitbartNews’ @mboyle1 on being awarded the prestigious 'Eagle Award for Amnesty Reporting' http://bit.ly/1goFTAP Congratulations to @ehasselbeck on her successful first day as co-host of @foxandfriends! Great to be in studio today for Elisabeth. I can’t believe my friend Derek Jeter is out for whole season--injured day he left Trump World Tower. Lucky bldg.-- Move back fast! RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Great shot of lower #NYC in '46.The building in the middle, now Trump 40 Wall Street, was once the tallest in the NYC h… "@SarahBeth1020: @realDonaldTrump & @seanhannity on @FoxNews this morning!?!? My day has been made!!!! #betterwithfriends" Thanks Sarah. "@ProjectMayhem_M: @realDonaldTrump will be our next president. Mark my words." Thanks for your nice words and thoughts! @AnishaBhasin1 You wedding at Trump National was one of the most beautiful I have ever seen - more importantly, an amazing couple! "@ProjectMayhem_M: I want to go to @wharton just like @realDonaldTrump. He is a hero of mine. Such a brilliant man." WHARTON is great! "@99awesomeone: @realDonaldTrump How about Wrestlemania 30 Donald vs Vince?!?! #WM30"Sounds good to me, I already hold the record! "@Mbrown1047: @realDonaldTrump - 52 and thinking of trying real estate as a new career. Good idea in our current economy, or not? Great idea @FloydMayweather The judge who called the fight a draw should be thrown out of boxing-it wasn't even close. She is incompetent (or worse) "@ashleybonder: @realDonaldTrump if you had to start all over again, which industry would you choose ?" REAL ESTATE, Ashley. "@A_Roy0317: I am proud to say as a first time voter I already know that I will vote for @realDonaldTrump in 2016. #youthvote #change #proud "@Smile4Riley: @realDonaldTrump Just ONE TWEET from The Donald Could CHANGE Lil Riley of NJs Life Post HEART/LUNG Transplant ♡ "@1JeffHensley: @realDonaldTrump @DuaneMcAnally Donald we need you in 2016. Youre the only one who can turn us around now!! TRUMP 2016" TRUE "@Catherine1840: @realDonaldTrump can't wait for the new season of Apprentice but we still need ur business sense for our nation!" Thanks! When I say I would end Obamacare, I would also come up with a plan that would be far better, much easier to understand, and cost less! "@Tee_Rellzz: I may not agree with everything he says but your definitely a good businessman @realDonaldTrump" Very true! "@DuaneMcAnally: @realDonaldTrump really stuck your neck on the line there. Great shout." .Thank you. @FloydMayweather GREAT FIGHT FLOYD - YOU SHOWED THEM ALL ONCE AGAIN! @FloydMayweather My prediction of Floyd is looking good! "@pablofication: @realDonaldTrump The world needs a strong & proud America, back to founding principals. You know how to make things great! "@mikeoconnell10: @realDonaldTrump I played your course in the NJ Mid Am this week. It couldn't have been better. Perfect? Thanks Mike. "@JeremyrLack: @realDonaldTrump what would your first act in office be?" To end Obamacare. "@jp_worldwide: @realDonaldTrump buy it .... turn it around .... and flip it as only The Donald can" That's what I do-but sometimes keep it "@CUREHDSAORG: @realDonaldTrump Thank you for caring about Huntingtons Disease! You are amazing! So many blessings your way!" Thank you! "@aMANinMANHATTAN: We are all wondering who @realDonaldTrump likes in tonight's fight! #MayweatherCanelo #sohohouse" Mayweather! "@exLWaters: @realDonaldTrump @Rizz_Lizz Not all Four Seasons Hotels are good. Every Trump is Always Perfect." So true, thanks! New York Fashion Week is really bad, and used to be so glamorous and exciting! No stars, no fun-just boring. They need serious help. #NYFW @charliemurphy Just remember, Arsenio wouldn't be back at all if it were not for Donald J. Trump - he admits that - he will do great! "@Rizz_Lizz: @realDonaldTrump Thank you for caring so much about the U.S.A.!" "@AllenWronowski: @TrumpGolfDC did a wonderful job with the opening dinner for #2013juniorPGA. Food and room were fantastic - Thanks.Allen! "@AllenWronowski: @realDonaldTrump @EricTrump @TrumpGolfDC Have created something very special. #2103juniorPGA best ever is the word here. "@MasterSasser: @realDonaldTrump when are we going to have a PGA tour event @TrumpGolfDC ? Best course I've ever played." Very soon! "@JasonBordui: The best place for a great lunch with a spectacular view in Chicago is @SixteenChicago @realDonaldTrump. "@PGAalltheway: @realDonaldTrump played with one of the assistant pro's from Doral, said the new design is amazing Can't wait!" "@PeaceOut4Hire: @realDonaldTrump Nobody will laugh at us when you're in charge. #PEACEOUT" That is so true! I truly hope President Obama doesn't do something irrational and dangerous for our country in order to save face. He must sit back and chill "@caitconn: On a serious note @realDonaldTrump's tweets are genius. One of the smartest people! 🇺🇸" Thank you, very nice! "@tkdhardy: @realDonaldTrump how about Jim Furyk and his 59 today greatness" Jim Furyk is a great golfer and a great guy! Obama is now warning North Korea on the Yongbyon nuclear reactor http://bit.ly/14MGGvK After Syria, our enemies are laughing! Prayers go out to the victims of the terrible fire in New Jersey. Stay strong and remember it will soon get better. "@dancurran4: @realDonaldTrump take the money we would waste in Syria. Give it to you. You go rebuild Detroit." So true! "@LMowle: @realDonaldTrump Pls hlp & sign & rt ned 10k signatures stacey7 has cancer & very ill in hosp https://www.change.org/petitions/uk-government-raise-awareness-for-the-stacey-mowle-appeal?share_id=WrnISgehsn&utm_campaign=twitter_link_action_box&utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=share_petition http "@reinaplaza: @realDonaldTrump don't call me a witch or medium,but I know you will be the next USA President. And you will get peace! Wow! @MarkSimoneNY Mark - thanks for remembering. "@CaroleCJF: @realDonaldTrump @Aj_baylor You are such a welcome voice of reason." Thanks! @umman91 Great going, congrats! @JanMillerCoHost Thanks Jan! "@IMSJustJustin: TRUMP2016! "You can preach a better sermon with your life than your lips." Please, Sir, make the announcement! #Patriotic" We should stop talking, stay out of Syria and other countries that hate us, rebuild our own country and make it strong and great again-USA! "@duneknight: @realDonaldTrump are you gonna run for president? All this talk of politics is waste if you don't run." You are correct! "@Aj_baylor: @realDonaldTrump has the best opinionated tweets about politics in this country" Thank you, I agree! "@TheGrumpyHusky: @realDonaldTrump He's too late on fixing America. That'll be your priority once you take over office in 2016 Sir. Most people do not know what Presient Obama is going to do to save his legacy. I do! He's got to get back to basics.Forget Syria-FIX THE USA Wow, with all this talk, @MissUniverse is going to Russia on November 9th- https://vine.co/v/h1l7mK26LBj “Trust your instincts, especially if they are well honed.” – Midas Touch My interview w/ @BloombergTV's Peter Cook re the Old Post Office Bldg becoming Trump Int'l Hotel, Washington D.C. http://bit.ly/18Sv9a0 .@Yankees manager Joe Girardi is a gritty leader who stands up for his players. Doing a great job! NO GAMES! HOUSE @GOP MUST DEFUND OBAMACARE! IF THEY DON’T, THEN THEY OWN IT! Now Assad is demanding that Obama stop supporting the rebels before he turns over his chemical weapons. What a mess! China, Russia and Iran are laughing at us. We have weak leaders who are threatening our national security. Dangerous times. Must read piece by @DanielPipes: “Obama's Diplomatic Acrobatics” http://bit.ly/15WVRNE Named best golf course in the world by @RobbReport, Trump Int'l Golf Links Scotland is a 7,400 yd par 72 http://bit.ly/iXDDXl At least @TheTinaBeast is consistent. She takes over a magazine and it ends up in the gutter. @TheTinaBeast is claiming that she decided to leave the @thedailybeast. Sure, just like every other magazine that fired her. Tina Brown could finally be over. @thedailybeast is a total failure. She just got fired, great! "@fenwickrx: @realDonaldTrump “@NewsOn6: Study: Wind Farms Killed 67 Eagles In Five Years http://bit.ly/18cthxR”" I will be doing #GDNY Good Day N.Y. with Rosanna &Greg live at 8.30 A.M. I will be giving money to a great guy who lost his son in the WTC. "@chrisfalcodrago: @realDonaldTrump my desktop in the office http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BT9CmqFIcAApFds.jpg" Thanks! "@not_that_actor: @realDonaldTrump More obvious every day: America desperately needs Trump at the helm! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BT8GkQeCMAAtJo7.jpg" Thanks Andy! Putin's letter is a masterpiece for Russia and a disaster for the U.S. He is lecturing to our President.Never has our Country looked to weak "@Drake4444444: @realDonaldTrump Wish more people with large followings would speak up like Mr. Trump always does." True, not honest! "@bburke0920: @realDonaldTrump stay awesome MR. Trump you are an inspiration and a great American wish our elected officials could be same! "@MJGrilliot: @realDonaldTrump is the funniest, yet most honest person on Twitter" Thanks! “@realDonaldTrump: I would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date, September 11th.” @BrentLudington Never Give Up--How I turned my biggest challenges into success. “Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash.” - George S. Patton Why is oil at a record high? OPEC & the oil speculators continue to rip us off. Many people have asked recently "when do you sleep?" The answer is -- not much. @Alan_Saranga Thanks. A year ago today a diplomat and 3 security operatives were abandoned by our government while they were under attack. Never forget! Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump, and myself in front of The Old Post Office, D.C. on Pennsylvania... http://fb.me/HW6LNaT5 An ad hoc interview I filmed with a German journalist at Ground Zero hours after the attack http://youtu.be/aoYXihwcp8c God bless all the brave souls who perished 12 years ago today. You will never be forgotten! Via @AP: “Donald, Ivanka Trump say DC’s Old Post Office Pavilion will be 1 of country’s finest hotels” http://wapo.st/17Q9n9F RT @ndwallace33: i love waking up to see @realDonaldTrump trumping people lol @ewilli1204 Thanks! @TammieHarrison Great! @joshskaggs "@realDonaldTrump stayed in your Chicago hotel last night. Great staff and awesome room!" Thanks! @AccountsRS "@realDonaldTrump Thank you for saving new york from another Spitzer era." We got lucky! RT @JD_Smoke: Acts of terror like #September11 wouldn't happen if @realDonaldTrump were running things in this country. http://t.co/b7uHrb… RT @REPLYBONURGENT: @realDonaldTrump I already think America is great, always has been n always will be, just who runs it is dragging it do… Obama must now start focusing on OUR COUNTRY, jobs, healthcare and all of our many problems. Forget Syria and make America great again! Putin is having such a good time. Our President is making him look like the genius of all geniuses. Do not fear,we are a NATION OF POTENTIAL I said that Eliot Spitzer was going to lose when he was way up in the polls. I fought him when others retreated out of fear. NEVER GIVE UP! Spitzer and Weiner lost, lightweight Eric Schneiderman will be next - he will be challenged in the PRIMARY. He has done a really poor job! "@redellis1: @realDonaldTrump He must go... People like him r destroying our country and our principals!" Re lightweight A.G. Schneiderman "@kbmc24: @realDonaldTrump my husband and I think you're so awesome!! We can't wait to come to NYC one day and see the Trump towers!" Great! I would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date, September 11th. "@best_Is_me: @realDonaldTrump is on a roll and its only 7:10a my time. I love his enthusiasm! If only everyone had his thought process" "@CodyBaine: @realdonaldtrump your passion for entertainment biz is so great that it bought you a name recognition outside business field" "@TheTeflonDante: @realDonaldTrump who should be the AG replacement? Any thoughts?" There are a number of very good people! "@johndoe5210: @realDonaldTrump . I worked for another self made man, Elon Musk. I have the greatest respect for both of you. Thank you! Weiner is gone, Spitzer is gone - next will be lightweight A.G. Eric Schneiderman. Is he a crook? Wait and see, worse than Spitzer or Weiner Assad hit the jackpot! Back to work for the President to try and keep some dignity for the office and himself. The so-called rebels must be thoroughly confused! The only reason Obama gave a speech last night was because it was on the schedule-Putin is laughing and the reviews have been really bad! "@thorpe81: @realDonaldTrump you are the greatest.. Thank you. #staygreat!" I will be working hard on that! "@Airmanfirst: @realDonaldTrump Think Weiner will move to a state that doesn't know him?" He should move, better for him to make a new start Lightweight Attorney General Eric Schneiderman will be next to lose. He goes after a school with a 98% approval rating,leaves biggies alone Lightweight A.G. Eric Schneiderman asked us for political contributions DURING his investigation of us,then sued for $40 million.Dopey guy! "@jean_penny: @realDonaldTrump I love love Donald Trump!" Thanks! "@The_ClarkSide: @realDonaldTrump is the man! #TrumpForPresident" Thanks! "@morningafterbil: @realDonaldTrump I can't imagine you being bad at anything. You are the real most interesting man in the world." Wow,nice "@DeanoCT: @realDonaldTrump you sir have the greatest twitter of all time" Thank you! "@TheGreatGedi: @realDonaldTrump In Donald We Trust." Thanks! "@TsatsaSepia: "@realDonaldTrump: “A big key to winning is knowing where the other side is coming from.” – Think Like a Champion" "@Drake4444444: Youre welcome. We did it! @realDonaldTrump: Thank you to all of my Twitter followers for helping to defeat Weiner and Spit- "@Brock2120: @realDonaldTrump I remember when Schneiderman was 2nd in command to Patterson on the D side. Can you believe those two? Thank you to all of my Twitter followers for helping to defeat Weiner and Spitzer. Remember, in the beginning they said it couldn't be done! I fought hard against Spitzer and Weiner, and both lost. For a while, when Spitzer was way up, it seemed that I was a lone voice! Good power "@TVreporter: @realDonaldTrump What will you miss most about Wiener?" Absolutely nothing! "@MiketheScrew: @realDonaldTrump Give credit where it is due. NYC voters chose correctly." Wow, Eliot Spitzer has lost - great news for New York City! Bottom line, I don't think President changed people's minds - must hope for a lifeline from Putin, a very dangerous lifeline at that! We will have to see what Russia's next move will be. They may have given him an out of an embarrassing situation or drove into deeper mess! He is working hard and for that he must be given credit! "@bingham_tammy: @realDonaldTrump why wasn't Obama more concerned w/Benghazi #americans killed. Syria not our business" Doesn't want to remove Assad - worries what comes next. Making his case in a nice and articulate manner. Does he look sharp, smart and presidential-his hands keep hitting the podium, making a loud and distracting noise-microphone too sensitive. Here we go! Will be covering President Obama's speech at 9.00 on Twitter-you are all so lucky! "@JcoyShox25: I honestly think our next president should be @realDonaldTrump .. People can say what they want but dude seems to have it. "@allen1006: @realDonaldTrump @kevin47881 he has kept his campaign pledge to fundamentally transform America-for the worse! "@Nick_Oros: @realDonaldTrump full supporter of #Trump2016" Thanks. "@dawesy_boy: @realDonaldTrump Putin is making O and Kerry look like chumps!" "@obamafraudulent: @realDonaldTrump @d18mt2 The birth certificate that you forced Obama to show is a computer generated forgery. "@edbaram13: @realDonaldTrump everything you say is true and I respect you because your not afraid to say it" "@d18mt2: @realDonaldTrump You will knock the President anyway. Wrong, I would love to see him do a great job, but it's not working that way "@kevin47881: @realDonaldTrump The 0bama presidency has been a disaster for America" "@JayLefler: @realDonaldTrump Putin is much smarter than Obama. No surprise his tactics." "@ASBrowntown: .@realDonaldTrump you want to send more Americans out to war? Why don't you sign up?" I am against an attack on Syria dummy! Red line statement was a disaster for President Obama. This new Russian strategy guarantees victory for the Syrian government-and makes Obama and U.S. look hopelessly bad. President in trouble! "@VDIT13: @realdonaldtrump You are a great American!! Thanks from a Vietnam vet! The Russians are playing a very smart game. In the meantime they are buying lots of time for Syria and making U.S. look foolish. Dangerous! @AustinOdusanya1 "@realDonaldTrump you are a great mentor. I have all your books" Great--good luck! @Universifize @IvankaTrump @EricTrump It will be great & produce many jobs. Danger-Weiner is a free man at 12:01AM. He will be back sexting with a vengeance. All women remain on alert. In order to stay competitive in your industry, it is imperative to keep up to date on all news. A great commodity is information. @CARepublican12 @Toure So true! RT @dabadger: @realDonaldTrump @IvankaTrump @EricTrump Thank you sooo much for calling out the racist flame throwers on NBC, it is about ti… @HouseDealsNow @IvankaTrump @EricTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr Thank you. @Frankie_Rap "Cant wait to hear what @realDonaldTrump has to say about Obama's speech tonight!"I'll be tweeting during speech “MSNBC'S TOURÉ HAS EPIC RACE-BAITING MELTDOWN ON CNN” http://bit.ly/GZKp8O It's Toure's modus operandi. He is so angry. @1996Goldberg Happy Birthday! @Wasimperviz "@realDonaldTrump when will u return to @wwe? @VinceMcMahon" Soon! @MissUniverse @MissUSA @MissTeenUSA @SherriHill Olivia=a total winner! @bahia6085 "@realDonaldTrump Can you imagine Obama running his own business? How sad would that be?" You never know! @ellevarner "F.O.C.U.S. - Follow One Course Until Successful @realDonaldTrump -Midas Touch (this is a great read)" Thanks. Assad will never give up his chemical weapons. He has spent years and billions accumulating them. This is all a ruse. Want to take a quiz with me? Download the @millonseconds app and watch @RyanSeacrest on Monday at 8/7c on @NBC Obama and Kerry are bungling Syria by the hour. They have set America’s deterrence & stature back by years. Amateurs! For all of my millions of followers, and at your request, I will be tweeting tonight during President Obama’s speech! 9pm ET We deserve all the answers on Benghazi! http://bit.ly/1eAFb5m @RepWOLFPress RT @TrumpCollection: Happy #traveltuesday! We're celebrating by sharing plans for the new Trump hotel in @washingtondc: http://t.co/Z0pPHzv… Soon to be the greatest hotel in U.S. don_trump_jr @ivankatrump @erictrump #OldPostOffice http://instagram.com/p/eFjcAiGhQc/ Press conference at The Old Post Office in D.C. http://instagram.com/p/eFZCYSmhT0/ Just landed in D.C. http://instagram.com/p/eFIVpWmhSN/ Heading down to D.C. http://instagram.com/p/eFHkjfmhRe/ #TrumpVine from D.C.- https://vine.co/v/h1rvbx0hulj "@DialaD7: @realDonaldTrump you are my role model i want to be like you in my own original way. #inspiration" Thanks! "@driftaguy: @realdonaldtrump who is your favourite celebrity Apprentice winner?" I have many! "@mdhmdhmdh: @realDonaldTrump Why don't you retire and spend your money?" Too boring! This George Zimmerman is really a mess - he really has to just disappear! (He attacked his wife last night). "@angiecallahan4: @realDonaldTrump what time dose your days start?" 4 or 5 A.M.! "@LiamMcCallum85: @realDonaldTrump should be elected for president of the world. The man speak great sense about world problems!! #leader" "@GaryRathman: @realDonaldTrump do those jobs provide health insurance?" Yes, big league! "@Jman8354: @realDonaldTrump empires rise and empires fall I just hope as a black man I'm dead b4 ours falls, cuse if I ain't we're gone 1st "@MYSTORY2: @realDonaldTrump did u get boo d at the us Open last night?" No, very friendly crowd-great match! @ArsenioHall Arsenio, may your run be long, successful and important-just be yourself and you will be a smash! Good luck. I'll be going to the Old Post Office Building on Pennsylvania Avenue in D.C. today. Will create one of world's great hotels. Lots of jobs! "@andfor1: “@Toure: @realDonaldTrump Syria is a complex and dynamic situation. No one would expect you to comprehend it.” Nor Obama! So true "@ZacharySperling: @realDonaldTrump How old were you when you decided what you wanted to do with your life?" 18. "@JoeyNoSocks: @Emmacochrane9 @ForQ2 @realDonaldTrump @Toure would you lend him $10? 98% of people wouldn't. No, he's too stupid-lost $'s. "@the2reggie: @realdonaldtrump personally I would ignore Toure everybody else does. He is not relevant, you are." I don't like dumb racists! Do you believe what is going on in Washington with respect to Syria - these people don't have a clue! @LonghornHomer He is not smart enough to understand! "@PhilKnudsen: @Toure @realDonaldTrump just curious Toure, how have you done with your business ventures, and how many people do you employ? "@rgorman33: @realDonaldTrump @MrMarin88 LOL! Way to go Trump!brilliant and funny! Double threat guy!" @Toure Why does a network allow a stupid racist like Toure to stay on the air when his ratings are so abysmal! Can there be only one reason "@MrMarin88: Why does @realDonaldTrump always insist on calling ppl names and trying to taunt like a kid in a schoolyard? Only stupid people Icahn, Kravis, Zell, Buffett have all used the bankrutcy law to their benefit. Many of the top business people do. "@notleadinglady: @realDonaldTrump @Toure Mr. Trump how is Toure a racist? I just don't see it." Not enough people watch him to know! @Toure Dumb as a rock Toure doesn't have a clue about money or anything else-merely a simpleton racist.Really bad ratings,really stupid guy @Toure If you weren't such a dumb racist moron with bad ratings you would know I never filed for bankruptcy,now worth over $10 billion dummy “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” -Theodore Roosevelt So much for ‘global warming.’ Earth is cooling at a record pace http://bit.ly/15JHLFr Our economy is in trouble. The unemployed are more likely to drop out of the workforce than find a job. We need growth-- and now! Iraq has granted Iran full air rights to fly over and arm Syria. What did America accomplish with the Iraq war? And now Syria?! This week will mark the 1 year anniversary of the attack in Benghazi that left 4 Americans dead. No answers! Now Obama has set red line 2 with demand that Assad hands over Syria’s chemical weapons or it will face an attack. Congratulations to @serenawilliams on her superb @usopen win. She is terrific! Downtown Manhattan’s trendiest hotel, @TrumpSoHo -- 46 stories of luxurious rooms, fine dining & The Spa http://bit.ly/14FGhWn Adopt the Arts campaign at @fundanything ensures that an underfunded public school has music and arts programs http://bit.ly/14FHxcj @TheBig_Easy Ernie--You are doing a great job with #autismsupport--glad to help. See you at Trump National, Jupiter. #TheView Lots of fun on @TheViewTV with @JennyMcCarthy and @SherriEShepherd- http://instagram.com/p/eC9RAwGhXW/ Don't attack Syria - an attack that will bring nothing but trouble for the U.S. Focus on making our country strong and great again! Why are we fighting for the "rebels" that hate us-only to save face for Obama! Doing Fox & Friends at 7 A.M. "@dongibson12: @realDonaldTrump @RiqardPaliq Hopefully Donald Trumps fate is to be a very old, rich ex president in good health. So nice! "@TRUE_A_Smith: @realDonaldTrump thoughts on Geno??" He played great, especially for his first game! "@JonC316: @realDonaldTrump Jags GM stated he would not take Tebow, "even if released." Can he go back in that statement?!? He should! "@jamesshelby: @realDonaldTrump What is your opinion on Tebow?" Was destroyed at Jets-GREAT GUY-should have gone to Jacksonville! Also, great comeback by the New York Jets. That game was over until a really dumb defensive play by Tampa. Amazing. "@Brock2120: @realDonaldTrump Watch Donald, I'm a huge fan but a huuuuuge Bills fan. Painful loss." A tough one to take! Tony Romo just made a great play-Giants are getting killed! Great comeback by Tom Brady-New England! The New York Giants are looking really bad so far tonight. Does not get much worse than this! "@ptmaher1: @realDonaldTrump visited your Winery in Charlottesville VA today. Amazing!" Thanks. "@RiqardPaliq: @realDonaldTrump you are my inspiration,you are true legend,and i wish i had same fate like you!!!" You are doing well. "@dashinglis: @realDonaldTrump @robin1260 I'm in the states next week and whenever I am there I always buy Trump shirts and ties. I luv em" "@RangerLE901: @realDonaldTrump @robin1260 yup. Trump line rocks. The ties are impeccable ! Thanks DT." "@michael_mkw10: @realDonaldTrump when will u decide if you are going to run in 2016? Got to love the Trump brand but Trump presidency best! "@robin1260: “@realDonaldTrump Bought 5 Trump shirts for husband today. So sophisticated! Hope u run for president. Thanks and enjoy! "@DianeMarshall_: @realDonaldTrump speaks nothing but the truth, unlike certain people in the current presidential administration"True Diane "@skqush: @realDonaldTrump @BarackObama wears ua line of #shirts too even if you don't agree wit his #leadership style!" Very cute. "@toughnewworld: I may not always agree with @realDonaldTrump statements.. But he does have a good looking line of shirts and ties" "@johndoe5210: @realDonaldTrump @NFLONFOX , Great. I don't always agree with you but I always respect you." Thank you. "@Queeniegotgame: @realDonaldTrump @NFLONFOX YOU ROCKED IT! MADE MY DAY!! ENJOY YOUR SUNDAY MR TRUMP! :) :) :)" Thanks! Doing a commercial for @NFLONFOX- lots of fun! http://instagram.com/p/eAeLyyGhco/ "@seanofkbio: @TrumpGolfLinks @realDonaldTrump what a coarse, what service. A jewel of Scotland http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BToHBkIIYAAWWCm.jpg" "@gretawire: PresObama is not busy talking to Congress about Syria..he is playing golf ...go figure" "@josegonzalez_69: @realDonaldTrump You have my vote and I'm a Democrat!(Albeit a Conservative one)" Thanks Joe. @FidanizzBig You need both, thanks. "@ashley_rad1432: @realDonaldTrump #2016 #changeisnear ????" Could happen! Do you notice that nobody is talking about the many scandals of the Obama administration anymore - The Teflon President! "@madrox91: I think @realDonaldTrump should run office for one day. Then maybe some stuff would get set straight. The right way." Thank you! "@ET614: @realDonaldTrump Trump For President 2016 !!!" Thanks! "@cobra4748: @realDonaldTrump I just bought one of your shirts for a business trip,quality,style,&value from a name I trust." "@ET614: @realDonaldTrump give me an update on Anthony Weiner ??" He's finished! "@SybilaLopez: @realDonaldTrump "The Quality is the best." A+." "@bishopcoggins: @realDonaldTrump Tomorrow morning I will be sporting my Trump Collection, Tie & Cuffs!!!" @mathewaiken Great! "@RossMcCutchen: @realDonaldTrump Where can I find more Trump ties...they are the best ties I've ever owned" At Trump Tower - 57th & Fifth. "@hyda313: @realDonaldTrump I have the cuff links!!!! They single handedly got me a job!!" "@JimSlickatshort: @realDonaldTrump We really don't need your shirts, damn we need your brains! Get involved in politics! Thanks! "@tombwiles: @realDonaldTrump You forgot to mention the stylish cufflinks." True - people love them - thanks! "@Hoxma: @realDonaldTrump My DJT Collection men's wallet from @macy's lasted me many years. Loved that wallet" "@ArianaG_Lover26: @realDonaldTrump @macy damn right just bought one lookin fresh!" Great! "@vnessa09: Do you wear your brand from @Macy's? RT @realDonaldTrump: YES! "@joeperella3: @realDonaldTrump @macy I got a suit and 3 ties from you" Great Joe! "@CosmosTickets: @realDonaldTrump @macy your apparel is the first thing I look at when I go to the mall!" Thanks - you have good taste! @dexterpugh Great looking couple-good to have him back! "@ctumbert: love stracciatella and strawberry ice cream from @TrumpTowerNY @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BTmISt9CYAA-vIm.jpg" That's great, enjoy! My shirts, ties and suits are selling great @Macy's because they are the best and most stylish at a really reasonable price - thanks! "@marklevinshow: Oh, how painful this must be for liberals and RINOs! http://www.nytimes.com/best-sellers-books/2013-09-15/hardcover-nonfiction/list.html" Great going Mark-terrific book! "@FadiS_83: @realDonaldTrump is the man,never heard such wise words. #HandsOffSyria." SMART! "@wussydemon: Can I get a RT from @realDonaldTrump for getting three of the best looking shirts @Macys #bigfan http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BTl8mMbCAAAiAzC.jpg"Great! @Midgespeaks I want him to do a great job but he can't. "@anitaozz2: @Toure @realDonaldTrump Trump will do or say anything." But Toure (why only one name?) is just a very dumb racist-bad ratings! President Obama, do not attack Syria. There is no upside and tremendous downside. Save your "powder" for another (and more important) day! Isn't it intetesting that anybody who attacks President Obama is considered a racist by the real racists out there! "@UnabashedProg: @realDonaldTrump @thegroveguru can you imagine serious people comparing modern warfare to a football game? ACTUALLY YES! "@RLSteetle: @realDonaldTrump I'm addicted to your books. Are you writing another any time soon?" At some point, there is so much to write! "@kwatkiins: saw @realDonaldTrump on a video in history yesterday... made my day #smartestmanalive" Thanks, very nice. Speaking of our very stupid war with Iraq, it is totally disintegrating and Iran (with Russia) will walk in and take it over (lots of oil)! @lucindamac Thank you, but we are dealing with many very stupid people! "@thegroveguru: @realDonaldTrump Could you imagine Bill Belichek broadcasting to Tom Coughlin exactly when and where he was going to blitz?" "@ericjgiroux: @realDonaldTrump you need to make a run" Time will tell! "@Robertr369: @realDonaldTrump if only Japan had the same courtesy Dec 1941" They should have told us they were coming like us with Syria! I'm a Republican but not a fan of the last George Bush-he also was a lousy President (Iraq etc.). In fact, he was so bad he gave us Obama! Former President Jimmy Carter is so happy that he is no longer considered the worst President in the history of the United States! Syria has been given so much time that much of the things we were going to bomb have been moved into civilian areas! A polititian's war. Just watching NBC News where our potential attack is being detailed-the exact ships, the stealth bombers, the destinations-so ridiculous! "@BretBaier: Thx RT @JedediahBila Well done, @BretBaier "Thurs Cable News Ratings: Fox's Bret Baier Beats CNN, MSNBC, HLN Combined. "@CUREHDSAORG: @BretBaier Huntingtons Disease is a terminal and genetic illness.Please retweet http://www.hdsa.org for education. If Syria was forced to use Obamacare they would self-destruct without a shot being fired. Obama should sell them that idea! When we have big disasters, no one comes to our aid or even suggests helping - but we are always expected to come to the aid of others! "@GarryGreiner: @realDonaldTrump We should send Obama and Congress to Syria!" “Any political leader who won’t face the future head on is putting the American Dream at risk.” – The America We Deserve “Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.” - Thomas Jefferson Obama is not a leader, he's just a campaigner! Many of the Syrian rebels are radical jihadi Islamists who are murdering Christians. Why would we ever fight with them? Via @MiamiHerald by Hannah Sampson: “BLT Prime coming to Trump’s Doral resort” http://hrld.us/19pd5Gw No surprise. Woman being cited by Kerry & McCain on Syrian rebels is a paid consultant of the rebels http://bit.ly/19pezR7 The historic $250M renovations at @TrumpDoral are moving on pace. Once complete, @TrumpDoral will be South Florida’s premiere resort. “Remember the golden rule of negotiating: ‘He who has the gold makes the rules.’” – Midas Touch "@robyncook7: It's sad that @realDonaldTrump knows more about politics than our politicians" I am not angry at Russia (or China) because their leaders are far smarter than ours. We need real leadership, and fast,before it is too late I wonder how much our "leaders" have promised, or given, Russia in order for them to behave and not make the U.S. look even worse? Really bad news just announced concerning jobs. Far fewer jobs created in August than anticipated. Interest rates, therefore, to remain low. We don't have the leadership, including the Generals (who just said the element of surprise does not matter) to attack anyone! Cool it. Did you ever see a situation so ridiculous as our President explaining what, when and where to Congress about a Syrian attack. Far too late! "@vindictivraider: @realDonaldTrump Well quit yapping about and run for office. I like your ideas. DO IT!!" "@reallLTalk: @realDonaldTrump TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸" Thanks. "@autumnallday: @realDonaldTrump I wish you'd run for office. The country needs more minds like yours." Thank you. "@KhalidNasser: @realDonaldTrump In this case, What would you do if you were the President?" I'd rebuild the U.S. and make it great again! "@Jahbalon: Why is Sierra Club not speaking up for the birds slain by turbines? MUST READ from biologist http://www.masterresource.org/2013/09/hiding-avian-mortality-altamont-pass/#sthash.RgUKZMPv.dpuf The terrorists in Syria are calling themselves REBELS and getting away with it because our leaders are so completely stupid! "@JesseGunPlayJay: @realDonaldTrump You're a pussy shut up and stop crying @jayleno show is funny" No, Jay is dumb as a rock-gets outplayed We should not attack Syria but if they make the stupid move to do so, the Arab League,whose members are laughing at us, should pay! “If you plan for the worst – if you can live with the worst – the good will always take care of itself.” – The Art of the Deal ... while a 300ft turbine in Ardrossan, North Ayrshire, erupted in flames the previous month during gales of 165 mph http://dailym.ai/18wCI7h In January '12, 3 turbines were wrecked in rough weather ... http://dailym.ai/18wCI7h Russia is sending a fleet of ships to the Mediterranean. Obama’s war in Syria has the potential to widen into a worldwide conflict. A 40mph gust of wind wrecked a wind turbine in Scotland http://dailym.ai/18wCI7h Any turbine in close proximity to a school must go! All former Bush administration officials should have zero standing on Syria. Iraq was a waste of blood & treasure. RT @wwwildcat: @realDonaldTrump funny how we have so much info on Syria and nothing on Benghazi RT @MarkDoster: @realDonaldTrump we've given them too much time to prepare at this point RT @jimatcastle: @realDonaldTrump IRAN CONTROLS SYRIA. THEY ARE THE MAIN ENEMY AND THREAT! RT @TAGIII: @realDonaldTrump We have no business attacking Syria, not now, not then not ever. This is not an American fight. Let the Arabs … Must read via @IowaGOP by @shanevanderhart: “Congress Should Vote No on Syria” http://bit.ly/18wzXTi If President Obama was going to attack Syria, he should’ve done it a long time ago as a surprise & not after (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1rm9ngg That would mean that Eliot Spitzer has failed at everything he's done--politics, TV & even real (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1rm9nda It will be interesting to see what happens to Eliot Spitzer if he loses the election for Comptroller to very capable @scottmstringer. I have just lost my beautiful & elegant long time exec. assistant Norma Foerderer. She passed away yesterday – a truly magnificent woman. AGAIN, TO OUR VERY FOOLISH LEADER, DO NOT ATTACK SYRIA - IF YOU DO MANY VERY BAD THINGS WILL HAPPEN & FROM THAT FIGHT THE U.S. GETS NOTHING! "@gregfrech: @realDonaldTrump have you seen the video of the rebel commander cutting out and eating the Syrian soldiers heart & liver!! While everyone is waiting and prepared for us to attack Syria, maybe we should knock the hell out of Iran and their nuclear capabilities? If you look at the horrible picture on the front page of the NY Times of the "rebels" executing prisoners, you would say forget the rebels! Tell Congress to straighten out the many problems of our country before trying to be the policemen to the world. Make America great again! "@Whoopsydoodle: @realDonaldTrump god your the best Mr. Trump!" I like you tooooo! "@Bchipper83: @realDonaldTrump haha I love how you just tell like it is! You aren't who you are by not doing just that!" Thank you! The only reason President Obama wants to attack Syria is to save face over his very dumb RED LINE statement. Do NOT attack Syria,fix U.S.A. President Obama put himself in a very bad position when he talked about Syria crossing the RED LINE. Amazingly, now he denies he said that! "@Bchipper83: @realDonaldTrump haha I love how you just tell like it is! You aren't who you are by not doing just that!" "@walterdisneyusa: @realDonaldTrump you would make such a good president" Thank you! "@livin_in_80s: @realDonaldTrump hell yeah! Dammit I love the frankness and brutal honesty of @realDonaldTrump !" It is the only way! @Gene_Valin Thank you. "@cbgoober: @realDonaldTrump @StephMcMahon @Tjryyyan @WWE think its time for The Donald to make a Surprise visit to #RAW" Speak to Vince! @dongibson12 Very true! "@BABOONVIEW: @realDonaldTrump inspires me soo much" Great! "@Tjryyyan: @realDonaldTrump Did you enjoy the experience you had with @WWE" Yes, had a great time! "@Sebast_Valmont: @realDonaldTrump @MacMiller lmao.. What about his tattoos? Do you like those?" NO! "@J_Lowry_: Idc what anyone says @realDonaldTrump is the man" Very nice! "@Sebast_Valmont: @realDonaldTrump when is @MacMiller gonna pay you?" That is a very good question! His only good song is Donald Trump. "@thecarlossegura: @realDonaldTrump do u like Lettermans show?" Yes, much smarter than Leno. "@FSUSteve: @realDonaldTrump Why do you think you're so polarizing?" Because I like to be-it often times brings out the truth! Is Anthony Weiner a jerk or what! Jay Leno and his people are constantly calling me to go on his show. My answer is always no because his show sucks. They love my ratings! "@PDGreenwood: "I wish I could go on Jay's show so badly!" Real quote from @realDonaldTrump" Real quote is "I wish they would stop calling" @twojacksdetail Send it to me in New York, Doug! Thanks. "@REAPEROFTRUTH: @realDonaldTrump u mad because @jayleno doesn't want u on his show? He begs me to go on his show-done it many times loser! "@WhiskeysCowgirl: @realDonaldTrump " just turned off Jay! I can't watch him anymore, running out with the phony high fives-he's lost it! "@jp_worldwide: @realDonaldTrump you need to go on @HowardStern to bash Jay Leno. Howard hates him too" Howard is right on Leno-Jay is over "@MariaDavidson10: @realDonaldTrump you have more followers than they (@billmaher @jayleno) do." So true, and am hopefully MUCH smarter! “Appreciate your property, and your property will appreciate for you.” – Think Like a Billionaire I hear this moron @billmaher said nasty things about me (hair etc—boring) on the terminated @jayleno show. Stupid guy/bad ratings! I’ve always defended @jayleno but he never defends me. He's not a loyal person & I now understand why everybody dumped him. Jay sucks! “To keep momentum, keep challenging yourself.” – Think Big With the signature services of Trump Attaché, @TrumpWaikiki brings premiere luxury to the white sands of Waikiki http://bit.ly/17tNNn5 @TylerKrist734 Thanks. @dhtherex Thanks. RT @ss19026: @realDonaldTrump you are dead on. Stay out not our problem RT @_G8: @realDonaldTrump agreed! S.O.S. Stay out of Syria!!! Happy New Year to all of my Jewish friends and supporters. Shana Tova. Hopefully it will be a great year! .@GOP must stay focused on defunding ObamaCare and the impending budget battle. Don’t let Syria rule the agenda. .@serenawilliams had a flawless @usopen quarterfinal win last night. She’s a great player and a wonderful person. Many Syrian ‘rebels’ are radical Jihadis. Not our friends & supporting them doesn't serve our national interest. Stay out of Syria! .@EmilyMiller's book "Emily Gets Her Gun" exposes the attack on our Second Amendment http://amzn.to/17tQJjD A must read! Congratulations to @PiersMorgan on winning @BritishGQ TV Personality Of The Year. Piers deserves his success! @LadyJelenaxoxo Thanks. @golflessondubai Soon. @SHAWSHANK5 "@realDonaldTrump To be a champ. you have to believe in yourself when nobody else will" True! "@Michael_Dorris: "@realDonaldTrump: "@tannermarkboots: @realDonaldTrump never tell your enemy when where and how you are going to hit them! "@ukn96: @realDonaldTrump If two of your competitors were at war, would you let them destroy each other? Or would you back one? "@andrewessex1: @realDonaldTrump @tannermarkboots Just finished 'art of the deal', Brilliant insight into your mind, thanks! "@atkins4: @realDonaldTrump you realize that is what Iran wants, dont you?" You beat Iran in a much different fashion-not through Syria! For all of those fools that want to attack Syria, the U.S.has lost the vital element of surprise-so stupid-could be a disaster! What I am saying is stay out of Syria. The great GENERALS MacArthur and Patton, real leaders and fighters, are spinning in their graves as we give Syria info & time to prepare. "@BigSexyBDAvis: @realDonaldTrump mr trump would attack Syria or no?" No, lets make our country great again as they fight their war! "@BattoulShamsi: @realDonaldTrump I just love ur way of thinking and analyzing things, 2 the point."Thanks. "@DavidAGoodman: @realDonaldTrump:How can General Dempsey tell Obama delaying Syria bombardment will have no consequences? He's no Patton! "@NattieBright: @realDonaldTrump If u r so disappointed at Obama why don't u run for president in 2016!" Watch! "@jvmesb: @realDonaldTrump is the kind of president we need!" True! "@twittahmachine0: @realDonaldTrump mr trump for president" Thank you! "@mbouchon: Make an appearance @realDonaldTrump! We would love to host you at the USC #EntrepreneurshipClub @SCProvingGround" Thanks! From the great author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad-- Robert Kiyosaki-- here is a very nice article. http://fb.me/2pYzDoIrG “Representing your own brand yourself is the best way to go. If you can’t sell it, who will?” – Midas Touch Elections have consequences. Obama just published “final regulations for ObamaCare’s individual mandate” http://onforb.es/1a3Grv4 Enjoy! @perkins_holly Great! @BigPoppa181 Thanks. How can General Martin Dempsey tell Obama that delaying the Syria bombardment will have no consequences? He is no Patton or MacArthur. “A big key to winning is knowing where the other side is coming from.” – Think Like a Champion I am giving away money. Check the crowdfunding site @fundanything http://fundanything.com/en Raise money for anything! China, OPEC and Russia laugh at us. But now thanks to Obama so does Syria. Very sad! Enjoy the ratings of President Obama. http://fb.me/Umbca9zL I applaud Columbia, South Carolina for cleaning up biz center http://fxn.ws/1a3DY3H Will cut crime & advance commerce. RT @TrumpDoral: Great article on @IvankaTrump from @nytimes: Ivanka Trump, Never Far From the Family Name http://nyti.ms/17t3VLN "@thobane63: @realDonaldTrump why the hell are you always criticising Obama" Because he is doing a terrible, in fact embarrassing, job! President Obama's "Arab Spring" is not looking so good right now! "@Trill_Blowa: If the government just listened to @realDonaldTrump this country would be so much better!" "@Devante4Liberty: @realDonaldTrump But if we had a Republican President you would say the exact opposite right?" Wrong! Think of it, the Arab League doesn't want to get involved with Syria - but they want us to do their dirty work. How stupid! If the U.S. attacks Syria and hits the wrong targets, killing civilians, there will be worldwide hell to pay. Stay away and fix broken U.S. Our country is looking very bad right now! "@desorourke84: @realDonaldTrump trump tower here in Chicago is such an impressive building and architecturally really fits in with the area "@ALTO67: @realDonaldTrump Your thoughts on Bill De Blasio for Mayor..." I predicted two years ago that he would win! "@flljeff: @realDonaldTrump You always "Keep it Real"Mr. Trump...the truth hurts sometimes and America needs you to run in 2016!!!!" "@TarekR: @realDonaldTrump If you ever become president of the US, what would be your first step?" Get rid of Obamacare! "@Rizz_Lizz: @realDonaldTrump I am surprised Weiner is so delusional to think that he still has a shot! should seek help. "@pantysoaker420: @realDonaldTrump @schulesix3 @JamesFrancoTV james franco is prettier than donald trump" But I get better ratings! "@charliemassie: I hope @realDonaldTrump runs for president. For obvious reasons." "@kyleraccio: @realDonaldTrump Donald have you noticed how so many people want you to run? Amazing. I think you will win handily." Thanks! "@_itsTracy: @realDonaldTrump run for prime minster in the uk and first minister in scotland....we could use your help" Cute! "@Omaha_Tiger: I realize what a mess we're in by watching @FoxNews...then I read @realDonaldTrump tweets...like a breath of fresh air"Thanks "@JamieeMingg: @realDonaldTrump I LOVE YOU DJT SR FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Thanks! "@DeadlyKittenz: @realDonaldTrump when you are president will you be able to bring back hope, jobs, and cash? #trump2016" We have no choice @ArsenioHall After Arsenio won Celebrity Apprentice he told me, in tears, that I would be his first guest if he got a show. No interest! "@LucyInTheSky61: @realDonaldTrump @53andlex Agree completely!! Mr. Trump for President!" Thanks! "@EwudziYamoah: @realDonaldTrump Glad to find you thank you for your philanthropic work," Thank you! Eliot Spitzer has failed at everything he has ever done, and now he wants to be comptroller. Thrown out of politics and off of TV, CRAZY! Each time I see one of Anthony Weiner's television ads for mayor I ask, what the hell is he doing just wasting money & time-go get a job! "@EGSIV: @ArsenioHall actually @realDonaldTrump should be a first guest to show #gratitude #class" Thanks for your nice remark! "@53andlex: @realDonaldTrump, please run for POTUS 2016. America desperately needs a TRUE leader with common sense!" Thank you. "@schulesix3: Roast of @JamesFrancoTV will be the best one since @realDonaldTrump" OK, as long as mine remains number one! "@mikethoms85: @realDonaldTrump with all due respect, Bush did exactly the same thing in Iraq." You will seldom see me defending Bush. "@DanScavino: @realDonaldTrump - it's so bad there are actually maps of targets now in #Syria & where USA ships would attack from. @tkeller316 Thanks! In war, the elememt of surprise is sooooo important.What the hell is Obama doing. "@libertybellskp: @realDonaldTrump That's the plan. Have you ever seen such a clueless leader in all your life? I am stunned daily." "@bdeal10: @realDonaldTrump you should be our next President. This country would be in much better shape if you would have run in 2012!"True "@SwagDaddyYol0: Why isn't @realDonaldTrump president instead of Obama ??" That is truly a good question! We have given Syria so much time and information-there has never been such an instance in wartime history. Syria is now fully prepared! Why isn't the Arab League paying for everything and sending troops? They want us to do their dirty work with no involvement by themselves! The Arab League stated that it wants nothing to do with an attack on Syria, but they want us to attack.Are our leaders insane or just stupid "@Madrina26: @realDonaldTrump Any chance you'll change your mind and run for President? #GotMyVote" Time will tell! "@mguarino64: @realDonaldTrump " How would you treat the Syria situation if president ?" I'd let them all fight with each other-focus on US! "@imanthonyholmes: I've always looked up to @realDonaldTrump. Business and Politics! He's the man!" Thank you! "@rick_huebner: @realDonaldTrump My son Joey survived leukemia. He is is now 13. Thank you Make-a-Wish and NCCF for everything they did." It is truly amateur hour at the White House - and this is why we should not be doing the "war thing" right now! @akmackey So true! "@Illuminati6sep: @realDonaldTrump , you should be President . Save America" Thank you! President Obama's weakness and indecision may have saved us from doing a horrible and very costly (in more ways than money) attack on Syria! @BrandiHarmon Good luck. "@Timi_fel: @realDonaldTrump You always have something negative to say about Obama ,dont you?" Yes! @BBPACK You have real talent! "@Ethan738: @realDonaldTrump just bought some beautiful Trump cuff links 👍" Great! @TheGrumpyHusky Happy birthday. @DanShrigley Thank you. "@jonathanagin: @realDonaldTrump wondering if u know or care that tomorrow begins childhood cancer awareness month. "@iRazaAliShah: @realDonaldTrump - Donald you are anti-Obama no matter what Obama does, you will take the opposite view. WRONG-all on merit "@dickquinn: @realDonaldTrump Obviously amateur hour at the WH. Obama was unqualified when he ran and remains so." "@danconiapm: @realDonaldTrump he's no Churchill." He might not even be Jimmy Carter! "@PolitixChick: Just from reading his tweets, it seems like @realDonaldTrump could run our country much better than our President right now. Did anyone notice that Obama failed to get a coalition of other countries to go along with us. He couldn't even get Britain! NO LEADERSHIP. @AveyahDoesWatch Thank you. "@jayneg53: @realDonaldTrump can't say Obama doesn't know how to throw a polite war!" General Patton would not be happy right now! "@JesseNicholas13: @realDonaldTrump I'm scared for my future." You should be! Be prepared, there is a small chance that our horrendous leadership could unknowingly lead us into World War III. China is already preparing to benefit economically from this mess. They will pick up the pieces and make yet another fortune-& laugh at us! Obama now just wants to save face, Russia is now telling him "don't do it". He waited too long and the other side is much better prepared. Who are our generals that are allowing this fiasco to happen right before our eyes. Call it the "PLENTY OF NOTICE WAR" "@JSDub901: @realDonaldTrump may be many things, but one thing he is, is right. #tellsitlikeitis" Thank you (sort of). Syria has prepared for an attack based on all of our "talk" - they have moved targeted ammunition and supplies to new locations.Amazing! For the first time in the history of military operations a country has broadcast what, when and where they will be doing in a future attack! The President must get Congressional approval before attacking Syria-big mistake if he does not! "@cadams2513: @realDonaldTrump if trump was POTUS we would have all the money we need! #trump 2016" That's true! "@Joe1sPro: @realDonaldTrump the president of Syria is killing people inhumanly" But the so called "rebels" may be just as bad (or worse)! "@kingsfansouth: @realDonaldTrump I usually agree with you, not tonight. Stop criticizing The President."I will when he makes good decisions "@jenconservative: @RKDrake @realDonaldTrump I would be totally surprised if the US even HAS any money to spend on Syria!!" We don't! "@jaymiller283: @realDonaldTrump @jenconservative We need a strong minded POTUS in office before we enter into another war." "@kswizzle43: @realDonaldTrump what would you do - give a solution vs being so critical?.!." I would make America great again! "@leebandoni: @realDonaldTrump for once the UK has seen sense and not been dragged into this." They were, for once, very smart! "@OneMikex: @realDonaldTrump he's to soft of a president" Incompetent would be a better word! "@jenconservative: @realDonaldTrump Not to mention we probably don't have the money to spend on another long war!!" So true! How bad has our "leader" made us look on Syria. Stay out of Syria, we don't have the leadership to win wars or even strategize. If Obama attacks Syria and innocent civilians are hurt and killed, he and the U.S. will look very bad! Is everyone seeing how incompetently our country is being run by watching the mess with Syria? Our leaders don't know what they are doing! The ratings of The Cycle on MSNBC, a sad and pathetic show, are way down. If they fired racist moron @Toure, a truly stupid guy, they live! RT @TrumpNewYork: We will enjoy this last #summerweekend in #NYC. #CentralPark before #Autumn takes over. #HappyLaborDayWeekend! http://t.c… @dhfr64 Happy Birthday Deborah. "It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer." -- Albert Einstein Dress for success. The Donald J. Trump Signature Collection, exclusively available @Macys.com http://bit.ly/15lKNiR "@Gfeorg: @realDonaldTrump A talk show is an amazing idea- so many would love to see you do it...your insight on a daily basis? what a gift! Pervert Weiner is dead in his race for mayor of NYC but WOW, Eliot Spitzer has dropped way down in recent poll for comptroller. SLEAZE! "@Reuschal: @realDonaldTrump how do you know those kids will never work?" I know! So, a woman in Chicago, who never had a job, has 9 kids with 7 different men (she is one of many). These kids will never work. Trouble! "@hrt05hsv: @realDonaldTrump @realDBP You could do it in your sleep and still make more sense than these other morons." Thanks. "@RonHromadka: @realDonaldTrump talk shows are stale! But a daily look at the inside wheeling and dealing of the Trump Org. Exciting! "@JOSECZRS: of course @realDonaldTrump would be one of the few to publicly support miley cyrus' racist behavior." Oh, & now she's a racist? @WCMartzOfficial So true! "@realDBP: @realDonaldTrump A talk show is a great idea. Please make the time sir. The country needs you now more than ever." "@realDBP: @realDonaldTrump A talk show would be the perfect arena for you Mr. Trump. Ratings would soar through the roof!" But no time! "@cbs397: @realDonaldTrump You should have your own talk show." Networks and many have asked, but I don't have the time. Thanks! "@GoCubbies22: @realDonaldTrump Bought a poster frame from my Wal-Mart store today, and the sample picture was Trump Tower in Chicago. Great "@ZachHeatherly: Could be argued that @realDonaldTrump may or may not be a horrible person, but his twitter is the best! Thank you Donald." @Beliefheals Interesting and thanks! "@Fartlesburg: @realDonaldTrump Do you ever get sad?" I don't have the time! @benfromdallas Thanks Ben. @AgnesphAgnes I agree, thanks. I hope everyone read the brilliant article in American Spectator about leightweight A.G. Eric Schneiderman. He should be run out of office! In that @TimeWarner has @HBO with really dumb racist Bryant Gumbel(and I mean dumb), and no CBS (which fired Bryant), I am switching bldgs. "@hpea0899: .@realDonaldTrump I disdain you with every fiber of my being." Thank you! "@ChrisFornari: @realDonaldTrump @CNBC #trumptuesdays were the best! This country needs you to speak up for what is going right and wrong! "@Sonnyjr66: @realDonaldTrump I'm a prof salesman, but not motivated by money, but like to win. Is that a bad thing?" No, not at all! "@FelixNunez249: @realDonaldTrump @macy today I received many compliments from wearing shirt and tie outfit" Great! "@vabeachrpm: @realDonaldTrump love Macy's !" I agree! People are really liking the new ties and shirts @Macy's-they are amazing and selling great! "@jasonsweis: @realDonaldTrump agreed, we need our troops on the streets of Chicago, not in Syria" “Sometimes you have to take a half step back to take two forward.” - @VinceMcMahon Via @HeraldWeekly by Lauren Odomirok: "Trump, Norman play renovated golf course" http://bit.ly/12P3dVi #TrumpVine A message for my hotel guest, @MileyCyrus- https://vine.co/v/hi0d2vOjt3P @DanScavino @EricTrump @EricTrumpFdn @StJude Thanks Dan. RT @DanScavino: @EricTrump has raised $7M via @EricTrumpFdn 4 @StJude w/ $10M more on way! @realDonaldTrump has amazing family! Always aske… @MarlenaWells True. @jonareeves6127 Thanks. RT @resplatt123: @realDonaldTrump a friend of mine went thru your school and has had nothing but praise! Its BS this lawsuit! What a shame that @msnbc’s ratings have sunk even lower in 2013. Prime time down 50%. @TheRevAl's are (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1rm613d RT @OConnellPostbiz: Coming Sept 10: @realDonaldTrump and @IvankaTrump will present architectural plans for their Old Post Office luxury ho… What will we get for bombing Syria besides more debt and a possible long term conflict? Obama needs Congressional approval. Congress must protect our borders first. Amnesty should be done only if the border is secure and illegal immigration has stopped. Thx Mark--I appreciate your words about the school. You sound like you're doing well--happy for you. @businessinsider http://read.bi/1a2ffAf "@Agustin_Gil: @realDonaldTrump are you planning to visit Uruguay as soon as Punta del Este Tower is done? I'd like to get my books signed.Y @icer100 "@realDonaldTrump @icer100 Remember Obama so loved the poor he created millions more!" Interesting! @Jungledad Thanks! @MarlenaWells "@realDonaldTrump remembering your generosity to so many after #SuperstormSandy." Thank you Marlena. RT @daveonthejob: @realDonaldTrump Liberals are stupid. The only wars they support are wars where America has zero self interest. #syria RT @sloanbunton: @realDonaldTrump Always mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy...Gen. Stonewall Jackson If Christian Bale turned down $50M to return as Batman he should have his head examined. What was he thinking?! The Yankees are sure lucky George Steinbrenner is not around. A lot of people would be losing their jobs. Via @amspec by Jeffrey Lord: "Is Eric Schneiderman a Crook?" What a great writer & researcher--amazing story. http://bit.ly/12P5kZl Wow, @CNBC ratings are really low, worst in many years. I guess I'll have to start doing my Tuesday morning interviews with them again! @tanjas_world Tanja--never give up! The United States needs to fix its own problems, of which there are many, first! Let the Arab League take care of Syria. Why are these rich Arab countries not paying us for the tremendous cost of such an attack? If we are going to continue to be stupid and go into Syria (watch Russia), as they say in the movies, SHOOT FIRST AND TALK LATER! I wonder what the great generals like Patton, the big M, or Robert E. LEE would have thought about our stupid broadcasting of an attack? @walaa_3ssaf No, dopey, I would not go into Syria, but if I did it would be by surprise and not blurted all over the media like fools. "@JanusDcjavu: @realDonaldTrump the one who talks much, does nothing" Except make 10 billion dollars - go get a job dumbass! "@voicelikeariot_: @realDonaldTrump "@washingtonpost: Why Obama is giving up the element of surprise in Syria" Perhaps because he is stupid? "@RonnieDunn1164: @realDonaldTrump @Hunterboss1996 a few billion more dollars, but I'd rather say " President Trump" than" President Gates"! That said, the rich Arab countries should get involved with the Syrian mess, not us.We should start rebuilding our own country & military. Why do we keep broadcasting when we are going to attack Syria. Why can't we just be quiet and, if we attack at all, catch them by surprise? I give the President's speech a 7 on the scale of 0 to 10! Not bad but room for improvement! Why would anyone think Obama would attack Syria the day of his speech in Washington. He doesn't want to detract from his press & glory. "@jamieaydt: One day I hope to be successful & a bit controversial like @realDonaldTrump ...keeping things interesting & classy" Go for it! "@LeavesOfGrass_: @realDonaldTrump Actually, I think it was factual and right on the mark. You are a vulture sir, nothing more." Thank you! "@bx_bobby: @realDonaldTrump what was racist about that story?" The story wasn't racist, just inaccurate and wrong. Bryant is dumb & racist "@joeybonedry: @realDonaldTrump Jeff has been battling cancer for years. Huge fan and Trump supporter, as am I. https://www.giveforward.com/fundraiser/0lw2/team-galluzzo" "@Hunterboss1996: @realDonaldTrump I'm going to keep tweeting and annoying you until you run for president. #Trump2016" That's OK with me! "@Hunterboss1996: @realDonaldTrump Bill Gates has nothing on Donald Trump. #Trump2016" "@mikeyv24: What an awful piece on #realsports about @realDonaldTrump HBO should be ashamed. #trump2016" Very dishonest piece by racist Gum "@dlhanno64: @JaneyGodley @realDonaldTrump Donald makes you happy. .thats good ..we need something to make us happy with this President. "@ZacKing30: @realDonaldTrump is officially the person I look up to! #billionaire #hero" Thanks. @sonnset2 So true, not even close. @ThulisaKanzi Have the Arab League do it and pay for it. @TheLanes08 Thanks. @grindingdude @monkeydogman I will! @tjstoudt "I really want @realDonaldTrump to speak at Liberty University convocation again." Great school. @latoyajackson Thanks La Toya! @ritter1025 Happy Birthday Bernice. @alphakonstant @RICHNYJETS True. @kyleraccio "@realDonaldTrump Trump will win this - as he wins everything else! Awesome" Thanks. Do not settle for remaining in your comfort zone. Being complacent is a good way to get nowhere. Take control and move forward every day. "A general is just as good or just as bad as the troops under his command make him.” - Gen. Douglas MacArthur .@tracegallagher and @FredTecce discussing my case on @FoxNews http://bit.ly/17mzsv4 “You owe it to yourself and to your community to make your property the best it can be.” – Think Like a Billionaire The misery of Obama’s economic policies. US households with unemployed parent was at record high in 2011 http://bit.ly/16RasJY Remember, all these ‘freedom fighters’ in Syria want to fly planes into our buildings. Congratulations to @marklevinshow on ‘The Liberty Amendments’ debuting at #1 on the NY Times’ bestseller list. Must read! Congrats to @TimTebow on making @Patriots’ first cut. Stay strong and positive! We are all rooting for you. Josh8J4 "@realDonaldTrump I have a dream that you will be president to make this country great again. #USA" Thank you. Young entrepreneurs – in an economic climate like this only the strong survive. You can do it. Think Big! Watch @ FoxNews’ @ShannonBream, @LisWiehl & former prosecutor Doug Burns destroy ridiculous lawsuit http://fxn.ws/16R6noW Via @ WSOC_TV: “Blair Miller talks with Donald Trump about Charlotte ventures” http://bit.ly/16RcOse Be sure to check out @YouTube uploads of @bobvanderplaats’ very successful 2013 @theFAMiLYLEADER summit http://bit.ly/16R3Pr4 @kingmortimer Interesting. @Ginny14974 "@realDonaldTrump the Arab league should be taking care of this, not us." 100% correct @bingato "@realDonaldTrump At least Doral will be great again!!!" That's true! @SteveRickettsSP Great! @TerryTm112444 Thanks Terry. @PeterThiele Thanks Peter. I have a dream that our country will be great again! #DreamDay "@RICHNYJETS: @realDonaldTrump dam right. Let them fight among themselves. Save our men and women's lives. Save our money. None of our bus." "@not_that_actor: @realDonaldTrump Col Peters is right. When our adversaries r at war w each other, Assad regime+ Al Q, stay out of it! @kimguilfoyle Thanks for your support - I greatly enjoyed your comments on The Five the other day. Best wishes! As I predicted long ago, the war in Iraq was a disaster for the U.S. Heading for civil war, there are bombings all over the place.Iran happy "@frankmorano: I think @realDonaldTrump's book, "The America We Deserve" deserves a read. Written in 2000, very prescient! "@SeanMichaelMc: @realDonaldTrump in Chicago for the first time, your building is amazing from the outside (cool color) to the inside." "@curryslap: Hey @realDonaldTrump .. your getting bashed by @TheRevAl about the lawsuit! RevAl is just conning his way through life! Via @HamptonsMag: "@IvankaTrump Talks Hamptons Lifestyle with Emmy Rossum" http://bit.ly/14ZzVBf Kate is donating a #kidney to her husband http://bit.ly/16VSvj6 . You can help! I did @fundanything #donate .@FoxNews legal analyst & former prosecutor @kimguilfoyle destroyed hack Schneiderman’s suit on @FNTheFive yesterday.She’s very sharp! See @IvankaTrump on the cover of @HudsonMOD? View the digital edition: http://issuu.com/hudsonmod/docs/hudsonmod_sept13_c2c There has been a systematic targeting of the Tea Party by the Obama administration. Now Schneiderman goes after me. No coincidence. The lightweight hack Schneiderman told Ivanka that the “case is weak" and more. Meets with Obama & then files one day later. Has AG Schneiderman been extorting his targets and their lawyers for contributions? We will find out. @Givens1964 Very cool, thanks. RT @ynggekko: LOL RT @realDonaldTrump How can an Attorney General ask for campaign contributions during his evaluation of a case - a total … @AaronPha_q Thanks. @d_murphy13 "@realDonaldTrump purely a political move if he met w/Obama,Mr.Trump please put the heat on this clown show!" RT @NYTalk: @realDonaldTrump @IvankaTrump He's using your name to draw attention to his political campaign. RT @Jarjarbug: How is it that Obama golfs w/NY AG on Friday & next day AG files a $40 Mil suit against #Trump, KEEP PRETENDING THERE IS NO … RT @MichaelPMulhall: @realDonaldTrump @CNBC NYSAG Schneiderman's responses were evasive. This has blown up in his face and you should not l… I hope the NY tax payer appreciates the millions Schneiderman is about to waste on a small case. I will litigate to victory. See Schneiderman admit he spoke with Obama about “ongoing investigations." http://bit.ly/16L3c5A Thug Politics. Lightweight hack Schneiderman meets with Obama on Thursday, then brings frivolous suit on Saturday. @ElmarosuElvin Thank you. My @foxandfriends int. destroying Schneiderman’s frivolous suit which he brought after meeting Obama on Thurs. http://bit.ly/19UrKxE Via @todayshow: "Trump: Attorney general behind lawsuit a 'total lightweight'" http://on.today.com/19Uqvyv Via @AmSpec by Jeffrey Lord: “New Obama Scandal Erupts: Trump Targeted” http://bit.ly/19UqcE6 RT @Drake4444444: @realDonaldTrump Thank you for your vigilance in fighting this corruption by the AG. RT @crystal_night20: @realDonaldTrump @Chowes247 This is how the leftist marxist regime stops free speech. And even Congress is bullied and… @TuleTwilight Interesting! @MichaelPMulhall @CNBC I don't think he can! Via @InverurieHerald: "Trump’s new course plans on display" http://bit.ly/19UplmO Why isn’t AG Schneiderman going after Democrat Jon Corzine and the $1.4 billion that is “missing?” Amazing! AG Schneiderman sues a school w/ a 98% approval rating but doesn’t go after billion $ fraudsters all over Wall St. I really enjoyed doing the show circuit this AM discussing lightweight AG Eric Schneiderman & the terrible job he has done for NY. Gov. Cuomo's Moreland Comm should be looking at AG Schneiderman shaking down those under investigation/ in litigation for campaign $$$ Fox and Friends "@Sammycarguru: @realDonaldTrump Since the Art of the Deal you have been an inspiration to me!" Thanks. "@JPM17: @realDonaldTrump @TomNocera I've taken a few of the classes on line. Thought they were very good". Wow, l just found out that A.G. Schneiderman met with President Obama in Syracuse on Thursday --- and sued me on Saturday! Same as IRS etc. "@TomNocera: @realDonaldTrump You are asking some really good questions. The truthful answers will come in time - they always do." "@HughPhartud: Schneidean is in trouble. History shows that @realDonaldTrump will publicly lambaste this guy to the point of surrender. "@bahia6085: @realDonaldTrump @Chowes247 Lawsuit against Trump University is without a doubt ---political." "@Makingpeoplemad: @realDonaldTrump win the lawsuit than countersue for slander and damages. #kickhisass" "@robertlbuchsr: @realDonaldTrump ,Mr.Trump I just wanted u 2 know I agree w/ u.Respect you 2."Thanks. "@Doanertouque: @realDonaldTrump the last ag was publicity oriented too...client #9." But much smarter than Schneiderman! "@SusanSkeldon: @realDonaldTrump I wish there were more people in the world like you. Thanks for all you do. Your an awesome person." Thanks "@Chowes247: @realDonaldTrump Corzine is a evil schemer who stole 1.4 billion. Trump starts a University to help people get rich & he's bad! "@heavyhauler19: @realDonaldTrump Just swat that nat out of the air and roll on Donald" Sadly, he's abusing the system! "@anthonyjmyers: @realDonaldTrump as for #TrumpUniversity I have ONLY ever heard GREAT things from former students. Don't sweat it! What did our very stupid & ineffective A.G. Eric Schneidean, during his trips to MY office, tell me about President Obama & Governor Cuomo? After years of long stops then starts, why did dopey Eric Scheiderman tell people in The Trump Org. "this case is going away,we have no case How can an Attorney General ask for campaign contributions during his evaluation of a case - a total sleazebag! Why did lightweight A.G. Eric Schneiderman come to my office on numerous occasions begging for campaign contributions? Also, recent asks? Why is it that Eric Schneiderman is considered a lightweight by so many and has failed to go after Jon Corzine and big abusers for billions? Why did failing A.G. Eric Schneiderman, after years of looking, file his pathetic lawsuit on a SATURDAY afternoon (unheard of)? No case! Lightweight A.G. Eric Schneiderman, who has been a total failure in office, failed to report the 98% approval rating of students for courses @nikkio Thank you. "@abimlebt: Eric Schneiderman trying to get himself an image as a strong man is suing @realDonaldTrump. Bad choice, Trump will eat him alive "@dszippit: "Trump University" Liberal Witch Hunt I hope they lose,and get counter sued.@realDonaldTrump" "@StevanScheer: @realDonaldTrump attended Tax Lien Tax Seminar Trump University. Changed my life!!! Able to open my own company Scheer Group "@JoeSantos5150: @realDonaldTrump Wipe the floor with him Mr Trump !" "@MattEChase: @realDonaldTrump extortion was the first thing that came to mind when i saw the report for the lawsuit. You can sue! Lightweight NYS Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is trying to extort me with a civil law suit. See website http://www.98percentapproval.com @Obs3shyn Thanks, it was fun and amazing! "@dadsnicklefritz: @realDonaldTrump I will make this known, if you had run for President, you had my vote, If you run,you still have my vote "@theBARBAshop: maybe ill go to Macy's and buy a @realDonaldTrump shirt and tie combination for my cousins wedding, stuff's beautiful" Great @NickFaldo006 Sir Nick is not only a great player, he is a great guy -and, by the way, doing a fantastic job for CBS! @BBPACK Happy birthday! For all of those who have been asking about online sales, the Donald J. Trump Signature Collection ties & shirts are sold @Macys.com #FlashbackFriday Trump family- final week of @Oprah's show- @Oprah is terrific! http://instagram.com/p/dXUuZFGhUH/ "@MistRusso: @realDonaldTrump those are the ppl that can't handle the truth. Great job at forcing his hand like only The Trump can do!!!" "@circa75sydney: Amazing service from @TrumpLasVegas - great job @realDonaldTrump You're hired! All future @circa75sydney business trips." "@mchikkis: Had an amazing stay at the Trump in Chicago this past weekend Thanks @realDonaldTrump 👌 @jmull71 Great Jason! @Marilynn555 Thanks! @RobertBurnand "@realDonaldTrump @TrumpTowerNY What a great building Mr T!" Thanks! Anyway, I’m all about jobs & the economy & making America great again. We’re falling fast! John McCain couldn’t get him to release “it” and neither could Hillary Clinton—but Donald did! People should be proud of the fact that I got Obama to release his birth certificate, which in a recent book he “miraculously” found. Why are people upset w/ me over Pres Obama’s birth certificate?I got him to release it, or whatever it was, when nobody else could! “To keep your momentum going you must have intrinsic values as well as monetary values. Know when to give back.” – Think Big With the whacko pervert Weiner about to be embarrassed, all women need to be on the lookout. Sexting begins 9.11 @ 12:01 AM @TonyCatering @TrumpTowerNY Thanks! If Stop & Frisk is struck down by the pandering NYC politicians, increases in crime & eventual terrorist attacks will be on them. @WalterOzaraga @TrumpTowerNY Thanks. @korydc @TrumpTowerNY Thanks, great that you remember, really nice. @HarryCraig96 @TrumpTowerNY Thanks! Time flies it’s @TrumpTowerNY’s 30th anniversary. To celebrate we made this video highlighting its amazing history- http://bit.ly/14mM86g @tanwexy I like you too. @BrentLudington Thanks! One of Obama’s greatest failures will be his legacy of making millions completely dependent on government handouts, not work. Via @BreitbartNews by @LarryOConnor: "TRUMP: NY MAG AILES STORY 'TOTAL BULLS**T'" http://bit.ly/14ZiL5P It was total bullshit! Via @EveningExpress: "Images of Donald Trump’s 2nd North-east golf course released: Public have say on images" http://bit.ly/14ZfALd Re Miss Universe Pageant, we’ve spoken w/the LGBT community in Russia who asked “please don’t leave, it would send the wrong signal.” @Greek1958 Thank you John. "@lovefamously: @realDonaldTrump please can you RT? Little Mackenzie needs lifesaving treatment urgently and time is running out fast. @gabrielsherman Roger Ailes never called me about your piece on him Gabriel. He is a very smart and secure guy who doesn't need help from me "@Mzk51Matt: @realDonaldTrump What was up with Bryant Gumbel's cheap shot on you on HBO? He's a really dumb, really jealous racist! "@IoIcasey: @realDonaldTrump You're an inspiration for a young entrepreneur, Mr. Trump. Thanks!" Very nice, thank you! "@DrJulianXavier: @realdonaldtrump huge supporter of your political beliefs! #staytrumping Donald!" I will! "@thecoolestemma: @realDonaldTrump will there be a new season of Celebrity Apprentice?" YES! "@southtguy: @realDonaldTrump A better answer would have been "Yes come up with a great idea and have others work their ass off." That too "@ari_ana97: If @realDonaldTrump runs for president in 2016, I'll be old enough to vote to put him in office. Wooh! #Trump2016" "@BalloradoBoy: @realDonaldTrump do you think Gumbel wrote that closing remark or @hbo? Bryant isn't smart enough (dumb as a rock), so HBO. "@AdamMKE: @realDonaldTrump my 1st book report in 5th grade was on "The Art of the Deal" ~1988. Great, Adam, and you hit big! "@RichKowalski31: @realDonaldTrump what do you think is the best industry to get into for a young college student about to graduate?"ENERGY! "@TarekR: @realDonaldTrump What do you think should be done about Gun Control in the US?"All good folks that have a gun should control it! "@AlrightJarret: Mr @realDonaldTrump do you have any advice for a young entrepreneur?" Yes, come up with a great idea and work your ass off! "@aak1993: @realDonaldTrump what do u think about the new news Competitor Aljazeera America" I don't! "@ZeeNazi: @realDonaldTrump there is zero chance u get elected but u r a very powerful indorcer" Wrong and correct! "@bradisin: Is @DannyZuker still feuding with @realDonaldTrump? Who's Danny Zuker? "@not_that_actor: @realDonaldTrump Donald, if U don't RUN in '16, we will be stuck with Hillary. Would you do that to us? Make it Trump '16. “Leadership is perhaps the key to getting any job done.” – The Art of The Deal "Donald Trump to Chris Christie: Don’t hire @stuartpstevens" http://politi.co/19xjQqA via @politico by @Hadas_Gold With Democrats Spitzer, Danger-Weiner & Filner, which party really has the war on women? @TxSi Happy Birthday! It’s Wednesday. How many times will A-Rod sue the @Yankees today? A-Rod has no one to blame but himself for his predicament. RT @TrumpNationalNY: Trump National Westchester is among the best in the world! http://www.stardiamondaward.com/project/trump-national-golf-club-westchester-ny/ Congress must defund ObamaCare. It is destroying Medicare and breaking promises to our Seniors, including veterans. .@AlexSalmond Heatwave in Scotland makes wind turbines useless. Big problem, expensive mess. NYC politicians better stop pandering--ending stop & frisk would be a disaster. http://bit.ly/19xlEja "No Question' Violent Crime Will Rise If Program (Stop & Frisk) Is Stopped” - @NY_POLICE Commissioner Ray Kelly @jwhitlinger_GMP "@realDonaldTrump @reklaw78 ..why the animosity towards Bryant Gumbel?" He is a very stupid & arrogant dope! @TheTeflonDante "@realDonaldTrump @gretawire I bet her ratings were great! Good work Mr. Trump" They were great--thanks! @anniehic @NYMag And so have many others. Glad to see that the Egyptian Army is releasing Mubarek. As we see, Obama never should have abandoned him. He was an ally. Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach is one of the most exclusive & elite clubs in the world w/award winning amenities http://www.maralagoclub.com/ Via @pressjournal by Ann-Marie Parry: "Plans revealed for course named after Trump’s mother" http://bit.ly/19xj0tT Had a great time on @gretawire last night. Greta always does great interviews. The hatchet job in @NYMag about Roger Ailes is total bullshit. He is the ultimate winner who is surrounded by a great team. @FoxNews .@AlexSalmond If a country wants to rapidly destroy its economy, I have an idea--just put up subsidized wind (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1rm1ddt RT @TrumpDoral: Are you a fan of Trump Doral? Vote for us as the Best Golf Course in the Floridians Awards! http://ow.ly/nMSFk "@pegson: @realDonaldTrump Christopher Lane http://twitter.com/pegson/status/370098749722206209/photo/1" "@HERCULES: @realDonaldTrump we would like to create a LL field in Chris Lanes honour at his home club. "@nikkio: @realDonaldTrump Another great interview on Greta...Keep talking - even though they don't want to hear it - they are listening." "@rwgooch: @realDonaldTrump Why does Fox continue to bring on Karl Rove?" A total waste of airtime-spent over $400 million and not 1 win! "@bendreyfuss: @realDonaldTrump Thank you donald! tHis country needs you! Please run in 2016! Busines is what America is failing at!" "@reklaw78: @realDonaldTrump I read on Wikipedia that you and Bryant Gumbel were roommates in college." No, I went to a much better school! "@JoeBloww79: @realDonaldTrump is able to see through all the garbage in our society. Wish more had the ability." "@jfolds: @realDonaldTrump Bryant is the wanna be Greg Gumbel lol keep up the great tweets Trump!" Greg is far more talented than Bryant. "@MattJerichoY2J: @realDonaldTrump Congrats on becoming a @WWE #HOF. It can be argued that you are the reason Wreslemania was so Succesful" "@pellscuse11: @realDonaldTrump Who plays more golf, yourself or the President? My money is on POTUS." You win! "@MikeAmbo5: @realDonaldTrump I had no idea Bryant Gumbel was still on TV. Another issue of someone using you to gain a little relevancy" "@JohnSim96499126: @realDonaldTrump Damn, Bryant Gumbal is So Not Relevant on the scale of ANYTHING..." So true! "@LisaRiv76873320: @realDonaldTrump Who is Bryant Gumbel?" A racist dope with a long and deep record of failure! "@Anti_Fox_News: @Toure Doesn't @realDonaldTrump have better things to do, Like investigating Ted Cruise?" You can't even spell his name! You must admit that Bryant Gumbel is one of the dumbest racists around - an arrogant dope with no talent. Failed at CBS etc-why still on TV? "@us_patriot_3888: @realDonaldTrump- Why isnt mainstream media all over this like Trayvon Martin story?Will there be justice for Chris Lane? "@DanScavino: Great job on @GretaWire Mr. Trump! #Trump2016 @realDonaldTrump" "@Jfedkiw: @realDonaldTrump I wonder where al Sharpton or anyone for that matter is after the murder in Duncan, Oklahoma.Where is the anger? "@Sabretooth94: @realDonaldTrump Who does Bryant Gumbel think he's messing with?? He's such a condescending jerk!" And a no talent racist! GRETA IN A FEW MINUTES-on Fox. @gretawire .Doing Greta tonight at 10 on Fox-enjoy! @realLucasDuffy True--thanks! @DWatts3 Mitt, but Stuart Stevens was terrible. “I have a very strict gun control policy: if there's a gun around, I want to be in control of it.” - Clint Eastwood I will be doing Greta Van Susteren @gretawire tonight at 10 PM on Fox News, talking about China & Mitt's failed campaign team. ObamaCare is an absolute disaster which will destroy 16% of the economy and ultimately more! It’s Tuesday. How many terrible predictions and advice will Karl 1.6% Rove make today? NYC is under constant threat from Jihadists & violent criminals. Stop & Frisk keeps streets & subways safe.Stand strong Ray Kelly Our country needs to reestablish the work ethic. In NY, welfare pays better than jobs http://bit.ly/19EtHOI Zero incentive. RT @TrumpDoral: Doral was named one of the best golf courses in Southern Florida by @si_golf. Book your tee time and see why: http://t.co/k… .@stuartpstevens did a horrible job for Mitt—is a refund in order? Sadly, Stuart is a disaster! With @stuartpstevens expected to represent @GovChristie in the Presidential race, Chris will have a very hard time winning. .@MattBevin: As someone well versed in job creation and the Private Sector, if you lie on your resume, You’re Fired! Our great project in South America, Trump Tower Punta Del Este in Uruguay, will have spectacular views and the... http://fb.me/20MOANnrN RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: The Trump Golf halo effect benefiting Aberdeen City and Shire hotels by up to 93% http://bit.ly/19G8Ier RT @IvankaTrump: "You have to think anyway, so why not think big?" - @realDonaldTrump #Quote #quotes #DonaldTrump RT @TrumpDoral: [TRANSFORMATION TUESDAY] Thanks to the @MiamiHerald for its fantastic story on Doral's return to grandeur: http://t.co/1BaT… Chicago is a shooting disaster-they should immediately go to STOP AND FRISK. They have no choice, hundreds of lives would be saved! "@The_Anti_Fox: @realDonaldTrump @NY_POLICE if Donald were stopped & frisked he would raise hell and whine about his civil rights!" No way! "@The_Anti_Fox: @realDonaldTrump @NY_POLICE then Donald will be OK being stopped and frisked 3 times a week, making you late" O.K. with me! @ukcarioca Thank you. "@Subhana_Anwar: whenever I feel down and feel like giving up I simple go to @realDonaldTrump twitter page. @J_TJOHNSON Thanks @MaestroBeadles Interesting! @cloverc8 Thanks! @Chuckdhere So true! @Mr_Smoooth Great place- thanks! @merryman34 Thanks! @samtrisi Thanks! “Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday.” - John Wayne Obama’s own gun study proves gun control is ineffective http://bit.ly/18FInbZ @BIZPACReview .@NY_POLICE Commissioner Ray Kelly has done a top job keeping NYC safe. Stop & Frisk has been a critical tool for the NYPD. Be sure to check @fundanything to see my picks http://fundanything.com/en #TrumpAdvice http://fb.me/JEhdKpBb #TrumpVine Opinion on Egypt- https://vine.co/v/hODKFpJ6lt7 "@Clarko76: @realDonaldTrump Mr Trump my girlfriend and I just getting booked up for your hotel in soho. Looking forward to a great stay. @Pollysdaughter Very cute! So, lets get this right. Steve Jobs dies and leaves his wife everything-billions of dollars. Now his wife has a boyfriend (lover). Oh Steve! "@AmbeyLambey: I love when @realDonaldTrump tells everyone the truth about America. #RunForPresident" "@Iamgrizzly1974: @realDonaldTrump Our infrastructure is crumbling!"And we owe 17 trillion dollars! Re-build the United.States not places that hate our country and everything we stand for! Let the Arab countries take care of Egypt-they have more to gain and plenty of money..It's time for the U.S. to stop being stupid.NO DOLLARS @Howard2Lloyd Yes, at Macy's. "@RayHeard: @realDonaldTrump @bat211 @capetown58 Meanwhile, he's on the golf course as Egypt, Syria, Iraq burn.What else is new?" "@IrishCigarGuy: @realDonaldTrump you are so right as usual. You should run but it be a big pay cut. You are what we need." Thank you! "@BrandonMcKinney: @realDonaldTrump Just wanted to say that I love my Donald J. Trump dress shirts. By far most comfortable and best! Macy's "@bat211: @realDonaldTrump @capetown58 Obama wanted Mubarak out and his pals from Muslim brotherhood in. As usual what he does is a disaster "@Josh_Dobbs: @realDonaldTrump You ROCK Mr.Trump!!!! #USA" Thanks. "@capetown58: @realdonaldtrump Do you think White House is doing enough about Egypt?" They don't know what they are doing.- not even close! "@firdousalidr: @realDonaldTrump off to your lovely Aberdeen golf club tomorrow." Just got ranked number one by Golf Week Mag. - enjoy it! "@Herbalist_mob: @realDonaldTrump determination made you who you are?" A very important element toward anyone's success! "@Gfeorg: @realDonaldTrump After you become our next President - NO ONE will take advantage of this country again." "@dmxxx_: haha I think it's cute how my sister likes Donald trump ☺" Tell your sister I think she's great! "@Sofia_Mozek: @realDonaldTrump My mind would explode with happiness if Donald Trump was elected president." "@GlennInvestor: @realDonaldTrump - It's not a great country now?" No, we are a laughing stock all over the World-but we can come back big! "@BenKilzer: But really tho if @realDonaldTrump was president omg I want that so bad" "@meenah83: @realDonaldTrump .. Can't wait for you to be president of the United State.." ---And what a great country it would be! We must leave "stop and frisk" for A-Rod and Anthony Weiner! "@RichardFlorenc1: @realDonaldTrump can you put out a shout for aberdeen football club today as big game" Good luck, WIN! "@NathanAmato: @realDonaldTrump @MichaelPampena DJT preserved the American dream after defeating president Chelseas mother Hillary in 2016" "@WantDDUBLovin: @realDonaldTrump I cannot wait until your building opens in Vancouver! It's gonna be a GREAT addition to our downtown core. "@meenah83: @realDonaldTrump .. Can't wait for you to be president of the United State.." And our Country would be great.again! Thanks. "@Cookvol: @realDonaldTrump Visited Chicago 4 1st time and saw your fantastic addition to skyline. Amazing and locals call it a success!" "@MichaelPampena: @realDonaldTrump what's the J. stand for?" John. "@thineline4: @realDonaldTrump For a long time I thought you were so nasty. Now after reading your tweets I changed my mind." Great! "@JaseDuckman: All is well between me and @realDonaldTrump. We wear big boy pants. Mine happens to be camo. #NoWorries" Great Jase! "@Newsoffamous_: According to @realDonaldTrump & the people at "Ms Universe Pageant" they never asked @BravoAndy to host this years pageant" "@Jnewt13: Donald Trump will always be Mac Miller's best song, no contest." RT @TrumpSoHo: It's Friday, which means it's time for our guest photo of the week. This one is from @catharineelise: http://ow.ly/o0hcU For all of those who have been asking about online sales, the Donald J. Trump Signature Collection ties & shirts are sold @Macys.com “Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.” – Dale Carnegie Keep an open mind--business is a creative endeavor. Strive for innovative ideas. RT @Mr_Smoooth: Great job @realDonaldTrump with Trump National Charlotte. Course reopened with new greens and it's perfect! http://t.co/txd… RT @merryman34: @realDonaldTrump My stay at Trump Chicago has exceeded my expectations! Thank you for outstanding service with an amazingl… See problems as a mind exercise. Enjoy the challenge---and remember to keep focused on your goals. @RobertUndefined Work hard, study, read 'The Art of the Deal' and "Midas Touch" My motto is: ‘Never give up.’ I follow this very strictly. I do not let problems and challenges stop me; they are normal. "@Sjblueyes: @realDonaldTrump you've got the vote of most Americans who want to see our great country re-stored to be the greatest country! "@MurrayDavidCole: @realDonaldTrump We need someone with a clue, someone who knows business to pull us out of this hole. We need Mr. Trump! "@phattim26: @realDonaldTrump we need a true leader to guide this great nation. Will you please answer the call? You have my vote" Thank you "@vin609: @realDonaldTrump Sad Day for Atlantic city was the day you packed it in. The town jumped when you were there. Major loss." "@sunlorrie: Real Wind Turbines Twitter / DanScavino: @realDonaldTrump here is a ... https://twitter.com/DanScavino/status/365940143196106752/photo/1" "@LBH39: It's called @realDonaldTrump for President! "@FortuneMagazine: There's only one way out of this tepid economy. "@catcrazy71: @realDonaldTrump your mother was such a pretty lady!" True, considered a great beauty-thanks. "@mmanoff: @realDonaldTrump What can I do to help Donald J. Trump get elected to be President of the USA?" Just sit tight-thanks! "@zionslion777: @realDonaldTrump It would be an honor to our nation if you would be our President!" Thank you for your confidence! Obama' ststement on Egypt was terrible and dumb-now being used by military as a rallying cry-our foreign policy is worst in U.S. history. "@stantheman74: @realDonaldTrump mr. Trump, sir; you are a living legend and a living role model, please keep the amazing work up."So nice! Can’t wait for @DylanByers’ follow up @politico piece discussing my large Sunday news shows ratings win because of my interview! NIELSEN RATINGS: 1.@ThisWeekABC, 2.52 viewers, 6 SHR,1.91RTG, .55 25-54 2.@meetthepress 2.24 total viewers, 5 SHR,1.61RTG, .47 25-54 My interview with @ThisWeekABC w/@GStephanopoulos destroyed all Sunday competition w/ 2.52M total viewers…that’s why they want me on! .@AlexSalmond See photo https://twitter.com/DanScavino/status/365940143196106752/photo/1 Myself with mother and father at New York Military Academy. See, I can be very military. High rank!… http://instagram.com/p/dDB_iFGhXl/ “Good communicators control space.” – Roger Ailes, ‘You Are The Message,’@FoxNews My @Newsmax_Media int. with @SteveMTalk on my Iowa @theFAMiLYLEADER speech, @jonkarl, 2016 & Benghazi http://bit.ly/19temAm @carlotalorenabr Thanks. RT @TrumpDoral: Trump Doral, of course! http://ow.ly/nXZSv RT @asv620: What's the best florida resort for golf? #PLRHonLL .@GOP HOUSE LEADERSHIP – ESTABLISH SELECT COMMITTEE ON BENGHAZI. THERE IS A MASSIVE COVERUP. @KeithJMcConnell @MacMiller Thanks. @dannydamico67 "@realDonaldTrump may not agree with your political stance, but your golf courses are unreal" Thx (I think) @WeekendInParis @TrumpNewYork Great! @ShawnaTova @lovemyklr So nice, thanks! @amieburton2010 @Tommyguns11 Thanks Amie. Fact: without Texas and states reaping the fracking boom, Obama’s job record would go from bad to worse! Mark Levin's @marklevinshow 'The Liberty Amendments: Restoring the American Republic" is a truly great & important book. @Show5783 Who knows? @kelseyalxandraa Thanks Kelsey. @Drew4Diamond Thanks. @DanScavino @MacMiller Thanks Dan. RT @DanScavino: Where would @MacMiller be today, if he didn't use @realDonaldTrump's name in his song? No question a royalty fee of some so… 740 Park Avenue is being robbed all over the place--we come down hard on thieves at Trump buildings. #TrumpVine Where is the money @MacMiller? https://vine.co/v/hMTVm5Mpxmb @RyneCPL "@realDonaldTrump Just finished #TheArtOfTheDeal. Awesome book w/ great insight!" Thanks, good luck. @amp_abirpatel Midas Touch, by Donald J. Trump & @theRealKiyosaki "@SharonDepp: @realDonaldTrump Love Ivankas Style....Simply Classic & Beautiful & Very Smart :DDD Kisses" True! "@IND_Colts_Fan: @realDonaldTrump if President, what would be your 1st order of business?"Terminate Obamacare! "@Caleb_Watson: @realDonaldTrump never actually considered running for President. All a publicity stunt #GoodBusinessMove WRONG! "@candla: @realDonaldTrump We all think presidents have so much control but everyone answers to someone" Ours answers only to Michelle! "@lovemyklr: @ShawnaTova @realDonaldTrump she did good. Trump could if he can talk in a way that everyone can understand. Just like Reagan. @ShawnaTova Very nice, thanks. "@TheBigOffice: When Donald Trump talks, people listen. @realDonaldTrump" So true! @CarlCICahn Carl, keep lt going, I have a lot of Apple stock. Push them to QUICKLY come out with a larger screen for the I-PHone (Samsung) @GregMazares My honor, thanks! @realDonaldTrump Thanks! @Timc1021 Thanks! @garrendj Thanks! @justingodfrey Great! "@Tommyguns11: @realDonaldTrump stop talking and run in 2016! If your name is on that ballot, you've go my vote! #MakeItHappen #FixAmerica" "@therealHamzeh: Went shopping today for a wedding i have coming up got me @realDonaldTrump everything #CountOnTrump" Great, have fun! @PeteRose_14 Once again, it is time to let all time hits leader Pete Rose into the Baseball Hall of Fame. He has paid a big price! @AlfiraAzzahra Great picture, say hello! "@not_that_actor: @realDonaldTrump Clear path to WH in '16. Americans very dissatisfied not just w economy but decline in CULTURE. U R only1 "@txbpd: @realDonaldTrump just caught your interview on @gretawire on my DVR. Always love hearing you speak!" Thanks! Things happen that make you question whether you should keep going. As long as you are enjoying what you are doing, keep going. Congrats @adamcarolla on #RoadHard raising $1M on @fundanything, a record. In Miami tracking @TrumpDoral’s $250M renovations. Will be America's top resort. @PGATOUR just signed for 10 yr ext. http://bit.ly/17Nr1Yd RT @TrumpDoral: Are you a fan of Trump Doral? Vote for us as the Best Golf Course in the Floridians Awards! http://ow.ly/nAtgU Don’t be easily pleased with yourself or with anything else. Be tough & fight to keep your standards high. -Think Like a Champion RT @Papimike1: @realDonaldTrump All of your books are awesome Donald! You are an example for people like me! Thank you and have a great day @Randirobics Great, good luck! “When your brand begins to build, you too will be faced with opportunities for greater recognition.” – Midas Touch Republicans have very strong hand in their fight against Obamacare-lets see if they are willing and able to play it "tuff"! Looks like Anthony Weiner Is through-most recent poll has him deeply in last place. GOOD NEWS "@GetKraven: @realDonaldTrump sir, you would have my vote 100% guaranteed if you decided to show these DemoRATS how to run this country." "@nicla_b: @realDonaldTrump Pls help highlight and RT Protect Blackdog: Welcome to the Protect Blackdog Blog! "@carlotalorenabr: The fact that @realDonaldTrump is considering a presidential run makes me so excited" "@GarryKennedy: @realDonaldTrump Great job on Greta tonight! I am a huge fan and you really inspire me!" Thank you. "@Chad_Williams91: @realDonaldTrump if you're president , I'll move to the states tomorrow ! #Trump #world_leader #you #are #hired" Thanks! "@Americanwoman00: @realDonaldTrump Great interview on Greta. Can I tell you that I think that you are awesome? Thank you! "@MysticWolf12001: @realDonaldTrump C'mon, you KNOW you're the only one capable of beating Clinton" "@HunterBalthazor: @realDonaldTrump if you ran for president you have my vote. Get this economy back on track!" "@kyleraccio: @realDonaldTrump @Vinny_Titone I think he'll lead the polls like last time- it will be a healthy victory for Trump" "@Vinny_Titone: If @realdonaldtrump runs in 2016 he will be hard to beat; "@AleRdzCuevas: @realDonaldTrump you should be the President of MY country, Mexico." I better learn Spanish very fast! “If it doesn't sell, it isn't creative.” - David Ogilvy More on Benghazi cover up: “ATTORNEY FOR WHISTLEBLOWER: 400 U.S. MISSILES STOLEN IN BENGHAZI” http://bit.ly/122tXBo Really bad. Obama has exempted businesses, his staff and all of Congress from ObamaCare. Why is he still forcing the monstrosity on the U.S.? I will be on Greta @gretawire tonight at 10 PM on Fox News. Re @TWC TimeWarner, I am going to be switching many of my buildings to another service—this is ridiculous! I missed the PGA Championship because it was not broadcast by TimeWarner @TWC. Why aren’t they giving subscribers major discounts? .@SenMikeLee refuted every point Karl 1.6% Rove made on the need to defund ObamaCare.Must listen http://bit.ly/122raID @TheRightScoop The Patch, a total loser for @AOL, will be a good deal compared to @HuffingtonPost. @ariannahuff laughs at “stupid” Armstrong! Congrats to @mboyle1 of @BreitbartNews for exposing Jason Linkins of @HuffingtonPost as a lightweight dope who gives false information. @RoyalStr8tFlush Wow, good competition! Still a buyer’s market but somewhat fragile. Be sure to calculate the risk of rising rates coming sooner than you think! .@TrumpChicago is the Windy City's sole skyscraper to feature a 4 star hotel, 4 star restaurant & spa http://bit.ly/UNathh @JTFoxx @HuffingtonPost I agree--@HuffingtonPost is going down with @AOL and Patch & @ariannahuff hates Tim Armstrong. @jwhurter "@realDonaldTrump Are your ties available in South Africa?" You can order them online @Macys.com @BlazeBluntsky Thanks. @FlyinOSUBuckeye @comfynumb2012 @ForQ2 So true! Just a business tool used by the best! Ask Carl, Warren, etc. @Andrew_Patrick @DCGovWeb @DCGovTwit Deal done--too late dopey! @coffeepleaseAM "@realDonaldTrump I'm so happy that you find time to tweet. I really enjoy following you." Thanks Amy. @AKA_Wilhelm "@realDonaldTrump hay Mr. Trump! You're my rolemodel,and I love your show(Celebrity Apprentice)" Thanks! @rogergreig Thanks. Good.morning, I'm going to work! "@TheRealBlakeHo: Donald Trump is a boss. Always Trumpin' people...and Trumpin' the competition. Love it. #CEO" "@zander_humes: Wish Donald Trump didn't stop running for president." So do I! "@sayylalalaselah: #confessionnight I want to one day slap Donald trump in the face" BUT REMEMBER, DUMMY, HE HITS BACK REALLY HARD! "@FemiAdebanji: I like thinking big. If you’re going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big. – Donald Trump" "@AnneLewisChicag: Fool Donald Trump once, shame on you. Fool Donald Trump twice… well, you can’t fool him a second time! "@samvuko: Mac Miller has one good song & its "Donald Trump" & its really just the beat that's cool." AND THE NAME! "@D_Raww16: Donald Trump is his only good song in my opinion" EXCEPT FOR HIS DONALD TRUMP SONG, LITTLE MAC MILLER'S MUSIC SUCKS! "@pencey_mouth: remember when donald trump blocked me. i'm proud of myself" NO, YOU'RE A LOSER! "@MrNiceeWatch: Buying Egyptian cotton covers and Silk sheets for my Donald Trump Serta King size bed first thing tomorrow.!" #1 BED-SERTA! "@CatsPolitics: Some of us never stopped ignoring him. RT @Slate: ONLY THE REALLY SMART ONE'S NEVER STOPPED.! "@riggs_deb: @realDonaldTrump My hubby just said you're his 2016 pick. I told him to get in line. I picked you first. #Trump2016" Adorable! "@markhansen295: @realDonaldTrump save us Mr Trump 2016" Do not fear! "@PHLBaseballNsdr: .@realDonaldTrump @ForeverMcIn I'm voting for you whether you officially run or not! Trump for Prez and Christie for VP." "@rmt834: @realDonaldTrump America needs a businessman to run the country,not a politician with zero business acumen." "@ZDavi14: @realDonaldTrump is too smart. He's the real deal. #RoleModel. Love ya man!" You sound great! "@LordKaa213: @realDonaldTrump I dont know how you do it. Getting the attention of mass media with ridiculous bullshit. You are special" "@Nautilus916: @realDonaldTrump @k_monchk What could Donald possibly say that Romney, McCain, Santorum, Palin, and Bachmann haven't" PLENTY "@ForeverMcIn: @realDonaldTrump Will I have the opportunity to vote for you in 2016? #votetrump" We will see, thanks! Not only is @Toure a racist (and boring), he's a really dumb guy! "@Omaha_Tiger: @realDonaldTrump - how do you deal with idiots on daily basis?" Ignore them. "@k_monchk: #Obama!! Is gonna knock @realDonaldTrump to the ground on a debate." He woild.have no chance -lets go! "@DrVinayChopra: @realDonaldTrump I want to learn golf from the best. Can you teach me? :) I heard you are an amazing golfer!" TRUE! "@me2palas1yap: @realDonaldTrump @Naplessun4664 i got dollars on Trump. "@scubapoet: Hell, reality gets under his skin. :D RT @Toure: I think @realDonaldTrump blocked me." True, because you're a boring racist! "@Naplessun4664: @realDonaldTrump ...maybe you will be debating Hillary!" Maybe! "@TruckerSamF: @realDonaldTrump @NickTryIt @ariannahuff @HuffingtonPost Arianna has 1.3 million followers" Trump is new and has 2.3 million "@maximusreign: @realDonaldTrump @NickTryIt @ariannahuff @HuffingtonPost Michael Moore likes her #Trump2016" "@CBauer71: I would pay to see @realDonaldTrump debate #Obama!!" OK with me! "@NickTryIt: @realDonaldTrump @ariannahuff Is @HuffingtonPost even regarded as a valid source of information.. By anyone??" NO! "@39caroline: @realDonaldTrump @HuffingtonPost @ariannahuff all good cos I dont read huffington post. Its garbage" It is failing badly! "@LadyGaydar: @realDonaldTrump you are an important person that's why @HuffingtonPost @ariannahuff can't stop talking about you." "@lefthandedrant: @realDonaldTrump @HuffingtonPost @ariannahuff they re-run stories every hour....and yes she is as goofy as she is dopey! @ariannahuff, I would love to represent your husband-you would end up with nothing! And please don't call Tim Armstrong stupid and weak? Did the poor but smart to leave ex-husband of @ariannahuff get any of the dollars she got for the use of his name in really stupid AOL deal? The failing @HuffingtonPost and dopey @ariannahuff are writing so much false junk about me-they just can't get enough! BE CAREFUL. @MoFarber "@realDonaldTrump I love all your inspirational quotes! It keeps us going... thanks Donald!" Great! @sonnset2 He knows the best place! @PartylikeRlove1 A long time ago, thanks. @Timm_Martin I understand, thanks. Thank you Readers' Choice: Trump Int'l Hotel Las Vegas has been nominated by 10 Best for "Best Pet-Friendly Hotel" http://goo.gl/9pjOz0 "Make your life as groundbreaking as possible, while also minding the tides and riptides around you." - Think Like a Champion @stingluver "@realDonaldTrump my 19 year old son, Logan, is hoping you run in 2016. Me too!" Thank you Logan and Erin. @jodiyilek "@realDonaldTrump you have my vote! ★★★★★" Thanks. @mjayshilling Thanks. @Sam_Rellim So true--thanks. Congratulations to @JasonDufner on winning the PGA championship. Great job! “Money may not grow on trees, but it does grow from talent, hard work, and brains.” – Think Like a Billionaire @MatthewSmales1 Thank you! "@texas4: @realdonaldtrump great speech in Iowa" Thank you, it was fun! "@duqVille: hey @realDonaldTrump i walked into the lobby of trump soho. by far the best hotel and professional staff in nyc." Thanks! "@RonnaKirkland: @realDonaldTrump Send some ties to Eric Bolling. He needs them." @ericbolling is this so? "@LinFlies: @realDonaldTrump @KevinMartinRI We need you in the White House Trump!" Thank you! "@SullivanShane9: @realDonaldTrump Visited Trump Towers today in New York. It's a beautiful building http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BRavRzICUAA4dxh.jpg" "@liztemkin: .@realDonaldTrump called here in LA; prepaid 2 mos w/out a discount yet for SHO & TMC; got my bill reduced by $59/mo +credit. I can't believe that in New York we can't watch the PGA Championsip on CBS. How .much discount is Time Warner giving its customers? "@cobra4748: @realDonaldTrump You are the only candidate ! We need someone like you who wants nothing but to save our country and make great @jonkarl - very fair interview! "@DTomback: @realDonaldTrump : Great job on this week! Way to stick it to the liberal media." "@Omaha_Tiger: @realDonaldTrump just saw you on @ThisWeekABC - absolutely awesome. Thanks for giving me hope in the US." "@DanScavino: @realDonaldTrump @theFAMiLYLEADER just saw last nights speech via DesMoines Register - was amazing Mr. Trump! Thanks Dan! @tayloroftexas So nice, good morning! @theFAMiLYLEADER Thank you, I had an amazing time! "@TheNickSutton: .@realDonaldTrump great job during your interview on @ThisWeekABC! This country needs you." Thank you! @michaelfrench52 Don't lie, you will watch with great gusto! @charleslfreemn My finances have been totally filed dummy! @tlcesq I already released them you moron! @theFAMiLYLEADER It was great being with you last night - fantastic people, and Bob V is special!!! @ThisWeekABC Should be interesting - lets see how fair and honest they will be! Enjoy @ThisWeekABC I enjoyed my intetview with @jonkarl-I only hope it is fairly edited! @jonkarl interviews me on This Week during which time he stated that he was "pretty sure" President Obama was born in the U.S. Bad question! @not_that_actor Very interesting!!! @TPLRRT1 Thanks Thomas! "@DEN_RG: Where's @realDonaldTrump this Saturday morning? Twitter not as much fun without The Donald!" I agree 100% - and thanks! @alikilmartin. Stay tuned! "@izakstrauss: @realDonaldTrump I bought a shirt two years ago while visiting NY, still receiving compliments!! Love it!!" Thanks! Big crowd expected tomorrow night in Iowa. It will be interesting and fun - great people! “Watch what people are cynical about, and one can often discover what they lack.” - General George S. Patton Eliot had a terrible debate performance this morning against Scott Stringer. He can’t spin his failing and contemptible public record. The Trump Signature Collection, exclusively available at @Macys, is the pinnacle of style and prestige http://bit.ly/15AXyl0 Thank you @GolfMagazine for putting my Scotland course on your cover and a Top 100 course in the world. http://bit.ly/dZWRW9 Colin Montgomerie @montgomeriefdn You are not only a great golfer, you are doing a great job of commentary @GolfChannel First Minister @AlexSalmond will be destroying the beauty of Scotland with his insane desire for bird killing wind turbines. .@AlexSalmond is making a truly stupid mistake by forcing ugly industrial wind turbines down Scotland’s throat –he's hated for it. If the gov't shuts down, it is because Obama wants to make working Americans buy ObamaCare while businesses and gov't are exempt. If FM @AlexSalmond needs to litter Scotland w/ ugly industrial wind turbines to gain independence, he will lose! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BRQCh6cCEAE-JJK.jpg FACT – the reason why Americans have to worry about a government shutdown is because Obama refuses to pass a budget. Re: hiring contractors, remember the cheapest isn't always the best. Their work may have to be redone & they may not be reliable. In the latest poll, Danger-Weiner’s numbers have sunk. I wonder how Carlos handled the stress? He is one whacko sicko sexter. I will be addressing a fantastic Ames crowd at tomorrow's @bobvanderplaats’ @theFAMiLYLEADER Leadership Summit http://bit.ly/14QE7b9 .@AScottPGA Really solid playing--keep going! .@JustinRose99 Great playing--we are proud of you! Via @TheBrodyFile: "Iowa Evangelical Leader Says Donald Trump Is Bold And Transparent" http://bit.ly/14CmxbO Blackdog, Scotland, started a petition against @VattenfallGroup. http://chn.ge/14anK39 @aa_newey Thanks. @Austin_Bighurt @IvankaTrump When we finish, it will be one of world's great hotels. @BillKicklighter "Made sure to visit @TrumpTowerNY during our 1st vacation to NYC. Well done @realDonaldTrump!" Thanks. @augustskaro @MONIKAKOVACS @JasonDolan Only some! @masov40 "@ryanjorde @realDonaldTrump money solves all problems #momoneymoproblems" Wrong! Sleepy eyes @chucktodd, when looking at my financial filings, should’ve said “Great job Mr. Trump, Sir.” Doesn’t dummy @chucktodd realize that when I considered running for president, I filed financial papers showing unbelievable numbers. Sleepy eyes @chucktodd—one of the dumbest voices in politics-- is angry that I’m doing @ThisWeekABC. @MattyD859 "@realDonaldTrump. @BillRancic Biggest motivation and THEE best role models ever!" Bill is a terrific guy! @SmuMom54 He should meet him & beat him--but that doesn't look like it's going to happen. @NY2DC_N_BACK @blackpoolsinger @piersmorgan Wrong, Piers is smart & tough and, when you get to know him, a really good guy--and loyal! "@brodie7878: @realDonaldTrump @arcuate We will have electric and people will make money but birds will be extinct in 20 years." Obama should meet with Putin snd convince him to do what is good for the U.S. It's called good dealmaking or, simply, leadership! Cajole. "@arcuate: dude that's freaking cool as heck RT @realDonaldTrump wind turbine blades will slice 14 million birds and bats to death in 10 yrs "@big1john: @realDonaldTrump wind turbine blades will slice 14 million birds and bats to death in mid-flight during the next decade. "@InNovember2012: @realDonaldTrump I would prefer a Trump/Giuliani ticket, but a Trump/Anyfreakingbody ticket would make me delirious. @showtimeshelby Thanks @mjobrey27 66 @TLoUTEngineer Thanks. "@Jackclemens1: @realDonaldTrump I met someone this evening who had a story about what you did for some foster kids and it moved me. Thsnks. @jake_grimes Thanks. @ClemensIsland13 Have a great time-happy birthday! @ChrisStackStacy Thanks. "@JTFoxx: @alex_leventis @realDonaldTrump in my eyes the greatest real estate coach is Donald Trump. He leads by example!" I am the BEST,thx @scottlara1961 Have a Happy Birthday. "@kyleraccio: @KyleMcCall4 Thank you. @realDonaldTrump warned for a year now about windfarms - Salmond is a moron" "@kyleraccio: Windfarms are destroying the environment and bird wildlife. May not be politically correct, but it's the truth. @KyleMcCall4 So true-Alex Salmond is absolutely killing these great and brave people! For all of those who have been asking about online sales, the Donald J. Trump Signature Collection ties & shirts are sold @Macys.com Being true to yourself equals being true to your brand.That’s the solid foundation that will keep your brand flourishing. -Midas Touch RT @KyleMcCall4: Hey @realDonaldTrump! Blackdog started a petition against Vattenfall. No 1 wants a substation 400 ft from their home! http… Just a few days until I keynote at @bobvanderplaats’ @theFAMiLYLEADER Leadership Summit in Iowa http://bit.ly/14QE7b9 Very exciting “It’s a good idea to take your own pulse once in a while instead of focusing on what the masses are doing.” – Think Like a Champion @MaxKnowsAll "@realDonaldTrump England Loves Donald Trump. Where can we buy your ties from over here please?" Check out @Macys.com @TheBarkerBaker Great, go get 'em! @blackpoolsinger @piersmorgan Because Piers won Celebrity Apprentice & is wonderful--and I just started with Twitter. @LKR_Fan24 "Hey @realDonaldTrump visited Trump International Hotel in #Vegas yesterday. What a fantastic hotel." Thanks! @DavidPerez728 @TrumpLasVegas Great! "@GusMan2013: @realDonaldTrump @TraceAdkins dream team for president/ vice president ticket 2016. Make it happen!" I am proud of Trace! "@McLeanGolf: Drove around the new "Blue Monster" again tonight. Saving photos. What Donald Trump has done here will shock golf world! "@WinPropP: @UrplePingo My favorite person on twitter is @realDonaldTrump" Thanks! @sjohnstonefilm Thank you! "Patience is the greatest of all virtues." -- Cato "Get respect, and do not give a damn if people like you." --Think Big “Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement.” - W. Clement Stone @flowergirl56 Thanks. @pikedagger1868 Keep your chin up, keep going. @GeorgePTransue @BW @trumpwinery @EricTrump Thank you. @bradleymenglin Good luck! @marc_soler1 My honor! Do not underestimate yourself, and know you are able to handle what comes your way by increasing your leverage. Ft. Hood Jihadi Nidal Hassan has been paid over $300g in Army salary while on trial. His victims are deprived of any benefits... .@VanityFair’s 2013 dwindling sales continue to sink at an even faster record rate under Graydon Carter http://bit.ly/14jVX4o Disaster! @GodfreyGR Thanks Ian. @GovMikeHuckabee Great being on your show--see you soon! @tvmario Thanks! @DJKelly78 Thank you. .@TrumpSoHo features a striking glass walled building w/ loft inspired interiors http://bit.ly/14jSLpe NYC's trendiest luxury hotel The Trump Organization is honored to have been awarded the redevelopment of The Old Post Office. Will be DC's finest hotel. RT @TrumpDoral: Are you a fan of Trump Doral? Vote for us as the Best Golf Course in the Floridians Awards! http://ow.ly/nqKZU "Trump Finalizes Agreement For Trump International Hotel, The Old Post Office Building, Washington, D.C." http://bit.ly/11JOP04 Excited to be keynoting @bobvanderplaats’ @theFAMiLYLEADER Leadership Summit in Iowa this Saturday http://bit.ly/14QE7b9 @Rudmania20 Happy Birthday Shane. #TrumpVine Weiner is a joke.... https://vine.co/v/hbVIpxaQ7Wm "@ilerios97: @realDonaldTrump SIXTEEN is amazing!!!! The best dinner I've ever had in my life!!!" Thanks,best in Chicago! "@Lisa_goforth: @realDonaldTrump. Love Chicago trump hotel. Beautiful. Raises the bar for other hotels." "@alexsiminoff: @realDonaldTrump is my model. I have been looking up to him for the longest time." Thanks! "@MikeT_CT: Goddammit. I agree with Trump. MT "@realDonaldTrump: A-Rod gets 200 game penalty. It's time to let Pete Rode into The Hall! @RachelYohee HI! @KelBug99 HI! Let @PeteRose in the HOF - it's time! "@JAGOfficial: @realDonaldTrump @ApprenticeNBC has inspired me to have a fundraiser event this Sunday at my home for a bone marrow case. "@GoHarderFitness: @realDonaldTrump Just checked in at Trump Itnl Hotel Las Vegas. We love our amazing suite! Thank you!" Enjoy! @Mikeveltman Good luck again! @Deneetro Happy birthday! "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." --Benjamin Franklin @kingmortimer Best to look up titles at http://Trump.com under publications. Start with The Art of the Deal and Never Give Up. @DianeJackson9 If you love what you're doing, the energy and passion will be there. It's the best way to succeed. @Randirobics Yes, it will be amazing. @BrianRyback Thank you Brian and good luck. “Be tough, be smart, be personable, but don’t take things personally. That’s good business.” – Think Like a Champion “I’ve found that people work harder when they are held accountable, and their confidence rises along with that.” – Midas Touch @DanielHR27 Thanks! "@MathemagicianUK: @realDonaldTrump @Numerologynow. I'm pretty sure it was like 10M. To turn that into 10B clearly shows he's good! "@Mishaforever: @realDonaldTrump @MikeDGarrison Fuck yeah! She SHOULD have to pay!" She said some really bad and stupid things. "@John923: @realDonaldTrump I agree...But what have you done lately?" More than ever before! "@MikeDGarrison: "Judge orders Miss Pennsylvania to pay Donald Trump $5M in defamation case. http://nyp.st/12I6Fks” @realDonaldTrump hits. @ninetek Then why do you follow me like a little puppy, moron? "@TunisieAffaires: Honestly ---> @realDonaldTrump is a model to follow when it comes to the business world" Thank you! "@KrisztinaO: @realDonaldTrump where we going???" If our leaders don't get nuclear weapons under control, the sharks won't have us to eat! "@Numerologynow: @realDonaldTrump U R RICH because your #DADDY left U with 400 Million. I only wish my daddy left me 400M loser-Now over 10B Sharks are last on my list - other than perhaps the losers and haters of the World! Sorry folks, I'm just not a fan of sharks - and don't worry, they will be around long after we are gone. "@BENBRICE7: @realDonaldTrump how's progress on the Scottish golf course coming along? #interested" Finished and great. Leaving Miami-Trump National Doral will be GREAT! "@TowerRecordsPrj: @realDonaldTrump any memory of you and Tower Records founder Russ Solomon? A good guy and fine tenant. "@josephmcasey: Why would @HISTORY ever choose @realDonaldTrump to discuss the industrial revolution. #facepalm" Because they are smart! "@4everSharkie: #iHateTheFactThat @trumpcasinos serves #sharkfinsoup and @realDonaldTrump could be a hero and stop it! You like sharks? @farm_mom So true! Our trade deficit just jumped in May to “the second-highest level on record” http://bloom.bg/1aCqkHp FAIR trade, not free trade. I TOLD YOU. Obama-Putin Moscow meeting on 9.3-4 http://bit.ly/14MTqNY On the agenda, 2013 Trump @MissUniverse Pageant in Moscow on 11.9, on @nbc! Stop and frisk works. Instead of criticizing @NY_POLICE Chief Ray Kelly, New Yorkers should be thanking him for keeping NY safe. In 2011 I said that Mubarak never should have been ousted because whoever replaces him will be worse. Obama made a mistake. Via @nypost: "Trump’s links getting green" http://bit.ly/1aCj3aA @lbenson3 You're right, it's beautiful--thanks! RT @TrumpCollection: The Trump Hotel in Washington will features 250 expansive guest rooms, all in the iconic Old Post Office Building: htt… I just arrived in Miami where I will be checking out construction of the brand new Trump National Doral - always closely watch construction! Nice article on Trump Links at Ferry Point in today's New York Post - the construction is going really well! "@TAZZYdevil13: @realDonaldTrump When will we every catch a break ?" Only with new and smart leadership! He would be crazy to play in L.A. - really bad coach who can't adjust to his players! "@KingJonnie1: @realDonaldTrump Wish you would host Apprentice UK! Be great to see a REAL business genius rather than a dull grumpy grey one Wow, Obama Care just got delayed by over a year because it is so complicated it cannot be understood - the beginning of the end! Oil prices just went over $100 per barrel for first time in nine months! "@fastfranky5: @realDonaldTrump if u don't run for President, who would be ur best next choice ??? #CONCERNED" Lets see how it plays out. "@kennymacaskill1: @realDonaldTrump my lives less than a mile don't the road he and all of balmedie are big fans #fact2 #kingtrump" Thanks. "@pskibbe: @realDonaldTrump Saw editorial on TV. Forcing whites out of their properties & throwing them into the streets with nothing." @kennymacaskill1 Thanks! "@tbclem2: @realDonaldTrump where will Dwight Howard sign? Will he join your pal @mcuban" The best fit for him would be Houston! "@MaaattyB: @realDonaldTrump are you in Aberdeen just now? How is the course looking?" Fantastic! "@HawksFanDenver: @realDonaldTrump What is the best way to grow money when not starting with much?" Marry a rich person! "@farmcrayzee: @realDonaldTrump EVERY penny, I live in South Africa, they steal EVERYTHING and ANYTHING!" "@L_Jackson_78: @realDonaldTrump welp. mr trump you won't respond to me so I'm gonna just try to talk to richer people than you.Aren't many! @BornAgain8344 Will they pay us for the help-they have plenty of money (oil). @Dzeroseven Wrong! @FamousUmair That's great! "@JefePinal: @realDonaldTrump is a fucking genius." TRUE! "@Mike12Currin: @realDonaldTrump how much money did Fred leave u to start ur empire?" A small fraction of what I've created and built! @Pourquoipas20 Good idea, will create one. @DurangoRick Thank you:-) "@Sebuliba: "@Forbes: Ugandan mogul Ashish Thakkar says that Donald Trump is ignorant about Africa" Wrong, if anything it's worse than I say "@DaLynxBk: Is it true @realDonaldTrump "@Forbes: Ugandan mogul Ashish Thakkar says that Donald Trump is ignorant about Africa" I'm right! @dwangpow So true! "@smoss319: @realDonaldTrump Trump for President!!! XoSM mosscreativemediagroup" Thank you Susan! "@Jeromeister: Really @realDonaldTrump, are you sure "Every penny of the $7 billion going to Africa as per Obama will be stolen". Just 97%. "@Buhlebabe: RT @realDonaldTrump: "Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work." - Aristotle! "@ollact: @realDonaldTrump To quote your own father is awesome and he is oh so right! Thank you Fred" My father was a great guy and teacher "@kennethsmithmd: @realDonaldTrump I am a new independent business owner with ACN and just watched the interview with Darren Hardy...awesome "Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work." - Aristotle “Having an ego and acknowledging it is a healthy choice. Our ego gives us a sense of purpose.” – Think Like a Champion RT @TrumpLasVegas: @TrumpLasVegas has the highest corporate meeting venue in #LasVegas. Check out the Empire Room on the 64th floor! http:/… “You have to have a good reason for doing what you’re doing because people connect with the why.” – Midas Touch “Get in. Get it done. Get it done right. Get out.” – My father, Fred C. Trump .@billmaher has continually degraded Catholic Church on the joke he calls a show http://bit.ly/1b2xZ04 Catholics should boycott HBO. .@Yankees are making a big mistake sending the doping @AROD to rehab assignment. Should suspend him until investigation is over. I am honored to be receiving the American Spectator Foundation Award for excellence in entrepreneurialism in Washington DC this fall. Instead of attacking me, Ashish J. Thakkar should worry about the culture of corruption plaguing Uganda http://bit.ly/14MUXnd I don’t know Dennis Kozlowski, who made Tyco into a great company & then went to prison, but he’s up for parole—let him go! Snowden, if you’re such a hero then come back home and face justice. In reality, you are just another wiseguy traitor. Anti-Morsi protests are 10 times larger than 2011 anti-Mubarek protests. Interesting. Trump Puerto Rico is 1st development in Puerto Rico to combine lavish residences, world class golf & a beach http://bit.ly/ZXL71D @DurangoRick Thank you! @jaymztyler I would stop paying him immediately. RT @TrumpCollection: Read about the next Collection hotel, Trump Vancouver, coming in 2016: http://ow.ly/mgKgH "@KeyAgents: @realDonaldTrump is a no nonsense man, he means what he says, and does what he intends and sets out to do. I'm a fan of great "@fvb123: "@realDonaldTrump "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Churchill"" "You have to love what you do or you are never going to be successful no matter what you do in life." - Think Big Yesterday Obama compared Nelson Mandela to George Washington in Africa. Do you think he really believes it? We should be concerned about the American worker & invest here. Not grant amnesty to illegals or waste $7B in Africa. RT @TrumpDoral: The new Trump Doral website! Be sure to visit and see what's new: http://ow.ly/mxV6B "Trump: 'Terrible traitor' Snowden embarrassing US" http://bit.ly/14lnxxh via @thehill by @JTSTheHill Congratulations to @secupp on joining @newtgingrich on @CNN’s Crossfire. Show will be excellent! Millions protesting in Egypt for Morsi’s ouster http://nyti.ms/14lrMZM When will Obama demand Morsi’s resignation as he did to Mubarak Located in beautiful Briarcliff, NY, @TrumpNationalNY features a 7,291 yard course just 25 minutes outside NYC http://bit.ly/bhn5fU Via @reason: "Donald Trump: I Can Fix America" http://bit.ly/14lrcuS Our thoughts and prayers are w/ the families of the 19 brave firefighters who died fighting the Arizona wildfire. God bless them. @spence_derek I'll bet he was! Via WSOC_TV: "Donald Trump's son says family thinking about expanding in uptown Charlotte" http://bit.ly/14loGVo Great job @EricTrump Fox and.Friends now! "@mm13815: @realDonaldTrump here is a novel idea. How about using that 7 billion to take care of our own country." PERFECTLY STATED! "@EditiEffiong: .@AbangMercy @realdonaldtrump Africa can solve its own problems with stronger institutions, less corruption & impunity" Ohhh Edward Snowden is absolutely killing the the U.S. with other countries! "@Chase_Combs4: Getting ready to watch @realDonaldTrump on @FoxNews! #SmartGuy" Will be on 7 A.M. "@FreetownSpurs: @realDonaldTrump going to New York for first time in November.Any recommendations which hotel to stay?" Trump Int.-1 CPW. 19 firefighters killed in Arizona - terrible tragedy! Every penny of the $7 billion going to Africa as per Obama will be stolen - corruption is rampant! "@carson_evans1: @realDonaldTrump You were right back in January when you said Boeing was the stock to buy..." Thank you! "@nate_rogerthat: @realDonaldTrump why you hate @mcuban so much?" I don't hate him at all. "@TXPride80: @realDonaldTrump What would be better than you buying an NBA team and beating Cuban's team on a regular basis? Who cares? "@DurangoRick: @realDonaldTrump Thoughts on Obama pledging 7B US $$ "to unleash the power of entrepreneurship.. in Africa”??" Crazy! "@hammsbear: @realDonaldTrump what's your thoughts on ND? Best state in the union right?" Great State - SMART! @kenzig Thank you. "@JenDeJournett: @realDonaldTrump true. Always watch the construction close...esp the change orders & field slips. So true, I'm impressed! "@dentstwitt: @EDM___HEAD @realDonaldTrump @EdandBev My question is did MLK Jr. use the 'N' word? No, only Paula Dean used it! "@davidrhythmguit: @realDonaldTrump @Chuffman48 Mark Cuban accepts the fact that the President of the United States was born here." Doubt it "@NickFronduto: @realDonaldTrump We have our annual @WFFSA Conference at the Doral October 23-25...will courses be OK to go? Yes "@marc_soler1: @realDonaldTrump why you take so serious so many stupid tweets, you are the Golden Boy of Real State, all my respects." "@MetalMadSean: @realDonaldTrump Your thoughts on Obama's trip to Africa?" A total waste of taxpayers money! $100 million. "@Chuffman48: @realDonaldTrump I mean Mark Cuban is better with his money than you" Not even close, dopey. "@Chuffman48: @realDonaldTrump or should I ask mark Cuban to tweet at me since you wont" He is boring, and much poorer than me! "@djgura: @realDonaldTrump ~ $10BB? Forbes has you at $3BB, what gives?" They know nothing about me or my numbers. "@EDM___HEAD: @realDonaldTrump @EdandBev lyin ass nigga" Why does Paula D get destroyed and you can use the "N" word so freely, asshole? "@renee_mk: @realDonaldTrump I bet there are a lot of other things or people in this world that could use that money" I create lots of jobs "@sweetsare: @realDonaldTrump Hope the renovation is going well." Thanks, when finished it will be the best in Country-and going well. "@EdandBev: @realDonaldTrump when do you expect the course to be finished?" November. "@cheriecorso: @realDonaldTrump I wish more people had ur tude" But they don't. I am going to Trump National Doral in Miami this week to check out the $250 million renovation. In construction, always watch the money! I am so disappointed that the Yankeed haven't terminatrd A-Rod's contract. There is no way they would not win in court! Hard to believe. Just watched Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg on 60 Minutes. She should spend more time trying to get the F stock price up & less on her ego! "@nicko7785: @realDonaldTrump just got to NYC, what's ur best tip to enjoy this amazing city?" Go to Trump Tower, 57th. & 5th. Avenue. "@JUSTGRIND: @realDonaldTrump How do you feel that the central park 5 were innocent" Innocent of what-how many people did they mugg? "@queenof72: @realDonaldTrump u should have run for president. our country is in a mess" Much bigger than you know! "@2p2TrollCat: @realDonaldTrump Why do you hate so many people?" I don't, I love people! @danshaw2012 True! Everytime someone tweets that I wear a wig realize to yourself that you are dealing with "them" - just another sad & lonely hater and loser! "@RSmithMIA: @realDonaldTrump what's your favorite book?" Trump, The Art of the Deal. "@MrsDaRe: @jimbhoyx @realDonaldTrump If you hate him so much then why do you follow him? Because these people are serious losers (& lonley) "@newnonny: @BmoreBadBoy81 @realDonaldTrump don't hate him for being successful. Hate him for being an "asshole" Actually, I agree with that I like doing this once a month for the haters & losers (and as they know)-I don't wear a "wig". Some may not like my hairstyle, but all mine @CarlosGerboles Wrong, made a lot of money in Atlantic City-and most kids do blow their inheritance, or do nothing with it-look at stats. "@newnonny: @realDonaldTrump @sroyboyk prove it. And while you're at it, prove your alleged IQ as well." The highest, asshole! "@danielrogerson: @realDonaldTrump would you ever consider opening a hotel in London? I'd certainly stay." Yes! "@catmos0: @realDonaldTrump You are a brilliant Business man! The US needs your skills to become great!! Trump for President." Thank you! "@jerrimoore: @realDonaldTrump @RyanSeanHeron A beautiful brilliant daughter @IvankaTrump" True! "@Showstopper1020: @realDonaldTrump Thank You for what you have achieved it makes me work harder to achieve more for myself and my family" "@sroyboyk: @realDonaldTrump How much $ did you start with? Not a hater, just trying to get an answer. A tiny fraction of what I have built. "@johnnyboob2: @realDonaldTrump haha you went bankrupt once? thats sad and embarassing" I never went bankrupt moron-see Buffett,Kravis,Zell! "@2ndNatureShh: @realDonaldTrump What are your thoughts on this @Paula_Deen drama?" Paula has to stop apologizing and get back to work! "@MrsDaRe: @realDonaldTrump It breaks my heart u won't run 4 president and help so many more of us!" Lets see what happens! @ebrumby Thank you. "@995mu: @realDonaldTrump @DylanHEndlich Cause this is the best place to tell people to fux off without saying so. #Twitter" "@stevebickerton2: @realDonaldTrump @RyanSeanHeron I know he supports others and he does not want or get in the news papers for it" Thanks. "@DylanHEndlich: I don't understand why @realDonaldTrump wastes his time with fools on Twitter" I don't either (I feel sorry for them?). "@RyanSeanHeron: @realDonaldTrump have you ever contributed anything positive to the world? Making yourself rich. Created thousands of jobs @spsmith78 So how is he allowed to get away with the crap he says? "@YoungBasedGod_g: @realDonaldTrump your dad gives good brain?? Damn" It's called genes! "@AngryJesusRants: @realDonaldTrump why do you need so much? Change some lives, feed some hungry" I do, big league! "@blmeek: @realDonaldTrump you could have blown all the money or made it grow.....People are just jealous." Totally true and thank you! What my father really gave me is a good (great) brain, motivation and the benefit of his experience-unlike the haters and losers (lazy!). You mean the fact that my father left me some money (as a good father will) and I multiplied it many, many times to over $10 billion-is bad? @KillngAmerJobs They will mostly vote for Dems. I don't get @billmaher and his terrible show - he is dumb as a rock but tries so hard to pass himself off as a great intellect. Check past! "Imagination is more important than knowledge." --Albert Einstein "Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with other innovations." - Steve Jobs Congratulations to @newtgingrich‎ on being signed to co-host @CNN Crossfire. Great move by Jeff Zucker. Obama’s carbon tax plan will finance more windmills in America. More real estate depreciated, wildlife killed, incl. bald eagles RT @TrumpChicago: Our VP @tcolmocallaghan & @chefpatrickfahy presented @88PKane & the @NHLBlackhawks with this chocolate trophy! http://t.c… “Always strive to outdo yourself.” – Think Big Situated in the heart of downtown Toronto, the 65 story @TrumpTO offers an elegant and wonderful lifestyle http://trumptoronto.ca/ Another example of the destruction caused by wind turbines. Unnecessary waste--horrible! http://bit.ly/19zCscq "@VolitanLioness: @realDonaldTrump I don't know Donald, but he sure has made our government look foolish!" So, who hasn't? RT @elite_traveler: The boardroom moment. We pick our Trump Top 10 from the successful Trump Empire @realdonaldtrump @ivankatrump http://t.… How did Snowden, with not even a high school education, get access to top secret U.S. records. He then gave, or sold, those records-traitor! "@Zaranawabzadi: @realDonaldTrump @Jahbalon Trust me its been a while we saw an American as a president. i am for Sir Donald" "@TeaPartyHub: Infuriating that our government buys our flags from China! Such disrespect! http://dailycaller.com/2013/06/23/lawmakers-want-to-stop-government-from-buying-usa-flags-from-china/ @WashingtonDCTea "@ToddRiddolls: @realDonaldTrump how do you find the time?" Not easy! @Rogerjmunson Only 40 hours? (just kidding). "@Sexys_Back: @realDonaldTrump we need firm decisive leadership, please consider a presidential bid mr trump." You are very smart! "@Jahbalon: I wouldn't mind @realDonaldTrump as President at all. Just the man we need to get this country going again. Thank you! Can you imagine not taking Snowden's passport away before he jetted happily away to foreign lands (where he gave away many U.S. secrets). Keep difficulties in perspective. Ask yourself "is this a blip or is it a catastrophe?" Putin re Snowden issue “it is like shearing a pig: there’s lots of squealing and little fleece.” Call it any way you like, but Snowden is a traitor. When our country was great do you know what we did to traitors? “Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power.” – Lao Tzu There are huge opportunities for profits if you can think big & create big solutions for the human needs brought by trends. -Think Big @AGCCevents @chambertalk Have fun! @inkinhole Very sad, isn't it! @VinceMirabelli @TrumpLasVegas Thanks! @Rich_LaBelle Have fun. @KennethHazlett An answer would not be pretty! @MIbrunette Our country needs the same fix-up. Whether you like it or not, Bush also gave us Obama! Remember, but for Conservatives, Bush would have given us not only Roberts but also Harriet Miers. Face it, Bush was terrible! Why do we always know how the four liberals are going to rule but have to think about which side the Republican judges will go. ObamaCare could "eat up your raise" http://on.mktw.net/14wDhvZ Why isn't Congress defunding it? They're obsessed with amnesty. What a surprise! Newly released audit proves that the IRS only targeted Tea Party groups http://bit.ly/14wBdnr .@tomhanks was fabulous in @LuckyGuyPlay last night—as was the entire cast. Located in Palm Beach, FL, historic Mar-a-Lago features 20 exquisite acres filled w/ world class amenities http://bit.ly/T6hcna "@hoffers1: Just got thru reading "Time to Get Tough" by @realDonaldTrump. It's a shame more people didn't read it before this past election “Ability is nothing without opportunity.” - Napoleon Bonaparte As hard as it is to believe, sexting pervert Anthony Weiner is leading in some polls for Mayor of NYC. China loved Obama’s climate change speech yesterday. They laughed! It hastens their takeover of us as the leading world economy. Obama’s speech on climate change was scary. It will lower our standard of living and raise costs of fuel & food for everyone. “Don’t be afraid of mistakes. They can be learning tools on the way to building something great for yourself.” Think Like a Champion Shining over Fifth Avenue, @TrumpTowerNY (a NY icon) offers a full service restaurant, bar, cafe, ice cream parlor and Gucci. One of the most expensive projects ever in Miami @TrumpDoral’s $200M of renovations are right on schedule. When completed, will be elite! @nstegm Real estate! @pearlharry Thank you! @cherrie_stevens Interesting! @Fordette12 Great! @DerrinTexada Good luck--work hard! @DanilluHermman The Wharton School of Finance is the best! Paula Deen made a big mistake in using a forbidden word but must be given some credit fot admitting her mistake. She will be back! "@nstegm: @realDonaldTrump #askdonald what are you most proud of in your life?" My children! "@cloverc8: @realDonaldTrump that's because you are THE DON... Nothing less than perfect" Thanks-and your baby is beautiful! The people of Scotland love the golf course I have built-it is now considered perhaps the greatest ever built! Thank you also to Robb Report @michael74085825 Almost all residents love the course and the great things it has done for the community. Polls have shown 93% approval:-) @lmetzger3590 Thank you. "@pastapp: @realDonaldTrump YOU'RE MY HERO!!!! I'm going into business because of you! I'm changing my name to Donald!" Cute! @DreadPhil1 Miss USA Pageant is MUCH better! "@CariRead08: @realDonaldTrump I look forward to your wise words every day. Nice to learn from one of the best." You are very smart! @BlackFridayMGT You can't even spell businessman. I use the B laws like Buffett, Kravis, Icahn, Zell etc. you dope-and learn how to spell. "@steamjetboomer: @realDonaldTrump you gotta start blasting Weiner everyday til he loses!" A total pervert Mayor in NYC would be the end! "@sonaderi: @realDonaldTrump @coolchange80 And you're okay with the government spying on you?" Must have power to stop terrorists etc. "@JFSargent: I feel like that last tweet by @realDonaldTrump is gonna be a good one to have on record." Yeah, for me! @micr0driguez They gave up because the shirts, ties and cufflinks are hot sellers @Macy's. "@Jmano33: @realDonaldTrump you are without a doubt the coolest! Not many people stand up for themselves in today's world!!" Thank you. "@AlannaWannabe: Say what you want about @realDonaldTrump, he is a brilliant business man." TRUE! "@CoolChange80: @realDonaldTrump Are you really calling for the execution of #Snowden ." He is a traitor, absolutely. Others won't follow! "@Michelle823: @realDonaldTrump made in China! No way! Lead the manufacturing back to USA !" I am working hard to do so! "@KeyonMATTERS: You are so annoying @realDonaldTrump" Thank you, now get a job! New and great selection of ties, shirts and cufflinks@Macy's - check them out! "@emileegorham: @realDonaldTrump I couldn't be a bigger fan! Love all you do!" Thanks Emilee! @KevinwArchie Thanks. "@LindaSuhler: @GBrucato21 @ericbolling @realDonaldTrump Ah...I don't watch much popular TV. But I do like "The Donald." You're very smart! Congratulations to our great resident of Chicago Trump Tower, Patrick Kane, @88PKane for the #StanleyCup win & winning MVP of series. "If you have a hard time communicating, one way to overcome it is to turn your focus onto your audience." - Midas Touch "Keep stimulating your mind with big ideas. Be a collector of big ideas. Constantly fill your mind with new information." - Think Big Looking forward to my @theFAMiLYLEADER summit visit and speech. .@NikWallenda #Skywire As much credit as he's been given, he wasn’t given enough credit for his incredible feat over Grand Canyon. We need to worry about the American worker first! Unions who secure the border oppose the amnesty bill http://nyti.ms/17baEqx Their expert opinions should at least be listened to. Becoming a US citizen is not a right, it’s a privilege. Yesterday, 15 @GOP senators sided with people who got into this country by breaking our laws. @MFMagOfficial Thank you. Via @Newsmax_Media: “Trump Iowa Visit Raises 2016 Speculation” http://bit.ly/17b2xu9 RT @TrumpCollection: MT @hotelchatter: You can keep up your fitness routines when staying at Trump Hotels with their new wellness program: … @EcatXerxes Go for it! @lorenzolamas Thank you! @513pango That's really nice--good luck! @cwbmustang There certainly is plenty of evil. @HalfMoon4Life Thanks. @1DavidKim @TrumpToronto Great! @paulcdevlin Much better, enjoy it! "@rbdwalker: @realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr Played Trump Golf Links Scotland last week - by far the best course in the world!! Thank you. RT @TrumpChicago: We're thrilled to have Sixteen top the list! @eaterchicago: Here's Your Guide to Hotel Dining http://eater.cc/1aHV746 “Some events will wipe out one person but will make another even more tenacious.” – Think Like a Champion Our debt is about to top $17T. ObamaCare and China (& others) are killing American business. Snowden is showing how weak the U.S. has become. We are being embarrassed by Russia and China on Snowden (and much more) yet Obama is talking about global warming on Tuesday. Excited and honored to be addressing @theFAMiLYLEADER summit in Iowa this August. http://dmreg.co/17xNqhZ Overlooking Central Park, @TrumpNewYork brings both glamor and prestige to your Five Diamond hotel stay http://bit.ly/17xMPNa Via @HotelierME: Olympic golf course designer named by Trump-Damac http://bit.ly/17xPE0J Via @nydailynews: "@IvankaTrump oversees new healthy room-service menu at Trump Hotels" http://nydn.us/17xMevd @ARMusicPlanner Happy Birthday Anthony, Even liberals & Democrats think Eric Schneiderman’s use of the Atty General’s office is unfair & unethical. http://bit.ly/1aGrdNE See Charles Gasparino’s article in today’s NYPost about Eric Schneiderman’s witch hunt against Republicans http://bit.ly/1aGrdNE @pbanura or Ireland? @TrumpPhillyGM @DavisCPAGroup @TrumpPhillyPro Have fun! @BestNewProduct @TrumpCollection Thanks, it is a beautiful city. @EWErickson Enjoy your stay! RT @IvankaTrump: @TrumpCollection is helping you stay in tip-top shape when you're #traveling- Read all about our new Wellness Program http… "@SteveRickettsSP: .@realDonaldTrump does your ego permit you to donate something *without* requiring that your name be on it? State's idea! "@jmuoio88: Pretty sure the reason @realDonaldTrump is so rich is because that guy never drank a drop of alcohol in his life" That helped! "@sufferlonger: What??? @realDonaldTrump has his own NY State Park? This guy is everywhere! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BNaVWtbCMAEb_jt.jpg" It was a gift from me. "@PROestateagent: @realDonaldTrump True! And you are one of them - A great investor." Thank you. "@Bunyolan: @realDonaldTrump HI Chalita Yaemwannang, Miss Universe Thailand 2013 in NC. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BNV9l99CQAAIxXR.jpg" See you in Moscow. @caroleapple Great meeting you! "Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." - Henry Ford "Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." @WWEfan123444 Good luck. Receiving the @RobbReport trophy for best new golf course in the world- Trump International Golf Links Scotland. http://fb.me/2XwgdLIUO RT @Queenruler: @TrumpCollection @TrumpNewYork Loved ❤our stay so much at the Chicago Trump that we just booked for an upcoming stay at Tru… Putin says Russia can’t allow a weakening of its nuclear deterrent—U.S. wants to reduce—are we crazy? @CosmicShiftBar @I_Am_Optimistic Thanks. @BarriMedia Good luck. @fubaglady @CamaroDays Thanks, I do and will! @KJLLeonard Thanks! Due diligence includes increasing your financial IQ daily. The best investors are visionaries—they look beyond the present. Vision remains vision until you focus, do the work, and bring it down to earth where it will do some good. After one of the great chokes in the history of sports, it will be hard for the Spurs to beat the Heat - but who knows. Good game on now! "@Patti_Wavinak: @realDonaldTrump I do have to say I went to your timeline and saw you did NOT tweet that! Hope you catch the bastard!" DONE My people caught the person who committed "forgery" of the James Gandolfini-Obama Care phoney quote attributed to me-fraud. Arrest coming? .@GovernorPerry stopped by to say hello. http://fb.me/Hw9fC6Rz Re negotiation: Trust your instincts even after you've honed your skills. They're there for a reason. RT @IvankaTrump: @realdonaldtrump on the May 1984 cover of #GQ. #tbt http://instagram.com/p/ay1I26CkJF/ @rtwing1020 Thanks--it will be great. Keep focused on your goals. Practice positive thinking. View any conflict as an opportunity--look at the solution, not the problem. Negotiation is persuasion more than power. Negotiation includes a lot of fine lines--and that's what makes it an art. Our debt is about to reach $17T. Iraq has $20T in oil reserves. Interesting. @DannyZuker Loser Danny is obsessed with Trump. We know who did the hoax of James Gandolfini and ObamaCare. Be careful, Mister. James Gandolfini was a remarkable talent. He was also a decent man. We will all miss him. “Keep your brand standard in mind, and your expansion will seem possible as well as gratifying.” – Midas Touch Some dope said I deleted a tweet about James G. There was no tweet and there was no delete-a totally fabricated story (nobody saw tweet). "@bretech2: @niceprogressive I don't thnk his acct was hacked he's saying he never twtd & no1 actually saw it only claimed he deleted. "@not_that_actor: @realDonaldTrump It continues to amaze me how losers just can't stand your success, DJ. But success is the best revenge" "@Lisa_LuciaTesta: @realDonaldTrump I'm sure you didn't. There are a lot of sickos out there!" That's for sure! "@dst1015: @realDonaldTrump my friend and yours Mike San Filippo qualified for the US Sr Open. Mike is a great player-give him congrats! Who would really believe I would say such a thing about a guy I truly liked, James Gandolfini. Sadly, very sick people use my name. I never made the ridiculous comment about James G. and Obama Care - somebody else put it out and attributed it to me. Not my style! @Matglav @IvankaTrump @EricTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr Thank you. I salute all Tea Party Patriots for marching on DC today. Stand strong! Great to see @SarahPalinUSA back on @FoxNews. She's a wonderful woman and commentator. .@Ed_Klein’s book ‘The Amateur’ is out in paper back. Lots of insights. @TheBigAStabile So true. "@KyleMcCall4: A man works construction, is used to loud noise, & can't adapt to noise from a windfarm. Beat EOWDC @realDonaldTrump "@coollikeelvis: @realDonaldTrump Welcome to Vancouver! Hope you enjoy your stay." Thanks! "@NargesNirumvala: @realDonaldTrump WELCOME to #Vancouver Donald! Hope you enjoy our beautiful city. Looking forward to your announcement!" RT @TrumpCollection: Enjoy floor-to-ceiling views from every room in your Corner Suite @trumplasvegas: http://ow.ly/lrp98 "@ldbox: @realDonaldTrump Yes, Apprentice IS better, but world needs to see you on Shark Tank!!!" @tubby511 Thank you! "@ET614: @realDonaldTrump were you listening to Cher's new song? Cher sucks - her song, and music in general, is terrible! "@_ScumPrincess: @realDonaldTrump is the best person I follow" @LongLiveTheBOSS Thank you, very nice! "@DocShanahan1: @realDonaldTrump would love to see you on shark tank.... great white vs hammerheads" But The Apprentice is far better! "@PZoric: @realDonaldTrump rather watch season 7 of #theapprentice" Amazing comeback by The Heat - your friends at your favorite golf club, Trump National Doral, are proud of you. NOW for game 7! Watch the game-really good. "@athompson362: Why did I quit following @realDonaldTrump? Twitter is boring without him. I'm back for good!" Everybody comes back! Great basketball game going on right now! Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend? "@CamaroDays: @realDonaldTrump I don't understand why people hate a very generous and successful businessman?" And such a nice person! The Miami Heat is getting it's ass kicked - they better start playing or it will be a long Summer for them. The Miss Universe Pageant will be broadcast live from MOSCOW, RUSSIA on November 9th. A big deal that will bring our countries together! "@glcarter7: @realDonaldTrump @peaceloveandmeg Mr. Trump, Im 45 today. Can I get a retweet for luck this year?" Good luck! "@MannyMaCoo: I may not agree with some of his politics, but @realDonaldTrump is a phenomenal business man." So true! I met a Trump Twitter hater last night (well known). As he came near me he nervously said, "Mr. Trump, it is an honor to meet you sir!" Nice "@JLsmoothh: @realDonaldTrump I appreciate everything you've done in my lifetime" Thank you Justin! "@MissUSA2005: Love this pic of @missusa, the beautiful Erin & the one and only @realdonaldtrump. Amazing show. Great picture, thanks. "@chrisleigh604: @realDonaldTrump welcome to vancouver . Enjoy your visit" Thank you. Young entrepreneurs – never back down. Take the hits and get up. That’s what makes a winner. RT @JustLuxe: Featured Hotel of the Day: Trump International Hotel & Tower Toronto http://ow.ly/m9iwM @TrumpTO Keep testing your limits. Never become complacent. Always think big! RT @TrumpNewYork: #regram @freddymelendez. Great shot! #centralpark #nyc #view http://instagram.com/p/atSd3kQPj2/ All I can say is that if I were President, Snowden would have already been returned to the U.S. (by their fastest jet) and with an apology! Snowden is doing great damage to our relations with other countries and U.S.prestige. China is laughing at us as he continues illegal action Snowden is sitting in China and taunting the U.S. He is mocking us as a Country. Great time to place a tax on China trade if not turned over "@peaceloveandmeg: but when you're in a beauty contest ran by @realDonaldTrump , all the contestants are republican." Bad grammar (run). "@marzanoj: @realDonaldTrump people think of u as a real estate king. Rightly so, however, u r the marketing king as well." Thank you. Like it or not, haters and losers, everybody is talking about Miss U.S.A. and Miss Utah. By the way she is a fine young woman-unfair to her. Frankly, for a writer, I don’t think @DannyZuker’s stuff is good. In fact, it’s terrible. I own @DannyZuker, but he has his friends & haters & losers tweeting that he beat me. He can’t beat me at anything! A country that does not control or respect its own borders is a country destined for failure. Secure our borders! Trending story on Miss Utah is very unfair. She simply lost her train of thought—could happen to anyone! @MissUSA @MissUniverse My @gretawire int. on Obama scandals not resonating, no retribution on Benghazi, Obama not being engaged http://bit.ly/14dkea7 Congratulations to @EmilyMiller, @mboyle1 & @NolteNC on making @FishbowlDC’s list of "10 Journos You Don't Want to Fight on Twitter." .@GiulianaRancic & @nickjonas both did a wonderful job hosting @MissUSA! Everyone loved @JonasBrothers & @DJPaulyD’s performances! The crowning moment – Conneticut’s Erin Brady winning @MissUSA 2013 http://bit.ly/14dlha5 Congratulations to Connecticut’s Erin Brady on being crowned the 2013 @MissUSA! America will be well-represented in @MissUniverse! RT @IvankaTrump: Check out @TrumpChicago on @elite_traveler’s list of ‘The 12 Best #Hotel Room #Views in the World’ http://bit.ly/16jcTI6 "@JustinRose99: Time to enjoy an amazing day!" You were fantastic in winning the U.S. Open. Your father is looking down and proud of you! "@mattseba: With the endless amount of ties I buy I can say the @realDonaldTrump collection is at the top of my list. #quality Thanks. "@TiffanyATrump: Happy Father's Day dad! Love you! @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BM5p-s4CcAAmqH3.jpg" Thanks Tiffany, I am proud of you! RT @MissUSA: Tweet us using #askmissusa and we will answer them during the Google+ Hangout in 30 min (9pm PT) http://bit.ly/18z0l3p RT @MissUSA: Tune in 6/16 at 9pm ET on NBC and watch for the big surprise. It's going to be big! #missusa https://vine.co/v/hBKzp0iTTlz "@aussiemika74: @realDonaldTrump Any plans to present in Sydney again? Missed the last one, but heard great things about it" YES "@HuandaRulz: @realDonaldTrump Guns in the hands of responsible people saves lives." "@JamesKlatt: @realDonaldTrump moral of this story: guns (when used correctly) save lives!" TRUE! "@extra__ChrisB: @realDonaldTrump Danny is just mad and jealous because you are more successful and have a better TV show than him" Perhaps A family in Las Vegas just stopped a violent home invasion by shooting one of the perpetrators-the other fled and will be captured. Great! "@OnlyOneTweet_: @realDonaldTrump Hello Mr. Trump. Long time reader, first time tweeter. How do I deal with bullies?" ATTACK OR IGNORE! "@dooobieashtray: @realDonaldTrump acts childish fighting with @DannyZuker via internet" Wrong, he started it and I finished it-he's nothing "@jmkjmkjmkjmkjmk: @realDonaldTrump Hey Donald, just want to say, I'm a huge fan of your books. Your a real inspiration. Thanks! "@hellocory: Oh my god the twitter fight between @dannyzuck and @realDonaldTrump" There is no fight with @DannyZuker, he is a nobody! We should stay the hell out of Syria, the "rebels" are just as bad as the current regime. WHAT WILL WE GET FOR OUR LIVES AND $ BILLIONS?ZERO Happy Father's Day to all, even the haters and losers! "@Tommyguns11: @realDonaldTrump Obama arming Syrian rebels is a travesty and an embarassment to the US! What would YOU do?" Stay out! "@DavisCPAGroup: @realDonaldTrump playing pine hill for pops day." Enjoy it! @LeoDiCaprio Come to Miss U.S.A. tomorrow in Las Vegas-will be a great evening! "@TinkerP91: @realDonaldTrump can't wait for Monday mornings with Mr. Trump on Fox and Friends love to hear his opinion. Agree most times. "@littlechutemike: @realDonaldTrump your business sense is amazing. I hope one of my children grow up to be as successful as you" Very nice "@andrewtavani: .@billclinton & @GovChristie 1st met at wedding of @realDonaldTrump, when Christie was US attorney in the Bush admin." TRUE “Don’t find fault. Find a remedy.” – Henry Ford @quicksorter Have a good time, enjoy this great city. @Eurphrosye Great! @AdeleBrumley Thanks! "Work often becomes problem solving. Problems come with the territory, and they should never surprise you." - Think Like a Champion For an advance preview of the Miss USA 2013 contestants, as well as other show details, go to http://www.missuniverse.com My @piersmorgan interview on Snowden the traitor, national security and China hacking us http://bit.ly/12Le8BT @DuchessofDallas Thanks Anna. .@GiulianaRancic & @nickjonas are co-hosting Miss USA 2013 -- Sunday night at 9 PM ET on NBC. @JonasBrothers will be performing. Tune in! Watch Miss USA 2013 Sunday night at 9 PM ET. Live from Planet Hollywood, Las Vegas. http://bit.ly/lQS0Nh Father’s Day is Sunday. Find the perfect gift.Trump Signature Collection is exclusively available @Macys http://bit.ly/15AXyl0 .@IvankaTrump and I are looking forward to visiting Vancouver next week. Big announcement… RT @NBCSports: John Nieporte, a pro at a club owned by @RealDonaldTrump, is one of the best stories at the U.S. Open. Read more: http://t.c… A friend of mine went to @CakeBossBuddy and sent me this beautiful cake which we put in the atrium of @TrumpTowerNY. http://fb.me/Ndl8VDs1 RT @TrumpCollection: The 12 best hotel room views in the world, featuring @TrumpChicago: http://ow.ly/m2cKD RT @elite_traveler: Huge congrats @TrumpCollection your @TrumpChicago has one of the best hotel room views in the world - http://t.co/3XLEL… Still a great time to buy residential property. The courts are holding up foreclosures. Buy directly from the banks. It’s Thursday. How much has OPEC ripped us off today? Challenges present opportunities. Always keep your focus and stay calm. Thanks to everyone for your kind birthday wishes -- very nice! "@Jdawgnuts: @realDonaldTrump if you really thought you could have won, you would have ran." Very bad grammar (run). "@EBlakeSpencer: What a great day @TrumpGolfLA w/ @ChrisUhrig. Can't wait to go back @realDonaldTrump. #highlyrecommended. THANKS. "@courtneyymorgan: Just saw the old post office in Washington DC that @realDonaldTrump is planning to turn into a hotel. It will be gorgeous "@ilory: Whao! So good to know that I share the same birthday as my mentor @realDonaldTrump. Tomorrow's our Birthday!!!!!!" Happy birthday! "@AZDaniel27: @realDonaldTrump. "The penalty of success is to now be bored by people who used to snub you" - Viscountess Astor (1879-1964)" "@GysellAlmonte: I was checking upon @realdonaldtrump bio, and turns out that tomorrow is his birthday! I admire the guy. Thank you! "@HappiiKarii: @realDonaldTrump why didn't you run for this term?" I should have, I would have won! "@Matthew_Pascale: "You have to think anyway, so why not think big?" @realDonaldTrump - Great quote from an experienced leader." @Teerellz_95 You have no chance! "@LanaH11: @realDonaldTrump I've tried watching it a few times and think it is one of the dumbest shows ever! How can it win awards?" "@Leigh26Heather: @realDonaldTrump WHO ON EARTH IS DANNY ZUKER????!!!!" A lightweight moron who only gets attention by attacking Trump. @Sir_KLZA Hater, Danny is getting his ass kicked like he has all of his life! "@psmith819: @DannyZuker @realDonaldTrump so to tell you Danny boy.....trump is winning it.....as he usually does." Danny is easy! @wfdelong Now tell the truth. "@MikeVega4: I have to say I fave no idea who @DannyZuker is but I know @realDonaldTrump is and he has great hotels #whoiszucker" TRUE. Just tried watching Modern Family - written by a moron, really boring. Writer has the mind of a very dumb and backward child. Sorry Danny! "@juliar1206: @realDonaldTrump I'd vote for you too! I work for the welfare dept & I've never seen so many people on it. It should not be. "@JustMeNoahB: @realDonaldTrump Please Run For President... Be Good To Have A Real Business Man In Office" "@spuffer316: You sir, are a great American, I've learned so much from you on so many levels. @realDonaldTrump @IvankaTrump @rbeezybess" @WhiskeySam99 .Sam, you are so pathetic! "@AleksyDaSexy: @realDonaldTrump I'd vote for you for president" Thank you. "@spuffer316: @IvankaTrump you have an amazing father @realDonaldTrump @rbeezybess" Thank you Stu, and Ivanka is a great daughter! "@Tigergal62: Not very presidential: @realDonaldTrump: .@DannyZuker Danny--You're a total loser!" Perhaps, but 100% true! Lightweight @DannyZuker is too stupid to see that China (and others) is destroying the U.S. economically and our leaders are helpless! SAD. "@paynetb: I'm voting for @realDonaldTrump! Calls it like it is! #trump2016" Very nice Frank - our Country does need leadership. "@kevcur8: @realDonaldTrump @WashTimes @EmilyMiller If anyone could start a 3rd party in govt it is U...just do it..build it they will come. "@kevcur8: @realDonaldTrump ally my arse U exposed them years ago DT...time 4 U to get in the game...FOR REAL. You have backers...trust me." "@Rich9ie8: @realDonaldTrump we need more great Americans like you to make this country strong" Thanks for the nice words! "@bingo1bingo2: @realDonaldTrump @dannyzuker wow! That was some fine initiated political arguments u had right there. #Trump2016" Is it a coincidence that the Middle East has blown up since Obama became president? Why isn’t the @GOP congress doing everything possible to defund and cut ObamaCare? "@TONE_L0C: @realDonaldTrump is better than @dannyzuker in a lot of ways, plus Donald has 2million more followers than zuker" "Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul." - General Douglas MacArthur "@Who_MikeJones6: @realDonaldTrump #Trump2016 #zukerisaloser" "@MayaAlusik: @realDonaldTrump @DannyZuker Danny who? "@BahuksanaMPH: @realDonaldTrump agreed, he did the crime now he needs to do the time..face the music....Trump For President 2016" "@lolita_nyc: @realDonaldTrump luv you" That's great! "@ArberDoci: @DannyZuker I think you try and make fun of @realDonaldTrump because you're jealous. Try and compare your career to his." I can't resist hitting lightweight @DannyZuker verbally when he starts up because he is just.so pathetic and easy (stupid)! .@DannyZuker Danny--You're a total loser! Looking forward to speaking at @ralphreed’s @FaithandFreedom Gala Dinner on Friday in D.C. His staff has been great! @scottymcd1980 Have fun and thanks. .@DannyZuker Danny—Let your bosses on Modern Family lend you the money to play the game. Show courage! .@DannyZuker You’re starting up again because people have forgotten you. You wouldn’t take my bet but it’s (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1rkpmbo If @VattenfallGroup dropped out of the economically unfeasible wind farm development in Aberdeen, who is (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1rkpkgc If Snowden was such a hero then he would be in America. He is escaping justice! I've been warning about China since as early as the 80’s. No one wanted to listen. Now our country is in real trouble. #TimetoGetTough @scottymcd1980 A round of golf compliments of me: Trump National Golf Club--Los Angeles. Wow, sexual assaults in the military have gone through the roof, far worse than anybody could have predicted! "@_KatherineWebb: Looking forward to #MissUSA this weekend in Vegas!" Great to have our former.Miss Alabama! "@WilsonLeeFlores: @realDonaldTrump @Chris_McNall is that hype or truly the world's best #golf course?" It is the World's best golf course! @lovevictoria Happy birthday Victoria. "@Yra007Unaj: @realDonaldTrump I most definitely agree with you. Such an inspiration you are" Thanks and work hard and smart! "@Chris_McNall: @realdonaldtrump congratulations on building the "world's best golf course". Scotland makes us jealous!" Thanks Chris. "@Friend_Bus: @wgonet @realDonaldTrump ill admit hes the man when it comes to entrepreneurs" Thank you! @MatthewJPizzo Thanks Matt! "@ldn1017: @_KatherineWebb @realDonaldTrump how come katherine isn't a judge for miss USA????" Because she is friends with Miss Alabama! Amazing… @VattenfallGroup tried to destroy Aberdeen. .@VattenfallGroup has topped Carbon Data’s rankings of the most carbon-intensive companies in the EU’s emissions trading scheme. “The risk of a wrong decision is preferable to the terror of indecision.” – Maimonides @jhayman2 Thank you. @RoborBobor Thank you. Keep stimulating your mind with big ideas. Fill your mind with new information, & use this information to spawn new ideas. - Think Big "Always pretend that you're working for yourself. You'll do a wonderful job. It's simple, but it works." - Think Like a Billionaire Via @WashTimes by @EmilyMiller: "Donald Trump says ‘This country is going to hell in a handbasket’" http://bit.ly/116QmNR RT @TrumpDoral: One year ago today, Doral was added to the @TrumpCollection and began its return to grandeur: http://ow.ly/lVTW6 Congrats to @BarbaraJWalters on winning the @MadeinNY Mayor's Award for Lifetime Achievement! I love Barbara! With so many scandals plaguing Obama, it seems that they all hit him at the right time. Could help him get away w/ all of them. Belated congratulations to @serenawilliams on winning the French Open. A great player & person! .@TrumpGolfLA, has panoramic Pacific Ocean views, features a 7,242-yard public course designed by Pete Dye Please don’t pay attention to all of those phony tweets that mention my twitter handle relative to “diet” -- it is a total scam. Great going to Bob Kraft & Bill Belichick of the @Patriots on @TimTebow. Tim is a winner just like them! @missally52 @Macys Thanks and great job! @Tedieballgame @Macys Me too, thanks! "@AZDaniel27: @RealDonaldTrump. "A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him" D Brinkley "@Riddzey32: @BarackObama 2-Day is #CoachLombardi 100th B-Day! Research him & learn how to be a #TrueLeader @realDonaldTrump" Great coach! "@MagamboArt: RT~☞@realDonaldTrump. Our prayers are with you, Be well soon ! God bless you Nelson Mandela #Mandela http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BMd5L9VCEAAibbh.jpg" @Rosemarrisa She will run! "@tabloidhack: 2016 platform? China must be stopped from treating the U.S. like a chump, says @realDonaldTrump. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/jun/10/miller-donald-trump-says-country-going-hell-handba/" "@GSGOV: @Lord_Sugar sad it has come to this. Clown on TV and selling nail clippers online. Ask @realDonaldTrump for a job?" "@Dardonyc16: @realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr Hit 4 wood shots to get on that green. Stunning hole and best course in the world! "@joooooojaah: I am team @realDonaldTrump <3 <3 <3" Thanks Georgia! .@DonaldJTrumpJr and I on the 18th hole at Trump International Golf Links Scotland- http://bit.ly/ZFN6Ig @JBradleyDesign1 @CNNMoney @jtotoole Thank you! @nicla_b Thank you. RT @BestofNewYork: The gold standard in fine hotel #dining has to be @JeanGeorges at the @TrumpNewYork http://j.mp/WhereToEat_HotelRestaurants “Yesterday's home runs don't win today's games.” - Babe Ruth Shirts and ties are doing great @Macys--thanks! Somerset County, New Jersey SWAT Team- really fantastic people! http://instagram.com/p/aY_fhDmhdD/ @kevindrako2 Thanks, just really busy! “Worry destroys focus.” – Think Big China is openly sailing warships in our waters & arming countries in our hemisphere including Mexico http://bit.ly/ZzaerM Ally? A coincidence that the NSA leaker is living openly in Hong Kong?! At the same time the Chinese Pres. met with Obama in CA. .@foxandfriends int. on gov. collecting data, whistle blower hiding in China & no bikinis in Miss World pageant http://bit.ly/11uBrcK Via @CNNMoney by @jtotoole: “U.S. taps Donald Trump to convert DC's Old Post Office into luxury hotel” http://cnnmon.ie/16MnrTA Via @Newsmax_Media: "Robb Report: Trump Scotland Best Golf Course in the World" http://bit.ly/16MmqLj RT @llfftt: @realDonaldTrump <¥> Ref 2 Trump Ties > Whever I wore my Trump silk tie during a Cadillac Sales Contest .. I always Won !! Ws i… @Insanepricing Lots and yes. Canadians: My ultra luxury private plane will be featured on Sunday's episode of #MightyPlanes on @DiscoveryCanada--don't miss it at 8 ET! "@YouAreNotDeep: @realDonaldTrump's my inspiration." "@BeaumontAnthony: @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump @IvankaTrump I agree thank Mr trump fantastic golf in the UK you have built" Vote for your favorite @MissUSA contestant --- the 2013 #MissUSA Fan Vote at http://missusa.com ! Canadians: My ultra luxury private plane will be featured on Sunday's episode of #MightyPlanes on @DiscoveryCanada--don't miss it at 8 ET! RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Amazing press conf on the Great Dunes of Scotland at Trump Intl Golf Links. W @realDonaldTrump & @IvankaTrump http://t.… "@deluxeboss: @realDonaldTrump @Bobbyukip Your investment in the UK is welcome. Thanks for being you." Thank you! "@vinnypac: @realDonaldTrump I'll have to go to Macy's at tje Bridgewater mall in NJ and shop on this rainy day. Have 7 of ur ties. Luv them Newsstand sales for @VanityFair, run by sleepy Graydon Carter, are down almost 20%. All he cares about are his bad food restaurants! I hope everybody goes to Macy's today to get Donald J. Trump shirts, ties, suits and cufflinks - they are really beautiful at low price I'm in Scotland getting ready for a major news conference on the Great Dunes of Scotland announcing the second North Sea course - amazing! “Be flexibly focused. Focus does not mean being narrow-minded or rigid.” – Think Big "Inspiration exists, but it must find you working." -- Pablo Picasso RT @IvankaTrump: Trump International Golf Links Scotland @ Trump International Scotland http://instagram.com/p/aN8pC0CkMw/ @sanmiguel_23 Thanks. @tylerhogan1 You could never beat me at golf--18 club championships. @ChrisSuprun @rjchoppy But didn't he bet on his own team--he paid the price. RT @TrumpChicago: Welcome! Enjoy your visit. @kott2483: I'm at Trump International Hotel & Tower Chicago - @trumpchicago (Chicago, IL) http… We look forward to making the Old Post Office in DC one of the great hotels of the World. http://bit.ly/13a50li I feel bad for all @VanityFair employees. Every day at work, they see circulation going down as Graydon runs his bad food restaurants. I've done the largest house sale in U.S. history by selling a Palm Beach mansion for $100M, $60M more than I paid. I love real estate. Stephanie Cutter Attended WH Meetings With IRS Chief http://bit.ly/17oF778 Great investigative work by Jim Hoft @gatewaypundit Remember Trump ties & shirts @Macys for Fathers Day--your father will love you even more! Dress your best. Trump Signature Collection, exclusively available @Macys, tops all male business attire http://bit.ly/15AXyl0 Looking over New York City with luxurious 5 Star hotel rooms, @TrumpNewYork top dining & amenities http://bit.ly/17oyxh1 Via @FoxSportsGolf: "Trump's protégé earns US Open spot" http://on-msn.com/17ouHEJ Kern County, CA has secured $1.2B for windfarms http://huff.to/bgG9BT They also just secured more eagle deaths & low property values. A-Rod has disgraced the blessed @Yankees organization, lied to the fans & embarrassed NYC. He does not deserve to wear the pinstripes. @Judare So true! @tfore4 Our clubhouse on the North Sea. http://bit.ly/dZWRW9 RT @DBrumm00: @realDonaldTrump I agree, they should also put Shoeless Joe Jackson in. Jackson holds the 3rd best career batting average in … Giving away money and revolutionizing crowdfunding. Follow @fundanything to see which causes are financed daily This just in re: FundAnything and producer Brad Wyman http://bit.ly/1b2eodS @Brandon_Grip Thanks Brandon. @shelleysherwin Wish your mother a happy birthday. @glenda_goff Thank you! @PIERPAOLOMONNI @TrumpChicago @Jonzy1523 Thank you. @Jonzy1523 @TrumpChicago Thanks, very proud of it. @Lauren_Faith01 Thank your wonderful dad. @Cgroll33 Totally! "@mrbocce: @realDonaldTrump This Red Sox fan says let 'em keep paying! Boston.must be very happy! Pete Rose should now be allowed in The Baseball Hall of Fame. The all-time hits leader has paid the price already! "@FunkynFortunate: @realDonaldTrump ...but we're paying Lois Lerner." Very cute! "@elamenwalker: @realDonaldTrump seen you speak at Charlotte Nc (ACN) that was awesome!" Thank you, a great audience. George Steinbrenner would have done a major number on A Rod - there is no way he would have gotten paid, even with the help of the union! I can't believe the Yankees continue to pay A Rod - they have a perfect right to stop paying (and should have stopped a long time ago). @go_onrob The show is a joke in comparison to the original Apprentice, but it does pay me a lot of money. "@NCartagena27: @realDonaldTrump I'm Puerto Rican and I agree with this. We need to stop trying to be so politically correct." "@Strange_Drugs: @realDonaldTrump when you die in 4 or 5 years, the world will be a better place." I know, I will make it that way! "@an2nym: @realDonaldTrump Good luck. If I had known Id have come to shake your hand. Fab job in Aberdeen." @dblsolo700 Not concerned about them-weren't they brutally mugging people in the Park? Go check your facts. "@dblsolo700: @zed_crtr @realDonaldTrump ASK HIM ABOUT #CP5 CENTRAL PARK 5" Yea, ask me about the muggers! Likewise, the primary victims of violent crimes are in the African American and Hispanic communities. These people want LAW AND ORDER now! When it comes to violent crime, and if we are going to solve the problem, we must stop being so politically correct-must tell it like it is! Sadly, the overwhelming amount of violent crime in our major cities is committed by blacks and hispanics-a tough subject-must be discussed. According to Bill O'Reilly, 80% of all the shootings in New York City are blacks-if you add Hispanics, that figure goes to 98%. 1% white. Thanks to @johnrich for putting on such a great concert fot @Stjude. John was a winner on Celebrity Apprentice and is a fantastic guy. My son @EricTrump has just done another great event and raised a lot of money for @StJude. He is a really good boy who loves helping kids. I will be going to Aberdeen, Scotland today to help my team celebrate the great success of Trump International Golf Links-press conference. "@gohermie: @realDonaldTrump @usopengolf Thank you Mr. Trump, I appreciate all of the support you have given me. I hope you can come watch." @charleyUfarley Innocent of what, weren't they brutally mugging people in the Park that night? The City better not settle this case! @arid93 They should have stopped paying him a long time ago. @happyloner Wrong you idiot! The two dumbest interviews in history may go down as Lance Armstrong, who is being sued by everyone in the world, & Michael Douglas. Does anyone else have two golf pros—John Nieporte & Jim Herman—who qualified for the U.S. Open? Could this be an all-time record? Congratulations to Jim Herman, my ass't golf pro at Trump Nat'l Golf Club/Bedminster, NJ for qualifying for the U.S. Open! @usopengolf Whitey Bulger’s prosecution starts today. Will be one of the most interesting and intriguing trials. “TRUMP: IMMIGRATION BILL A REPUBLICAN 'DEATH WISH'” http://bit.ly/18QRQjA via @BreitbartNews by @mboyle1 Via @ TheScotsman: “Donald Trump to lay out new golf course plan” http://bit.ly/18QTf9O Via @Newsmax_Media by Courtney Coren: "Trump: China Gets Iraq Oil; US Gets Nothing" http://bit.ly/18QPD7v Congratulations to my head pro of Trump International Golf Club (Florida) John Nieporte for qualifying for the U.S. Open! @usopengolf @ArthurDeMeyer Happy Birthday! "@RonWEmma: @realDonaldTrump played trump national Philadelphia yesterday. Great track. Challenging but fair. Keep up the awesome work!!" "@TristenHeath: @realDonaldTrump what's the secret to all your success?" Always need good and sound concepts and ideas-THEN, NEVER GIVE UP! 26,000 sexual assaults in the military last year-way up from previous years. Armed Forces are in total turmoil! "@not_that_actor: @realDonaldTrump Don't be a chump. Win with TRUMP!" "@jakecbaum: @TrumpChicago @realDonaldTrump I will definitely be there again soon! Save me a nice table with a lovely east view! :D" "@SirBraden: @realDonaldTrump would be the greatest president of all time" "@KathyTh38140700: @realDonaldTrump @Nicole52008 I also think he has more concern and love for this country than the leaders we have now!" "@smccauley1972: @realDonaldTrump played National Bedminster today. Not sure what to say beside "spectacular course and even better service" The Miami Heat looked great tonight - congratulations from all of your friends at your favorite place in Miami, Trump National Doral. @JohnSim96499126 Thank you John! "@MandyGomez01: @realDonaldTrump Hi. please run for president and make the world a better place. Thanks." @ericfranson That is true. @RealDonalDrumpf Oh really, weren't they brutally mugging people all over the Park? - and now they are seeking damages - ridiculous! @charleyUfarley You mean like Buffett, Kravis, Icahn, Paulson and almost all other bigs-I never went Bankrupt dumb ass! "@Nicole52008: @realDonaldTrump is the man! He shows you what can happen when you work hard. #livintheAMERICANdream" "@Sorrowmachine: @realDonaldTrump @murphy756 Didn't he just loose to Michelle Bachmann?" .Never lost to Michelle - dummy, are you crazy! @Vincent_Moretti Thank you. "@murphy756: @realDonaldTrump I patiently await for Mr. Trump to throw the towel in the ring ! He will never be beaten by anyone !" RT @omat999: @realDonaldTrump please could you do me a BIG favour and retweet #savingstacey @staceymAPPEAL you could help save this little … @ThomasVanhoutte Thanks, 57th and Fifth. @rodmonium91 Say hi to your father--enjoy the tie. @D4Dufour Thank you, very nice. @theronnivp Thank you! @GenevieveByrne @TrumpPanama Thanks, great building! @sdoocy @BroRay You always look great on TV, even without a Trump tie! FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Answers Boy's Prayer for New Bike http://bit.ly/15yiaem via @FoxNewsInsider No better way to celebrate Flag Day & my birthday than being the guest of honor @ralphreed’s @FaithandFreedom conference on June 14th! .@BreitbartNews continues to do great work in exposing the left wing financing behind amnesty http://bit.ly/14mtiI2 "The Chinese are the biggest beneficiary of this post-Saddam oil boom in Iraq" http://bit.ly/15yfkpN Pres. Obama is meeting with China’s Pres. this week http://politi.co/15ygS2S He will get zero deliverables. China laughs at us. 70 stories above Panama Bay, @TrumpPanama the majestic sail design is Central America’s architectural icon http://bit.ly/15yd81s "Business is no place for stream of consciousness babbling. Keep it short, fast and direct." - Think Like a Champion “Never Ignore Donald Trump” http://bit.ly/15y9JQ7 by Jeffrey Lord @AmSpec Via @NRO: "Donald Trump Eyes 2016" by @woodruffbets http://bit.ly/15y6UPe RT @ApprenticeNBC: Our entire All-Star #CelebApprentice season is streaming on http://NBC.com! http://ow.ly/lF70V @TalentedPaul Thanks Paul. @mrmikelawlor @ezt91 Thanks--it is a great honor to have produced it. @PartylikeRlove1 You don't need me--Mar-a-Lago is the best & most beautiful place to get married. If I'm there I'll stop by. Congrats! RT @jrexxxirilious: @realDonaldTrump from tornado in Ok. Another reason to do away with wind turbines....daycare hit http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BLzHLELCUAAny7I.jpg "@ezt91: @realDonaldTrump has Aberdeen said thank you yet? #youvebeentrumped" No. "@cough93: . @realDonaldTrump when are one of your courses going to host a major? That's what often makes them "great."" 2017. "@ShaPaliath: Spent some time at Trump Hollywood this weekend. Absolutely stunning & the staff were awesome Mr. @realDonaldTrump" Thanks "@_jacksmith96: @realDonaldTrump played your course today in Aberdeen!! amazing, best course I've ever seen." Thanks. "@ChadSheridan: Congrats to @realDonaldTrump for being voted 'Best Twitter Account to follow" by The Open Mick Podcast. #YouveMadeIt" Congratulations to Aberdeen and Scotland for just having our great golf course named Best New Course In World by The Robb Report. Thank you to the Robb Report, The Best of the Best issue, for just naming Trump International Golf Links the Best New Golf Course In World! "@Jkoch19Koch: @realDonaldTrump Trump Chicago is the best hotel in the world. Sitting in Rebar with a fabulous view! #thankyou" "@violets69: @realDonaldTrump do you remember my grandfather Hon. Frank J. Blangiardo? http://www.nytimes.com/1981/07/22/nyregion/ruling-supports-tax-abatement-asked-by-trump.html?n=Top%2FReference%2FTimes%20Topics%2FSubjects%2FT%2FTaxes" Great guy. "@ShaunSettle: "@persdevquotes: If you're going to be thinking, you may as well think big. ~ Donald Trump" #lovethedonald @realDonaldTrump" "@general_lauri: @realDonaldTrump The Donald is the only reason I tweet!" Thanks lauri! @ArronJ1 Find something you love doing--you have to have passion for your work. Then work hard and keep focused. Good luck! Just got a great new selection of ties & shirts @Macys. Go buy them now for Father’s Day—they’re beautiful! Ms. Goldberg & her blowhard lawyer should be ashamed for having brought this frivolous case. They should pay me damages! Today, Judge St. Eve ruled in my favor on the two remaining claims brought by Goldberg in Chicago. The case is now officially over… @Fan_JCena Good luck! @alecmillionaire The architectural boat tour is great. “Protect the downside and the upside will take care of itself." – The Art of the Deal RT @TrumpChicago: We opened our doors to the first guest 5 years ago. Today, we're thrilled to welcome our 15,000 Twitter follower! Thank y… "@davenanni: Loving the Trump in LV. Service is great, best room for the money!(500sq/ft, great bath and shower, tons of closet space). "@TeamSowards: Just had lunch at the Trump Towers! Classy taste Mr. Trump! Even my son thought it was awesome! "@MartyCPA: @gregshoes69 @realDonaldTrump 10% of the people pay 90% of this countries tax. What wealthy tax breaks." "@bahia6085: @realDonaldTrump Maybe Shulman is having an affair with someone in the White House. He looks a little gay." Serious stuff-IRS Commissioner visited White House 157 times, far more than Sec. of State or Defense. What a big story this is! @HeatherChilders Thanks Heather, and you do a great job on FOX! The Yankees really have to be embarrassed losing all four games to the Mets - my great friend George Steinbrenner would be going nuts! "@Itskailiebro: @realDonaldTrump is my role model, he's always right." No, just most of the time! "@marclaurito: “@realDonaldTrump: Young entrepreneurs should always remember that if you do not promote yourself, no one else will!” "@scottallenmeyer: @realDonaldTrump DRILL BABY DRILL. North Dakota's economy is booming." @4geiger Hi Sara--have a great time! @MatthewJPizzo Thanks Matt. “I pride myself on being obstinate, stubborn, & tough. I think those are important qualities found in successful people.” – Think Big Young entrepreneurs should always remember that if you do not promote yourself, no one else will! Frack now and frack fast unless we want to continue to be dependent on countries that hate us. .@VattenfallGroup will never solve the issues with the Ministry of Defense. Besides, they smartly just left the project. One of the many reasons that @VattenfallGroup dropped out of windfarm project—they couldn’t solve military radar defense problems Little Mac Miller’s next album may bomb. He can’t use my name again for sales. .@TrumpCollection’s @DoralResort renovations are revitalizing Miami. The new course will be a great challenge http://bit.ly/avJj0B “The Conservative does not despise government. He despises tyranny." - @marklevinshow China has done great under Obama. Increased private US holdings by 500%. Hacks our military & R&D. Robs us blind daily.#timetogettough Via @Newsmax_Media: "Trump: Americans 'Desperate for Leadership'" http://bit.ly/18B3fBi My @TeamCavuto interview re: 2016, the need for leadership in our country, Syria & China hacking our military http://fxn.ws/11COWMd @ChristianVaux True--I am the king of eradicating debt--it's easy! @thejbrain Thank you! @1BrianPadilla @_BOSS_TALK_ @VanityFair Dying magazine. @Wicz_2003 Thanks. @cbmcq Thank you. Surprising a future Nobel prize winner on today’s @KatieShow: http://ktie.tv/1950UzS "@golanflamm: @realDonaldTrump A Massive fan from Australia. How can I buy your ties?? #wantthetrumpfeeling" Thanks, at Macy's-Trump Tower. @cronin_michelle Thanks! "@PaulinaBours: @realDonaldTrump Saludos desde Mexico! I really do admire you" Thank you! "@SchmidtTona: @realDonaldTrump #Apprentice I can't wait either. LOve the show!" Thanks. "@StockMarket100: @realDonaldTrump correct me if I'm wrong but didnt you give @LilJon charity 20k?" Yes, 20k plus 100k for great cause! "@badgirlofrockxx: @realDonaldTrump Why arn't u in politics Donald..?" I am! "@BeccaPiano: @realDonaldTrump You look so FORCEFUL on you're book cover! That's what we, America's women, admire about you. "@jonathanarenas8: Mr @realDonaldTrump ignores Latinos can not be the # 1" Love Latinos, just look at Trump National Doral in Miami. "@GuyEndoreKaiser: @realDonaldTrump You are a true American, not like some of these others. Love your Macy's ties!!! Love your books!"thanks @Mitchell_Traver Thanks. "@JakePalmer412: @realDonaldTrump I look up to you Mr Trump. I wsnt to be like you when I grow up. Can I get a reply?" @mallorybeck17 Thanks Mallory! @_Warrendya_ Which one? "@mishuboo: @realDonaldTrump I love you Mr Trump" Thanks Samantha. "@metaltyger98: “@realDonaldTrump: Happy 8th Anniversary to @MELANIATRUMP. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BBP1Lv2CEAAmTXq.jpg” Way to go Mr.Trump!" Great beauty-person! "@CodyAlliecats: @realDonaldTrump hey Donald huge fan, can't wait for another season of the apprentice" Thanks. "@JanHaight: @realDonaldTrump might be a lil late, but much respect to you for giving @LilJon 100G for his charity" He's.great, thanks! "@samahDanash: My friend during the trip @realDonaldTrump http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BLfWxTcCMAAW3um.jpg" Hope you liked it! "@NiyaFiya: @realDonaldTrump I love your honesty! #YourNotFired lol" Thank you. "@MissMakeupMogul: I love me some @realDonaldTrump except when he's going against our president.. but business wise.I Admire him"Understand! "@warrencasselljr: You're exactly what America needs Mr. Trump @realDonaldTrump http://slate.me/147Y7QT" Thanks! "@charmed112586: @realDonaldTrump i live right near the hill school in pa and i heard that once in awhile you visit the school" Great school @sarah_e_smith9 Thanks. “Is business success a natural talent? I think it’s a combination of aptitude, work and luck.” – Think Like a Champion @yati_isma @tonyfernandes Thanks, but I receive from U.K. also. @murraybrown10 Thanks. @Katdhairstudio Thanks, but I don't feel like it--work too hard! @raffie100 I'll bet you had a great son. @amandaphantm No. @NYCTiggy Hi Joanna. @pastorshanewest Hi to your sons. Tell them to never give up! Military has announced that China has successfully hacked our advanced weapon designs. China is our enemy.Should we offset this on our debt? House GOP better get its act together.Defund ObamaCare. Out negotiate on debt ceiling. Form commissions on Benghazi & IRS. No excuses! .@TimTebow has tremendous talent and a proven ability to lead. He deserves to be in the @nfl. Obama wants to unilaterally put a no-fly zone in Syria to protect Al Qaeda Islamists http://thebea.st/143tmfM Syria is NOT our problem. The new amnesty bill is over 1000 pages. It is another monstrosity a la ObamaCare. @francaselles @KatieShow @katiecouric Very cool, thank you. @JATBWIFEE Thank you. @volkermillion Pretty much! @GraemeReid1984 @TrumpGolfLinks Enjoy! @chrisinspfld @KatieShow @katiecouric Thanks Chris! Bringing true luxury to the Windy City, @TrumpChicago soars 92 levels over the Chicago River http://bit.ly/12iDqHu .@robbreport Best 2013 Golf Courses: Trump Int'l Golf Links Scotland. Great honor, great magazine—thanks! http://shar.es/w0paR @onedaddy26 Yes. I have a surprise for a really special kid on Thursday’s episode of @KatieShow with @KatieCouric: http://ktie.tv/1950UzS RT @WendyWilliams: TODAY: The one and only @realDonaldTrump stops by and you won't want to miss a special edition of #AskWendy and The Dona… "@fossilfiend7: @realDonaldTrump @_BOSS_TALK_ @VanityFair Well, that explains why I have no desire to read that garbage!" "@New0rleans_Lady: I pray he does well,& the 10 yr old girl on the list, gets law changd & gets her new lung as well.@realDonaldTrump @jakewittman Happy birthday! "@AndyShinberger: @realDonaldTrump people hate you because they are jealous of you and in reality they don't hate you, they hate themselves! "@LungQuest: @fundanything @realDonaldTrump A donor was found! James goes into the OR tonight for his second double lung transplant! #hope" "@ForHomeSales: @realDonaldTrump been a big fan since I read Art of Deal when I was 22." Great! "@BethAndersonEsq: I would love a tweet back from the uber-famous @realDonaldTrump! How do you do it all?" I often ask myself that same Q! "@Matt_Cad: @realDonaldTrump Why do so many people despise you?" Because I am so handsome! "@tftamt: @realDonaldTrump your an awesome roll model. Can you please tweet me back? Thanks" @lisakaminsky Yes. "@sufferlonger: @DavidFulop: @realDonaldTrump -- Work hard and love what you do!" -- I left corporate, became a fireman at 37. GREAT! "@_BOSS_TALK_: @realDonaldTrump http://www.vanityfair.com/online/daily/2013/05/under-black-light-dark-side-of-the-moon-lyrics-visible-in-donald-trump-s-hair?mbid=social_twitter" Read this garbage by @vanityfair & you'll see why sales WAY down-lost its way-sad! @BollingsBalls But I know @ericbolling and think he would do really well-tough, smart and a good guy! @ClassicEd That's what I hear. "@DavidFulop: @realDonaldTrump what is your best piece of advice for someone starting over at 40?" Work hard and love what you do! “Never give up on yourself.” – Think Big @bomoca Thanks, people love them (@Macys). “We have a system that increasingly taxes work and subsidizes nonwork.” - Milton Friedman RT @fundanything In case you missed it, check out @washingtonpost story about @realDonaldTrump & @fundanything http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/on-small-business/post/donald-trump-jumps-into-crowdfunding/2013/05/22/23dc3a66-c303-11e2-9fe2-6ee52d0eb7c1_blog.html @MANDCNorthEast Yes you can for country's good. @Austile147 U.S.A. is not rich, owes 17 trillion dollars. Inflation is here. Record beef prices are hitting consumers pockets http://on.wsj.com/14KNrdJ Bad for family grills. @TheRC3 Thanks. @MatthewLumby @VattenfallGroup No, the project sucks! @tdragonfly Fight hard, they are horrible! @smickiwench @MELANIATRUMP No, beautiful and really sweet and nice. @BeccaPiano Thanks. Via @nypost’s @PageSix: “Trump researching 2016 run” http://bit.ly/10B8Mm6 @TomPuiseux Yes! RT @bobjharty: “@realDonaldTrump: My dad always said "if you buy a board from Menards, run home and nail it down quick before it warps". U… RT @jpowell1973: @realDonaldTrump the people that run the business side of Menards in Wi are terrible to deal with. RT @lance__montana: @realDonaldTrump he is only interested in generating the millions it cost to keep his son in NASCAR. Without Menards mi… RT @elliottframing: @realDonaldTrump I am a contractor and have a Menards within 3 miles of me. They treat customers badly too. I avoid the… I commend Roger Ailes for publicly supporting @FoxNews’ employees against the Obama administration's intimidation of its reporters. Once @trumpcollection’s renovations are complete, the Old Post Office will be most elite & iconic hotel in DC http://bit.ly/ZbZmQq John Menard of Menards home improvement stores in Midwest treats employees horribly -- should they form a union? http://bit.ly/1avcGkS Who would be stupid enough to invest in @VattenfallGroup's ill-conceived windfarm when it will lose £25M yearly? Additionally, two executives @VattenfallGroup are under major investigation & they are unable to get the many permits necessary. .@VattenfallGroup, lead investor in Aberdeen windfarm fiasco, has dropped out—project not economically viable--& protestors hate it. "@msaid10: @realDonaldTrump did you help?" YES! We spend billions of dollars helping nations all over the World but with hurricane Sandy and Oklahoma tornado not one nation helped us! "@Smerwickman: @realDonaldTrump Iraq was a mistake but how was Obama responsible? He should have and could have gotten out much sooner! "@Iamgrizzly1974: @realDonaldTrump Furthermore, as we continue to send our assets to foreigners we will become a 3rd world country.Must stop "@Ghetto_Trophy: @realDonaldTrump how are you a billionaire?" You mean ten times over hater (loser). "@eliiizabethhhhh: @realDonaldTrump run for president in 2016 so I can vote for you! You would have this country fixed in a month! "@infinitys_edge: @realDonaldTrump I'm in the Billion Dollar coalfields and thanks to Obama I can't even leave the house I'm so broke. "@THE_OBM: @realDonaldTrump I stay up to watch your great Apprentice show - miles ahead of Sugar's version. No comparison!" "@GangsterDannyG1: @realDonaldTrump What was Bush and Obama's biggest mistake." The lives and $1.5 trillion spent on Iraq-which is failing. I like John McCain but we have to start rebuilding the United States instead of countries who hate us and want us to fail - be smart! "@Joe10Kendrew: @realDonaldTrump sort out so that The Apprentice USA is on BBC again, so much better than Alan Sugar! "@msinger456: @realDonaldTrump congrats on winning in Chicago! People think they can sue for anything and will pull any card. Thanks. "@natestott: @realDonaldTrump how come you don't like Alan sugar Donald? Because he's a lowlife, but he makes me money! "@MichaelJHill: @realDonaldTrump @IvankaTrump we are looking forward to the renaissance & transformation of the Old Post Office in DC" GREAT "@Wasted_Talent19: @realDonaldTrump congrats on winning the lawsuit in Chicago" Thanks "@GilCharles: @realDonaldTrump can I get a RT for @PetsAliveWest in NY. Saving lots of animals." "@josephkuye: @realDonaldTrump I genuinely believe that the American apprentice is better than the UK one... Very true! "@sweetbaboo1968: @realDonaldTrump Thank you for all you do!!!" Thank you! "@KodyCoats: @realDonaldTrump Mr. Trump, what do you believe could truly save this country?" Great leadership! "@aliyuaminuahmed: @realDonaldTrump @Bobbysoo80 Donal J. Trump is a good Presidential candidate - he has answers. Thanks, very nice! Why is Senator John McCain in Syria visiting with the rebels- MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! @Travianno Thanks! "@LynnGale2: @realDonaldTrump Mr Trump, The Apprentice is the only show my 17 year old son will watch with me! We are missing it already! T "@LMowle: @realDonaldTrump pls hlp my grandaughter stacey7 she has cancer & we need to raise 500k for treatment outside uk. "@Bobbysoo80: @realDonaldTrump as if you would ever be president!! Some of your followers are pure RETARDS! Don't underestimate their genius "@Mattia_Crovini: @realDonaldTrump what do you think about italy? I don't think about Italy! "@California_Bloo: @NewsCorpse @realDonaldTrump <<<< This is the same douche that said windmills were worse for birds than oil. MUCH WORSE! "@UStechie: @realDonaldTrump What are you doing with Old Post Office in Washingtondc and when? We are going to build the finest hotel in C! "@c4662: @realDonaldTrump a plus for run at the presidency: can work w/unions. The American Spirit is down and out. Change is needed." "@VineCulture: RT @realDonaldTrump: .@WineEnthusiast awarded Trump Vineyard’s Sparkling Reserve 91 points --- the highest rated wine V. "@alpugh1: @realDonaldTrump Donald sir, played your course on Friday and let me tell you this, it was spectacular. Good work! Thanks! It's 46º (really cold) and snowing in New York on Memorial Day - tell the so-called "scientists" that we want global warming right now! "@Cokokkola: @realDonaldTrump has a much higher IQ than idiot Lord Sugar- that's why he has much more money!" True on both fronts! "@ONTHEVIRG66: @realDonaldTrump your the greatest inspiration. Keep up the great work and thank you for all you do." Thank you Virgil! "@MJJustus1: @realDonaldTrump Thank you for the times you invited vets to Maralago. You didn't have to do that, so thanks. It was my honor! "@TheRC3: @realDonaldTrump Looking forward to seeing more idiots blasted today. Keep exposing the fools! #TrumpUSA" "@coolz36: @realDonaldTrump you would make this country great again if you ran for president" No, only if I WON-then it would be great again "@arnoldziffle2: @realDonaldTrump I say trump for president, can I get a Hell Yes, USA would be the greatest nation on the planet " AGAIIN " "@ResatDorsia16: @realDonaldTrump if you run for president I will vote for the first time ever, I would finally believe in someone" "@KamsUnited: @realDonaldTrump 4 more years of hell until a new president comes into office. I wish it was you." "@kerim322: @realDonaldTrump @msaid10 suddenly I was just motivated with Donald Trump, without any reason. "@FabianRoss_: @realDonaldTrump You think america will be great again?" Only with great and proper leadership-otherwise, disaster. "@STshizzle: I sure wished @AC360 would do a live tweet for tweet special on @DannyZuker and @realDonaldTrump. They would get better ratings "@msaid10: @realDonaldTrump you're a role model to millions, we love you Mr. Trump" Thanks Mohamed. "@chrisinspfld: @realDonaldTrump If you would run for President, you will either fix this country or have millions wishing they'd've voted4U "@sonaderi: @realDonaldTrump You are the sum of everything I despise." Who cares! "@swanky_HEC: "@realDonaldTrump: Nation's infrastructure is collapsing, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"Make d move" "@OldManConroy: It's called "climate change". No, they changed it to "climate change" when "global warming" wasn't working anymore-too cold! See, dummy Danny Zuker, who I never heard until this, started something that he couldn't finish-gutless and unwilling to take my bet! "@DannyZuker: OK gotta go. You're not "going" anywhere Danny, you're being beaten so badly that you can't take it anymore-enjoy your chair! "@djbtv: I hope you folks are following @DannyZuker this weekend as he dismantles @realDonaldTrump. Friend of Danny sorry, he died! "@thatBrody: @realDonaldTrump The @SternShow would never have @DannyZuker on. A.) Not funny enough. B.) Not famous enough. C) Hates losers. "@Cristaly: @realDonaldTrump you're the worst person" Thank you! Nation's infrastructure is collapsing, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! It's freezing outside, where the hell is "global warming"?? "@thatBrody: @realDonaldTrump @billyharry1 @HowardStern @DannyZuker Donald will always be one of Howard's greatest guests. So true! "@FashionistaBtch: Give it up haters @realDonaldTrump has @MelaniaTrump #TheEnd #Perfection 💗" "@billyharry1: @realDonaldTrump they do the same with @HowardStern. @DannyZuker can't carry Howard's jock! "@teresaisthebest: @itsjenwbitches @realDonaldTrump I love you. You are HILARIOUS. But what about @DannyZuker, he gets paid to be funny? "@itsjenwbitches: People can hate on @realDonaldTrump all they want, but in reality he's flying his jet over your fucking house as you tweet "@MikeMcCabeSad: @realDonaldTrump @DannyZuker the fact that you keep tweeting at him is showing why you lost" True, Danny is a known loser! "@MooseJawnski: @realDonaldTrump bring Cash, Jobs, and Hope back to America and run for president!!" Not much hope in our Country right now "@juicetucker: @realDonaldTrump Give them hell Don! They're just jealous!" Stupid is an even better word. "@PDGreenwood: @realDonaldTrump You are kicking ass, Donald! That Dany Zilker (some no namer) is a PUNK! He's nothing, no guts! "@Canvasguru: Lol! RT @martintagg: .@realDonaldTrump You've been popular with ladies for a while. What's your secret handsome?" My hair! "@JIMHENDLEY81: @realDonaldTrump Hey Donald I always find it funny that so many of your haters follow you on twitter. Can't live without me! "@0unicornchris0: @realDonaldTrump please please run for president" Well, it ain't working with Obama! "@SatyrOnline: @realDonaldTrump Let me ask you something: Do you think Henry Ford or Steve Jobs got into Twitter pissing matches. Would have "@RealSonnyNewman: @realDonaldTrump wins @DannyZuker is afraid of you and knows he is a pathetic loser. Mr. Trump, you are a role model. @DannyZuker on your best day you can't come close to beating me, I'll kick your ass every time-take the bet Danny (check with M.F. boss). "@paulysouffle: I have to admit @realDonaldTrump motivates the hell out of me. #smallbiz #leader" That's great, go get 'em! "@pennjillette: @Ctwilki @realDonaldTrump Well, thanks so much." Penn, it was great having you, terrific job! "@JeffBirotweets: Thoroughly enjoyed watching @realDonaldTrump and @DannyZuker twitter fight. At least Danny has the better hair. He's bald! "@starsign911: @realDonaldTrump you tell em Donny!! What pussies!! "@CaptainApathyUK: Enjoying reading @DannyZuker knocking the shit out of @realDonaldTrump. Sorry hater, he's getting his ass kicked! "@nandini_godara: @realDonaldTrump real name, real DP, real location. bring it." But nobody cares about you, not even your family! "@sirenasola: @realDonaldTrump The pres needs some help...can you teach him the words "You're fired!"?" He will be using them often & soon! "@raybongz: RT @realDonaldTrump: It should be mandatory that all haters and losers use their real name or identification. Say it again! "@leahanddean: @realDonaldTrump @kosstar @DannyZuker Mr Trump for president" Thanks D. "@MaxVayner: @realDonaldTrump(?) Do you have the guts to debate Jon Stewart?" He would never do it, he couldn't use his writers. "@koneslager: @realDonaldTrump during your inaugural address tell Obama "You're Fired!" Stranger things have happened! @allidoisowen Thanks! "@Chixbeach: @realDonaldTrump @Matteo5anchez Mr Trump why do you engage these dumb ass people? You're SO much better then any of them!" FUN! "@DannyZuker: .@realDonaldTrump I'll never respond to your asinine bet. You're gutless Danny, and you don't even know what the bet is-loser! "@RustinNiles: @realDonaldTrump i hear ya Mr. Trump, but arguing with the left is like punching yourself in the face, a pointless endeavor." @bvogel56 I never went bankrupt - just like Buffett, Icahn, Kravis and Paulson - as you know! "@TorresTerrell: @realDonaldTrump whoa.....what are they so mad about? #KeepCalm" Don't worry, it's just the same old losers and haters! "@CrimmsNchin: @realDonaldTrump Donald doesn't take shit from anyone, run for president already #america" Interesting! "@DominicFormaro: @realDonaldTrump it's hilarious to see all these dumbasses hating on you. I bet it feels good to laugh at them. Sorry folks, got to go to work now - but "I'll be baaaaack"! "@DannyZuker: @AndyRichter I have to be honest. I think I'm starting not to like the guy." Actually Danny, you would like me very much! @RustinNiles Just killing time! "@Matteo5anchez: @realDonaldTrump shut up u stuck up cock! Hope u lose ur cash and get run over" Too smart to lose the cash-run over, maybe "@J_beans51: @realDonaldTrump who is @DannyZuker ?" Actually, a nobody! "@Generalzod4109: @realDonaldTrump : Bill Mahr beat you clown! Wrong, Bill (whose last name you spelled wrong) doesn't know he's alive! "@GavinCoffin: "@realDonaldTrump CA is the best i rather loose my inheritance then have to watch the dreadful Modern Family on ABC @DannyZuk Come on @DannyZuker, take the bet, show your friends and family (& your bosses on Modern Family) that you're not "chicken shit" If @DannyZuker competed against me and.won (which not too many people do), he could win millions of $'s for himself or his charity! The lawyer I just beat in Chicago was a buffoon but was a lot smarter and sharper than @DannyZuker. Come on Danny, make the bet! @DannyZuker is a weak and ineffective guy with a long string of failed shows who got his ass kicked last night.He's afraid to make the wager "@pennjillette: @LeMrMike Yes, I loved loved loved doing @realDonaldTrump show. I loved it all, every minute. I'd do it again. "@sirenasola: @realDonaldTrump The pres needs some help...can you teach him the words "You're fired!"?" @TheRealKurse Thank you, I was dealing with a very bad person! "@kosstar: @DannyZuker @realDonaldTrump Did we ever get to the details of the "deal"? No, Danny doesn't have the guts to play the game. @pusspuss09 Thanks, Country is in trouble. "@biglakeshow: @realDonaldTrump @germany28364 I'm all for #Donald trump" Thanks, he is easy! "@erinamunson: @realDonaldTrump Sir, we need an efficient government and I'm sure as a businessman, you're great at it ." True! "@kevinsmoore: @realDonaldTrump says exactly what he thinks. Lol This is one of the reasons I follow this man! He's the best!" Thanks K. "@jefferies_: @realDonaldTrump Watching the finale. Can't wait for the next season. #TrumpRules"Thanks and enjoy. @DannyZuker everyone is saying you are being beaten badly at this game but you can turn things around quickly if you will go for the deal. "@germany28364: @realDonaldTrump You are awesome! Run for president. Well, we sure do need someone to lead - Washington is a MESS! Hope everyone is watching the Finale rerun of Celebrity Apprentice on CNBC-especially the haters and losers! It is on right now. No @DannyZuker it's making you crazy because you don't have the guts to play the game. Come on Danny, you can do it! @dannyzuker I hope you pick up a lot of twitter followers by this so people can see what a total asshole you are! @DannyZuker @AndyRichter Danny, you're not having fun, you are getting your ass kicked - afraid to make the deal? No @DannyZuker , just the opposite, lots of money can go to charity if you have the guts to play the game (deal)! Remember, @dannyzuker , you are not even the real "boss" of Modern Family - no big $$$$$$'s for you! @DannyZuker Come on Danny, are u afraid of the DEAL (be careful, I'm really good at deals). @DannyZuker Bigger means bigger dummy, you really are stupid, aren't you! @DannyZuker Another racist remark by you, Danny, are you a racist? I know you don't like to hear this @DannyZuker but the biggest nights of The Apprentice were far "bigger" than the biggest nights of Mod Fam @ericleebow Five great golf courses with the new Blue Monster currrently under construction! Just got final renderings of Trump National Doral in Miami - there will be nothing like it in the Country, will be the best! @DannyZuker, are you ready for the deal? "@DannyZuker: @realDonaldTrump @dannyzucker It's @dannyzuker." As I said, I've never heard of you before! @gingram66 Wrong! @DannyZucker, are you ready for the deal? @LukewSavage And dumb people like @DannyZucker. I never heard of @DannyZucker until his very dumb and endless tweets started pouring out of insecure mind-but I have a great deal for him! I was just told by a television pro thay @DannyZucker is one of the truly dumbest guys in the business-he's obsessed with T-so many flops! "@twitt_be_cray: @realDonaldTrump go fuck yourself you dumb fuck" When was the last time you had a date-such terrible language (& picture). "@aaronrupe33: @realDonaldTrump no ones scared of you donald" You are very wrong! "@danrpriest: @realDonaldTrump Just out of curiosity, what makes you care so much about what they think?" I study cowards and stupid people It should be mandatory that all haters and losers use their real name or identification when tweeting - they will no longer be so brave! "@BarrieLouise: Lol. What is going on @ForQ2 ? Why is @realDonaldTrump threatening you?" He's afraid to use his real name-too costly! @julesmattsson Wrong, totally proved my case but didn't get damages because the libel laws in this Country suck! @TheJuice59101 I do, thanks. "@MaasMaasWhatup: Nobody does the Twitter thing quite like @realDonaldTrump. That man engages his critics like nobody I've seen before. T. @ForQ2 Are you making less than minimum wage, don't worry, the government will protect you. Afraid to give your real name? You should be. "@A11_Seeing_Eye: @realDonaldTrump @DAM615 Does an IQ of 60 count as being smart?" No, sadly you are very dumb-but probably born that way. "@M_A_F: @realDonaldTrump Thank you for all you do for the #troops! May God bless all of our #Veterans this Memorial Day!" Thanks. "@brandongersh: @realDonaldTrump Why did you go to Wharton did you not get into Harvard? Wharton is better for business than Harvard! @ForQ2 You're nuts, go get a job. "@CapitalCashCo: @realDonaldTrump @jojo81466 Please Make it happen, Let us Help You Win!" Thanks! "@DAM615: @realDonaldTrump yes you're a republican and smart. Now that's what we need to run this country!" We sure need better than current @HatchetWounds Totally wrong dopey. @JimmyDeVito Thanks Jimmy. "@CongressGent: @realDonaldTrump is one of the greatest businessmen to ever live. It is impossible to think otherwise." Very nice, thanks! "@jojo81466: @realDonaldTrump born on flag day?? See you were meant to be president!!" I guess that's.right! Great investor John Paulson just sought bankruptcy protection for a unit of his hedge fund-very smart-but he didn't go bankrupt you morons! The biggest business people have used the bankruptcy laws to their advantage-Warren B, Icahn, Kravis and this week John Paulson-for haters! "@EAWIII: @realDonaldTrump It will make my 3 day weekend to get a tweet from the greatest businessman the world has seen!"Great weekend! "People do business with those people they like and trust." - Ralph J. Roberts, Founder of Comcast Via @Suntimes: "Trump wins at trial, calls woman suing him 'horrible human being'" @BuseyFoundation @THEGaryBusey Thanks Gary, it was great having you on the show, may your foundation spend the money well. In your planning, know how much risk you can take. Evaluate whether the returns will be worth the risk. "If I'd started in business thinking I knew everything, I'd have been sunk before I got started." - Think Like a Champion Looking forward to being guest of honor at @ralphreed's @FFCoalition Patriot Gala Dinner on June 14th in DC. Flag day and my birthday. Must read article by @EmilyMiller: “Anthony Weiner is a twit who treats women like dirt” http://bit.ly/12Zy1QU Memorial Day is a time to honor our nation's finest who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. God bless them all. WH counsel met with IRS lawyer 3x in 2012, once in September http://bit.ly/18nOYIa But Obama just learned through news reports? @TishaLewis Thanks. @resplatt123 Thanks. Let's see whether or not Chuck Townsend @CondeNastCorp is smart enough to fire Graydon Carter, who only cares about his bad food restaurants Mrs. Goldberg, who filed the Chicago case many years ago, is a vicious and conniving woman--loved beating her. Thank you for all of the positive response on my Chicago lawsuit victory yesterday. Most of you saw through the phony age card ploy. @Triggerracing That sounds great--a bad woman. @RossWeidner Thank you! (I think) @BenBradleyABC7 True! "@Sennandy: @realDonaldTrump what a great wave you ride. without people like you the world would be years behind where we are. Thank you! @SusieBeatrice1 @leeboggs True, they are being decimated. @richardroeper Yes, you can't allow people to scam you & rip you off. @ArkieLad In addition to ripping me off. @paul1994loan Thanks. @VanityFair Read this & you will understand why Vanity Fair is going down the tubes. @dietztrott Thanks--and great job, David--what a great evening. @jgy777ph Thanks Joannah, they are sad and lost people. "@PattyOchs: @realDonaldTrump why people who are your haters feel they have to talk to you or follow you? They are sick and mentally weak! "@RandyRolph: @realDonaldTrump Shelly Kulwin says your a lyin' dog Mr. Trump." Shelly Kulwin is a really bad lawyer who lost big today(fool) "@Johns81366: @realDonaldTrump Mr. Trump, Even though I'm not a Republican, I wrote your name on my ballot during the election." A wise move "@Truthisthat1: @ForQ2 @Arseburgers @realDonaldTrump You are powerless online, and powerless in real life" Why do you follow.me moron! "@ForQ2: @realDonaldTrump she trusted you, her mistake, you beat her out of her 500K, She was mean and trusted no-one. You're easy to beat! "@warrencasselljr: @realDonaldTrump I agree! She tried to ruin the good old Trump brand! You can not let her get away with it." TRUE! "@PoemTrees: Counter sue for your loss of time if you want, but it might be easier to let it go~ Glad you won.. And had justice~ "@sonnset: @ForQ2 @realDonaldTrump She should sue her attorneys They knew she wasn't going to win with a binding contract. "@darjar14: @realDonaldTrump Congrats Mr. Trump. Frivolous lawsuits are a BIG problem in this country and issue should be addressed" I loved beating these two terrible human beings. I would never recommend that anyone use her lawyer, he is a total loser! Jury was unanimous after hearing the made up case against my co. Filed many years ago, she.and her pathetic lawyer should pay me big damages The so called 87 year old "lady" was a vicious and skilled investor who was trying to rip me off with made up facts and a blowhard lawyer. "@Chris_McNall: @realDonaldTrump Congratulations on win in Chicago today. Thank you, this woman played the age card and made up a story. It's important to remain open to new ideas and new information. Keep your door open every day to something innovative and energizing. Take a sneak peek into one of Trump Park Avenue's most exclusive residences on the market- http://youtu.be/0g9fz-Zk7wk I very much appreciate all of the great reviews & comments on my speech in Michigan--the people were great. @Kenkelly08Kelly Thanks, I had a great time. @RealSonnyNewman Pay attention and have fun. @Pourquoipas20 Happy Birthday! "@MrWalrusQ: @moronwatch Here ya go. "@gshuba: @realDonaldTrump Windmills not worth the trouble. Worse for the planet than oil, carbon. "@A380Jet: @realDonaldTrump Anthony Wiener couldn't pass a background check to be a police officer what makes him qualified to be Mayor???" "@leeboggs: @realDonaldTrump Turbines in US have killed many bald eagles w/o penalities." "@baker772: @realDonaldTrump What a great hotel!! I have stayed there twice, love it more and more every time." "@JCaavs: @realDonaldTrump as a 16 year old who can vote in 2016, I'd LOVE to make u my 1st vote. Run for president!" So cute and nice. "@asaadhutchinson: @realDonaldTrump how do you deal with haters?" Laugh at them! "@gshuba: @realDonaldTrump Windmills not worth the trouble. Worse for the planet than oil, carbon, et al." True! "@libbygaj: @realDonaldTrump PLEASE run for president in 2016 I will vote for you hands down" Our Country needs help, and fast! "@MC21701: @realDonaldTrump @jeff_lip is it true that it was your idea for Steve to name his company Wynn, or is that urban legend?"I helped "@Sanfangas: @realDonaldTrump apparently you think you're funnier as well.@RealCoachHodge" Actually I do, and I don't have writers! "@YouAreNotDeep: @realDonaldTrump Thanks, Professor Trump." Dr John Trump, uncle, for many years at M.I.T. -good genes, I get it! @SunnyJL52 True "@mattcyr2312: @realDonaldTrump @Gurning_Chimp @bluejoni Wind power is inefficient and a hazard to the environment." "@RealCoachHodge: @realDonaldTrump has a much higher IQ than idiot John Stewart" That's true, and by a lot. "@jeff_lip: @realDonaldTrump what's your beef with Stevie Wynn?" I have none, he is a friend of mine! "@Gurning_Chimp: @realDonaldTrump @bluejoni No, YOU hate wind power as YOU think it'll mess with YOUR golf course." That's true also! "@Freesprite2: @realDonaldTrump @bluejoni like your golf course, which they fought tooth and nail! And it's setting records, thanks! "@chrisinspfld: @realDonaldTrump Your books and your record is an inspiration to think bigger and do more." Thanks Chris:-) "@bluejoni: @realDonaldTrump The Scots LOVE their wind power. No, they hate that it is ruining their land (which it is). "@dmacduff11: @realDonaldTrump What do you think of Mac Miller?" Went platinum with Donald Trump song, 80 million hits, without my approval! Scotland is having a virtual revolt over obsolete wind turbines which are driving up energy costs and killing the bird population (and more) @MarkEaston777 Keep figthing, don't let the windfarms destroy your property and life! @DJLoopsFruit That's because I know him-he's a lowlife! @tubby511 They are dummies! "@DonaldRumsfeld9: @realDonaldTrump @VanityFair @CondeNastCorp i hate those non food restaurants!"Graydon's food sucks, worst in town! "@AboubacarMande: @realDonaldTrump courage big boss" Always! @markwonderful Sorry, Graydon Carter is a major loser, just ask his wife! @RassilonsArmy Not even close dummy, he is strictly small time. "@thegypsysons: @realDonaldTrump AWESOME DONALD, YOU RULE!" Thanks, I loved being in Michigan! "@mikepassmore: Big mistake! Wrong decision by @Lord_Sugar in #theapprentice - you need to take advice from @realDonaldTrump. @mikepassmore So true Mike. "@KrissySummers88: @realDonaldTrump @TheOaklandPress Awesome! I'm from Michigan.Thanks-the crowd was great and I loved making that speech! "Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life." - Golda Meir @DawnieDeee Hello Dawn. Pervert Anthony Wiener will never be able to get away from his perversion-the cure rate is ZERO. .@VanityFair could come back if Graydon Carter paid as much attention as he does to his bad food restaurants. @CondeNastCorp If the great Si Newhouse were still running @CondeNastCorp, he would fire Graydon Carter immediately- circulation tanking. Via @advisorsource: "Donald Trump speaks in Novi, drawing largest crowd in Oakland County Republican Party's history"http://bit.ly/16OObSw Via @TheOaklandPress "Donald Trump speaks in Novi(Michigan), draws record-breaking crowd" http://bit.ly/YYKkgW "Use adverse events and monumental challenges to make you strong" - Think Big . @Newsmax__Media is one of the top media outlets in the country. @ChrisRuddyNMX has revolutionized political commentary and reporting. Jodi Arias jury is having a hard time with the death penalty-judge just sent them back for further deliberatuon. Amazingly @AnthonyWeiner is going to run. The cure rate for his problem is 0. Lots of other things will come out. Graydon Carter is laughing at the stupidity of Chuck Townsend on his contract renewal--- even he doesn't believe it! @CondeNastCorp I can't believe @VanityFair would renew Graydon Carter's contract...... ...... Circulation is way down and all he thinks about are his bad food restaurants. @CondeNastCorp The Lincoln Day Dinner last night in Michigan was fantastic. Record attendance and tremendous enthusiasm- I loved it! @EMTgoneNUTZ Thanks Tanja One season ends and another starts. Already casting for the next @ApprenticeNBC. Great news for charity--$13 million so far. Very sad that Republican donors were targeted by Obama’s IRS. Isn’t it amazing that Obama “never knew” about the IRS scandals until he saw it in the news?! RT @ApprenticeNBC: RT @oppvillagelv: @pennjillette @TraceAdkins @ApprenticeNBC Very classy! Thank you so much, Trace! Shock - Obama WH given three pinocchios for lying about Benghazi emails http://wapo.st/10JVT8d @JillToma Hi Amy, see you soon. @Van_in_DC @DannyZuker Thanks Van--so true. @christinefox02 See you later. @dennisrodman @ApprenticeNBC Dennis--you were great--thanks! RT @ApprenticeNBC: Our thoughts and prayers are with those in Oklahoma. Please follow @redcross and @redcrossokc to find out how you can he… "@KingBowzer: @realDonaldTrump you're a huge douche for picking Penn. I hope you Retweet this." I picked Trace, not Penn - are you drugged "@BoydDee: @realDonaldTrump Thank you for hosting CelebApp to raise $$ for Charities like @RedCross working in OK now. Kudos 2 @TraceAdkins "@lildarling928: @realDonaldTrump @traceadkins @apprenticenbc such great things have come from this show-see it working in OKC #redcross" "@JessicaCarwile: @realDonaldTrump @traceadkins. We are so grateful for the Red Cross in OK today!! Thank you to Trace and to Mr. Trump! "@BettyBlopper1: The standing O that LilJon received when @realDonaldTrump gave his charity $100k was so moving. Love celebrity apprentice!" Good timing: @TraceAdkins won big for American Red Cross last night on @ApprenticeNBC. Now the Red Cross is in Oklahoma doing a great job. Because of the tornado tragedy I will not be doing @piersmorgan tonight. I wish everyone well! Excited to speak at tomorrow night's @ocrp Lincoln Day dinner in Michigan “All time sales record, over 2000.” http://bit.ly/16EvK3D @Nic_Keller @LilJon Thanks. @CassandraJ0y @LilJon Thank you. We may get out of ObamaCare because the train wreck is impossible to implement http://wapo.st/16EziTr It is a disaster. Everyone should go see @HatingBreitbart. Great documentary showcasing @AndrewBreitbart’s legacy. .@TraceAdkins- the winner of @ApprenticeNBC after last night's victory- http://fb.me/AlLotKq4 @dave_twit29 Thanks Dave. @cous13 Thanks. @Y0landaRiggins Thanks. @denicarter Very nice Denise, thank you. @Holly_Looya @divermam Ok. Ben--Congratulations on your graduation--and good luck! @LilJon @AmDiabetesAssn It was my honor, you're a great guy & your mother would be very proud of you. RT @AmDiabetesAssn: Thanks also to @ApprenticeNBC, @LGUS & @realDonaldTrump for their generous support of @LilJon and our mission to #StopD… .@MELANIATRUMP, @IvankaTrump, @EricTrump, @DonaldJTrumpJr & I thank our loyal fans for another great season of @ApprenticeNBC! RT @ApprenticeNBC: And the #CelebApprentice fundraising isn't over! Help @pennjillette & @traceadkins earn an extra donation by voting for … @Itsyknowsbest Thanks! @beverly_buck Great, enjoy the hotel. "@divermam: @realDonaldTrump I just saw the finale. Your act of kindness was total class. I've been a fan but I now love you Mr. Trump. "@13crazyjwd: @realDonaldTrump still in awe of what u did for lil Jon !!! Best night of good TV in years!!! God bless" "@JohnMKelly1: @realDonaldTrump Congratulations on a great show & season! It is wonderful how much money was raised for Charities. "@LIgal629: @realDonaldTrump @mr_al_131 was a great show best yet congrats" "@PCornibe: @realDonaldTrump You are a genuine compassionate man. Loved the show last night." Thanks Peggy. "@PSThaler: @realDonaldTrump dont agree with your politics, but respect your heart. Great gift to Lil John. Well done, sir." I undetstand, T "@mr_al_131: Was glued to@ApprenticeNBC all season one of my favourites @realDonaldTrump Great ending Amazing show! Thx Sir." Thank you. "@borich1970: @realDonaldTrump Congrats on raising $13 million total for charity. Best Live Finale ever!! Looking forward to next season. "@zp_3: @realDonaldTrump your tweets are awesome and an inspiration. #Trump2016" Thanks. "@GregVineyard1: @realDonaldTrump wonderful gesture to lil Jon, best celeb apprentice yet! Thanks for a great show Mr. Trump!" Thanks "@MsSamanatha: @realDonaldTrump Sir you just made me cry when you gave @LilJon that 100,000 that is why U ROCK! Thanks, the show was fun! "@LovatoMJ: Not gonna lie, teared up a little when @realDonaldTrump gave 100k to @LilJon for his charity." "@RenelianNation: @realDonaldTrump best moment of night when u gave 100 grand to Lil' John's charity. "@lisaloren11: @ApprenticeNBC @realDonaldTrump Amazing show! Much laughter and tears of joy! Thank you 💙" Will be doing Fox & Friends at 7 A.M. It never ends (hopefully)! I love that, in addition to everything else, so much money is raised for such great causes on Celebrity Apprentice-all proud of that! Last night's live show was so much fun. Congrats to the entire cast, they are all winners! From beginning over $13 million for charity. "@bigicedaddy: @realDonaldTrump Congratulations Mr. Trump on the best Celebrity Apprentice yet. You did a remarkable job as always. Thsnks "@Thatchers_Child: @piersmorgan @TraceAdkins @pennjillette @realDonaldTrump... And much better than @Lord_Sugar's show!" TRUE & THANKS. "@j_cohl: I'm kinda hoping that @realDonaldTrump and @IvankaTrump become the first father-daughter US President duo in American history CUTE "@debbiecraig817: @realDonaldTrump #BEST SHOW=HARD TOO TOP" Thanks @InaMaziarcz Obama put up nothing, zilch! "@Kingofgames3000: @realDonaldTrump the baddest boss on the planet taking no bs from anybody gotta hand it to you the real estate king" Cute Ivanka and Joan Rivers will be working hard tonight at the Live Finale - everybody must watch the OPENING at 9. @subirchowdhury How are you - $5.5 million (a bargain). "@Redcoat_Overkil: @realdonaldtrump But his hair is real!" So is mine, asshole! The cast for next season looks really good! @RebaForever58 Yes. "@bvmike: @realDonaldTrump something big and different tonight? Are you going to fire Penn and Trace, crown yourself The Apprentice?" "@Carodimo: @realDonaldTrump Give us an anticipation of it, please.! Veni Vidi Vici.!" You must see what happens at the very beginniing 9PM Just left the set of The Apprentice - the live show tonight will be fantastic - and something very big and very different is going to happen How badly will the Country be hurt by the three scandals and the very poor implementation and cost of Obama Care? @leebandoni Thanks Lee! @Lord_Sugar Much more than anybody knows dopey, much more - and it will soon be revealed in detail. "@danielrsimoes: @realDonaldTrump Here in Brazil, we set up a group to see the final of the Apprentice live. Hug and more Success for you" "@john_candy_: @realDonaldTrump shut up he's a lord what are you ?" I've always heard that "titles" can be easily bought-is this so? @ToddFouche1 On that I would beat almost everyone! @GregE_IoM. Only in your weak mind! @workplayeat Thanks, only the haters disagree! @CraigHeff I don't, he makes me money! Sugar is nowhere near being a billionaire-and I know, he works for me! @sarahluvnyc Thanks. @Subhana_Anwar It's easy, just think of haters as losers with.little imagination and even less understanding of success-and very lazy! "@CassHorowitz: @realDonaldTrump Im from England, and you're way better then that Alan Sugar...whoever he is" "@Ozziemae: @realDonaldTrump I love that you speak whatever's on your mind. That is true courage. Living your truth. "@sally_lawson: @realDonaldTrump love the phrase "the harder I work, the luckier I get" great book Donald" @carlyvowell Tell your friends son - YOU'RE FIRED TUMOR! "@DSlagle132: @realDonaldTrump there should be an All Star NBA No-Tattoo Team....would there be anyone available?" @JedediahBila Tell your aunt she is terrific! "@SirMiestro: S/O TO MY MAN @realDonaldTrump ....#SALUTE http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BKlbXBsCEAAHmsL.jpg" Thanks Mike. @omegaphoenix068 Rather amazing, wasn't it! "@piersmorgan: Bob Costas is one of the smartest people I've interviewed. #CNN" But you told me I was the smartest (by far)! I'm watching Knicks game-I'd bet all of those guys with the terrible tattoos wish they never got them-too bad, too late! Why didn't President Obama just go inside when it started raining yesterday - common sense! The two Marines looked very uncomfortable-& wet. Who do you like of the final two? #CelebApprentice http://fb.me/MUmsFUOP The LIVE FINALE of @ApprenticeNBC is this Sunday at 9/8C. Watch and see who will be the first ever All-Star Celebrity Apprentice. Enviro friendly? "AP IMPACT: Obama administration allows wind farms to kill eagles, birds despite federal laws" http://bit.ly/10VIboi This Sunday’s LIVE FINALE of @ApprenticeNBC will be tough & nasty. Be sure to watch @pennjillette & @TraceAdkins fight to the finish! People love @LilJon! http://instagram.com/p/ZbIeSDmhZS/ #CelebApprentice RT @ApprenticeNBC: Just tag your photos of @traceadkins’ and @pennjillette’s ice cream using #icecreamsocial and we’ll pin them to our Pint… RT @ApprenticeNBC: We’re throwing our #icecreamsocial over on Pinterest, so join us there! http://pinterest.com/apprenticeNBC/ The sexual abuse that is so rampant has, according to generals, greatly weakened our military. They have failed to stop it. Just in—all efforts to stop sexual abuse in the military have totally failed—in fact, the stoppers have become the abusers. .@NYMag is a piece of garbage but I think it is very nice & charitable that they employ the no-talent illiterate hack @jonathanchait. RT @TrumpCollection: . @trumpchicago is a 2013 Travelers' Choice Award winner on @tripadvisor: http://ow.ly/kqZvy Congratulations to my friend @seanhannity on @hannityshow 1,000th show consecutively #1 in his time slot! Great going! @CCV77 Thanks, very nice. "@funnsylvania: When is @realDonaldTrump going to finally get his own talk show? He would absolutely DESTROY the competition!" Thanks-time! Celebrity Apprentice will be LIVE on Sunday at 9 PM (from New York City).Casting has already begun for next season. "@Dstrick44: @realDonaldTrump @ricksmi54256322 You did run. And you had your ass handed you. Never ran stupid, but I wish I had-would have W In other words, our military has a very big problem! Unfortunately with some men when the poison kicks in (not me of course) there are no rules or guidelines in the military that will stop them I was never a fan of Bush 2 FOR MANY REASONS, including the fact that we should never have gone into Iraq but once there, kept the oil! DUMB Our very stupidly run Country better stop being so "politically correct" or we won't have a Country to run anymore! Many generals and military leaders are now saying "I told you so!" They say this will have big impact on military strength & national sec. General says that the Armed Forces will be severely weakened if the large scale rape and sexual abuse problem is not brought under control. Army officer who led a sexual abuse prevention unit was just fired after being charged with violently going after his wife.What is going on? America's top Army general has warned of a crisis unless sexual abuse in the military is quickly brought undet control.Forces greatly hurt! "@IcyJordan: @realDonaldTrump do you like LeBron as a player and person? @KingJames" LeBron is a great player and a great guy! "@jakeklopp24: @realDonaldTrump what's it like to be Donald Trump?" Believe it or not, it ain't easy! "@ahatwearer: @realDonaldTrump why are you suing an old lady?" Because she is rich and owes me money - I am not stupid! "@ChrisLeahey1: @realDonaldTrump Do you see President Obama surviving these scandals ?" Sadly yes, but he will never be the same! "@_Meagann: And @realDonaldTrump reminds me of my Grandpa -the smartest man I know." Wow, great! "@MikeMessina_: @realDonaldTrump needs to run for President! He would be the best leader!" Thanks Mike. @LCBeaudoin Big Second Amendment believer but background checks to weed out the sicko's are fine. @blakemharris But they are the folks I like the best - by far! @joeypiazza Way less - and you are soooo stupid! "@ricksmi54256322: @realDonaldTrump i can't wait til ur president the world will be a better place" If I ran and won, so true (& thanks)! Looks like we will have a pervert running for mayor after all - just what New York City needs - and he will revert back to form, always do! "@rodmonium91: @realDonaldTrump Is that Zuker character still giving u a hard time? He isn't qualified to shine your shoes!" ANOTHER DOPE! @chrishansen Good to see you also - I will be watching! "@MzInvestigator: Great way to almost end the week. Tv night on the deck with my fav simply red TRUMP wine @trumpwinery @EricTrump TRUE! @A_Beil Thanks Andrew! .@TrumpGolfLA public golf course features spectacular panoramic Pacific Ocean views, an elite attraction http://bit.ly/hAJgi6 RT @TrumpSoHo: Our hotel is @GwynethPaltrow approved along w/a few of her favorite #NYC #pizza places. @TravlandLeisure http://t.co/uCv0yd4… RT @ApprenticeNBC: The full season is online here: http://ow.ly/l6bJf #CelebApprentice RT @jaredcooper4 Time to catch up on the @Appren… @DylMyr Go for it. @AnubisJudge Happy Birthday! RT @TrumpCollection: Learn about the transformation of the newest Collection hotel, @doralresort: http://www.doralresort.com/About/Transformation_lookahead.asp “The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.” – Pres. Ronald Reagan ObamaCare is already done. HHS Sec. Sebelius is trying to force private companies to finance implementation http://wapo.st/YW5Dlj “It’s always great to be in business with Donald Trump,” said @Telemundo president Emilio Romano. http://bit.ly/YW3cPD "To be a big success in any field you need to build momentum. Momentum is all about energy and timing. " - Think BIG Legendary Illusionist v. Country Music Star. This Sunday’s LIVE Finale of @ApprenticeNBC is a historic matchup. MUST SEE TV! @Billingsley29 Do what you love, work hard, keep your focus and your momentum intact. Good luck! @Corte74 It helped! @BrianSpurr Not too many around! @tbott22 Very true! @donna_1004 Perhaps so! @Janet_Carswell @samflaherty_ Thanks. @MikeFromTN @mcuban @JeremyPage3011 Thanks Michael. Obama & his people did a brilliant job of delaying these scandals until after the election. Mitt must be going wild thinking about it! If these scandals happened before the election, Obama could not have won. @Jared808 @commonguymd @AP True! @sarah_bales1 True and thanks. @Roddy_Brown Thanks! @polotodd804 This is one of the worst made and inaccurate documentaries I have ever seen. Filmmaker Mike Tollin has zero talent.Also-boring "@swayneonmain: @realDonaldTrump and how many people died on Bush and Cheneys watch? Talk about that." I was never a fan, lots of mistakes. "@birchtrees47: @realDonaldTrump cause there wouldn't be any scandals if you were in office.. TRUE-and no stupidity! "@jsalzinger: @realDonaldTrump saw some of your testimony today, you ran circles around the prosecutor!" Thanks. @A_Beil Thanks Andrew. I wonder what the next scandal will be in D.C.? Can we handle yet another? "@Jake_Clegg81: @realDonaldTrump is the man! @TheApprentice9 is the best show on TV!" Thanks! "@doublet7: @realDonaldTrump Every day at Bedminster national is a day in golf heaven. Thx for a great membership experience Mr Trump!" NICE "@KiloBunch: @realDonaldTrump Much respect but you are the most sophisticated and vicious SOB out there. And I think you're great!" Wow! The three political disasters could lead to a major and complete political meltdown! "@UsmanChodry: I never get y people hate @realDonaldTrump so much?coz they r not as succesful as him? #trump #theapprentice" Thanks M! "@nyc_bos: @realDonaldTrump - when are you going to announce your bid for 2016??" Thanks for your nice thoughts-our Country is a mess! The "lady" in Chicago that I'm fighting owes me $500, 000 and is sophisticated & vicious. She made up a story & plays the "age card" - bad! I totally respect that Angelina Jolie has shown such great bravery in the face of danger - she has really come a long and positive way! @AndyBarovick Really terrible and a sad day for our Country! "@byron400: RT @jsavino16 @realDonaldTrump played Trump national in Los Angeles yesterday. What an amazing place. THANKS! "@AreL714: @realDonaldTrump Just went on a Donald J Trump necktie buying spree. Fantastic quality and design." At Macy's and thanks! RT @ApprenticeNBC: .@TraceAdkins and @pennjillette duke it out for all the #CelebApprentice glory – LIVE this Sunday at 9/8c! "Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." - RT @ApprenticeNBC: Vote for your #CelebApprenticeMVP before it's too late! RT @ApprenticeNBC: Who is your #CelebApprenticeMVP this week? Not since Watergate have we been going thru a time like this--Benghazi, IRS, wiretapping of @AP... “Circumstances are beyond human control, but our conduct is in our own power.” -- Benjamin Disraeli This Sunday’s LIVE FINALE of @ApprenticeNBC puts @pennjillette against @TraceAdkins. Watch two great competitors battle to win! RT @ApprenticeNBC: Who’s your #CelebApprenticeMVP: @lisarinna, @liljon, @traceadkins or @pennjillette? http://ow.ly/kYjBg .@TrumpNationalNY is NY's best golf club. A 5 Star Diamond Award winner w/ an elite golf course & top facilities http://bit.ly/bhn5fU 32º in New York - it's freezing! Where the hell is global warming when you need it? "@HankDHaney: @realDonaldTrump it's great to have u in the game of golf, ur courses r all great, first class operations in great condition" "@KarltheMarx: “@realDonaldTrump: I have never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke.” Benghazi. Obama lied. Our people died. .@LilJon once again made it to the Final Four. A true talent and great friend to #CelebApprentice @ApprenticeNBC. Great job! .@lisarinna did amazing on #CelebApprentice @ApprenticeNBC. Raising over $505K for @StJude, she made it to the Final Four. Congrats Lisa. “Never judge someone by their job title. You’d be surprised at the talents people can have.” – Midas Touch My @foxandfriends int. on IRS targeting Tea Party, the Benghazi death scandal & @TraceAdkins v. @pennjillette finale http://bit.ly/100qRgF "@BaronToutenberg: @realDonaldTrump Donald, would you ever appear as a guest if asked on #REDEYE @RedEyeFNC with @greggutfeld ????" Yes. @TigerWoods GREAT playing, you are the best! @steveprecision1 Have fun #1. "@pellman11: @realDonaldTrump My mother has such a crush on you. She beat breast cancer this past year. Can I request a RT for my hero.Love "@DMurkowitz: Best part of my Monday morning commute @realDonaldTrump on @foxandfriends" Thanks David! I AM PLEASED TO INFORM YOU THAT CELEBRITY APPRENTICE HAS BEEN RENEWED FOR ANOTHER SEASON BY NBC. SEE YOU AT THE NBC UPFRONTS TOMORROW. "@CRCalderwood1: @realDonaldTrump What are your thoughts on Sergio?" A great guy! "@scienceinvestme: @realDonaldTrump hows this 4 gratitude 4saving their neck?Kuwait Airways 2 spend near $3B on 25 Airbus jets. @leechsam Thanks Sam, and it's doing great! "@JUrciuoli19: @realDonaldTrump please say it isn't so and Apprentice is not cancelled" Thanks and sleep well tonight! "@CunninghamNY: . @realDonaldTrump clearly needs to run for president! Don't think anyone else can get us on the right track but him!" You will love Celebrity Apprentice tonight - 9 PM on NBC. Must watch from beginning - two early firings! Two people fired very early on Celebrity Apprentice tonight at 9 leading up to next weeks live Finale. Don't get angry at me tonight! @RoySchuhmacher Thanks! "@RoySchuhmacher: @samahDanash I own a fitness business all over the the Bay Area on CA. So @realDonaldTrump has been a HUGE motivator." Watching @TigerWoods on NBC playing great golf. Tiger won The WGC Cadillac Championship at Trump National Doral this year. I love Tiger! "@Brock2120: @sethmeyers Your first guest has to be @realDonaldTrump. would be epic!" First guest for what? @PhilipMorrow That would be great Philip! "@MatthewSmales1: @realDonaldTrump is a great American a role model to many read all of his books been a fan since he was in wwe a great guy "@chris_l54: @SPORTSGURU77 @tweetontilt @realdonaldtrump @mcuban If you real Art of the Deal, you'd know that Donald did it all on his own." "@samahDanash: Think big is the most amazing book I have ever read. @realDonaldTrump" "@samahDanash: Every time I read a chapter it gives me a push and brings positive energy to my life. Think big @realDonaldTrump" "@71Kristine: @realDonaldTrump Thank you for Fund Anything Mr. Trump you know how to help people in all the right ways. With hope" "@TonyChalk1: @realDonaldTrump is a role model for how to be successful. I've been a fan since "Art of the Deal"came out in paperback." @chris_l54 Thanks Chris - they know the real facts but don't choose to use them-very dishonest! @QFiveFarms Thanks and true! "@JwalkerKid: @realDonaldTrump YOU WIN ON TV SHOWS HANDS DOWN YOU ARE A SUCCESSFUL PERSON ...... I LOVE ALL THE SHOWS U HAVE COME UP WITH" "@chris_l54: @realDonaldTrump @mcuban Hadn't even heard of 'the benefactor' til Donald mentioned it. Big fail.. Donald wins the TV war." "@leebandoni: @realDonaldTrump time for you to instruct the BBC to replace him, he has the personality of a tea bag" "@J4K9FLATLEY: @realDonaldTrump I have turned family and friends into #Apprentice fans. Nothing better" "@WVUChemE: @realDonaldTrump The real shark tank is the boardroom on @ApprenticeNBC !" "@seanheilweil: @realDonaldTrump damn you really like getting @mcuban fired up to squash you like a bug huh?" He doesn't have the strength! "@damiranz: @realdonaldtrump , i'm a Big Fan But Sometimes You just Need To Shut Up,you Talk Too Much" Probably true, but I'm having fun! @persvanstrom Based on your picture I can see why - you look lost and in need of a cheap lifeline. "@theRealRyanMatt: @realDonaldTrump i never seen apprentice or shark tank am i a fat loser?" No, just a loser! @mikeluis93 Mark Cuban is a bully who is physically very soft and therefore should immediately stop wearing T shirts. No strength! @Lord_Sugar can't hold a.candle to Donald.Trump - he is a laughing stock in Great Britain (but his show pays me lots of money, so I'm happy) The success of Shark Tank over the years is a total joke compared to the success of The Apprentice, one of the biggest hits in T.V. history. @african11 But I love insulting people who don't have the goods but think they do! The Apprentice, on the other hand, has been a MAJOR television hit, often times finishing #1. Even now, after 13 seasons, it wins its slot! @mcuban is a short ball hitter who had a massive failure on television, The Benefactor. Now he is one of many on a modest ratings show, S T. @BrianLynch @DurantRandy Thanks, no wonder our Country is in such trouble! @LennyDopkin I have not run it for many years, I sold it a long time ago (great deal, great timing). When I owned it, a top place! @heavensbug Thank you and very true! "@DurantRandy: @realDonaldTrump Mr. Trump; some of these losers just don't get it. They need to look at why your on top." @Patti0713 Thanks Patti. @nieldi @Lord Sugar can't get himself arrested-but at least he's making me money-keep begging Sugar you dog! @MaxVayner Your man, little Jon S(?) can't win, he's not smart enough or quick enough! @caaataclysm Little Jon Stewart(?) Is a pussy, he would be hopeless in a debate with me! @MaxVayner Stewart (?) wouldn't have even a little chance in a debate with me. He's totally overrated - not fast enough or smart enough! @noma2300 You must be kidding - I kicked both of their ugly assses! "@doralaquatics: @realDonaldTrump WooHoo! Have lived in Doral for 14 years and city is excited for Trump upgrades! WELCOME!" Thanks! @GuerrillaTycoon Not even close - he is just, as you know, a very bad copy (who I profit from). @chef_riggy I never endorsed Judd - I'm with Senator Mitch all the way! "@m_plem: @realDonaldTrump @lord Do you ever take the high road?" When I'm dealing with garbage like @Lord Sugar, NO! "@CallumPriest: @realDonaldTrump He is a Lord for a reason" But nobody can figure out what that reason is! "@jshawknz: The only thing I ever watch on TV is @realDonaldTrump 's All Star Celebrity Apprentice. #truestory" Just left Trump National Doral in Miami - under massive construction - The Blue Monster will be one of the greatest courses ever built! "@OCAmericans: I only watch @NBC once a week to watch @realDonaldTrump's Apprentice. Great! Leightweight @Lord Sugar virtually begged my reps to have me stop mocking him. Every time this dope goes on Apprentice I make money-too easy RT @ApprenticeNBC: Thank you once again to our great guests last week: @lisalampanelli @mrteller @hunterhayes and @chefdavidburke! #CelebAp… “It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.” - Albert Einstein RT @ApprenticeNBC: We’re down to the final four, but not for long. Get ready for a double-firing this Sunday: http://ow.ly/kUiWa #Cele… RT @TrumpNewYork: here's a great way to start your weekend! #centralpark #columbuscircle #timewarner http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BJ6hK1NCQAA5Kaf.jpg RT @ApprenticeNBC: The legendary @Joan_Rivers joins @realDonaldTrump and @IvankaTrump in the #CelebApprentice Boardroom this Sunday! No investor would be stupid enough to pour their money into the bottomless Vattenfall pit. They totally gave up http://bit.ly/ZNrQ08 Whether you have someone managing your finances or you're doing it yourself, money, like anything, takes maintenance & planning to grow. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Catch up before our final two episodes with full #CelebApprentice episodes online now: http://ow.ly/kTXte RT @TrumpCollection: Both @trumpchicago and Sixteen are Forbes Five-Star award winners: http://ow.ly/kqZZf @feksbaby Very nice, thanks! "@grtblankenship: @realDonaldTrump is definitely the best personality I follow on twitter. Inspiration and role model all together!" @PennyStocksBlog You are 100% correct - thank you! "@Jaybags9: @realDonaldTrump just been walking behind you boss! Liking the golf course and hotel in general! #Miami #Doral" Will be great! Dummy, I'm asking a question - look at the question mark at the end of the sentence! Use your head. .@limbaugh is right. Watergate is much different than Benghazi. No one died in Watergate. See my picks at @Fund_Anything at http://fundanything.com/en and giving away money!!! #FundAnything I watched @todayshow this AM re: @MarthaStewart & dating. She looks terrific, better than ever, any guy would be lucky to be with her. For all of the morons who have been complaining about my comment on sexual assault & rape in the military, (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1rk715e RT @ApprenticeNBC: Will the #MechanicalDog make a cameo when @THEGaryBusey returns for Sunday’s #CelebApprentice? http://youtu.be/NnkhZZ-xQk4 “The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said.” - Peter Drucker Sadly, firing can be an essential and responsible business decision. It isn't pleasant, but lopping off a branch can save a tree. "@Chris_Nima: @realDonaldTrump Would you rather have a 3rd Obama term or make out with Rosie??" I'll take the third term! "@samflaherty_: @realDonaldTrump I'd bet my life savings Obama has a higher IQ than you" You would lose! "@JoshRosenfield: .@realDonaldTrump And yet he refuses to release his IQ results to the public. WHAT ARE YOU HIDING, MR. TRUMP." Ask Obama! A Warren Buffett corp. is currently ensnared in a bankruptcy. Likewise Icahn, Kravis, Apollo and many others have played the game.Thanks! "@bagshotrow: @realDonaldTrump which internet test told you this i would like to Match Wits With The Trumpster" You wouldn't have a chance! "@MadamSuzette: @realDonaldTrump U were right Jodi arias should Have listened to u" Thanks, but I'm glad she didn't. "@rodmonium91: @realDonaldTrump Mr Trump, do you support the death penalty?" YES! @MenaceSocietyUT Little Jon Stewart(?) is getting his ass kicked and you and all of his high priced writers know it! Don't panic Jon. "@dlayphoto: @realDonaldTrump Is that why you’ve filed for bankruptcy numerous times?" I never filed for bankruptcy asshole! @JeremyPage3011 Mark Cuban can't beat me at anything. He is one of many on Shark Tank and Apprentice has been a much, much bigger show! "@2go2there: @realDonaldTrump Remember that one time you came to @LibertyU ? That was cool of you - thanks! I loved it - GREAT SCHOOL! "@NJWineGeek: @realDonaldTrump but Jon Stewart has a much higher IQ. Wrong, Jon Stewart(?) is an obnoxious lightweight with a lower I.Q. Jodi thought she outsmarted the system - it didn't work! Congratulations to the jury on a job well done! Now, will it be life or death? "@hotair25159: @realDonaldTrump lol.. Justice for Travis" It shows that the legal system is still intact-good news! Man, we had a great day today at Trump Tower - lots of money was given to many people who really needed it - good feelings and happiness! Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure,it's not your fault What do you think about the push to put women into high intensity combat situations? “Never think of learning as a burden. It may require some discipline, but it prepares you for a new beginning.”– Think Like a Champion I'm giving away money- go to http://FundAnything.com . Take it from me! Proud of the #FundAnything team. We continue to lose our nation’s finest in Afghanistan almost daily. The Rules of Engagement are costing lives. Scary. Our military is a using a Chinese made satellite for North Africa command communications http://bit.ly/17LROX8 Visit @Fund_Anything at http://fundanything.com/en to see my picks! #FundAnything RT @ApprenticeNBC: This week's #CelebApprenticeMVP is... @PennJillette! Congrats, Penn! http://ow.ly/kQ6ms .@myfoxny discussing NYPD Chief Kelly’s great record & the launch of the crowdfunding site http://FundAnything.com http://bit.ly/17LRpDV Via @CNNMoney: "Donald Trump gets into crowdfunding" http://bit.ly/17LQVxJ #FundAnything I just gave lots of money away at Trump Tower to people who needed it...they were very happy and appreciative! What a great time we just had in the atrium of Tump Tower for http://fundanything.com. The place was happy and packed! I gave away money. Go to http://FundAnything.com to see how I'm helping people. #FundAnything #Entrepreneurs It's go time! See you at Trump Tower. I'm giving money away! #FundAnything @abaldwin31 Thanks. People do not assume this but more than anything else, I like helping people. Be at Trump Tower at 11 AM today. Residential Capital, a company in which Warren Buffett is involved, went bankrupt - but that doesn't mean that Warren Buffett went bankrupt! I'm giving away money! 11AM Trump Tower. Be there or be left behind! I would absolutely kill Jon Stewart(?) in a debate - it would be no contest - he's not fast enough or smart enough (only obnoxious enough!). @SportsWalnuts And Jon Stewart(?) is a very little man hiding behind lot's of high priced writers without which he would be nothing! "@rosannascotto: Why are you giving away money this am @realDonaldTrump ?" Because so many people need help! "@calikal69: @realDonaldTrump what do you think of @billmaher?" I don't think of Bill Maher - and nobody else does either. "@MarkDRucker1: @realDonaldTrump I wish you'd spend more time building people up rather than tearing them down. I only tear down losers. "@jgarrett214: "@PrayaHater: @realDonaldTrump Go on his show and teach him how its done!" No joke writers. He is soft and easy. "@asmarks18: @realDonaldTrump I dont care for Stewart but do you ever shut up?" I never give up! Just watched Jon Stewart(?) jumping up and down and screaming like a madman - nothing funny or smart, just loud and obnoxious, a pushy dope! "@ChrisCJackson: @realDonaldTrump I'm pretty sure your wife is cheating on you at this exact second." Sorry, no-one else can satisfy her! "@gdelag: @realDonaldTrump @rodmonium91 Just ck how many followers have each follower. But I notice you follow loser-boredom without Trump! "@jgarrett214: @realDonaldTrump you do realize that @ApprenticeNBC has raised MILLIONS for great charities, right? #celebapprentice" YES! "@rodmonium91: @realDonaldTrump Any truth to the rumor you bought some of your 2.1mil followers?" No,I'm too cheap! "@Suzmo816: @realDonaldTrump She could share an apartment with Casey Anthony!" Very witty but not very funny! @valentino_jimmy That's cool, I agree! @RealSonnyNewman Thanks Sonny! "@JoshIs: Super happy to #unsubscribe @realDonaldTrump now that his asinine election antics are over. Then don't talk, do it asshole! "@sherlock1313: .@realDonaldTrump Is there nothing that u don't pretend to be an expert at?" No, absolutely nothing! @ChrisHarmsWI Thanks Chris! @BobKurlander Thanks Bob, it is one of the best and will only get better-I will be spending lots of money this Summer! "@Heaveenly: @realDonaldTrump how does it feel to have 2.1 million followers" Great-like owning The New York Times without the lo$$es! . Wow, I love stimulating debate and driving certain people crazy-the Generals were forced to do something they didn't want to do (not me). "@TroyMoe1: @realDonaldTrump mark Sanford just won his house seat back so maybe Jodi can run against Hillary in 2016" "@NickBrinley: @realDonaldTrump If they're "unreported," how do you know there's 26,000 of them?" Reported tonight by all major newscasts. Is it even slightly possible that Jodi Arias could be set free-wow, what a miscarriage of justice that would be! The jury in the Jodi Arias trial is, believe it or not, still out. You never know but such a long deliberation could be good for the defense "@Fresh_Entertain: @realDonaldTrump do you ever go to the isle of Lewis?" Yes, great place-my wonderful mother was born there! The Generals and top military brass never wanted a mixer but were forced to do it by very dumb politicians who wanted to be politically C! 26,000 unreported sexual assults in the military-only 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when they put men & women together? "@TweesTweets: @realDonaldTrump Do people ever call you Donny?" YES. "@artlab: @realDonaldTrump Still waiting for the apology on the birth certificate thing. You must be kidding joker! “Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.” -- Bruce Lee Everyone join me tomorrow at 11 AM in Trump Tower atrium. My @gretawire int. discussing business difficulties with ObamaCare & how it is stopping businesses from hiring http://bit.ly/15kh09z Trump @DoralResort’s renovations are on schedule. With such a massive project underway, I am watching closely. My @foxandfriends int. on Benghazi cover up, the ObamaCare mess & firing @TheRealMarilu on @ApprenticeNBC http://bit.ly/15kltsW The economy is broken. Entrepreneurship is being suppressed. See what I do Wednesday 11 AM at Trump Tower atrium. RT @ApprenticeNBC: This week’s #CelebApprenticeMVP is ____________. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Who should earn an extra donation to their #CelebApprentice charity? Tell us using #CelebApprenticeMVP! Tired of being bullied by the economy? I'm going to help people. Wednesday 11 AM at Trump Tower Keep Wednesday morning free. You will want to see this! "@opensezme: @realDonaldTrump and there's a move afoot to have women in combat arms if its happening now what do you think will happen then" "@DigitalPianoMan: @realDonaldTrump You do more good just commenting on Twitter than most haters do their whole lives" 26,000 sexual assaults or rapes reported in military last year-and that is just the number that is reported (many do not want to report). Sexual assault and rape in the Armed Forces is a Massive problem that nobody wants to talk about or do anything about-the big dark secret! Head of Air Force's anti-sexual assault unit arrested for sexual assault! It just seems that our Country is not what it used to be. .@JoseCanseco, who I got to know very well during #CelebApprentice, can't carry @SHAQ's jock. RT @Dan_Treadway: I feel like the Twitter feud between @SHAQ and @JoseCanseco will only reach its potential if @realDonaldTrump becomes inv… "Success seems to be connected w/ action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes but they don't quit." - Conrad Hilton Now @RonWyden is also “concerned” about ObamaCare along with @MaxBaucus http://yhoo.it/15q1bOp Program may fold through its own doing. Benghazi was a massive cover up. RT @TrumpSoHo: Our #hotel #pool was featured online in @HauteLivingMag as top 5 in #NYC. http://ow.ly/kKDEl Bar d'Eau is open this Frid… Via @Hometownlife: "Donald Trump to speak at Lincoln Day Dinner at The Showplace in Novi" http://bit.ly/15kgOXS .@lisarinna is the last lady standing in All Star Celebrity @ApprenticeNBC. Watch out men, she’s sharp and tough. RT @ApprenticeNBC: MT @pennjillette: Thanks @ChefDavidBurke for all your help on last night's episode. The food and you were spectacular. The Trump Organization is honored to be expanding our interests into Dubai. The golf course will be the top course in the Middle East. .@TheRealMarilu was very impressive and is a great person. The All Star Celebrity @ApprenticeNBC viewers loved her. Why is failed theater critic Frank Rich writing about politics for failing @NYMag—he doesn’t have a clue! RT @IvankaTrump: Congratulations @realDonaldTrump on being ranked #1 in @commercial_nyo Power 100 Reader’s Poll! http://bit.ly/13Gm3fL RT @ApprenticeNBC: Last night’s #CelebApprentice with @johnrich, @lisalampanelli, @hunterhayes, @mrteller and more is online now! http://t.… @jerrynoce Thanks Jerry! "@SinCityVinnie: @realDonaldTrump #celebrityapprentice is the absolute best show on television." THANKS! Enjoy Celebrity Apprentice tonight at 9 - a really great episode! "@NUNOSINAUSTIN: @realDonaldTrump celebrity apprentice tonight! Final two? Penn & Little John, that's my guess.." Watch what happens,9 P.M. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Former #CelebApprentice winner @johnrich is back! We’re thrilled to have him on board as an advisor this Sunday! "God never takes away something from your life without replacing it with something better." --Rev. @BillyGraham When written in Chinese, the word 'crisis' is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity." JFK Looking forward to being the guest of honor at @ralphreed's @FaithandFreedom Patriot's Award Gala Dinner in Washington, DC RT @ApprenticeNBC: We’re down to the final five! #CelebApprentice Time magazine should name David Pecker of American Media to be its top guy...but they are not smart enough to do that! As I’ve said many times before, Jon Stewart @TheDailyShow is highly overrated. Jon Stewart @TheDailyShow is a total phony –he should cherish his past—not run from it. If Jon Stewart is so above it all & legit, why did he change his name from Jonathan Leibowitz? He should be proud of his heritage! What’s funny about the name “F**kface Von Clownstick” -- it was not coined by Jon Leibowitz-- he stole it from some moron on twitter. Amazing how the haters & losers keep tweeting the name “F**kface Von Clownstick” like they are so original & like no one else is doing it... “Most people think small because most people are afraid of success, afraid of making decisions, afraid of winning” The Art of the Deal "@Wolfrum: @GoAngelo Remember when @realDonaldTrump was going to sue you? I can't sue him-my shirts and ties are doing great at Macy's! It's crunch time. This Sunday's All-Star Celebrity @ApprenticeNBC's task will separate the winners from the losers. "@DanProctor11: I may strongly disagree with @realDonaldTrump's politics but he makes one hell of a dress shirt" At a great price at Macy's "@HarrietBaldwin: @realDonaldTrump @deedeegop What happened to "turn the other cheek?" Sorry, not a believer! @roysj Unlike you, stupid, I became a big stock market investor a couple of years ago because the dollar is going to hell & false low int. “Always get even. When you are in business, you need to get even with people who screw you.” – Think Big RT @TrumpCollection: See why @trumptoronto is a 2013 Travelers' Choice Hotel on @tripadvisor: http://ow.ly/ksIeB "@s__nguyen: @realDonaldTrump Thank you for being a great inspiration to us in the younger generation. We need more leaders like you!"Thanks "@scottygam: @realDonaldTrump Jon Stewart calls you F**ckface Von Clownstick. What's that all about?" He's an overrated asshole-total phoney "@pzarrella21: @realDonaldTrump I don't understand the trolls that follow celebrities to curse them out on a daily basis. #getalife. LOSERS! "@Angelkakes: @realDonaldTrump love you. Need people like you running this country instead of the idiots now in @whitehouse #failed" Thanks! "@Jhonatanjansson: Just watched speaches from #cpac @realDonaldTrump and @marcorubio did great" Thank you! “How much money can you stand to lose? That’s how much risk you should assume.” – Think Like a Billionaire Turn to QVC now to watch Melania - really good stuff! Why are some more concerned with granting terrorist rights than protecting innocent Americans? Our trade deficit is still on pace to be over $500B. This is killing our manufacturing sector and sending jobs overseas. Obama’s goal of 1 million electric car sales is a little off, by over 910,000 http://bloom.bg/11DINvl $100B of our money wasted! Trump Int'l Puerto Rico spreads luxury residences, a world class golf resort & beach club across 1,000 acres http://bit.ly/ZXL71D Call @MELANIATRUMP today on @QVC at 5 PM EST, say hello, and buy buy buy! My wife, Melania, will be on @QVC today @ 5 PM selling really beautiful jewelry at a very low price. Perfect for Mother’s Day—call in! RT @ApprenticeNBC: We’re down to our final five… Who will be the final two? #CelebApprentice @nikkio True! @marie_marshallx @ApprenticeNBC Thanks. @miamarrazza Work really hard & think smart! @adb1707 @TrumpTowerNY @THEGaryBusey Good point! With Boston terrorist cell widening in suspects, it's now clear that it was a mistake to read the bomber the Miranda warning so early. . @chrislhayes replaced @edshow on @msnbc to increase ratings. It’s a shame Chris’ are even worse. Sad to see. RT @MELANIATRUMP: Gold is one of my favorite colors. It's classic & timeless... Tune in @ 5 PM @QVC #MelaniaJewelry collection! http://… All-Star Celebrity @ApprenticeNBC is down to the five final contestants. Getting fired now is when it really hurts! Jodi, if you're listening, MAKE A DEAL! Jodi should try but the Govt. should not make a deal - no jury could be dumb enough to let her off (but you never know, look at OJ & others) Jodi Arias has stated that she follows me on twitter so I really hate to be saying that she is guilty but sadly, she is as guilty as it gets "@broadflameec: @dblsolo7 @hdiallo @BarrieLouise @ForQ2 @realDonaldTrump Small man. Large ego." No, large man 6'3". Large ego! @salefisher - Jordan is great! "@anthonyeding: No doubt the @realDonaldTrump would have been a better president than Obama" TRUE! @hdiallo Why do you follow me creepy stalker? @JohnQuinsay When you get bored with others, you'll be back (and don't hurry). @AxlRose1996 Stephen, that's right...and someone who is really smart! "@zack_21: @realDonaldTrump @hdiallo @dblsolo7 class act there donald. How dare u call this beautiful women these names. You said beautiful? "@MisterEspinal: You see, this man right here has me as his number one fan forever! Inspirational, Real, a Success! @realDonaldTrump" Thanks "@teaparty321: @realDonaldTrump if you run for president in 2016, I hope you talk about your success instead of hiding it." No doubt! "@hdiallo: @dblsolo7 @realDonaldTrump That hair is a hot mess & shows he gas no class or style!" Yea, you're a real beauty! @PatrickMendezNV Great idea - did you see their list, a joke! "@PatrickMendezNV: They're going to make you their @TIME person of the year in attempt to silence you. They are not smart enough to do that Just took a look at Time Magazine-looks really flimsy like a free handout at a parking lot! The sad end is coming-just like Newsweek! @Drake4444444 I never knew but thanks for the compliment! @Neviah_M A totally one sided documentary. Why weren't the police, detectives and prosecutors interviewed? City should not settle this case "@TMPLUSII: @realDonaldTrump your show ratings are off the charts why do others fail to get it right?" Because they don't want to! @CraigSJ Why did they all sign confessions and how many people did they mugg that night in the Park? What about their criminal records? "@shiveringgoat: @realDonaldTrump These poor guys were PROVEN INNOCENT! Oh really, weren't these "poor guys" mugging other people in Park? "@MrWayneRock: @EricTrump @IvankaTrump Where Fred Christ Trump (father of The Donald) started THE TRUMP ORGANIZATION. Never saw-Really great "@leebestt: @realDonaldTrump So true; from the 2 Best of all time Ruth and Trump." Really cool! “Don’t let the fear of striking out hold you back.” – Babe Ruth Via @TVbytheNumbers: 'Celebrity Apprentice' is Number 1 among ABC, CBS & NBC for its Second Hour from 10-11 p.m. http://bit.ly/18p8Ngl NBC terminates "The Chris Matthews Show" http://bit.ly/18pgsLJ Oil should not cost more than $40 a barrel. Ideally it should be $25. Cheap to produce and we protect the OPEC countries. ObamaCare is a disaster. Americans will see record increases in their premiums and inferior care services. Fracking poses ZERO health risks http://bit.ly/18pdO8H In fact, it increases our national security by making us energy independent. "Trump Making GOP Speech — Is 2016 in the Cards?" http://bit.ly/18pa5rF via @Newsmax_Media Upstate New York is suffering with record unemployment. Fracking is the answer. Frack now and Frack fast! Via @AP on @washingtonpost: "Trumps look at building 18-hole golf course on former Kluge estate in rural Virginia" http://wapo.st/18paPwX See story in The Scotsman re: wind turbines- http://www.pressdisplay.com/pressdisplay/viewer.aspx The people of Scotland are really starting to fight the ugly industrial wind turbines. See Press and Journal- http://bit.ly/10sRjut Wow, I just found out that in a major poll of its readers the @NewYorkObserver voted me #1 on the "power 100" list in NY...... ....... I disagree, but it's still cool. Snow and freezing weather all over mid-section of Country. Global warming specialists better start thinking fast! Money is really cheap so this is a great time to buy a house-but be sure to lock in long term financing (without which don't buy). Housing prices are up in Feb over last Feb 9.3 per cent -remember, I told everyone two years ago to buy (but they will be going much higher) "@DCGiesII: Maybe @realDonaldTrump was right about his course being better than Quail Hollow" Trump National-Charlotte is better than Q.H. "@TMPLUSII: @realDonaldTrump Thanks for buying Doral! There is no doubt your vision will create a master piece. Hope to play it one day"YES! "@TMPLUSII: @realDonaldTrump Thanks for buying Doral! There is no doubt your vision will create a master piece. Hope to play it one day" "@steveturk182: @realDonaldTrump what is your favorite book that you have authored?" Art of the Deal! "@jamescoleman07: @realDonaldTrump Thank you for being an inspiration for people like me! YOU define SUCCESS! THANK YOU!" Very nice-thanks "@Joe_Mangieri: Going to @Macys this weekend to get @realDonaldTrump ties! What's your favorite color Mr. Trump?" Blue but all are great! "@JwalkerKid: @realDonaldTrump IT'S AMAZING HOW YOU KEEP YOUR SUCCESS GOING THIS FAR KEEP IT UP !!" Thanks! "@koos32: @realDonaldTrump Congrats on all your success! You are a great role model!" Thanks! "@Keegs_Dad: @realDonaldTrump I've been a fan of yours for almost 25 years" Wow, great! "@AlbertoSidney: @realDonaldTrump excellent service #Doral" Thanld. @naunie_b sarcasm dummy! "@tdudz5: @marinedad20 @realdonaldtrump sure you do! Celebrity Apprentice is nothing without Trumps influence." True and thanks! "@Thaddalicious: @realDonaldTrump I love you" Thanks! "@angryjustint: @realDonaldTrump is a true inspiration to all young entrepreneurs!" Thanks Justin and work hard! "@ELewie1994: @realDonaldTrump Ever going to return to WWE and have your $$$ fall down from the sky?" Up to Vince M. "@FillingerJoanne: @realDonaldTrump you have the best show ever and you can tell everyone I said so. You my BFF" Thanks Joanne! "@BearMountainCR: @realDonaldTrump Did you ever think you would have a TV series outside of R.E.?" Never! "@gharo34: @realDonaldTrump Not only is your IQ somewhere between Barack Obama and G.W.Bush...but you're entertaining!"Much higher than both "@royroper: @realDonaldTrump we need to get the unemployed back to work." That is a big part of the answer! @Stiles_Dub @LilJon is a great guy and a great competitor who is respected by all! "@DeannaSpillyard: @realdonaldtrump You are a very wise man Mr. T! Love your tweets." Thanks. "@tdudz5: @realDonaldTrump @liljon @apprenticenbc you have given these celebrities exposure they could not buy!t. That is true!" Once again @LilJon has competed at a very high level on Celebrity All Star @ApprenticeNBC. He is a great competitor. 1/5 households is on food stamps http://bit.ly/13GnPNY We must do better. Americans need to have a work ethic. Just left news conference at @TrumpTowerNY with @TheGaryBusey- people love @TheGaryBusey! http://fb.me/2nmHQHOgp Congratulations to Michael Jordan on his marriage over the weekend. .@Lawrence is the poor man's left wing @oreillyfactor(with no ratings)! @Colvio117 Thanks! "@BridgetGonzale3: @realDonaldTrump I mean seriously come on, Donald Trump is the coolest guy ever." Thanks, but easy against the losers! @DannyZuker Night loser! @JonNeumeister Dopey, I've won them all. @ShawnGarrett I should have many Emmys for The Apprentice if the process were fair-in any event, it's not my day job. , "@PureManhattan: @DannyZuker @realDonaldTrump Id rather support The Don than some clown. Just saying. Danny, you are a clown.Yes and loser! @realDonaldTrump Windfarms destroy everything around them-very sad! "@MasSergio: @realDonaldTrump that punk's jealous of ya mr. trump @DannyZuker is not worth the time of day! He prolly wants media attn-True! "@tdudz5: @realDonaldTrump @neddust when will people wake up and realize Trump was one of Bush's biggest critics! Blind people!" TRUE! "@mierz1824: @realDonaldTrump Have you ever respectfully disagreed with someone?" No! "@kilgorecf: Dang @DannyZuker v @realDonaldTrump has been too good." No, too easy-Danny is a dummy! "@jtan_from_ott: @realDonaldTrump would ever have a loser like @dannyzuker on the apprentice? His stupidity could be funny. Interesting! "@bdbender1: @realDonaldTrump it is truly disgusting to see the wind farms here in Iowa - destroying our farmland and wildlife. @mtshastacola Happy birthday! @IvanGH Great taste! "@Horse_75: @realDonaldTrump real joke is your misleading ads that were deemed so." All politics-windfarms are in big trouble-I will win! "@shillelagh2: @realDonaldTrump @tomspiglanin @TrumpNationalLA if its good enough for The Donald it should be ok for me" Directly on Pacific "@tomspiglanin: Enjoying life at @TrumpNationalLA even without @realDonaldTrump - nice place you have here. Thanks, people love it. @OMGguy18 Wrong, screen is too small-Samsung size is better. @VincentYanni I agree, Modern Family sucks! "@NedDust: @realDonaldTrump bush was ur boy" Wrong! "@NNNmrk: @realDonaldTrump You need to write another Time to Get Tough Book. It'll be another new york times best seller." GOOD IDEA! "@PyperProblems: @realDonaldTrump someone needs to fire @DannyZuker !" He will fire himself-a total loser! @FakeBriWilliams Thank you! @DanielRobinsMD. @Lawrence is a very dumb guy who just doesn't know it-his show is a critical and ratings disaster! Photo from a recent episode of @ApprenticeNBC - saying those two famous words! http://instagram.com/p/YtR90tGhXD/ "@DaltonStoltz: @realDonaldTrump 2.1 Mil. Followers vs. @DannyZuker 189 Thous. @realDonaldTrump is WINNING! #GreaterInfluence He has nothing Afghan Leader Karzai has received tens of millions of dollars IN CASH from the U.S. Government- how stupidly is our Country being run? By Scotland officials canceling my local ad about how damaging wind turbines are- it became a much bigger story around the world. Great! Great photo with @IvankaTrump and @Joan_Rivers from this week's @ApprenticeNBC- http://instagram.com/p/YtE8ZkGhVk/ @SiegristA Thanks! RT @SiegristA: I hate people who publicly hate on @realDonaldTrump just for attention. May stop watching Modern Family solely bc of @DannyZ… RT @youngjames03: @realDonaldTrump @DannyZuker @ApprenticeNBC @harry_vickers @DannyZuker @ApprenticeNBC Thanks! RT @harry_vickers: @realDonaldTrump @dannyzuker @apprenticenbc Get em' Donald! RT @RobStaback: @realDonaldTrump Why even give people like Zuker the time of day? @richardroeper Keep dreaming! I just sent @THEGaryBusey a check of $20,000 for his charity, Children's Kawasaki Disease . He worked hard and deserves it. .@DannyZuker Don't lie, @ApprenticeNBC was #1 in all major demos at 10. Do not lie! "One hit wonder @DannyZuker", I notice you are not disputing all of the failures that I said you had. Let's talk about it! .@DannyZuker I'm in front of the camera and behind the camera- just looked at your picture, you'll never be in front of the camera! ‏.@richardroeper- Perhaps one of the worst replacements in showbiz, once you went on it was over! Your taste sucks! .@ApprenticeNBC Season 13, still #1 at 10PM in all key demos despite having to serve as our own lead in from 9-10. 11PM News loves Trump! "Failed show @DannyZuker" season 1 of @apprenticenbc had 28 million viewers and 41.5 million watching..... .... but you only want to talk about 10 years later when I still win 10PM in all key demos. .@DannyZuker I hear your filmography is "stacked" with failures. “Failed show @DannyZuker” I have never heard of you and was told you are a loser-after reading your credits I have no questions about it! Next year @TomBrokaw should be the comedian at the White House Correspondents’ dinner. The only problem is that... http://fb.me/16MrVURAF The White House Correspondents' dinner was so boring this year- I guess that’s because I didn’t attend(even... http://fb.me/GcIGzZSE I have a lot of @Apple stock--- and I miss Steve Jobs. Tim Cook must immediately increase the size of the screen... http://fb.me/Hjj8Y27p Just out- @ApprenticeNBC was in first place in all demos during the 10PM hour in the ratings. Doing Fox and Friends at 7.00 A.M. Hope you loved Apprentice last night. Did you agree with my decision? #CelebApprentice Mechanical dog is going to be trending tonight. #MechanicalDog #CelebApprentice Great boardroom. #CelebApprentice Do you agree with the client's decision? #CelebApprentice RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: I am not sure but I don't think I have ever confrontated anyone ever?!?!? @THEGaryBusey #Buseyism Maybe @THEGaryBusey should stick to words... vs. barking. He’s got a definite talent when he wants to use it. #CelebApprentice Great memory @TheRealMarilu! #CelebApprentice Boardroom time- which team do you think had the best presentation? #CelebApprentice RT @IvankaTrump: NOOOO...the mechanical dog was terrible! #CelebApprentice What did you think of @THEGaryBusey's mechanical dog idea? Team Power+@LilJon= Spielberg? Let’s find out. #CelebApprentice .@IvankaTrump is right—Plan B has descended into a state of total chaos. #CelebApprentice .@TraceAdkins says @Joan_Rivers is a gem. I agree. We all agree. #CelebApprentice .@THEGaryBusey feels he’s been abandoned by his team. Do you think so? #CelebApprentice Looks like Plan B is stuck with the mechanical dog. @THEGaryBusey has latched on and won’t let go. #CelebApprentice .@THEGaryBusey doesn’t need instructions. Couch time is more fun. #CelebApprentice Do you think @THEGaryBusey will be able to “step up” as PM? I know @lisarinna is hoping so. #CelebApprentice RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Everyone tune in. It's @ApprenticeNBC time. #CelebApprenticeMVP #ApprenticeNBC @CelebApprentice who is going home tonig… Here’s @Joan_Rivers. She & @IvankaTrump make a terrific team as my advisors. #CelebApprentice We have the Final Six—and @LilJon is the last remaining member of Team Power. He’s done a great job. #CelebApprentice "@KSofen: @realDonaldTrump I bought one of your ties at Macy's as a gift. Loved it and it was hard to choose just one. Nice designs - Thanks "@mlnluis: @THEGaryBusey @realDonaldTrump gary your the only reason we watch celebrity apprentice. Your GREAT!!!" So are you! "@ClevelandGuy70: @realDonaldTrump Sunday 9pm-11pm on NBC is the best TV of the week...Love the show Mr Trump #CelebApprentice" Thanks! "@xbreanne469: @realDonaldTrump love your show!!!" Thanks. "@kayyyygeeeee: Seeing @realDonaldTrump's face makes my Sunday night wonderful" Thanks Krista! "@vanillakissesxx: @realDonaldTrump Love you and love the show!! :)" Thanks S! @WIBWAriana 9?. Thanks. "@kwindlan32: Are we going to hear more buseyisms tonight on @CelebApprentice, @realDonaldTrump ?" Yes, big time! @Core15 Thanks. @Joan Rivers comes back in a big way tonight on Celebrity Apprentice - she is fantastic. 9 on NBC. "@jeffpawlik: It's @CelebApprentice night. Can't wait! @realDonaldTrump" Great Jeff - a full two hours, 9 P.M. on NBC. "@abethbyr: Im SO ready for an awesome #allstar @CelebApprentice tonight! Bring it @realDonaldTrump @TraceAdkins @lisarinna @THEGaryBusey" "@Verniceblahblah: @realDonaldTrump trump hotels are the best!!!" I AGREE AND THANKS! @DBradleyRI You are a great looking guy who is really smart - you can do much better than your current girlfriend - she's nothing! "@byrne_man: @realDonaldTrump bought a Trump shirt for a wedding I went to last fall, I looked awesome." I'll bet you did! "@yrj77s: @realDonaldTrump Your clothing line is excellent.Thanks. I remember when the Apprentice became the number one show on T.V. @tombrokow came up to me and thanked me on behalf of NBC (Yankee Stadium) Marble mouth @tombrokaw asks "why do we think to have a successful eveving you have to have Donald Trump as your guest of honor?" BORING TOM Thanks for the tremendous support for my shirts, ties and suits at Macy's. They do great because of really high quality at a low price. @Anon_Farmer @PeaceLibLady Not me, I predicted the housing bubble and told people not to buy. I now tell people it is a great time to buy "@lucysmommichele: @realDonaldTrump Gary Busey cracks me up! He definitely has a different outlook on life! Thanks for The Apprentice!" Nice "@salesdan48: @realDonaldTrump Wake up Donald, the world is awaiting your wisdom ." I know, such a burden. "@KingofRough: @realDonaldTrump Seriously wonder if you like Chinese people? Not talking about its gov." I really like the Chinese people. "@GauravK725: @ForQ2 @realDonaldTrump look at the facts..those millions were made into billions by Mr. Trump. And its still growing!" TRUE! "@MirandaKroughh: @realDonaldTrump I love you and I think you're funny." Sooooo sweet, thanks! "@piximania: @realDonaldTrump Mr Trump! I'm from South Africa and I just love your tweets!! You're the best!" Thanks. The Time Magazine list of the 100 Most Influential People is a joke and stunt of a magazine that will, like Newsweek,soon be dead. Bad list! "@ThisNBAgirl: @realDonaldTrump Are you still scared of @mcuban Trump?" Nobody is scared of Mark-he is a short ball hitter! "@Janie_Sears: @realDonaldTrump One day I will shake hands with the man who inspired me to dream (and become) BIG!" Great going Janie! "@CMHeel: @realDonaldTrump do like Mexico?" Yes, but they make a fortune off the U.S. Their leaders are far better negotiators than ours. "@SnarfGuard: @realDonaldTrump is responding so... I remember meeting him when i was a valet at #Trump National in NJ before it opened." Wow "@MustardTiger33: @realDonaldTrump - Hey, Mr. Trump, do you like Canada??" Love Canada and its people! "@ToddZ64: @realDonaldTrump I love it when you are on Letterman. You keep him on his toes. Hope you are on his show again soon." I WILL BE! "@jTheCollegeKid: @realDonaldTrump @joooooojaah Shut up Trump I'm unfollowing you" Great, but you won't stop loser-you have no control! "@THEsal_sortino: @realDonaldTrump can a future business man get a follow back or favorite or reply from his biggest role model!" Hello Sal "@sad__mom: @realDonaldTrump when i watch the clouds all i see is your face and think "success""Wow! "@JohnRMcCabe: @realDonaldTrump deserves to be President of the United States of America" Thanks John, we need someone Really good (great). @dogs4peace Very cool! "@firephoto67: @realDonaldTrump Big fan Mr. Trump, always have been. Keep up the good work" Thanks Woody! "@SeanBogatin: Donald 4 president.. Time 4 a real change!! #Gotmyvote @realDonaldTrump" THANK YOU! "@joooooojaah: @realDonaldTrump is my favorite twitter account" Thanks! "@heyitsjxo: @realDonaldTrump you're my idol" Thanks. "@camastoras: @realDonaldTrump enjoying a great evening at Trump Toronto! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BI03SySCIAAJMg6.jpg" That's great, have fun! @masotam Police records, signed confessions and more? "@Sam_Kotowski: Once again @realDonaldTrump does a great job on Fox News w/ Greta. Run for president! RT I'm a huge fan!!!" Thank you! What apology, didn't they go around beating the crap out of people and robbing them? Why did they all confess? Aren't police convinced? "@gretawire: @realDonaldTrump wow! What a nice comment......thank you!" But 100 per cent true-and you will get great ratings tonight! @DanScavino Dan-You are a great guy with a great family-amazing future! @gretawire-I'll be doing On the Record With Greta Van Susteren tonight at 10 P.M. Greta is a Terrific person who really gets it! (FOX). @JimDaniell30809 @DaveCentrist True! @Katietennis1223 Thanks, everyone loves it. @LetsBeckRush A one-sided piece of garbage--and I won--big success for Scotland! @piano807 Wow! @HRdiva_NY Thanks. @AndreasBoos Very true! @loverofthecross I don't hate him but he made some really bad decisions. @Mbathani_Inc Much can be done and it would be easy! @alan_ashe No, they have no guts. @Nautilus916 True! “Being true to yourself and your work is an asset. Remember that assets are worth protecting.” – Think Like a Champion Ignorance is inexcusable; it’s the surest way to fail. No acceptable reason exists for not being well informed. This Sunday’s All-Star Celebrity @ApprenticeNBC features the return of @Joan_Rivers. Sunday at 9 PM on @NBC--full 2 hours. “When you expect things to happen - strangely enough - they do happen.” - J. P. Morgan Often times being ‘innovative’ is simply putting together pre-existing elements into something new. Be resourceful & expect success. Get ready for fireworks…@Joan_Rivers & @THEGaryBusey face off in the Board Room this Sunday on All-Star Celebrity @ApprenticeNBC. Does Bush’s library have a wing featuring Supreme Court Justice Jon Robert’s ObamaCare ruling? Roberts was his prize appointee! Just as I predicted, Iraq is deteriorating into utter chaos http://bit.ly/11ZsNT7 The war was a waste. China is taking all the oil. The Boston terrorist thugs’ mother is also a radical. I am sure she will be granted citizenship shortly. Looking forward to addressing @ralphreed’s @FaithandFreedom 'Road to Majority Conference' on June 13th http://bit.ly/11Zq8c3 Study your area of business. All business involves risk, but risk can be reduced when you learn everything you can about what you’re doing. Can @pennjillette @lisarinna and @THEGaryBusey continue to co-exist? Find out on this Sunday’s Celebrity All-Star @ApprenticeNBC. RT @ApprenticeNBC: We all do! #CelebApprentice RT @MerlouMick @Joan_Rivers @ApprenticeNBC @IvankaTrump @realDonaldTrump I Love You, Joan! C… To be in charge, you have to take responsibility, you have to instill confidence. It’s like being a conductor--set the tempo. RT @TrumpCollection: U.S. News ranked @trumpsoho as one of the top hotels in New York in 2012. MUST READ ARTICLE: “Immigration reform could be bonanza for Democrats” http://politi.co/13xjIUq Are the @RNC & @GOP suicidal? Do as I say, not as I do.The politicians who passed ObamaCare are now exempting themselves from the monstrosity http://politi.co/ZlVTze House Republicans should be doing everything possible to defund ObamaCare. Instead Leadership is funding it http://politi.co/13xhe8h @frankibe I certainly did--in spades. @afolasoji So true. @DbagsLoveMe I will, thanks! We need another Bush in office about as much as we need Obama to have a 3rd term. No more Bushes! .@whitehouse continues to defend the billions it pissed away on ‘green energy’ failures http://bit.ly/11n5PGy Your money was wasted. Dangerous. While Obama is cutting down our military, China has announced plans to build more aircraft carriers http://bloom.bg/12HbxG9 After tearing W Bush down for 12 years, now the media loves him. Why not? He gave them Obama. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Don’t forget: former #CelebApprentice winner @Joan_Rivers joins the Boardroom as an advisor this Sunday! Pervert Alert! Serial sexter @anthonyweiner has promised to use twitter as a “tool.” Parents,make sure your children have him blocked. Weiner says many more pictures may be out there—this is just what NYC needs, a pervert Mayor. Via @Law360: “Trump’s $200M Old Post Office Project Gets Early Approval” http://bit.ly/11n3ATD #TBT Do you believe- once upon a time Jon Stewart really liked me? From 2004. http://instagram.com/p/YiR77cGhXb/ @mschrock4 I never went bankrupt, you dope! @Abtheproducer Maybe Obama? Wow, I’m at 2,200,000 followers but I’d love to get rid of the haters & losers—they’re such a waste of time! #TBT At the US Open Tennis Tournament with @EricTrump- see same hairstyle! http://instagram.com/p/YiOjhbmhSn/ @Ashley33331 True, but the losers don't know that--thanks. @Debonairo That is true! @HowardSternJohn @DonaldJTrumpJr No! @thebageldogs @frankshow @kristinaoakes Thanks--the haters & losers know that too. ...What is wrong with this story? Isn’t this just ridiculous? Terrible! #KathyBoudin ..and now holds an adjunct professorship at Columbia University. Boudin also received an academic laurel from NYU Law School... Former Weather Underground radical Kathy Boudin spent 22 yrs in prison for armored-car robbery that killed 2 cops & a Brinks guard... RT @ApprenticeNBC: Which remaining All-Star do you think has the best chance to win #CelebApprentice? RT @DanScavino: Welcome 2 the world of Twitter @BillClinton - awesome! Here is my great pic w/ @realDonaldTrump @APinv & you! #GOLF⛳ ht… "@ASanders836: @realDonaldTrump what would you feel about Jeb Bush running for president in 2016?" The last thing we need is another Bush! "@DaveCentrist: @realDonaldTrump The most over-rated person on the planet, Donald J. Trump. Except by himself. Why do you follow loser? "@zachfelber: @realDonaldTrump best advice my great uncle Egon Dumler ever gave you??" Invest in real estate-Egon was a great lawyer & guy. @GauravK725 Thanks. @DurantRandy Thanks. "@craigdevlin: @realDonaldTrump @sheckiezx @kristinaoakes go on the daily show then and prove yourself." I would triple his ratings-nice no. @pokerswayne Wrong on all counts dopey-you forgot to say taller than me! @TheSportsSwede You are so stupid! @daytradersfx That is true. @TatorJuice Wow, so nice! Thanks, I wish I could have met him. "@sheckiezx: @realDonaldTrump @kristinaoakes Only a moron would overrate him! He's overrated, and morons don't make more than 9 billion $'s. "@jamie461: @realDonaldTrump @thedailyshow Looking forward to watching him destroy you again while we all laugh." He wouldn't have a chance! "@NearBatman: @realDonaldTrump You aRe my favoUrite! Someday U Could be prez. How About a rt Good luck. "@kristinaoakes: @realDonaldTrump No, you're overrated." By who, a moron lile you! "@GabiOliver26: @realDonaldTrump @maffucci93 My 17th bday is tomorrow :D plzzzz will u retweet me..." Happy B-day! "@JeffRuben1: @realDonaldTrump I hear the billions calling my name, you'll be hearing about me in a few years. #waterturbinetopower" Great! "@raider_level: @realDonaldTrump is one of my role models." Thanks! "@NeilWhinhamPGA: @RealDonaldTrump If you were a Golf Professional where in the world would you set up your business?" Doral in Miami. @HayJayP26 Work hard! "@asaadhutchinson: @realDonaldTrump @maffucci93 Dream large, take charge" True-do it! "@maffucci93: @realDonaldTrump up nice and early cuz money never sleeps!!!!" That's great - go get 'em! .@VattenfallGroup doesn’t have the finances or financial statement to build the hated windfarm in Aberdeen. .@VattenfallGroup had no answers at demonstration last night. It’s a failing company. Aberdeen windmills will destroy it. The sub-station in Blackdog is very dangerous on unregulated landfill—fire hazard! @AlexSalmond @pressjournal The Council is concerned over the health & safety for the village of Blackdog w/ placement of sub-station. @AlexSalmond @pressjournal The Council was shocked by the exuberance of the demonstration in Blackdog. @AlexSalmond @pressjournal The entire village of Blackdog in Scotland protested to the Council last night about the ugly windmills. @AlexSalmond @pressjournal @Chadillac107 True and thanks! “The aesthetic, the quality, has to be carried all the way through.” - Steve Jobs I believe Lance Armstrong had death wish when he did interview w/Oprah—as I predicted, everybody is suing him, he’ll have nothing left RT @ApprenticeNBC: Congratulations @PennJillette on a well-deserved #CelebApprenticeMVP win! http://ow.ly/ko3Su @Tokodi1 See Trump Tower! @DPMurphy93 That's true--they all ask! By rejecting my ad on ugly windmills & @AlexSalmond’s faulty thinking on the “Lockerbie bomber” the ad is now on worldwide newscasts. Do executives at @msnbc know that the business of TV centers on viewers & ratings? @msnbc is #19 on cable http://bit.ly/11CatlM Sad. My @showbiztonight interview on @KhloeKardashian, @ApprenticeNBC & my surprising TV career http://bit.ly/11CbSsr Watch out. Champion @Joan_Rivers returns to the Boardroom as a judge in this week’s All-Star Celebrity @ApprenticeNBC. Don't cross her! Can someone explain to me how a Chechnyan permanent resident non-citizen in our country is planning Jihad while on welfare? Sen. @MaxBaucus has announced his retirement. A major proponent of ObamaCare, Baucus now says it’s a ‘huge train wreck.’ The Boston killer applying today for ObamaCare. He demands that medical bills be taken care of immediately. Does this include dental? As everybody knows, but the haters & losers refuse to acknowledge, I do not wear a “wig.” My hair may not be perfect but it’s mine. I promise you that I'm much smarter than Jonathan Leibowitz - I mean Jon Stewart @TheDailyShow. Who, by the way, is totally overrated. @PhilStephen The Scotland golf course in Aberdeen is open & packed—really cool to see & many are saying the greatest golf course ever built. @DukeJrII Very sad--thanks. @wvcarsong Okay, please say hello to her for me. @GabiRyan1990 Sunday May 19th. "@Maddie_Rene: @realDonaldTrump trump would be a great president he would be strong and truly fight for the US. freeing up the market.Thanks "@_Hub__: @realDonaldTrump: Grew up in family business at a time when passion & competitiveness were the norm. We have lost that Trump drive The mother of the Boston killers (not suspects) says her boys are totally innocent and were set up-I can see the 14 year long defense now! Lance Armstrong just got sued by the Federal Government-they want their money back-I told you so! What was he thinking when he did that int? "@CindyKempl: @realDonaldTrump : Mr Trump, I personally enjoy your tweets! Some are very informative! Thank you for your words of wisdom!" Scotland does not have free press, even when you are just stating the facts-it's crazy! @ruralbeeffarmer Big pollution during manufacturing and building process! "@Tsheppe: @realDonaldTrump I have on the sharpest blue Trump tie on today. Going to win!" Go get 'em! "@maddiknick: @realDonaldTrump makes me laugh. I'm so glad I found him on Twitter. I'll always be a fan! #Trumptastic" Thanks! "@TEAM_ACKMANN: i'm about one more tweet away from unfollowing @realDonaldTrump and following Mac Miller.You'll be bored and back very fast! "@TEAM_ACKMANN: @realDonaldTrump how do you really feel about Mac Miller? He used my name without my permission and song became a Great hit "@Mimekiller: @realDonaldTrump this from the guy who advocated freedom for mike Tyson?" Oh, I guess I'm not a racist! "@WLynton: @realDonaldTrump Why don't you just block the morons that try annoy you?" They make me feel even smarter-not worth the effort! "@WeskusOuma: @realDonaldTrump What other attacks?" Read the transcripts etc. "@coolboybrand: @realDonaldTrump they were "wildin", they were creating a nuisance..and they were viciously attacking and robbing people? "@mtomassetti22: @realDonaldTrump so should the makers of this documentary be fired?" No, but they should state the true facts-no angels! "@Bostonred: @realDonaldTrump Where is the evidence ?" All over the place! "@coolboybrand: @realDonaldTrump the point of the documentary is that they were innocent - they were attacking innocent people in the Park!, "@Fun_Foy: @realDonaldTrump Didn't some other guy admit to actually committing this brutal crime?" Yes, but they committed other attacks! @RamboFo Great! @RebeccaErin_ They were viciously attacking other people in the Park-nice guys? I have many great people but also an amazing number of haters and losers responding to my tweets-why do these lowlifes follow-nothing to do! "@Buford330Leon: @realDonaldTrump @craigdevlin @11sheila11 Jon Stewart is not a match, Go Mr Trump." Thanks, I will. "@britonian: @realDonaldTrump lol ur delusional. He's got more smarts in his left nut than u do in ur whole wig!!" Wrong dummy-no.contest! "@Ilovethejays: @realDonaldTrump I'm finally all caught up w #celebapprentice #loveitloveit" Great! "@Jenil93_: @realDonaldTrump No melting of ice caps in the degree that global warming predicted. On the contrary increased ice in Antarctica "@carolbell04: @realDonaldTrump this season of the appentance is great" Thanks! "@MasSergio: @realDonaldTrump the fucking truth we need our jobs back!" That won't happen without new leadership! "@EllaMaeBe: @realDonaldTrump @11sheila11 but then there would be no celebrity apprentice... I would die without it!!" And so would others! @DoroMundo Thanks! "@backupwraith: i firmly believe that @realDonaldTrump is the most superior troll on the whole of twitter. that is all."A great compliment! "@SCardamenis: @realDonaldTrump @craigdevlin @11sheila11 Jon Stewart is MUCH smarter than you. Jon L isn't even close! "@SupadupaNycee: @realDonaldTrump but they didn't do it you wished death on innocent children" - who were brutally attacking people in Park! "@Davyshanks: Advertising Standards Authority has ruled @realDonaldTrump anti-windfarm ad misleading" Not misleading, very truthful! The Central Park Five documentary was a one sided piece of garbage that didn't explain the.horrific crimes of these young men while in park @bitchforshort Victim never died so they would not have been given death penalty-but did you see what these "innocent" boys were doing? "@Davyshanks: Advertising Standards Authority has ruled @realDonaldTrump anti-windfarm ad misleading. Political ruling to save joker Salmond @GerhardM_com Perhaps, but the Country is in really big trouble! I do love real estate though (and am seriously good at it). "@craigdevlin: @realDonaldTrump @11SHEILA11 Please run for president, Jon Stewart would destroy you!" Jon (L) is not smart enough! @GinaCHaley They devalue everything, stupid! @penguin_rob like ugly, bird killing wind turbines! The Chinese talk of climate change and carbon footprint but don't clean up their factories-but they sell us the equipment to clean up ours! Wrong, used to be called global warming and when that name didn't work, they deftly changed it to climate change-because it's freezing! "@11SHEILA11: @realDonaldTrump Why dont you just get in there and run for President? you got all our votes" Thanks! @HelmJoshua Wind turbines will quadruple your electric bills and destroy the value of your home. Lot's of chicken soup however-bird kill. @jon_fullerton No, the Chinese will make them! "@Lrac_Samoht: @realDonaldTrump ... And now Ur an expert on gun control ... Is there anything Ur not an expert on? No! It was great to have @ApprenticeNBC veterans George Ross and @BretMichaels back in the boardroom. http://instagram.com/p/Ydi0QnmhZp/ #CelebApprentice North Carolina’s most exclusive club, @Trump_Charlotte’s features @SharkGregNorman designed golf course, which fronts the biggest lake in NC Will @anthonyweiner be fully clothed in his mayoral ads? Sexting Pervert @anthonyweiner has returned to twitter. Parents of all underage girls should BLOCK him immediately! Did the Boston terrorists register their guns? No. Another example of why gun control legislation is not the answer! The dying @VanityFair’s circulation has “dropped” & its newsstand sales have “plummeted by 20.1 percent” http://bit.ly/zaCBlK .@AlexSalmond, don’t worry, my ad will be shown across the world--and it is highly accurate! This past Sunday’s All-Star Celebrity @ApprenticeNBC continued to win the key demographic of adults 25-54. An amazing run! I’ve always been a fan of Steve Jobs, especially after watching Apple stock collapse w/out him – but the yacht he built is truly ugly. It’s freezing in New York—where the hell is global warming? “The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.” - Gen. George S. Patton In three years people won’t be building wind turbines anymore - they are obsolete & totally destroy the environment in which they sit. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Gary’s back in charge and @Joan_Rivers joins @IvankaTrump and @realDonaldTrump in the #CelebApprentice Boardroom this Su… RT @ApprenticeNBC: There’s still time to vote for your #CelebApprenticeMVP this week! Get your votes in by 3pm ET today! "@Lantern153: @realDonaldTrump I'm sorry you feel terrorists deserve to enjoy the just system setup by the united states. You are nuts! "@adamkellydeals: @realDonaldTrump - you are the best- ive been a supporter since i was old enough to read" Thanks Adam! @jamezypell Yes! “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” - Winston Churchill If your enemies end up liking you it’s because they beat you. You want their respect, not their friendship. @borland_jim Macy's ships to Canada! Just go to: http://www1.macys.com/shop/mens-clothing/donald-j-trump?id=11746&edge=hybrid Next time you are waiting in an emergency room remember the Boston killer was rushed to intensive care within minutes of capture. Our enemy China is illegally buying oil from our enemy Iran http://bit.ly/10hTQii China loves it! Will Barack Obama personally read the Boston terrorist his Miranda Rights? @MarkkCole Happy Birthday Mark. .@THEGaryBusey survives another week of All Star Celebrity @ApprenticeNBC. Gary is shifty and playing to win. In light of Boston, immigration legislation will be much harder to get. Sorry to hear @msnbc was dead last, in the gutter, in their Boston bombing coverage http://bit.ly/15A4Msm @hardball_chris @Lawrence @pjkorman @ClutchBa11er Great wife! @willowfrantn @BelmontUniv Great! .@BrandenRoderick did a great job on All Star Celebrity @ApprenticeNBC. Raised a lot of money for charity while looking great. RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: Trump: 'Is the Boston Killer Eligible for Obama Care to Bring Him Back to Health?' http://drudge.tw/11p4MHy The Boston killer will soon be asking for a Presidential pardon—don’t give it to him, Mr. President—hang tough! .@foxandfriends int. on how the Boston thug deserves death penalty, @FBI's great work & firing Brande Roderick http://bit.ly/15A7fmK The big problem for little @MacMiller is that he’s going to have to have another hit song, not just his Donald Trump bonanza. .@MacMiller has over 79M hits on YouTube & just hit platinum with his Donald Trump song—screw you Mac! @TheNordicBroad Thank you. @RamboFo Thanks. @jaypeemoney Los Angeles or Scotland! Spent the weekend in LA checking out Trump National Golf Club on the Pacific Ocean. An amazing place! http://bit.ly/CIGH6 RT @ApprenticeNBC: Who was last night’s #CelebApprenticeMVP? Get your votes in! http://ow.ly/kivrN RT @ApprenticeNBC: Keep voting for your #CelebApprenticeMVP! Just tweet their name using #CelebApprenticeMVP to help raise money for their … "@tdudz5: @realDonaldTrump you r the most honest and real person on twitter. Twitter was invented for Trump!" Thanks, very nice! @Leigh26Heather Savannah, work hard in school! "@macgecko: @wsquared58 @realdonaldtrump @fastfranky5 @macy @goangelo Actually the first of many Trump ties because of look, feel, quality" "@ClutchBa11er: @realDonaldTrump I know you wear mainly Brioni ties. That's wrong, I wear Trump ties that are sold at Macy's. "@fastfranky5: @realDonaldTrump @macy @goangelo Donald - they are top notch, I have a dozen or so #Quality" Thanks, people love them! Me, by a lot! "@Doctor_Trey: @realDonaldTrump I say if Obama is so set on universal background checks, we run a background check on him." Very interesting Will be doing Fox and Friends at 7 A.M. (in 20 minutes). "@macgecko: @realDonaldTrump @macy @goangelo Love your ties Donald! They are quality and I own many! #menswear" Thank you! @jbailey1987 Yes we can oh foolish one, terrorists should not have the right to remain silent! "@Shootar401: @realDonaldTrump You need to run for President and get this country back on the right track! Trump 2016" Thank you! "@angrycrank: @realDonaldTrump You are a terrible human being." That's only because you don't know me! My ties and shirts are doing very big numbers @Macy's, beyond my wildest thoughts! Thanks @GoAngelo and the rest of the losers for mentions! What did you think of the boardroom? #CelebApprentice RT @ApprenticeNBC: You heard from George, @realDonaldTrump and @bretmichaels... Who are you voting for in the Social Boardroom? http://t.co… George also appeared on Saturday Night Live when I was guest host in 2004. A great time! #CelebApprentice George Ross and I have done some great real estate deals together. He’s a tough negotiator. #CelebApprentice Looking forward to @THEGaryBusey's book of "Buseyisms"! Romance or Adventure- what do you prefer? #CelebApprentice RT @ApprenticeNBC: Boardroom time! #CelebApprentice RT @ApprenticeNBC: We love those dance moves from George and @bretmichaels! #CelebApprentice For you newcomers, George Ross was one of my first advisors on the original Apprentice. #CelebApprentice “George has a real twinkle about him” says @TheRealMarilu. Really? The shark should be scared. #CelebApprentice This assignment has been a challenge to both teams. #CelebApprentice RT @ApprenticeNBC: .@TraceAdkins: Master shopper. #CelebApprentice This assignment has stretched not just the imaginations but the patience quotas of @lisarinna and @pennjillette. #CelebApprentice George Ross could be right—@THEGaryBusey would be better in the adventure task than the romance task. #CelebApprentice .@TraceAdkins isn’t excited about their ideas. Are you? #CelebApprentice .@THEGaryBusey is making no attempt to help. Is he in BuseyLand? Their team is short on help already… #CelebApprentice How stressed are @lisarinna and @pennjillette already? #CelebApprentice I hope you are watching the Apprentice...tonight's show is great and Brett Michaels is back! Everybody loves @bretmichaels! He’s a great champion and this is where he should be. He agrees! .@bretmichaels and George Ross are back as advisors. Good to see them! #CelebApprentice .@TraceAdkins presents the NJ Coast Red Cross a $40,000 check for Sandy Relief. You can tell he’s very pleased about that--& rightly so. Seems like the teams are surprised when @THEGaryBusey comes back. #CelebApprentice What do you think of water boarding the Boston killer sometime prior to allowing our doctors to make him well? I suspect he may talk! Make the Boston killer talk before our doctors make him better. Once he is well he will say, "speak to my lawyers." Don't forget to watch Celebrity Apprentice tonight at 9pm...you will love it! I don't know how Al Michaels could have been drunk and arrested on Friday night if he was totally sharp on Saturday morning. Great sportscaster Al Michaels, a friend of mine, played golf with me on Saturday morning at Trump National, LA. He was in perfect shape! If the Boston killer applies for Obama Care the paperwork will be too complicated for him to understand! NO MERCY TO TERRORISTS you dumb bastards! Can you imagine the Boston killer being lovingly tended to in a hospital room right next to his victims who lost their arms, legs and worse! Bullshit-Pop gave me knowledge and a relatively small amount of money (split between brothers and sisters) and I built it into over 9 bill. "@bracybuilders: @realDonaldTrump just a playboy @CoachClintSwan Tell me, what were they doing in the Park, playing checkers? Watch Gary B tonight on Celebrity Apprentice-some really crazy things happen! Getting back to the nicer and more normal parts of life, Celebrity Apprentice is great tonight on NBC at 9. It will be a full two hour show! "@ajbarker50: @realDonaldTrump do you try to make everything about you?" YES! @NextLevelStoner Great! You are right, the media is always offending Donald Trump-they have no limits-but they will do anything not to offend the Boston killer! I know some of you may think l'm tough and harsh but actually I'm a very compassionate person (with a very high IQ) with strong common sense Didn't the Boston killer even run over his own brother with a car in order to get away? We are not dealing with an innocent baby here-DEATH When the stupid people start feeling sorry for the Boston killer and want to release him and give him medals, remember the killings-maimings I hate when the news media, so afraid to offend anyone, always refers to the BOSTON KILLER as "the suspect". The shirts and ties at Macy's are so good-beautiful and do so well that guys like the one that sued me wrongly want a piece-l kicked his ass I just won a big Court decision (N.Y. Post) against some character who claimed I owed him licensing fees on success of my shirts and ties. Oh no, they are worried that they didn't read the Boston killer his rights and he may have a good legal argument. 12 year case to finish? t "@JoeTran19: @realDonaldTrump how do u feel about Marco Rubio?" Drinks too much water! "@DJmikeLNY: @realDonaldTrump Mr. Trump? How can people hate such a brilliant person?" It is hard to believe, isn't it! (Thanks). "@Cheban42: @realDonaldTrump how did u feel Bout Mitt??" Very nice guy but just didn't resonate with the voters! "@tcorbitt20: @realDonaldTrump don't forget George W Bush, too. It's all his fault" No Republican hit Bush as hard as I did! "@borland_jim: @realDonaldTrump Can you tell me if there is any retail outlets in Canada that sell your Apparel" Will get back to you! "@MeganEHolstein: @realDonaldTrump your family is inspiring - rags to riches in three generations. God Bless America." Thanks Megan! @PierceCorey Great going! Sorry, the best and most beautiful ties and shirts made anywhere and at a really reasonable cost. Also, fragrance is amazing. GO TO MACY'S. "@murmiles: @realDonaldTrump Sir, will you be bringing the caddy service in-house at Doral, or sticking with a contractor? In house! "@garthdahdah: What was @realDonaldTrump greatest accomplishment this week?" Employing thousands of people! "@Lumberportal: @realDonaldTrump I don't think the haters or losers bother Donald one bit haha. Do they affect you in anyway?" No! "@Jarius_Rembert: @realDonaldTrump has a lot of haters." Not haters, losers! "@davidpylejr: @realDonaldTrump @edincamera2 @alphatreblesix you're not really smart Mr. Trump, you're an F-ing genius!" I.Q. tests confirm! @Lumberportal That's great! "@ShaneFontaine7: @realDonaldTrump what a great fragrance success is. Love the sentiment and it lasts all day. Thanks Donald" No, thanks @S. "@FilmRod83: @realDonaldTrump What house makes your cologne? I'm going to Macy's to get a few of your ties and cologne! The best!" Thanks! @cjdew67 Thanks! "@Edincamera2: @AlphaTrebleSix @realdonaldtrump It's saddens me to know someone so moronic can become so rich." Perhaps I'm really smart? "@crazygreentiger: @realDonaldTrump its because of people like you the bombings happened in the first place." Oh, I see, it's my fault! "@ericjedelstein: @JoshBraaten @realdonaldtrump Unfollowing him felt great. You will be back-you can't help yourself! "@UnitedINDaKing: @realDonaldTrump If my little girl was old enough for Twitter, I *would want* her to be able to follow you. Smart parent! "@_ayooPRINCESS: . Many people dislike @realDonaldTrump but the man is the man and I can't lie 👍 ." So true! "@Atom_Murray: Getting ready for Brian Williams to publicly humilate @realDonaldTrump on national television again.Brian is not smart enough "@kmcs1957: @realDonaldTrump I love when you get your Haters all twisted up. You would make another gazillion $ as a comedian #love you!" "@NuccioKing: If he was white u wouldnt be saying that shit. RT. He is white dummy! What have you been taking! "@alixandra_k: @realDonaldTrump I love you! Run for president and save this country!!!! #trumpforpresident" It needs saving! Great job by the FBI, Boston Police and all others involved-start the trial tonight! "@Justin_Majoy: @realDonaldTrump this may be the best tweet in the history of twitters existence" You are too kind! "@jschmeezz23: @realDonaldTrump in my opinion you are the best human being ever!" I like that better-thank you! "@MattWeaver_21: @realDonaldTrump You are, quite literally, the worst human being ever." Thank you! Is the Boston killer eligible for Obama Care to bring him back to health? Read my tweets you dopes-of course he should get a trial-but fast (not a 12 year disaster). You must be kidding-zero chance he is innocent! "@mikeohio2323: @rob_bieber @realdonaldtrump Tell the victims and their families about this guy's rights. Terrible! "@sverriss: @realDonaldTrump what good will killing him/her do?" He'll never kill again-and others will start to think about consequences! Should be public execution for all to see-you will end this bullshit fast! "@The_INDYpendent: @realDonaldTrump Maybe Anthony Weiner can serve as editor in chief!" But then @CNN would become X-rated! Get ALL the info, then quick trial, then death penalty for the Boston killer of innocent children and people! Do not be kind. "@daveinfinland: @realDonaldTrump I just watched the #youvebeentrumped documentary. It was a one-sided piece of garbage-a total disgrace! .@CNN should stop apologizing for the mistake they made the other day & get back to reporting! David Pecker would be a brilliant choice as CEO of TIME Magazine -- nobody could bring it back like David! http://bit.ly/2RFF5n @MarlboroStan You've got it mixed up. Chechnya is not the Czech Republic. Lots of comments—Do you really believe these two brothers operated alone without influence of others? The @FBIPressOffice, police & others are doing an amazing job. How genius was it putting together that tape? These Tsarnaev brothers did not work alone. They had help and assistance from other cell members. Be vigilant and on the lookout. RT @TrumpChicago: Congratulations @IvankaTrump, one of Forbes' 40 Tastemakers to Watch in 2013: http://ow.ly/k1a2y @StartleMeNow @Fo ... South African Tourism North America will unveil its new ad campaign “What’s Your BIG 5?” on All-Star @ApprenticeNBC this Sunday. Another great shot from the beginning of construction at @DoralResort. http://instagram.com/p/YQmivMmhXD/ With @IvankaTrump and crew at the start of a new @DoralResort. http://instagram.com/p/YQmTYtmhWv/ Being tough doesn’t mean being nasty, difficult, or unreasonable. It means being tenacious and refusing to give in or give up. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Ladies and gentlemen… Your #CelebApprenticeMVP! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BIKJLSrCQAEwfFe.jpg “Sometimes people spend too much time focusing on problems instead of focusing on opportunities.” – Think Like A Champion Pervert alert! Sexter Anthony Weiner will be running for Mayor of New York City. #TBT With @DonaldJTrumpJr almost 35 years ago- http://instagram.com/p/YQclvuGhav/ Featuring top spa in New York, AAA Five-Diamond Award @TrumpSoHo is Soho’s most elite hotel & destination spot http://bit.ly/ZzVZiZ @ace_stef Great, thanks. @Gabagul_ Hi Dan and good luck! @aclutter51 We need someone! @camarrone Great! Amazing! Watch @NHLBruins fans take over National Anthem during pregame ceremonies http://bit.ly/XTeROM “One reason many people do not do well in business is because they do not do well with people.” – Midas Touch The reality is that no gun bill will ever stop tragedies. And as we have learned from ObamaCare, Washington only makes things worse! @lanele123 Thank you. "@MeWonderful2: @realDonaldTrump @Rockinar @mtneerjustice LOLss. I wonder if the false info comes from "hate" OR just lack of knowledge.Hate "@Rockinar: @realDonaldTrump @mtneerjustice Trump does not own the hotel. He just licensed him name out for it." Wrong, I own the hotel! "@PatrickBlackbrn: @realDonaldTrump @MattMoran50 He tried last cycle and failed miserably. Never ran yet lead in the pols you moron! "@MattMoran50: The day @realDonaldTrump runs for president is the day this country can get back to being great again" Wow, thank you! "@mtneerjustice: @realDonaldTrump My husband and I went to Las Vegas in August and stayed at the Trump Hotel. We loved it! That's great! @joeromes2 Thanks Joe! "@RogerLMenard: @realDonaldTrump Mr. Trump please keep up the great work on all fronts...Your an inspiration to everyone." Thank you! "@Ailor424: @realDonaldTrump Prez shows more anger about US Senate not passing guns bill than he does about the Boston bombing. Interesting! "@NickTripp86: @realDonaldTrump @rodmonium91 What is the most important lesson you've learned in business?" Never give up! "@simonlise: @realDonaldTrump @maggie101956 if he had gone, you would have criticized him for leaving the Boston issue unresloved" Wrong! "@ILOVEBRITNEY_7: @realDonaldTrump could you run for president ? We need you!" We need someone! "@garthdahdah: @TrumpGolfLA [THE] top luxury public golf course in the country http://bit.ly/hAJgi6” @realDonaldTrump Thank you! "@Slave4Suzi: @KatrinaDeVita I highly recommend you follow @realDonaldTrump if you don't already. The man's a genius." Thank you! "@Arseburgers: @realDonaldTrump @itsHODAIFA When you die the world will be better" Very nice - you sound like a really wonderful person! "@scheekster: @realDonaldTrump @trumpgolfla it is an amazing place! Will be playing there in a tournament June 3 can't wait!" Win! "@LRod421: @realDonaldTrump @MLB @Yankees what do you think the yankees will end up doing with his contract. Pay it or contess it" Contest? "@billf227: @realDonaldTrump staying at Doral tonight. Can't wait to see it after the Trump renovations" It will be amazing! "@knaweiny21: @realDonaldTrump Love everything that you stand for! You are a brilliant man!" Thank you! @UnitedContractF Interesting and true. "@rodmonium91: @realDonaldTrump Best piece of advice u would give to a young businessman?" Work really hard and smart! "@maggie101956: @realDonaldTrump Donald...he couldn't go to Thachers funeral??? Am I the only one outraged???" No! "@itsHODAIFA: @realDonaldTrump I wish someday i would be like you! You're my inspiration! Keep up the good work. Thanks! "@blakeamorrow: @realDonaldTrump ha! Cuban got lucky. Trump is a genius. Hope to see you at the top one day sir." Great, hopefully soon! "@kayceelaw: @realDonaldTrump A great mind...And a role model." Thanks! "@theimpregnable: @realDonaldTrump Mr. Trump what keeps you going ?." Love of my family, Country and work! Everyone loves @AmandaTMiller- here she is with @Joan_Rivers and me. http://fb.me/LJVGpuq2 Thinking small when you could think big limits you in all aspects of your life. W/ spectacular panoramic Pacific Ocean views, @TrumpGolfLA is the top luxury public golf course in the country http://bit.ly/hAJgi6 RT @ApprenticeNBC: Congratulations to @TraceAdkins on being named #CelebApprenticeMVP by the fans for yet another week! http://t.co/EZp3 ... Obama’s $1T+ deficit budget expanded welfare & green cronyism & it cut domestic bomb prevention in half http://bit.ly/XRjmcP Druggie A-Rod, @MLB’s biggest fraud, is lucky George Steinbrenner is no longer with us. @Yankees would have voided his contract. @GauravK725 Great! @blake1swanson Thanks. It is terrible that neither Obama, Biden nor Kerry attended Lady Thatcher’s funeral. They would all run to Muslim Brotherhood Morsi’s. Business is easy. Dealing with people is hard. If you are an entrepreneur, your most important job is to choose who works with you. Our gov't is so pathetic that some of the billions being wasted in Afghanistan are ending up with terrorists http://bit.ly/XRhSPL The Chinese must still be laughing at Kerry’s trip to China. He got nothing, gave them everything and promised even more. Had a fantastic time at yesterday’s All-Star @ApprenticeNBC press conference with @StephenBaldwin7 in @TrumpTowerNY. @KathyLooper Thanks. Great to see @RedSox win big yesterday. Good for Boston and the country. Yesterday we were all @RedSox fans. @Y0itsbeau Well, I would make America great again. @handyrachet Flattery! @puffy61 @Real_LukasHall Thanks. @dandeloof @mcuban Wrong--he started it, I finished it! @MusicByEthan Thank you. @LUSHPILLAI @TrumpLasVegas Thanks. @LarryRobertWyat Our country needs a negotiator--we are failing fast! @BeaumontAnthony Thanks. "@Real_LukasHall: Starting to follow the Donald has been one of my better decisions lately @realDonaldTrump" That's great! "@Doug_E_Fresh2: @realDonaldTrump is definitely a legend. A real man among men." Thanks Doug, I like you tooooo! "@slabrunojr: @realDonaldTrump @anthonyskwiat @QueyNewton Cuban could buy and sell Trump 2x!!" Wrong moron, the opposite times 4. "@_KateMorgan_: I'd say @realDonaldTrump is a legend" I work too long and hard to think about it - but thanks! "@leebestt: @realDonaldTrump His opponent should not agree to any debates as I am sure he is a master." Re me? Thanks! "@anthonyskwiat: @QueyNewton @realdonaldtrump ya because mark Cuban is an arrogant punk compared to Donald who's a living legend" Thanks! I discuss yesterday's tragedy at the Boston Marathon in today's video blog. http://fb.me/2Vpt8HQUa With @StephenBaldwin7 earlier today at @ApprenticeNBC press conference in @TrumpTowerNY. http://instagram.com/p/YLhr-wmhSS/ @ccade937 Thank you. @DannyOjedaOKC Thanks. @lesterwge Thank you. I sure hope the sexting pervert Anthony Weiner runs for mayor. Will be great fun watching him both lose and be humiliated. Via @financialpost: “Climate changing for global warming journalists” by Lawrence Solomon (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1rjq4rm Vegas’ top destination, @TrumpLasVegas is a 64-story tower of golden glass http://bit.ly/ZxIiAl What goes on there, stays there! Negotiation is persuasion more than power. Be reasonable and flexible, and never let anyone know exactly where you’re coming from. .@alexsalmond RT @NOBLE74 I live in Aberdeenshire & I'm with you, you have made a big difference to that bit (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1rjq40l .@alexsalmond RT @RichWaugaman This time I agree 100% I never knew how useless a wind turbine was until I (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1rjq3v6 .@alexsalmond RT @islandbluenose @adamjackson73 Yes. The world economy is under deep stress with growth slowing everywhere. Yet crude is over $87/barrel. Should be $25 at the most. Congratulations to @Boston_Police, @FBIBoston & all emergency first responders & doctors for their excellent work under fire yesterday Via @scotsmandotcom: “Donald Trump hires top lawyer for wind farm battle” http://bit.ly/ZxGozu Throwing out the first pitch a few years ago at Fenway in Boston- Boston will be better than ever. http://instagram.com/p/YK9xSsmhYs/ Via @TVbytheNumbers:“TV Ratings Sunday 'Family Guy' & 'The Simpsons' Down, 'All-Star Celebrity Apprentice' Up” http://bit.ly/ZxHOKg RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Yes it is thanks. “@bollockslol: @DonaldJTrumpJr @AscotCarRental I know Adam--he's a great player & great guy! It’s very sad that the administration isn’t sending anyone to Margaret Thatcher’s funeral. She was a big U.S. supporter. RT @ApprenticeNBC: There’s only a few more hours to vote for this week’s #CelebApprenticeMVP! Who are you voting for? @Yazzeruk Very nice--thanks. @terryvanburen @TheRealMarilu @ApprenticeNBC .@TheRealMarilu @oparinde Macy's will be happy--and so am I. @StockMarket100 It might but there'd be "hell to pay!" @mrmikeyharrison You will love it! @emilyplacido @foxandfriends @IvankaTrump Thanks. @sonoman24 @stephenbaldwin @ApprenticeNBC I was not thrilled but left them in because the show is real. I’ve known @hardball_chris for a long time & sadly, he gets dumber each & every year--& started from a very low base. .@hardball_chris Did you forget about Bill Ayers & so many others? You should apologize to all the people you offended yesterday. .@hardball_chris must have the lowest IQ on television—now telling people that domestic terrorists are from the right. RT @CureForJayden: @NYCJennie Get Cheeky NYC @CureForJayden needs your help! It only takes one person to @BeTheMatch Jayden needs help! ... "@NYCJennie: @realDonaldTrump would you mind retweeting this flier please. You could help me save 4 year old Jayden's life! Go Jayden! We must change the laws of our land and seek fair but rapid trials for the perpetrators of terrorist acts (Boston) with harsh punishment! My heart goes out to the people of Boston on this terrible day! RT @gatewaypundit: The Trump Hotel Waikiki looks like a lovely resort @realDonaldTrump #Hawaii RT @DoralResort: We're very excited about our renovations and return to grandeur with the @TrumpCollection: http://ow.ly/k1gXH .@TheRealMarilu is impressing the All Star Celebrity @ApprenticeNBC viewers with her continued success on Team Power. Despite firing @StephenBaldwin7 in last night's All Star Celebrity @ApprenticeNBC, Stephen had strong overall performance this season RT @ApprenticeNBC: This week’s task was so evenly matched. Who stood out as your #CelebApprenticeMVP choice? In case you missed it, my @gretawire interview on Obama's IRA rate cut hurting savings & economic growth http://bit.ly/Zwburn RT @MichelinGuideCH: If you thought @ChefLents at Sixteen was good last year, you need to go back and let him knock your socks off. My @foxandfriends interview re: @IvankaTrump's pregnancy, my grandchildren, Obama's 18% tax rate & Obamacare http://bit.ly/ZwaKlY From 10-11 pm, @ApprenticeNBC ranks #1 in 18-49 among ABC,CBS, and NBC. #CelebApprentice .@DonaldJTrumpJr and @EricTrump with @HulkHogan -- Great shot! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BH5ctrFCUAAZzhK.jpg” RT @ApprenticeNBC: Who deserves YOUR #CelebApprenticeMVP vote? http://ow.ly/k3G1W #CelebApprentice Will be doing Fox and Friends in two minutes! "@PashaRozay: Ivanka Trump is the best thing @realDonaldTrump ever created. #celebrityapprentice #theapprentice "@ronettekite: @realDonaldTrump, @IvankaTrump DOES look great! Shes stunning, intelligent; a true role model for many women. True-fhank you! "@JFordEureka: Love the ties! Where can I get them? @realDonaldTrump @EricTrump #celebapprentice" Macy's! Do you think I made the right decision? #CelebApprentice Who do you think is going home? #CelebApprentice The home of the boardroom- @TrumpTowerNY- http://www.trumptowerny.com #CelebApprentice Product integration is very important. #CelebApprentice I’m impressed -- both teams have produced very entertaining silent films. #CelebApprentice Great shots of @TrumpTowerNY #CelebApprentice Do you know how many years @TheRealMarilu starred on Taxi? #CelebApprentice What is your favorite @THEGaryBusey film? Tonight's short film? Point Break? Lethal Weapon? #CelebApprentice It's boardroom time! Does anyone miss @OMAROSA? #CelebApprentice RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Yes it is. “@mattseba: Where can I find @DonaldJTrumpJr 's tie? Assuming its part of the @realDonaldTrump collection.” .@PennJillette and @StephenBaldwin7's arguments are making the edit room look like the boardroom. #CelebApprentice Based on the shoots- which silent film do you think will be better? #CelebApprentice "@jeffreybigmoney: @realDonaldTrump Would they have won the task if not the misspelling? I was dying for him or Trace to ask that. YES! .@pennjillette doesn’t like @StephenBaldwin7’s cliché line and Stephen says Penn creeps him out. Do we sense conflict yet? #CelebApprentice What would you choose- Vampires or Cavemen? #CelebApprentice “A vampire with a day pass?” We are in @THEGaryBusey land. #CelebApprentice .@THEGaryBusey as Project Manager... is Team Power in trouble?? #CelebApprentice It’s true—@dennisrodman gets the comeback of the year award. I didn’t like having to fire him. #CelebApprentice A lot of comments re @MELANIATRUMP vs. Milania last week. I think spelling has taken on a new significance. #CelebApprentice Get ready to turn to NBC for CELEBRITY APPRENTICE -- TONIGHT'S SHOW IS GREAT! "@T_Colello: @realDonaldTrump if you were president Korea wouldn't be messing with us #Trump2016" 100% correct! @adamscott - I am really proud of you Adam - I'll see you soon at Trump National Doral! "@MSKIBBS1: @realDonaldTrump The only way we can save America in 2016 will be if you run for President." Thank you! Great job @AdamScott - you deserve it! "@willise2n: @realDonaldTrump u r a hero to us in Nigeria/ Africa. Wen r u visiting us nxt? It wld be a dream come true to meet Really nice "@thelambdizzle: @realDonaldTrump Mr Trump are we 2 hours tonight?" Yes. "@mforbes326: Can't wait for Celebrity Apprentice! Let's do this Gary! I hope he wins tonight. @realDonaldTrump" "@IamTimClancy: @realDonaldTrump....please save our America....a democratic win in 2016 will be the final nail." True! Make sure to watch Celebrity Apprentice tonight at 9 on NBC. A GREAT SHOW, JUST LIKE THE MASTERS. 9 "@WWinmill: @realDonaldTrump Canada loves you Donald!" Thanks! "@alumadrifter: @realDonaldTrump @gameexpress1 I'm calling it for Jason day" He probably just blew it! "@Kyle_j91: @realDonaldTrump If the US asked for reimbursement for defense and the Koreans declined, then what? Let's rebuild the U.S.! "@akd100: @realDonaldTrump are U watching #masters ?! It's no sure thing yet !!" Yes, great event! "@chuckyc78: @realDonaldTrump happy the apprentice is back to two hours having my weekly apprentice party" You will love it tonight! @AdamScott is a great guy and player! "@trevordebus: @realDonaldTrump Why is Apprentice 2 full hours now? Ratings problems prompt NBC to end the season early? No dope,opposite! "@peterjsteele: @realDonaldTrump Love to hear your thoughts on idiot Alex Rodriguez. I hope he gets run out of New York." He will be! "@cliftonclive: @realDonaldTrump : I completely agree with Patty. A businessman of your caliber can successfully implement State Policies. T "@Michele_WV: @realDonaldTrump Donald Trump for President. Please 🙏" You are too kind! "@gameexpress1: @realDonaldTrump Angel Cabrerra will win the MASTERS..265lbs of everyman golfer..Ole!" He is looking good! "@teresayarbor: @realDonaldTrump @wallsburg I remember you supported John McCain just like I did." That is correct, thank you! "@PattyMSink: @realDonaldTrump Please, please, please consider running in the 2016 Presidential election. We need business savvy (you)Thanks @tjwacker. Good luck! "@wallsburg: @realDonaldTrump Grow a pair Donald. Admit you were wrong to support Obama in 08." Moron, I never supported Obama in 08. "@philip711: @realDonaldTrump I think when you go on the @sternshow those are the best interviews" Howard and I have fun! "@KingOf_Class: @realDonaldTrump Honestly,you can't find anyone more real than Donald Trump!" A great compliment, thanks! "@AdultProdigy: I'll say it, nobody beats @realDonaldTrump when it comes to honest reporting and serious insight." Thanks! "@NoraHaxha: @realDonaldTrump Donald Trump is the man, loved the interview on letterman!" Thanks! "@pjpaton: Wind Mills are highly dangerous - They tend to sheer off blades and catch fire in gales and storms @realDonaldTrump" True! "@kanikagahlaut: Can anyone explain why @JerrySeinfeld is so unfunny on twitter and @realDonaldTrump is so funny?" Jerry is highly overrated "@MrAlanR: @realDonaldTrump Donald you rock! #theartofthedeal changed me forever. Thanks" That is really great news, congrats! Remember, save your evening to watch Celebrity Apprentice tonight at 9 - increased to a full two hours - great episode - watch Gary B. "@CockyCam: Don't care what you say, @realDonaldTrump is spot on with his comments on Gov. Issues! Keeps it real and honest! #respect" Best! "@rpm11561: @IvankaTrump your dad's interview, last night with David Letterman, was the best, realest, most genuine sitdown, ever ! Thanks! "@Dale26: Mr @realDonaldTrump how come the US doesn't listen 2u whenever u give them advice on how deal with all the problems? They are dumb "@dolliemjs02: @realDonaldTrump I liked Donald Trump on The To Night Show with David Letterman" Thanks! South Korea must in some form pay for our help-the U.S. must stop being stupid! China will extract much from Secretary Kerry and the U:S. in order for them to help us with the North Korea problem-don't let this happen! "@CoolCanuckChick: @realDonaldTrump I thought China was good with the U.S.?" Only if you want no country left! "@RealCoachHodge: I'm thinking of changing my name to Trump. Just to thank @realDonaldTrump for making my business thousands!" Smart! "@loganfaris: Have to do an essay on a hero....... Definitely picking @realDonaldTrump. Perfect idol" Very nice-good luck! Did A Rod really try to buy the papers that would implicate him re. drugs - wow, that would be the end, a disaster! "@BidwellP: @realDonaldTrump Are you supporting Chinese child labor?" Only at The Masters! "@teh_jaybee: @realDonaldTrump are you going to return the favor to @VinceMcMahon and be the one who inducts him in to the @WWE #HOF?" YES! @VeIvetRose Also true! "@GenuineAccess: @realDonaldTrump Booked VIP clients to playing at the Trump Course in Palos Verdes fnn #" Great-best course in California! Remember, NBC increased Celebrity Apprentice to 2 hours starting this Sunday night at 9 P.M. through end of season-great news for App lovers "@petekobelka: @realDonaldTrump just wanted to let you know your show is the best show on prime time, better then anything! "@bclew70: @realDonaldTrump Donald I am disappointed in you. you should have ran for pres." Never too late! Bad break for @TigerWoods-hits a great shot which hits the pin and kicks into the water-gets a bogey on hole with another great shot-Champ! What a shame that Kobe Bryant was so badly injured last night - a truly great champion who brought the Lakers back from oblivion this year! "@josh_b_123: thank you for creating the best show ever @realDonaldTrump" Very nice, thank you! "@joshlop17: @realDonaldTrump is a true model, hard work and dedication, money, and attitude << and unsotppable force" Wow, thank you! Ridiculous that they gave the 14 year old golfer from China a one stroke penalty for slow play at The Masters(see, I can stick up for China) "@HogmanjemJack: @realDonaldTrump After Obama bailed out GM for $80 Billion, 7 out of 10 GM cars made in China!" "@Tanann5: @realDonaldTrump Love you to death...think you r amazing and brilliant! LIKE YOUR STRAIGHT FORWARD TALK....Thanks! I am on David Letterman tonight. @bakerjb19 China will only rule if we let them--or are stupid. @MannaaEyad I only speak the truth. Our country should be worried about nuclear control far more than gun control--& that one's not even close! RT @DanScavino: They are not safe - they are a disaster....and a tremendous eyesore. Be serious.... http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BHrfgLoCcAA15_K.jpg I talk about Obamacare in today's #TrumpVlog- http://fb.me/2bKdkK6o2 @LanaH11 @IvankaTrump Thanks. @dabg3241 Turbines will kill more birds than hunters. @truckncargirl @piersmorgan True! @MisterEspinal Thanks, very nice. RT @Kbyon: @realDonaldTrump @AlexSalmond @pressjournal @BBCNews @DanScavino Yep, lived in Germany for 5 years those things are nothing b ... @RobertMcCallis3 @AlexSalmond @pressjournal @BBCNews @DanScavino Turbines destroy environments and people. @Faithable @DanScavino True. RT @prussell15: @realDonaldTrump Have windmills here North of Toronto too! Very ugly and the cause of many health issues for people livi ... Remember to take time this weekend to relax and regroup. It will pay major dividends for the next week. My performance from last week on David Letterman @Late_Show will be re-aired tonight at 11:35 PM on CBS. Always remember that as your success grows, you will be asked for more favors. Learn how to say ‘No.’ It is critical. “Be up front and direct with people, and they will return the favor.” – Think Like a Billionaire RT @ApprenticeNBC: “This is the spirit of the game. This is why we’re here… This is the best feeling in the world.” – @LisaRinna on visi ... Where is the President? It is time for him to come on TV and show strength against the repeated threats from North Korea -- and others. The only American who has met with the North Korean man child is Dennis Rodman. Isn’t that frightening and sad? China controls North Korea. So now besides cyber hacking us all day, they are using the Norks to taunt us. China is a major threat. .@alexsalmond @pressjournal @BBCNews RT ‏@DanScavino .@alexsalmond @pressjournal @BBCNews RT @DanScavino - one would think the photo & caption - says it all.... http://twitter.com/DanScavino/status/322775400998649856/photo/1 .@TrumpWaikiki is Hawaii’s top luxury hotel & destination. Each room features stunning views & superb amenities http://bit.ly/158kkDN All eyes are on @TigerWoods @The_Masters. He’s in good position! .@alexsalmond RT @King_Pepp Driving through Indiana and seeing tons of ugly windmills. Now I know what @realDonaldTrump is talking about RT @ApprenticeNBC: .@LisaRinna’s visit to @StJude is now online! We’re so proud of her raising so much money for an amazing charity. htt ... .@nbc has increased @ApprenticeNBC to 2 hours until the end of the season--full 2 hour episodes starting at 9 PM EST Via @australian: "Trump empire planning to build a presence in Sydney" http://bit.ly/158hcYC RT @ApprenticeNBC: .@realDonaldTrump teases this week’s #CelebApprentice, airing Sunday at 9/8c on NBC. http://nbc.co/vid/n35024/ "@DJHago: @realDonaldTrump Re Scotland. I'm in Scotland and you are absolutley right about the wind farms. Hideous and horrible things." "@wallsburg: @realDonaldTrump Why did you support Obama in 08?" I didn't dummy! "@MichaelNidiffer: @realDonaldTrump Thoughts on Kerry visiting Seoul amid missile crisis.." Tell them that they must pay us for protection! "@ctobin22: @realDonaldTrump if u were to suggest 1 most important thing to president Obama would b??" Leadership! "@RickShauntz: @realDonaldTrump @SStew3 we need the art of the deal" Very true! "@ryelki: @realDonaldTrump @SStew3 WE HAVE NO JOBS, NO HOPE AND NO CASH. TEN YEARS AGO WE HAD SOME OR ALL OF THOSE THINGS" Interesting! "@rodmonium91: @realDonaldTrump I've come to the conclusion the only help for America, is TRUMP 2016 for President!" Probably so! Don't talk to me about Bush, I was never a defender or a fan! I can't believe we are not asking South Korea for anything. They make a fortune on us while we spend a fortune defending them-how stupid! "@SStew3: @realDonaldTrump we have NO leadership" No kidding! "@rangi_mats: @realDonaldTrump Miss Peru Universe 2008 Karol Castillo, passed away last night :( #MissUniverse #MissPeru" A wonderful person "@ChrisLawGolf: Playing @realDonaldTrump International Links tomoro. Can't wait! Supposed to be amazing! #beentoldtotakealotofballs" Enjoy! @ryanrockefelker Thank you. @AhmedMallick2 @WWE Thanks. @_AJPerez @WWE @VinceMcMahon I hope so! @rodmonium91 Probably Mark. RT @ApprenticeNBC: We’re back at 9/8c this Sunday! #CelebApprentice “Interested is interesting. If you remember that simple rule, you will have no trouble making conversation.”- Think Like a Billionaire Mr. President, it is time to lead on the Korean crisis. Make a statement from the Rose Garden and send a strong message to the man child! Obama’s budget spends $2B making our navy ships algae-powered http://thebea.st/YlCezS The strong world is laughing at us. #TBT @DonaldJTrumpJr, @IvankaTrump, @EricTrump, and I 20 years ago- http://instagram.com/p/X-ZsvgmhXv/ The time has come. THEGaryBusey will be project mgr on this Sunday's All-Star Celebrity @ApprenticeNBC. MUST SEE TV!!! Back to 2 hrs. .@Jimmyv3 @WWE Greatly appreciate your nice words re WrestleMania. That’s why you are such a respected writer. I really liked everyone at the @WWE Hall of Fame ceremony--fantastic people! Congratulations to @nyknicks on winning their first Atlantic Division title since 1994. @carmeloanthony is a great New Yorker and Knick! Congratulations to @IvankaTrump and Jared on the big news. I will have yet another grandchild this fall! Opportunities only present themselves if you are out there looking for them. Be aggressive and seize them when they come. “Go for the jugular so that people watching will not want to mess with you.” – Think Big .@alexsalmond @pressjournal RT @rdowns @realdonaldtrump Margaret Thatcher NEVER would have allowed those wind mill monstrosities. @BklynBorn71 @dvorlando Wonderful news, thanks. @UKWildcatFan96 True! @SyxxPac1980 @cherish_how Thanks. @Bogart_Ron True! @DohaBen I will be there soon! @MdAhGOD Not much, it's too easy! "@mikefroccaro: @realDonaldTrump I wear my Donald trump tie every week. Incredible." Great! "@cherish_how: @realDonaldTrump I'm gonna defend my thesis tomorrow. Any advice for people who have stage fright like me?" Be cool! "@rodmonium91: @realDonaldTrump My 12yr old nephew is your biggest fan! Has #Success cologne, watches Apprentice, wants to be like u"Say hi! "@salesdan48: @realDonaldTrump Mark Cuban is a sad, unhappy man. A facade, masquerading as a Trump wannabe." Very interesting! "@salesdan48: @realDonaldTrump Why is Anthony Weiner attempting to run for Mayor ?" Because he is delusional! I feel so badly for Mark Cuban-the Dallas Mavericks were just eliminated from the playoffs and his partners are pissed. Very sad! @JTHolder2010 Great! "@FrankRomeo31: @realDonaldTrump @garthdahdah don't forget SUCCESS! The most complimented cologne in my collection... by far!" Thanks! @RealDougClark Great! "@Ter2885: @realDonaldTrump just bought one for my son's bday celebration to Vegas! #gorgeous" Great! @maggieaveu_a Thanks and say hi to your son! "@ElliotD224: @realDonaldTrump do you think Bloomberg is a good mayor?" Yes! "@JackLypka: @realDonaldTrump how do you like the Dallas Mavericks' chances tonight against Phoenix?" I don't! "@garthdahdah: “@realDonaldTrump: I hope everyone goes to Macy's today and buys some DJT ties, shirts & suits” [love my DJT Ties - Thanks! @_CASSmoney_ Thanks! “You cannot push anyone up the ladder unless he is willing to climb.” - Andrew Carnegie .@Yankees Kevin Youkilis is off to a terrific start. He’s less than half the price and a much better player than a drug free A-Rod. Sexual pervert Anthony Weiner has zero business holding public office. “Success breeds success. The best way to impress people is through results.” – Think Like a Billionaire The $200M renovations at Trump @DoralResort are right on target. When completed, the course will be as good as it gets. Obama’s proposed budget has another middle class tax hike http://bit.ly/10IBNhQ Enjoy! RT @ApprenticeNBC: With each #CelebApprenticeMVP honor, @TraceAdkins has raised an extra donation for the @redcross. Congrats once again ... “Donald Trump Wishes Kristen Stewart A Happy Birthday” http://bit.ly/153E638 via @HollywoodLife I discuss South Korea in today's all new #TrumpVlog - http://youtu.be/agk9ZCrYol4 @AlxG21 Thank you! @DanSt_Schwind Thanks--and good luck. @SandeepSrih @TrumpChicago Thanks! @RogerBiles @EricLahti929 @nbc Thanks! My @HollywoodLife interview w/ @MELANIATRUMP discussing her debut on @ApprenticeNBC & her skin care line http://bit.ly/153E638 RT @ApprenticeNBC: RETWEET if you’re #ProudToBeAFanOf All-Star #CelebApprentice! RT @TrumpChicago: Enjoy the view during your visit to the Health Club! RT: @USATODAY Hotel fitness centers with killer views http://t.co ... "@mersjm1: @realDonaldTrump Why did you get this tattoo?!!!? http://bit.ly/pz8Amx" I never got a tattoo and never would! I hope everyone (especially the haters and losers) goes to Macy's today and buys some DJT ties, shirts and suits-and SUCCESS Fragrance-love! "@EricLahti929: @realDonaldTrump @nbc -- I say more Mr. Trump and less everything else on your network!" Thanks Eric, many agree! "@SoCalCharles: @realDonaldTrump @mbb2792 @WWE People still watch that?" Thanks! "@davidgrieve: @realDonaldTrump what’s with the ridiculously short apprentice episodes? :( @ApprenticeNBC" Going back to two hours - ratings Sorry losers and haters, but I LOVED the great energy in Madison Square Garden during my speech. The WWE thought it was incredible - it was! Why did Vince and the WWE give my speech and segment the most time last night on USA Network - because that's what people want to see! "@mbb2792: @realDonaldTrump congrats on the hall of fame !!!!! @WWE" Sorry haters, but people loved my WWEHOF speech as you saw last night "@CpacDean: @realDonaldTrump you've raised children that young people can look up too. thats probably your greatest achievement in my mind" "@aakash4cesc: @realDonaldTrump will never forget the way u shaved vince's head and money fall !! U deserved to be in WWE HOF" Thanks! @BrosHoban Thanks! "@bryanice1: Ending my life. Thanks @realDonaldTrump! Bryan, don't do it - you have everything to live for! @riggs_deb @Brian_Legit @emmyb96 @TheEllenShow @StephenHCornell @VirginiaDG @bjjsoulroller @thefarfar "@miketilley13: Prepping for my job interview by reading "The Art of the Deal" by @realDonaldTrump Inspirational" Good luck Mike! With fellow inductees in front of the sold out crowd at MSG. #WWEHOF http://instagram.com/p/X6Kw9Tmhbe/ Class of 2013. #WWEHOF http://instagram.com/p/X6Ka6Kmha_/ Talking with @SammartinoBruno backstage- http://bit.ly/16OOTKQ #WWEHOF "@kennyp1966: @realDonaldTrump nice looking family! Of all your accomplishments, your family has to be your greatest" "@VirginiaDG: #ProudToBeAFanOf very successful and inspiring @realDonaldTrump" What a great group! http://bit.ly/17pSTVd With @Schwarzenegger, @SammartinoBruno, and @TripleH. #WWEHOF "@PrinceWatercres: @VinceMcMahon inducts @realDonaldTrump, huh? Can't picture anyone else doing this. #WWEHOF" "@K33MOTHERAPY: @realDonaldTrump #Trump Is HOF !" Thanks! "@WWEmarissa_54: @realDonaldTrump and @VinceMcMahon at #WM23 was so great! That is a moment I will NEVER forget! @WWE #HOF" Thanks.Marissa! Fellow inductee @SammartinoBruno and me. #WWEHOF http://instagram.com/p/X6IOoaGhYC/ Here I am with @trishstratuscom #WWEHOF http://instagram.com/p/X6HFWsmhWR/ Watching @trishstratuscom get inducted from the sold out crowd. #WWEHOF. http://instagram.com/p/X6G3temhV8/ Family group shot. #WWEHOF http://instagram.com/p/X6F-dxGhU0/ Another one of me on stage. #WWEHOF http://instagram.com/p/X6FhXjmhUS/ Making my speech. #WWEHOF http://instagram.com/p/X6FCp-mhTv/ Vince McMahon shows the crowd one of the greatest moments in WWE History. #WWEHOF http://instagram.com/p/X6Ee3emhTH/ Always nice to see the terrific @mariamenounos at the #WWEHOF. http://instagram.com/p/X6D5QJGhSO/ Watching the show. #WWEHOF http://instagram.com/p/X6C8EIGhQ-/ .@JerryLawler was terrific. #WWEHOF http://instagram.com/p/X6CXCzGhQX/ "@Scooter41471: @realDonaldTrump congrats on the run with the show, been a staple for years on NBC" Thanks Scott! Yea, NBC has increased all remaining Celebrity Apprentice episodes to two hours starting at 9 P.M. on Sunday! Amazing show. In today's all new #TrumpVlog I discuss what a great honor it was to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. http://fb.me/KTXQO2jG Watch me get inducted into the #WWEHOF tonight at 10PM on USA. I will be posting exclusive behind the… http://instagram.com/p/X5iO3AmhYb/ It was great seeing @Schwarzenegger at the #WWEHOF. http://instagram.com/p/X5gFVPmhWO/ “"Pennies don't fall from heaven, they have to be earned here on earth." – PM Margaret Thatcher (October, 13 1925 – April, 8 2013) It’s Tuesday, how much has China stolen from us today through cyber espionage? @Red_Head_Ed @JoseCanseco @thejbrain Thanks Eddie I really appreciate your nice words! @thejbrain Thanks! Follow me on Instagram- http://bit.ly/YfOdis Here I am with @IvankaTrump and erictrump presenting the WGC @CadillacChamp Trophy to Tiger Woods at… http://instagram.com/p/X5BQ_bGhUq/ RT @MELANIATRUMP: Getting ready 4 @WendyWilliams show. Wearing my #Melania jewelry @QVC http://qvc.com. Tune in @ 10am EST! http ... I just left @trumpwinery in Charlottesville,Virginia --- it is the finest in the country--- really incredible! RT @ApprenticeNBC: Did you agree with @realDonaldTrump’s decision last night? Who was more at fault for the spelling mistake? #CelebAppr ... Don't negate your own power. Whatever you've been dealt, know you can deal with it. Fear is the opposite of faith. Think positively. There are always opportunities. Keep your focus and don't give up! RT @TrumpCollection: RT @doralresort: Learn more about our "monstrous" undertaking on the Blue Monster in the @MiamiHerald: http://t.co/ ... The new reality. ‘China Daily’ is sold in street newspaper vending machines across DC. Why not? They own the place. Margaret Thatcher was the Iron Lady of the West. She promoted freedom & democracy---a great leader & ally of America. I am very impressed by @dennisrodman. His return to this season’s @ApprenticeNBC showed who Dennis really is--which is very good. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Who was your #CelebApprenticeMVP this week? Tweet their name with #CelebApprenticeMVP to help earn them a donation fo ... RT @TrumpLasVegas: The sunshine is bright and beautiful in Vegas. Book your Spring/Sun & Spa stay today http://ow.ly/jNiu5 My @gretawire interview re: the dismal job report, getting ripped off by South Korea, 2016 election & #WWEHOF http://bit.ly/145I5wE Thanks @WWE--@VinceMcMahon is an amazing guy. .@foxandfriends interview re: North Korea, firing @dennisrodman, job report, @MELANIATRUMP’s debut & @WrestleMania http://bit.ly/145HMC2 .@MELANIATRUMP just finished being on @theviewtv--by any standard, she was great! @angie_ncislover Have a happy one! .@melaniatrump will be on @theviewtv today at 11am ET discussing @apprenticenbc #celebapprentice & her skin care collection. Tune in! I’m a star maker- Adrian has continued to receive many fans in @TrumpTowerNY and @AmandaTMiller is definitely on the map! #CelebApprentice RT @ApprenticeNBC: Who's to blame? Who should be fired? #CelebApprentice RT @EricTrump: Colossal mistake. Impossible to defend. “@MELANIATRUMP: Brand name to spell wrong? No excuse. @ApprenticeNBC #CelebAppren ... The boardroom and @WrestleMania- I'm watching great entertainment tonight! #CelebApprentice RT @ApprenticeNBC: Interesting to see @realDonaldTrump reveal both presentations in the Boardroom. Don't see that too often. He's defini ... RT @EricTrump: Disruptive or lack of control? Will be interesting to see what @realDonaldTrump decides in the #boardroom, but @pennjille ... RT @MELANIATRUMP: Wow!!! Do u see what I see? @ApprenticeNBC #CelebApprentice What do you think so far? #CelebApprentice RT @EricTrump: Great to see #CelebApprentice trending tonight. Thx guys. @ApprenticeNBC @realDonaldTrump @IvankaTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr ... RT @TheRealMarilu: Okay how gorgeous is @MELANIATRUMP! Beautiful, smart and so sweet! @ApprenticeNBC #CelebApprentice It appears that @THEGaryBusey is entranced with @MELANIATRUMP- and rightly so! #CelebApprentice .@pennjillette and @dennisrodman as PM’s- I’m proud of Dennis and his performance this season. #CelebApprentice The #CelebApprentice post @OMAROSA. Will it ever be the same? My wife, the beautiful @MELANIATRUMP will be appearing… #CelebApprentice I’m at @WrestleMania tonight but will be doing a few tweets. I know the episode well.... #CelebApprentice "@rab4488: @realDonaldTrump @BillMoyers @PBS @JeremiahWright Bill Moyers is a good man---1000 times better then you are" He is a dummy! Dennis Rodman is a project manager tonight on Celebrity Apprentice - watch Dennis in full action! "@MajideDan: @realDonaldTrump But WHY only one hour?! I need my two hours of crazy. #celebapprentice" Next week until end increased to 2 hrs @ApprenticeNBC is great tonight and stars the legendary beauty @MELANIATRUMP who reveals her great skin care collection. @lordandtaylor "@airpacee: @realDonaldTrump I don't even follow u and I love you" Very nice! "@bonnie_obe: @realDonaldTrump congrats my role model!! I always look up to you,boss." Thank you! : @realDonaldTrump @HelpUServe When we have people eating out of trash cans in this country, we have no business helping any other country" "@luwfcrule: @realDonaldTrump When will Apprentice USA be back on UK TV? jealous of not being able to watch it like you are in the USA. SOON "@TheSportsSwede: @realDonaldTrump @ec364 Bush murdered thousands of r troops & wasted trillions $ in a needless & senseless war-Iraq. TRUE! "@mercy_flawless: @realDonaldTrump I kinda like the tattoo you got. Check it out guys! http://instgr.me/pXtzCz" Dopey, I don't have tattoos! Starting next week, and by popular demand (plus good ratings) NBC will broadcast only two hour episodes of Celebrity Apprentice at 9 P.M. Celebrity Apprentice is rebroadcasting last weeks episode at 9 P.M. WITH A GREAT NEW EPISODE FEATURING @MELANIA TRUMP AT 10 P.M. - AMAZING! "@ChrisColgan: @realDonaldTrump - Congrats on being the greatest real investor of our time" Thank you! "@Jesus_Mohammad: @realDonaldTrump should I get the red Donald trump tie or the blue Donald trump tie???" Get them both at Macy's-thanks! My induction last night at Madison Square Garden into the WWE Hall of Fame was amazing-I met some great people, including Bruno. "@GiovaChris: "@SammartinoBruno: @realDonaldTrump and I backstage at WWE Hall of Fame. A great man and good friend. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BHNisc8CAAE22HX.jpg"" "@IronMan1021: I think after watching his roast I've realized that @realDonaldTrump is super fucking bad ass Props to you sir" True - thanks True, America is rapidly losing it's SPIRIT, and when that's gone, we will only be going in one direction - and that direction is down! "@realBrianBuxton: @fluffyguy why is @realDonaldTrump even at a @wwe event?" Ratings asshole - I'll bet in life you are a very big failure! "@HelpUServe: @realDonaldTrump donald we are always supporting other countries" often times because we're stupid - we make bad deals! "@waggles71: Taking the risk of failure to produce #success. #business #life @realDonaldTrump" Absolutely - that's the way it works! "@ec364: @realDonaldTrump where's Sadam's billiions of $$ after Bush invested American taxpayer$. We were too stupid to take it-loser pols! "@seandburke: I would pay cash money to see @TheRock bodyslam @realDonaldTrump just once. #WWE #wrestlemania" He is not strong enough! "@therealHamzeh: One of my idols @realDonaldTrump" A geeat compliment - Thank you! "@jdstravel: @jdstravel @realDonaldTrump Do you have a helipad at Trump National LA?" Yes! "@j_mcdonough16: .@realDonaldTrump blatant threats is my definition of "being careful," too." Very good - most people don't get it! "@thejbrain: @realDonaldTrump America needs you in 2016. Your success and capabilities are enough to make the world peaceful again.God bless China is pushing North Korea! When is South Korea going to start paying us for the massive amounts of money we are spending to protect them from the North? Our President must be very careful with the 28 year old wack job in North Korea. At some point we may have to get very tough-blatant threats @BillLMU Lili will call you - thanks and good luck! I'm getting ready to be inducted tonight into the WWE Hall of Fame at Madison Square Garden - a great honor for me and the Trump family! @RicardoHernanG Great going Ricardo! "@BeaumontAnthony: @realDonaldTrump. Great picture Mr trump would to see u invest in some golf courses in the UK your resorts are the best" "@salesdan48: @realDonaldTrump Can't wait to see the finished product. Another Trump masterpiece ..... As usual !!!" Thanks Dan re. Doral! I am doing On the Record With Greta Van Susteren at 10 P.M. on Fox. We will be talking about the bad economy and other subjects of interest! Spent full day with contractors at Trump National Doral - it will be amazing! http://fb.me/16vx7SAip @keiththoms @ApprenticeNBC Original schedule but going back to two hours. @JordanKnoxville @ApprenticeNBC Starting next week the show increases to 2 hours. @GAPools Either is great. @PhilipMyrer Wow! RT @ApprenticeNBC: “Her beauty lives five thousand miles past heaven.” – @TheGaryBusey #CelebApprentice @OurColorado @emilyhoms Thank you. @blazey53 Great, good luck. @ckmagic32 Thanks Mark. I will be On The Record with Greta Van Susteren @gretawire tonight at 10 PM on Fox News. @__Mickey_Mouse Thanks Basil. @Brn2ShpFrcd2Wrk Okay--hi Maria! @BuzzFeedPSA @Lood800 Four. @trentnanny09 Thanks Traci. Hi to your son. “The great question is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with failure.” - Laurence J. Peter RT @ApprenticeNBC: Hey All-Stars! Which one of you is going to dethrone @traceadkins as #CelebApprenticeMVP this week? Sunday night at 9 PM EST will be re-run of last week's episode of Celebrity @ApprenticeNBC, followed by new episode at 10 PM. This Sunday’s All-Star Celebrity @ApprenticeNBC has the most beautiful boardroom judges ever w/ @IvankaTrump & @MELANIATRUMP together! RT @TrumpCollection: Sample the new in-room dining options @TrumpSoHo with a credit during your stay: http://ow.ly/jzFa5 RT @IvankaTrump: Check out my May Redbook magazine cover. Very exciting! #Redbook http://instagram.com/p/XuRtitikOI/ Only 88,000 jobs were added this past March. Prediction was 190,000. Businesses can’t expand with Obama Care & high taxes on horizon. ...Who says the death penalty is not a deterrent? James Holmes, the Aurora, Colorado guy who killed 12 people & injured 58 others, is fighting hard to avoid the death penalty... RT @ApprenticeNBC: #FF #FollowFriday our entire All-Star cast all at once: http://ow.ly/jMyKL And tweet with us during Sunday’s new ... Tell me, which is “cooler”—my induction into the @WWE Hall of Fame or my Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame? Very exciting—tomorrow night at Madison Square Garden I get inducted into the @WWE Hall of Fame. RT @TrumpCollection: . @tripadvisor ranked @trumptoronto the #1 hotel in the city: http://ow.ly/jzEry "@trackdonny: @realDonaldTrump . Thanks for spreading the truth about China and all Donald trump. You rock brother. Donny stjohn Sag. Actor" Jobs report is really bad - beyond the worst projections.A bad day on Wall Street! "@Mr_Asuaiko: one day i'll be rich and powerful like my mentor @realDonaldTrump" Great! Word is spreading that I got a tattoo - no way, I am not a fan! "@rodmonium91: @realDonaldTrump Will the Mavs make the playoffs, what do u think Mr Trump?" No, Mark Cuban is a loser! North Korea can't survive, or even eat, without the help of China. China could solve this problem with one phone call-they love taunting us! "@PeteyProstate: @realDonaldTrump retweet to show your support for Prostate Cancer Awateness http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BHFVUlpCUAAjVu6.jpg" "@thisiscen: If you're not following @realDonaldTrump on Twitter, you are missing out on GREATNESS. Do it." Thank you! "@mfon_essien: One day I'd shake hands with @realDonaldTrump - my business and leadership mentor." Work hard and good luck! "@MGSeneca: @realDonaldTrump you and your TV Show #theapprentice are tremendous. Watch it every week" Thanks I have gotten to know many Spanish speaking people as the owner of Trump National Doral in Miami. They are smart, hard working and great "@JAW44444: @realDonaldTrump best season of @CelebApprentice yet! Great television! :-)" "@imredwingfan: @realDonaldTrump truly the best show on TV...." Thanks!1 Your work will never be in vain if you work for a cause that is greater than yourself. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Don’t forget – we’re on at 10/9c this Sunday! #CelebApprentice RT @ApprenticeNBC: Sneak a peek at this week’s #CelebApprentice! http://youtu.be/zR14hKk-z9U .@WineEnthusiast just awarded Trump Vineyard’s Sparkling Reserve 91 points --- the highest rated wine in Virginia... http://fb.me/1rD3u4tst RT @MELANIATRUMP “@ApprenticeNBC: Her beauty lives 5,000 miles past Heaven. http://youtu.be/zR14hKk-z9U ” Thank u @THEGaryBusey! Looking forward to @VinceMcMahon inducting me into @WWE Hall of Fame this Saturday in @TheGarden. #WWEHOF #WrestleMania I have a gift for my loyal viewers of All-Star @ApprenticeNBC, Mrs. @MELANIATRUMP debut on this week’s episode http://youtu.be/zR14hKk-z9U "The bend in the road is not the end of the road unless you refuse to take the turn." – Anonymous RT @ApprenticeNBC: Which #CelebApprentice All-Star do you think has what it takes to go the distance? Who will @realDonaldTrump hire? RT @TrumpCollection: Add some relaxation to your stay @TrumpLasVegas with the Sun & Spa Special: http://ow.ly/jzF1G Remember, Celebrity Apprentice tonight on CNBC at 9. Amazing episode - watch Omarosa get the boot! Negotiation: Think about what the other side wants. Know where they’re coming from. Don't underestimate them. Create a win/win situation. Re: Negotiation: View any conflict as an opportunity. Be a diplomat as much as possible. Look for good ideas outside of your own areas of expertise. Find innovations, approaches, and practices that you could adapt in your field. Now AP is banning the term "illegal immigrants" What should we call them? 'Americans'?! This country's political press is amazing! RT @ApprenticeNBC: By voting for @TraceAdkins as #CelebApprenticeMVP, you fans have once again helped him raise an extra donation for th ... Obama just bought the Afghan Police $288M in ammo http://bit.ly/17d3GSG Make no mistake, some of these will be shot at our troops. The purpose of China’s massive military buildup on the Nork’s border is to intimidate us. China attacked us during the Korean War. “Relax & clear your mind if someone is speaking, so that you’re receptive to what they’re saying.” – Roger Ailes, You are the Message "Millions Could Get Surprise Tax Bills Under ‘Obamacare’ If They Don’t Accurately Project Their Income" http://cbsloc.al/10usa4T \ RT @RealBHorowitz: @VinceMcMahon @realDonaldTrump @WWE My two favorite billionaires! "@VinceMcMahon To Make His Second-Ever Hall Of Fame Induction" http://bit.ly/17d02YZ via @WrestlingInc #WWEHOF #Billionaires RT @TrumpGolfLA: Break up the work week...Come enjoy a taste of Italy tonight! http://fb.me/15NERi5fH RT @VinceMcMahon: Battle of the Billionaires revisited? I’m honored to be inducting @RealDonaldTrump into the @WWE Hall of Fame this Sa ... Video in honor of the 100th Anniversary of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL): “Imagine a World Without Hate” http://www.adl.org/imagine/ RT @TrumpCollection: We're working hard to return @doralresort to the height of luxury: http://ow.ly/jzEjq We should look to China where big time pollution takes place as they manufacture inefficient and costly wind turbines for Scotland! The haters and losers that assume I was a non-athlete and know nothing about coaches should look into my past-unlike our President-open book I played football and baseball, sorry, but said to be the best bball player in N.Y. State-ask coach Ted Dobias-said best he ever coached. The basketball coach at Rutgers looks bad but I had a coach who made him look like a baby - coaches can be tough! "@FuriousBlaze: @realDonaldTrump @WWE You deserve it can't wait to watch you go in. I'll be there. Celebrity Apprentice on tonight - CNBC at 9 Another freezing day in the Spring - what is going on with "global warming"? Good move changing the name to "climate change" - sad! @BillMoyers sucks - very bland and boring with no future or hope - just like @NYMag (and many others). "Free enterprise is essentially a formula not just for wealth creation, but for life satisfaction." - Arthur C. Brooks "You can't tax business. Business doesn't pay taxes. It collects taxes." ― Ronald Reagan I ask again, how much is very wealthy South Korea paying the United States for protecting it against North Korea? I think it was terrible that Tim Cook of Apple apologized to China. What the hell is he apologizing for? Steve Jobs wouldn’t. In this time of economic turmoil where millions of Americans are unemployed, our tax dollars are paying @BillMoyers' big @PBS salary! .@BillMoyers is a liberal hack whose career is being laid to rest @PBS. Here Moyers coddles @JeremiahWright http://youtu.be/IvnMK1d9xE0 Via @UrbanTurf_DC: "Trump Releases Renderings For Old Post Office Building" http://bit.ly/12ciNrF I look forward to Saturday night and being inducted into the @WWE Hall of Fame. The Yuan hit another record high against the Dollar. China is laughing at our expense. China has control over North Korea! With the impending crisis in Korea, is it a big confidence builder that Chuck Hagel is Sec. of Defense? Elections have consequences. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Meet the new boss: Mrs. Trump! http://youtu.be/zR14hKk-z9U With Dr. Dror Paley & Dr. Ben Carson with two wonderful children at Mar-a-Lago. http://fb.me/GTAYjmMz Bob & Suzanne Wright, co-founders of @autismspeaks have done an absolutely fantastic job—two real winners. http://bit.ly/50WJS Be passionate. If you love what you're doing, success will follow. Set the bar high, do the best you possibly can, and believe in yourself—because if you don’t, no one else will either. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Have you voted for your #CelebApprenticeMVP yet? Well… Get on it! In the 10:30 PM ET lead-in to local news, @ApprenticeNBC delivered a 31 percent margin of victory... ... among ABC, CBS and NBC in the key news demo of adults.... ..."Apprentice" was #1 among ABC, CBS and NBC from 10:30-11 p.m. in all key demos (adults, men and women 18-34, 18-49 and 25-54)- Nielsen. The @Yankees should immediately stop paying A-Rod—he signed his contract without telling them he was a druggie. A-Rod’s salary is more than the entire @astros. Half the players on @astros will have better seasons than him. A-Rod is a joke! Are you expanding your business? Interview returning soldiers. Give them strong consideration. Their sacrifices deserve it. Sacrificing our nation’s bravest for ungrateful Iraqis = great for China. China is taking majority of the oil http://bit.ly/XIvcAw .@michellemalkin & @BuzzFeedAndrew: “Vaccine court awards millions to two autistic children damaged by vaccine” http://bit.ly/128akZe The only place where our "border" is protected is from Europeans. We educate them in our finest institutions & then have them deported. Immigration reform is all risk for the @GOP. Their base doesn’t want it and the 12M illegals will all vote Democrat. Today The Blue Monster is torn up. The Trump National @DoralResort is being revolutionized with $200M of renovations. @higginsane Hi. Via @thehill: "Trump warns GOP moving too fast on immigration reform" http://bit.ly/16ruUUn by @JonEasley "‘Better Be Careful’:Donald Trump Warns GOP On Immigration, Creating ’12 Million’ New Dem Voters" http://bit.ly/16rs6q4 via @Mediaite Via @USATODAY: "@OMAROSA gets fired from 'Celebrity @ApprenticeNBC'" http://usat.ly/13Lfsot Watch @OMAROSA tomorrow on @Oprah! “Winning is the most important thing in my life, after breathing. Breathing first, winning next.” - @WWE Archive:“DONALD TRUMP'S GREATEST @WWE MOMENTS” http://bit.ly/16rtdWL When I shaved McMahon's head in @WrestleMania XXIII My @foxandfriends interview on risk for @GOP on immigration, wasting money in Middle East & firing @OMAROSA http://fxn.ws/16rsAwu “All-Star Celebrity Apprentice” is #1 in the time period among ABC, CBS and NBC in 18-49 and all other key demos—Nielsen Ratings .@AlexSalmond’s insane release of the terrorist—for humanitarian reasons--will go down as a better decision.. ... than his destruction of Scotland’s magnificent lands.@AlexSalmond .@AlexSalmond , the Scottish politician who released the terrorist who blew up Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie… … is now looking to cause irreparable environmental damage with wind turbines. @AlexSalmond In standing by @dennisrodman I was also representing many people who have addiction problems & are working hard to come back. It was my great honor to defend @dennisrodman on @ApprenticeNBC last night—he has come a long way and for the good! @South_Said Good luck. .@jimmyfallon regularly features @ApprenticeNBC contestants on his show. We love his support & he’s a terrific host.Tonight: Omarosa. "@bucksfan2012: @realDonaldTrump - Did you hear the cheers from Ohio??! Celebrity Apprentice is back to being my favorite show!" "@denicarter: @realDonaldTrump @EricTrumpFdn @StJude @EricTrump Your children are GREAT role models and you are a terrific Dad. xxx" "@drstardis: @realDonaldTrump some people look up to athletes some its musicians for me its Mr Trump." THANKS Cory! "@lucaswilson911: I will never be persuaded to not be a @realDonaldTrump fan :)" "@lucaswilson911: @realDonaldTrump PLEASE REPLY TO ME!!! Yay! I'm your number 1 fan!!! I will die happy if you respond to this tweet :D $$$$ Will be doing Fox and Friends in 10 minutes at 7.05 - enjoy! "@emilyhoms: Going to keep tweeting until @realDonaldTrump realizes how much he is my idol #lovethisman" "@mcs3289: Who is the better boss? Mr. or Mrs. Trump? Can't wait to find out next week! @realDonaldTrump @ApprenticeNBC" "@nysportfan4life: @realDonaldTrump Will you be at the Yankee game tomorrow?" Yes! "@palemamba713: @realDonaldTrump #CelebrityApprentice is AMAZING. Love it" "@MoorePhilly: @realDonaldTrump Love every minute of #CelebApprentice." "@kg08tj: @realDonaldTrump #CelebApprentice the best show on tv, all my #mba classmates are loving it to, #bestshow in North America" "@natalicious40: Yay! Yay! Yay! @OMAROSA is gone!!! Can't wait for next Sunday! @realDonaldTrump YOU'RE THE MAN!!!" Thanks! "@collinsva: @ApprenticeNBC officially #CelebApprentice is back to being my favorite show! Thanks @realDonaldTrump" Great! "@TheRayGallimore: @realDonaldTrump #CelebrityApprentice most powerful show on the network! No other television series comes close to it! "@madccat1: @realDonaldTrump love @CelebApprentice . Favorite show of all time...every time!" Great! "@FutureCutler: @realDonaldTrump Couldn't be happier! Now #CelebrityApprentice is without a doubt the best show on tv!" Glad you are happy! Adrian was recognized on a Disney cruise and has had many photo requests in @TrumpTowerNY. We have a new celebrity! #CelebApprentice Great boardroom! What did you think? #CelebApprentice What do you think @amandatmiller is writing? #CelebApprentice "@TheNewMrsTim: My dad & I are huge #Trump2016 supporters we were disappointed when 2012 didn't happen! @realDonaldTrump" Thanks! .@EricTrumpFdn continues to do important work for @StJude Children’s Research Hospital. I am very proud of @EricTrump's philanthropy. .@pennjillette has received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame— about time! #CelebApprentice Whose artwork was your favorite— and what team do you think will win? #CelebApprentice Piers truly hates Omarosa! Ever see @bluemangroup in performance? They’re fantastic. And so are Penn & Teller. Don’t miss them. #CelebApprentice "@FlamboyantFag: @realDonaldTrump a world with Donald Trump is a world I don't want to live in #inspiration" Wow, how nice! "@justivanjames: The only person I enjoy following is @realDonaldTrump" Thanks! "@HaveAHeartCmpn: @realDonaldTrump Now that's a sharp tie ! Is it one of your brand of ties? #CelebApprentice" Yes! RT @ApprenticeNBC: Sing it, @THEGaryBusey! #MrHangBrain #CelebApprentice http://tmblr.co/ZnDBauhcIlub Agreed-- @piersmorgan says he and @OMAROSA have a “communication malfunction.” #CelebApprentice .@LilJon’s take on @piersmorgan seems to be a classic love-hate combo. Piers can be tough and everyone knows it. #CelebApprentice Now he has made his Busey-ism into a song. #CelebApprentice .@THEGaryBusey and one of his Busey-isms: “Art is only the search, it is not the final form.” #CelebApprentice .@piersmorgan is back! Did I see @OMAROSA wince? #CelebApprentice Read about how this hotel came into being in my book “Never Give Up”—it’s quite a story. #CelebApprentice @TrumpNewYork .@TrumpNewYork on CPW in NYC is the home of the globe that has become an icon in the city. #CelebApprentice .@claudiajordan’s judgment wasn’t the best in who she chose to come back to the boardroom—that was her demise. #CelebApprentice Are people really afraid of @OMAROSA Would you be? #CelebApprentice "@jmc_Johnson: @realDonaldTrump Donald why is tonight's episode only an hour? #dissapointment" As per plan but NBC increased future to 2hrs What will happen to Omarosa tonight? One of our all time great episodes! I hope everyone, or rather almost everyone, had a GREAT EASTER! We need our leaders to make great and wise decisions in these troubled times So, what will happen to the Big O on Celebrity Apprentice tonight. Remember, I only fire people when it is deserved, not for other reasons! BIG NIGHT on Celebrity Apprentice tonight. IMPORTANT, starts at 10 P.M. as scheduled but NBC just increased all future episodes to 2 hours! Have a GREAT EASTER, I love you all! No, I'm saying that the World is paying the price for China's pollution while they make a fortune with their dirty factories! Very sad. "@KimStagliano: @realDonaldTrump When will NYT write about vaccine damage and its price? 3 girls w autism here, Mr. Trump." They should Kim! Major article in New York Times today discusses the cost of environmental damage in China and how it is RAPIDLY GROWNG! Rest of World pays. China is the biggest environmental polluter in the World, by far. They do nothing to clean up their factories and laugh at our stupidity! We have tremendous economic power over China if our leaders knew how to use it, which they don't! China's economy would collapse without us. "@SullyThinks: why is @realDonaldTrump not the president of the US right now?!" A very good question! RT @halballew: @realDonaldTrump their military would also collapse! Get in the political arena. We need a consistent voice that can't ... "@thejbrain: @realDonaldTrump Very well said. The United States needs people like you to show what truly leadership means!" So true! "@kaiser1859: @realDonaldTrump what is the solution Mr Trump?" LEADERSHIP! What do we get from our economic competitor South Korea for the tremendous cost of protecting them from North Korea? - NOTHING! North Korea is reliant on China. China could solve this problem easily if they wanted to but they have no respect for our leaders. "@Thaddalicious: @realDonaldTrump should be president, he knows what he is talking about #rolemodel" Thank you! "@tonyantoine321: @realDonaldTrump Great advice. Yesterday, I listened to your audio book "Think Big" for the 2nd Time." Great! @gramma421 Not recent, long term support for the autism community. "@FashionArtlady: @realDonaldTrump DT, do you think kids are overmedicated and over diagnosed in the USA?" Yes! "@violaC72: @realDonaldTrump sir, the autism community thanks you for your support!! #autismspeaks" "@RocRx: RT @realDonaldTrump Everybody should contribute & fight in the long haul battle against autism. @autismspeaks" GREAT! @GenaLeeNolin Thank you GLN! Current @NYMag really sad, not only boring but highly inaccurate. Use better paper product - looks like a death march (which it is!). "@nikkio: @realDonaldTrump Just read book "Contagious, why things catch on" - reminded me of u --ur one of a kind! :)" Thank you! Have a great Good Friday and a Happy Easter. Find out who and what is the best in your field. Identify the trendsetters, leaders and authorities. Learn the standards they follow. Achievers go for the challenge, so the next deal is what they're thinking about. They have an obligation to best themselves. Wisdom comes as a result of both experience and knowledge. It's something you can't teach someone else--you have to achieve it on your own. This week’s All-Star Celebrity @ApprenticeNBC features another memorable Board Room rumble between @piersmorgan & @OMAROSA. Everybody should contribute & fight in the long haul battle against autism. @autismspeaks Take the time to be thorough in whatever you undertake. Remain open to new ideas. Remain fluid, not fixed, in your expectations. Please help @autismspeaks with their petition to the White House for a national strategy for the autism epidemic http://bit.ly/YfQpAX "@HeatherMama3: I watched the @realDonaldTrump on #Letterman Great interview, this man knows how its done. Pure class! He has my vote. "@TwitOvershare: “@koznneffect: @realDonaldTrump mr trump, you are a brilliant man!” I agree, but thanks! "@jpressler: I bet Matt Lauer is really grateful for @realDonaldTrump coming to his defense like this." Unfair story by third rate @NYMag. "@JaySuch: Hey @realDonaldTrump. My 8 year old needs to do a book report on a bad person. We picked you." A great subject, should get an A. "@Benhrysack: @realDonaldTrump you were awesome on late show!" Very true - thanks! We blow up the famous Blue Monster at Trump National Doral on.Monday in order to build a spectacular new, bigger, and better Blue Monster! "@KevinGSmithJr: .@realDonaldTrump - I often times don't agree with you politically, but I enjoyed your Interview on Letterman. Thanks! "@DMBGreySt: @realDonaldTrump @NYMag agreed. I won't be renewing. I got back issues that are paper weights." Bad people, false writing! "@elisa_oggero: @realDonaldTrump late show Was great!! We all enjoy it!" Thanks! "@ForexBoxusd: @realDonaldTrump Mr. Trump, Class-Act @Late_Show you are a one of an kind classic! #trumpforpresident." Thanks! @NYMag - New York Magazine sucks - lifeless and dead - one of the most boring out there. Get it now, it won't last long! Thanks for all the nice comments about the @Late_Show last night. I enjoyed it and David enjoyed the ratings. Adam Moss, editor in chief of @NYMag is quickly losing his reputation in that @NYMag has become so boring and so irrelevant. Employees of @NYMag should have their resumes updated. It is very boring & will die in the near future. How much are they losing now? Terrible economic numbers released today. US GDP only grew 0.4% during Oct-Dec 2012 quarter http://apne.ws/14ygiV4 Great news for China. ...At the same time, go through a worst-case scenario but keep it short. Focus on your goal—look at the solution, not the problem. Practice positive thinking—this will keep you focused while weeding out anything that is unnecessary, negative or detrimental... @BeaumontAnthony Thanks Anthony. RT @ApprenticeNBC: REMINDER: Our new episode will be airing at 10/9c this Sunday – and @piersmorgan is back! Don’t miss it! #CelebApprentice @maffucci93 True and thanks. @TheMayorMatt My father, Fred C. Trump. RT @Milliesappeal: @realDonaldTrump hello can you plz retweet @Milliesappeal she's 20months old fighting stage 4 neuroblastoma cancer an ... @BigBobScott I will. @pedal_real_fast That's great--good luck. @RealLeslies Great--enjoy! "Once you consent to some concession, you can never cancel it and put things back the way they are." - Howard Hughes Rambling and stumbling @hardball_chris is as dumb as a rock! "@onakoyaa: If you want to know what it means to have a genuine business mind and attitude, study @realDonaldTrump. Great Man!" "@pdattolo79: @realDonaldTrump was amazing on Letterman. When are you officially going to announce you are running for President in 2016? "@ChayaLa: @realDonaldTrump Trump for President 2016! #weneedyou" Thanks! "@lucasdowns11: Speaking from a military point of view, I want @realDonaldTrump as my Commander-in-Chief." Great compliment - thanks! "@ctobin22: @realDonaldTrump letterman's ratings were off the roof. Was it the TRUMP effect??" YES! Trump Signature mattress is from Serta - the best there is! Thanks "@avedders: @realDonaldTrump you're the man! You should run for president!" Thanks! "@JOECIOLFI: @realDonaldTrump worked @ theBrick here in Canada 15 years sleep on the Trump mattress, taught 1000's to sell it. Fav mattress. "@Nnamdos: If you want to know what it means to have a genuine business mind and attitude, study @realDonaldTrump." Thanks! "@brandonzappi: @realDonaldTrump Trump for president 2016, this country needs a different kind of change" Thanks! "@MICHELLE_GRACE_: @realDonaldTrump loved you on the letterman show. I have a whole new respect for you! continued success" Thanks! "@WORLD_KIDS: @realDonaldTrump are your sold at .@walmart? .@akmackey" MACY'S! "@fugle_tony_328: @realDonaldTrump You are awesome!" Thanks! "@randycoggins: @realDonaldTrump my dad is a pastor here in lakeland, FL at bridge of hope.. Always wears a trump tie!! #success Great! "@MemeFYG8: @realDonaldTrump You're inteligent, awesone and honest! you are my idol!:')" Thanks! "@CherylGravino: @realDonaldTrump I wish you had run for president! You are a very smart man!" Thanks Cheryl! "@mkerob: @realDonaldTrump great appearance last night on Letterman. First Stern, now Dave. Two awesome interviews." Thanks! "@TanmayShekhawat: @realDonaldTrump was incredible as always on Letterman. He surely knows how to handle it." Thanks! "@DoctorEdsMom: @realDonaldTrump Just watched You on Letterman. You were Brilliant! Such a well-fed brain. I enjoyed You "@conservativeJT: @bluejoni @realDonaldTrump Trump is an American that will pay more taxes in one year than you pay in your entire life. "@Tid4Prez: @realDonaldTrump this interview made you look down to earth. Romney should have done Letterman." "@jorgekb: @realDonaldTrump great interview, always interesting...congrats!!" Thanks! "@golf4oregod: @realDonaldTrump great job on Letterman." Thanks! "@MichaelScarbrou: @realDonaldTrump Good Job Donald. I'll call NBC a see if they'll giv you Leno's spot..lol" "@FCVladJoseph: @realDonaldTrump: You forgot to mention that you're going into the WWE Hall of Fame." "@Ilove40s: @realDonaldTrump should run in 2016" Thanks for your nice thoughts! "@sarah_e_smith9: @realDonaldTrump did AWESOME on Letterman! I just love him!" Thanks Sarah! "@J_R_II: @realDonaldTrump you were awesome! Honest, personable, intelligent!" Thanks! "@lizzyOconnor: @realDonaldTrump is just amazing, made my night watching him on letterman ! #trumpnationaldoral !!" Thanks Lizzy! "@Greener17wing: @realDonaldTrump ya hit it out of the park. #preztrump from a Canadian #yourhired" Thanks! "@jeulrich: @RealDonaldTrump is far nicer and real on Letterman than he is on twitter" Interesting! "@thatboyred: @realDonaldTrump you did awesome! Always shooting and keeping letterman away from attacking the GOP and joking on you. Great! "@Hoggoblin34: @realDonaldTrump Great job on Letterman. I have always been a big admirer of yours." Thanks Jim! "@CarmineMig21: @realDonaldTrump u were great" Thanks Carmine! "@akmackey: @realDonaldTrump You did great Mr Trump! Wife and I watched. Loved your Walmart answer." Thanks! "@jevonk: @realDonaldTrump I thought you did a great job with Letterman." Thanks Jevon! "@MaryPortwine: Loving @realDonaldTrump on Letterman! Could listen to him talk all day long. You say it like it is and that's why we love u! "@coll4734: @realDonaldTrump Run for President and have David as your wing man." Cute! "@craigashwood: @realDonaldTrump Nice job Mr.Trump! Smooth, relaxed, and in good humour." Thanks! "@scottinapac: @realDonaldTrump paired very well with Letterman tonight." Thanks! "@Higgie0: @realDonaldTrump @Late_Show... watched you Letterman.. Good Job! Your Hired!" Thanks! "@TheRonnnn: Nice job @realDonaldTrump on #letterman." Thanks! "@DArmstrong23: @realDonaldTrump awesome job on Letterman! Thought it was a great, funny interview. Invite me to Doral!!!" Thanks David! "@thomas_waller: @realDonaldTrump Great job! Way to take the high road on his attacks on conservatism. Your always a class act!" Thanks Tom! "@DeannaSpillyard: @realDonaldTrump Although I cannot speak for them, I think you made your family proud.Great job! : )" Thanks Deanna! "@NickDallman: @realDonaldTrump did an awesome job on David Letterman!" Thanks! "@thejbrain: @realDonaldTrump Awesome as always!" Thanks! "@wahb528: @realDonaldTrump great job. Very entertaining segment with interesting observations and insights." Thanks! "@kellyfrias: @realDonaldTrump I always enjoy your interviews and think The Apprentice is terrific. Looked great on Letterman." Thanks! "@iHealthQuote: @realDonaldTrump You were great, you are always genuine." Thanks! "@KennethLaguer: @realDonaldTrump you did great on letterman" Thanks Kenneth! "@Joe_Lanser: @realDonaldTrump you and David letterman were fabulous tonight!!!!! Great job!!!!!" Thanks Joe! "@513pango: @realDonaldTrump please tell me you are going to run for president in 2016??" Thanks for the nice thoughts, Mike! Going on Letterman now - let me know what you think - how did I do? Here we go! "@philzentz: RT@SeanHooligan6: @realDonaldTrump I live in Maine and let me tell ya Wind Turbines are a Disaster. "@THE_OBM: @realDonaldTrump I am a local Aberdonian. The coast is beautiful - it will be totally ruined with these vile, ugly turbines." @AGALLEGOS32 Thanks! "@nicla_b: @realDonaldTrump @AlexSalmond @pressjournal @JohnDuthie1 was doing the same, thinking, salmond has lost his mind "@Markyoungco: @realDonaldTrump @AlexSalmond @pressjournal @JohnDuthie1 Hasn't anyone learned anything from TBoone Pickens' disaster. "@kalevans: @realDonaldTrump Iowa is the second leading state in the nation when it comes to wind energy! Sad distinction, farm land lost!" @Markyoungco @AlexSalmond @pressjournal @JohnDuthie1 .@alexsalmond @pressjournal RT @JohnDuthie1 just sitting here looking out over Aberdeen bay. These clowns cannot be allowed... ... to build a wind farm and destroy this view! .@alexsalmond @pressjournal RT @djkevritch im proud to be scottish, but bonnie scotland will soon be a thing of the past w/ these windmills .@alexsalmond @pressjournal RT @GailLorene Ask our Canadian neighbors who abhor the windfarms. And poor Scotland @slainsview Blackdog folks are very smart--their home values & lives will be destroyed. @dbpresswire @Late_Show I hope so! @jessilin02 Fantastic food--thanks. @spewrange Thanks--@HowardStern is great! @CreelKen Hope I do well! @BrocktonConwell Great! Thanks. Getting ready to do the David Letterman @Late_Show tonight—I hope you all will watch—I think! Aberdeenshire coast is spectacular. Its historic value & wildlife will be tarnished if these wind turbines are built--but they won't be! To all journalists, look into the financial dealings of Scottish Parliament members with Vattenfall…Follow the money. Less than two weeks until @WWE’s @WrestleMania XXIX. @TheRock v. @JohnCena willbe epic! Excited to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. .@EricTrumpFdn continues to do important work for @StJude Children’s Research Hospital. I am very proud of @EricTrump's philanthropy. @JNorr11 Yes--and thanks. RT @ApprenticeNBC: We shake things up this Sunday! What happens when @TraceAdkins moves from #PlanB to #TeamPower? #CelebApprentice @nashvillebobby Thanks Bobby. @MisterMcFlee Thanks--and good luck! @thedealszone @washtimes Thank you. @SmallTwnBigNews Kate--All my best wishes to you. @TheMayorMatt Interesting and often true! RT @damitdutch: @realDonaldTrump something is out of wack when our top spy chief can't pull off a side piece of ass and not get caught? ... .@pennjillette is an extraordinary entertainer & magician whose star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is long overdue. Very proud of him. Congrats to fantastic All-Star @ApprenticeNBC celebrity & illusionist @pennjillette on being honored at 2013 Hollywood Walk of Fame! Via @RoyalOakPatch: "Oakland County High Schoolers Have Chance to Win $1,000 Scholarship & Meet Donald Trump" http://bit.ly/11McURH Last night's @extratv 's interview by @MarioLopezExtra of gorgeous 2012 @MissUniverse @oliviaculpo http://bit.ly/11MhTln Great job! In case you missed it, last week's @extratv interview with @AJCalloway discussing Tiger Woods & much more http://bit.ly/11MewuS The developer of the Scottish wind monstrosities, Vattenfall, just laid off 2,500 people & has serious financial difficulties. General Petraeus should stop apologising and get on with his life. He is a good man and should have a great future. The new selection of ties, shirts and suits at Macy's is amazing - also available in Trump Tower lobby. I'm doing The David Letterman Show tonight -should be interesting! @GenaLeeNolin Great - call me, we'll get you on! Great piece on Extra tonight re. Celebrity Apprentice! "@specialk211: @realDonaldTrump I really miss @bretmichaels on All-Star Apprentice Will he be back as a judge?" Yes! Sometimes we do things to build up experience and stamina to prepare, but it's to prepare us for something bigger. Many of @TigerWoods’ ‘friends’ were quick to abandon him in his time of crisis. Now Tiger knows who he can count on. Many people look at successful people & don't see anything but the end result. They don't see all the work that went into getting there. When somebody challenges you, fight back -- be tough! When someone can discourage you, you probably aren't determined enough. Be resolute. That's what it takes to get things done. FLASHBACK: “Hiding evidence of global cooling” http://bit.ly/4Z3Miw @washtimes “Scientific data” is cooked! Via @scotsmandotcom: "Trump joins with Chandler in bid to attract events" http://bit.ly/16VD7Bn RT @SeanHooligan6: @realDonaldTrump I live in Maine and let me tell ya Wind Turbines are a Disater. @SeanHooligan6 @AlexSalmond This is from someone who knows they are a disaster. "Donald Trump shocked by 'stupid decision' about @OMAROSA on '@ApprenticeNBC'" http://on.today.com/16VCMP2 @TODAY_Clicker Via @washtimes: "Donald Trump warns of ‘dangerous precedent’ in Cyprus bank skimming" http://bit.ly/16VCw2B ...and now Alex Salmond pushes ugly turbines! FLASHBACK: “Alex Salmond pleaded with Donald Trump to back release of Lockerbie bomber” http://bit.ly/16VH8pe @telegraphnews ... The off shore Aberdeen wind farm site is “experimental” & has no track record delivering energy. http://bit.ly/YFHbiq @guardian The Scottish windfarm was conceived by the same mind that released terrorist al-Megrahi for humanitarian reasons. .. …al-Megrahi was the man who blew up Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland. @UberBurgers Trump National Golf Club Los Angeles. @Javi8104 Great--good luck. @SamRyzen Thank you! RT @ApprenticeNBC: Keep voting for your #CelebApprenticeMVP! The radar, defense, shipping and civil aviation problems will stop the ugly windfarm. #EOWDC The windfarm approval in Scotland is subject to many conditions that can never be met - will be tied up in courts for years! #EOWDC .@TigerWoods has made a truly great comeback - he is number one again! Give him credit, comebacks are tough to do. Way to go Tiger. For all of my many Jewish friends, Happy Passover. Good Morning America weather headline for U.S. - "NEVER ENDING COLD" @JoelKrautter Very good Joel! "@kindlerusso: I mean it when I say I would take a bullet for @realDonaldTrump" Wow, how nice - thanks! “Strive for wholeness and keep your sense of wonder intact, & you will find yourself ready for a grand slam.” - Think Like A Champion After decades of our leaders allowing China to steal our jobs & R&D, the Chinese will ‘overtake America’ in 2016 ... ...Re: China--I told you that a long time ago. http://bit.ly/106YoCL China’s top academics are working w/ PLA in cyber-espionage of our state secrets & R&D http://reut.rs/YsY59Y They are laughing at us! Obama has now become the weakest POTUS against China, yuan just hit record high against dollar http://on.wsj.com/YsXxRk Very sad! “Luck does not come around often. So when it does, be sure to take full advantage of it, even if it means working hard." Think Big I hope everyone enjoyed Palm Sunday! @KiltedKrew Thank you. @ChristalGraceG Thanks, I appreciate it. @crainey777 Thanks Chuck. Even the liberal CRS is now reporting Obama Care will cause 200% premium increases http://bit.ly/YsW0uo Surprised? @Newsmax_Media Cyprus is seizing private bank accounts as collateral for €10bn bail-out. We owe $17T. Think it can’t happen here? @jacob_mastro You may be right! @DickDarkey @piersmorgan @ApprenticeNBC Watch next week! @michellemalkin 2 decades in the conservative movement and look where the conservatives are now--you're fired! @AgostinelliNick @DonaldJTrumpJr Very nice, thanks. @hollywood74 Thank you Nadine! @AimeeTruchan @ABFalecbaldwin @StephenBaldwin7 She is a fabulous woman! @disneycuty @StephenBaldwin7 Thanks Jennifer. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Remember you can still vote for your #CelebApprenticeMVP! Get those tweets in before 3pm ET tomorrow! “Donald Trump to visit metro Detroit in May” http://bit.ly/YsNkV2 via @wxyzdetroit UK is freezing through longest & coldest winter in over 50 years http://bit.ly/YsTNiO Where’s the global warming? @gatewaypundit They changed the name from “global warming” to “climate change” after the term global warming just wasn’t working (it was too cold)! It’s springtime and it just started snowing in NYC. What is going on with global warming? Uh oh… @OMAROSA & @piersmorgan once again reunite in the Board Room in next week’s ‘All-Star’ @ApprenticeNBC. Fireworks! Via @Newsmax_Media: "Trump at CPAC: What Really Happened " http://bit.ly/YsNDPx Last night’s All-Star @ApprenticeNBC once again showed why the ultimate onus lies with the project manager. The buck stops there. RT @ApprenticeNBC: .@LilJon wants YOU to watch last night’s #CelebApprentice, online now. http://nbc.co/vid/n34139/ http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BGNbtCXCEAA1JSi.jpg What did you think of my decision? #CelebApprentice Adrian also gives autographs if you stop by the lobby of @TrumpTowerNY. #CelebApprentice That’s Adrian in the elevator— he works at @TrumpTowerNY & he’s got a lot of stories. #CelebApprentice People ask about @AmandaTMiller. She is actually a VP of Marketing at the Trump Organization. #CelebApprentice Who are your favorites on Team Power? Team Plan B? #CelebApprentice What team would you choose to win? #CelebApprentice Let’s see what happens in the boardroom… #CelebApprentice .@DennisRodman is always hard to miss-especially when dressed in silver finery. But not sure about the silver lipstick. #CelebApprentice .@Joan_Rivers —I know you’re watching- what did you think of your impersonator? They should have got Darrell Hammond as the Donald Trump impersonator. #CelebApprentice With @TraceAdkins on top of the truck the crowd definitely buzzed. #CelebApprentice What do you think of @DennisRodman’s Donald Trump head? The hair’s not quite right, for one thing. #CelebApprentice .@Omarosa admitting she’s a threat in the boardroom- that’s not revelation knowledge. #CelebApprentice .@StephenBaldwin7 thinks @TheRealMarilu is ping-ponging all over the place. Do you agree? #CelebApprentice Always good to have @ArsenioHall back as advisor as well as @DonaldJTrumpJr. They have their own fan clubs at this point. #CelebApprentice .@StephenBaldwin7’s mother thinks I’m very handsome. Now I see where Stephen and Alec get their smarts. #CelebApprentice .@LaToyaJackson & @Omarosa are not likely to become friends –ever! #CelebApprentice Last week’s boardroom was truly epic ---and the dust hasn’t settled yet. #CelebApprentice "@CShanton: @realDonaldTrump wish we had politicians that were like you... Maybe the we could cut some debt then. #2016" Thanks! "@EN_Somat: @realDonaldTrump Your Apprentice is so much better than ours in the UK. You're so much better than Alan Sugar!" Thanks! "@inshapp776: @realDonaldTrump I just stayed at the Trump hotel in Vegas. I love it!!!" Great! "@Chris_Nima: @realDonaldTrump I followed your business advice and now my business is through the roof!!!!!!!!!!!!" Great! "@cjrj49: @realDonaldTrump please don't forget us people on the west coast #nospoiling" I won't-thanks! "@TheDorkKnite: #MentionSomebodyYouWantToMeet @realDonaldTrump The Man, the Myth, The Legend, The Donald" Thanks! "@katiedoodlebug2: @realDonaldTrump yay can't wait Donald, you are so cool" - and so are you - thanks! "@Slim_Shady2o3: @realDonaldTrump yay i cant wait mr trump! You have the best show on tv on sunday nights!" THANKS! "@meenah83: @realDonaldTrump .. Are you ganna tweet live?" YES! I will be tweeting live tonight during Celebrity Apprentice - 9 o'clock on NBC! Celebrity Apprentice tonight at 9 on NBC - some amazing things happen! "@Marco_Masucci: @MaryChayko @realdonaldtrump is my favorite celebrity in the world! I can't believe she met him. Great and thanks! @kumite67 Thanks Brian! @CharlesRBennett Thank you - a great compliment! "@JIMHENDLEY81: @realDonaldTrump I agree Donald Please run for president. Your alot smarter than Hillary. America needs you. Thanks! "@William8311: @realDonaldTrump 2016, 2016, 2016! Get this country back to the prosperous nation we once were!!" Thanks.William! "@jeanpierreaboud: I wanna be @realDonaldTrump when i grow up :p !" Work hard and smart! "@AllysonWardBrkr: @realDonaldTrump what the world needs is Trump for president so the world can start making sense again. Thanks! "@RealRoesch: @MatthewDoyle33 SICK!!!! @realDonaldTrump is my idol" Thanks Austin! @realMikeShapiro True Michael! @philzentz Thanks Phil! "@hailllluminati: @RealDonaldTrump better run for president in 2016 so i can vote for him. #conservativepride" Thanks! Wow - they are really killing Jay Leno - let him go out with dignity! "@warrencasselljr: @CTrain_ The truth will soon be revealed and everyone will say @realDonaldTrump was right!" Many people think so! "@yassinomar: The amount of Trump Towers in New York City is ridiculous. No simple man can build such an empire like .@realDonald THANKS!! "@CTrain_: @realDonaldTrump Honestly who gives a shit where Obama was born? It's where he lives now that's the problem" Interesting!!!! Don't blindly pursue a career that others suggest or insist is right for you. It may be worth taking a pay cut for a job you love. Via @NorthvillePatch: "Donald Trump to Speak in Novi This May" http://bit.ly/13ijPXK Looks like the U.S. will be having the coldest March since 1996-global warming anyone????????? "Trump organisation backs community battle against substation" http://bit.ly/13ik9Wp via @STVNews .@TrumpGolfLA is ranked the top course in the West http://bit.ly/hAJgi6 If you're in the area, book a round today. Watching the madness in Cyprus? If our government keeps spending trillion dollar deficits, that could happen here. This Sunday's All-Star @ApprenticeNBC features some of the biggest fireworks of the entire season. Get ready. .@Mediaite:"Donald Trump Trashes @michellemalkin On Twitter:You're A 'Dummy' & 'Were Born Stupid'" http://bit.ly/YwbZSI @AndrewKirell RT @EWErickson: Personally I think it is awesome that @realDonaldTrump listens to @DLoesch on the radio. She's awesome. @michellemalkin @igo4par True. .@MichelleMalkin would be nothing without being on the @seanhannity show. I don’t see what Sean sees in her—loser! @jimmymcgreevy Thanks Jim! @SharleneH Thank you. When I think big, which is often, you can be sure I’m aware of the enormous amount of little things that we will have to account for. @ChrisStackStacy Thank you. @cbalfer Very nice Chris--thanks! @Dafny01 Do not give up, keep moving forward. @jbail33 Yes. @DavidShuster I don't, but Europeans are being discriminated against--very unfair! @michellemalkin You were born stupid! @michellemalkin At least dummy is true! @1fos1 Pay attention, study more than what is required, keep your focus on the big picture. And good luck. See yourself as an organization. Pay attention to every facet of your life. What’s strong? What’s weak? What’s missing? “The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.” - Albert Einstein There won’t be any new gun legislation. No surprise. Americans support the 2nd amendment. Life always presents new opportunities you would never expect. I hosted @WrestleMania & then I starred in one, which sold most PPVs. Make no mistake, Obamacare is the first step towards changing our health system into single payer. Just a disaster. Problem with @GOP is not their message, it’s that they are incapable of controlling the message. According to @pewresearch, 2/3 of Mexican LEGAL immigrants do not pursue citizenship because of ‘no interest’ http://www.pewresearch.org/2013/02/06/immigration-tip-sheet-on-u-s-public-opinion/ “Here’s something about Donald Trump, he’s got a top rated show on TV and everything he says becomes a headline.”-@DLoesch All true! Yes, All-Star @ApprenticeNBC contestant @THEGaryBusey is a little out there. But he uses his ‘uniqueness’ to his advantage. It won’t stay a buyer’s market forever. If you can, take advantage and buy property asap. You’ll thank me! Via @scotsmandotcom: Via "Donald Trump makes plans for Menie Estate marquee" http://bit.ly/102rljf Remember the golden rule of negotiating: He who has the gold makes the rules. It’s snowing & freezing in NYC. What the hell ever happened to global warming? .@mcuban Mark—nice picture, thanks for the invite to the Mavs/Nets game. Next time I’ll go and you’ll win! @IanRambally Great going! Celebrity Apprentice on in 5 minutes on CNBC - it's great! "@Champion278: @realDonaldTrump I have to say your a better host than Alan sugar who does the uk version" Thanks! Celebrity Apprentice on CNBC tonight at 9. The @CelebApprentice will be broadcast tonight on @CNBC at 9 PM. Haters, stop saying I went bankrupt, it is not so. I never went bankrupt... ... but like many other great business people have used the laws to corporate advantage. For the haters, out of hundreds of deals or transactions, I have used the bankruptcy laws 4 times in order to cut better deals. Almost every major dealmaker has used the bankruptcy laws as a business tool... ... Icahn, Kravis, Apollo and most others--but nobody says they went bankrupt! People buy deals & immediately put them into bankruptcy in order to make better deals... ... It is very effective and a commonly used business tool. Why do the losers & haters always say I wear a “wig” when they know I don’t. Like it or not, it’s all mine—just ask Barbara Walters. @MartinFagervik Win! @RealHotwaffles Thanks. @chrisr52 Happy Birthday Christine. @balloon_69 @AFCHaywards Good luck! @miawesbrooks @dcexaminer Very nice! @MsCattitude1 @ApprenticeNBC Great and thanks. @nycal821 @nbc @CelebApprentice Thanks Cheryl. My shirts, ties & suits (and fragrance, Success) are doing great -- go over & check out Macy’s now—beautiful new selection! . @OMAROSA is smart and strategic. People should cut her some slack and respect the way she works on @ApprenticeNBC. @iklemieux @theRealKiyosaki Thanks--and good luck. @felinemenice Great! Shocker: study reveals that @msnbc is completely biased while @FoxNews is factual http://bit.ly/16Eugnf What a surprise! . @WWE’s @WrestleMania XXIX less than 3 weeks away. Looking forward to being inducted into the Hall of Fame! @t_thabane Happy Birthday. The NFL has just barred ball carriers from using helmet as contact. What is happening to the sport? The beginning of the end. “Playing golf with business associates creates a relaxing atmosphere where everyone has fun... ... That’s why so many huge deals are closed on a golf course.” – TRUMP 101 @DolehNYC Quite nice, thanks! @bburt2367 Trump, by far! @ChesterStarr @hardball_chris Chester--unreal. Board Room finale of this week’s All-Star @ApprenticeNBC will leave viewers wondering where the rest of the season goes…It's great! It’s a shame to hear that the @dcexaminer is failing. No one wants the paper, even if it is being handed out for free. @FatmaEmadi Thank you. @jaynielea Thanks Jaynie. @jcfields13 Thanks Jason. @yokoono John was great--everybody misses him. Best wishes. .@NBC just announced that all 1 hour @CelebApprentice episodes are being expanded to 2 hours—it’s amazing what good ratings will do! “Donald Trump Takes on Apple @CPACnews” http://bit.ly/16JHaR1 via @kmbznews I remained strong for @TigerWoods during his difficult period. He rewarded me (and himself) by winning at Trump National Doral. .@SouthJerseyMag, “According to the Pros” just named Trump National Golf Club, Philadelphia, the #1 private club. Thanks! RT @RobertNovak5: Mark gave up like a little wuss against the onslaught of @realDonaldTrump .@hardball_chris’ very small audience is shrinking rapidly because people finally understand that he is very very dumb! @tinaclean Yes and best wishes. @MandMpanelbeat Thanks and good luck. "@lfoshie: There are 2 people with whom you don't want to be on their bad side- God's... & @realDonaldTrump's!" I want to be on God's side! "@whatitlooklike9: @realDonaldTrump @mcuban nobody is on the dons level. Lets be honest donald trump is the man" Very nice, thank you! @c_hanson800 Hi Chris! "You can have the best product in the world, but if people don't know about it, it's not going to be worth much." The Art of The Deal @MarcPhelan Thank you! @WusongTweet Thanks Wusong. @Mike_Hamilton69 Thanks Michael! @asiandave89 Thanks David! @THESethFriend Thanks Seth! @Ashonair101 Thanks Metalchick! @jrocco_96 @mcuban I have none! @emilyplacido @mcuban Emily--true and thanks. .@mcuban Mark, okay with me but don't start your bullshit again! Passion motivates. Passionate people don't give up; their zeal eliminates fear. Passion can also create business opportunities. "Donald Trump helped expose the silliness of the move by offering to pay for the White House tours." http://bit.ly/ZGNML3 Congratulations to @Likud_Party MK @dannydanon on being offered Deputy Defense Minister of IDF by @IsraeliPM @netanyahu. If you’re sitting in an office working in a job you hate, then it’s time to THINK BIG and plan your next step… @HayesRutherford Yes and thanks. @CforColby Hi Colby. 10 yrs ago today, the Iraq war began. 4,485 of our nation’s finest have not returned home alive. Iran will soon control Iraq & its oil. Amnesty is suicide for Republicans.Not one of those 12 million who broke our laws will vote Republican.Obama is laughing at @GOP. .@RNC report was written by the ruling class of consultants who blew the election. Short on ideas. Just giving excuses to donors. "One of the most obvious lessons on @ApprenticeNBC is for the candidates to learn to think quickly." - Think Like a Champion RT @ApprenticeNBC: 30 minutes until #CelebApprenticeMVP voting closes! Vote now! http://ow.ly/jdiPt Does anyone remember the fight @mcuban had w/ the referee—he was weak & pathetic—a non-athlete trying to live life thru his players. Why do shows have @ananavarro—Ntl Hispanic Chair for the losing McCain ’08 & Huntsman ’12. She’s a loser who doesn’t deliver votes. Sorry folks, but Donald Trump is far richer and much better looking than dopey @mcuban! @jrkirk22 Thanks. @BeaumontAnthony Thanks Anthony. @__Jibz True! @ilpostio That's why I'll never be Pope! All-Star Celebrity @ApprenticeNBC continues to surprise our loyal viewers each and every week. More, and bigger, coming… It was just announced that @ErinBurnett won’t be going to mornings on CNN. @OutFrontCNN just made a wise decision. .@SarahPalinUSA did a great job @CPACnews. Much of what she said was plain old "common sense." .@hardball_chris became a super liberal Obama fan only because he must need the money--and on @MSNBC that’s the way it is. "Americans may no longer have access to their family doctors because of Obamacare." http://bit.ly/ZGOqrX via @Newsmax_Media .@ErinBurnett should have stayed at CNBC—she was never smart, but people liked her. @OutFrontCNN Jeff Zucker’s got problems! For beauty and flight, I’ll take the @Boeing 757 over the @Boeing 787 any day! l still think @Boeing should just bite the bullet & get rid of the new batteries in the 787. Those batteries will always be a problem! It was great having @ArsenioHall back on this week's @ApprenticeNBC! http://fb.me/FJpthxNN .@ErinBurnett’s @OutFrontCNN ratings are so pathetic, she even loses to @hardball_chris at 7PM which is replay of 5PM http://bit.ly/Ymi1s7 Via The Hindu @businessline: "Realty brand Donald Trump’s India venture to sport desi tag" http://bit.ly/ZGMEXE I don’t like seeing the Pope standing at the checkout counter (front desk) of a hotel in order to pay his bill. It’s not Pope-like! .@hardball_chris is a really dumb guy(and I know him well)—that’s why he works swimmingly with our leaders in Washington. Re: CPAC “The crowd in the main room filled to capacity by the end of Trump’s address, something his operative said he planned to do... .... to help McConnell, who spoke right after him.”@BreitbartNews I was sorry to decline headlining the Reagan Dinner last Saturday due to a prior business commitment. Pres. Reagan was one of the greats. .@rushlimbaugh played 3 separate audio bites (the most of anyone) of my CPAC speech. Hour 3 in Friday's show. Be weak on immigration and ensure Democratic victory. .@rushlimbaugh is right—the Republicans lost because they weren’t conservative enough—or tough enough. But @mcuban is physically weak, he has no clubhead speed or game! @dennizenx Thanks! @Doyle5sMom Thanks! "@geeopee: @realDonaldTrump why are you wasting your time with Cuban?" You are right! "@kimfloyd2012: @realDonaldTrump ... hope you have a great day! Loved your speech at CPAC." Thanks Kim! "@cathmiriam: Love the fact that everyone who tweets mean things to @realDonaldTrump are poor idiots with no sense. #playnice" True @niecey911logan Thanks! "@entrepreneur: Just for the record @realDonaldTrump has authored more #1 best selling books than @mcuban. #winning" 10 to be exact-thanks! @BillDaley1 True! .@mcuban is so short off the tee he can't have much of a punch. He's just a weak man with a big mouth! "@Julzz: @realDonaldTrump you got bankrupted 3 times, who the hell trusts you with anything" I never went bankrupt, moron! "@Greenolive_r: @mcuban is trumping the trumpster himself @realDonaldTrump" Where do you live, moron. WHO IS GOING TO GET IRAQ'S OIL??????? Bombings all over Iraq today.That country is falling apart-such a horrible waste of lives and 1.5 trillion dollars (and I told you so!). @JackVoices You are correct, but he is so easy! @mcuban is very short off the tee - and his basketball sucks also! Golf match? I've won 18 Club Championships including this weekend. @mcuban swings like a little girl with no power or talent. Mark's a loser @KatySutherland6 Great! "@johnbravo_1: @realDonaldTrump @kmac5911 @mcuban Hey Donald! What's the best confidence builder?" Going against losers like Mark Cuban! @byoppjr We just blew it up dummy! @ArsenioHall You were fantastic last night on Celebrity Apprentice - everybody loved you! "@tomxconn: @realDonaldTrump took wife Jenn to your 16 in Chicago, had great time! Impeccable service!" Thanks! @DavidMcClain328 Thanks. "@afielding1984: @realDonaldTrump when you next in Scotland Mr Trump? We miss you!" April and thanks! "@Ashbash032: @Nautilus916 @realDonaldTrump lucky for me I don't live in America, I live in South Africa..." Bad news, we need you here! "@Taurus_Lovin: @realDonaldTrump - My boyfriend and I were in Las Vegas the other day, gotta say your Trump building rocks!" Thanks. @roannasweet Not even close! @bearmntn But I like picking on losers! @borland_jim Great! @kalevans Great! "@sisson_travis: @realDonaldTrump when's good for me to head down to doral with the boys? #kimMitchell" In September @DonaldJChump Stupid, they tried that with The Benefactor and Mark went splat! @roannasweet Not even close, dopey! "@kmac5911: who would win on the golf course @realDonaldTrump or @mcuban" Did you ever see Mark swing a club - the power of a little girl! @Cleggermeister Thank you! @ReederJosh You are right, he is a total joke - his players laugh at him! @dan_kir96 Dan, because I love beating lowlifes! @HRdiva_NY Thanks Tanja! @babyguts666 Thanks! "@STAR13R: @realDonaldTrump What a show last night! I couldn't believe the outcome! C.A. has been my fave show for a long time!" Great! "@Ashbash032: @realDonaldTrump don't waste time on your haters!Let them hate, you keep building your empire #respect #jealoushaters" Great! "@OWhiting147: @realDonaldTrump we know you hate Mark Cuban but what are your feelings on Kevin O'Leary?" Never heard of him! Apprentice ratings doing great - easily won the 10 o'clock hour over other networks! "@ThisNBAgirl: @realDonaldTrump You are not as smart as Mark Cuban, no matter what you think. Keep to what you know. Lets do an I.Q. test! "@n_vranas: @realDonaldTrump @dallasmavs @okcthunder ur a pussy trump @mcuban is way richer than you" Not even close, dummy! "@benjamin_abey: @realDonaldTrump @mcuban @dallasmavs So? what the fuck is your problem ? The people love him. Nobody loves him! "@MagicJeff: @realDonaldTrump @dallasmavs @okcthunder how many rings do you have? #donthateontheCubes" Nine billion! "@salesdan48: @realDonaldTrump Mark will go down in history as a clownish buffoon. Mark my words." I agree with you-and a loser! "@LynchZC: @realDonaldTrump I think the real solution here is you running for president! Give it a shot! We need it. Thanks! “Leverage: don’t make deals without it.” – The Art of the Deal Is Anthony Weiner also delusional? Add him to NY Sex Offender list instead! Sexual pervert & deviant Anthony Weiner is polling to see if he can run for NYC Mayor... RT @ApprenticeNBC: Who deserved your vote for #CelebApprenticeMVP last night? Keep the tweets coming! You have until 3pm ET tomorrow! Great article by @jameshohmann @politico explaining why @KarlRove was biggest loser @CPACnews http://politi.co/115Gcyg James is sharp. .@dallasmavs is 1-12 against the Western Conference’s top four seeds after Sunday’s loss & @okcthunder swept the season series. Why does @mcuban continue to embarrass the 31-35 & 11TH place @dallasmavs with childish behavior? Really unprofessional! Via @realitytvworld: "La Toya Jackson fired from 'All-Star Celebrity Apprentice' by Donald Trump" http://bit.ly/1087p0v New @RNC report calls for embracing “comprehensive immigration reform.” http://nbcnews.to/1088vJF Does the @RNC have a death wish? The Blue Monster is being torn up at Trump @DoralResort. On April 1, I go out & play it one more time until the new course opens. .@TPNNtweets "Donald Trump Tells A Fascinating Inside Story About His Dealings w/ The Obama WH" http://bit.ly/YC8GbI @johnhawkinsrwn .@DLoesch played great audio from my @CPACnews press conference on her radio show. Glad she made it! Via @WTCommunities: "Donald Trump to CPAC: Romney 'Didn't Talk Enough About Success'" http://bit.ly/YCb3LB by @HuizingaDanny Scotland will be so lucky if this monstrosity is not built—I will tie them up in courts for years, if necessary. Vattenfall CEO stated that the company needed to prepare itself for falling electricity demands in coming years-- a changing market. Vattenfall, the company behind a proposed asinine windfarm off the coast of Aberdeen, Scotland, is having serious financial difficulty. Via @PoliticalTicker: “TRENDING: Trump a right-leaning tower at CPAC” http://bit.ly/Yz97Xq by @KilloughCNN “TRUMP HITS BACK AT CHRIS MATTHEWS’ BIRTHER RANT: ‘HE USED TO BE A MUCH MORE INTELLIGENT MAN’" http://bit.ly/Yz9h0W @MadeleineBlaze Via @DailyCaller: "Donald Trump: Obama should golf w/ Republicans, not his ‘local friends’" http://bit.ly/YC8ZDg by @NicholasBallasy If @OMAROSA is not in the Board Room, I can’t fire her. @latoyajackson made a strategic mistake. "Trump at CPAC: 'We Have to Get the Momentum Back'" http://on.wsj.com/YC9n4O via @WSJ's @WSJVideo . @foxandfriends interview discussing a budget deal, my #CPAC2013 speech, @RealBenCarson & firing @latoyajackson http://bit.ly/YC7JA0 “All-Star Celebrity Apprentice” ranked #1 for the 10 o’clock hour among ABC, CBS and NBC with a season-high 19% margin. @Kevin_Johnson68 @trapasso2501 Trump Tower is open to the public. RT @IvankaTrump: @TrumpLasVegas, @TrumpNewYork & @TrumpSoHo spas all named a Top Spa by @CNTraveler 2013 Readers’ Poll. Congrats! Via @NRO:“Trump @KarlRove, ‘Most Overrated Man in Politics,’Responsible for Ashley Judd’s Rise” http://bit.ly/ZARR3l @elianayjohnson Via @CBNNews:"Exclusive: Backstage Interview w/ Donald Trump at CPAC" http://bit.ly/ZAS8Df by @TheBrodyFile, Great seeing you David! RT @ApprenticeNBC: Who will be this week's #CelebApprenticeMVP? Vote for your All-Star now! http://ow.ly/j7Jdc I will not be commenting on boardroom specifics- would be unfair to the different time zones. #CelebApprentice True, @THEGaryBusey is a scene stealer without trying. He’s got a gift. #CelebApprentice .@DennisRodman re @Omarosa is right, she’s becoming predictable. .@Omarosa is not winning points, being called “the wicked witch of the Mid-West” and most certainly other things. #CelebApprentice .@Omarosa’s new name via @DennisRodman: “Ms. Saboteur” sounds rather elegant. #CelebApprentice .@Omarosa’s emergency has put a new spin on Team Power’s presentation—but it’s not “show time” yet. #CelebApprentice .@latoyajackson informs @ArsenioHall that @Omarosa is a “conniving witch”—is he surprised? Are we surprised? #CelebApprentice “@OMAROSA is a bit toxic” per @BrandenRoderick. Being a bit PC? #CelebApprentice There’s no love lost between @latoyajackson & @OMAROSA Disrespectful? Who is being disrespectful? #CelebApprentice Music cues, audience participation, sounds like a very active Team Power. #CelebApprentice .@Omarosa on the cover of Soap Opera Digest? That’s a credential… #CelebApprentice And happy to welcome @ArsenioHall back as an advisor— he will have his own show and is doing great. #CelebApprentice .@TraceAdkins is back—good news for Plan B. #CelebApprentice The Paley Center for Media is a great place to visit when you’re in NYC. #CelebApprentice .@Omarosa has another meltdown … while giving a check for $40,000 to Michael’s charity, the Sue Duncan Center. #CelebApprentice Great line from @TheGaryBusey: “I am an angel in an earth suit.” Do you agree? #CelebApprentice .@Omarosa’s meltdown—was it for real? @DennisRodman thinks she could be an Oscar winner for that performance… #CelebApprentice "@gaphotoman: @realDonaldTrump . If mr.Trump would run he would be the best president ever" Thanks! "@simonkodousek: You may not agree with @realDonaldTrump, but he knows what's what! Keep being truthful and REAL!" Thanks! The tournament at Trump National Doral was much more exciting than what is going on now! "@LinRo_2: Looking forward to the Apprentice tonight..@realDonaldTrump ..show is still going strong !!!!" Thanks Linda! "@realbryanbirse: @realDonaldTrump was ur first tee shot at trump links a snap hook?" Sadly, yes! "@CrustyRunner: Looking forward to some celebrity drama tonight and great tasks. Keep it up @realDonaldTrump" You will love it! "@JasonHess14: @realDonaldTrump love this show... Best reality tv of all time. Brent Michaels got robbed though. Go Dennis... JH" Great! "@helen39639472: @realDonaldTrump I think that you should run for President and be elected to that office. Good luck in all you do. THANKS! "@warrencasselljr: Can't wait for Apprentice tonight @realDonaldTrump" YOU WILL LOVE IT! "@MrBrandonCraker: @realDonaldTrump Mr. Trump I love you and Celebrity Apprentice!!! You are awesome and should be president. THANKS! I'll be tweeting live tonight starting at 9PM ET re:@ApprenticeNBC. Don't worry other time zones, I will give nothing away! "@RamsayGolf: @realDonaldTrump Nice playing looking forward to a return match at Trump International" I've been watching you-great playing! "@Crystal_Joanna: @realDonaldTrump That's because you bring clout to anything you do Mr. Trump...Remain blessed!" Thanks, really nice! "@DoTheLastThing: @realDonaldTrump Congrats big guy. Match or medal?" Match "@RealJonJenkins: @realDonaldTrump I spent my honeymoon in 2010 at the Trump Intl Las Vegas. Amazing place you've created." Thanks! @ANNIKA59 Annika - Thanks, you are the GREATEST - We all adore you! "@LinRo_2: Looking forward to the Apprentice tonight..@realDonaldTrump ..show is still going strong !!!!" Enjoy it Linda! @shred_session Zero. "@paul1994loan: @realDonaldTrump Big Q Did you shoot your age?" No, but close! "@Mrsconz: @realDonaldTrump staying at Trump Intl Chicago. You thought of everything! Amazing." Thank you! Best ratings for the Dateline show were for six months, not two months! @DeViouSDoLL82 It's Endometriosis Awareness Month-176 million women suffer from this disease. Just won The Club Championship at Trump International Golf Club in Palm Beach-lots of very good golfers-never easy to win a C.C. Last weeks Dateline, which I hosted, was the highest rated Dateline since January! Don't forget to watch Celebrity Apprentice tonight at 9 on NBC - GREAT EPISODE! Wow-Record ratings for WGC Cadillac Championship at Trump National Doral's Blue Monster-Most watched in seven years. CONGRATS to@Tiger Woods Huff Post "His early morning speech drew a large crowd, far larger than remarks at the same time on Thursday" and packed by end! The facts. "@dubenezic: @realDonaldTrump Great speech. All true. Some of it sadly. #CPAC"Thanks Bob! "@TheSisko: @realDonaldTrump you HAVE to run on 16." Thanks! "@libertybellskp: @realDonaldTrump you were great and are great...keep on plugging away" Thank you! Thanks for all of the accolades on my speech today - it's all about the truth! Honest reporters stated that the Prayer Breakfast was going on during my CPAC speech and security was very slow to let people in-long lines! "@orangeeffect01: @realDonaldTrump Chris Matthews is happily smearing you on hardball. Poor Chris !" I know Chris well-he is a lightweight. I agreed to take the worst spot at CPAC because nobody else wanted it and it was the only time I could be there - it was great fun! WHY CAN'T THE MEDIA TELL THE TRUTH - WE WOULD ALL BE SO MUCH BETTER OFF! “TRUMP TO CPAC: BUILD A GREAT ECONOMY” http://bit.ly/YzfR7u via @BreitbartVideo RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: TRUMP STUMPS... http://drudge.tw/12Wb0mq "Donald Trump CPAC Speech: U.S. Is Run By 'Very Stupid People'" http://huff.to/YzfrhC via @HuffPostPol by @elisefoley Via @BreitbartNews: “EXCLUSIVE: TRUMP SMACKS BACK AGAINST MEDIA ATTACKS ON CPAC SPEECH” http://bit.ly/YgJgBj by @mboyle1 "CPAC 2013: Donald Trump: Immigration reform is a ‘suicide mission’ for GOP" http://bit.ly/Zb8cwn by @SethMcLaughlin1 "The Donald Goes to CPAC: TV star and hotel magnate gives his thoughts on the state of America" http://bit.ly/YzcYUu by @Kredo0 “Donald Trump: The View Will be Better without Joy Behar (Video)” http://bit.ly/Yzbeuc via @gatewaypundit Via @BreitbartNews: "TRUMP TO REPUBLICANS: 'PLAY THE DEBT CEILING CARD'" http://bit.ly/YzgTQX by @joelpollak For accurate reporting of my @CPACnews speech, read @PoliticalTicker, @Newsmax_Media, @politico, @HuffPostPol.... ......@DailyCaller, @BreitbartNews, @DRUDGE_REPORT & @gatewaypundit. @jheil at @NYMag is such a pathetic reporter who doesn’t want to know the truth. A total Obama flunky & hack. Boring & failing @NYMag’s 3rd rate political reporter @jheil had flunky @DanAmira write a totally false report about me today...... ..... He knows I don’t respect him. Via @politico: "Trump bashes @KarlRove's $400M 'failure'" http://politi.co/YzbnOk by @katie_glueck Via gatewaypundit: “Donald Trump: “Anthony Weiner is a Whack-Job Pervert” (Video)” http://bit.ly/YzbcCG Via @DailyCaller: "Trump on Obama and Congress: ‘Lock them up’ in a room like Vatican conclave" http://bit.ly/YzdUIp by @NicholasBallasy Via @Newsmax_Media: “Trump: @KarlRove ‘The Most Over-rated Man in Politics’” http://bit.ly/YzbVDY I watched the last two minutes of the @dallasmavs game last night--- I just loved watching them lose. Press conference after CPAC speech this morning was excellent- lots of very professional reporters. The CPAC speech went really well this morning--- first speaker--- standing ovation. I really enjoyed it. When you think big, you will automatically trigger more details because details are the major component of making anything big. "In the general course of human nature, a power over a man's subsistence amounts to a power over his will." - Alexander Hamilton .@mcuban has less TV persona than any other person I can think of. He’s an arrogant, crude, dope who met some very stupid people... ...Those stupid people bought @mcuban's company (of which he owned a piece). There’s a reason @mcuban’s partners can’t stand him and on top of that, the team sucks! Obama hasn't released a budget in over 2 years & for the 1st time House & Senate delivered budgets before him http://bit.ly/Zq4Y7c CPAC attendees & fellow patriots - lines for my @CPACnews start at 7:00AM outside the Potomac Ballroom. Make sure to get there early! Really big crowd expected tomorrow morning at # CPAC2013. I look forward to it! Via @espn: @dallasmavs “most likely scenario remains finishing a frustrating ninth in the West” http://es.pn/9fEWjz When @mcuban had his own show, The Benefactor, it totally “bombed!” I love watching dummy @mcuban promote on ok show named Shark Tank—but he is just a small part of that show. Interview w/ @AndreaTantaros discussing my WH tour offer, @KarlRove's terrible ads & Ashley Judd's candidacy http://bit.ly/Zq9gLW Good move by @MSNBC in downgrading @WeGotEd to a dead weekend spot. This is truly a guy who shouldn't be on tv. @trader_greg Thanks. @RickStone1282 @Yankees Thanks Rick. . @BarbaraJWalters made a great decision in firing @JoyVBehar from @theviewtv. The show will be better without her! "Donald Trump explains celebrity feuds: 'I speak the truth'" http://bit.ly/Zq6c2h via @DigitalSpyUS Congratulations to my Catholic friends on the selection of Pope Francis I to lead the Catholic Church. People that know him love him! To show you how shallow politicians can be, many are jealous of my @CPACnews speaking slot & also their fellow Republicans! Not good! The DC press corps is obsessed with my @CPACnews speech which is scheduled tomorrow 8:45AM in the Potomac Ballroom. Can't blame them. Wow--just 1 day after my offer to fund all WH tours "Obama backtracks on decision to cancel all White House tours” ... .... Do I get the credit for this? Thank you!http://nydn.us/ZpYaGW Dummy @mcuban made up a story about a visit to Mar-a-Lago last night on Leno. It never happened—I don’t talk that way. @dennisrodman Thank you Dennis. Congrats to @EricTrump and @LaraLeaYunaska on a great five years! I watched Mark Cuban on Jay Leno last night - what a jerk! Celebrity Apprentice will be rebroadcast tonight at 9 on CNBC. @kevconnorsespn. Great and good luck! “You have to have a good reason for doing what you’re doing, because people connect with the why.” – Midas Touch Do your homework. Wasting other people’s time due to poor planning and thoughtlessness will only leave a bad impression. According to new WPOST-ABC poll, Obama has just lost 14 points on public trust with economy In making any decision, you need all the facts. But after exhausting all due diligence, in the end you have to go with your gut! Best of luck to my good friend Derek Jeter on his first game today back at shortstop. @Yankees Captain is a warrior & winner. @AnnAmplf The Art of the Deal and Think Like a Champion would be helpful. .@LukeDonald You are so good and so talented that I have no doubt you will conquer the 18th hole at the "New" Blue Monster @DoralResort .@CPACnews had its largest ever ticket sales the day of my announcement. Really an honor. Can’t wait to see everyone. The sequester is less than 2% of total 2013 budget. Why can’t the WH re-allocate funds and keep the tours open for children? #OpenOurWH Lines for my @CPACnews address start at 7:00AM outside the Potomac Ballroom. ACU has asked that you get there early. #CPAC2013 RT @ApprenticeNBC: ICYMI: This past Sunday’s All-Star #CelebApprentice is online now: http://ow.ly/iSh3e Via @politico: "Donald Trump to get more CPAC time than Marco Rubio" http://politi.co/WapJG7 @CPACnews knows how to prioritize! @heyavampirebat Good idea--I wish him luck. @vcross8 Agreed, they're doing a great job. It’s sad that the WH is punishing children from across the country by closing all tours. Doesn’t have to be. WH should take my offer. "Obama Spurns Trump Offer to Foot White House Tours" http://bit.ly/WatgEC via @Newsmax_Media @msmarjc Thanks Mary. @hrtbrknomore74 Thanks and good luck. RT @LongLiveConnor: @realDonaldTrump can you share this link to your page to help people donate to or Autism Speaks Team at UMass? http: ... RT @kensethfan7820: @realDonaldTrump I'm raising money 4 a Autism Walk in honor of our son who has aspergers. Donate: @karlbstumpf Yes and thanks. @grantgphoto My best wishes. Help save the lives of our troops.Our #vets suffering from TBI/PTS need treatment @makeitvisible Donate to http://makeitvisible.org Help fight autism--go to http://autismspeaks.org, website for http://lightitupblue.org, donations & government activation. Autism Speaks, head up by Bob & Suzanne Wright, does a fantastic job—if only we had more people like them! To help: http://autismspeaks.org RT @ApprenticeNBC: The gloves come off Sunday night! http://youtu.be/1JjUlPqybNA #CelebApprentice @paulteutulsr. Thanks Paul - we miss you! @rantanrave @Cpac Thanks! @Peruvianmuse @CPACnews Great! @HammerleAmanda @theRealKiyosaki Thanks--and good luck. @JeffZephir Thanks Jeff. "If you love what you do, you are going to work harder, you are going to try harder and you will be better at it." - Think Big Ashley Judd's candidacy was created by Karl Rove's terrible ads, even before she thought seriously about running... ...The ads made her look great and now she probably will run. "Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected." - Steve Jobs “Whether you realize it or not, your brand can be many times more valuable than your business.” – Midas Touch Hamas has warned Pres. Obama not to visit the Temple Mount during his trip to Israel http://cbsloc.al/Y8hbfa @gllleymon900000 Thanks Spence. @WilsonLeeFlores Thanks Wilson. A note from the fabulous Mark Burnett: “Donald, congratulations again, we are #1 in the 10:00pm hour. I am tweeting about it.” My @CPACnews speech is scheduled Friday at 8:45AM in the Potomac Ballroom. Will also be telecast live on CSPAN & cable news networks. Congratulations to @NewYorkObserver on celebrating its 25 year anniversary. Great paper under amazing management! Glad to hear @ehasselbeck will be staying on @theviewtv. Elizabeth has great presence & doesn’t back down from sharing her views. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Keep the #CelebApprenticeMVP votes coming! You have until 3pm ET to vote for your favorite #CelebApprentice All-Star ... RT @PGATOUR: Video: @TigerWoods' best shots from the WGC- @CadillacChamp - http://pgat.us/6013n9K1 All-Star Celebrity @ApprenticeNBC continues to dominate the Sunday 10PM slot in every key demographic. Still hot after 13 seasons! Via @NRO: "Palin, Trump Get Longer Speaking Slots at CPAC" by @KatrinoTrinko http://bit.ly/Zv2RgS Via@politicalwire: "Trump Offers to Fund White House Tours " http://bit.ly/ZFcHAs Via @Newsmax_Media: "Trump Says He’ll Foot Bill for White House Tours" http://bit.ly/ZFbNE6 "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." - Albert Einstein Re: Ashley Judd: Keep @KarlRove away. He already made her a viable candidate. Our economy has had worst recovery under Obama since the Depression. Results of his policies speak for themselves. No new taxes! .@Graeme_McDowell Great playing this weekend. You are a true winner. We look forward to having you back to Trump National Doral. Really looking forward to my address @CPACnews this Friday morning at 8:30. Will stress jobs, etc. Can't wait to see my many friends. According to new employment numbers, 296,000 Americans have dropped out of the work force & gave up looking for work. Between a terrible press conference, mishandled prisoner swap & Taliban attacks, Hagel's 1st trip as SOD was a disaster. No surprise. Yesterday’s @cadillacchamp results show Trump @DoralResort’s course was already difficult. Will be the best after $250M renovations. . @deesnider is a great guy & a total winner! He understood - he did not leave me any other choice. Look forward to keeping in touch. @BrandenRoderick Brande-- Thank you! You have been a pleasure to work with. To @TigerWoods He is truly a great champion and we were honored to have him at Trump National Doral. @DoralResort #Trump If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them. Thoreau Via @ParadeMagazine: “Donald Trump on His Dream Job and 'All-Star Celebrity Apprentice'” http://bit.ly/13PlItS @ApprenticeNBC My @foxandfriends int. re: Tiger’s victory at Trump @DoralResort 's @CadillacChamp, my WH tour offer and CPAC http://bit.ly/13PkvCZ RT @ApprenticeNBC: Keep voting for your #CelebApprenticeMVP! http://ow.ly/iIgYr RT @ApprenticeNBC: We promised a wild ride, and you got one! Last night's #CelebApprentice is online now: http://nbc.co/vid/n33639 RT @ApprenticeNBC: Keep those #CelebApprenticeMVP tweets coming! The All-Star with the most by tomorrow at 3pm ET will get a donation to ... .@CelebApprentice was #1 on network TV last night in its time slot and easily won the 10 o’clock hour in all major demographics. Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate. RT @EGSIV: @realDonaldTrump You should call into the @HowardStern show this week. IT is always great radio when you call. The losing team is now back in boardroom. I can't discuss the team members or what's going on or what happens from here on out. Re my hair-Should I change it? What do you think? It's true... Dennis is really into this-very animated. I have never seen him this way before. Which team is your favorite? Re Omarosa: Nasty, tough or smart...or all? Does anyone agree with Marilu that Gary, while 'adorable', is a distraction? Omarosa is very confident that the execs loved her concept & presentation. That's an interesting talent that Marilu possesses! Next she says she's being set up by Omarosa to fail....is somebody confused? What?! LaToya is saying Omarosa is one of the nicest people she's met? On the whole, the teams seem to be working well together. No wars...yet. Gary as the Cat in the Hat? He can work it out. What do you think of Gary's definition of f-u-n? Trace delivers check to hospital in NYC: American Red Cross must be grateful to Trace and his team for their tremendous work. Honest Omarosa: she won't backstab-she'll come at you from the front. Which team do you think has the edge in this interactive photo experience task assignment? My 757 is incredible-I think the teams agree on that. Will Team Power be able to withstand Omarosa as PM? Smooth sailing is not expected. Will Plan B miss Trace? Firing Bret was a tough one for me-but Omarosa doesn't seem to mind. Omarosa always promises and delivers high drama... Trace and his team raised an amazing amount of $. Looks like a good season for charities. There's definitely no love lost between Piers and Omarosa. Bret had a target on his back from the get go... That was some episode last week-we've got a great cast! I will be live tweeting during the @ApprenticeNBC tonight at 9PM ET. I'm at Trump Doral right now, Tiger will tee off shortly. How much is South Korea paying the U.S. for protection against North Korea???? NOTHING! Get the big picture but be prepared for the picture to change. Be persistent and alert every single day. Resolve to be bigger than your problems. Who’s the boss? Realize that fear is the exact opposite of faith. RT @IvankaTrump: INCREDIBLE day of golf at @DoralResort! Tiger Woods & Phil Mickelson at the top of the leader board at @PGATOUR's @ ... “ACU ANNOUNCES DONALD TRUMP TO ADDRESS CPAC 2013” http://conservative.org/news/acu-announces-donald-trump-to-address-cpac-2013/ via @CPACnews Surprise – China has spies throughout NASA stealing our R&D http://bit.ly/16ed0Fq When will we ever make them pay for espionage? @Ziggi92 Good luck. Follow Trump @DoralResort’s WGC @CadillacChamp leadership board here at @nbc's @GolfChannel http://bit.ly/16edFqe RT @DoralResort: Thanks! RT @gem3wood: @DonaldJTrumpJr You guys @DoralResort have one hell of a leaderboard. Love this Tournament. @axelpals Be prepared to go it alone--being an entrepreneur is not, initially, a group effort. Keep your focus. Read Midas Touch. Via @MiamiHerald: "Donald Trump aims to bring luxury to Doral Golf Resort & Spa" http://hrld.us/ZlQvI7 @DoralResort Make sure to tune in to All-Star Celebrity @ApprenticeNBC this Sunday at 9PM EST for another round of fireworks and surprises! “You have to be patient as well as enthusiastic when it comes to your goals. Think big, but be realistic.” – Think Big Golf is a brain game & is a great way to improve your business skills. Concentration,assessment, technique & passion...it's all there. @melpoluk Good luck! @Hallmarr Hi Hallmar. @JAW44444 @CelebApprentice Agree--thanks! @SavvY_PriNceSS Thanks Becky. "@amowjf: @realDonaldTrump You are a true champion.. just started a company n I'm reading ur book 'the art of the deal' ..tremendous help.. "@Read_N_Learn: @realDonaldTrump first day at Doral was awesome; greens looked perfect. Can't wait to see the course after your changes" "@codyaa722: @realDonaldTrump are they going too low for you at Trump Doral?" Yes "@No_Average_Joee: @realDonaldTrump you should run for president #genius #Trump2016" Thanks! "@j_pala: @realDonaldTrump what's the next step you accomplish so much, is there more?" Much more - stay tuned! "@lbstatkidd1977: @realDonaldTrump @WWE named you as #3 greatest celebrity moment" Great! @melpoluk. Great Via @Newsmax_Media: “Trump to Speak at CPAC” http://bit.ly/14rBNlt @CPACnews #CPAC13 Via @USATODAYsports: “Last year, it was Tiger Woods with the walk-off” http://usat.ly/WWGsOS @CadillacChamp @DoralResort #TrumpDoral The WGC @CadillacChamp leadership board is available here: http://es.pn/mxEU3m @DoralResort Via @si_golf: “Donald Trump, Rory McIlroy and Matt Kuchar are guys to watch at @DoralResort” http://bit.ly/WWFmTm @CadillacChamp RT @ApprenticeNBC: #PlanB had several names in mind, including a few crazy ones from @THEGaryBusey. Here are a few: http://t.co/kZGm2coh ... RT @ApprenticeNBC: What do you think of this year’s team names? Are you #TeamPower or #PlanB? http://youtu.be/s_NGAH-jz4s #CelebApprentice “Image is important and speaks more than the words or fine print that goes along with the product.” – Midas Touch Notice the first word in my Think Big credo: Think = the 1st step. Use everything in your power to utilize & develop that capacity. Re: Decisions: Cover your bases, then ask yourself this question: "What am I pretending not to see?" This can save a lot of time & trouble. @a123r7o Thanks, good choice & good luck. @SMK4ye Good goal. @PabloRaffaele Good thing to remember. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Congratulations to Week 1 #CelebApprenticeMVP @pennjillette! Your tweets helped earn him an extra donation for his ch ... @brad_mcmichael @DoralResort @nbc @GolfChannel @CadillacChamp Thanks Brad. .@morning_joe - Wow - "Ticket sales go through the roof after Trump asked to speak at CPAC" "@leoncarmen: @realDonaldTrump @melaniatrump great couple!" Thank you! "@ClaudiaMota: Good Morning, @realDonaldTrump . I admire your leadership & look forward to hearing you speak next week." Thank you! @kstan500. Good luck! "@jguer042: Good morning @realDonaldTrump. Started reading Think Big yesterday and already almost finished. Thank you for writing it" Thanks "@ejpasseos: #CPAC ticket sales spike dramatically after inviting @RealDonaldTrump." Are you surprised! @joelalbright1. Great! @sadatDM. Thanks. "@signoresifis: Huge fan of @realDonaldTrump i think is a very intelligent and tenacious man. Big role model to me. Thank you. Go to Trump National Doral, Miami, and watch Tiger, Phil, Ernie, Rory and all of the other great players compete in The WGC Cadillac Champ! I don't know why but I feel so sorry for dummy reporter John Heilemann when I watch him on television. John Heilemann, the lightweight reporter begging to be on@morning joe, looks like a timebomb waiting to explode-he's a nervous and sad mess! "Trump has big plans for improving @DoralResort" http://bit.ly/14rBWFv via @nbc's @GolfChannel @CadillacChamp @lovitt_marisa Good to hear, enjoy! @Raul_Esquire Thanks Raul. @rcmillershow Thank you. @jlynn_12 Thanks Jessica. @xo_deannayoung Good subject, good luck! My interview w/ @nbc6 re: @CadillacChamp & my $200M of future renovations invested in Trump @DoralResort http://bit.ly/VDDywJ It’s been great making so many new friends at Trump @DoralResort for the @CadillacChamp. Good luck to everyone! .@somelikeitlar hope you enjoyed the premiere of All-Star Celebrity @ApprenticeNBC. Make sure @marklevinshow watches! Via @BreitbartNews @biggovt: "DONALD TRUMP TO SPEAK AT CPAC" http://bit.ly/14rz6QR by @michaelpleahy RT @MollyCBraswell: WHAT?! @realDonaldTrump is speaking at #CPAC2013? This conference just became, like, a hundred times more awesome! Via @GolfweekMag: "Major makeover: Trump has big vision for Doral" http://bit.ly/13EuSd4 by @BKleinGolfweek Via @FOXSports: "Trump 'blowing up' @DoralResort after WGC-@CadillacChamp" http://on-msn.com/14rywTb by @AP Dateline NBC, featuring yours truly, just set a season high in households in the ratings—no wonder NBC likes me so much! @nbc Without momentum there’s a lack of energy that can lead the best of ideas to nowhere. Get your momentum going-- and keep it going. It was just announced that @MacMiller’s song “DonaldTrump” went platinum—tell Mac Miller to kiss my ass! Building a brand is like building a skyscraper-the foundation comes first. The bigger the building, the deeper the foundation needs to be @CrewSawyer It will be fantastic--be sure to visit. @homeedmam I wish him the best of luck. RT @CPACnews: ACU Announces @realDonaldTrump will be a featured speaker at #CPAC2013! Get tickets today at http://conservative.org/cpac! Via @washingtonpost:"Donald Trump will speak at CPAC"by @rachelweinerwp http://wapo.st/ZeaKXW @CPACnews @AlCardenasACU @RGreggKeller It is my great honor to be speaking at CPAC 2013. They are all about what's good for America. @Mike_Kelly1 Thanks Michael. @TheEvanGruver Thanks Evan and good luck. It’s important to promote an image of yourself each and every day. It’s part of having a sense of self and a sense of purpose. “When you’re at a meeting, monitor your behavior and work at being an observer – of yourself and others.” – Think Like a Billionaire Ernie Els and myself at Trump National Doral. http://fb.me/LgqjqL0m @wrightmomof3 @iansomerhalder @paulwesley @joshduhamel @Zak_Bagans Happy Birthday Tiffany. Just arrived at Trump National Doral, saying hello to all the great players. This place is amazing.Come Thursday & see for yourselves! The Formula of Knowledge: The best way to learn is through studying the history of success and failures in your industry. @kennybud If you love what you're doing, motivation is never a problem. @LaurieRobertson It will be fantastic! Be sure to visit. Remember--the worst thing you can do in a negotiation is seem desperate to make the deal. @scheekster I agree, it's a beautiful course to play. Thanks. @SvenIsaksson Thanks Sven and good luck. Rory, Tiger, Phil and Ernie will be fun to watch this weekend at Trump National Doral. Heading to Trump National Doral to check the progress prior to the start of the Cadillac Championship on Thursday. I’ll be there all week Despite previous tweet, Dennis Rodman would do a better job than the current (cont) http://tl.gd/l7lvi9 To show you how dishonest some of the press is, they took my funny & (cont) http://tl.gd/l7lvbh For those of you defending Bret and saying Omarosa should go remember Bret chose O which could also be considered a big mistake! @M_Sallis Matt--Hope you will have a Happy Birthday. @MaryFallacaro Thanks Mary. 3. You should tweet your pick for MVP using the celebrity’s name followed by the hashtag #CelebApprenticeMVP. 2. The celebrity with the highest totals by Tuesday noon ET gets an extra donation to his or her charity… 1. Each week, you the audience can choose an MVP among the celebrities @CelebApprentice using Twitter…... “If you want to be successful at anything in life, you have to be able to handle pressure.” – Think Big @misskhan Thank you. China has announced it is “fully prepared” for a currency war http://f24.my/WDK1Us Outrageous - they have no fear of our leaders. Via @STVAberdeen: "Donald Trump reveals first image of his new Aberdeenshire hotel" http://bit.ly/WDF1iD Additionally, @CelebApprentice ranked as the #1 program in the 9-11 pm time period with adults in the 25-54 age group. .@CelebApprentice wins 10-11 o’clock hour in all key ratings demographics, including, most importantly, the 18-49 age group. Glad everyone could see Mar-a-Lago last night on @datelinenbc. It is the crown jewel of Palm Beach. My @foxandfriends interview re: firing @bretmichaels on the premiere of All-Star @ApprenticeNBC & politics http://bit.ly/WDGllB @foyt4timewinner. Thanks! "@IDKbrody: "@realDonaldTrump: So, what did you think of my decision? What would you have done? #CelebApprentice" TRUMP PRESIDENT 2016 Great ...Brande was also smart in not bringing Omarosa to the boardroom. Brande would have been fired immediately if she didn't raise $132,000, a really large sum. Bret, on the other hand, raised very little... RT @ApprenticeNBC: Give it up for our All-Star cast! An #ApprenticeRecord was broken tonight! #CelebApprentice I will be doing Fox and Friends at 7 A.M. this morning. So, what did you think of my decision? What would you have done? #CelebApprentice I'll always like @OMAROSA because she constantly defends me. #CelebApprentice .@PiersMorgan is right- he won the show because “I know how to play the game.” #CelebApprentice .@IvankaTrump looks like a movie star from the days of glamour and beauty. #CelebApprentice Don't worry West Coast etc. we are not going to tweet who was fired or give any indication there of until after it airs. #CelebApprentice Paul Teutul is always good on the show. #CelebApprentice Even @PiersMorgan is impressed by @THEGaryBusey. #CelebApprentice .@OMAROSA as a cashier- a big mistake by @BrandenRoderick. #CelebApprentice .@KellyandMichael are both wonderful people. Their show is terrific. #CelebApprentice .@DennisRodman must be thinking of North Korea. #CelebApprentice .@THEGaryBusey is definitely different. #CelebApprentice .@PiersMorgan and @OMAROSA really hate each other. #CelebApprentice .@IvankaTrump and @PiersMorgan will be wonderful advisors. #CelebApprentice I can’t believe he would choose @OMAROSA as his first choice! She is hard to handle. #CelebApprentice I always believed @BretMichaels was making a mistake in coming back as a competitor. I disagree with him but... http://fb.me/1psPyGAOq .@LisaRinna looks better with her reduced lips. Good move, Lisa. #CelebApprentice Looks like @OMAROSA is up to the challenge. #CelebApprentice How does this cast look to you? Pretty amazing. #CelebApprentice Losers and haters,even you, as low and dumb as you are, can learn from watching Apprentice and checking out my tweets-you can still succeed! Losers and haters are invited to watch Celebrity Apprentice along with the many great and productive people in the hope that you will learn. I will be live tweeting during the Celebrity Apprentice at 9 P.M. Also will be hosting Dateline just prior to Apprentice at 8 P.M. @AllenWronowski. Allen and Gail - you will like it - see you both soon! Everybody wants to see and talk to Dennis Rodman - he will be on Celebrity Apprentice tonight at 9. @Dattan78. Thanks! "@Dattan78: @realDonaldTrump thank you for supporting the #wwe back in the early days and now can't wait to see you inducted @WrestleMania" "@Dattan78: @realDonaldTrump what are your thoughts for being selected into the #2013 Hall of Fame for @WrestleMania. A great honor! "@Mjaybat2002: @realDonaldTrump @jcpost it's still publishing?" Barely! @jennyfromnexus. Great advice! "@ZarkRiggs: @realDonaldTrump It's all about jealousy. You should just ignore their false reporting." But I'd rather expose them as losers! "@jcpost: @realDonaldTrump Esquire is irrelevant, mo one reads it anymore and no one cares." True! @JBoyle007. True and thanks John! Really bad article about me in the dying (or dead) Esquire Magazine. Totally false - lots of hatred. When will this boring magazine close? "@jjlyons_: How comes @realDonaldTrump notices everyone but me and my tweets to him! Read my tweets sir! Big fan. your my idol." Thanks. "@managerct25: Would love to get a reply from @realDonaldTrump Huge fan of The Celebrity Apprentice and supporter of Mr. Trump. Thanks! "@A_EduardoPeraza: you're such a role model i'm a big fan @realDonaldTrump" Thanks Eduardo! "@JonReidHotchner: @realDonaldTrump I wanna be noticed by the next president of the good ol' US of A any chance of that?" Yes! @splinter48708. Thanks. "@BlakeSRobinson: @realDonaldTrump I can't wait for the big show tomorrow. I've had it circled on the calendar for months." Great Blake! "@wesleyjmcmillan: @realDonaldTrump Praying for you to have a blessed week Mr. Trump" Thanks. "@miacruz4: @realDonaldTrump - Mr.Trump, looking forward to your show .. Love it ." Thanks Mia. "@smithg_: @realDonaldTrump should run for president next election RT #Trump4Prez" Thanks for such nice words. "@SanQuint: Can't wait for @realDonaldTrump Celebrity Apprentice tomorrow! Love it!!" Thanks S. "@NicoleWallace04: @realDonaldTrump youre responding to everyone else BUT me don😢💔" Not anymore Nicole, thanks. "@SPORTSGURU77: @realDonaldTrump who's Chris Jackson?" A total loser but a loyal follower! "@joshdefreitas1: @realDonaldTrump needs to next US president!!" Thanks Josh. "@MikeMessina_: @realDonaldTrump I can't wait for the @ApprenticeNBC tomorrow!!!!!" Thanks Mike. @RichDeLeo. Thanks Rich. @juicetucker. Thanks Matt. @Peace_Janise. Thanks Janise! @MathemagicianUK. Thanks. "@stumalec: @realDonaldTrump can't wait for Celebrity @ApprenticeNBC tomorrow!! #bestshowonTV #yourefired #Trump4Prez" Thanks S. "@Coolness156: @realDonaldTrump Mr. Trump, I loved when you called into the Howard Stern show. It was so real and insightful!" Thanks. "@MacPluto12: @Molly_Kats @realDonaldTrump I'm with trump!" Thanks! Is Chris Jackson as dumb as I hear - but I still like that he follows me like a good little soldier! @vin7768. Thanks Vincent! @BILLIONIRV. Thanks for the nice words Irv! "@legsidelizzy: I do wish people would stop RT-ing Piers Morgan. A life without Piers in it is a much better life" Wrong! "@PJonCHYM: @realDonaldTrump Other than yourself - what's the ONE reason why I should watch #CelebApprentice this season??" Gary B. "@jboyette42: @realDonaldTrump Hate @hbo and bill Maher. Love ya Donald. Lets buy some property together. Great deals here in Fla" Thanks. "@stevesms1960: @realDonaldTrump just purchased a few Trump ties. Great styling!" Thanks. @mstacey9 I never went bankrupt. @C_waitforit_J @UberFacts I never went bankrupt. @Lydia_xoxo @UberFacts I never went bankrupt. @dylawn420 @UberFacts Dopey, I never filed for bankruptcy. @derekwilkinson @daniellecfriel Thanks Derek- and true! @hailey_hustlerr Thanks Hailey- you sound great! Thousands of fans have been sending letters to Trump Tower in anticipation of @CelebApprentice. Really good show. “All the things I love is what my business is all about.” - @MarthaStewart Watching Pyongyang terrorize Asia today is just amazing! A friend is one who has the same enemies as you have. -- Abraham Lincoln We can’t even stop the Norks from blasting a missile. China is laughing at us. It is really sad. “There is no worse feeling than being trapped in a job you do not enjoy. You have to love what you do.” - Think Big Egypt is a total mess. We should have backed Mubarak instead of dropping him like a dog. The gorgeous contestants of Trump Miss Universe are so excited to be simulcast on both @nbc and @Telemundo. Will be a beautiful show! I have helped many friends and colleagues in their business ventures. They always thank me after they succeed. #MIDASTOUCH You get what you vote for. 21% of small business owners planning to cut their workforce in 2013 http://bit.ly/ZfFa0H @Abspara @pennjillette @CelebApprentice March 3rd. Tune in! @BrettNPU32 Happy Birthday The amazing Trump National Golf Club Los Angeles. http://fb.me/1Inc2ClRm No money wasted like bad ads—the Republicans spent more & got nothing for it. Can you believe the Republicans are studying the Democrats on how to win an election? I let @pennjillette come back on the record 13th season of ‘All Star’ @CelebApprentice after he relentlessly begged me to--good t.v. "Argyll grandmother takes UK and EU to the United Nations over plans to turn Scotland into windfarm 'hedgehog' " http://ind.pn/ZfZ1go For those of you in trouble—(in these troubled times)—never, ever give up! @RandyTotty @tjtotty Happy Anniversary Teresa Re Real Estate: You don’t necessarily need the best location. What you need is the best deal… …you can enhance location through promotion and work. Re Life: Life is very fragile and success doesn’t change that. If anything, success makes it more fragile. “The biggest doers often suffer the biggest setbacks in life. So if you want to aim high, you have be able to handle the bumps.”–Think Big Great – we are sending even more F-16’s to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt http://fxn.ws/QTSS5K This is a total disaster. The Republicans must use the debt ceiling as leverage to make a great deal! It’s Tuesday. How many more customers has Glenfiddich lost today? Trump Miss Universe, simulcast on @nbc and @Telemundo on December 19th, will once again deliver an entertaining and ‘beautiful’ show! Re: Media: If you are a little different or a little outrageous…the press is going to write about you—beats paying for ads. @Bahleezy March 3rd--tune in! “Fans like winners. They come to watch stars – great, exciting players who do great exciting things.” - The Art of The Deal He’s back and causing more trouble than ever before! @THEGaryBusey returns in the record 13th season of ‘All Star’ @CelebApprentice. "Mogul Donald Trump has many powerful friends. And it turns out one of them is Anna Wintour.” http://fxn.ws/W2UBVL via @FoxNews "Donald Trump: Anna Wintour Ambassadorship Would Be ‘A Favor To The Country’" http://bit.ly/W2Tjdb via @mediaite "TRUMP: GOP MUST DUMP 'USELESS' ROVE TO WIN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS" http://bit.ly/W2TKUP by @mboyle1 @BreitbartNews Negotiation tip #2: I always go into the deal anticipating the worst... ...If you plan for the worst—if you can live with the worst—the good will always take care of itself. Negotiation tip #1: The worst thing you can possibly do in a deal is seem desperate to make it. China is buying so many of our companies-- it’s really getting bad. .@GolfMonthly re: my Scottish course “Quite simply, this is not the best new links course in the UK, it is the best links course, full stop" @NathalieS_29 Thank you @hopewellcody Thanks Cody @LeviThompson93 Happy Birthday Levi--Work hard! The UK is seriously thinking about halting wind turbine subsidies. Good news, killing country. Some dope tweeted my message to my friend Bill Belichick incorrectly--they called him Bob. Sorry Bill! @Patriots Test: Tweet me the reason @billmaher got fired from @ABC (other than his bad ratings). @karina_kemala The Art of the Deal is a good start. "Being true to yourself equals being true to your brand. That's the solid foundation that stands the test of time." Midas Touch "If you love your work, the difficulties will be balanced out by the enjoyment." Think Big Good luck to Bob Kraft, Tom Brady, and Coach Bill Belichick tonight. "I believe in spending what you have to. But I also believe in not spending more than you should."-The Art of The Deal If the Republicans ever want to win a presidential election in the next 30 years they must get rid of @KarlRove. He is useless. I still don't get how @KarlRove spent $400 million & lost all. .@Kateplusmy8 Keep up the good work! The Ground Zero Mosque should not go up where planned. It is wrong. My offer still stands to buy the property. Good deal for everyone. @susanmahoneyxo Sunday, March 3rd! Be sure to tune in! The lunatics in Congress banned the word ‘lunatic’ from Congress last week http://bit.ly/YTOhUN Busy doing the peoples’ work! “You can’t con people, at least not for long. If you don’t deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on.” - The Art of The Deal Great win by the @nyjets yesterday. If they run the table, they will make the playoffs. Great knockout on Saturday by Juan Manuel Marquez on Manny Pacquiao. A great fight! The government is borrowing 46 cents on every dollar it spends http://bit.ly/11U1LzB Dangerous for us but great news for China. The Chinese are smart. They bought up over $7B in US housing last year http://fxn.ws/TPsOcw U.S. is busy making China even richer. China is about to acquire a unit of AIG, which we bailed out, for $5.5B http://reut.rs/TPsoD7 China is making great deals on our backs. December 19th’s simulcast of Trump Miss Universe on @nbc and @Telemundo will be a massive success. The girls are amazing this year! The smart and beautiful @claudiajordan shines in the upcoming record 13th season of ‘All Star’ @CelebApprentice. We are lucky to have her! "Donald Trump Continues Baffling Twitter Streak, Slams ‘Loser’ Karl Rove As ‘An Embarrassment’" http://bit.ly/TPrMNU via @mediaite "Donald Trump, king of timely Internet soundbites, has ruled in Wintour's favor..." via @HuffingtonPost http://huff.to/TPs5s0 Watch @davidaxelrod shave his mustache on @Morning_Joe last Friday with my interview congratulating David at the end http://bit.ly/WNLjvx My @foxandfriends interview discussing the Ground Zero Mosque, fiscal cliff, China buying AIG & Anna Wintour http://bit.ly/TPorhE Dopey Sugar @Lord_Sugar I can't believe you were knighted. If they knew more about you, I'm sure they'd take away your title. Dopey Sugar @Lord_Sugar The people in the UK love seeing you get beat up--you're easy! @Lord_Sugar Dopey Sugar--because it was open all season long--you can't play golf in the snow, you stupid ass. I just bought stock in Tiffany & Company and McDonald's. Two ends of the spectrum but I like both companies. Dopey Sugar @Lord_Sugar—you are the worst kind of loser—a total fool. .@Lord_Sugar—windfarms are expensive, need subsidy,kill birds & destroy country & waterway beauty. Also, very unreliable & expensive energy. Dopey Sugar @Lord_Sugar—if you were smart, which you are not, you would oppose the monstrous windfarms that will destroy your country. .@Lord_Sugar If you didn’t say the iPod would be gone in a year, you might have been really rich instead of the peanut money you have. Dopey Sugar @Lord_Sugar You should thank me for having created the platform on which you became known--The Apprentice. Say Thank you Donald Dopey Sugar @Lord_Sugar—I hear you hate being beaten so badly on twitter—get used to it! RT @MichaelCohen212: @lord_sugar I work for the man and have his complete financials. I can assure you he has very little debt...even you would be impressed! RT @piersmorgan: Beginning to feel a bit sorry for poor old Shuggsy @Lord_Sugar - The Donald's pounding him into oblivion today.... @realDonaldTrump Dopey Sugar—@Lord_Sugar Isn’t it sad that my golf course in Scotland just got “best new course in the world”—it’s worth more than you are! DopeySugar @Lord_Sugar —Why did you close down your site over the weekend? Did someone tell you to do it? RT @realNYCblonde: @realDonaldTrump who is @Lord_Sugar?? I have never heard of him! #TeamTrump RT @incuhoob112: @lord_sugar your version of apprentice is nothing compared to @realDonaldTrump Dopey Sugar @Lord_Sugar You can't carry @piersmorgan's jock! RT @jack_perry1992: @lord_sugar @realDonaldTrump Never thought I'd see this day, trumps making sugar look like a little boy, hahaha #LoveIt #TrumpFan Dopey Sugar @Lord_Sugar--You're a total loser who @piersmorgan doesn't think is very smart or very rich. I agree with Piers! Dopey Sugar @Lord_Sugar Bad ratings--come on, keep making me money--remember, I own your show. Dopey Sugar @Lord_Sugar I hear your ratings last week were at an all time low--you better get them up or you'll be fired. RT @attakhan77: @MikeFMacleod77 @lord_sugar @realdonaldtrump yup very wrong - Aberdeen loves Trump! #trumpscotland RT @MikeFMacleod77: @Lord_Sugar @realdonaldtrump think you have that wrong Mr Sugar. The vast majority of businessmen and golfers welcome The Trump Organisation Dopey Sugar @Lord_Sugar I never go silent. I was buying a major property in Florida--a property worth more than you are! RT @piersmorgan: Greatest tweet of all time... hahahahahahahaha > @realDonaldTrump: Drop to your knees, Sugar, and say thank you, Mr. Trump. RT @piersmorgan: Exactly! > RT @realDonaldTrump: @Lord_Sugar @piersmorgan Sugar, if you taught Piers Morgan he never would have won! Sorry for such silence—spent weekend at closing of Ritz Carlton in Jupiter, Florida—just bought it, will be great! People ask me what I do in my free time. The answer--I don't have any. This is such a special time to be in New York City. No better city in the world to celebrate Christmas! Many people still out of power in Staten Island. Absolutely ridiculous. Why can't they get service? This year's Trump Miss Universe Pageant is comprised of truly beautiful women.Will be simulcast live December 19th on @nbc and @Univision. Today's job report is not a good sign & we could be facing another recession. No real job growth. We need over 300K new jobs a month. "Quote of the Day: Donald Trump Decrees Boycott on Glenfiddich Scotch" http://bit.ly/11RQiAC via @Zagat Back by popular demand, TV personality @TheRealMarilu returns in the record 13th season of 'All Star' @CelebApprentice. Marilu does great! Via @digitalspyus: "Donald Trump to Lord Sugar: 'Drop to your knees and thank me'" http://bit.ly/11RPWKe I just retained Sir Nick Faldo to be the architect of the Red Course at Doral--he will do a tremendous job! @NickFaldo006 To Tom Brady @patriots and Gisele--Best wishes on the birth of your daughter. Tom is a great player and great friend. Dopey @Lord_Sugar I'm worth $8 billion and you're worth peanuts...without my show nobody would even know who you are. Dopey @Lord_Sugar People are calling in saying you are being beaten badly w/ the tweets... ...@Lord_Sugar You need the income from the show to keep going--hope it doesn't hurt. “There are 2 things I’ve found I’m very good at: overcoming obstacles and motivating good people to do their best work.”–The Art of The Deal Dopey Sugar @Lord_Sugar The wind turbines are ruining the beauty & majesty of Scotland... .@Lord_Sugar....but you wouldn’t notice because you have no vision and you are a total loser. .@Lord_Sugar - nice call on predicting that the iPOD would be "dead, finished, gone, kaput" http://bit.ly/fwaNBh Great business foresight. Dopey Sugar.@Lord_Sugar ...Your net worth doesn't even qualify you to host the Apprentice. Keep making me money. Dopey Sugar @Lord_Sugar--I'm worth more than $8 billion, acknowledged, almost no debt ... RT @ApprenticeNBC: What is the biggest lesson from past seasons that the All-Stars should take with them on #CelebApprentice this March? Sugar @Lord_Sugar Why don't you tell the public what you're really worth--they would be very disappointed. Sugar @Lord_Sugar Unlike yours, my financials are phenomenal. People don't know your real numbers & would not be impressed. @Lord_Sugar @realDonaldTrump You lie. Everyone knows your ass is being kicked on twitter. You're easy. @devanalexisb Thanks @PaulManni1 Thanks! @RealPro4Real Thank you. @martinwatt382 True! "A general is just as good or just as bad as the troops under his command make him." --Douglas MacArthur @piersmorgan @Lord_Sugar No, his ignorance! Sugar @Lord_Sugar—you should say thank you, Donald, like a good little boy... ... ...instead of biting the hand that feeds you! Don’t bother, just keep making me money! @Lord_Sugar @piersmorgan Sugar, if you taught Piers Morgan he never would have won! We are way over the fiscal cliff. And with Obama Care being fully implemented in less than 14 months, it may be too late. Alex Rodriguez has played under 140 games in each of the last five seasons. He will miss half of next season. Really bad deal for @yankees. Dopey @Lord_Sugar—Look in the mirror and thank the real Lord that Donald Trump exists. You are nothing! @piersmorgan @Lord_Sugar I easily could but as long as Sugar is making me money (it's my show) I won't--unlike Sugar, I'm not stupid! When I made the Apprentice the #1 show in the US, that was a good day for you... ... and many others. Drop to your knees, Sugar, and say thank you, Mr. Trump. Sugar: @Lord_Sugar--Keep working hard so I make plenty of $ with your show... ...You have little persona, but The Apprentice concept is great and lucky for you! Sugar: @Lord_Sugar—unlike you, I own The Apprentice. You were never successful enough... .... to do The Apprentice but I approved you anyway. Without my show you’d be nothing! .@Lord_Sugar If you think ugly windmills are good for Scotland you are an even worse businessman than I thought... ... and, in my opinion, should not be doing The Apprentice. @johnboehner 25 days to go until fiscal cliff (bad name)—it is only a fiscal curb! Debt ceiling is real fiscal cliff.. will be interesting! @Scootray88 Dopey, same people voting over & over again? Andy Murray #1 by far. You’re all wrong—check the facts! UK is massively subsidizing Scotland’s wind turbines & the people don’t want them. How can George Osborne reduce UK debt while spending billions to subsidize Scotland’s garbage wind turbines that are destroying the country? When I renovated Wollman Rink in Central Park, it came in $750,000 under budget.. ... and opened a full month ahead of schedule. Case is taught in Wharton. @NdichuJames @voguemagazine Always go with the truth! @stevemarkovic @EricTrump @IvankaTrump True! @sinnerofa10shun Work hard and love what you do! @achieverdan Thanks and yes! @RingSherry @EricTrump @IvankaTrump Thank you. @madmartinez @EricTrump @IvankaTrump Thanks Darlene. @RealRobHarrand Thanks Rob! All the contestants have arrived to compete in Trump Miss Universe Pageant in Las Vegas. Today’s welcoming ceremony will be terrific! My support of Anna Wintour for Ambassador got a lot of coverage. She is smart and will be a strong advocate for the US. Via @USATODAY: “Trump endorses Wintour for ambassadorship” http://usat.ly/QJWuYd Karzai of Afghanistan is not sticking with our signed agreement. They are dropping us like dopes. Get out now and re-build U.S.! @MacFarb Wow--very nice! @OrangeTrump @apoliticalbear @ForQ2 @danabrams Don't be so sure! @bongsi21 @BillGates @itsmeMVP Work hard! @kleckhardt Kris, great place, enjoy! @colonopenbrakit He is a loser--Andy Murray is a winner! @carloguderian I built perhaps the greatest golf course in the world--lots of tourism--you shouldn't! Is PM Cameron a dummy? With monumental cuts in UK spending, how come he continues to spend billions of pounds ... ....on ruining Scotland’s beauty with ugly & costly wind turbines? Scots should boycott Glenfiddich garbage for not choosing great Olympic & U.S. Open champ Andy Murray over total loser Michael Forbes. @mchandlerjones I will! @LaraLeaYunaska @EricTrump And you looked great last night Lara. Twisted Sister frontman @deesnider shines in the record 13th season of ‘All Star’ @CelebApprentice. The Iron Man of Rock and Roll is great! Republicans have the cards because of the debt ceiling—but it doesn’t seem that way! 25 days to go until fiscal cliff (bad name)—it is only a fiscal curb! Debt ceiling is real fiscal cliff...and that will be interesting! @OfficialBQGirls @MissUSA2005 @thaLilBit Your performance was great last night--BQ will win. @JohnG500 @EricTrump @IvankaTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr The greatest compliment of all--thanks! @rodgilbert7 @EricTrump @IvankaTrump Thanks Rod--you're a great player and guy. @danabrams True--but keep up the good work! .@johnboehner—if you can’t make a great deal go over the cliff & negotiate new deal along with debt ceiling in February!—Trump 101. Speaker @johnboehner seems to have gained strength in house—a good thing! Dave Brubeck was great and will be missed! “I like thinking big. To me it’s very simple: if you’re going to be thinking anyway, you might as well think big.” – The Art of The Deal RT @EricTrump: @IvankaTrump and I presenting @realDonaldTrump the "Legendary Icon of the Year Award" - No one deserves it more! http://twitter.com/EricTrump/status/276539413423587328/photo/1 @vincedelisi Thanks! @HoppMar So do most smart people! @PhillipMoodie Thank you. @RealDavisBauer Thanks--glad she enjoyed herself. @KarlLewis01 Soon--thanks. @apoliticalbear @danabrams True--thanks. @riggs_deb Thank you. “Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.” -- Norman Vincent Peale @KarlRove is such an embarrassment that @FoxNews is keeping him off air http://bit.ly/WJBMpk Rove should be out of politics. A total loser! “I don’t see the point of being politically correct if that means actually being incorrect.” – Donald J. Trump 'Midas Touch' @rodsandguitars @nbc Thanks @tommo1903 Thank you. @Kevinsherwin Thank you .@danabrams Dan, of course stories on me do well. Glad you have found a medium you can actual do well on. TV was not your forte. The record 13th season of ‘All Star’ @CelebApprentice features the return of the beautiful @BrandenRoderick. The fans love her! I am happy to hear that Pres.Obama is considering giving Anna Wintour @voguemagazine an ambassadorship. She is a winner & really smart! Via @scotsmandotcom: “Awards for Trump’s golf course” http://bit.ly/WJxWfS @wtfagain @Beardymilne You would not even believe how dirty & disgusting his property is--clean it with joke Glenfiddich. @Beardymilne @wtfagain I know you are jealous of Forbes & a total loser. @achieverdan Thanks @damonpostal Thanks @bonappiteite @IvankaTrump @Cookies4kids Thank you @Beardymilne You must be drinking too much of that garbage. @GSMgolf Very hot in Florida in July & August. .@GeorgeTakei is doing really well & soon coming to Broadway. @SpearsTim Can't pick a favorite--thanks. We are getting rid of all Glenfiddich garbage alcohol from Trump properties. Tell ‘Top Scot’ Michael Forbes to clean up his property—it is an embarrassment to Scotland. Glenfiddich is a joke—should have chosen Andy Murray—U.S. Open & Olympic gold winner—as Top Scot instead of a total loser! @Beardymilne @wtfagain David--I hear you are jealous & angry that Forbes got the award over you--two losers! @kleckhardt Yes--it is great! @swingtraining Thanks Jeff. @Danusia234 @SaintsFootyNews Happy Birthday Andrew @bf2088 Thanks--and good luck. @Arnoldmuks Thanks. If you are planning to visit the world famous Trump Tower Atrium, be sure to come early. During the holiday season it is packed by 10AM The addition of the iconic Doral Resort to the Trump portfolio is one of the most exciting transactions http://bit.ly/11NGh6L The stock of my shirt and tie maker just hit an all-time high--great going--great product! A-Rod @Yankees had hip surgery & will be out 6 months. Do you notice all the “druggies” have bad hips. The @Yankees should break A-Rod's contract immediately—he misrepresented. .@danabrams, editor of @mediaite, explained on radio this morning that I am so widely covered because I draw high interest. True! @arsenioOFFICIAL will do great in his new talk show on CBS. He’s really got what it takes! @Redskins QB @RGIII is a very special player. He is exciting to watch and smart on the field. Amazing talent. How could Michael Forbes get Scot of the Year when he lost—badly—to me & Andy Murray, a true Scot, who won the U.S. Open & Olympic gold? Congratulations to David Wright on signing a long term extension with the @Mets. David is an exceptional player and person. Fan favorite @LilJon once again shines in the record 13th season of 'All Star' @CelebApprentice. He is an amazing & wonderful guy! @ld06981p Larry, thank you and keep up the great work! @Wendydyer2 Thanks Wendy. @Alkiwaves Thanks, it will be great. @ItsColinFowler Thanks. @BubbasLmky But hard work! Great defense by the @nyjets this weekend—congratulations to @woodyjohnson4—only 6 points allowed! Just won the highest rated sanitary award in NY—an A--& the food is great also. Trump Grill/ 57th & 5th. Just completed purchase of magnificent Ritz Carlton in Jupiter, Florida. Will be renamed Trump National Golf Club & be tremendous success. The networks are all driving me crazy to do television shows—“a ratings machine”—but because of Apprentice have been loyal to NBC. The Democrats have zero intention of coming to any deal on the "fiscal cliff." They will raise taxes and blame it on the Republicans. @lfoshie @piersmorgan Logan: You are wrong on this--@piersmorgan is a tough & talented guy--& very loyal--a rarity in life. Michael Forbes is a loser who failed to stop what was just named “the golf course of the year” and which has brought ... ...lots of tourism & jobs to Scotland—Scots must be very embarrassed? http://bit.ly/3Rv11n Michael Forbes lives in a pigsty and bad liquor company Glenfiddich gave him Scot of the Year award... ... over Andy Murray, the US Open winner. Does anyone smell publicity stunt? http://bit.ly/3Rv11n Comic @sethmeyers21 bombed at University of Texas at Arlington—crowd was dismal as was his performance—I told you so! @parisitony True! I take great pride watching skaters enjoy the #TRUMP Rink in Central Park from my office--world's best skating rink http://bit.ly/SGvzKS @osaFoLmiK Happy Birthday and best wishes. .@StephenBaldwin7 shines in the record 13th season of ‘All Star’ @CelebApprentice. The Baldwin clan will be proud of Stephen. “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” -- Winston Churchill I am watching the New York mayoral race very closely… Philadelphia’s Mayor Michael Nutter is in China to drum up business for his struggling city.Our politicians are controlled by the Chinese. The Daily Snooze publishes lies about me. They should be ashamed but it will die very soon. Congratulations to Jesse Angelo on being named publisher of the @nypost. He will do a great job! Obama is laughing at Karl Rove & all the losers who spent hundreds of millions of dollars and didn’t win one race, including the big one! Karl Rove is now making excuses for his total wasting of $400M—not one win—(the Republicans better get smart next time)... ... Time for the Republicans to find someone new—and better. Gold just set another record high on price with the largest physical gold sales on record http://bit.ly/SF40Sk Inflation is coming... Obama is totally “tweaking” the Republicans because he doesn’t respect them—they’ve got to change their ways. I am very proud of @IvankaTrump for her work with @Cookies4kids. @Cookies4kids is a great cause helping children http://bit.ly/AvT94 It’s about time for all Americans (Republicans & Democrats) to force our elected officials to start acting fiscally responsible! “Trump Brand Expands To South America: The Donald Lends His Name To Luxury Tower In Uruguay” http://onforb.es/VgAias via @Forbes .@nbcnightlynews (Brian Williams, anyone?) says women warriors are "every bit as tough as the guys." Just think about that statement! @moniquesourdif Thanks. @rebamoreland Thank you & the same to you and yours. @elenadavies All agree on that--thanks. Watch @IvankaTrump on @foxandfriends discuss her work with @Cookies4kids http://bit.ly/11GmNko @Suzmo816 I am, thanks! @mmanut True! @karefor5 @IvankaTrump @foxandfriends Thanks My @foxandfriends interview discussing how the Democrats want to go over the fiscal cliff & a surprise visit... http://bit.ly/11GlRMI Was with @jacknicklaus yesterday--great golfer, great architect, great guy! @sinnerofa10shun Work hard and stay focused. Good luck. I'll be honored at the Family Business Dynasties Gala in NYC on December 5th. It will be a great event for a great cause. As I said on @foxandfriends this a.m., you have to give Obama credit—he won! ... ... The Republicans just didn’t resonate with the people—but they will have better days. Thank you to @IvankaTrump for her wonderful acknowledgement this morning on @foxandfriends... ... The NY Daily Snooze totally lied and never even called my kids! @Boura15 Start with my first book, The Art of the Deal. @dpburg Thx -- Enjoy your visit @captainluc Thank you @joeplaysdrums Never give up! @MichaelArrante Happy Birthday! Now that it’s almost over, I can’t believe that unions & management couldn’t save Twinkies etc--& management just got a $1.75M bonus. I’m surprised that Gabriel Aubry has settled so quickly and easily with Halle—in the long run it was a wise decision. @therealhillyard Trump National Golf Club Los Angeles--it fronts the Pacific Ocean and is spectacular. @AmishFlyers66 Try Trump Grill in Trump Tower. Excellent food, good prices. Enjoy your visit. In calling my tweets ‘obnoxious,’ @AOL says “I sure know how to keep them wanting more.” They are welcome. I just tell it like it is. France is losing its businesses and wealth rapidly and day by day. @JMinello Very nice, thanks. NYPD Officer Larry DePrimo has made the entire city proud with a his generous act of kindness http://bit.ly/Ty3BlQ NYC loves the NYPD. @skompa @TrumpChicago @TrumpNewYork @TrumpLasVegas @TravlandLeisure Thanks! @TarikaN_11 Motivation is key, so is momentum. Congratulations to @FoxNews for winning November in the cable news rating race with 9 of 10 top shows http://bit.ly/Ty2liE RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Congratulations @TrumpChicago, @TrumpNewYork & @TrumpLasVegas for again being awarded 2012 World's Best Business Hotels by @TravlandLeisure! Team Trump with the recipients of our donations in the Rockaways. #Sandy http://fb.me/NyVDd6Vh @sagethelaxbro Hi Sage @TonyDABodyguard @Seanelmi I agree--and thanks. @adrienne_jensen Thanks! @sbowlin1 Thanks--you will love it. @RevRome83 @CelebApprentice @bretmichaels You won't be disappointed! Golf Odyssey, one of golf's most respected publications, just named Trump International Golf Links Scotland "golf course of the year" Always enjoy appearing on @extratv. @MarioLopezExtra & @mariamenounos were terrific yesterday. A clip from guest hosting @extratv yesterday on @nbc discussing Halle, Angus and Gen. Petraeus http://bit.ly/SuMKRh @RhondaMemphis March 3rd. Back by popular demand, the record 13th season of ‘All Star’ @CelebApprentice features the return of @bretmichaels. Our fans will be happy. “He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot, will be victorious.” -- Sun Tzu While Derek Jeter is training every day in the off season, reports come out that A-Rod is partying all over the country. Go Derek. @Yankees . @BBCNews’ child molestation sex scandal is the latest in continued downward spiral of BBC.I know personally they do not check for accuracy As a favor to my friends at EXTRA, I am co-hosting tonight at 7 p.m. on @nbc Crude is about to pass $90/barrel. The OPEC monopoly must be broken. They are robbing our country blind. It’s Thursday. How much did OPEC steal from all of us today? Steven Spielberg is a great filmmaker. Go see "Lincoln." @atrlimo @EricTrump Agreed. Trump Tower’s bronze solar glass curtain wall revolutionized Manhattan real estate. It was a major gamble for the design that paid off. .@SNFonNBC is really well produced football. Cris Collinsworth and Al Michaels always do a great job. If taxes are raised to avoid the fiscal cliff, then they must be accompanied by tangible, hard cuts on spending everywhere. "Most people can learn from their own experiences quite well, but many ignore the experiences and lessons of others." -- The Way To The Top Congratulations to the Rolling Stones on marking their 50th anniversary in London. Back by popular demand, the always ‘interesting’ @THEGaryBusey is up to his old tricks in the upcoming All Star @CelebApprentice. "Trump Jumps into Real Estate Brokerage Business" http://bit.ly/Tm46xc via @realtormag If you treat people right they will treat you right...ninety percent of the time. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt Hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving. But get ready, our country is in big trouble! My kids never negatively discussed my criticism of President Obama with me or anyone...it's not in their nature! The dishonest NY Daily News reporter advised my rep in writing, "story is dead" and then put it out anyway. A total lie and she knew it! The dying NY Daily News put out a false report about my kids not wanting me to criticize Obama...totally false! RT @MichaelCohen212: Glad to see @realDonaldTrump’s return to the @Late_Show and the enormous success it had in ratings. Congrats to both Donald and Dave. HAPPY THANKSGIVING to everyone--I love you all, even my many enemies (sometimes!). “I also protect myself by being flexible. I never get too attached to one deal or one approach.” – THE ART OF THE DEAL On December 19th the @MissUniverse pageant will be broadcast live in over 190 countries to one billion viewers. @nbc "I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made." -- Franklin D. Roosevelt "It does not cost anything to dream. Spend your time enjoying your big dreams." -- Think Big I am having 600 Thanksgiving dinners sent to the Rockaways--prepared by my wonderful Trump Grill/Trump Tower staff. #SandyRelief For those asking, my son, @EricTrump, makes zero $$ running his charity & raises a great deal of $$, all of it for @StJude @EricTrumpFdn Direct foreign investments continue to flow into China at over $100B a year http://reut.rs/UlOdb4 That's money that could be spent here. I hope Washington makes a good deal to avert the fiscal cliff. Both sides need to work together. Pres. Obama’s steady support of @Israel throughout this crisis helped stop the war. He did a good job. RT @EricTrump: Thanks to the entire team @TrumpChicago for the amazing hospitality. It's clear why the building is rated the #1 hotel in North America! .@latoyajackson is once again at the top of her game in the upcoming All Star season of @CelebApprentice. Amazing in the boardroom... .@TrumpSoho has just been awarded the AAA Five Diamond Award. Congratulations to the team for this great recognition of their amazing work. "A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities... ...and an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties." -- Harry S. Truman "We are not retreating--we are advancing in another direction." -- Douglas MacArthur The Holiday Season in New York City is a very special time. I love seeing and meeting the many tourists who visit the #TRUMP Tower atrium. @kabarzombie69 It will be great! @kc5yvv Thanks! @Jixllr Thanks! @MichaelRubinton Work hard! @DLEagency @MichaelPhelps True! @MrsAliciaParks Thanks! @sAygO_P I am very truthful! @Manos_Panos Love what you do! @Corene7 Thank you! @BluePrintBullie A great compliment. @hkshel Thanks Keith! "If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking." --George S. Patton RT @MichaelCohen212: Via @econcrash: "Donald Trump makes a $1 million splash for Toronto community centre" http://bit.ly/Whksrt Obama met with Chinese Premier Wen yesterday http://bit.ly/10m1xQ4 and talked trade. The Chinese are robbing us blind--be tough! France was just stripped of its AAA bond rating. With the PMs radical tax rates... ...expect the country to be further downgraded in the future. The rich are all leaving! "The best luck of all is the luck you make for yourself." -- Douglas MacArthur I was nice to loser @rosie and she attacked me--it just shows never let up with a bully. They only fade when you hit them hard! I am going to give @Rosie a pass. @Rosie is desperate to get back on TV so she can be on yet another show that can be quickly canceled. RT @RdotRae: @realdonaldtrump I just walked by Macy's at Herlad Square and only saw about 9 people at the rally...it was a total dud! #teamtrump A must read for any country or community considering wind turbines. http://bit.ly/Vn4HEH The EU just dropped their self-imposed carbon tax. I bet they wish they had all that money back! @MikeFMacleod77 @DonaldJTrumpJr Thanks Mike RT @MichaelCohen212: @realDonaldTrump The big Herald Square protest was a complete failure with less than 20 people participating. All hype and no legitimacy! RT @MikeFMacleod77: @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump awesome news you guys are building the 2nd course. Awesome facility already. finish the job #golfmecca “Even such traits as who makes the most eye contact in conversation can be an indication of who seeks to dominate.” Think Like A Billionaire RT @EricTrump: Next week, @EricTrumpFdn will be giving a check for $2M to @StJude. Our ETF research lab made a major cancer breakthrough this past year.. RT @EricTrump: The @EricTrumpFdn prides itself on having one of the lowest expense ratios in the US. Only 3% credit card fees. 97% goes to @StJude. @caryjp "With so much demand for Trump Tower, our marketing strategy was to play hard. It was a reverse sales technique." – THE ART OF THE DEAL EU countries now want to charge multinationals major taxes. See, I told you so! The upcoming All Star season of @CelebApprentice has @lisarinna returning to compete. She doesn’t disappoint! "What you dream about is what you do. If you cannot even dream of doing big things, you will never do anything big."--Think Big The @EricTrumpFDN is doing amazing work helping the children... ... at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital http://bit.ly/r6cQu3 -- I am proud of you Eric. FLASHBACK – “Donald Trump Answers Boy’s Prayer for New Bike” http://bit.ly/WhkmQy via @FoxNewsInsider I gave out the Male Athlete of the Year Award last night to my friend @MichaelPhelps—22 Olympic medals—a record that will never be broken. We should remember that during this entire Petraeus episode,over 50 of our nation's bravest have died in Afghanistan... ... It is time to get out and rebuild our own nation. Washington must come together on a deal to avoid a fiscal cliff. If taxes are raised, they must come with real, hard cuts. @RobParano Thanks. How come every time I show anger, disgust or impatience, enemies say I had a tantrum or meltdown—stupid or dishonest people? Businesses have already started massive layoffs and reducing employees’ hours due to Obama Care. Reality is setting in. Surprise-In a post-election delayed release, food stamp rolls surged to biggest monthly increase and an all-time high http://bit.ly/SWVIHf Yesterday was Veterans Day. I hope our armed service members felt appropriately honored. This nation loves and respects all of you. My profile in @BusinessDayNg: “Doing What You Like Doing” http://bit.ly/Zfh0BS “Donald Trump Hits NYC Bar Mitzvah -You're My Jewprentice” http://tmz.me/ZfhYOD via @TMZ Anne Hathaway was great on Saturday Night Live @nbcsnl—and her singing voice is amazing! Just saw my new line of shirts, ties & suits @Macys -- they are fantastic! Would make great holiday presents! Last season the Apprentice was the #1 show on television on Sunday night from 10 to 11--this season's show is even better! We just passed 1.9M followers & gained over 250,000 followers in the last month.Thank you--let's have fun and do business. @DaveGardiner7 @DuncanBannatyne Thanks, & I love the people of Aberdeen. @BOARDRISKMAN Thanks! Tourism is booming because of it. RT @DuncanBannatyne Just been to the fantastic @realDonaldTrump golf links in Aberdeen. Quality stuff According to UK newspapers, no wind turbines have been ordered for many months in Britain--an obsolete technology that ruins communities! RT @AnthElliott: @realDonaldTrump Perfect setting, the long term plan will be amazing @DuncanBannatyne might even have a round http://lockerz.com/s/260393275 RT @DuncanBannatyne: Just been to the fantastic @realDonaldTrump golf links in Aberdeen. Quality stuff RT @DuncanBannatyne: Amazing how many people who have never been to Aberdeen slag off Trump golf links yet I have not spoken to 1 resident against it. When someone attacks me, I always attack back...except 100x more. This has nothing to do with a tirade but rather, a way of life! I am a very calm person but love tweeting about both scum and positive subjects. Whenever I tweet, some call it a tirade..totally dishonest! Trump International Golf Links was just rated one of the greatest courses in the world. Virtually all reviews are saying the same thing. The people of Scotland love Trump International Golf Links. Aberdeen tourism is booming because of my great Scottish golf club. Many political pundits are using the term "Art of the Deal".... they should thank me. That is my term and book title. "Never ever quit, never give up" - Donald J. Trump, The Art of the Deal. Thanks- many are saying I'm the best 140 character writer in the world. It's easy when it's fun. I love Twitter.... it's like owning your own newspaper--- without the losses. I'm a skeptical guy, but I don't believe Petraeus used this to get out of the Benghazi hearings. Wow, I never saw the Petraeus thing coming. A straight laced guy! Very sad for him and his family. I just passed a 10 block long gas line going to LGA airport, a terrible situation! Everybody wants me to talk about Robert Pattinson and not Brian Williams—I guess people just don’t care about Brian! She’s baaack! @Rosie needs me to salvage her dying career. But it won’t help-- she’s got no talent & no persona. Too many tv cancellations! Price gouging at many gas stations, $10 a gallon--welcome to the new world. It’s hard to believe that we are rationing gas in NYC. OPEC is laughing all the way to the bank. .@cyndilauper Condolences on the passing of your uncle, and best wishes. .@antbaxter Only the stupid @BBC would air your garbage—no wonder they are in such deep trouble. .@antbaxter Anthony—did you illegally take clips from the Letterman @Late_Show show and @GolfChannel without their approval? .@antbaxter I predict somebody is going to sue you! .@antbaxter Dummy,thanks for increasing awareness of my big golf project in Aberdeen—sales are thru the roof & Aberdeen seeing big benefits. .@antbaxter—Heard your documentary cost you less than $3,000 to make—where did you get that kind of money? .@antbaxter—Your documentary works better than any sleeping pill—in fact that may be your only way to make money with this recycled garbage! Why do so many people say I hate President Obama—I don’t hate the President at all. I just disagree with his policies! @antbaxter @Salon @antbaxter—Apprentice is a huge hit all over the world. Your cheap & boring documentary is a tremendous flop. 9 million fewer people voted for Obama this election than last & yet the Republicans lost—do you think they might be doing something wrong! I got to know @johnboehner very well—he is a great guy who will do the right thing for the country! I received such a nice letter today from someone who took refuge in Trump Tower during Sandy. It was my pleasure to help. Robert Pattinson is putting on a good face for the release of Twilight. He took my advice on Kristen Stewart...I hope! The election was a major setback for economy. All young entrepreneurs should be sure to calculate Obama's policies into their investments. RT @IvankaTrump: Can't wait to head out to @WollmanRink! Definitely one of my favorite NYC Winter activities. http://www.wollmanskatingrink.com #skating #NYC Of the 9 battleground states, we only carried North Carolina. I'm proud of @NCGOP & glad I delivered keynote at their state convention. Remember to watch the series finale of "The Men Who Built America" this Sunday at 8/7c on @History Polls show that the hurricane had a huge positive effect for Obama on his win- isn't that ridiculous? Romney campaign used me in 6 primary states and won every one- they should have used me in Florida and Ohio & he would be President. Remember to watch the series finale of "The Men Who Built America" this Sunday at 8/7c on @History China is heavily investing in building its own jet engine http://reut.rs/Sx7nJn They will end up stealing the design from us as usual. China's submarines will soon be carrying nukes http://reut.rs/Sx64do They will be sent to patrol our coasts, Obama won't do anything. China's Communist Party has now publicly praised Obama's reelection. They have never had it so good. Will own America soon. At the end of the day, Obama won the battleground states by less than 500,000 votes. This was a winnable race. GOP needs to do better! With taxes set to go up and Obama about to cut the mortgage deduction, now is the time to buy a house if you can. Can get a great deal. .@davidaxelrod I'm sending you a check to help find a cure. @IvankaTrump says hi. No surprise that all the foreign countries are celebrating Obama's win. They love a weak America that they can rip off. Obama's administration is now openly admitting it expects US credit downgraded again http://bit.ly/Sx3xQk Thanks for letting us know now I will and I agree! RT @ZacharyQuinto @realdonaldtrump you can't possibly make any more money. so why don't you make a difference instead?! I started to get very worried about Mitt's chances when I heard that A-Rod donated to his campaign. Everything A-Rod touches turns bad. Russian leaders are publicly celebrating Obama's reelection. They can't wait to see how flexible Obama will be now. It is that time of the year. The Trump Wollman Skating Rink is open to the public in Central Park. The greatest ice rink in the country. Letterman @Late_Show had Brian Williams @NBCNightlyNews as guest last night, I was on last Thursday ...I trounced him in ratings & Letterman beat @jayleno last Thursday. Brian—are you irrelevant? RT @felsrepublicans: Maher felt the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks were not cowards and criticized US defense policy @realDonaldTrump @billmaher @abc Like @conedison, Obama is incompetent! @conedison is incompetent and will have tremendous liability to Briarcliff Manor and Trump National! @conedison doesn't even respond to the people in Briarcliff...like a forgotten area. @conedison is terrible...don't know what they are doing. Trump National Briarcliff and all houses are totally blacked out! @MittRomney will turn this mess around! Make sure you get out and vote...most important election of our generation...go Romney! Trump Hotels are delivering lots of food to storm victims...we love doing it! Gary Johnson is asking people "to waste" their vote on him. Make it count - vote for @MittRomney. We don’t want to have a recount in any of the battleground states. Obama will steal it. Make sure all your friends and family vote. Obama's war on women has lead to the biggest decline in female employment in 40 years. 4 more years?? .@JoeBiden is out on the trail saying "you'll vote for me in 2016." Is he serious? Undecideds in OH,PA and WI will make the difference. All should ask themselves if they want $6/gallon gas because it will come under Obama. Pennsylvania is in play @MittRomney. All undecideds in Philly suburbs should ask themselves - who do you trust most on @Israel? I think @TheRevAl should take this challenge. Axelrod was too scared. RT: @RonKaufmanIntrn: Kaufstache vs. Sharpstache. In the heart of the city, Trump International Toronto is the city's most elite property http://bit.ly/Rz1yfx True luxury at its finest. Considering Obama hasn’t proposed anything concrete, if he wins he won’t have a mandate. Another 4 years of legislative stalemate. Members from Obama's own job council are endorsing @MittRomney http://on.wsj.com/ToFHFg Not surprising Concerns over the national debt are stopping businesses from hiring and expanding http://onforb.es/RyZx2O Obama's policies are unsustainable Castro, Chavez and Ahmadinejad are all anxiously awaiting our election results. They are praying Obama wins. Obama promised 5.2% unemployment by October 2012. His promises are worthless! "Go as far as you can see; when you get there, you'll be able to see farther." -- J.P. Morgan Make sure to catch @history’s season finale of “The Men Who Built America” on Sun, November 11th. Great show. Reality TV’s #1 Bad Girl @OMAROSA is back on the upcoming 13th season of All Star @CelebApprentice. She is great as always. Could be the hurricane helps @MittRomney--people are rioting in the streets over gasoline A wonderful place. http://fb.me/1FcXeKBLj Global warming is based on faulty science and manipulated data which is proven by the emails that were leaked http://onforb.es/rDpyGO Obama has destroyed the middle class. In ’09, median household income was $55,198. Now it is $50,678. Four more years? I have an idea for A-Rod---buy a home at @TrumpGolfLA overlooking the Pacific--will bring you better luck. A-Rod is now looking for an expensive home in Beverly Hills--why aren't the @Yankees terminating his contract for misrepresentation? .@eagles should sit Michael Vick. He is a great athlete but less than average quarterback. Obama our Welfare & Food Stamp President, is praising himself for expanding welfare http://politi.co/SBbM1i He doesn't believe in work. "We don't need a Secretary of Business to understand business, we need a president who understands business and I do" -- @MittRomney Unemployment is now 7.9%. Four years and $6.5T later, that is really bad! @simonsam It is Trump water--thanks. How about President Obama fixing the gasoline situation instead of taking photo ops in the destruction. .@maggiepolitico is an unprofessional hack who belongs @politico with all the other Obama hacks. Looks like @RalphGilles is full of it. @dcexaminer: "Jeep, an Obama favorite, looks to shift production to China" http://bit.ly/PyHGMD Interestingly, the hurricane may now be a disaster for Obama's reelection because of his grandstanding. People are struggling to get gasoline for their cars--we are like a third world country. I'm sending lots of bottled water out to Staten Island & Long Island. .@TheRevAl came to my Trump Tower office to apologize for calling me a racist--very nice, apology accepted! .@BarbaraJWalters called my office to ask me to do election night coverage with her--sadly, I won't be able to do it. .@RalphGilles of Chrysler should focus on design rather than filthy language--not very professional. We should not allow @Chrysler to move @Jeep jobs to China after they said they wouldn't--stay tuned! .@Chrysler disputes my statement--but watch Chrysler move @Jeep jobs to China after the election. With long gas lines & total disarray from storm, the hurricane may yet be a negative for Obama. It was announced this morning that unemployment rose--this can't be good for Obama. Next year I will be changing the name of 800 acre Doral to Trump National Doral. It will be the best resort in the country—Miami is hot! I will start reviewing various political reporters etc & websites as to their professionalism & fairness—many people asking for this. How could Obama leave those American heroes out to die in Benghazi? And he continues to lie to the public! What is your thought as to why Obama refused millions for charity and did not show his records and applications? Nice to see Obama released a situation room photo from Sandy. How about releasing the photo taken during Benghazi? Everybody knows why Obama would not show his college applications --- they are just not willing to say! If I would have offered Obama a billion dollars to show his records, he would have refused. My video response to President Obama's lack of transparency. http://youtu.be/tYgW3_w3TS8?hd=1 Press release. Video response to follow. http://fb.me/1TV6GAS8b I will soon be releasing my response to the fact that President Obama refused to show his applications and records to the public. President Obama missed the deadline! Obama is a terrible negotiator. He bails out Chrysler and now Chrysler wants to send all Jeep manufacturing to China--and will! Why is Obama’s auto bailout now creating jobs in China? He is ruining American industry. To all @MittRomney supporters, make sure you have taken advantage of early voting now so you can GOTV on election day. RT @MikeBloomberg: Please join me in saying THANK YOU to the thousands of city employees working around the clock to get NYC back up and running. Please RT. “Romney’s $2 Billion Sacrifice for America” By Chris Ruddy @Newsmax_Media http://bit.ly/Y0cS8p You know the world is crazy when New York gets hit by a hurricane-- and Florida doesn't. Let's continue to destroy the competitiveness of our factories & manufacturing so we can fight mythical global warming. China is so happy! Do you believe @algore is blaming global warming for the hurricane? From 1954 to 1960 there were 10 major hurricanes that hit the East Coast. It's 10 AM: Two hours to go for Obama to easily pick up millions for charity! "The successful man will profit from his mistakes and try again in a different way." -- Dale Carnegie RT @jimmyfallon: Tonight: New show with @realDonaldTrump, @BravoAndy & music from @treyanastasio. And an audience! #LateNight Not one Trump building, even those along the Hudson River, lost power --- a testament to quality systems and construction. The polls & momentum are trending towards @MittRomney. Don't let the hurricane change your thinking! Fans shouldn't worry. We have adjusted the filming schedule of the upcoming 13th season of @CelebApprentice appropriately due to the storm. RT @ApprenticeNBC: We're happy to announce All-Star #CelebApprentice premieres Sunday, March 3, 2013 on @NBC! China’s stock market rose yesterday after 4 consecutive days of losses http://bloom.bg/V4SZxj Their market gains the day we are hit by storm Maybe Obama should donate my $5M to the families of the 17 who have lost loved ones during the storm? Scary. Obama and the Democrat Senate have accrued over $5T worth of debt without passing a budget in the last 3 years. 4 more years? People are happy that I left the Trump Tower atrium open as opposed to taking the easy way out. http://fb.me/1EctZPju0 Why does Obama believe he shouldn't comply with record releases that his predecessors did of their own volition? Hiding something? @digiphile @RedCross RT if you think Pres.Obama should release his records to get $5M for charity--for Red Cross or another great charity Glad to hear that @taylorswift13 will be co-hosting the Grammy nominations special on 12.5. Taylor is terrific! Let’s be honest, if Obama thought he could get away with campaigning during the storm, then he would have been in Ohio on Monday. How did Obama go to a Las Vegas fundraiser on 9.12, the day after he refused to send help to Americans in Benghazi? "Without focus, it's just impossible to be successful at anything." --Midas Touch I never fall for scams. I am the only person who immediately walked out of my ‘Ali G’ interview Another great cause Obama could send my $5M donation to is a charity for 9/11 First Responders. They are American heroes. My @SquawkCNBC interview discussing the 57th St. crane, damage from the storm and extending my $5M offer to Obama http://bit.ly/UdxTrb My @extratv interview before Hurricane Sandy explaining that I would be staying in Trump Tower during the storm http://bit.ly/UdzRrw These last 4 years have not had a single quarter over 4% GDP. Obama has overseen the weakest economic recovery in American history. The election is trending towards @MittRomney. Americans know we can't afford another 4 years of the Obama economic decline. So many incredible friends said thanks for TT help --- I say thanks to you! http://fb.me/ypkOX0ze The Trump Tower atrium is such a great place & kept thousands of people warm & safe during the storm--thanks, staff! .@MatthewLumby Charity should get the money! @neilmsdunn Dopey, few have built more than me. Remember this: Obama wants to raise taxes, @MittRomney wants to lower taxes--need I say more! Don't let Obama buy the election by handing out unlimited free money to states. People having a great time in the Trump Tower atrium --- unlike others, I stayed open. http://fb.me/28ipnxFqk I am the best builder but if that were my building with the crane mishap, I would have been lambasted from coast to coast. Because of the hurricane, I am extending my 5 million dollar offer for President Obama's favorite charity until 12PM on Thursday. Not only giving out money, but Obama will be seen today standing in water and rain like he is a real President --- don't fall for it. Hurricane is good luck for Obama again- he will buy the election by handing out billions of dollars. I saw from my window just before accident that the crane was not properly anchored for the storm. The water damage to NYC is amazing. The winds were bad but the water was worse. All weights are on crane's wrong side --- very precarious below, move out! If authorities need direct view from top of Trump Tower, call office. Direct view of crane from apartment window. Crane was never properly secured, blowing in the breeze. http://fb.me/1Ybwhz6bk RT @MELANIATRUMP: Crane on 57 street collapsed. So dangerous! #NYC #Hurricane #Sandy http://twitter.com/MELANIATRUMP/status/262990792157696000/photo/1 We are taking care of hundreds of people in the Trump Tower atrium--they are seeking refuge. Free coffee and food. So far the hurricane is being handled very well in NY, not nearly as bad as stated on news. Let's see what happens later. Many people walked out on Madonna's concert when she told them to vote for Obama. Years ago I walked out because the concert was terrible! I always said Obama is lucky for himself but unlucky for the country. The storm could be very good for him as he (cont) http://tl.gd/jqnh3f Obama lied 100% about Libya and the killings--emails are absolute. He must release his records on Wednesday and stop the lies. Dave Letterman @Late_Show said during my interview that Obama was "probably" born in the US--the word "probably" is a disaster for Obama. I'm not hearing much from Obama or his administration about my $5M offer to charity or to which charity the money will go. RT @TrumpGolfNY: Special Guest of Dutchess County GOP @realDonaldTrump arrives Friday - to a welcoming crowd of supporters and fans. http://twitter.com/TrumpGolfNY/status/262936757870395392/photo/1 What people don't know about @BillMaher is that he was a terrible student and not considered smart in his early (cont) http://tl.gd/jqbf6q .@BillMaher, who got thrown off ABC for being stupid, is always so nice to me to my face and constantly asking (cont) http://tl.gd/jqbej8 I guess @BillMaher saw my ratings on the @Late_Show the other night where Letterman beat Leno. Bill, you are no Letterman. While @BetteMidler is an extremely unattractive woman, I refuse to say that because I always insist on being politically correct. .@BetteMidler talks about my hair but I'm not allowed to talk about her ugly face or body --- so I won't. Is this a double standard? But whenever she sees me, she kisses my ass. She's disgusting. @BetteMidler I never liked @BetteMidler's persona or singing and haven't heard her name in years. Now grotesque @BetteMidler is into the Trump act --- trying to become relevant again. Many people are saying that my challenge to Obama is having a huge negative effect on his poll numbers --- I agree. A lot changed when David Letterman said " he was probably born in this country"--- the word probably is a total disaster for Obama. I defended @StarJonesEsq against @NeNeLeakes on The Apprentice when @NeNeLeakes was making a fool out of her --- (cont) http://tl.gd/jq96t0 I defended @StarJonesEsq when she lied about her stomach operation to lose weight --- only to get blindsided by her on the @todayshow. Before @StarJonesEsq begged me to put her on The Apprentice she was “professionally dead.” I saved her tiny (cont) http://tl.gd/jq93gj I am going to the @nyjets game with @woodyjohnson4, the owner of the team, a great guy. @johnsununu is taking major heat for calling the president lazy. But the president stated his weakness is that he is lazy. Fight on John! @BernardMcGuirk. That's more than O'Reilly did ...and he is supposed to be my friend. You're terrific! @Bernard McGuirk Thanks for being so nice and defending me on O'Reilly...you're terrific! Alert...The president knew that the ambassador was being attacked in Benghazi. He did nothing...he is no leader. @DonnyDeutsch tries so hard to be a star. But, he just doesn't have what it takes...and he never will. I put @DonnyDeutsch on Apprentice at his request, I did his failed cable show as a favor to him then he knocks me for my Obama announcement. I want to end the day by saying there is no check I would rather write than that to a good charity designated by our President. The TODAY Show should call me about who to put on the show— I know more about people who get ratings than anyone. Before Star Jones begged me to put her on The Apprentice she was “professionally dead.” I saved her tiny... http://fb.me/1jBAvIWCd I hear they are very unhappy w/ Arianna and @huffingtonpost at @AOL. I’ll bet she won’t be there for long! "Donald Trump Tells @theblaze About His Obama Announcement: PASSPORT APPLICATIONS TELL YOU A LOT" http://bit.ly/VJiBRz by @BillyHallowell Watch Obama's favorability numbers drop even further if he doesn't accept my charitable offer. No one approves (cont) http://tl.gd/jpk700 If Obama doesn't accept my offer to be fully transparent, what will he say? If my offer is refused, every undecided OH voter will be fully aware that Obama denied $5M to charity all because he is hiding something! Barack Obama has everything to gain. Why would anyone ever deny $5M to charity? Great! Last night @CelebApprentice winner @johnrich & alumni @RealMeatLoaf packed OH stadium rallying w/ @MittRomney http://lat.ms/VMF7ZX "Donald Trump Defends His "Big" Obama Bombshell: 'It's Not a Publicity Stunt'" http://eonli.ne/VMxyCn via @eonline Sarah Jessica Parker voted “unsexiest woman alive” – I agree. She said “it’s beneath me to comment on the... http://fb.me/1YCkA5JUi I have decided to add a caveat to my offer. Obama can't decide to send my $5M to Rev. Wright if he releases his records. My fellow Tea Party friends in Ohio--make sure you take advantage of early voting so you can GOTV election day. Know you can! Must win Ohio. Where's the transparency? Despite Obama's denial @sfchronicle stands by report he just talked with Jeremiah Wright. Looking forward to being the special guest at tonight's Dutchess County #GOP dinner--to a SOLD OUT crowd. It will be great fun. Pretty audacious for Obama to call @MittRomney a BSer when he has lied about so much we don't have room to write. RT @accesshollywood: @realDonaldTrump your @billybush interview was so interesting--we know ratings will be HUGE tonight. Encourage ppl to tune in! RT @accesshollywood: .@billybush fires up the man of the hour, Mr. @realDonaldTrump. Get the scoop here FIRST before it airs tonight! By the way, where is @Oprah? Good question. 4 years ago she strongly supported Obama--now she is silent. Anyway, who cares, I adore Oprah. ...Colin Powell thought Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. Obama is about to destroy the mililtary through the sequester. The Middle East is a mess. Yet Colin Powell still endorses him. Wonder why? Be careful of an Obama "bomb" to win election! Would be a horrible thing to do. The election is still close but trending toward @MittRomney. He leads all national polls and Obama's likeability is imploding. VOTE! Wow! Letterman show @Late_Show won the ratings last night big time--and guess who was his guest? DJT One of my many Twitter followers suggested Obama should take my offer & give $1,250,000 to each family of the four... http://fb.me/uttYdTIU Watch me explain on the @Late_Show how my charitable offer to Obama changes the election and is about transparency http://bit.ly/VMtfH7 A clip from last night's @Late_Show where I detail my charitable offer to Obama and Dave describes his terrible grades http://bit.ly/VMsNc6 @crushthespirit True! What a dumb mistake AOL made buying the @huffingtonpost. How much longer will Arianna last--I predict not much. @MikeMpef Thanks, I hope you enjoyed it, had a great time. @destiny_113 @StephenAtHome I agree. @MaureenPeronne @Late_Show Thanks, it was a great show.. @MRJMF1 @Late_Show Thanks I will. Stupid Arianna @huffingtonpost hired the man who ruined the once-great NYTimes Business Section... ...a real loser named Tim O'Brien--and it's never recovered. Dopey Arianna @huffingtonpost is really after me--boring story after boring story...but I hear she is in big trouble! I knew last year that @TIME Magazine lost all credibility when they didn't include me in their Top 100... ... I will soon start naming magazines that I think will fold--I predicted Newsweek. @yewkalaylee Great idea. @seketa77 I hope so for the charity's sake @TylarReese Thanks Tylar The Letterman show really turned things around- people finally understand my $5 million dollar offer to charity.... http://fb.me/sxjxCHsu @LianneOnLife I love the Wounded Warriors--Obama should choose that as his $5M charity. @RyanSeven Sounds like a good idea. @Erizzle05 Only because he has something to hide. .@SabrinaSiddiqui Re: Taylor and Conor--great news for Taylor! Based on the ovation last night from the Letterman @Late_Show audience, I believe it will be hard for Obama to throw $5M down the drain.... ....instead of giving to a wonderful charitable cause. Another great charity that the $5M could go to just a recommendation to the Pres. - the Wounded Warriors represented so well by @TraceAdkins Lots of response that Obama should give the $5M to the families of our great heroes who were murdered in Benghazi. Letterman @Late_Show was great last night. I had a lot of fun. You could see his audience really wanted Obama to take the $ for charity. "The dealmaker is cunning, secretive, focused and never settles for less than he wants." --The America We Deserve It is really a shame that Barack Obama may stop $5M from being generously donated to charity all because he refuses to be transparent. Doing David Letterman @Late_Show tonight at 11:30. 1st nite of Sweeps.Going into the lion's den but I've been there many times before. Enjoy Six days and counting until my offer to Barack Obama expires... For someone who demanded 20 years of Mitt's tax returns, you would think my offer to donate $5M to charity for his records is an easy go. Yesterday Barack Obama said he wants "wind turbines manufactured here in China" http://youtu.be/PuVOBSwNWbE I don't think this was a gaffe. China is primed to continue to rob us and steal our jobs through their exports http://reut.rs/SwrtEe We need @MittRomney to rein them in. I hope Derek Jeter’s recovery is going well. He is a very special player and a great guy. New York loves him. @yankees "Trump Offers To Donate $5 Million To Charity If Obama Releases College Transcripts" http://bit.ly/WKuYfs via @rcpvideo @politico has really become a laughing stock of good political reporting. What will be the response on Wednesday? If Obama doesn't take the 5 million dollars for charity. @michellemalkin I fully supported McCain but when he lost, hoped Obama would be great for U.S. --- he wasn't. .@Mark_Sanchez shouldn’t be too upset over @EvaLongoria. He will always do great! I am offering the chance for Barack Obama to redistribute $5M to any charity of his choice. Everyone wins. Take the deal. “Our side needs Donald Trump.” -- @AnnCoulter on @seanhannity’s show last night. Thanks Ann. .@BarbaraJWalters @theviewtv--Why did you choose me as one of the 10 Most Fascinating People of the Year last season (and more than once?) .@BarbaraJWalters @theviewtv will apologize to me just like she did when I was right about @Rosie. Besides, I get great ratings on The View. .@BarbaraJWalters @theviewtv Barbara, unfortunately you've missed the entire point of my announcement--you just don't get it! Still waiting for an explanation about why @GiulianaRancic & @BillRancic did not name their son Donald. Unbelievable. Miss Universe 2012 Pageant will be airing live on @nbc & @Telemundo december 19th. Open invite stands for Robert Pattinson. Excited to announce that @GiulianaRancic & @BravoAndy will be hosting the 2012 Miss Universe Pageant. Great ratings for Miss Universe. How does @michellemalkin get a conservative platform? She is a dummy--just look at her past. The @DailyBeast will die just like Newsweek--same management. "The fact that we still don't know these things about Barack Obama is the point." @MonicaCrowley on @seanhannity's show last night. RT @judykennedy: I wonder if @realDonaldTrump knows what he started. #obamasfavorite charity I am happy to have started #ObamasFavoriteCharity. Really enjoying reading everyone's tweets. My @gretawire interview discussing my $5M charitable offer to Obama, his lack of transparency & my tremendous support http://bit.ly/TbJ2aR "TRUMP’S BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: HE’LL GIVE $5 MILLION TO CHARITY OF OBAMA’S CHOICE IF..." http://bit.ly/Siwyld By @billyhallowell @theblaze "Donald Trump Announcement: $5 Million for Obama College Records" http://bit.ly/S5ANBp via @Newsmax_Media "Trump offers $5 million for Obama college, passport records" http://bit.ly/RWkmE0 By @AlexPappasDC @DailyCaller Just stated by a total pro: "You are the only one who has the guts to say what we are all thinking." Glad to hear North Carolina is solid for @MittRomney. It started trending for Mitt solidly after my speech at the @NCGOP convention. In light the Benghazi emails released last night, it is apparent that Obama has no problem lying to the American public... ... By releasing his records, he can come clean with the American people and have $5 million go to a charity. Obama has no problem leaking national security secrets. Why can't he release his records? Especially when $5M is going to charity. I am happy to donate $5 million to a charity Barack Obama chooses. All I am asking is that he is transparent with the American people RT @APCampaign:Trump to Obama: $5 million donation to charity if you release passport and college records http://apne.ws/S4PvJ8 #Election2012 I just learned that @politico has no credibility--total phonies that don't report the truth. A puppet of Obama? Glad to hear @seanhannity supports my offer to Obama. As Sean says “it is an easy $5 million to charity. What does Obama have to lose?” Third rate @politico took every negative tweet or response they could find & put it out--when in fact the response is incredibly positive. My offer to Obama is about transparency. In 2008, American people were sold on hope and change. This our last chance to get the full record. RT @ReutersPolitics: Trump to give $5 million to charity if Obama releases records http://reut.rs/P2JjAw Virtually all Presidents and candidates including John McCain, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush... http://fb.me/2cWS6zKyu The response has been fantastic--- actually overwhelming! Thank you! As stated, here is the press release. http://fb.me/1Z1e9Ku1A You have all been waiting-- the response has been amazing! Watch my announcement now, press release to follow at 12:15. http://bitly.com/SivjCv All predictions re: my 12 o'clock release are totally incorrect. Stay tuned! Story will be released today at 12 noon EST on Twitter and Facebook. "Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack." -- Sun Tzu This is not a media event or about Donald J. Trump--- this is about the United States of America. I will be... http://fb.me/2a1zu3f9J This is not a media event or about Donald J. Trump--- this is about the United States of America. I will be (cont) http://tl.gd/joehqe If you like having the world collapse and being told America is leading from behind--vote Obama. No wonder @BBC is in such big trouble & boss was just fired--they are lost. .@BBC should never have played that piece of garbage documentary--& yet the phones are ringing off the hook to play the course. ...that it was hard not to end up rooting for Trump..." Thank you to @DailyTelegraph reviewer @NeilMidgley who stated "'You've Been Trumped' was so biased in favour of the protesters... .@bobschieffer did an excellent job as debate moderator last night. I only wish Mitt was more aggressive! Everyone is asking me to speak more on Robert & Kristen.I don't have time except to say "Robert, drop her, she cheated on you & will again!" Last night was the first time Obama said "we" instead of "I" in respect to Bin Laden's killing. Barack Obama said absolutely not 3 times before he agreed to go after Bin Laden--- now he wants all of the credit! My announcement is tomorrow! Tomorrow I will be tweeting on only one subject! China will never go to war with us because if they won they would only take over property they already own! Mitt Romney must start congratulating the Navy Seals and military on Bin Laden’s killing, not the President. .@MittRomney should have been more aggressive last night. Yet some polls have him winning the debate. My @SquawkCNBC interview discussing last night’s presidential debate, my stock picks and tomorrow’s big announcement http://bit.ly/UwPbom The military and Navy Seals should be given more credit for Bin Laden's death, not Obama, who works hard to take (cont) http://tl.gd/jocsdf When the military informed Obama that they had Bin Laden, is there anyone with a brain that would not have said "Ok, go get him"? RT @TrumpGolfNY: Reading todays mail & come across @realDonaldTrump and @TigerWoods as "The Most Powerful People In Golf" - congrats! ⛳ http://twitter.com/TrumpGolfNY/status/260753947764072448/photo/1 Doesn't the US have better things to do than to destroy an American hero for the world to see? Now other (cont) http://tl.gd/joca2i Lance Armstrong fought for 7 years & then just ran out of energy. Very sad story--although they caught him red handed.He definitely cheated! "Casting sometimes is fate and destiny more than skill and talent, from a director's point of view." -- Steven Spielberg No matter what happens in the election, @davidaxelrod deserves a lot of credit. He has kept Obama in it, even with his terrible record. I always said that @lancearmstrong had to keep fighting the charges. By stopping, he gave his enemies an opening. 70% of the Chinese say they are better off than they were 4 years ago http://bit.ly/QNfhNm At least someone has done well under Obama. The debate was pretty even but I thought Mitt should have been much more aggressive on Obama's failed foreign policy-- and I mean much more. Debate was somewhat hard to watch last night. Viewership will be way down. I will be doing @SquawkCNBC at 7:30. Stop congratulating Obama for killing Bin Laden. The Navy Seals killed Bin Laden. #debate .@MittRomney looks much calmer, and Obama should stop nodding his head backwards and forward. Bob Schieffer will do a great job tonight. Always treated me fairly. Well this is it, the final debate- let's see how it goes. I'll be tweeting live. I have watched @Linda_McMahon for years-- she will bring jobs & business back to Connecticut--incredible woman! My good friends in Connecticut have a great opportunity to send an amazing businesswoman to Washington. Vote for @Linda_McMahon for Senate! Former Obama White House economic adviser @Austan_Goolsbee gave his old boss a 'C' on the economy http://bit.ly/QNfVKT Pretty generous! @BRANDONTHRILL Thanks--a great compliment. @trottofficial Thanks--and doing great business from all over the world. Why don't we ask the Navy SEALs who killed Bin Laden? They don't seem to be happy with Obama claiming credit. All he did is say O.K. .@piersmorgan keeps winning the ratings race @CNN http://bit.ly/QNgODd That’s why he is a @CelebApprentice Champion! I look forward to @MittRomney hitting Obama hard tonight for lying about Benghazi. CIA told Obama it was a terrorist attack after 24 hrs. Everybody is asking about my announcement this Wednesday concerning Barack Obama---just wait and see! RT @TrumpGolfNY: This is what you see, when you pull up to the front of the clubhouse at #TrumpNationalWestchester - simply....awesome! http://twitter.com/TrumpGolfNY/status/260486823090982913/photo/1 .@bobschieffer will a great job tonight--he is a real pro and respected by both sides. ...even though Obama dumped the Reverend like Robert should dump Kristin. According to @SFGate, Obama spoke to Rev. Wright about getting out the black vote http://bit.ly/QNdEiU No surprise that they still speak... Everyone knows I am right that Robert Pattinson should dump Kristen Stewart. In a couple of years, he will thank me. Be smart, Robert. Obama is an easy target on foreign policy.@MittRomney has many openings to attack, especially when Obama starts bragging about Bin Laden. "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility." Obama to @MedvedevRussiaE discussing our nuclear arsenal. Congrats to Scotland's Sunday Post Newspaper for its front page article http://bit.ly/VjVAPd http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/260481047198838785/photo/1 Obama planted that @nytimes story on Iran so it will be discussed in tonight's debate. He wants Libya and China off the table. Tomorrw is #TRUMPTuesday on @SquawkCNBC. Be sure to tune in at 7:30AM EST. @LarryLivermore @tufnrs73 Dopey, I never went bankrupt. @DukePGA Ken--Thanks--I am proud of you. Great job on tour this year--I always knew. @Patti0713 Thanks! @Yea4Country @politico Thanks--it needs a lot of work. @AustinMay Austin--thanks! The brass in #TRUMP Tower's atrium is polished twice a month like clockwork. I keep the atrium impeccable. Key to its success! ...now @AlexSalmond doesn't like me--who cares! I refused to comply with Scotland's First Minister @AlexSalmond's 'compassionate' treatment of terrorist Megrahi (Pan Am #103--270 dead)... The @BBC is widely criticized for a lack of professionalism. We dealt with a Roger Mosey--a total lightweight who doesn't have a clue. .@Toure I felt very sorry for you during your meltdown on @PiersMorgan. He drove you insane but, of course, Piers is a lot smarter than you The @BBC is in total disarray. I know personally how bad they are -- pathetic. http://nyti.ms/RdyUSx My son Don and his wife Vanessa just had a beautiful baby boy named Spencer Frederick --very thrilling. RT @EricTrump: Get ready for March 2013 now! Follow the entire cast of the @ApprenticeNBC All-Stars on Twitter. Click here: http://ow.ly/evSjs @kennedy_mac Dopey, I never went bankrupt Looking forward to my interview on the Howie Carr Show at 5:30PM today. Tune in New Hampshire! http://howiecarr.us/ Last week I had @SInow's tweet of the week and the most retweeted @MittRomney mention twice . Can anyone else top that? Don't think so! Had a great time watching the @nyjets @Patriots game yesterday at Gillette Stadium. Great and exciting game. The Lion, The Witch And Donald Trump's Wardrobe" http://onforb.es/QN98Ru By @AbeGarver @Forbes I wish tonight's debate would cover more than foreign policy. Visiting Virginia? Be sure to visit the Trump Vineyard Estates in Charlottesville http://bit.ly/mWxEft Winner of the Five Star Diamond Award Don't let Obama play the Iran card in order to start a war in order to get elected--be careful Republicans! RT @ApprenticeNBC: .@ArsenioOfficial – As last season’s winner, any advice for the All-Stars on how to take it all the way? #CelebApprentice .@Toure, when you are fired from MSNBC for your bad ratings and racist coverage, stop by and say hello. Autism rates through the roof--why doesn't the Obama administration do something about doctor-inflicted autism. We lose nothing to try. We should march on Washington re:autism--with leadership & common sense the numbers would drop precipitously! Lots of autism and vaccine response. Stop these massive doses immediately. Go back to single, spread out shots! What do we have to lose. “Trump lawyers seek windfarm public inquiry” http://bit.ly/QN5gA0 via @EllonTimesKenny New Hampshire is a critical state for both candidates this year. I got to know New Hampshire and love it. “Donald Trump on the radio in New Hampshire” http://politi.co/5nbA2Y via @jameshohmann’s @politico Morning Score. Via @politico: "Donald Trump claims Barack Obama bombshell" http://politi.co/QN2ZVv My @foxandfriends interview discussing Lance Armstrong losing his titles, Obama's foreign policy & my BIG announcement http://bit.ly/QN26Mw Stay tuned for my big Obama announcement--- probably on Wednesday. People are going crazy with my comments on Diet Coke (soda). Let's face it--this stuff just doesn't work. It makes you hungry. RT @IvankaTrump: Filming the @CelebrityApprentice with arsenioofficial in NYC @ The Paley Center For Media http://instagr.am/p/RFbwKUikD3/ The anti-wind turbine movement in Scotland against @AlexSalmond is amazing--keep going Scots, save your country! Obama should stop talking about wind turbines--they are a disaster for a country or community & are very expensive & unreliable. I will be live tweeting during the debate tonight. Derek, get well soon, the @Yankees need youl. Gas prices are at crazy levels--fire Obama! Sleepy Eyes @chucktodd owes @jack_welch an apology. Jack is right on unemployment--the new jobless claims make 7.8% an impossibility. "They succeed, because they think they can." -- Virgil Don Butler and executives are doing a great job at @Cadillac--- the cars are fantastic. The biggest problem with A-Rod is he is bad for the chemistry of the Yankees--- he must go. Fort Hood shooting should be declared a terror attack. Respect the wounded and dead. Good luck to Derek on his operation. I know it will be a success--- he is a great champion. Derek must move back into one of my buildings immediately. It will be lucky for him like in past. Derek Jeter broke ankle one day after he sold his apartment in Trump World Tower. 7.8% unemployment number is a complete fraud as evidenced by the jobless claims number released yesterday.Real unemployment is at least 15% .@MittRomney's @RNC convention came in over $3M under budget. Barack’s @DNC convention is over $10M in debt. What a surprise! No surprise, welfare spending is up over 30% under Obama. http://bit.ly/RNaGz9 He is the food stamp & welfare "king" Can't wait for @VanityFair to fold which, under Graydon Carter, will be sooner rather than later. .@VanityFair's terrible piece on Mitt's faith is a new low, even for them. Where were all the @VanityFair exposes on "When Rev. Wright disciples go to Washington?" Sad! Follow @MELANIATRUMP's jewelry line on @QVC site http://qvc.co/RNctnM Rev. @BillyGraham is a great man and so is his son, Franklin Graham. Rev.@BillyGraham is doing tremendous work this election cycle educating the Christian community on @MittRomney. Both Barack and @MittRomney were excellent at the Al Smith dinner last night! A lot of the @Yankees should be ashamed of their play in the post season. They are lucky they don't have to deal with George Steinbrenner. I hope @boyscouts of America handle their problems a lot better than the board at Penn State did. You can't do any worse! @rginn_1 Toledo is a great place--I've been there & worked in Cincinnati for 2 years--I love Ohio. @RickyTheBitch @ladygaga I think Gaga is great--her 1st major appearance at my Miss Universe Pageant in Vietnam/6 yrs ago Should give me 25% Newly released NH poll has @MittRomney with a 1 point lead. Mitt will pull away next week. Obama has called Libya attack "a bump in the road" and "not optimal." Just come clean already--tell Americans the truth! Maybe Derek Jeter should ask A-Rod about renting his apartment next year. Very soon A-Rod won't need a place in NYC. Yes--I will be live tweeting during the final debate this coming Monday. Via @CraveOnline: "Donald Trump is NOT A-Rod fan http://bit.ly/WJNSS2 RT @TrumpGolfNY: The practice green at Trump National Golf Club - Westchester with nothing but rain! Course is in AMAZING condition! http://twitter.com/TrumpGolfNY/status/259368484201443328/photo/1 @stu120 No, sadly, not even close! @ethwhiteThanks--you sound great! @ColinTull Visit Trump Tower My @CNBCClosingBell interview discussing Google's Q3 earnings release, my facebook stock purchase and the debates http://bit.ly/QnyqHU My interview with @IngrahamAngle discussing the real unemployment number and how the 7.8% number is a fraud http://on.today.com/QVMyd0 .@katyperry is no bargain but I don't like John Mayer--he dates and tells--be careful Katy (just watch!). Some of you were asking about the All-Star line-up for Celebrity Apprentice http://ti.me/X1K1yS RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: A little hint as to today's task! @ApprenticeNBC http://yfrog.com/odzhaqcj So many tweets & stories on Stewart/Pattinson Look, it doesn't matter-- the relationship will never be the same. It is permanently broken. @D_Hastie @lancearmstrong No, I said U.S. destroyed a once American icon Congratulations to Bernie Marcus & Herman Cain @JobCreatorsUSA on the #TruthTour2012--All employers need to check this out! For the truth about job creation in America go to http://bit.ly/Nojztf A great site for employers to get the tools & information they need! .@lancearmstrong really blew it--went down in flames--too bad! I guess they don’t have freedom of the press in Scotland. We created this ad and the ASA would not allow us to (cont) http://tl.gd/jmv1qr Why would Ohio listen to Bruce Springsteen reading his lines? Be careful or I will go to Ohio and @MittRomney will win it! @JakfromBk Thanks! @MisterJoe49 @Yankees I agree, but their careers weren't fueled by drugs. RT @2012twit: Most retweeted mention of @MittRomney in last 24 hours: http://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/259012383824039936 via @realDonaldTrump Obama said "not optimal" to Ambassador & embassy killings--bad word usage for a Harvard graduate. .@MittRomney did a great job last night. Watch the clip! http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2012/10/18/romney_addresses_67th_annual_alfred_e_smith_memorial_foundation_dinner.html @evaemery Never give up. You have what it takes. Great decision by Donald Graham @Newsweek to sell. I'll now have to take my newsweek covers off the wall. With Barry Diller & Tina Brown in charge, did anyone doubt that @Newsweek would be a massive failure? It is a great honor to have helped the community so much. http://bit.ly/NkkhLx Something really bad happened to the @Yankees psyche--much like our President! .@Yankees should get rid of A-Rod ASAP--I can't watch this guy anymore! .@evaemery Thanks--you sound great! @Rosie @realDonaldTrump Thanks for the info Rosie--get well. I'll be making a major announcement on President Obama next week--stay tuned! Can't believe we are less than three weeks away from the election. Time certainly flies! "A penny saved is a penny earned." -- Benjamin Franklin RT @trumpto: What did the world have to say about Trump® Toronto during #TIFF12? Here’s some of the highlights http://tent.to/RCQDzL #luxury The Yankees are absolutely terrible--- what happened to this team? @gastronome2 I love India! Hey @Rosie--how is your recovery going? I hope you are doing well so we can start fighting again soon! @waycooljr37 @Nationals Bob Kraft & Coach Bill are far too smart! @YouthPastorDarr @seanhannity @megynkelly @JohnCena Good luck! @toddulu @Nationals I hope that's the reason--otherwise, just plain stupid. @donmarie16 A total professional. @CalumSpence Greatly appreciated, thanks. @Morali_Arch Great to meet you also. @NeanderthalMan1 @MittRomney I was referring, of course, to Bill Clinton's statement on the economy. @crazymom28 I have a friend that wants to meet your sister. My Trump Home Mattress Collection by Serta is setting records--they are really phenomenal. You can order them at http://www.serta.com The last time I visited China I couldn't believe all the construction. You can go up with a project in a week--no red tape. RT @IvankaTrump: Check out the cast of our next season of @ApprenticeNBC. Who are you most excited about returning to the boardroom? http://bit.ly/QqkjAs It's Thursday. How much money did Barack Obama waste today on crony green energy projects? RT @TrumpGolfNY: A course shot from the back patio of a home on the golf course, overlooking #16 & #17 - #Fall is here in #westchester http://twitter.com/TrumpGolfNY/status/258996763673911297/photo/1 Clinton commented in Ohio today that @MittRomney is right, the economy has not been fixed under Obama.I always said Bill was an honest man. When Strasburg leaves @Nationals for another team for more money, will Washington still like the decision to shut him down for his good? Bad sign for Obama's campaign now publicly admitting they are focused on 4 states. Their internals must be horrendous. While the next season of @CelebApprentice is packed w/ All Stars, ours fans will be happy to see @Joan_Rivers in the board room.She is back! Derek Jeter @yankees wants to rent an apartment. Derek--only in a Trump building--Trump is lucky for you. Now there is talk of A-Rod being shipped to @Marlins. If A-Rod is not a @yankee next year, the fans will be happy. I think the @yankees will win today. Unlike A-Rod, CC is good under pressure. I hope A-Rod plays, however. @NickJ102 @antbaxter I don't want to fall asleep in public. Robert I'm getting a lot of heat for saying you should dump Kristen- but I'm right. If you saw the Miss Universe girls you would reconsider. My @extratv interview with @MarioLopezExtra discussing my @yankees tweets, A-Rod's slump & the presidential debates http://bit.ly/TPBw8B @darbizman Thanks! @G_Harwood Because they are either jealous or losers (or both). A reader just sent me the following: "I wanted to share with you something rather startling. On page 103 of (cont) http://tl.gd/jmj8an Newsweek ending print edition--sad. Now my Newsweek covers mean nothing--they lost all credibility. TIME to follow? @PartyCoveMag @espn @politico @WSJ Thanks! @loveandgarbage Dopey--who went bankrupt, you? I never did. "The biggest thrill in the world is entertaining the public, there is no bigger thrill than that." --Vince McMahon @WWE @womenzbinder Check the records, dummy--I was never a Bush II fan--he is why we have Obama! @antbaxter @MailOnline They only suffered by watching your 3rd rate documentary (which bombed). @jeff_coles I will--thanks. Lots of response to my Pattinson/Kristen Stewart reunion. She will cheat again--100 certain--am I ever wrong? Looking forward to honoring the great Dogan family & the success of the Trump Towers project in Istanbul @FollowTurkey Annual Gala Dinner Alert--US jobless claims up 46,000 to 388,000. Really bad news. 7.8% is now a fraud--not possible! Amazing--my tweets are covered across every spectrum from @espn to @politico to @WSJ. "When we're talking about math that doesn't add up, how about $5 trillion of deficits over the last four years." --@MittRomney Obama's spending and borrowing is burying America and destroying our children's future. Does he even care? RT @ApprenticeNBC: Everyone has their favorite to win, but who do you think will be the first All-Star #CelebApprentice to be fired? RT @ApprenticeNBC: RT if you’ve ever had a dream in which @realDonaldTrump tells you “You’re Hired.” #SuccessByTrump, exclusively available @Macy's, has set sale records for fastest selling cologne. Makes a great gift http://bit.ly/Wn6c4O Great--now Supreme Court Justices are talking about a constitutional right to a cell phone http://bit.ly/Wn22Kq Obama, just stop already. .@ashleycam2883 Re: Libya--Hillary took the blame for Obama. Mitt's proposed tax cuts for the middle class will spur record economic growth. Major grudge match this weekend between @nyjets & @Patriots. I have a dilemma, I am good friends w/ both Woody (cont) http://tl.gd/jm9ioh Under his administration, oil and gas production on public land is down over 10% http://wapo.st/QqO8ln Obama did not tell truth last night. If Obama goes after Mitt's private sector experience in the next debate then Mitt should ask for Obama's college records--all of them. I find it very sad that we have a President with zero private sector experience attacking an opponent for being successful. .@mystikangel Bring @johnrich back? He is back! .@antbaxter should really be ashamed about his massive box office disaster. Take a hint and get out of the film (cont) http://tl.gd/jm9fqg .@dubephnx If we didn't remove incredibly powerful fire retardant asbestos & replace it with junk that doesn't (cont) http://tl.gd/jm9f46 What is never said is that people take a big risk with their money and can lose it all. We should be given credit for taking this risk. Can you imagine how embarrassing it would have been for the country if the candidates actually did get into a fist fight? Robert Pattinson should not take back Kristen Stewart. She cheated on him like a dog & will do it again--just watch. He can do much better! Michael Vick of the Philadelphia @eagles is a great athlete but not a great quarterback. Initial reports say 2nd debate viewership dropped. See what happens when I am not mentioned. Just read about my friend @HulkHogan--he was set up--too bad he has to use the court system instead of his muscles. @BillRancic Bill- You should have named your beautiful son Donald. RT @EricTrump: The Halloween decorations at #TrumpNationalGolfClubColtsNeck look great! Awesome job, @TrumpCNGrounds & TNGC staff! http://twitter.com/EricTrump/status/258632930711195648/photo/1 Joe Girardi @Yankees must play his starters, even A-Rod, they got you there. While the @Yankees look like they quit and are finished, they won't quit for CC Last Saturday A-Rod was 0-3 and left 6 stranded. But he was still hitting on girls from the dugout http://bit.ly/R9TBNH He is very selfish! CC is a great pitcher and can handle pressure--@Yankees will win tonight. So far my predictions have all been correct. George Steinbrenner @yankees would have gotten out of A-Rod's contract three years ago...but put A-Rod in tonight. Obama talks about what he is going to do--why the hell didn't he just do it, especially in the first 2 years when he had all votes necessary Obama at big debate disadvantage--he just can't get away from his bad record. .@MittRomney scored last night on both substance and style. "Trump Was Right: 'Obama's America' Tops 2012 Documentaries" http://bit.ly/Wn8H77 via @Newsmax_Media ...Bad decisions can be devastating. Obama was beaten but not knocked out. He lives to fight another day. But in the real world presidents are not given a second chance... All the guys that said @MittRomney would lose are rapidly coming on board. Mitt will remember the early helpers. If Obama keeps pushing wind turbines our country will go down the tubes economically, environmentally & aesthetically. Robert Bryce @NYPost--Congrats on your great opinion piece on terrible wind turbines & how destructive they are. Windmills are a disaster. Remember, new "environment friendly" lightbulbs can cause cancer. Be careful-- the idiots who came up with this stuff don't care. Wind turbines are not only killing millions of birds, they are killing the finances & environment of many countries & communities. Great article on wind turbines by Robert Bryce in today's @NYPost http://bit.ly/V5AwvJ Really enjoyed discussing @yankees yesterday with @RealMicihaelKay. I am a long time Yankee fan. Via @espn: "Donald Trump would fire A-Rod" http://es.pn/Qp5VHI @marileenelson Thanks My interview with @RealMichaelKay discussing why A-Rod should be fired from @yankees & how to terminate his contract http://es.pn/cTBY8E My twitter followers will soon be over 2 million--& all the "biggies." It's like having your own newspaper. My twitter has become so powerful that I can actually make my enemies tell the truth. Polls are starting to look really bad for Obama. Looks like he'll have to start a war or major conflict to win. Don't put it past him! Obama did much better than he did last time--but still lost decisively. Do you believe Barack Hussein Obama (aka Barry Soetoro) looked like a president last night? I don't! Obama has zero credibility on oil and coal. If we do not win energy as a country, we just do not win, period! I still love Derek, he is a winner! Remember, I said Derek don't sell your Trump World Tower apartment...its been lucky for you. The day after he sold it, he broke his foot. At the debate, the President kept talking of what he is going to do. I kept saying, why didn't he do it? He lost me a long time ago. Verlander pitched great, but @Yankees look truly defeated. Stupid George Will gave @MittRomney no chance 3 months ago. Take off his little spectacles and he's just another dummy. George Will said "best debate he ever saw". If you ever heard George Will speak(boring) anything is exciting. Debate showed--- these guys really hate each other. At one point it looked like they would come to blows. Obama better than last time, but again, @MittRomney wins. Good night. #debate You talk tough, Mr. President, but have done nothing about China killing our jobs and economy. Such long rhetorical and boring answers from Obama. No wonder nothing gets done. .@MittRomney much better on Libya and Middle East problems. Obama has no answer. Obama keeps namedropping Bill Clinton-- he is no Bill Clinton. Obama weak on immigration. All words, no action. He's been Prez 4 years. Obama is looking rhetorical and weak. @MittRomney is looking strong and sharp. Obama just said @MittRomney was "a very successful investor"--- big mistake for Obama to admit- he has less and less credibility. Obama keeps saying that he will do something--- but why hasn't he done it? It's all talk. .@MittRomney looks much stronger and much more Presidential! So far @MittRomney is winning big. Then how come gasoline is hitting record high prices? Good response on jobs by @MittRomney. Why has Obama let China and others take our jobs? Why hasn't Obama created jobs? Getting ready to watch the debate--- as they say "let's get ready to rumble"! I was just told by one of the top @PGATOUR players that my golf courses are the most elite in the country. Very nice compliment--I agree. We should be able to negotiate a deal with Iran because they know we could blow them away to the Stone Age.They just don't believe we would. @drumline_mormon It is selling great at Macy's--thanks! For political purposes only, Obama is planning to hit Libya for the Benghazi embassy attack right before the election? Great win last night by Peyton Manning & @Denver_Broncos in San Diego coming from 24 points behind on the road. Very impressive. If the @yankees can somehow beat Verlander tonight then they can still salvage the series. And I will go to games 6& 7 so they will win! Get ready for tonight! @MissUSA Olivia--we love you. You are doing a great job. .@MittRomney--if Obama gets wise tonight just ask for his college records & transcripts--he will quiet down quickly. Good luck @MittRomney tonight--have no doubt you will be great. Congratulations to @JamesOKeefeIII on exposing more Democrat voter fraud. @DNC was caught red handed telling people to vote twice. I bet the terrorists in Libya used weapons we supplied them during their so called 'revolution' to attack our embassy in Benghazi. .@washtimes "@BrettMDecker: Five Questions w/ @realDonaldTrump--'Lack of Leadership is the biggest threat to America'" http://bit.ly/QmEoGB Between Libya, the national security leaks and Fast & Furious, Obama has had more national security scandals than any other President. .@reince is doing a fantastic job for the Republican Party--hope he gets the credit he deserves. .@antbaxter I tried watching but fell asleep. .@History's wonderful "The Men Who Built America" with me on tonight at 9 -- bad timing, I'll be live tweeting the debate RT @ApprenticeNBC: It’s Boss’s Day. RT if you wish @realDonaldTrump was YOUR boss. #CelebApprentice Because Obama was so pathetic in the first debate, tonight's audience will be humongous--people want to see if he is for real. The Coca Cola company is not happy with me--that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage. It's amazing--my weekly scheduled interviews on @foxnews and @CNBC draw the highest ratings. And they get bigger week by week--thanks folks! Had a great time with @PaulRyanVP last night on the Intrepid. Paul is terrific. Obama just had another trillion dollar budget deficit for the fourth year in a row. At least he is consistent. All the morons that cause the controversy in Scotland have made my development far more successful than anticipated. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Are you following the #CelebApprentice All-Stars yet? Follow them all right here with our handy list: http://ow.ly/ew5yX My #TrumpTuesday @SquawkCNBC interview discussing the stakes for tonight's debate and the state of my stock portfolio http://bit.ly/Qmspcf Diet Coke tweet had a monster response--dammit, I wish the stuff worked. .@antbaxter Thanks for helping promote & make Trump International Golf Links Scotland so successful--you stupid fool! .@antbaxter Your documentary died many deaths. You have, in my opinion, zero talent. I can confirm the reports--@BillRancic, my first season winner, will be returning to this All-Star season of @CelebApprentice. .@rupertmurdoch is absolutely right, it will be a nightmare for @Israel if Obama is re-elected. Verlander is great but very beatable. Does not have a good ERA in playoff games I turned down going to the debate tonight so that I could do live tweets to my many followers. I have no doubt that Mitt will do really well tonight. We'll all be watching @MittRomney. Lots of pressure on Obama tonight--even more than A-Rod. If he doesn't perform well it could be over. I hope A-Rod has a great night for the Yankees--he owes it to them--especially with Derek hurt. @jbluvx2 Happy Birthday! Gov. Gary Johnson pulling votes from @MittRomney--Don't waste your vote. Obama must go! "Donald Trump's back with 14 'Apprentice' All-Stars" http://apne.ws/QnyNlQ via @AP Based on very popular demand, I will be live tweeting tomorrow night during the Presidential debate. "The invisible hand of the market always moves faster and better than the heavy hand of government." -- @MittRomney "Sometimes the best thing you can do is just let things ride, let time go by." Donald J. Trump Diet Coke, etc is inverse to reason. It tricks your body into eating more. The more Diet Coke, Diet Pepsi, etc you drink, the more weight you gain? Tomorrow is #TrumpTuesday @SquawkCNBC 7:40 AM Tune in! If @MittRomney has a good debate tomorrow night, Obama is finished! Obama is planning on attacking Romney on Bain in tomorrow's debate http://fxn.ws/RI8uWE Mitt should bring up college applications & records "Romney, Ryan Slam Obama Administration on China Currency Manipulation" http://abcn.ws/QnBOCF via @ABC Once again Obama fails to classify China as a currency manipulator. He just helped China steal even more jobs and money from us. Looking forward to honoring the great Dogan family and the success of the Trump Towers project in Istanbul @FollowTurkey Annual Gala Dinner A-Rod should donate his contract to charity. He doesn't make the @yankees any money and he doesn't perform. He is a $30M/yr rip off. Looking forward to speaking at tonight's gala for @MittRomney supporters at the Intrepid. Mitt's doing well. "Donald Trump announces 'Celebrity Apprentice' All-Stars" http://usat.ly/QVOOAR via @USATODAY The @brooklynnets logo is plain and boring--but if they win it won't matter. RT @piersmorgan: Just been back filming @NBCApprentice with @realDonaldTrump & @IvankaTrump - wow, they've got a crazy line-up for this All-Stars season! .@antbaxter's documentary on my Scottish golf club was so boring and wrong. He is a small-timer with no talent. My @foxandfriends interview discussing @JoeBiden's performance, the Libya cover up and tomorrow's crucial debate http://bit.ly/QnyqHU Barack Obama is not who you think he is. Most overrated politician in US history. Isn't it time that Obama release his college records and applications? Boy would that create a mess! He is not who you think. Wing Whackers: the reality is, wind turbines kill birds ttp://bit.ly/O5IV3O I don't get @JerrySeinfeld's stumbling, bumbling humor--no better than his failed Marriage Ref tv show RT @IvankaTrump: Check out my incredible interview with @debkhk of @WSJ- http://on.wsj.com/SY64lb, Lots of response to my comment on Diet Coke- let's face it, it doesn't work- just makes you hungry. Lots of response on Derek--but I told him his apartment was lucky! -- We love Derek. In case you missed it, my @todayshow interview discussing announcing the All Star cast of @CelebApprentice http://on.today.com/QVMyd0 .@ArsenioOFFICIAL Why not everyone else is using it--- it's available at @Macys. @SchroedBoss @ErichFSchroeder and your parents meant the world to me A-Rod was a great player when he lived at Trump Park Avenue--- even though he was on the juice! @mcginness1 Thanks--a great country Derek Jeter had a great career until 3 days ago when he sold his apartment at Trump World Tower- I told him not to sell- karma? .@SbelSbel3555 Sorry, @piersmorgan is a very smart guy! .@ErichFSchroeder Your dad was a great man & great leader. RT @TrumpGolfNY: An incredible aerial #fall #photo of #TrumpWestchester - doesn't get much better then this!! #photooftheday #golf http://twitter.com/TrumpGolfNY/status/257848843750735872/photo/1 @LeighAnnMac Thank you I love @LibertyUniversity--such great people! A-Rod is just not making it. We want to give him a chance but it was only drugs that made him great. I feel guilty not having attended the last two @yankees games (losses). They would have won! Obama will be trying very hard at next debate- he doesn't want to lose the Boeing. Who says Obama will do better in the next debate- has he gotten smarter in 2 weeks! .@MittRomney's poll numbers are looking really good. One more great debate performance and it will be a total knockout. I have never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke. No, I wasn't at the @Yankees game yesterday- can't go today either. When I go, they win. Brooklyn Nets have the worst uniform ever- Boring- won't matter if they win("Winning solves all problems"- (cont) http://tl.gd/jl71lk Yankees can win today. Kuroda is a highly underrated pitcher. A-Rod hit ball hard first at bat. Time for him to step up and leave. Swisher should have caught ball in right field last night. .@Yankees are in trouble without Derek. Try A-Rod at short- get him some confidence. A bad thing finally happened to Derek Jeter--- he is a great champion. So much for Washington shutting down Strasburg- they deserved to lose. Roadway steel on beautiful Verrazano-Narrows Bridge is rusting and rotting away. Scrape and paint before too late. Tonight, despite everything, put A-Rod in the lineup. Everyone's wondering what's wrong with A-Rod. Not one sports writer blames it on his not being able to use drugs anymore-- the real reason. They found Jessica in Colorado--- body was mutilated--- death to the pervert killer. Joe Girardi did a great job of managing the Yankees this series. I'll bet Obama goes down just like Washington because he doesn't use our(this country's) best people to win. Washington should have brought in Strasburg to relieve-- they would have won. When Strasburg leaves in a couple of years under free agency Washington will say " what were we doing". I told you, whenever I go to a @Yankees game the @Yankees win. "Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality." -- Warren G. Bennis When an employee leaves me and begs to come back--I never let them. Loyalty is very important. I look forward to Tuesday night's presidential debate--I wonder if Obama will use my name again. RT @ApprenticeNBC: #FollowtheDonald with @Zap2It! Get the scoop right from the #CelebApprentice bus: http://ow.ly/er7gL RT @ApprenticeNBC: RT @NBCUDirect: Chk out our interviews on the bus with new cast of @ApprenticeNBC #followthedonald: http://www.nbcudirect.com Very different styles but each totally effective in his own way at the debate. "What we are watching on our TV screens is the unraveling of the Obama foreign policy." --@PaulRyanVP Obama's economic policies are causing inflation on hard working families. The price of corn alone has risen over 200% since he was elected. With our amazing All Star cast, @Joan_Rivers, @johnrich, @ArsenioOFFICIAL & @piersmorgan are also returning as boardroom advisors. Great to hear that our loyal @CelebApprentice fans are happy with today's announcement of the new cast. This will be something special! .@dennisrodman looks like he really cleaned up his act. I'm going to the @Yankees game tonight to root them on--they always win when I am there. My Scotland course is receiving accolades from all over the world--a great honor for me. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Hey @ApprenticeNBC, I'm going to #FollowtheDonald all season. Please pick me for the two tickets to the finale! #CelebApprenticeSweeps Credibility is important to me- hence must admit that both candidates did really well last night. #VPDebate Doing the @todayshow with @MLauer was great- I really like Matt. RT @TODAY_Clicker: New @CelebApprentice cast promises an 'insane' amount of competition http://on.today.com/SUXLGQ RT @TraceAdkins: Strategy meeting @pennjillette @therealmarilu @TraceAdkins @donaldjtrumpjr @ApprenticeNBC http://yfrog.com/kghtzfqj RT @bretmichaels: Let's rock! Was awesome to announce the @ApprenticeNBC and cast this morning @todayshow @MLauer @SavannahGuthrie @alroker #FollowTheDonald First Minister of Scotland released bomber of Pan Am flight #103 on "compassionate grounds." Do you believe? RT @ApprenticeNBC: "YOU'RE FIRED!" - @realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @EricTrump http://instagr.am/p/Qr9SYaqrjX/ #celebapprentice #FollowtheDonald RT @ApprenticeNBC: "They invited me back to bring my energy and enthusiasm." - @TraceAdkins #celebapprentice #FollowtheDonald RT @ApprenticeNBC: "These are special people, that's why we picked them." - @realDonaldTrump on the #celebapprentice All Stars #FollowtheDonald RT @ApprenticeNBC: Incredibly inspiring hearing the All Stars get excited about the charities they are supporting this season #celebapprentice #FollowtheDonald RT @ApprenticeNBC: . @realDonaldTrump @EricTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr and the #celebapprentice All Stars chatting about playing for charity http://twitter.com/ApprenticeNBC/status/256769276122378240/photo/1 RT @dennisrodman: With @pennjillette @thegarybusey. We're ready to rock @realdonaldtrump @donaldjtrumpjr @ivankatrump @ApprenticeNBC http://twitter.com/dennisrodman/status/256764250511523841/photo/1 RT @StephenBaldwin7: Yeah Baby Let the Games Begin ! @Acustom @realDonaldTrump @ApprenticeNBC @bretmichaels @haileybaldwin #followthedonald http://twitter.com/StephenBaldwin7/status/256761021790822400/photo/1 "There are many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still." -- Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt RT @ApprenticeNBC: Your winner @bretmichaels! We know you'll be watching RT @SummerSanders_: . @ApprenticeNBC Who's on the All-Star Apprentice from my season? RT @bretmichaels: Double the Trump in NYC. @DonaldJTrumpJr @EricTrump @dennisrodman @TraceAdkins #FollowTheDonald @ApprenticeNBC http://twitter.com/bretmichaels/status/256761228691636224/photo/1 @dennisrodman @ApprenticeNBC Great to have you back for the best season yet! RT @bretmichaels: Met some folks before boarding bus and during the @todayshow on @nbc with @MLauer #FollowTheDonald @ApprenticeNBC http://twitter.com/bretmichaels/status/256753285074153472/photo/1 RT @ApprenticeNBC: To be eligible, RT our last tweet by 5pm ET/2pm PT today! Winner chosen by pre-designated RT. Must follow us & live in U.S. Only 1 entry. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Hey @ApprenticeNBC, I'm going to #FollowtheDonald all season. Please pick me for the two tickets to the finale! #CelebApprenticeSweeps RT @ApprenticeNBC: GIVEAWAY TIME! Simply RT our next tweet for your chance to win two tickets to the All Star Celebrity Apprentice finale! #FollowtheDonald RT @EricTrump: Heading downtown for the start of another great season of the @apprenticenbc with @realDonaldTrump and @DonaldJTrumpJr ObamaCare is a complete disaster. Many of my friends have to scale down their businesses because they can't afford it. Terrible. RT @ApprenticeNBC: We're giving away TWO TICKETS to this season's finale today, so stay tuned and #FollowtheDonald! RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Taking early votes for biggest meltdown on Apprentice All Stars will it be @THEGaryBusey or @dennisrodman or someone else? @ApprenticeNBC RT @ApprenticeNBC: Our cast is set and the All Stars are ready to win! Follow us and #FollowtheDonald to find out how YOU can win, too! #CelebApprenticeSweeps RT @ApprenticeNBC: .@DaltonRoss any good pointers from @THEGaryBusey? Tell us everything! #FollowtheDonald http://twitter.com/ApprenticeNBC/status/256748415541719040/photo/1 "Wing bangers"-- the name given to wind turbines by bird lovers for the thousands of birds they kill in the U.S. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Taking a quick pit stop at Trump Tower. Thumbs up, @realDonaldTrump! #FollowtheDonald http://twitter.com/ApprenticeNBC/status/256746348211224576/photo/1 RT @murphy1849: @EricTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump @IvankaTrump can't wait for #CelebrityApprentice all stars. Gonna be a great season RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: 'Celebrity Apprentice': Joan Rivers, Piers Morgan, Arsenio Hall & John Rich to return as advisors -- EXCLUSIVE http://insidetv.ew.com/2012/10/11/celebrity-apprentice-joan-rivers-piers-morgan-arsenio-hall-john-rich/ via @EW RT @ApprenticeNBC: Recognize any of these legs, @todayshow? #celebapprentice http://instagr.am/p/Qroaw1qrm_/ RT @EricTrump: It'll be worth the wait! “@scrappydoo6: @EricTrump @ApprenticeNBC - New cast is awesome! Gonna be great but March 2013 is so far away! LOL” RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: All I have to say is Busey is back!!!! @ApprenticeNBC RT @ApprenticeNBC: Looking good! #FollowTheDonald RT @DaltonRoss: Here is (most of) the cast of All-Star Celebrity Apprentice. http://twitter.com/DaltonRoss/status/256737039389687808/photo/1 RT @ApprenticeNBC: #FollowTheDonald through New York City! Let's do this. http://twitter.com/ApprenticeNBC/status/256738074313228288/photo/1 British PM Cameron is making a fool of himself by wasting billions of pounds on unwanted & environment destroying Scottish windmills. RT @dennisrodman: Donald, great to be back with you brother. Gonna have a good time on the show @ApprenticeNBC. @realdonaldtrump RT @ApprenticeNBC: All aboard! We just hopped on a double decker tour bus through NYC with the All Star cast. Ride with us using #FollowTheDonald hashtag! RT @ApprenticeNBC: Here they are! Your new cast of #celebapprentice http://twitter.com/ApprenticeNBC/status/256730275676057600/photo/1 Going over to @TodayShow now to introduce @ApprenticeNBC cast etc.-- watch. Pretty even debate- no knockouts. However Ryan's closing statement somewhat stronger. What do you think? #VPDebate Biden's statements on Medicare are very effective. Ryan must now come back and combat. #VPDebate Excellent story on @MittRomney- very good moment for Ryan. #VPDebate Pretty even debate but don't force Obama into a war--- he would be the wrong leader. #VPDebate Biden's sarcastic smiling may or may not be effective depending on who is watching. #VPDebate Hard for Biden to justify Libya mess but doing best he can. #VPDebate Both candidates are looking sharp- now it's up to the mouth and the mind. #VPDebate Get ready- this should be informative and fun! #VPDebate Looking forward to the debate tonight and will be tweeting live with very honest assessment. .@Linda_McMahon is an elite businesswoman who will bring a great outlook to DC. Support her campaign here http://bit.ly/r3WRno If Obama's poll numbers continue to fall, I expect him to launch a military strike somewhere before the final debate. Another sign that @jack_welch is right. New government labor report casts even more doubt on the September jobs data http://www.aei-ideas.org/2012/10/new-government-report-casts-even-more-doubt-on-the-september-jobs-data/ Why does Barack Obama's ring have an arabic inscription? http://bit.ly/VMN6Vn Who is this guy? It's Thursday and only 26 days until the election. How many illegal donations from China and Saudi Arabia did Obama collect today? So Obama used to tell classmates that he was Kenyan royalty and an Indonesian prince http://to.pbs.org/W14iVJ Sounds like his book bio! Our foreign policy decisions are dumbest in U.S. history Live tweeting during tonight's VP debate...should be a great time How the hell does the Libyan government get off telling our embassy security they can't have loaded guns for protection?! Why the hell did we help the Libyan "rebels" in the first place. That is the real scandal. RT @TrumpGolfNY: From the top of our signature 13th hole waterfall - looking down onto the 13th green. #Fall #Golf #NY http://twitter.com/TrumpGolfNY/status/256459357343072256/photo/1 Outright disgusting--the Obama administration has continually stonewalled and lied to US Amb. Sean Smith's mother http://drudge.tw/RxV7IN I suspect @JoeBiden could do well tonight. Don't be fooled by his gaffes. He is a seasoned and feisty debater. If @rihanna is dating @chrisbrown again then she has a death wish. A beater is always a beater--just watch! Amazing that Derek Jeter played with an injury throughout most of last night's @yankees game and did so well. $30M a year and A-Rod is now relegated to the bench. @yankees would have lost if Girardi hadn't benched him in the 9th (see my prediction) I guess they have Lance Armstrong cold. Brutal report. A waste of taxpayer money to take down an American hero. .@Apprenticenbc cast will be announced tomorrow at 7:30am ET on the @todayshow with @MLauer Staff at Trump Park Avenue disliked A-Rod--to put it "mildly" -- The staff at Trump World Tower loves Derek Jeter. Asking why my dislike of A-Rod--dishonorable dealings with me on an apartment deal Great move to take A-Rod out of game. Now terminate his contract based on misrepresentation (drugs). Raul Ibanez did something never done in baseball history. Amazing move by manager Joe G. After Obama's '07 racist speech on Katrina relief, he now won't provide any aid to victms of Hurricane Isaac http://bit.ly/SLog5O USA Today has the worst "new" newspaper logo in the business--go back to the original! Traveling to LA this winter? Book a round at Trump Nat'l Golf Club http://bit.ly/hAJgi6 Rated best course on the West Coast (& best food) "When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." -- Henry Ford @usa67us Thank you Must read article on Obama's illegal fundraising from abroad http://bit.ly/UReT2a Foreign candidate getting foreign donations. I enjoy meeting tourists in #TrumpTower. People travel from across the world to see the five-level Atrium & waterfall. Congratulations to @FLGovScott on getting an "A" grade from @CatoInstitute on his fiscal policy. Rick is a fantastic governor. Even with lower profit projections, American firms are still throwing money into China http://reut.rs/URdA3a Obama is killing investment. I am more concerned about Biden in the debate than I am about Obama. Be careful on Thursday night! "You have to scratch your head when the president spends the last week talking about saving Big Bird." -- @MittRomney Consumer spending fell in September http://bit.ly/URbT5W Another indicator the 7.8% unemployment number is cooked. A-Rod must be dropped in the Yankees line-up tonight if they want to win. He simply can't perform without drugs. Obama was guest at VP debate moderator Martha Raddatz's wedding http://bit.ly/Tu2zsD Do people think this is fair? Receiving thousands of thank you letters from @LibertyU students for my convocation speech. The honor was all mine! Great people. DELUSIONAL--Obama actually thought that he won the debate http://bit.ly/PlR0mx What is he thinking? 47M on food stamps. Over 23M Americans unemployed. 50% of college grads unemployed. And Obama wants us talking about Big Bird. Has Barack Obama been caught red handed laundering money into his campaign from illegal online foreign donations? Media? I just had to fire someone, he didn't have a clue--he reminded me of Obama on Wednesday night. 27 days until America's greatest test since our founding. In this election, we decide whether we become great again. "It doesn't matter who you vote for--it matters who is counting the votes." Be careful of voter fraud! Obama is under a great of pressure to perform well in the next debate. Let's see how he reacts under pressure. Remember, Obama limped across the finish line--he should have lost to Hillary. Be careful! I don't think Obama will do well in the second debate--he is psyched out just like A-Rod. "I will implement effective missile defenses to protect against threats. On this, there will be no flexibility with Vladimir Putin." -- Mitt How can British PM Cameron spend so much money on Scottish windmills which are ruining the countryside? By popular request I will also be tweeting live during the Vice Presidential debate Thursday night. It will be very interesting, I promise. .@DavidLetterman @Late_Show fully apologized last night for calling me a racist. Thank you David--we are again friends. The public is about to learn a lot more information on Barack Obama and his true background in the coming weeks… Now that Obama’s poll numbers are in tailspin – watch for him to launch a strike in Libya or Iran. He is desperate. Mitt’s subsequent rise in the polls post-debate shows that the American public can still spot a real winner. “In order to build your wealth and improve your business smarts, you need to know about real estate.” - Think Like a Billionaire With these record high gas prices, what does it say about Obama that he was trying to brag about his energy policy in the debate? Looking forward to live tweeting during the rest of the debates. Will be a lot of fun. When will the unemployment numbers be corrected? Sadly, after the election! "Donald Trump: ‘Monkey business’ on jobs" http://politi.co/UyYuoB via @politico George Will is a political moron. Last month he said Romney couldn't win. RT @IvankaTrump: Check out this great video about @TrumpGolfLA - http://bit.ly/SynLvR. Can you believe those views?! In the end, Andy Pettitte did not rat out his friend Roger Clemens. I like him again, a lot. Drop A-Rod in the order and cut his salary based on unreported drug use. Also, not a pressure player. My @SquawkCNBC #TRUMPTUESDAY interview discussing the upcoming debates, the real state of unemployment & bias media http://bit.ly/VKpTTT Why isn't Obama protecting us from ridiculous gas prices? California gas prices going thru the roof, others to follow. An election-losing event for Obama. Greece should get out of the euro & go back to their own currency--they are just wasting time. .@ErraticSLK Shout out = work hard! .@carlosbeltran15 is playing great for St. Louis Cardinals. They made a wise decision. .@jack_welch is correct--these reporters would not have been so brave while Jack was running GE. Our many loyal viewers should expect a major announcement very soon on next season's @CelebApprentice. Our fans will be pleased. Sleepy eyes @chucktodd -- whenever you mention me unfairly I will likewise mention you. Obama projected a 2012 budget deficit of $557B. It is actually double that at $1.1T http://bit.ly/UzglvH We can't afford four more years. Welcome to Obama's recovery - government workers' unemployment rate has fallen to 4.3%. http://bit.ly/QPaFqA We need private sector growth. China is taking the oil in Libya while our embassy is being attacked after we won the war for the rebels. Obama's policies suck! Obama's planned tax hike will hit over 1 million small businesses http://bit.ly/REWw1U Expect more massive unemployment and stagnant growth @bigtigga12 Work hard, love what you do, keep focused, never lose your momentum. How long did it take for Obama to call Hugo Chavez and congratulate him on his 'reelection?' Who do you think Chavez supports in ours? Congratulations to @drewbrees on setting the @NFL record with 48 consecutive games with a TD pass. He is a great guy and player. At the request of many- I will be doing live tweets during the next presidential debate. Great win last night for the @Yankees in Baltimore. Sleepy eyes @chucktodd is an absolute joke of a reporter. He is in the bag for Obama. He can't carry @jack_welch's jock. Who is more believable on the state of employment--the great @jack_welch or some government bureaucrat who is voting for Obama? It's great that sleepy eyes @chucktodd gets no traction. A record 46.68M Americans are now on food stamps http://bit.ly/Uz9Hpi Four more years? RT @IBDeditorials: Media Doesn't See Past Bin Laden to Obama's Failed Foreign Policy http://bit.ly/VH5AVI I would do same thing if I were China. They want Obama. http://bit.ly/SXJA4D I told Alex Salmond that he should never have released al-Megrahi when he foolishly asked me for support! If Alex Salmond had not stupidly released terrorist al-Megrahi (PanAm flight 103) to his friends, there would be no Trump wind farm dispute. My @foxandfriends interview discussing Obama's failed and dangerous foreign policy and the real unemployment numbers http://bit.ly/Uz6nKR .@1010WINSNewYork (news radio) has too many commercials--can't listen. UK has no money & yet they subsidize ugly Scottish wind farms--big outcry. I'm doing @theviewtv today at 11 am--always interesting! Got to do something about these missing chidlren grabbed by the perverts. Too many incidents--fast trial, death penalty. Just got back from Scotland and speech in London. Amazing "packed house" crowd. More than 70M people watched the Presidential Debate. A new record. See what happens when I am so prominently mentioned (just kidding)! Looking forward to Sunday’s speech in the ExCel Centre. http://www.nationalachieverscongress.co.uk “The team with the best players wins.” -- @jack_welch .@acuconservative's #CPACCO kept up the momentum from the debate. @MittRomney even made a surprise appearance. Now go win CO! Now America knows--the Emperor has no clothes. Why would Obama do better in a 2nd debate? #Debate #Obama My friend @GovChristie called it--@MittRomney recast the race. Glad to hear that @RobinRoberts is doing well. She is a terrific person. I promise to do a new #trumpvlog when I get back next week---- lots of requests. Thanks! "To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction." --Isaac Newton Scary & Unsustainable: On Monday the US added more debt than from 1776 through Pearl Harbor http://bit.ly/SzL4Wh "Mr. President, you're entitled as the president to your own airplane and to your own house, but not to your own facts." --@MittRomney Bill Clinton has been Obama's most effective surrogate out on the trail. Congrats to @Yankees on finishing 1st in the AL East. Derek Jeter is great--good luck in the playoffs! I'll be in London on Sunday at the ExCel Centre to talk about success. It will be a great time for everyone! http://www.nationalachieverscongress.co.uk @HighTide1989 Amazing is good too. @LuLuCornbread @celebapprentice Most likely in February. The upcoming season of @CelebApprentice will be terrific--a great cast. Now another Obama speech from 2002 with him talking about taking the rich's 'stuff' http://bit.ly/SzIBuR Who is this guy? Where's the media? Congratulations to Michelle and Barack Obama on their 20th anniversary. Happy to have just passed 1.5M followers on twitter. We picked up over 14,000 yesterday alone. It's great to speak to everyone daily. I'm eagerly awaiting the next polls. The debate performance could be devastating to the Obama team. Let's see what happens. @FSTLTD @tonyrobbins Will be a great event. See you in London. Both being optimistic and remembering the big picture have served me well throughout my life. You need to stay positive. .@SethMacFarlane will be a great Oscar host. He did an amazing job at my @ComedyCentral roast. @Ajb073 Thank you. Wind farms are ugly, not cost effective and don't produce worthwhile returns or energy. No wonder governments are giving up on them. RT @gretawire: Donald Trump responds to being mentioned during tonight’s presidential debate!: Check out Donald’s Tweet! As a b... http://bit.ly/Py8M0z RT @EricTrump: It's an honor when one candidate mentions your father during the #debate-when they both do it's a testament to his role in American business RT @piersmorgan: WINNERS: Romney, Trump LOSERS: Obama, Jim Lehrer, Big Bird #PMTdebate As a big job creator, I was greatly honored to have been mentioned twice tonight during the debate. Congratulations to Mitt Romney. He was not only good, he was absolutely fantastic tonight! "Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack." --Sun Tzu There's only one candidate who cut medicare and that's Barack Obama. Cut over $700M to move into ObamaCare. In August, 2012, Obama said the so called Arab Spring sprung from 'joyful longing for human freedom' http://bit.ly/PwwbPP Good call! Have you heard? China just told Obama to jump. Obama asked how high. @Sappy4142 I agree Obama's '07 speech which @DailyCaller just released not only shows that Obama is a racist but also how the press always covers for him. I'm always amazed when I travel to my foreign properties.Seeing the Trump brand across 4 continents proves that excellence can be universal. @SiphoSimelane Thank you. @escobedoantonio Thank you @Lexi_Michaels Yes, absolutely. @escobedoantonio Work hard and never give up! I will be visiting Trump Int'l Golf Links in Scotland tomorrow. Always great to see the Great Dunes of Scotland. http://bit.ly/3Rv11n Who is rooting for Obama more tonight--his campaign advisors or the press? Can't wait for tonight's debate--actually delayed my trip to Europe so I can watch. This is going to be a great night. My @gretawire interview discussing @MittRomney debate responses, Obama's hidden records, my tweets and unemployment http://bit.ly/QY5zIK I am very proud of Ivanka! My daughter Ivanka is being honored by the Wharton School of Finance with the 2012 Young Leadership Award. Also (cont) http://tl.gd/jh2m8v @DavidRoyEarle See you in London--big crowd! Reverend Wright must have great hatred for Obama and the manner in which he was shunted aside. Obama called Reverend Wright his friend, counselor & great leader--then dumped him like a dog! See June 2007 speech--is Obama a total racist? Heading to London on Sunday to make a speech at ExCel Centre. http://www.nationalachieverscongress.co.uk A sell out and looking forward to a great time. @_______romeo Thanks Mike @AmiciPhoto You are right, Carrara is a great marble. Congratulations to Barack Obama for having 2012's debt already surpass 2011 http://bit.ly/RvIEqV The cheap 12 inch sq. marble tiles behind speaker at UN always bothered me. I will replace with beautiful large marble slabs if they ask me. Where is the main stream media reporting on Univision's new expose of Fast and Furious? Too busy looking at Mitt's taxes? Major Mexican cartel boss El Diego was just arrested with weapons provided to him through Fast and Furious http://bit.ly/QKwWcl Media?? A great article about how ObamaCare has even further complicated the tax code and will hurt housing market http://on.wsj.com/PKFQDG .@ritter1025 Wishing your wife a Happy Birthday It's Tuesday, how much will the media continue to cover up the embassy attacks for Obama? I'll be on @gretawire tonight on @foxnews at 10 pm. Great to hear that @nfl legend and hall of famer John Elway has endorsed @MittRomney in Colorado. CO is a must win state for Mitt. Under Obama, Iran has taken over Iraq, Al Qaeda has taken over Libya, the Muslim Brotherhood now controls Egypt. Worst foreign policy ever. Woody Johnson's comments that he would rather have @MittRomney win the election than his @nyjets win games shows real patriotism. The Chinese are now hacking White House computers. Why not? They already own the place. Big win by @Yankees last night to take control of AL East. Jeter & company now control their destiny. Wednesday's debate is day one of the election. Over 70 million voters will be watching. In Nov. '11, Al Qaeda's flag flew over the 'birthplace' of Libya's revolution http://bit.ly/urZHPl In Sept. '12 it flew over our Embassy. Glad to hear @SethMacFarlane will be hosting this year's Oscars. Something new that should be fun. A clip from @KatieShow where I take @katiecouric's audience on the Katie Coach http://bit.ly/Sgq1cQ My @SquawkCNBC #TrumpTuesday interview discussing how @MittRomney can win the first debate & the last 35 days http://bit.ly/SZvWgV If Obama mentions Mitt's tax returns in tomorrow's debate then Mitt should immediately ask for Obama's college records & applications Obama is trying to block sequester layoff notices in Virginia http://bit.ly/TREXPX Another example of sleazy politics! RT @ApprenticeNBC: .@ArsenioOFFICIAL won last season’s #CelebApprentice. What do you think finally put him a step above Clay? Threatening phone calls from Obama supporters are being made to the Michigan GOP office http://bit.ly/PGmYFO Don't be intimidated! Obama loves wasting our money. He just made another guarantee of $197M to a solar company http://fxn.ws/PGrhRL Cronyism! Al Qaeda taking over Libya after we made it possible--really amazing. Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez said in a television interview that aired on Sunday "If I were American, I'd vote for Obama." Big cancer risk from new "environmental" light bulbs"--a big price to pay! Obama now wants to give another $450M to the Muslim Brotherhood. Money we don't have going to people that hate us. Moronic. How many more of our soldiers have to be shot by the Afghanis they are training? Let's get the hell out of there and focus on U.S. "I've learned that mistakes can often be as good a teacher as success." --Jack Welch Thanks for all the great comments on Facebook! http://on.fb.me/iYNs73 "Life is very fragile, and success doesn't change that. If anything, success makes it more fragile." --The Art of the Deal #TrumpTower is one of the country's top tourist destinations. If you live in Colorado, make sure to go to @acuconservative's #CPACCO in Denver on Oct. 4. Colorado is a must win state for Mitt! Bad news -- Chief Justice Roberts is back to deliver more BS http://bit.ly/PGq5gY Roberts saved ObamaCare--very disloyal Obama deserves much less credit for the killing of Bin Laden. The praise goes to our brave military and intelligence officers. Tomorrow is #TrumpTuesday @SquawkCNBC 7:30 AM Lots of people agree that the Emmys were a joke--got bad ratings--no credibility! .@CheaterBella Thanks (I think) .@WallStreetGreek Great Markos! Thank you Chicago Tribune--highest four star rating for Trump Int'l Hotel & Tower restaurant "Sixteen" http://trib.in/OzKsAO RT @TrumpGolfNY: #2 tee on an awesome #fall day in #Westchester ⛳ http://twitter.com/TrumpGolfNY/status/252857092946395137/photo/1 Republicans and @MittRomney must get tough very soon. Only 36 days until the election. @MittRomney needs to stay on offense. Make Obama's terrible record the issue. #TimeToGetTough In debate, @MittRomney should ask Obama why autobiography states "born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia." Read editorial in today's @WSJ by @MittRomney -- "A New Course for the Middle East" http://on.wsj.com/R6T3Hk Another clip from my hour long @hannityshow interview discussing how Obama does not support Israel http://bit.ly/PGoKqD My @hannityshow interview discussing how Romney can win the election http://bit.ly/PGnhAx Another great @rydercup this past weekend. One of the best sporting events of the year! Make sure to catch my appearance today on @KatieShow at 3 pm. @katiecouric filmed the episode from her home. My @foxandfriends interview discussing the lies behind Benghazi-gate & Obama not deserving credit for killing UBL http://bit.ly/PGgvux Cyberattack on White House--- what's next? http://politi.co/SXSdfd I will be on the @katieshow today at 3 PM ET RT @IvankaTrump: Congratulations to @TrumpNewYork and @TrumpCollection on their high rankings in the 15th Annual Business Traveler Awards by @CNTraveler! DonnaMarie's book, Hidden Mirrors, is excellent reading. http://www.hiddenmirrorsbook.com At the National Achievers Congress in London, I will be talking about success. It will be an amazing event. http://www.nationalachieverscongress.co.uk RT @TrumpGolfNY: This is a shot of the 15th green at Trump National - Westchester. Picture perfect!! #golf #FallFavs #HudsonValley http://twitter.com/TrumpGolfNY/status/252785834674249728/photo/1 Obama lied to the public about the Al Qaeda attack on our consulate in Libya. He should be held accountable. "If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves." -- Thomas Edison @DaSchott It works. RT @EricTrump: Help “make it better” and share some good for @StJude kids everywhere. Check out this amazing video: http://bit.ly/ReBvuU #HeyStJude American incomes have fallen $3,040 per household in the last 38 months http://bit.ly/STx9GG If you live in a state with early voting, you should be voting as soon as possible. Bring your friends and family with you. Sean's interview with Bob Woodward on @hannityshow was very interesting--Woodward was great. http://bit.ly/PLccPK .@IsraeliPM @netanyahu delivered an excellent speech yesterday at the UN. Too bad @AmbassadorRice wasn't there. @Mr_Schwab You have to love what you do and keep your focus at all times. Brits spent $57.8M on the royal family. Obamas cost us $1.4B in expenses--including entertainment http://thedc.com/P9pDX2 Living large on us. It's amazing how different all of the polling results are--not an exact science. "To be successful your focus has to be broad enough to think big at the same time." --'Midas Touch' with @theRealKiyosaki My successful acquisition of the Kluge estate was a fantastic deal which is already being studied in business schools. "Trump buys mansion adjacent to family winery" http://bit.ly/TMGN4w via @trdny @jeffphilbin Wishing you good luck and a happy birthday. RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Another one of our great golf courses for those of you headed to LA check it out http://bit.ly/SITcF2 The @rydercup is currently going on--and is one of the truly great sporting events. Obama is not working. US Manufacturing orders fell a record 13.9% in August. Where's the recovery? http://reut.rs/TML3kF RT @TrumpChicago: We are truly honored that Sixteen has received an amazing 4-star review from @ChicagoTribune's @philvettel http://twitter.com/TrumpChicago/status/251722484657819649/photo/1 Watch this video for a look at our great course in Los Angeles--- Rancho Palos Verdes--http://youtu.be/y73fwwpnm1w?hd=1 @TrumpGolfLA .@LisaLampanelli You are terrific (always). Great job on the Apprentice. Be tenacious. Being tenacious means you're tough and patient at once, so it's a formidable combination. Keep the big picture in mind. There are always opportunities & possibilities, & thinking too small can negate a lot of them. Iraq was one of our biggest mistakes. We got absolutely nothing for our sacrifices.The country will collapse (cont) http://tl.gd/jf2odi "Having a vision for something can be a very powerful force for accomplishment." --Midas Touch Are you a young professional getting ready for a big meeting? Pick up a #Trump suit @Macys http://bit.ly/QF8ENT Look your best! @BENJAMINPRICE18 Go for the gold standard--aim high. Be tenacious and have passion for your work. "If you're going through hell, keep going." --Winston Churchill Someone must be fired at @AOL for that stupid deal they made buying Huffington Post. .@MittRomney must ask for Obama's college records & applications--why is he not doing this? China's Financial Institutions are expanding overseas.http://bit.ly/QRPiFE They will own everything if we don't stop them now. ObamaCare is a failure. Costs are rising much faster under Obama than other Presidents. Now Obama's campaign is guaranteeing 12 million new jobs during a 2nd term http://bit.ly/UNdYEj More like $12T in new debt if he wins. A resort in Arizona is using sewage to make snow. Environmentalists are going crazy--I won't be skiing in that snow. I have fun, I love what I do. You should too. Find out how at the National Achievers Conference this October in London http://www.nationalachieverscongress.co.uk I hope the @RNC is ready for a Third Party if they blow this election because that is what they will face. They must fight hard. Does Madonna know something we all don't about Barack? At a concert she said "we have a black Muslim in the White House." If only the morons @AP were as concerned with Obama's inconsistent statements on the Embassy attacks as they are (cont) http://tl.gd/jepd9s The full video of my @LibertyU speech http://bit.ly/UNcbiy Liberty's largest ever Convocation crowd. RT @StevePike9: @realDonaldTrump St. Jude was a blessing for my young, terminally ill daughter. God bless the Trumps for their support "Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game." -- The Art of the Deal How long will it take for chants-- "bring back the replacement refs" -- when a bad call is made? Congratulations to my friend David Wright of the @mets who is now their all-time hitting leader. 40 days until the election. Crunch time. @MittRomney must stay on offense and take the fight to Obama. @baeck I agree! @BenHyrne @LibertyU Thank you. .@EricTrump did an amazing job raising money for @StJude with his @EricTrumpFDN event featuring @LisaLampanelli. Watch http://youtu.be/G8YFJdMgd3o?hd=1 Anthony Baxter's 'You've been Trumped' was a complete box office bomb & joke. Trump Int'l in Scotland is a resounding success. I won! Today I will be visiting #Trump Int'tl Hotel & Tower http://bit.ly/UNathh Chicago's tallest & most exclusive residentail & hotel property. RT @TrumpGolfNY: The 7th green - on another great fall day here in Westchester. http://twitter.com/TrumpGolfNY/status/251319015010603009/photo/1 RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Well, Restaurant reviews don't get better than this for 16 at Trump Chicago! Scaling the heights http://trib.in/VNRYHz @beckyejiogu Good luck and never give up. @pharris610 Experience and instinct work well together. @RandySpangler Thank you. Just bought the Kluge Estate in Charlottesville, Virginia (don't worry, only business). See Washington Post article http://wapo.st/VKisJQ Jerry Falwell, Jr. stated speech was best in University's history...my great honor. Liberty University speech by DJT was biggest by far in school's history. Standing ovations...great young people! Associated Press knowingly and inaccurately wrote about Liberty University speech. Shameful reporting...no credibility. Huff post gets it wrong re: Ferry Point...the only leakage of gas is from Arianna Huffington. No matter how good the replacement refs do, they will be soundly criticized--they can't win! China has done very well under Obama. Now they just released their first aircraft carrier. China is filling the vacuum left by Obama at the UN on the world stage. Must read column for all young people: "Obama's war on young voters who elected him" http://bit.ly/Sx7kkE @ArchieMooreBye We have raised millions of dollars for charity. @AnnaW81 @LibertyU Thanks and good luck. @ForexBoxusd @LibertyU Thank you @ForexBoxusd @LibertyU http://wapo.st/QF5CsT RT @TrumpGolfNY: The top of our signature 13th hole - what you see driving up the hillside, to the 14th tee box.... #golf #fall ⛳ http://twitter.com/TrumpGolfNY/status/251047108088573952/photo/1 "Trump: US Must Get Tougher Because China Is 'Eating Our Lunch'" http://bit.ly/QF6WMp via Moneynews @Newsmax_Media A clip of my @LibertyU speech talking about the importance of the election & our country's potential http://wapo.st/QF5CsT via@washingtonpost RT @TrumpGolfNY: An awesome fall day here in Briarcliff Manor, NY -- looking 👀 from the 18th green to the clubhouse... http://twitter.com/TrumpGolfNY/status/251042798604787712/photo/1 "For what is the best choice, for each individual, is the highest it is possible for him to achieve." -- Aristotle Housing prices will be going up big league--a great time to buy--good luck! Pres. O -- a "bump in the road" in reference to our Ambassador's (and others) killing in Libya Hope & Change--the number of 26 year olds living with parents has jumped 46% under Obama http://bloom.bg/PjI0Ko Four more years? .@Matt_Berry87 Piers did a great job--the interview was very important. Aspirin gets the best press of almost anything I can think of---fact or great PR? Obama's complaints about Republicans stopping his agenda are BS since he had full control for two years. He can never take responsibility. Obama's new excuse for his failures is that you "can't change Washington from the inside." Not what he said in '09. http://bit.ly/PjM11l .@brandonhardest Love what you do and work hard. Andy Williams has died. He was a friend of mine and a great guy. English taxpayers should stop subsidizing the destruction of Scotland by paying massive subsidies for ugly wind turbines. @GoToMoneyMan Thanks! @joaquin360 @richardbranson Richard is terrific. @ldconger It was my pleasure and thank you. The number of unemployed Americans has increased over 60% during Obama's term. The economy can't survive another 4 years. "Selfishness ultimately begets only unhappiness. Unselfishness begets happiness." -- B.C. Forbes ...One point I made sure to stress at @LibertyU is to be sure to get even with anyone who crosses you... ...Never let yourself be pushed around--but treat the good folks great. Read about my @LibertyU speech in @jameshohmann's @politico Morning Score http://politi.co/5nbA2Y The 18th hole at the Blue Monster @Doral in Miami is considered the toughest finishing hole in golf... http://www.trump.com/Golf_Clubs/Doral/Doral.asp Obama will be going on @theviewtv & fundraising while in NYC for the UN Assembly... ...yet not one meeting with an ally (or an enemy!) Where's the media? ...well into our 4th week of shooting the record 13th season of @CelebApprentice. The 'All Stars' are hard at work... Did a shoot in front of the Metropolitian Museum on 5th Ave for the 13th season of the Apprentice... The replacement refs are getting blamed for everything. I've seen many bad sports calls over the years. One 57 is one of the worst looking buildings I've seen in a long time, in particular its very ugly "skin." "Trump to Liberty U Students: 'The World is Laughing at Us'" http://bit.ly/PjNrZU Via @Newsmax_Media Thousands of great people showed up from Liberty University yesterday. I love standing ovations! http://on.fb.me/PDS55W My @SquawkCNBC #TrumpTuesday interview discussing how @MittRomney has to get tough, real unemployment & bias press http://bit.ly/PjF4gV Emmys telecast is way down & lowest telecast on record among young adults. Emmys have no credibility-Should have nominated Apprentice again! @designergirla Late winter or early spring. It will be a great season! @designergirla Not a bad idea! "Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail." -- Charles F. Kettering @DANCESWITHMETAL I am sure you would be just fine! @OwenKelly Thanks! The Obama Economy--workers added to disability and individuals added to food stamps more than doubles net jobs created http://bit.ly/OPoPfv "Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." --Will Rogers Muslim Brotherhood head of Egypt Morsi is already making demands on Obama before the WH visit. Obama's foreign policy is a complete failure. Coincidence? Obama and Ahmadinejad each describe @Israel's warning over the Iranian nuclear program as just 'noise' http://bit.ly/Sf3s2d Home values have sunk a record 15% under Obama. The debates are going to have a big impact on the election. @MittRomney has proved--in Florida--he delivers under pressure. Secure your place at the National Achievers Congress in London. It will be an amazing event with a great surprise. http://www.nationalachieverscongress.co.uk/ Living in denial--only 15% of Democrats think that recent economic news is poor http://cbsloc.al/R33nlq Scary--Obama's budget deficits are so out of control that he has to borrow 40 cents on every dollar he spends. .@JulietteTurner, daughter of @JanineTurner, has written a very informative book, "Our Constitution Rocks!" http://bit.ly/TfOYVp Age 8 & up Today I spoke @LibertyU Convocation, a great crowd... http://www.liberty.edu/index.cfm?PID=18495&MID=65182 Congratulations to Brandt Snedeker on his $11.4M payday on Sunday by winning the Tour Championship and FedEX Cup. Well done. RT @MittRomney: I am running for president to get us creating wealth again--not to redistribute it. With Obama and Bernanke destroying the value of the dollar, gold and real estate should continue to rise in value. The attack on our Libyan consulate was the worst attack on the US since 9/11. Time for Obama to come clean. Despite all of China's cheating, they are not doing that well--we can beat them--our country has great potential! All these polls released by news outlets are oversampling Democrats. They want to influence public perception of the race. The Emmys are all politics, that's why, despite nominations, The Apprentice never won--even though it should have many times over. "Amazing Race" winning an Emmy again is a total joke. The Emmys have no credibility--no wonder the ratings are at record lows. Despite the Emmy's being terrible as a show, @jimmykimmel was excellent--and I think his late night show will be a hit. The Emmys were horrendous...the absolute worst show! My @guardian interview "This much I know" discussing business, Prince Harry, Barack Obama and religion http://bit.ly/OPl7CG My @foxandfriends interview discussing visiting @LibertyU, Obama's failed foreign policy and the 2012 election http://bit.ly/OPhY5O RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: A bit better than my Blackberry pics! Trump Scotland http://www.golf.com/photos/most-scenic-golf-holes/trump-scotland#.UGCkhPBHGeU.twitter RT @IvankaTrump: Great @OConnellPostbiz article in @WashingtonPost about our Old Post Office project in #DC! http://wapo.st/RTeR8j @LibertyU @MicheleBachmann It was an honor for me. Thank you. With all of the bad economic numbers and horrendous foreign policy, Obama should be down by 12 points--and he's not. Will be doing #TrumpTuesday on @SquawkCNBC earlier tomorrow (7 AM) as I start shooting @CelebApprentice. Joe, Becky & Andrew = a great team. Reverend @JeremiahWright has to be really angry. They threw him aside like he was nothing. The Republican Party must spend its money wisely and do incredible television commercials. They must be tough and smart. Why did @MittRomney give his tax returns without demanding that Obama release his college records & applications in return? Just left Liberty University. Chancellor Jerry Falwell Jr.& his father have done an amazing job...great school & the students were fantastic The Ryder Cup will be amazing this week. @laurconnors Thank you--I had a great time. RT @TrumpGolfNY: The boss tee's off on the 10th tee this past weekend-first day of #Fall 2012. In my opinion, a great photo 😃🇺🇸⛳ #golf http://twitter.com/TrumpGolfNY/status/250255162051006464/photo/1 A letter written to one of my many critics! http://on.fb.me/SJvMKu A letter from an amazing woman http://on.fb.me/P6QyEh @jtatsuno It's real. I'll be on @foxandfriends Monday at 7:30 AM. Tune in! No matter how diligent you are in evaluating a business deal there is invariably one factor you have no control over--luck... ...but interestingly, the same people seem to be lucky. RT @TrumpGolfNY: The 18th hole - on an awesome day for golf at Westchester! #golf http://twitter.com/TrumpGolfNY/status/249230153551605760/photo/1 Rising premium costs from Obamacare will cost businesses billions http://bit.ly/SeplEd Guess where these new costs get passed to – you. I have fun, I love what I do. You should too. Find out how at the National Achievers Conference this October. http://www.nationalachieverscongress.co.uk At the Univision forum Obama continued to make excuses for Fast and Furious http://thedc.com/PuKyqa His operation killed innocent Americans. @susanvhinds A happy and healthy family. Watch--yesterday Obama continued to evade questions on his security failures in the Benghazi consulate attack. http://bit.ly/UituYK I really like Chelsea Clinton--an amazing young woman. She got the best of both parents. (@IvankaTrump agrees) "The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing." --Albert Einstein .@janinegibson http://fxn.ws/VdRXwh @sayhigreg http://fxn.ws/VdRXwh Obama's Def. Sec. just said US Asia focus 'not aimed to contain China' http://yhoo.it/RCpa0a China is hoping that Obama is re-elected. It is now clear that the Embassy attack in Libya was a coordinated Al Qaeda operation and not based on some video. @Ileschinder @willsommer Not a bad idea.( I'm in a magnanimous mood.) @murekar Thanks, and we will keep you posted. @JesseStroup Nice to hear--and good luck! Now every time Islamic militants attack they will use that movie as an excuse http://apne.ws/PHbu46 What was the excuse before the movie? @murekar http://www.trump.com/Hotel_Collection/Trump_Washington_DC/Trump_Washington_DC.asp http://www.essential-architecture.com/A-AMERICA-N/USA/USA-Washington/DC-032.htm Yesterday I was in Washington, D.C. visiting the #TRUMP Old Post Office renovation. It will be magnificent. Interesting article by @MattTowery @townhallcom:“It Is Time to Use ‘The Trump Card’” http://bit.ly/PXoiH9 Thanks Matt for the nice mention My @CNN interview with @piersmorgan explaining why Mitt should not apologize http://bit.ly/PXlzgJ Great article by Chris Ruddy @Newsmax_Media: "@AnnDRomney and Jackie's Example" http://bit.ly/PHdAkC To be successful, never give up. My secrets to success will be shared at the National Achievers Congress in London. http://www.nationalachieverscongress.co.uk RT @TrumpGolfNY: 12 days away - dinner & firework tickets still available for @EricTrumpFdn event to benefit @StJude #charity #golf ⛳ http://twitter.com/TrumpGolfNY/status/248812697108480001/photo/1 RT @happinesscoach: Looking forward to seeing @realDonaldTrump and @tonyrobbins at the http://Nationalachieverscongress.co.uk RT @EricTrump: Great photo, guys “@IvankaTrump: Arriving at Trump National DC with @realdonaldtrump http://instagr.am/p/PxmU1JCkJG/” Congratulations to Obama. His presidency has had more than 8% unemployment for a record 43 consecutive months http://bit.ly/PH9ybY Amazing! Isn’t it great that Obama had time yesterday to fundraise with Jay Z and do @Late_Show while there is a record 21% real unemployment! QE3, a political favor for Obama, will cause record inflation on food and fuel. This hits low income families the hardest. Big mistake. Have you seen the new #Trump fall collection exclusively available @Macys? Top selling brand nationwide.Ties, shirts, fragrance-great gifts. "Trump: Obama is 'Unlucky President'" http://bit.ly/PHd3z2 via @Newsmax_Media Via @Newsmax_Media: "Romney Said Nothing Wrong" http://bit.ly/PHaIEb ...come down hard--tax the hell out of their imports and reduce our deficit fast. China has been unfairly subsidizing the export of cars & auto parts. I've been saying this for 3 years... Don't let them build a wind turbine in your backyard (or near your house). It will destroy your property value. Via @washingtonpost: "The Donald's video should have trumped Eastwood" by @CapehartJ http://wapo.st/S6hMzn My @gretawire interview http://bit.ly/PH52Kn Oil would be $25 a barrel if our government would let us drill. Our country would be rich again--who needs OPEC. Technology has shown we have tremendous energy resources right under our feet that we didn't know about 5 years ago. The stage is set for the real debate--it will be very interesting! Obama should play golf with Republicans & opponents rather than his small group of friends. That way maybe the terrible gridlock would end. @danojano @AFreespeechzone Dopey--I have never filed for bankruptcy (as you know!) @angela_pink_fan @celebapprentice @bretmichaels Tune in! @RowRee It will be fantastic! Filming for @CelebApprentice Season 13 is now into the 2nd week. The 'All-Star' cast is already hard at work. Obama killed over 100k jobs by not approving Keystone XL pipeline and Canada is now selling the oil to China--very dumb! I'll be on @gretawire tonight at 10 PM Fox News Our soldiers can't even have any more joint exercises with Afghan soldiers because they are getting shot in the (cont) http://tl.gd/jbbluo Can you believe--they are blaming @MittRomney for Egypt. .@RICKYMONEY I don't know a lot about failures. And as you know, I never went bankrupt. .@lightjzup Industrial turbines are destroying our land. .@mattyheisman Not a fortune! Liberal press won't look into why Obama ignored security warnings for embassies but is obsessed with Romney's private comments. None of Romney's leaked comments change the fact that Obama is a complete disaster. 20% real unemployment and $6T in deficit spending. It's Tuesday. How many more non-stories will the liberal media try to manufacture so everyone ignores Obama's record? The majority of Americans agree with @MittRomney's comments on @Israel and Iran. With 49 days until the election, @MittRomney needs to stay on offense. He should not be apologizing. Deflect onto Obama's record. This morning @nbc @todayshow played some of the @RNC video I filmed for the Tampa Convention http://nbcnews.to/UjShKr My @nbc @todayshow interview discussing my @RNC video & why @MittRomney should not apologize http://nbcnews.to/UjRM2O My @SquawkCNBC #TrumpTuesday interview discussing QE3, @MittRomney's leaked comments, Middle East & US oil capability http://bit.ly/UjPC3o @princeetornam They had both interest and aptitude. They've done a terrific job. Now a small country like Sudan tells Obama he can't send any more Marines http://bit.ly/QrFBh2 We are a laughing stock. @rdowns I never went bankrupt. Enemies love to say I did. Didn't happen. At the National Achievers Congress in London this October, I'm going to talk about success and how to avoid failure http://www.nationalachieverscongress.co.uk I'll be at Liberty University Monday, 10 AM, for speech. Looking forward to meeting students--all sold out! "A friend is one who has the same enemies as you have." -- Pres. Abraham Lincoln China is now attacking Japan's economy for leverage http://apne.ws/StMRYE Soon they will try the same with us. #TimeToGetTough @TheJoeOsborne Definitely could be better. @maynor1972 @usatoday Good choice @lazymag @USAToday Good point! It's Monday, how many more excuses will Obama make today about the economy? How bad is the new @USAToday logo?? While Obama is denying it, he did receive intelligence about the attacks 3 days before http://bit.ly/OuZQs6 Too busy campaigning? Still a buyer's market. Buy directly from a bank. They want to offload properties that have defaulted, will give good prices & financing. Eli Manning staged a great comeback in 4th quarter--an elite quarterback. With 50 days until the election, it is #TimeToGetTough for @MittRomney & @GOP @leebandoni So you can see what I mean. Teachers in Chicago should go back to work immediately.Rahm Emanuel has offered them a fair deal. Now they're just acting for the cameras. Gas prices have doubled under Obama. Over $5/gallon now in California. We must start drilling from our own resources to become independent. @matthew_cruz Never went bankrupt. Ugly wind turbines have destroyed the entrance to Palm Springs, CA. These monstrosities are ruining landscapes (cont) http://tl.gd/jav9mk @Iona1991 Thank you, and happy to hear you enjoyed our Colt's Neck course, it's a beauty. Obama is our unlucky President. Everything he touches turns into a mess. Some people just don't have it! @Travis_George Thanks, but I have a lot of businesses to run which includes creating jobs. @ochughes True, not much gets done that way. @rattiackackack Creating jobs for one thing. @Flash1love No bankruptcy. @TimsSketchPad @maxstiegemeier I never filed for bankruptcy--not even close. However, my enemies love to say I did. @GiftOfGod1994 @digitaljournal Good response. "Trump: If Republicans 'don't get tough, they're not going to win this election'" http://bit.ly/P9NIzj Via @thehill @SwedeGee I never went bankrupt or even close. Enemies love to say I did. DJT @bodysouls @digitaljournal Great statement. Via @digitaljournal: "Donald Trump tweets Obama is 'an incompetent President'" http://bit.ly/StHskv My @foxandfriends interview discussing Kate Middleton, cutting foreign aid to Egypt, biased media & unlucky Obama http://bit.ly/StERqG After being ripped off for years, Obama finally figured out that China is taking advantage of us. He's finally listening to me. Who wouldn't take Kate's picture and make lots of money if she does the nude sunbathing thing. Come on Kate! Kate Middleton is great--but she shouldn't be sunbathing in the nude--only herself to blame. Occupy Wall Street is at it again- go out and get a job. It's actually easier work and far more rewarding. @DritaDavanzo Thank you. He's doing a great job. "Success is having to worry about every damn thing in the world, except money." --Johnny Cash Barack Obama is an unlucky president--unlucky for our country. Foreign policy is a disaster, economy is terrible--what's next? Weekly jobless claims are up once again. The economy cannot recover with Obama in office. Hey @KimKardashian--I hear you are undecided in the election. I can explain why you should vote for @MittRomney. If you want to know how to prevail through tough circumstances then read "The Art of the Comeback." First Obama says Egypt is not an ally. Then he promises to keep handing over aid http://bit.ly/RWUmes Incompetent and unqualified. No surprise--Obama's Deputy Campaign Manager tweeted link from Chinese propaganda outlet http://bit.ly/RWTF51 Did she also write it? QE3 is going to further sink the dollar into oblivion. Creates artificial numbers for short term market gains. (cont) http://tl.gd/j9pbcu @Shawn_Maynard This is our 13th season. No precise date yet but most likely in the early spring. Shooting is underway. Will be terrific. @Steelchecker Jody--Agreed. RT @TrumpGolfNY: A great photo of the 3rd hole here at #TrumpWestchester on a beautiful day! ⛳ ☀ http://twitter.com/TrumpGolfNY/status/246682711723495424/photo/1 RT @MittRomney: For nearly 4 years, Barack Obama has refused to crack down on China's cheating & American workers have paid the price. Why doesn't Obama let our marines who are guarding the embassies in Egypt have live ammunition? They need it fast. It's amazing--@hardball_chris has completely lost all connections to reality. He is a complete shill for Obama. @ScottSaia23 Thanks Scott. I appreciate your nice words. @Josh_Beaupre Josh--Thanks, I think you're right. @MaryEnglish67 @USAToday Sometimes that's necessary. Amazing--playing with an ankle injury, @Yankees Captain Derek Jeter tied Willie Mays last night for #10 on (cont) http://tl.gd/j9oo2i Via @starpulse: "Donald Trump Calls Barack Obama 'Incompetent'" http://bit.ly/RWRNcl My @CNBCClosingBell interview discussing QE3, the housing market, my stock picks and the 2012 election http://bit.ly/RWQSJb Oh no, another rapper doing a Trump song --"Young Jeezy - Trump Lyrics." Why aren't these guys paying me? @HeinzPak @usatoday That could be. Agreed. @BuckingSlams Sam, you're 100% correct. Frankly I wish they'd scram. I hate @USAToday's redesign--the logo is terrible. Lightweight Al Neuharth must've had something to do with this No wonder paper is failing. WOW! I just heard that the previously unknown singer Mac Miller has received over 67 million hits on his song "Donald Trump." "Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program." -- Milton Friedman Must see video--Obama's criticism of @MittRomney is identical to Carter's on Reagan http://bit.ly/QQSwgB I keep getting great feedback on new #TRUMP cologne 'Success.' Exclusively available at @Macy's http://bit.ly/TXw191 And best shirts & ties Congratulations to Obama and the @DNC. The federal deficit has topped $1T for a fourth year in a row http://bit.ly/Pgh1yq Nice work! Welcome to Obama's America--record high poverty and an 8% drop in median household family income http://politi.co/TXsaJ0 Four more years? RT @TrumpCollection: First look: Koi SoHo, opening tomorrow @TrumpSoHo on @zagat http://ow.ly/dH4sq .@MittRomney should continue to stay on offense on the embassy issue. Obama, who put these radicals in power, deserves blame. Obama's convention bounce is gone. @MittRomney has retaken the lead in the latest @RasmussenPoll http://bit.ly/OVEtn It's Thursday, how many more bias press reports will be released against @MittRomney? Why are we still giving billions of dollars we don't have in foreign aid to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt? I will be speaking Monday, September 24, (10 A.M.) at Liberty University, to a record setting student body. I look forward to it! The media is pathetic. Our embassies are savaged by radicals while Obama does nothing and all they can do is criticize @MittRomney. What a coincidence that Obama's good friends in Libya and Egypt picked 9/11 to attack our embassies. With allies like Egypt and Libya, who needs enemies?! Shouldn't there have been increased security at our embassies on the anniversary of 9/11? Obama told @NBC that Egypt is no longer an ally. They used to be until he pushed out Mubarak. Filming of the record 13th season of @CelebApprentice has started. Be sure to be on the lookout for future updates. RT @TrumpGolfNY: Amazing pic of the clubhouse at Trump National Golf Club - Hudson Valley. An amazing club, membership, and atmosphere! http://twitter.com/TrumpGolfNY/status/246285516901871616/photo/1 Wake Up America! See article: "Israeli Science: Obama Birth Certificate is a Fake" http://bit.ly/UIfG7B If Obama was smart, he would cancel the Muslim Brotherhood's WH visit later this month. He won't. Romney’s campaign is being put on the defensive. He cannot let this happen. Stop pandering. Must get tougher (cont) http://tl.gd/j9a11m With the high prices of corn to continue expect even more inflation on the price of food. Obama's foreign policy is a complete and total disaster--the worst President we have ever had. We threw our ally Mubarak overboard and Egypt is now our enemy. Great going Obama--Israel is in trouble. This is all about American weakness and an incompetent President. We helped Libya & they killed our Ambassador & other Americans. I told you then we made a mistake in backing the (cont) http://tl.gd/j98sca Weakness, cow towing and not standing firm is provocative. We are getting pushed around and robbed under this President. "The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary." -- Vince Lombardi Our $16T national debt is now bigger than our $15T GDP. If Obama is re-elected watch for an economic meltdown in 2013. Deja vu - I can remember a time when our embassies were stormed under another failed President. Obama=Carter. I guess Obama's Cairo Speech really worked out. The Muslim Brotherhood stormed our embassy on 9.11. Imagine if Obama speaks in Beijing? "Those who refuse to draw red line to Iran don't have the moral right to put a red line to @Israel." -- @IsraeliPM @netanyahu No surprise. @DNC displayed Russian ships in tribute to vets http://bit.ly/RJMcla Did they mean to honor the Russians? Obama will go down as the worst President in history on many topics but especially foreign policy. "It's disgraceful that the Obama Administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic (cont) http://tl.gd/j90h7r So Obama can host the Muslim Brotherhood Pres. Morsi in the White House http://bit.ly/NzbfaN but doesn't have time for @netanyahu? OPEC will use yesterday's attacks on our embassies to raise the price of gas. They are always ripping us off. It's Wednesday, how many more of our embassies will be stormed by Islamists? What did we get for fighting in Libya besides a dead Ambassador. Demand their oil. As bad as they were, I don't remember our embassies being attacked when Mubarak and Gaddafi were in power. The Middle East is blowing up--we didn't back Egypt and now they riot against us. Iran is using Iraqi airspace, (cont) http://tl.gd/j90908 Obama is a disaster at foreign policy. Never had the experience or knowledge. He is not capable of doing the job. Libya is selling its oil to China--I notice the Chinese Ambassador is very safe. I always said the people we fought for in Libya were bad news. Once again, I was right. Obama doesn't know what he's doing. His foreign policy is a disaster. Libya, Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan--all (cont) http://tl.gd/j8vshg An attack on our Embassy is an attack on our soil. We have been attacked by Libya. Go into Libya & take the (cont) http://tl.gd/j8ubvq We fight to free Libya and they kill our Ambassador and other Americans. Obama's foreign policy is a joke. When will Obama next go on vacation if he wins the election? The day after. "I've read many books about China over the decades. I know the Chinese and made a lot of money with them." The Art of the Deal Why is the Pentagon wasting precious dollars on going 'green.' Complete waste. We need the best & easiest fuel for our military. I hope the @GOP realizes that if they blow this election the Tea Party won't be with them next time. "There is no instance of a nation benefitting from prolonged warfare." -- Sun Tzu "If Obama wins it is the end of the Republican party." -- @limbaugh Amazing. @CelebApprentice has started filming our record 13th season this week thanks to our big and very loyal fan base. Priorities--while fundraising and campaigning on our dime, Obama has skipped over 50% of his intel briefings http://wapo.st/PiD36V China is an international pariah. They are now harassing Japan over its purchase of 3 uninhabited islands http://bit.ly/OaiGEU Why won't Obama release his college applications? Is there something 'foreign' about them? 84% of US troops wounded & 70% of our brave men & women killed in Afghanistan have all come under Obama. Time to get out of there. Whatever happened to Obama's 'independent investigation' into national security leaks from his administration? Where's the media? The onus of the Chicago teachers' strike falls squarely on the teachers & their union. Inexcusable to leave children without school. On this solemn day of remembrance we can all take joy in the fact that Bin Laden's last sight was a Navy SEAL pulling the trigger. "Trump: If Republicans 'don't get tough, they're not going to win this election'" http://bit.ly/P9NIzj via @thehill My @SquawkCNBC #TrumpTuesday interview with Ken Langone & Dick Grasso discussing the Chicago teachers' strike @ 2012 http://bit.ly/P9NmZB Discussing the 9/11 attack and coverage with @kingsthings while hosting the 25th anniversary of his @CNN show http://youtu.be/entWPx3dGSI An impromptu interview I did with German TV on 9/11 down by Ground Zero discussing the attack and WTC Towers http://youtu.be/aoYXihwcp8c Today we remember and honor our fellow Americans and NYPD and FDNY who fell 11 years ago. Obama called August's job report "progress." Overall, 96K new jobs & over 173K new people on food stamps http://bit.ly/St2Mgg "You need to overcome the tug of people against you as you reach for high goals." --General George S. Patton Why has Barack Obama repeatedly told inconsistent stories about his religious background? http://bit.ly/SvnUCx Who is he? Barack Obama used to mock Bush's 300K monthly job reports http://m.tmi.me/wH2YV Now Obama wishes he could have a month half as good. George Will is a pathetic columnist. His last article calling College Football 'progressive' is almost as dumb as his previous on the @NFL "President Obama is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people" --Clint Eastwood Our brilliant gov't phased out gas for air conditioners due to global warming. Now it's selling heavy on the (cont) http://tl.gd/j87hif Great win by the @nyjets yesterday. @Mark_Sanchez played a terrific opener to what should be a big time season. .@Linda_McMahon, a proven job creator, is running in a very close race for Senate in Connecticut. Support her here http://bit.ly/r3WRno Flashback: "Trump, Others Tweet for Release of Condemned Iranian Pastor" http://bit.ly/O8pO4C #Nadarkhani was released this past Saturday. The jobs report is a disaster. Can only get worse--with other countries "eating our lunch." Obama is taunting the Republicans on the birther issue. They should call his bluff & demand the REAL facts. He (cont) http://tl.gd/j87fht Obama asked a 7 yr old for his birth certificate. He's "in your face" because the Republicans dropped the ball. (cont) http://tl.gd/j87fbe Thanks for the nice commentary from the @washtimes http://bit.ly/UnQd39 RT @IvankaTrump: At the @erictrumpfdn annual golf outing at Trump National benefiting @stjudes. @ Trump National Golf Course http://instagr.am/p/PZ4StkikFr/ Amazing that Pastor Youcef #Nadarkhani is now a free man. I hope he is able to practice his Christian faith in the future. RT @TrumpGolfNY: @DonaldJTrumpJr @EricTrump @EricTrumpFdn Golf Classic today! A TOP10 weather day!! Raising money for @StJude #charity http://twitter.com/TrumpGolfNY/status/245212043404267520/photo/1 Wall Street Journal states "overseas suppliers trounce US panel makers"--meaning solar panels are made outside of our country. Congratulations to @serenawilliams. I agree with John McEnroe--she's the greatest women's tennis player of all time. RT @JetsetOnline: Exclusive Interview with Melania Trump Read More: http://www.jetsetmag.com/interviews/melania-trump.html http://fb.me/1C2LgoaEc In today's #trumpvlog I speak about Clint Eastwood, the #DNC, and Drew Peterson- http://youtu.be/haoHuJJkk_4 "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." -- Winston Churchill I'll be on @foxandfriends on Monday at 7:30 AM. Tune in! One of the best moves I ever made was staying out of last decade's artificial real estate boom. But I used the downturn to my advantage. During @BarackObama's presidency, median family income has fallen 4.8% http://wapo.st/OyReTC Terrible for the middle class. A lot of people strongly advised me against doing @ApprenticeNBC. Next week we start filming the record 13th season Hence, go with your gut! RT @TrumpGolfNY: Mr. Trump & family donated OVER 400 acres to NYS in Westchester. Land value-priceless. Signs I pass daily. #generous. http://twitter.com/TrumpGolfNY/status/244124747762368512/photo/1 If @BarackObama had to use the same labor participation he had when he entered office then the unemployment number would be 11.2% This chart from AEI's @JimPethokoukis shows how terrible @BarackObama's 'recovery' really is: http://bit.ly/Rj7ICP Disaster. Unemployment rate only dropped because more people are out of labor force & have stopped looking for work.Not a real recovery, phony numbers There are now 119,000 fewer Americans employed than there were in July. The economy is still terrible. Today's job report is dismal. Now a record 88,921,000 Americans are no longer in the work force. Drew Peterson, a real sleaze, just convicted of killing wife. Change the law so he gets death penalty. Dems had a very good and professional convention. The Republicans must be smart and tough--and fast! The Republicans must get Virgil Goode out of the race in Virginia. He will take votes away from @MittRomney. RT @TrumpGolfNY: Go to http://www.TRUMPGOLF.com to see the growing portfolio of Mr. Trumps golf clubs. No single family has contributed more to the game. Amazing The YouTube of the 2012 Miss USA contestants, @GiulianaRancic and me singing "Call Me Maybe" http://youtu.be/00yKww_BQ2I has over 2M views. Under @BarackObama, 1 out of every 7 Americans is on food stamps. Scary--while @BarackObama has been POTUS for 1.6% of America's history, he has amassed 33.3% of the total debt. "We've gone from $10 trillion that the president inherited from all prior presidents to $16 trillion" -- @MittRomney "Forty-seven million now on food stamps. When he came to office there were 32 million. He's added 15 million people." --@MittRomney The Chinese are mistreating Hillary Clinton on her trip http://bit.ly/SneJEd They have zero respect for us. Outrageous! Remember while @BarackObama is lauding himself tonight with self-indulgent compliments we have our brave soldiers fighting in Afghanistan. After @BarackObama's speech tonight--which should be well delivered--reality will hit Friday morning when the new jobs report is released. The delegates at the @DNC convention keep shouting "Four More Years." Four more years of 18% real unemployment and another $6T in debt? Now we will never know if @BarackObama would have been able to fill Bank of America Stadium. Pretty convenient. .@BarackObama is now taking credit for changing party platform language but he reviewed it prior to the convention http://drudge.tw/TY2o4o "Donald Trump Has Given Millions To Pro-Romney SuperPACs and His Whole Family Is Cutting Checks to Mitt's Campaign" http://read.bi/Sn6CY6 Iran is flying supply planes to Syria through Iraqi airspace. Thank you, United States, for making this possible! Bill Clinton did a great job last night--the Democrats are lucky to have him. Do you really believe he likes @BarackObama? Once again under@BarackObama, the US has fallen down the ranks of global competitiveness http://bit.ly/QlvmwD We must do better. Other networks are begging me to do a show--I can't because I'm doing the Apprentice! "Change before you have to." --Jack Welch Scary thought--is the sexual pervert Anthony Weiner now in Charlotte? Did he bring his phone with him? The Democrats dropped all references to God from their platform. Not good! Have you seen the new #TRUMP line of clothing, apparel and fragrances @Macy's? Selling like hotcakes. Great for Christmas gifts, etc. RT @TrumpGolfNY: An amazing #photo of our signature 13th hole! A 101ft waterfall, surrounding the green. 5,000 GPM!! #golf #waterfall http://twitter.com/TrumpGolfNY/status/243420331044372480/photo/1 RT @TrumpGolfNY: @realDonaldTrump sinks a birdie putt on the 18th green at #TrumpWestchester with President Clinton looking on 🇺🇸 ⛳ http://twitter.com/TrumpGolfNY/status/243404731614117888/photo/1 Better off? The $16T US debt works out to $136,260 per household, a 50% increase since @BarackObama took office. North Carolina is a fantastic state with wonderful people. I enjoy my time there when I visit Trump National Charlotte. I wish the 23 million who are unemployed were able to celebrate like the Democrats in Charlotte right now. Almost every T.V. show is asking me to go on--especially the @Late_Show. It's simple--I get the ratings! .@serenawilliams is a special player. After winning the Gold for the US in the Olympics, it looks like she will (cont) http://tl.gd/j64ers With all the talk of fiscal responsibility at the @DNC convention yesterday, it was ironic that the debt passed $16T. .@lancearmstrong, revise your decision to quit--go back and fight. Why does US doping agency destroy an American icon, @lancearmstrong, for events that took place years ago in France? .@lancearmstrong teammate is angry and jealous--he is no Lance. Very good speech by @MichelleObama--and under great pressure--Dems should be proud! No surprise. @BarackObama is letting the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt default on their US loans http://wapo.st/Rh4WIH Big mistake! July U.S. construction had biggest drop in 12months. Bad indicator on economic numbers for rest of the year. What message does it send when @BarackObama's campaign has to spin whether America is better off than it was 4 years ago? OPEC is better off than they were 4 years ago. Gas has more than doubled during @BarackObama's term. Outrageous! The Chinese are better off than they were 4 years ago. They have stolen even more from us in jobs & trade during @BarackObama's term. China now 'warns' us against being involved in sea disputes http://reut.rs/Rh4dHo NBC Wall St Journal Poll of African American voters: 94% @BarackObama, 0% @MittRomney.Even worse than Hillary's old numbers. Is that racism? With our national debt passing $16T during the @DNC convention, @BarackObama has amassed more debt than the first 42 presidents. Scary. Record setting gas prices in the U.S. -- we're really looking dumb. Lots of $'s being made on us. The media can track down @PaulRyan's old girlfriend and marathon time but can't find @BarackObama's college applications or other info. Smart move by @BarackObama having Pres. Bill Clinton deliver the @DNC convention keynote. This week the @DNC convention will deliver hard hits on @MittRomney. @RNC will regret being soft on @BarackObama last week. .@RobinRoberts of @GMA is terrific--get better soon. .@BarackObama claims to have policies for working people... .....how does it help to have record high labor day gas prices for them...in Charlotte?! http://plu.gd/wJW Is this Hope & Change? A record 46.7M Americans were on food stamps this past June. We must do better. Why does @BarackObama have such a fascination with my plane? He is more than welcomed to come for a ride. RT @TrumpGolfLA: Have you checked out The Estates website lately? Don't forget to like them if you haven't already!... http://fb.me/1yksvRJKE Joe Paterno's family should sue the idiots @PennState that made that ridiculous deal--and commissioned the one sided report. My interview with @fehertwit was the highest rated show in the history of @GolfChannel. The women of #WTA are putting on a great show in this year's US Open. Amazing athletes. .@andyroddick is playing great tennis in this US Open. I am pulling for him today. What a shame @PennState--lost game--first of many. School legacy is ruined! Amazing--@CelebApprentice starts filming a record 13th season in just one week. This 'All Star season will be a big treat for the fans. .@BillRancic and @GiulianaRancic should have named their son Donald! Sorry to hear of the passing of @OfficialMCD. He was a talented actor and a wonderful fiance to my friend @Omarosa. Will be missed. Via @ washtimes "The Trump Factor: billionaire leads Republicans in tough fight against Obama" http://bit.ly/TTSMHU by @EmilyMiller My #TrumpTuesday @SquawkCNBC interview discussing the housing market, @DNC convention & Clint Eastwood's speech http://bit.ly/Q2BJmd Slight conflict--I like @davidaxelrod--he called me and said great things about my daughter @IvankaTrump. .@sethmeyers21 bombed again. Didn't get co-host job with @KellyRipa. He would not have delivered the ratings anyway.Michael S will be great. "Be yardstick of quality. Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected." -- Steve Jobs It's amazing how much people are enjoying playing at the Trump Scotland course. The dunes are absolutely incredible. http://bit.ly/3Rv11n As I predicted 1 year ago, gasoline prices hit a record high today...OPEC is having a ball at our expense. Great going Andy Roddick! Another victory for a fabulous player. Brooklyn Decker is good luck. I win awards for speaking-but the enemies either won't comment or will say only bad...leave Clint alone! If you have a speech-one that would put Winston Churchill to shame, liberals would find a way to make it sound terrible! @MELANIATRUMP on @QVC tonight with her fabulous Melania Timepieces & Jewelry. Tune in at 1AM EST! Republicans are always saying Obama is such a nice guy. When will they learn that he is not? Andy Roddick...a great tennis player is a fantastic guy with a wonderful wife. Republicans should have been much tougher on Obama. Just wait until you see what Obama does to Romney at the DNC! China is now deploying drones across ocean routes used for trade http://bit.ly/R2oCjw They stole the technology from us. .@BarackObama's assault on coal and gas and oil will send energy and manufacturing jobs to China." --@MittRomney I am sure the Chinese are getting anxious. They watch the polls. @MittRomney won't let them cheat us anymore. We have all the cards. Now is the time to make a great deal with Iran. .@GovMikeHuckabee was great the other night. People love him. "Obama's ideas don't move us 'Forward,' they take us 'Backwards.' These are ideas people come to America to get away from." --@marcorubio .@MittRomney's entire life and career have built prosperity and growth. I loved watching Clint Eastwood last night--he was terrific! "If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you will never change the outcome." -- Michael Jordan Gas prices are about to hit a record high during the Labor Day weekend. @BarackObama could have stopped this. It's Friday, how many advertisers dropped @HuffPost today? A fact--golfers don't get aches & pains like others who don't golf. It is amazingly remedial. Of course @hardball_chris attacked 'birthers' in praising @CondoleezzaRice's speech. Chris has completely lost it. Letterman @Late_Show begging me to go back on his low rated show--calls lots--must apologize for racist comment. Too busy playing golf? @BarackObama sends form letters with an electronic signature to the parents of fallen SEALs http://bit.ly/SUEUzm I am impressed with how clearly @PaulRyanVP explains the challenges we face and the solutions @MittRomney will bring as President. Book on Bin Laden is a terrible violation of code--makes @BarackObama's story a big lie. I wonder what @JoeBiden was thinking last night as @PaulRyanVP delivered that knockout speech. Joe should call in sick for the VP debate. "After four years of getting the run-around, America needs a turnaround, and the man for the job is Governor Mitt Romney." @PaulRyanVP The dummies left Iraq (and Libya) without the oil! "Let me say it as clearly as possible, that the attack on my Catholic brothers and sisters is an attack on me." -- @GovMike Huckabee Congratulations to @GovMikeHuckabee on last night's tremendous speech. Mike united the party faithful and explained that we can do better. RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Check out this great article about Trump International Golf Links Scotland in Golf Odyssey http://bit.ly/Q4g4vV Only two weeks until we start shooting @CelebApprentice. We really have something amazing for the fans this year. Gas prices are way too high. With an economy contracting and lower demand, how do OPEC & the speculators get away with this?! Even the SEALS who killed Bin Laden don't like @JoeBiden http://bit.ly/NWE5aa It's Thursday and again I ask--how much money is China stealing from us? I was putting together my early deals in New York & I was advised by many that I was too young. Believe in yourself & you can do anything. RT @IvankaTrump: Very excited for the @EricTrumpFdn annual charity dinner w/ @ElvisDuran & @LisaLampanelli on 9/10. Buy tickets here: http://bit.ly/Ob1vqz RT @TrumpGolfNY: @realDonaldTrump strikes the ball here at #Westchester while playing a round with President Clinton & Arnold Palmer⛳ http://twitter.com/TrumpGolfNY/status/240891173919666176/photo/1 China's media is attacking @MittRomney while endorsing @BarackObama http://bit.ly/Rk7t59 Of course. Mitt knows it's Time To Get Tough. I am astonished that the media continues to lie. @BarackObama gutted welfare reform. It is a fact! "America needs @MittRomney and @PaulRyanVP and we need them right now." -- @GovChristie "No one will work harder. No one will move heaven and earth like Mitt Romney to make this country a better place to live!" -- @AnnDRomney "New business start-ups at the lowest level in 30 years and the EPA is now the Employment Prevention Agency." -- @bobmcdonnell It's Wednesday, how much money is China stealing from us today? Great speech by my good friend @GovChristie. He did something you won't hear at @BarackObama's convention---tell the truth. My @SquawkCNBC #TrumpTuesday interview discussing the 2012 election, OPEC ripping us off & @MittRomney's job policy http://bit.ly/NWFsFE Congratulations to @AnnDRomney on delivering a knock out speech last night. America can't wait to call her our First Lady. An excerpt of my @TheBrodyFile interview at the Sarasota 'Statesman of the Year' dinner discussing the Tea Party http://bit.ly/QOjHTc China must be worried that @MittRomney will win this November. They have never had such a pushover like @BarackObama. What a coincidence--Michelle Obama called Kenya @BarackObama's "homeland" in 2008 http://bit.ly/U8uNH0 .@BarackObama's dismal job record is reason alone that he must be defeated this November. I am very worried that if @BarackObama is re-elected then Medicare will be destroyed. We must take care of our seniors. I can't wait to read this...RT @Newsmax_Media: SEAL Book Explodes, Obama Furious http://bit.ly/U8xSa6 .@BarackObama's Super PAC has continually called @MittRomney a "murderer" http://bit.ly/POAeYO Ironic since Obama is destroying Medicare. "I stand ready to lead us down a new path, where we are lifted up by our desire to succeed, not by a resentment of success." -- @MittRomney It's Tuesday--how much inflation has @BarackObama's spending caused today on the price of food and gas? .@GovChristie is going to do a fantastic job tonight explaining why @MittRomney should be elected and @BarackObama has to go. .@MELANIATRUMP and I are looking forward to watching @AnnDRomney's speech tonight. She is an amazing woman who will be a great First Lady! Happy to hear that @ralphreed's Faith and Freedom chapters are at the @RNC convention supporting @MittRomney. We must be united to win! Remember when @ariannahuff ran for Governor of California. She got 3 votes. "Trump urges GOP to be 'mean as hell'" http://bit.ly/U8vLTv Via @CNNPolitics Ask China if their rapidly expanding (with our money) Navy or Armed Forces are going "green" -- They would laugh in your face! .@RobinRoberts everyone adores you- including me- get well fast! My @FoxNews @TeamCavuto interview discussing the @RNC Convention, businesses making products in China and unemployment http://bit.ly/U8sjsc The Bay Bridge in San Francisco is being built by the Chinese--tremendous cost overruns. A total mess. We should build our own bridges, etc Don't think my statement on @ariannahuff was harsh, if you knew her and the phony Huffington Post you would understand--- more to follow. .@ariannahuff is unattractive both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man- he made a good decision. .@FinancialTimes writes that "@BarackObama should pray that China overtakes US" http://on.ft.com/U5VewZ Don't worry, he is making it happen. The US Navy wants to go "green." Our Navy should use the best & most powerful fuel & not play games. Give me a break! As usual, the weather people got it wrong in Tampa. They just look for headlines & ratings! Media silent when @BarackObama called @MittRomney a murderer & felon. Mitt mentions 'birth certificate' and they go nuts. Double standard! If the Democrats want to attack 'Birthers' then they should at least spell it correctly http://bit.ly/U2rlO4 .@BarackObama has completely failed the American people. U.S. annual incomes have fallen over 5% during his term http://huff.to/U5Ul7y "They succeed, because they think they can." -- Virgil Look what happened to the autism rate from 1983-2008 since one-time massive shots were given to children-http://on.fb.me/U6As0k "@realDonaldTrump: @MittRomney Has 'Tremendous Heart,' Will Save Medicare http://bit.ly/U5Q6Ja via @Newsmax_Media It is very sad to see what @BarackObama has done with NASA. He has gutted the program and made us dependent on the Russians. Sorry to hear of the passing of Neil Armstrong over the weekend. He was an American hero. One point I made last night and will continue to push is that the @GOP can't be pollitically correct. We must fight fire with fire. .@FLGovScott is doing a fantastic job not only hosting the @RNC convention but managing Hurricane Isaac. A true leader. RT @MELANIATRUMP: @realDonaldTrump accepting Statesman of the Year 2012 award. Congratulation! http://twitter.com/MELANIATRUMP/status/239959084927942656/photo/1 .@Reince Priebus is doing a great job--fantastic guy. But no more birther apologies. I knew Chris Matthews when he was sane and, quite honestly, wonderful. Now he's gone off the deep end as an Obama surrogate. @hardball_chris While @MittRomney only made a joke last Friday, he touched on an issue that is very serious to millions of Americans. Via @washtimes: "@EmilyMiller Exclusive: @realDonaldTrump on @MittRomney's birther comment" http://bit.ly/U5PAe9 There were over 1,000 attendees at the Sarasota GOP award dinner honoring me as 'Statesman of the Year.' @MELANIATRUMP and I were honored. My @WTSP10News interview at the Sarasota GOP event discussing why I was honored as Statesman of the Year http://on.wtsp.com/U5RCuR Watch this amazing video of #TrumpScotland- http://youtu.be/LkbPo8_Qd5Y?hd=1 My interview with @Newsmax_Media at the Sarasota "Statesman of the Year" award dinner discussing the 2012 election http://bit.ly/U5Q6Ja .@BarackObama is petrified of the birther issue so they go on the offensive to try & make the Republicans feel (cont) http://tl.gd/j27l1e Why do the Republicans keep apologizing on the so called "birther" issue? No more apologies--take the offensive! Nice letter from Macy's great & talented boss, Terry L. http://on.fb.me/TjduRm Great evening in Sarasota FL last night. Record crowd--I loved the people & the energy. "The toughest thing about success is that you've got to keep on being a success." --Irving Berlin .@BarackObama is begging the Eurozone to keep Greece in until after 11.6.12. He thinks the world revolves around his re-election. What priorities -- we have over 20% real unemployment and no growth. .@BarackObama sent over 100,000 jobs and Canadian oil to China all because he would not approve Keystone XL. I am sure the @NCGOP will do a great job bracketing the @DNC convention. They are a tremendous statewide organization. It's Friday. How many bald eagles did wind turbines kill today? They are an environmental & aesthetic disaster. .@DineshDSouza's '2016: Obama's America' is expanding to over 1,000 theaters this weekend. Will be highest grossing documentary in 2012. !! Florida has been very good to me. I am really esxcited to give back at the Sarasota GOP event and @RNC convention. Will be fun! Life brings you many surprises. As a child I used to vacation with my family at the Doral in Miami. Now I own it. http://bit.ly/avJj0B Here is a letter I received yesterday from someone who has had personal experience with our health care situation. http://on.fb.me/NP54ju I am proud of the Tea Party. These great patriots have accomplished so much in strengthening our country in only 3 short years. Disgusting--@BarackObama's supporters are launching an anti-Mormon whisper campaign http://bit.ly/NjCFX7 Shameful but no surprise. .@BarackObama is bankrupting this country. His budget adds another $4.4T to the debt, putting us over $20T in total debt by 2016. Terrible tragedy at the Empire State Building today. Must have fast trials and death penalty for the animals. Via @theblaze: "Falwell on Trump: He 'was willing to say publicly' what conservatives said 'privately'" http://bit.ly/MQuXlH Former Navy SEAL Questions @BarackObama's birthplace http://huff.to/NNrCl5 Dishonest reporters knowingly write lies that I said, “children should not get vaccinated.” I believe fully (cont) http://tl.gd/j0mgs6 .@lancearmstrong should immediately reconsider or his legacy is ruined. I am very surprised that @lancearmstrong gave up. I never thought he was a quitter... Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood President is visiting us next month. @BarackObama is so excited. The Muslim brotherhood is sending tanks into the Sinai & saying it doesn't violate Camp David accord. "When your life flashes before your eyes, make sure you've got plenty to watch." --Anonymous A hurricane will be coming to Tampa. My @RNC convention surprise hits Monday night! The independent watchdog who exonerated @BarackObama for the failed green energy loans just donated $52,500 to Obama's campaign. The opening of #TrumpScotland- an exciting day on perhaps the world's best golf course, watch the video- http://youtu.be/LkbPo8_Qd5Y?hd=1 .@MittRomney will make us energy independent by 2020 http://reut.rs/NmvRlw @BarackObama will keep wasting money on Solyndra projects. @ArsenioOFFICIAL You have already made plenty because of me. How about a 50/50 cut(just joking) see you soon! ...Spread shots out over long period and watch positive result. Massive combined inoculations to small children is the cause for big increase in autism.... Amazing--@VanityFair survived one more day without folding. The clock is ticking... In any business venture, remember that branding is one of the most crucial aspects of your enterprise. Fight hard for that brand of yours. "Statesman of the Year" in Sarasota, FL on Sunday night--will be terrific--a total sellout. Wind turbines are a scourge to communities and wildlife. They are environmental disasters. It is truly an honor that His Eminence Archbishop of New York @CardinalDolan will be delivering the benediction at the @RNC convention. It's Thursday. I wonder how much money @BarackObama drained from Medicare today to finance ObamaCare. Great new ad from @MittRomney titled "Nothing's Free" http://bit.ly/P3EdEv detailing both the high costs and taxes of ObamaCare. Via @dcexaminer: "@realDonaldTrump to speak at @LibertyU" http://bit.ly/P3CO0W Today we just passed 1.4 million twitter followers.. It's sad to see once decent newspapers like @USAToday failing so badly. I just don't know if they can be saved. One of the best moves I made early in my career was buying the air rights from Tiffany's flagship. Trump Tower gleams over Fifth Avenue. "Change is not a destination, just as hope is not a strategy." -- Rudy Giuliani Here's a sneak peek at the @DNC convention theme: "It's not our fault. Blame Bush. Oh, and government built it." It's Wednesday. I wonder how much money @BarackObama borrowed from China today? .@BarackObama said he doesn't take the Navy Seals campaigning against him "too seriously." Can't wait to meet patriotic small business owners next week in Sarasota and Tampa! Hey @BarackObama, We Did Build It! .@EdRendell's book, "A Nation of Wusses" is an excellent read--especially page 10. Go get it! Congratulations to @Yankees Derek Jeter on passing Eddie Murray last night to become the 11th all-time @MLB hit leader. We are about to have a record $500B trade deficit with the Chinese this year. That money should be back here financing jobs in America. Putin just sent a Russian nuclear sub to the Gulf of Mexico. @BarackObama can't be bothered, he is too concerned with @MittRomney's taxes. Gas prices are soaring. $4.12 in CA. OPEC is laughing at how stupid we are. .@BarackObama was caught telling Russian PM @MedvedevRussiaE that he can be more 'flexible' in his second term. Russia thinks he's weak. My shirts, ties and fragrance are doing "great" at @Macys--try them! Make fantastic gifts. .@washingtonpost thinks @IvankaTrump is "What Washington's Social Scene Needs" http://wapo.st/O5Hfq2 Truth is, she's amazing. "An idealist is a person who helps other people to be prosperous." --Henry Ford Many people will be surprised at what is about to be released concerning @BarackObama's background. I, for one, won't be. It's amazing how many people still come up to me to thank me for 'The Art of The Deal.' The book has changed a lot of lives. I am tired of @BarackObama talking about @MittRomney's father. Why don't we discuss Barack Obama Sr.! Only three weeks until the new season of @CelebApprentice begins filming--great all-star cast. Glad to hear @BarackObama's attack ad featuring my plane is playing in North Carolina. Free ad time for Trump National in Charlotte! Distressed real estate opportunities can make great investments. You need the foresight and instincts to know the property's true potential. Every economic climate, whether an uptick or downturn, presents new opportunities and challenges. Amazing--both Transformers & Dark Knight Rises featured Trump properties and each grossed over $1B. Just coincidence. .@RogerJStoneJr was great on @TheKudlowReport last night. Roger and Larry are good friends! It's Tuesday. I wonder how much money @HuffPost lost today--great purchase AOL Glad to hear that @JimTalent has put some strong anti-China referendums in the @GOP convention platform. We have to get tough with China before they destroy us. In less than a week I'll be honored by Sarasota GOP as Statesman of the Year & then give my big surprise to @RNC convention. Will be fun! If you have any doubt that @BarackObama must be defeated see @DineshDSouza's '2016: Obama's America.' Amazing film! More of my #TRUMPTUESDAY @SquawkCNBC interview discussing how the US gets killed negotiating with other countries http://tinyurl.com/8hexxq8 My @SquawkCNBC interview discussing #TRUMPTUESDAYS high ratings, @ToddAkin's statement & @MittRomney's policies http://tinyurl.com/bscrqzf My @foxandfriends interview discussing how @BarackObama is running a hateful campaign & the @RNC convention 'Surprise' http://tinyurl.com/d4hjgnd The @WTA released a new #StrongisBeautiful celebrity campaign today. Amazing athletes. Proud to be a part of this. http://youtu.be/HHrqdYSQqCg Congratulations to Billy Payne and @AugustaNational on doing the right thing. .@Rosie, get better fast. I'm starting to miss you! "I dream for a living." --Steven Spielberg Why are we continuing to train these Afghanis who then shoot our soldiers in the back? Afghanistan is a complete waste. Time to come home! Unemployment is up in 44 states showing July's unemployment numbers to be broad based http://bit.ly/MH43gb @BarackObama is a job killer. Scary thought--@JoeBiden is a heartbeat away from the Presidency. Tomorrow is #TrumpTuesday @SquawkCNBC--7:30 AM. Tune in! Americans already believe that @PaulRyanVP is better qualified to serve as President over @JoeBiden http://bit.ly/MH3Nhg No surprise. Oil is rising back over $100 barrel. OPEC loves to rip us off. Why shouldn't they--they always get away with it. @ArsenioOFFICIAL Not everybody has good Trump judgment. Always fun to watch the @Yankees. Derek Jeter had a great weekend. Congratulations to @TheSlyStallone and Arnold @Schwarzenegger on 'Expendables 2' #1 box office opening. Still going strong! Watch Robert Gibbs as @whitehouse spokesman (before he was fired) lie that @BarackObama bowed to the Saudis http://youtu.be/8m6FBzFEMb4 Remember when Robert Gibbs was telling everyone he was being hired by Facebook? Now he's back in a demoted @BarackObama campaign position. Fact--Robert Gibbs wanted a 'policy' job in the @whitehouse. The answer was no. Former @whitehouse spokesman Robert Gibbs was immediately fired after the 2010 midterms. Even @BarackObama knows for sure! Quote by @DonaldJTrumpJr in @washingtonpost's feature "The Trump brand moves beyond real estate..." http://wapo.st/MH1rif From @jameshohmann's Morning Score "Trump Fires Back at Gibbs Smear" & "Trump will get a 'surprise' Monday Role"http://politi.co/5nbA2Y "Donald Trump follows a familiar blueprint in plans for Old Post Office" http://wapo.st/MH0JSm via @washingtonpost Great read from @Newsmax_Media: "Trump Fires Back at Obama Campaign Smear" http://bit.ly/MH0CGl .@Toure should be forced to resign- http://nydn.us/SwaT60 Via @politico: "Donald Trump gets 'surprise' convention role" http://politi.co/RaYGGB "The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary." --Vidal Sassoon I'll be on @foxandfriends on Monday at 7:30 AM--tune in! Congratulations to @bobmcdonnell on leading Virginia to be in the black for a 3rd straight year. He is a fantastic governor. If @BarackObama really loved this country, he wouldn't be destroying it. He has ruined our credit and killed jobs with ObamaCare. US government's foreign indebtedness has grown over 72% under @BarackObama. He is bleeding us dry to China. The US government's foreign debt is at a record $5.29T http://bit.ly/NKxE4x China is laughing all the way to the bank. .@MittRomney & @PaulRyanVP get what needs to be done to reign in China. @BarackObama gets kicked around by the Chinese. Great speech on China by @PaulRyanVP yesterday where he explains why China is treating @BarackObama like a "Doormat" http://bit.ly/NpCa9l Even NY Democrats are avoiding @BarackObama's convention http://nyti.ms/P2OZXf He is dragging his own party down with him Great sign:"We built this business without government help. Obama can kiss our a--!" http://bit.ly/P2OBYZ Commonly heard now across America! .@DineshDSouza had to give $1,000 to @BarackObama's brother for his child's hospital bill http://fxn.ws/NILV5b Isn't that disgraceful? Via @EllonTimesKenny: "Trump course sparks international interest" http://bit.ly/P2MZy8 My @gretawire interview discussing why @BarackObama is not a nice guy, and who will win the 2012 election http://fxn.ws/R6IoP6 My @FoxNews interview on @TeamCavuto discussing why debt commission should be discussed in debates & @RNC convention http://bit.ly/P2NnwN Jeffrey Robinson's #TrumpTower has it all. The ultra rich, powerful, and beautiful. It's your summer must-read. http://amzn.to/NGZ2PQ The country of Georgia is a small wonder. Performing well economically under the leadership of @SaakashviliM. A great American ally. ...@BarackObama is hiding plenty of bad things. .@MittRomney shouldn't give additional tax returns until @BarackObama gives his passport records, college records & applications... "The harder I work, the luckier I get." -- Samuel Goldwyn Wind farms are killing many thousands of birds. They make hunters look like nice people! Palm Springs, CA has been destroyed--absolutely destroyed--by the world's ugliest wind farm at the Gateway on Interstate 10. Very very sad! Good news - @MittRomney has pulled ahead in Wisconsin http://bit.ly/tqQKWL WIth @PaulRyanVP on the ticket, Wisconsin is in play. I always said @BarackObama will attack Iran, in some form, prior to the election. .@Israel could very well be close to attacking Iran. Could be this election's big October surprise... Jennifer Aniston is engaged--she's a great person and I wish her well. There are only 22 days for @BarackObama to drop @JoeBiden. Obama is not a loyal guy. I think he is strongly considering it. I still hold the all-time attendance and pay per view record at @WWE. Congratulations to @WWERaw on passing 1,000 episodes. @WWE is still going strong after all these years--@VinceMcMahon is great! There's only only one person who has defunded Medicare. His name is @BarackObama. Certain Internet sites are like a bad epidemic that won't go away---others are terrific A great photo of @MittRomney and me http://on.fb.me/S0S9jk RT @ApprenticeNBC: There have been so many great celebrities in the past five seasons of #CelebApprentice, which celebrity would you hire? I wonder what the work atmosphere is like @VanityFair. It must be hard working at a dying institution. What's more dangerous for the country--the Iranian nuclear threat or @BarackObama as President? My interview with Don Imus on @77WABCradio discussing my @RNC convention surprise & @MittRomney's China policy http://bit.ly/QFV7nv The Huffington Post is such a loser--it will die just as AOL is dying, What a stupid deal AOL made to buy it! Military reps have attacked @BarackObama over Bin Laden leaks--they believe he's just using this for his benefit. Not a big surprise... One of the hardest jobs in politics must be cleaning up after @JoeBiden gaffes. I feel sorry for his spokespeople. The @Lakers should have an amazing team next year with Kobe, Nash and Howard. Will be fun to watch. "Mr. President, take your campaign of division and anger and hate back to Chicago." -- @MittRomney "If you don't have a competitive advantage, don't compete." -- Jack Welch Chelsea Clinton will be very successful in the world of politics. She's always been a great person--a winner. (cont) http://tl.gd/isdn8g @GeorgeFWill is suggesting football is going away and @MittRomney will lose. @GeorgeFWill is a moron. $716 Billion from Medicare by @BarackObama. When will it end? Congratulations to Linda McMahon on her victory in the Connecticut Senate primary. She is an amazing woman--smart as you get! @Linda_McMahon I have always done well with properties fronting on oceans, lakes and rivers. If something works, stay with it. My acquisition of the Doral in Maimi will be a major success for the Trump Organization. The re-building is on schedule. I have hired renowned golf course architect Gil Hanse to rebuild The Blue Monster at Doral. He designed the 2016 (cont) http://tl.gd/is0j1r Scary thought--what is the pervert Anthony Weiner doing with all the free time he has. Does he collect unemployment? .@MissTeenUSA visited today- http://on.fb.me/Pdq3zm Richard Mourdock--a very good man running for the Senate in Indiana. Hopefully, he will win! @richardmourdock I'm really glad that @MittRomney no longer says what a nice guy @BarackObama is. Lightweight reporter Alex Pareene @pareene is known as a total joke in political circles. Hence, he writes for Loser Salon. @Salon Congratulations to @AllenWest on winning last night's primary! While @JoeBIden is a gaffe machine, yesterday's comments that @MittRomney will "put y'all back in chains" was not at all proper. Watch @PaulRyanVP explain how "'It's irrefutable' that President Obama is damaging Medicare'" http://bit.ly/PkoVt0 Nobody wants wind turbines, they are failing all over the world and need massive subsidy--a disaster for taxpayers. .@BarackObama is promoting ugly, inefficient, unreliable, bird-killing, noisy, neighborhood-destroying wind turbines. Big mistake. The Euro is going to collapse soon. Cross border lending is already down and banks are stopping their Euro investments. "The Chinese are planning on going to the Moon...I hope they stop and take a look at our flag that was put there 43 years ago." -@MittRomney Great news--Chinese companies who were fixing prices and accounting are leaving the US stock market http://yhoo.it/NykUkK #TimeToGetTough Every sports fan is treated to an All Star game. The loyal and growing fan base of @CelebApprentice will be getting a much bigger treat! By the US winning the Olympic medal count, we proved that both the American spirit & talent is greater than a 1.4B population. USA! Glad to hear @GovChristie will be delivering the Keynote for the @RNC convention. He will deliver a strong message. Today I am working on my 'big surprise' for the @RNC convention. Everyone will love it. Now is the time to buy a house if you can DIRECTLY from a bank. They want to get rid of all their foreclosures. Via @DC_Decoder: "Donald Trump to 'surprise' GOP convention. What might he do?" http://bit.ly/PhQ2qa Answer: Something major! Via @CNNPolitics: "Trump will have 'memorable' role at GOP convention" http://bit.ly/O8G4EI It's true, just wait and see... My @SquawkCNBC interview discussing @MittRomney's pick of @PaulRyanVP, how to frame Medicare debate & @RNC convention http://bit.ly/PhHIqC Today is #TrumpTuesday on @SquawkCNBC, 7:30 AM. Tune in! Great going @McllroyRory on winning yesterday’s PGA championship. Already two majors- amazing. Congratulations to our Olympic team for by far winning the most medals, including first place gold. In ’08, @PaulRyanVP predicted that US headed toward bankruptcy http://bit.ly/MRVvOY @BarackObama has added over $6T in debt since. Scary. “Borrowing and spending is not the way to prosperity.” -- @PaulRyanVP In four weeks the ‘All Star’ cast of @ApprenticeNBC begins filming what will be another great season! Everyone is in for a treat. Glad to hear patriotic Americans are organizing a movement this August to boycott Chinese products http://www.cyrilhuzeblog.com/2011/08/02/dont-buy-any-chinese-products-from-august-1st-to-september-1st-2011-and-beyond%E2%80%A6/ People get it! Why would anyone let pervert @RepWeiner use their house? He was always a bad guy- now he’s trying to make nice to everyone. Obama Care stole more then $500M from Medicare. Trump National Golf Club LA & Trump International Scotland are open to the public. You can make reservations to play. Trump Chicago was featured in Transformers 3. Trump Tower was featured in Dark Knight Rises. Both are summer blockbusters. #MidasTouch Congratulations to Derek Jeter on tying Hank Aaron’s @MLB double record on Saturday. Derek is one of the greatest @Yankees ever. Amazing ad by #TeamRomney: America’s Comback Team featuring @PaulRyanVP http://bit.ly/PQVv23 BIG - 10K greeted @MittRomney & @PaulRyanVP in Wisconsin homecoming last night http://bit.ly/MV6qax @MittRomnney made a great move! The Chicago machine is scared. @PaulRyanVP shows that @MittRomney will run on a conservative & coherent platform. 85 days until victory! Jeffrey Robinson’s #TrumpTower has it all. The ultra rich, powerful, and beautiful. It’s your summer must-read http://amzn.to/NGZ2PQ The @PaulRyanVP choice was a bold pick by @MittRomney. Energizes the base and changes the trajectory of the race. #RomneyRyan2012 Today @BarackObama will borrow 40 cents on every dollar he spends from China. Just another day at the office. My @foxandfriends interview discussing Trump International in Scotland, why @PaulRyanVP is a bold choice & 2012 race http://bit.ly/PQU5V3 Monday morning 7:30 AM I'll be on @foxandfriends. Tune in! "Believe you can and you're halfway there." --Pres. Theodore Roosevelt Over 2 million people have lost their jobs since @BarackObama became POTUS. How many of them still have healthcare? RT @IvankaTrump: #trumpchicago http://instagr.am/p/OKKonbikNu/ RT @IBDeditorials: Was Barack Obama A Foreign Exchange Student? http://bit.ly/Tlx2WW Waste--@BarackObama's Dep. of Energy was warned in advance by Treasury that it wasn't loaning $ out in good deals http://bit.ly/O6Ep5o Sad--only 36% think America's best days are ahead while 49% believe they are in the past http://bit.ly/1xMIlN We can & must do better. Congratulations to our great Women's Olympic Soccer team @ussoccer on their gold medal. They made us all proud! Watch my video blog to see if your questions from my Facebook page were answered- http://youtu.be/6s0-fcPPTLk?hd=1 Our airports are Third World--horrible. Let's rebuild them by people who know how to do it--inexpensively. .@lolojones given a raw deal in @nytimes story--not fair. SUN newspaper/Scotland reports that "Tourism jump is thanks to Trump." 8,000 visitors in one month from 20 countries,,, http://bit.ly/NkkhLx Newsmax article: 'Trump Declines Prime Time GOP Convention Speech' http://bit.ly/P7WdND I will be speaking the night before the RNC in Sarasota, FL, when I receive the "Statesman of the Year" award. As we told the @nydailynews, I was asked to speak at the RNC but said no, because I will be doing something much bigger--just watch! The failing New York Daily News knowingly incorrectly reported that I wanted to speak at the Republican National Convention--wrong! China is cooking up conspiracy theories that the Olympics are rigged. http://wapo.st/MClZtE They don't understand why they can't cheat. All recent Presidents have released their transcripts. What is @BarackObama hiding? The Penn State Board should resign based on the grossly incompetent way they handled the NCAA. They gave away (cont) http://tl.gd/iop62l Received a beautiful letter from Joe Paterno's son, Jay. He really loved and respected his father. .@PapaJohns CEO John Schnatte has told shareholders that ObamaCare will force him to raise pizza prices http://politi.co/TcFVSL REPEAL! .@MikeTyson and @SpikeLee I gave a great review of your show in my #trumpvlog http://youtu.be/2XaJljKrjv8?hd=1 A review of @MikeTyson's show, great press on Trump International Golf Links Scotland, and more in today's #trumpvlog- http://youtu.be/2XaJljKrjv8?hd=1 Waste. With 22 new taxes & $1.8T in added debt, @BarackObama's disgraceful 'ObamaCare' will still leave 30M uninsured http://bit.ly/Mze3Dw Just letting China know in advance that the USA will win the medal count in the Olympics. Even with your cheating you can't beat us. .@MacMiller's 'Donald Trump' song is at 64.5M views on YouTube http://youtu.be/74TFS8r_SMI You're welcome Mac! Even more @BarackObama crony capitalism & corruption. We are guaranteeing a $105M loan to another Obama donor http://bit.ly/MCha3t See Newsmax story re Republican National Convention http://bit.ly/P7WdND Over 100M are now receiving some form of welfare http://bit.ly/OSWDDW We must do better. @MittRomney has the vision to get America working. "Americans never quit." -- General Douglas MacArthur The brand new season of @CelebApprentice starts filming in less than 5 weeks. The 'All Star' cast will be announced very soon. I wonder if @BarackObama ever had an Indonesian passport. Did he become an Indonesian citizen when he lived there? Have you been to the @TrumpGrill in the Trump Tower Atrium? Best meatloaf in the City--my mother's famous recipe. 212.836.3249 To all struggling young entrepreneurs--stay positive in this tough climate and keep looking for good deals. They are out there. RT @TheOnlyMOD: @DonaldJTrumpJr I live in Aberdeen, I can vouch that the Trump Inter GR Will provide Aberdeen and Scotland a golfing legacy for yrs 2 come! DESPERATE- @BarackObama is already asking supporters to 'find dirt' on @MittRomney's VP picks http://nbcnews.to/NdmTee Dirty tactics. RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: No and many are "@Tybeeman1: @DonaldJTrumpJr Was there ever any doubt? The locals in Scotland should be thanking u for economic boost!" These are facts: In 2001, the US opened its markets to China & since then more than 2 million Americans can't (cont) http://tl.gd/iojbsh Job openings are at a 4 year high but businesses aren't hiring http://reut.rs/Ndm7Od Why? ObamaCare, US debt & @BarackObama's tax plan. RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Press and Journal - Article - Thousands give ‘phenomenal start’ to Trump links http://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/Article.aspx/2883935#.UCO05U2JVIY.twitter RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: This is great @ivankatrump http://PEOPLE.com: Ivanka Trump Makes Aspiring Jewelry Designer’s Wish Come True http://stylenews.peoplestylewatch.com/2012/08/08/ivanka-trump-jewelry-helps-young-girl/ "Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." -- William James .@BarackObama-Hood: Rob our children's future by borrowing from the Chinese to pay for socialist programs that will bankrupt us. No surprise that China was caught cheating in the Olympics. That's the Chinese M.O. - Lie, Cheat & Steal in all international dealings. Pathetic--@BarackObama is 'sweetening' his offer to the Taliban http://reut.rs/N4slSq Read 'The Art of The Deal.' RT @IvankaTrump: I was thrilled to have met the wonderful and talented Linda Cifuentes thanks to @makeawish! http://bit.ly/MOGw9M I always enjoy being interivewed on @WOR710 by John Gambling. My father Fred used to listen to his father's show. My @WOR710 interview on The John Gambling Show discussing the 2012 election, Trump real estate projects & our airports http://bit.ly/Ndgf7M Our major airports are decaying. It's embarrassing. We need to have them renovated by competent professionals--and fast. My @FoxNews interview on @gretawire discussing the @RNC convention, @BarackObama's sealed records & real estate advice http://bit.ly/NdiAiY My @FoxBusiness interview on @Varneyco discussing @BarackObama's dirty tactics & how @MittRomney should respond http://bit.ly/NdhNyz The NYPost reports "@VanityFair Magazine dropped 18% to only 283,938 newsstand copies sold." Very sad & their bloggers are doing even worse! Great article by @WayneRoot @theblaze -- "Obama's College Classmate: 'The Obama Scandal Is at Columbia'" http://bit.ly/Nevj37 Tucson killer Loughner should be given the death penalty, not his plea bargained life in prison--which will cost (cont) http://tl.gd/io5c9s .@HuffingtonPost is doing very badly. Also, very inaccurate stories. Like AOL, when will they fail? People are finally beginning to hit China and OPEC. They never give me credit for being the first--by far--but that's okay! Looking forward to meeting the great folks of Sarasota GOP party when I am honored as 'Statesman of the Year.' Should be a wonderful time. Glad that @MittRomney is hitting @BarackObama on ending work requirements for welfare. Obama attacks the American work ethic. Tune in for my interview with @gretawire tonight at 10 pm, @FoxNews I am honored that @BarackObama has featured my plane in one of his attack ads. It was made in America! A 'confidential source' has called my office and told me that @BarackObama has added over $6T to the new national debt & ruined US credit. Glad to hear that @FLGovScott will be speaking at the @RNC Convention. He is a true conservative and fantastic governor! To the geniuses at 'Americans United for Change': the more you tax me the less people I employ. Get it? Now the world is looking to China for an economic 'lift' http://reut.rs/MXGEbg @BarackObama has ruined our economic hegemony. I have founded and run one of the largest real estate empires in the world. I employ thousands of people. Why am I the enemy? The @whitehouse has 'clarified' that the unemployment is actually 8.254% not 8.3% http://bit.ly/MIYmuR A little sensitive are we? The real outsourcer - @BarackObama is funding German automakers with the GM bailout money http://onforb.es/NRn94e How does that help us? Now China 'calls in' US diplomats to lecture them on their illegal escapades. http://reut.rs/RawaUU The new reality. @BarackObama is weak. I went to @MikeTyson's play. I will be doing a review in the next #trumpvlog. Glad to hear Clint Eastwood endorsed @MittRomney. He understands that America needs a big boost to be strong again. Outrageous--@BarackObama is suing to suppress the military vote in Ohio http://bit.ly/QWHX9k Our Commander in Chief should be ashamed. My @SquawkCNBC interview discussing the @GOP convention, @BarackObama's sealed records & @SenatorReid's tax claim http://bit.ly/Rles15 The real war on women--over 175,000 fewer held jobs in July & 94,000 dropped out of labor force http://bit.ly/OE1N9k We must do better. Congratulations to @BarackObama--yesterday marked the 1 YR anniversary of our country's credit being downgraded http://bit.ly/OE1N9k The Senate should be more concerned about actually passing a budget than spreading lies about @MittRomney's taxes. The Fed should not do another 'stimulus.' We can't keep spending our children's future away on waste. Convenient - David Plouffe collected $100G fee from Iranian affiliate only a month before joining @whitehouse http://wapo.st/Q0Nckk Wrong--@BarackObama's '08 campaign manager & current Senior WH Advisor collected $100G fee from Iranian affiliate http://wapo.st/Q0Nckk .@MittRomney will create 2 million new jobs if elected POTUS. If reelected, @BarackObama will create over $12T in new debt. Easy choice. "Failure defeats losers, failure inspires winners." -- Robert T. Kiyosaki @theRealKiyosaki An 'extremely credible source' has called my office and told me that @BarackObama bought his house with the help of Tony Rezko. An 'extremely credible source' has called my office and told me that @BarackObama's birth certificate is a fraud. An 'extremely credible source' has called my office & told me that @BarackObama applied to Occidental as a foreign student--think about it! All indications are that every Solyndra warning was simply ignored by @whitehouse http://bit.ly/OFKpym @BarackObama was set on wasting $$$ China's Olympic training program is abusive http://bit.ly/OFJ22I It is modern day slavery & shameful. Their (cont) http://tl.gd/in6clo How much longer can @VanityFair keep on losing advertisers and readers? A sad decline for a once wonderful read! Our athletes in the Olympics are proving once again to be the greatest competitors in the world. Makes us proud to be Americans. Congratulations to @MichaelPhelps on concluding the greatest Olympic career ever. You have made us all very proud. Listen to my EVP @MichaelCohen212 on America's Radio News Network right now. If I know Michael, it will be great. My @foxandfriends interview with @ModelCarolAlt discussing the upcoming season of @CelebApprentice & the 2012 election http://bit.ly/OKOjpy Congratulations to Gabby Douglas on winning the Gold for the USA in gymnastics. She is terrific! The U-6 real unemployment rate is even scarier than the national unemployment rate. @BarackObama is overseeing a Depression. Over 150,000 more of our fellow Americans dropped out of the workforce in July. @BarackObama is a disaster! New job numbers once again show no growth or recovery. Unemployment has been over 8% for 41 straight months--now up to 8.3% Tomorrow is #TrumpTuesday on @SquawkCNBC, 7:30 AM. Tune in! US interest payments on the debt have already passed $375B this year http://1.usa.gov/AJvcp China is laughing at us---as usual. Great new ad from @CmteForIsrael: 'Next Year...President @MittRomney in Jerusalem, the Capital of Israel' http://bit.ly/RffLfd Good--@marcorubio is trying to eliminate the tax on Olympic medals http://bit.ly/QfnWLt Our athletes should not be taxed on their wins. Make sure to grab your copy of this month's @Newsmax_Media detailing "The Trump Effect" http://bit.ly/QiQNi2 We need a President who understands the economy - @gallupnews has US unemployment at 8.2% in July, up from 8% in June http://bit.ly/OrSs1h In '08, @BarackObama hit Bush for secrecy http://bit.ly/OJG1QU When will Obama release all his sealed college records?! "Capital isn't scarce; vision is." --Sam Walton So generous and pious! After spending millions of our tax dollars on his campaign through travel, @BarackObama donated to himself. More lies and deceptions--@BarackObama is having his ex-staffers write 'independent' studies for his reelection http://bit.ly/QiP6Bi The U.S. manufacturing sector has suffered its greatest order losses under @BarackObama. He has stood idle while China steals our jobs. Jobless claims rose yet again last week http://on.wsj.com/N0Z8Wz @BarackObama's economic record is abysmal--we can do much better. @taylorswift13 Thanks for the beautiful picture--- you are fantastic! Congratulations to @tedcruz on his Texas primary victory last night. He will be an outstanding Senator. The deficits under @BarackObama are the highest in America's history. Why is he bankrupting our country? Now @BarackObama is issuing regulatory demands to states ordering no firings in November http://bit.ly/QaTfaq .@MittRomney Op-Ed "Culture Does Matter" : http://mi.tt/OnuMy3 Ohio Senator @RobPortman: @MittRomney knows how to return prosperity: http://mi.tt/NlzCXS #Mitt2012 #tcot Good article: "What Happened to American Men" from @Newsmax by Michael Cohen http://bit.ly/MjCUAZ NEW @MittRomney TV AD "Dream" - For these small businesses, hope and change was not so kind: http://mi.tt/MiIvaR #tcot "Donald Trump could again defy the conventional wisdom of the chattering class in November."-- @Newsmax_Media's cover "The Trump Effect" The American gymnastic team was great--our country should take their lead. .@MichaelPhelps--you are the greatest Olympic champion of them all. Fantastic job! "Control your own destiny or someone else will." -- @jack_welch Consumer spending is continuing to fall with weak June numbers. @BarackObama's policies have created a climate (cont) http://tl.gd/ikhgls No member of Congress should be eligible for re-election if our country's budget is not balanced---deficits not allowed! You pick it! #1. Anybody that says anything derogatory about @BarackObama is labeled stupid, insane, or (cont) http://tl.gd/ik5qit Enjoying the Olympics. Great coverage by @NBC as well. GO TEAM USA! More waste, fraud and abuse - over $460M in food stamps went to ineligible households http://bit.ly/R3WcuA Where's the accountability? Attended last night's @Yankees game--Derek Jeter is both a great player and a great guy. In '08 @BarackObama called Jerusalem Israel's capital http://bit.ly/R3VjSX Now he attacks @MittRomney on Jerusalem http://bit.ly/R3Vhu6 Another example of @BarackObama's diplomatic triumphs--he gave the Queen of England an iIPod filled with his speeches. Great to see @MittRomney being well-received in Poland http://bit.ly/OxXKwb The Poles understand the value of freedom through strength The polling numbers for 2012 are very interesting--will Americans ultimately want their leaders to be 'likeable' or 'competent'? Great job to Missy Franklin. She's got a smile that can take over the world. She's also a major talent. Great going, Missy! My @SquawkCNBC interview discussing 2012 election polls, @MittRomney's current trip & the US housing & land market http://bit.ly/R3NDQA .@BarackObama blocked Keystone. Now China is preparing a massive $1.5B oil deal with Canada. http://reut.rs/QM1cja A terrible deal for US! Reckless--@BarackObama is projecting $1.2T deficit from 2012 budget & a projected $25.4T debt in a decade http://apne.ws/QLWPVi Not only does ObamaCare have at least 21 new taxes but it will lead to a tremendous doctor shortfall. The Chinese are illegally dumping bird-killing wind turbines on our shores. Only one of many grievances--we should act. The US GDP in 2010 was 4.1%, down to 2% in 2011 & now 1.5%. I guess @BarackObama's plan is not working! .@BarackObama should be careful questioning @MittRomney on diplomacy--how many times has Obama apologized for our country on foreign soil?! .@BarackObama bowed to the Saudi King in public--yet the Dems are questioning @MittRomney's diplomatic skills. The difference between @MittRomney and @BarackObama's campaign promises to @Israel is that Mitt will actually keep all of his. The text of @MittRomney's speech from @Israel http://bit.ly/MfBEPa Mitt will be a trusted friend of @Israel when he is President. Smart move by the Democrats to have Pres. @billclinton play a key role in their convention. -@BarackObama repeatedly canceled the Bin Laden operation in January & March '11 http://thedc.com/QXXCH2 Wasn't a tough decision! "realDonaldTrump understands that America is at a crossroads--a tipping point." @seanhannity, @Newsmax_Media's cover "The Trump Effect" My @foxandfriends interview discussing @MittRomney's sucessful foreign trip, the economic numbers & 2012 election http://bit.ly/MfzcIu Tomorrow morning 7:30 AM @SquawkCNBC #TrumpTuesday Tune in! "There is no substitute for hard work." --Thomas Edison All the national security leaks coming from @BarackObama's @whitehouse were clearly made for political gain. Where's the outrage!? Just as I predicted, @BarackObama has not allowed an independent investigation into the national security leaks from his cabinet. Why has @BarackObama allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to visit the @whitehouse? What Hope & Change! Scary-Didn't @BarackObama just say "his plan worked?" http://bit.ly/Oiq19M Great plan--GDP was 1.5% last 3 months http://wapo.st/Oiq31u The @nyjets are going to have a terrific season. @Mark_Sanchez & @TimTebow will do great things on the field. What a 'nice guy' - 97% of @BarackObama's campaign ads have been negative attacks on @MittRomney http://bit.ly/NXzPlA Give it back Mitt! Good news - @RasmussenPoll has @MittRomney beating @BarackObama 49%-44% http://bit.ly/Oip2qc Obama was up by 5% at same point in '08. I am confident when American public gets to know @MittRomney, the race will go his way. He's honorable & successful man--polls looking good. So much for Hope & Change--Democrat voter enthusiasm in 2012 is lower than both 2004 & 2008 http://bit.ly/O9qhrJ Hopefully Alex Rodriguez @Yankees will get well soon. He took a hard hit. Price of corn has jumped over 50%. This will cause a jump in food prices perhaps beyond what we've ever seen. Nasty for the economy. My @gretawire interview discussing @BarackObama's "You Didn't Build That" comment, the economy and 2012 election http://bit.ly/OdkT6U Thank you to @Newsmax, a great magazine, for a wonderful cover story on yours truly. RT @IvankaTrump: My latest video update! http://youtu.be/9byIicXWZhw The Audacity of @BarackObama--the Federal Reserve purchased 61% of all debt issued by Treasury in 2011. Killing our children's future. The Federal government has $2.7T in assets & $17.5T in total liabilities plus another $4.7T in intergovernmental debt. Have a nice day. RT @EricTrump: With @realDonaldTrump on our way down to Trump National Golf Course Charlotte! By folding, Penn State leadership made things worse. The deal is ridiculous & punishes the wrong people. I hope the alumni sue to overturn. Amazing how fast all of Joe Paterno's friends abandoned him. They ran for the hills. I knew Joe Paterno. When he heard what he heard, it just wasn't in his world--a different planet! Iraq suffers worst bombing--a total mess--I told you so! Hope & Change--since @BarackObama has taken office, the US debt has increased by an average of $64K per taxpayer. US Gov't is on the hook for more than a third of the world's entire debt & we wonder why China & OPEC are laughing all the way to the bank! Congratulations to @BarackObama--he is the first POTUS to run trillion dollar deficits in all four years of his term! Remember when @BarackObama promised you could keep your coverage? Study shows 1 in 10 employers will drop health care http://thedc.com/MI0jbm Twitter is on @BarackObama's enemies list http://bit.ly/MHZnUl Now @BarackObama's @whitehouse is ordering "twitter embargoes" during @JoeBiden press conferences http://politi.co/O4zgKw What torture! Crony Capitalism & Corruption - @BarackObama fundraised from Solyndra 'entrepreneurs' last night http://bit.ly/MHYxXU The Euro is in rough shape. With Germany, who supports the currency, now having a slowdown, the entire Euro could go down. Someday it will. Delusional--@BarackObama claims that his economic plan "worked" http://bit.ly/MDIhsQ Is the 16% real unemployment part of the plan? This can't continue--Federal goverment's debt jumps more than $1T for 5th straight year http://bit.ly/MEzwR1 China is buying the debt. My @wlsam890 interview on the @donandroma show discussing Trump properties, @BarackObama's sealed records and 2012 http://bit.ly/MHW4fX .@squawkboxCNBC: Call the banks and they'll give you a list or a person to speak to. RT @IvankaTrump: With @realDonaldTrump working on the repositioning of the newly acquired @DoralResort in Miami, FL http://on.fb.me/MGZNwc I can't stress strongly enough that we are currently in a buyer's residential market.Try to buy directly from a bank. The @Yankees acquisition of Ichiro was a smart move. I look forward to watching him play. .@penn_state leadership has permanently scarred & perhaps destroyed a great university. They should have (cont) http://tl.gd/igp9e6 Which campaign is possibly on the trajectory towards insolvency? http://on.wsj.com/NTItBM At least @BarackObama is consistent. China's domestic economic and political problems prove how pathetic our leadership is in allowing China to rip us off http://reut.rs/NTHC43 BIG--@MittRomney is preferred to handle the economy over @BarackObama by 63%-29% in a @gallupnews poll http://usat.ly/LJpE79 .@thehill discussing my @foxandfriends interview: "Trump: 'Clamor for @MittRomney's tax returns has died down'" http://bit.ly/NTFGZh From: @Newsmax_Media: "@realDonaldTrump: Public not Worried About @MittRomney's Tax Returns" http://bit.ly/NTEULG My @SquawkCNBC interview discussing housing prices, the GDP numbers, China spreading its wealth and my stock picks. http://bit.ly/NTDOQ5 "Sometimes your best investments are the ones you don't make." The Art of The Deal Fast trial and death penalty for maniac in Colorado--- immediately pass speed up legislation. Congratulations to my friend Ernie Els on winning the British open. Also to Adam Scott on playing great. Read this--@BarackObama's birth certificate "cannot survive judicial scrutiny" because of "phantom numbers" http://bit.ly/MV9anM SHOCK--Hugo Chavez endorses @BarackObama http://bit.ly/LJ4YML Will he be in Chicago on election night too? Jay Carney won't answer reporters questions of "Why Obama won't release his college transcripts"- Come on, Jay! You can run but you can't hide--a majority of voters blame @BarackObama for the bad economy http://bit.ly/MS59Bv Sarasota,FL local GOP on August 26th is a very hot ticket. Their biggest event ever. I will be there- as "Statesman of the Year". US poverty on track to rise to highest since 1960s http://yhoo.it/PxL8nW We must do better. Hypocrite--@BarackObama has major investments in companies that are outsourcing jobs overseas http://bit.ly/NSJJY1 Midas Touch emphasizes the importance of entrepreneurs—they create jobs! http://bit.ly/NrQpyh STAPLES = @MittRomney. SOLYNDRA = @BarackObama Under @MittRomney, Bain had an 80% success rate with annual returns of over 50%. Under @BarackObama, America has added over $6T in debt. Foreign leaders are already requesting meetings with @MittRomney to warn that we are viewed as "in decline" http://apne.ws/LJ2Cxb So @BarackObama goes to Florida and to scare seniors about Medicare http://bit.ly/OeHe0u ObamaCare guts 500M from Medicare RT @MELANIATRUMP: @mark_sanchez @nyjets @realDonaldTrump having fun playing golf. http://twitter.com/MELANIATRUMP/status/226414900401020930/photo/1 RT @MELANIATRUMP: ❤ @realDonaldTrump @melaniatrump http://twitter.com/MELANIATRUMP/status/227203588965949440/photo/1 Tomorrow is #TrumpTuesday on @SquawkBox, 7:30 AM. Tune in! Who else could take 16 vacations, play over 100 rounds of golf and hold over 300 fundraisers while serving as (cont) http://tl.gd/ifvq0p The NYPD has been doing a fantastic job protecting NYC. I hope Chief Ray Kelly is strongly considering running for mayor. With 15% US real unemployment and a 16T debt, @Michelle Obama's luxurious Aspen vacation - her 16th - cost us over $1M http://bit.ly/OeFYKI Must read article in @washtimes: "@RealSheriffJoe probe could dwarf Watergate" http://bit.ly/OeFjsJ Weekly jobless claims are now at an astronomical 365,000. Manufacturing sector is suffering badly. We must do better. http://bit.ly/OeEEaB My @CNBCClosingBell interview discussing America's financial uncertainty due to @BarackObama and the job report http://bit.ly/OeDRGK I'll be on @foxandfriends Monday morning at 7:30 AM. Tune in! With @BarackObama listing himself as "Born in Kenya" in 1999http://bit.ly/JaHQW0 HI laws allowed him to produce a fake certificate. #SCAM Bay Bridge in San Fransisco, built in China, keeps getting worse. Cost overruns are out of control --- China is having a field day with us! I am impressed with the scam @BarackObama pulled, but the truth will come out. Breitbart gets it! Vote now--@BarackObama should release his college application records and grades. He says he (cont) http://tl.gd/ie248k At least 12 dead and 50 wounded in Colorado--bring back fast trials & death penalty for mass murderers & terrorists. Some really dumb blogger for failing @VanityFair, a magazine whose ads are down almost 18% this year, said I wear a hairpiece --- I DON'T! Breitbart gets it! Vote now--Obama should release his college application records & grades. He says he loves (cont) http://tl.gd/idldmj .@BarackObama economic gloom: jobless claims have surged http://bit.ly/NTXCS3 while factory activity is (cont) http://tl.gd/idlc1j Irresponsible! In the last 6 months @BarackObama has held over 100 fundraisers and not a single meeting with his Job Council. More $ thrown away - @BarackObama gave $20M to Amonix and praised its "success" in '10. It just filed for bankruptcy http://bit.ly/Oct3cc Great article--a must read by Peter Ferrara at @Forbes about "The Biggest Government Spender in World History" http://onforb.es/Kx3ea0 I hope Bill Clinton and NEWSMAX's Chris Ruddy are enjoying their mission to Africa. Two great people. In 1999 @BarackObama said that he didn't support Welfare Reform http://bit.ly/OcrcEn He just gutted the entire program. Via @BreitbartFeed--why doesn't @BarackObama release his original book proposal which says he was born in Kenya?http://bit.ly/Q64IJf Great new campaign ad just released by @MittRomney http://bit.ly/OJb0IC Since @BarackObama is on such a "transparency" kick--how about releasing Fast & Furious info to Brian Terry's family? http://bit.ly/NyxxZS My @seanhannity interview where I discuss @BarackObama's Job Council, @RealSheriffJoe's investigation & 2012 election http://bit.ly/OcnpGU Corrupt--@BarackObama's largest bundlers are fundraisers linked to the Obama Solyndra boondoggle http://yhoo.it/SF3CCQe Chicago cronyism "Show me someone without an ego, and I'll show you a loser." --How To Get Rich Columbia University stated there was a "computer error" in their system concerning @BarackObama's attendance. (cont) http://tl.gd/iddt8m Taking a photo with my family on the opening day of Trump International Golf Links Scotland- http://on.fb.me/MwWRnB "Cowards die many times before their actual deaths." --Caesar The new @BarackObama motto - "You Own Nothing, Not Even Your Own Success" ... So @BarackObama is celebrating his 'birthday' with a fundraiser in his home he bought with the help of Rezko http://apne.ws/Ly4ed1 John Sununu was more right than he even knew yesterday -- @BarackObama indeed needs to "learn how to be an American." What recovery? JP Morgan has readjusted Q2 growth down from 1.7% to 1.4% and Q3 to 1.5% with 2012 on a whole at 1.7% http://bit.ly/NwV4Mw What's more important for the American public to have? @MittRomney's tax returns or @BarackObama's sealed records? Happy 94th birthday to Nelson Mandela! As I always said, the "Birthers" were after the truth. Thanks to @RealSheriffJoe @BarackObama can't hide anymore. So @BarackObama's campaign is calling @MittRomney a potential criminal http://bit.ly/LiIp10 How about Obama's Tony Rezko land deal! Why does HI Revised Statute 338-17.8 allow an HI resident who doesn't have to be US citizen to procure an official Hawaii birth certificate? Congratulations to @RealSheriffJoe on his successful Cold Case Posse investigation which claims @BarackObama's 'birth certificate' is fake @NewYorkPost's Cindy Adams has a great report on the Dark Knight Rises premiere http://nyp.st/Ly0MPF On the red carpet at the NYC premiere of Dark Knight Rises with @melaniatrump via @NewYorkObserver's @velvet_roper http://bit.ly/Ly0hFq The class warfare being played by @BarackObama is the only way he can get reelected. He can't have America focus on his horrendous record. Dark Knight Rises is projected to gross over $180 million this weekend. Remember to watch for Trump Tower! Weird--why did BarackObama Sr. fail to list @BarackObama as his son in his 1961 INS application? http://bit.ly/SF28IW #BARACKTAX QUOTE: "If you have health insurance, you're not getting hit with a tax." Watch @BarackObama admit Obamacare is a TAX http://youtu.be/RSOTwEz7Uvo The GOP must continue to Disrupt, Dismantle & Repeal! According to a @gallupnews poll, over 60% think ObamaCare will make things worse for taxpayers http://bit.ly/SF2y1Y ObamaCare is a T-A-X. Congratulations to John Roberts for making Americans hate the Supreme Court because of his BS http://bit.ly/SF483V For the sake of transparency, @BarackObama should release all his college applications and transcripts--both from Occidental and Columbia. Why would @BarackObama be spending millions of dollars to hide his records if there was nothing to hide? When will we see @BarackObama's passport records (sealed)? .@MittRomney needs to make @BarackObama regret that he ever asked for his tax records. My interview in @politico with @pwgavin discussing being awarded the 2012 "Statesman of the Year" by Sarasota GOP http://politi.co/SBopHp My @SquawkCNBC interview discussing why the Fed shouldn't do a QE3, @BarackObama's college records & 2012 election http://bit.ly/SF05Vb My review of #TheDarkKnightRises and more in today's #trumpvlog- http://youtu.be/oxyPQ4_Xeqc Remember how @ObamaCare did not have any tort reform? Now the trial lawyers are getting ready for even more lawsuits http://bit.ly/O3B6bj I hope @MittRomney now starts asking for any & all of @BarackObama's sealed records--it's time. .@BarackObama's college application would be very very very very interesting! If @BarackObama had such a wonderful academic record why wouldn't he want to show it? I wonder what the answer is on @BarackObama's college application to the question: place of birth? Maybe the (cont) http://tl.gd/icf5vc Outrageous--@BarackObama is trying to unilaterally gut welfare reform http://fxn.ws/Nmnj1u He doesn't believe in a strong work ethic. "The Supreme Art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting." -- Sun Tzu So much for Hope and Change. @BarackObama has already spent over $100M on attack ads across the swing states http://apne.ws/O3CvP1 He has no respect for American exceptionalism. @BarackObama has outsourced our space program to the Russians http://bit.ly/Ljhs8M Congratulations to @FLGovScott on winning access to federal database http://bit.ly/NpEAEr He is making FL a safe & legal election for 2012 I hope @Official1MCD is recuperating well in LA. Get better! @OMAROSA What controversy? 2 'active' @BarackObama supporters at Bain have confirmed that @MittRomney left in '99 http://bit.ly/LlpUcn No story here. Bain did not list @MittRomney as an Executive on its website in 2000 http://bit.ly/NXVhHm @BarackObama's Saul Alinsky tactics won't work! Outrageous & Unsustainable! @BarackObama's reckless deficit spending spends our entire 2012 GDP until 7/15 http://bit.ly/Nm6YtH Congratulations to @AllenWest on his fundraising numbers. Cong. West is a superb member. Carney Dismisses 'Trump Question' on College Records http://bit.ly/LQBVrR My @foxandfriends interview discussing how @BarackObama should release his college applications & records http://bit.ly/Mcv1en #TrumpTuesday @squawkCNBC--tomorrow at 7:30 AM. Tune in! Reggie Jackson's statement on A-Rod was 100% correct. A drug free A-Rod is just an average baseball player.@Yankees will soon move him down in the batting order & should renegotiate his contract Wife Huma wants @RepWeiner to "pull a @billclinton by giving a tell-all interview." Unlike Clinton, Anthony is a sick puppy. In his prime, I predicted that @RepWeiner would never be mayor & I was right for all of the wrong reasons. New York Post says "@RepWeiner trying to make comeback"--he's a sexual pervert & they can never be healed. Huma (cont) http://tl.gd/ibvovj My friend @TheSlyStallone lost his wonderful son Sage this weekend. We all send Sly our love and warmest wishes. (cont) http://tl.gd/ibv7tu .@VanityFair's yellowing paper cover looks like they ran out of money. Their advertising is down almost 18% (cont) http://tl.gd/ibubf1 I'll be on @foxandfriends this Monday at 7:30 AM. Be sure to tune in. Don't believe his whining, @BarackObama has outspent and outraised @MittRomney along with the Democrat PACS http://bit.ly/M55LXk For America to be great again we must have a President who has been successful and Americans can learn from on how to succeed. Via @Scottish Sun, "Thrilled Neale's first hole in Don" http://bit.ly/Nm7nfI Great shot on the 157 yd 16th of Trump Int'l Golf Links! In his entire political career, @BarackObama has never had a tough @GOP opponent before @MittRomney. He is a paper tiger. #GOMITT The Football program at Penn State should be suspended. Penn State is doing a poor job in bringing its mess to a close.They should be ashamed for hiding Sandusky's crimes all these years... A true honor. @PressSec considers asking for @BarackObama's college transcripts a "Donald Trump question." http://bit.ly/Nm5Qq3 Release it! But the attention @BarackObama gets for not doing so covers up his ineffective record as President. .@BarackObama should release all his records (like other Presidents).... While @CNN is struggling with ratings, @piersmorgan is consistently doing well. Congrats to Piers! Sad--OPEC has really cornered the market. Now @AP lauds $85/barrel http://buswk.co/M539bY Crude shouldn't cost more than $25. Don't believe the lies--every budget @BarackObama has delivered to Congress raises the income tax on EVERYONE http://on.wsj.com/KeuiUf Think of it---20% of our country is essentially unemployed. The underemployment being quoted as 14.9% is way low--real number could be 20%. .@BarackObama wants to see 10 yrs of @MittRomney's tax returns--tell him "ok--but we want to see your college applications first.' Nasty tactics being used by @BarackObama campaign against @MittRomney. Must stop saying Obama is a nice man--he is not! .@BarackObama finally talking tough on China. He's repeating my exact words. Where has he been for 4 years? America's Olympic uniforms are manufactured in China. Burn the uniforms!#U.S.OlympicCommittee The House voting to repeal was the first bipartisan vote on ObamaCare. The GOP must continue to Repeal, Defund, Disrupt! #BARACKTAX The 18th hole at Trump International Golf Links Scotland- http://on.fb.me/NTdJ3W I wonder why @BarackObama is not going to the NAACP Convention. Is it because he can't answer questions about 14.7% Black unemployment? Seth Meyers was terrible co-hosting with Kelly. Marbles in his mouth-& he must stop picking at his hands--insult to the great Regis Philbin! "Free enterprise is still the greatest force for upward mobility, economic security, and the expansion of the middle class." - @MittRomney Will I be at the RNC Convention? Well, Sarasota is only an hour drive from Tampa http://abcn.ws/M51d3l Back in NY from Scotland and fighting for our country to get better. Trump International Golf Links Scotland opened to rave reviews. "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." --Ralph Waldo Emerson "If you don't have passion, everything you do will ultimately fizzle out or, at best, be mediocre. Is that how (cont) http://tl.gd/ia1hr8 Have we ever had a POTUS before @BarackObama who earned over 1/3 of his income from foreign sources and paid taxes to another country? .@BarackObama reported over $269,710 of foreign income out of his gross $894,520 and paid $5,841 in foreign taxes http://1.usa.gov/HDtNDm Even the Left realizes that @BarackObama's policies have led to more jobs being outsourced out of this country. http://wapo.st/PI9Tih Almost daily more discrepancies in @BarackObama's biography continue to arise. Who is this guy? Very strange--why do database records contradict @BarackObama and show he was only at Columbia 1 year? http://bit.ly/LHvoLk "There's no bigger name in America than Donald Trump, political or nonpolitical." --Sarasota GOP Chair Joe Gruters Today @MittRomney addressed the NAACP. @BarackObama takes their vote for granted which is why there is such high Black unemployment. Nice interview in the @The Atlantic of Sarasota GOP Chair Joe Gruters on my 2012 'Statesman of the Year' award http://bit.ly/M0Z4FN Great to see Tony La Russa manage one last game last night. Congratulations to the National League on winning the @MLB All-Star Game. RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: The 18th hole at #TrumpScotland http://yfrog.com/g0vqorsj Via @AFP: "Trump tees off on new golf course in Scotland" http://yhoo.it/MhL7QF RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Great review! "@BunkeredOnline:Here we go. Trump Scotland: The first review. http://www.bunkered.co.uk/golfnews/trump__the_first_review/ @DonaldJTrumpJr BR #trump #golf" Chris Ruddy is always on point: "Trump Opens 'Greatest Golf Course In the World'" http://bit.ly/MhMrmm via @Newsmax_Media RT @KellyTilghmanGC: "It's one of, if not the best links course I've ever played."-Colin Montgomerie on Donald Trump's new $150 mil course in Scotland Great article in the @guardian -- "Donald Trump opens £100m golf course" http://bit.ly/L6PFIv How can @BarackObama invoke Richard Nixon against @MittRomney when Obama just used Executive Privilege on Fast & Furious?! What a coincidence?! @BarackObama's campaign logo uses the same font as Cuban communist propaganda posters. http://bit.ly/MaVENs "However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results." -- Winston Churchill Congrats to @BarackObama--he has now had over 40 months straight of over 8% unemployment while accruing over $6T (cont) http://tl.gd/i9b1m9 RT @EricTrump: Great pic w/ @realDonaldTrump, @IvankaTrump & @DonaldJTrumpJr from the grand opening of #TrumpScotland today! http://twitter.com/EricTrump/status/222817980751425537/photo/1 RT @IvankaTrump: The press following my father around the course at #trumpscotland #golf http://instagr.am/p/M7x1EECkOf/ Everyone is talking about how Trump Tower is the exterior for Wayne Enterprises in Dark Knight Rises---it's true. http://on.msnbc.com/Oq2YVZ The liberal media is focusing on @MittRomney's bank records. How about reviewing @BarackObama's illegal land deal contracts with Tony Rezko? The U-6 Unemployment Rate is over 14.9%. ObamaCare is stopping businesses from both hiring and expanding. Pathetic--DNC Chair @DWStweets is "Happy" with 8.2% unemployment http://youtu.be/Mjbp3R2U8Ws We must do better. #GOMITT Why is @BarackObama constantly issuing executive orders that are major power grabs of authority? This is the latest http://1.usa.gov/Lxe4xg Pathetic--@BarackObama called 8.2% unemployment a "Step in the RIght Direction" http://youtu.be/VCdtTjFMnWI Message working--over 80% of likely US voters nationwide believe @MittRomney will repeal ObamaCare on Day One http://bit.ly/OpR4eE RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: The opening shot @realDonaldTrump teeing off #TrumpScotland http://yfrog.com/h49ednnj RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Well its official we are open. @realDonaldTrump opening Trump Scotland http://yfrog.com/nt8bkydsj like other Presidents have. .@MittRomney should not give any other further information until @BarackObama releases the things that everyone wants to see---- Do you really think @BarackObama will reveal his college applications and records? I don't. President Obama wants @MittRomney to hand over even more past tax returns- he should when @BarackObama reveals his college applications. I'm in Scotland to open what we hope to be the greatest golf course in the world--- it's amazing. RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: 14th hole Trump Scotland. So far @realDonaldTrump is very happy & when he is happy everyones happy;) http://yfrog.com/h4iiqvwj RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: 13th growing in perfectly http://yfrog.com/oegdxvcj I am truly honored to have been chosen Statesman of the Year by the Republican Party of Sarasota County. The (cont) http://tl.gd/i8f3ku RT @EricTrump: #TrumpNationalGolfClubScotland http://twitter.com/EricTrump/status/222353690772770818/photo/1 RT @TrumpGolfNY: Great pic of the Trump Fam in Scotland @ their newest club!! @EricTrump @realDonaldTrump @IvankaTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr http://twitter.com/TrumpGolfNY/status/222380073662164992/photo/1 My family and I just arrived in Scotland for the grand opening of Trump International Golf Links, Scotland- http://on.fb.me/L3Vw1l Gotta hand it to @IvankaTrump, she loved Doral from the time we looked at it. The Trump-Doral will be an Icon. #sayfie #newsmax When true golfers see what I do at Doral it will be the hottest club in the country. #sayfie #newsmax A Great 4th of July! America a great country who's brightest days, with wise leadership, lie ahead. Hope and Change? Job numbers down. Time for @MittRomney Keep an eye on Anthony Weiner. Weasels are hard to get rid of. As I anticipated, Justice Roberts made the cover of Time Magazine etc. The liberal media now loves him-- he should be ashamed. Job numbers today--- terrible! So what else is new? "Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat." ― F. Scott Fitzgerald I wonder what Pres. George W. Bush has to say about Robert's Obama Care ruling. @KarlRove John Roberts arrived in Malta yesterday. Maybe we will get lucky and he will stay there. When will Pakistan apologize to us for providing safe sanctuary to Osama Bin Laden for 6 years?! Some "ally." Welcome to @BarackObama's America - in June U.S. manufacturing shrank, the first time in 3 years http://fxn.ws/N8M9O2 No sector is safe. Today @BarackObama is in Ohio on a bus tour. Tomorrow Pennsylvania. How about actually running the country? May jobless numbers have been readjusted to 8.2%. @BarackObama's economy is a disaster http://www.dol.gov/opa/media/press/eta/ui/current.htm New numbers tomorrow. Done - @MittRomney believes Obama Care is a tax http://cbsn.ws/MYA2pD Enough with the pundit hysteria. Congrats to Alec Baldwin, his new wife will be great for him and a gem. I don't care what people say, I like Tom Cruise. He works his ass off and never ever quits. He's one of the few true movie stars. @ArsenioOFFICIAL We love you and are proud of you. Your new show will be a smash! Toledo Blade reports Ohio-made Jeep Wranglers are among the US vehicles targeted by China and subject of US complaint. http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/hr.asp?fpVname=OH_TB&ref_pge=lst My @gretawire interview discussing Roberts, @MittRomney's campaign and @ BarackObama's failing negotiations with Iran http://bit.ly/MX96YH Bob Diamond’s forced resignation from Barclay’s Bank is a really big deal in business. Nobody thought such a thing could happen. Bob Schieffer of Face The Nation is doing well in the ratings--- I like him because he treated me very fairly. "We must never bend too much." -- Yitzhak Shamir (1915-2012) http://on.msnbc.com/N1hGkY The right move--@MittRomney will visit @Israel this summer and meet with @IsraeliPM @netanyahu http://bzfd.it/LO4JdQ Welcome to @BarackObama's America - 8.74 million workers on 'Federal Disability" http://bit.ly/M2vdLo Where are the jobs?! According to @pewresearch the public is still confused on the ObamaCare ruling http://dlvr.it/1p98Qg So is Roberts! Via @AP's: ObamaCare "is a tax" http://apne.ws/N5DonW @BarackObama gave the largest tax increase in history on the middle class. Shameful! Hypocrite! in '06 @BarackObama called private equity "the best opportunity for long-term economic vitality" http://bit.ly/M2a4B2 Great! @MittRomney's campaign is doing a superb job making inroads with the Evangelical Community http://bit.ly/Ng6geX via @TheBrodyFile Just as I predicted, @BarackObama is preparing a possible attack on Iran right before November. http://nyti.ms/N5CTdm I wonder why @BarackObama didn't mention Roberts' BS ObamaCare ruling in his weekly radio address. #T-A-X http://www.politico.com/morningscore/ Wow--such sacrfices for his re-election. @BarackObama will not vacation in Martha's Vineyard this summer.http://b.globe.com/Lj5bqW Degenerate former Congressman Anthony Weiner is trying to make a comeback. He is a sick & perverted man that New York does not want or need. Justice Roberts changed his vote in order to make the media happy. He was intimidated by the press. Con Ed has won its suit against the Ground Zero Mosque developers http://nyp.st/Lj4JJ2 The mosque is never going up. Tomorrow we celebrate Independence Day, America's 236th birthday. Here is America's actual birth certificate http://1.usa.gov/9XhWm Justice John Roberts' stupid and unreasoned decision on ObamaCare is having a positive impact on the @MittRomney (cont) http://tl.gd/i5811s Bob Diamond getting the boot at Barclay's is a really big deal. In business, no one thought this could have happened. I believe @BarackObama made a deal with the Saudis to increase oil production until after the election. Then (cont) http://tl.gd/i57g67 My @SquawkCNBC interview discussing CJ Roberts' stupidity, J Kennedy's wisdom, GOP coalescing & why the mandate (cont) http://tl.gd/i57aec Great poll numbers for @MittRomney just out--he is leading substantially in swing states. The 'brunt' of ObamaCare will be shouldered by folks making under $120K http://bit.ly/KTt46R Is it legal for @BarackObama to make campaign donor calls from Air Force One? http://bit.ly/QJEIB1 Obama is always fundraising on our dime. Why is @BarackObama continuing to lie? http://Factcheck.org has found that @MittRomney did not ship jobs overseas http://bit.ly/LV6LKb Happy to have just passed 1.3M Twitter followers. Love communicating with everyone daily. David Wright of the NY Mets should have been on the 1st Team All Stars. He's having a great year. Don't believe @BarackObama's whining--Pro-Romney SuperPAC spending is on par with Pro-Obama SuperPAC http://bit.ly/MDkFoA Dangerous--The USC ObamaCare ruling means the government can now tax you for inactivity. China court: Apple pays $60M to settle iPad case. China is getting away with murder. http://apne.ws/LLKFJ2 WRONG: A China court ordered @apple to pay $60M to a Chinese company that registered iPad before @apple http://on.wsj.com/Mn95yF My @foxandfriends interview discussing ObamaCare, the Romney-Trump fundraiser & my plans for Jones Beach http://bit.ly/MDhLQN Tomorrow is #TrumpTuesday on @SquawkCNBC, 7:30 AM. Tune in! RT @IvankaTrump: A look inside America's most expensive homes including our gorgeous 32 million dollar penthouse @TrumpChicago http://yhoo.it/LDVO39 "A general is just as good or just as bad as the troops under his command make him." --General Douglas MacArthur Interesting -- studies show that wind farms have a warming effect on the climate Friends of mine who are driving Cadillacs--it is becoming a very hot car--are raving about what a great job @Cadillac has done. ObamaCare has 21 tax hikes http://bit.ly/N2Qhmo There's now only one solution--defeat @BarackObama this November! #GOMITT Great news--here comes the Tea Party! @MittRomney has received 42k donations online & raised over $4.2 million since the ObamaCare decision. Justice Kennedy should be proud of himself for sticking to his principles, in light of Justice Roberts' bullshit! Interesting that Roberts said it was a tax in order to come out with his good public relations decision when (cont) http://tl.gd/i38npj Had a great time with @MittRomney last night. He is focused and ready for the battle ahead. Lots of money was raised. It seems that Justice Scalia originally wrote the majority on ObamaCare and Roberts then switched his position. http://read.bi/N2Px0q Justice Roberts did the Republican Party and @MittRomney a great favor. He essentially said ObamaCare is a tax, (cont) http://tl.gd/i37pn7 Justice Roberts turned on his principles with absolutely irrational reasoning in order to get loving press from (cont) http://tl.gd/i37mdv Wind Farms are not only disgusting to look at but also cause tremendous damage to their local ecosystems. http://bit.ly/LRlOVb Even the US Democrat campaign chair is now telling candidates to avoid the DNC convention http://reut.rs/Lr0hSa Good advice! Obamacare will bankrupt our country and lead to socialized medicine. We must all focus now on electing @MittRomney this November. A list from @Heritage: "Top 10 Most Expensive Obamacare Taxes and Fees" http://bit.ly/IlNUaW Just as I predicted, the oral arguments in the USC were not indicative of how the Court would rule. Many 'analysts' look like idiots today. The Supreme Court ruled @Obamacare constitutional & may have handed @BarackObama a short term victory but (cont) http://tl.gd/i2nie3 #FullRepeal: Stopping Obamacare is now up to the American people. We must elect @MittRomney this November. Remember this---@BarackObama told @GStephanopoulos in 09 that it is "not true" that the individual mandate is a tax http://politi.co/1jNNM The USC made a terrible decision today. How can a requirement to buy private health insurance logically be a Government tax?! Wow, the Supreme Court passed @ObamaCare. I guess @JusticeRoberts wanted to be a part of Georgetown society more than anyone knew. Preliminary talks have begun for next season's #CelebrityApprentice. As usual, we will have another great season. "The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes." --Benjamin Disraeli It is terrible that @BarackObama did not appoint an independent counsel to investigate the national security leaks. No accountability. The Fed's actions these past 3 years could bring record high inflation in the near future. That would be (cont) http://tl.gd/i28562 Who's the outsourcer? @BarackObama's campaign is using a travel company with outsourced jobs in China and India. http://thedc.com/LdJWSw A "Lion's List" of Democrats are not attending @BarackObama's DNC Convention. The Democratic Party is in turmoil. http://lat.ms/MA9j3Q Unemployment has been over 8% for a record 40 straight months. @MittRomney's election will end the @BarackObama downturn. '@BarackObama: The Story' by @davidmaraniss exposes many lies that Obama made up in his memoirs regarding his family and life. Very strange! Why are all the geniuses in Washington who heralded the "Arab Spring" never held responsible for their ridiculous predictions? "Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards." --Vernon Sanders Law Scary--now China's Development Bank is looking to buy U.S. homes and developments http://on.wsj.com/MPDLXo They will own our country soon. Looking forward to the "Dine with Mitt and Donald" this Thursday. Can't wait to meet the lucky winner. @MittRomney Welcome to the new Egypt Muslim Brotherhood representatives who won't take questions from Israeli journalists http://bit.ly/MPCcbR Two more weeks until the July 10th opening- http://on.fb.me/KZKLTD Shock - @BarackObama's DNC Convention has a $27M deficit and events are starting to be canceled. http://bloom.bg/LMELbE My @SquawkCNBC interview discussing simplifying the tax code, Congress' stalemate & the USC immigration decision http://bit.ly/MPzymu "Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that." -- Norman Vincent Peale Outrageous- @BarackObama has spent over $2.7B on implementing @ObamaCare since the oral arguments at SCOTUS http://politi.co/LqZ161 RT @ApprenticeNBC: Want to learn more about @MagicJohnsonFDN? Check out @ArsenioOFFICIAL’s charity page: http://ow.ly/bKbrr #CelebApprentice RT @SquawkCNBC: #Trump Tuesday - @realDonaldTrump takes on the @SquawkCNBC team tomorrow @andrewrsorkin @beckyquickcnbc @MCaruso_Cabrera I am glad America is starting to get to know @MittRomney the way I know him. A wonderful & decent family man (cont) http://tl.gd/i1637v Another broken promise by @BarackObama: @ObamaCare actually increases income inequality http://bit.ly/MLOVub It must be fully repealed! What a statesman! @BarackObama made sure to quickly call the Muslim Brotherhood victor to congratulate him on (cont) http://tl.gd/i15e5n The Islamists have won. Just as I predicted, the Muslim Brotherhood has taken over Egypt. @BarackObama never should have abandoned Mubarek. My @foxandfriends interview re: Muslim Brotherhood taking over Egypt, our vast natural gas resources & US tax system http://bit.ly/MLNpID Tomorrow is #TrumpTuesday on @SquawkCNBC 7:30 AM An insightful article on @BarackObama http://nyp.st/MBUHAs Wind Power is proving to be very costly and unsightly. RT @1Man2GuvnorsNYC: A pleasure to have you in the house and up on stage. Thanks for the help with the heavy lifting. Cheers! @realDonaldTrump @melaniatrump Sometimes there is justice. A Chinese military newspaper was hacked. http://plu.gd/upW Many Democrats up for reelection in 2012 are skipping the DNC convention in Charlotte http://bit.ly/NjUVNe Smart politics! Watch the WH spokesman try to spin @BarackObama's rationale for using exec. priv. on Fast & Furious http://bit.ly/NpKmbB The $9B that @BarackObama spent in 'Stimulus' for Solar, Wind Projects created 910 total jobs, costing $9.8M each. http://ow.ly/bJlvz Moody's is out to make publicity. The bank downgrades from yesterday don't make up for @Moody's giving AAA (cont) http://tl.gd/hvhmj4 U.S. tuitions are completely out of control. In the last 4 years, the average price has gone up by 15%. http://apne.ws/KA4ggE Unsustainable! Congrats to @MiamiHEAT on winning @NBA championship. @MickyArison is a tremendous owner & has done wonders for (cont) http://tl.gd/hvg3q5 Good messaging and staying on point. @MittRomney called @BarackObama "anti-investment, anti-business, anti-jobs" http://apne.ws/KBYgUI "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison Sad--just 16% of American parents think their children will be better off than them http://tinyurl.com/c5k5uy5 We can do much better! A tragedy--the 4 week jobless claim average just hit a new 2012 high http://bit.ly/MkK56H It will only get worse unless something is done. Fast & Furious traces to @BarackObama--he made a pre-Inaugural "Pledge" to Mexican Pres. Calderon to "take action" http://bit.ly/KUSUEa The @BarackObama campaign took in $39M in May but spent $44.6M. Sound familiar! The new @DarKnightRises trailer is fantastic http://lat.ms/MraU9L Trump Tower stood in for Wayne Enterprises during filming. Fast & Furious directly resulted in the death of US Border Agent Brian Terry. Sad! Glad to hear @Ed_Klein's new book on @BarackObama "The Amateur" is #1 on the @newyorktimes best-seller list 4 weeks in a row. Now China won't allow an American to leave the country over a debt dispute--and @BarackObama won't comment. http://bit.ly/NUP17D Rape is a huge problem in the U.S. military. Over 19,000 rapes last year. @ArsenioOFFICIAL I will be watching you on The View tomorrow. I look forward to playing golf with President @BarackObama someday. The USC should be ruling any day now on @ObamaCare. Hopefully we will get the right result. SHOCK - @BarackObama's people are sending paid political organizers to heckle at @MittRomney events http://bzfd.it/MKQJBP CORRUPT--with the national security leaks and Fast & Furious, there are clearly at least two cover ups in @BarackObama's White House. Yesterday there was yet another massive intelligence leak by the @BarackObama administration. http://wapo.st/M4FEQY The Amateur! First @BarackObama was caught bowing to the Saudi King but now the President of Mexico! http://bit.ly/NNcUgi Now is the time to buy housing, before values have fully recovered. In 5 years, remember I told you so. .@MacMiller's "Donald Trump" just hit 60 million hits. Maybe I should go into a new business. Congratulations to @arsenioofficial on his new late night show! He will do really well. (It pays to win #CelebrityApprentice) Putin has no respect for our President --- really bad body language. Now the Chinese are planning a war game w/ the Iranians,Syrians & Russians along Syrian coast. http://bit.ly/NMQzPN Laughing at @BarackObama Congrats to Roger Clemens, he showed great courage. This case never should have been brought to trial. Andy Pettitte did the right thing. Now even @BarackObama's old professors are coming out in opposition to his re-election. http://bit.ly/NMQ9ZM He has embarrassed them. My @SquawkCNBC interview re: Europe's financial mess, investing in Spain, Germany's economy and the future of the Euro http://bit.ly/NMPasL On Friday @VPBiden said that China has better cities and airports than the US. Well what has @BarackObama done about it the last 3 years?! Good--@MittRomney promised "to do the opposite" of @BarackObama on @Israel this past weekend, the FFC Conference http://bit.ly/NK9JFY Glad to hear that @ralphreed's Faith and Freedom Strategy Conference this past weekend in DC was a tremendous success. I don't mind that @BarackObama plays a lot of golf. I just wish he used it productively to make deals with Congress! Russia's recent actions in Syria have proven @MittRomney right. @BarackObama offers Putin "flexibility." @MittRomney will exert influence. Great @NBA finals game last night. @MickyArison's @MiamiHEAT are doing well--and so is Micky. Last Friday's immigration announcement by @BarackObama is another short term solution to a larger problem. Obama can't execute on the Hill. "Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others." -Jack Welch Congratulations to @WebbSimpson1 on winning the @PGATOUR #USOPEN this past weekend. His first Major. Well done! My @foxandfriends interview discussing @BarackObama's immigration policy, @VPBiden's China comments and 2012 election http://bit.ly/NK3MJo If you missed it, my @GolfChannel interview sharing a Father's Day memory about my dad, Fred Trump http://bit.ly/NK4KoV I have received many notes of thanks from people regarding my comments on vaccines and autism. The autism and (cont) http://tl.gd/htekrt Tomorrow is #TrumpTuesday on @SquawkCNBC at 7:30 AM. Tune in! I'll be on @foxandfriends on Monday at 7:30 AM. Always interesting. Tune in! Win a dinner with @MittRomney and me in New York this June 28th. It's selling like hotcakes! http://bit.ly/Kj5jSH "Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out." -- John Wooden The U.S. needs to protect our intelligence assets, especially in China. If the Chinese want to spy on us, then we need to return the favor. Today's announcement by @BarackObama on immigration was done for reelection. He is using the office of the presidency as a campaign tool. Now is the time for the @GOP to be united with the mission of electing @MittRomney this November. Stop with the public divisions. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Want this T-shirt signed by @clayaiken, @ArsenioOFFICIAL, @AubreyODay & more? Enter now! http://bit.ly/L5j2yu http://twitter.com/ApprenticeNBC/status/213681183815516160/photo/1 I wonder when we will be able to see @BarackObama's college and law school applications and transcripts. Why the long wait? What a tremendous speech by @MittRomney yesterday on the economy in Ohio. Great basketball game last night. Congratulations to @MiamiHEAT owner @MickyArison on the win. "Leadership: the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it." --Dwight D. Eisenhower Great players in sports make the game fun to watch. @DerekJeter has continued to impress with another amazing season. Absolute professional. "I don't believe in government picking winners; or in the case of (@BarackObama), picking losers" --@MittRomney Failure--for all of @BarackObama's talk of "engaging the world," U.S. favorability has dropped around the world http://bit.ly/KqdZtk Watch this video to see how bad wind turbines are for the environment- http://on.fb.me/LGXys6 Shocking--over 92% of France--who just elected a socialist for its new PM--want @BarackObama re-elected http://bit.ly/MPdoB8 Today both @BarackObama and @MittRomney are giving speeches on their economic policies in Ohio. The choice is (cont) http://tl.gd/hrff4u Today is my birthday. My wish is for our country to be great and prosperous again. "The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have." --Vince Lombardi The one positive from the plunge in household wealth is that we are in a buyer's market. This is the time to buy! SCARY-$6T in debt and $1T annual budget deficits later, @BarackObama is asking for more time to fix the economy http://reut.rs/KBFXih China's currency manipulation is one of our nation's greatest sovereign threats. The yuan has appreciated 40% against our dollar since 2005. The @MittRomney healthcare plan post ObamaCare relies on consumer choices with more options http://reut.rs/L4RL0s The perfect remedy! Thanks to @BarackObama rejecting the Keystone XL pipeline, China has become Canada's biggest oil consumer. China is laughing at us! Once again, @Cher tweets nonsense about @MittRomney. She needs to stop tweeting & start worrying about some of her many problems. Good news--@MittRomney is now leading in North Carolina according to @ppppolls. The NC GOP is united after their (cont) http://tl.gd/hr0rl0 My @IngrahamAngle interview discussing @JebBush's comments, a united 2012 GOP, #CelebApprentice & Trump#Miss Universe http://bit.ly/KBBXOR Biden @VP Spends $1 Million Annually for Weekend Trips http://bit.ly/Nd2bvh The Euro, put in place to hurt the U.S., is done! -- will have less negative impact than most think. Good--@FLGovScott is suing the Federal Government so he can protect the voter rolls http://bit.ly/KAPDb9 Florida must be a legal election. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." --Winston Churchill Sad.@BarackObama has already exempted major oil importers on Iranian sanctions and is negotiating a waiver with China.http://nyti.ms/KAOnVq Scary--Americans private wealth fell 40% from 2007-2010 http://wapo.st/LixcJm But @BarackObama thinks the private economy is "doing fine." .@MittRomney is 100% right. The US Supreme Court should do "the right thing" & overturn ObamaCare or the country (cont) http://tl.gd/hqi2r9 Welcome to the new reality. Goldman Sachs just based their new Asia Pacific chairman not in Tokyo, but Beijing. http://reut.rs/KALpA7 Don't believe the media stories. OPEC and the Saudis have not been doing us any favors recently with oil outputs. Oil should be $30/barrel. The @timestribune - "@EricTrump: Eyes are on Northeast Pa. with gas development" http://bit.ly/KAJ1t6 As one of Miamii's largest landowners, I am pulling for the @MiamiHEAT in the @NBA finals. Lebron's time is now! @KingJames My @SquawkCNBC interview discussing Jamie Dimon, the Doral Miami purchase, OPEC's output & @PGATOUR Open http://bit.ly/KACX45 My @gretawire interview discussing @billlmaher's comments, attacks on @MittRomney and @CNN & @msnbctv's low ratings http://bit.ly/KAFaMW Sadly, it took a hit & run auto accident to make us aware of who our Secretary of Commerce is--and such an important position! "The entrepreneur builds an enterprise; the technician builds a job." --Michael Gerber Don Jr. will present the Keynote Address in South Africa on Dec. 1st @TheInvestShow Trump Tuesday--@SquawkCNBC tomorrow at 7:38 AM. I will be on @Gretawire's show tonight at 10PM ET on @FoxNews. RT @IvankaTrump: Thrilled to announce we've closed on the purchase of #Doral & @TrumpCollection has assumed management of the resort http://bit.ly/OlfRT1 Is another @BarackObama credit downgrade coming?'Political and Fiscal' concerns give our S&P rating a negative outlook http://read.bi/KgI8v8 The Justice Department's investigation into the national security leaks is not independent. This is a very grave situation. WASTE--HUD is spending $70M to teach grant recipients how to spend the money from their grants http://bit.ly/KgGo4S Does it get any dumber? China has copied our military's F-22 Raptor design http://bit.ly/JOGwbL We should offset their theft from our debt. Good sign--@MittRomney is getting the same amount of union support nationally that @ScottKWalker got in Wisconsin http://politi.co/LhTvyX .@Fehertwit interview of me was the highest rated in @GolfChannel history. He is a great guy. Last Friday's gaffe by @BarackObama claiming that the private sector "is doing fine" is illustrative.Everything to him revolves around gov't "Donald Trump" song is up to almost 60 million hits---- crazy! .@CNN and @MSNBC need big help in the ratings- I can tell them where they are going wrong. With almost 1.3 million followers and rising really fast, everyone is asking me to critique things(and people). Finally, I will be a critic. .@MannyPacquiao was robbed in his title fight on Saturday night. No wonder boxing is dying. Bring back the 15 round fights. Today I closed on my historic purchase of the Doral in Miami. http://bit.ly/L5OJG9 I am very excited about what (cont) http://tl.gd/hq0r8g My @foxandfriends interview discussing @BarackObama's gaffe, closing on #Doral today and @MittRomney's Bain record http://bit.ly/KgAKzM Trump Tuesday--@SquawkCNBC tomorrow at 7:38 AM. Be sure to tune in! Miss Florida was great in her denial of Miss Pennsylvania's phoney statements. She blows Miss Pennsylvania away- a different league . Thanks to @TheRealMarilu, a great woman, for her wonderful defense of the Miss USA pageant. Accounting firm Ernst & Young and the celebrity judges are insulted by Miss Pennsylvania's made up PR. Miss Pennsylvania is just looking for free publicity at the expense of the real winner of Miss USA Olivia Culpo. Beautiful @MissUSA in @NewYorkPost tomorrow as Audrey Hepburn in front of Tiffany's. Too bad I'll Have Another out of Belmont Stakes- interest now way down. Doral Resort closing scheduled for Monday morning. Will soon be finest in the country. Miami is amazing. http://bit.ly/L5OJG9 Typical--@BarackObama's Press Secretary deflects any criticism of Obama's constant celebrity visits by attacking me. My great honor. Scary--the CBO esimated that US publicly held debt amounts to over 70%. China is buying our country up. .@Eugene_Robinson writes for the @washingtonpost. No wonder our country is going to hell. Now @BarackObama is telling @MittRomney how to control his own assets. http://on.msnbc.com/MnOMzf Obama is consumed by class warfare. This is a tragedy. The real unemployment rate is 14.8% with over 23.2 million unemployed Americans. We can do much better. Great news. @MittRomney raised over $76.8M in May and now has over $107M cash on hand with the RNC. His campaign (cont) http://tl.gd/hombn6 "He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot, will be victorious." -- Sun Tzu The Fed reported that companies are not sitting on as much cash as first believed. http://on.wsj.com/MnLT1i The economy is on a slowdown. .@AnnCurry gave a very weak & pathetic interview of Ms. Pennsylvania. Didn't mention judges, Ernst & Young, or other factors. Very sad. My @GMA interview discussing my decision to sue Sheena Monnin and how she is a disgruntled loser http://abcn.ws/MnQYH1 @RealMissPAUSA I'm on @foxandfriends this Monday at 7:30 AM. Tune in! Small businesses will have an ally in the White House with @MittRomney. Mitt gave a great interview yesterday http://cnnmon.ie/KXdvd2 Take a tour of this amazing penthouse in Trump Park Avenue.... http://youtu.be/8gvcxZk5Bxc Shock--even more @BarackObama solar corruption. @VPBiden's chief of staff's firm got biggest DOE loan. http://bit.ly/KXcEJw Greece's financial calamity should serve as a warning. @BarackObama's massive deficit spending is unsustainable. How foolish did @davidaxelrod look yesterday trying to rationalize why @BarackObama accepts donations from Bain? http://bit.ly/KXaPw7 It's good to see that @FLGovScott is protecting the sanctity of this November's elections, Voter fraud must be broken. RT @EricTrump: “@EnigmaCEO: @EricTrump you guys have a winery?”. Yes, we do Xavier. In Charlottesville, VA. Check it out: http://youtu.be/AoirkttNOzs RT @TourCentralPark: @benrichlife @EricTrump The NYT says residents near Central Park do the least for it. Not true of Trump. He also turned the Carousel around. While I own properties across the world I am very excited about my new acquisition of @Doral in Miami. (cont) http://tl.gd/ho4njc .@MittRomney and I are working out a great dinner for someone- I hope it's you! http://bit.ly/Mv4TJF Why is @BarackObama spending millions to try and hide his records? He is the least transparent President--ever--and he ran on transparency. RT @MELANIATRUMP: On the way to @QVC studios. Tune in @7pm EST. The only way to travel😉 http://twitter.com/MELANIATRUMP/status/210422524306141184/photo/1 The results are in. I killed Wolf Blitzer in our debate. I like Wolf but he went for an ambush! #wolfblitzercnn China's new AND ADVANCED currency manipulation is killing the U.S. Help! The Miss USA Pageant #MissUSA was a big ratings hit for @nbc--NBC won the evening. Thank you, Donald. .@BillClinton was very nice to me, as I am to him, on the Piers Morgan Show (CNN). He is loyal to his friends. @piersmorgan Is Roger Simon @politicoroger ever right about anything? Now he's attacking @BillClinton in defense of (cont) http://tl.gd/hnkmgu .@melaniatrump on @QVC tonight at 7PM EST. Tune in! Obama was very disloyal to Wisconsin Democrats. @BarackObama never showed up to help them even though he (cont) http://tl.gd/hnjs22 Congratulations to @ScottKWalker of Wisconsin--a great victory. A smart and tough guy. Great going. It was @BarackObama who promised "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan." Now ObamaCare is causing (cont) http://tl.gd/hn8shq China's best friend @BarackObama wants to cut the US fleet down to 230 ships, the lowest level since WWI.http://bit.ly/Mvg74D "A market is never saturated with a good product, but it is very quickly saturated with a bad one." -- Henry Ford While @BarackObama spends recklessly on domestic projects, he is hollowing out our military with over $487B in cuts http://bit.ly/Mvg74D What a foolish statement by @davidaxelrod - he said that a @marcorubio VP pick would 'insult' Hispanics http://bit.ly/Kam7c7 We have all been following the Wisconsin recall election. @ScottKWalker's victory tonight will be well-earned. A Governor who gets results. Trump Vineyard Estates is a breathtaking location to hold special events for all occasions. Watch the video for a look- http://youtu.be/s8kDzCpvgWA Just cancelled my subscription to @USATODAY. Boring newspaper with no mojo--must be losing a fortune. Founder (cont) http://tl.gd/hn7gjp RT @ApprenticeNBC: Which contestant delivered the best line of the season? Check out a bunch of our favorites: http://ow.ly/bnpc0 #CelebApprentice My @SquawkCNBC interview. http://bit.ly/KKDynS Now that China's own economy is slowing http://buswk.co/JGJvOx watch how they start doing even bigger numbers in (cont) http://tl.gd/hmps9s In some ways it is sad. We all wanted @BarackObama to succeed. It's not worked out that way. The real war on women. Under @BarackObama 766,000 more women are unemployed from when he took office http://bit.ly/LefGXr Welcome to the new reality-- be careful. Retirement ages will be pushed to 80 due to the incompetence of our leaders. http://bloom.bg/LdQ6Fo I had a wonderful meeting with Likud Deputy Speaker of The Knesset @DannyDanon this past Friday in Trump Tower http://bit.ly/JGHlP6 #Israel The North Carolina #GOPConvention was a great time. I loved meeting everyone. Let's carry it to victory in November. My @foxandfriends interview discussing #MissUSA Olivia Culpo, the job numbers & the waste of the Obama stimulus http://bit.ly/JGGGwV Congratulations to Miss Rhode Island on winning the Miss USA contest. She did an amazing job. "Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can." --Paul Tournier TRUMP TUESDAY @SquawkCNBC tomorrow at 7:30 am Tune in! I had fun appearing in the video for Carly Rae Jepsen's #CallMeMaybe for #MissUSA 2012- http://youtu.be/00yKww_BQ2I Watch #MissUSA 2012 live tonight on @NBC at 9PM EST! I had a fun time doing the #CallMeMaybe video featuring the @MissUSA contestants, @BravoAndy, and @GiulianaRancic- http://bit.ly/N9v6Ah I am in Las Vegas for the @MissUSA 2012 pageant. Watch live tonight on @NBC at 9PM ET. http://youtu.be/8GYaT85W15U?hd=1 The @MissUSA 2012 contestants standing outside of Trump Tower in New York City- http://on.fb.me/K2Xe3N @MissUSA 2012 tomorrow at 9PM ET NBC. The stock market is having a horrendous day- bad employment numbers. Almost all reporters falsely report that I had a "bad time" at last year's White House Correspondents' Dinner. (cont) http://tl.gd/hlfud5 "Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can." --Paul Tournier Now the @BarackObama campaign is fundraising off of me. I should get a tax rebate! http://bit.ly/LKyVqJ Waste! The CBO now estimates that @BarackObama's stimulus cost $831B and a ridicuous $4.1M per job created http://bit.ly/KZlaod What a foolish move by @davidaxelrod to speak in Boston yesterday! Completely outmaneuvered by the @MittRomney campaign. Now @BarackObama is telling donors he will need to 'revisit' healthcare in his 2nd term http://bloom.bg/MduKt8 RT @IvankaTrump: Check out this incredible penthouse in America's Tallest Home @TrumpChicago http://onforb.es/Jwp8DK Pres. Bill Clinton, 5.31.12: "@MittRomney had a sterling business career." Tune in Sunday June 3 to NBC at 9pm ET for the 2012 Miss USA competition, coming from Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino in Las Vegas Over $1T in annual deficit spending and adding over $6T to the debt for what? May jobless numbers are horrendous. The great Obama recovery. RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Trump Chicago: America's Tallest Home Hits The Market With A $32 Million Price Tag - Forbes http://onforb.es/Jwp8DJ via @sharethis @melaniatrump's interview on @foxandfriends discussing her beautiful jewelry line,my son Barron and the 2012 campaign http://bit.ly/Llo4Ei The @MissUSA 2012 contestants pose for a picture with me at Trump Tower in New York City- http://on.fb.me/L3rw5Z Bay Bridge in California made in China for $1.8 billion. $300 million in cost overruns. Are we stupid? See you tonight in North Carolina. Making keynote for the Republican party- will be fun. Thank you to the @nydailynews for a very nice story- http://nydn.us/L1oOfC Unemployment has risen today and some other very bad news has just been reported- the stock market is way down. I'll be on @foxandfriends on Monday at 7:30 AM...be sure to tune in. "The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but (cont) http://tl.gd/hl1q3h US job cuts jumped 53% in May from April http://www.cnbc.com/id/47626277 This is the Obama recovery? Pathetic! Since @GovWalker is going to win the recall, @BarackObama is trying to disown the endorsement of Tom Barrett http://bit.ly/M0cdhg Q1 GDP has just been revised down to 1.9% http://1.usa.gov/3hAL The economy is in deep trouble. Does anyone believe that @BarackObama did not fully write or review the 1991 publisher booklet? When will @davidaxelrod realize he is on a fool's errand trying to defend @BarackObama's ineptitude? Dine with The Donald and Mitt http://bit.ly/Mv4TJF Looking forward to meeting everyone at the North Carolina GOP this Friday where I will be the keynote speaker at the dinner. #GOP China and Saudi Arabia recently struck a deal which is "the largest expansion by any oil company in the world" (cont) http://tl.gd/hku5qt "The golden rule for every businessman is this: 'Put yourself in your customer's place.'" --Orison Swett Marden Commodity prices are beginning to drop as a result of the Euro crisis http://buswk.co/JN7mSO So @ReutersPolitics claims that @MittRomney's birth certificate evokes 'controversy' http://reut.rs/LD9gQF Where (cont) http://tl.gd/hkjgsb It was an honor to be with @MittRomney the night he clinched the nomination. He will defeat @BarackObama and be a tremendous POTUS. How ironic that @BarackObama's campaign would call me a charlatan. Have they looked at their boss's record? The @MittRomney fundraiser last night was a tremendous success. George Will was critical of @MittRomney throughout the primary. Maybe it is because his wife was turned down for (cont) http://tl.gd/hkjb5n George Will was pushing for @JonHuntsman for the GOP nomination in December...said he was going to win. (cont) http://tl.gd/hkj8j4 The @BarackObama campaign keeps highlighting a web video of John McCain being nice & respectful. I'll bet John (cont) http://tl.gd/hkj662 My @gretawire interview discussing my @MittRomney fundraiser in Trump Int'l Hotel Las Vegas and the state of the (cont) http://tl.gd/hkj1ae My @CNN interview with @wolfblitzercnn where I discuss @BarackObama's 'birth certificate' and why @CNN has low ratings http://bit.ly/TkduX Scary--America would have had to pay all its GDP to the government to cover @BarackObama's real 2011 budget deficit http://usat.ly/LsHyW4 Now Chinese agents are smuggling our military weapons through rogue US soldiers http://reut.rs/JqtjFT China loves to cheat! RT @ApprenticeNBC: Check out all the best moments from #CelebApprentice Season 5: http://ow.ly/bfCkM Everybody is raving about the Trump Home Mattress by @SertaMattresses. If you are looking for a mattress, go buy (cont) http://tl.gd/hkincm In his own words, @BarackObama "was born in Kenya, and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii." This statement was made, (cont) http://tl.gd/hkim3j Rush is right. @limbaugh and I have both created more jobs than @BarackObama...in fact, far more jobs! What could be better than dinner with @MittRomney and me? http://bit.ly/Kj5jSH I want to see @BarackObama's college records to see how he listed his place of birth in the application. It's amazing how celebrities such as @Cher can say horrible untrue things about Republican politicians and it's (cont) http://tl.gd/hkhiak Reverend Wright was dumped like a dog by @BarackObama--he can't be feeling too good. Perhaps @BarackObama's biggest shortcoming as President is he failed to unite the country. Pres @BarackObama expects @MittRomney to play nice like @SenJohnMcCain--it's not going to happen & the result is going to be much different. Australia is luring US workers to mine the Outback with fast-track visas. Australia's unemployment is 4.9% and (cont) http://tl.gd/hkg7uj "For what is the best choice, for each individual, is the highest it is possible for him to achieve." Aristotle The greatest commodity to own is land. It is finite. God is not making any more of it. So @BarackObama will attack @MittRomney's career at Bain Capital but won't return donations from Bain executives http://bit.ly/KP7TCE Unsustainable- @BarackObama has increased total federal budget outlays by over 24% during his term http://bit.ly/KmXhID He loves debt. Now @BarackObama has decided there are 5 million Palestinian refugees http://bit.ly/LNxVaZ He always goes against @Israel's interest. China is now criticizing the US human rights record http://bit.ly/Ly8B2m They have zero credibility on the issue. Can you believe this? Just 2 years ago @BarackObama celebrated Solyndra http://bit.ly/KT1hTT No party $550 million & a total loss of $ later In '08, @BarackObama said that Bush adding $4T to the debt was unpatriotic.http://bit.ly/pEd2Ww @BarackObama has already added $6T. The 2012 @MissUSA contestants recently visited Trump Tower. Watch the video- http://youtu.be/8GYaT85W15U RT @MELANIATRUMP: @realDonaldTrump & Martin Brodeur @MB30 @NHL @NHLDevils playing #golf @LPGA 2017 course. http://twitter.com/MELANIATRUMP/status/206750494742413312/photo/1 The second part of my @Newsmax_Media interview discussing the GOP convention, VP choices, Facebook and the Euro http://bit.ly/LjbeFB My @SquawkCNBC interview discussing my fundraiser with @MittRomney, starting my own PAC and real unemployment, http://bit.ly/LPpfOr RT @ApprenticeNBC: Want to know more about @ArsenioOFFICIAL and his charity @MagicJohnsonFDN? Find it all here: http://ow.ly/bdUN7 #CelebApprentice I am very excited about hosting @MittRomney today for a fundraiser. Looking forward to seeing @newtgingrich and many other friends. RT @EricTrump: The Eric Trump Foundation (@EricTrumpFDN) Raises $650,000 at Mega Partnering V Event w/@JTFoxx For @StJude: http://bit.ly/KWuMAQ The full episode @theviewtv which I guest hosted last Friday http://abc.tv/LPoTr3 I had a fantastic time. George Will totally “bombed” at The Mar-a-Lago Club. I was there to watch. He was embarrassed and no longer likes Donald Trump. Vanity Fair newsstand sales continue to fall. How much longer can it last? The clock is ticking. Losers such as George Will and @Rosie use me to get publicity for themselves. They are strictly third rate. .@BarackObama is practically begging @MittRomney to disavow the place of birth movement, he is afraid of it and (cont) http://tl.gd/hk2dlp George Will may be the dumbest(and most overrated) political commentator of all time. If the Republicans listen to him, they will lose. RT @EricTrump: @realDonaldTrump Dad you’re doing a great job on @theviewtv w/@barbarajwalters, @whoopigoldberg, @joyvbehar & @ehasselbeck. Keep it up! "Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." -- Winston Churchill HYPOCRITE! Long before @BarackObama called the Tea Party 'teabaggers' he dressed as a revolutionary in a Hyde Park rallyhttp://bit.ly/LqIha7 Dine With The Donald and Mitt: http://bit.ly/Mv4TJF Pictures of @melaniatrump and me from the Men In Black III premiere in New York City http://bit.ly/JzVzXW We loved the movie! Why are armed drones being released over our homeland by the Government?http://cbsloc.al/KetrG1 Seems excessive. Egypt is going the exact opposite of what it was. They will soon be very strongly against Israel. Thanks, President Obama. @BarackObama My @Newsmax_Media interview discussing OPEC, US gas resources, @MittRomney and running a campaign against @BarackObama http://bit.ly/JzV4x3 RT @ApprenticeNBC: Recognize these quotes from this season? See if you can guess who said them! http://ow.ly/b86su #CelebApprentice "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." Ralph Waldo Emerson Josh Brolin, a friend of mine, was terrific in "Men in Black." Congrats! Cadillac has made amazing strides in the beauty and quality of their cars. Great management team--congratulations! @Cadillac Lolo Jones, our beautiful Olympic athlete, wants to remain a virgin until she gets married--she is great. @Followlolo What a series the @nyrangers @NHLDevils is turning out to be! Tonight's game should be another close one. ObamaCare's tax credit is underperforming by over 95% creating an even bigger cost to the debt http://bit.ly/KGohVW It must be repealed! Interesting.@BarackObama's 1981 transfer class to Columbia "declined" in "quality" according to the Columbia Spectator http://bit.ly/Jb05Ga Welcome to Twitter, @melaniatrump! Capitalism doesn't guarantee success, only a chance to succeed. The community organizer @BarackObama doesn't (cont) http://tl.gd/hhjrg6 The storied success of Bain in private entrepreneurship and equity is one reason @MittRomney will be a great POTUS. Disaster! The @BarackObama tax hikes set for 2013 are going "to throw us back into a recession" according to the CBO http://wapo.st/JHm4JZ "Obstacles are those frightening things that become visible when we take our eyes off our goals." -- Henry Ford A bite from last night's @piersmorgan interview discussing Rev. Wright's Ed Klein interview and the 2012 campaign http://bit.ly/Kg2GkP A segment from last night's @piersmorgan interview discussing @CoryBooker and fighting fire with fire in a campaign http://bit.ly/Kg26Ue RT @IvankaTrump: @TrumpLasVegas is hosting a pool party w/ the 2012 @MissUSA contestants, today at 12 pm. Use #MissUSAatTrump for a chance to attend! The @BarackObama administration is pressuring contractors to fix job loss estimates from environmental regulations http://bit.ly/Jz5T I'll be on Piers Morgan Tonight this evening, 9 pm on CNN. Be sure to tune in. @PiersTonight I wonder if @BarackObama ever applied to Occidental, Columbia or Harvard as a foreign student. When can we see (cont) http://tl.gd/hh6ksr The Republicans should use everything against @BarackObama--just as @BarackObama is going to use everything (cont) http://tl.gd/hh6i8b China is now given preference to buy US debt by going directly to Treasury. I don't believe @BarackObama knows that he selling us out. Glad to see that Sacha Baron Cohen's new movie is not only a dud but not too good at the box office. He is talentless. @Sacha_B_Cohen Hmmm...can you imagine me speaking at the RNC Convention in Tampa?http://thedc.com/MhqIMF That's a speech everyone would watch. I am a registered Republican. http://politi.co/5nbA2Y With @MittRomney as the nominee, we can defeat @BarackObama. My @SquawkCNBC interview discussing why I don't own Facebook stock and running a tough campaign against @BarackObama http://bit.ly/JtRxQX RT @ApprenticeNBC: Who had the better presentation? @arsenioOFFICIAL or @clayaiken? Watch both & vote now: http://ow.ly/b4WPS #CelebApprentice Who would you like to see on next season of #CelebrityApprentice? Let us know- everyone wants to be on it. In today's #trumpvlog I talk about how well Will Smith handled the situation with the reporter- http://youtu.be/oV8vjFDVzhk I loved Walter Cronkite, one of the all time greats. He couldn't stand Dan Rather--I agree with Walter. @DanRatherReport President Obama's literary agent (in 1991) promoted a book about "the first African-American president of the (cont) http://tl.gd/hh3plt Rapper @MacMiller's song, "Donald Trump", now has 57 million hits--- I created another star--- where's my cut? Rev. Wright called @BarackObama, on tape, a liar. Why isn't this being looked into? It would be a great commercial for the republicans. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Ready to laugh? Give it up for #TeamArsenio and watch their #celebapprentice stand-up routine: http://ow.ly/b4u56 cc @ArsenioOFFICIAL Mr. Pesident, @BarackObama, you cannot attack free enterprise and expect to have a healthy economy! Will Smith did a great job by smacking the guy "reporter" who kissed him on the lips at a red carpet event. (cont) http://tl.gd/hgp7a5 By releasing Chen, China showed that its political situation is becoming increasingly unstable to domestic (cont) http://tl.gd/hgp08j #TrumpTuesday I'll be on @SquawkCNBC tomorrow at 7:30 am. Tune in! RT @ApprenticeNBC: Congratulations to [SPOILER], this year’s #CelebApprentice! Catch his winning episode here: http://ow.ly/b3oeF America has lost its AAA rating and gained over $6T in debt under @BarackObama and now he wants to raise the debt ceiling--SCARY! Congratulations to @DavidWright of the #Mets. What a great season he is having--batting over 400 and clutch hitting. Also, a fantastic guy. Sahar Biniaz is beautiful. She will make Canada proud in the international @MissUniverse competition this December. Congratulations to @JennaTalackova on winning Miss Congeniality in the @MissUniverseCanada pageant this past (cont) http://tl.gd/hgo5tv The @Yankees must re-negotiate @AROD's contract. He is not the same player without drugs. David Feherty of @GolfChannel will interview me tonight at 10 pm, ET. Tune in--it will be fun. All indications show that @MittRomney is building a strong campaign. His fundraising is ready to outpace (cont) http://tl.gd/hgnsa7 I look forward to watching @clayaiken. He us a very sharp guy who will have a tremendous career. This season of #CelebrityApprentice raised over $2M for charity. @ArsenioOFFICIAL led the pack. He did a great (cont) http://tl.gd/hgn9jn Last night's live season finale of #CelebrityApprentice was another massive ratings success. Thank you to our (cont) http://tl.gd/hgm44h My @foxandfriends interview discussing @ArsenioOFFICIAL's #CelebrityApprentice win, 2012 political ads and the G8 http://bit.ly/JrqzZY Watch the boardroom scene of #CelebrityApprentice with @IvankaTrump and @EricTrump where @ArsenioOFFICIAL is HIRED http://bit.ly/Jrqsh2 #CelebrityApprentice Who will win? http://on.fb.me/M8DVY4 Find out tonight- live Season Finale at 9PM ET on NBC. Time Warner Cable went out on 5th Avenue for 2 plus days. They are a disaster. I think I'm going to switch. And I'll be visiting the TODAY Show on Monday as well @thetodayshow I'll be on @foxandfriends on Monday at 7:30 AM Sure--@BarackObama's literary agent claims the 1991 booklet was a 'mistake' http://abcn.ws/KyYWNA Pretty convenient. Let's take a closer look at that birth certificate. @BarackObama was described in 2003 as being "born in Kenya." http://bit.ly/Klc9Uu Reckless! Why is @BarackObama wasting over $70 Billion on 'climate change activities?' Will he ever learn? http://thedc.com/JnQpHU The @ArsenioOfficial & @ClayAiken #CelebrityApprentice live finale is going to shock you! MUST SEE TV...9 pm Sunday on NBC The final two- @ClayAiken & @ArsenioOfficial- in the lobby of Trump Tower- http://on.fb.me/L5fvfL #CelebrityApprentice Sacha Baron Cohen's new movie "The Dictator" is a complete dud. Lots of bad reviews. Besides, he should (cont) http://tl.gd/hffsu7 Eddie Malloy, Construction Union Leader, tough as hell but fair, an amazing guy. Went to his funeral this (cont) http://tl.gd/hffmh7 John Travolta got lucky. These characters that are accusing him of whatever just hired @GloriaAllred, a full (cont) http://tl.gd/hffivn Seems hard to believe that @Facebook could be worth that much--be careful if you invest. And Mark Zuckerberg--get a pre-nup. Donna Summer performed for me many times--she was great and will be missed. @TheDonnaSummer Mitt Romney matches sitting President in fundraising for April--not an easy thing to do. Bad news for (cont) http://tl.gd/hf1mft RT @ApprenticeNBC: Want to meet @clayaiken & @arsenioofficial? Visit them at the @nbcstore tomorrow. WATCH: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVCyRjLsyRQ #CelebApprentice Under Mayor @MikeBloomberg and Police Commissioner @Ray Kelly all violent crime in NYC is down dramatically. That's leadership. RT @ApprenticeNBC: CAPTION IT! What’s going on in this photo from Sunday’s #celebapprentice finale? http://ow.ly/aYTj9 "The best vision is insight." --Malcolm Forbes RT @ApprenticeNBC: Who said it? Name the celebrity in our new game: http://ow.ly/aYQtu #celebapprentice WaPo attack on alleged high school incidents by @MittRomney is a hit job to me. Where are @BarackObama's high school and college records? @Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg is clearly a brilliant guy. My advice? Get a pre-nup! http://bit.ly/JZvv34 @RealMarkZuck RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Look who I found lurking in the lobby of Trump Tower! @arsenioofficial and @clayaiken good luck guys http://yfrog.com/ke5sknxj Here's what I told @Gretawire on @FOX when it comes to singer @Cher's inappropriate attacks on @MittRomney http://fxn.ws/KelQUM RT @ApprenticeNBC: Want to meet @arsenioofficial & @clayaiken? Join us for the #CelebApprentice Meet & Greet Friday at the @nbcstore: http://twitter.com/ApprenticeNBC/status/202859698817470466/photo/1 "Diligence is the mother of good luck." --Benjamin Franklin RT @ApprenticeNBC: ROLE PLAY: You’re in the Final Two. Which #celebapprentice contestants do you bring back to help you win? SHOCK! While attacking @MittRomney's private equity experience, @BarackObama raises $2M from private equity bankers http://yhoo.it/K71uPp Wrong! Under @BarackObama's watch, @Israel is not being invited to NATO summit in Chicago this month http://bit.ly/K70wTn Glad to see that Jamie Dimon passed yesterday's shareholder vote. The JP Morgan stock holders understand that a good CEO is worth keeping. The final two- @ArsenioOFFICIAL and @ClayAiken- visited yesterday- http://on.fb.me/KPhyY5 Under @BarackObama, the Iranian nuclear program has rapidly grown. http://freebeacon.com/robert-joseph-goes-nuclear/ RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Pic of @realDonaldTrump @clayaiken @ArsenioOFFICIAL me in our real boardroom http://yfrog.com/oepi5taj RT @EricTrump: Also, kudos to Trump International Hotel & Tower Toronto for making this year’s Travel + Leisure "It List!" http://bit.ly/K2O32F RT @EricTrump: Congratulations @TrumpChicago - @TravlandLeisure’s 2012 World’s Best Service Awards Top 10 Hotels! http://bit.ly/KnbkQF We should not bail out any of the European countries or banks. Why the nation's debt keeps growing - a Dept of Agriculture employee made over $242K with a $63K bonus http://on.wusa9.com/JQtWrg Ridiculous. RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Cool! @realDonaldTrump meeting w the final 2 @clayaiken & @ArsenioOFFICIAL next2 my office. Who is going to win this thing? @ApprenticeNBC A great ad from @MittRomney showing "A Few of the 23 Million" unemployed who need economic change http://bit.ly/IVOH0B Take it to him Mitt! Why won't @BarackObama repeal the Defense of Marriage Act if he supports gay marriage? http://bit.ly/KqbK8Z He is gaming the issue. According to @RasmussenPoll @MittRomney has a 12 point advantage over @BarackObama on the economy http://bit.ly/KqaR09 Look for it to grow. Congratulations to my friend @limbaugh on being named to the "Hall of Famous Missourians." Rush is a great guy & a great character. My @SquawkCNBC interview discussing Jamie Dimon, banking regulations and Mark Zuckerberg's prenuptial http://bit.ly/KqacvK My @gretawire interview discussing @BarackObama's misleading political ad, @MittRomney's response and @Cher & @Rosie http://bit.ly/Kq8URk I hope Mark Zuckerberg signs a prenup with his current girlfriend- perhaps soon to be wife. Otherwise, she can walk away with 9 billion. "Don't find fault. Find a remedy." --Henry Ford Worired that the USC will strike down ObamaCare, @BarackObama is trying to implement his debacle in public schools http://bit.ly/KFXAPq More than $500 million designated for Iraqi Army disappeared. Where is it? Our sad sad country--what have we come to? Mitt Romney gave a masterful speech this weekend at Liberty University with a wonderful introduction by Mark DeMoss. Well done. @MittRomney Now China is threatening our allies who share defense pacts with us, the latest is the Philippines http://bit.ly/KFW4wy Very aggressive RT @ApprenticeNBC: Who were you most excited to see return last night? #CelebApprentice Did @BarackObama try to bribe Rev. Wright with $150K? http://nyp.st/IO6qbM I am sure the media will be all over this. Even @BarackObama's own doctor thinks ObamaCare will be a failutre due to runaway costs http://bit.ly/LwMn31 It must be repealed. Great quote from the late Steve Jobs: "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." China, Japan and South Korea agreed to have free trade negotiations--notice they don't ask the U.S. to join in (cont) http://tl.gd/hdno1t Ed Klein wrote a book on the President, "The Amateur." Great book, excellent reading! @Ed_Klein My interview with Eagle Daily Investor: "Anti-Business Government Policies Hurt Investor, Trump Warns" http://nyp.st/IO6qbM Facebook billionaire gives up his U.S. citizenship in order to save taxes. I guess 3.8 billion isn't enough for (cont) http://tl.gd/hdnk92 RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: A great piece on Trump Toronto: Trump trumps itself http://www.theprovince.com/travel/Trump+trumps+itself/6613690/story.html via @theprovince VOTE 4 @mariamenounos & @derekhough #DWTS #01 tonight! 2 wks to the top! 1-800-868-3401 VOTE ONLINE at: http://abc.tv/GzvB1m My @foxandfriends interview discussing JP Morgan Chase, bank lending, student loans & @AubreyODay's firing last night http://bit.ly/KFR23h U.S. looks like they will quit in effort to train Iraq police units. "Key mission in disarray--costly project (cont) http://tl.gd/hdne0r Very resource rich Canada, our neighbor, is looking to China for its growth. Just another sad commentary on the U.S. http://on.wsj.com/KkQVfb Miss Universe, @Dayanamendoza, will be on the live @CelebApprentice finale this Sunday at 9 pm. Everyone is asking for her. @MissUniverse RT @EricTrump: Awesome day at #DoralGolfResortandSpa in Miami w/@IvankaTrump. No doubt it will soon be one of our greatest properties http://twitter.com/EricTrump/status/202079095440424960/photo/1 @AndyPettitte lost his first game--I used to be a fan of his until he ratted out his best friend, @RogerClemens. @AndyPettitte Great job by the NY Rangers and the NJ Devils. @NYRangers @NHLDevils I'll be on @SquawkCNBC tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. #TrumpTuesday As I stated long ago, @greece will break away from the euro and go back to its own currency. They should never (cont) http://tl.gd/hdlj3v Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan Chase had a bad week, but will fully recover. He is a good guy and a great banker. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Who will be the final two? Watch last night’s #CelebApprentice to find out: http://ow.ly/aTzBA The TIME Magazine cover showing late age breast feeding is disgusting--sad what TIME did to get noticed. @TIME Howard Stern will do a great job on @America'sGotTalent. He's very smart and really gets what talent is. @HowardStern @Cher should stop with the bad plastic surgery and nasty statements about good people running for office. I (cont) http://tl.gd/hchk8l @AndyPettitte ratted out his best friend @RogerClemens in a ridiculous trial. Not nice! Who is rooting for Andy P? Ugly industrial wind turbines are ruining the beauty of parts of the country--and have inefficient unreliable energy to boot. Terrible. Wind farms are provided permits by the US government, which causes the "programmatic" killing of bald eagles. Good news. Voters give @MittRomney the edge over @BarackObama on handling the economy according to @gallupnews http://bit.ly/JhIIZO If the press can report stories from @MittRomney's dorm years then why can't it find @BarackObama's college and law school transcripts? Procter and Gamble is relocating its beauty headquarters from Cincinnati to Asia--what are we doing?! The April jobs report is terrible. If the labor forces didn't shrink under @BarackObama then real unemployment (cont) http://tl.gd/hcgpma Selective memory - @BarackObama says that he "forgets" the recession http://bit.ly/IYtzM7 Maybe that's why he is forgetting to create jobs. Watch Celebrity Apprentice on Sunday at 9 pm on NBC--we're winding up for a terrific finale. What a season! http://bit.ly/6lyMkt I'll be on @foxandfriends on Monday at 7:30 a.m. Always a great time. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Who does @clayaiken want to see in the #CelebApprentice finals? He breaks down potential matchups in #ClaysTake: http://ow.ly/aPxjp In the UK, taxpayers are wasting £24 million on wind farms that don't even operate. http://tgr.ph/A2gB8Z They (cont) http://tl.gd/hc3q35 Who's the flip flopper? @MittRomney has never flip flopped on gay marriage. Our trade deficit continues to rise at record rates http://abcn.ws/K1OVqQ The US manufacturing sector is being (cont) http://tl.gd/hc31ip RT @ApprenticeNBC: #CelebApprentice is proud to support the @GotYourSix campaign! Join the discussion LIVE today at 1:30 ET! http://ow.ly/aPpWo @Charles Barclay, a friend of mine & a wonderful guy, didn't mean to be so nasty to @MittRomney. He was just (cont) http://tl.gd/hc1s86 Congratulations to @IsraeliPM @netanyahu on forming his new unity government. A major political success for the Jewish State of Israel. Welcome to the new reality. @BarackObama is now letting China buy US banks http://yhoo.it/IYYMjB The US government is selling us out. .@Cher attacked @MittRomney. She is an average talent who is out of touch with reality. Like @Rosie O'Donnell, a total loser! RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Thrilled to know that Trump International Hotel & Tower Toronto made Travel + Leisure’s @trumpto “It List” for 2012 http://bit.ly/K2O32E The polling numbers show a close race. @MittRomney needs all of our support. RT @ApprenticeNBC: FILL IN: My fave #CelebApprentice contestant _______ would win @NBCAGT by using _______ as their talent: http://ow.ly/aO6fM #AGT Georgetown should not host @KathleenSebelius for the graduation ceremony. Her policies abuse Catholics. Gas prices are still too high. We really need to pressure OPEC to lower the price of oil. Joe Biden called America "the Problem" vis a vis Iran http://bit.ly/LGqYHg He never wastes an opportunity to say something stupid.@JoeBiden My @gretawire interview discussing the economy, unemployment numbers, China, Charles Barkley,France and the election http://bit.ly/LNV6Rg My @SquawkCNBC interview discussing the Republic of Georgia, taxes, the fledgling economy and Facebook http://bit.ly/JZlGoy RT @ApprenticeNBC: Whose ad did you like better: #TeamUnanimous (http://ow.ly/aNYb1) or #TeamForte (http://ow.ly/aNYb2)? #CelebApprentice "It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer." Some good words from Albert Einstein. It pays to be tenacious. My son Don will be giving the Keynote Address at The Investment Show in Sandton, South Africa on Dec. 1. He's an (cont) http://tl.gd/hbi7a7 2011 #CelebrityApprentice winner @JohnRich and @MarleeMatlin interviewed the final four in this week's episode- http://on.fb.me/Jcmq8t "Entrepreneurs must have vision plus the power of focus... to see the future and turn their vision into a profitable reality." #MidasTouch "I don't consider writing books a small venture...writing books is essentially a sharing experience." @MidasTouch @theRealKiyosaki RT @BrianASidman: Thank you everyone for your support @EricTrumpFdn! Another stellar fundraiser for the kids @StJude. @AshleyTSidman @EricTrump @andrewjoblon VOTE 4 @mariamenounos & derekhough#01 tonight! She's doing a great job on Dancing with the Stars #DWTS (& a good person). 1-800-868-3401 V.P.....really! http://abcn.ws/K039Gg What's the primary ingredient for success? Passion. You have to love what you're doing or you won't get too far. "You can't build a reputation on what you're doing to do." Great quote by Henry Ford. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Who had the upper hand as project manager last night: @lisalampanelli or @Teresa_Giudice? WATCH: http://ow.ly/aKTXX #CelebApprentice Still a buyer's market. Home prices are dropping, mortgages are low. Now is the time to take advantage for your gain. http://bloom.bg/IRQwll We must keep the pressure on @BarackObama's administration to make sure Chen comes to the US. It would be a tragedy to abandon him in China. No wonder Afghanistan is a mess! @BarackObama is releasing high level insurgents in exchange for pledges of peace. http://wapo.st/J8hxNl I had a great time doing press interviews with @LisaLampanelli and @Teresa_Giudice earlier today- http://on.fb.me/JXIXVl Our economy is at a standstill. Some are even predicting a possible double dip. We need to elect @MittRomney in November. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Find out why last night’s #CelebApprentice was one of @clayaiken’s favorites in this week’s #ClaysTake: http://ow.ly/aKMwZ The election result in France is very disappointing. The Europeans have to embrace austerity in order for their economy to fully recover. Glad to hear Mariano Rivera is going to make a comeback in 2013. He is a true sportsman and a great competitor. http://bit.ly/JKAZS3 The 9/11 trials at Gitmo over the weekend were a disaster. Can you imagine how much worse it would be if @BarackObama tried them in NYC? Watch ET tonight to find out what my beautiful wife will be wearing at the Met Gala! http://bit.ly/KfDmM9 My @foxandfriends interview discussing the 9/11 Trials at Gitmo, @MittRomney, the job numbers and @CelebApprentice http://bit.ly/ITSO0e "Much as it pays to emphasize the positive, there are times when the only choice is confrontation." #TheArtofTheDeal "Ultimately, Trump Tower became much more than just another good deal. I work in it, I live in it, and I have a (cont) http://tl.gd/hao4t0 Tomorrow is #TrumpTuesday on @squawkboxCNBC, 7:30 AM, don't miss it! RT @ApprenticeNBC: Blown away by last night’s hair dryer print ads? Re-watch the entire episode, online now! http://ow.ly/aKdzn #CelebApprentice Looks like my work here is done, bringing a close to the first ever #NBC #SweepsTweet. Keep watching @ApprenticeNBC, every Sunday 9/8c. Firing @lisalampanelli may have come as a surprise. She’s a strong player. But there are no losers at this late point. #sweepstweet #CelebrityApprentice Listening to the advice from @johnrich and @marleematlin adds another insight into the Final 4. #sweepstweet #sweepstweet @3nVMusic I very much rely on my own ‘take’ of the situation and people involved. My instincts (cont) http://tl.gd/haevdj #SweepsTweet @clayaiken might get some use out of the Chi Touch digital hairdryer. Not the same for @arsenioofficial. Remember the huge amount of money raised by @JohnRich and company… #sweepstweet I have a feeling the emphasis by @johnrich and @marleematlin will be on the charities and the money raised. (cont) http://tl.gd/haesps #CelebrityApprentice It’s good to have Jack back too with @marleematlin. He’s become a star. #sweepstweet #sweepstweet @johnrich and @marleematlin were on #CelebrityApprentice—and they’re back! #sweepstweet Teresa seems to underestimate the power of observance—that of the client as well as her team- but she’s a wonderful person #CelebrityApprentice Boardrooms—can anything be more intense? #sweepstweet #sweepstweet @teresa_giudice definitely fell under @lisalampanelli's negotiation skills—an important business tool. #sweepstweet @lisalampanelli wins $100,000 for her charity and that’s a nice gift. #sweepstweet @DonaldJTrumpJr and @EricTrump have the eyes and ears for total surveillance- I wonder where they got that from? #CelebrityApprentice @arsenioofficial “trying to be invisible”? No way that’s going to happen. #sweepstweet #CelebrityApprentice Could this ad campaign result in Mad Men & Mad Women? #sweepstweet Product placement is a definite prerequisite. #sweepstweet How will the client react? They’ve got both Elle Magazine and Chi to please. #sweepstweet Aubrey has a lot of self confidence—but will it be warranted? #sweepstweet I’m not sure about @teresa_giudice as Project Manager. @lisalampanelli can be formidable. But let’s see what happens #sweepstweet Good move by Aubrey to be the red-headed model they didn’t have. #sweepstweet The models are looking good… different types, all beautiful. #sweepstweet It’s clear to me that @teresa_giudice needs some lessons in negotiation #sweepstweet #sweepstweet @ncwannabe- @clayaiken, I knew he could sing but I didn’t know he could be so tough and so smart. (cont) http://tl.gd/hae2hk Could be a fight over red-heads with @lisalampanelli—this could be good. #sweepstweet #SweepsTweet @GeorgeWilson777 As the show continues to evolve, that could happen. The format we have now has (cont) http://tl.gd/hadv3a #SweepsTweet @okimani I’d like to be remembered as someone who cared about his family and who contributed to (cont) http://tl.gd/hadtu8 Frank Bennack, the head of Hearst, is a great guy and amazing leader. #SweepsTweet We have a Hearst Tower in New York and Hearst Castle in CA—both are worth seeing. I think @teresa_giudice may know she could be @lisalampanelli's next target #SweepsTweet The Final Five—this has been a fight—and I think the fight will continue… #SweepsTweet Thanks for the welcome @dateline_keith. Now it’s my turn to #SweepsTweet along with @apprenticeNBC. I will be live tweeting during tonight's #CelebrityApprentice 9 PM ET @NBC This Sunday's @CelebApprentice will shock you! Big Development...Be sure to tune in on @NBC this Sunday at 9PM EST! In the 1920's people were worried about global cooling--it never happened. Now it's global warming. Give me a break! According to @BarackObama the War on Terror is over http://bit.ly/KkEDo9 but global warming is a national (cont) http://tl.gd/h9g5an With today's struggling job numbers, it is clear that there is one choice this November. @MittRomney can turn the economy around. Welcome to the @BarackObama recovery--the labor force participation rate is at a NEW 30 year low of 64.3% http://bit.ly/KkEDo9 RT @ApprenticeNBC: Have questions for @realDonaldTrump? Send them our way! And be sure to follow him Sunday as he live tweets our new episode! The new unemployment numbers are terrible. 522,000 more people are out of the labor force to 88,419,000. http://bit.ly/KkEDo9 Mariano Rivera, Yankee pitcher, is the greatest ever. Get well fast. Derek Jeter is playing phenomenal baseball. He is a total winner--and also a great guy. @DerekJeter Celebrity Apprentice will have some big surprises this week--Sunday night on NBC at 9 pm http://www.nbc.com/the-apprentice/ I'll be on @foxandfriends on Monday at 7:30 AM... Photo from yesterday's USGA announcement that Trump National Golf Club Bedminster will host the 2017 U.S. Women's Open- http://on.fb.me/L6YLct RT @ApprenticeNBC: What would you do if your project manager didn’t give you credit? React like @lisalampanelli?: http://ow.ly/aGz9M #CelebApprentice Fracking will lead to American energy independence. With price of natural gas continuing to drop, we can be at a tremendous advantage. Congratulations to the @thenyrangers on taking a 2-1 lead over the @washcaps. Great game last night! RT @IvankaTrump: We are very excited to host the U.S. Women’s Open at Trump National Golf Club Bedminster NJ in 2017! #Golf #USGA http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-05-02/trump-national-golf-course-said-to-host-2017-u-s-women-s-open.html We will never cut spending until we actually work off of a budget. The Democrats haven't passed one in over 3 years. What a joke. Now @BarackObama is praising China's "cooperation" in negotiations over Chen Guangcheng http://bit.ly/KsSfqY This is a sad episode for us. The rolling average of jobless claims is the highest in 5 months http://bit.ly/Ip8YwG ObamaCare continues to slow growth and cost jobs. RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: I am excited for tonight's @operationsmile NY Gala. Can't believe it has been 10 Years since i got involved helping kids all over the world "The economy will come back, but it will not be the same economy. The old economy of the Industrial Age is (cont) http://tl.gd/h8t7sd WRONG!@BarackObama capitulated to China by releasing Chen Guangcheng out of the US Embassy http://wapo.st/IGTpCi China really has our number Snowboarder/Skateboarder @Shaun_White stopped by to visit this week.... http://on.fb.me/IERX6w When will @BarackObama release his college and law school transcripts? http://thedc.com/IlDurh RT @ApprenticeNBC: Which project manager no-no would get you more riled up? Vote in this week’s Wild Card: http://ow.ly/aEXfU #CelebApprentice My friend Ronald Kessler explains in @washingtonpost that Secret Service problems are much bigger than prostitutes http://wapo.st/IEu6Ut Orders for U.S. factory goods in March record biggest decline in 3 years http://bit.ly/IEtuye China is eroding the US manufacturing sector. The new Dark Knight Rises Trailer is great http://bit.ly/jQmLQT The movie filmed scenes in Trump Tower last October. RT @IvankaTrump: Today is the last day to enter the Crystal Light Sweeps to win a trip to NYC to watch the Apprentice finale! #spon http://on.fb.me/IlZFOV Editorial by @DonaldJTrumpJr in the "DailyCaller: "Defending Innovation in America" http://thedc.com/KCLWq5 My interview with @NYDNGatecrasher discussing @BarackObama's #WHCD and my endorsement of @MittRomney http://nydn.us/IqtxwC "China's leadership is sneaky and underhanded, they significantly underreport their actual defense budget and (cont) http://tl.gd/h8fbkb RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: 'Celebrity Apprentice' Recap: Jingle All the Way http://www.rollingstone.com/movies/news/celebrity-apprentice-recap-jingle-all-the-way-20120430 via @rollingstone "Here's the deal: when your secretary of defense tells you that your proposed cuts will erode America's military (cont) http://tl.gd/h8erbc America's debt crisis is our country's greatest challenge. Spending must be curbed for our long term fiscal future. Bad move-@BarackObama released $147M in aid to the Palestinians http://bit.ly/Jn3Ua1 That money is going to Hamas. The EPA official who wants to crucify gas companies resigned http://bit.ly/ID6PiA Good- but his attitude is endemic in the EPA @rupertmurdoch is a superb businessman and a world class CEO.He has built a tremendous empire and is certainly "fit" to run his corporation. My @SquawkCNBC interview discussing @BarackObama's #WHCD, my Scotland property & @BarackObama using Bin Laden's death http://bit.ly/KoxCfC My @foxandfriends interview discussing @BarackObama's #WHCD, lowering tax rates, Republic of Georgia & (cont) http://tl.gd/h82s3s "The innocent bystanders of American poverty are kids. Yet two-thirds of childhood poverty in America is (cont) http://tl.gd/h81lbj "Our Founding fathers got it. They understood that nothing good in life--religious freedom, economic freedom, (cont) http://tl.gd/h81fau Here’s a great video of the official launch of my new fragrance #Success @Macys Herald Square http://youtu.be/kbleBn4-79g RT @SquawkCNBC: #TrumpTuesday! @realDonaldTrump Is On Deck Tomorrow. His Joins Us Live On @SquawkCNBC At 7:30am ET $$ Guess which POTUS has held more fundraisers than the previous 5 combined? http://bit.ly/JFoQLr @BarackObama is (cont) http://tl.gd/h7ks70 The Federal Government is teaching citizens 'Financial Literacy' while it is running $16T in debt http://bit.ly/IJ374o Only in America! Chinese spies stole our F-35 Joint Strike Fighter design http://bit.ly/IJ29oX We should offset the cost from our Chinese debt Barack Obama's delivery on Saturday night was excellent--cute mention of Trump--and I am flattered to be mentioned. @BarackObama Good Morning America is thrilled @Rosie is working for the @todayshow--that means almost guaranteed success for @GMA He @johnedwards is bad, but @andrewyoung is worse--not only is he a "rat" but it turns out he stole much of the money for himself. Rosie O'Donnell should leave Lindsay Lohan alone--@Rosie has bigger problems than Lindsay. Lindsay's mother called my office for help My @gretawire interview where I discuss fixing the economy, killing Bin Laden, the John Edwards trial and fair trade.http://bit.ly/JpSxkA Tomorrow is #TrumpTuesday on @squawkCNBC 7:30 AM EST. Always interesting. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Which of the final six impressed you most? Last night’s #CelebApprentice is online now. Re-watch it here: http://ow.ly/aBqFI Be sure to tune in to another amazing episode of #CelebApprentice tonight on @NBC at 9PM EST! http://bit.ly/I4GOru #SuccessByTrump Here’s a photo from my appearance at @Macy's Herald Square with @ximenanr http://on.fb.me/IaF6mq Wind turbines threaten the migration of birds http://bit.ly/IZDkqi Where's the outcry? Claims for unemployment are at a 3 month high http://usat.ly/IZBe9J Where's the @BarackObama recovery? RT @ApprenticeNBC: We’re giving away a pair of @IvankaTrump pumps signed by some of the #celebapprentice cast! Contest details coming shortly. The Obama's Spain vacation cost taxpayers over $476K http://bit.ly/JtGxxy They love to spend money. "In this book, our second together, we share what gives us the Midas Touch, the ability to turn things we touch (cont) http://tl.gd/h66qg6 RT @ApprenticeNBC: Who wants to have a little Friday fun?! Keep your eyes peeled for a very special #celebapprentice #giveaway! Be sure to tune in to another amazing episode of #CelebApprentice this Sunday on @nbc at 9PM EST! This Sunday's (cont) http://tl.gd/h66gqm The EPA is caught saying that their "philosophy is to crucify oil companies" http://bit.ly/JBuUsi That will sure lower the price of gas. Admiral McRaven had full operational control of the Bin Laden mission http://bit.ly/Kg7vrN @BarackObama gave vague directions. "I'm sick of always reading about outsourcing. Why aren't we talking about 'onshoring' or 'insourcing?' We need (cont) http://tl.gd/h5mdt7 I have never been a fan of John Edwards but it is time for the gov't to focus on more important things. @johnedwards I wonder why @BarackObama is now spending $8B to postpone Obamacare's Medicare Cuts until after the election? http://onforb.es/JnVuRF Standing on what will be the greatest golf course in the world. Opens July 10th. http://on.fb.me/IsDnvA The economy is expected to slow down once again at the end of the year http://bit.ly/I7BZ4F The price of gas has to be lowered. Still a buyer's market. Residential home sales fall 7.1% in March. http://bit.ly/IQxRkE Now is the time to buy property. He @BarackObama believes that the War on Terror is over http://bit.ly/JQ1Ok6 Who does he think won? Congratulations to @MittRomney on Tuesday night's sweep. He also delivered a 'Killer Speech' http://bit.ly/IuB37X RT @ApprenticeNBC: FILL IN THE BLANK: If I was on #CelebApprentice, the charity I’d play for would be ________. RT @Schwantz72: @DonaldJTrumpJr Did u know that u can never recover the energy used to build a wind turbine as they are so inefficient. Source: Greenpeace RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: "@Daisygirl113: Don Jr Since the power company put up the turbines I can see from my house, my power bill has tripled." It will get worse!!! RT @ShivrajGohil: @DonaldJTrumpJr @realdonaldtrump Rightly contested Donald. Speaking from the UK, the Scottish government love to run into dead ends! RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: "@jam1ryn: @DonaldJTrumpJr I think your Father made a great speech today. He has invested all this money in our country - its good" Thanks RT @ApprenticeNBC: Who had the better presentation: Forte or Unanimous? Watch @aubreyoday & #TeamUnanimous here: http://ow.ly/ausQz #CelebApprentice "Right now, we are running a massive $300 billion trade deficit with China. That means every year. China is (cont) http://tl.gd/h55j1d RT @AshleyTSidman: Less than 2 weeks left til @EricTrumpFdn @EricTrump LA Golf Invitational! Golf almost sold out going 2 be a blast!! "The fact is, right now and for the foreseeable future, the planet runs on oil--and that means we need to get (cont) http://tl.gd/h53t6j RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: "@KJChmura: Don Jr any idea when the first big tournament will be?" Being discussed. You will know as soon as I do (well 2 seconds later)! RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: "@Edm5VanZero: @DonaldJTrumpJr oooo nice. Is there a website to look at?? Thanks for info btw" Thanks! Go to http://Trumpgolf.com RT @TheMrBrownstone: @DonaldJTrumpJr watched ur dad on Scottish Tv tonight. I admire and respect the stance he taking against Alex Salmond. He has my support. RT @sofierose22: @DonaldJTrumpJr @jrowson7 we have wind farms in Ontario that cost us billions then we pay the U.S to take our electricity surplus. Crazy RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: BBC News - Donald Trump says he was 'lured' into building £1bn golf resort! http://bbc.in/IoiCkF RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: "@TheMrBrownstone Don, any Scot with sense is behind ur dads vision. The Trump brand is world renowned and will boost our economy." Thanks! RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: _ @jrowson7 Thanks very much. If the people knew how much the wind subsidies would cost them we wouldn't even be talking about this. RT @jrowson7: @DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump Every educated Scot is behind you! Your project is the kind of vision we need in this country! #TeamTrump RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Of the 300 supporters I saw literally only 3 detractors, 1 who viciously knocked over a small child who only wanted to see @realDonaldTrump RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: A pic of all our supporters outside Scottish Parliament. Thank you for all your support! http://yfrog.com/nuhlshgj RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: With @realDonaldTrump who just testified in front of Scottish Parliament. I am very proud of the job he did!!! #TrumpScotland RT @ApprenticeNBC: Who is to fault for the very brief presentation? http://ow.ly/auyzn #CelebApprentice Demand by China continues to raise the price of oil http://bloom.bg/I6v1cq We must become energy independent through our vast resources. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Who do you want to see as the next #CelebApprentice project manager? Majority of Independents want Obamacare overturned http://bit.ly/IeCqVf The best way to do it is by voting out @BarackObama Congratulations to the @NYRangers on bringing the series home last night. Made in America? @BarackObama argues that his long form birth certificate is irrelevant in court.http://bit.ly/HNTQaT The Government spends 30% more than it admits http://bit.ly/I6dC4U @BarackObama is out of control with his deficit spending. RT @EricTrump: I'm thrilled to congratulate the winners of @TrumpCollection's 1st Thanks & Giving trophy for @StJude, @TrumpChicago! http://twitter.com/EricTrump/status/194783980929818624/photo/1 RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: The first hole at Trump International Golf Links Scotland. Wish I was playing it! http://yfrog.com/hwggevtj "You can take the smartest kid at Wharton, the one who gets straight A's and has a 170 IQ, and if he doesn't (cont) http://tl.gd/h4havf I am enjoying my travels across Europe but home is where the heart is. Looking forward to coming back to the family in New York very soon. "I'm loyal to people who've done good work for me." #TheArtofTheDeal American professors were in Tehran for an Occupy Wall Street Conference http://bit.ly/Icrpa5 @BarackObama's diplomatic initiative?!?! @JonHuntsman just trashed the GOP and stood up for China on Sunday http://bit.ly/Jz8iqj I am surprised he didn't say it in Mandarin. 69 Democrats voted in favor of the Keystone pipeline in the House this week http://bit.ly/Jc9lKP A major defeat for @BarackObama RT @JamieMckerron: @realDonaldTrump Aberdeen more than welcome's you here, and were all really looking forward to playing on this course @DonaldJTrumpJr Lucky to have been chosen for the purchase of the magnificent The Point Lake and Golf Club on Lake Norman in (cont) http://tl.gd/h4694r Not only are wind farms disgusting looking, but even worse they are bad for people's health http://bit.ly/I9Dl8k (cont) http://tl.gd/h46200 "More than anything else, I think deal-making is an ability you're born with. It's in the genes." #TheArtofTheDeal Via @BBCNews, "Trump begins renewables mission in Scotland" http://bbc.in/I4Ww94 Via @Reuters_Biz, "Trump flies into ex-Soviet Georgia for tower project project" http://reut.rs/I4Wk9B Just left Istanbul, Turkey, yesterday where #TrumpTowers was just opened--magnificent! Today I'm in Aberdeen, Scotland, preparing for the July 10th opening of perhaps the world's greatest golf course http://bit.ly/3Rv11n RT @ApprenticeNBC: How did @clayaiken & @aubreyoday fare as project managers promoting @realDonaldTrump’s fragrance? Smell the success: http://ow.ly/asp7M Recently opened @TrumpToronto- it's beautiful and here is a video of the ribbon cutting ceremony.. http://youtu.be/7z7cDQiKIvk RT @moviesharkd: @EricTrump @realDonaldTrump. Your dad is a great example of how to instill, inspire & encourage one's children. He teaches by example RT @EricTrump: Amazing move by @realDonaldTrump on behalf of all the charities. He's the most philanthropic person I know & instilled the same in us all.. A Dem Senator said ObamaCare "Cost @BarackObama a lot of credibility as a leader" http://bit.ly/HXDIWk Hopefuly also the presidency. @MittRomney can get people back to work. Tonight’s #CelebrityApprentice will continue to impress. Be sure to tune in tonight at 9PM ET @NBC. It will be amazing. My interview with @parademagazine from the Olympics 100 Day Countdown in Times Square http://bit.ly/HWvpZ5 A bad manager such as @BarackObama will continually be plagued by scandals. http://apne.ws/I9Ei0u Leadership starts at the top. I am in Istanbul,Turkey. Just opened magnificent #TrumpTowers--- a big hit. #trumpvlog The song "Donald Trump" hits 54 million views. @MacMiller- Where's my money? http://youtu.be/XzAyjtJ3s6c Dick Clark was a friend of mine, he lived in one of my buildings on East 61st Street. Everybody loved him. He will be missed. Don't be fooled. In 2008 @BarackObama promised immigration reform in his 1st yr of his 1st term. Now promising (cont) http://tl.gd/h271s0 In today's #trumpvlog @RepWeiner, the Secret Service, and Dick Clark..... http://youtu.be/axM9rmRT85I RECKLESS! @BarackObama has now increased the debt more than any other POTUS and the first 42 combined. http://bit.ly/IlGN2o @MittRomney is right--this election is about jobs http://abcn.ws/HSpA3i But it is interesting that @BarackObama (cont) http://tl.gd/h26m92 Ted Nugent was obviously using a figure of speech, unfortunate as it was. It just shows the anger people have towards @BarackObama. RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: @piersmorgan @Lord_Sugar Piers perhaps we have to send @realDonaldTrump over there to help. Bring in the big guns;)#TelevisionTaxiForAlan @FLGovScott signed a $70B budget which cut $140M in indiv projects http://bit.ly/HSp1GL Very impressive. Rick is doing a masterful job. Very proud to announce that Mar-a-Lago was awarded top Historic building in the state by the illustrious (cont) http://tl.gd/h25ov4 @MittRomney has shown last week that he will campaign aggressively against @BarackObama. I am confident he can defeat @BarackObama. "I make no apologies for this country, my pride in it, or my desire to see us become strong and rich again. (cont) http://tl.gd/h24rj0 RT @EricTrump: Thought this picture of us all disembarking from @realDonaldTrump's new 757 in Toronto was pretty cool...@trumpto http://twitter.com/EricTrump/status/193011194372698112/photo/1 My @fox8news interview discussing the passing of my longtime friend Dick Clark. http://bit.ly/IWszaA A true TV legend who will be missed. Vanity Fair party at Tribeca Film Festival was a bust. I knew disgusting and unwanted porn star @REPWEINER was a sleazebag the first time I met him. Thank goodness he was revealed (so to speak). #CelebrityApprentice ranked #1 among ABC ,CBS, and NBC in all key demos from 10-11PM. It won the 10PM hour by a 53% margin in 18-49 rating. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Paul Teutul, Sr. is one class act. Watch how he handled the Boardroom pressure: http://ow.ly/an0Y3 #CelebApprentice Be sure to stop by @Macys Herald Square at 5:30pm today. I will officially be launching my new fragrance and (cont) http://tl.gd/h1mfp5 I will be at @Macy's Herald Square at 5:30 PM today for the launch of my new fragrance #Success. Come over and say hello! RT @IvankaTrump: Be sure to stop by Macy's in NYC today at 5:30. My father, @realDonaldTrump is launching his great new fragrance Success on the 3rd floor! By @BarackObama's design, the middle class will be hit with record taxes under ObamaCare through inflation http://bit.ly/J4F8AY REPEAL! Bad! Total foreign holdings of US debt continue to increase with China increasing its holding a 2nd straight month http://cbsn.ws/J4EhAv RT @EricTrump: Great pic from the @trumpto ribbon cutting on Monday w/@realDonaldTrump, @IvankaTrump, @DonaldJTrumpJr & @JimPetrus. http://twitter.com/EricTrump/status/192670579994796036/photo/1 Vanity Fair circulation down 20 percent. My third rate stalker should start looking for a new job. Obama's Secret Service catastrophe has openly revealed a great lack of respect for our President. If they (cont) http://tl.gd/h1jqlr Who would you most like to see win #CelebrityApprentice? Gloria Allred is always talking about me. She needs publicity. She is by far a better PR agent than lawyer. Under @BarackObama, 5 major banks now control 56% of economy from 43% in 2007 http://bloom.bg/Ifvtof Another catastrophe is brewing. Yesterday was @BarackObama's favorite day of the year--he collects our taxes to redistribute. Join me and Miss Universe 2010 in welcoming the new #Success @Macys Herald Square today at 5:30 pm in the men's (cont) http://tl.gd/h1h2qs My @SquawkCNBC interview discussing broadening the tax base, @BarackObama's tax return & tweeting with @JoeSquawk http://bit.ly/ILfTmW Our ally Canada is 'frustrated' by @BarackObama's radical anti-gas policies http://bit.ly/IRTyT6 BHO is forcing Canada to send gas to China. Enjoyed watching @ericbolling $ @SarahPalinUSA's @FoxNews special #PainatthePump over the weekend. (cont) http://tl.gd/h13o32 While @BarackObama watches, China is trying to have the yuan overtake our dollar as the international (cont) http://tl.gd/h12vfv He @MittRomney would do a great job on Saturday Night Live. @nbcsnl Paul Teutul Sr. is a fantastic guy. Although I fired him on #CelebApprentice, we will remain great friends. I love the bike he made for me. I have captured the smell of success. Meet me and the new "Success" @Macys Herald Square April 18 5:30pm, first (cont) http://tl.gd/h10nfo My @foxandfriends interview discussing @BarackObama's reckless spending, the Buffet Tax gimmick and #CelebApprentice http://bit.ly/IROmNj RT @ApprenticeNBC: How would you react to a coworker going zero to 60 in a second? Watch this highlight from last night: http://ow.ly/ajTSw #CelebApprentice RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: The crowd in front of Trump Toronto @trumpto what a warm reception!!! http://yfrog.com/kijlcgxj RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Beautiful day here in Toronto for the official opening of @trumpto @TrumpCollection amazing hotel and condo! #CelebrityApprentice Paul Teutul, Sr. joined me for a press event in Trump Tower last week- http://on.fb.me/IOIR6K RT @EricTrump: Awesome day for a ribbon cutting in the great city of Toronto to unveil our newest hotel w/@realDonaldTrump, @DonaldJTrumpJr & @IvankaTrump RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Hear @realdonaldtrump on @kiss925toronto with @rozweston & @devobrown #DonaldTrumponKiSS925CC: @planetmaurie @TrumpToronto RT @ApprenticeNBC: Did the right #celebapprentice candidate get fired last night? Re-watch “Puppet Up!” online now: http://ow.ly/ajbBl Mike Bloomberg is doing a great job as Mayor of New York City. Ray Kelly is a great Police Commissioner. @MikeBloomberg I'll be on@SquawkCNBC tomorrow at 7:30 am #TrumpTuesday Hear me on @kiss925toronto now!#rozandmocha Find out what Success smells like. I'll be @Macys Herald Square April 18 5:30pm to sign my new fragrance; first (cont) http://tl.gd/h0ej3r I will be at @Macys Herald Square April 18 to sign my new fragrance, #Success by Trump. First 100 customers receive a copy of my new book. It will be interesting to see how Jenna Talackova does as Miss Universe Canada. We all wish her luck. The FDA must immediately stop allowing massive dose vaccinations in babies. It is mind boggling that they allow this practice to continue. Axl Rose should take his #rockhall2012 honors and be happy. Stop the no induction nonsense. Do it for your fans @axlrose. Just left the best golf course in the State of California- @trumpgolfla. When in the LA area, check it out even (cont) http://tl.gd/gvh58p "Capitalism requires capital. When government robs capital from investors through high taxes, it takes away the (cont) http://tl.gd/gv14j8 @BarackObama who wants to raise all our taxes, only pays 20.5% on $790k salary. http://1.usa.gov/HFZJKH Do as I say not as I do. If @BarackObama's policies are so advantageous then why is he constantly invoking Ronald Reagan on the Stump? http://apne.ws/HCYL36 U.S. jobless claims are at a 2 month high.http://bloom.bg/HuedL7 @BarackObama's gas policy and ObamaCare are directly killing jobs. One of the simplest joys of life is golf. A great game to both play and watch. Now @BarackObama's Vice-Chief of Joint Staff is defending China while they cheat http://bit.ly/IyzpnV Wrong course of action. Many many people are thanking me for what I said about @autism & vaccinations. Something must be done immediately. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Who gets fired from your Boardroom: @Dayanamendoza @LisaLampanelli or @LouFerrigno? WATCH: http://ow.ly/af2BG #CelebApprentice Many countries are cutting back, big time, on ugly, industrial wind turbines. The energy is very inefficient & (cont) http://tl.gd/guu7uf RT @ApprenticeNBC: Where do our celebrities’ ads rank among these viral classics? Watch & Vote: http://ow.ly/af2ya #CelebApprentice The Celebrity Apprentice delivers the goods--and the puppets-- Sunday at 9 pm on NBC http://www.nbc.com/the-apprentice/ I'll be on @foxandfriends at 7:30 AM Monday Attention to detail is critical; choose scents that exude sophistication & confidence. Find out more 4/18, 5:30 pm @Macys Herald Square. RT @ApprenticeNBC: It’s not always beauty vs. brains. Check out these double threats: http://ow.ly/af2xr #CelebApprentice Yesterday I was interviewed on @seanhannity's radio show http://bit.ly/hchXIB He also looked great wearing a (cont) http://tl.gd/gug27q Excited to see that @AnnDRomney has joined twitter. Melania and I are looking forward to hosting her next week (cont) http://tl.gd/gufqb5 He @FLGovScott handled the Zimmerman matter very well. I am glad to see there will be a trial. Justice. Now let's wait for a fair trial. It's Thursday, how much $ has @BarackObama wasted today? RT @IvankaTrump: You can now vote for your favorite @TrumpCollection hotels @CNTraveler Readers' Choice Awards Survey here http://tinyurl.com/7og3ell Congratulations to @piersmorgan, @seanhannity, @BarbaraJWalters, @JoeNBC and @morningmika for being named on@THR (cont) http://tl.gd/guf4pp I’ve gotten many letters from people fighting autism thanking me for stating how dangerous 38 vaccines on a (cont) http://tl.gd/guf27o My @FoxBusiness interview with @GerriWillisFBN discussing the GSA, the real estate market and Buffet's Net Jet (cont) http://tl.gd/gue69h Gloria Alred did nothing to help Jenna Talackova become a @MissUniverse Canada contestant. I decided before she (cont) http://tl.gd/gue317 RT @OCChoppers: Tune into your local NBC TV station during the news between 10AM and 1PM ET to watch Sr speak with @realDonaldTrump and @DonaldJTrumpJr. "Beyond eliminating the wasteful spending, we need to get tough in cracking down on the hundreds of billions of (cont) http://tl.gd/gubn0k "We just have to get tough, get smart, and get a president willing to stand up for America and stick it to the (cont) http://tl.gd/gubg29 I'll be speaking this afternoon at the San Jose Convention Center (CA) at the first-ever National Achievers Congress. http://www.nac2012.com "Look, if we can make chopsticks in America and sell them to the Chinese, we can compete on hundreds of other fronts as well."TimeToGetTough I'll be on THe Willis Report @GerriWillisFBN today at 5 pm EST I developed the Wollman Rink under budget and in record time http://nyti.ms/HKQMeP If I hadn't gotten involved, it would still be unused. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Which #CelebApprentice team worked together better on Sunday? Watch & Vote: http://ow.ly/adBrf China attempted to sell embargoed computers to Iran http://reut.rs/IgKAgo China loves these deals! He @MittRomney is a successful entrepreneur. @BarackObama successfuly ruined America's credit. Easy choice in November. There can never be a sharp economic recovery until @BarackObama is out of the White House. The Fed should not do QE3. Neither the economy nor the dollar can withstand another round of artificial liquidity. RT @IvankaTrump: Behind the scenes at my Ivanka Trump Spring 2012 Fashion Show @LordandTaylor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fF2n24OHLxY RT @ApprenticeNBC: “If there was a theme to this episode, it might have been HYPOCRISY!” Hear more from @clayaiken in #ClaysTake http://ow.ly/adjmP RT @GovernorVA: Joined @EricTrump and @realDonaldTrump to promote #VAwine, food, tourism and film today in NYC http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150796482581095&set=a.10150146963196095.333471.61634046094&type=1 RT @EricTrump: Thx Garry! We appreciate it. Follow @TrumpLasVegas... "@GarryKennedy: @EricTrump I love the Trump Hotel in Vegas! It is Gorgeous!!” RT @VAWine: RT @GovernorVA: Joined @EricTrump and @realDonaldTrump to promote #VAwine, food, tourism and film today in NYC http://on.fb.me/HHlCZF I'll be speaking tomorrow at the San Jose Convention Center (CA) for the first- ever National Achievers Congress http://www.nac2012.com RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Gov Bob McDonnell of Va with @realDonaldTrump at Trump Tower talking VA wines and our vineyard there http://yfrog.com/h82pkfxj Thousands of US warplanes, ships and missiles contain fake electronic components from China, leaving them open (cont) http://tl.gd/gtqm32 Watch @IvankaTrump's Ready-To-Wear Fashion Show at @LordandTaylor featuring @TrumpModels and @MissUSA..... http://youtu.be/fF2n24OHLxY Good news--@RickSantorum did the right thing. I congratulate him on running a very good race. Now it's onto @BarackObama -- go get him Mitt! He @BarackObama wants 23 years of @MittRomney's tax returns http://bit.ly/HEmhv5 Let's see BHO's school (cont) http://tl.gd/gtfdqp RT @EricTrump: Looking forward to the @Trumpwinery event tonight w/@governorVA, Bob McDonnell. I'm very proud of the winery in VA: http://youtu.be/AoirkttNOzs Looking forward to keynoting the NC GOP dinner http://bit.ly/Hvgc59 NC is a critical swing state which (cont) http://tl.gd/gtf96i If the woman who is constantly hounding Augusta National would finally stop, I have little doubt that Augusta (cont) http://tl.gd/gtf3jf RT @EricTrump: You can now vote for your favorite @TrumpCollection hotels @CNTraveler Readers' Choice Awards Survey here http://tinyurl.com/7og3ell He @JamesOkeefelll proves once again why @BarackObama's anti voter ID stance is wrong http://bit.ly/Hramxp (cont) http://tl.gd/gtf114 He @newtgingrich is sounding more and more like a real team player...he is a really good guy! This Thursday, April 12, I'll be speaking at the first-ever National Achievers Congress at the San Jose (cont) http://tl.gd/gtcu1o Jenna changed her name from Walter to Page and then to Jenna so that now her name is Jenna Talackova. If you (cont) http://tl.gd/gtcirt My @SquawkCNBC interview discussing @bubbawatson, Warren Buffet's tax situation and @RepPaulRyan's strategic mistake http://bit.ly/HvfHZ2 RT @ApprenticeNBC: They said WHAT? Find some of the best #CelebApprentice lines in our new game: http://ow.ly/aatN2 They keep sending me free @VanityFair magazines in the mail--stop already. Just like Graydon Carter drove Spy Magazine into bankruptcy, he will preside over the end of @VanityFair. He (cont) http://tl.gd/gtbvrn Now they say obese women may cause Autism in children- nonsense, they use any excuse. The FDA should immediately (cont) http://tl.gd/gsvonf RT @joe4mayor2012: I have sent Marlins owner Jeffrey Loria a formal request urging for the resignation of Ozzie Guillen. Read more here: http://tinyurl.com/6n8kh5b Thomas Kinkade died. I happen to love the beauty of his paintings. He took a lot of heat from art critics who (cont) http://tl.gd/gsv7b8 I will miss Mike Wallace. He did a major interview with me for 60 Minutes and it was totally fair and balanced. (cont) http://tl.gd/gsuvae Vanity Fair Magazine, which used to be one of my favorites, is failing badly. Newsstand sales are plummeting--- (cont) http://tl.gd/gsu3p6 #CelebrityApprentice contestant @LouFerrigno stopped by to visit today- http://on.fb.me/HtCwNW Congrats to @bubbawatson on winning the Masters. He did it without heavy reliance on coaches and the other hanger-ons - he just played golf. I made my decision to allow Jenna Talackova to participate in Miss Universe Canada two days before Gloria Allred (cont) http://tl.gd/gst971 Vote for Mar-a-Lago- http://bit.ly/HM7wIA #MidasTouch is divided into five sections. The second is the index finger which represents Focus- http://youtu.be/8mFKAzjanWk @MittRomney has created more jobs in the private sector than @BarackObama has as President. @MittRomney's record (cont) http://tl.gd/grcp13 $6 gas is coming sooner than later. America must become energy independent with our own resources and fast.Also, (cont) http://tl.gd/grcklr THe WH should not have hosted the Muslim Brotherhood. @BarackObama's friends are enemies of the US and @Israel. The Islamist winter is here. It's @BarackObama--who wants to raise all our taxes--who applauds China for cutting their taxes! (cont) http://tl.gd/grbgn8 His @BarackObama's budget: interest payments to China will exceed US defense spending by 2019 http://bit.ly/HrYaeQ @BarackObama's America! "The five fingers represent the five key factors every entrepreneur dreaming of success must master." (cont) http://tl.gd/grb7jr Looked at plans for Trump Doral Country Club today. It will be amazing! Glad to be in Miami. Proud to see my friend Governor Chris Christie standing up for Israel on his visit. Standing tall! Arrived in Palm Beach, drove by a gas staion, $4.50 a gallon. Result of failed @BarackObama leadership. "The Midas Touch hand is the ideal metaphor to represent the attributes critical to entrepreneurial success." (cont) http://tl.gd/gr9pna The #CelebrityApprentice Sunday night on NBC at 9 PM. Another exciting episode is ready to go. http://www.nbc.com/the-apprentice/ Don't miss me on @foxandfriends Monday at 7:30 AM RT @TrumpCollection: Happy Collection #FollowFriday @TrumpNewYork @TrumpSoHo @TrumpChicago @TrumpPanama @TrumpLasVegas @TrumpWaikiki @TrumpToronto Vote for Mar-a-Lago- http://bit.ly/HM7wIA I’ll be on “Justice” with @JudgeJeanine Saturday night at 9PM ET on @FoxNews My book with @theRealKiyosaki, Midas Touch is divided into five sections. The first is the thumb- http://youtu.be/X6QNKmXbYlU RT @ApprenticeNBC: These celebs sure know how to stir up drama. http://ow.ly/a6HBs #CelebApprentice I'll be speaking at the first-ever National Achievers Congress at the San Jose Convention Center on Thursday (cont) http://tl.gd/gqrrkq While @BarackObama criticizes the GOP budget, his own party graded him with an "F" by voting down his budget in the House 414-0. Oprah will end up doing just fine with her network--she knows how to win. @Oprah He @RickSantorum is now losing in the latest @ppppolls to @MittRomney in Pennsylvania http://bit.ly/HY00cN Rick is wasting everyone's time. "Here's the deal: when your secretary of defense tells you that your proposed cuts will erode America's military (cont) http://tl.gd/gqpif4 "Here's the solution on China: get tough. Slap a 25 percent tax on China's products if they don't set a real (cont) http://tl.gd/gqo0qo This is a great time for @RickSantorum to bow out with dignity. My @gretawire interview discussing @BarackObama's USC comments, insurance premiums, @SarahPalinUSA on the (cont) http://tl.gd/gqnfk4 My @IngrahamAngle interview discussing healthcare monopolies, @MittRomney, oil prices and @AnnRomney's birthday http://bit.ly/HZfxHR Mar-a-Lago, my club in Palm Beach and one of the greatest mansions ever built, has been nominated as one of (cont) http://tl.gd/gqbunh Why gas prices will rise, Miss Canada/Miss Universe, and #CelebApprentice in today's #trumpvlog... http://youtu.be/A1594PeZ2AM I'll be speaking on Thursday, April 12, at the first-ever National Achievers Congress at the San Jose Convention (cont) http://tl.gd/gqb8jd RT @ApprenticeNBC: For a chance to win a signed #CelebApprentice guidebook, tweet #MyFaveCelebApprenticeContestantIs & [Name of fave contestant]. No RTs RT @ApprenticeNBC: Want one of these My NY Celebrity Guidebooks signed by the #CelebApprentice teams? We’re giving away 2 of them today! http://twitter.com/ApprenticeNBC/status/187613936554741760/photo/1 RT @ApprenticeNBC: Heads up! We’ve got a #CelebApprentice #giveaway coming your way today! Keep your eyes peeled for more info!! @BarackObama doesn't believe in the Supreme Court or its power--I thought he was a constitutional lawyer. Why (cont) http://tl.gd/gqajvl Remember what I said about @BarackObama attacking Iran before the election--I hope the Iranians are not so (cont) http://tl.gd/gqa96n @RickSantorum has a limited window to exit the race and to keep both his integrity and reputation...the time to (cont) http://tl.gd/gqa7j2 He @BarackObama made a deal with Saudi Arabia to pump the hell out of oil until after the election. Watch what (cont) http://tl.gd/gq90bq My twitter account is now reaching more people than the New York Times--not bad. And we're only going to get better! #CelebApprentice contestants @DeeSnider and @DebbieGibson joined me for interviews today- http://on.fb.me/HKZmvc "China is our enemy. It's time we start acting like it and if we do our job correctly, China will gain a whole (cont) http://tl.gd/gpp76f "Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game." #TheArtofTheDeal Another solar company @BarackObama funded with our money has filed for bankruptcy http://wapo.st/HgAr5d One (cont) http://tl.gd/gpp0jr He @BarackObama said it would be 'unprecedented' if the USC rules that ObamaCare is unconstitutional. It was (cont) http://tl.gd/gpoufc Real estate is always a great asset to own but especially now. Try to take advantage if you can and buy (cont) http://tl.gd/gponar He @BarackObama should not be trying to intimidate the USC justices on ObamaCare. He is worried because SG (cont) http://tl.gd/gpoal3 "Life is very fragile and success doesn't change that. If anything, success makes it more fragile. Anything can (cont) http://tl.gd/gpo4fo My #TrumpTuesday @SquawkCNBC interview discussing golf, VP choices, the real estate market & healthcare reform http://bit.ly/HNCdXx RT @ApprenticeNBC: Want a My New York Celebrity Guidebook created & signed by the #CelebApprentice teams? Enter now via @NBCFanIt: http://bit.ly/HFcVdX "When people treat me badly or unfairly or try to take advantage of me, my general attitude, all my life, has (cont) http://tl.gd/gp87m1 "The best thing you can do is deal from strength, and leverage is the biggest strength you have. Leverage is (cont) http://tl.gd/gp793o Disaster! After spending $5T in 3 years, @BarackObama campaigns on spending even more so he can redistribute the (cont) http://tl.gd/gp77ud Chinese demand is raising the price of oil to$123/Barrel http://reut.rs/H4deB8 We need to use our own energy resources. "The @BarackObama administration is far more enthusiastic about boosting food-stamp enrollment than about preventing fraud." #TimeToGetTough If @RickSantorum loses Wisconsin tomorrow and he still doesn't get out, you have to realize that at some point (cont) http://tl.gd/gp6j3g What will be @RickSantorum's excuse tomorrow after @MittRomney wins Wisconsin and Maryland? Time for Rick to face reality and drop out. The US should not give a penny of foreign aid to Egypt if the Muslim Brotherhood takes over the country. We (cont) http://tl.gd/gp6410 I'll be on @TeamCavuto today at 4:20 pm @FoxNews. America's competitors love @BarackObama. @MedvedevRussiaE says @BarackObama has been "the best 3 years" for Russia http://bit.ly/H8RUyT My @foxandfriends interview discussing @BarackObama attacks on capitalism, Autism & vaccinations and #CelebApprentice http://bit.ly/HDvy3D RT @ApprenticeNBC: Last night’s supersized #CelebApprentice is online now: http://bit.ly/HEmLzH #TrumpTuesday @SquawkCNBC 7:30 AM tomorrow. Be sure to tune in. RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Donald Trump is changing how people will watch TV … check this out (click) http://soc.li/eLWmsLM I'll be on @foxandfriends on Monday at 7:30 AM. Be sure to download my new The Celebrity Apprentice app to begin interacting with this Sunday's episode http://bit.ly/AyyZij RT @IvankaTrump: Don't miss your chance to interact with #CelebApprentice and @realDonaldTrump by downloading our new app http://bit.ly/AyyZij Some exciting news--the newest acquisition of Trump Golf--Trump National Golf Club, Charlotte NC, formerly The (cont) http://tl.gd/gnkr5q He @BarackObama wants record high gas prices--drilling permits on federal land are declining under his regime http://bit.ly/Hk8EQq @ObamaCare is a disaster. Despite the mandate there will still be 27M uninsured and premiums will rise at FASTER rate http://bit.ly/HxgjLx White House Press Sec. had a hard time explaining why @BarackObama supported tax breaks for oil companies in (cont) http://tl.gd/gnkcap I'll be speaking at the first-ever National Achievers Congress at the San Jose Convention Center (San Jose, CA) (cont) http://tl.gd/gnk1sf Waste! With a $16T debt and $1T budget deficit, @BarackObama is sending $770M overseas "to fight global warming" http://bit.ly/GSEWRr @MittRomney studying ways to increase pressure on China over their currency manipulation and unfair subsidy practices http://reut.rs/Hxd4ne It was great seeing @MissUniverse and @MissTeenUSA yesterday- http://on.fb.me/HqnS4P "A smart negotiator would use the leverage of our dollars, our laws, and our armed forces to get a better deal (cont) http://tl.gd/gni99u "The worst thing you can possibly do in a deal is seem desperate to make it." #TheArtofTheDeal "I like thinking big. I always have. To me it's very simple: if you're going to be thinking anyway, you might as (cont) http://tl.gd/gnhon6 Don't forget the three hour episode of Celebrity Apprentice this Sunday night 8pm-11pm on NBC. You're in for a (cont) http://tl.gd/gngjpo A study says @Autism is out of control--a 78% increase in 10 years. Stop giving monstrous combined vaccinations (cont) http://tl.gd/gnfk06 @GeorgeZimmerman doesn't look injured to me. Even if he's in a fight, does he have to use a gun--and why shoot (cont) http://tl.gd/gnfi28 Photo of @Gretawire and me from yesterday's interview... http://on.fb.me/Hl1s3b Bad news for @BarackObama. @gallupnews reports that the economy (71%) and gas prices (65%) are Americans' top (cont) http://tl.gd/gn27tn @VP Biden is delusional. He is criticizing @MittRomney on jobs.http://apne.ws/H2gURT @BarackObama's economic record is an abject failure. The Fed must be reined in. In 2011, the Fed bought 61% percent of US debt--even more than 2008. Unsustainable! http://bit.ly/H2gmvw In 2008 @BarackObama warned that "electricity rates will necessarily skyrocket" during his term. Mission Accomplished! http://bit.ly/H0sS1R @marcorubio's endorsement of @MittRomney shows that the GOP is coalescing to defeat @BarackObama. He @BarackObama received an early endorsement from the Soviet newspaper Pravda over @MittRomney (cont) http://tl.gd/gn19s6 "Liberals can hardly belileve it--they can't understand how health care costs could have risen so much when (cont) http://tl.gd/gmvu0i The House Republicans and Democrats are finally unanimous! Yesterday they voted down @BarackObama's $3.6T budget (cont) http://tl.gd/gmvk20 RT @ApprenticeNBC: "@Teresa_Giudice has exquisite taste...invaluable in helping choose decor & really make the place sparkle." #ClaysTake http://ow.ly/9Xrsb "Fans like winners. They come to watch stars--great exciting players who do great, exciting things." #TheArtofTheDeal My @gretawire interview where I discuss the #ObamaCare USC argument, gas prices & @IvankaTrump's new clothing line http://bit.ly/H2khYs RT @ApprenticeNBC: .@AubreyODay has plenty to say about her teammates. But are they all compliments? Play our new game to find out: http://ow.ly/9VXFF "To have a government we can afford we need to eliminate the tremendous waste clogging the system. Almost every (cont) http://tl.gd/gmr7t5 "What's incredible is that @Obamacare hasn't even kicked in yet and aleady it's doing tremendous damage." (cont) http://tl.gd/gmr1ig RT @LordandTaylor: We're so excited for tonight's event with @IvankaTrump. Check out our window displays, featuring her collection! http://tmblr.co/Z2x-7wIfEy7D I wonder if @BarackObama has promised Iran and China that he can be more flexible after his last election? The Afghan Security Forces who we are training have killed 52 U.S. soldiers http://goo.gl/xdoqd Time to get out of there! @RickSantorum is desperate. He is now saying that he wants to be @MittRomney's VP. http://bit.ly/GXiMzl He (cont) http://tl.gd/gmehl1 When @BarackObama is not vacationing, he is hosting his top donors in the White House http://apne.ws/GVaHO7 Always having a good time! RT @ApprenticeNBC: Which #CelebApprentice star has been the best project manager thus far? VOTE HERE: http://ow.ly/9VXBg Welcome to the 'Islamist Winter' - the Muslim Brotherhood is now taking over the Egyptian military and possibly (cont) http://tl.gd/gme6ev RT @EricTrump: Looking forward to supporting my sister,@IvankaTrump, at her 2012 Ivanka Trump Collection spring showcase tonight http://bit.ly/GVrxMT Global warming has been proven to be a canard repeatedly over and over again. http://on.wsj.com/H7ob9d The left needs a dose of reality. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Watch @DebbieGibson perform a @CrystalLight original as project manager @AubreyODay works the crowd: http://ow.ly/9VXzu #CelebApprentice My @SquawkCNBC interview discussing interest rates, the deficit, @RepPaulRyan's timing, @TimTebow and the Doral http://bit.ly/HaJNjB Alex Rodriguez should substantially reduce his salary from the Yankees in that he misrepresented his use of (cont) http://tl.gd/gmdqad Behind the scenes photo of @Gretawire and I filming an interview- http://on.fb.me/GWZHO8 Watch tonight at 10PM ET on @FoxNews. I'll be interviewed by Greta Van Susteren @Gretawire tonight at 10 pm ET on Fox. Let's not get too excited about Monday's U.S. Supreme Court oral argument on #ObamaCare before the decision. No (cont) http://tl.gd/gmc05j @RickSantorum is losing his home state of Pennsylvania to @MittRomney http://bit.ly/GTlJyP @RickSantorum is only (cont) http://tl.gd/gmbpae @jayleno - my description of @MittRomney - "Future President" or "POTUS 45" or "@BarackObama's Worst Nightmare" "America's relationship with China is at a crossroads. We only have a short window of time to make the tough (cont) http://tl.gd/gm9oid "Sadly, when it comes to using the energy industry to create American jobs, Obama has been a total disaster. And (cont) http://tl.gd/gm9k75 RT @EricTrump: Behind the scenes with @realDonaldTrump in my office at the #trumporganization... http://twitter.com/EricTrump/status/184730599012052992/photo/1 Not his 'per se'? A Friday document dump shows @BarackObama all-hands-on-deck as Solyndra collapsed http://bit.ly/GKpnzg @BarackObama lies. Mar-a-Lago, my club in Palm Beach and one of the greatest mansions ever built, has been nominated as one of (cont) http://tl.gd/gl78el ObamaCare is clearly unconstitutional. Hopefully the USC rules correctly but in the end repealing ObamaCare requires a political solution. Whether @RepPaulRyan's plan is sound fiscal policy is not the relevant issue, the issue is strategic timing. Why release it now? When confronted, @RickSantorum can't defend his ridiculous attacks on @MittRomney http://cbsn.ws/H6vpsY He @BarackObama is caught on tape making election promises to @MedvedevRussiaE on missile defense and national security http://abcn.ws/GRXRiP My @foxandfriends interview discussing the @nyjets acquisition of @TimTebow and the timing of @RepPaulRyan's plan http://bit.ly/H5jhqW RT @ApprenticeNBC: Give it up for project managers @clayaiken & @aubreyoday! Their full episode is on http://NBC.com now: http://ow.ly/9SEIs Trump Tuesday: I'll be on @SquawkCNBC tomorrow morning at 7:30 AM. Be sure to tune in. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Think you know everything about Tia Carrere after seeing her as project manager? Think again. Meet Tia http://ow.ly/9QtAe #CelebApprentice "If we reelect @BarackObama, the America we leave our kids and grandkids won't look like the America we were (cont) http://tl.gd/gjbikk "With China beating us like a punching bag daily, OPEC vacuuming our wallets clean, and jobs nowhere in sight, (cont) http://tl.gd/gjbglv If you are a young entrepreneur just entering the business world, I highly recommend that you read "The Art of (cont) http://tl.gd/gjb43e He @BarackObama is incapable of admitting that he is a complete and utter failure. He is 100% responsible for Solyndra. http://wapo.st/GK2ghl @RickSantorum is desperate. Now he is saying that he would prefer @BarackObama over @MittRomney. (cont) http://tl.gd/gjad3j @BarackObama keeps taking credit for an increase in oil production. Of course his policies have nothing to do (cont) http://tl.gd/gjaab4 The Chinese want to steal our jobs and technology--that includes so called green energy which they make but (cont) http://tl.gd/gj8b4u I'll be on @Foxandfriends Monday at 7:30 AM. Don't forget to watch Celebrity Apprentice this Sunday night at 9 pm on NBC. You're in for a great show. http://bit.ly/6lyMkt Paul Ryan's budget is very dangerous for the Republicans--just before the election--be careful! Now the US military will have to have their raids approved in advance by Afghan judges http://on.wsj.com/GIQu94 (cont) http://tl.gd/gindn9 @BarackObama called Republicans out of touch yesterday at a solar plant! http://bit.ly/GEL28F How much money has (cont) http://tl.gd/gincgp "We're now seeing the results of Obama's promise and big govenment scheme. Solyndra, a U.S. solar panel company, (cont) http://tl.gd/ginbhl @BarackObama has approved the southern half of the Keystone pipeline. What about the northern half--where the (cont) http://tl.gd/gimu8n The Iranians are conducting surveillance in NYC http://bit.ly/GG6mHr The @NYPD, Ray Kelly and @MikeBloomberg are (cont) http://tl.gd/gimq4r @RickSantorum's campaign is so inept he doesn't even have a full slate of delegates in his home state of (cont) http://tl.gd/gimcao I am following the Trayvon Martin case carefully. It's a terrible situation that should never have happened. (cont) http://tl.gd/gim6iv Congratulations to Woody Johnson and @nyjets on acquiring @TimTebow.@TimTebow is not only a winner but a leader. (cont) http://tl.gd/gim3sn Happy Birthday to my legendary friend Aretha Franklin. RT @ApprenticeNBC: How do you think @clayaiken handled himself as he tried to work things out w/ @pennjillette? http://ow.ly/9Ny85 #CelebApprentice "We have to get tough on China. For every one American child there are four Chinese. China is out to steal our (cont) http://tl.gd/gi2v23 "The blatant waste of taxpayers' dollars doesn't bother Obama, because it's all part of his broader nanny-state (cont) http://tl.gd/gi2kb4 The Saudis are taking credit for a meager 2% drop on crude http://reut.rs/GG0CiS They always play this game (cont) http://tl.gd/gi2eil Strange--why didn't @BarackObama hold any special event to celebrate the 2 year anniversary of ObamaCare? http://bit.ly/FQw1UE He @RickSantorum has as much chance of being the GOP nominee as @Rosie does of ever having a successful (cont) http://tl.gd/ghvln5 He @MittRomney had another impressive win last night in Illinois. His delegate lead is insurmountable. It is (cont) http://tl.gd/ghuv5i My @SquawkCNBC interview discussing the GOP primary, gas prices, the Doral purchase and my outlook on the economy. http://bit.ly/GBCGMP They should seriously look into the moron George Zimmerman who shot and killed the 17 year old kid, Trayvon (cont) http://tl.gd/ghtocu Ron DeSantis, Iraq vet, Navy hero, bronze star, Yale, Harvard Law, running for Congress in Fla. Very impressive. http://bit.ly/wSXiwF Played the Trump International Golf Club in Palm Beach last weekend. One of the best golf courses in the country. Perfect weather. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Where do our #CelebApprentice contestants rank among these legendary spokespeople? http://ow.ly/9LIxn He @RickSantorum wants to decide what books people can read, what movies they can see. #freespeech It doesn't work that way! Trump Tuesday on @SquawkCNBC, 7:30 AM, is getting very good ratings as is @Foxandfriends on Mondays, 7:30 AM. @MittRomney should consider Gov McDonnell of VA, Gov Christie of NJ and Senator Rubio of FL for VP. Really good men doing a really good job. Just bought Doral Hotel & Country Club in Miami--within two years it will be the best resort in the country. I am deeply disturbed by what I have read in the case of @TrayvonMartin. I support a full investigation and justice. I am so glad @Rosie got fired by @Oprah. Rosie is a bully and it's always nice to see bullies go down! Why gas prices will cost @BarackObama re-election: pain-at-the-pump-not-good-for-obama http://bit.ly/GBbUne Congratulations to @BarackObama for being reckless. In his first 38 months in office the debt has grown at a rate that is unthinkable. "No doubt you work hard for your money--I know I do--and you should be permitted to keep more of it. Anything (cont) http://tl.gd/ggtge8 @BarackObama's 2013 budget would add $3.5 trillion to annual deficits and raise next year's by $365 billion. He is wasting away our future. Trump Tuesday: I'll be on @SquawkCNBC tomorrow morning at 7:30 AM. Don't miss it. RT @ApprenticeNBC: What did @clayaiken think was yesterday's biggest challenge? Find out in his blog: http://ow.ly/9KqkG #CelebApprentice #ClaysTake Why does @BarackObama always have to rely on teleprompters? America is mired in the longest job recession since the Great Depression. @MittRomney can get us out of it. (cont) http://tl.gd/ggsq3s RT @ApprenticeNBC: Which project manager left a mess too big to clean? Catch up w/ last night’s #CelebApprentice now! http://ow.ly/9KgTZ When @BarackObama is not fundraising, he is issuing regulations. The 32 from 2011 will cost $10B annually and (cont) http://tl.gd/ggrg0r My @foxandfriends interview where I discuss @Rosie being canceled yet again and how she just can't make it on TV http://bit.ly/FPPX9I My @Gretawire interview where I discuss why @BarackObama is an economic ignoramus and how OPEC is inflating gas prices. http://fxn.ws/yBbtAx Give great credit to @GeorgeClooney for exposing the atrocities taking place in Sudan. Rosie O'Donnell has failed again. Her ratings were abysmal and Oprah cancelled her on Friday night. When will (cont) http://tl.gd/ggokp4 Be sure to download my new The Celebrity Apprentice app to begin interacting with this Sunday's episode http://bit.ly/AyyZij #CelebApprentice fans watch today's #trumpvlog http://youtu.be/F9sKdyfWPHc to find out about our new App http://bit.ly/AyyZij We should have gotten more of the oil in Syria, and we should have gotten more of the oil in Iraq. Dumb leaders. "We don't always think of our presidents as jobs and business negotiators, but they are. Presidents are our (cont) http://tl.gd/gf9ga1 "If we keep on this path, if we reelect @BarackObama, the America we leave our kids and grandkids won't look (cont) http://tl.gd/gf96tf Afghani soldiers--those on our side--killed 7 Marines last month. http://bit.ly/yzR9np They don't want us, what (cont) http://tl.gd/gf8vr0 @BarackObama has wasted billions of our tax dollars on speculative green projects like Solyndra. He is an economic ignoramus. Rising gas prices are causing a steep rise in consumer prices and will slow any future economic growth. It is a tax on all Americans. I'll be on @foxandfriends Monday at 7:30 AM. Be sure to tune in. Barack Obama is hard at work today on his highest priority--his reelection. @BarackObama has 5 fundraisers in 2 cities.http://apne.ws/y8gRbc My @FoxNews interview with @TeamCavuto where I explain that we need to start using our own domestic energy resources. http://bit.ly/FPzc7F @RickSantorum is clearly not a team player. If he was, knowing that he has a zero chance of winning the (cont) http://tl.gd/gf5nkn Be sure to watch #CelebApprentice on Sunday night at 9 pm on NBC. Another great episode! http://www.nbc.com/the-apprentice/ Once again, @RickSantorum proves he can't run a professional campaign. He is ineligible in large section of (cont) http://tl.gd/geogb2 He @BarackObama invited his top campaign bundlers and donors to the British State Dinner http://bit.ly/z8YmET So corrupt! RT @IvankaTrump: Enter my #CelebApprenticeSweeps 4 a chance 2 win a stay @TrumpSoHo , Live Finale Tix & a Shopping Spree @LordandTaylor http://on.fb.me/sSLDAN It's outrageous that Blagojevich goes to jail for 14 years when killers and sex offenders are out walking the (cont) http://tl.gd/geo08o 57% of Americans disagree with @BarackObama's contraception mandate on religious institutions.http://bit.ly/xGlsld He is plain wrong. Last week was a first in #CelebApprentice when I fired 2 celebrities at once. Wish I could FIRE @RickSantorum! (cont) http://tl.gd/genojp I'm not a hunter and don't approve of killing animals. I strongly disagree with my sons who are hunters, but (cont) http://tl.gd/genmj7 A report of my phone interview with @digitalspy where I discuss #CelebApprentice and other possible #Apprentice (cont) http://tl.gd/genfu3 I'll be on @teamcavuto today at 4:15 pm @FoxNews ... tune in. "The illegal immigrant crime problem is far more serious and threatening than most people understand. Along our (cont) http://tl.gd/geie3m "When your secretary of defense tells you that your proposed cuts will erode America's military capability, you (cont) http://tl.gd/geia3n The @BarackObama administration now claims to have done "everything" to reduce gas prices http://bit.ly/zk0Wbl What about Keystone? SHOCK! ObamaCare will cost double what @BarackObama promised -- over $1.76 http://bit.ly/yCA869 -- and result (cont) http://tl.gd/ge6ake I commend @DrZuhdiJasser for defending the NYPD and Commissioner Kelly. The NYPD has done outstanding work in defending NYC from attacks. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Did you witness the #CelebApprentice shocker on Sunday? SPOILER ALERT: http://ow.ly/9EHBi @NicolletteSheridan lost a big motion yesterday--she is entitled to nothing. The show made her--she should have been happy. The 2012 budget deficit is already $93 billion larger than earlier estimates http://bit.ly/zW6Hqp @BarackObama (cont) http://tl.gd/ge5ehv @MittRomney did well last night. He won 2/4 contests and earned the most delegates. @MittRomney will be the nominee.http://wapo.st/yjKOcr "Yes, the BP oil spill was bad, but it was no reason to put tighter clamps on domestic drilling. That showed no (cont) http://tl.gd/ge22km "In terms of energy, we need to be exploring and developing numerous approaches...and I also include in that (cont) http://tl.gd/ge1f9h The day after @BarackObama blocks a Texas voter photo ID law, @JamesOkeefeIII exposes more dead people getting ballots http://bit.ly/w9mA6K @MittRomney has won the most delegates, received the most votes and won the most states. The primary is over. Time to defeat @BarackObama. @BarackObama doesn't have an answer for how much Americans should pay for gas http://bit.ly/w6WoMp He wants $6/gallon gas! #trumpvlog My thoughts on Afghanistan, @RickSantorum, and why I fired two people on this week's #CelebApprentice... http://youtu.be/zPYfdDxt1cI My @SquawkCNBC interview discussing today's primary contests, @MittRomney's lead and my stock picks http://bit.ly/z0gNUj My @gretawire interview from last Friday discussing the unemployment numbers, gas prices and acquiring the Doral http://bit.ly/ypCiy7 RT @ApprenticeNBC: Check out our man @AdamCarolla w/ @JayLeno! #CelebApprentice http://twitter.com/ApprenticeNBC/status/179647494194610177/photo/1 Trump International Hotel & Tower New York---winner of the Forbes Five-Star Hotel Award in 2009 through 2012. http://bit.ly/9nxPbD NYC's top cop acted wisely and legally to monitor activities of some in the Muslim community. Vigilance keeps us (cont) http://tl.gd/gdjopb He @RickSantorum should get out of the race so Republicans can focus on @BarackObama. Cadillac Championship at Doral a great success--I just bought Doral--it will be amazing. Cadillac a great American car. His @BarackObama's specialties? Vacations and campaigning. Jobs not so much! RT @ApprenticeNBC: Our good friend @AdamCarolla will be on @JayLeno tonight to talk #CelebApprentice! Don’t miss him!! @Israel has requested the bunker buster from the U.S. http://reut.rs/wnmYpW Giving it to them will pressure Iran even further into a deal. He @RickSantorum is ineligible for 30 delegates next month due to his campaign missing deadlines. (cont) http://tl.gd/gd2bd6 Would anyone in the music industry treat a Democrat like this? @RealMeatLoaf is being punished for his political views http://politi.co/xaOCAE Doral Tournament was great--best 18th hole in golf and a wonderful winner in @JustinRose Many people ask me to review things. As I see them, I will do so. Afghanistan is a total disaster. We don't know what we are doing. They are, in addition to everything else, robbing us blind. China talks about the so-called "carbon footprint" and then, behind our leaders backs, they laugh. They could (cont) http://tl.gd/gd1gc2 The US is stupidly closing all of its coal fired plants while at the same time we're selling our coal to (cont) http://tl.gd/gd1eek Maniac Sergeant who went on a killing spree in Afghanistan must be punished, big time, and quickly. Pathetic: @BarackObama did not want to veto Keystone himself--so he lobbied the Democrats in the Senate to defeat it.http://bit.ly/zXtRp3 RT @GolfChannel: @realDonaldTrump and 2016 Olympic golf course designer Gil Hanse plan to renovate the #bluemonster http://bit.ly/yfgryG RT @PrestonAKeller: @DonaldJTrumpJr @EricTrump @IvankaTrump I love Twitter Sundays with you guys. Tomorrow is #TrumpTuesday on @SquawkCNBC at 7:30 am ET RT @PGA_com: Donald Trump plans 'monster' makeover at Doral, foresees $200 million renovation http://tinyurl.com/7842uzd #pga #golf Seems to be the next election must be about jobs and gas prices--not birth control. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Catch last night’s new #CelebApprentice? Re-watch “Failure to Launch” & share your reviews in 140 or less: http://ow.ly/9Bmhr When I was 18, people called me Donald Trump. When he was 18, @BarackObama was Barry Soweto. Weird. Personally, I'm glad the NYPD is monitoring the actions of certain extremists. New York's finest! I support them. Be sure to download my new "The Celebrity Apprentice" app to begin interacting with this Sunday's (cont) http://tl.gd/gctn7k The Celebrity Apprentice, Sunday night at 9 PM on NBC. Another great episode! http://bit.ly/6lyMkt RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Guys don't forget that the Celebrity Apprentice App i sent the link to also works interactively even if you DVRed the show! Check it out I'll be on @foxandfriends Monday at 7:30 AM, don't miss it. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Which #CelebApprentice contestant has a leg up on the competition this Sunday? Preview the task now: http://ow.ly/9xIwT Coincidence? More than half of @BarackObama's 47 biggest fundraisers have been given administration jobs. http://wapo.st/woyDuw The only candidate who can get 1145 delegates is @MittRomney. The primary is over. BarackObama set a record deficit last February - $229 billion while borrowing 42 cents of every dollar it spent. @BarackObama is reckless. The @BarackObama recovery - US unemployment is 9.1%, US underemployment is 19.1% http://bit.ly/AnGKvf Businesses won't hire under Obama. My interview with @IngrahamAngle discussing @MittRomney's Super Tuesday and why @BarackObama must be defeated.http://bit.ly/AD17BE Excited by my acquisition of Doral Hotel & Country Club in Miami--already world class, but will soon be The Best. Ray Kelly is the best Police Commissioner in NYC history. Keeping NYC safe thru vigilance. @RayKelly RT @ApprenticeNBC: .@clayaiken’s happy all the time. Just watch this #CelebApprentice highlight from last Sunday: http://ow.ly/9xuuB "Getting China to stop playing its currency charades can begin whenever we elect a president ready to take (cont) http://tl.gd/garokg RT @ApprenticeNBC: #CelebApprentice is back and raising money for charity! Catch up with full episodes now: http://ow.ly/9xxE8 RT @EricTrump: At the World Golf Cadillac Championship on TPC #BlueMonster @Doral Golf Resort & Spa w/@DonaldJTrump & @IvankaTrump... http://twitter.com/EricTrump/status/177815412279488513/photo/1 RT @IvankaTrump: I'm thrilled that “The Celebrity Apprentice” app is here! Download it to play along this Sunday! http://tinyurl.com/6t5gzqu RT @ApprenticeNBC: How did the celebs look promoting the Ivanka Trump Collection? See for yourself: http://ow.ly/9xuuQ #CelebApprentice "That's what I find so morally offensive about welfare dependency: it robs people of the chance to improve. Work (cont) http://tl.gd/gap4gi RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Starting this weekend download “The Celebrity Apprentice” app to interact every Sunday & maybe even win a prize!!! http://tinyurl.com/6t5gzqu "America deserves a commander in chief who respects the challenges and realities our Armed Forces face in our (cont) http://tl.gd/gaodrg RT @StJude: Meet Kennedi, the @StJude patient of the month. http://bit.ly/yz2oZn He is a professional and true gentleman: @GeorgeTakei is one of my favorite contestants from #CelebApprentice. Gas is $6 already in California. Don' worry - @BarackObama's Algae energy policy is going to pay major (cont) http://tl.gd/ga9cv8 RT @IvankaTrump: Congrats to the very talented Gil Hanse on being selected as the architect of the Rio Olympic golf course! #Golf #PGA http://bit.ly/wLkpZU He @BarackObama will lose a delegate in Oklahoma--he only got 57% of the vote in the Democrat primary http://wapo.st/zQTAEW He @BarackObama claims he does not want higher gas prices. That's not what he said in 2008: http://bit.ly/y6LEuc As an "honorary Buckeye" I want to thank the OH GOP primary voters for putting @MittRomney over the top. It was a crucial win. My interview with @Jay_Severin on behalf of @MittRomney discussing why the GOP must nominate @MittRomney http://bit.ly/Ael0N3 My interview on @ASavageNation discussing why @MittRomney will defeat @BarackObama with a strong campaign. http://bit.ly/xOqEiu Happy and proud to help @MittRomney win Ohio with robo-calls in pivotal Cuyahoga County RT @ApprenticeNBC: “Another week; another opportunity for spectacle!” – @clayaiken http://www.nbc.com/the-apprentice/clays-take/ #CelebApprentice "The military threat from China is gigantic--and it's no surprise that the Communist Chinese government lies (cont) http://tl.gd/g9nlln RT @ApprenticeNBC: “You are tough, you are strong, you are amazing.” - @realDonaldTrump to @GeorgeTakei in the #CelebApprentice Boardroom "While China screws us with every turn of its currency, is the biggest commercial espionage threat we face, (cont) http://tl.gd/g9niv4 Someone should ask @BarackObama in today's press conference how he accumulated more debt in 3 years than the first 42 presidents combined. He @BarackObama promised to close Gitmo in his first year. It is still open 3 years later and about to get a (cont) http://tl.gd/g9nb1g RT @ApprenticeNBC: The men take responsibility for Sunday’s loss. Think you could be as dignified in the Boardroom? WATCH http://ow.ly/9uuO1 #CelebApprentice Strong leader: @IsraeliPM Netanyahu explained at AIPAC the threat Israel faces from Iran's nuclear drive. He is (cont) http://tl.gd/g9n3d4 He @BarackObama is using the IRS to sabotage the Tea Party http://fxn.ws/y5upx4 What about the Occupy Wall Street groups? China is raising its defense budget by 11% http://bit.ly/zO1KvF @BarackObama wants to cut ours by over $1Trillion. Wrong policy. RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: For a closer look into @ApprenticeNBC, download “The Celebrity Apprentice” app to interact every Sunday. Enjoy ;) http://tinyurl.com/6t5gzqu Today will be a Super Tuesday for @MittRomney -- he will win over 220 delegates from states across every region. He will be the nominee. With respect to Iran, we have all the cards--they are scared stiff! I can't believe we aren't able to negotiate (cont) http://tl.gd/g9llhv My @SquawkCNBC interview discussing why @MittRomney is a great nominee, gas prices and why George Will is a loser. http://bit.ly/yK0ZJt "It's a plain fact: free trade requires having fair rules that apply to everyone. And if we had a president who (cont) http://tl.gd/g95v9p "Americans understand that the US has a spending problem, not a revenue problem." #TimeToGetTough http://amzn.to/yOkMJk http://bit.ly/wNYhAc A MUST READ! @AndrewBreitbart's last article--The Vetting, Part I: @BarackObama's Love Song to Alinsky http://bit.ly/A2406B I fully support the @NYPD, @MayorBloomberg and @CommissionerKelly. They should all be honored for protecting us since 9/11---not demonized. He @RickSantorum lost his 06 Senate race by 18 points. He is also disqualified for 18 Ohio delegates. (cont) http://tl.gd/g95m01 Once again, @BarackObama's speech at @AIPAC yesterday proved that he is more concerned about containing @Israel (cont) http://tl.gd/g95fel Shock! Obamacare's high risk pool spending DOUBLED government estimates http://onforb.es/A9Rqot @BarackObama is bankrupting this country! This is good news - @ppppolls has @MittRomney with a slight lead in Ohio. Super Tuesday will show that the party is uniting behind him. My @foxandfriends interview from this morning http://bit.ly/yvrezS I am honored to have recorded a robo call on behalf of @MittRomney http://politi.co/xCmPdx Ohio needs to put @MittRomney over the top! Trump Tuesday: Tomorrow morning I'll be on @SquawkCNBC at 7:30 am ET. We'll be talking Super Tuesday/politics, (cont) http://tl.gd/g94tvk RT @ApprenticeNBC: Did the right person get fired? Watch last night’s #CelebApprentice on http://NBC.com now: http://ow.ly/9svAJ Trump Tuesday: I'll be on Squawk Box tomorrow morning at 7:30 am ET on CNBC Dopey @GeorgeWill, the most overrated political pundit in the business, continues to downgrade the Republican (cont) http://tl.gd/g910rl RT @IvankaTrump: Just posted a video update sharing exciting news on @TrumpToronto ,Doral,The Old Post Office &2nites new @ApprenticeNBC http://bit.ly/zzB0Z4 RT @IvankaTrump: My father's @WashingtonPost OpEd on our plans for the iconic Old Post Office building in D.C.. http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/greatness-for-the-old-post-office-building/2012/03/02/gIQAaw62mR_story.html "If history teaches us anything, it's that strong nations require strong leaders with clearly defined national (cont) http://tl.gd/g7105t "The Chinese laugh at how weak and pathetic our government is in combating intellectual property theft." (cont) http://tl.gd/g70qiu The real unemployment rate according to the CBO is 15% http://bit.ly/AEEpgZ @BarackObama's economic recovery is all "Hope" He made a great contribution to the press--@AndrewBreitbart will be missed. @BarackObama claims that his Koran apology "calmed things down" http://abcn.ws/wWfyGY US troops were killed by (cont) http://tl.gd/g709uf @MittRomney is right--the Chinese have 'walked all over' @BarackObama http://trib.in/xHi8hu @MittRomney will rein in the Chinese. RT @InStyle: Designer @IvankaTrump's new clothing line to debut on The Apprentice! http://ow.ly/9naKM "Imagine how much stronger economic shape we would be in if we made the Iraqi government agree to a cost-sharing (cont) http://tl.gd/g6ferq "Imagine how much money the average American would save if we busted the OPEC cartel." (cont) http://tl.gd/g6fa5v @BarackObama should stop pressuring Israel against attacking Iran and worry how he will stop the Iranian nuclear drive. @BarackObama RT @ApprenticeNBC: What is the most important professional attribute a #CelebApprentice candidate needs in order to get hired? China is getting minerals from Afghanistan http://usat.ly/t69pc1 We are getting our troops killed by the Afghani govt't. Time to get out. Gas prices are up 30 cents this month, rising 21 days in a row http://bit.ly/An5Tn5 Don't worry - @BarackObama has a solution--ALGAE! RT @ApprenticeNBC: Head to the boardroom for some insight from @donaldjtrumpjr’s blog: http://ow.ly/9mLfT #CelebApprentice After Super Tuesday, every GOP candidate should take a long hard look at their prospects and drop out if they can't get the nomination. RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Finishing some intricate stonework on one of 3 bridges on the 2nd hole of Trump Scotland http://yfrog.com/espk4sgj I loved being a surrogate on behalf of @MittRomney. I am glad I was able to help him win. Ann Romney is a fantastic lady. She was great in thanking people last night! http://bit.ly/AtJBKW RT @IvankaTrump: My father @realDonaldTrump and I cannot wait to attend the @CadillacChamp at TPC Blue Monster next week! http://bit.ly/y8W7Fb RT @ApprenticeNBC: What were @ClayAiken’s highlights from “Getting Medieval?” Find out in his #CelebApprentice blog: http://ow.ly/9mrAG #ClaysTake "American corporations and entrepreneurs are masters of technological and business innovation, but the Chinese (cont) http://tl.gd/g5tm5a "@BarackObama seems to have no regard for how China is conducting massive industrial espionage against the (cont) http://tl.gd/g5tfb8 @BarackObama's Energy Sec. called for $7-$9 gas in January. Wish granted. http://bit.ly/wwZuhy @BarackObama owns the gas prices. ObamaCare gives free insurance to illegal immigrants. Yet @BarackObama is cutting our troops healthcare. (cont) http://tl.gd/g5srg5 He was quick to issue an apology on behalf of America to Karzai. Why won't he release the letter? @BarackObama http://bit.ly/zd1e7j My @SquawkCNBC interview from this morning discussing the price of oil, windfarms,Doral Hotel & Country Club and more...http://bit.ly/7WuvAN New York Times Apologizes to Donald Trump A recent story in the New York Times incorrectly stated that Donald (cont) http://tl.gd/g5poqm RT @IvankaTrump: We are thrilled to announce the purchase of Miami's legendary Doral Hotel & Country Club! http://bit.ly/xVy2NL "If @Barack Obama is really concerned about carbon emissions and air pollution, then maybe he should have (cont) http://tl.gd/g5ccnt "The fact is, you're not going to see real growth or create real jobs until we get these exorbitant energy costs (cont) http://tl.gd/g5c7tg RT @ApprenticeNBC: Did @realDonaldTrump fire the right person last night? Here it is in case you missed it: http://ow.ly/9k0nK #CelebApprentice Now Michelle Obama plays class warfare while fundraising http://bit.ly/zVyW1S Why is anyone donating to a (cont) http://tl.gd/g5c25q "Trump Tuesday" = I'll be on @SquawkBox every Tuesday morning at 7:30 a.m., on CNBC. Tune in. The UK has run out of money and can't afford to borrow. http://tgr.ph/w63rW4 Neither can we but that doesn't stop @BarackObama. It is time Republicans stop attacking each other and focus on @BarackObama. America cannot survive a second term. #trumpvlog #Oscars Oscars' Biggest Losers- Sacha Baron Cohen and Vanity Fair...... http://youtu.be/v6uLhYH2EkA Great--with rising oil prices that are slowing economic growth, @BarackObama looks to Saudi Arabia 'to contain' (cont) http://tl.gd/g5blls It is time to get out of Afghanistan. We are building roads and schools for people that hate us. It is not in our national interests. Mitt Romney says anyone who thinks there's something wrong with being successful in America "better vote for the (cont) http://tl.gd/g5b9t7 RT @EricTrump: Click here to take a tour of our amazing #TrumpWorldTower, Unit 44B, with its spectacular views of the city and river! http://bit.ly/x1ukZ1 What America needs: @MittRomney follows in steps of Kemp and Reagan with pro-growth tax cut. Mitt Romney's Tax-cut proposal strongly pro-growth--what America needs. @Larry_Kudrow @MittRomney My @foxandfriends interview discussing violence in Afghanistan, rising oil prices and @MittRomney's leads in AZ (cont) http://tl.gd/g59mso RT @ApprenticeNBC: Things got medieval last night on #CelebApprentice. See who went home in the full episode online now: http://ow.ly/9jwvZ I hear the worst, or at least most boring, Academy Awards party this year was the @VanityFair party. It's lost (cont) http://tl.gd/g57q7j RT @IvankaTrump: The magnificent Old Post Office Building and future Trump International Hotel D.C. http://instagr.am/p/Hg17XwCkLK/ @SachaBaronCohen is a moron who should have been pummeled by the weak and pathetic security person who stood (cont) http://tl.gd/g57mte "For a country like China, being able to steal our military designs represents hundreds of billions in savings (cont) http://tl.gd/g3nd51 "While @BarackObama is obsessed with 'green collar jobs,' blue collar workers aren't buying it." (cont) http://tl.gd/g3n8jv This is good news: @MittRomney is now leading in Michigan by 6 points according to @RasmussenPoll http://bit.ly/AqvgHe Pastor #Nadarkhani must be released by Iran immediately. I applaud the @WhiteHouse & @StateDept for issuing (cont) http://tl.gd/g3muaj As gas prices keep rising, @BarackObama won't approve Keystone. Instead he is pushing algae - yes, algae - as an (cont) http://tl.gd/g3mikn In 2008, @BarackObama campaigned against $3.50 gas http://bit.ly/xWkdpc It is now $6 in Florida and on the rise. He is a disaster! My interview with Michael Patrick Shiels on WJIM in Lansing on behalf of @MittRomney http://bit.ly/wuQtRT My @FoxNews interview with @gretawire discussing the #CNNDebate and how to deal with Iran without using force http://bit.ly/ACblLr I'm on @foxandfriends every Monday morning at 7:30... Take a tour of this amazing residence at Trump World Tower..... http://youtu.be/exQCGfjHUsw RT @ApprenticeNBC: Want to win #CelebApprentice? You’ll need really good concentration. Play our game now! http://ow.ly/9gLF7 Clive Davis gave a great eulogy at my friend Whitney Houston's funeral--absolutely amazing! Debbie Wasserman Schultz is hard to watch or listen to--no wonder our country is going to hell! RT @IvankaTrump: My appearance on @todayshow this morning. http://bit.ly/yef9f5 "Restoring American wealth will require that we get tough. The next president must understand that America's (cont) http://tl.gd/g3570v "We are the greatest country the world has ever known. I make no apologies for this country, my pride in it, or (cont) http://tl.gd/g351q4 "If China didn't play games with its currency and we played on a level economic playing field, we could easily (cont) http://tl.gd/g34s1g HALF of Americans don't pay income tax despite crippling govt debt... http://plu.gd/qLa RT @ApprenticeNBC: What would your team name be if you were in The Celebrity Apprentice? #CelebApprentice Irony! @BarackObama was in Florida yesterday fundraising. Gas also rose to $6/gallon for Florida drivers yesterday. http://cbsloc.al/yJ2Qab RT @OCChoppers: Bike we built for @realDonaldTrump. The gold flakes in the paint out in the sunlight looked amazing! http://twitpic.com/8muqkq @MittRomney to @RickSantorum in #CNNDebate: In 2008 You Called Me "Really Conservative" http://bit.ly/zXxWep Iranian Pastor #Nadarkhani has just been sentenced to death by the Mullahs because he is a Christian (cont) http://tl.gd/g3446u RT @ApprenticeNBC: How did @TiaCarrere handle herself in the Board Room? Watch here: http://ow.ly/9fztN #CelebApprentice RT @EricTrump: If u missed the #CelebrityApprentice on Sun, check out our first firing! If you saw it, did you predict who would go? http://www.nbc.com/the-apprentice/video/the-first-firing/1386154#.T0Z5NWQKYxw.twitter In last night's #CNNDebate @MittRomney proved once again why he is the steady conservative who can restore America's future. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Did your favorite moment from the premiere make it into our photo gallery? http://ow.ly/9fqTD Tweet us your highlights. #CelebApprentice My interview with @Newsmax_Media where I explain that gas is headed to $5, $6 and why @RickSantorum can't win http://bit.ly/wzGDfu My robocall on behalf of @MittRomney playing across the state of Michigan http://politi.co/Ala4Rx RT @IvankaTrump: On set @todayshow. Just finished a fascinating segment about why women don't speak up in group settings. http://twitter.com/IvankaTrump/status/172674049581907969/photo/1 "America's relationship with China is at a crossroads. We only have a short window of time to make the tough (cont) http://tl.gd/g2ida8 RT @ApprenticeNBC: Which #CelebApprentice contestant would you rather work with? Vote here: http://ow.ly/9edVr "We need to bring manufacturing jobs back home where they belong." #TimeToGetTough http://amzn.to/xaxDHG Rev. Graham made a critical point. @BarackObama has turned a blind eye to the Christians being persecuted in (cont) http://tl.gd/g2hru4 He may be the worst reporter in all of sports: @RickReilly of @ESPN. He gets away with murder and most people (cont) http://tl.gd/g2ho8f Now @BarackObama wants us to believe the Republicans cancelled Keystone and are responsible for $4 gas. He (cont) http://tl.gd/g2hg2h @CelebApprentice is having wonderful ratings once again. @IvankaTrump & @DonaldJTrumpJr. I am very proud of this season. @JLin7 is a special player. He makes watching the Knicks fun. I think he can lead the Knicks far this season. http://es.pn/zIWE03 @JLin7 As the @BarackObama's took their 16th vacation this month, unemployment is back to 9% and underemployment at (cont) http://tl.gd/g2f2jg The more I get to know @MittRomney the more I like him. He has the judgment and private sector experience America needs in the White House. My interview with @PaulWTalk on @wjrradio on behalf of @MittRomney discussing why Michigan needs to go for Romney. http://bit.ly/xsfhw3 David Letterman's show has become so boring and mundane. Somehow, every time I look, I can't help thinking of (cont) http://tl.gd/g2chep "Right now we have a president and a Treasury secretary who shrug while China tears away hundreds of thousands (cont) http://tl.gd/g1vo61 RT @IvankaTrump: Enter the #TowerHeist Great Escape Sweepstakes for a chance to win 2 nights at @TrumpNewYork plus airfare http://www.okmagazine.com/sweepstakes/tower-heist "Our President should stop trying to be an economist to the world and start fighting for our economy. Instead (cont) http://tl.gd/g1vert Where are the jobs? @Jim_Jordan's chart shows the colossal failure and broken promises of @BarackObama's 'stimulus' http://bit.ly/AzFmvF Iran's threats are no excuse for the 9 month high price of oil. OPEC is ripping us off while @BarackObama watches. http://bit.ly/AETpXr If the GOP will have any chance to beat @BarackObama in November, the great people of Michigan need to support @MittRomney's candidacy. As the nuclear crisis with Iran shows, America needs to import oil from a reliable region. Keystone XL Pipeline (cont) http://tl.gd/g1v25h RT @ApprenticeNBC: .@clayaiken shares his thoughts on the #CelebApprentice premiere: http://bit.ly/xr1qKn Michelle Obama's weekend ski trip to Aspen makes it 16 times that Obamas have gone on vacation in 3 years. (cont) http://tl.gd/g1uh1m My interview from yesterday with Art Lewis on @WSGW in Flint, Michigan on behalf of @MittRomney http://bit.ly/wpFoai Foreigners slashed the purchase of US debt late last year--the first time in over 2years. We must control spending. http://bit.ly/zcsxj4 My interview from this morning with Ron Jolly on News Talk 580 on behalf of @MittRomney how he is right on China http://bit.ly/AA8Xqu My interview this morning with @SquawkCNBC discussing the Euro currency, the oil crisis and why @RickSantorum (cont) http://tl.gd/g1sfq5 RT @ApprenticeNBC: .@GeorgeTakei is a fan of @LouFerrigno! Time for a #CelebApprentice highlight: http://bit.ly/zELdCf Apprentice Wins: Sunday results: NBC/Nielsen Ratings From 9-11 pm ET, the debut of "The Celebrity Apprentice" (cont) http://tl.gd/g1qn5e Mark my words, a gallon of gas will be $5 during the summer. OPEC is ripping us off. There's nobody in our (cont) http://tl.gd/fvm4kv Watch #CelebApprentice this Sunday at 9PM ESTon @NBC--it has received many 4 star reviews. Admitted:@BarackObama's Treasury Secretary admitted that their 2013 budget does nothing to address America's (cont) http://tl.gd/fvm04g Our ally Canada wants to send their oil down south to us. @BarackObama is forcing Canada to send it west to China. He @MittRomney wrote a great piece on China http://on.wsj.com/Ae301M @JonHuntsman criticized him (cont) http://tl.gd/fvlqtm My @todayshow discussing the @CelebApprentice discussing the cast http://usat.ly/xM1EX8 RT @IvankaTrump: Can't wait for the season premiere of #TheCelebrityApprentice this Sun at 9pm EST on @NBC. Hope you will be watching! http://bit.ly/ybETwh Don't forget! Sunday night at 9 pm EST on @nbc--Celebrity Apprentice is back! Tune in for a great show. @ApprenticeNBC RT @ApprenticeNBC: TWO MORE DAYS! What excites you most about Sunday night’s premiere? #CelebApprentice RT @ApprenticeNBC: Can’t make up your mind on who to root for? Meet the awesome #CelebApprentice cast on our Facebook Video tab: http://ow.ly/98m4V "By raiding the defense budget to pay for his failed social programs, @BarackObama continues to weaken our (cont) http://tl.gd/fvhuea "I've got news for President @BarackObama: America is not what's wrong with the world. I don't believe we need (cont) http://tl.gd/fvh974 "Government needs to stop pick-pocketing your wallet. Every time it does, it slows growth and kills jobs. It's (cont) http://tl.gd/fvgnru Weakness is very dangerous: @BarackObama is going to unilaterally disarm our nuclear arsenal. America keeps the world safe! Bush was called "unpatriotic" by @BarackObama in '07 for adding $4T to debt http://bit.ly/qZgAvO @BarackObama increased it $6T in 3 years. The Fed is considering issuing even more US bond debt into the market. Not good! Gallup poll proves that @BarackObama's regulation and Obamacare are stopping small business owners from hiring http://bit.ly/xlqwSJ SHOCK! RT @ApprenticeNBC: THREE DAYS! That’s right – only three days until our premiere! Sunday, 2/19 at 9/8c – don’t miss it! #CelebApprentice Yesterday China VP Xi stressed "the benefits of trade with China" to Congress http://on.wsj.com/xSfN83 We need FAIR TRADE with China! RT @accesshollywood: @realDonald Trump: 'Celebrity Apprentice' Season 5 is 'Tough, Nasty & Smart.' Watch: http://tinyurl.com/7vovo52 RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: My KTLA interview yesterday with @realdonaldtrump RT Check out http://www.chicagotribune.com/videogallery/68125246/Entertainment/KTLA--Chatting-with-Donald-Trump-and-Donald-Trump-Jr. Old Post Office Building in DC will be a world-class Trump property. Honored to be doing this historic building--Washington will be proud. He @MittRomney gets the China problem, why don't the others? Very successful fund raising for @MittRomney yesterday. Good to see my friend Woody Johnson. @MemoInc You have to find a business that you love. That's number one. Success requires passion. Then keep your focus and never give up. @dansalbreiter Maybe they don't want to. @stecbeck Thanks, I'll keep at it. @jtatsuno No, not trademarked. Pat Caddell on Neil Cavuto tonight: "I've watched Donald Trump take on the issues of energy and he ties it to (cont) http://tl.gd/fugeeb Canada's PM was in China last week brokering a deal to sell the oil @BarackObama rejected in Keystone. http://bit.ly/xUAFde Unbelievable! Scenes from last night's episode of @OCChoppers where @DonaldJTrumpJr and I visit the OCC HQ http://bit.ly/hQb0pm RT @IvankaTrump: My father & the winner of the #WestminsterDogShow. Its become a tradition 4 the winning dog 2 visit him in Trump Tower http://twitter.com/IvankaTrump/status/169896094946443264/photo/1 Wrong Policy: @BarackObama wants to cut defense spending by $487B while China is building their navy in the Pacific. http://reut.rs/zttD4f The recession was made worse by @BarackObama. A $900Billion deficit is not getting better. When the economy is bad, @BarackObama wants to raise taxes. When the economy is good, @BarackObama wants to raise taxes. Notice a trend? Iran's attack on Israeli diplomats is an attack on the West @joeyhatcher You'll have to watch to find out. So @JLin7 had another game winning shot last night. Looks like the Knicks have not only found a new point guard (cont) http://tl.gd/fuffu7 RT: @thedailybeast: Polling shows the @AmericansElect movement could still nominate a viable independent with a chance of victory... @fox_trot_1 I was in my twenties. @kingdelrosario I like to invest in what I know, which tends to be real estate, but I keep an open mind. @atlthrasher I don't think it has run its course. There are opportunities. Finding them and maximizing them are key components for success. @HangersMensLine My agenda is such that I can't meet with you, but it's always nice to be asked and I wish you the best. @The_Joey That could be a possibility but there are no plans at the moment. This season of Celebrity Apprentice is great--be sure to watch. "The final part of restoring fiscal sanity to America is the most obvious, and that's to control Obama-style (cont) http://tl.gd/fuf3g1 "China is our enemy. It's time we start acting like it...and if we do our job corectly, China will gain a whole (cont) http://tl.gd/fuf20b "So, I speak badly of China, but I speak the truth and what do the consumers in China want? They want Trump." (cont) http://tl.gd/fuenkn A clip from my interview with @jimmyfallon discussing the cast of @ApprenticeNBC Season 5 http://bit.ly/zcT7Gz Flattering. Over 500 upset people called Mar-a-Lago disappointed I am not running for President--but Mitt Romney will do a great job. Next to Chinese VP Xi Jinping yesterday, @BarackObama said he welcomes China's "peaceful rise." (cont) http://tl.gd/fuedbd RT @ApprenticeNBC: #CelebApprentice premiere in 4 days! Watch the competition brew between @deesnider & @Teresa_Giudice on @LateNightJimmy http://ow.ly/95mXm Have any questions? Send them in. #TrumpQ/A RT @ApprenticeNBC: Who has the edge this year? Watch @realDonaldTrump & @JimmyFallon talk #CelebApprentice on @LateNightJimmy: http://ow.ly/95mdu "America's primary goal with Iran must be to destroy its nuclear ambitions. Let me put this as plainly as I know (cont) http://tl.gd/ftt6o9 "We need a dealmaker in the White House, who knows how to think innovatively and make smart (cont) http://tl.gd/ftsu98 RT @ApprenticeNBC: 5 days until premiere! Get your first look at the action w/ @pennjillette & @clayaiken: http://ow.ly/94nHX #CelebApprentice "We need a president who is smart and tough enough to recognize the national security threat China poses in the (cont) http://tl.gd/ftso2p In today's #trumpvlog I speak about the chopper recently made for me by @occhoppers.... http://youtu.be/gycxhHp0QAU #CelebApprentice @BarackObama's budget funds the "Arab Spring" with $800B and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt $1.3B in military aid. He loves radical Islam. This is dangerous: @BarackObama is seeking to shrink Israeli military funding but gives $1.3Billion to Muslim (cont) http://tl.gd/fts88a A gallon of gas is $3.523 today and has never before risen so high early in the year http://lat.ms/wkcu4x The @BarackObama policy realized! So wrong! @BarackObama is hosting China's VP Xi Jinping today at the Pentagon with a full honor ceremony with music and cannons... A day after @BarackObama released a trillion dollar budget deficit, he is hosting China's future leader VP XiJinping. America's new reality. Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Emanuel Cleaver is right. @BarackObama's budget is a "nervous breakdown on paper."http://bit.ly/zyDytZ A day after Greece burned @BarackObama released a $3.8 Trillion budget for 2013 with a $900 Billion deficit.He will turn America into Greece Watch Late Night with Jimmy Fallon on NBC at 12:35 EST tonight---I'll be bringing a couple of surprises with me. RT @ApprenticeNBC: Now you can show your #CelebApprentice pride on Facebook – upload our new FB Timeline Cover! http://ow.ly/92Yls "We need a tax system that is fair and smart--one that encourages growth, savings and investment. It's time to (cont) http://tl.gd/ft8und "Look, when it comes to China, America better stop messing around. China sees us as a naive, gullible, foolish (cont) http://tl.gd/ft8q68 "It's a plain fact: free trade requires having fair rules that apply to everyone." (cont) http://tl.gd/ft8jia He capitulated to China--@BarackObama abandoned a senior level Chinese officer who wanted to defect to the US: WRONG! http://bit.ly/wfszrf This Sunday at 9 PM EST on NBC the other primary starts - @CelebApprentice Season 5 premieres!18 Wild Cards. One Trump Card. Congratulations to @MittRomney for CPAC and Maine straw poll wins. He will get tough with China and save America. Honored to have passed 1 million twitter followers. We are making America #1 again. #TimeToGetTough This has to stop! @BarackObama loves accruing American debt--he missed his budget deficit goal by over $500 billion. http://usat.ly/AiZweO My @foxandfriends interview discussing my friend Whitney Houston, @SarahPalinUSA's CPAC speech,the economy and primary http://bit.ly/xdeXCB Whitney Houston was a great friend and an amazing talent. We will all miss her and send our prayers to her family. This week we saw what Obama Care actually does when implemented. It is a losing issue for @BarackObama and must be repealed. @BarackObama’s class warfare rhetoric is taking a backseat for the DNC convention. He is charging $1 Million for a single suite. The $25 Billion settlement with the banks on mortgages will slow the housing market down even more and create higher user fees. Stupid! “Our country is the greatest force for freedom the world has ever known. We have big hearts, big brains, and (cont) http://tl.gd/frcg58 “As someone once put it, ‘Marriage is the greatest ‘anti-poverty’ program God ever created.’” #TimeToGetTough @MittRomney will give a great speech at CPAC today. He understands the threat from China. “Obama doesn’t respect the fact that the money he wastes belongs to us. He thinks that the wealth you create (cont) http://tl.gd/fr9gfh @IvankaTrump’s @CNN interview with @piersmorgan discussing @ApprenticeNBC, the economy and politics http://bit.ly/wZ6bwT RT @piersmorgan: Great interview with @IvankaTrump tonight - a very smart, aesthetically delightful, cookie. #CNN 9pmET "The fastest way we can start saving Social Security is to get Americans back to work." #TimeToGetTough (cont) http://tl.gd/fqpf1s "The GOP needs to learn how to get tough and outnegotiate @BarackObama and his big spending allies in (cont) http://tl.gd/fqp90i Keystone must be approved. Oil is at a record high. We need to use our resources and support allies like Canada. @WyattBrian Timing is important, so considerations such as your financial situation and how solid your plans are should be reviewed. The Church is yet another victim to his liberal agenda: @BarackObama lied to his Catholic supporters to pass ObamaCare. RT @PiersTonight: "I really wanted him to do a great job and I think that he hasn't" @IvankaTrump on President Obama: http://on.cnn.com/xUKbHE Tonight. 9p. Q/A @thecelidebiasio The secret behind my success is that I love what I'm doing. That gives me energy, focus (cont) http://tl.gd/fqomo8 The Fed is destroying the dollar. When inflation hits the economy then even more jobs will go overseas. Q/A @stalkinpeople Yes, I'd give the real numbers. Q/A @saychowder I receive a great many requests for interviews, nationally and internationally. Why should he? He's only the POTUS--and @BarackObama has "no opinion" on whether the Senate should pass a budget. http://bit.ly/zqCdKi Lawrence O'Donnell will soon have another cancelled show to go along with his three cancelled TV series, "Mister (cont) http://tl.gd/fqo597 #trumpvlog Windfarms in today's video blog... http://youtu.be/kPSBI6P21jk My @FoxNews interview with @gretawire discussing the 2012 GOP primary and ObamaCare's attack on the Catholic Church. http://bit.ly/yF1zZS My @CNN interview with @TVAshleigh discussing @MittRomney's electability and @RickSantorum's Senate loss. http://bit.ly/y3uCCl @cheatingdeam My best secret for business is that you have to love what you're doing. You need passion. (cont) http://tl.gd/fqnfnf @bonniebell Every citizen has the right to do political analysis--and should--as well as to endorse (cont) http://tl.gd/fqme9r Who is the dumbest man on TV? @Lawrence of MSNBC... http://youtu.be/KgWRReIe_1A @JLukeRobinson The best advice to a young entrepreneur is to read my book with Robert Kiyosaki, Midas Touch. (cont) http://tl.gd/fqm638 @Misterglorious I wear suits from the Donald J. Trump Signature Collection. Jon Huntsman called to see me. I said no, he gave away our country to China! @JonHuntsman Check out a picture of the custom made Trump Bike that Paul Teutul Sr. presented to me today in Trump Tower-- http://on.fb.me/A7Pelm RT @IvankaTrump: Meeting with our incredible hotel team @TrumpToronto! http://on.fb.me/yGEbom "Government needs to stop pick-pocketing your wallet. Every time it does, it slows growth and kills jobs. It's (cont) http://tl.gd/fq6ol5 #trumpvlog My thoughts on @RickSantorum in today's video blog... http://youtu.be/1HUSKGz9CHc "Getting China to stop playing its currency charades can begin whenever we elect a president ready to take (cont) http://tl.gd/fq6cfr "I'm sick of always reading about outsourcing. Why aren't we talking about 'onshoring'?" (cont) http://tl.gd/fq66ra ObamaCare is an attack on our country's identity. The latest victim is the Catholic church. It must be full repealed. @BarackObama @npbraden I already have two great pilots. @fatmaninaspeedo I have not met @MacMiller but his song, Donald Trump, has had over 40 milion hits. Maybe he should pay me somethiing. Government dependency has surged over 23% since @BarackObama has taken office. http://bit.ly/ziuyOC He is creating an entitlement culture. @stass13 Sorry, she's taken. @GrimeyGatsby I only require four hours of sleep per night. @BarackObama hard at work yesterday shooting a marshmallow cannon in the WH East Room while our country burns. http://bit.ly/wICXjd @bats67 As a parent, education has a high priority, it is very important. I went to one of the best schools and (cont) http://tl.gd/fq5mkc Glad to see no charges against Greg Kelly. His accusers' charges never made sense! I see my friend @FlaGovScott is speaking at CPAC. Solid guy, wonderful job. #sayfie @marcaputo @Miss_Drax My first job was working for and with my father, Fred C. Trump. @IanBQueen In answer to your question, my favorite thing to do is spending time with my family. @nathanfuchs @lawrence He's not a smart man. He is a poor journalist and he likes fabricating the truth-- all reasons why his ratings stink! Eli Manning. Great Athlete. Great Guy. @NYGiants great teamwork! Why is @MittRomney the only guy who talks about getting tough with China and their currency manipulation? RT @ApprenticeNBC: With two more egos & two more episodes, it's the BIGGEST season ever! Watch the extended preview now: http://ow.ly/8X3qU #CelebApprentice China did a major number on us during the reign of @JonHuntsman. He was easy pickens!